A MERCURY a MINUTE! Greater Authority to Deploy the Waste Paper Stacked In^Jr'flrst Floor of Present Passenger Car Plates 1 .N »F.Rrin » with Nm I.* Laiuppa, 20
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ial Fund; Mrs. and Mrs. Osoar O. Cbiu-laa Brendel, atewardafilp; Wal-j Canvass vlaitora of-th e North The Waathar ^ About Town Methodist Church-are reminded of Jaycees Will Assist Town Church Seats AnderaOn, Mrs: Max Schubert, ter 'Wllklnaoi), CHcistlan senriee; the meeting Sunday afternoon in M ai^abter Couivcii o f Churahea Cleorge Katz- Jr„ study of future Feieeast at D. B. Wualjwi'Wan aa the church vestry at 2 o’clock. delegator- Rainhotd -Rautenberg, iteeds; Alfred Lange and George Robert O. Boucher, chairman of 'Katz Jr., iraniraitce. - - ■ - Sunday will lie known in the ' In Traffic Survey^ Canvass Slate Suiidav Synod and Conference delegate; Tonight fair, colder. J<aw i i j « In Salvation Army aa Junior Soldiers the Commission on Finance will s M Jacob Klein, alternate.- Mrs. Robert, Werner was ap The Dubaldo Bros, will play for 12,445 renewal Sunday. During: the Sun preside and instruct the 'visitors, pointed to f i l l ’a'hew);>' creAed bf- S degreea above. Toman eW lair, Newly elected eounctlmen and Committee - chatrmar. elected dancing at the regular Saturday Member of the Audit day School aesaion, pupils will sign j who will call at the homes of the ,The Manchester Junior Chamber* where, planning and.zoning machin wert>^ Albert Cervlnl, evengsltsis; floe of part-time sgcrjitaiy. nlfbt dance tomorrow hight at,, cold. High In high lia. officers o f Concordia Liitheran Bureau of Ctrculatiea 'the Declaration of Fsitli; A f the i congregation.' This visitation is of Commerce will,undertake to as- , ery Is well established. Cllhtoh Bragg, property;. AifiW -Feb. 17 was set as tiie first tw-British American Oiih. Mahche$ter—^A City of VUlaga Charm . 1 • - ,'J Holineaa service, one gioup wUl I pa|l of the annual budget canvass 'The Development Oonunlaslon Church will be Installed at the Lange i»r.. finance; W alter Kire- day to hold two sarvicaa, one at Dancing 'wlH M from t p.m, to sist the town in compiling .data for t stressed that that Jaycees "ars not- build th e' A m y Crest Another program. '' fSj^lce Sunday momlHg. Ootinell- cMsper. inualp and worshtpV Bd- ,Si4S Am., the aaeond,Bt,10:lf .a.iTbi* group will give the Afflrmatlon of . a statiatical study which la now pretending to be experts on either' men to be Installed are: Clerence ward.Kehl, Ohriaiian aducation and for a trial pefiod ctf ensitnowi.^aa N R It' Saturday, Tamniy Paige VOL. LXXVI, NO. 99 (TEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1957 (ClaaaUted AdvortMag on Page • ) PRICE FIVE CENTR IK ‘ Faith, and Kathleen Vennsrt will i The Est^ian Lutheran Sunday underw-a.V. plannlnj; or zoning, or to Interfere ify- - • Oovlll. reelected to serve for a term literature; Joseph Oalont -and^ directed by the aabual liidetlngv al-4 his band wllf ^Im/for dancing. be aolnist tSchool, with children from Man Ralph Kryaak. chairman of the w-ith or duplicate the excellent jobs ; . j i ' : .fy chester, New Britain, Hartford and local Jaycec’s Community Devel being done now l-y members of of three .vears; Charles Brendel, Jo The quarterlv Department meet- , New Haven, will meet at the parish opment Pi'ojert. announced plans planning ahd-' zoning boards in seph Galoni. Edward Kehl and ing of VFW' Auxiliaries in Con house of Zi6n Lutheran Church for the project after conferring many of our communities.'' Reinhold Rautenberg elected -for neeticut will taka place Sunday. Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. The men’s-^ yesterday with Wilfred Maxwell, To Attend Seminar their first terris of three yeafs Son Certain at 2 p.ro. at tha CCt(0-------- Home,----- Rt. 5.-, choir will also meet at the parish! planning administrator. tn connection with the survey, esch. Broad S t, Meriden. Department; house this Sunday afternoon. I Krvzak said Maxwell accepted Kryzak said he will attend:a sem- The Church Ooimcll elected the President Ruth Cunningham w ill' the Jaycee offer Of assistance, aiid -fnar Feb. 4 in W illlntntic, and In following officers Weonesday eve HALE'S Parents Not preside. Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, N d ., generally described two projects vited an.v other interested Jaycees ning.: Alfred Lange' Sr., vice presi 2046. VFW. will hold iU usual set- j which the Junior Chamber* can in Manchester to attend nith him. dent: Edward , Weiss, secretary; Mr. and Mra. C. Rudolph Ander carry out. William Deihko, treasurer; Henry son. 10 Russell St„ who are leaving back party this evening at the The purpose of the agminar, con Post Home. Playing will begin at One ia a traffic survey which will Agnew, benevolence treasurer; F A B RIC Soviet Spys town on Feb. 15 to take up res- ; include interviewing motorists on ducted by the Development Com- George Ksts Jr., flnsncial treas idance In Hyan'nls, Mass., as the ' 8:80. Refreshments are being do ii'iasion, is to fanTiliarizs Jaycees nated. and all proceeds will be origin and destination. A second urer; Joseph Gatoiil, assistant fi new owners of the "House of IVil- is' s house-to-house ctnvass in with planning and soning concepts, nancial secretary; John Noska Jr., New York, Jan. 26 {/P)— given to the Mile of Dimes. and with the t>-pe of Information of FESTIVAL liam." were given a party by rela selected sections of town, chiefly benevolence secretary. Seventeen-year-old Lawrence tives last Sunday at the 3 J's. They value in planning. ’The District meeting of Amer to get immigration information- to Mrs. Erich Brandt,' secretaiV- Soble says he can’t believe his were presented with a purse of augment pWpulationi studies Meanwhile, Kryzak said, he >sill treasurer of fhe Ooheordfa Memor RIAUTIFUL MATERIAL AT money. Mra. Anderson ha^ been ican Legion Posts and Auxiliaries mother and father were mem will he held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. which have already been made. attempt to fint a half dozen or teaching at the Waddelf School Study Took Four Years more Jaycees who are Interested bers of a Soviet spy ring oper for the past 10 years and her hus in Berlin High School. A t a recent meeting of town of In assisting the local planners, and LOW, LOW FRIGES! ating in the United States. band has been associated with ficials, Maxwell and General Man schedule a meeting at which Max- Cheney Bros, for over 30 years. Mystic Review. No. 2. WBA. The blond youth aayi he la members, wilt meet Tuesday in ager Richard Martin- displayed V ell will oiftllne the local needs. "more thaif 100 per cent certain basic maps and charts in a study VALUES to m Yd. - TTie Confirmation class will meal Odd Fellows Hall to make plans Kryzak said he would tty to , that my lather and mother aren’t Senate Set which hss been going on for four organize the' meeting u-ithln a British Press3 1 asts^ tomorrow at 10 a.m. in St. John's I for the.lnst'allation of officers on spies.’’ 0 years. Martin asked the officials Church parish hall. |Feb. 5.- couple of weeks. ^ NOW The boy’s father, Jack Soble. 83, present, most of them charged When Martin spoke to officials hi. mother, Myra, 52. and Jacob For Inquiry £ d with some kind of policy deci at the meeting on data accum Albani. 64, all of New York City, sions, to make suggeatlons about ulated so far, he said the greatest were . arrested by the FBL yes Remarks on Troops refinementa of the study. n e ^ was for volunteer help to do terday. They were charged with When the maps and other ma field work and other tasks .neces collecting Infomlatlon about the On Mideast terials are prepared correctly for projection on a screen, the public sary to fill out blanks on the infor national defense for purposes of By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER mation available. CransmitUng the information to ORANGE HALL will be invited to a meeting at WashiiiKton, Jan. 26 (/P)— Washington, Jan. 26 (/P)— State Department officials weFe which they will be shown. the Soviet Union or Ita agents. The Soble youngster, X senior Sen. Fulbriffht (D -A rk) said concerned toda.v that a remark by Secretary of State Dulles Kryzak explained that the local Town Radio Club at Rhodes Preparatory School In today he believes a Senate a^iout British and French soldiers might deal a new jolt to ' Jaycee effort is the outgrowth of Manhattan, spoke freely about his review of administration Mid a Statewide project in which Jun U.S. relations with Britain and France. ior Chamber of Commerce chap Yard parents. dle East policy will follow State Department press officer, Lincoln White, after con^* BINGO Will Hear Lewis "It they had any crooked deal ter! throughout the State and the congre.s.sionaI action on Presi 6 sdltation with Dulles, tried to head o ff negative overseas re- Connecticut Development Com ings. I would have known about EVERY SRTURDRY NIGHT E. B. Lewis, manufacturer of . • Drip Dry Printad Cottona it," he said. "Spies . what are dent Eisenhower’s military- a c t i^ with an assurance that Dulles did not mean to insult mission are cooperating. • Everglaze Printed Cottons Enjoying New Freedom 7:4S P.M. The Jaycees are undertaking a electronic cryatals, u*!!! address they spyiqg on? What they saw economic proposals for that BritisV^and French armed forces. survey of planning and zoning in the Mancheater Radio Club at jta tEverglaze Plain Cottons In the sli-eet?" _____Mrs. Nancy Conant, a -polio* victim, amiles happily aa she area. But it appeared from the first reaction in British news 20 GAMES— 5 SPECIALS— 1 SWEEPSTAKE The Sobles and Albam were held demonstrates a new portable power unit for respirators at Mount their communities for the Devel meeting Monday evening at 7:30 a Finest Plain Broadcto|h Fullbright conceded, in ' an In papers thH^the explanation didn’t do the trick.