THE EVENING STAR Ex-Champions Coe Leads Americans Wishington, C. C, M-day, May 2s, 1959 D-3 In British Amateur Rocca Among Six Stock Car Driver Draw Distant in Top Match at Killed in Mishap Continued From Fage D-l [day,” the Oklahoman said. "De- 1 FLAT ROCK. Mich.. May 25 drove Into the rough only once. spite that, I played pretty well (AP).—Tom Bauer, 23, of Ann good drive the Uline's Tonight He a at | considering the wind and cold.” Arbon, Mich., for'soo' fifth the kicked was killed last Posts but ball into Antonino Rocca, Red Bastier shakily, the high grass, which has been He started taking a 6 night when his stock ear APOLIB, May 35 and Big Heart INDIAN allowed grow for weeks. on the first hole after missing Chief will team crashed into a retaining wall to five up against (AP). Jimmy Bryan of! Hyndman. troubled with a a tee shot and another 6 at the the Graham broth-! at the Flat Rock Speedway. competing Phoenix and Pat Plaherty of bad back, won eight of the first fifth where his second shot was era and the Sheik in the sea-i | Bauer was in. his fQn«p wrapped up first race at the track whon /’T* ¦ Chicago, both former winners, nine holes and the the ture bout of tonight’s wrestling a 10th. He buried in deep grass. , tire out at the south tjirn, will start far back in the held match on the was one show at Uline Arena. The show Ij blew under par for the 10 holes he (forcing the auto out of Coe Among Favorites opens at (:30. control. Saturday when 33 cars blast played. •“He was driving a modified away from the starUng line in Hyndman got a birdie on the Coe is one of the top favor- Jack Davis of the Redskins .coupe. ites to win the tournament. He the 43d 500-mile race at the 396-yard ninth where his drive will make his Washington area i' „• has the type steady, accurate . i Indianapolis Speedway. and seven-iron shots put the of debut against Nature Boy 'j' . i_ Motor game that could see him add- ball 3 feet from the cup. He Bradley. Davis is undefeated! The windup of 10-mile quali- jsank a 10-footer at the 10th ing the British Amateur to the your fications yesterday left Bryan for another birdie which closed American championship he won In 12 matches. LARK in the middle of the seventh out the match. last year. The last golfer to In other bouts, Johnny will cost you less hold both titles at the Barend and Donn Lew * row. with 19 cars to pass beiore Rough Called Worst | same in meet iron, time was Lawson Little in 1935. John and Chris Ida May ,v he repeat last year's $105,- Tolas. ’“ can ” Nicklaus said the cold and - 000 victory. In losing his extra-hole match Martinez and Mae Young meet LEE D. BUTLtR the wind didn’t bother him. with Bonse 2 Gloria Barattni and Barbara Plaherty, returning to the rough Thirlwell. was But he aded: "The is down the The Mighty Jumbo I¦ i lineup for time since at 13th but rallied to Baker. the first the worst X ever have seen.” square things at the 15th. Then faces Little Eagle and Tokyo |9 he took the 1956 Memorial Day Ridgley, who at one time missed a short putt at the Joe is up against Luis Martinez. Wxtir Luki Camel,, event, qualified shade faster played out of Havertown, Pa., |he a which would have for than Bryan and will start in England 118th won has been stationed in Colorado j^^KPS^ORuNH',; 18th place, in the sixth row. for 11 years. He him. At the 21st. the was runner- golfer overhit the green WINDSHIELD up British and Bryan in the 1957 Amateur. took winning Rangers, Has Trouble Ridgley said he hit only three a 5 to Thirlwell’s 4 Bruins Tie Many of the Bryan nearly missed the pro- bad shots during bis round, un- American play- VIENNA. May 25 who set a one-lap • record of the 22-lap feature mortocycle match-play tournament which n.. *..a^»iM*4iyiMfiS£!f 146.532 May 16. The last half, race at Vista Raceway yester- ends with a 36-hole finals Sat- although manned by veteran day. urday. Anjjll MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. *' ¦* £ * "- \*iL*&** drivers, includes 10 cars with VI CIV# SATURDAY FROM 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. qualifying speeds that THE BIG GRAB—Rocky would i Colavito of the Indians hauls in Charley Max- not have made last year's line- well’s long poke against the rightfield fence to shut the door on a ninth- up. inning rally in yesterday’s first game Detroit in Cleveland. The Tigers Grope For All WORK GUARANTEED IN WRITING* came up with one to tie the/score at 2-2 and had a runner on second Answers. base when Colavito made this catch for the third out. The Indians won Speedway veterans groped in the ninth, but the Tigers took the nightcap, 6-3. AP Wirephoto. for explanations—uncommonly high winds, too much rain, and low temperatures that kept X tires from getting a good grip on the brick and asphalt track. The final qualifying session yesterday BRAKES Throneberry Appears was run without a I Whitt Leading mishap. In an accident Saturday, Rookie Earl Motter £ ' j of Fresno, Calif., escaped in- Ready to Plug Big Hole jury when his car hit the out- By Stroke in side retaining wall. That was innings. * Continued From Face D-l one hit in his 3Vi the' sixth wreck of the month REUNEDWith BONDED Linings While You Watch Senators figure to see little left- That was Pete Daley's eighth- at the old track. handed pitching. inning single which Allison mis- [J *A judged. Memphis The lineup in its final form FRONT END Throneberry and Golf was loaded with old timers who Clint Courtney—who will re- The Senators picked up a ALIGNMENT (AP).— know every crack and bump in turn duty June 9—are left- run in the first inning after MEMPHIS, May 25 3.95 .to The $25,000 Memphis Open the speedway. A. J. Foyt of CHtVKOLCTS '“car handed hitters who should Allison and Killebrew were Houston, Tex., 24, will be the Nolh . S)ud .bak .,. Hud . thrive on a steady diet of-right- walked by Jerry Casale. Julio went into overtime today led PLYMOUTH 6 son, Willy, and '57 59 ' by Don Whitt, a California golf j only driver in the lineup under FORD CAPS Suicki, Old,, Chryiler pitching. Courtney, cur- Becquer’s single of! products } handed pro out 30 years of age. and Lincoln* rently the disabled list as Don Btjddin’s glove' got Alli- to break his final round Po '’' oddi on ! Russo, Includes Ports and Labor ' the result of getting mumps, is son across. Jinx. Paul 45, Webster the All Noth. . ! .. Though often a threat, Whitt Groves, Mo., reluctantly parted others |£L QK T , eager to start swinging against Bertoia opened a three-run M/; stud*., Pack, t Hud,on 10.73 Heavy Dual Action never has managed to win a company the powerful the succession of righthanded uprising in the fifth with a with Q JOHN SjpN'jZlMilRP HY single PGA tournament in four hard- Novi in which he set the race’s I FREE Broke Inspection At Alt Times SHOCK seeing. ! to center. With the Senators are one working years one-lap down, singled on the circuit. record of 144.416 miles We also specialize in power broke, ABSORBERS In 13 of the last 14 games Killebrew also Whit, 28, of Barrego Spring. j* £HOE and followed an hour, in 1956 before he c the opposition has started Lemon with Calif., lead yesterday FREE ADJUSTMENTS ; hit, scoring took the crashed into the wall. A new 7.88...t s;l righthanders against the Sena- another Bertoia. 6-under-par for the Life of the Linings Throneberry jWith a smooth 64 fuel injection system in the tors. About the only lefthanders ! then slammed a that pulled 1 INSTALLED triple to center, scoring Kille- him in front of twin Novis failed to function. In Washable the Senators are likely to see Milwaukee’s Tom Veech and jj White! in frequent starting roles for brew and Lemon. Five newcomers made the MUFFLERS Singles by Ed Gerald, Jay Herbert of Lafayetee. La. lineup and them is the remainder of the year are Fitz by none of a Allison Killebrew got one stroke. downy-cheeked boy. flj Keep in step with the jet age, these Johns- , Billy Pierce and and the Four birdies and eagle Senators their run off an J ton & Murphy shoes clean with a damp . fifth Bill gave Whitt a 32-32 over the The fastest was Bobby Grim s£rh Monbouquette in the sixth. A of Indianapolis, *1 cloth. They're undeniably comfortable and 6.9s^_ . The Senators spurted into Country four-times a singles —70 Colonial IN.TALL.D yesterday, the walk to Frank Malzone, champion of the Nation's f especially easy to care for. Wing-tip slip-on 5-0 lead but Red by Jackie Daley and J4-36:iub course and a 54-hole total Sox clipped BUI Fischer for Jensen, county fair tracks, who will 4 in black and white or brown and white, IQUAUY Gary Geiger, plus Jim Busby’s of 201. He stood 67-70-64. OTHfRS LOW the sixth. Chuck Veech, a sit in the second row -with a r 7’/a 12, three runs in , netted the Red Sox their 265? pound rookie Sizes to A to D. b J CHARGE IT Stobbs came in to pitch brilli- squeezed through with even par qualifying speed of 144.225 three- $29.95 ‘Allwork guarantied in writing against defects in antly in relief, preserving a runs in the sixth. go miles an hour. Throneberry off to 63-69-70—202 and lose his materials and workmanship on a pro-rate basis fourth for touched an- Other win Fischer. That's! other 3-run splurge off Ted hard earned lead. rookies who will hear as many games as Bill won last i Trailed by crowd that “gentlemen, start your engines” Wills in the seventh when he a \ From, a selection of Johnston & Murphy shoes $24.95 • $34.95 year. adopted his as the favored un- for the first time are Don Bran- beat out a bunt. Ron Samford * Stobbs, who had shown little derdog, dismayed by son, Champaign, • doubled, he them 111.; Chuck Other Farnsworth-Reed, Ltd. shoes $14.9$ $19.9$ in several previous walked and Fitz Gerald missing Arnold, Rich- outinp, scoring Throneberry. Stobbs two three-foot putts Stamford. Conn.: i /nationwide] came in with two runners *on ard ' ) squeezed Samford across and that would have been birdies. Red Amick. Muncie, Ind., jf Mr. Herman (Bill) Young, Shoe Dept. Mgr. base and two out. He disposed McWithey, Anderson, Bertoia supplied a double to He cancelled out four birdies and Jim dangerous & of the Pete Runnels left, scoring Fitz. i with four bogies. Ind. • Member Downtown Park Shop on a grounder allowed only Jay and NOTES—IdIe today, Sen- Herbert, a stroke behind the throughout ators will play the Orioles at the tourney, stayed ‘ \ Baltimore tomorrow night and there by adding a 33-36—69 to GRIFFS RECORDS FARNSWORTH-REED Ltd. an earlier 65-68. * Wednesday night. ... It will, 1341 F St. n.w. RATTING ( mtsSSsmTHE SAFEST STQP YOUR CAR EVER HAD be Russ Kemmerer and Camilo This fourth round in the 72- j ab r tar avg. j Daily, 9:30 to 6 Pascual in that order for the hole medal play tournament is b 2b 3b rbi Ex-Race Horse iValdivielso 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 000 |( to • actually the fifth round. The; ißomonoskv 1 100 o o ftoo Thurs., 9:30 9 7301 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda OL. 6-9200 Senators, with Skinny Brown Courtney second round had to be re- t 19 J 71 0 0 2 368 and Arnold Portocarrero due to Lemon 132 22 38 8 011 20 .288 • played when late afternoon Allison 163 26 46 4 3 026 .282 West Broad, Falls Church JE. 3-2800 . . a . 1115 fire fbr the Orioles. The Killebrev 142 34 40 3 115 33 282 Senators have dropped five of rainstorm washed out Friday’s Bertoia 162 1845 8 O 710 .278 Hunter Victor ft ,278 i Porter 79 722 3 0 1 seven games with Baltimore. scores. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibbon’s Don Whitt 07-70-64—CO I Samford 108 13 20 0 2 Ift .260 Sievers will be out at least Jay Hebert 85-08-09—302 Ramos 19 1 ft 1 0 0 1 263 horse, Bowie Gibbon, Tom Veech —203 Pascual 20 1 ft 0 0 0 1 .250 ex-race four-or five days. . . . 8.1-80-70 Clevenger 4 o more Art Will fIK-H»-6»—204 l i o o 2 .250 an open jumper by trade, yes- a A1 Bievers 73 13 18 6 O 210 .247 Ted Williams suffered slight Besselink H5-BM-70—204 Throneberrv 46 ft 11 2 1 0 3 239 terday won the hunter cham- Lionel Hebert T2-TO-K3—COS Aspromonte muscle pull in his right leg and o»rv Player «»-KB-«8—205 34 77 1 0 1 4 ,206 pionship of Washington AI Balding Pearson 74 915 1 0 0 1 .203 the retired in the fifth inning, but —205 Becquer 60 614 2 2 0 Doug Ford a—. 80-70-89—205 6 .203 Bridle TraUs Association Horse isn’t expected to miss any Jim Ferree 70-70-00—205 Plews 25 2 ft 0 0 0 5 .200 Show Mason Rudolph 70-07-H*—2oo Fischer 15 1 3 0 o O 2 ».200 in Chevy Chase. games. . . . Busby bruised his Doug Sanders KS-08-70—200 Fitz Gerald 63 312 3 0 0 ft .100 The winning horse was ridden right wrist when he jammed Cary Mlddlscoff 00-7.1-05—207 Kemmerer Ift 0 2 1 3 o 2 133 DowI Flnsterwaid 71-70-88—207 Btnbbs 10 O 1 0 0 0 1 .100 by Mrs. Gibbon and won the into the bullpen wall trying to Don January 71-00-07—207 Grtggs 8000000 000 title Belvedere Farm's Throneberry’s triple. iErnle Vossler 00-71-70—207 Hyde 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 over snare [BUI Collin, 70-71-87—200 Team batting—l,3sl ab.. 176 r., 34ft mare. Miss Belvedere, by a one- The Senators have won 17 of Don Fairfield 72-00-68—208 h., avg. .255. We, Ellis point margin. 26 day games, have lost 12 of Cooper 00-70-60—208 PITCHING Pete 06-73-70—200 es Cookie Bradshaw's Com- 14 at night. . . . They’re 12-10 Paul Harney 71-67-70 —208 ip h bb so bc w 1 Tony Lema 72-00-60—20 H Clevenger 21 12 912 0 0 1 0 promising Lady won the junior on the road and 7-11 at home. J. C. Qoosie 67-72-70—200 54 56 10 26 6 2 4 1 Billy emmerer 34 53 13 24 7 4 4 3 . Maxwell 71-70-69—210 S.scher . . batted in championship over Judy Bry- When Killebrew Buck White 71-00-70—210 Ramos 61 72 16 25 10 4 4 4 ant's Spooks, who was making a run with a single in the fifth Freddie Haa, 71-70-70—211 Griggs 3125 12 11 4 12 2 Tommy Bolt 08-70-73—211 Romonosky 9 712 4 0 n o n . . his first bid for championship it was a rarity. . His last Gene Llttier 70-70-71—211 Pascual 57 55 18 29 7 3 3 4 honors. 14 runs batted in had been on Dick Knight 08-74-70—212 Stobbs 34 35 820 4 0 1 4 Johnny Pott 71-71-70—212 Hyde 19 21 12 8 o 0 0 1 Karen Burrows' gray pony home runs. Marty Furgol . _ 70-72-70—212 Daybreak, captured the pint- sized title, ridden alternately by his owner and Linda Wood. Daybreak piled up 12 points to NATIONAL beat Susie Morton’s Chcolate Continued From Page D-l Dip. dropped Los Angeles into fourth women fvu-\ Pegasus Stable dominated the place. scattered f ***MSB sixth riding stable division as two of five hits for his victory in ?n?EWsm whiskey | 10 decisions. Danny McDevitt f ° its representatives. Sheik and the loser. Ab ut Time So So, won the championship was (SSI? Danny V SMOOTH! 7 and reserve, entering almost Pinch-hitters Kravitz COOfSEy Smoky Burgess every class throughout day. and delivered the final-inning blows as the Pir- ates came from behind to down Cincinnati twice and extend the Reds’ losing streak to five. U.S. Women Out Kravitz doubled to drive in British the winning run in the ninth and Met Some Os Golf of the opener after the Pirates ASCOT, England, May 25 ihad tied the score on singles (AP>.—Mrs. Stranahan Frank :by Bill Mazeroskt and Don of Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. Na- Hoak and Ted Kluszewskis thaniel G. Kanrich of Palm grounder. Burgess doubled in am ‘|Hr/ Springs, Fla., were beaten to- the 10th inning of the night- day in the opening round of cap to drive in the winning run the women's British Amateur. after Rocky Nelson tied the None of the United States' game for Pittsburgh in the leading tournament players ninth at 4-4 with a two-run competed. homer.1 jB r Mrs. Stranhan, wife of the The Cards used three man- young pro, bowed to Joan agers to down the Cubs. Fletcher of Australia. 3 and 1. Harry Walker was directing Mrs. Kanrich fell before Mar- the club at the finish after - ¦. -——— jorie Ann Fowler of Scotland, Solly Hemus was ¦- ¦ - 2 and 1. ejected in the fifth inning, and Two favorites were beaten in Johnny Keane, his first lieu- Kke+rue major upsets. Mrs. J. Douglas tenant, was thumbed out five TJiSf Streit members of +He of Canada, who won this minutes later. The Redbirds Swf title in 1953. lost to Mrs. Thel- got 13 hits, however, and fine Pour looses Society S*') ma Brown of India. 4 and 3. relief pitching by Lindy Mc- Scotland’s Janette Robertson. Daniel to sweep the three-game British Curtis Cup star, bowed series. Hal Smith, Ken Boyer CENTER