CCA KATCN NCWJ Serving Boca Raton and Dmmrfiold Beach

Phone 9005 Pries 10 Vol. 2 No, 30 A'' 200 Expected For School Land July 4 Tourney State Board Accepts Offer Of Bought A field of 200 is expected to tee off in the July 4th Mixed Foursome, two-ball tourney ac- Site For University cording to Buddy Cook, summer CAA, the Air Force and the ex- The Board of Control request- 'The worst problem we have pro at the Boca Raton course. Fruits of a year's long labor were brought to light yesterday presed cooperation of Senators ed the town to retain title for an faced in our building program,' Upwards of 40 teams of two Smatlrers, Holland, and Con-indefinite period of time to the according to Supt. Howell Wat- have already entered and sev- when word was flashed from Jacksonville that the State Board gresman Paul sRogers. 250 acre tract with one existing kins of the Palm Beach County j eral area clubs are organizing 'It was a highly succesful runway. This is required by the School Board, was solved Friday groups for the Independence of.Control accepted the offer of a .1,000 acre site subject to the meeting and we were delighted CAA to be maintaiaed by the afternoon when the purchase of a Day meet. town until such time as the existing leases that have been with the fine reception, the spir- 20 acre school site in Boca Ra- Entries will close on Tues- State wants it. made clear of al restrictions for it of cooperation and the great ton was authorized by the Board. day, July 2. interest in our problems, evi- A letter from Major General To be purchased for a reported the new southeastern university at the Boca Raton Airfield. denced by the Board of Control Joe W. Kely, USAF, Director, $3,400 an acre the tract wil be members,' Fleming reported. Legislative Liason officer, states used for a nine - grade school Meeting with the Board of Con- trol members Thursday morning Dr. Ralph Miller, chairman of that 'Boca Raton airport is used planned to be built with school Softball the Board, publicly expresed by the Air Force in conjunction bond: money and have space fro were, Thomas Fleming, Jr., Rob- ert Susieck, and Otto Yark of gratitude and appreciation for with the Palm Beach Air Force a junior high school in the fu- Base and that after the WPB-. Tourney Here the University Committee, who the sincere and conscientious ef- ture The area is west of the rail- forts of the entire university AFB is inactivated in June 1959, road and east of the east - west presented the completed details the Air Force has no forseeable The SUD - district Softball tour- of the plan, clearances from the committee and al the town of- runway at the Boca Raton Air- nament wil be played in Boca ficials. requirement for the Boca Raton port. July 2-6. Winner and runner - Airport. They have agreed to The $58,000 site is one of the up in the event will be eligible cancel their lease agreement highest per acre rate ever paid for the district meet at Home- when needed by the university. by the School Board but is said stead. Deed For 300 Feet On Fleming, Susieck and Yark to be under the market rate in According to N. L. 'Red' Ar- were really worried as coming Boca Raton, members stated. nau, fourth district commision- into Orlando one plane motor 'Water and sewers are avail- er West Palm Beach and Fort Lake Handed Over failed and their plane was able for the school which will be Lauderdale are expected to field grounded. Fortunately they were a savings and this site and sur- Boca's long delayed deed to on first reading at the last coun- able to get seats on another air- rounding acreage is listed at 5,- strong teams in the tourney. Finals of the. State competition the 300 foot strip of lake front cil meeting was referred again line and just made the meeting an acre$000 Melvin Schmitt, will be held in Miami this year, property south of Palmetto Park to the planning board and is to with a breath to spare. They owner of the property said. with Clearwater defending na- Bridge and on the western shore (Continued on Page 9) said they were 'doubly fortu- 'Not suitable for a site at pre- tional champs, as the featured was handed over at the Town nate' and very happy about it. sent but as it appears certain Council meeting, Tuesday night, 'Everyone has been so coop- that the airfield wil become the club. Team entries can be filed with •by Stuart Moore, president of Negroes Use erative,' Fleming stated. 'At a site of the new Southeastern Boca Raton Properties, Inc. meeting with the town council, University and the runway wil J. Harry Cole, P. O. Box 691, Bo- ca Raton, director of the sub - Accepted by Mayor John Private Beach town clerk, and town attorney, not be used, we will have a good Shores in behalf of the town, the this week the progres of our site,' Mrs. Elizabeth Hand, district tournament. Teams are Irate residents are protesting required to pay annual dues to papers were signed by Town of- committee was discusesd and board member said. ficials and Miss Robeson, secre- the infiltration of out-of-eounty further instruction was asked of the State softbal organization Negroes, trespassing on pri- Meeting with Town officials, headed by P. V. Gahan, State tary to Moore, affixed the official the town officials. Everyone was Watkins and Jack Homer stated vately-owned beaches in Boca Coramisioner, St. Petersburg. seal. The area for a proposed in complete agreement on al de- that the town planned to reserve launching site for smal boats Raton, according to George tails and it's certainly a pleasure a site for a future high school wil be cleared by the town and Whitehouse, chairman of the to have such ful support.' here. EARLY DEADLINE— the Boca Raton Club also offer- planning and zoning board. Last week top officials of the The School Board also autho- Bedfcuse of the July 4th ed additional fill from their Whitehouse said he visited CAA Washington, regional and rized purchase of a $9,000 port- holiday which falls on Thurs- dragline. The only cost would be the area extending from Riviera district offices met with mem- able building containing two the hauling which is tentatively to Highland Beach Sunday and bers of the Boca Raton Univer- elasrooms for the Roadman day of next week, deadlines set to start about July 15. counted 45 cars with Broward sity Committee and reached a School, the Negro elementary for Booa Raton News adver- Stuart Moore also announced or Dade County tags and esti- satisfactory agreement, without school here. This item is not to tising and news copy will "bo tha.t after discusion with Stuart ;mated that there, were approxi- restrictions, for transfer of a be paid for out of the $10,900.00 early. All advertising must in Patton, Boca Raton Properties, mately 200 Negroes using the portion of the airport property local school bond isue. by Monday;- all news by Inc., attorney, the 30 ioot ease- beach at the time. to the town of Bca Ratn, which Tuesday. ment on Fifth Ave, leading to He also said that the largest wil in turn be deeded to t h e Palmetto Park Road, recently group were trespassing on prop- State of Florida for the building requested, by the town would be erty owned by J. Meyer Schine of a new four - year state uni- granted. He said that they would and that of Carl Stockholm. versity. be glad to offer this easement by Amicable race relations with Representatives of the Civil deed.with a restriction giving local Negro families using the Aeronautics Administration from, Girls' State Is Memorable them up to three years to re- area without dissension may be Washington, D. C, Fort Worth, move their greenhouse extending jeopardized if the out-of-county and Miami, asured the Univer- over the area. Negroes continue to monopolize sity Committee that they would Experience For Rae Mayor Shores commended the north beach. Negro leaders release free of all restrictions Moore for his civic - minded- in town said they were con- approximately 100 acres at t h e A memorable experience and nes' and council instructed cerned about the situation. Boca Raton Air Field with the one she'll never forget is M i s s Town Attorney Leon Weaver to Property owners along the exception of a 250 a^re site that Rae Hllegass' opinion regarding prepare a deed and forward it beach will be asked to post the they require wil be'maintained Girls' State. She has just return- for the neeesary signatures. entire privately-owned area as a public airport, subject to all ed from spending a most in-, Seven bids were opened for against trespassing. The possi- of the existing restrictions with teresting and informative wee* alrconditioning the Town Hall bility of blocking beach roads respect to the operation and In Tallahassee as an American and the council agreed to hold to prevent ears from driving maintenance of this airport. Legion Sponsored - delegate from their decision until a committee over private property arose, but In other words, two deeds wil Boca Raton. meeting took place. no definite decision was reached be drawn. One deed for 1,000 Girls from all sections of Flori- The new sign ordinance placed on this. acres, more or les, that wil be da, 264 of them, gathered to gov- free of al restrictions, and ano- ern the State of 'Semihole' for ther deed retained by the town a week. They had their own con- that will actualy represent the stitution of 13 articles, a two par- Beautification Of Highway reduced airport facility as re- ty system, the Federalists and" quired by the C. A. A. the Nationalist and they really -. A The 250 acre tract lies along have to campaign for election to Plans Are Underway the. N. W. boundary of the air- office, Hae stated. Plans for the beautification Works Bill Prendergast is al- port. Acting as secretary to a Sena-, of almost two miles of Federal ready working on staking out tor, Rae told how then- 'fclty' of Highway are well underway, the trees and areas. Three ficus Immokalee' prepared a bill, 'An Rae Hillegass according to Mrs. William1 trees planted by the club mem- Lightning Hits Act To Promote The Use of the O'Donnell, Garden Club presi- bers three years ago must be Girls' State Pledge,', which suc- 'A wonderful erperience for dent. moved from the north side of Tree Wednesday cesfuly passed both the house anyone and I'm so grateful to Hard working members -work- the highway and will be placed A bolt of lightning struck a and senate and won the gover- the American Legion for spon- injr on long range plans will in the new site where they will 30 foot tree in a wooded area nor's approval. soring me,' Miss Hillegas said. plant palms, fiscus, and black have space to grow and not ob- immediately west of Ploresta Their motto was 'Forward She wil go back to Seacrest as olive trees on the island from struct the view or interfere with Wednesday afternoon. Streaking Forever, Backward Never, With- a senior next fall and states that Camino Real to the county line road maintenance. ? down the side, lightning burhed in ourselves our Future Lies'. the many things they learned at at the bridge. Outlining the The 'strip to be known as the the bark from the tree and set Folowing a tight schedule, the Girls State will be a great help curve will bo native scarlet hi- "Blue Star Memorial Highway" fire to the surrounding brush. girls learned much about legis- to her studies and has also buscus adding not only to the will contain a bronze plaque brought more understanding re- Aided by the sudden rain, the lature In al it's branches. On a beauty but as a bright colorful marker donated by Garden Club Boca Fire Department soon had visit to the Supreme Court they garding newspaper articles about line guiding the pye, thus adding members and is in memory of government. the blaze under control. No in- were told how trials are con- to the safety of motorists. all the war dead, Mrs. O'Donnell juries or property damage was 'Now when they talk about a ducted. A trip to tjie Governor's Palm trees will be donated by said. reported, except to the wooded bill pasing or failing, I'l cer- mansion and a talk from Gover- the Boca Raton Club. Harold area, which, changed ownership tainly understand the difficulties The Boca Raton Garden Club nor LeRoy Colins were only Turner of Turner Nurseries will less than jx week ami, It was Involved,' Rae smiled in conclu- has a number of beuutification Boxm of the highlights of the- donate equipment to have UUMH known as the Von Hoist prop- sion. projects in the planning stage week. moved and Director of I'ublic for the town. erty. Fri,, June 28, 1957 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 3 Meet Your Newsboys Keep Florida,Green i Tim iiropcllcr-drlvcn minia- 2 THE BOCA RATON NEWS FrU, June 28, 1057 ture plum's which lmv i Paving iiH i.iuK''ln for much of -th»s ^ '• Restrictions r NASSAU Nuvy'M ofitliiircraft flro1 In re- <• > STREETS- DRIVES cent ymint nr« mnkinc way for* niCTRfC 1 r .. i Pioneer Tosses Our First Jo Be Rigid liii'K" iliorn! whoK« turbo-jet en« PARDRIV-ES, INC HAVANA l^iiii! iiffordri noar-Horiic wpeed ,iv7 icstriciionr, nt and iiltltiidffH iipproHchinK 40,-. 1 *"• Phone fiRk 4567 Hidden Vull"y, two iiiik :'. Friday to Tuesday 1100 flM't. Ball Opening L L Season :;onlh ol rVlniy Mriucli, will bo rimd, Bob SutlivcJIi, pro:;• LABORDAY PioneiT roshliMil .1. H. HutU>r of DwrlVM Ht'Hi'U lossod out idonl ol tlm Covi.- Huctlty, CRUISE CELEBRATE THF- tho firs! luill of Ilu> l'.if>7 l.itllr itM'.'i, said. Sponsored by the Lvnuruo swison lust we ok nl • will be no projnrl- Driftwood Rath the nuniii'ipnl park. lypo liomi\s, ho said und llu; and Bridge Club There WHS i) si-nimble lu>- Covo Hoally, CIR nnloa oqonl, tweon tho two North Hrownrd roscvrvo:i the ri idjacont lo \ \ souvenir bull. One toiun is spon- tho golf cour:; niul all, expense from W the other oo sponsored l>y t-'ovo ininiumrn livine j < 0 u:*. Realty and Ueoifiold Henoh nqunrc foot and oil ollior, f 1000 square loot, Sullivan $69.00 Butler, for whom the MOW plus taxes Beorfiold InteiTonstnl water- A golf course, club liour.o, Sightseeing optional Bill Goldsmith way bridge was named, has lonjr swiinminq pool, ridinq stable while in ports. Space been a hasohnll onthitsittst. Ilo limited to a small Freckled-faced, red-headed, William "Bill" Goldsmith, 12, is and bridle paths, as woll as one of the first Boca Raton news vendors, The son of Mr. and in had miu'h to do with luiiUlinjr coinm mity shoppinq center group and all requests Mrs. John Goldsmith, N. E. 6th Ct, Boca Villas, Bill credits the the present park i\mi homo dia- must be in this office William Louis S:iyre are planned for Hidden Val- Boca Raton News with making his recent vacation "a lot more mond. before July first fun." Moose Lotljre IS 11 of Poor- ley. field has scheduled a benefit Sullivan is said to have J He has been saving his earnings so he could spend his "own" dance to be held at the Sun Cove Attorney pioneered' over $50,000,000 Talk Ye Hui«sn money when he went on a three week vacation with his dad to Restaurant tomorrow nivrlit. and in building in South Florida Baltimore, New York and Boston. Visiting old school friends and relatives in Baltimore, his former home city, was interesting, Bill a small car proceeds will go toward defray- communitllies. Boca Tours said. injr the cost of baseball equip- Sayre Retires The 56'2-acre tract on ment presented by the Moose which Hidden Valley is lo- Strolling through the Museum of Science in Boston, dropping to the recreation department Phone 5488 into the H. E, Harris stamp store (collecting stamps is Bill's William Louis Say re an- cated was purchased recent- hobby) and a aide trip to Plymouth, where they 'missed the boat,1 for use by the boys who did not nounced tod:>y his retirement ly for over $1,000,000 from . 75 & Federal LIQUOR STORE make Little League rosters. kept the Goldsmiths busy in New England. They wanted to see from the practice of law, effec- Stonehenge Corp. of Florida. THE COVt SHOPPING CENTER the replica of the Mayflower but missed it by one day. The chairman for the dance, tive the end of this month. David Perkins. ?"•„ manages the DEERFIELD BEACH, FLORIDA "All the places were nice," Bill grinned, "but I liked New Sayre. who located in Boca York the best. So big and so many things to see and do." Cove Builders Club. Raton two vears afro, will not Off to the Hayden Planetarium for a lecture on the sun, a 5 out of 1O Smaller Cars close his office on Boca Raton EXTRA SPECIALS visit to the Metropolitan MuseVim of Fine Arts and the -usual tour Road immediately, but is not, of the city's high spots, Bill said it was very hot and he "sure accepting any new business. for Independence Day BOCft RflTOn Including Free Ice Ci&»ea was glad to get back to nice, cool Boca" and start selling the Lungers Are Files will be kept repardinc; 'News' again. wear a Ponfliaic Price Tag prior transactions handled by for Your Party or Ficnlc the office, including abstracts, Party Hosts etc.. and present obligations will Qancfen Apontmentt SCOTCH —yet none giwes you .Any be carried out. Deerfteld Presbyterian Men! Mr. and Mrs. John Lunger Sr. Sayve, a retired USNR Cap- WE.ST PALMETTO PARK ROAD entertained at a barbecue on the tain, received his law degree at Importod off Ponfiac's Hdvanfages patio of their home in Boca Vil- Stetson University, and with Bottled in Club And Circles Meetings Slated las for out of town guests. Mrs. Sayre, who has been act- Scotland The Men's Club of the Com- The C irclcs o ft Vie Women's Among those attending were: ing as his legal secretary, lives Fifth munity Presbyterian Church in Association will meet on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGowan in Por le Mar. They have a FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Deerfield Beach will moet to- nesday, July -i, as follow.-?: Cir- and son Ernie, house guests of daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Say. J SUITES, ONE and TWO BEDROOM night, for H barbecue at thecle 1, 1 Li:45 p.m. at the home of the Lungers; Mrs. Andrew Shep- Slaton, of Delray Beach, and a BOURBON I • beach pavilion at (3:30, with Airs. C. J. Harwood, li"7;j N.E. P0NTIAC GIVES YOU MOTHSNG ON WHEELS pard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fouli- son, William, Jr., of Bingham- APARTMENTS, NEW SWIMMING their ladies as guests .list St., Pompano; Circle 2, rod and daughters Denice and ton, X. Y. On Sunday the Sunday School 12:80 p.m., at the Deerfield MORE SOLID CAR P£H PERFORMS LIKE A Renee, all of East Detroit, Mich., POOL, TROPICAL ATMOSPHERE classes will meet at 9:.'J0 a.m. Beach Pavilion, Mrs. Odella COLLAR THAN THE PONTiAC .., THE SMALLEU which is the former home of the and regular preaching service Kahn, hostess; Circle 5, 12:30 Lunger family. p.m., at the home of Mrs. BIGGEST OF THE CARS PONT EVEN is at 11 a.m. The music will be ( Local guests included Mr. and MODERATE RATES undtr the direction of Miss C. Charles Koppel, 1 J29 S.E. 2nd SMALLER JOBS! COIV1E CLOSE! Mrs. Raymond Sheppard, Mr. Monthly, Seasonal & Ernestine Pierce, organist. Rev. St., Deerfield;- Circle G, '12:30 and Mrs. Allan Lunger and son Arland V. Brig,u's will preach on p.m., at the home of Mrs. Rus- The so-called "low-price" numbers just Your Pontiac dealer can show you on- Denny, Mr. and Mrs. William Yearly Rentals BARTLEY'SGIN "For Wham Did Christ Die?" sell Clark, 1311 S.E. 10th St, Eddinger and daughter Pat, Mr. Deerfield. aren't in it—Pontiac gives you up to the-record proof that Pontiac is America's and Mrs. John Lunger, Jr., Mr. 8.9% more solid car per dollar! And your Number One Road Car. And he can and Mrs. Carl Douglas, and Mr. Phone BOCA RATON 9435 90 Proof Pontiac dealer can .prove it—with official give you a point-by-point comparison to and Mrs. Robert Good and Fifth $3.3£ specifications. Check them yourself. sLo-vV you why no smaller car can hope daughter Karen. Full Quart Starting with Pontiac's rugged X- to imitate Pontiac's alert, effortless Folowing the barbecue* the member frame and continuing through guests watched movies taken by 425 response to every driving demand from Mrs. Lunger's brother while on every inch of the car, you'll discover stop-and-go traffic to superhighway Ms trip to Florida last year. Wooded Lots At VODKA engineering advances and advantages cruising . . . why Pontiac loafs. while the smaller cars haven't even thought of. Bill There's no bouquets smaller cars strain . . . how Pontiac's Then put the facts and figures to a test— all-around performance superiority has Mitchell About so sweet as those Over 300 HIDDEN VALLEY FIFTH you hand yourself on with you behind the wheel. Right from made it the talk of the automotive Your Insurance the finished job. the start you'll discover that this big writers! But don't stop with facts and Attend Church 349 heavyweight handles like a dream in figures—prove it yourself behind the Special Opening Prices traffic or on the open road, because only wheel—take this handsome husky out uffet Dinner PUERTO RICO RUM Pontiac offers you Precision-Touch Con- on the road and let it show you how far As Low As trols for almost effortless steering and read -in yesterdays papei ahead it really is. You'll be spoiled for /ver 300 persons attended the Fifth makes braking. No doubt about it—here's driv- the smaller ears forever! iffet style ham dinner held last where HURRICANE AUDRE' twenty^flve ing that puts the smaller cars in the shade! junday by members of St. Joan is kicking up her 100 M.P.H Daiquiris of Arc Guild at the parish hall. heels out in the Gulf of Mex- Down Too -AND PONTIAC HAS Co . chairman for the affair co. It leads me to ask you i 339 HO SMALLER CAR Plaster MM. E. Balme and Mrs. J. R. you have checked your hurri $650 CHAMPAGNE EVEN APPROACHES ALWAYS BEEN FAMOUS Brown said they wished to ex- cane insurance lately? Do you Csm«mf press thanks to all those that AS ONE OF AMERICA'S know if the changing values Vintage Tiieboard PONTIAC'S 122-INCH iheiped in any way to make the of your home and your newly 2 Miles South of Delray Beach 1952 TOP TRADE-INS! affair the great success it was. Due do WHEELBASE! acquired personal property are On U. S. Rt. 1 Marino t Hardware Special thanks goes to the 'teen- Produce Pontiac's high trade-in value is a tradi- ager*' for their hard work, they roperly covered? Call you of France Paneling You can't ride on overhang—but you n surance agent today and as SALES AGENT tion in the industry! A quick check with said. 495 Wai I board can on wheelbase! Pontiac gives you your Pontiac dealer for his eye-opening The decoration* were done by is advice on your protection from 4 to 7 inches more length between f you don't have a local COLD BEER Insulation the wheels where it counts! From bump- offer will prove beyond a shadow of a Eiieen Fleebaus and flowers doubt that you're getting not only a were donated. gent, call us at 9816 and Flooring smoothing comfort to interior stretch- Thi)! wan the first party of HR we'll be most happy to answe The COVE Realty six cans out room, this is real man-size bigness! wonderful buy but a wonderful investment! kind held by tho Guild which our questions and odvist; you Points Add Pontiac's exclusive Level-Line Ride So, before you spend your hard-earned hopes to hold another one at a 'roperly. Don't put this im- MAIN OFFICE suspension system and you have a car dollars on a smaller car—check Pontiac later date. The hamn were a do- 99 lortant matter off another day! 1 that makes the smaller jobs seem under- and discover the easy way to break the nation and all othur fwyJs were 3900 N. Federal Highway, Pompano Beach HI- LIVERY supplied by the women of t h e K".f OHUES sized and overpriced! small-car habit. CtiJW. PHONE POMPANO 3-3511 FREE MOW! I! you wont the ultimate in both economy and extraordinary performance, new Tri-Powor Carburetion is available at extra THONR cost an even the lowest priced Pontiac models! It's America's newest power advance and exclusively Pontiat's Qt so low a cost! Mr*. Edwin CntiKln and chil- HOC A MA ION tlSM dren, of Daytona, paid a xurprlKc vMl U> her parent* Mr. and Mm. SEE YOUR John OI««on thix past weekend. J. C. MITCHELL They alw vMUni the paternal For Expert paper-hanging and Painting AUTHORIZED HrandtiurHntH, Mr. and Mix. J. Supply & Lumber M, Cotfgln. & SONS ( Kxl.-rinr Worlv • Kst N.W. 13t*i Stree Mr*. Cnusln and the children itlaywl with th« 1'om Oo«tfln* In Company Phone 8554 Crttftwwxi while tbi; arrival of 1 -ill Mr*. Jnmim - RICHARD L JANES They loft for Fort Myers General Painting and Dcco^ttlng Monday, where the meetings Summer comes, with warm caressing breezes, and were to be held in the Presby- the happy laughter of children at play sings out. Skies terian Church. The men repre- July Fourth seem bluer and all around poinciana trees pose proudly sented the church at Synod. in their brilliant orange or scarlet robes. Mrs. Lofjee represented the Women's Association, organized 2135 N.E. 4TH COURT "When'in the course of human events it should not be changed for light or transient But the surest sign of summer is the slackening of BOCA RATON, FLORIDA W!NF!ELD PARK becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the causes; and accordingly all experience hath the hectic, harried pace. People move more slowly. Rush recently with thu following political bands which have connected them with shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, slate of officers: president, pro while evils are suiferable than to right them- . . . rush . . . gives way to a more leisurely pace. It has tern, Mrs. Floyd E Logee; vice another, and to assume among the powers of the enticed me, too. Went to interview a party. the other earth, the separate and equal station to which selves by abolishing the forms to which they are presidents: (1) program chair- the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and night, planning to stay about twenty minutes. Ended by, man, Mrs David H Cosby; (2) DR. HARVEY J. SAFF them, a decent respect to the opinions of man- usurptations, pursuing invariably the same Ob- spending about two hours. world service, Mrs. Henry Root; kind requires that they should declare the causes ject evinces a design to reduce them under ab- Intrigued by a letter written by William Sayre, in Mrs. Gladys Erickson: "Yes, Miss Dorothy LePique: It (3) fellowship chairman, Mrs. which impel' them to the separation. solute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, -which he says his subject is a "Swan Song" . . . drove out I think it would be beneficial to seems to me that the city form, Carl Zehlar; <4) local service, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, to throw off such Government, and to provide to Por la Mar to make a few notes. His letter stated that Boca to have a city form of of management would be ideal Mrs. William Cox; secretary, Chiropodist — Podiatrist that all men are created equal, that they are en-new Guards for their future security." government. It would expedite for such a fast growing town. Mrs. Sidney Drake; treasurer, he was retiring from the practice of law and his secre- matters. Rather than calling a Mrs. Faye Rhoode; finance com- dowed by their Creator with certain unalienable These words were the unanimous declaration tary, (Mrs. Sayre), would retire from the office, too. I'm all in favor of it. adopted by Congress July 4th, 1776, and they council meeting' for each and mittee, Mrs. Faye Rhoode and i Eights, that among these are Life, Liberty and Greeted at the door by the gracious Mrs. Sayre, I Foot Specialist the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these hold true today. Loyal, far-sighted, were the every problem, the city mana- Mrs. Albert Sterling. rights Governments are instituted among Men, men who worked on this document. i soon started taking notes about Attorney Sayre's law ca- ger could make many decisions deriving their just powers from the consent of Forming a committee,. Thomas Jefferson, reer. My eyes wandered about their large and beautiful thereby giving the commission- John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Liv- home and soon I was taken on a tour of the house spec- ers, more time to consider other the governed. important problems of the city. BOB'S ANNOUNCES THE OPENING "That when any Form of Government be- ingston, and Roger Sherman prepared the declar- ially designed and built for them. comes destructive of these ends, it is the Right ation "to the effect of the said first resolution." Oil paintings of shimmering oceans, reminiscent Appliance Service & Repair Of His Office of the People to alter or abolish it, and to insti- Many world famous names signed this new of his role in the Navy, hang on the walls, books are at tute new Government, laying its foundation on historical paper and . . . "for the support of this stacked in piles to be sorted for the,book case. They rep- sueh principles and organizing its powers in such ^Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protec- 1 PHONE BOCA 5124 tion of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to resent a wide cultural taste from law to marine to the #;• form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect latest editions of fine stories and indicate a well-read ishers and Dryers their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed, each other our Lives, our Fortuntes and our Dishwashers 2121 Atlantic Boulevard will dictate that Governments lone established Sacred Honor." cbuple. Disposals iatl Appliances Young, keen-witted, and attractive, the Sayres POMPANO BEACH DIAL 7-9531 PERSONALS— were such interesting hosts and conversationalists that Letters Recent guests in the home of time just flew by. He told how, prior to World War I, he Quartet Sings Rev. and Mrs, Logee include enlisted in the Navy as an apprentice seaman, serveckin To The Editor Attorney Raymond and Mrs.World War II, and also in the Korean war. For Lions Lindamoon and three children, "Went through every grade and rank from radio Dear Editor: John, James, and Muriel; Mr. man, line officer to Captain, very interesting, too," Sayre We shall be very much oblige The Boca Raton Lion Club and Mrs. Donald Best, Mrs. heard the premiere performance said. In between times, he was associated with General ed to you if you subscribe us for Helen Jessup and Hratchouhi Electric and served as District Manager for the State of one year to Boca, Raton News Monday night, of the BOCA RA- George, all of Oeeville, Ohio; Charles M. Davy: "I believe spkm SAVERS • and send us three copies of every TONES, a male barber shop Mrs. Eda Pullman and Miss New York, with headquarters in New York City. that the charter change for Bo- issue of both publications togeth- quartet organized by Paul Ken- Edithe Clausen of New York. Visiting F'lorida, the Sayres found it so attractive ca Eaton recently granted by er with your invoice to enable us dig and composed of Dr. William they decided to stay here, locating first in Daytona. They .the State Legislature, if ap- to send you remittance. For fa-Maxfield, bas; Harold Saleck, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Con- traveled all over the state looking for the "ideal" spot and proved by the voters in the cility you may send the newspa- lead; Pall Kendig, baritone and ners of Boca Villas are leaving both, agreed they found it in Boca. coming referendum can, if pers of one week all together by- George Moeser, tenor. for West Yarmouth, Mass., and practically administered, be a Kendig's 34 years of experi- After their house was built, a chance remark by ordinary mail but if this is not are motoring via LaJolla, Calif, a friend . .. "when are you going to enjoy it" . . . started vast improvement over the easy for you to do you may send ence in this field of entertain- to visit their son, Craig. They present system of local gov- them as you wish. ment proved to al who came and •will then go to Santa Clara to the couple thinking about retiring so the attorney wrote ernment, However, past experi- If you have old issues please listened just how delightful and drop in on their daughter and his "Swan Song" and began to taper off his law practice. ences in other areas has shown send us al of them and your enjoyable that barber shop quar- family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 01- Now he is going to keep his law-library and just read it that if responsibility is dele- catalogue of books. Send us also tet music can be. Although only sen and return across country for relaxation. gated and the administrator is some specimen copies of your in existence for about six weeks, to the summer home in West Mrs. Sayre is looking forward to spending a lot subjected to pressures from other publications. the quarter has already built up Yarmouth. They plan to stop groups that do not have the a sizeable repertoire. Number of time in their spacious new home soaking in the sun on Faithfully Yours, off along the way to see the the huge screened patio and just "living." best civic interests at heart, a Simjian and Co. after number was enthusiastical- outstanding sites of the country. great deal of harm may be clone. P. 0. Box 1582 ly applauded. Conners is a retired fire chief Could have talked, or rather listened, to this most The turn-over rate of City Man- (Editors note: Knew the Boca from Everett, Mass. interesting couple for hours. I practically did ... hope I agers is high. Raton. News got around quite a didn't wear out my welcome because I'd like to hear more bit but nice to hear they know Mrs. Cecil Abbott of Boca about them. about it ia Iran. A Robert and Large Tract Raton Road, is a patient in Lora Britt publication, the News North Broward General Hospi- For a fun-filled, but safe, Fourth of July, gather travels to several foreign coun- tal pending surgery. up the family and take them to the park for the Legion tries and now a new one has Is Sold sponsored all day fish-fry and carnival. K,ides for the been heard from.) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt A large tract of land formerly of Winfield Park are both back youngsters, fun for all, and a real hearty meal is in store owned by the Bible .Conference from the .North. Mr. Schmidt for all who attend, Music, sports, food, fun — you name WIL YOU REMEMBER? Grounds on the west side of town returned by plane and, tbey have it. ijour earnings The Boca Raton lions Club is adjacent to Butts Park and sold Schmidt lingered a few weeks holding a demonstration at i t s last year to the Arthur Vining longer, bringing her aunt, Mrs. club house on 'How to Improve Davis corporation was resold for Elizabeth Nicholson, of Phila- Yur Memory, Increase Your $390,000 and recorded in the of- fice of Circuit Clerk J. Alex delphia with her for an ex- Income, Win More Friends,' and tended visit. Swim Course To End to hit new 14 other valuable ways to be Arnette, Monday. helpful to your future welfare. Seller is the Boca Raton Prop- You are invited to this demon- erties, Inc., Stuart L. Moore, QUICK SERVICE With Awarding Of Prizes stration meeting. It is f'pR. It president and purchase is re- high rate! wil be held Monday evening at corded to Charles M. Crim, as LAUNDRY Culminating their swimming Awards and certificates of 7:30 p. m. Mr. Stan Wmuatu of trustee. course under the direction of achievements will be handed out the Dale Carnegie Institute wil the Red Cross instructors young- with the program starting conduct the meeting!" Some Bo- ANNUM NEW RATE STARTING JULY 1, FLUFF- DRY BUNDLES sters will show off their prow- promptly at 6 p.m. Reservations ca Ratonites have already bene- W.S.C.S. of thy Methodist 90-MinutB Service ess before their parents, fami- should be in by Friday, July 6. fited. So can you. So come on Church in Boca Raton is .spon- lies and guests at a chicken bar- Phone the Driftwood Club or YOUR WHOLE FAMILY can celebrate because here your out and enjoy the fun. And fun soring a cancer nj: work- becue dinner Monday, July 8 at Mrs. John Olason as soon as money's worth more, starting now! And more earnings mean it is. Yon will find it difficult at shop «n Wednesday, .f;ily .'!0, at times to believe what you wil FINISH LAUNDRY Smitty's Driftwood' Club possible. you can do more with your savings and reach your family's '1:30 p.n-:. Dry Cleaning financial goals sooner. hear and see, Lions stated. This vvork'iln;)) will '<•<• rn'Id i:i i'ne new Film ation..i I'.iiiidinn Manufacturers ""WE SIGN ANYTHING"" Designers Palmetto Park Here's a family savings center that gives you extra Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warren on N.E. Sotontl Avu. Anyone in- Pick-up & Delivery East of Federal dollars of income while soundly protecting your savings. Each returned Monday from a quick tetC-.'-led in helping in this woil-: account here is insured safe up to $10,000 and further safe- trip to Chicago. is inviu-i! to utUiii'!. CALL txtra guarded by adequate reserves and conservative management. earnings Share our new, high earnings. Join the 19 million Amer- Boca Raton News todaql icans who save $35 billion in Insured Savings and Loan Associations. Save by July 10th for a full six months' earn- Published en Friday 8443 Where It's Nice To ings December 31st. 165 B. Palmetto Park Road Phone 8175 BOX 11ST TEIEPHONE 9005-5211 IF NO AHSWEP CB 6-5214 odorless Bring Your Friends" Robert L. and Lora S. Britt, Publishers Beatrice Landry — Editor DRY Breakfast FIRST FEDERAL Helen Murphy .. office Manap»r Sfil AH Makes Typewriter* Lunch GLEANING and Adding Machines Dinner SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 yeat - $3; 2 years - $S SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Entmwd M Second Class matter at the Post Office of Boca Raton, Fla., Dec. 1, 1955 BOCA l^-? Sales - Repairs - Rentals OF DELRAY BEACH Tfe® Boca Raton News ia a hometown paper RATON PHONE sotviag the people, of the town. Support of it by POMPANQ BUSINESS MACHINES 645 E. ATLANTIC AVE. 99 E. PALMETTO PARK RD. 7-9924 film advertising and contributions of news copy will 218 North Federal Hwy. DELRAY BEACH help the paper grow, which in turn will help the LAUNDRY for BOCA RATON Pompano Beach cooiraanity grow. few steps from Post Office prompt service Page 6 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Fri., June 28, 1957 Jolene Mucci Fri., June 28, 1957 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 7 Double Ring Ceremony matching headdresses, car- Surprised PERSONALLY SPEAKING ried sprays of blue, white f t Unites Miss Brant, Boca Man and pink carnatifins. On Birthday Birthday congratulations go studying for a master's degrei Flower girl, Terri Brant, Woman's this week to Steve Stevens, in marine biology at the The wedding oi Miss De- served as junior bridesmaids was dressed in a floor length A surprise birthday party July 4th. University of Miami. anna Brant to Walter D. in three-quarter length blue pink taffeta and her basket was held for Jolene Mucci on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole- MissMary Blowers is visit- Rainey, Jr., was solemized in taffeta gowns with matching of roses was adorned with her 18th birthday last week. bank leave next week for a ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. a double ring ceremony, headdresses and overskirts a blue ribbon. Steven Raul- The party was given by her two month trip to see their Edmund Blowers of Spanish June 18, at 8 p.m. at the of net caught in drapes by erson served as ringbearer. mother, Mrs, Daniel Mucci, daughter, Mrs. Peter Radcliff Trail. .First Baptist Church in Boyn- tiny rose buds. Bridesmaids, Immediately following the of Boca Villas. of Mount Pleasant, Mich. A recent .graduate of the ton Beach. The Reverend A. ceremony, a reception was From there they'll go to visit Misses Mary Scarboro in a Guests attending were, University of Syracuse, she C. Parrott, oi Boca Raton blue ballerina length gown, held by the bride's parents their son, Henry, Jr. of Grand officiated. Karen Williams, Nancy t • received her B. A. degree in and Patricia Brant, in a mat- at the Educational Building, Blanc, Mich, and friends in fabric designing and is aff- Reift, Diane Balm, Mickey Recent Seacrest graduates, ching ensemble of pink with. Boynton Beach. Ohio gi.ciWisco.iidn. iliated with the Art Associat- the bride is the daughter of Dinsmore, Rae Hillegass, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zimmer- ion there. Linda Spaulding, Tom Thom- Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Brant, man are leaving for Minnea- Miss Blowers will leave for Boynton Beach, and • the We Sharpen and ason, John Maker, Buddy polis this coming week. New York City in August Lamont, Al Sheller and chris bridegroom is the son of Wal- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rau- where she will be associated ter D. Rainey, Sr., of Boca Repair a II types Waldron. lerson plan to leave soon for with the fabric industry. Raton. While she has no definite the White Mountains in New and makes of MISS JOANNE REAMER- _sewomridge photo- Major James J. Weldon was "Because" and the "Lord's plans yet, Jolene said she Hampshire, and will visit the house guest last week-end would like to go into nurses' their daughter and family, Mr. Prayer" were sung by Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Thelma Weaver while Mrs. Miss Reamer's Engagement training. • t Mrs. ; Aylward Lawrence and j Weldon, Jr. of N. E. 5th ave. grandson. Evelyn Stuart played the or- It was the Major's first visit gan. WELCOME Mrs. Salvatore Matteis and to our town since he was To Mr. Williams Is Told children, Vincent Michael, stationed at the airport from Frank Brant gave his dau- is-' Newcomers Club Salvatore Michael and Toni 1941-1945. He was amazed ghter in marriage and Ed- Mr. and Mrs. George Gar- Planned for Oct. 27, the die Eugene Rainey served as land, Hillsboro Beach, ann- wedding will take place at of Boca Raton Marie, arrived in town this at the growth and progress I-*' Please phone K. Ebert week to join husband and Boca has made since that best man. ounce the engagement of Miss the First Baptist Church in 'The bride wore a white Joanne May Reamer to William Pompano. 5365 dad, fireman Salvatore Matt- time. W. Williams, son of Mr. and eis. They came from Norwalk, Also visiting the Weldon's chantilly lace and net tulle Mrs. Leroy A. Williams, Pomp- Conn., and will now make were Mr. and Mrs. • Herbert over satin, fashioned with a ano Beach. their permanent home in B,oca. Wheeler of Woodside, Long molded bodice and scallop- The popular local couple Dowina J albert will fly to Island, New York. ed neckline. Her chapel Washington, D. C. in his own sweep skirt -was accented met while attending school Mr. and Mrs. Roland Suther- in Pompano. plane tomorrow on a business with panels of scalloped trip. From there he will go to land of Pittsburgh, Pa., spent The bride-elect is a member the winter season in Boca and lace while her finger tip ill- of the Civic Music Associat- FURNITURE Rhode Island where he will found it so delightful and con- usion veil was set with a DALE'S GARDEN ion of Ft JL,auderdale and is pick up his family for the genial that they bought a House crown of seed pearls and Virginia Kendig, staff sergeant at Palm Beach Air Force currently employed as cashier return hop. in Winfield Park and plan to be irridescent sequins. She car- Base, whose engagement is announced, by her parents. at the Kwik Chek here in town Steven Drayer, son of Mr. 'at home' there sometime in July. ried a bridal spray of white where Williams: is assistant BARN and Mrs. Park Drayer left carnations, orchids and baby Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smithison manager. Saturday to represent Boca breath. Raton at Boys State. He is and daughter, Jessica, of Boca Kendigs Announce Troth BOCA HATON t * Villas left today for a motor Mrs. Brant, mother of the ffSUPPLY expected home tomorrow. trip to Baltimore, Md. They will Congratulations to "Zeb" Far- Save Money on Name Brands Mr. and Mrs. G. Dinwiddie chose a pink nylon street ina and his beauteous bride now spend about three weeks visit- length frock with matching of Daughter Virginia honeymooning. DRIVE A LITTLE... SAVE A LOT ,' of Boca Villas have as guests i'ng their respective families. their son and his wife, Mr. accessories and a corsage N.!|f. 2 Ave. at 19 St. Phon* 5491 - of white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kendig duties similar tp civilian air- and Mist .Bill Dinwiddie, three Miss Margaret Lee Jackson is announce the engagement of line stewardesses, BROWARD children, Mark, Steven and visiting her mb'ther./Mrs. Mar- Matron of honor, Mrs. Eve- garet Jackson, and her grand- their daughter, Virginia, Miss Kendig has been in Sally from Indianapolis. lyn Raulerson, sister of the Miss Jeanne Sussieck has parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter bride, wore a floor length Albert Cloutier, of Manchester the WAF for six years. During ELECTRIC Kleiber, at their Olive Way N. H. Both are sergeants at this time she has traveled to returned from a visit to Man- pink taffeta with matching hasset, L. I., where she visit- home. Miss Jackson is a gradu- headpiece of flowers and net the Palm B^ach Air Force London, Paris, Tripoli, Cairo, SERVICE ate of Seacrest High School and Base. Newfoundland, Iceland, Ber- ed former neighbors and many and carried vanda orchids. Industrial and is entering her junior year a't S/Sgt. Virginia Kendig is muda, Puerto Rico, Germany long time friends, One of the Lake Forest 'College, 111. Two nienes. Miss Robbie a flight traffic specialist and other interesting places. Residential highlights of her trip was a Brant and Miss Bonnie Brant, instructor and teaches at the She has not named her at- Liqhtina visit to the Plandome Road only pre-training schooJ for tendants yet but the date for School which she attended as WAF who wi]] be assigned to the wedding has been set for PHONE 5121 Great time for a new Kodak Camera a youngster and returned to July 18 in the Palm Beach teach, there for three years Comer of NW 4tt Avenue BUY DRAPERIES THE Air Force Chapel. and 20th Street before coming to Boca. Bunko Party Mrs. Edna Giganti of S. E. EASY AND SMART WAY! Enter this easy, 6th Street, local teacher, is Benefit Club ACME ROOFING CO. vacationing in Virginia. ; She exciting contest.. • All Types Roofs - Gutters - Con&ictors will return to Boca Raton in July. Mrs. Lee Vona, Mrs. Joseph CALL TOM JAMISON Mrs. Flora Henry, Deerfield Steiner, Mrs. Albert Domeyer School principal, left last and Mrs. Betty Jentzen will 1305 N. £. 5th Avenue Boca Raton 83,3© be co-hostesses at a dessert week for Columbia, S. C, bunko party Friday for the accompanied by Mrs. J. M. t Plumer of Columbia, She will name the blHiant pup benefit of the Garden Club. AND THE CHEAPEST! spend two weeks at Mt. Lake, N. C, and will be joined by It's E A S Y as ABC to call Mrs. John Flancher is tele DALE CARNEGIE for a Keeler representative 'hone committee chairman and her children, Mrs • John L. to bring samples to you. Se- ver 100 guests are expected courses Burdas of Columbia, Mrs. H. lect your materials in your A "Gold"BRYANT Water Heater -Q attend the affair to be held F. McCarty of Maggee, Miss; own home, where you can be at the Vona home, Lake Wv- and their families. sure color, texture and design A "Gold" BRYANT Furnace, or a man Shores. Presented by Florida Institute lE:FLASH OUTFIT After the rest of the summer are just right. Become an Effective Speaker Improve Human Relations in Columbia she will return to It's SMART because we 1957 "Gold" CADILLAC Leam to Sell Yourself Imagine! A reflex camera in this low-cost outfit Deerfield in the fall. save you money. We charge Develop your Memory Great buy! Price includes Kodet-model Duaflex IV Camera, Another vacationing teacher you NOTHING for making (if Be a self Starter ™ floor length and in fabric $50,000.00 in prizes will be Personal^ Control Worry film, flasholder, and everything else needed for indoor-out- is Mrs, W. A. Brown, Deer- field. She and her husband $1.98 yd. or more). awarded in tnis thrilling "Name door picture taking. And it's the surest snapshooting ever. The Bryant Pup" Contest! Grand Tom Thomason arrived There s no guesswork - you see your picture in the big left for London, Ky, and then Phone Boca 3600 for free estimate. Prize is the 1957 Cadillac shown. back in town after spending 1st BOCA RATON CLASS preview" finder before you press the button. on to Ohio to visit both of two weeks with F. Co., 211 their families. here ... the biggest, most beauti- Information Session SPECIAL HOLIDAY PR1CE- In July while in Yellow ful, most completely pow.e-r-S* Infantry, National Guard at equipped car on the road today 1.2? Ft. McCiellan, Ala. Public Invited-FREE Springs, 0., the Browns plan complete- '20 to attend the wedding of his And it may be yours ... just for*"* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jack- niece, Elizabeth Corwin. Miss naming the famous Bryant pup! eon of Queens Village, LI., LIONS CLUB HOUSE Corwin is well known in this DRAPERY SPECIALISTS 166 prizes in all! 55"Gold" N. Y., v/ero house-guests of area where she has been The Cove.- Peerflelct B.each* 7:30 P. M. July 1, 1957 I Bryant Furnaces and 110 "Gold" Please note: There will be a winner in this area! Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLen- Bryant Water Heaters will be And it's easy to enter... easy to win. We'll help! nan of Stratolincr Estates awarded in this great contest! So over (ho weekend. They will COM four am y "/A/ THE COI/£' LOT CLEARING you have many chances to win! COME IN FOR OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK TODAY I go from hc-re to Key West Stan Whitiatch CONTEST ENDS JUNE 30th and l!o:-:nn. Tractor Rotary Mow»r DEERFIELD BEACH • • BOCA 9075 Clear* Weed and Small Trees without Bulldozing BOCA RATON GAS CORPORATION • $10 per avsrage lot North federal Og»§»®s§f® City Hall Yearly Contract Prices Ph©n# 3443 INSURANCE Other Kohtz Stores to Serve You: . P. BEBOUT REAL ESTATE on Application M.& Soqond Ave., Boca Raton 5280 S. Federal, De®rfi®!d A/ways As Represented PHONE 8795 AUTHORIZED DEALER IN 70 F N. r-Yd«rnl Hwy. a lb|i|nnl HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT Bora Kalon Phone 8621 or contact Jim Brittain Council Frh, Tune 28, 1957 TOE BOCA RATOW (Continued From Page 1) Page 8 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Fri., June 23, 1957 Mrs, Hager Appoints Committees be brought up at the next ses- CHURCH sion. Councilman Melvin Sehmitt re- i ;M hit inc Mai hay. Girls State- at the Legion sponsored Fish Guests Asked To Bring Prized Mi's. Kdith Haifcr, newly Fry and carnival, an all day ported the need for gates and sig- (•ii-rtcd president of the Ameri- and Aiiii'iicanism; Mrs. Marie affair. nalf at five railroad crosings in can l.i-yion I'ust 211 Auxiliary f'aied; Soria! Service; Mrs, SERVICES town. He said it was his under- Possession For Shipwreck appointed the following chair- •J'ui-ky Pool, publicity. standing that a town with a pop- men at their Wednesday night Poppy Uay sales netted the Mrs. A. .1. Larnprecht of St. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH: ulation of 5,000 or more could Mrs. RuHsell Benson and Mrs. p.m. memltftrs and jruest.s wiH mot-ting: auxiliary Sill.10 and members Louis arrives tomorrow to he COMMUN/TY PRESBY- obtain these protective measures Herb Brown, general party preview competitive costumes Mrs. Ruth Manning, meniber- slated they were very pleased the house guest of Miss Lillian' Palmetto Park Rd., one TER/AN CHURCH of Deer- through the railway company. chairmen for the -shipwreck for the jcrand parade, before -hil'i; Airs. Marie Caird, Pappy with the response of Boca resi- Abbott and to offer her moral block wefit of the railroad. field Beach. Sunday School, He cited the danger of the 40th dents. i party at the Boca Raton Ca- lining up for the "Steam Ship flay; Mrs. Dorothy ("heriones, support while her mother, Mrs. Rev. A.C. Parrofte, pastor. 9-30 a.m., under the direc- 28th, 20th and 13th Street rail- ' " • '•'""" • -^'"/.TV. •"";'_ _ :.'_,;, '«•_ i bana Club Saturday nifyht, say Rnund" and other special deli- rehabiiitaTion; Mrs. Florence Auxiliary members will have Abbott, is in the hospital. Morning worship, 11 a.m.; tion of William A. Brown. road crosing-3. that diligent committees are cacies planned for the special •Caulfield. child wi-lfare; Mrs. a food concession booth July 4 Sunday Schoql,10 a.m. Nur- Morning wor.ship, 11 a.m. Council instructed the attorney huming the midnight oil to for- party by manager Larry Koen. sery available. Evening Wor- Rev. Arland V. Briggs, pas- to draw up a paper requesting mulate last minute games and "Old Salt" judges, -Mr. and ship, 7:30 p.m., each Sun- the FEC railroad to instal sig- entertainment to make this Mrs. Conn -Curry and Mr. and day. Mid-week, prayer meet- nals and gate arms. year's party the best ever. Mrs. John Mar Beth, promise ing, 7:30,, Wednesday. Town Engineer Amsler report- Many prizes will he' awarded, stern decisions judging the pa- ed that six crosovers on Fed- rade, with special attention Choir" rehearsal, 8:30 a.m., and in adidtiun to costume each Wt.uuesdaj'. HOMEOWNERS eral Highway, which the town I prizes, a special award will l>u focused on original and humor- asked to have repaired a year j Kiven for the one who brings ous costume ideas, he most out- FIRST RAPT 1ST CHURCH, Weigh Thes^ ago, has reached the tentative j standing couple, atid costume agreement stage. The main; the "ONE most prized posses- DEERFIELD: N.g. 2nd St., Boca News Photo. sion to salvage were the ship most appropriate to theme. cros - overs mentioned were at i (Quests of members are in- Rev. G. Robert Rowe, pas- Advantages wrecked," as the fair haired tor. Morning Worship, . 11 N. E. 6th Street, N. E. 20th St., i Nev, arrival in town is tmy Miss Barbara Jean Ttogan, lady who reached for her fair vited to the fi'iila affair, and 5th Avenue, N. E. 36th St., and ; recpivincr the admiring glances of her mother and sister, your committees request reser- a.m.; Sunday School, 9:4S. hair piece. a.m.; Evening worship ser- the 10th street crossing which is j Mary U2". Proud parents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Regan. Starting with cocktails at f! vations as soon as.possible. greatly used by school buses and • vices, 7:30 p.m. BTU,.6:30; trucks. I Mid-week prayer service, Grounds did not own any lots obligation in regards to the con- In other action, Town Clerk ditions oC the streets ' Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. William Lamb read a letter from there and 'we do not WE MUST Ira Eshleman regarding the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN streets in the Bible Conference REDUCE OUR CHURCH: Floyd Emerson Ridge Subdivision. Eshleman Logee, Pastor. Mrs. Lillian stated that the C o nf er e n c e INVENTORY Parker, pianist. Meets in # Greater Protection Teen Age Center, W. Pal- metto Rd. Morning Worship, # Savings up to 20^ Legion Has 11 a.m. BETHANY PRESBYTER with AN CHURCH of Boca Raton Fish To Fry On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Our selection of sports coats, slax, Meetings are held Sundays the iatty-ln-One For the tenth consecutive Sunday, June 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th, shirts, walk shorts, cabana sets, swim at the Lions Club on N.W". Coverages of th® year, American Leg-ion Post 277 v/e are offering our entire stock of fine wear, sandals, canvas shoes, and many 4th Ave. off Palmetto Park will hold its community fish mens casual clothes and ladies hand- other items for the men; handbags, jewe- Rd. Sunday School at 9:45 . HOMEOWNERS fry at Boca Raton Park, July bags, jewelry, and gift items at 50% off. ry, and gift ifsms for the ladies is still a.m. Classes for all ages. 4th. large. Morning Worship Services at POLICY! Serving will start at noon 11 a.m. Everyone cordially and continue until 7 p.m. There You can't afford to miss fine merchan- invited. Rev. Albert L. East- will be fun for all, Legionnaires dise at these prices. man, pastor. Rev. Eastma. Call on us for d$tiil$l stated, and the proceeds will go will conduct services in tie to further the construction of Mrs. Jack Benson relaxes on a bit of driftwood while the partially completed Leg-ion Boea Raton Hotel and Club post home. "Beachcomber" Nate Fitch fends of! invading "pirates" OPEN EVENING** UNTIL 9 on Sundays from 9*10 a.m. in A band concert will be given Eugene Louckes and Edward Yerg. All in fun, of course, addition to services at the by the Boca Raton Municipal they're getting in trim for the annual shipwreck party, Tur.r. Lions Club. Prayer meetings Band, led by Philip Azzolina, 29, at the Boca Raton Cabana Club. Boca News Photc. are' held every Wednesday at between 5 and 6 p.m. to add to 7:30 p.m. the festivities. ROBERT HENRI WM Post Comander Daniel An- FIRST METHODIST CH DJBf drews urges all residents to join Mrs. Spalsbury FAMILY REUNION MEN'S WEAR URCH of Boca Raton. Royal Phone 8781 in the all day event. Mrs. Edwin Coggin and chil- Palm Road. Rev. Elton G, Wins Duplicate dren, of Daytona, paid a surprise Powell, pastor. Church SERVICE visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. POTPOURRI School, 9:45 a.m.; Church Ser- John Olsson this past weekend. | Tires - Batteries 1 vice, 11 a.m. Nursery avail- ACCESSORIES Bridge Play They also visited the paternal HANDBAGS - JEWELRY and GIFTS able far children. Methodist grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Federal Hwy. and Royal Palm Rd M. Coggin. 11 o'clock service. Methodist The Duplicate Bridge Club Mrs. Coggin and the children Youth Fellowship meets Sun- JOHN T.HNGER and BOB GOOD met at the El Sirocco, Wednes- stayed with the Tom Coggins in Highway A1A day, 7 p.m., in the Church day. Winners were Mrs. Charles Crestwood while the arrival of On the Ocean Hall. Choir rehearsal, Thurs- Spalsbury, first; Mrs. Grace Mr. and Mrs. James Coggin, and N. E. 2nd Street day, 7:30 p.m. YOU ARE Kickell, second; Miss Mary children of Key West added to Jamison, third. Blake Hooper the festivities. They spent t h e INVITED and Fred Billing- tied for fourth. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Phone Boca Raton 5690 t/AITH BAPTIST CHURCH, weekend with the J. M. Coggins. "A Conservative Baptist Stop by and Others present were Mrs, visit us in Bernice VanCourt, Mrs. H. B. Church". One block west, Faith, Mrs. Pierre Barnes, Mrs. U.S. 1 and Sample Rd, North our new Robert Sussieck, Mrs. Dorothy Pompano. Rev. Donald F. quarters Auhert, Mr. and Mrs. Goleman FORD PRODUCT Roop, pastor. Sunday School, Starr, Mrs. Adam Ha/.lett, Mrs. Sold and srrvi.-pcl in ihr- I . S. i hronah s 9:30 a.m.; Worship, 10:45 Max Hutkin, Mrs.. Richard dealers ol Find Motor Company. Ijfarboni, Muii. • a.m.; Evening, 7:30 p.m.; Mann and Charlie Daw. Wed. Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. Free transportation, call English Boca 5954. same phone plM« Ford- Choice ST. GREGORY'S EPIS- 9229 of ALL COPAL CHURCH: Boca Ra- the small, ton Road, 9 a.m., Holy Eu- economy charist; 10 a.m., family ser- fo rei gn vice and church school; 11 cars a.m., Holy Eucharist on first Sundays; morning prayer r t other Sundays;- .mid-week ODORLESS DRY See both Eucharist celebrated on Wed- CLEANING sizes- nesdays at 10 a.m., unless otherwise sjecified. Rev. the "Prefect" E R.. Closson, vicar. All work and the Done Rignt Here BIBLE CONFERENCE "Anglia" GROUNDS: N.W. 4th Ave. 1-Hour Emergency Service- Ira Lee Eshleman, Director. Repairs and Alterations Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Services, 11 a.m. Evening Service, 7:45 p.m. Sensibly priced... and ALL THIS, too! Wednesday prayer service, OPEN HOUSE 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON •k A FORD PRODUCT + ROOM INSIDE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ST. JOAN OF ARC CATH- OLIC PARISH: Sunday, 7, JULY 3 * UP TO 35 MPG * SMART STYLING 9 and 10:30 masses at the Catholic Parish hall, 155 Plenty of parking I o'clock to 4 • EASY PARKING AND DRIVING * ADVANCED INTEGRAL BODY-FRAME DESIGN N.W. 20th St. Confessions long on service ;il our new home , will be heard every Saturday You can test-drive an English-built Ford af refreshments served 1943 N. Federal Highway from 5-6 and 7-8 p.m. Daily Rest time mass week days, 7:30 a.m. 270 SOUTH DIXIE WINHfLD PARK of year to out-trades except Wednesdays. Fathe pick H buy your local David Heffernan, pastor, and Ed Balrrse and Marvel Balme inc. SHOPPING PLAZA in a good EARL WALLACE FORD, INC. *authorize" d Father Miguel Goni, assis- used car. Corner Palmetto Roarl and Old Dixie Highwuy Phon©5141 Ford Deal ei tant pastor. ION! 5712 PERSONAL Fri" 28t 1957 Lt. Col. J .B. W6rrc#4« .• N.K. Birtlis fith St. left Friday ky.. .,i:W f York to attend the graduation of his granddaughter in Long Legal Notices Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vignnla, Island. On his return, he will The town of Boca Haton. Boca Haton. 122 S.E. 15th Ct., Deerfield hrinff grandchildren Jimmie and Fiouda will raCBive bids on o( beloiu Baoch, announce the birth of Ellen Napoli to spend the sum- SiOu p.m. Tuetiday, Juno 25 1957 lor iho their first child, Robert Paul, iuiniuhiny al all labor, malarial* and mer in Boca. equipment necouuai y lor the installa- horn June 18 at Holy Cross tion of an air condilonny «ynUnn. con- Hi^liny ol a Ion { 10) Ion. approximate- Hospital. ly 127,800 B.T.U., capacity central unit North Broward General Hos- v/ith ducltn and a ont; flj ion approxi- mately 13.HUU B.T.U., capacity unil, to- pital reports the birth of a son yothor wilh all work incidental thnreto, i to Mr. anu Mrs. Philip Dugger, naid woik to bo in uctoidanco wilh a , ilco; plan on tils in tho Town. Enyi - "j JUS S.E. 20th Ave-., D-erfield nooi'ji nMict!. < Beach. Real Estate Per Rent Real Istate For Sale SPECIFICATIONS ; ll in nnltL ipntod ihni th» ten fonca- - pen ity unit tan bo initialled in thn , Ifor lease, part of building, j LOTS FOR SALE Boca Raton', r.howi't Ml"!! o't Iho Hlorcioom. wih th»* dm t Kytitcmi ;iu:ipondod from tho halt heavy Industry zone, Boca Ra- j near beach. Beautiful restricted ' ccilimj ami vi'iitinti into thi* various Personals ton. Approximately 1500 square I Riviera section. 2 lots 75x120 roonv; aprninq ail thin hnll. The north li winq of th.t Tov^n H«ll Imildinq «hall feet "-.''h part r.3zfanlne..!l utilities. Boea 8433. bo clonpd ofl by iho ninriion o* a par- Mr. and Mrs. Rainey, Jr. (613-21B) tition with two HftU rlosintr rfoor:i at Ihi^ are recent Seacrest High able In 45 days. Boca 8433, . rnd of Ihn north hnll and two s (614-21B> ! door CIOSOTSI shall bn instaHod on thi1 chool graduates and plan noilh oniranco doorn. Tho north on- to live in West Palm Beach i For Sale or Lease: toew ware- rancfi doors Hhall bo ]irovidod with .u^avy qla-iR licjht.s or now 1 3 /4" ox- following their y/edding house, 5,000 square feet, plen- UHior lypp door.s v^ith upper half glasi; *• Nicely furnished, 1 and 2 bed- j iqht. trip. room apts. Quiet and comfor- ty of light, three 10x12 over- Smiler. arc evident as Walter Dugan shoves Mrs. Albert An accident fakes head doors. Centrally located. Tho partition to bo infitailed a* tho Sterling and Mrs. Frederick Matthev/s tickets for a southern Fay and Mrs.Rhoode cel- table, yearly or monthly ren- south and ol Iho north hall shall be Bo on left to right: Bud and Helen Hulick, the hosts; bo 1 3 /8" x ?.' - G" x 7' - 0" with one Boca Nev/s Photo the Salute to Boca Raton Day program on the H. W. Smity, Mayor John LeRoy Shores, James <543-nttB.) ..iqht iinno: half- hung bv 3 1 /2" x cue. Joining the hosts were Ranch type Stratoliner Home, 3 1 /?," buMrt. Schlnqn rvlinder lock, Hulicks T. V. Show over Channel 5 are, front McGoldrick, John Flaneher, Polite Chief W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Fred BroV/n or ea'i/rl, mo|pfis*>rl hnltH lop and bot- row, Mrs, Arnold MacSpadden, Mrs. William G, Brown, Georgie Lapham, Harry Newman and Doss your accident 3 bedroom 2 bath, Venetian tom. Pntir f 41 lianid tyno door clo- and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Apartment for rent furnished ! blinds Aluminum storm shall bo installed - t'"o at door* c-foct whrthci or not specifically set Many Prizes O'Donnell and Mrs James Kennedy. Second row, Paul Bebout, Insurance help yois north pnd find t'"o at south end. larth in Ihis notice. Brown. one - bedroom, $75 monthly i panels, range and refrige- called thrrt (ho corridnr The Town oi Baca Raton will not bo meet your living yearly. 3000 N.W. Fifth Avo. ' walls Ihrouqh v/hich 'the ducts will responsible jor any liabiliiios incurred Scheduled For rator. Spacious landscaped are constructed of rein.orced con- during the completion oi the work in expenses while Phone 8795 717-3DP lot with view of IntracoastaL crete. this proposal. DR. THOMAS M. SHOAF tit Louvres lor return air shall bo in- The successful Bidder enterinq into you're laid up?: Convenient mortgage priced stalled in offce doors. a contract ior alt or any portion of Hospital Party Boca Raton Story at $15,900 for quick sale, All exposed new work sh^H be given. the work shall furnish and file with the New cornet, unfurnished, 1 Iwo coats of paint as manufactured by Town an acceptable workman's and bedroom duplex, stove, re- 465 N E, 15th Terrace Call Bruning Bros., or equal, matching ex- material supplier bond to keep the July 18 has been set for Pbr tha answer le this, or Boca 8412, (729-31B) isting painted surfaces. Town free from any liens. 204 Eas,t Atlantic Ave. Defray Beach Phone 6672 frigerator, utility room, car- j All alterations to existing structures The Bidder may submit, in addition the gala Bethesda Memorial Told In TV Show &ny other /neurones tjomtlaa porte. 751 S. E, 3rd Street I shall be made wih the approval oi the his own proposal for a complete air Hospital Auxiliary luncheon Town Engineer and ail restorations conditioning system with detail speci- DeerEeld Beach (730-31P) shall be made equal to the original licatons. at the Boca Raton Cabana The story of Boea Raton anil LOST construction. The Town reserves the right to re-' the Art Guild had grown to 270 Adequate electrical service shall be jed nnv and all bids. Club. its progress was told over members and discussed the- ex- A light, airy, store or office provided in order to oporate the sys- This form must be used for the nro- A long list of valuable Channel 5 last Wednesday when hibits and programs the Guild 40 ft. 2" Well tem. A. new 150 amp. 4 wire 3 phase Posal and signed. The completed Pro- spaco. Exceiient location. Lost Cat, brownish black, service shall be installed and old wir- posal r.hall be placed in a scaled pri zes will be awarded. Spot- a parade of appearances were carried out. Reasonable. Bocade Bldg. large fluffy tail. Part persian., ing connected to new service. envelope and plainly marked on the lighting them ate a fout^day made by residents of Boca Ra- Manual zone control shall be pro- outside "BID FOR AIR-CONDITION- Mrs. Celeste Kennedy, libra- Drilling and Installation 110 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Call Boca 5411.. Reward vided in each office so that areas not INn - TO BK OPENED AT THE HE- cruise for two, to Havana and te*. rian, chatted with Helen Hu- 1 hp. pump complete L-(720-31B) in use can be turned off and its capa- GULfiH TOWN COUNCIL MEETING. Nassau, donated by Walter Jfcsadiftg the list of distin- lick about the amazing expan- 711-30B city diverted to other areas. JUNE 25. 19S7." W.P. BEBOUT The Bidder shall submit two propo- The envelope containing the propo- Dugan, of Boca Tours; a guished localites was Mayor sion of the library, its books sals one which includes installation of sal shall bf> addressed to: a suspended plastered ceiling under Town of Bocn Raton John Shores, who spoke about and services available. Miscellaneous the hall duct and tho relocation ol hall Boca Raton, Flrida cabana from the Boca Raton the beauty and phenomenal Garden Club president, Mrs, lighting fixtures. The other proposal flttentin: Town Clerk Cabana Club, a complete hair growth of the town and its Complete with lMs hp. pump. INSURANCE shall exclude the suspended plastered Prepared by William O'Donnell told the story For Sale Ceiling leaving duct exposed. A. E. Amsler. Town Enoineer many possibilities. of the Garden Club and pre- The one ton capacity unit shall ha Wtn. H. lamb styJing, including shampoo Police Chief W. H. Brown told sented a beautifully decorated 2 puppies, 80 percent Boxer, installed complete and operating in Town Clerk and wave, donated by Bert AGENCY the Police and Tire Department Office- Submitted by: of the preventative measures of hat made from garden materials Let us figure your sprinkler and partly German Shepard, i This NOTICE and the fallowing sch- Dale: Klehm of the Royal Patrician law enforcement; and because to Bud Hlk system installation Fawn $20. the bundle $10- ' edule is to be used in making th» Accepted by Town Council Juno 25, Beauty Salon and many others. 701 N. Federal Proposal lor the above work- 1957 Fire Chief John Loughery was Phone Boca 3175 (726-31B) Accepted bv: Steve Kika of Condon and on duty and could not be there try us for Phone PROPOSAL Wm. H. Lamb. Tswn Cicrlc Watson has donated the post- in person, the police chief de- Item Ho. 1 • For furnishing and install' Girl's full size bicycle, $25. ing a central air-conditioning unit NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME e-s for the affair, scribed the fire protection sys- BREAKFAST 8621 or 9336 of ten ton capacity complete with all LAW tem, which includes 28 volun- NATIONAL Sprinkler Service Phone Boca 8280 (724-3IB) necessary ducts and appurtenan- and LUNCH Representing ces, controls, etc., and for furnish- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the teer firement in addition to the UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ing and installing a one ton capac- undersigned, desiring to engage in regular department personnel. early or THE TRAVELERS Mahogany coffee table, bed, ity unit complete including all labor, business under the fictitious name oi Phone 9946 -materials and equipment with, sus- Children Just about every subject was fate HARTFORD chairs, 4 lovely framed deer pended celing and relocated light UNIVERSITY PARK HOMES covered from civic, cultural and prints. Several beautiful fixtures in hall, the sum of whose mailing address is 898 N. W. general interest by John Flan- ... Dollars (S ) 2nd Avenue, Boca Raton, Florida, in- whatnots, oriental rugs, hand WEEKLY Item No. 2-Same as item Ko. 1-exclud- tends to register the said name with Are Baptized eher of the Comprehensive Plan- painted dishes, doll cradle ing the suspended ceiling in hall, the Clerk of he Circuit Court ol Palm ning Board; Harry Newman, the sum oi Dollars Beach County, Florida. and couch. Several odd tables SPECIALS (S . ) Barbara Jean Rejran, infant Chamber of Commerce; Paul Be- midnife from $7.50. Phone Boca 5110 The successful Bidder shall procure TONY I, BONGIORNO bout, Town Councilman; H. W. all permits and licenses, pay all ANNE C. BONGIORNO daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (727-31B) charges and fees and nil notice nec- Michael Regan, Coral Key Vil- Smith of the Driftwood Club WATERFRONT HOME essary and incident to the prosecution KURZINGER & HONCHELL oi the work. las, was baptized Sunday ;it St. and Jim McGoldnck of the Bo- ONLY $21,250 The bidder is required t& examine Attorneys at Law ca Raton Hotel and Club. Youth bed, blonde birch the. site ol the proposed work and it Zim's Building, Joan of Aiv Catholic Parish complete with (4) contour will be assumed that he is satisfied Boca Raton, Florida Biuldinsr. The Revereiu! Mitruel Representing the ladies, Mrs. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath- as to the conditions to be encount- Pub: June 21.28 ]uly 5. 12, 1957 Arnold MacSpadden told how sheets S45 Phone Boca 5124 Goni, assistant pastor, offici- (722-31B) with Florida Room which ated. For Classifieds GARDEN converts to third bedroom God-parent? were Mr. anil Restaurant Dining-room table with (2) or dan by foldadoors; car- Mrs. Charles Loi-kwood. of N. Phone 9005 leaves, 4 chairs to match porte 8s utility. Kitchen is Y., represented in absentia by at the poolside u. 1 dresser and mirror Reason- equipped with surface proxies, Mr. and Mrs. Henry "Save The Only Eyes able Call Boca 9195 (721- units-built-in-oven-refriger- Lamlry. You Will Ever Have" patio Garden Apartments, « 3 IB) ator-dishwasher .' Also baptized at the same West Palmetto Park Road Kitchen walls are brick time were, Sandra Elizabeth, Wonted and ceramic tile and ceil- daughter of Mr. apt! Mrs. Wil- DR. P. A. Me RILL Good Sandwiches ing is the new dropped pl- liam J. Parrell of N.E.IT Ave., Good Coffee Typist General office work, astic ceiling with indirect Poinpnno, and ^Vi^iam Martin ^^^^^^^In^i^^^i^i^^^iw lighting. Many extras such Patrick, son of Jlr. and Mrs. Optometrist Good Desserts 5 day week. Phone Boca 9777 .Joint L. rntricU, N'-K. "3rd St., (725-31P) as lavanette baths- inside n 127 BOCA RATON RD. Good Service INTEREST planters- outside planting Boca RilU' - • Bring You Back Often Outside Salesman, experience bins and wood paneling. not necessary, pleasant work Lot is 85 x 100 -fully REAL WALL EN BROS. BOCA RATO N: payable semi annually no canvassing, full or part sodded and SEA- ESTATE HONE 9498 FLORIDA Owner-Operator time. Phone Boca 8280 (723- WALLED This dream of a 31B) waterfront home in Boca LISTINGS Raton can be yours for WANTED Of The Nice homes wanted for cute ONLY $21,250. start a kittens. Free - Come and WEEK choose yours between 5—8 VINCENT H. for p. m. Mrs. Wescott, 245 N. In the Hoca "Raton, Del- Lawn & Garden SAVINGS ACCOUNT W. 45th St Boca Raton. ray and Deerfield Beach (728-31P) SCHWARTE Areas) Homes, lots, at your apartments, oceftn and S DDT For Classifieds A1A- North Hoca Raion highway fmntage, acre- Fertiliser by Hurricane &»6-6 with Wettable concentrate by Hurricane. Phone CR 8-1323 t*£t\ business, rental, 25% ofganiea. Lavvnas shrubbery,, In 4-lb bags. Regitfoi* 52.60, special fruit trees end ornamentals. In 5O BANK Phone 9005 and all other real lb. baRn- per 300 lbs. tfODKI. C-4 HcMlroom, .1 l!:ill\ Tri-I.uvH Wnli'rfmiil home ;U $1.95 $.15,00(1 properties! For expert attention, Big Chief Power Edge?, 3-wheel, Drive Out A Mile And Other models include the very luxurious .\—lU'dmoin, 2—buth autOs coitts'olB at hundleb^^H, 4-cycle list your properties for Bri & Stratton Engine, Special Be Comfortable At Reasonable Prices split level nt $36,000 wnl the 2 Meclhiom, ?, Hiith K'iiiich de- sale, lease or rent with; n with deluxe features< tlin>U|>,hoiilr $. 11,000 RATON Mortgage Financing Approximately 75 Per Cent M.N. Weir &$ons,liK ASK FOR MRS. AMOROS1 - BOCA RATON 8781 Th® CONVINIINT Banking €®nt®r For Sowth Palm §®a«;h County 1820 NW Fifteenth Vista REALTORS AlA nntl VUi O Furnished or unfurMnhwI..• Jurt thrw. »..w. Two .,•..- zm £ffl»» ef BOCJB Pas? OflkfcL Phong 9504 OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION IMvmo IVHMI !H?16 bedroom and ono twrj-riwiroorri apartrr^ntH. Kuiu-.l.nm. Nlc wmDAYinc WICA tt.\TON, Kl.A laundry, yards and pntlo. Yflarl.y '" muritril.Y ruK'ii. __. . NW Second AV«. U. H9th St. and Turn orn> Illoc* WCHI ofn Raton Jupiter. The camp already has Uotonwcig Sr.. a 5 7yeaf Pug® 12 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Fd., June 28, 1957 1 senwelg Jr. a carpenter, volua- many existing permanent con- I old retired builder, was In com- tecred to a slat the volunteers. '• crele block buildings con ilstinfi mand of the crt-w. Peter Ro- ! of n 530,1,00 mes* Mall, a SI.').(XX) j trading P»sl and approximately 15-6 man huts. Local Kiwanians donated S.VH). BOCA MOTOR! Inc. for the materials for a hut and the Boca Raton Jaycees donated 60 reomu HIGHWAY P. a @©x the manpower to actually build IOCA BATON, FiOMA. the hut. SOCA IMON Workers included: President Jack Benham. a chemist; Dr. William Maxfield, osteopath; Robert Good, automotive expert; Earl Mays, insurance salesman; Dr. Harry Sorenson, dentist; and Lloyd ManKus, civil engineer. GOING RISTAUIIAN7 FISHING FOR YOU We hope to take a TO TRY... couple of weeks off We are going and go to sell our fishing Inventory at Boca Jaycees, sporting a few bruised fingers, workmrj cost and start fresh •Crway at the Boy Scout Hut for local boys in Jupiter. THE when we get Boca News Photo back Compare Our Prices Kiwanis And Jaycees And Be Sure of What You Really Pay

Build Jupiter Scout Hut A REAL VACATION SPECIAL The Boca Raton Kiwanis Club wil have shelter when they at- and the Jaycees are jointly build- tend camp. 1957 ing a permanent six - man hut It is being built at the official at the summer Boy Scout Camp Gulf Stream Council Camp on at Jupiter so that local scouts the Loxahatchee River west of Cadillac Sedan Deville All power, beautiful tutone blue paint. 24-Hour Ambulance Registered Nurse CHEF Interior cannot be in Attendance South of Delray told from new. Only and Qjcy§®r* Service 4,000 miles. Now- $4975 ©n Highway 1 jTfSi 1955 Buick Special Hard Top AMBULANCE Dynaflow, tutone paint OPEN and It's real clean. Only DIAL 1__T 5481 - $1390 BOCA RATON DEERFIELD SUNDAY 1955 Dodge Coronet V-8 JUNE 30 Automatic transmission, Henderson Jfuneral tutone paint, white wall tires. Ress %. Henderson, Licensed Funeral Director Thomas u. Cook, Associate 1956 Specializing in 1956 Ford Parklane V_8 (P.S. Thunderbird Engine) 217HILLSBORO BLVD. DEERFIELD BEACH Fordomotlc V—« Real Italian Club Sedan. Fo»domaUc. Radio, . Power and American white walls, tutone paint a clean one*owner car. seat, radio, white walla -tome Made Dishes A real fancy automobile. $1460 $1620 MeSt-in-your Mouth 1955 Olds 88 1954 Mercury Hard Top $m hit lusnsii ITALIAN PASTRiiS 4—Door Sedan. Radio AU white paint job, and tutane paint. N» gsod tires. MirMiyRMCii... power but a celan eaff IN0OO8I mi OUT I • nly- . SAVE nistable rrnrtsl tha Yes delicious $1445 $330 easy, RUST-OLEUM •fay... )us( brush RUST-OLEUM pizza pies 769 Dump-Proof Red Primer diratlly ever ttuttd tnt\att> to take out ... after scraping and wire* brushing