V-^ ' ■" ■» - , * ■ -r ■ ;*: ■■ I ....... :> \ : , • ■}. I V, I - f • ,," «. » THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 198< PAG* TWENTY ^Imrb^Btpr lEttening ^rralb AveniBe Dally Net Prase Run 1 . Far the Week'EMM The Weather AprU l u c Fereceat af D. 0. WaatAar B v a a e 12,020 Cleariagr rontlaiMid rHA $a- LOCATION . Member of the Andlt alght. Low 2S,'- Satunlay JOrt- Bareau e l CIrcalaaSa ly rhwdy md aeekewkat wAnM . High la low 500,, “v , Recently when a new resideiit of St. Paul Drive, learned that he waa talking with WalUr Odrman in Pinehurst, he RE CElEtRATIW C. wanted to know if, ■ "with Raymond Gorman’s insurance sl|tn clock on the side of Pinehurst building, and the Gor. VOL. LXXV, NO. 171 man. Buick Agency across the street, we called this loca­ H f f l t O M I 1 tion'Gorman’s Comer." ' • V- That’s the flrst time that quest ion. has been put to us. '302 M A IN ST. ^ I Block North of Armory but w* do frequently hear our address referred to as - ^ Chocks Coshod • PINEHtnifiT CORNER.’; Parking Lot Corry Out Sorvieo 'A great many tedder Pinehurst steaks have been eaten- / OPEN FRIDAY ToYour^Sar ’ by Manchester residents, and many changes made in the ' .//■ food business in the .years Pinehurst haq been here at the/ NIGHT TILL 8:30 comer'‘'of Main and Middle ’Turnpike. /; OPEN TONIGHT PerhatM one of the greatest changes has been in frozen THURSDAY TILL B^O foods. When Pinehurst started to handle froren foods.. there was little variety to offer, and we had'to do a sell­ ing Job to sell what we had. Our flrst frosen food ca^ \ n i t l i t gi-obably coat $500.00 and now we pay Allied Engineering ' Got Fat Free, Waste Free' almost $6,000 to get enough space in which to d(sl)ta.V all st-Wesi Relations the new and wonderful things in frosen foods; Round Steak .. r , Rump The Herald’s IJdnor-Wiiiiiiiig Page On Sirloin Tip PILLSBURY \ British^ Reds Begin Eye Round faiiaariilMPoaaaMMM Four Years Prison Roasts ot. V ■ PIECRUST 2 Pkgs. 2Vci Pinohurst. Fipxen Fqo^ Values Low p«iilfr>' prices msy not PlLl^tBURY \ - I ■ V ' ■ please our Tony Buysse wWo is inihg For Four Convicted Wc proiUiaed you some special frosted food a "chicken farmer" as well as a MISSISSIPPI Pinehurst Most Ciitjer. but A N G EL FO O D M IX Pkg 43d Carefully Selected Beef, Always 'Well-Trimmed At Hale's ranto. “Ts,« •’■f ■ \ .r ' .values this wpek and we also offer you many hew I ; ' By . Wil l ia m L. RYAN' ■-9 ■ . BACON, lb. 49c they dertalnly are pleaain4' to j New HavenV/.pril 20 </P)— Federal Ju^ge Robert P. Ander- foods in our eplargcd department . the customers. ¥ London, April i o — Soviet r-ths grindstone oi> East-West world; ^ SHORT, Premier Bulganin tow the British! problems. He seemed determined !ton today impo.sed prison sentences on five of six defendanto ’Try our new exciting’Muller’s fresh frosen Oriuigs re­ Soloctod Choice Bread. Date and NuLBread nr Dari-Rich Chocolate Cream j oaaousf SIRLOIN today he expected a gradual, step | to isvoid any propaganda fanfare. | irusTCported convicted in a Smith Act trial here. The sixth defendant Pinohurst R IB ..... Cake. Farm Fresh b.v step improvement in E a s t - - This interpretation ,has been ceived a suspended sentence and probation. t ■ $ HOMCMADC West relations.’ bolstered among obseivers here by Fou*" defendants received four-year prison terms, one year " OVEN ROASTS aChun Kin Cantonese dinner of Chicken, Almonds. Chop Pinehurst HOT ROUS Blit there mere ihdicatioiia the ; the tone of Moscow Radio, which 6uey, Oriental Rice and Egg Rolls ral'ay appeal to you. TDPPfO MW JAM Ofi U0/</fy CHOICE GRADE BEEF British-Soviet talk* were settling i seemed to express general Soviet 'V British in ‘Interest of Peace’ lefls than the maximum provided by law for conspiring to 1st 4 rib s........ lb. S9c K White Rock 'down to tough bargaining on m a-’ annoyance at the rather cool re- teach and advocate the overthrow of the government by forct Lb. Jor world issues. , cepition given the two leaders in r violence. FRYERS Bulgapin spoke at a luncheon at London.. Dulles Tnik They w»ra flld. 'Wylor o^, New 5th and 6th ribs lb. 49c PREMIER \ I Lb. Ja r Bib Rust Three More Ousted: Pillibnry MansIM House in the city of ^ n -1 Bulganin, speaking in reply to W i l h .W r u Hbven, chairman of the Connecti- average Regular 10 Inch rib gives you a nice doO’ official residence of the t« r d ; toasts at the luncheon, indicated ciil. Communlat party; Jacob Gold- Israel, Egypt Do Luxe Chopped HOT ROLL NIX HONEY\45 c roast, with a good rib soup dr braising Mayor of ^ndon. He and Commu- j,g expected no spectacular, over- Si'vii Futile New Unrest Looms rink of Trumbull, Mrs. Martha $1.59 and $1.79 each piece. Ask to has’e your mast boned Nikita Khrushchev drove n ight, developments that would Wp . V Ptohs Asher of Newark, N. J., and Sirloin Bopf Patties out If you wish. to the ancient welcoming place end world tension. "Of course," he ^ »r.'M»so I9i4 Robwt C. Ekini of Old Saybrook! Free Lollypops 9ke OsrMfH |(k Ywh* • mraosswi, • « .eGrai* et p awutf j—a. emr e^l Swap Otargj (4 or 5 to a lb.) Grandmother's (ira p ^ after emerging solemn and un- aaw, "not everything is done, at >wy»> - I.e ■*- Ao wnroi ootMosM »«ii» mi»osm iili Nte AnimdMM Joseph DImOw of New Haven smiling from a two-hour con­ •«*h 1‘vlnw Hnsefst K.etu' asOs nr eOMiOieonoiitiM «o MH emeiimme ftemSSS was sentenced to three years In ' lb. 89c We' will have fresh Chicken once. An appropriate Russian say­ •««M •sogi«« * — * SW.I ---«■ - IT-"-$ *<0 iOflIoL Our good friend Nick Nobile, special Birds Eye ference with Prim’e'Minister Eden ing is that Moscow was not built AinAmow lUit fr* t t i s s r j k'thMP l|_ prison. Of New Atti Breasts and Chicken Legs . JAM ' j?/ 29c male’s Good HamnurR 3 ijw $1.00 at 10 Downing St. 00' »a)»n . UMor :• rT«r.i>ai* Vewh~ . 41 Nut < i ____ _ representative will be here with free balloons and and Fred Miller of Coventry in a day." •qsMHM • pro* ■ Bm«0| James Tats of 'Hartford was will • bring in piling tender fjiqnfrr od' Slldeast Bulganin added: aentenred to three years, sus­ Jerusalem,, April 20,^iP)—A rash Chopped Round Io1lypop.s for the children (and for the adults, too) The two Soviet leaders left the ■.vo'ing. Hale’s Leaner Bn I Ground 2 Lbs 31.00 "We believe an improvement of pended, and put on probation for of incidents on th^armaU-Jnrdan Bteak lb. 79c . , . Nick will see that ample stocks of these spe­ conference,'in which the explosive relations between us. development iow lau P u iIm 4 five years. border anfl Egyptian reports of cial frosted food values are ready for.you . .. If Middle Ekst dominated the agenda, of our ties and contacts, will be Take Arab V Judge Anderson followed the FOW L FOR f r ic a s s e e without making their usual ges­ violation of the^aw larsctl-Kgyp- you have extra freezer'space', it will be a good idea ij>. achieved gradually, step by step. recomihendatton of U.R. Atty. Lean Ground ^ ^ |Loan Beef Stowing Guts BONEI.ESa SOc tures to attract the attention of "But it is our hope that our visit Simon 8. Cohen In sentencing tian ceaae-flrw^lalmed tha ottstt- Chuck lb; 55e to put away some of your favorites . the crowd. ■ ' , to Britain wilt lay a good foundaA Tale. ‘ - ; tion of truce/teams today. Add celery/shd rice . .make jLoUn Yoal Stewing Cuts BONKLK Lb. 49o The Impression grevy/ that the Hon between 'Britain and the) Cohen asked for maxlmumi five- U.N. S^retary General Dag ■ t wonderful soiip with these fresh 10-day Soviet tour — now in its Soviet Union, based on The great .yesr sentences for the others^ A HamniaralcJold pursued his poaea Plnehyrst Hamburg fowl. ; ‘ third day - - was settling do\yh principle of peaceful coexistence." term -’'o) that length would ba talks ^Ith Israeli officials la Think of it... you save Ipc on every Farmhouse into a duel of' wits, with Eden in­ "littls enough” for them, he said, Jerusalem. Bibs. $1.00 Pie . not one variety not 2 . but on all 10 ^ ^ Q l R a t h 's Black Hawk Bacon is adver- tent of keeping Soviet noses to (OMtinuSd on Page Two) KUsbiuy . 2 ..4^ ____ -- dM. OIMI New Trial tor BAanlcIt Fmr to the south, thres Isadera Varieties... Pinebtir.';! 0nrmem mraraM M - Judge Anderson ordared a new of >he Arab bloc—Egypt’s Pfomlar .l!^**d in Life M^igoiina.Magoiin*. You can g«r ? S E s S hF.s ' \£a *' otom «raiou»MH •• inrani trial for Sidney S. Reanirk of msl Abdgl Nssser/ Saudi A fa­ C clety ............... Ig. bch. 29c a s S s S ra a e- G a k e M i x e s • eopowMee ' __ •— .■ - - \ ■ F New Haven, in whoas case tha. s’» King Baud and Taman’s iR o rii m e a t piroolKts at jury dlsagreecT Ha denied R e ^ Imam Ahmed—met at Jidda with FARMHOUSE nick’s motion for acquittal.
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