Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1955-08-17
--", .......... -- ..... - .. .. Serving the State University of Iowa Camp"s and Iowa City oman ~I'. t 161 - A' ~aed Wire, Wl,.photo - p;~ Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Wednewoy, August 17. 1955 I Hurricane Diane edifor;al . (The ......1 .. ettit.,., ...........cest ." ,... ....-. KXIC .. Itt 5:30 ...wac.. T..... , ...n"", lay .... M........ IOn.) Last night night about 8:30 a young manied (owa City woman wa apcosted in the north end oE town by a younl man, who blindfolded her, gagged ber, and fol'Ctl{l her down aD alley ~ , . at knifepoint. TIle a ailant stripped off her clothing, mole.ted her, then left. There was no assault. n '\loa The woman reported the incident to Iowa City pol joe, wbo . have been investigating it - ~uletly, proceedi,.g 0 as not.to tip . • • INO/A oCE the assailant that. he was being hunted, and al 0 0 as Dot to ~outh Kor.ea arouse thc cornmuOIty. ! ,., / :60lnjured In the spirit of moore interest In. the welEate 0( Iqwa City, A ~ . R . and out of desire to cooperate with our law-enforcement gain elects /- "During Riots officer, we observed their restrictioD on pobJiciziJa, the In· I . cident and the invc tigatlon. I\~ under simlfar circumstances in Red 8,' dS i the pa 't, w turned over relevant information that came tG our Bombay attention to the police department, in order to assist them in any SEOUL (Wedneaday) (,4') _ In way we mjl'ht be able. , South Korea l'uesPay rejecled BOMBAY. India ("'? - Riots, ~ Communist Chinese and North strikes, and demonstrations We felt that we wcre doing our duty; that we Welc acting Korean propo als lor unification I broke out TuClliday In many parts a bonellt, re~poJl ' lblc joumali1lts - passing by a nailer scll$a~ talks u "the ame old Com- ot Jndla to prolest the ra\~ I tiollal-typc ~tory - pa sing it by 00 fjv uccc i (" newscas munlst propapnda Une." ~,~~~Ill!t ',"f:,~ shootJnl of IS or more Indtans because we had becn asked by our police department, because "Any dlscusslons with the PUP- f during M.ooday's "pcaceful in vasion" ot Port~lIUese Jndla.
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