Patience to Produce Ction of Pure,Wholesome
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10 I THREE NEW PORTLAND COAST LEAGUERS WHO WILL BE SEEN IN BEAVERS TIE AND SERIES AGAINST LOS ANGELES ON HOME DIAMOND THIS WEEJi- - BEAVERS RETURN LOSE 10 OAKLAND If FIRST DIVISION Re- Commuters Outhit, 13 to 2, in Record of .500 On Road by Morning but Score in 12 garded as Good Innings Is 2 to 2. Portland Fans. WORRIES FISHER'S HEAVES WEIRD BATTING SLUMP Hits to Runs Portland Beaten 4 to 0 In Second Team Falls to Convert Are Show- Contest Because. Backstop Err and, vrhile Pitchers Supporters Want Fatally Three Times West's ing Class, Scoring. masterpiece. Pitching Is Marreloos. to See Greater I am a UM-riR- pacific coast ixacie stand- NEWHOCSE ANT) MELD TO E of ing;. IN PORTLAND. It took years care and SAN FRANCISCO. April 11 A w. i-- p.v w. l. p c. Oakland T 1 Venice. 6 .420 shift of umpires for the eomlnc l.os An 8 5 115 sacram'o 4 games of the Pacific Coast S ." j week's Portland t KM, San Fran 5 .364 League is announced today. New-hou- se Yesterday's Resalta. and "Red" Held to go to produce my and Van Francisco McCarty so to to At Oakland Buah and patience Portland. TortUnd 0. Oakland San Francisco. Ed Finney and Billy At Sacramento Sacramento 5. Loa Phyle so to Los Anseles. Ansele? 4. At Venice and Angeles Venice 1-- 4. blend. San Francisco Despite the loss of the second series clever Schedule Week April 1J-2- 0. e .v.- - ...,. tn Oakland, four games to Loa Antelra at Portland. two, the Portland Beavers will return Oakland at San Francleco. 4 home Tuesday morning with a win- Sacramento at Venice. I ning percentage of .500. This is mighty n-- v on foreign soil. Buuuj " "' ee" onv rlnb of the year, and sele- Spe-cla- especially at the start the SAN FRANCISCO. April 1J. naturally are highly The first step was With the morning frame a tie Portland fans waa called In 12th Inning, and defeat to James. Two-baa- e hit with MeCredle's AA buncn. that the rharsegacrlftce hit Leard. stolen bases elated home against the afternoon spectacle. 4 to 0. In favor Xes. OfTIt The three weeks at Leard. Za. her 2. Bases on balls James Angeles, Sacramento and Venice of the Oaks, the Beavers leave for S. off Malarkey 3. Struck out By James Los a chance to home tonight with four out of the 4. by Malarkey 4. Hit by pitcher Rohrer. should give the Beavers plays McCormlck - - tne-ho-- ld on the wholesome seven games played the property of Nes. by James. Double recoup uuu- j 6 o ction of pure, to Rodgers to Derrick. Wild pitch James. for the next trip the Oak a. Time 1:03. Umpire Finney and Pnyle, percentage ladder The ecore aheet of the afternoon around tne circuit. - game shows that James is charged WOLVES M.VKK SERIES EVEN When the Portland ciitd tpnnwgaze defeat, as a matter of new tfnmm n thn nubile with the but eniio 3:15, more than fact it was Kiaher more than any one Sacramento Defeats Angela, 5 to 4, Tuesday afternoon at $ie best grows. who the blame. James one-ha- lf the squao. tobacco, iat else deserves 1,1 w- - . , r. Tnrt ;"n n rt ' fans. got away with a three-h- it game as hut Pitcher Finishes Weak. exact win ub " seven rolled op Only eight of the 23 athletes Fisher, compared to the hits SACRAMENTO. April 13. Sacramen- Rodgers, Lindsay, oft Malarkey. but In the fifth Inning. Angeles for HIgginbotham. in which all the trouble happened, a to broke even with Los Chadbourne,- - Fitzgerald, Doane and on the series at three games each by tak- Krueger are noiaovers i win combination of lack of control the 5 4, a tight . part of James, two bad errors by ing today's game. to in i i.Tnn mmnn and Berry are flie combining of these by pitchers' battle which the Southerners to Coast League en Next was Flaher and a Questionable decision in- all familiar Finney, were responsible. all but broke up In the last two thusiasts. nings. Kenworthy's home run In the Top. Isrfft Sovthpaw Hanr Kraanej Twelve New to Fans. Fisher Tkiawa Away Gaane. second started the scoring for the lo- fUftrkt, Arthur Korea. MiortHtopi Be- are: Catchers, Inning by walking Angeles up in the third W ho Hum Per- The new stars James started the cals. Los tied low, HI Went, PHrhrr, Rlordan and Loan; pitchers. West, produce a Rohrer. Malarkey tried to sacrifice on a walk, passed ball and rage's formed Spectacularly in Hla Two . - TTafrArmon........ Tomes and S t RIl - by experts to rvrauoc, j i fs leaves but Flaher would not have it that way. triple. In the fourth Sacramento tiame-- v Korea, Mc- box. Two ley; lnflelders. Derrick. and Instead of forcing Rohrer threw drove Crabbe out of the cormick and Heilman, and outfielder, the ball away to center field. Leard walks and singles by Kenworthy and Cunningham. sacrificed when he hit to Derrick, for Lewis put over the runs. Driscoll re- oe Malarkey. fly While fans cannot hut saimneu of aromatic mildness. although he forced Rohrer lieved Crabbe and Stark's sacrifice b. & two weeks showing. cigarefte Schirm walked, al single to put over two i.u went on to third. and Bliss left GIRL BRINGS 115 IN the batting slump which the club though from the stands it looked as if more runs In the same Inning and end- . DTftRPnt IS OCCIllO .nlnvtnirJ - n .t be had been fanned, and then came ed Sacramento's scoring. causing considerable conjecture. For Flaher a faux pas. Zacher hit to James Arellanes held the Angels to one hit or seven easy Fisher, anxious to up eighth, when Ellis' home a team boasting mner. for an out. but to the the Beavers nave oon mm "" make a double, dropped the throw ana run followed Kenworthy's error and the Oaks, which the uniform men Leard scored. single put over three runs. In the series with Through many years two Rohrer and Paget's and closed yesterday. ' Zacher stole second and Coy singled In the ninth Lober opened with a sin- Miss Dougherty Wins Booster game, more runners to on a sacrifice Aside from the opening wnicn to center to send two gle and went third Portland won, 6 to 0, Krause setting across the plate. Coy was caught at and a wild pitch. But Brooks fanned Recruiting Contest. xti. .ifh two hits, the Beavers second trying a steal and Hetllng and Driscoll popped up to Stark. Score: only five runs In the series. blend has fanned. Los Angeles Sacramento scored quality of my Turkish Ab H Po A E Ab H PO A E Five runs in six games win nut vm The Beavers never had a chance O Parelb. 4 3 2 0 o shlnn.rf . 3 0 1 0 many pennants, and it's no fault of the until the ninth, when they bunched ElllaUf. 4 1 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 . i i .. ,h.t iLf.r,reHlA rlM not attach hits, and by time they were 3 0 1 5 OOR'ke.Sb 3 0 0 games two that 101 PLANS FOR PARADE MADE series. In three of the too far behind. Jl.SK l.rf 3 O 4 0 Ken'hy.2b 4 2 3 5 the everywhere. game summary How'd.rf 4 0 0 0 0 Tenn' 3 2 O 0 the Oaks Kaisominea us. been pleasing smokers For the morning this GUI. lb.. 3 0 13 O o lxwla.lf . 3 1 1 O 0 story: Portland. 3 runs. II 3 0 3 3 1 Dtark.aa. 3 Old Stars Dae to Hit Stride. tells the John 10 11 : T)flAM S errors: Oakland. X runs, 2 hits. Prooks.e 3 O 3 5 Blls.c. 1 T 2 O T.. T3ntrwM Vm,nr. and hits. 0 1 0 Arella's,p I3 0 .300 2 errors. Called In 12th Inning. Crabbe.p 10 110 Fitzgerald, at least, are natural Drlsr'll.p 3 O O 3 0 Estimate of Enrollment in Fans' Or v. i . .. .. .1 ,hAV ehmilit tllflt abOUt Lack All With Oaks. Lober ..1 1 0 0 0! ganization 1500, all of Whom strike their stride in the three weeks The above sum and substance Is evi 32 4 2410 1 Totals 27 10 2 Is on home lot. When flie prove of Totals impending the FATIMA, cigarefte of dence In Itself to the element Lober hatted tor qui in nintn. Are Expected to Root for that bunch does get into action, wnn I am luck which waa enjoyed by the Oaks. SCORE BT INNINGS. the pitchers working as they have To substantiate Manager Walter Loa Anselee O01OO008 4 Beavers in Opening Game. ,v,A first two weeks, the Beavers claim of "hard luck." HI West Hits 0 0 1 O O O O 2 1 4 are bound to soar skyward like a be out again. Last Bun- - Sacramento 5 can trotted O H4OH2 0 O 1 9 V Fourth ot Juiy rocuei. day morning be was beaten In another Htta 3 vrp.HI.'. obntcA nf TTarrv Krause he nation. game by a 1 to o score after SUMMARY. Mo-ra- as opening day pitcher in Portland is he bad allowed only five hits. This Runs Pass, EIHa.