
THE EVENING THE HOUSE DOCTOR Syndicate Projects Washington, D. C. SATURDAY, B-11 APRIL 8. 1855 Medical Building SMClAt NOTICES A syndicate headed by Ned Water Need Bord of Randall H. Hagner St DOT—Contact Bill. No 1U feeling*. Hot Heating Pipes Than 10- Co. has purchased properties at Films of More Routine Merit INCOME TAX RETURN! prepared la ROCK”—Spencer Tracy DBIYE-IN THEATERS your borne by exper.. reliable ac- 1644 Connecticut avemle N.W “BAD DAY AT BLACK In a taut cut- countant TU. 2-7060. 14- and at 2000 R street N.W. for the door suspense yarn. LOYOLA INCOME TAX SERVICE; to Noises 2624 Pa. ava. a.e,. by trained tax Air Cushion Ban development flve-story LEE of a med- “THE CAINE MUTINY”—Comdr. Queer and his wartime down- HWT.-ARL BLVD. experts LU 2-5000 or HE 4-4400. combatting building, an- A-l TAX SERVICE return* prepared BT HERMAN BAUM The Ihave ever found for ical Mr. Bord fall. Drive-la Tbealw In tout borne, experienced; renew, USS. Refilter today. opera Dorothy Dandrtdge. * end Tribune Syndicate ants is to follow their trails to nounced “CARMEN JONES”—Jassed-up with JE. 3-9909. Miles Watt at Fall* “Dear Mr. Baum: Church. America’s Moat Beautiful PRINCE GEORGES TAXCENTER. SR their nests outdoors and then The building, to be located at “NEVER GIVE A SUCKER AN EVEN BREAK”—With the mas- Drive-In. Located Between 7 ear- 6815 Baltimore bird. Rtverdale. “Could you please tell what destroy the southwest comer of Connec- ter, W. C. Fields. ners and Fairfax Circle Via Beth Sp.W.. WA 77-4674. 8-9. 7 day*. me theme in the nest. There ArUngten Blvd. (Rte. AO) at Gal- I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE tor can be done about a loud ham- Is a powder available that is ticut and R streets. Is expected “ON THE WATERFONT”—MarIon Brando in the year’s Aca- lews Rd.. and Lee Hwy. Werld'a any debts incurred by anyone other get way demy Largest Screen. than myself. ERVIN C COLEMAN. mering noise in the hot-water safe when handled carefully, but to under within four award-winner. (3 Feature Attractions) 1464 N. Lancaster st.. Arlington, pipes of my home. Whenever I when a small amount is poured 1 months. Preliminary architec- PHFFFT”—Lightweight farce salvaged by Judy Holliday’s deft “, Va. - 9* already comedy. I WIU. NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for turn off the water to the lavatory into an ant nest, the dampness tural work has been INDIAN SCOUT” any debts contracted by any on* “20,000 LEAGUES SEA”—Jules other than myself. ETHAN A. there is a bang that shakes all in the earth causes it to release started. UNDER THE Verne embellished Robert Montgomery, Ellen Drew FRITZ. 9106 Central Ave.. Landover, by Disney. 8:20 Md. 10* pipes house.” deadly hydrocyanic building provide Walt Flu, the in the Mrs. A. acid gas that The will "DISNEYRAMA” In color I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE tor M. writes. kills every ant in the nest within about 25,000 square feet of air- Walt Dlaney’s favorite, and any debts contracted bv anyone i “ATrue Life Adventure at 7:00 other than myself. WILLIAM OWEN Answer Plowing water at- conditioned space. Slanloy Warner Tksslers K THEATERS dr.. Pipe exten- —' ’ seconds. 1 B “CARBINE WILLIAMS" SIMMONS. 5355 Edgewood Camp _ tempts . Jean Hager. 9:46 Springs. Md. * to be the irresistable force Time Given in Ads Is Starting Time for THE the sion remains A. ; es Featare Attractlen. # Plus free chocolate Easter En ANNUAL MEETING of and, when it meets the immove- HJ-i Many our MaeAHT9oß r *K3S& the Kiddle, Tonlte A Tomorrow. of the National Mutual of readers ask for ¦ The International Cinema Kllcybolderssurance Co. of the District ot able object in the form of the filledwith Vj=rjCJ ; information say, 'Who's Who' Planned Columbia will be held on Wednesday. and “Iwill look AMBASSADOR LAST 5 DAYS Sun.. "BATTLE CRY.” In Ci- May It. at 1 at faucet valve, against Priestley's nemascope 1855. p.m. the it strikes air to cushion for your answer in the paper this ALASTAIR SIM In J. B and "MARRY ME company’s office. (Signed) ROBERT a For Architects Academy Award Director Intriguing Drama, "AN INSPECTOR AGAIN." C. WILLIS. Secretary. the valve with the force of flowofwater. week end.” Little do they realize CALLS.” at 2:00. 3:30. 5:00. 6:35. hammer blow. newspaper features Preparations underway for ’s 8:15. and 9:55 P.M Short Subject! Box Office open, tonlte, 6:30 INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE that most are “East Os Eden’* (Cinemascope), py at 3:20, 4:50. 6:20. 7:55. 9:40 P.M. Children under 12 Free. Income tax returns prepared In your this reason, properly quite a a sort Steinbeck, with James Dean, own home. Crescent 3-2473. For in a must be written while in of “who’s who” in archi- John Coffee. With Our Compliments. In I —ll Installed plumbing system, publication, tecture, Julie Harris, Raymond Massey. I, the Piccadilly Lounge. 7 to 10. TAX RETURN SERVICES the advance of and since the American Institute 3:05, 5:15, 7:25, 9:35. I E. M. LOEWS "NO WAITING" pipe approximately 1011 “The Par PENNA. AVE. continues hundreds of letters are received, of Architects said today. WO. 6-2600. Georgia Ava. and Farragut 1922 N.W. beyond JivitlsUlVnn country.” James Btew- f*f)lf)NY NT. VERNON OPEN AIR EX 3-7014 —l3 inches the last only general VVMVII¦ J, connec- a few of interest To be titled “American Archi- art, N w iA 3.2200 Washington’, First Beath pipe 12:30, 3:55, 5:50. 7:40, 9:35. The Continental Cinema Drlve-la. tion. This extension is are selected for publication. So tects’ Directory,” the 800-page LI Free Park- of Alex., Kt. 1. Richmond Hwy. Jut ALL INCOME TAXES V - 3-3300. 9th Week In Washington Beyond Penn Dsw 80. 8-8722. D. MD.. closed at the end a pipe cap please stamped, published by DCiVEoXIIdKnrvrnv mg “ Escapes. FED.. C„ VA.—*4 UP. EACH with send that self- book will be the Snper Cinemascope Screen 400 sth St. N.W., Rm 203. RE. 7-81 and remains lUled with Now, envelope, Johnny 6:05, 9:25. “LITTLEKIDNAPPERS” End, Tonight Open at 6. Musical H air. addressed and we’ll be R. R. Bowker Co. of New York Weissmuller. 3. Academy Winner, Juve- Comedy. DARUNO.” “Massacre Canyon.” Phil Carey. 1:65 Award “Best "JUPITER’S Only. when the valve is closed, the glad to your as City, probably the fall. 5, nile Performance” At 2:30, 4:20. 8:35 -4| solve problem 1 in 8:20. ESTHER WILLIAMS.MAN.” INCOME TAXRETURNS 8:00 and BAD BRETT moving water compresses quickly possible. 6:10. 9:60 P.M. Shorf Plus TEXAS Color Cartoon. the air as fllIfPUT w 0 6-2345. Free Park- Subjects at 2:15, 4:05, 6:00. 7:50 KINO. 7:10. 10:15. FEDERAL—STATE—LOCAL which acts as a cushion to pre- vAliTlilkljag. “Abbott and Cos- and 9:40 P.M. Kiddles Free. Sunday. “PHFFT” and Prepared by acct. with 12 yrt.' tax /w\ Start- "JESSE JAMES VS. THE DALTONS." exper as tnt. Rev art. Reliable vent the noise. Use Deodorized Paint tello Go To Mars.’ 1:10. 3:60. nprV 4113 Mai, Ava WO 4-4400 service, reas rate* Avt return. | ing 6 P.M., “Massacre Canyon.” Phil l*r“* 5515 st. put Carey. 8:50. “8o Is Free Forking to up Office. 14th nw„ You can the blame square- Add 5. “Dear Mr. Baum: 6. This Paris,” ABC DRifEJH SS.'g-JSS RA 3-6114 or TA 9-1200. 9 to 9, ly the plumber Tony Curtis, Gloria DeHaven. 7:50. Walt Disney’s "20,000 LEAGUES on who installed “The odor of fresh paint seems 10. UNDER THE SEA.” Cinemascope, at All Family Thrill Show. Largest system. external Near 1:30. 4:10. (1:50 and 9:30 P.M. Screen In the JOHN PERSONAL the This fellow made a aggravate PPIITP MV ME 8-2£41. Park- Subjects at Southeast. to a sinus condition I UUVIIUUe lng. "Reap The Short 1:00. 3:40, 6:20. WAYNE, "HONDO.” Color. 7:05 and profit aircolumn 11 rstorT™nTs“J Wild 9:00 . to little extra on the job by for a member of household, i . P.M. 10:45 Also Monsters Who Live INCOME TAXES PREPARED, State our Wind.** 11. 2:20. 6:45. "THEM.” at P.M. and and MR. omitting toprevent anything 9:15. “He Walked By Night.” Jack N H A lon* Kill. 9:02. at Federal. Call SCHMIDT. the air column that Will kill this odor Webb. 1. 4:26. 7:55. LAHGLEY Cartoon Show Always Best Pood 2024 Fla. ave. n.w AD. 4-8158 be- would have prevented noise when having he\*™ tween 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. —lO rooms the_jAßCj______this noise ; T| = while we are the 1 RA 6-6600. “Many Walt Disney’s “20.000 LEAGUEB EXPERT SPECIAL ASSIST., lncom* May I vrairmv Sun.. ROBERT TAYLOR. "MANY and years; ill-gotten painted?" Mrs. Cmemaßcope. at T troubles. Est. 35 7- his wealth do him faucet is closed. D. D. M. wants Abllllbill Rivers To Cross** UNDER THE BEA.” RIVERS TO CROSS.” Cinema- tax good. i !.] (Cinemascope). Taylor, 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:35, 9:55 P.M. day week; any-hour service. Reas. no to know. Robert Elea- Scope. Also "RIDE CLEAR OP TAYLOR. 625 7th s.e. LI. 7-5788. J nor Parker. 2:50. 6:10. 9:25. “Mas- Pf fIIOVPp Flower Ave A Pmey Br. Rd. DIABLO." —lO It is not usually advisable to Answer—You do not have to | sacre Canyon.” Phil Carey, 1:40, 5. rtiUfVUlsn Spg., Md JU 8 1666 8:20. u u Pk NICE. PLEASANT HOME for elderly break into a wall to install an kill you use one I I ? Inspec- SOHSET DRIVE-IN *£ folks; line food, care. TV: type the odor if will Walt Disney Frolics air column where with this wall. Without paint LI. 7-5200. Bailey's Crossroads tion Invited. NO. 7-3242. one is sup- of the new kinds of that I Dm Free 65 Min. ofCartoon Fun With Donald At MIMEOGRAPHING, 83 posed waterproof primer, anything rblflf Parking. Duck. . Mickey "THE 1 DON’T (Tech.). 5011 copies. 75, to be. A good substitute this do not | REPLACEMENTS | Mouse, etc., at CARE OIRL" lncl. typ. of sten. EXCH. SERV. CO- you may damage have an odor. Even oil I 2:10. 4:25, 6:25 and 9:05 P.M. Plua MITZI GAYNOR. DAVID WAYNE. st. do the wall- ACADEMY AWARD . -1740 K n.w.. Rm. 48. ST. 3-6186. can be attached externally under paints are made this way today. , Feature 8:40: Plus "MY DARLING CLEM- 13* of ENTINE.’’ . LINDA the lavatory. The “El”fitting is board but the use the They are paints WINNER “DAVY CROCKETT” FORMS 67. U. S. applications only also better than I DARNELL. VICTOR MATURE. 7:00. and lob removed from steamer is the method that smelly variety. WALT DISNEY’S (INDIAN SCOUT), at 1:00. 3:15. 10:20. Color Cartoon. Kiddles Free. prepared typed: personal coun- the pipe that pro- the old I A',.l 5:35, 7:65 and 10:10 P.M. (Same "KNOCK ON WOOD” selling. EXCH. SERV. CO.. 1740 K gives you a N St. 133. N. T. Sun.. and chance of success. (Released 1.26 N.W.' Sunday). st. n.w., Room 48. ST. 3-8186. 13* trudes from the wall re- by The Register and NAttonal Program ¦VALLEY THE and is Tribune I PHONE: 8-1708 | “20,000 LEAGUES OF HEADHUNTERS.” ASSISTANCE with