-----yV.^- , ..^.,^1. v.\ar1 ■5C’" ■ \ V •'U • > MONDAY, APRIL 9, 19M AYtfBfft Daily Net Prate Ran The Weather SIXTEEN For tiM WtNk B M te PerMuat ot U. B. WMtkar Bureau i l 9nrt;?ator lEttrnitts l|nraib Apy« 7. 1888 PAIr, ctoot agaUn toulttit. Low March 1887, Foundation ofRcisla 86-88. Wedaeaday lucrmaiai Mancheetcr todt*. No. 78, A.F.J 1 1 ,9 5 8 rJoodlnaaa, not M mild, dwnee and A.M.. will hold a auted com-! Hospital Receives^, ■ I M« bW *f tea Audit nalh lata In day or alght. High la About To>vn munlcatlon at Masonic Temple' Miniter-Lee Wedding Tha chMki mailed yesterday are tomorrow night k ^^7:S0. Followring Portion of Grant the fiiat payments on the apectacu- YERR ROUND RIR CONDIl lON'NG Burqua «f CRrcultelou the huatnen* meetlhg, the Fellow- j lar contribution made Dec. 13.by Manche$ier^A City of Village Charm Twnple. No. ST, Pylh- the Foundat'ioh's trustees. At that ' craft degree will be conferred on a A check for $40,450, about half ILIUM p. Un SUUni. will m««t tomorrow time, the truateea allocated $200 .JVOTED t o SERVING nl^t *t 8 o'clock m Odd Fellowi class of candidates wRh Senior of a grant earmarked . for .Man- Warden Malcolm Robdr^^h In million to hospitals, $210 million' fHE COMMUNITY WELL' VOL. LXXV, NO. 163 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHEST^ CONNn TUESDAY, APRIU10, 1956 «R(ueUlad Admttaiag aa Pago 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mail FoUowlns the meetlnK. an chesUr Memorial Hoapital aa Its. to private colleges and unIveralUcs : Mtertaliunent will b» jiven and ra- charge of the degree workAAt the . featuring the finest in modem aervioa conclusion of the- degree, work share of. tha $500 Aiillion Ford to help raise teacherr’ salariira. fraahmenti tervod. and $00 million to medical schools ' and facllltlee. A complete price eeleettoB. there will be a social hour andxe- Foundatlpn gift to piirate and to a'trengthen Aiatructlon. / , freshments. non-profit Institutlona, nas beeh I Tlia Queen of Peace Mother* Or* Other institutlona In Oonnectl-"' ele *111 meet tomorrow night at 8 The Glesners group of the rtceived at the local hospilhl, of­ cut to which checks have been d is -; o’clock at the home of Mr*. Bar­ WUliam P. Quieh South Methodist W8CS will open ficials reported today. it patched include; Milford Hoapital. Ike for Gains bara Tomaaei. 122 , Bret ton Rd. C. Elmore Watkibs, president $15,000; New niitaln Memoriel Fur\«rdl 'Raymond T. Quleh its annual spring rummage sale Paul R. LaBree XtacUon of officers wHU be held. Thursday at 9 a.m. in Cooper Hall of the Hospital Boat'd of Tnitteei, Hospital, $39,200: Norwalk Hospl- ress Lea of the church. Articles may be left aaid it la almost a foregone con­ Ul. $69,200; William W. Backus clusion that the money will be Hoepltal. $35,50'>;'Sharon Hospital, " o i d € Hugh 8. Greer, basketball coach at the church April 11. or if pick­ M l 3 * 5 9 4 0 at the University'of Connecticut, up is desired. Mrs. James Wilson, used for a new hospital addition $15,400; St. Joseph Hospital, $27.- Will be the gueit speaker at the .which ia already ih the prellir.in' 000: Gaylord ‘ Farm Sanatorium, \ 80 Alton St., or'M rs. Humphries, sports night, sponsored by the l i tilley St., may be called. ary planning stages. $32,300; and'Bt. Mary's Hospital of i X Methodist Men of the North Meth­ However, Watkins said the WaterUrry, $97,700. ' | Augusta, Ga„ April 10 (/P)*,0batacla to tha atrengUienliig of odist Church, tonight at 7:30 at Members of the Women's Home board has not yet offlrlally voted MAIN ST. 1-1 the church. All men in town are to consign the grsnt to thd expan­ our armed.forces today... League are reminded that anawcra — Prasident Eiaenhuwer "Thla continuous ' replacement invited to attend and bring their to Bible queitlona Roa. 1 and 2 sion project. ^ called today for sptedy con­ < Bona Refreshments will be served. AccorMng to Hi Rowan Gaither WINDOW SHADES training process is not only ex' are due at the meetlhg tomorrow gressional approval of a 6- tremely expensive, but It retarda at 2 p.m. at the Citadel. Mrs. Jr„ president of the Ford Founda­ tion, more than 1.030 checks, total­ / point program to.bolster “ our the combat effectiveneaa of our — Temple Chapter, No. 53, Order Eleanor Long will have a display GrMR, Whit*, Ecru operational units.'* of the Eastern Star, will meet and demonstrate house clesning ing $37,748,000 have been mailed power for peace" through at- to over 1.000 of the 3,500 hoapitaia WoshoM* / Wilton aald raising leadership Wednesday at 8, p.m. in the Ma­ aids. A social time with refresh­ Beautiful Fine trgeting more*U.S. youth to and experience levels in the armed sonic Temple. The business ses- ments wilt follow sAd interested eligible in the 48 states, the Dis­ HOLLAND FINISH / trict of Colur.ibla and the terri­ military careers. forcea would reiult in "augmant' Eisenhower No D anger Bion Will be followed by a social friends will be welcome. ing further our power for peace hour, with Mrs. Willard Horton tories of Alaska, and Hawaii and C l Q A Made to U rd ^ “Only when we have created a Puerto Rico. j 9 I 0 7 w ith Year filers military career eervice which can over the long haul.” and her committee in' charge. Msiu.'iiester Assembly, No. 15. Eiaenhower gave Wilson’a views O rder'of Rainbow for Girls, will On the basis of this information, CHENILLE competa with .the attractive op- Exists Now, the local hospital is one of the portunltlea avallabla In, civilian hearty endorsement and added: H ie Joy Orou.i of the North m ^ tonight at 7:30 In .the "We cannot move too loon in HAsonlr Temple. The members will first to be paid. By the end of July, E. A. JOHNSON purauits wrill 'we be aUe to atop Methodist Church will meet at a'l of the hoapitals will havp re« the waateful loaaea from our armed our efforts to increaae the number the church Wednesday, April 11. .Wear , their white gowns, and all and quality of vblunteers'for long' girls who had a part In the min- celved payment of the first half FAINT forcea and attract IndiVtduaU to On Mideast A id e s Say alt 2 p.m. Hostesses will be M ry o f their grants. The remaining one- COVERLETS thoac Bervicea.” Blacnhower aald term military service in both en­ Herbert Alley, Mr*. Arthur Sey­ atfel show last year are urged to 699 M ain S t „ T t y m 9-4501 listed and officer ranks.' be present. half-of the amount will be paid In in Identical lettera to 'Vice Preal- AuffusU, Ga., April 10 (/P) mour and Mrs. James Sloan. dent Nixon and Houae Speaker Wilson noted that in response to V Washinrton, April 10 (/P)— Raybum: earlier apppala by Eisenhower — iPresident Eisenhower left S«cratary of State Duitos Th^ Past Mistress Club of Daughters of Liberty, No, 125, Congtesa already haa taken some Prom hU vacation headquartera virtually no doubt today he Daughters of Liberty. No. 17. will will hold their monthly meeting. steps to attract more career per­ alerted Cpngrtesional leaders In Orange Hall tomorrow at 7:80. Special Each here, the Preeldent alap sent along would ask Congress 'for bold their monthly meeting Wed- Ex.tra> *5.98 sonnel. But the defenae secretary today to a possible admin* naaday at i~p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rachel HoNeill and hef com­ to Congresa a let^ to-him from said there atill la'urgent need for authority to use U.S. troops Secretary of Defenae. Wilson which stratlon request for. use of Mra. Martha Leemon,L 12 Newman mittee will serve refreshments at fast action by Congress to:.. in the turbulent Middle East the social hour\ CHINTZ DUST RUFFLES................................$5,98 aald: .j. American forcea in the Middle Bt. Ask* Better Survivor Beneflta if the United Nations voted to Personnel Leeeea Expensive East if acute danger develops 1. Remove what he called "In- quell any aggression there. Tha ChritUan -Educatfon com- Wales who arbXgoing to put on , REGULAR C O nO N DUST RUFFLES........... $4,29 “The. losa of trained personnel equltiea and Inconsiatencles” by there. • mittee of the Burkinghuh-Con­ a show for the varans at New­ A statenient of U.S. policy deal- Hoeaa Republican Loader Martin ' ■■dpi ■ M, ^ Twin and Full Bed Sizes. eontjnuea to.bd the moat extrava­ ing with Arab-Israell strife set gregational Church wil* - meet in ington Hospital this tvenlng are gantly expensive and diaruptive (ContinuM ep Page Bight) (Masa) said no such requast Iqr the junior high room tomorrow requested to meet for rehearsal at forth the President** view of the Preaident Elsenhower is contam- 5:45 p.m. at the hom ^of, the presi­ situation as his vacation headquar­ at 8 pjn. You w'jll love these fine qualit.v chenille du.st ruffle.s in ^tated “ at this time,” but that it dent,‘ Mrs. Barbara Titompion. 466 ters here announced he will make he danger developa thcro would .solid colors. Blue, green, yellow, pink and'white. Light Woodland St^ The weekly meeting <1. Fo* rhnlD Christian Science a major foreign policy address in “ of courae” be a request." of the W ales will take! placeOla to- weight for ea.sy wa.shing. Washington April 21.
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