CCA KATCN NCWJ Serving Boca Raton and Dmmrfiold Beach Phone 9005 Pries 10 Vol. 2 No, 30 A'' 200 Expected For School Land July 4 Tourney State Board Accepts Offer Of Bought A field of 200 is expected to tee off in the July 4th Mixed Foursome, two-ball tourney ac- Site For University cording to Buddy Cook, summer CAA, the Air Force and the ex- The Board of Control request- 'The worst problem we have pro at the Boca Raton course. Fruits of a year's long labor were brought to light yesterday presed cooperation of Senators ed the town to retain title for an faced in our building program,' Upwards of 40 teams of two Smatlrers, Holland, and Con-indefinite period of time to the according to Supt. Howell Wat- have already entered and sev- when word was flashed from Jacksonville that the State Board gresman Paul sRogers. 250 acre tract with one existing kins of the Palm Beach County j eral area clubs are organizing 'It was a highly succesful runway. This is required by the School Board, was solved Friday groups for the Independence of.Control accepted the offer of a .1,000 acre site subject to the meeting and we were delighted CAA to be maintaiaed by the afternoon when the purchase of a Day meet. town until such time as the existing leases that have been with the fine reception, the spir- 20 acre school site in Boca Ra- Entries will close on Tues- State wants it. made clear of al restrictions for it of cooperation and the great ton was authorized by the Board. day, July 2. interest in our problems, evi- A letter from Major General To be purchased for a reported the new southeastern university at the Boca Raton Airfield. denced by the Board of Control Joe W. Kely, USAF, Director, $3,400 an acre the tract wil be members,' Fleming reported. Legislative Liason officer, states used for a nine - grade school Meeting with the Board of Con- trol members Thursday morning Dr. Ralph Miller, chairman of that 'Boca Raton airport is used planned to be built with school Softball the Board, publicly expresed by the Air Force in conjunction bond: money and have space fro were, Thomas Fleming, Jr., Rob- ert Susieck, and Otto Yark of gratitude and appreciation for with the Palm Beach Air Force a junior high school in the fu- Base and that after the WPB-. Tourney Here the University Committee, who the sincere and conscientious ef- ture The area is west of the rail- forts of the entire university AFB is inactivated in June 1959, road and east of the east - west presented the completed details the Air Force has no forseeable The SUD - district Softball tour- of the plan, clearances from the committee and al the town of- runway at the Boca Raton Air- nament wil be played in Boca ficials. requirement for the Boca Raton port. July 2-6. Winner and runner - Airport. They have agreed to The $58,000 site is one of the up in the event will be eligible cancel their lease agreement highest per acre rate ever paid for the district meet at Home- when needed by the university. by the School Board but is said stead. Deed For 300 Feet On Fleming, Susieck and Yark to be under the market rate in According to N. L. 'Red' Ar- were really worried as coming Boca Raton, members stated. nau, fourth district commision- into Orlando one plane motor 'Water and sewers are avail- er West Palm Beach and Fort Lake Handed Over failed and their plane was able for the school which will be Lauderdale are expected to field grounded. Fortunately they were a savings and this site and sur- Boca's long delayed deed to on first reading at the last coun- able to get seats on another air- rounding acreage is listed at 5,- strong teams in the tourney. Finals of the. State competition the 300 foot strip of lake front cil meeting was referred again line and just made the meeting an acre$000 Melvin Schmitt, will be held in Miami this year, property south of Palmetto Park to the planning board and is to with a breath to spare. They owner of the property said. with Clearwater defending na- Bridge and on the western shore (Continued on Page 9) said they were 'doubly fortu- 'Not suitable for a site at pre- tional champs, as the featured was handed over at the Town nate' and very happy about it. sent but as it appears certain Council meeting, Tuesday night, 'Everyone has been so coop- that the airfield wil become the club. Team entries can be filed with •by Stuart Moore, president of Negroes Use erative,' Fleming stated. 'At a site of the new Southeastern Boca Raton Properties, Inc. meeting with the town council, University and the runway wil J. Harry Cole, P. O. Box 691, Bo- ca Raton, director of the sub - Accepted by Mayor John Private Beach town clerk, and town attorney, not be used, we will have a good Shores in behalf of the town, the this week the progres of our site,' Mrs. Elizabeth Hand, district tournament. Teams are Irate residents are protesting required to pay annual dues to papers were signed by Town of- committee was discusesd and board member said. ficials and Miss Robeson, secre- the infiltration of out-of-eounty further instruction was asked of the State softbal organization Negroes, trespassing on pri- Meeting with Town officials, headed by P. V. Gahan, State tary to Moore, affixed the official the town officials. Everyone was Watkins and Jack Homer stated vately-owned beaches in Boca Coramisioner, St. Petersburg. seal. The area for a proposed in complete agreement on al de- that the town planned to reserve launching site for smal boats Raton, according to George tails and it's certainly a pleasure a site for a future high school wil be cleared by the town and Whitehouse, chairman of the to have such ful support.' here. EARLY DEADLINE— the Boca Raton Club also offer- planning and zoning board. Last week top officials of the The School Board also autho- Bedfcuse of the July 4th ed additional fill from their Whitehouse said he visited CAA Washington, regional and rized purchase of a $9,000 port- holiday which falls on Thurs- dragline. The only cost would be the area extending from Riviera district offices met with mem- able building containing two the hauling which is tentatively to Highland Beach Sunday and bers of the Boca Raton Univer- elasrooms for the Roadman day of next week, deadlines set to start about July 15. counted 45 cars with Broward sity Committee and reached a School, the Negro elementary for Booa Raton News adver- Stuart Moore also announced or Dade County tags and esti- satisfactory agreement, without school here. This item is not to tising and news copy will "bo tha.t after discusion with Stuart ;mated that there, were approxi- restrictions, for transfer of a be paid for out of the $10,900.00 early. All advertising must in Patton, Boca Raton Properties, mately 200 Negroes using the portion of the airport property local school bond isue. by Monday;- all news by Inc., attorney, the 30 ioot ease- beach at the time. to the town of Bca Ratn, which Tuesday. ment on Fifth Ave, leading to He also said that the largest wil in turn be deeded to t h e Palmetto Park Road, recently group were trespassing on prop- State of Florida for the building requested, by the town would be erty owned by J. Meyer Schine of a new four - year state uni- granted. He said that they would and that of Carl Stockholm. versity. be glad to offer this easement by Amicable race relations with Representatives of the Civil deed.with a restriction giving local Negro families using the Aeronautics Administration from, Girls' State Is Memorable them up to three years to re- area without dissension may be Washington, D. C, Fort Worth, move their greenhouse extending jeopardized if the out-of-county and Miami, asured the Univer- over the area. Negroes continue to monopolize sity Committee that they would Experience For Rae Mayor Shores commended the north beach. Negro leaders release free of all restrictions Moore for his civic - minded- in town said they were con- approximately 100 acres at t h e A memorable experience and nes' and council instructed cerned about the situation. Boca Raton Air Field with the one she'll never forget is M i s s Town Attorney Leon Weaver to Property owners along the exception of a 250 a^re site that Rae Hllegass' opinion regarding prepare a deed and forward it beach will be asked to post the they require wil be'maintained Girls' State. She has just return- for the neeesary signatures. entire privately-owned area as a public airport, subject to all ed from spending a most in-, Seven bids were opened for against trespassing. The possi- of the existing restrictions with teresting and informative wee* alrconditioning the Town Hall bility of blocking beach roads respect to the operation and In Tallahassee as an American and the council agreed to hold to prevent ears from driving maintenance of this airport. Legion Sponsored - delegate from their decision until a committee over private property arose, but In other words, two deeds wil Boca Raton. meeting took place. no definite decision was reached be drawn. One deed for 1,000 Girls from all sections of Flori- The new sign ordinance placed on this.
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