
NUMBER 2,147. IV-E D N E s 1> A T, 0 V E M B Ii R 20, 1805. VOLUME XXII. SiteMmrmaate bfieridtrs shall be rcspectil'eiy convicted, for the space of for each Seaman or Seafaring Mail lit for Mis. Majefty's TO BE SOLD, two years, without bail. or. mainprise,, trtd Until such Feltham Watson Service, and Si-xprnce a Mile for every Mile they may TO BESET, . gjjp By Auction, on Tuesday forfeiture sji a Ii be ptii'd. a have travelled, not exceeding-Twenty Miles iii the M-iri- FROM THE FIRST O* MAY HEXT, If any 'person -oy persons in this, kintidofii shall upon Francis Drew, Esq. the 12th day of November in* time Counties, 'aild.j Forty Miles in the Inlahd Counties any pretence whaifrfever, load or put on board, or cause (Or sooner, should it te .the Tenant's wish,) staniyat the Defendant's Housd And We do hereby further direttand require the faid Ci- to be loaded'dr put on board of any ship, vessel, orboatj James Drew at Drewsboroughj in the Coun- vil Magillrater, to g'ive all JiofTi.ble C6unttnance and /\ffif- For such TER]»I as may be AGREED on, which shrtll not be bouiid directly to some; port of ,pla • ty of Glare, by Virtue of the tance to the Oflicers of His Majesty's Ships and Veffeh, a in Ireland or iC'Jr.eat Britain, or to some other of the do- That part of the LANDS df CROS S A. or to the Sea Ofljceri pf His Majesty's Ships and Veffelu, Same, Writs'of Fieri Facias irr these minions of the Crown of Great Britain^, a/iri.'such tools known bv the HOUSE DEMESNE : It consists ot or to the Sea Oflicers who may bc employed to ra-fr Men 1! Causes to me directed, all the of utensils as ar® commonly used in. or are proper for Temarkably on Shore, in inipfeliing, or othetV/il'e procuring Men for about Fortv-six Acres, good for any pur- Defendant's Household Furni- the preparing, working up, (ir fiiiisbiri^ o.f the' iinen, John Smith and Jo- l-li.S Majesty's Fleet' V pose; together with a commodious HAEITATIUN, ture, and some/ Cows and v/oi.d:-. 11 or 3 Ik manufacture?., cr a:;y or either o( thern, nathan Smith -Given at Hi-? M» jelly's Cattle of Dublin, the 16 th Day- OUT-OFFICES; &C. Horses. ! or any parts of parc-ir of sn.eS tails or :.unt-:iKils, ' y . <1 t,- March, >80-5. There is no better 'ftftuatfon, there ft more what, nai-'i o.- naiivs-s 5o/>)5 o- ct n'.'ls sbaii'or nriy Same. Dated this 6th day of No- By Hit Excellency's Command, desirable-neighbourhood,, being..within One .Mile ot lie pallet! or known,'the'person.or Wrf'^itji' so'.iofi;''iiif'iijj vember, 1805. . A. MARSDF.N.. the Town ol N EW.MA RKI:T, and almost .TR.idway snail -or every such offence, not tihrV itnifeit iiid lost a(I ' ' Paul Ham a T. STUDDERT, Jun. GOD Save the KING. between Ralahine and Cahirbatie. 'such tools intl utensils, or"pjrtstor par eis t:iei:eof- 'iVfjic-h Same. Sheriff. shall b.- so loaded', o'r put on board as a foresaid,- but ahd Application to be made to Mrs. M'MAHGN, at the Sum of Two Hurt ir'ed Pound* of,la wful inoliev of Newmarket; or to Doctor O'SHAUGHNESSY. Geo. Wheeler a The above Sale to commence Br the l.ord Lieiitenantand Council of Ireland, this kingdom ; aud ia cite such tools or gtirisiis sbill'he November 18, 1.805, Same. J at one o'clock on said day. A PROCLAMAI ION. loaded or put on board of any ship, ve.ssVf;..ci'f. boat; V/Jifeh HARDWICKE, shr.U be bound to any port or place in Jreland or Grr'at The sbove SALE is adjourned to Friday the ssd'Y ITrHEREAS by an Aft pafTed in the Twenty-firll and Britain, orto some other.of the dominions of the Cr, wn instant. 1 November 12, 1805, VV Twenty-fecond year of his Majcf y's reii?n, enti- o: Great Britain, then and'in every slic'i case the ma i-i- TO BE SET, ' tled " An ASt for the better fecuring the Liberty of the or commandei of every such ship, ve.»-l, or bout) by ftnOfferof HisjMajefiy's • K-r-rf^: Perfons, charged with having been concerned in the faid. then the captain or master thereof shall not only fifrfeit Gracious Parddn. "Vnd that 1 u c hn n inlfnnee of His Royal Rebellion, are endeavouring to cfcape Jdtlice by dipatt- the sum of One Hundred Pounds; but, shall also forfeit- Cleiru-ncy wcul.l have a due Lflueiu'e upon their future his employment, and be incapable of. arty office or em- By the Lord Lieutenant an'! Cftnnci! of Ireland, ing from Ireland ; l-3e'. xviblif; His Majeiiy has: fieen grscioufly; pleafed-to ployment under his Majesty, bis heirs, or successors. A PROCLAMATION. No'.v we the Lord Lieutenant, being defi.r'ous to bring graiit Hj-s 'FUSE PARDON I- all L)K. HAR'DWtCKIi. all fuch offenders to fpeedy Punilhment, do, by and witli ,, And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Atbiunc. SERT-ERS from His RBGUL.vk- LAND HEREAS by ah Ail paP.ed iu the 44th year of -b» thr Advice of his Mkjeflv's mod Honourabl. Privy Couiiu that one moicLy of the respective forfeitures, by this act He! • a II, VoncR.s.-wr.o fliall l'urrcoder ihcmlWves, Majesty's Reignj entitled, " /in Act lor elfablift- •dl, ItriiSKy forbid any Pcrfon whomfoe'ver to depart from inflifled upon offenders against the same .shall, when re- W Coi'k. on or before the 2ijth Day' oi 0£cKM BUR ing and maintaining a p-ruiajieni add tiaaai loiee to bc Dublin, Inland without having obtained s Paffport foi that pur- covered, go and be applied to the use of his Majesty,, : next, to any of His Mhjelly's Civil M«gif- j5.ifcid!- lie ".|-ct,!!'nii,"l o'r.:h'.c idisfeneep ol-ine realrit,; and to jinn'.skiilen. pole, figned by our Chief Secretary, or the Under Secre- his heirs arid successors, and the other moiety to the use fater, [to the Commanding Officer of any p. oV'de tor aagtn at'Og h>a M.ijefly's r- gulnr lore.-s," the taiy for the Civil P •partmeiu, or either of th,m, or by of ihe person or person- who shali sue and prosecute iol Limerick. P.egiment, to sny of the .Superintending Lo.d Licutenant-aucl ' t*r;Vy Council of I reland are a ill bo'- fnme Perlon aurhorifed by an infirtiment I'ubfcribedb [he same.iespfctively." Newry. Field Officers of the RecruitingService in <... '.! ;c c.iii'e the npiri'j'er of men v/nien thai! be reqiimte them, or eitneriof them, to lign fuch Palfports; Waierrfotd, fR«t.AKi>, whol'eSiation'i ae incru'oned in Statute 31 George ill. Chap. 2.-^, ivti laJIVj:-or lajipljin.g'the vacancies -a.fa.cb aJditibiiai And v/e rid hereby (iriclly command all Maflers ari^ the Margin hereof, or to the Deputy Lilpc^tor-Gen-:.al Tf any person.in this kine'dori) ^bail lead or put on ••riy'rr _.fii«i|. ha^e arifeb-. on.at bef the iltxliyjot' Coimn^.-ic. .-" of a 11 Shi >s aud Velfels dep.i ri-'ng "fr-onvtre board or cause-to he loaded .01; piit on board" of zny shTp^"' ~ of the Recruiting Serf ice in Dublin. B-pteiiilier, 1004, by reafon ol En lilt meat, Uevtn, Osje- • an that they do not, upon any -account whatfoever, vessel, or boat, which shaif not b bo'tiird directly to some l"r--.ion. or other C-afuaity, and dull al/o Irom time ' to Such Deferters, if Abje-B'urijf.il Men and lit for Service take on boar.' their Vrll'els, wh-'n departing from Ireland, iviajeily nsay port or plaCe in thii kingdom, or in Great Britain, o: to trme. within tea days ifKir the rti day of OitoVer in each «J>»il beappijinied to fuef.-Regiments «« H any P-ifon not having fuch Palfpott as aforefaid, lave and some of the dominions of the C-own of Great Britain, 1 be pl::al'.-i1 to command; an,I, when, Ih placed, Hull not year, caufc'cne numlvero ivleij lequiret! tb bc •xcept tbe p rfons a£lually employed to navigate fuch any Machine, Engine, Tool, Pre>s, Papfr, Utensil or be liable' to be claimed by anany other Corps to which they raiie'l in ea> h fuC.eeecin^ y:ar, for Lii. lapplying tile V'.- Velfels refpe-Stively. imptem-ni. whatsoever, comrnoiTly used ih, or proper for may orme 1>* have belonged.' cancies ar frag from fuch Euliitrneni, Death, Ueieriion,' or And we do furthei command >il Magidrates, Officers th- preparing, working or',finishing of any manufacture -Every Deferter, not-accually fcrving »n any of [-Tin Ma- oin.er Csfuaity. which (hatl iiev . ai il-.-n ia the eoisrle ot of the Revenue, ant! all Officers Civil and M litaiy, and of, or in Steel, Irr.n,' Brarr,. or other metal, or of any jeliy.'s Rcgimentii, is tp furrentdei' hunfelf for CKNER AL tB-i preccfling yeai'flii the feveral Cc.untiea ih Irelah.l; to all other his, Mstj;,fly's Subjects, to tile the'- utrn'oP. En manufactures in Bitid act mentioned, or any parts or par- ttxvica. be -.pr'iri:C.de-.: ainohg IUGJI Coantiefc according to Lhe rel- • leavours to prev-nt'the rf-p.irture of anv Pei Ions' from cels of any such machiile, tool, or implement, by what- 1 Del", itersferving in other Corps (Vlilitia find Ariny of p- jtive original quotas o: Ivlcrl. , cc]ua.ed to "be railed, iu lrelantl not hav.ng luch Palfports as afo-elaid. - ever name or names sny such machine, tool, or imple- Relei ve excc-pied) are to continue therein upon declaring Inch refpeelive Counties under.au Act'of Parhameric palT- Given at the Council Chamber in Dublin, the 28th ment, shall or may be calied or known, or any model, ttiemfelv-s to thetr refpect've Commanding Ollicrrs, wno £., iin the 43d Year of his iyi-jjetty, entitled, Au && Day.of July, 1803. plan or description of any machine, tool, or implement are to ivpo t the circumdance tc the Under Secretary for : t i enable Maj /lly more effectually to rsiie and «trem- Redefdale, C. Tyrawly H-nry K ng. used in, or proper for the preparing, wo.king up, or fi- the Military Dipar'tnleiit, and the Adjutant General in ble in' Ireland.an additional military force 'fprUhe-better Cltas. Dublin. J. Beresford, I). Latou- he. nishing any of the said manufactures ; eve."y such ma- Dublin, aii i they ftall not be liable, at anv future time, de, - nee and lec.tirity of the United Kingdom; 4iitl foi the Wm. Tuara. H. E. Fox. S. Hamilton. chine tool, or implement, any every part thereof, and- .. to be claimed by. the Regiments in which ihey furmerly m->ie vigorous prolecution of Me War." Dfogheda. Her. Lahfjrifhe. Mau. Fit«. Gerald. every such model, plan, or description shall be forfeited^*, ( rved i But. this CIsulV is not to extend to Deferters in- . -.il l wf.eceai. :c.appeals to us, .'ro'm retiirds made in A nnefley. M.' Smith. Staodifli O'Grady. and eveiy person so offendin ', shalffor 'every such offence- hlleJ by tii'-1 Cdrpr. lailing Recruits for General Service purfnaivce of the laid j'i--mcntiu'Dctf A-l, by the Oeputy Muskerrv. GOD lave the KING. forfcit the sum of Two Hundred Pounds,, to be reco - wbith prlciters *re only'to be cnt:tlcd to their Pardon, Infpeftor General or the Aimy erf Relcrve, that 'i-'iiiee vered in such manner is by the said act is prescribed in' . on de. (aw tig1 tbemfelfcs to be filch, anil, will be tfansfered Thoufand. Seven Hundred and Thirty-one Men is the respect of any forfeiture for any similar olfence apamsC' to I'uch Kegiin.'bti, as Hit fi'lajelty may pleai'e lo com- unrfiiiei lequi'iEe to-be lai-ferl foi' l'uppiyni,» (be Vacancies the said act; and in case any such machine, tool, or mand. '' . ' PROCLAMATION. t'.at have -a-fifcn.in fuch Additional Force,- on or before the 'mpleir.efit, or any model-, plan, or iiscrinti'on; tHercbf,.- -II! day of Srptiember, 1805: The Magi.firate',- to whorl-, any Deferui from His Ma- fil'BEIN-CASTLE) JA N, I B04. .shall"be. loaded or put on board of any ship, vrsse-1 or-bo-ic,-. j'-fty's Regular Forces may -furrrnder kirn it if, is aiitho- Now We the Lord Ueuuuant and Cotiiicil tfF Ireland several Artificers and Manufacturer of-Ireland,; which shall be bound to any port or.place in this kingdom r icd and requited] to certify the Day on which I'uch De- dp, .n purl'uash.e pf the Act a|0'ri:la|.i, hereby fix, allot,- ' AShaave! , f/orn time to time, gone -into foreii-n countries to Great Britain, or to some of the dominions of the lerler.fui I endci ed hiinfrlf,.: which Celtilicate is lo conti- and declare tne Number .vhicfi the undermentioned Coun- to exercise their several callings, contrary to the laws, Grown of Grru.t BriLa-n^. the Master or Comma'tider ol nue in Force until the Arrival of the Defer'tfcr at the ties and Cities iftill relpeftiveiy furnifh towards fuppUtng the following Abstr i' i-s of Act's o.f Parliament of his pre- every rnch ship, vessi-1,- o'r boat, shali give the like F - . Heao Qnarteia o-' the neareil'Military Pod, provided he .ii,. number or Men required to'Hl/the Vacancies afure- sent Majesty, for preventing suchqiractices, are published entity by Bonri, w'th the like condition as by the slid Acs proceed at jlr- Rate of Ten Miles a Day, unlets pre- 1 faid, tp beasfo lows, making iu.the wbple fhree Thou- for the information of persons who may be ignorant of is acquire' in respect O'f s'o putting -ori b iard liny of the V'-nled' by SiVlt/i'-l>,; to 'be certified by forne Medical the penalties ibey may incur by disobedience to them ; Tools or Otrhsils in the si id Act mentioned ; and such O(ite'er commanding at luv]i'Military Poll. C.tnfits. No:. Apportionment. And it' will be observed, that-such penalties likewise ex- CrrtificVie thereof shall bc given, as by the said Act is; Wo Soldier, wh'/niay deleft after thele His Majrll.y's requiied : and every ship, boat, o'r vessel, which (half Anp'.ni - z'io I 04 4(J8 0-10,060 tend to those who are any ways concerned or instrumen- grar.ibus Intentions are made Public, (liall be included hd.ve on boarti, any such Machines, Tools,., or Impiements A-rma&h ; • •' 104 4080-10,000 tal in sending or enticing Artificers or Manufacturers out in the above Pardon, but be proceeded againfl with the or any such Mode) Plan, or Description, thereof as afofefj Cai;lo',v 7S 3,5 10-10,000 of Ireland, or in-the exportation of the Tools or Instru-, liCmoti Severity ; nor fliall any Soldier, who furrehdered said, before, securit. and qertificateishall be jiven,' with Cavan - id 5510-10,000 mcnt used by them, as well as to the Artificer and Ma- 7« himfelf upon any foi met proclamation of His MajeftyV all her Guns,. Ammunition, and Apparel,-'shall be I'o.r- Clare 21?. ?8 35.10-10,006 - nufacturers, themselves. Pardon, and who afterwa.ids again delerted, be included f'eiced-; which forreiture,shall be recovered, and the pro-1 Cork. . -."..*' 5 7?- iii 66 jo-10,000 in the, above Pardon. Statute 15 George III.. Cap. 17. ducc thereof,-disposed'of such manner as in"the 'said Act' Cork City". . i'8-o 104 - 4680-10,000 And it is to be clearly underftood, that this Pardon is " If at any time after the 24th day. of June, 178^, sny i« directed, the case of -any ship vessel, or boat forfeited' Donegal 35° 130 $'8 50-10,90 d not to extend to any Delert,er from His Majerty^ Militia person oi persons shall contract with, entice, persuade, tberebyi'. .'...••'• <5« - 5675-10,000 Forces, or from the Army of Referve, or Additional or endeavour 10 persuade, solicit, or. seduce any Manu- Dubiin City - a? 0 104 46So-t.O56.oo Force , but all Soldiers, who Iliall have inlifled for Ge- facturer, Workman, or Artificer of or in Linen, Wool, " And be it enacted, That every Officer. bfhis.Ma- Dublin County; - . 2 fo 3 -, io-r 0,000 ' J». neral Serv.ce from the laid Fortes, and fliall fubfequerit- Mohair, Cotton or Silk, or of or in any manufactures jer-ty's Customs or Excise in this kingdom be,' and is here- Fcrir,anaJ;h - - • 4.10' 78 3510-10,600 ' made up of Linen, Wool, Mohair, Cotton of S-.;k, or of ly' thereto have de-Petted, will be included 'in this His 'fi.y impower^d to seize and secure any Machines, ToolsB- Galway . " 3 s° . 58 $'0 «i o^ 000 '3P Majelty's gracious Pardop^ , or in Iron,' Steel,, Brass, or sny 'other metal, or Clock- or Implements, or Models, Plans, or Descriptions there- is.e;r y - - . • ino 104. 46 8 j-7.0,000 maker, Watcbi&aker,- or any other Manufacturer, . Work- • Civjen,« His Majelty*s .Cattle 6f Dublin, the ahft of, by' this Aci prohibited to.be exported, as fully as, by X-.id.ne . ^ aid . 7-8 mart or Artificer of or in any other of the, manufactures Da y. of Ocipbpr, 1 805.. - : the said Act such Officer is em powered'to seiiie and stSuVe Kilkenny;- - i'ia < 46^0-10,000 of this kingdom, of what nature oi-kind, soever, to go ' ' By tii's Ficellencji's Command, any. of the Tools 0' Implements 'thereby prohibited* to hi King's C'c/unty - 104 460 0r 10,000, out of this kingdom into any foreign country, not within C. L O fi G.- exported, and such Machines, Tools or Tmplement^ i ,<-it.i im... 210' 58 35 i 6-30,000 : the dominions of or helongidg .'to the Crown of Great Models, or Plans shall be disposed of as in said Ai t s L-imervck County i3o 104 4680-16,000 ; Britain,- acid ^hall be lawfultj convicted thereof, upon mentioned ^ and every Captain or.Master of any ship, Limerick City a, 10 3510-i0,000 1 78 any indictment'or information to be prei'cr; ed against him, vessel or boat, who shall knowingly permit sny such Londonderry . S 130 3850-10,000 By the Lord 'Lieutenant'General and General Go'+eVnoV 3 5° her, or them, in his Majesty's Court df King's Bench Machines, Toe's, or Implements, or Models, Plans, or Longford 1.1 d •78 35lo-io^ooo of lrelantl, S at Dublin, or by indictment a I the Affiles or General Destl'iptioiis thereof as afotiesaid, to be.exported, which; Lo.uth . li'i 0 ( 78 35 i 0 10,000 A PROCLAMAT ION; ' ' Gaol'Delivery for (he County wherein such offence shall are by this Act prohibited shall incur such forfeiture and T-own of- Droghed.a " 105 39 17 55-10; boo HARDV.-TCKK. be Committed, the person or' persons so convicted shall , incapacity as in the/said. Act is prescribed with respect to 500 18S Mayo •5500-10,000 HEREAS His Majefty's SetVice daft lit this Tirfie for every A r ti liar/ Work man or Manufacturer,'so by any offence againsc the said Act" committed by- any'Cap- Meath 1 So 104 4680-10,000 him, her, or them respectively contracted Wish, enticed, W . require a fpeedy Supply ot Seamen and Seafaring tain or Mj.'.tef of any ship, vessel, or boat -' and every • 2 jo Monaghan' .. 104. 4680-10-0OO Men, to man His Majefty's F'leet which is now fittin'g out, persuaded,, solicited, or seduced, ..severally^ forfeit the -Officer of the Revenue who shall ta'ke, or knowingly or a 10 Qiit en's County - 78 3510-10,000 Wedo by His Majefty's Command direct and require alt' Sum of Five Hundred Pounds of'lawful money df this Willingly fttii'er to be take.rtj' any Eiitry ofitward, pf 4 Rofcominon 28,0 ,104 4680-10,000 Civil- Magid rates in this Part of His Majeliy s United. kingdom; and shall suffer imprisonment in common gaol .Shall sig'ti. aay Cocicetj WEifrinl or' Suffrahce for the Sligo' - 2 to 78 3510-1 c,boo Kingdom Called Ireland, to ufe their belt, Endeavours K> of the county 'iivherein such offeudei oi iffFende^s shall, b.c Ship'pift'g hi cipiifthig of iaf, -if tlie Rlichin'SB, Tools,' Tipperary . - . 35° 5850-10,060 'caufe all fuch Seamen or Seafaring Men-, fit'for His Ma, '3° :spectively convicted, for th6 space ol twelve caiehd if Imfilemeffisf P'ians, or K'fdi'efs b'y i'hiii'A'ct prohi- Tyrone ; - 350 130 5850-10,000 jetty's Service, as may be met with, to be tkkiif up, and b ted, shall in.ur stioli forfeiture and incapacity as is by monhs, without biil or mainpriie,:ind. until, srich for-' Water,foi d 180 104 46{io-r6,oob 'lent on Board any of His Majetfy's' Ships or y'effeis in tl feiture shalt-be paid ('smd iii case of a further coiiv'xtio/i •tlie said Act in fl-icred I'cfr an'y.fdmilar offellce,' to-be reciwi • Weftme'a# '; '. - • a t o' 3510-10,000 Ports,-or on.the Cdall of Ireland,'" op to aily of His Ma. in manner Befofe'prescribed by thia. Act, I'Or o'r upon a ive-rtd'au.I disposed of iii the same fiiiUHic'-j "£s iis tlri Wei; ford - . 5S50 10,006' 35° '3° jesty's Sea Oflicers who may beieiiipioyed.to raife Men.oorn. second :or 6'ther subsequent offence of the same kin'd,* said A'f m'nt'Oni-d respecting the samej" Wicklow - 216 7-8 '3510-10,060 Shore foi His Majefty's Fleet, according as the. HlaccB the person or persons so offending, shall upon every, se- where fuch Ships of Veffeli, or fuch Sea v O'Officeri s ma y be cond di subsequent Conviction, several forfeit for every - 10,000 3 •/: - CORK, NOV. rel'pectively- ftationed'fli'ill.be heartfi. Arid lor ' the En- person 60 by him, her, or them' respectively contracted Yesterday 24 sail of homeward-bourid West India- . - Given « the Council Chamber in Dublin, the 5th couragement of the I'erfons who fnail b?--. t-ntrutled with With, enticed, persuaded, solicited, or seduced, the Sum Day of O.flober, 1805. the Care of conducting, fuch Seamen and Seafearing Men,1 of One Thousand Pounds of lawful money of this king- men, and za transports, having the 9th, a8th, 36thf- Redefdale, C. Arfcan. . Ffatikfort, , C. Ldnfi. J. Moiick they will oe paid by the Captain or Commander ol luch dom, and shall als-o Buffer further iinprisontiieht in the and 89th Regiments on board, sailed from Cove fos Msioo. 'M, Fita'g'eraid. Il'aac Coiryi 6. Ksiu.ltot:. Ship or velfel; or Sea-Officer employed ..du.Shore ais afore- common gaol of ihe county whefein such offender' o'r tk'DovvnSi'' " ' ' . :'"•• t ; , L. Parfpns. Slandifli O'Grady, G'. Knox, |ftidi rcfpeft.vely, a Reward,of TWENTY SHILLINGS b'.ith tl.tc .f'h ihi. sStne time the- divisions- of the 'Gene- Sim!a: 1:. and the left , upon Reise; ifin j fi. tnn, and dri the sStiii at -ndbti, The bridges on the wete occupied as bridges v ere,completely repaiiFdv Colonel's 1 RALS'GAROANNE arid DUUESMK, extending MONDAY'S MAIL far as Leipheim ; the Austrian General,; the Engineers, weie themselves bel'oie the bridge of the Old Castle MOR IO. and SOM I s, ot D'As PR-Es was posted also tin the left bank to ie establish of , attacked the heights.of Val Pan .FROM THE F&ilNCH PAPERS, inde'i'ati ga bI e i u 111 e11 exert t o ti of the.,Danube, wiih a corps of light troops,' the bi'u.gcs. The enemy w ef| hotly pursu- tea, arid drew round the Castle pf St, Felice; when tlie Geiierai iii Chief a.vailing himself to send out some picquels, arid to gee intelli- Twelfth Bulletin of th'e Grand A,.my* ed as soon as live troops pould .pass over; gence relative to the eriemy. No sooner v as ( F AOM '1 11 E M ONI T IT-'U K •'.'). fifty id ;u,eir dear gtitml wete;: taken piiso- of ilicir position, obliged the enemy to eva- cuate Veidnette. the camp ol Guntzburgh formed, but lire M'UN icia, ec)'. %f -' ners', i'.'• ; -•'""•'• corps hnder General D'As PRE s- was com- To ihe Fifth Bulletin of ihe A rmysbould . Maishal D.AV OU'ST,.'with the army un- .The,pali.sadoe? of the new ^bridge were immediately cut down, and the division of 'pelled to vet teat to the othei side of the Da- i added the Gapini.lation oi Mcinniing'-n, •dej-his common!, aei out trorrt Frpysing on "ES?AG N E ;. nube, with some loss, and the' said G'eneial liich ,ym forgotten. They are now work the 26 th, and reached Mnhldorf or, the 27(11 horse chasseurs,, under Gen- that ol1 grenadiers, under General PARTON himself became missing on the Occasion. with 4'ne greatest, activity cfri the fortresses. The enemy oelendtd the right bank ot the Thereupon the.enemy, under the Command . .. -v. I I A V. . • If'-.llJr J.. I ' . I ... UN I K'HC/LLLIVT; 'J 1-1 VAN- com- f E n gold's! .idi arid Augsburg. • Ttlis- .de \ river, V, hcie they had some batteties advari- J W E A UX ; the cavalry of reserve, of Marshal NEV, advanced with a cons;• lrsaru'.ed by General. MONN ETT;.. and the di 'ont ate constructed on all points of the tageously placed. The bridge had been .so. j dciabla force to the biidges of - the Danube, vision of General MOLITOR, marched jeeh, and MMagazinea s are established be- much destroyed, that it was with difficulty attempted to pats over'them;, and to drive . through Veronette, and proceeded to the bnd.them. Iiis MAJESYY was extremely /repaired, On the 2,8th, at.noon, a consider- our troops from the bank; During the ' great toad of St, Michel, where the Aits- uisfied with ihe zeal and aotiv'w •• of the able part of Marshal DA VOL si's division whole altemoon their ex'eitions were fiuit- 1: ians opposed us with their infantry and ca- fen era! of Brigade B'KRAAND,. his Aid- had passed over. .',•'• less.: but:, towards the evening, a' strong valry, protected by several pieces of cannon. u Camp, whom he.lrequently employed to Prince M U R AT ordered a brigade of ca- column of the eriemy succeeded .iri .over*. The cava! iy was ordered to make repeated seiimioitre. He has ordered the demolir valry. to pass bver the bridge of Muhldoil, powering the bridige of the highway near charges, which were executed with activity, Ion • ot the fortifications of the towns of caused the bridges of Octing and 'Miueklil Guntzbuigh, and entered that to|<-n. Tlie and suppoited by die grenadiers pf the di; to be repaired, and crossed them with a pail divisionof Biankenstein hussarso'naigcd this: aim andMemmingen. ' vision ol MOLITOR. In one of those of his reserve. The EMPEROR himself close column with much bravely, bu.t-.as the The Elector of BAVAIU A is eveiy mo- charges the squadron of guides forced 500 went to Hnag, latter iiad already reached in pait the adjoin, pant expected. The Emperor sent his men, infantry, to lay down their arms. The The, division of Marshal Soul r lay on ing wood, the division was obliged to ie~ Ud-de-Camp, Colonel LEBRUN, to re- enemy were routed, driven from the village the',1 aims beyond Haag ; the corps under t i ear. Thus when night came on, the ene- eiye him, and to offer him /escorts of ho- of St. Michel, and puisued as far as beyond ihe command of General MA KM ONT is to my lemained masiei ot the.right bank, near lour on the road. A Te Deurn was sung at St. Martin, whilst we occupied Vago. lugsburgh and at . halt ',!his night at . Wihsbiburgh ; that of Guntzbuigh. All further attacks, and-the Marshal Is'tr at Landsbeig; Marshal Six hundred prisoners, and two pieces of General EROI REDEN passage ol the river, were given up, and our D and W display cannon, have been the result of this day's he gieatest activity : •' the' layer has made LANNES'S on the road from Landshut to troops retreated to Uim, du/ing the night , Braunau. From all tlie information Which engagement. The Austrians have left many from the 9th .to the xpth.—Guy loss in killed ii any Austrian prisoners. He served dtrr- kilted on the field of battle. Our loss is ng the.last war in the Austrian army, where has been received, it appears that the Russi- cannot yet be stated, as the i.eginients have an army is retreating. tiifling: we haye'near 109 wounded. The not yei had time to send in thinr iists. - About ie distinguished himself. army is pursuing its success. General 'MA^K having travelled post There has been a great deal of rain during 500wounded have .1 emained behind in the the day. All the country between the Iser The divisions of the different corps ma- hospitals at Guntzburgh, and neai 600 men hrough , to return to , met noeuvred wiih, precision ; the General in RE DEN and the Inn is nothing but a continued forest have been taken prisoneis by. the enemy..— nieheial W at the out posts near the Chief commends th'e courage and zeal shewn hn. The had a long conveisation respect-' of firtiees; the soil is excessively barren. — They have also taken drift: piece of' cannon, The army has much reason lo be satisfied by the troops during tlie attack. He can tes of the regiment ot Spoi k infantry." the manner in. which the Fiench treat tiiy to his Majesty the EM PEROR, that they he bavarian army. " We are better than with the Zeal and attention of the inhabitants cf 'Munich, in supplying-them with such burn with desire to follow the example of 3. Action near Uim, the nth October, between th-e s ids you, said General WRECEN-to him ; articles of provisions as ihey required. the Grand Army, and to deserve a participa- Imperial and Royal Army, and. the 6th division of A-e have neither haughtiness nor bad treat- tion in the noblerewards wjfich hisMAjEs- the French Army under the command of Marshal rientto endure; and far from being the TY presents to courage. NEY. ARMY OF . " On the i nh of October, at noon, the irst exposed to blows, we are obliged to The Imperial Marsha 1 Massena, General in Chief of Jemand posts of. clanger, because the Fiench the Army-of Italy, to the Emperial Marshal Berj right wingoi tlie Imperial and Royal Aimv, •eserve them .tor themselves. With , you, thier, Minister at War. From the Baiavian State Gazette of Nov. 8. befoie Dim,, was atlacketl « iih g.eat impe- >n the contrary, we>eiesent every where Head-quarters at Alps, 46th Vendemiaire tuosity l)y the French Army of Observa- hat there was any thing bad to be suf- (18th Oct. )- Year 14, at Midnight. VIENNA, OCT. 20. tion under Marshal NEY, "Fhe French fered" I have the honour to inform you, Marshal, Yesterday our Court received intelligence intended ro take Uim by a coup, de main, An Officer of the Stair has arrived horn that the moment the period agreed on with from our Grand Army in Suabia, under the under cover ol thai attack. Oiu right « ing he Aim.y of Italy. The campaign com- Prince CHARLES was elapsed,T commenc- command of the Archduke FERDINAND, repelled all the attacks ot the enemy wiih the inenced on the 26th Vendeiciaire ( iSth Oct.)' ed m'y operations v.ith vigour. At four ot a disagreeable nature, contrary to expec- greatest peiscverance and courage. At the That Array will soon form the right ol the o'clock tl)H niorning I attacked the- Bridge of tation, This intelligence was brought over same time the Field Maishal Lieutenant Grand Army. . the Old Castle pi Verona, and passed the by Major FLACHENBERG, belonging to MASK caused a considerable part of our left The EMPEROR yesterday gave a concert Adige. I hasten co give you an account of the General Staff of the Army, and made wing to advance," and succeeded in turning ;o alHbe Ladies of the Court. He gave a the result of the 'day's t ransactions. public most expeditiously last night in a Court the right vying of the enemy, of which IY o very dtiUtiguished reception to Madame DE I hail assembled the army at Zevis, and Gazette Extraordinary. regiments of cavalry, and two regiments of infantry, were almost entirely cut ro. pieces. MONGKLAS-, wife of-the Electoral Prime its environs; so as to be able to iepair to t. Actional I'Vertlngett, the 8th Oct. under the com- Minister, and besides distinguished by her any quarter where the enemy might attempt mand of Field Marshal Baron AUFEENBHRG. The enemy retreated in the greatest disor personal merit. He testified his satisfaction a passage. This assemblage of. force gave ", On the evening of the 7th October, and dropt down ihe D„m.be, leaving about TO Mr.. DE WINTZ, Music Master to the rise to serious apprehensions respecting my Field Maishal Lieutenant Baron AUFFEN- r 500 killed behind them on the field of battle. f LEC.TOFV, on the good composition of his real designs. 1 ordered a false' attack to be BERG w.as detached froih Guntzburgh to We have taken fiom 8 io 900 piisoneis, id nieces.; so full of energy and talent, made on my right, and ai the same time gave Wertingeh, with six battalions of grena- pieces ot cannon, and 2.0 caissons, with a * To'day being Sunday,, the EM PR-ROR 'orders that an appearance of hostile move- diers, three battalions of fusile.ers, two squa- nurnber of other waggons,; and a deal of heard Mass in the Chapel of the Palace. ment should He made on my left; my inten- drons of , of the Duke ALBERT'S •baggage ;. amongst the huer was that of Theiollovring are the names of the Aus- tion was to.distiact the enemy by those vari- regiment, and two squadrons of' light horse Gen. DUPONT,. The FieUhMarshal Lieu- trian Genetals taken prisoners. The num- ous movements, and the event his amply tenants Prince Sc HWA.RT.ZEN BERG, Count r of Latour, to frustrate the enemy's inten ber ot Officers' is frq.m 150 to 20.0. Each justified my expectation. The first object to tions, who had passed the Danube neat" KLENAU, and Count GI 1 LA Y. ihe curas- officer has signed, his parole of honour noi beaccompiished was to throw down the walls Donauwerth. On the folio Wing day, in the sier legiments of the,.Aichuiike ALBERT, to serve : it is Ijoped. that they will keep it ; that barricaded the middle of the bridge, forenoon, the enemy made several motions, and of MACK, and the regiment of ligl t ii it should be otherwise, the laws ot wai which was effected by a device of a very whicfr seemed'to threaten our division at horse of LA I OU R, have parucularly ois- wll be followed with ihe utmost rigour. daiing nature. The two cuts that the Aus- Wertingcn, and made us suspect lhat they tinguislicclthemsek.es; ai! the other Genera i'is 'Austrian General Officers mode, prisoners at the af. trians had made were ren'deted passable by were advancing to attack the same with a and Officers, as well as all the other troop.-, fairs of Elchingen, Wirlingen, Memmingen, means of planks, and immediately 24 com- considerable foi ee. As they developed them nave,shewn the utmost pe 1 severanceahd-.ste-a- Uim, b'c. panies of light troops,: selected fiom the di- selves more and riiore, and especially.by the dinifss, with the greatest .activity^arid courage,' Baron Mack, Field Marshal-Lieutenant, Quarter visions -of GA KP.AKKF, and DOMESME, match of some strong columns towards Our loss hardly amounts to a few hundred. Master Genera! ; - precipitated themselves from the other side ol ' Zunimershatisen, and to the.road of Guntz- The acihn, and the pursuit of the; enemy, Prince de Hesse Homhourg, Field Marshal Lieut. •the river, and on the cover of the guns ol Baioii tie Hipschis, ditto. ; buigli, tlieir intention's became more arid lasted tili a iate hour in the night." .v . ., Count tie Grulov, ditto, Quarter Master General the old castle, and were soon followed .by more, and inure evident: at, last the battalions of the Ar.nv of Prince Ferdinand- the whole.ot :!it,' fi:division, conirnancled ; v of infant iy, which'-stood at Wertingen., at a HAGUE, NOV.; 8. . Baron deLandon, ditto, by GcnerarfjA RD A.NNE. The enemy de- ' great distance from the arniy, .wete.attacked ' Count de Klenau, ditto. We hear positively. that the. French have fended the passage 111 great numbers, and vi-id'i. .t he, gi;c;uest impetuokiiy by a more Count de Gotteseheim, .'ifittrf. • made a very vigorous resistance, They obtained a signal victory over the combined Count de Riese, ditto. .. '• •• .'' ...."'-'' meious'. cuv-.alry of the- enemy ; and, not- A wcra iliiveii bickj iio'wevef, and puisued.to • Russian and .usti ian aimics on the Inn.—- Count BaiJied, ditto. •withstanding the gallantry shewn by ihe re- Baiavian Official journal.. • Count .de Werneck, ditto. ' ihe h'i.glits. The reinforcements sent 'by • peated' exertions of our two divisions ol • Trince de Hohenzollero, ditto, PrinceCH A RLES arrived in all directions and ' cavalry, to support the irifai)try> they were The,following is an extiact of a private 1'rince de LicKtenstein, Major General, continu»'d the action with great obstinacy too weak to -w ithstand such' -a toite. The ,: Letter from Berlin :-—" The victories of f.iron tie Abtll, ditto.' fi'omlou in the.niorningtill six in the even-, •loss on our sjde.was one Officer and one the French-seem 10 have produced a sudden Earori de Ulnr, ditto. . ing ! T'he A ust'rians didin.ot leave the field change in rhe politics of this Court, . which Baron do WeidenieW, .ditto. : hundred men killed, twel ve Officers and two > Count die Qehnetltiy, ditto. till they found the. most vigorous exertion,s hundred and twenty-one Ru n wounded, and was on the -poirit of declaring war. against Count de Frerael, ditto. unavailing. We at. least succeeded ir> driv- fifty two Officers and oriethousand four hun- the French.; The Emperor ot Rcsai A, al- Count de Suekef, ditto. V. "' ing tiiem frphi all their.positions and destroyv ched and sixty-nine men taken piisoneis though displeased •with-.the dispositions; made; Count de Hermann, ditto, prisoner at Flchingen ing their ennetichmerits. Seven pieces of The battalions of Spork and Aichdukc by Austria \vitii lesprcf to its atmj', and the' Count de. Hermann, ditto, prisoner at Uim. cannon and 18 waggons aie the fruit of this rapid .capitulation of the Imperialists', ne- Count de Reicjit^r, ditto. Lewis grenadiers have .suffered the most; Count de Dieuersberg, ditto. » day's action ; we have made from fourteen three'stand of colours, six pieces of cannon, vertheless employed his best efforts.at Berlin Count de Mitkery, General. • •*:'.,' . to fifteen hundred prisoners.: they have left and several saissons, have.also fallen into the' to prevail on our Couft to join the Allies, _ Count deWogei,. ditto. twelve hundred meri on the field, and have, hands of the enemy. The Field Marshal but without success, so that he is gone back Count de Weiber, ditto. a great number of wounded. On ,our side Lieutenant AUK FEN BERG was missed the- to Pctersburgh in disgust ; and it is also ad- " Count de Hohenfeld, ditto. we have lost veiy tew soldiers.; we have next day, and supposed. to be taken pri ded, that he will recal his armies from Ger- Baron d'Aspre, ditto. 300 wounded, bif thcii wourids lor the most, many, so as he shall have countermanded Count de Spaugen, ditto. soner." pait aie but trifling. the m'aicrh ol iiis army at Stialsund. Baron S. Action of Guntzburgh, the qtk of October, be- VON HARDEN BURGH has been dispatchcd •Pie.ise present to His Majesty the EM PE- Thirteenth Bulletin of the Grand Army. tween the Imperial and Royal Army, eini the 6th on a mission, and is succeeded in the minis- HA AC, OC.T. ROR and KING this first pledge or the.'.v.a- 28. • ' French Army, under the command of Marshal try by. HAOGW.I'T'Z, who is or ihe Fiench lour of his aimy of Italy; and have the The army under Marshal Bern AoaTTE NEY. party."—Idem. advanced fiom Municly on the i&tli, and. goodness 10 remind',liirri at the same time,- of " On the 8t!i of October, a division' of arrived the next day. at Wasserfaurgh on the our 1 es.pecilul devotion and zeal in the exe- the Imperial andRoyal'A rmV advanced from Whilst this paper (TheBaiavian Stale Ga- Inn, and proceeded ro Altenmarkt, where cution of his designs. I have the honour to Uim to Guntzburgh, to assemble in that •xei'l'cat the 81I1) was in fhe press, we receiv- it halted that night. ; Six arches of the bridge ••salute you. ' . ' MASSENA. quarter the regiments which were,Still absent, ed Frarikfoii iritSlligence;..to the. 3d of No- had been burnt down. Count MANUCC I, ' ARMY OFTTALY. and arriving from their cantonments ; and Vembei. Colonel of the Bavarian a 1 my, advanced BULL E.'L 1N OF OCTOBE R 29. afterwards, if circumstances should he fa- According to intelligence from Wuitz- from Roth to Rosenheim. He also found- The'.Ge.rie.ial iri Chief attacked the enemy vourable, to proceed again lo the right bank bingh, ol the 3 ist of October, the French the bi idge burnt, and the 'enemy on the other this morning at five.'. Whilst on, their left \ of the Danube, and march against the cne- had passed the Inn in several places', anil the side. After a brisk cannonade, the enemy wing, the division of Genetal Suss A passed '• my, if they should aitem.pt to pass that.rivef. Russian General KU.TUsow had recreated to retired from the right bank ; sevetab batta- the Adige at Polo, that of General VER- On the 9th the army encamped near Gunts- Wels—to approach, by this retrograde move-,. lions of French and Bavarians passed trie DIER manceuvred from.Ronco £o Albaro ; burgh, leaning irs righ; upon the village of mcnt,> nearer tp the troops of his- own nati* pcct of peace was less clear and cheering - meet their waflts—several of the German FROM ?:i£ LONDON GAZETTE. than ;has generally been considei ed. Officers are on shore. .in, and to the Austrian reinforcements, ( ' Mwirdlty - Office,-Nov.'" 1 %. • ' Sir SIDNEY has again; sailed for the All ranks and descriptions of Biuish sub- w^ich are coming up. . .: Copy of a letter from Rear-Admiral Sir Rich. John French coast, arid we may soort expec>so.me jects will.be gratified 10 learn, that ,v Vino-, The Elsctok oi' Bavaria arrived at .. Stracban, Bart, to Wm. Marsdcn, Esq: eaten on iraponant intelligence. The murder of his h uf tious Cointnn, or some other Momitnental •Munich 6n the 29<- October, liotn board his Majesty's ship the Cesar, off Falmouth, dear hiend, Capt. Wright, by the cruel the STH inst. .!'. Structure, is likely to be soon erected fo the,., Wuitzbtngh. .- and insatiable Cors.ican, must stimulate him R - memoiy of their beloved . Naval Chic-Luis;, NEY Si Not having the. returns' when the Marshal left Ulm on the :6th, tak- to revenge, -Let the wretched subjects o the heroic Lo'rd NELSON. ing i he road ot Lnnclsbevgl.i, Tne corps an • /Eolus left us, and ; now having occasion to ' the Imperial Despot tremble at his revenge send in. the'Santa Ma rgrrvuta to procure pi- The P1 ince of W ALES has di reeled a let- dei'General WOV.KSEIIL IVAA shewn ttscli in f knew the unfortunate Officer well, and Uiisto Uike the' French ships into harbour,. I (er to be written to Mr. AN C E RSTE 1 N, iu the environ ol Leuikirch., grieve for him as a brother. His principles t.amuait you. ihe icturns ol the killed and which his Royal Highness expressed a cunii. 1.1'. Y ben, Noy; were religious j his manners those of a per- wounded, in the action ol the 4th j and also { -dent hope, that, from the aidcnt zeal which A .•cording to the last.letters from Berlin, 1 fect gentleman ; his education liberal and Mr. A. and his pattiotic coadjutors had uia- a Grand Council of State was held there on a Copy oi the Thanks alluded to in my polite"; his courage great, and his fortitude letter, .which I request you. will coratTiurii- mfested on all great national occasions, Some the 29th of October, the result of which had 1 Unbounded. 111 caie. to die:, Lordships. I dare, say their That the hateful Ustrrper should dare to public memorial would arise, under their n,u 1 ra;is pi red, the delii-erations of the Ft us auspices, on which the atohieyements of Lordships will be surprised, that We have blast the memory of so brave a man with sun Cabinet being constantly covered with a Lorxl NELSON might be duiably rceoidetl to veil of secrecy,, as.well as the march of lost so few men. I C.tn only account fur it the crime of suicide, ia woithy only oi a from the enemy firing high, and we closing alter ages. His Royal Highness concluded her troops, as much as possible. Hit he: to. Bon a parte! , , by-requesting, that to any plan which should riVtiling isv known of the tendency 'thereof, suddenly. ft ' P.S. Three large praams, intended for I have the honour to be, &c. be thus, proposed and adopied, his name except" that a great part of the Prussian ar the opetations of the Boulogne squadron, - might be added, with the sum of Five Hun- in K. J. STR.4CHAN. rates will he assem bled in Lower Saxony, are arrived in the Downs, and several more dred Guineas annexed, thereto. Fianconia, and in Wcotphaiia I have as yet no very correct account of the- U,ss-of the enemy, br'of their number ate daily expected,'. .Concerning thai pan of the Prussian mo- NOV. 12. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, NOf. ij. narchy, adjoining our Republic, wc'Juve of men. Sailed yesterday, the Diligence sloop on a accounts from Minister and Benilleim, which- Tlie Mont Blanc had rjpo; 63 killed, Letters of the 9th from Holland, men- ail con-cur instating, that Prussia is forming and" 96 wounded, mostly dangerous. cr-uize. ^ . tion, in ihe most positive mannei, that Du^ a larie of separation from the Ems to the The Set pi on, ni killed and wounded. In the Downs, a large fleet of men of War, ROC, the Fictich Mihisiet, had left ilie , and 'that the different detachments Tlie F:cueh Admiral, Monsieur Duma- bombs, gun 'brigs, transports, and several -CouVt of Berlin ; and thai the first division which are to form the same, are already on noir le Polity, wounded : the Captain of mortar boats. . (amounting 10 2£j,ooo men) of, a laigfi. .their march. ' The said accounts surmise, the Duguav Tiouia killed, and sccunJ Cap ...''.' DOVER, NOV. 12. Prussian aifny, v\-as on its match to Hol- that the French Government was not unac- tain wuunded. fn consequence of the wind coming round land, quainted w'uh this arrangement, as the Of- A List .of Killed and Wounded in his Majesty's ships to the southward, Admit a! Sir S. Smiti-}, A letter from .Enrhden, dated Nov. 5, ficer commanding a detachment of-French undermentioned, in.action with a French squadron, and all the sloops of war and gun-boats, stales, that the Archduke CHARTES, has Conscripts, who were on- their, march to on the+th of Nc-vember, 1S05. . have got under weigh and sailed for the defeated the French with gieat slaughter on Cssar 4 killed and 25 wounded. Hanover, but sent back by the. Prussians, Downs. All the men of war's launches are riie banks of the Adigc-, and obliged them 10 Hero, 10 killed and St wounded, recross that fiver, who will iTOt admit any more, soldiers, Ins Ciiur.ageujc, 1 killed and 13 wounded, moored in line, ready to go out when or- said, on his return from Oldenzaai, that he Nam or, 4 •'killed and. 6'wounded-. dered. There appears to be a great number, A Dutch , paper of the 8th, states, that ' had oidens, as soon as the said line was form- Santa Margarita, i killed and t wounded. for our headmost boat is number 110. 1 he the Austrians from Suabia and ihe Tyrol ed, u> retreat to Zurphen. Revolutionaire,. a killed and 6 wounded. double boats are also to go. Previous to have again appeared in gi cat force in the Ii is, pc 1 haps, .10 that circumstance that .P.hosnuc, s killed and 4 wounded. ihe Diligence sloop of war going out of poit. neighbourhood- oi. Ulm arid Me rum in gen, Eolus, 3 wounded. ihe composure is to be aWribcd, with which Sir S. Smith went on board her, and read and defeated a detachment of French troops Total, *4 killed and 111 wounded.—--13? VAN DA. we have in this country received the ihtdli OFFICERS KILLED. the Gazette Extraordinary ; after whicli he commanded by Gen, gencri of the landing of the Russians in Hera, Mr. Morrison, Second Lieut, of Mariftes. addressed a speech- to the men—at the end Pome rani a, and their in etui on of march- Santa Margarita, Mr. Tho. Edwards, Boatswain. of which he informed them, that his ship's Mr. RUFFE, the Messenger, anived in ing to HViiovci ; since Prussia, acroidiug OFFICERS WOUNDED company had subscribed ten day's pay' to the town on Monday from the Elbe. Cuxhaveu Hero, Lh'ut. 'Skekel ; Mr. Tittortorl arid Mr, to the aforesaid accounts, will probably'pre- relief of the widows and orphans ot those is open. Lord HARROWBY and suite land- vent it, oV -it any 1 aie hinder their luribei Stephenson,-' Second Lieutenants of the Marines. ed there on the 7th. The iirina fiom Courageux, M. .R.. CJephanc, First Lieutenant ; who felt in . the glorious victory gained by march into Holland,, in case they should in Mrr Davys-, Master's Mate.: Mr. Bird, Midshipman ; Lord Nelson's fleet,— A pause of silence the Downs, "under Gen. Do&, was daily .tcnri.it. .." .'.•''• and Mr. Austin, Gunner. for a few moments ensued—when one of ihe expected. There a 1 e also accounts from Amsreidara Namur, William Clements, Captain of Marines; tars jumping up, declared he never meant to A filessenger is also ariived from St. Pe- Thomas Osborne, Second Lieutenant ; and Frede- be backward in generosity any more than in tersbuVgh. stating, tint it was yesterday and he day be rick Beaslcv, Midshipman. f.ive positively asserted there, that Pmssm - (Signed) R. J- STRACHAN.- courage in battle, and proposed giving 20 days pay, which was no sooner proposed Sir SiDNEY Smith, with the ships un- would remain neutral. Mr. GO.HIEE, the GENERAL MEMORANDUM. der his command, got under weigh from Casar, at Sea, No-veniber 6. ihan unanimously adopted by the whole- French Commhsairy at Amsterdam, has Dover yesterday, and sailed for the Downs, Having returned thanks to Almighty crew. likewise asserted, that he has received from where he is arrived. He will sail immedi- God for the victory obtained over the French LONDON, TUESDAY, NOV. iVc Fieoch Ambassador at the Hague, very ately on the Expedition entrusfecito him.- V squadron, the senioi Captain beg - m.make Captain BAKER arrived at the Admiralty satis!.veto ry ar.e' him the honour to accept his Capt BAKER, we-understand,- brought to from Vice-Adm. L.oid COLLIKGWOOJD. that Marshal BERN ADOTT E .had dcfe .ted The report of the Euryalus having ai liv- "ihe Russians, and taken from 13,000 to thanks, and to communicate to their vespec the Admiralty the Fietich Admiral's Flag. five officers''and ship's cu.ru panies, how much Si i R. ST R-A C H AN, in ihe Caesar, .has joined ed, is not true. — Oiders have.been issued by j 15,000 -prisoners, independent ol the killed. • the General commanding the Plymouth Dis- Il is also 'related, that this intelligence reach- he admites then zealous and galknt con- the Channel Fleet. The other three ships 4 Euryalus dun1 . arc anived at Ptymouih with their,prizes. trict, that when the arrives-with ed Berlin as the Emperor of Ri.) -ss ; A Wa;- NELSON To the respective Captains and Commander's. No account has yet been iccciyed with res- the body of our dear departed the suting down to dinner with the King of whole garrison shall turnout and. receive it PRUSSIA, pect to tht BeUona, or the two French ships j Copv of a Letter.from Captain the Hon. C, F. wiiich made.off before the action. We trust — the streets io be lined with 11 oops, aims NETHER ELBE, MOV. I. reveised, drums inufilecl, and ihe colours Fleming, to the Hon, William Cornwailis, Ad- th t Bellona kill give a good .account of them. We a re. still here in expectation of more irijfal ol the Red, He. hung With crape—ihe bells ol the" ehuith.es It . has been reported that the four captured decisive intelligence from Berlin. Every His Majesty's ship Egypticmie, Plymoutli 10 be muffled also. ships had a great treasure oh board. We thing hitherto is mere, conjecture. Sou rid, 8th October,. 1805. His M A j EST Y has. given directions that • Th'ey write f-i-om Stfalsund, dated Oct. SI R—J have the honour to-acqnaitu you, should be happy to be-ableto confirm the ru- ihour; but we do not believe that there is ihe Body of Lend Viscount KELSON shall 2,6, that English expedition troops were that hia Majesty's ship.under my' command, be interred in St. Paul's Cathedi at, and tha t expected thetc ; but as their arrival had been captuiedj on die night of the 2,d.'inst, the any foundation for it. The four French ships are very fine ones, and nearly new.— there shall be a giand funeral pi<'cessio»j prevented by contrary Wind," it wassuppbsed French Imperial biig, t'Acieon, of 16 • with ali military and national honoti 1 s, made* iiieir. destimnlon would be changed. The guns, and 1-2.6 men, two hours afiev^he As soon as they have been repaired, they will be commissioned,-and we shall ihen out by the College of Arms., and at the pub- warlike preparations in , and .the left the anchorage off Rochelle. Having lic ex'penee, on tlie occaskn;.- -Mi. PEDS-I- have two Formidables in our service ; the mai chipir-oi troops through Pomerania, still in lire m.oniihg lecc-anqitietl the port ot SON, of B.ewei - sr.ce'i, tc- « hom ihe Noble enemy have indeed found us io their cost too continued, Rochefort, in pursuance of your orders, Viscount had entrusted his coffin, \\ have FRA.NKFORT, NOV. I. L'AC formidable. . snd pe.iceiving 'teo.n apparently ready the order of the funeral. M e have no doubt It is positively assei ted, that the Archduke for sea, in a situation where I thought- ii Telegraphic dispatchcs were last night but thai the eeirmorty will be conducted with, C-a.4 RIVES is ni arching to Austria with practicable to bring her out, 1. resolved to . trfins'rpitied from the Admiralty, ymiering ,7 co,coo men, from Italy, whb will be* te-v all ilie solemnity lhat can bespeak the Nation's accept the very handsome offer of Lieute•' sail of t'lie line belonging to the Channel* feeling—that not merely the streets and win- placed there by the Russians'Irqm Corfu. nam Haiifk-ld io make the attempt, and stood fleet, which had appealed off Falmouth, to VIENNA, OCT. 2.3. - dows i com lire Parliament House 10 St. Paul's off to the N. W. ti[,l,sunset. proceed immediately to, join Lord COL- will exhibit the signs' of mourning, but that One of our Generals, who maintained a . At eight p. m. returned into the Pertuis L ING WOOD, off Cadiz. secret correspondence with the enemy, ih. the Theatres will be shut, the bells in all ihe d'Antioche, intending tb anchoi in the Rade , Gen. DUMOURIER sets out this day, or .churches be muffled, and that perhaps the tended co shoot himself, on being-discovered-; de Basque to support the boats which vrcic to-morrow, for the Continent, where, we but was arrested, arid.id! his papers seized., day appointed for "a general humiliation may ' prepared for this enterprise, when the brig un deist a rid, he is to be employed in his mi- be 1 ire day of interment. • • '•EEJLLLN, OCT. 2,9,'. .- was perceived, under all sail,, outside, and litary capacity but in what service, or un- The Emperor of R-usa I % returned to this fell into our possession after a short CD ace.—• dei what Pc'xi cr, we have riot yet been ac- The body of Lord NELSON-,• We are in- capital from Potsdam, last Sunday, with •L'Acteon was commanded hy Mo'nseur Dc- curately informed. fo uned, wiil be landed at Greenwich, and S their Royal Majesties. His IMPERIAL poge, Capitain de Fregate, and had on placed in the Painted .Hall, until .'the defini- M A J EST Y continues to be icceivcd with the boavd a Colonel and some recruits, with THeMarquis WELLESLEV'has made pre- tive at range men ts be made.-—Courier. ; most marked attention, arid visits .every cu- 'aims arid el'oathing for a j egimen't. in the parations foi his ciepartiire from India. His We understand that it is the intention of riosity in this capital. West In 1.lies. Lordship was to ha ve embarked in tlie month Government to bestow a medal on everyM'tr- i The Prussian regiments in Silesia, which I have the honour to be, &'C. of Februaiy last oil board lire St. Fioiffza dividual p: esc fit- in the glorious arid ever me- were already in part on their march fo South C. F. FLKMING, fiigate i. the state of affairs in the North of morable a ci i'o n Of [he 2,1st of October j Prussia, have suddenly received cpunter- v. hich mai k ot distinction is to be of the Hindbst-an however, induced his Lordship o'rders, and are now marching tp Lower Sax- s same value, quality, and appearance, to to delay his depart tire, and the St. liorenz.a ony and Fianconia, The army under Pi ince NAVAL INTELLIGENCE, every man } for, as the same gallantry left Calcutta, giving convoy 10 ihe home- HOHEN LOHK,. assembliugrn the last men- marked the conduct of the lowest seaman, ward-bound fleet, in the end of March fast, tioned-circle,, wit-i consist of thirty- five bat- DEALj NOV. 10. so the rewards in thisinstarrce are to be equal. Teignmouth talions, and 5-5 squadrons. We are inform- Our force is sccomulating—-one' regiinn^fit When the left the Hoogly River, This badge is to be hereditary, as a memento it vi-sis understood, that the Howe f rigate was ed, that the regiments already- in.' the said of the King's German is'arrived in i . . . 1 -. VT .1 1 . ft tl „ .> ro,after .ages of the moss signal victory ever districts., have .left the open country of An- the Downs., an'd another l'egime.nt of the au'hieved by British arms and - ih'c- greatest quis, and that his Lordship would embark } spach, and concentrated them-elves in the same corps'i.s.e.x'pected in a day or two. A the v oild ever-witnessed. We understand in the month of August, 1805. ; line extending fioni Baretitb to F.gra. CGnsiderable nurebei'.of troo-ps-are sop their ihe nredat is to be thus stamped i-t-On the Large armies o'f observation, however. passag(iftciio^ve fj O'ni —-,Leilr h: and Corkyj and —ar. e ex> Ync side Lord NE T.SON'Slu;a:l, with the day CONSTANTINOPLE, SEPT, 2'-). Were in the field in Hindostan, in Guzurat ' pecle'cl at 'the grand rendcz volis'in 11 re D'owh.s on wh'eh the action was fought;' on the re- Count D'll E ! 2 E R, - tlie Spanish-Ambas- and' ihe Dekkan, But the continuance of sador appointed to our Court,' is dead, on ) cv'eiy tide. A number of transports are — "7-' , , , M-,:-,,. verse, the man's,name and rank who ob- his journey hither, being the second Spanish coming f tfo HI the Westward and from the,...peace was confidently expected- This state tained it, with his Loidship's ,motto of Fai- A mbassador deceased in our country within .River .0 take troops on board : we are in a -'«rent comes from the most respectable audio mam,, qui meruit, ferat. • these twelve months.' constant stale of bustle and preparation to ™y ; but other accounts state, that the pros extracted intelligence of great importance, fero&jjJii A UST ITS, -Sod that; they vull- be replaced by by Mails from Hamburgh. € fete rude* It is said 111 a letter.trom .Hamburgh,- that Pa us- R- uss 1 ar. t Voo ps' 11 u in v..o r f it. . t ! , ; H; A NO V E ft", TSIBV. 5. 5: A AND R I;SS;A. HAVI; *eo.VCI,i'I) EO A TK WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1805. ! - TV OR. '0'F'RK:.;S'!VX - -AND JQKPB'KS-I V.JB' Axxi- IMPORTANT INTELLIGILMC'E. We are sV. tired that' the 'Prus's.an troops c ANCE, and that Was signed at .Berlin by the res- have recti VT\i oul'ei? to halt,, a IK! to •remain Three Hundred arid Twenty-one full grown pective MoriafoK'^hmniediatel) after.-the arrival,of ASH, and Fiv,e ELM TREES; to be SOLD,, on the, Lrnp.eror Ar. F.XA.NNERf' Upon this gratefitfiri^-. . FROM THE HAMBU'li&H MAILS. ^ where tiivy nssy happen to 'ot*-. CaStlekeal. the Lands of t'eljligcn'ce we most heartily 'congratulate our rentiers. vi A ivi BD [