Pointe Tennis Dr. Whiteley As Cottlt':Lea by Ih
, ..... , ',J., 'I,'., !- .• ' 'A" "'..... ~-.,I.'...1" ;"",' t.: ;, ,oi., AJI tn,' ~'WI' 0' All tlte Point,. Every ThundlY Morning . * * • CIII TUx.d~ 2.6900 rosse • i- Complete News Coverage of A.U the Po intes ews VOLUME 20-NO, 24 Entered u second Clu. Matter .t the Post Oftfe. at Detroit. Mlell. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JUNE I'. /959 6c Pel' Copy '3.~ Per Year 24 PAGES' TWO SECTION , SECTION 1 HEADLINE~ Richard Gals'Fast'Off Their Marks --'- oflhe '''EEK All Pointe Tennis Dr. Whiteley As COttlt':lea by Ih. ,'" 0'" Tops Ticket Grf}sse PO;"le Neu's T. ourney to . pen For Trustee Thursday, June 4 . THE WESTERN forei gn lncurtlb~n;' Pon9rl~z Un- ministers have offered a ,neW At Clubon June 27 seated; Henry Haberkorn five-point truce p:-oposal ove; . I I Wins One. Year Term Berlin which WOUld. include' ... All Players Urged to Enter Event Started in 1956; • freeze on Westem troops in ~ West Berlin' in exchange for Cllsses Provided f,)r Both Sexes A mandate by the voters Russian agreement to the iso-' ../ . , ' Of All Age Groups of the Grosse Pointe School lated city's freedom. District rejected an incum. At present, the West has a The third All Grosse Pointe TennisTou~'J1ament be.t;1t's bid for another term 10,OOO-man troop garrison in will open Saturday, June 27, and will be completed as a member of the Board West Berlin, 5,000 Am~ricans, Sunday, July 5, at the NeighborhooCl Club, St. Clair and Waterloo. 1'---- _ of Education at an election 3.000 arilish and 2,000 French.
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