RESTRICTED GPA/MOD/ARM/2 2 March 2017 (17-1273) Page: 1/11 Committee on Government Procurement Original: English PROPOSED MODIFI
RESTRICTED GPA/MOD/ARM/2 2 March 2017 (17-1273) Page: 1/11 Committee on Government Procurement Original: English PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO APPENDIX I OF ARMENIA UNDER THE (1994) AGREEMENT ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT COMMUNICATION FROM ARMENIA PURSUANT TO ARTICLE XXIV:6(a)1 OF THE GPA (1994) The following communication, dated 1 March 2017, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of Armenia. _______________ 1. Pursuant to Article XXIV, paragraph 6(a) of the 1994 Agreement on Government Procurement (hereinafter "the 1994 Agreement"), the Government of the Republic of Armenia hereby notifies the Committee on Government Procurement of the following modifications relating to Armenia's Annex 1 and Annex 2 to Appendix I to the Agreement. 2. Attachment A shows (in bold, strikeout and/or underlining) the proposed modifications to the corresponding pages of Annex 1 (pages 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4) and Annex 2 (pages 1/2 and 2/2) of Appendix I of the 1994 Agreement. Attachment B indicates how these pages of Annex 1 and Annex 2 of Appendix I would appear after the proposed modifications have been made.2 1 Article XXIV:6(a) of the 1994 GPA reads as follows: Rectifications or Modifications (a) Rectifications, transfers of an entity from one Annex to another or, in exceptional cases, other modifications relating to Appendices I through IV shall be notified to the Committee, along with information as to the likely consequences of the change for the mutually agreed coverage provided in this Agreement. If the rectifications, transfers or other modifications are of a purely formal or minor nature, they shall become effective provided there is no objection within 30 days.
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