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AJI tn,' ~'WI' 0' All tlte Point,. Every ThundlY Morning . * * • CIII TUx.d~ 2.6900 rosse • i- Complete News Coverage of A.U the Po intes ews

VOLUME 20-NO, 24 Entered u second Clu. Matter .t the Post Oftfe. at Detroit. Mlell. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JUNE I'. /959 6c Pel' Copy '3.~ Per Year 24 PAGES' TWO SECTION , SECTION 1

HEADLINE~ Richard Gals'Fast'Off Their Marks --'- oflhe '''EEK All Pointe Tennis Dr. Whiteley As COttlt':lea by Ih. ,'" 0'" Tops Ticket Grf}sse PO;"le Neu's T. ourney to . pen For Trustee Thursday, June 4 . THE WESTERN forei gn lncurtlb~n;' Pon9rl~z Un- ministers have offered a ,neW At Clubon June 27 seated; Henry Haberkorn five-point truce p:-oposal ove; . I I Wins One. Year Term Berlin which WOUld. include' ... All Players Urged to Enter Event Started in 1956; • freeze on Westem troops in ~ West Berlin' in exchange for Cllsses Provided f,)r Both Sexes A mandate by the voters Russian agreement to the iso-' ../ . , ' Of All Age Groups of the Grosse Pointe School lated city's freedom. District rejected an incum. At present, the West has a The third All Grosse Pointe TennisTou~'J1ament be.t;1t's bid for another term 10,OOO-man troop garrison in will open Saturday, June 27, and will be completed as a member of the Board West Berlin, 5,000 Am~ricans, Sunday, July 5, at the NeighborhooCl Club, St. Clair and Waterloo. 1'---- _ of Education at an election 3.000 arilish and 2,000 French. held on Monday, June 8 A swift agreement by the Th~s tournament U ope~ to and picked a newcomer t~ Russians is not expected, .but I all res~dents of th~ five Gro~e Devils Will, replace him. ' it was thought that the Soviet Pointes. It is sanctioned by the diplomats were interested. U,S.L.T.A. and sponsored by BeL T" J ' 'Defeated was Edward Pon. • • • the Neigliborhood Club, which 'rop' gracz, who received 2,071 asked H. Gorpon . Woo d, "'Y' Friday, June 5 votes; and replacing him was AN INVESTIGATION' of Charles Wright III, and Roland Dr. Robert Whiteley, who POll- Gray to act as the committee .O'lCe Aga~.n the books and records of the in charge." ed the, highest number ot Society of Survival Interna' •. .! votes, 2,843. THe term it for tiona r SOS has been ordered .. They urge~ a11 tennis playe-rs GPHS A hI four years. by the Corporation and Se- to enter, remir.ding them that t etes Capture curities Commission. The SOS it isa fun tournament with More Top Honors Than Retained on the board, also was orgallized last year to ap- conSolation tournaments in All Teams Combined for four years, was Mrs. Ruth all events. There will be __ pea! t6 heart disease patients. Goepel, who was given .2,260 votes. According to Commissioner players of every calibre. By Fred Runnells Lawrence Gubow, the ,5OCiety , Time to Enter GrosseP a i n t e High Elected to fill the unexpired asked to have its status Enter how and get partners School captured the covet. term of James W. Lee III. changed to nonprofit. How- for the doubles events. Entries whose resignation cretlted a ever, in pamphlets available must be made in person at the ed Border. Cities League vacancy on the board, Was C. atan address in the Penobscot NeighborhOod Club or Gray's All-Sports trophy.for the Henry' Haberkol'n, who reo Sport Shop. The one entry sixth consecutive year with ceiv~ 1,58i votes ..' He building, the SOS has already , No' race ever h'ad a more 'e~en start than this one "'ill been calling itself 'a nonprofit • . -Picture by Mllton Volkens fee of $3.00 for adul,ts, $1.00 a combined total of 147% serve from July, 1, 1959, to . dalring the annual Field Day held by Richard Schooi conducted on the. school playground in Ridge road,' for juniors permits' ~ to points annexed in the six June '30, 1960.. ' organization. "We have not, between McMillan and Muir roads. enter ~ny or all events fill' a. ., by any stretch of the imagina- on Thurs,day, June 4. A full program of events was wh'ICh .he or she is eligible. m Jor SPOrts. ". He' d.efea'-~~ D...... Courtn.~"" The following events will : .Although the Devi.ls captur. Rankin, .who got 1,',90''I votes, be held: ed only t,he te~nis cham'Pron~andOhatles W. Zentrrat, who ner,::~~,',es:~r:;:City-County J~~Pho~.a~~~:Health Com- ..GPU. S R.ead.'.y'.-Hunt_ ClUb's H.orse. Show S.ent to.....Jail Men's-Singles and Doubles. ship •. the Pointers shared the l'eceiveq.997. ' W ' football title with Royal Oak • Doubles.omens-Singles and 'and took SCC1:lnd plaees .. in Only t,ZIt Vote _iO:::•.:..;,;.0', FOrOpfi.Riug E~tedlOp~.~~~~~'C. ...for JtoJilJery Junior Boy, (1B and undet") swimming, track andb~eb"al1. 'Areording to 6ft.'. I S' B,sketball was the lowest • lC1a ~ces, mglea and Doubles. finish; 'with the'r>evils taking ,289. ballots w,'e~.rst In the y~2i~ ~s:esn:;;OFfL~b;~OfCarnJ,val I ,rh.a"~!~~:QP#~'JlIDe, 18 InShores' ". JW1.iorBOYI. (IS and under) fourth p.lace ,', '.., elec~~w.tMeav.200 .... ~~~~1~cf~) ; .nH!.~;":.~C~?~f:~:j__ ~:r~ ~y ';"1::;"w.:; =~~~Big ...... d, 'f<>;- '.'~.; ~t~.~2;ciCI\l;~WoiH;.oi:'C..;n!ry.~ •. ~Ostp.i, .Se"~e.d' far Bu,g. 'SinBies ADd Doubles:.'.. '"the way' and lVJW-lJO.t,d.~:iMiIot.s,"lt~,.. ... Ja" ,*9,,- Planbe. disa~~aredd v.:hj]ew'o~'I'da::"f\I(or~irig~af'lO;'Antique An,ma/s ,Will Be Enteredll1! Totl' ".!' 'Iary of Dale Residence Junior Girls (111 and Under) mined until the end ofb,Ase- ,.,.." '.. ' .,,;c ,'. born mg nusslon urlng or '. 102 t . . Singles. - . " ball season'. It was: theiPo!rit~In~ li;IlJol,thenumbl!f" em C .'b Sh' . Of S h d , d Ev' War II. The nine crew lIl - Irs to e Own ",,:.t%' . . C e u e en ~... .. last January '0 M. cd Do hi (I ) ers' second place that wtapped 'that voted,. the b.illotin,. wd bel'S, two from Michigan, were The 48th amltla1' Grosse Pointe Horse Show, which ---,.- IX u es- al ages. up the trophy. Gl"O£SCPointe considered exception'al; in 'that ~try blanks are available trl\iled Royal Oak by 2* itwasrnore than double than first reported missing in' ac- A gigantic parade will will be presented at the CIubgrounds in Cook road on Shores Police Chief Fred at(piers),aN the thecity Neighborhoodbeach par,ks, points going into the. spring that of two years ago, urhen... tion and then dead. None of herald the opening of ,the the weekend of June 18-21, gives' indications of. reaching Duemling disclosed on Fri. them were :ve.r f~und. Grosse - Pointe University new s~nimits in. both quality and size. day, June 5, that the case Club and Grays Sport Shop., sports season. only about 1,800' went to the Sunday, June 7 Obtain your entry bl.anks 12.Time' Whmer polls, school oI'ficials said.' School Carnival this Satur. The American Hocse Shows~"'---~---____ against. two Detroit men now and enter today. The greatest winning mar- Th" h h b 1 TWO W AYNl:' CHILDREN day morning, Th'is' eighth Associatio{l has designat~ the 'of elasgeS increased from 88 who invaded the Robert F1rst Held in 1956 gin was compiled by Furdson IS IS t e way t e. al ot! were killed. Saturday, and annual all-school fair raises Grosse Point~ event as. an last year. to 102. Among the Dale residence, 50q Ballan- 'The first. tournament, was when the Tractors took the went at eac~ of the elementary their mother and baby brother money for the Scholarship or Horse, Show," a dis- new competi~iohs will be three tYI!e, last January 10, was held in 1956, with the follow- trophy with I621h points in ~chools, which served as poll. injured when they were struck u!i0r: Fund. tmctlOn that IS reserved for and five-gaited stakes for closed. I . ing emerging as winners: the 1941-42y ear. 'Grosse :ng places for the areas: by an automobile on the way Men's Sin g 1e s, San d y Point's highest winning total Votin( 111Preclnets home from a visit at their In .the cavalcade will. be a mere handful of the fore- Michigan-owned horses only The chief said that the two, cars of all types" modern, most horse:s~ows in the Uni~ed Th l'k lihood' that the Walter Simard, 28, of 7452 Wiener, Jr.' (Continued on Pare 10) , grandmother's. The driver of Men's Do ubI e s, Joseph ------Trombly _ Whiteley, 262: asportsu models and 'antique States. ThIS IS the only major : I eh IS d'11 Steger, and Donald E. Lisiew- the car. GilJ.rran' D. Mullreed 'tos "'I'th th~ EdI.S'on Com'_ outdoor horse show in Michi- num er.of .orses entere w~ . Kristufek and Dr. Robert Goebel, 148; Pon'gracz, 186; of Belleville, said that the vic- pany callioPen featured.,~ , gan ,which has received this be up about 10. '.percent . over ski,guilty28, toof 17389a chargeMendota,'ofarmedpled Behan, Alan", Boxes' Haberkorn, 172; Rankin, 121: tims stepped in front of his Among the o\'mers ~ an'- cherished accolade. last year. OffiCials ~shmate. C H~~~n's Sin g Ie s, Betty and Zentgrar, 64. • car. "I was right on top of tique cars who > wI'.l'lv..drl've The show will be bigger the.. val u .e of file. . proud robbery before Wayne ircuit Not for Fu", them "'hen they turned into their model$ will ..be Edward than ever with the numbf:r. thoroughbreds that. . Will. take Judge. F.rank .Fitzgerald on Mixed Do ubi e s. San d y Defer -Whiteley, 192; Goe~ the street ... he said .. '. part In the show at upwards Monday,' June 1, and were Skae, Richard E. Williams, of $2,000,000, Entries have sentenced. ' (Continued OIl Pare 2) Police and fire 'officials of bel, 209; Pongracz, 206; Haber- He was going 40 to 45 miles per hour in a 45 mile. an hour Alfred R. Glancy, Jr., Harold Catch Bltrgla. r already been submitted by Si1llard was placed on five ------the Park and City are anxious korn, 126; Rankin, 82; and zone. Dead are, Howard Mil- R, Boyer, Harold Emmons, outstanding' stables from lIIi- years probation, and Lisiew- W' I I to meet the person with the Zentgraf, 121. ton Johnson, 5. an

\ 2 2 a aa 5 a a a a a 44 4 • a • c.usspssss s • eo •••••••••••• 4.4.- ..~~~ ....~~~~~-~~~ •

I PI94 Two G R 0 SSE P 0,1 N TEN E W S Tnursc!ay, June II. 19&9 Escapees All ~ointe.ITennis> Tourn~y #. . J ----, •(Contiaued frOID Pale 1) , ,(c.. tiaue4 fl'OlB 'pare l) (CO.tilllle4 froDs Pare 1) lcallTed Hin~ at TU 5-4600 or Wiener, Jr. andBetty Hansen. George Neirinck or Roland I ' been taken in a burglary of an area and remained there until J\tnior Singles, Bill 8ryant. Gray at TU 1-.5262. SPEC:IAlS ' East Detroit home recently. dusk. " The two policemen called Walking alOlli, theYltaw t.wo J u n i 0 r' D o,u b 1e~':Rick ------as a 'breeze! WEEK lNDING JUNI 20 Debooit detectives pf the Firth bicycles in front of 660 Wash- Champion and Bill Br'yirit Precinct. ington, which they t06k. _ , Girls' Sin g I e s,Be Jin e Zoar Society. to Ilold DRAPES Goodrich was taken inw cus- They. p e d a led the bikes LaHood. ' Meetin9 at Memorial .It you have any questions 39 tody by,tne Detroit police, and a ~ 0 u n'd \he, 'streets in the lI"to $1 a search of the hQuse was Farms, arnving at 172 Ken- pertaining to the tournament The members of the' ZOlll' 4'" made; wood place, where they aban~ Sociely of, the Evangelical FUR COATS , The' police officers said that doned the two,-\vheelers. and Home for Children and Aged, lhe house, was 'loaded" with sW,le a car belonging to Alex- 6700 West Outer drive, will TIES loot, taken from all of' the bur- ander Elrick of 121 Muir road, hold their annual. meeting on Friday, June 19. . PUIItIIS' , glaries. with more found on which wail parked there. , C the front seat of Goodl'ich's Driving down Jefferson, the (Contin'Jed from Pare 1), ==~~MI1'HODS ,~'S receritedit~ons . of .~popular A luncheon atU:3q p.m. wii] 3 FOR 39 car, parked near his house. ' driver of•.the car lost cont~ol ....ft sellers, children's favorites and precede the meeting to be l1eld 1_, All the stolen goods wer~ 'wbile lIlaking a turn onto Bal. MW-. v $1... . ".", .' paperbacks. :.',. • , . impounded and, held as ,evi. four, running over the lawns at the Gl'QS,<;ePointe War Me- Allison, Monroe is gen~ PAY NEXT FALL! WOOUN GARM!!NT dence; and Goodrichwa!> taken of hunibers 987, '978 and 970, G. modal, 32 Lake,shol'e road. era' chairman of the Carnival DaY CLIANID AND PINISHfD to the McLellan Station in De- caW!ingd,Ullage to ~he .Iawns. 5 H lit IS • .,. IXCLU5IV( LU5TK.T£X assisted by David Gillis. Henry troit, where he was extensively They a ban don e Elrick's WilY" WITII Ullt IulItiIllliy i1Un~IfN lOCI IlHVYfHATE ~O<:fSS d De~gur Lauve is arranging .a,.... liIIitIl ... IIIOIiw ... M, questioned. autolllQbile at Balfour' and ... , ,*~;,,~bc. for the' parade. The Carnival -_ -- AvOndale, walked to 703 Berk- " The Qnly, Pointe 'break.ins will 9.1S0' be opt'n F,I'Jdayailer- ,.,01 Aik t'or Our Special SIIoe ~~.~M~};~.~ the . suspect - a.dmitted were shire, and stole. a cal' owned by ---- $1n, noon and evening, IEPAI. Rep.alr Sen'lre. those in the Woods and City. Gladys Stohife'r of 130~ Somer- He did not operate in the set. They left. the vehicle in CLEANERS lllCLU~IV( Farms, it w~s said, front of 1020 Whittieri waJked EARNED REWARD lU~'fR IlA \ 1'1 his report, City Omeer to 1112 'Dev(lnshire and stole The SaCely PaMol Boys and '; ". "P" - ••• "~~ (LfANING a car belonging ,to Henry J. Boy .Scouts of St. Chiix:, of OPEN Fill SAT TIL 9 P M PllOCHS Van Tiem disclosed that Good- rich admitted taking a ,type- Damm of that _address. Montefalco School, were. re- writer, ~claphone and Ii Pola- , The youths' drove Damm's warded for a fine job done 1073 7 MAC~ ' AVE. , ,roid camera from,the beauty auto around the Park for a during the year with a trip to GROSSE POINTE WOODS salon, the latter item which he while, and then, returned it to Bob 1.0 Island on Friday; June sold; and.a \ transilluminator, the floont of the house. 5, by school officfals; Park Pa- used in physical examinations, They walked to 1130 Whit- trolman George Blair, schooi from the medical clinic. tier anl! tried ,to steal another safety officer, was an honored City Chief Tl10mas V. Trom- car there, out left, when they guest. • bly said the report also re- thought they had been seen. ------, vealed that Goodrich ,had They walked toward Vernor, WINS "1\1" TECH LETrER broken into a business estab- and two houses from the cor- Grosse Pointer Hugh McKee FATHER'S lishment in St. Clair Shores ner. one o~ the boys stopped was awarded his "M" at Michi~ and took 15 bottles of whiskey. a~d took off his'shoes to rest gan Tech as' a member of the DAY then went to the dock in the hIS feet. ,', varsity track team. City's muniCipal park, and About this time, police re-' June 21st ceived a call about the suspi- . ' dumped thealconol into Lake S1. Clair because, the suspect cious.ac~ions of the two youths, said, "I don't drink." and the~ were picked up by \ Patrolmen F l' a s e r and Mc- In the Woods,' Sgt. O.'Dell Dowell. and Det: Tobian said that all Chief Louwers said that ill of the loot taken from the the cars were returned tDthe EVERY- clinic in their city has been rightful owners, and 'clearance 'r l' e c 0 v ere d, including $300 reports were sent to Fanns worth of gold nuggets taken and City police regarding the 'from a dental office in the crimes committed in their building. communities. " The other loot was a micro- He said the boys were sent scope valued at $350, and a to the Jl,lvenife '. Detention camera and equipment worth Home to await transfer ba~k to .113,000 about $250. I. the Training School. The officers said that there Chief Louwers said that was about $50 in damage done .chargesof unlawfully driving to the offices by the suspect away' automobiles have been ,.~avings as he ransacked them and that filed against the boys with Ju- the safe that had held the venile Court by his depart- micrpscope and picture equip- ment. Customers qlent had to be replaced at a / i cost, of $185,. . ~,. , Chief Trombly' and O'Dell Caught in Act and Tobian .said that warrants -,-- Earns .•. will. besought against Good- , (Continued frOID Pale 1) 'ri<;h, charging him with break- MacEacherl1 went in the front ing and. entering in the night door, Officer Behrendt werit time and 1at:ceny trom build- to the rear. 'i.. . ,i Current Rat. ings. A hold has been placed Proulx, the ,chief' saId, ap: on Saving. on the suspect by the two de. parently heard MacEachern at pa.rtmen4 .. and ',polilre of the the front. ,and r,a~jothe rear, ~ •. t' other 'ci ties. ' . , ' and as he burst' OLlt the door; .. t '- . fATHER ,DOESN'T Goodrich, .at. least for the .. Behrendt drew his service re- Our' plak'cis completely 'flexible. oPens time be,ing. is. in the custOdy volver and ordered thesus- $£ of Detroit authorities: peet to raise hii hands. The your a,.ccoimt,and earns 3%. You add HAVE TO WEAR prowler was handcuffed 'and any amount, anytime 'you wish, a~d earn 8 HIT AND RUN DAMAGE taken to the station. . . 3% on every dollar in your. account. Your Nonna R. Phillip of 2032 Cap\. Andrew Teetaert ob- Norwood, told Woods police on t...ined a warrant approved by savi~g8 are insured .to $101000. Ask about A PATCH to enjoy Saturday, June 6, that while ou~ mail-saving plan, that's tops in con- ,~ . , . the Wayne CountyProsecu- her car was parked in front tor's Office on Tuesday, June venience for you. . of 20323 Mack avenue, a hit 9, charging Pro u I x with Hathaway $hirts and run driver dented ,the rear breaking and 'entering in the fender and hroke off the tail nFght tim,e and for being in Griswold at LaJayett, pipe. possession of bur¥lar tools. KERCHEVAL near ST. CLAIR - T~ese are the finest shirts you can buy for him. Chief Trombly praised the They cost only a little mo;e than ordinary shirts. two officers for their alert- And we have a truly wonderful selection of (jro~~~Pointe ness. H ;\thaway's business, sport and suburban shirts , . from which you can choose .. Ne.ws Many a man inherits a good 5.95 reputation, but few can keep Publlslled Every Thlluday 117 it. I Anteebo Publlsllers, I••.• " ~er.heval. Grosse Pointe f'at1lls, IIII.lllean Phone TU 2-clltt Tllree Trunk LI.e. I Entered a. ierond dal' lIlatter at ~{J, ~ the po.l olflcc, Detroit, MI•• II". under tbe act or Mardi 3, 1.,7. Subscription Rates: $3.50Per Year by Mail; .... 50 outside Wayne Coun. aM DETROIT ~~.~I. ty. All New. and Advertl.ln, Copy r:::."'~. '. • US9 W.. hln~ton HI,'d. Must Be in The New. Omee l>y Whether a man finally decides on Cadillac fodts dignity 't In tile Book Tower Tuesday Afternoon to Obtaln,,lll- The standard of tile world in sertion. and elegance-or for)tS thrift and practicality-he will ,~,,~ GROS!l~ poiNTE Address all mail (subscrip. ""'-::::t> IZ Kerrheval. , On tile Hili tio.ns, change of address. Forms get all four! He can travel to any corner of the land and 3579) to:-99 Kercheval Ave. , nelray lIuell, Fla. Hidden "aUty Inue. Grosse Pointe Farms 36, , he and his Cadillac will receive instant r!=coS-nitionand .' Michigan. respect. And he will also discover that his Cadillac is unusually' frugal with gasoline and consistently reliable. Planning headquarters for Very likely you have bee~ tempted by Cadillac" so why not visit your dealer and be i~ersuad(dby its (clmomy;

.t,l.d and cr •••• d by our kltch.n pl.nnlng .xp.rt.-ou.'om-buU' b, St. Chari••

You can have the style of your choice,Contcmpor8ry, Tradilional , or Modem, Off.lhe.F1oor plus your choice of SI. Charles convenience fealures and all for a lot less than you imagincd!

For Further' Information '\ and Free Estimates, Cail LA 7.9600

".1 Hay•• Ay'. LA 7.9600 J'lsiT YOU~ LO'CAT. AUTHORIZED CAD/iLAC DEALER Be/ftl't" liMper MId OllIe, Drifl' O'LEARYCADILLAC~ Inc. hlly-7110 .. ':M-'rl4ey ... t p. Ill. I 17153 Eo JefFERSON AY£., GtlOSSE POINTi ~,;l.flW~ W:l , ) ,( ., • -r- ...~"'-'.~- .- ,- ,- ,- - ;,' ',-,' ,', '","" -'. 'J :. '~,'


Thu~d.y, 'June'll, 1959 G,ROSSE POINT! NEWS Pag' Three nan Murphy~in~er Of Music Scholarship Help Yo'ur Postman on HIS Day Old Violation Grosse Poil)te High School will be a symphonic orchestra student Dan ,'Murphy, son of tour of Europe. Such countries Ticket Costly the Daniel J. Murphys of Wil. as France, the Netherlands, : Iiams avenue, has ',received an Polaild and Czechoslovakia are James E. LeMieux, 33, of 553 • eight week scholarship to In- Newport, . Detroit, personally .. on the itinerary; terlocheri, a national music paid an old speewngviolation camp affilia,ted with the Uni- Th~'group will go, toRus. ticket at the woods police sta~ ver:Sity of Michigan. . sia, also, if the officials of that tion on Monday, June 1, llnd Four of the eight weeks will country' agree to. the arrange. found it costly. be spent in preparation' for ments made by the State De. LeMieux, according to Po- the suit that weighs the latter tour weeks which, partment. . lice Sgt. Roland Symons, , " settled a ticket issued to him on August 16, 1955. This cost less than what .you him $25, the fine set by Woods Judge Don Goodrow, who told I FATHE~ 'S DAY the police officer, over the wear with it .... phone, tp collect that sum. .' IS JUNE 21 Sgt. Symons, on, a hunch, called the Detroit Traffic War- rant Clerk, and found that Le- the "TH~NLY,TE~f'by keep, him Mieux was wanted by Detroit police, who have a warrant for the man, charging him ~i~k6y.~nemaa cool with driving without an op- erator's license. IN THIS ' LeMieux was about to leave No need to go into a siesta every the Woods station, .when he hot day ... if you wear one drip- . I was "informed by the sel'geant .!:hat he could not leave, that of the~ new, incredibly light he was being detained for De- blend.s .0'£ dacron and fines~ dry troit authorities. wool. IATISTE Deft; "light t6uch". hand Ily tailoring ass u res you a cool Ha~away CARPETS and and comfortable appearance all through the day. " For over twenty-five year POST-. the all day outing are' slated for. the MAN HARVEY FOUCHEY, right, has postmen's death and retirement bene- RUGS BOUND '.; 7" been delivering mail on Washington fits. ,Gerri Sands, of Lochmoor road, - . Wash it end it drips dry w1th scarcely I wrin~le. ~~d Th. li9ht and airy weave and short Sleeves make it and Lincoln roads. Here he is selling a has been named queen of the Branch 4,Sc ~i~hey'!CJllcman .CLOTHES AU ticket to SIDNEY M.CADWELL on One Carriers Annual Field Day. If you cool. Choic. of 3 collar styles, each in White,lndia FEATURED BY US IN DETROIT Ivory and Bermuda Blue. Oed will be d.li9hted! his route, for the 22nd Detroit Letter want to aid the postman, who serves FAST SERVICE CarrierS Field Day to be held June 28 you, see him fat a tic;ket today. 6.f5 in WaHed Lake Park. Proceeds from IcCOY I SONS " Rotarians Attend CARPET COIPANY .wHlLING'S ,Plnn .Playground Program OPEN THURS. ANb FRI. ~~ ?llIIt<1 WllVt Big Convention UNTIL 8:30 P.M. Woodward at (irand Circu; Park For El;ementary Stude,.,ts - 14301 E, WARREN .Also ill Chict180 520 WOODWARD 6329 W. 7. MILE Eight Grosse Pointe Rota!'-, Comer LakewOOd Nertto ef CItyoC_ty II4t...... U_.-Is A summer' playground for Grosse F'ciinte Public Sch0i31 ians and their wives are ...... Pr.. ,.,. .... Nt .. Deer 0,. T1lw •• _ Prl. In. element:ary school age young- System, Designed as a nucleus spending .this week in New \ VA 2-4100 IIUOIE TO.ETIlIIT YISIToa~Y .. r "ml.AIlCIE Cf1lIIt~ IltenIIin sters in this area is being of- .for summer activities, the pro- York attending. the 50th ,an- fered' ,by 't'he Dep:artment of gram will assist parents to fill nual convention of the Rotary vacation days with construc- International, beirig 'held at Community Services Of' the; tive recreation and activities the Hotel Astor. , ,

. I~~~, ~~~~~~~~~i~I~rd~€~d~:1~E 8ELP.CONFIDBN~ f"':.'~:""~'~'[:~x::ll.'.. ,r~\ . ~~:~:~~~~~i~~~:Pa~:r~d~::~~;hS~~~:~1l~.~~a:; \ ISN"r ENOUGH ••.• .'x' Hl~Ferry. Activities .will ~gin on !{ammarskjold, secretary gtn- I< h:::o', Monp,ay, June 15, Wlth two eral of the' United. Nations, *~'.It', father-time. agai!l •.• and once' more the gifk most mft exceptions:' Maire will begin Nelson.A, R,ockefeller, 'gover- . Thia is an active ~. Ria time .

r.:.'~w.;,i.,~.;.:: ..l.!:. likely to IUcceedwill be selechtd at Young's. ,For the gin C!n Wednesday, June n ~d" noro! New York and 'Pearl ia valuable, and. h. m~ ~ ;~ hllppiest solution to your present problems. >. 9ive him p~~Poupard will start on Mond'llY, S. Buck, famous.l:lu~hor, bimeelf aeeordin&\y. Thia man I;'.'gifts to we.r. .'. ¥~ JW1e 2a, .The' prOgram will . ill too. buay-too realiatie-too 1 t~], J I ., J %MJ c ont i n u e tor eight weeks, ~ iI' ''':m :. ='••f.lIl1ilif:~ I"<" . .' ... ..' \.; " 1M~ through August. 7th, with .the . practical to attempt to band\e !~,~ Father's,;Day;-. Sund~Y,.June ~1 ,:t':; following schedule: '9:30 a.m,- ' ~ hie busin .. and pel"IlOnal a1fairw, M:3 I i@ 12 nOon, Maire School; 1p.m,- . . withollt .. iatuce. lU1d pid.... , . @i~ ~ 4 .p.rn., all "sch~la"rU~pt ',." , fit " , ".,~.~;.. ~~iII.1.,rfr'; r, ,'; •• fh(Jilt.. ~ , ~fjii j: ':~q;jii' li1".;.:t,~!'(": ;2'%1M81r'e.'., ~,.',., \,'.\~'~~"'!J:k,r ~~:,,;~,~y' ~~\t~ ..: .. ,.. ,. .... ,. ..•....• ,.~•.' .~.'•....":... , @t . Handicraft, ,kngl'~'itobr 'I !:: ;;:~~ ,l. I . tt1 periods, circle garnes, solt ball, ~, i.udpJent Of people 'lib ,, ,\ "

X" Ht croquet and hor1lesl:J.oes1'~e hie attomey-hia ba~ker-hi8 WhiM ~Summ.r Dr.ss SllIirts ' lennuda'Sltorts some of the ~ny en~ining ~ll Wi insurance alent~tt"d "" I;;m The newest of shirt fashions dtsigned to In wrinkle-resi.tant fabrics and in tHe f.N~ aih:t worthwhIle activItIes, to i!d keep Dad cool ond comfortable. newest models. @t be offered. Special events will elotlcier. ,,~q . M~ include: picnics, costume par- l!@~ .' 'al... leach Neckwear L1ghtweiqttl Jackehrill ties, talent shows and treasure •••~70UW.~' nw We have the shade ond' pottern Dad' will For golfers or nan-golfers . or iust ~lil!l hunts.' .'. ' ,\ ik~ appreciate. See. our coUection. plain leisure weor.. ~:,m~ The' in.structional .staff is '1 C" ~,.!!:!;.l Summerweight .'alcima; Gifts of Hosiery 1@!composed.ofteachers,recrea. We havll modtrn s~cidlly ~signed testing equipment ... There's a huge selection of colors and Knee-length for wolking shorts, ankle-hug- tion workers, and co~legestl;l- I , " ~~g . arid 0 complete stock of , 1J' patterns thclt are sure to pleose, ging orgyles, etc. ~% dents who.are e~rlen.ced In faCtory parts to do. your . TV repair job right the first : ': n. Fi.est s;ort Shirts tirne~ Coli us! Newest potferns ond models with I~ or ~~ ..++wi> shart sleeves, And SO cool.. /{I' . ~... ,A ,,lU.S-011 0 'r-r:~/.- ' ,. ';.' DETROIT cl1, ,. I' 1%5. WAfllllllitoa Blvd . •• itsport Sltlrts. .... '. . . . ''', . fM SerVice Center for the Staff. _V~ 111tile BooII; ,Tower . Comfortable ond cool •. '. ,~nd perfect for nw The workshop acquaints the C. A~:NunIN6 CO. :t1! . both Qc~ive and leisu~e s~rts. . :Mf: supervisors with program re- ,~,~ G.~~": ~INTt: R.dio .. T.lnisi •• ,,~ . It Jl:e~ehevrJ, Illli. MEN'S WEAR, I Ne. Nl quirement.~ and gives them a On the Hin ..... CardiCJa. Sweaters 16930 Ker,hevlIl, lit Notre Dllme fM chance to exchange ideas and 141 FISHER RD Dclray Bucll, "Ia. 0 Hidden Valley Mlii New low front rTtodels in yo~r choice of ~M! learn' new craft techT,iques. , ...:.J ',:~.:,'..::.:.:.:..~.,:,•.:..I:~::.~..,.::;..1.,... mony col~rs. ~lso pull.overs. I.:iiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i im Crat! material used' are' avail. ,,'~: .J.. n.. Swim TnlllkS lW able to the youngsters at cost. l"'" TU.edo 1.9252 ~:H::: '. Participants in the activities REMEMIEIU i.:•••~:,.!.:~.:.::.l...::.::•.:.:::~: wHaotnders,.aCmeaboOl'lnatsehets,betoo°C.h,.practical in the • :¥lli need not register .ahead of ~he .":: H% opening dates, and are not 00- .F~'ther's D'IlY Sunday, .Jun. 21. . li~~;~ ' 1--0-P-E-N-F-R-I-D-A-Y-E-V-E-N-.-N-G-S-T-I-L-L-9-:00--1-' i:,n~ ~~e~ ~nfo~~~on~a~iJ'l ~~, :~~;} ). W::~ Department 0 f CommunIty \ J~j~lrumhk~ml1)1tn@@f@f%Mn@MrniWgH~m¥tdUtm~tJ\1;lMMF\%NJH6P:::Il~?T;m'EB;m~1~~~2;if.es at :TU 5-3808 or TU I REMEMIEII F~ther.'s DIlY '. Sunday, ,June 21

....ax, in OW wash-we. Meft', IetIUN;'aM of ...... tlhe .01... Cefton IMIh eo'Y~ HJYOft~ Ihirtl you'v. ever relox.d in..,wolhobte blend casuaK wiih ",mlMr comfort knit right Nt. ".trirMy kJt10fed c~ that " . 'fro m our ""tom.detailed colledionc keep their good ~ks ~ovgh .. "w.stport" white, blue, lftCIil'; in loUinmet' hours of goWing, kIrMy navy or black; .mbroide~ pelican pknicing, outdoor borbecutn.g trim. knit collar. el'ttrCl.long .hirt toil. ~ "$Ol'tOny" in white, r.d or block with _ .--in9 Ofovnd the ycKd, Itriped convertible collar Clnd cuffs. tel belted pIeoted "'_ Co "Mlrt' "' white, ;~y, blue or bock ftop pock ..... ~ MMr Itriped plocket ond tonv.rtible IOttor. ti... s, m, I, M, each 14.00 ~ .... gwf, 19M bfOW& 30 to ... IIil.J. .. ..

2.HOUIT FUE 'AUING STORE HOURS: ON ANY OF THE THREE Monday through Saturday MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS 9:30 o,m. to 5:30 p.m. Ticket. valldoted wh.n you make 0 ~rch(u.

I, I", L " , '

Th'ursd.y, June t I,' 1959 P.~ Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS', . Tickels for the "Tender was presen~ ciuriDI tile HeJpother ~le bear their I ~ucce. comel. through en. ' Trap", priced at ,$1.25 fW ad. GPCT's re.&ubu June meetillf burdens, but don't Come home couragement, .not continuous POinte Theater to Present 'Tender 'Trap' Four Times ults and 75cfor students, may Monday night at' the Wl'.r la.ded every night.. .,). ,lectUre'.. .. , be purchaSed at th:e Grosse Memorial. Directed by 'Pam First of four performances comesalOlll, is )In. Sal:ly either back stace or on stage der Trap", Mrs, Rickie Giro~ Pointe War Memorial Russell, the workshop produc- Lik. An """ Kee . of the GrOsse Pointe Conunu- White, 5015 Lannoo. who di. in virtually everY GPCT pro- 'dot, 1342' Beacoiisfield, Grosse A capsule. version. of two tion f~tu.red Diane Teske, nity Theater's 'production ol recte

lake, while the Terrace' itself yew. > will be the spacious stage .for ~w.o. at • Oharlie's female the romantic;: comedy by Max frien~ are' played by Marie Shulman and Robert Paul Lajoie, 8432 Jeffers6p. Detroit, '" ~II. Smith. an York bachelor with a plays'Sol,. beatnik trombon- bevy of female admirers, while ist., ; > I' _ . J'llIl Conway, 927 Lakepointe, Directing "The Tender Trap" Open an' account' at Peoples Federal Savings where every dollar of your has been cast as Julie Gillis, is Mrs. ~el'ry Meyer, '168 'Neff, the young lady who has an English-drama teacher at savings earns the current rate of 3%. Every dollar entered before the tenth planned her entire life" in- Brownell Junior High School, ' of the month ea!ns from the first of thel'Oonth. Get the happy feeling' of eluding the acquisition of who . was recently chosen "money-saved", ••. savings that GROW, and are insured against loss, by Charlie as her husban'd. '''Teacher of the Day". in the Roark, a free lance actor Detroit area. She directed last The Federal Savings and loan Insurance Corporation, up to $10,000. and announcer, has appeared year's outdoor Ter.race pro- on "Night Court" regularly as duction of '~The Philadelphia a policeman, has done motion Story" and has appeared on picture work and appeare,d in stage in "Solid Gold Cadillac" EOPLES ,.F'EDERAL .SAVING' a number of Broadway plays, this year. -' '. ..'. \. ,. ' and oame to Grosse Pointe Mrs. Barbara Roney,' 28106 ~ pho.-s: ,Main Office WO 1- 0170 Iranc!J olice LA 1-1'ltI from Hollywood, Calif., where Nieman, 81. Clair Shores, who he appeared with the Ben also 'appew'ed in "'SoHd Gold 1201 G,.lswol~ alState t..... Harper ~nd Outer. Drive begins with Bard Players and the Players Cadillac" earlier this seas'on Ring. and has played fmportant parts , Miss Conway, a striking ------~------'---'------blonde, is a student at Gros~ NI.t:;-..$'t;;,~J LEAD BASE Pointe High School an!d has appeared in school plays. Backing up the stars is a cast of veteran Grosse Pointe H\OU,SE Community Theatre players: AI BEmeeI" 45 Radnor Cir. White- cle, who' won the GPCT's ~\WhiteSStay II t "Clarence Award" last year as CO\ol'S Stay 8righ . the best supporting actor' for PAl NT his role of Sheriff Hartman in "The Front Page," plays Joe McCall, the mar r ,ie d , visitor who envies Charlie's DO~S NOT harem and who has invented WASH DOWN a cure for the common cold. Bertell, who played Cap1. ,AND STAIN Queeg in the GPCT's produc- MASONRY tion of "caine Mutiny Court Martial" earlier this season SURFACES, and lias appeared in a, score of other GPCT productions in re- cent years, also had the lead in . the Ibex preSentation of "Light \Up the Sky", last ,.schreiber ,PcIIllt & 'Glass '.Co. month. . ' Cast as Sylvia, the girl who VA 2.1330 'plays the violin and first in Charlie!s affe~tions until Julie

"r ..• .A.greener laWn to iff up ,you!..

Scotts lUllS Feeds rile grass as it kills tht weeds! --ScOTTS.. PRODUCTS ARE' GUARANTEtD SAVE '7 , SAVE $13 No. 35 Spreader alone, , , " 16.95 ,No. 75 Spreader alone 24.95 10,000 sq. ft. T'Irf Builder, ... 8.95: 20,000 sq. ft. Turf, Builder .. , 17.90 .--25.90 42.i5 Both only 18.90 Both only 29.85

SAVE 2..45 SAVE $5 No. 20 Spreader .Ione ..... 12.95 No. 35 Spr•• der: .lone ..... 16.95 the road-hugging Wide-Track Pontiac! 2,500 sq. ft. Bonus ....•... 3.45 5,000 1Cf. ft. Bonus, '...... 22.905.95 16.4P Both only 13,.95 Both only '17.90. Wide-Track Wheel design brings car balanced. Lean and sway disappear. and road' into a new 'relationship~'The It's the autOmotive advancement of - wheels of a Pontiac are five inches thp, year and one of the' big reasons (Jtiiiiiiim. i !!! ~ f~g,g;:A,4"".". ""-; SAVE $9 • P~t MOss farther apart. This widens the stance why you see so marry new Pontiacs ~/ .1 .. ,\l No. 75 Spreader alone .• ,.. 24.~5 these days. Hasn't tbe day come for 10,000 sq, ft. Bonus ••.• , •• , 10.95 but not the car. There's a feeling of THE !!!!.!:! C~~ WITH W1DE.TRACIC WHEm . '15.90 • Peat Humus complete control, road.holding you to' drive t~s sleek beauty? The D«led lineS 'show conventionll wheel posi. tions. Pontiac's wheels are fiv'e indles fllther responSe, You'i'esteadier, more secure, keys are waiting at your nearest dealer, apart. This widens o,ly the stance, rnll tilt Both only 26.90 • Top Soil car ftStlf. Pontiac hugs tighter on curves IIld corners. Sway and lean are conslderab Iy PONTIAC t AMERICA'S NUMBER CD ROAD CAR: reduced, ride iumootlltr, balanced, slllldier. \


• I ,. u) hI 941##0 #. ,0:0,» .$ •. #~,.¥"'P.@ .4:..4' 0 R. P., tP le .... 4 • .,. +.':'4' ~ ,t+ *' "" N' ....,w .. ;u ow ,.,.-":,,, ,;w= ... HJ f •••a.3121:.1121'15d1'1.Ii.S.'.iL.g.g -£4-,-£.4 k S. UX 4l.44AZ PJ4.44fA A .4;;Xi ,4£A:cAA)4)¥",. PH. F", .!. " ", ','" " .' ' ': ' ';,',.', ,'" '" ~' .~' ~',"""':, \.', ", '.' ,~ •• ,.... ,,:'.,," ,:' I ,',~, :.

Thursday, Jun. II,' I~59 (;ROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five The present Colle,e of Pharm. Mother-in-Law REPORTS LARCENY Ito F,arms police on wedneS-] while it was' parked in the acy, the first in a state uni. Park Police 'Give Alway' ,.Gerald A. To.mlinso. n Of.~952 day, June 3, that tour hub- lot of Harry SU.fferin, Mack versity, ~ elltablished in Has Last Laugh Elwood" Berkley, co~plamed caps were stolen from hi:; ,c~r and Moross. . 1876. Entertaini~ mother.iri- Another ~urglary Case law is at best a qualified pleas- Give him ure, but for one Farms !resi- Park police "gave away" witness said. He ill being dent it resulted in an embar- another breaking arid entering sought as a suspect. rassing encounter. with the case on Wednesday, June 3, On May 6, Beader's'Hobby It's N0 t ! g(mdarmes on Sunday, June 7. after carrying out a prelim i- Shop, 149~9 Jefferson, located 5e ere Barbecue, He had spent a long warm nary investigation. at the northwest comer of evening. at the bridge table The buq:lary of the home of Jefferson, was, broken into. • Fine Carpeting Accessories with his wife's au n t and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bouf.' Arter taking a report and con- • Quality Installations mother, and after trying to f a I' d, 865 Barring\on,. was ducting' the initial investiga- for help her make the house pre~ turned, over to the jurisdiction tion, Park:' police discovered • Low Priees senta.ble~or Monday morning, of Detroit authorities because that the matter was not in had partHllly disrobed "'and entrance into the house was their jurisdiction' since the • Terms Arranged dozed off as he waited for his made on the Detroit side. . entry into the sh~p was done • Electric Spits wife to set. the breakfast table. As in the 'case of Way burn, on the Detroit side . • Stainl." St.el She then. reminded him that B~rr~ngton homes are part~ally Entry was gained by break, Cooking Tool, mother-in-law's car being in ~1~1n t~e Par~, and ~artlally ing the glass of the rear door, the garage, his was at the curb In etrolt. Barrington IS south, just two feet be~'ond the Park and unlocked. The rest of the' and Wayburn, north of Jeffer- city limit. . c.r,.tllli co. neighborhood had been asleep son.. ,. ,'Chief Louwers said that $30 for hours" so our drowsy male , All im:estigatio~ r.eports and was taken from the cas, regis- 15839 E. Warren near Buckingham TUxedo 1.6022 plodded 'out through the dark- mfor"."all~n pertammg to the tel'. and nothing else seemed ness without bothering to add b~'eakJng mto t~eho~e, were to have been disturbed. to his: abbreviated attire. As ,glV~n to DetrOIt police, P8rk he reached the curb, a lale Po.lIce Chief Al"t)1ur Louwers motorist approached the near- saId. Charcoal Scuttles est

cho~se from 2 styles A Wisconsin resident, visit. ing in the Pat'k, lost all of his clothing to a thief who broke white and gold into his car during the night of Wednesday, June 3. " James Schlude of 132 E. To- black ~ gold bacnoirj Kaukauna, a guest at 1023 Beaconsfield, !;.lcept his pr~lt; e 5 " ol;;~ gr_ .. '.,jgo14 clothing in his car parked in ~ front of the house. Wednesday, he discovered the right vent window of his car broken, and show on the clothing missing. I, ' . enhancing lIdditions to your home .•. nllnd-decorllted tole !lImps, now offered lIt The report of thethef( was made by Dan Nelson of the this spec illI price! Stand 23" to top of shllde: 6"glass reflector, !4112" tole shade, Beaconsfield address. th e be a chI and 3-way light. Two handsome styles in three color cambinlltions! Schlude reported the fol- lowing items stolen, three men's suits, a topcoat, rain try-ons coat, sports coat, four trous- 2.HOUIl FREE "AItKIN& ers, seven shirts, a jacket and a bath robe. • ON ANY OF THE THREe Police said that the visitor n 9 valtied his loss at a total of g.~I. MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS $463. Tickets validated when Home Decorative Shop on now you make a purchase The sting of deflSlt lingers 17141 Kercheval ,long after the a p pia use of victory. • ID our young NOW YOU ~AN ALL DAY. • • BANK sWlmwear• shop! ",

, At The Michigan Bank all offices COMe ... ow beavfifu4 stor perfonMt'S, I 1o¥eIies1 ,.sum to be MiMI at the beach are open every Saturday 9:30 to 4:30 ., CfIWf:I'f at eaMP ...pkNdJ, prints and Iotids

ALL SAVINGS '" co4tcHl, .. CIftd loa•• a sea aI new ACCOUNTS flA Y ••• .,. ... -... .. goy ...... ~ ...... '.. % IN T£RIST o c:ompItte cc11ection for )'Oun9 beavty PIli ANNUM pclfoden. girts. Jiz.s 3 to 6a:, and 7 to ,<&.

COMPOUNDED AND PAID EVERY 90 DAYS pr...... Iiz.. 10to l6. 3.91 to .. 91 For complete banking services, visit The Michigan Bank office nearest you · · •

MDf'OItD EAST DOWNTOWN • Grlltlot at Harper • 1420 WOlIdnrd • Grand River at -6 t1_.,.",.1lI '" BruUolI" McNicholl EASTLAND AMA • MaiD Oftice: • E. 8 Mile Rolld 01IudiaD BaildiII, NORTHLAND AREA at Kelly Road JIIORrMWIIT • 16301 W. 8 Mile RoIId GIItOSH POINTE PARK • GI'lIIdRi.er .t Lm!nIoIl at Albury Park .1 t · 4 &1

.'IN 'YlL 411t lUll WIUIU; lULU"'" UTlfUU-"IUY , ••••••••• " • • • '. . 2.HOUl Pltll 'All KIN. THE MICIDGAN.ANK ON ANY OF THE TH~a MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS ""'l'U "DUAL RESERVE SYSTEM Tlck.t volidated when you mak. G purchase 15010 EAST JEFFERSON. NEAR ALTER ROAD IN GROSSE PTE. PARK

" ,',

Thursday. June II. 1959 P.~ Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS ,12 to Receive WMUDegree,' Baby Suffocates In Crib in Park " revive the baby with oxygen, Twelve Grosse Pointe stu- road, B.A.; Patricia A. Nelson, The seven-week-old daugh- WHEN YOU SEE THIS-SIGN AT OBITUARIES ter of a yoWl.g Park couple but withQut suoceltS, and the dents will receive theirdi- Brys qrive, !B.S.; Marlene L~ I suffucated in its crib during child was pronounced dead by I plomas from Western Michigan Reno, Neff road, B.A.; John the night of Monday, June 1, MRS. MARGARET COUNT cyan. TOLSTOI the Jamily physician, Dr. YOUR NEIGHBORS University in Kalamazoo, dur- Wardle, Washingt.on road; ~.S.; as it lay face down, unable to SYLVEEN MAHONEY Count Tolstoi, 66, of 180 Lawrence Kroha, who also Mrs. Mahoney, 62, died Lewiston l"Qad, died Monday, ing commencEment exercises Frimces Buccellato, M 0 r 0 s s vaise its head. Saturday, June 13. ., road, B.S.; Laura S. Vortman, made, attempts to revive her. Tuesday, June 2, at her home, June 8 in Henry Ford Hoe- The baby, Diane, was the They are: Carol Carstens, Oxford road, B.S.; arid Pa- The father told police that 251 Lothrop road. She was the pital. J. child of Estill, 20, and Mary ~ of Kerby road, B.S.; Catherine triciil L. Marino, two-yeal' he found the baby lyine face • wife of William B. Mahoney. He was born in the summer secretarial certificate. Lynn Dyer, 17, of 112; Bea- down in the crib, its nose and ,I ~...... She was a member of Naval palace of the Tsar, Tsarskoie Corey, Cloverly road, B.S.; consfield. mouth pressed onto the mat- Auxiliary Unit 318 of the Selo, Russia, in 1892, and at- Anne E. Hami, Somerset ave-, All but Miss Marino,' Miss The tot was found dead by tress. It appeared that the American Legion, Salon No. tended the Corps ~es Pages nue. B.S.; Marcia A. Loush, ~ann and Mr. Wardle~ll re- baby was unable to turn over Emory court, B.S.; Rozanne ceive teachers certificates for her father, who wakened at t1fULJ 10 of the 8 'and 40, VFW, and which is comparable to West on its back, or raise its head, S. Lynn, Balfour road, B,A.; eithe'i elementary or secoindary 6:20 a.m. for work. the Marine Historical Society Point. and suffocated. afli Jne Sally J. Metry, Buckingham education. Park firemen attempted to lt JXin of Detroit Inc. He was an officer in the ""c .' ~- In addition to her husband, horse guards of the Russian she is survived by three Imperial Atmy until the Bol. . . .. daughters, Mrs. Virginia Scott, shevik. revolution in 1917. He Mrs. Randall Holling~r and then joined the Cossacks \0 Mrs. Robert Young, two sis- fight against the Bolsheviks. tlmp\ete • ters, a brother and five grand- He became a liaison officer children. with thl:. British Expeditionary YOU KNOW Services were held Friday, forcl'S ift Russia and was evac- GARDiN Frolund's' SOMETHING NICE IS BEING DONE June 5 at Verheyden Funeral ulded. with" them, to Turkey Home and St. Paul on' the' at the end ot the .revolution. SHOP A "EW II.OOM ••• A NF.W HOME Lake Church. Burial was in He went to Paris Bn(f made Evergreen cemetery. a business of. training ,horses PI_SEITS THE 1959 "ElIE 0' Eitllera Hi.Fi Cabinet, loobfte/ns • • • for the steepleohase and also or Genera' Remodelin9 MR:S. HEliEN H. HICKS rode in horse shows. In 1929, he married Gwen- Mrs. Hicks of 1104 Kensing- dolyn Currie .. daughter of the ton road, died on Wednesday, Cameron Curries of Detroit, POWER MOWERS June 3. She was the widow and the couple lived in Paris Jacob sen of the late Albert V. Hicks. fol,' two years before coming Custom Made We have the right Jacobsen Power Mower for your lawn. Here are but. few 'She was a member of St. to Detroit 28 years ago. of the 24 models you can choose frOm-each designed for a specific mowin. Cla:ir of Montefalco Church. Count Tolstoiwas a retired job. We also hiave,cornplete paTts and facilities to service your present Jacobseo stockbroker and he was a , . , ' . Mrs. Hicks is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Thomas member of the Yondotega •• Trimmer-type Reel ~Iawen Club.' -~ • Turbo-Vac Grass Catchlnc D. McCorm~ck and Mrs. Ed- Rotary ward M. Owen, and three He is survived by his wife, • Exclusive Turbo- Cut Suction Ult Dlle • • ;I.coblen lIl-Torque E.Ct.eo MANOR gra':ldchildren. . ~~~~~f.sS H~w;~~~~n w~ur:~: • New Rldln( :'l:ower. Silk or Parchment The funeral was,.. Satur?ay, late' Count Peter To1stoi of • Prices from '14.50, up June 6, at the Ted \,;. Sulhvan. Russia. The family title was Model 28F F';U1eral Home on West Mc- granted under Pet e r the Famous. trimming type mower with Bring in y~ur base and NIchols roa~.. • Great in the early 1700's. high speed, 6-blade reel for velvet- let us help you select Services are today, June 11, smooth cutting. Trims close to obstacles, l\IRS. ANNE W. BLACK in his Lewiston road home, at mows over edges of walks or flower the right shade. We" Mrs. Black, 55, of Toumine 2:30 p.m. Burial will be in beds or under shrubbery. Rear wheel have a fine choice of materials in both silk and road died Sunday, June 7 in Elmwood cemetery. drive will not press down uncut grass. parchment. You'll surely find what you've always Cottage Hospital. She was the • • • wife of ~rge M. Black Jr .. DR.L.FERNALD FOSTER wanted. 1 optional A native of Detroit, she at- 22950 Dr. Foster, 68, of 787 Har- tended Liggett School here court road, died Wednesday, OUR STORl IS FA.THER'S DAY and the Spence-Chapin School May 27, in Harper-Hospital of COMFORTABLY in New York City. She was a leukemia. Air Conditioned Cards & Gifts past president of the Junior Dr. Foster was a founder of League and the Detroit Urban the Blue Shield medical serv- League, .a rounder of the wo- ice in~urance plan in Michigan men's committee of the United and was a member of the Lawn Queen Community Services (now the board of directors since 1939. United Foundation), a board At the time of his death, he The leading reel type mower i9h member and former treasurer was llhe president of the Michi- Jacobsen in the Jacobsen "line for 20 l's gan Medical Service (Blue Wh of .the Cottage Hospital; a member of 'IUu Beta Associa- Shield) and for 23 years was years. Ruggedly buitt to meet ani tion, the Garden Club of Mich- secretary of the Michigan the demands of professional ffill Lamp 8A"p igan, the Colonial Dames, a State Medical Society. users for precision cutting ••. fonner member of Theatre He retired from his pediatric 'PACER 18650 Mack, Next to Post Office' TU 5-8'19 practice in Bay City, March Arts and past treasurer of the A light-weight, safe sturdy long life. Easy to handle. 2 FR£E PARKING ALONGSIDE OF STORE Needlework Guild. 1957, to become medical ad- reel type mow,er that gives HP Jacobsen Hi-Torque en- ministrator of Blue Shield in In addition to her husband, 'a finished look to modest gine~ 2111 6-blad. Mrs. Black is survived by a Detroit. Also, he heLped found size laws. Easy to handle; daughter Mary Jane, a son, the Michigan Heart Associa- yeM's of reli- cutting reel. George M. III; and three sist- tion, serving as its first secre~ able service. 18"-6 blade ers, Mrs. Charles E. Crouse, tary, and started the Michigan Rheumatic Fever Control pro- reel; 2HP.Ja- Mrs. John Owen Ill, and Miss cobsen Hi- Mary Woodruff. gram. He is survived by his wife, Torq ueeJl- 50 Services were held yester- Katherine, a daughter, Mrs. gine. dl',Y. at the Groose Pointe Me 169 John MUITay and a son L. morial Church in Lake Shore Fernald Foster, Jr., an instruc- road. Burial was in Elmwood tor at Michigan State Univer- 50 cemetery. sity. Feature for fNt.r. - ' Single plate autolftot;ve disc-type el.tc'. • • • The funeral was Friday, fl"esfl 119 CHARLES A. J. HADLEY t.. May 29. Mr. Hadley, 60, of Neff road, VISIT OUR GARDEN SHOP NOW AND LEARN OF TH E MANY THINGS YOU SHOULD DO EARLY POR BEST RESULTS. \ died Friday, June 5. . He is survived by his wife, REPORTS LARCENY Dorothy, two. sons, William Park police took a report and Stephen, and a brother, from Edward Colton of 1468 • Elliott. Lakepointe, in which he com- :~~::'7.6;;~. GROSSE POINTE plained that a tire and wheel ~W Ideal for planting Services were held at Ver- heyden Funeral Home and and a fishing rod were stolen , NOW burial was in White Chapel from the trunk of his ,car while Grosse Pointe's Garden Headquarters 19815 MACK AVE" at HUNTINGTON cemetery. the vehicle was parked in front MANY VARIETIES ... '.., .. • • • of the house dw-ing the night When you choose plants from Semrau's you lire getting CAROLINE S. HUETTEMAN of Thursday, June 4. Mrs. Huetteman, 79, of Lake- the best vllriety thllt clIn be obtained. They h/lve been shore lane, died Saturday, expertly grown to give you fllst, luxurious growth and an June 6, in Bon Secours Hos- abundllOce of long.11I5ting colorful blooms. pital after a short illness. Mrs. Huetteman was a mem- ANNUALS GERANIUMS ber of the League of Catholic Worrien, the Bt>n - Secow-s Big selection of fine, La r 9 e and bus h y. Guild and the sponsors of the flowering plants, mony Dominican Sisters of the Sick sweet music to your ears Many Vllrieties thllt now in bloom. Petun- Poor. ias, Mllrigold5, Zinnills, wiH add outstanding She is survived by her hus- A5ters, Salvill and band, John; a son, John Jr., belluty to your garden, two daughters, Mrs. Viola mllny other5. Schumann and.:M:rs. Frank Jenney, arid a brother, Jacob P. Stocker. also, three grand- children and one great grand- 5EMRAU l]ree,,/'oujej child. Since 1916 Services were held yester- day at St. Paul's Church. (near Open 8 to 8. 23751 GRATIOT BUrial was in Mt. Olivet Closed Sundays 9% mi. rd.l cemetery.


YOU? GIO«GE ROBERTS DICK RONEY Formerly with Formerly with Roy Whyte Chevrolet Ray Whyte Chevrolet Rn. TU. 1.'.10 K... AD. 1.'110

An nou ncing Their Association With in a time ..thrift account at ... DAWSON TAILOR DETROIT BANK & TRUST Your-savings grow to beat the band at Detro~ SALES ~ SERVICE Bank & Trust, now earn 3% in a Time Thrift Account, Start the savings habit! Make payday SERVICE OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT "put-away day" at Detroit Bank & Trust 1 Grand River at Livernois .~ ...... • TEmple ~330

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Page Seven Thursday, Junell,195' 'GROSSE' POINTE NEWS .rch OHer- Bi.ble School \is Vicar Richard Hofmann who On JWlf.' 28, 1784, Joshua ot $2,000. He d.eeigned and Chu o will be assisted by a staff ot Humphreys was appointed built the Constitution,' Con- Insurance Agency's New Home ---'______. able teachers. Children of the Americtl's first Naval Con:. stellation, President, Chen.- The Ninth 'Annual Daily Va. In eha.r&e of this. school community are welcome. structor with an annual salary peake, and Unit~ States. cation Bible School sponsored \ by St, Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, Cha1fonte and Lo~h- rop, will be COflducted from GEl IN ON THI June 15, through the 26, 9:30 until 12 for children between the a~ of 4 and 12. There will be instruction in Big Rouild-Up Bible, Songs, Handiwork, arid Memory Work. There will be Blue ,.Ctoss DrugStore ~ -f\'.:::::-_,J...::Cl r. for, refreshments and, a recess period for each of the three 17511 Mack, at Neff Rd. deparbnents. /': r' ~a ~ CO~:Y. PRESCRI~rIONS TU 5.0828 Registered Pharmacist HOURS: 10 a. m •. to lOp. m. a'" Cowgirls Never try to judge a man's Alway. on Duty, Closed Sundays ages worth by the size ------of his bluff...... 6 to 16 11. You'll hove the time of " ~ . your I!f~ riding on ponies " . :' ,:" ": llnd riding horses . ~ .~ . , ... .': :. '. Every Monday Starting June 15

~t the Announcing

RANCH After little 'more than a year in planne

Repair Aluminum NOW ON VIEW IW YOUR IMPERIAL DEALER'S SHOWROOM 5tonIl Seth - sc...... - DMn P';ck.Up aJMI hli ....ry

ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FISHER RECORD MOTOR SALES, Inc. 15000 Kerchevlll, rirCK5e Point. 11531 Mac... TOlrailll. Detroit Et!llOft ServIce A.ency • "".... "' .... ~ "~."'." ... .J II.. I.

Thursday. 'June I I.' 19S9 'G R 0 55 E POINTE NEWS Park and Woods Cited for Safety Cad i 11 a c and Oldsmobile , Other officers re.elected at has ~one • dealer in Detroit since 1926. the meeting were: Dr. Robin Breaking Ground for Beauty's Sake One of' the most difficult the program. He C. Buerki, vice. president; He is president of the Katcher safety ci\ations that can be ob- magnificent job." Pointe Ralph E. Phelps, treasurer; Oldsmobile Company and a tainedwill be awarded the The Woods was also n<>tified William S. McNary, secretary; to former director of the Detroit Park at a ceremony later this that it, too, will receive al\ and Hazel Kennedy, assistant Bosines~ Auto Dealers' Association. He month, it was disclosed at a Outstanding Achievement Cer' is also a direclol' of the Olds- stlCretary. Park council meeting on Mon. tificate, according to Director mobile Dealers' Council, a di- .' . . day" June 8, by City Manager of Public Safety Vern C. rector of the Grosse Pointe Plym~uth de.alers will be Notes Robert Slone. J3ailey, who gave high p~aise Yacht Club and a member of dislrihuting fr ee Michigan Out standing Achievement to his school safety offIcer, The election of Charles A. the Detroit Athletic C,lub and maps and tourist f 0'1 d e r s through June and Ju1y, as part Certficates for no t r a f fie Patrolman Jack MaSt, for ". J. Kotcher to the board of di- the Lochmoor ,Club. Kotcher deaths, noteworthy perform- joh well done." rectors of Public' Bank has resiies il\ G l' 0 sse Poi n t e or' the Travel Campaign of the Greater Detroit. Plymouth ance in traffic safety activities Telegrams to' Park Mayor 'been announced by Joseph F. Farms. Dealers Association. and school traffic safety edu- Ken n tl t h Cunningh8m and Verhelle, president. • •• ' • • • cation, will go to the. Park on Woods Mayor Kenneth Kop- A U iversity' of De t l' 0 i,t I' The M i chi g ~ n .Bank :In- n, nounces that begmnlng Satur. Appointment of Richard M. a basis of a traffic inventory pin, frQm G. C. Stewart, ex!'- , graduate, Kotcher has been a day, June 6, all of its neighbor- Stockwell, of 433 Moross road program s'ponsored by the Na- cutive vice president of the hood,.as well as its two down. to the position of ,Account tional Safety CO,uncil. Safety Council, officially dis- town flfficp.s, w i I I be open Executive in the Detroit office Park Police Chief Arthur clooed the coniing awards. and every Saturday .from 9:30 a.m. of Young & Rubica:m, Inc., is Louwers said that an award that the two cities are in line to 4:30 p.m. In making the an- announced. He joined the firm fOI' schooltraflic safety is for possible Engineering En- nouncement J 0 h n C. Hay, a year ago after many years in about the most difficult to get, forcement and Court Awards. Ipl'('~idcnt ~aid "Our new sa,t-. appliance sales and merchan- lInd he gave credit for the urday ban kin g ho'us now di'sing. 1101;\01' to Patrolman George makes it possible for the pub- • • • Blair, school safety officel'. The University of Michigan \ lic and business people to en- Theodore J. Wilner, of 1374 "Patrolman Blair has work- recently renewed accredita- joy the conven',ence of' com- Nottingham road, and a senior ed hard in bringing safety tion of 73 high schools in il.l plete banking services every copywriter with ROss Roy, . education into all the schools working day of the week." Inc., has been elected presi-' in the Park," the chief said. an"nual accreditation program, • • • den t of the Southeastern "It is primarily through his 'acC1)l'(iing to Kent W. Leach, 'Two sales representatives of Michiga'n Chaptel' of the Na- effol'ls that our city has been director of 'the U-M Bureau of the Prudential Insurance Com- tional Society of Technical recognized for this phase of School Services. pany residing in Grosse Pointe Writers and Editors for the Woods have been admitted iri. 1959.60 terms. ' their two sons, BILL and ALLEN. to membership in the North- The Bank• of• the• Common- Ground breaking ceremonies on ern Star Club. The club is Others witnessing the ceremony, left wealth Main Office at Fort . June 2dor the new home of one of composed of leading sales rep- to right, are: NEIL BLONDELL, and Griswold, recently vastly I' 0 sse Pointe's outstanding hair U G LAST CALL 1'E!sentalives in P l' den t ial's Grosse Pointe City Com p t I' 0 11 e 1'; seven-state north central home remodeled, will be presented stylists, Leon Sehoyan, who holds FOR a'~-5CIlEEN PORTABLE TV MT" to the public during open many n at ion a 1 and international A L F RED DeRElMACKER, vice office territory. president, National Bank of Detroit; lEATHElETTE CAUYIHO HANDlE The two are: Will i am J. house activities on June 1 and awards, took place last Thursday. The a con s t rue t ion supervisor; MRS. Motorola TV at a new low Daly, agent \viihthe com- 2, it has been announced by new home will have a circular drive- price. Tube Sentry SY8tem, pany's Tech C e n tel' district Howard P. Marshall, president way entrance and will be located on JOHN HILLOCK; STEVE GAR- hand-wired chassis, "lay- office, and Albert F. }'iorello, GANO, a rchi teet; NORBERT P. Chef Sampson's of the bank. Mack avenue between Rivard boule- down" leatherette handle. special agent with the com- , "We'd like everyone to in- NEFF, Grosse Pointe City Clerk; and Magic MAst spect our new look and new vard and Washington road, not far from pany's Molar, City ordinary JOHN HILLOCK, the general con- antenna, ex- facilities so that they will ... from the present salon. Shown in the tTa. Finishes: agency. . tractor. Green. gray or . . .. understand the extent of fi- photo are MR. and MRS. SEHOYAN, European Tour for maple sugar. 139!!, , William Balf~ey of 223 Ste.' nancial: ser:vices offered by a wielding the spade. Looking on are Model 17P5. ph ens road, and Norman y. modern bank," Parshall said .' __ ' .1J Johnston of Huntington Woods 'YOUNG ADULTS 1 have formed the company of in~:k~~dt;re~a~~~~~;:::n~f Dean to' Ad'dress PERKINS, Balfrey and Johnson, Inc. and If -.-U-IC-I-5.- the bank is highlighted bya GPUS G d' I -1-'5-'- II RADIO ar,d TV will serve as representatives Six Weeks in 'urope ~:~a:~~~'\~rb::c~~~, ;:~~tt~~~~ ' ra s · .. ' 15122 Mack Ave. for plumbing manufacturers in Including Portugol. Spain,ltaly,' Austria,' Germany, Grosse Polnte Park this area. They have establish- areas and the instail ation of I New beinlJ offered a limited Ilumber of factory I VA '.8960 ed offices at 20233 Mack ave- the most modem' banking The speaker of the evening Officials' Cars alld CompallY Cars at Sa'lilll)s Switzerlond, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark nue. e qui p men t and facilities. at the graduation exercise~ of I'lip to I and Eng!ond. . Balfrey was formerly the Hostesses will conduct inter- the Grosse Pointe Uni\'ersity sales ,manager in ttre Plastics ested visil.ors on a complete School-W~dnesday, June .17, S..'1."....5', 0000 Division of the Swedish Cru- tour of the facilities during at 8:30 0 ~lock, at, S h 1'15 t • • , Leaves June 16 cible Steel Co. Johnston was regular banking hours. Churoh-will be Wilham De- Welcome • • • Vane, Dean of Yale College supervisor of the (jrder de- . T>.oAf f II ,While they lost. Don't waitlH,my to I Ilinerttries a'Id AppUcations al'ai/able III partment of the same rom- Willi!!mJ.Bird,whOjoined' and Sanford .nvessor 0 Wagon pany. Chrysler as a traffic clerk in English Literature. 10M TAYLOR BUICK . I CHET SAMPSON'S TRAVEL SERVICE, INC. • • • 1934 and who advanced very This will be Dean DeVane's I I is 'waiting. to Gerald E. Warren of 211 Mc- quickly through the years: has second appearance as a com- ( 6 Blocks So ..", of 6 Mile Road) 100 Kercheval Ave.' PItOIl.: TU 5.7510- 4 'Kinley ih the Fanus, has justbeen made Assistant Gen- mencement speaker at GPUS; .13033 GRATIOT LA 6.3000. greet you' joined the National Bank of eral Manager of the Dodge he spoke before at the exer- ••••••• __ .._ • Detroit, according to an an- car and Truck division, accord- cises of June, 1950. . Ul nouncement made by Henry ing to M. C. Patterson, Dodge The dean is an educator of T, Bodman, president. Warren General'Manager. national distinction. He was will serve' as administrative Also moved up was John B. a graduate of Yale in 1920, your netV assistant to ~ohn N. McLucas, Naughton who becomes Gen- who went on to teach there senior vice-president and di- eral Sales Manager. He joined and obtain his Ph.D. in 1926. home. reelor of the Marketing Divi- you Chrysler in 1955. In 1934 he went to Cornell as a sion. WaJ! for Lee F. Desmond ap- head of the English Depart- FREE GIFT Warren previously was on pointed Assistant to the Gen- ment but returned to Yale in Please Phone the staff of the Greater De- eral Manager. He wem with 1938 as Dean of Yale College. . \ troH Board of Commerce serv- Dodge in 1945, later becoming Dean DeVane is a scholar OFFER ENDS JUNE 15 ing in a wide range of business Welcome director of advertising and wIt 0 s e work has centered, and ! civic activities, He has merchandising and, in 1955, largely on 19th century Eng-' AT been engaged as a public rela- was appointed assistant to the lish literature and. especially COLON IAL FEDERAL'S Wagon tiom consultant with Kenneth president. HE! ]S a vice-prest- on the work of Robert Brown- Drake Associates. • ., * dent of the • company.• • mg.. rris honors have been many John N. Lord was re-elecled J. W. Walter Thompson's, president of Michigan Hospital and include honorary degrees John L. McQuigg, vice-presi- from Tufts, Middlebury, fur- -«- Service (Blue Cross) for his dent and manager of the De- third consecutive term at the man, Washington and Lee, and troit office, has been named others. As president of the AprrI monthly meeting of the chairman of the Ford account WELCOME board of trustees. American Council of Learned and will transfer to the New Societies, he was awarded the Lord, who is president of York offices July 15 where he Lee & Cady and vice prp.sident Legion of Honor b)' the French WAGON will assume added executive Government for his assistance of Grace Hospital in Detroit, responsibilities. was firSt elected president of to French educators in their Grosse Pointer, William D. reorganization of educational TU 5-4817 Blue Cross' in 1957. He has' Laurie, Jr., 8 Thompson vice- served on the board of trustees activities in France following TU 5-0994 president and 'supervisor of World War II. since 1954. account operations, succeeds He has also been a member McQuigg as Detroit manager. of the G e n era 1 Education He is a former director of the Board of both the Ford and American Association of Ad- W hit n e y Foundations and vertising Agencies...... serves on the editorial board Bayard Wilson has join-ed of the Yale Review. Anyone .•. everyone ... who opens a Savings Account gets the Advertising Section, Mar- , keting Division, National 'Bank a fine quality gift - absolul!!.)' fret! Select the gift of your choice, SPECIALISTS of Detroit, it was recently an- Slcllhcn R. Shcllhe,rf1 nounced by Henry T. Bodman, Takes Missile Course anyone of thl; four Famous Name items you scc heIe, then, simply in president. Wilson was former- open a Savings Account, either in person or by mail. It couldn't be ly advertising manager of Gray FORT BLISS. TEX. - Anny easier. No wonder we urge you to hurry - open municipal and corporate bonds Marine Motor Company and PFC Stephen R. Shepherd, 21, The Chamberlain Company of son of M:r. and Mrs. Stephen your new Savings ACCOWltnowl common America before joining the P. Shepherd, 1480 Wayburn, stocks bank staff. He attended Massa- Grosse Pointe, Mich., com- chusetts Institute of Tech- pleted the ll-week Nike-Her- listed and unlisted securities nology and Wayne University cples missile fire-control-sys- and served in the Army Air tem maintenance transition HE".'S ALL YOU DO Force during World War II. course May 29 at The Air De- Ope" a New Savj"l)s AccDII"t for' $50 or More He resides with his wife and fense School, Fort Bliss, Tex. family at 184 Moran road. He received training in the Add to lHr Presellt Savifll)s Accoullt wi"' $50 or more • • • employment, operation, adjust- Michigan Consolidated Gas FIRST OF MICHIGA.N CORPORATION ment and maintenance of the Company recently announced Nike-Hercules mis~ile fire-con- You .u~ Nothing • You Spend Nothing the appoiniment of Joseph G. MfM6fR OF DETROIT AND MIDWEST STOCK EXCHANGES trol'system and associated ra~ Burns as executive assistant in Buhl Bulldin, ' • , Detroit 26, MichlgQn dar equipment. I Only OM gift to If family •. the Sales Department, Detroit WOHW ..... 2-:1055 ••• Ivtftln"1 TUx... ,...... office. . ' Shepherd entered the Army Mail flris rwpm TODAY A 32 ye,ar veteran 01 the gas In May 1958 and completed utility, Mr. Burns began his hasic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. , If]nu e6l1', cnomtift r~;~------~--i N£W YORK • CHIC~GO • COLUMBUS • FLINT • flATTl£ CII(EK career as a credit clerk in 1927 Pleue opt!" I Savings ACCOUllI II checkedl He is II 1955 graduate of pmll'll, jusl maillltt cwilm 'I' . 'I lANSING • GRAND RAPIDS • flAY CITY • SAGINAW • PORT HURON and ha~ since held several su- o In my name alone pervisory . posts in Michigan GI'O!\se Pointe High School and al rtghr Wilh)'W/ chttk, lOIn my name in trust for I .1 Consolidated's commercial of. attended Detroit College of irrdictJ/c /ht tifl jlllJ rwnl, OIn my n~me jointly ....ith I fices, Applied Science. and u:r'llm rho! iI's l My choice of gifl il (check one): I I o H~n,'ich Four SeaY.ln5 Blanket I sm! /0 )'01/ prompfiy. I 0 Royat Tu!Cany Steak Kni\'CJ I Ac' now, whilt you hal't I 0 Desk.Wall Lamp 0 Carry.AlI Bag I a compltlt Jtlrcfiolf. I Prinl Name______I GIVE A GIFT OF SECURITIES Pm/n/ crlSlom/r- I 0 Mr. 0 Mn. 0 Mi. I I Addrcu • pllau (/!dudt p~sJh~t Here's a new idea for that wedding or gradllation'gift that'. ICilY, Slate______I 10 hard to find •• , give,a gift of securities. I ' for young people, just starting out on their careers, ------~----~-~--~ tflis can be the nicest gift of all ••• the beginning of on investment program that may grow over the yea .... Where Your Dollars Earn More ••• We'll be glad to discllss this practical gift ideo with Save

you. Pay liS (I visit or can us OM the phone. We can help you solve many of your gift problerM. COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS Mack at Hunt Club Drivi GrOSH Pointe Woods FORD BUILDING Watling, Ler~hen & Co. Memw, New York Stock Exdtong., Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30 'til .. p.m. ~troH 26, Michigan Friday 9:30 'til 8 p,m. ,ANN AflO~ • JACKSON • KA[AMAZOO • ,ONTIAC • "~MINGHAM * Safe D.posit IOJ.(e. * Save by Mail WOHwtmI 2.5525 s.rein, Mlchl'fu, '''''fIII/nr. ,lflce 1'1' Pho'", TU 4.5200

.j, , '

Thursday, June. II, 1,959 • G R 055 E P.OI N.T ENE W S Clark McPhail Now Minister ' Richard, PT A. " Test Their Sk II at Scout Camporee 26 to .ReceiH WSU 'pegree. Twenty-six Grosse. Pointers r.,ther Balfour road, ,Clark B. McPhail, uon of M1'. Corps, over year of which .!~irY, a Elects OffiCers lU'e among tihe 1.567 JRdU&te8. B.S,; James 'A. O'Neil, ~urne.' and Mrs. Carl McPhail of 1350 tfmehespent in Japan. In to receive degrees f:romWayne mouUi ro,.d, B.S.; Harold M. Somerset, Grosse Pointe Park, September 1955' he, entered The RiohardSchoo! P'J,'A ~te University, toniJht at Probert,M a pIe ton, M,S.W.1 was ordained' to ~he. Luth. the Theological Seminary at wO\olndup'its year's actdvitles 8:30 p.m. in the State lail' Martba Jane Patterson, St. eran ministry ~ Sunday, 'June Capital University. His intern by naming B. Dale Davis, of Coliseum. Clair, avenue. B.A,; Catherine 7th at Faith Lutheran Church, year in' the seminary was 509 Lincoln road, president for . ., St W McLaughlin Smith, McKinley '''Detroit. Th spent at Faith L u th er a n the' 1959-60 school year. f!IY are: uart arren avenue, M.Il. Mr. ':McPhaH was born Feb. Church in Portland, Oregof.\. Arge of Stanhope xw.d. B.S.; . • . The Richard group, under 16, ,193.1.H~ WllS confirmed in In the, summer of 1958 Mr. john GeOrge Bergman Jr .• otRo~elda Wdedbusch Snyder. the Lutheranf9ith, at Faith McPhail participated in the J'ack Stephenson, 475 Fisher Neff road B. 1\.' Carole Uti .Vem1er road, B.S.; Barbara road, who Davis succeeds, reo Church on April 2, 1944. After course. for chaplains at the Buechler, •Aline' drive, B.A.; Kurtz ~ul!ivan, Ca.dieux ~oad; POl'ted one of the most, sue- graduation from GrOS$e Pointe Naval base in Newport, Rhode Vito Cavataio South Renaud B.S.; Ba1'1l&ra. Wright Tliley. 'cessful years in Richard PTA road-, B,A.; Cl:u.e knight CUf- Aud~bon road,'M.S.W.; Jeanne High School in 1949 he entered Island. He has accepted a call ford, R 0 sly n r 0 a d, M.A.; DaVIdson rub e y. Stephe~ Capital University in Colum- to' begin a mission' congrega- history. 'r Thomas Arnold ,Dickson, Ro~ road, B.A.; and. Ann Mane bus, Ohio. Following his col. tion of the American Lutheran , Every meeting; arranged by , land court, B.A.; CaroleJeari Zastrow, Barrmgton road. lese graduation Mr. McPhail Church in Orchard La k e, program, . ,chairman •William served two years in the Marine Michigan. , Witherell. of 528 Rivard ).)QuIi'!. Dimitry, North Brys. drive, B.A. vard, woo! was, mimed vice.,. B.S.; Edwin Llwyd EcClestone ------presi4en~ for, ~xt, year._was • Jr., Lincoln road, B.S.; Frances You ar. c:ordially invit.d to attend ••• well attended and the final Campbell Gillis, Lincoln road, meetin( of the year brought ~.Ed.; Donald R. Hakala, Riv- an audi~nce of over 400. to ard boulevard, M.A. Sixth ,Chutch of Christ, hear the ..musical 2res~nt~ti6n Conrad Aian Istock, Nor- of the Llppe1'"&!'aae students wood drive,B.A.; Joseph under. Mrs. Patricia Birch, Da v i d JannuZZoi, Barringtoil Scientist, Detroit ' music teacher. road, B.A.; Peter Paul Kadut, 14710 Kercheval, bet. Ma~istiqu. and Ashland Mrs, . C1lbe't1tHatie, of ~56 Kensington road, B.S.; LOuise McMill,an. road, wasre-elected Fletcher Korneffel, Somerset Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m. an'~ &:00 P,IL A1TENTION 1nfant', Room Open. fO~ 10:30 se~c.. , trea~Urer .'for the •new .term. avenue. B.S:~ Janet Mary' Ku- Henry S'-.,Reytiolds,i 248 bitsky, McKinley. road, B.S.; . DODGE READING ROOM - 16348 £AS'1' WARREN Mrs;': Wednesda~' Evening Telitlmonlal MeeUng-8:00 p.m. Ken~podoourt, .was ..named Madeline H i c k s 'McCormick, Car .uyers Wednl'SdllY' 10 a.m to? p.m. !lundsy 2 to 4:30 p.1II. . secretary' and' 'CharleS H. Kensington road, B.S.; Arlane IIIIt ,"iti.. Mon..l'\Ies. Thurs. Frl and !ht. 10 a.m to 8 p.m. :w. _ Fletcher •. Jr., of 680 Rivard •• )1 ...... H_ .' boulevard, is the new PTA is .. wI program chairman. Capt. C. A. Halllmaker W •• N SLASHING 1M" prien ritht _ . A springpancilke supper I Army Police Officer Making ,ready to cook a meal for came up 'with flymg colors. Both boys .. .N DODGES ill Vdcation'Chur~h School. under Fie t c her's direction -.ck. brought nearly 1,000 parents their Patrol at the recent Camporee are members of Troop 147 sponsored ., .... x...... : , and children to the school, ac- of the IroquQjs District (3) are Boy by Defer School. P-TA. Opening on FORT GORDON. GA. (AH- 195' New DODGI, 2 First English Evangelical Luthe;an Church TNC)-Army Capt. Charles A. ~rding to Richard principal, Friday evening with co m in ~ nit y ...... , " low ItS Scouts BOB CLARK,' 1449L:lkepointe Hanunaker, Jr., 28, whose wife, V~r"i,er Road at Wedgewood Drive, TU ....1147 Dr. Clarence Messner, .. and (left) and RICHARD CASE of 1314 campfires, the program on Saturday $1.75 . " ','. ',l. • Viith a photographic program Saeko; and mother, Mrs. Ella 195' .... DODGE Lakepointe, 01]. the right. They were , was highlighted with a Show and Do July 6 to July 17,"Mollday thruFriday 9 toil :30 a.m. brought $600 into' the PTA event pr,?vidin,g Scouts an opportim- Henn, 'live at 1915 Hunt Club ...... , ., low .s Bible stories, handcraft, recreation fund. A new television set. among the nearly \ 1,150. Scouts and drive, Grosse Pointe. Woods, $1975 ity to test. many-Scouting skills. Re. 1959 ..." ,DODGE All ohildren ages 3-14 years are. welcome educational g~es and other .Explorers who 'tested ~their. camping completed the associate mili. 4 ...... s low liS items were bought for the skill at the D.Bar-A Scout Ranch ligious .services. were held on the tary police officer advanced Registration .June 1 ,to 19 at church office camporee grou~ds Sunday forenoon. course May 22 at the PrOW6t . $1925 Single Registration $1.00 '. . sohooL during a <;.residents have pleasure boats and City Clm LOBSTERS Open Sundays GROSSE POI NTE trailers and how many would use a boat launching ramp 10:00 to 4:00 FARMS. . in Lake Front Park: Publlshed G. P. News June 101,1~9. . Just a few hours SOlIday Se~I~ ..._ ...... :10:30 a ..... S'unday Schcol~Infantl" , owners, please call TUxedo 4-6800, Exten- from the sea to you! Room _ .._.._...._ ...... _ .... 10:30 a,•. Boat 'j Wednesday'Tenlmcny .. sil1n 25, and tell the City HOW MANY TIMES yu'u WE,.. Keeting ._ _ ;._ 1:00 p.m. would expect to use a boat launohing ramp in a 8 LOBSTERS KERBY SCH~ \ season beginning May -1st and ending November CITY OF ZI5 II:.Tby Road, at Beaup" .1st. '12 peck CLAMS ALL .utE .£'LCO ••. Co !TIe' in and DELIV'ER If ch'aase your ON' FAMILY ORDERS you C!!Ie to make any other .comment5 will you, .~~t Jo'inttf .. 10 LOBSTERS own. See the please do so by letter addressed to: largest . lobster OF $5.00 OR OVER t . 112 peck CLAMS .., . . pound in the City of Grosse Pointe Woods midwest. Opett Thurs. tmdFri. 20775 Mack Avenue , SUMMARY OF MINUTES EfJen;ngs. Till 9:00 G~. Pointe Woods 36, Micb1ran 12 LOBSTERS JUNE I. 1959 Nate: These Su1ld4ys 10 to 4, , 112 peck CLAMS specials include Residents whose nam~ are on the Boat Dock Priority a cooking con- List need not call. Meeting waS called ~ onIer at 8:00 P.M. I Y8 lb. lobster size 'used tainer!. ROSLYN Present on roll call; Mayor William F. Connolly, jl'., A few days notice on clam orders will be appreciated City of Gross. Poi.... Woods Councilnw!n Henry E. Bodman, II, J. Lawrence Buell, JI'. MARKET Richard 1.. Maxon and Edward e. Roney, Jr. OWest ill tho Woods Absent: C~ilmen Wi1li~m G. Butler and William . G. Kirby. MICHIGAN ,FOOD SALES 21020 MACK at. R05Iy" Rd. (Th. loIIit.r heecl4l ... rters of Michifolll.1 Mayer WilHam F. Connolly, Jr., presided. TU. 4.9821 16635 HARPER AVE. TU 2.77?' City of Gr_osse Pointe Councilmen Butler and Kirby were excused from Carry.Out Service GrOSH Pointe, Woods attending the meetilli. Notice C)f P...blic Hearing Minutes of tile .JIPeCi&lmeet~ of May 21, 1~9 werE' Jeff.rsol A'.... approved as submitted. and the mmutes of the adjourrl.ed on Zoning regulat' meeting of May 25, 1959,' were approved W1th BaptistCh.r. " minor chances. Notice is hereby given' that by order 'of the City GRMT Focos! ~SA1ftNGS! 13331 E;Jeffe,"" .t Lelkeview Permission was granted the residents on Dean Lane Council of the City of Grosse Pointe acting in its capacity to install ps lights with the understanding that the cost Thunday, Friday and Sa'turday, June 11.12 ..13 "-viII W. listlo,; Milljsfer as Board of Appeals on Zoning on May'26, 1959, a public of installation. and operation will be l»rne entire~'I' by the residents, and with the further understanding that hearing will beheld at7:3Q p.m, on Monday, June 22,1959 MORNING WORSHIP the City may at any time ordt;r the installation of. street at the Neighborhood Club 17145 Waterloo Avenue in the lights of the type prelent1y used throughout the city. Sunday I:. and 11:. a.m. City of Grosse Pointe, for. the purpose of considering C. Verbrugge "Market The Council meeting W8$ IIdjourned to pennit the the applicat19n of Grosse Pointe Unitari;m Church for CHURCH SCHOOL members of the Council to sit as a Board of Appee.ls to . , The Po;,,~e'sOlJe~' .iUllrleet relicf under the City of Grosse Pointe Zoning Ordinance beer the appeal Mr. David J. R'l.thgate of 458 Shel- lIundAy, 1:45 a.m. c: 898 St. Clair Ave. near Mack ' TU 5.1565 TU. 5.1566 to permit that Ohurch to adjust its facilities with respect bourne Roed, relativt to the addition of a room ~n the to' the followiT)g properties located within said City: rei>! ()f his residence. . , The bid OIl Adam Simms, Inc. in the amount of BRONtE' Very Young Partel 1. The premises now occupied b, the Church t First English at 17440 E. .JeUerson Avenue. Grosse $3,980.00 being the low bid for fUl'I\Ishing the City with Early Peas c Pointe, Mlchiran, beinr a portion of Lot, five police oars, was accepted. E and F, Otslketa Court Subdivision. With Tiny Onions 1 fir 49 Action on propolle(i amendments to th~ Zoning Or. No. 303 Can E" Lilli.,.. dinance in regard. to parking l"e9.uirements and store signs Parte I 2, Premi!leS located at 175M E.. .Jefferson in the cornmereial busine$s dIstrict was postpon!'d tc . Avenue, Grosse Pointe, Michlr.n. frontlnr the meeting of July 20, 1959. Se"brook Farms Frozen \ ClllrcII on .Jefferson Avenue, and belnr equal in V.mie!' kM4, at W •• / depth to and adjoln!nr Parcell, said The, Council ext~ed the fmal date for complying Potato ,,* premises beinr a portion of Lot f. IUvard with the Swimming. Pools Ordinance from May 26, Patties Drive, """ PollIte W'"* Park Subdivision. 1959 to June 26,.1958. ' , , .:30 a,M. S... School '1lIe City Manager reported that 811 partici~ting Boneless, Rolled. Milk-Fed l0-0z. Pkl. d., Norbert P. Neff communities had nc)W .ffixtid their signature to the 11 •• 11I, CII.rcll WonIIIlp City Clm Mutual Aid Fire Fightin«Agreement. LEG'O' Birds Eye Premium FI"vor TUx" 4.5162 City .f G,esH P.hm A. communication and report received" 'rom th. 69~ Grosse Pointe Citizens Committee for Civil Defense WM VEAL Whipped referred to the City Manager tor study and report to the ' Potatoes Council. 12-oz. Pkl, Public Notice Final'repor16 on ordil1lance codification, presented by Strictly Fresh Mr. Benjamin H, Long, were approved as submitted,' The Regular City Council Mcetin.':. originally sched. and Mr. Lont Will authorized, with the co. operation of Instant uled for Monday. June 15, 1959, is hereby cancelled and the City Attorney and' City Clerk" to prepare an or- Ground will be held on Monday, June 22, 1959, at 8~OOo'clock dinance repiali~ certain ordinances, which he recom. P.M., at the Ncdghborhood Club, 17145 Waterloo Ave. mended be repee led. Beef SANKA following an open Public Hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M. On proper motion madeJ" supported and ca(\ried, the G.P.N. June 11, 1959 meeti!\l adjourned at 9:40 r.M. " -4.0z, C Jar 83lit 59fb NOItiEll P, NIH WIWAM", COMMOLLY.JI, DAWsoM', MACY City Clm MtIyer City C..... TUx_ 5-5100 FREE 'Published in Grosse Pointe 1feWll i'8sue CJf .Tune n, 19M. DE~~::RT You C(", tUWtlys be sure of QUALlTY POODS III V."brllgge'l DELIVERY

\ ...... ------~-~- - - ~--:---.--o:------...... ,....--~~~~_---,~ - - --- ¥. • - • - •• • ':*' eo .:= « •••••• 4 c e. a c • • •~ e ace a a •• Q,.....~.....-....-----• • • • 4" • - ...... c •• 94 , ,. I.

P.ge To (; R0 5'S E POI N"T E NEWS Thursdty, Junltll. 1959 • 50 Devil Letter ~evil' Lir:-ksm'en Can Sl"(Iile, in, Defeat S~ippers .of Littl,e'Boats Winners Honored Drift in' St. Clair Races Fifty Blue Devil athletes were awarded school mOno- Ninety-seven small boat skipPers didn't have to grams. in three sports at the worry 'capsizing in the St. Clair Yacht Club's .... annual Dads,; Club Sprint aoout Sports Roundup held at Grosse twelfth annual regatta, Saturday, June 6, on Lake St. Pointe High, Tuesoye. Club and the, Detroit Cruising Club. Club Sloop No. 3 Ino name). E, wall, Ron Harper, Howard Luder 'class again this week. Ten of the skippers gave up ------Cowles. Harrison,' Neil Delfs, Paul " Holly Hollerbach's "Capella" A UNIVERSAL~ J. Jennings. in disguSt and motored' back THAMJ::SKIVU KACE Krogh, Rolf Lagerfeldt; Grant won again in the Handicap Spook lno name). SUMMARIES ' , CK TEAM: Detrolt Boat Club, to their home ports after bat. CRUISINGA:-Vltesse II. Norbert Kurtz, Hanlilton ,B row n, Universal class and J. Jennings Delrolt Yacht Club, llndlvldual !In- tling the tantalizing elements Taylor. DYC. 19:03:31 - 8:07:05); Holmes Brown, Bruce, Price; took the 'A. Universal trophy. Ishes-:,Harold Waldo. DBC; John Laat Straw, Baker-Clements. DYC, Hunt. DBC;.'R. Hodge. DBe; John for most of the day. 19:10:54 - 8:12:46); Apache. Toot Bob Tyrrell, Jerry SpieWak The Detroit Boat Club cat- Gmeiner. DYC. (9:10:41 - 8:27:28): Fennessey, DYC; Jerry Jordan, One skipper who didn't give Falcoll. Clare Jacobs. BYC, (9:23: and Mike Miller. '.., boat team of Harold Waldo, CX FREE-FOR-ALL: RadeckY. 'I '" I ' up was DEYA, Commodore 54 - 8:27:28): Rowdy. A. F. Wigle. , Tennis Coach Bud Kurvink .'f. " '. 4' . -Picture by Fred !\unnella' John Hunt and R. Hodge swept DYC: Jonas. DYC): . hn • BYC. (9:36:26 - 9:01:351. Merry D. RoUl. DYC, Jo 'Detwiler, who was out ~~~.en. Wpfred McGuIre. Dye, in his last o(Ificial act as h'ead . Although the Blue Devil golf team front of COACH PAUL WHEELER' the CK Team competition for DYC: Austin. DYC; Pratt. DYC: coach,' gave' out 12 letters to: took it on. the chin in three of four TED. STANLEY, BOB WALLDECK' the second week in a i-ow to LIGHTNING: Henry Cawthra. for the, first time with l).is new CRUISING B:-Vashtl. John Det- beat the Detroit Yacht Club Wes Weldrlck. Charles Ellery. J. fiber glass Bounty II class wiler. BYC, 19:11:09 - 7:41:32); Ron' ~clal!, 'Pete N e s s , matches, they still can smile and look BILL L~E and P.HIL KEIM. Missing Lesenne. Alex Allardyct!. Don Jloop "Vashti". De t w i I e l' Meteor 11. ,Henry Burkard. BYC. Charles Dyer, Roger Wilner beam of John Fennessey, JeI'ry Fairchlld. Fred Wllhelm. Burt forward to another season in 1960. from picture is Bill Scott. J!,nes. Charles Grant, Jim KohlI,' turned in a terrific J'o,b I'n win'- (9:28:17 - ,8:01:21); Bikini. L1wyd Karl McPherson, Tim McCor~ Jordan and Jonas. Ecclestone, Jr .. BYC. nO:03:07 - Shown from left to right kneeling in J1m MoeUer.Jim MIllles. H. Halch, . ning not on~y Cruising B class' 8:32:46): Fantasy. Bob Ford, GPC. mick, Gordon Vanderbrug, Jim Bob ,Greening gave' Edison L, Sherry DSQ. Alan Class. DNF. honors but also booIC overall /10:07:45 '-8:37:24). Fl~twood, Bill Boat Club' a first in the, Fly- FLYING SCOT" ~LASS:: 'R. Hanson. BYC. Spray. Bill Maul, Heicien, John Berkey, Dave Greening, Eaton Kelly. Jim Mad. honors on l'OITected time by DYC: Restlesa; Velnto. John Nicol, Allison, Jim Gilmour and the Giants were losing one I ingScot class and North'Stock- den. John Sauer. E. Happe, J., Mc- and \Vinning one for a 4 'and Log Race Won ton topped' thf! K class and HUIlh.' , 19 mmute's and 33 seconds over BYC.CRUISINGDNF. C:-Happl-ness. Carl Bucky Biair. K CLASS: Nt/rth Stockton. Riney Norbert Taylor's New York Ness. BYC. (11:01:14 - 9:10:18): Coach Paul Wheeler of the 2 record. " . ' Jerry Baude, of Crescent Sail Zeidler. No Name. ,No Name. Bill "VI'tesse II" h h Grace Note. Kurt Keydel.' DBC, golf, teem awarded .two gold After edging out the Giants By Percy Shover Boat Y;C; paced the Junior Inter- McGraw. 32 , W 0 won er (1l:06:10 _ 9:16:28): RadIant. Gerd JUmOR INTERLAKE CLASS: J. first race under her new skip- SChneider. BYC. (11 :31:10-9:27:00); letters to juniors Phil Kiem by a 5 ¥ld 4 score, the Dodgers lake class. Baude. CSYC; Frank Whitton Jr went on a hitting spree, which Percy Shover won the St. RACE SUMMAIUI!S DYC: No. ~; MlsleUe. DYe': per in Cruising A class and Glory Bea II. James Carlin. B~ and Bill Scott. RAVEN CLASS: Boyd Benkert. 'rst boat to fl'n.sh. (11:20:09. 9:29:13); Old Rarity: included two home ruris by Clair Yacht Club predicted B',lcky Neftley. DYC; Dennis Run:" was the fl .u Susan Fisher. GPC. (11:20:19 - B.aitter Robert Kerr. Al Bortolottl. .:rIm nell.. BYC. ' , 9:29:23); Diane. Hugh Fuller. DBC. way tie for second place ~ith Mike VanDeGinste, to best Log race held on Sun day, , Ness Wins Alain (11:25:~ - 9:32:32); Feather. Bill June 7, which climaxed a bust Parker. GIYC. (11 :43 :18 - 9:a3:19): the Tigers. Both have 1-4 rec- the. Redlegs, 21 to 1. Carl Ness continued his win- BaIauihidder. Bill Bremer, BYC. ords.The Braves, always a first three day weekend for the , GOOd 11eW\\l has been re-I /11:28:59 - 9:38:03): DaWltless. Tom little club across £rom the De- ceived by Bayview race chair. ning ways in Cruising C class Hanson, BYC., (11:29:00 - 9:38:041; Jinunie Turner huried a 4-0 place.' threat, dropped two witli' his "Happi-ness". and Albacore. Marvin Marsh. .DYC. troit Yacht Club. man Bruce Conlon from Com- BABE RUTH LEAGU.E shutout over the Giants which games, losing to the Giants, modore Ray EnghOlm of ,the Howard Hyatt's "Ev-Tide" got (11 :37:12. - 9:'~ :16): Tuolouma. .1. The course ~ook the power- Hutchinson. GPC. (12;14:19-9:59:4.). enabled tlM! Pirabes to climb 4 to I, as Giant pitcher Tom Royal Canadian Yacht, Club her. first, winning gun' in' the DNF-Q u,l n t e t. Joel Bremer. into a two-way 'tie for first Conway helped his own cause ~aters from the starting line .r who writes that he will enter WOODS-SHORES team came up with another Cruising. D Perform ailC e GPYC: Galnxy., Blll Geminer. 10 front of the club up arowld DYC; Broje.'t. Don Sucher. DRYA; place in the National Division. with a home rWl, and to the the 35th annual Bayview~Mac- Team Sta!ldlncs Handicap class. . Juanita. C. LysInger.' DYC. ' AmerIcan Division St&1ldlnf. Cardinals, 4 to 3. the dumping groWlds in Lake surprise in 1Jhe 3-hit pitching kinac race. Also' John Kent Natiooal Lea&'ue performance of Bob.Broske as CRUISING D (PERFORMANCE VI' L Like the Dodgers, the re- St. Clair and back to the start- This, marked the' ~nd H AND I CAP CLASS-Ev-Tlde, indians Cook will b'ring his "Pompa-, W L the Red Sox defeated the (12:17:54 • : ~ juvenated PiratJes also won ing Hne, which covered a dis. week in succession that Lake Howard Hyatt. DYC. Yanke£:S dol''' here and the new yawl' Cardinals ....•...... 3 10:31 :14): Challenge. BUI M~Curdy Red Sox I, .. two games, trimming the Red- tance of 18 miles. ,. o White SOX easily 6-0: John St. Clair has been placid, whiclJ BYC. (11:30:42 - ,10;43:33); Wind: Tillers "Innishfree" will be on hand. Phillies ....•• ;...... 2 Sland{nfs 4 legs in a 10 to 8 game and Act u ally a predicted log 1 Bredeau was the hurler charg- led one old timer to remark ward, John Ch and I e r.' BYC. National Division If you wHI remember it was Giants ..••••••...••.• 2- 02:17:56 - 10:45:~); Gracie. Paul the Cardinals by a 9 to 8 race 'isn't a race of speed but 1 ed with the Ohicgaoloss. "Watch out next week in the Goetcheua. CYSC. (";1:34:42- Giants , '.f ~ "Innishfree" who just barely Braves ., ....••..•... 1 .. 1 score. of calculating the speed of the 2 Earlier in the week the Red Bayview Yacht Club regatta 10:50:02); Lurer. Lynn Stedman. Pirates missed tlM! 1958 tdackinac RedIegs ••.••.••••.•• 1 Jr.. DYC. (12:18:30 - 10:51:10): Reds 2 3 American League play pro- skipper's boat in l' e a chi n g 2 Sox dow~, the Cleveland because it will probably blow Philli... race by a week because con. Dodgers ,...... 0 Squash Blossom Bob Drean. BYC ______0 Ii duced two one-run victories each mark of the course at a 3 team 10-4. John Freitas kept your ears off." Lake SL Clair (12:09;57 - )J :09':57); Quest. Robert struction schedule fell behind W Livingaton. NSSC, .(12:25:51-11:- for the leagu~leading Orioles, predetermined time. The skip- L five Cleveland hits well scat- h8S a habit of being' peaceful at the Owen Sound ,boat yard American LMcue 29-51): Seeker. Don Holka. NS'!;C PARK who beat'the Senll-tors,' 6 005, per who' estimates his 'time t~red. Bill Zemmin was losing and just When it lulls the sail- 113:09:09 • 11:36:29): Beilatrix' where'sh~ was built. Comma- Tigers'.: .•.•..•.... ,. 3 0 pi'tcher for the Indians. Harold Dushane. GPSC. (12:11:54 : The Pirates ousted the Gi- and the Yankees, 5 to 4. Mike oiosest to the log he files with ors into false security, it un- 11:41:54);' Second Wind. George dore Engholm says • Innish- Red Sox ., ....•• ,.... 2 1 ants from the National Leaiue Erickson's home run aided the the judges is the' winner. Cleveland lost their third leashes a blast that makeS sail Staul. DYC, (12:28:26 - 12:03:46), free" will be a worthy con- Senators ...... • :2 1 game this season when th,ey DNF-Serenade. BlII Con n e 11 Y. lead and the Orioles main- Yankee;. ~ . ,Following Shover in order makers happy and rich, GPSC: Bal-W. Don Baker. DYC. tender because she is beating White Sox ..•• ,...... 2 1 were defeated by the Wash- tained tpeir Wldefeated lead- But the second place White were; Bob S nowd e n, Jim the socks o£f my yawl "Iva.n- Indians.; .••.. ;...... 0 3 ington, Senatorn 14-5. Marsh ership of the' American League Sox, who have not yet played O'Reilly, Harry Rager, Premo hoe" and raising all kinds of Yankees .. : .....• ;... 0 3' Moser'was the wihning pitcher but the honors for the week _ the Oriole5, kept pace with Ardune, Don Robinsqn, Allen Mar tin, William Cornelius havoc' with tJhe RYCY sail . . . , ' . for the Senators; Zemmin the and perhaps the fielding play two victories of their own. fleet in compe'tition" ~ standmgs In the Woods- Comodore Austin Bender, Jer~ loser. of the season - went to the The Yanxees' lost to the White ry Gebauer, Hubert Roy, Carl Commander R. M. Sriypp, Shores Ba~ Ruth ¥~e be- NoD-t.e.pe G__ collegiate leagues." Sox, 6 to 4, and the ,Indians .,LittleLeag~e De Buigne, Ross, Horlocker at the Detroit Power SqUad- gB? to take on a farn~liar look " Not in the memory of th€ iook a 21 to 0 shellacking in In 'practice games that do . Scotty Me G reg 0 r, Alfred ron, has issued an order to ~1S week: as t~e Car~ls ~d not count in the league stand- oldest Grosse Pointe Park Lit- a game in which Mike Renaud Ferns, John Landmesser, Squadron', Eduoationa1 Officer, TIgers, d~ending champl~ m tIe League enthusiast has a homered for the winners. . Dr. John D. Young, to imIned- the National an~. Ame~an ings, the Milwaukee Braves Jame5 Miller, rear' commo- to News' _. collegiate league game pro- The I fl' d i a n s maintained d0t:e .A~nold Held and Howard iately expand any necessary. leagues, mov,ed u: fIrst defeated the Pittsburgh Pi- duced a triple play.' , their 500 record;, howev:er. by McAleer. ' facilities of the Squadron's place once more With 3-0 re- rates .7-3. wit~ George Elling But Illinois, leaders of the defeating the Athletics, 11 to 2. - free public instruction classes cords.. , the wmnmg Pitcher; Washing- Northrn. Oonference, pulled Later izi the week, the At}{- in small boat handling and .Th~ Cardinals got a 3-hlt ton defeated the PirateS 12-5 WOOD-SHORES game. to Rochester 7-2, al- LP-Paul Barnr game wJIen Bill Brown ing the Senators, 10 to 8, in LP-Gap,y Deary for a 13-week period. This will the Los Angeles Dodgers ~-O. more Orioles upset the Ne\v Little LeP.gue found some good hitting star with two hits and hit a fly ball into short right an upset. ALABAMA 4 0 be followed by another lass Paul Wancour was the losmg Y?rk Yankees, 11-9, with.. CAROLINA 2 2 pitching in winning two of starred at second base. Jim or classes -'~,r'tm'g m' J c hu','ler f9r the Dodgers. Two Ploch the winning 0 r i 0 1• field with runners on second • • • KENTUCKY I 1 ".... anuary.. 1 te th C rd' r their three games this week. Wagner, of Columbus, was his and third. . ' MAIOR LEAGUES DUKE 1 2 The Detroit and Grosse evemngs a, rea . lOa s pitcher. • Ballew held the Yankees to team's top player and con- BAYLOR 0 3 It appeared that the ball JNDlANSAlllerlciUlLeaffle 4 0 Pointe Power Squadrons are pulled the biggest .surPl'lse of PITCHE.'S RECORDS 5 hits Monday, June 1, while tinued to play' steady ball in units of the United Stat P _ the ~ear by.deteating Murray NATIONAL LEAGt[E would I drop safely. so the ATHLETICS '2' 6 2 CITY OF GROSSE POINTE • his teammate-J racked up seven the field. runners moved,' but IIll'nolS" WP-Nino Cimini - S 'd es .ow RobeIltson and the Phliadel. Win~worth. Glant.. W L rWlS in the third inning 1xl Billy SchOOl, of the Buffalo LP-5ammy Thompson . Standings as of June 6 er qua ron and are dedicat- hi Phill' 5' Th b'll' Whitney. Cardi 2 0 Dennis Dilloway backed up ~~~~, e II ~ Team, Won LO&t ed to the teaching ot safe p a ' leg, -... e Piles Rodge. Braves naIl - - 2 . 0 fashion a 7-3 win. The Yanks squa.d, hit a homer against C Phill! I 0 from his. first base position WP-lIIlke Renaud ":5 Cubs, .••...... 5 0 recreational boating. got Off to a 3-0 lead and ap- ~yro. es _ _._ _ 1 0 were held to single runs in Toronto. . The Detrott Squadron has peared ,to' ha~e the game i,n :d caugbt the fly, robtling gIoll£~~Erlclaion tl 5 5 Braves .•..••...•. ::3 2 phi1I1~.~:~J~: -I 0 the first, third and sixth in- After taking the first 'four conducted, public clas5es at the bag ~hmd Robe~ s R be t! Is 1 D, nings. . . games, the Minneapolis Millers rown of a hit. A quick throw SENATORS II 2 .3 Cardinals .•.•....•• 2 3 ~iJ.~0&J'~~ies _ 1 1 • to sh?rtstop Terry Vaughan, WP-Ronnie Gutow Dodgers .•...... 0 1) Eastland Center Auditorium ~teadtYhhurClihgdi:Inls~~'M5thdmnt'~ Sh g - 0 1 After bowing to the Tigers, in the American Association, and Highland' Park High mg e ar na u ca W annon. Redlecs 0 1 15-9, in a loosely played g'ame, dropped the fifth -'game to covenng second, and a relay ~~~li'tenman' 21 13 0 lune :t M:r'~ .. Dodgers __ __ 0 I ~o Greg Morgan at third, base INDIANS 0 2 5 Braves 10, DOdgers 0.' School, Grosse Pointe Power Gran~ po1c:~~~ ~Ohl 8 9 Braves went out in from scor- The'Sox first shutout lut I ing'two runs on two smgles peating tragedies such as have ~th the ~Iant I05S:\. single. cher for the New York Yank- LP NI k c occurred this spring on Laic The G I ant s f~mshed the ~lace ~ew York 6.0 behind the In the National League, the DO-DGERsl\IOCerl 11 18 0 and a walk. However the Car- Earlier in the week, the ees il, the Grosse Pointe St. Clair.' e week all even, howev~r, when flOe pitching of winning pitch. Dodgers dropped the Giants REDLEGS 1 7 2 dinals roared back in the sixth Braves lost a ding-dong battle "':'oods-Shores Little League, they defeated the Milwaukee er Delplace and the home.run to the Cubs, 8.7. Meyers of the pliched a no-hit game on Fri. into second. place by winning ~.::t.;~~l:~s~f~:R~~t inning and scored five runs. Braves, 6-3. Qary Spade gave slugging' of Kotcher and Kola- both ot their games to make CARDINALS 4 II 2 Ro 131h CU?S, was the .winning pitcher day, June 5, and beat the their record 5 and 2 while nBRoAooVESERS S • 5 2 ger 0 n led off the inning Pointer Gets up only' five nits in dropping j~ki Chicago followed up while Steffes"and Hada toiled Cleveland Indians, in the " 2 with a .home run, followed by his second decision' Of the year WIth an 8-2 win over Cleve- on the mound for the Braves. American LeQgue, 2-0. Pioch Big lO.Award for the Braves. Doug Wink- land. Schlorff fanned 11 IIlw Nolan hit one over the fence. struck out ten of the Indian Win Trophy ~~~A~ ~ ~ :~o~~:~I~sb~:O~a~a~I=~: worth won, his geCOI1d as the dians and Kotcber belted h. Walter Eversman of GroSse The Giants also !look the batters, but a 11 0 wed - four ~k'bt~s ~ S Tommy Beltz and Mike Mc- willn~ng Giant hurler. third home I1!n of .the season. Pointe, Mich., who won All- measure C'J!. the Braves, 13-10 walks. "I was a little nervous In the 23 years of competition COLUGlATI': I.EAGUEll 5 Donald. Mike McDonald was Milwaukee won a wild-3cor- .League 1e a din g Detroit in a sloppy game that saw th~ in the last two innings when f h Northerni Conference the winning pitcher allowing America honors as a member iug game from the- Cincinnati or t e trophy was 152¥.l points LAKES . 4 :I only three hits and striking nIcked the Yankees 6-3 behind Braves commit 12 I realized I bad a 'no hitter ¥g~T 9 of Purdue's swim 5ql.Wld,Sun- Redlegs, 20.8. John Rodge was errors. in 1954-1955 ye8r. The wp~~Jl:l.occo S 1 3 out fifteen men. the hurling of Moxley. Yankee Friedman was the winning pit. going', he admitted, "and in the day, May 31, was named the Blue Dev.!ls have won the LP-Dennls Roth. June 4 the winning pit c her; Jim catcher, Thomas; hit a home chcr with Hada and Johns the sixth inning I was sure winner of the Big Ten medal Forbes was the loser for Cin- run. hurling for the lo.sers. that I had lost it. One of. the ~~~Ph:th;;o~veti::~oo\~an co~~ ~!!{.~~L:rnllrt I: Ig g Cubs 8, Dodgers 3. for proficiency in scholarship cinnati. and athletics. C I eve I and belted Boston Gary Lintner, of the Browns Indians reached first base on bined in the league. Twelve LHAP-RVARD 20 11 0 The Cubs won very handily The Red 1e g's managed a 10-4 with. Critchfield getling Eve l' sma n, All-American in the Majo.r.Minor Loop, what I though was an infield when they jumped off to a comeback against the Dodgers credit for the win. times the Pointers have emerg- FORDHAM II 5 0 good start by scoring six runs threw a four hitter against the hit. I didn't know until later backstroke star in 1957 and two nights later wiltl a 12-6 ed victorious, which includes ~:.:c~~III~aWO~~17enetlc in the first inning on five 1958, compiled a distinguished , Milwaukee, cracked a two- Rcdlegs to chalk up an 8.3 that the umpire had called it victory. JiM Meyers was the ~ay deadlock for third place win. He struck out six and an error when the tirst base- one tie with Fordson in the ILLTNOTS 1'1 7 1 bases on balls and t"~- hl'ts. scholastic index Of 5.63, as winning hurler allowing only 1950 5' h I GREAT LAKES 1 ~. 2 "n", In 't~e National Division by starred at the pl8te with a man pulled off the ,bag on the • , SC 00 year. WP-Terry VaUllhan With suc:h a lead Jack Jolly- compared with, a perfect 6.00, two' hits. Jim Davis Wall the The trophy was not awarded LP-Terry Pink more pitched a fine game aI- for his undergraduate work in beating the Philadelphia Phil •. triple off Palumbo. Gratop and throw. So, ] just got mad and loser. lies '5-1. Wemhoff whiffed' Bower were the heavy hitters threw the ball past the next during thc three years during g-~1~JLKF.s ~ ~ lowing only five hits for three aeronautical engineering. American Learue World War II due to gasoline lWANSVILLE 2 2 . .Ire nine. The Braves won thei.' with two doubles apiece. two batlors!' The Detroit Tigers had a rationi~ that made traveling ~~~~~~~ ~~~i~gn~~os~ses o~ts ~~.only second game of the week when The BroWll8 'tangled with Hili teammates had troubles i ~ close call in their game with betwet'n the school!; impos- Soulhern (Jonlerrnce Jol1ymore and John Mont- they edged the St. Louis Card. ' the Senators in "back.to-back" of their own agaiMt the offer- sible. AJ"AIlAMA 20 I~ 2 SPGRTSlEI Washington before squeezing inals 2-1. Stanley was the willw games, l~ing tlM! first 17-1, ings ot Whitney, of Cleveland, KENTUCKY 111 g 0 govery were the big guns for lUlIe ranfel, ,keel, out a 9-8 victory. Off to a ning pitcher. Fordson has won the trophy WP-Nlek Rohert the Braves. Each had two hits lrap, and pIstolshoot- big lead, the Senators almost but 6queakcd out 12.11 de. who allowed only 6 hit.'!, but six years, including the tie I"P-Karl !'fau San Francisco handed 1M ci~ion in the ~d encounter. Ronnie Irwin's home nm W81i ALABAMA 20 ~uL of three times at bat, also Ingdrivewlthln.uof Gr. mtnutelPointe, ~ ' nipped the Tigers in the late Phillies their second loss at the. Stevenll, of the Senators, was enough to put the game on with Grosse Pointe, Monroe DUKF. I~ each had a two ba!;e hit. John Gun shop carriY ., innings' with. a rally. Dennis took it three times and Wyan- WP-Cllrls McRae Clarke of the Dodger.s had a complete line hunt- I w:eek... behin<;l the winning ttl~ winning pitcher of the first ice. Sehrieves or the Yanks Daihnke was the winner for pltchmg ot Lmk who posted .. dotte twice. Highland Par'-'" KUE'~N~~ckKJy-awson•• v In. equIpment and jj l(llme. Winkworth slammed a had two hilt;, 15 e 0 perfect day at bat with three cloth 1n.. Tel Tigers. Bruce Marone Was 15-() shutout, and Iron Sllh~ " ___ hom(~ run to aid the cause, Art FARMS ~C;~~dR~~a~oOp~khave never fin- {i, ~~J.INA 14 5 0 hils out of three times at bat oharged with the Senators' . The Los Angeles Dodgers a\o- ,~ ' I and driving in all of the and Installed, Ex- ..... Michel was the winner of the The Cleveland Indi4lns ere. perts on hand at .11 defeat. most broke out of their losing S('C01ld ~ame, striking out 8 aled a t;wo-way fim place tic team's runs. ttmell to "sllht In" Two nights earlier Detroit vour rli1~ or to help slump but fell 11-10 in the men. Bo,.....er tripled apd Nic- in the AmC'Tican Division cf you decIde on your beat the New York Yankees late innings behind the hurl. BICYCLE BRAKE STOLEN hols had two doubles, the Grosse Pointe Farms Lit- Final BeL Sfandings h.entlng equIpment. 5-2, behind the 3.hit pitching ing of ,Thompson of the St. Mike Robb, of the Miami tie League when they handed Jame!; Kliber of 720 N. Ox- ot Gary Shirilla. Don Sanders, Total MAPLE '.) Louis Cardinals. tea m in the Internation the league feeding Yankee$! baTJ ball mlng Track Tennis ball ford, parked his bicycle in 1Jhe who allowed only 4 hils tor the AMEftJCAN Lea,gue, pitched • one-hitler their fintt loss of the season Grosse Pte ~~~- Basket- Swim- Woods Theater bike rack in GROVE Yankees, was the losing hurl- B~~t147% Delrolt ? 1 agaInst ColumbUl. and won and tumbled the third place Royal Oak 2n~ Ih 3~ ' the parking lot on Saturday, er. Chlcsll'O "1\ i~ ~g f6 127% GUN SHOP Clcyelancf :J 18-4. Durham, Stanley and Red Sox. . • Monre 10 5 30 :l() 25 105 June 6, while attending a '!'he Chicago White Sox got I 3g .- R..... BOlton :I Wagner pitched fOr Columbus A ninth inning l:rip1e by .Tan Fordson 20 221h 10 :w 15 15 102Ih movie. On retu:ning, he 'Iound real good pitching from Dick Ne", YOt'k 1 I" with McFawn behind the pl.~. Isbey gave the Red Sox a win Highland Pk 5 30 15 5 20 ]0 85 that ~meone had stolen the 21 Id .,ettet Colker to edge the Yankees in NATJONAL W Mike Frank hit. double and over the Tigera. It was the Wyandotte 16 10 1) 15 10 2() , 55 brake lIet, and damaged the Four Miles North of Mt. Clemem a tight game 5-4. Dave Mann San ",ancJseo Gr08lll! PoIntenl can take Harper 5 wu /)fl belle three times, first victory of the season for Points awarded in each sport on the basis of 30 two. wheeler ~n the procCS6. was the lOlling Ya.nkec pitcher. St. Louis to Beach HI,h"",,, to U S, • Milwaukell • ~ • ...- ~ the ..... It ..... two- pamte b tiJ:M, 2i to. 1tOOnd, !O IoIr tbird, .... WoodIl police ~ 'he ~ The .-one Boeton :Red J;o,t P2\lIadelphta I I I I ~' \ " , , Thursday, Ju". I 1', '1959 ./ GROSSE POINTE NEWS , Cen'ter OffersA.rt Exhibit 6ill Taylor's'Ne,w 'Home .Shores' Traffic Violators Pay, At a preview re<:eption on will present new and indio ,Thomas A. Ryan of 1079' was. I)rder~. to attend one dliver'. license on her per- Sa~urday.1 June' 13, ~he .Grosse vi~ualistic viewpoints~ The y Balfour, was found guilty 0 sessi9n of traflic$oChool. '.... sOn.' • ' Pom.te War Memonal 1S. pre~ wIll emphasi~e texture and speeding 0'0 Lake Shore road, J()/ln F. Ryan, also' 'of Ute A1ice.'F, Bilski- of 2240.5 sentmg a. group o! paintings 'plastic quality, and have a having no operator's license Balfour addless, was found Beach drive, st. Clair Shores, by the students In, the art wide rallge of beautiful colors. '()Il his person and having. guilty of, speeding .on Lake was found guilty of speeding classes of Professor Emil Wed. ' The' exhibit will be in. the, noillY muffler, at a: hearinc Shore. His fine Was $15, pro- on Vernier road, ahd paid a dige. This Rromises to be an second f1QOr galleries of the before Shores'Judge Jo.hn bation was six months, to re, fine of $15. oul$tandin,' display for .~his War Memorial and will remain Gillis on Monday. June 1. port on, the first Monday of ,Edith Bladerl~n ot 1426 communitylemphasizing free- ,through Sunday, June 27. The The judge levied. a fine of each month, and he was taken LochmOOf. boulevard, accused dom of expressIon and design. exhibit is open to all. Thia un- $10 alainst the motorist and off the road forU.days. of speeding on LOchmoor, was Many ,of the paintings wlll usual display should appeal placed him o.n six months p,ro'- Joan V. Jankowski. of 27601 found guilty and she paid $10. be abstract or nonobjective and to a wide variety of tastes. Jefferson, St.. Clair, Shores, ----- . bation, during which he must paid a lipe of $20, after being Tip to motorisu: The taster report on the first Monday of found gu1lty ,of speeding on you drive the soon e r ~ each month. In addition, he Lake Sh()re and not hf.ving a ambulance may overtake you. ----- '

uA. Gros~ Pointe Tradition"

16354 HARPER '. TU 2.26(»8 IETWEEN WHITTIER (, COOlVILLE Now Play I., C ... lti.n Fi•• Food' Wi... Fi•• b .. rt.i..... t Complete , This:!'spa~ious hui1c1irtg' ~t. i6090 Bill Taylor, -Who has just returned MarllYIl MIlIU~ . . Op,. ,DtJily l"eludi"g SutliUYI East Warren Avenue" with its ample from service in the army, is dir~ting To.y Cl&rUl laek LeamOB Luncheo"s 11:00,10 3:30 Di"Mf'S 4:00 10 MiJnigbl .DINNERS , showroom' space and an excellent the agency~s, operations 'including IA ISllIy WlIder'. " ute ,Suppers.,- Dtltlc;,,! from 10:00 p.m. service department, now houses the sales of the flattering Renault sport~ "IOMt: LillI: IT HOT" ONE DOLLAR Taylor Imports, a division of Tom car which the Taylors, label economy's COMING,lOON! Taylor Buick Inc. G r 0 sse Pointer NO.1 car .. Tb! 'W1l1lut pleture ie' lbe . CHOICE Of THIlEE EHTIlUt DAILY year. A NEW ADDITION . , I.turday Mat!A" ,'al)''''; On June 29, 1871, the ~avy' Su...diy..:....H.lf Fried Chick ... Rotary. -Bo..ostsF ...oridgn Study I Eve Ardea The Exotic Department announ~ed the ap- "oua Mil. lSaOOIlI" THlday-l ...ldedVeal Cutlet $1,.<1....: The Grosse. POinte-Ro-t-ary-"-a-br-o-a-d-th-.is year .. On alternate pointf;nent of Dr. Will i am- : soUP Club has received notification years, eadi Rotary Club is eH. Maxwell Wood to serve as the HAW AllAN' ROOM WecllI..4ay"':"ItOllt. leef POTATOIS from" its parent organiza-tion, gible to select and further the Chief of Medicine and Sur- .. ~l~;lrjL')_C'.Jt \~A'I'\ Whe .. W. Will, s.rt. . .

VIGnA.US the Rotary'International, that candidacy of qualified res i- gery, the Navy's first surgeon , • _-' ;' .... If' ... __ ,.:; Thursday-Half Fried Chicken WONDERFU~ CANTONESE FOODS! HOT IlOLL the bca1 club may sponsor dents of their area. general. ~~ AlIttMlltic.U, ,....ra4 It, H~.. ile. ehafw Frid.y-Pic.kerel COffEE candida~esfor advanced study A c~ndida'~. must; be be- DESSERT tween the ages of 20 and. 29 EXCITING SOUTH SEA ISLAND DIINICSI • Saturday-ChiCke.. or ShriMp years. He must hold a Bache- lor's Degree or be in the final WATCH ForGRAND OPENING DATE. CLOUD MONDAYS year of his unqergraduate N:'~:N~:NOCLAMBAKE ALL T~IS - AND OU.R. RIGULAK MENU TOOl WeellIN)'lll ••ni. "" ; ,.m. work:. A good working knowl- .. tv ..... )' s p,"'. 'tll , " .... Steamed Clams • Live Lobster • Chick," ,lunda)'1 1 p.lII. edge of the language used ,in \ . t" "" ,- the country in which he in. DAILY tends to study is required. The Wednesday and Thursda'y LUN,CHEON candidate must be sound mor- June 17th and 18th London East . "ICIAL .ally .and spiritually, and rea. 123 Kerchevil .. Grosse Pointe Farm. STRIP STEAK: $1.00 sonably fit physically. from 6:00 P',',,', on . 11 A.M. 'til;.4 P.M. 'l;U ".sou It is the desire' of the Ro- "ALL YOU CANEAT" It...,...,.. .- \ tary that a succeSsful appli- Serving cant for a fellowship be chief. 11 HOW TO MAKE ly an "ambassador of good Capt. SHUMWAY'S byni~t~:J:;~V!~g~IIS will" to . the country of his 'VACATION HOU RS ohoice. It is not important that 14948 E. Jefferson ED 1.9289. at lhe Limit. Wonderful Food the study undertaken lead to REALLY COUNT, the completion of requirements Mighty prec:ious hours, -tno5e for an advanced degree. He Wines and Liquors GRAND OPENING wil~ .serve as an interpreter of vacation hours! SO why waste ••• AT MODERATE' PRICES TUESDAJ, WEDNESDAY, TH~ISDAY thethinking,and way of life Of them tediously traveling tc hi~. own coUntry to the people FOt' the' finest i,. C""totles. .LUNCHEON DINNER 'and fram a for ploce when you of the country in which he will "'tuI.,,AmmcMI toruls. , JUNE 16~1.7~18 can enjoy a full, fun-filled fort- study and. travel. It is' hoped night or more at a- famous reo he will then be able to :further Sea food special , sort dose-to home. • international understanding by LOBSTER KOW ',' .$2.65 interpreting the customs and You've 0 feeling you're a thau- mores of the foreign country Chunks of fresh lobster meat sC!ndmiles away fra~ all cares visit~ to his own people on' sauted with pt!opods, mushrooms. Dick Beech's water'l;hestnuts; bamboo shoots a'nd worries when vacationing his return. and Chi'nese greens. 'For the Epi- at ST.. CLAIR INN, only 50 The 'Fellowship will provide curean!- Includes soup, steamed miles upr!ver from'Detroit! , Cerry9un rice, shrimp, egg roll. dessert. funds for transportation beverage. Her •. tn-ri's everything to abroad. and return,. tuition, PR 2-6662 . ' make vacation drlQms come bOoks, limited education travel Don King BISTRO. true!, Golfing on an 18-hole while. abroad, and :food and 'cour~, with watered fairways! shelter. ,Those interested in MOY'S restaurant Lakeshore Village Center. ~ mile iouth of 9. Mi. Rd. at the Swimming in a sparkling. tem. obtaining more information perature-controlled pool! Boat- about the fellowships may do Marter Road at E. Jefferson ,01 ing, fishing! Sleeping like a so .by c?ntacting Robert: M. Daily 11_11 p. m. Mid-day lunches 11-3 p: m. PIANO kitten in a luxurious air-con- Orr, ChaIrman 'of the Rotary Sundays, holidays noon. J r p. m. Complete dinners 5.9 p. m. d'foned roo '! Savdri~g the Scholarship Com m i t ~e e, 10 I I, m. Kercheval. The deadlme for BAR Inn s wonderful food and cock. applyoing for a fellowship is tails! Watching the great ships August 15, 1959. • • that ply the world's busiest wat~rway! H a vi n 9 fun with :1Jinnel'j 269 U.S. submarines congenial companions! The which operated in World War For full vocotion information n. sPent a total of 71,670 days please write or tel e p h 0 n. at sea. Creighio[1 Halden or Mrs_ Mar.- /HARPERat 10 MILE garet _~elson. ST. CLAIR SHORES .. PRo 1-5511 '.

HERE'S THE SAFETY' .YOU NEED AT THE! PRICE YOU VlANTTO PAY! Daytan Tharabr.d~ PAMOUI CANTOnal: WRITTEN PERFORMANCEG~ARANT~E CI.ESEF_ NO TIME OR MILEAGE LIMIT at ,HONG KONG Gv'NlltN4 for tIte Itf th. eri,ill.1 trHcl .,.ill" 'hilem c.etH " ch.ctc.h,I ill, s,;k elltt, .n.lMs, .ate. A"~ __ lMl, ,...N" N.il .t IMt _Ie, ece.. lltI", ,neat. Chqp Suey CAUl" OUT naVlcs: HAVE WE PLANNED FOR GROWTH? • '100~/. DUPONT NYLON Phone TU 2-0102 • DEEP TREAD . Hour.: Sun. thru Frl .. 1Z:30 Noon to 9 f'ro. There 'was the St. Bernard who grew and grew behind the kind of eommunlty .....pl.nnini thai: Far Longer Mileage. Sat., 12:30 Noon thru 1:00 p.m. 16719 M.ck, It Yorbhire IS some dog. will and awoke one day to t\nd provide. for rrowth and open. the "., for • SAFETY SLOnED , !llh, 'r_ OtoarDr. For Fast Stops. 670-15 l1imlelf .tuck In the dOl llouse. All because pro.perity, It Inelude., for .xampl., modern • MaH•• wlei. G.ara.t •• .., T"N- nobody planned' for, hi~ fT9wth. Some towns loninr, thorourh tlnaneia1 pl.flnln, by the mu. No TIme or Mileage Limit. T,.,., bch. have found themse)vet In the .ume b, .nd for nieipality, preparation for adequate Khool. Ind and FOR..tHE FAMIL ~ SECOND CAR the .. me rellon. aervieea an~ th.provillion of fuHy developed re"t~~ lAnd for indullfry, ~"POOD~ How about our town? SPECIAL PUII.CHASI USED , I , BRAND TIRES Are we concerned enough about havinr I tuture Join hands with)'our local indu.trial devtlop. HIGH TltEAD 'CHOP for our town, .bout having a future in our town, ment or,anization and the )Ilehl,an Eeonomle NEW 6.70.15 , T'" Typ'. PerteeUor 4 95 tor the boy. and girls now grpwinr up? Development Department to pelp your commu. TIRES tll. '''11I11)' '. he .... A NEW SERVICE . If we are, then we IS individuals will ~ IOlidl1 ' nitf prosper, HOT SIcOWDS ,4 .. "HeM ..1 car." III FOR BUSY PEOPLE! .SUIY Our tire expert wm bring c.rry.OvtOnfy FREE! you samples of our tires, P"",tifll CIIIIIMHII Pootl ,14" TIRES ~1tII p..-ty I..... GROSSE POINTE NEWS e Jut eli, ...11 .4 .take. yO\l"r car' to. our so.70 ;. Tr.GeI .~ ,.cheRte ~ s hop, replace needed A.y Sil. S895 h, • IIMtk ,,!to tires and return' your tMtie eltelMh. H, Wan K6w ONLY .' ,.rclteM ,..iN4. car to your home. 2C'I22 Mack An, '1I1~,.~ iI tM " ... ,It. ""1i,W " • ,.,.It. 'r ,"', MfI"".' '" 1"",.11'11 '. \ ''''''f 3 BlocQ north V.rnler I or .illI'IIt /lfiell;"/I ''''' Io,,"~''''' .wi '1M"'Id~/I 'c.~1f 0.,,1",,"11' ~.,.,''"'',. TU -4--7160 Open 7 DtIys 0,.•.T1NIn.-Frl. Till t ,... ~', I.Jl1~Z!M".. Tt::t' 21915 Mack An. I.tw"" • and 9 MiI.RoHl .,..., ...... , ,.. •• Mr...... ~ .. 2710 ' \ 121M... 11M

.. ( • - - - ~ - ~- --~-~-~_ .. 7"", - --- - _._- •• -.- •• ---..- ,.. "' lIIlIS lIIlI 5.. &11511II6£11II' &.. & 5•• &••• ,•• &.,', & & j i ! ,j Page Twelve GROSSE PO 1NT E NEWS , Tltursday, ~u~e II,' 1959 . . ;-, RItHARD ,A. WEBER, son 'INJURED IN FALL (jr()ss~ Point~ Ntwi ot .MR, and MRS. RICHARD Allen Melninger,7, of 169f PUBL1Sl:iED EVERY'TliUHSlJAY BY ANTEEBO What GOes On; Memorial Center. Schedule S. WEBER, Lakeshore road, Ham p t ()n rOad, was trans- PUBLJSHERS, LNC. ALSO. PUBLISHERS OF THE was named. to Beta Gamma ported toSt. John Hosp'ital by DETROIT WESTWARD. .. Sigma, the national buSiness Woods pOlice. on SundJlY, June OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL. , .at. school honorary at Michigan 7, where several stitches were GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN JUNE 11 • JUNE 18 .... OPM SUNDAY '1% TO' 5 . . State University.. ' put on the lower part of his Phone TU 2.6900 y~Dr Lihrary NOTICE: Pie." call for bt articles' at the. office, . Memberships are ewardedto nose to close - a wound. The junjors ranking in the top " bOywas injured when he fell Three, Trunk Lines . The~. will held for ,:It days., . De percent of the cIaS6, the 5(!f1~ off the fence in his back yard. Member Mlchlgan Presr.AHOclatllln Ilnd Natlonal Editorial AuoclaUoa'. iors in the top 10' percent and ------NATIONA&. ADVERTISING REPaESENTATI\'J; I . , .' TU1.7511 Weekly Newspaper Reprelenlatlves. Inc. grad.uate students in the top tOt F1fth Avenue. New York 19, New ,York, BRyant 9-7300 We were in a thrQwing out heard andTeBd boOks which .ALL.' CENTER 'SPONSORED ACTIVITIES" OPEN 20 percent. CHICAGO OFFICE 333 North MichIgan Avenue,. Phone FInancial e.2214 mood the other' da)', and' .1- w.ere noted for intelligepce, ~ TO THE PUBLIC, .. , •• • • though we pride oufselves on if I were you I'd be reading , , MISS MARJORIE GODIN, Entered as second-class matter at the post office,'Detrqit not being a "saver". an<\ on aU the time." , Grosse Poir.te Garden Center Room and .Library open daughter or 'MR. and MRS. RENT . Michigan. under the Act of March 3,:1897. ' "looking back" infrequently, "Reading on a whole is very for consultaHenuel servic~. Mrs. Leland Gilmour ARTHUR F. GODIN, of Lake ~ddress all mail (subscriptions, change of adQress,.Forms 3579) we d.isCQvered.among our sou- valueable' but rea d i,p g too will be. on duty in the Garden Center ~"m every Shore road, received her B.A, A 'CAR venirs some hilarious letters much of one kind of book de- week on Tuesday, Wednesclay and Thursday from degree from Maryville College, FULLll PAID CIRCULATION from. young libi'arY borrowers. velops the mind' to mueh in 10 t 4 I Fri~y, June 5. Miss Godin AllY nlalet or ",od.i Includedi,n the packet were a onew,y. Differ.:lnt books like a,m. 0 pom.. ." consu tant will be on dub on major~ in Art. ., • DAILY '. WEEKLY ROBERT B. EDGAR....EDITOR and. GENERAL MANAGER few. short eSsays O,nthe value adventure, iruestories,novl,!ls, " Friday ,(rom'Z'to. p.m, (Call TU 1-4514). " • MONTHLY • YEARLY MATTHEW M. GOEBEL. ADVERTI3ING MANAGER' PATRICIA TALBOT FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY ofreadingwrlltt"l1'. by Boy etc" aU go to develop, a' gOQd Hospital "uipm~ntavail~ble. for free lo.n....:.erutchefl, Insurance, maintenance FRED RUNNELLS _, SPORTS EDITOR Scouts, "for. a .~e~ding merjt. mind. and' reader. The real wheel chijrs,'he,lt lamp and' hospital beds, "Blood .,.A•• 0•• Screa.. , Provided JAMES J; NJAlM , ; NEWS badge. Since the writers are valu,e of rea<¥ng isthatY'9u available to Gross,e. PO,inte 'residents in case of now all men of worth who have, to know how to read to Lowest Rates SARAH EVANS , , , ,., ; ,..,. NEWS , Can 'YOU imagine po\1ring ARTHUR R. BLYLER. , ,ADVERTISING. would never recognize, their d9 anyt,bing. YOll have to read accident or emel'genc)'-free of charre." creative,effor1s-one lee~ to dO,math, You have to read ,. ., .• , . , turPentine' on an open cut? .MARY .LORIMER,: ; ADVERTISING own 'This was the favorite way' GROSSE POINTE 'JOHN MacKENZIE ,.,.,.., ,..~ BUSINESS. tures in. English at an Ivy- to.do anykind:of work. There- June, 13-28th":":'(Weekday~)' 9:00 a~m.-9:00 p.m.' to prevent lockjaw, sOme ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING league Eastern college '- w~ fore it is good to know how. , , , {Sundays) 12:00 noon-5:00 p.m. DRIVE YOURSELF years ago. Naturally,. we '(Klltch., OId.mobil. Co.l FERN GREIG ".., ,..,', , "..;.,,, ,..CLASSIFlED feel free to pass 'along their to read.". ' 'EXHIBIT OF 'PAINTINGS BY PUPILS OF PROFES. JOANNE EASON ::.., ,..,'.ACCOUNTS wouldn't think of doing this advice. ' ", ',' ,'.. "Reading isa.great help to BOR EMIL WEDDIGE. Please .call the Center 14350 IE. WI"'" FLORA HARDING, : , CIRCULATION now. But then, we're lucky. Y" 2-7941 .' "The; Value; of "'Reading: all.' It iricrea,ses your .vocapu- qefore . coming to view as rooms are sometimes We have tefanus toxoids Reading Jlelps to build up ~'our ,lary. It increases YQur know- . db' t' career:. helps youi' !/Coller- ledge, of current happenings occuple y mee mgs. and antitoxins. Thanks to it. t:nedical s c i e n c e, :Iockjaw Follow-Up to Bird Campaign ship and practically brings' you and of pest history .. Reading' . • ,. • need .no longer be a killer up jn the. world. Without read, 'is a comfort to the sick and a ,Thursday, June 1l ,. " previously, death oc- As.a follow"up to the campaign recently conducted ing no man or woman can get hobby wiib' the 1e a, r n e d. W~men's Republican Club of Grosse Pointe-Meeting curred in 90% of the cases. to obtain' information on th~ extent of bird mortality by in this world. Famouse man Where wouldwe be wlthput a and Tea-l p,m, . . Children, because. of their here in connection with the DDT, spraying program to and .woman' only were taught 'paper to find out ,whd'. was .Ballet Classes _ Mary Eiien Cooper _ Instructor _ .affinity for cuts, sometimes reading, I,Jnc~ln loved reading elected President, or when 4 00 t 7 30' • 'pick up the tetanus germ. combat Dutch Elm disease, we are glad to devote space and passed his: spare time beer is due?" (Shades of de- : 0: p,m., ' So, it there are young chil- this week to the following letter and enclosure from in reading books, He walked pression days). I Yearlings Square Dance Group-Square Dance-8 to Edward P, Wright.. . ',.' . .. mile after mil~ .to get a book Where indeed? May you 11:30 p.m. ' dren in your family, be sure to ask your physician It can be reported that about 75 residents. took the anathat's why we Americans nev~r again question the value Grosse Pointe' High S c h 0 0 1 Seniors - Graduating a b 0 u t preventive tetanus • Combln.tion Doel'l trouble to'~iIl out and send in the coupons on bird should follow after them," of reading! And if you think Smorgasbotd and Dance-10 p.m. ' ~hots. It's always wise to "The value of reading is very you have trouble with the oc- . • • • .rid Windows deaths, which were published in this. paper.for several :leek YQur doctor's: advice great. Wl\en you have. nothing casional overdue book, the. fol- Friday, J line 12 • POrch (ncl"1"" weeks., There were additional numerous. telephone calls before using any medicines. • l.louNe. else to do you can sit down lowing leiter, also no'longer .Adult Art CI.asses _ Emil Weddige ~ Instructor And next time you have a and notes and letters ~naining to finding birds killed and read a' good ,book.. This recognizable by the\vriter, we 9'30 '3 " " . • Awninl Window. by ~he DDT spray. All of this information has been will not only be a 'goodcom. are .~ure, will make your diffi- -: to 11. ~ a.m., 12:30 to 2:30 p,m"and 3 to 5 p.m. l>rescription to be filled, • Horiaon.,1 turned over to the Grosse Pointe Garden Council, which think ofms. Slidi", Windows rade but will better your brain cuities seem trifling, ' , Pupl1s of Margaret Elhott Skmner - Rehearsal - 4 This Is tile 7571hof a serl. sponsored the .program; to a gOOd extent. It keeps you , ','Dear Madams: Before go- to 5:30 p,m. , ot Edltor!al iKlvertlsement5 ap. from .going crazy wi~h loneli- ing to ~he co4ntry for my .Memorial Bridge Club - Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wal- Ileu!nrln thl. paper each Week. C.II to, ) t Dear Sirs: doubt that the cause of this ness. When you are on a camp. vacation I look three books. I rond, Directors _ 7:30 p.m; , ''" Irtllltitn . The en"closed comes from local extinction' of robins was ing trip y~u will sel~om find havi~g finished one of these Grosse Pointe Ballroom.Club _ Class :.... 8 p'.m. thE: London., Ont:!Iio, Free the insecticide, despite many a better fnend than l~ a good lent It t~ a boy wh~ seemed Joan Slugett-Gordon Moore _ Wedding Reception- . 'i : Press of Saturday, May 23, assurances that the sprays book. When you aTe tired and very anxious to read It. Some- 8 . ". .. maJelin e~ '\ e 1959. were "harmless to birds." ;want relaxation you will sel- how he disobeyed his mother p.m. BEAUTY SHOP ~"c. The appalling facls which. • I. • dom find more than ina good who is a very'nervous woman • • • tl , 1932 book outside of sleeping, You and she took the book 'and Sah&cday, June 13 Complele beauty' work and are disclosed here. together 'In studies. of how these helpful reducing with our slen. with the obvious decrease in deaths are caused, it has been will also find things of great tore it all' up. I on seeing this *Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper - Instructor _ derlzing table. ~Q. , Open Doily importance and use to you so started to cry at the top of 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. ' .' _' ,. . . ':00 to 5:30 our robin population 'in the determined that earthworms 21838 "1.Cl5allt Pointe are'a, gives such signifi- feed during spring and sum- I say read." . my voice because a book is one Miss Carolin's Piano StUdents _ Rehearsal- 9:30 a.m. SI. Clair Shorel 19678 H.,rper cance to the enclosure that I 'mer on decaying leaves that "R e a din g is a wonderful Of the joys of my heart. But to J2 noon. Comer '1J Allard hope you may see fit to re- fall from the trees in the subject. By it you enlarge your, she said she would pay the full Exhibit of Paintings by Pup'i1s of Professo'r Emil "R7~3122 TUxedo 2-5697 print it in full. . previous autumn subsequent intelligence, learn new words cost of the book so I write to and new expressions. The you asking how much the book Weddige ~ Opening tea- 2 to 5 p.m. . The Grosse Pointe residents to the spraying programs. The value of reading can't be costs and she will pay~ Wait: Chil.dren's Recital by pupils of Margaret Elliott Skinner and the members of the ,vari- leaves bear deposits of DDT OUS governing 'bodies, in .the which the earthworms ac- bought for it's, so instructiv.e. ing for the reply, I am, sin- -,-Recital-2:30 p.m. _ Since all times everyone has cerely yours, George." Grosse Pointe Newcomers Alumni-Dinner~ards-7 POint€cornmunities should be cwnulate' in their bodies. . . , aware ~f the; fact th-at the When robins eat these earth- p.m., ' co m'p ul s 0 ry. or voluntary worms they, in turn, acx:umu- Dutch elm spraying programs hite '.DOT in th~ir bodies. Letters to the' Editor , '- Sunda~',. .'June .'14 recently initiated ought to be Eventually the concentration "'Youth Council -'- Meeting - 12:30 p.m. reviewed, if it is not 'already of DDT becomes high enough To the Editor: that I feel it is indeed a • • •• • too late, in the light of. the to kill the robins. In most , . Monday, June 15 il1formation disclosed by the cases' it seems to reac.h the I would like to take this privilege' to be a member of enclosed .. It is much to. be brain, causing lOcomotor pa- opportunity' to. thank you for the Board. i am looking 10r- .Cancer Information and ~r:vi.c.e C~nter--servi,ce Work d bled d u t }I I" nd I" f 1 the cooperation of the Grosse ward to bringing service to our -10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The volunteer workers are ur- ;:1 . ~IJ /' 'W .'i ¥- .....tl'ue" 4t9~a y .rl!'y~ls;.. con..vu Slons, 0 - Pointe News in my un:!Jl.lccess- '. '" to;:~ deplored, that tile IDlt1a. lowed by death. fine, achool system and tp all gently in need of clean. white materje.l to,c~ry on Hem of suc.h programs; re. prec The decline at the robin ful campaign for re-election .to the residents 01 Grosse Pointe. their w6rk-anyo~e having qld sheets, table

city of East Lansing and .the sprayed suburbs of Detroit cere and .grateful thanks to letics at Wayne State, earned , . '" . . , campus of the university. The Milwaukee and Chicago hav~ all, thoSe who supported my a Bachelor of Science degree Wednesda3', June 17 DOT has been applied aerially. also lost their robins. cllndidlacy for the Board of in Bus in e s s Administration Grosse Pointe Garden Center - Annual Meeting arid Dying robins wcre first no- Although' reliable data have Educati()n. I am d~ly touch. from the University. He is a . Luncheon'- 12:30p,m. ' " , . FACTORY F.ABRICAT.EQ ticed on the campus in the not as yet been assembled ed by the response of the com- graduate of Grosse Pointe High spri!1g of 1955, the year .fol-. there is every reason to be~ lr.unity,' and I can assure you School. Grosse Pointe Educational Secretaries-- Dinner and Meeting -'- 6 p.m. " .HAB'IANI CEDAR FENCE Grosse Pointe Communi(y Theatre - Rehearsal - 7 , for lasting bea'uty, protecti~n and {privacy ;:;:;:;:;:~.J,..:======S=e=le=c=t=y=.=o=u=r=R=o=s=e=s=f=r=o=m===:::,.,.:!..•.~:...::.•..,!.:..;....:..:,.:.;...:•.,:.:•....1..:::: p.m...... ;.' ~~~~~:iE~fS~!~~ifLE~g~:~~:~i.u:nl::~:~~:~r~:~~~:~~~ .' . . spring on a scale sUfficien'l.to oLher soil organisms, must also . Michigan's Largest . *Memorial Bridge Club - Duplicate Bridge"':'; Mr. and "Besl.looldng h~l/Ilein the neighborhood" -lhat's whal Ihey'U say Mrs. Andrew Walrond, Iristructors - 7:30 p.m. :~t~a~ttu;~~~~lt~~nth~fu~~~'e:~ft~ ~~e.~~T~~bi~s~~c~~~ ~~~~ ll:ir 'OTTE' DISPLAY .:.:...•.~.::.•.i.. when they $Ce ~uliful Habitant naNral wood fence around your ROSE Michigan Association for Emotionaily Disturbed Chil- house and glounds. Habitant ,Fence protects your lawn and ,'rouden until, by the SUmml'l' of 1958, ing and in Detroit have bec" 1"):",:. dren - Meeting - 8:30 p.m: the elimination of robins from smaller numbers of such birds ",' loaded with buds .nd ~1:~1 from dogs, dlouJlhlless children and trespassers, keeps your" own '" . . children and pets safe at home. Slyles range from high, tighl woven Thursday, June 18 ... . .creeD felKes that alford muimum privacy to low spaced lattice .lId ~;e m;f~~:~~,~~:s:cno~;2~!. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~;~s'c~1~0!:~ .il..ii...I."I.. I. .;;~; ~2~~ml 1m Board of Thompson Home - 'Meeting - 11:00 a,m, ~ picket i1esigns ••• factory fabricaled to iiI 10.' naet ground pl.n. Luncheon - 12:30. p,m.. Come ill and _ us today, ft will be ,glad to plan your outdoor _S_tu_d_ie_s_Ie_ft_n_o_r_<,a_so_"_a_bleBirds that feed in the tree- , HA~L'S NURSERYi::,!.:."ir,:t.'.;.'.I.I.: ...: Women's National Farm and Garden Club, Detroit living irea and install H.bilanl Fence to fOUl naet ground plao. Branch -:aridge and Tea - 1:30 p.m. . M:1~~~\~;~~~o~EE{;.~~flE~:~t~~~~1,..',!.i.i.I.: 7~:;:8:~:~k !j~~~~:n:lillie rd.. "R 5-3455 <8 Grosse Pointe Community Theatre - Rehearsal - 7 J. PURDY of Beaupre road, re- sect.~ hearing DDT either in < • ::;:n ceived her Bachclor of Arts or on their b(}dies, these birds p.m. .. Grosse Pointe Chapter D.C.A.A. - Meetmg - .7 p.m. Degree in Jo~leme"tary Educa- are probably affected chiefly / tion at the onp hundred and by being deprived of insects Men's Garden Club of Grosse Pointe'- Meeting - 8 fjfteenth commencement ex- on which to feed. ercL~ held hy Ohio Wesleyal') Admittedly, the picture here Grt~:'Pointe Business and Prof~ional Women's Club " UnivNsity, Delaware, Ohio, on presented is not a bright one, " -Meeting- 8 p.m. . ' " June 8, And Dr. Wallace, who wrote ANNOUNCING. _• Yearling Square Dance Gr~up --:-,Square Dance - 8 On June 22, Elsa will l('ave the article from whieh these p.m. to, 11:30 p.m. .' foc Camp Arbulus, Mayfield, remark!! have heen tllken cer, MiCh., where for the fourth lainly docs not intend it to he 800 ,~ummer ~he will be a cabin 50, for hC' concludC's: "The Two residents of Grosse 'JOHN H, HEMMETER, (oun!;€lor and head of the arts current widespread and ever Poinle were listed among the of MRS. HE~ERT S. HEM- hnd craft.~ dC'partment, expanding pesticide program candidates for degrees at tho METER, of Not re Danie, a Next fall, Elsa will eTIterthe poses the greatest threat that formerly' of/be 203M Commencement of the graduate of the of the Grosse Ilnston School of Oecupational animal life in North America University of Pennsylvania, Pointe Univllrsity So~ool, has The rap y in Boston, Ma.';S:,has ever faced. If these p(!st- MARIE BIRD Beauty Salon hC'ldin Philad~lphia June 10. just rcceived the Bachelor of where she will take a post eradication programs are car. They arc ROBERT p. LAJ'd- Arts -degree at BroWn Univer-, graduate course in Occupa. ried out as now projected, we is now with BRECHT, BeacQIl Hill, bache. sity, Providence, :R.1. Hem- idlJi/aIJ' l tional Therapy. shall have been witnesses, lor 'of science in economics, meter was tre9surer of his • " • within a single dccade, to a ann ROBERT W, MORGAN,' elas.'!in his freshman year. He CH/IRLF..s BROOKS BEaG, greater extermination of ani- De Nyse BeaUty Salon T..akeland avenue, master of ,is a member of Sigma Nu so- businest; adminilltl'lltion, Mol" cial fraternity, He wes assist-- grm of MH. and MRS, C. mal liIe than in all previous FOUNTAINE FENCE CO. BROOKS BEGG, of I..akeland years of man's history on gan, who holds the degree of Rnt chairman of the, Freshmen 170/4 MACK, AT CADIEUX bachelor of. science in busi- Week Committee and a memo llvcnuc, was one of 71 gradu- earth, if not since glaciation • Fetle;", Mlller;1I1s ()1' Erec';o" Ill(>sof Tan School in Water- profoundly alOOTedthe life of Phon. for .ppolntment: "TU. 2.5670 nt'S!!anc! engineering adminis. her of. the Spri.ng Weekend town, Conn., on June 5. He the whole northern hemi. tNltion from the Massachusetts Committee of hlA class cab. 20760 -Harper, at 8 Mile fillS WIlS will attend the Univenity of sphere." 11 certainly merit.l the . , InStitute. of Technology, inet, Hemmetcr also III Wehiian. clOllelt Itudy, been studying Industrial man- member C1f Ski Club .00. the P,.. htf ...... /TU '.1163 acememat'PenDI)"lvania. Yacht Club.. ,

) ~-- ,- --~-.~"-----"'IIIIII,S"'.;III.!i!III!lIlllllJ;~Ppllllll, "'~IIIII'~";'!',~, llIIl) .. .,~ ------"III ~•• "I!I,'i•• " l

. i I Thursday, Ju". I r, "959 6 R0 SSE P0,1 N'r ENE W 5 ( Sh~~esGarden Club Has Birthday. Party Deb Season Opens With Tea and Dance Harriet Bradshaw Bows at Tea on Wednesday, and That Evening Salli. Bell a'nd Margo C,ow Introduced By Mrs, Harold D~Baker and Fred~rick C. Fords

, One of the'mCtst lavish June debutante seasons in many a year opened Wednesday with a tea at which WOMEN Mrs. Ernest W. Bradshaw introduced her daughter, Harriett. .0------',---- __ The deb who is a student wh-iteorgandy arid Mrs. CroW' at Wheel~k College, re- was in a tropical print ~ilk .. ceived with her mother in The ,debutantes receIved m the living room of their the e,1ub livin'g .rDOn:' which. Bishop road home before a was decorated WIth fIsh nets, b an k 0f ye IIow an d WI.h'te hats.shells, sur! boards and straw flowers. . Black terra cotta tiered Yell 0\\', the bud's, favorite stands holding £reSh' .fruit color, was her choice for the centered the supper tables From Another .Pointe organdy gown, in which' she covered with turquoise and greeted kiends. The gown was yellow Cloths and ligbted with 'tl'immed with Chantilly lace vesper candles. . of View and with it she carried yellow Ushers for the dinner danc. MR and MRS. WIllLIAM r~buds and ivy. were Dan French, 'Harry Ley': By Patricia Talbot PRESTON HUNT of Royal Mrs. Bradshaw' was In a man nI, of .Cinci'l1nati, SamuE,!l Oak and formerly of Grosse delicate yellow lace over- taf- Bell, Jr., Sandy and McIlltosh Pointe, announce the birth of feta sheath. Her flowers were Wiener" Fred Baker, Harry An enterprising. young man who wanted an inter .. a daughter, MARION ELLEN, " -Picture by Fred RunnelIa gil'een orchids. Cashen and Sam Daume:. esting open air job, this summer during his. vacation on May 27. Mrs. Hunt is the 'Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Wr~ON, ,two of the club's charter A silver wine cooler f4lled from Colgate University has organized a series of canoe former ANN .C.' HENDRY of the Grosse-Pointe Shores Garden Club members; MRS. GERALD F. DEW- with yellow roses and wreaths trips.. .. , ' .. England. held a party at the Lakeshore. road of, yellow and white flowers . 'HIRST, outgoing president; MRS. List Sp6nsors ' Dan Goodnow, son' Of the Nathan Goodnows, of .. .. home of Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Lor., a r 0 u n d' silver candlelabra KENNETH M. REICHLE, 1959 presi- MR. and MRS. JOHN T. carried out the decorative Handy road, sent out brochures telling of his planned anger, on Friday evening,: June 5. 'dent; 'and MRS. KEN NET H M. For Mllsical jaunts down the Manistique river. ~or seven years he SCOVILL of Cincinnati an- Posing for the News photographer scheme. nounce the birth of their'sec- McCOLL and MRS. HANSEL D.' are, left to right:-MRS. CLARENCE S u z ann e Sisman, Judy The list of sponsors for the has been a camper and knows all about canoeing, is a ond child. a son, "JOHN BRAD- WILSON, also both charter members. WeckJel', Donna WOOdruff, second annual Grosse Point. Red Cross. swimming instructor, has even discussed LEY, born May 26. Mrs. Sco-, K MAGUIRE and MRS .. 4LFRED T. Catherine, Devlin, of Grosse Summer Musical Festival is meals with a dietician. ' ., . . vill is tqe former SUSAN Isle and Lyn Hallett assisted growing. Five conc~rts will ~ Beginning June 22 he \'(ill take six boys down the HALLETT BRADLEY, daugh- were among 78 graduating for three years and during that loW\\lhip. McLeod is the son at the tea. They wore. step-. presented in the Fountall1 ter of MR. and MRS. JOHN J. seniors in the Army and Ai~ river for five days. Nine trips in all have been mapped time M has partiCipated in of MR. and MRS. KENNETH hallOws corsages. court of the War Memorial. BRADLEY of Mor06s road. Foree ROTC units at Michi- out. '" varsity cross country and ten,- R. McLEOD, of Wicks lane. Mrs. Bradshaw's assistants every Wednesday night from ~ ,Some of the lads signed up for this different vaca- '"' gan State University to re- nis. This year he was president . . . ceive second lieutenant rom- He was graduated from Grosse were Mrs. Alfred Schrashun, June 24 until July 22. tion are Alan Bethea, Jim Horan, Don Veech, Frank T~o Michigan State Uni- of the Camera Club. Pointe High School. missions at traditional cere- Mrs. Edgar Fosler, at Evans- Chairman of the sponsors' versity seniors, ELEANOR K. ; Wilberding. Jay Heaton, Mike Heaton, Mike Muer, Tom monies Saturday, June 6. • • • • • • ton, III.; Mrs. Alfred Schrash- committee is Mrs. Frank W. Fisher, Blay and John Schoenherr, Mike Hendrie, Larry WARFIELD. daughter of MRS. • • • THOMAS A. MUER, son of CAROLINE' F. BA YLISS', un, Jr., Mrs. JameS B. 'Webbel', Coolidge. ,The assislant chair. Tom and John Drummy; WilIly Auch and Rickey RALPH P. JONES of Clove d)' MRS. ALDA MAY MUER, of daughter of MRS. J 0 II N Jr., Mrs. William C. Tost, Mrs. men are Mrs. Robtt B. Hauss, road, and JAMES W. RINE- TERRY K. BROWN, son of Oxford road, was recently Herman Weckler and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Suczek, Mrs. Johm .Becker. MR. and MRS. ROY E. BAYLISS of ,Manor road, re- HART, son of MR. and MRS, elected to serve as treasurer of Warren Sisman. They 'Yore W. Nels0l} and Robin Beebe .• ,'" BROWN, ,of Fisher road, re- ceived an Associale in Arts . . DONALD RINEHART of Brys the Publication Board on the degree and .LYNN , ESK- gardenias. , Among. the spoIl5ors arel ceived the bachelor of arts de- H~ne Show Gayety drive, have been named to Phi campus of Hillsdale, College. RIDGE, daughter of. MR. and The Little Club was trans- M i's s Christine' Symington. Kappa Phi, a national scholas- gree from Kalamazoo Conege, It is the duty of this. board formed into an evening, in Mrs. \ Burns ifenry Jr., Mrs. Kalamazoo, Michigan, at the MRS. J. W. IEKRIDGE, of All the exciting doings of the debutante season, plus tic honor' society. ,Eleanor, to supervise the production of Merriweather road, received. Nassau for the dinner dance at Robert Isbell, Mrs. Ferdinanll her' graduation June 17 from GPUS 8re not preventing who majored in textiles and 123rd Commencement. He ma- all student publications. . which the Frederic C. F~ Cinelli. Mrs, Frank Wemeken. jored in biology, her B.A. degree at the 10Ist , Krys Glancy from riding in the spring horse show. clothing, and James who ma~ . Tom, a sophomore at HilIs~ commencement exercises of and Mrs. Harold D. Baker in- Mrs. Hansel D. Wilson, Mrs. . . . dale, is affiliated with, A1pha jored in social science, are in Elmira College, Elmira, New trOduced their granddaugh- Carroll M. Boutell, Mrs. Mat- Kr~'s, whose own' debut will be a Christmas dance, MISS JUDITH A. JAY, an lIhe top seven Percent of the Tau Omega social fraternity York, on Sunday; June 7. ters Sallie Bell' and Margo thew ,Carey, Mrs, David Gam. "ill enter Mount Vernon College in Washington this graduating class. outstanding freshman student and a member of the Student Cro~ later Wednesday. ble, Mrs. Stephen T. Stack- September. This summer she hopes to ride not only in at Western Michigan Univer- Guide Club. . • • • • • • HAROLD W.BAILEY, son i Sallie, the daughter of the pole, .Mrs. Russell Alger, Mr. the local shows but as far afield as Virginia. ,MRS. HENRY FORD II, of sity, Kalamazoo, was honored • • • Samuel H. Bells, of Chandler, and Mrs. John B. Ford J~.. at tM annual June Breakfast, of the HAROLD ,W. BAILEYS ' , On June 18, the .48th Horse Show will be.' 'held at the. Lakeshore road, has returned CADET PETrY OFFICER Ariz., a student at the Master's Mrs. Allen Beebe, J. Lesll. June 6, as' a member of the HENRY ELWOOD PEABODY, of MoraSs road, was graduated from New York and will enter- from Tufts' University, Sun, School, wore a draped. fleme Berry, Harold .0. Love, Mrs. Hunt ,Club and for the first time ,entries are being tain at tea this Thursday, for Daisy Chain. Selection for the son of MRS. NORA MAE PEA- colored ,chiffon gown. Margo, Edward P. Haml1.1ond, Mr. anI! . turned away beca~se there wid not be enou/h stalls t~ members of the o~a com- Daisy Chain is based upon a BODY of University place, day" June 7, with a B.A. de- gree. who just was gradualed from Mrs.' B9gdan Baynert, Mrs. Bccommodate the horses.' . mittee. 3.4 academic average of a pos- was graduated from Admiral .the Master's S c h 001, 1Jhe Reginald. Murphy, Mr. anI! , l\lr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy, Jr. will, have as . .,. sible 4.0 for the first semester Farragut Academy, St. Peters- • • ~ , daughter of the William L. Mrs. Alger Shelden and Mr. of the freshman college year. burg, Florida, all May 30. He ' RAY LEE N F RAN CIS, Crows of Rye, N. Y., was in and Mrs.' Daniel Goodenough. houseguests for the show week-end, the, Dana .Dura,ods, SHEILA CATHRINE LEA- Miss Jay, a graduate of the plans to study busineSs ad. daughter of ,MRS. GIDORGE pink 'gingham 'with white _ COCK, daug~ter of DR. 'and of Kansas City, Mo. They will ilso be hosts -at .. brunch GrOsse Pointe High School, is ministration at the .FerrIs In: FRANCIS, of Torrey road, and organdy accents. ,'. , On June l~, 1775, the Rhod. MRS. ROBERT C.LMCOCK, on the ~nal d~y of the Ibow,Su~~a,.,'JWI. ,210', the daughter of MR and MRS. the late Mr. Francis, is train- For her ir~uihter'lI Island Stat., A.sIembly pused of University place, hu been 1 stitu te next year. .: .- ELDEN B. JAY, of Lincoln ing u I. stewardess in Miami, debut, Mrs. Baker wore a a law auUiorizin, the tittine , " ". ' I *• ...... "." • ~ >i . j..;.;, I j .'.J. "1 initiated ink> the Lamplight- Cadet Peabody' was award- rOlld. . . ed ribands 'for academic pro- Fla. . .L'te' •cottOn .'tr6ckf,' ...... ;:.0000'arctri~,~,,~_tM. A.rizona ',';.::,:\(i{/,' en .Society at Hillsdale Col- ' Vaca~~~n,". ," . '., lege. : . . .. flcie~y, and dePol"tment, was " ~R ~~ J.. " Now that her chore as publicity chairman for the • • ROBERT SIGISMOND, son a member of the Cotillion club, ~:'~~m w~t~~~~~f :t::.:::t:::~~.~1:;' • at .~.R., and MRS. LOUIS the Monogram club and the FLOOD, IR.,. ol Park Ridge, chintz.= Mrs. Bell wore, a,..een lII1d, wu the start of 1iJe U.s. Women's AuxiIia.ryto Cottage ~Hplipitaqs over: for the Returning this week from SIGI::lMOND of South Brys Color comPany.' He won a (COiltIDaed Oft Pan Ill), taffeta gown with a skirt. of. Navy. leason, Mrs. RichardS. DIlley. is~king, a'vacat1.On. . his studies at Governor Dum- drive. 'was elected vice-presi- medal as expert rifleman in . She and Mr. Daley will motor to Scottsdale, Arlz., mer Aca'demy, South Byfield, dent of Kappa Sigma Kappa Mass .• will be E. CHRISTO- riflery coo:npetition. He' was a on June 20 to s~nd a month. Daughter, Karen, who is a fraternity, Michigan Eta Chap- member of the varsity football PHER PREWITI',. son of the ter, at ferris Institute.', student at Western Michigan University, will be spend- ETHAN C. PREWITI'S, of Mo- team, playing ta,ckle, and ing the summer at the University o~ Mexico, improv~ng ran roacl. • • • played ,intramural footbal!, her Spanish. Son; Kent, waS graduated Monday everung ROBERT HOYT NISSLEY basketball, volleyball and base- • • • is a member of. this year's from Albion College. . '. ' Here from Grand Rapids ball. A qualified boat handler, graduating class of Howe Mili. he' was a leader in the aca- Mrs. Dale:" reports that the recent College ~o~pital last week was MRS. WILLIAM tary School, Howe, Inq. Com- C. FINKENSTAEDT. demy's swimming and sailing Kitchen Tours raised $2,290 to purchase,electrom~ fllte~s mencement exercises we r e activities,. , for the hospital. " • • • held the weekend of June 6 ••• • . .' '" MRS. WENDELL W. AN- and 7. Robert is the Ion o.f MR.' DONALD R. McLEOD,' a DERsoN' of Vendome road, is and MRS. SAMUEL K. NISS Graduation Tour 7 sophomore s<:condary educa- spending a few weeks in LEY, of Berkshire road. . tion student at Western Mich- Bermuda. . With h~r teacher's degree tucked carefully awa)' Cadet Nissley holds the igan University, Kalamazoo, rank of Sergeant. He has at- Judith Jo~'ce can set out on her exciting graduation trip. • • • was recently elected president MR. and MRS. ALEXNDER tended Howe Military School of the Campus Christian Fel- She will be' graduating from the University of De- WIENER, of Woodland place, troit this Thursday and on Saturday will' sail from attended the. graduation of Montreal on the SS Homeric for a .tour of Europe. their son, SANDY, from yale Judith is the daughter of the, Bryan Joyces, of University over the week-end. Country Club lane. She will dock in home port on Sep. • • • tember 5. . Two Grosse Pointe stu- • • * dents, CHARLES R. TAT- HAM, son of MR. and MRS. Conclave at Mackinac CHARLES TATHAM, of Mo- ran road, and KIRT B. WEED, Among the 250 delegates enjoYlng the b.almy son ,of MR. and MRS. C. (Continued on Pare 19) WEED, of Kenwood court,

Sale! Eyelet Cooled Sleepwear 3.95 WiLL 'NoT usually 5.95

the softest of all soft fabrics for Summer slu01ber • , • Dacron-eotton.nylon is the blend here. Gown, bahy doH pajamas and sleep coat are all air cooled by delfcate eyelet embroidery, specially' purchased and specially priced .for real ,aving'! f/; Elizahet.h Arelen' s Blue Grass Fitted gown.ln ~~~::~~: THi$ ~i%~ 32 to 36. '&1L Sleepcoat styl~ gOW'l in blue or, Sp~c.ials . pink. S, M, L. ", Baby Doll pajamas in blue o.r pink. S, M. Now is tne moment pf Rlllll Grll~s-"nd summer! Now)'ou'll want 10 bathe Moil'oM phon. «d." fllI.d in this classic fragrance "II summer long-and at thc-ae special prices you can I • BWE GRAS!! FRAGRANCE SET.,. 5,00, Perfume Mist in sculptured pl&11tic.covercdboule i Perfume In rurse Flacon. (rtgularly 8.50 t'4/lle) RW-': GRASS FJ.OWER MIST, .. 4 01:. 2.00 (rtgl/larly 2.50) S'or.'3.SO,(rtfUlarly 4.2;)" .• , BLUE GRASS DUSTING rOWDER ... 5 oz. 2,00 (rl'grllarly 2,50) BEST & CO. , , ~ T~aitI1 Pharmacy GROSSE POINTf-K.rch.va I Av., "ear Cadi.ux I' TUxedo 2.3700 Grot.t poinh n"-1"ml :~...... l::c.~ ..• ~ 1\~'J"" .•. '--- . I ~ !J • 4. ., , \ I G RO, SSE' P 0'1 N T E NEWS' .Thursday, Jun. II, 1959 - . Society New-sGathered from All of the Pointes . . Cortple Receiv~ Mrs. Paul Edward Porker 'Zoeckler.Price Hostesses 'Chosen l'a~l' lJlessi'lg Betrothal Told Miss' Tureo Married Mr. and Mrs. Lee Zoeckler Mr. and Mrs. George J.' of Plfl'k .Ridge, m., annoUnce For Garden" Tours Jaglowicz; Jr., will be at" home Paul E Parker the engagement of the i r To in Graylon road. when lhey daughler, Zoe Ann, to Todd H. Lynn Piersons Gardens Added to Tour This Week- return from an Eastern, wed~ . H. Pl'ice, son of MI'. and Mrs. Pair Speat YOW$ Saturday in St. Joan of Arc Church: • ding trip. The pail' exchange Marvin Price of., Stanhope end Sponsored for the Detroit Garden Cenfer; vows Saturday, June 6, in .St. road. . , After Trip to M'Ontreal Will Make Francis of Assisi Church Ann Home in.Harper Woods Hostesses Announced for Ten Gardens Arbor, with lhe bride-groo,"'s . Zoe has l'eccntly completed tI cousin the. Rev.rr. Edward her sophomore yeal'at West. Hostesses have been named for the Garden Pilgrim- Majeske' officiating and giv- ern University, and is. a mem- , Mr. and Mrs., Paul Edward Parker 'are honeymoo~-, ages ofAhe Detroit Garden Center in Grosse Pointe this ing the Papal Blessing of Pope ber of Sigma Kappa Sorority. ing in Montreal after their Saturday wedding in '$t. Joan week-end. . '.------John XXIII. I Todd is serving' with the of Arc Church. They will return to.a home in Harper i .The :Mliside gardens of lette and Mrs. Raymond Duffy, Miiltary Police ,of the U.S . Woods.

, . \ VAIIIDIDS'ILL IDIITIIIII Perfect for ah work and ),1ay our. "vagabond" shirtwaists come iQ. many fabrics and colors; Only a. few from our collection. Classic }'~rn-dyed ox- ford cloth buttou,down. Blue) linen, pjnk and )'ellow, Tartan belt. 17.95. Tnrkish'rug print on dacron and'pima. Blue, green, hrown.22.95. Slim authentic madras. 19.95. Also cOJncs in full skirt 22.95. New Popover with tab, fronc in jinen and olive stripe. 17.95, AU in sizcs8.16.Madm 5-}5 • .AtlJ J$C '"x. jO{ tU/"I,'. MId "Jm Ir(/f/Jtrl] fi lllJ

...... TBlllLLAGI,ITOBI o. ,'Ie hI/I ...... AJI: JlII4-ne, * ..... POIIIftI TV 4-nlll * 'A'.AW: PI. 201m WALTon~PIERCE 2t5 Pitm 51. .. ~"dIMI I" S. JtIlmM "..... _.- .... .,. 'J' ~ ., , '. .. . ~ .' - .f" .;,- ,1'- - ,C \. - . ,

GROSS! POINT! NEW'S 'lg8 Fift.... I Woman's Page ••• • by, of, and for Pointe Women Pointe Women's Club Has Annual Meeting Mrs.E. M. Ford South 'Sea Cruise' ~tS:':" ..••.•.~. ....~... . To Open HOlne Boat Club to Fete . ~~~{~:: ":..; . Mrs. Emory Moran Ford For" GPYC" Me,mbers will open her Woodland place homf on Tuesday, June 16, at College Setat Dance When Gros~ Pointe Yacht, Club 'members have 11 o'clock for the annual meeting of the Garden Club College l'Aemben of ,Grosse Point. Yleht Club. Hunt their annual excursion to the Old Club next Wednesday, of Michigan. June 17, they will have a party format completely dif. Club, L.ochmoor and Count.ry Club ferent from the fiela day picnic of previous years. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Nelson Holland,. Mrs. Hilary Bid to Frolic June 19 ';l'he 1959 version is to be 0 . . '.._ ' . Micou, Mrs. Lewis Robinson, a Cruise to the South Sea An a1 fresco luncbeon is to Mrs. Frederic Schreiber and Awe I com e home dance to returning college Jslimds, and the island be.served ~t 12:30'o'clock in Mrs. Hal M. Smith, Jr. students will be given Friday, June 19 at the Detroit locale will be the Old buffet fashlOn. • ' Members will bring their Boat Club with dancing under the stars to the. music Club's spacious ;~raundson .. I.~sp~rinl;(the committee's Illneh in baske'ts decorated ')f Bob Welke and his orchestra. from th~ University of Harsen's Island" St. Clair inVItation to adventure. ~re with artificial or live plant Michigan, and Mack Pitt:s band. . Flats-'--where gentle winds such facets as a t~ampo!lne material. Mrs. John French, Sons and daughters in~ ,. ... act, and the wllter,.carmval Jr., gave out the ba~kets at the of ,~. summer s,. day: . ar~ with Dick KimliaU and Kathy May meeting. the. college set from .the been invited to .join the re.mlnJscent of soft ocean Hartwick performing fromthe mem~rship roster of .the Boat Club group as honored breezes in the balmy seas. high diving board; an Hawaii- Age is no obstacle for the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, guests./' 'Thero~anticatmosphere of an .trio's authent~c Waikiki f e 110 w who plans for the Lochmoor, the Hunt. Club, AJTlongGrosse Pointe 001. Hawaii is.to prevail, according ~USIC for ~a and dmner danc- future. and the Country Club have (Continued 011 Pace 16) to Chairman Ke n d:r i c k B. 109; th~ fire. and sword dance Brown aM his rommittee aides hy: OhlefTua~e; the l~au including Joseph W. Caskey, (dinner) f~turln~ \Hawallan Frederick K. Cody, J. Earl kau kau about 5 0 clock. Fraser, Herbert W. Hart, Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ger- ward J.Schoenherr, Howard man will make the water jour- A. Shaw, and Stanley L. Wi!- ney to Old Club with a party lis. ' of 11 on their ..cruiser Sno- The husy com~ittee has Flake; the John Ruens will everything in hand. The cruis- have a group. of 10 on their er fleet carrying the excur- Marion ~ II; the E. E. Lun~- sionists will pull away from bergs WIll have 10 on theIr GPYC dock",at 10:30 o'clock. Unaru; the Paul Morelands Upon arrival .at Old Club will ~ on their Miss Profit ,. ....Plcture by Fred Runnellll they'll be greeted in the cere: with four of thei~ frie~ds, and . ~he Lo<:hmoor Club was the scene ticket chairman; MRS. EDWARD L. moni'Ousspirit of the Hawaiit:t1 the Lawrenee Helfs Will ha~e of the annual meeting on Wednesday, WEBER, chairman; MRS. CECILR. Islands by pretty hula girls six on their Jancy-J. June 3, of the Grosse Pointe Women's POLLARD, prize chairman; and MRS. who'll . distribute leis. and Others are the Arthur M. Club. Among those present were, left WILLIAM L. BUNDESEN, decora- beachcomber's hats. Stringearis, on String-a-Iong to right: --:. MRS. ALBERT' BLIXT,tions chairman; In advance of the cruise, the Too, the Wayne Longs on ------GPYC party .committee will Cum-a-Long; the Cletus Well- A '1' PI h . Id V'll G d have its South Seas decora- ings on Balance Sheet, and the UXI lary ans Trot To. 1 age ar en tions of great fish nets, palm Be'rmird Vel' HOvens on the G d P t Club to Meet trees and exotic foliage in B. J. V. ar ,en ar y place around the Old Club ----- docks, &\vimming pool .'and There are 21,000 high schools The Women's. Auxiliary of The Vil,lage Garden Club lawns, anr. also will have an in ,the U. S. staffed with 483,- Detroit Memorial Hospital will will meet June 18 in the Ox- outdoor dance floor construct- 000 teachers and attended by hold a Benefit Garden party, ed. 7,800,000 students. Wednesday, June 17: from 2 ford road home of Mrs. Wil- until 5 in the afternoon at the liam J. Parker ... home of Dr. and Mrs. Archi- Assist!ng hostesses. Will be bald Seiferlein, Devonshire Mrs. Raymond Berry, Mrs. road. . John French and Mrs. KeniJeth IS'YOUR INSUR~NCE ADEQUAT~! Co~hostesses will be Mrs. Milton Schemm of Whittier Cunningham. MAYBE WE CAN' HELP WITH THE road and Mrs. William Hen- .l derson-of Detroit. One~third of the year is gone and two-thirds of the resolu~ ANSWER Among the Pointers attend- nons. ing will be Mrs. Walter Cis- ler and Mrs.' Mervyn G. Gas- kin. The theme of the party is pink, frosted pink ice cream ARTHUR J. ROHDE tables, pink' geraniums and 4MD OOIO'~Y. . pink champagne. .. Proceeds from the ticket sale will be used by the Auxili- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knippen- INSURANCE ary for its hospital projects. berg, of Newcastle roed, an- .'0' nounce . the engagement, of their gaughter, -S H r R LEY 2711 EDt Jefferson, Detroit 7 Mich. LO 7-6100 Take good care of the pres- ent and trade it in on a better CAROL,to Hugh Michael Mc- Kee, son of the Hugh D. Me- 1l!=====5El=iEiEE====iii5i===5==:=1I.' future: .Kees, of Hollywood road. The bride-elect at ten d sWayne State Univel'Sity where she is a member of Kappa Delta. Mr. McKee attends Michigan Col- .lege of Mining and Technology where he is a mEJUberof Sig- DO HE" A FAVOR! ma Rho. . ~' On June 4, 1944, the destroy- GIVE HER er escorts Jenks, Chattelain and Pillsbury, with the escort carrier Guadalcanal, captured the German submarine U-505 'CCfrJlimm in the Atlantic. This was the first time in 130years that the a~TERLING t. S. Navy boarded and de- clared as a prize of war, an enemy vessel.on the high seas. The U-505 is presently on dis- play at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Ill. •

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J 6 R0 S.SE- POI N.TEN EW S Thursday, ~u". 11•. 1~59.

. ' Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes College Dance Mrs. James Culley Ellis Ibex Holds ---r- Joyce Bushong (Coat-buled frOID .... e 15) Annual Meet Junior' Leag.ue Has legians already .planning to join the crowd dancing in the Mrs. John A. Churchill was Marries Mr. Ellis torch-lit Polynesian setting of named president for a second 45~hAnniversary "Uni~ersity Aloha Night:' are: term at the recent 28th annual . d f G P . t S h I MarcIa Mower, of Roosevelt meeting of Ibex Club. Daughter 0f Supeflnten ent 0 rosse om e coos place; Sally Whittingham, of Also pn' the new slate are PastPr~sidents- and Honorary Members Feted at And Mrs. Bushong Wears Silk Or9andy and Kenwood court; Dennie Carne, Mrs. Arthur. W. Kleinschmit, Tuesday Luncheo,11Jilt the qountry Club: Venice L.ce for Wednesday Rites ..., of Deeplands Court; Bob Mac. Jt., vice president; Mrs. John Donald, of Windmill Pointe B. Hastings, recording secre- Presentation of Volunteer' Awards Superintendent of Grosse Pointe SchoolS,.Dr. James drive; Adelaide Eades, of Ri- tary; Mrs. Robert F. Weber, William Bushong gave his daughter, Joyce, in marriage vard boulevard; .Pat' Hawkins, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Past preside~ts,' sustaining and. honorary member. Wednesday evening to James Culley Ellis in Grosse of Roslyn road; Jack Dumser, CharIes Wright, III, ..treasurer, were honored .at a sherry party before the Tuesqay Poi n t e Congregational ~>------Iof Bedford road; Emmy Lut. and Mrs.' Jay. Sorge, house luncheon meeting of the Junior League of Detroit to .. . ton of McKinley avenue; Os- committee. I mark the 45th anniversary of the organization. Church. In w\1lte eyeletembrOId.erd car Marx, of Lakepointe ave- . Others are Ml'S. 'Charles A. ~~ ...,. Dr. and Mrs. Bushong 0rt:andy over crystal aqua nue; and Art Wible, of Buck- Parcells", J1";. publicity; Mrs. Among. those feted were R' .; k J were hosts after the cere- taffeta with empire sashes of. ingham road. 'Justine Giltner, program chair" Mrs. Paul W~ado.ck, Mrs. ':~re Mrs. Thomas mony at a reception in their satin. Also certain to be among ~~~rs' man, 'and Mrs. Charles W. L. James, Bplkley. Mrs. J. .Litle IU, Mrs. Arthur H. Grosse Pointe boulevard Janis. Bushong waS.. her those dancing and enjoying the . Gauss III, membership chair. Charles A Dean, Jr., Mrs. Buhl, Jr., Mrs. Edward 'C, home. The bridegroom is sister's maid' of honor and tne Boat Club fare at the midnight man. Thomas :Byrd, Mrs. S~ephen Parker,' Mrs'. F ran c isH. the son of Mr. and Mrs. bridesmaids were' Mary Jo supper are the four collegiate Members retiring .from the Stackpole, Mrs. Wilham. D.Bourke, .Miss Ethel Flinn, Mra. William H. Ellis, of Marys~ Giroux, Judy ,Morang, Se)ma members of the committee in board are Mrs! Richard B. Schlegell, Mrs. Charles B. James McEvoy,. Jr' MrS. ville. I Sa'di and Carlene Miller, of charge of the' dance: Audrey l Gushee, Mrs. Milton Volkens Hull, Mrs. J. Dwyer Kin~ Daniel W. Gooden~ld Rohn, Mrs. W.. L. Sherman, en ; ~'S. au .•. -= on, d Mr J V 'is pleased to Mnounce Mary 48 TOP '0 THE HILI. ,. 18332. MACK GrosM Pointe children's shoes linens, trousseau gifts .I IRVING TRAl1. PHARMACY women's apparel VilLAGE STOK'F. 't/n tvnd~. '. Kll.GORfJ & HURD .....omen's and jr. sportswear to cheritf~always gentlemen's attire .tk~ KliRCl1EVAL ,McMllJ.AN MAURICE IflOOD Service Station interiors

MARTHA LAWIRENCF. WRIG1.E1"S MARKET LOWREY ORGAN lingerie, corscttere All Britks YOUNG C1.0THES ttretbeautiful ... 1.0NDON EAST children's and infants' Cllll for i A.pp(Jinlmefll restaUrant clothes 'P'. Bransby DISTINCTION ELEGANCE SERVICE STUDIO 20083 MllCk Ave. TU. 1-1336 -iff Ih~ Woods CLOSED MONDAYS

, . ., T.hursd.y, ,Jun. II, 1959 '(;ROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven tee", Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Wome.D , and an empire bodice. A League Gives DAR Chapter To Have Lunch seed pearl crown held her Mrs. Gerard M. Haley Haley-Whitehurst fingertip veil of illusidn Help, to Scouts 'The General Josiah Har- Regent; Mrs. David Adamson, and ~she carried a white mar Grosse Pointe Park Chap- first vice regent; Miss Mildred orchid, stephanotis and ivy Girl Scouts of Troop 1722, ter, Daughters of the Ameri. Skaglin, second vice regent; with her prayer book. who have been working on can Revolution, will hold their Mrs. Hub e l' t E. Northrup, Vows Exchanged last meeting of the year at a chaplain; Mrs. Alexander Sharon Haley, the bride- their Community Badge, were presented recently with ,copies luncheon in the Lothrop road Meininger, rl~cording secre- groom's sister, was maid of of the League of Women home of Mrs. Hubert E. North. tary; Miss Florence Pendell, Bride Wean Prince5S Gown of White Parchment. Taf- honor and Ann Marie Hell- rup and Eunice Lamb at 12:30 c Girl Scouts to tJle City Coun- They will live in Grosse cil in session and the Board of Pointe before the bridegroom Education. ) ~'Y~&tt resumes his studies at the The girls were pleased that University of Detroit. their suggestion of a bicycle rack at Kercheval and Notre Opinion On Dame has been carried out by Ballet Pupils Grosse Pointe City. MINK PRICES Giving Progr(l.1n Hospital Guild m t • 0lIl' opinion that the Mint Coats 'J1he more tnan one hundred and J'acketl we're: offering for sale: Wday ballet students in the Grosse N(l1nes Offi,cers are substantially less than we: will be:- able Shoe. do ..'t ,row .. , Pointe War Memorial's School 10 olfet dICGl durBlg the c:oming ICallOII. childre"/1 fNt dol of Ballet under the direction Mrs. Ri'chard Connelly was of Mary Ellen Cooper will take Protect th_ 1l0W JEAN MARION WHITEHURST, daughter of the named president of the Bon Thill opiniorl II bMed Oft tbc: eutre'dt over the auditorium of Par- dun", this MOlt Secours Hospital Assistance cells Junior High School the Russell B. Whitehursts, of Pe~berton road, was prices being paid at the IIlICtion sales for ldivi _1011. League at a recent meeting at night of Tuesday, June 16, at married Saturday to Mr. Haley in St. Martin's Church. the hospital. raw mink skins and Ibe pic:eI prevailina 8:15 to present an evening of .. the opea marllllt. ballet. Mr. Haley is the son of Mrs. Gerard Matthew Haley, Mrs. Waldemar Moesta was of Windmill Pointe drive, and the Inte Mr. Haley. elected vice president; Mrs. We hale • liu'rittd of M"m CoatI HACK'S Official Check List One of the outstanding fea- Raymond J. Duffy, Jr., record- nwmt. tures of the evening will be ing 'Secretary; Mrs. O. B. MId J'aea made lip • well. • tudIoI FOR CAMPERS the Elementary Group's pres- Aubin, corresponding secre- of skins whi<:h are being offered at special entation of a Chopin Ballel Concert Dates At Institute tary, and Mrs. Edward J. Jtioe prices. We iDvi.~ ,0.. tD .. Ibem. done in traditional costume. Hickey III, membership chair- • 2 plirs of sturdy Hack Shoes Young ballerinas in this num- The Detroit Institute of Arts let, violinist and concertmast- man. The pM'Chne of • hn by Robert Mint • Gym Shoes • Shppltl's ber include Eileen 'Eckert, has announced its concert ser- er under Toscanini since 1951, Kathleen Nolan, Linda Whit- Mrs. Howard O'Leary will. Coat Or 1aWt aow •• real iIIwOMDt. • ,Rubbe... • SOl( ies for the 1959-60 season. and presently the. concertmast- head publicity, Mrs. George taker, Sally LaP!a .. Elizabeth er of the Symphony of the Air; • Sho~ Trees • Shine Kits Large, Sally Harrisrm, Becky The l11'st concert is sched- Hag gar t y, historian; Mrs. uled for November 7, and will Bernard Greenhouse, cellist, a Thomas Murphy,parliamen- Waggoner, Fredericka Fuger, pupil oJ Pablo Casals; and , Susan Haisten, Cathy Cinelli, feature the Murray Louis and tarian; Mrs. Richard D. Hasse, Dance com[lany, one of the Menahem Pressler, a pianist ways and means; Mrs, William Elizabeth Blake, Mary Fran- and soloist with leading Eu- ces Comly, Marilyn Lundy, and outstanding. Am,;rican dance Imhoff, Celebrity Series chair- groups. ropean and American orches- man, and Mrs. Blount Slade, Mary M;1rgaret Stephens. tras. The November 25 ooncert Celebrity Series chairman- Miss Cooper has done all will be Irmgard. Seefried, the TiM! last concert of th~ year, elect. the original choreography for leading soprano of the Vienna on April 23, will be Suzanne the production and designed State Opera. Bloch, lutenist, singer t>o the Some people never get over the costumes which all the lute and playC'I' of Virginals the spanking stage - aft e l' mobhers have been working on January 23, will be lWsalyn Tureck. pianist, a great ex- and Recorders. their parents stop, experience for weeks. Even the very begins. youngest in the performance ponent of Bach. Members of the Concert have been giving assistance On February 10, four cele- Series Committee from Grosse Save during June other than' dancing. The Be- brated musicians will combine Pointe are; Mrs. Joseph E. ginners Group made their own their talents to prl!6ent the Bayne, Mrs. Walter GuIer, EASTLAND SPECIAL scenery for their folk, dances Festival Quartet. Members of Howard Harrington, Mr. and the quartet are; Victor, Babin, Mnr. F. .Tean Little, Dr. Ar- HOW TO GET of foreign lands. . 'i Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of the two piano team Vron- thur F. Neef, , Mr. and Mrs. Tickets for the Eve~ing of sky and Babin; Szymon Gold- John W. Nelson, -Mr. and Mrs. Ballet may be purchased in ad- the saml combination 8.95. berg and William Pl'imrose, Harry Lynn Pierson, Mr. and FURTHER WITH. FATHER' of services for which we vance at the Center or at Par- both famous violinists and Mrs. Sterling S., Sanford, usually charge 11.50. cells Auditorium the night of Nikolai Grauden, a cellist fam- Jerome 1. Smith, Mrs. Robert MOM/I-This Father's D"y giv, DIId 'bhe performance. Admission is ous for hi~ unaccompanied per- Suczek, Alexander Suczek, • fine quolity cold wove • haircut #"" $1. In addition, there are a formances of Bach's works for Donald Thurber and Mrs. II gift h~ r,lIlly IIfJfweeitll•• , • • test curls • rinse limited nurn bel' of children's cello: . Theodore L. Sedwick. • creme shompoo • expert setting tickets (for ageti 5 to 12) on February 20 will be the in- A ~E£ TRIAL SESSION AT sale at 5Oc. o..,li"l _ IlriC" .Iightly !lithe! ternational balladeers, Marais The man who 1e a n s over CONTINENTAL. VOGUE and Miranda. b6ckward to do favon for his HEALTH STUDIOS March 19. The Beaux Arts friends will never 10 very far Junior League Trio will feature Daniel Guil- forward. • SWEDISH ROCK STEAM BATH (Continued from Page 16)' • ULTRA ViOlET SUN ROOM • INDIVIDUAllY DESIGNED COURSCS Theodore R. Buttrick, M~. • PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION John N. McLucas, Mrs. George • GUARANTEED RESULTS T. Hall, Mrs. David Crawford, Miss ElHzabeth Cady, Mrs. Robert Gillies and Mrs. Frank Sladen...... - , Mrs. Hardee Bethea gave a -_ ----1 THIS COUpON GOOD FOR , report with slides of the As- ,£::r - sociation of Junior Leagues of America con fer e n c e in ;~;;" GUEST PASS , Victoria, British Columbia. Awards were made for out- , AT CONTlNeNTAL •.~OGUE , standing volunteer work. dur- Choose your new summer hats ing the past year to Mrs. Car- \ HEAL,T,~ ,~~~:,I~~ ... , .. , ... , roll T.. Ballantyne, Mrs. John on Miss Millinery D,ay NAME .. ,'". , Bockstanz, Mrs. John Bowers, ADDRESS . • • • • • • • • • • . . . • . . • • . • • • . • . .. J. Mrs. William D. Byron, Mrs. in our Grosse Pointe store, Edwin Chamberlain, Mrs. Mit- . chell Justice, Jr., Mrs. Paul Sat., June 13t.h. ... --- Keller, Mrs. John King, Mrs. ----- John McCartney, Mrs. Edward ' Posselius,' Jr., Mrs. Ripley Miss Ad, McCafferty from our Downtown Schemm, and Mrs. Frank B. store will b. at Grosse Point•• 11day Ware. with .n .xciting collection of For work at the Senior Center, Lea g u e sponsored summer h•• dweu. ' recreation center for oldsters, awards were given to Mrs, Herbert Bartlett, Mrs. Francis Brossy III, Mrs. Daniel Good- enough Mrs. H. Hudson Mead Grosse Potnte store open 19281 MACK - I blk. N, OF 7-MACK SHOP., CTR, and Mrs. Marion U. Scott. Friday night 'ta 9 p.m. NEXT TO WOODS THEATRE - TU 1.6161 , AIR CONDITIONED . BEAUTY BALON In 1958, more than 48 per cent of the traffic injuries re- FREE PARKING EASTLAND; DR r -3232 lul led from weekend ace i - OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUNDAY 10-4 4TH FLOOR • dents .

Gr088@ Hunters. Jumpers 4Btl. A....""' Poi..te Color - Action Sadcll. Horses T"ri/ls • Nation's Top Fine Harness S"ow Stables .,...~. ;, , , HORSE SHOW -, EvelJ'body Welcome. r. Bring the Family! JUNE 18-19. 20. 21

THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY IIHH'1tI",. ett.r ...... ,"d ,vulll' 8 G. m.-1 p. m,-7 p. m. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 1 P. M., ~VENING, 7 P. M.

A".tts $1,00 A"'pl, ",t hrkillt Chlldr." He Admission. Free •••All Morning Sessions 655 eMk lH4 OH Meek

I' r " I 6ROSS! POINT! NEWS 1hurJd.y, Ju". II. 1959 Society News Gathered from 'AII.of the 'Pointes

Pointe Colony Artist's Drawing of New Beauty Salon for leon's Mr~ Beltz Claims llfeet6 June 16 '.'l'.":"' ...... ',.,.....':.;..,..,' . ':f' Members from this area will Bride in Saginaw attend the Annual Guest Day of Grosse Pointe Colony, Na- tional S'X-iety of New England Weds Sharon Mae Whitney Tue~ay in Ames Metho. Women, on Tue6dray, JUM 16, did Church: Wig Uve in Ann Arbor end Ta~e at The Stockholm, on East Jef. ' T' t W .L- t . A t ferron Avenue, with lunctu;on Wedd Ing rip 0 avung on In ugus 'u-l for 1 o'dock. Mrs. Fred. In Ames Methodist Church Saginaw on Tueroa'" W:,Haint:$, Of Parkview I?rive, , , J wl1l accept T e.ll e r vat 1 0 n 5 Charles Robert Beltz, Jr., son of Mr. ~d Mrs. Charles through Friday. June 12. Ro~rt Beltz,. of J:akeland ~\'enue, c1auner"s wroding'l . , buds. j:t& 'Whl-' d t. ,Attendmg the weddmgwere l' ' ,; ,nr. -J 'ilion;. US) rose 1 the br'Jrlegroom'll grand par- C3;l'Ole 1filli;r. tZu, bnde 5 IIl!1k ~ OVei' ~fetamld ent8, Judge and Mrs. Homer cousm,. "'-.os n:afd 00 ho:Inor ~ j matcbiDg .ac:c~ M.n;. Ferguson, of Washington, D.C. the brid~ were, ~ l Be1.tz Wa5 m ~ue ~ over other out of town gue.st6 were Beitz, ~ ~.IO!:Il!i suter" v.wte. taffeta wItb while I,.C- the Alger R. MaY5, of Miami, and Allee N.tmOO, d. Ca-~t ceuon.e£. 1 Fla,. and Mn. Mabel Whiting, Iof Coral Gable.s, t The bride's aWlt, Mo;. John II J. Enszer was Lie organist CalDp Savery [or the ceremony. feet, and that in addition to latest equipment the building will be Opens It's 19th YeArlIS • D.y C.mp ontM Grosse Pointe Mrs. Willard Wilson This modem structurE! on Mack avenue between Washington Univenity School C4Jnput.. Complet.1y rlOf9,niud to road and Rivard boulevard, for which construction got under way exquisitely furnished and will have unusually fine accommodations To Fete Colonists early this week, will be the new home of Leon Sehoyan', beauty for the comfort of patrons. Off the. foyer will bea delightful meet the sportswear and accessory shop which Margaret Rice of the Margaret Mn. Willard O. Wi1l'On is salon. Sehoyan, knbwn nationally for his exceptional flare for hair NEEDS, INTERESTS, CAPABILITIES AND . opening her Bedford road styling and whose present salon has grown to be one of the Pointe's Rice Shop on Kereheval Hill, will operate. A circular driveway will BOUNDLESS ENERGY home to the members 01 the large£'~,says the new structure will contain more than 5,000 aquare lead to the portecochere. Detroit Chapter, Daugbten; of of the youth 01 Grose Point.. the American Co]onists on Klein, MID. Neil A. Cam€ron, To Have Ladies OilY Last Friday tile WILLIAM Wednesday. June 17. for the Winners Listed Swint Cla$ses Camp will be organized into tour divisions, each with MisE Eloise O. Goddard and G. CURRA.~S and the A. luncheon folrowe.__ ad on JWl€ 16. Man)' of the!!' h, htf~ c.eU TU ..... 2... 52 ., TU ..... 2-"56 Dearborn. 4'~ 5€n' ~ ...- • ,1. 5'--.20"0- friend! here have given fare- Q[ East and Wen: Emma Har- The officers 1Jb.e society graduatE a.s Doctor O'! Mt:di- '!'he fint activity Vo1ill be 1he ~.Nn6 err/log&d. For informotion .June 3: North and South, ~ second session registre-I gene Bulle,. Jackie Wilcox and Earl Gur- ltall court meneger. non dates are July 17 through i Appointments still available fa, nack Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Mervin lL I infcrmal wedding photogrophs, in Cress. Hck "1_4)1•• Jr. color Of' b Iod< and "hi f1!. East and West: Dr. M. W. Hope ia more f'ffecth e when ! Phone TU. 2.4212 TU 1.7703 For Boys and Girls June 22 Haisten and Dale Herndon; it tonm a }:*rlnership ,.. i t h i Jessie Cook and James Cook. hustle. Bridol portraits in CL'OI \:\ ...."rorl 2Y2 thru 12 Years Thru. Aug. 28 token under strobe tights in ~Jr air conditioned studio. You~ll Love the Way These It's. play uperience always to be remembered. Daily sports ••. with weekly field trips to loeal points of inter. [I SUMMER READING PROGRAM II g... 8MIt"' l.u8trous Curb Behave! nt, swimming It the beach, dramatics, etc:. Transportation. Studenh Lea,n PHOTOGRAPHER , IM31 MACK dummerd own Grosse Pointe Day Camp TU. '.3460 821 Vernier Roaa GROSSE POINTl ~ SUPERIOR READING SKILLS JI permanent Specific ""icatiol to d ..dy aM plees .... readllHJ io your own ir,oividuill hllir I llyfe •.• /lnd if YO'J(h?~1 ESSENTIAL FOR \0, /l jud,for.you edvr tint, College Preparcltory Student& t f ~ too! , ,) OUr Own Proctll CJt -vi BIead1J na:. Frostln, In d Jun. 25 through August 11 • Improves comprehension TippJn,. e Increases c;oncentration presents ~ Grades 3.6: Mond.y through Friday, 8:<45 to 12 noon • Makes reading • pleasant ac:tivity lobelle's Beauty Salon i COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSES To be ~ondllned b)' Gr,des 7-12; /l.:iondllYthrough Saturd.y. 8:45 to I p.m. The '9027 Mack at 7 Mile Road TU 4.1' 30 BALDRIDGE READING SERVICES INC. IIII 41 Arch St. Greenwich. Conn. op" Thll'*" .'u. Frill." (v.";,,,. IDEVELOPMENTAL READING PROGRAM: AT THE CU5TOMU flU 'AItKING IN ItEAR OF STORE E\PeCiolll' desi,,~ fOf' '>Iudenl~ who hove m:ntered bo~ic ______- rtoding ~~,ilJ,and cinirt to develop the;r 5i~ reOOfn:l obilily Grosse Pointe University School & to a SY .... MitfielI Dele, 'Orft ...,.. Sunday, June 14, from 10 a,m. ? need Dry Cleaning Care SAliS CONDUCTED 8Y for th.,t VALENTE Ray Whyte H,O.1eI1..., • Ilfld D.Stalk.r, Ilc. Crisp Look! Italian Motors, InCa Appr.i.~r, ..24 Book Buifdin9 Courtaous Pid.up Ilnd Delivery Service VA 1.7500 16601 E. Warren, at Ken,inston WOodw"d f -9085 I. Jefferson, I. Nottingh.m FREEPARKING ON OUR LOT TU 1.<4800 1480 I E. Jefferson Phon. VAlley 3.1600

... ' ..

ThursdlY. Jun. II, 195' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Plge Nineteen Woman's Pag,e • • • by, of,. and for Pointe Women Dile ~o Have It's all rig h t to put your From Another Pointe of View Ferry School Pupils P.resent Play best fOot forward, but give the Short and to Little Show. ~ one time to catch up. (ContlJluecl from P.,e 13) weather at the Grand' Hotel at Mackinac Island this the Pointe Detroit Athletic Cluh has . scheduled one of its special week are Mrs. Truman Barbier, Mrs. Clifford T. Eke- (COntinued from Page 13) lund, Mrs. Gil Every, Mrs. William McCallum, Mrs. two-night "Little Shows" for Two men Mom Grosse Pointe members and their guests this Clarence Maguire and Mrs. Standish Backus. were amOng the 321 seniors Friday and Saturday, June 12 They are attending the 45th National Annual Meet- who received their bachelor and 13, 1<1 add a party flillip to For ing of ,the Woman's National Farm and Garden Associa- of arts degrees at Colgate Uni- week-end dinner and dancir.g. versity's 138th annual com. tion with the climax of the session coming today. mencement exercises on JUQe Featur':d will be the bad- The 8. tone, Gaa-y Mann, star of the Mrs. H. Earl Hanson heads the committee on ar- Fran Allison television show Bride's rangements with Mrs. Cash Talbot, co-chairman. Others They are .VANCE HOWE, and currently popular reeord- from the area attending are Mrs. F. Gordon Davis, Mrs. son Of MR. and MRS. VANCE .ing artist, who was a 1955 dis- Carlson, Mrs. Mllrvin Weeks, Mrs. Howard Steggall and HOWE of Neff _road, and covery of Arthur G' stint at Queen. Cruise . Howe •. a histOFy major, wa~ New York's Copacabana. All Of \ , a member. the freshman golf Dick Barlow and his Of- exquisitely and Dasketball teams, the As Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II steams up the chestra will provide the music romantic St. Clair river on her battleship HMS Britannia she will Economics Club, the SALMA- :tor BODK-PIRn~ Other officers named were Mrs. GeOl'gp.W. Duffield, • • * CIIIllII.IlURSJSIITlUI~ RlXII'1~'IDEIl5I_ Washington. for a year, after CH.!\RLES R. W HIT E, Of School and received hIS B.S. cial program for the enter- Mrs. Murray Fowler, Mrs. Julius J. Huebner, Mrs. James which he plans to specialize degree from Wayne Sta'te. tainment of the husbands and NI.I'I~LIIOlJ MClillTtlnsIX~:OUTCOlR.. G. McMahon, Mrs. Charles Wright III, and Mrs. Richard Provencal road, was graduated Il5PWt tin,Ml'ln~.nDSIIIa IEfe.' in plastic stlI'gery. At U. of from Proctor Academy, Ando- Kypi'os will serve his intem- guests has been planned by A. Speer. _- M., he was affiliated \\ith ver, N. H. on Saturday, June ship at 8t. Joseph Mercy Has- Mrs. John Rini and Mrs. fllD[RI1 .. R£RIoI5TIC Sigma Alpha. Epsilon and Phi Tau Beta members will wind up the season with an 6. In his one year at Proctor, pitel, Detroit, specializing in James Vaughan, the details of i ...... ,ZE.... TU &63191 all day outing for the juniors on June 22. In the evening Rho Sigma fraternities. White earned a van;ity letter intemal medicine. which are a closely guarded both seniors and juniors will gather at the home of Mrs. • * • in football, hockey and. base- (Continued OIl Pap .23) seCret. Frank W_ Donovan for supper and entertainment. GERALD W. BOEBER!TZ, ball, and was a member of the son of MR. and MRS. ALBERT school's newspaper staff. He CARL BOEBERITZ of Steph- will enter University of Michi- JOyce Ann Jackson Wed To Thomas R. Leithauser ens road, was graduated from gan in September. Basic Combat Training in Fort . . ,~ Church, Grosse Pointe. The Mr. and Mrs_ Roy Jackson Leonard Wood. Mo., on June PATRICK LYNCH CAUG- of Alter road announce the bride's attendants were her 5. Pvt. Boeberitz attended sister, Mrs. James Kurtz and HEY, son. of DR. and MRS. marriage of their daughter Grosse Pointe High School EDGAR CAUGHEY of S. Ox- AUTO LOANS Constance Gildner. Dr. Leit- Joyce Ann to Thomas Robert and Lawrence Institute of ford, and KENT RICHARD his best Leithauser. hauser was soris man. Technology. DALEY. son of MR. and MRS. A wedding .breakfast fol- CONSULT US',IST •••AND SA VI I Mr. Leithauser is the son of * • • RICHARD S. DALEY of Bal- lowed at Lochmoor Golf Club. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel JAMES C. OWENS, son of four road; received their Len- After their wedding trip to hauser of I,akeshure lane. MR. and MRS. JAMES S. bachelor .of arts degtreeS at Your Car Loan c-. lie completed at your Harbor Springs, the couple OWENS of McMillan road, and Albion college Monday morn- The wedding took place will make their home on Neff Dea'er'. Office. ~• 01' see YOVI' nearfly lane. ' .:. ANTHONY TURNER MOTr. ing. June 8, during Commence~ Thursday, June 4, in Sl Paul's son of MR. and MRS. FRED- ment ceremonies in Goodrich lANK of rite COMMONWEALTH OfRCE-,,~ I ERICK D. MO'I"I' of Balfour chapel an the Albian campus. road, were graduated from • • • ! Oberlin CoIl e g e, Oberlin, MIKAEL JOKI, son of MR. Ohio. on June 8. James, who and MRS. A. DEAN JOlO, of received his B.A. 'degree in Neff road, was graduated from 3% Quarterly on physics, graduated Sum m a the Principia Upper School, St. Medallion Savings Accounts Cum Laude. Anthony received Louis, Missouri. Active in the his B.A. degree in Ecooomics. extracurricula.r program and • • • sports, he served on the Junior Graduates of the Hill School, Development Committee and Pottstown, Pa., on June 8, played on the football tealT\. were MICHAEL KRAG, son of • • • MR. and MRS. W. BRACE RONALD ROLLEY, son of KRAG of Memweather road MR. and MRS. ELMER A: and PillLIP McM. P1'ITMAN, ROLLEY, of Lincoln road, re- son of MR. and MRS. LANS- ceived departmental honors in

BOAT OWNERS 181" wHY: "Rambler is a MIl-made, eftk:iently de- signed, comfortable car with outstanding strueturaJ strength p/fle and rigidity, smooth, quiet economical operation, out- BANK COMMONWEALTII standing marieuverability in traffic and ~~ lIicisfKtory Specials! roadability, ride and handl,ing, compcutn'C performance, good operating economy and very significantly low owner-. ship costs-in short, it's our choice for overall best buy Spec'"nl. Afo"", COMpfete among U.S. cars." sWwlnl the. GROSSE POINTE Area: • COST:" ... has a lower initial prk:e, and on the basis of WATERSKIS AIII.l.lne current figures will retain a greater percentage ofits original OUTPtT toSt than any other car anywhere near its price." $30 v.... $14" Harper-Graylon OffIc. Mack" •• port OHlc. New Oltly ••• , ~54t1 • mUNG: "... has developed in just three yeanlnto ~:e...... 16150 H.r ..... , ...... , ... 14M3 .1Ick . one of the most attractive CUI on the road." , • IODY DISIGII AIff) C'OfIaTIUCTJON,"Mostevident liJc. ,..,. MCIIi .. is the solidity of the unit~nstruction body. On the fOld .. M' UMts '.H.no Lake.~ OHlc• there is never a trace of annoying body shake or vibration." YOtirs fOf' , $11'.01 =-~...... J...... ~'" 14301 L L.Ic .. • '''Tff''Oft: ".'.. an ~trernely comfortable car for all six passengers becaU!iC the centers of both front.~ rear se:'ts are not crammed down close to the tranam&Sllon hiM", AItl,,"MM housms 70 and.driveshaft tunnel." $11 • HANDUNG ANO ROADAIIUTY: ".•• amazin&ly ~=~....,.. responsive and maneuverable at moderate speed"" OPEN UNTIL ~ O'ULOCK e-,.... NM ef INri ... .."..... "lit! 4iveft' • QUAUTY, ", •• geu high marks In quality of manu. MfitI .... "'., QlriI e,.1t ,em, DAILY-MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY facture." Your Rambr., deal., will be glad to !Iw YO" " 7Wprittt0/ ST.CLAIR DIVERS CO.~~ '415 F.rmer St. OffIce J• .,en until' P, M•• n Monday ovenl",s, 1M complete attfcw. U'HIYI,.. " ""_rl.. S.,.,,'" tIH Oft s.tunhly., 10 A. M. to 5 p, M. GROSSE POINTE RAMBLER 14130•. J,,"UON Member '.d.,.1 .... n. IYlt • .., .n'd h".r.1 D.poelt ("Iur.ne. Corporatfon KHclteval tit Alt.,. Jto.cI ~I~ ...... PR 7•.a2 , E"'" -

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MYSTERY SHIP-Missing wIth It.!.crew for 16y~ars, this U.8. B"U bomber 15check- ed by one ot the Air Foree searchers who found it In the barren L1by&U deaert, t40

, ' miles southeast or Benghazl. The searcflers found no trace of the crew ot the plane, YANK PITCHER "CATCHES" SALK SHOT - An un- , which was last seen turning away from a bombing raid on NaplN in 1943. The AN EYEFUL-If you think South Paclnc belles only dwell In adventure stories. take u,sual scene took place in the New York Yankees' • good look at Marllu Saint Georges. a 16-yee.r-old charmer who left her native plane's radio was stlll In working order when found by investigators, who theor1Je dress!ng room prior to a recent game when newly ac- Rapa-Nul (Easter) Island to tind fame as an artist's model In Rome. She poses with that the crew bailed out some time before the four-englne bomber bellied into the quired pitcher Ralph Terry got his Salk pollo booster flat sand waste. _ a cat-eyed portrait of herself done by famed Roman painter Novella Pa.rlgln1. shot, from trainer Gus Mauch. Looking on are fu1l1 inoculated Yankees Bill Skowron and Hank Bauer.

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", ;, ) t .. ~' .~. ' ~',~!,~~:~~=:':,~',::"":',:~:, CLEAN FISH STORY-Some of the world's most pam- pered tlsh live in an aqual'ium located at a new oil re- tine~y near Toronto. In the 4,200-gallon aquarium, one of Canada's largest. the tish thrive in water purer than in their native habitat. R. J. Hull. president of Cities Service Oil Company. Ltd., said the aquarium was built WILDLY WOOLty- LEATHER CONVERTmLE to demonstrate the efficiency of the world's most-ad- Ready - to - wear designer -An all-leather ensemble vanced water purification system - which takes Dela Pierre of Nice does a that converts to an, all. water. after it has been used In refining oil, and re- shaggy-girl story in this CRAFT~ IDEA - Everybody's heard about the man leather lult at the zip turns it to Lake Ontario in a purer state than when new coat from his fall and who built a boat in his basement and then couldn't FLIP TOP-Want your head handed to you? It hap- ot a zipper Is shown in it was removed. winter collection display- squeeze it through the door. But that story's been top- pened to this display dummy which hall a shopper luscious caramel suede by I ed In Paris. Done In stone- ped In Amsterdam, where a Dutch instrument maker spellbound In a Nashvll1e, Tenn., department Iitore. Castor of Paris. The self- grey. wool and nylon, the named A. Raave built a sailboat In his attle. The l 'When the ~gure'8 head fell off. &Orne ivag .stuck it on buttoned topcoat comes in "short.,haired" coat is col- craft might have stayed there until the building came its hand. tor an e.lrectlve ,hopper-stopper. two parts that can be larless and pinched at the down, except that a contracting company heard the quickly separated to make waist by a wide leather story. knocked. out a window and lowered the boat by a short, boxy suit Jacket. belt. a crane. The skirt Is short, straight and slim.

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SPACEBALL GAME-A ball game could be played on the moon by earthmen 'wearlng this uniform demon- strated at the U.S. Naval Air Material Center in Phil- adelphia. The Mark IV "space" suit developed by B. F. "MRS. NEW YORK"-Mra. Goodrich and the Navy has remarkable mobility even Jane Callender, 35-)'ear- when pressurIzed. A baseball-fan scientist has esti- old homemaker of Wil- mated that a normal earth - type home run would SPECIAL DELIVERY-The stork Is too old-fashioned for these neatly boxed babies, r liamsville. N.Y., will re~ travel about halt a mile in the moon's weak gravity, who arrived In Portland. Ore., by aIrliner. They are waifs of m1x.ed American and SEW BUSINESS-The show must go on. but not until resent the Empire State In EJlsabetta Sanslnl (left) gets a few strategic stitches "'-'TI Korean blood, and were brought fromHhe Far East for adoption through the wort the 21st annual "Mr,. I of Harry Holt, an Oregon farmer wrned benetactor, who arranged tor 121 of ~ put Into her costume In Rome, Italy Wielding needle America" Homemak Ing and thread Is Marla Luisa Tonti at a school where 70ungsters to be ftown In at once., While their fellow passengers .nooze, the two Contest national tina1s at' babies In foreground m,lke big eyes at the pho~Dber. future ballerinas learn not only dancing, but costume. Fort Lauderdale, Fla .. fitting as well. June 11-23, ""-.. :d~roj " ~~. .~'l ~+~ ~~"" ..~~~( ,~~~,~}I i'T""I./' ~ 'I

COOL, MAN, COOl-Ice- berg temperatures. cre- ated by man-made Ice on dry land at the U.S. Naval AIr MaterIal Center. PhIl. adelphIa, fall to ehl11 HM 1/0 Marlon Myers In thil demonstration of the n,w Mark IV. suit. B. F. Good- GALLANTRY IN ACTION - ,Barbed wire can't stoJ) rich englneerl who devel- tI!:AN.To-The Leaning Tower of Plsa has nothing on these gravity - defying kids, tour-yeal'-otd John Sommers trom doing the gentle- oped the lult say it pro- who obviously ought to have fallen nat on their faces. The youngsters are actually manly thing tor his two-year-old sister, Carolyn. in "Ides epough Insulation to trying to stand upright In the "Marne tic House" or th'e Goldpan Gulch section or Dallas, Texas. The ktds cheerfl,lly risk cuts and enable a man to 1U"lv. Pleuure Island, a new giant amusement center opening at the Boston suburb of 8crapes to get through the fence to where the grass 16 an hour's Immersion In Wakefield, NaSll. The hOURe Is really a glent optical illusion with a Ilteeply-p1tehed apparentl:v much rreener and the buttercuPi much Arctic waters tn 60-btlow- Goor ,Iven a le\tel appearance by the arUully-aniled waU., vellower. zero weather.

j' i,~..', , I

Thursd.y, Junetl, 1959 , , G,ROSS:E 'PO:I'N:T!E, . NEWS '. P~:Tw,inty-one . 1 . j ,- , .',. ~'. • • • " I • IlBDY [ I '~ . I IB ~ 1 I I .". YOUI AD 'CANt. CHAIGoED CALL TUxecl~...2..6900 DlADUNI,JP~""TUISDAY , 3--LOST AND FO"ND S-SITUATION WANTED. 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR IENT- 6D-IESOitT' P_O~RTY I-AlTICL.s POI SA.U '-AITICLIS Ni' $AU CLASSIFIED, RATES • (Ultfurlisr..~n GIRL'S tan trench coat, left on ( UnfurnishdJ Char'ge Ads-IS words tor $1.00 EXPERIENCED general ,han. ON cANADIAN shpr\!: Lake HAMMOND organ, mahogany, HAMMOND Chord .,o:t<.an; fence at 'Cho\\rlevoix and dyman, white. Also outside GROSSE POINTE area,' 36p 389 N.EFF, s~ond f]ooT\ flat. st. Clair, 20 miles. from . witli stool, like new, $950. cOlJ1pletely l' e c 0 nd itioned . Cash Ad~15w6rds for 90c .Fisher. Reward. TUxedo 4- caulking and painting. Ref- Alter road, lower 6. rooms, 2 Available July 15th. Build- tunnel. 2 bedrooms ... Very . Can evenillfs,'YAll~y 1-1719 a~ gUliran~, delivered Sc each additional wo~d 0007. erences. Call aftel' 6 p.m. bedrooms, d in in g' room, ing one year old. TUxedo 2- com fo r t able. Adequately wIU1 bencn.Excellent buy, TUxedo 1::2782. , .5814... ~ equipped cottage, $300; per LOST: Keys, vicinity Notting. Florida room, $135. LAke. 'DO IT YP~R~ELF ,'at $650.' LeSlollS inclooed.' C~11 view 1-5007, PRescott'6-0787. Hionth. TUxedo 2-3442. ham and Jefierson. VAlley YOUR, GIRI:. FRIDAY FIVE ROOM apartm.ent, Ri- • CABINETS T~ ~ all sales. .at 6%. • ~ORMICA " - Smiley ,Bros.'~,'5510 Wood- TUXEDO 2-6900 2-0510. has added the newest 1253 LAKEPOINTE near Ker. vard Boulevard. Stove and FOR RENT in July: 7-be(l- • PLYWOOD ! ward, TRinity 3.6800 • 3 Trunk lines . silk screen oheval, 6 room upper auto. . refI'igerator. $105. TUxedo room; 2-bath, cottage~ ' on ~HEUtWANTED MIMEOGRAPHING matic heat, garage. VAlley 5:-757°. "Lake' Michigan, near Harbor '•• OOOPANELING MiRii'OR, ,6 'ft. x 3 'ft. $25, LINER ,STATIONS RS , MALE alld F4!MALE to her Stenorette, 1.8651. . \"ORTH SEE\NG, Mllr ~'1~ry- Springs .. Completely ,equip- Ideal. t'Qr. over. mantel, lof .. CUNNINGHAM DRUGS • DRAWERS TUxedo 1-0733. _)e941 K.erch.val at Nctr. Dame OFFICE CLERK - Monday, Transcribtng and HARCbURT road upper large :thing. Larger 2 bedrooms, ped.$600. TUxedo 5-,2527. etc. TV"_,...- .' secretarial service. 22500 MACK I' j , , .. ,. ' Wed'lesday a'hd F rid a y modern 'airy rooms, 2-car den, 'upper. 570 Neff Road. SUMMER RESORT PR 5 00'70 'BIKE, bOys~ 26" Schwinn. HARKNESS PHARMACY mornings. Reply Box S-5, MRS. COLEMAN TU 4-6442 20313 Ma~ Ave. at LochmOOl' garage. 'A~ai)~ble July 1st, CalL weekends or eveningS: TIMBERBAY"southshQfe Of • " .Balloon .tires. TUxedo s.. '1'0 4.:S10ll Grosse Pointe N~ws. VAlley" 3-0819. 'TUx~o 2-8614. Fairy Lake' near Huntsville, EXPERT boat refinisher de- GROuND COVERS: Myrt1~, 06~9. KINSEtS 'sires weekend work. VAlley '50 'ALTER ROAD. 2 bed- Muskoka, ,most attractive 1 pachys~Ddras, Euvo~imus 'rwo limed oak end tables, on. 17051 Kercbeva) .t SL Clair 21700 ELEVEN Mile.Jeff~rson; 13 and 2 bedroom moderd sum- TV 0-4827 HELP WANTED, FEMALE - 4-8538. new 2 bedroom ranch ter- rooms, newly remodeled. mer homes with iarge pine yagetus. Call even 1 n i S, 'large square cocktail taple, There is an opening on our race. Unfurnished, $95. Fur- Gas heat, garage. Key at ad- panelled living room, fire. TUxedo 5-0768. all Formica tops. $1~ each. HliWI SALES STATIONS SPRING CLEANUP - Paint Sellirig Staff for a. pleasant, up, fix up. Landscaping nished,. $1~5. PRo 2-665$. 'dress or call WOodward 1- place, twin beds, Frigidaire, FOR scarlet red flaIlle violets, PResc<,>tt 7-,(01)8. . DOWNTOWN '-'RE'-' tacLf41 and fl'iendly person. Grand CIrcUlI Park news' Stanll .sodding, seeding. fertilizing, 899 "NEFF, new colooia12 bed- 5779.", ':_ hot and cold water, bathroom, phone Greta's Green Thwnb 1~ NORGE retruge-rator, a Majestic BId«. Newa Stand Should have pleasant disposi- windows washed, basemejlts, B A L F 0 U R, upper' income, electric kitchen. sandy beach, , .Greenhouse,.37420 , .UtI c a CU9ic ft. Best offer. TUxedo. tion and some selling experi- room apartment. .Built - in E. JEFFERsON TO CITY LIMiTs garages cleaned,' trash haul. electric range and oven, de- heated; 2 bedioo.ms.We.,ek- beautiful scenery with spaci- ; z:oad, Fraser, COhgre~s4.3824 ,1~7913.' , . ' . Alden Park Manor . ence. Forty hours, no nights. . . ,..., .. ' .. I .• ,.t ed away,a1r edroom, $l~O.June Park Drug.. City LImits ~. CU~I)-tstyl~. ,Less furni~ewith sing I. and garage. inquire Apt: ~. . ,. 15 to July 31 or Ailgust, 1 to ,room GROSSE POINTE ,PARK THE VILLAGE STORE EXPERIENCED: white house. , mngs. , " Sept. 15, ,01,:.$300 Per season; ,than lJ2 pnce. other ltems. . bed. ,Also mahogany spinet MIller Pharmacy. Wayburn and 88 Kercheval man, gardener arid mainte. Call after 4. TUxedo 5-5310. ,desk, Tuxedo 4~4838. Kercheval DESIRABLE Grollse PaIn te HARCOURT, 2 ,terrace, 3, bed. 2-bedroom $300 or $600 per SulUvan Pharmacy. Beaconsfield Grosse Pointe Farms nance man desires work. terrace, Rivard at Maumee. rooms, 11f.t baths, screened seasQh; 'alSo,' 3-bedroom Aug.' ~~I!fWAYGrand, FruitwQ<)d JhTON General Electric and Kercl1eva1 ' _ References for past 22 years. pOrCh, recreatiol1 1 toSept.;:.I5-$375 or $750 Wel&On Dru'6.on Charlevoix A.v. 7 rooms;' 2 baths,' garage, :room. : .fmish, carved legs, uphoh ; R32N16 conditioner. TUxedo 5-6117. Park, privileges;,. 1 , block. S how n, by . appointment. .per season. Mr. Wm. Adams, window GROSSE POINTE CITY TYPrST,30 to 45 years, inter- i .st.ef~ ~r.cl\. ExceUentcon- Jused very little, Will sacri. Knopp', Pharmacy. Notre Dame ested. cook, serves . ., .. LARGE front cormir room'for ext. 2208. , STEINWAY HEPPLEWHlTE pointe: Groue Poi.nCe. , ToleS; Junior., TUxedo '5- nicely .. Local references. TU ,.NEW 2 bedroom~ on corner. gentleman. Good transpor. 4100, '74 Kercheval. I-ARTICU5 FOR SALE Console, Walnut, like new. PIANO HARP: Similar to Dul~ CERTAIN individuals in your 7-5536. Completely modern, $10$. crirl PRescott 5-711~ after 4. ..,ta.tiQn. Farms area. Ref- Save ;2 0rii/iIDal. Price.) ',' : 'cimar .. Smi'(n.W\!ssan revo!'. EXPERIENCED colored .._ erences exchanged. Call locality are call1ing an Hoo- '" '. uELP WANTED DOLLtLOTHES. NEW BLOND 'SPINET 'PL\NO ;'ver, 1865. .Marble top cJl'~ ver Users offering to serviCe 4~ .. II' wishes: week work. Grosse WESTCHESTER,. 705, ne a: rafter' 6. TUxedo 4-1882. Hoover Cleaners, and thiS. , ( pam.stie) Washable; small popular fullke~,,:exceIl~t ,ffr" 'aer. ~8523 Willowl1lere, ,M-, ; Pointe references. TO' 8- lake,' 5 bedTo.01l1 house,'; oil . dolls and l8-inch Xevlon.. reoreati~"r ~ om, delivered, ; ,Clemens. H~3-99>i1. notice is to adviSe you that CLEANING woman with own 3822. " heat. Excellent for indus. LO~LY,larg(:room with pri- ch we will not be held respon- tranSportation, 2 or 3 days. " . trialist, business or prafes. i vate bath. Telephone, tele, CuStom made. with blm , '$485. .:; "POOL TABLE, 4x7, uSed i sible for any service that References. TUxedo 4-4164. EXPERIENCED Woman wish- sional man. Rent.;$350 month. "ision, radio, garage. TUx- M. HARGIS TU 4-7594.. ~erfl¥l o.n all SIllies at 6%., 'times, 1) e rf ed 'condition;. they may render to your es days. WAlnut 3-i450. Lease, deposit. Shown by ape : edc, 4-1180. Smiley B:o.t~el'S, 5510 Man's white dinner jacket. CHINA, funpture, rugs, an- Y'ood- cleaner. BABY SITTER. Prefer compe, ward~ _~Ity' ~-6800. "size 40, perfect conditio~ HOUSEKEEPER, white, in pointment only. KEnwood PLEASANT Room, business tiques, miscellaneous, bought We ask that you be'sure the tent middle aged person '40's, good plain COOking or 1-0141. ' .. man or woman_, Kiteh'en ANTIQuEs; 'brie-a-brae, mar. TUxedo' 4-9651. . , m~ who calls at your door mainly' for care of new and sold. Majestic Furnit'Jre, kitchen' helper. Live iri. Box HARCOURT; 'upper flat, 'privil~gET if desired. Near ble .t~pped tabl~s, figurines, SOFA secbiona1, uplholstered. is .wearing a Hoover Identi- baby, occasion a!, car e of 01;2 10227 Woodward, TOwnsend N-30, Gr~sse Pointe News. baths,. 2 . bedrooms, . SmaIl bus hne. V.~.lley 4-2570. . miscellaneous. Good used nubby green and chair 'in . fication Badge. If you are in other. children. 'Some.week- 6-2500. ' " doubt, call ' ends. Usually other help in EXPERIENCEID reliable wo- li~rary, carPeted, stove, re:- ROOM for, 2 employed yoUng' , furniture.' Elliott'~ " Antique gold. Cor n e r table, cane GOLF EQUIPMEN7: Hagen, Shop, ,l()623Mack~.:' .... 'sides. All matchingwoo4. THE HOOVER COMPANY ,home. TUxedo' 1-5864.' man wishes 3 days a wel'k frJgerator:. Ad u 1t s, $225, women. Near' bus line. Ga~ general work. A-I refer. month. VAlley 3e0223'rage 'available. ''11Jxedo Spaulding, McGrgeor, Wi!- SANDBOX .SAND, .$1, bag.' -'- " Like new. TU.xedo 2-9813. 12841 E. McNichols, Detr.oit 5 C 0 :M PET E N T woman for .son Pro. model wOOds. and LA 7.9500 . mother's helper and general, ,ences. IVAll~y 1.~676. 835 NEFF road, neady'new 1-0043.' irons. Edgar "Butch" Bran- special, only 77c.:Land-o- AIR CONI?ITI01"lER, ~ercury. Thursday 'or Fridays: Call COMPETENT cook June 15 to ,- upper, 2 bedroo~. Screened 92 MUIR, near bus lines. Kit. dau, 1325. Cadillac Blvd. NC;Xi, 13747 Gratiot at 6, IlJl, ton,'230 volt, new. BOy'~ • Mile. , " . '. 20" bicycle, nice. TUxedo 1A-rER~ONALS , . evenings, afteI; ,8 p.m.. TUx- . Sept. 15. Togo out of city. porc~, gas heat. dlsposal,..-ga- ,chen privileges if desired. AUTO DRIVERS-Only $9.16 PIANO B '1..-"-h" . ..+-..... '5.611~.. __ edo 4~2363. .. .', : TUxedo 5-3746. . rage. $~65. TUxedo 5-8946. 'Clean and quiet. TUxedo 5~ qua r ,t e r 1y, buys $10,000.' ,ram...... ,; apll ... .,e ...... , '., ' '8605 SPECIALIZING in hair. styl- $20,000 Bodily Injury and size, with be n'c h, Pretty. CROSLEY SHELVADORE re- ing, PE:rmanimts and condi- DAY WORKER,' white,recent RESPONSlBL.E hig) school PARK-. 1127.Beaconsfiel.d, up- . •$5,OOOProperty"Damage Li- . Needs tuning. $25(>., VAlley frigerator, 'good . 'condition, ,tioning problem hair. Ap- '.local references .. Send infor- . 'h b b 'tt' per $70, lower $75. One bed- 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT s~mor WIS es a Sl 109, room, 5. rooms .. H e'a t e d; i.,., , • 3-03~, apt. 2.59, weekday.', $15, Call Thursday or eve- Pointments. available. Call . mati on and telephone nwy.. 23 6 !Ight housework. Exper- Couple. DRexel 1-1163. DOCTO. 'RS_ DE.NT.rSTS ability. ~ 1- 7 .:: evemngs after 8:30 p.m. ' . mngs. TUxedo 5-1955. The~a; WAlnut 1-2939. bel' to Box P-112, Grosse. lenced, good references. TU . . , VACUUM. BARGAINS ' .. . . Pointe News. . .'. ,. . .. '. ,GOLF CLUBS, 4 woods. Wi!- BEAUTIFUL modern break:' 2-8521. . GROSSE POINTE,' 416 Ca-' Will build clinics, D~roit or ar tee NEED • baby sitter? Reliable I' . . . EXPERIENCED "th dieux, 3 bedroom lower, dis- suburb;, for .lease or sale. Se- Rebullts 1 ,year gu l!-I1 . . I.son Faremaster Registered. :f8st '!Elt. Duncan Ph.yfe nursemaids a va i]a b 1e by S-SITUATION WANTED , . woman WI. pasal, carpeted, stall shower; .1ect yourlotor'ours. Desirable HRobov~lrtwElbeak'te;s $$116g'9955-!;44'9955,r D+3. New. condition, $40. ,lamp table. End1Jables. PrO" hour, day or week. Matern- . . .. references desl::es day wo~k. recreatJion room, separate z;eighborhoods. Investigate. Al- e ~ . u~ as. .' -'I"" , I 'TUxedo 4-5197.' :" , ~vmei81." ~hair. Silverware, ity help available. The Sit- SECRETARIAL SERVICE Lat1Ildry. cookmg and child ,basement garge. $150. ma Evans, Realtor. WO 1-3116 Reb~ltGEs ~ $19.95 .. .•... '. m'isceJ-1aneous. VAlley Rebwl~ Royals; . , ~2~.95 GENERAL Electricrefriger- . 1.115'60 ters Club,'PRescQtt 7-0377. Add .,Al~nd°"M '1' '" care. TYler 4-3553. ' , or'WO 2-5500. - ressmg a. . .al mg , GARAGE apartment unfurn- HARPER VACUUM ' .ator, good running condition '.'. 1 WILL TEACH you to drive ,Service EX PER I ENe ~ D . colored ished. Very desirable loea- MACK near 8 Mile. 1-2-3 room 17176 E. W.Al~REN at Cadieux $30. 7'Uxedo .1-0149. ' . " B~DR09M set - vanity; dres- in traffic. Former police in- ROSEMARY GANT woman. wants ll'omng and tion, 3 rooms and bath. $110 suites.l\lso suitable for small TU 1-1122 OPEN 10 to 7 CHEST 3 ]~rie 2 sm~Uliraw. "se~, and~. 3983 Devon- .strUctor. Bert Mitchell, LA . TUxedo 2-3283 c I e a n In g Tuesdays. or month. Heat and light furn- retail businss. ~I~asonable . "a1nut 1_'ls'h.' .Reason- .. ~tf01t. : : TRADE~IN sofas and chairs. ers. W un 1fh1~. 6-6960. Wednesdays. Grosse POinte ished. No children. Replay Call PRescott 8-8987. UNEMPLOYED married m~n references. Call after 6 or all to Box V-25 Grosse Pointe All' in nice condition. Rea- able~ TUxedo 2-5739. FO{JR IRON porch chairs $10 2A-MUSICAL . ' wishes work: lawn care, day Tuesday or Wednesday. News ' 'DOCTOR'S SUITE sonably priced. VanUpho}. MNCH MINK cape, A-I con- each. <;rl>od condi~on. 24 FAirmont 1-0672. . INSTRUCTION I trimming shrubbery. Fre.e New - Air. Conditioned - . sterin~ Co., 13230 Harper. .Orl, chair, _>I' RELIABLE boy, 16, desires apartment; gas heat. Available living room. Cross ventila. north CYf Gratiot Inn. 4. bed- tools and. lawn equipment. good condition, $75.00. 3 prs .• BOOKS ~urch.sea tor casJ?. PRIVATE TU'l'ORING ,lawn. cutting, garden work June 15th. Monthly rental, tion, free paved parking, rooms, sleeping porch. All fireplace screen. and fix- of cocoa brown drapes $25. Entl«l hbraries or fine sincJe IN or Odd jobs. References. $117.50. individual controlled heat cityconvenjc~. Available tures. Also other miscel. WindllOI' and antique chair. ~tems. Midwest ~k Serv-, TUxedo 4.6371. WOodward, 3-91'1II included. Mr. Cole, Mgr. July, August, September. laneous items, 704 Lincoln Plastic dishes. TU 1.1028. Ice, 4301 Kensm(ton, TO YOUR OWN HOME By month or season. Call R. 1003 BEACONSFIELD. (Jef. 21401 Kingsvillc-lblock Road. 5.2450. All subjects; all grades. Adults LAWN CUTTING and general J. Walker, EVergreen 5. CEDAR CHF.$T, $10. Porce- ' , ferson). Nice Clcan flat, $75 cast of 7 Mile (Moros.'l and children. Certified teach. outside work. Call' TUxedo I 45~O or VAlley 2-1311. 2 LONG racoon lady's coata lain top kItchen cabinet, $8. BJtDROOM and dininc ~m month. 5 rooms, ~th. Pri- Rd.), 3 blocks south Of era. 2.8153 or TUxedo 1-2406. Harper. ' TUxedo 2-0592. Walnut table, $10. Ottam.n, suite. nUl, refrilerator, ... vate basement, gar. heet. LARGE sUTl)mer home, Can- $10. C,." ~""" , , j " """",.""''""10-' ""0, ,__ ."""'" _._ _. _."" ,.. ,_., , , ., __ , .: .. , .. , .\ ~, _ ~s a_ --


'ege Twenty.Two & R05 51! PO IN TE NEW 5 Thursday,' :JUM Il. 1959

.. YOU•. AD CAN II CHAR"'D TIIrH T!'tI" U ... ,T. s.n. Y.. 9vlcldy TIIr •• Tr.. 11 LiI.1 T. SerV. YOt!! 9.icllly DEADLINE 3 P,M. TUESDAY CALL TUxedo 2~6900 , , . '-ARTICLES WANTED 12A-10ATS Ie'MOTOIS 13.-REAL ESTAn 13-REAL ESTAT. 13-1EAL ESTATE 13A~OTS FOR SALE 21A-GENERAL, SEIYICES CHILD's sand box, !mall. 1959 JOHNSON outboard. 10 FOR S~LE . FOI SALE , FOR SALE GROSSE POINTE SHORES-:- FIREPLACE equipment! br8ss . . PRescott 2-0486. liP. Has never been used. 3-BEDROOM hOOse, Grosse BEAUTIFUL' ~nch Prov~~ and irc>nB! .tools repolished. Including 6 gallon tank, Pte. Farms, $17,900. Reply French Acres Sub., Duval cial type home for comfort- and lacquered!' screens re- -POSITIVELY portable motor stand, auto. to Box K-50. Grosse Pte. WATCH THE BOATS Road, 125xlOO ft. $11,000. p air e d. . Smith. Matthews, HIGHEST PRICES-PAlrf for matic baile-r, and nylon pad. News. able living on circular On the lake from the terrace Richard M. Kimbrough Co., court, i. Grosse Pointe 17850 Maumee, TU. 2.2593 6640 Charlevoix. WA 2-7155. Furniture end Applioncel ded mot 0 r cover. Phone of tl}is delightful, large 4 bed. 'd . Woods. Large lot,. many I090 S. OXFORD ". ll,!l gOO Earl Arne' Monday thro~gl\ Fn ay. , "I Piece or 4 HQuseful." WEbster 3-8200, extension GROSSE PTE.WOODS trees. 3.bedroorns, 2Jh baths, 21C-ELECTRICAL PRescott' 5-5733 505, days, 8:30 to 4:30. Most att~ctive imd' charming ~:~ome \vith1reaJt!a.st r~ Hunt Club Drive, 1984.'3 bed. gas heat, 2-car garage, large colonial. S po tle s s.l y main- utility. room, HOBBY ROOM, lOO'xl68' ON Lewis~n Road, SlIYICE . . . n ear transportation and !300KS bought in any quan. SAILBOAT, 25-ft.Luders 16. room brick Colonial, gas heat, knotty pine reereation room, tain ed ,Delightful spa c i 0 u s all on 1st ~oor. Truly a fine tity. Entire libraries, book. Excellent condition. Good 2 c:ar garage, ree. room, library! den, screened porch. rooms. Large jalousie terrace. setting for your lovely an.- shopping. TU' 5.3220 ELECTRICAL, WIRING AND case~, art objects. Mrs.B. C. sails. TUxedo 5-5524. . screened terrace. Immediate Near bus and schools. $39,. 3 bedQ'ooms, 2. baths on second. tiques. $59.800. KARL DAVIES REPAlltS Claes, 1670 Leverette, WO possession. 500. No agent .. 1996CJ Norton Top' location. Exceptional va]. ~1-3D--,M--,-.""'O-R"""-G-A-G-E-S-.--- Repairs Our Specialty. , 20 FT. HALF-CABIN sloop, Court, TUxedo' 1'.4787. 3.4267. sleeps 2; fully equipped, hi- NASSOR REALTORS . . \'. ue. Quick possession. PRIVATE PARK Prompt Service'. WANTED eluding ..foam rubber .bunks! Member E.D.R.A. Multi-photo 1362 SOMEnSET,6 and 6. Ex. ARTHURJ. SCULLY CO. . ON WATER MORTGAGES I.,icense #22.6b4. good . family 'day sailor lor list. cellent condition. 2 gasfurn- 20169 Mack TU 1-8310 HARBOR HILL Residential.;. Commercial KRAUSMANN ~LECTRIC OLD CLOTHING cruise bOat for couple, ~1600. PRescott 1-2900 aces, na t u r a I fireplaces, ------For the resid~nts of this. fine FIRST MORTGAGI COMP~ TUxedo 4-6249, evenings. lower carpeted, accept 'trade. BESTPRICES PAID strMt. The discriminating Commitrnent24 hra. Money " ~XEDO ~-5900 Owner. GROSSE' POINTE FOR MEN'S SUITS '55 OWENS, 2i ft.Flying 64 CLAIRVIEW, 3- Pedxoom burer who demand,s the best 4 days. $1,000.00 up. 60/9, 5-'1 iTOPCOATS AND SHOES bridge, fully equipped, per- brick ranch. paneled library Shop fo.r ,Your House in materials, workmanship, Yrs. Repayment. 21D-ELEC,' APPLIANCE manent top. VEnice 9-5271. and paneled Florida room. 22 LOTS condition 'and location willap- TUlsa 3-1872 Large living room and dm.- GROSSE POINTE WOODS The .Simple Way , preciatethis face brick Col- S E CON D M 0 R T GAG E EXl"ERT VACUUM . ., LOANS. "'~tiity above M"rt- CLEANER SERVICE A telephone 'call will bring. us A SPECIAL THIS WEEK -:.. ing room,kitchcen and utili- Will b u i Id to suit. Spare yourself, .and th"e onial with. many extra quah.y ""'i to you immediately Chris Cr~t 'Commander, 55, ty. Beautifully landscaped; nome owners many inap- fea tures. oz" bedr. oorns, 2 bath s, gage of Land Contract Balance 2"~-H 0ur Servl'ce ~ builder at model 1..;.. l'b. I g attr plus. Chattel on Contents, $525. ARPER VACUUM 33 ft. of beautiful cruisel', 2 Cyclone fence and a1umi~ home, 72 Moran Road. Propriate interior inspec- pane <:u I mry, ar e ac. rt l:6MPLETE set .of golf clubs, t. k't h att h d' a ge $2,000 - 18 Mo. Repayment. No .. . 145's, •all teak, all electr~mic tions by first consulting. lYe I c en, ac e g ra , Auth. Eureka, Hoover Dealer reasonable. Luggage, good num gr~nhouse. Open daily, equipment. loaded with ex- Owner. TUxedo .1-9716. Brown Investment Co. 'one of our salesbooks of sprinkler system. appraisal charge. NEW _ REBUILTS _ PARTS condition. TUxedo 4-9651. tras,>' In 'water and ready, FLAT, Grosse Pointe. Almost photographs and floor VE.RNIER GRISWOLD 17176 E. WARREN at Cadieux 10A-MOTORCYCLES TUxedo 2-1282, EV.NINGS.' HAMPTON. ROAD 1268, cor- new. Deluxe mod'eI11 2 bed- plans. . MORTGAGE CO. TU 1.1122 OPEN 10 TO 7 FOR SALE 15 FT. GLASS eRAF!' run- ner Marter Road,3 .bedroom; rooms, 11h baths down. A large number Of Grosse One story brick Farm Colonial, 423 Ford Bldg. WO 3.7280 fully carpeted, fireplace, gas separate gas furnaces .. Has Pointe houses to choooe only a few years old. Large 21E--CUSTOM CORSETS ;/r;.O LAMBRE""'A 125. Ve..ry about, 35 h.p. Evinrude, Ajax heat, air conaitioning unit. .... u trailer, $1800. WAlnut 3-2175 everything. Garage. $35,000. from, of which the follow- living room, full dining room, SECOND ' low mileage, many aCCe5- after 5. incinerator, brick 2-car ga- . TUxedo 4-6994. ing few are rewesentative 2 bedrooms, fine kitchen. Ex. SPENCER CORSETS 'sories, excellent condition. rage, lot 50'xI55',. city bus of their price classes: pansion attic gas furnace. Per- MORTGAGES Individually designl!d, light •• TUxedo 2-52.64. BOAT 16ft. run-a-bout type. stop, $19,900, terms. BAR- ON LAKE HURON. / feet condition, r ' Upholste~ seats, steering GAIN, leave state. irInned- 1394 Hampton $19,500 Up to $2,000. prompt service. weight foundaUons and sur- 1957 ALLSTATE single gear .. 1 "'135 TU ed 1 58-3 iate occupancy, accept reas- BEAUTIFUL SUMMER 301 Kerb.)' $23,500 UNIVERSITY Universal Enterpcises., Inc. gieal garments, over 25 . scooter. Good condition. $175. _.w •• '!' • . X 0 • ". ee. onable cas h ofrfer, open HOME 16919 VillJage Lane $23,800 5 years experience. M a u d. VAlley 3-0640, . . lZ(.;..JUSINESS PROPERTY . daily. Tl!xedo 1-5456. 10$tt. beaCh :frontage .. Love- 891 Roslyn $26,1)00 English cottage. 3 large bed- WOodward. 2.285 Ban n e r t, 368 McKinley, MOTORBIKE, 1957 Moped. ly trees privacy. 5 bedrooms. J057 Yorkshire $28,500 rooms, 2 baths, plus maid's .1" -EAL"ESTATE Grosse Pointe, TU 5-4027 or DOCTOR'S OFFICES arine parker, tuxedo 5-0448 of. ilh baths, spaoious living room' 611 W .., t - "'2n 800 room- and bath, all on 2nd ..-... TO nsend " 3317 Excellent condition. TUxedo aSll:.lngon ~31",'500 floor. New ..gas f.urnace, new W.4.MTED w 11- .• 4-4451. ' / fers: '1522 Anita, open Sun- family size diI!ing room, both 790 Hampron 'I' , AND BAR day. A dose price on a overlooking beautiful La k e 1214 Audubon $33,500 roof, new kitchen. Attached WE NEED a 3-bedroom ranch 216--100' SE_YIC~. l1-AUTOS .FOR SALE Near Grosse Pointe city limits. young brick bungalow to Huron. L a r g e porch wi.th 288 McMillan $34.000 garage, sprinkler ,system. in Saint Paul's or Saint N Excellent building, rental give you three bedrooms. a equally nice view. (Aluininum 920 Shoreham $36,000 '. . Philomena's parish. Under 1954 NASH Metropolitan con- EAVESTROUGHS A D in~ome $800 per month. better kitchen, better din- storms and screens). fireplace vertible. $595. TU 2-1545. 161 Charlevoix $$3 7',8 KA00 RL DAV IES $20,000. TUxedo 2-3283. . DOWNSPOUTS Leases. Tenants pay all utili- ing, better basement', better insulated basement, oil heat, 19912 W. Doyle 38 90 0 AU .work guarimteed. FTee fOR SALE -.1956 Thunder- ties. Reasonable down pay- location. we think at $17.600 deep well 2 car garage, ex- 55 Roslyn . $39,750 TU 5 3220 WANTED.'3 ~ brick in estimates. All types jobs ac- bird, solid black, radio, ment. •.. 382 'McKinley in Farms cellent beach, »oat hoist. 255 Lothrop $41,500 - Grosse Poi n t e Farms or cepted, also roofs ~ired and heate'l', power brakes, pow- CURRAN R,EALTY CO. -best value in 4 bedrooms, oW. BRUCE KEYS 985 N. Renaud $41,800 Woo d s to $21,500. Sloculn replaced. er steering, 2 tops and ¥In- new kitchen-breakfast, 2 If.! 1113 Military' St.. Port Huron BORobert John $44,500 1218 ROSLYN 8-7625. VALLEY 1.1026 , .:wooDWA~m 1-2010 baths, low taxes . . . 809 760 N. Oxford $19,1100 ~---- neau cover, white wall tires YUkon 5-9685 and' other extras. Excellent Lakeshore open Sunday. 30 364 Chalfoni-e .t51,500 Bungalow face brick, like new. I'-PETS FOR SALI DEAL DIRECT. Roofing, gut- .condition. Call' evenings 12F-RESORT PROPERn ft. living, 20 ft. dining, 5 Evenings,. EV 5-4133 .. 1025 Buckingham $54,500 3 bedrms., finished basement, t'ers, met a 1 and can va. 181 Touraine $60,000 all new carpeting ,natural POODLE. black female, mini~ decks .. VAlley '4.7109. after 6 p.m. TU 4-1504 .. METAMORA-OXFORD AREA bedrooms. 3 baths, 4 oar .•. 6-3 INCOME. Grosse Pointe 82 N~ Deeplands $851500, ture. "AKC registered, 2 -----'--'------48 acres, modern co un try 2072 Ridgemont, a bache- fireplace. One. block from .. k ONE GO-Kart Jess body, 1/4 lor's heaven: Needs 'good Woods, gas heat, 3 car ga- $ home, set among beautiful 511 Shelden .95,000 years.ChampIon ~toc from ROOF R.EPAIRING mid get with Inqianapolls cash down for $62,000 total rage. By owner. TUxedo. school. California. UNiversity 3- trees, spacious lawn. Large type body. Every kid's . '.. also near G.P. a fas- 1-6504. . Consult one of our repre- 7442. EXPERT ON LEAKY ROOFS dream. TUxedo 1-7786 or VA spring-fed pond, barn; 3 bed- sentatives'. He will tailor a VERNIER, 765. See this com- New Roofs rooms, bath up; 1 bedroom,. cinating frame studio ranch; list to. your requirements. 'l51etely . air conditioned 3 BEAUTIFUL, male, b~ 1-9389. ' $11,800 and a smart, very KIRK IN THE HILLS. 'Dis- bath down. Large liv~ng room, inclusive almost new ranch. tinguishedCkorgian colo- Call TU 2-6000. bedroom ranch. 1 1/2 baths, ~h Poodle. Kennel regis- Caulking 1950 2-DOOR Plymouth. New fireplllCe, dining room, sun- 9-Jeff area, $3000 below cost. " nial. One level, white brick MAXON BROTHERS, knotty. pil\e recreation room, teredo TUxedo 4-3373. :-. Decks 'muffler, tail pipe, battery, room, family room. Modern ranch.' 24' Peeky Cypress screen~ porch, attached ga- rocket panel, good mO'tor and kitchen, breakfast room. Full ... family room overlooking the INC. rage, dishwasher; fireplace, ENGLISH Set t e r puppie5, Gutter Work , I" t i'r e s. $ee.' make offer. GROSSE POINTE area, 360 basement, hot water heat. All Couzens' Estate. 23' living 83 Kercehval Ave. carpeting, etc. Original own- American field ~gistered, SMALL' PAINTING 'JOBS Alter Road. 2 family. 6-4, er, $26,600. TUxedo 1-7639. b Cham' Miss' ... TOwnsend. 9"9407. carpeted. Priced to sell. Owner. room, plank 'floors through- Grosse Pointe Farms y . pIOn lSS1ppl SUI' d TR 5-7633 . OA 8-3110 newly decorated. Lower va- ______Zev. Champion Commander ewers np ugge I3U1c.K CENTURY, -4 'door out. 3 twin size bedrooms, cant, $9,000 do w n. LAke- 2 ¥.i baths. one acre. apple black, 1954. From. original view 1-5007, PRescott6-0787. GROSSE POINTE FARMS HightOOe Flo Ohampion Sam VE 9-2220 LA 1-6427 orchard. House 98x32 at WHY BUY A MERRIWEATHER, NR. L' SkyroekE:tt, Champion _ owner; $895. TUxedo 5-7600. . CANADIAN Kirkway arid Wabeek. :auilt USED HOME? GROSSE PTE.BL VD. Commander Hightone Beau. ALL TYPES of roofs "....."ired. 68 PLYMOUTH SavC>Y2-d~ SUMMER. HOME 435 LODGE DRIVE 1958. Owner-builder. MAy- Dall after 4 p.m. weekdB.ys. &-...- hardtop. Clean, suede. with fair 6-1528. A brand new, 3 bedroom, 1Jh DeLightfully planned Co- EDgewater 1-7493. Flat roofs repaired &Jld re. On Lake Huron. Completely bath, 2 story, w.ith family rm., lonial. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, coated. All work guaranteed. 'white roof. 6 cylinder auto- mogern. 4 bedrooms. llh baths. Colonial~ 4 bedrooms and matic transmission, r ad i ° maid's quarters. Carpets NEW-OPEN DAILY all' built-ins, 2 car atfached large. maid's room and POODLE pup p ie s, s n v e r Free estimates. TUxedo .. Beauliiful grounds. 135 miles bath on 1st. floor. Library, miniature i Son of Pood-i- and heater. $1,796. 1340 Ver- and draperies. Large sun- garage, $31,800, house and lot. from Detroit. OrW.y $5,000 Now under construction. See family room, lee. room, man Silver' Tantrum. PRes- 0422. nier road, G r 0 sse Pointe down, $150, month. r 0.0 m. enclosed jalousie Woods, Thursday and FTi. porch, complete kitchen, 98'6 Balfour plans at and patio. SurroWlded by cott 8-2229. -2-1H-R--U-G-C-L-E-.-N-I-N-G-- day, 6-8 p.m., Saturday, 9 KARL DAVIES TU 5-3220 recreation room, 3 car ga- 3 .bedrooms, G. E. kitchen, brick wall. Excellent decor DACHSHUND, AKC reg i s- _ a.m.-4 p.m. rage. One. of Detroit's beamed ceiling. Grosse Pointe's COX'& BAKER and conditioo. Please call tel;ed miniature' ,and red RADKE CARPET CLEANERS most beautiful locations best I?uy. TU 1\-7900 After, 5, TU 1-4042 us .for' appoir.Jment. male puppy. TUxedo 1-5523. Carpets, rugs (tacked down or '56 FORD Parklane stat ion 1~ U L ESTATE near the water. Priced be- wagon. One owner, good ~ .VALLEY 3-0875 WELL BEHA \rED kitten needs loose) and upholstered furni- low !elling market. GROSSE 'PTE.. SHORES . condition. TUxedo 5:1801,' FOI SALE. Berkshire. Spe.cious ranch. 4 GROSSE POINTE, FARMS good hOme. No chM'ge. TUx- ture expertly cleaned and Weill located near lake, edo 2-3214.. , moth proofed. deodorized ot after 6, p.m. .. 'COLONIAL, 3 bedrooms, fam- BERKSHIRE R'OAD, 776 bedrooms, 2% baths. Paneled Ideal location, one black from Nonnandy sty 1e d reSi- library famILy room. Gas AC lake, convenient to elementary, . smoke and house pet odors, in EHRYSLER New Yorker 1958 ily room,. gas heat, beautiful English ,Tudor. 4 bed- dence on almost acre ot 2O-PIANO SIlYiCE . your home. We specialize in 4 door h a r d top. Power wooded lot. 1593 Roslyn, rooms and maid's quar- heat. Many special' features. high school, .and St. Paul's. 3 beautifu'ID.y. landscaped $56,900. TU. 2-6000. bedroom colonial with. study. serge binding throw rugs and equipment, 6,000 miles. TUx- . TUxedo 4-3678. ters, recreation room, wal. groun~ 4 master bed- CO MP LET E piano service. runners; picked up and de- Carpeting and draperies. Large edo 4-9651. • nut paneled den. MAXON BROTHERS rooms, .2. baths, plus' 2 Tuning, repairing, ..refinish. livered. bath, tub, and separate tile KARL DAVIES maid's rooms and bath. ing and moth proofing. Place ' Free Estimates 19~7IDELUXE . Volkswagon. REALTOR, TOVRAINE ROAD. Semi- shower; Disposal and dish- Paneled library with na- GROSSE P01NTE~PARK ranch, .3 bedroqms down, your oider C!flrly. R. Zech, Reasonable Price. Ji;xcellent.. 'coflliition, $1295. washer. Lavatory. Attached tural fi;eplace, ree. room. VAlley 2-0051. Berkshire, 726; under con- with ,large space on 2nd 'for RE 9-3232. DREXEL 1-3133 , TU 5-3220 double brick garage with 'up- Fully alrconditioned plus '.struction. 4. bedroom Mon- bedr<>pm imd bath. Living stairs storage. Fenced yard. 1958 RENAULT Dauphine 4 electrically controlIed dust ZIA-GENEIAL SERYICES R I KerchevolAve, terey C 01 0 n i a I. Will. room 15 x 21, lot size 80 J( Call TUxedo 2-7695 or your door. Excellent condition, precipitator. BESTCARPET CLEANERS Member. G.P. Broker's.Assn; complete to your specifi. 105. rear estate broker. Ll1GGAGE, trunks, zippers, sun roof, whitewalls. ~'o{ust cations TROMBLEY, 720, 2. family. sample. cases repaired. Gold CLEANING DYING sell. TUxedo 2-0277. BUCKINGHAM, 3984 Large, luxurious and in ex- GROSSE PrE. CITY stamping, custom 'bnilt,lug- bedroom col()nial, screened BY BUILDER AND OWNER REPAIRING '65• Black Eldorado convert- 3 cellent condition. 4 bed- Pleasing English cottage . gage. Travelers Trunk Co., terrace, recreation room with PROMPI' HOME SERVICE ible, in good conditiOn. TUx- ROBERT E. SCHULTZ rooms, 'l baths, maid's quar- ALGONAC 4 bedrooms, 2 baths on 2nd , 10323 Mack. VAlley 2-6734. bar, gas heat, carpeting and FREE ESTIMATES , edo 2-3138. TU 1-7786 VA 1-9389 ters. Located near water otJ. One ~f.Michigan's newest and floor. small bedroom, bath INSURED I draperies. Public and parochial a tree lined street. m 0 s t LUXURIOUS BRICK on 1st, plus library, family CARPET LAYING PORSCHE 1600 coupe,' 1957. schools. No Agents. Open Sun- '. HILLCREST, 166, Reduced. A waterfront RANCH homes. room, rec. room. Excellent NEW AND OLD . TU 2.6556 Beautiful thrOUbhout. Radio, day 2 to 5:30. IDEAL HOME FOR surprise awaits you in thds The very latest in every de- family home, ideal for Stair Carpet Shifted heater. Must sell, best offer' TUXEDO 1-9178 BOAT OWNER 3 bedroom, 2 bath tri-Ievel. tail. Nothing fjner~any\vhere. schools .and shops. Repain of All Types ISLAND - 950 ACIES takes. TUxedo 2-9610. SOMERSET, 3682. Brick Col- in St. Clair Shores. Boat well Has library," very large A stwming departure from the LEO TRUDEL ordinary. 'Wonderful view of TU 5.0'/03 5 Miles from Mackinac Island .:.955t 4-door F~d,' dat:k green. orua. 1, l'kI e new, ghatas e. on canal, 4th house .from. Lake. family room (with fireplace) GR'OSSE PTE. PARK Airstrip Practical ;- Fine Timber lake boats with IDEAL CRUI- Heateri radio, Fordomat.ic, I Near Grosse Poi n t e bus .. 2 huge bedrooms up and 1 opening into garden .. Older center hall Colonial Sand Beach - Deer,. Birds, efl. , clock. 76 Kirby Road. TUx- . Easy tenns. Owner. VAlley down. Living room 30 x 15, HAMPTON RD., near Lake- SER HARBOR. Home beauti- Suburbo~ Maintenance f~lly furnished,. Which isop- readi~ adaptable for large YacatiOlllalKl' i"ealty CO. edo 5-3485. 4-4611. finished basement, car pet e d shore Drive. 4 good sized or smaU family desiring , . Associotes NORTHERN MICHIGAN floors, do ubI e garage. Yew tional. You are invited to, in. bedrooms with 3 full baths, space. 3 1:>eda'OOms,2 ba ths, "No Job is to<.. Small" PROPER.TIIS , f)()OOE,'1955 con v e r t i b 1 e shrUbbery. Private swimming I bedroom being on 1st floor. spect this Dream home .June plus 2 sitting roorns on 2nd One p h 0 n e call for all 1110 M8t'1 .... 1Idt., ~ Royal 'Lancer. Radio, heater, NEW HOMES FOR SALE beach for this most beautiful Large terrace, 2 firep1aces. 6th roJune 28th. flOor ..2 bedrooms, bath on home maintenance prob- power brakes and drive boulevard of the Shores. Own- ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN VERAFULLElR, RLTR 3rd. Gas heat. Full price wil'e wheels. 27,500 miles. Grosse Pointe Park er selling, save commissit'ln. lems. j TU 5-6063 1A) 7-4706 3221 M-2.9, Algonac only $31,500. $5,000 down ,'TV • 'RADIO Automatic window and seat 16615 J e f f e r.!l 0 n near Low down .payment on l.and JOHN S. GOODMAN will hand~e. ' PR 6-3038 SWift 4-3921' qalck, DejMlMlabJe controls. Good condition. Bishop. 4 bedrooms, 2% contract. Evenings or week. DRYERS,VENTED Family owned. $1000. Call baths, la r g e activities ends. MANY OTHERS. eVI'.ningz alter 6. TUxedo room, all electric kitchen. HOWARD 1\-0263 In Windmill Pointe $15 Complete II.YICE 1i.1193. dining room, 2 car attach. L.,L. DACK!N' , 4-door ed gar8ge, $47,000. CHAMPION CALL 20431 Mack .TU 1-27'1 LAKEFRONT HOME Mercury, 1958. 'Power brakes 16635 J e f fer II 0 n near REALTORS LA 7-0533 or TU T-~162 and steering. Radio and B ish 0 p. 4 bedrooms, Lovely 5 bed roo m, 4 bath TU 4-~700 heater. $2150, TUxedo 4.2586 2lh baths, library with home overlooking beautiful .-7010 12-AUTOS WANTED fireplal:e, d iri in groom, Lake St. Clair. Large paneled GUIDE .TO.GOOD SERVICE large porch, 2 car attach- library, mod ern kitchen, GROSS~ POINTE Park, Whit- tier, 1202. Center hall colo. HIGHEST prices paid for Irate ed garage. $49,500. maid's quarters, Florida room: Mr. Edgar. nial on comer lot, 3 bedrms., model cars. All makes. Tom UOSH POtHTI Dinner, at O'Leary Cadillac, 21h baths, Ii bra r Y. dish- . In Addition to ,Above • washer, disposal, gas heat, ROAD SERVICE 17153 East Jefferson, TUx- 767 FISHER We Are St~rting Several carp e ti ng and drapes, Shoe Repair ~o 5-1200. Brand new Colonial near $37,500. Can be bought on . New Homes in All junior high school and Austin land contract. TUxedo 5-4170 J7t 'ieMr .... , 0"...... 1ZA-IOATS AND High. Complotely m ()de r n MOTORS Price Rortges evenings. kitchen, 3 bedroms, 21•.l.z baths. :~"~~:Je BIRCH LANE, 650 Earll ...... 74 knookabout sloop lIail- 50' lot. Mr. Purdy. , rr. New 3 bedroom Farm Colonial. mt'I MIleIP: Aft" lie .. W .... boat. Includ9s a u x t Ii 8 r y ,Richard M, A per'fect "Dream. House" far the exeCutive looking far the 2 full baths, 2 half baths. Near _ PIIINTED. motor, sails, lite preservers, ' C. W, TOLES best at a price considerably below d\lpllcation cost. Barnes and Star ()f Sea. Open !tochor. TUxedo 1.5868, after TU 5-4100 74 Kercheval Of gray pointed brick, it Is mostcnarming. ondno expense has daily and Sunday, 2.5. SCUTCH PIDS 6 p.m. Kimbrough, • been spored to keep It in immaculate condition. GROSSE POINTE WOO D S, Among its MOny feotures are a po~erred library. breakfast rm., DE COSTER BLDG. CO • JOHNSON 26 h.p. motOr. ex. 1783 Huntington, IIh story, 2 family rm. with Anderson window wolls, powder rm., .. bedrms., 'TUxedo 4-6460 ,~~, cellent coodition. TUxedo 4. Bldr, bedrooms, carpct.~ & drapes, 2 baths and a hide.a.way rm., ideo! for many purposes. ~'-Ib...White Paper ..postpaid~. 6474 .. tiled bas erne n t, scr~ed Cansiderahle carpeting and draperie, are included in the sales UA-LOTS FOItSALE It Pa._l" l1Ieebto Pa' - , TUxedo 2.2593 , Compllmenu af:) Plu.' . !"OR SALE: 71,1 horsepower porch. Excellent condition, ----LOT 100'x60' on Beaupre Lane From the des1c. of... Additional Inter-of!lee memo. Line. Atwater.Scott outboard mO- Owner TU 1.7616. between Kerby and Cam- 'or Any • Lines of Ccpy tor, good oondition, used lit- BY OWNER. 917 Grand Mar. bridge. TUxedo 5.3485. UNUSUALLY------at t r a c ti ve Mall Jour eheeJc with c:opy- tle. C4l11 evenings .fter II ais. Double lot; 5 bedrooms, 3 full colored tile baths. New English brick. 1\ bcdrooffill, &: S '~fb.. LAKESHORE Rd. at Lakecrest todayl p.m. TU 4-1504. carpeting and d r 8 per I e s. 3 baths on see 0 n d (Joor. Lane. 131 ft. frontage. Con. Park Cab' Co. PltlNTERS 167 OWENS Cruiser, II ft. Com pie tel y .' remodeled Powder room, fully finished REA L TORS venient location at foot of IRAIER Lltborr.phen Many M:tras. Like new. throughout. FirlJt floor laun- bellement. Porch and ter. TU of-0600 attractively deve!<>ped deoad e_ .. ete PrOnUer llert1e. Owner lC!flving city, Cem dry and fllmU" room. VAl. race. Bv own~ ... TUxedo. end street. TU2-6000. VA 2.2411 •... Sennleent!l, Detrol& 1', TAeII_H I-Hlt ...... WuQo .. 1itI. 1lur: 1-o'r16l. 1-&308, MAXON. BROTHEM , r. > • '


,Thursd.y. June II, 1959 POI NT'E " NEWS , .. GROSSE / Plge Tw.nty.th.... 21I-WINDow 211-e'MINT WOIK 21s-cAIPINTII ~oal , CLlANIN5 Continued A-I CEMENT:Md H. F. JENZEN'BLJI(biNG "c'•••.h~.'...... ~..... Ii...... II (!!~.~~151 G. OlM1N. N...._...... aRICK WORK Home' and lDdustr1a1 R~i. 21H-IU. CLlANIN5 ZII-1AINTIN. AND WINDOW CLEANING ~' Additions, attics completed, , 'SERVICE NO JOB. TOO SMALL , DICOIATIN. Porch enclosures, recreation g~~s:a'Poin~v~ ~~~artd SCRUN,S AND NEW AND- REPAIRS ~r~ ' ews. TACKED DOWN CARPETS, ... . ,.. .. rOOJJ1ll, I a r al e s repaired, STORMS SERVICED ••••••••i••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•• boulevard. Mrs. Flood IS the AND FURNITURE . Hl;JGHES BROTHERS, ~int. Porches, Steps' Chimneys, TO 1-9744 TU .1.9811 I . former BARBARA JEAN , mgand dl!cc;>rating, wall , VAlley 1.9321 Side drives, Rotwolls, CHRIST THE KING t troit Pr.es~ytery meets at Mil- LOWE, daughter of the DAVID '0n ~ashing, eX'pert paper hang- LUTHERAN, CHURCH ford, MIchIgan. 7:30 p.m., Dea- C. LOWES, of Merriweather C LEA N ED mg, free .estimates. 5293 21L-TILI WOIK G", roge' Floors KITCHEN CABINETS Maek aDd Loelulloor cons' meeting. road. Yorkshire, . TUxedo 2.9750 FREE ESTIMATES :&, FORMICA TOPS Walter 1. Geffert, Pastor Thursday, June I.: Chancel FLOOR, wall, ceiling. Deal di- " xedo C\lltom WlMte Furniture " •• latCh- Sunday Early Service: 8 a.m. Choir picnic. . -. or :U 1.7687. rect. See work, samples. LOCA,,TION TUxedo 2-5735 / ID CablDeta . , Formica T~~ Ban Sunday Late Service: 11 a.m. -- ROBERT T. JONES. JR., of LEo P. KISTNER VAlley 4-7109. . Recreatlon Rooma •• noor Morningside drive, is one of RUGS PICKEn UP allCl Cellini Tile . .'. Guaranteed Sunday. School and Bible CALVARY LUTHERAN Inte,rior painters, exterior. 21.M-FUINACI WOIK Wurit. Class: 9:30 a.m. CHURCH 20 University of Michigan en- $ & B BUILDING gineering students to be ac. AND DELIVERED, Free estimates, work guar- nu' ESTIMAT.£S '-- Gateahead Aveaue at Mack MAINTENANCE , cepted in Alpha Pi Mu, an in. anteed. Rates reasonable. FURNACE ~leani.ng, 'repairs, AMERICAN CABINET & WOODS PBESBYTEIUAN Beveread Harold E. ~hroeder, Custom work anr:! color. c o'm p Iet e justallatit)ns or Cement work, tuck pointing. WOQD PRODUCTS dustrial entineering society. mas~mry, porch, cleek, and 19tH Mack An. at Toner Rd. Pastor 20% • PRescott 7-5876, PRescolt conversions. Gas or oil.,Free 16750 E. II Mile Road 'Alldrew F. Kauth. Minister Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. • • • 7-5853. estimate. PRescott 7-3829. chimney.. r e p air I. Exterior Participating in Greek Iel~ OFF CASH and CARRY painting. Free ~stimates. ., East Detroit Charles B. KeJlDecly, Church' Service at 11 a.m . 'PR 1~52M • A!BistaDt MlalsUr Nursery Service at Parson- ter activtiies at QJe University EXPERT p81ntlng, paper hang . .ir-N-:-CAitTAGE PRESCOTT 6-8417 Victor G. NovaDder, Jr., age at 11 a.m. of Detroit are MICHAEL ing by,~mechanics.fr.ee esti. MOVING-Quickservice 'and AsNstaDt. M1Dlster' , BRUCE, of Devonshire road, PRIDE Alpha Sigma ~u;JohnSalada, mates. Van Assche, TUxedo recession .. rates .•. LOckridie , Sund,ay, June 14: 11:30 8.1)'\:., ST., MICHAEL'S, EPISCOPAL CARPET AND FURNITURE All BRiC\< REPAIRS GROSSE POINTE qfMaryland Ilvenue, Psi Chi; poRCHES, PIERS Fir~t Worship. Service. 9:30 20(75 SlUUliDgda1e Park 4.1187. VA 4-1492. • and Son',\yA ,3-1029. MARY HENDRIE, of Hillcrest TUCK POINTING CUSTOM BUILDER' , a.m.,. ChUrch, Sch<>Ol, Nursery (Near Maek aDd Vemier) road, ,Theta Phi, Alpha, and PAINTING, interior, exterior: 21 o.;...WATEIPROOFING BASL'MENTLEAKS VhI-pughSeriior' High. lIa.m., The Bev. Ed(ar H. leoman CLEANERS Will rem 0 d elyour MARY SUE of Whittier Reasona,bl~ prices. H i g Ii BASEMENT REPAIRS Second Worship. Service. 11 TheBev. Georce H. Hana.- HERZ, FREE ESTIMATES kitchen or family area road. Theta Phi Alpha. quality material, guaranteed' <.(~,'80sements Mode Dry GUARANTEED a.m., Church School, Nursery Thursday, J\me 11: 7 a.m., 10615 CADIEUX • .' •• provide m~e living throughJ'unior High. Observ- Eucharist. 10 a.m., Eucharist. • • • workmanship. TV 4-7296. Cracked walls repaired. re.in. REASONABLE space with the addition . LORAIN 7.5585 ance of Chiidren's'Day and • .. • Aniong those attending the ALPHONSE STAELS, painter, forced. All brick repairs. GUlir. of a family room . , • TUXEDO 5-5700 Baptism of Infants at, both Siulday, June 14: 8 a.m., annual Wellesley CoIl e g. , anteed. insured. r decorator, wall washing. In~ Manuel Marchese VERBE~.E&' KLEINER Same quality ,wor~~ Services. Eucharist. 9:30 a.m., Mo~ning week-end this ',l'.hursday' 21I-PAINTING AND terior and exterior. Free LAkeview 6.9300, All types cement work. manship as our fine cus- ,.Monday. June 15: 9:30-12 Prayer and, sermon, closing through Sunday 00, the Massa. estimates. VA~ley 2-1204. Specializing in Colored tom homes. See our mo- \ noon", yacation Bible School services of Church school. 11 chusetts college campus are DECORATING' (Kindergarten through, Junior a.m., Mornin{,' Prayer and Ser- MRS. HERBERT P. BART- of MARCO Cement Patios. del I\t 580 Sheldon Road. EXTERIOR ..:.. IN1'ERIOR age). 7:30 p.m., Trustees meet- mon, c I0 sin g !Services of LETT, of Ridgemont road; PAINTING, papering, paper WATERPROOFING" Free Estimates-Bonded Grosse Pointe references .. WALTER H. MASt CO. ing.. '. Church school. MRS. ROBERTC. EVERETT, removed. W a I I washing, LA,. .1.4693 20039 'MACK TU 2-1400 Tuesday, June 16: 4 p,m., De- -- of Brys drive' south; MRS. Neat, reliable. Work guaran~ Fine, Paper Hanging LEAKYBA~EMENTS '. Work myself, insured. ',' POINTE METHODIST WILLIAM P. HERBERT, of teed. MerteM. 122 Muir, TU STUCCO REPAIRING 215-CAIPENTEI WO'K st. Clair avepue; and MRS. 2-0083. LEON'STRIEGEL" ROOF &pLE SERVICE CARPENTER, rePairs, doors, EXPERT CRAFTSMEN 21u-PLUMIING, i,i j:' .' HU:~lC~~~tor EDWARD J. 'mCKEY, of Uni. VAlley 1-7275 PLUMBING and heating, 'elec- Helen D. Tbomaa, 'DCE versity place. TUCK POINTING locks. l1ash cords cabinet DONALD BLISS Weir ea.uippd shop., 'tHe Be, wer ' :c,le.aning, g,a~ Sun d ay, J une, I"'S: 930: a.m., .. . . Decorator WALL WASHING and interior SAND BLASTING . ' work. ED~ewater 1-.57~. , water heaters Insta 11e.d J . Worship and sennon: church MRS, JOHN M. GRAHAM, Exl.erior Interior and exterior deco1'8ting; 20 Rubberized paint, guaranteed Custom kitchens and all types M. Kushner, TU:J:edo 5-2959. ' OIl McKiriley avenue, has been of woodworking. 1 school for riursery through Jr. years experience. O. Pou- for 4 year!>. fol' stone, brick, Car~ntry :. ,General' Repairs named treasurer of the. Rad';' Free EsUmatea 21X-GAIA~E &. HOME .High. 9::i0 a.m., Adult Bible 3D Years in G.P. part. VAlley 2-2522. cement block. cliffe College Club cof Detroit HOME MAINTENA, NCE REMODELING ~ IUIODEIN"'ATION class. 11 a.m., WOTShip and .TU ,1.7050. ,.' \ LUzon 2-8989, 11III ,- sermon; Church School for for the coming year. Pointing & Decoroting SERVICE Prompt Service GARAGES raised., straight- Nursery through Senior High. . - . ALL. AROUND PAINTING- ened or moved. Also rat 3 p.m., Planning meeting. 6 Wall Washing 21'-FURNITURE IEPAII C. Bruce Warren TU 1-8722 Free Estimoting. MICHAEL WISE, of.M.arY- Work guaranteed. Good ref. Floor Maintenance ::: walls, floors arid all other 'p.m., Junior High fellowship. land avenue. gave ,a party erences. Jesse Page. White c U S TOM .upholstering. A LORAIN 7 7070 cement work. Free estimates. 7:30 p.m., Wesley felloVrship. Saturday night, June 6, for hi.t labor, work myself. VAlley JOHN'S DECORATING splendid selection of deco. CARPE~ would like to , .- Dick Blondell, Tuxedo 4- .. . . classmates at. St. Am~5tt 2-7348. If no .answer, c'ill VE 9-7281 VA 4-9676 rative f'ibrics. Exi>ert need. help solve your modemlxa- D. b. P d" 5368. Wednesday, June 17: 8,p.m. School end for his other TAshmoo 6-7585. ' lepoint.mounting. Estimates .tionproblems. Kitchen, ree-. . u e ro. ucts Official Board meeting. friends in the Pointe. cheerfully & i v'e n. Ewald. reation rooms, bars, attics, 21Z-LANDSCAPING C. R. SHIRK. t-oainting and MR. and MRS. EDWARD Pointing and Decoroting decorating, wall washing. 13929 Kerche17l1l. VA 2-8993 bedroom storage, etc. Call 69/7 E. JEFFERSON ST. PAUL EVANG. LUrH. PRescott 5-0470. COMPLETE landscaping serv- 378 Lothrop, at Chalfoate DeWORKEN, his aunt and Best, of Grosse Pointe References Fully insured. VA. 2-7929. . , ice, lawn cutting, cultivation un<:le with whom he lives, • ,Interior _ Exterior Phone Tuxedo 1-16'71 - 1- EVERYONE TRUSTS HOME. REMODELING HOME REPAIRS and fertilizing, ~dgingand Phone TUxedo 1.667' ~ I.SOU were chaperones for the 200 young people who enjoyed an Free Estimates A BRAND NAME FINE SPECIALiSTS Family rooms, attics. altera- clean-up' work. Julius La- Thursday, June 11: 4:15, Quiere, PH 8-2709. Free esH. evening Of dancing and pop ill JOHN R. FORTIER Birch kitcben cabinets, bath tiona. Anything in repairs. Chapel choir. .:15, Junior You can trust 'us too, to satisfy mates. $1.85 ~r hour. the DeWorken's backyard. PR 7-3551 your painting and decorating FURNITURE fixtures. tomuca vanitory, at. Over 30 years a builder. Li- , choir. '::45, Senior choir. tics, porche.. censed and, insured. My per- • • • • needs. In.,ide or outside. We WILLIAM TOny \ For Finer have the know~how and clean No money Clown. easy terml.. sonal lupervision on ,every job. Sunday, June 14: 8:30, Wore munion. 8:4:1 a.m., Morning REFINISHED., Landscaping. Lawn Cuttin, Prayer: Interior ond Exterior equipment. We .will assist you HERMAN ,BROTHERS ship. 9:30. Sunp.y school for exceptional children. 9:4~,Sun- it ybu have .' problem. 1 work Antiquing, Glozing vA. 2-8333 VA. 2.0304 THAT MAKES TH E , Home Maintenance Reg~traticins • r e b e in g day school (all ages). 11, Sun- , Pointing and Decoroting myself. ,Over 30 years lerving ond Gold Le~f DIFFERENCE Merion Blue Sod, laid in peat taken for, Vacation Church CHRIS C. CHARRON Grosse Pointe and east side. moss. Laid and delivered. day school (1-8). 11, Worship. School, which meets June 15 .' 3:30, B8ptismal service~ ' throu«hJune.26. ,a,hilmn en. We are insur~ An ~t1mate VAlley 4-9634 Working Controetor INSURED ' , TU 2.9284 INC. costs you nothing. VAlley With Skilled, HELMER • • • tering ,Kindergarten this 1all DR 1-2686 " .. I PR 8-4778 4-3227. Monday, June 15: 9:30, 'Daily Reliable Tradesmen TUxedo 4.0522 through children entering the TYLL'S LANDScAPING: Vacation Bible school. 7:30, fifth grade are eligible. The Satisfaction Our Guaran'tee ' JOHN F TROMBLEY , CHAIRS RECANED. WA 1- LAWN ,CUTTING H~rryls .. . Established in 1925 2710. ". PERSONALIZED SERVICE. Women of the Church Nomin- churoh office is open for rei- ating Committee. istration at TUxedo ~.4841. _ Full Insurance Coverage For CUSTOM P' 0\' iN TIN G and "Home Improvements JIM SUnON Guaranteed Workmanship Your Protection decorating; 15yeau' experi. 21 Q-PLASTERING Is77 BRYS \ FREE ESTIMATES • • • ence. N. Powers. VA. 3.0124. Anything Roof to Bosem't. Tuesday, June 16: 1, Esther TU 4.4228 FIRST DG. IV. LUTR. Carpenter Work, Repairing & Circle, church. 7:30, Miriam PAINTING anealer.--earload 811)''' 16239 Mock Ave. TU 5-68-42 TU 4.0136 PR 1-6571 Celotex • Barrett BUILDER~CONTRACTOR R •· Bird Co. e U,$. G .,..rs • F1inkote • 10hn.~e Contractor ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING CO. Lavigne Aulo -Sales ROOFING AND . WALKS, DRIVES, .OCKHAR' T SIDING CO. ./ " TUXEDO 5-8162 L FlOORS, PATIOS, BRICK RAMBLER, DEALER1 , A, H. PETERS FUNERAL HOME A Cell Will .r1.... Sa","" AND BLOCK WORk, ' 'S'EAUTIFY New 5.,.,.lcl.. All M.II., ,.., Y"r SeIectIeIt LA , Speci.liling in Autom.tic Tr.nsmissions 7•7200 '~~:::T I PORCHES, BRICK MODERNIZE I':.t, 1!2J (J.Icfnlfd) (Jnmrdl) Nllllts. TV 1.t", Este)blished 1917 POINTING and REPAIRS, .nd Front End Alignm.ni. YOUR HOME , GARAGES RAISED, 14201 E. W,m.n, It N.wport • t'INANCED.DESIGNED ADDlTIONS ERECTED - ECONOMICALLY 'Alley 2~M5' - .. REASONABLE RATES APPLIED PAVING PRescott 8.6448 ENGINEERING CO, 11J}C13J() 5.3030 Good Fences for 49 Years \ ASPHALT ,.,." "',. ,01 FflflC • • IIOIIIOIIIOUI IEW LOGIMI 1.. I... re4i\....." ~II tep ,m~ .'-M.. .recfefI 'or ,... ..Hl'fecl IhI C.Ie...... ' - Wolverine WA. 1.62.81 Col.," "I..,., , 1M...... c .... ,.... tIrIvtway cHttf'1lctio. T".writer SIn• ....., CIl.I. U ifeef •• h.r •• tH4 worI1l1M1nlllp "OW Intlc S"'" 12057 GRATIOT AVE. 20705 M"'CK AVE. et VEllNIER llD. I.e."" ., DETItOIT S, MICH. GllOSSE. POIHTl WOODS U, MICH • 13131 E. JeH.rlOn, A ••. HORNAK TRUCKING CrG...... KEVIEW 6-7700 TUXEDO 4-~J" MEHLEllBACHER FElICE co. (Next to 'ui. Savarino Hotel) 1... 1MAl'" IISIDlNTIA" INDUSTIIAL , REpublic 2-9173 i PII.". VAil., 2.3560 • Detr.tt 15, MIA 't. , .' ..••,~11IIII""'''''.. ~_ ._ _ __ --_.-.-., ' .--- '. -- -..- __ - - ~.~__"'!"-'_- _~ • _-.. •• m,.,. -._~~~--__....~._ ~ __....__ ~ __• --- ~--~-.-~-.-~~-~--- l' " Iii


6 ROSS E PO I N T E N'EW 5 ,.,..* * Feafure * * * Poi'nh!r of Interest Good ,Taste' ~"'::rr- "'~,'~."";: , .•. :O:::.•,.~-:-:';:~~,~'"":":~:~~f(' r" · ~ -\: FavorJte .&eetpel .

, Points ~, ...... CUCUMBER. SAUCE Counter , COIltrilnatecl by , • Mrs. Geor,e E. BusbneU, Jr. . - By Pat Rousseau 1 ]argecan of sa1nlon. Glowing reports • • , are hea.rd about the easy- _oJ! );'Iiii' rj1ALhv ~ 1lh tsp. sugar effective .elictric. starter for outdoor barbecues. It'. lh ,tsp. flour ' called "Char-Glo" ',' . five ninety five at Kilgore and Salubrious we!lther was what brought the first re- 1 tsp. ,dry mustar'~ Hurd. A sure bet tQ start a f]~e in Dad's heart '•.• as sorters to Grosse Pointe, but the natives could tell tales few grains of cayenne' w~ll as his charcoal grill! ' of wi.n~ers which seem incredible, to us, even compared yoJks,.of two eggll , *. • .. to thIs past season. Ph tsp.meJt.ed butter .~. Delight Dad ••• Th'!re's iI perfecl gift for the out.door- . On M.ay 16, 1780 a Colonel DePeyster writing to a {4 cup. ~ilk' , ~ ';'iI" wh.o smoke!. TbI spor/smaH Zippo Lighter Ih.t hoo/" Colonel Bolton reported "After the most severe winter V4 cup vmegar, . ~ 0" to hts gen every ready-and hatJd)'. Five doll4f's ilt Ih,' ever remembered, this _is the earliest we think prudent ~ tsp. Knox's gelatme Leilgue Shop. . ~o venture a vessel on the Jake." .. Olssolved in 2 teaspoons ... • , DuriI1g the first year of the War .of 1812, earth- of cold water Gifts ,alore •• , can be fotmd for dad at Trall Pharmacy. quakes tremoured in the Pointe all year long,' ground Flake Salmon. Mix dry.ln. Handsomely packa(ed Bronzine tolletrles from Italy. , • fine erupting on the sparsely cleared farmland and in the Iredie'nts. Add, en yolks, but- leath,er aocessortes and other ,roomin( and travel aids to milk and Cook ter, vlne'll. keep dad-cool, calm and his possessionS neatly collected! surrounding forests. ' in double boiler, sUrrin( con- In 1~16 there was ice on the ground every month o{ s~oUy' unm mixture tbickens. "',. * the ~'ear; in April eight inches of snow. Add relaiID, Add salmon and Break the ice ••. with an effective ice crusher- pour into .e quart mold. Seven ~'ears later it was almost tropical, for flowers found at the League Shop. It breaks ice by Ii vibrating ,bloomed in Januar~'. In 1827 Lake st. Clair rose to such Chill and 5el've with cucumber !l!uce. action and can be used as a mixer, muddler and measure. heights 'that se.\.eral farmhouses and two clJurch build- Alltliis versatility for only addlar twenty-five. . ings were inundated. A few miles north of' Grosse CUCUMBER SAUCE • • * Pointe"at the point where the Huron and Clinton rivers :Ih cup heavy cream, If/ater, flIaJeret'ef)'whefl • especially welrome 0fII converge,a whole community ",vas wiped out.. . whipped DtId's desk.criol tI"a refreshing in the well designed chrom. , Indian ,legend has it that the East Wind and West ¥4. tsp. salt thN'nlOS u.tlter pi/cher-fifJeen dollars tit the Leilgue Shop. Wind fough,t for suprema(:y 9f Lake St. Clair and every I dash. of pepper 2 tsp. vinegar ...... ' ... seven years one of them emerges victorious for a while. That is why the 'water level is so low in varying years. 1 cucumber, pared, chop- "The Golden Rule:to Glve Unto Fathers" , • , A paper In 1837 a meteor fell in Grosse Pointe on Private .ped and well drained. weiriai ruler that can be inscrltied with Inltialll or name or Clalm 439 then owned by J. B:Marsac, a pioneer name Mix Ill&'lediell.U well. ODe motto , •• five dollars at the Lea,ue Shop. teaspoon of onion Juice-may in our history. The properly is now owned by Mrs. Ben- ...... be added. Serve over molded . jamin S. Warren, of Lake Shore road. . . salmon. , Help ... Help ... Help ... all kinds of dependable , Winters' did not seem to get better as time ~'ore on, household personn~l for you.,}ust a call to Hourly Aid~ .. . ' for by. 1859 frost every month was not uncommon and VAlley 2-2630 ... will bring you the finest most reliable on Juh' 4 of that year a magnificent cherry and pear Famolis' Artist cook, laundress, cleaning lady. or, nurse for the,children. crop was killed by frost. To 'Teach- Here ...... In 1886 just a month bero~e t~e summer colony pre- . "House Belll(fiful" ;s ,'o~r housel Newly decM'ilJed by pared to depart Detroit for'. Pointe surrilller there was Internationally f a m 0 u s If/IttIttmaker's Studio, MaiM avenut. A staff of skilled decor- such a sen'cre snow storm that drifts piled up against Hughie Lee-Smith, one of the ttltors will help "OU clarify your loftiest art/lms ofhfJm~ , • , barns and farmers could not tend their stock. most prominent. artists ever to tit dow" to eilrth costs. In the 'winter the huge frame houses along the shore arise in the midwest will re- ...... turn from'New York, which were completely battened down and only a few brave Let It 1'0 to. your head! The!ltyllng artistry of Barton.l settlers every spent the e~tire .winter here until well has been his headquarters for the past' year, to teach .land- CaIIlal or formal coifs ~at p~t your best face forward ; • , . into the 1900's. The Brushshad their own power plant s<:aJ)e painting on the grounds are styled there. Book an appointment at the Pointe's DUI'est. and they,wintered in the Pointe as did the Woodbridges of the Grosse Pointe War Me- salon, , • 17"I.Kercheval Avenue •• ,TUxedo 5-9181. - but most of the colonists waited until May 1 before morial Center at 32 Lake ... ",' . , ' , moving into their summe.r homes. Shore road. . The laSt recorded pheonomemon concerns the Mr. Lee-Smith who' former- LIghten Dad's load .•• garden-wise ~ •. with the meteor which fell on Chauvin property in 1901. The ly taught at the Center pri'Jr wonderful electric, powered tools fo.und at Frolund' Chauvin homestead was on Jefferson between Notre to going to New York has hosts Garden Shop . • . 19815 Mack. Electric hedge trimmerJ of enthusiastic former students and edgers are certainly a step in the right direction. Dame and St. Clair. The meteor :Was reckoned to weigh who will welcome his return f: a t,onal)d smoldered in the deep pit in,the Chauvin yard visit. ' i for nine years, sight seerer'S glimpsing it until 1910. There will be two sessions of Use 'Lectour' At Institute classes, one series on Monday mornings from 9:30 to 12 noon, Pointen Mrs. James Lof- ly, the Hirshborn Collection who. where and whatn.-' the other Tuesday mornings strom and Mrs. Walter E. Shn- of 20th Century Sculpture). during the same hours. There mons, along with Indian Vil. The facilities are to become Il. permanent part of the In- by whQozil will be six two and .8 half hour lagers Mrs. Albert M. Mackey classes in the series which and Mrs.' Theodore Sedwick, stitute and have been made will begin June 22 and 23 -lUId were co-chaiImen of the large possible. through the Activi- Mrs. ClyJe D. Vortman has received theUniied ties Committee of the Detroit Community Ser.viceshighest citation, the Community end, July '27 and 28 respective- reception at which' "Lectour" was introduced at the Detroit Museum of Art Founders So- Service. Pin for five years as a volunteer Motor A~de ly. Classes' are limited. While Institute of Arts. Monday eve- ciety. dispatcher. This mother of three, who also gives time it is necessary, to have some ning. to the GPUS Mothers' Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and concept of art 'and painting, The ladies and their com- the Qld World Market, has put in countless hours on the both beginning and more ad- mittee received in the.Rivera P. D, Burke Prolll~ted telephone notifying drivers where and when to pick vanced students will be ac- Court where huge blocks of To First Lieutenant up patients and answering requests from health and cepted. Immediate enrollment ice (quietly melting into the . welfare agencies. • , . is advised as the classes are fountain) spelled out' L-E-C- Annou~ement it made of filling rapidly. ' . T.Q-U-R, the name of the the pro?ll.otion and ~mmission- '" '" . The "Meet th'e Travellers" ramas 'of the modern bustling system of broadcasts now in- Hollywood's Kleig lights will be turned on in Jront series at the Grosse Pointe downtown Honolulu but fine stalled in the museum to pro- ing of Patrick D. Burke, Sec- of the United Artists theatllr for a world premier on War Memorial will come to a 'shots of beach scenes such as S1. LAWRENCE vide visitors at all. times with ond Lieutenant to First Lieu- • July 1.1\Ir. and Mrs. David Gamble are in on all. the fitting climax Wednesday eve- the huke lau or community guided tours. The service sup. tenant with rank from May doings for the first showing of "Anatomy of A Mur" ning, June 10, when the Cen- fishing with giant nets and of SAGUENA Y ,CRUISES . plements, but does not replace, 30, 1959. der", the film from the novel by Upper Peninsula Judge ter will present an illustrated surf activity. at the resort the regular general and spe- Pat is the son of Me. and John D. Voelker. talk oJi - Hawaii, our 50th hotels. Also there will be A &LORIOUS VACATION cial tours conducted by mem- Mrs. Patrick J. Burke, Lake- .. .. . ,State by Virginia Dorian. The scenes. of rural activity such Afloat a.d AslII.n bers of the staff. pointe avenue. He was a for- WINS ST. 10E LETrER John Sweeney's r.ed schoolhouse Oili Mack avenue public . is . cordially invited as sugar cane burning and The tiny (four-ounce) re- mer graduate of Grosse Pointe High School, class of 1953 and . is a history-crammed building from the days when without charge. harvesting. • Bob Decker, sophomore :from ceiver set which the visitor .Mrs. DOrian is. most qua1i- Many fe~tiyals and parades Grosse Pointe, was the starting 7 ::, O.IY. $189 froin. Michigan State' Univer- pinafored misses and bare foot lads learned their les- rents for a feet of 50 cents tied to talk on, Hawaii. She will be shown such as the nar. third baseman for the St. A M~ Sc ic Trip ThruF_h has no knobs 'to control: al- sity, 1957. from the School of sor.s. Before composer and conductor Sweeney made it went" there as an exchange cissus and cherry blossoJTl fes- Jdseph College (Ind.) baseball c. tiftl WlIftrw.y' lows one to hear tape-recorded Mechanical Engineering. his home it had served as a church, so cold in. winter teacher in 1953.54 and also tivals and most particularly team this. season. r.c.rte~ uettt De,. rt..rn taljts in such galleries as: Ba- Pat is on a'special assign- Stopoven lit' FilMSt Hoteh- the cong;egation had to stamp its feet to keep warm. did post graduate work in the the palu riders parade on Ka- Decker, one of 12 sophomores roQue, 7lemish, Italian, Chi- ment now in Poitiers, France. Hew OIlHII E1iK.beth, M... tftol university there. She hasre- meha. Meha day' ,when be!luti- where he will instruct a l'>pe- Alger.Shel,d~m. remembers riding to the sch~lhYftl. Ted. "'IVy "nll blAck. Harbor, blow hole. and punch , I stolen. bowl military cem(!tcry built .. • All the clinic beauty Ind eelg.n~e of sterli" lliver . . in IIn extinct volcano. Not :J"im Men's Nylon BOller Trunks , ..•• .4095 Humility is like underwear - essential, but indecent only will there he fine pano- ., Navy. maroon llnd Ted. ••• damask liMn •• , fine. chillt •• , is eontal".cfin itlis if it shows. , . Helen Nielsen. I '2 Kercheval Men's Cotton BOller Trunks •••...• , ••• , •• ,' 3.50 , Igscioul depitl of twist brotciloom.DEe.PTWIST'S f BI,!I!, yelltiw and tan • tuturous, pebble welve i. clo/Ihioriy, sound .~orbin9 • • • .. .. . •0" Ih, Hill ,A compromise is the art oC dividing a cake I"; rnch Boys' Cotton BOlllr Trunks •••• , •••••••••• , 2.95 erN'" I mood of dr.m.& Ilmp4icHy for .ny dKOl'. TAn only. II way thAt everyone believes that he has got the bIggest MORTGAGES H..,~d M"ss<'lge Piece .•• Ludwig Erhard. GeneroUi Appraisals • ,------;...---_-1,' • • • • III reflnance "our pr'~'J1' Ste~m C<'lbinet J{ you have lilies of the valley may be visited mllrte.,e /lr land contrut. you PrOMpt .ervlce. ze.yur loan •• • 1-'''•• Frank R. BrO.n by II peacock. Mrs: Paul Long glanced out her wind?w MllllMnm loaMi .:JO,.... Trim T"ble I .. s,ert SIlo, I in Harvard road last week and saw a peacock munchmg • • 'CARPETS'. ! in the flower bed. Fi•• lily •• rtell' TU 2-8440 "Th, besl ;" "",,,ts III retlso"",bl, pN(es." I The lost peacock beJon~ed to Dr. and Mrs. Alfred I COMPAHY Mil. TIlIM Mill. TRIM 18520 MACK, at Touraine TU 1:.4484 H Whittaker of East .Jefferson avenue, and after Awhile I':v... 1I :3t-1t :3fI t tll I ~he wander~d home to greet her lost mate. The Whit- 41J Forti .klt" Dtt. J6 Sat. 1:88 - lI:lHl 106 KERCHEVAL TU 1.5262 TU 1.22'2 ~ Meft., 'nl.... , '14• ..,etIl. IIMtI • , .... , Mat. Pen01me! Pen"nfte!"''''1'' tak'ers have two tame peacocks which grace the lawNi WO 1.1107 • ~ tbeU lakefront ,-u.t-. , , ~, II J '\ :.t, ,I r '