(J NUMBER 2,147. IV-E D N E s 1> A T, 0 V E M B Ii R 20, 1805. VOLUME XXII. SiteMmrmaate bfieridtrs shall be rcspectil'eiy convicted, for the space of for each Seaman or Seafaring Mail lit for Mis. Majefty's TO BE SOLD, two years, without bail. or. mainprise,, trtd Until such Feltham Watson Service, and Si-xprnce a Mile for every Mile they may TO BESET, . gjjp By Auction, on Tuesday forfeiture sji a Ii be ptii'd. a have travelled, not exceeding-Twenty Miles iii the M-iri- FROM THE FIRST O* MAY HEXT, If any 'person -oy persons in this, kintidofii shall upon Francis Drew, Esq. the 12th day of November in* time Counties, 'aild.j Forty Miles in the Inlahd Counties any pretence whaifrfever, load or put on board, or cause (Or sooner, should it te .the Tenant's wish,) staniyat the Defendant's Housd And We do hereby further direttand require the faid Ci- to be loaded'dr put on board of any ship, vessel, orboatj James Drew at Drewsboroughj in the Coun- vil Magillrater, to g'ive all JiofTi.ble C6unttnance and /\ffif- For such TER]»I as may be AGREED on, which shrtll not be bouiid directly to some; port of ,pla • ty of Glare, by Virtue of the tance to the Oflicers of His Majesty's Ships and Veffeh, a in Ireland or iC'Jr.eat Britain, or to some other of the do- That part of the LANDS df CROS S A. or to the Sea Ofljceri pf His Majesty's Ships and Veffelu, Same, Writs'of Fieri Facias irr these minions of the Crown of Great Britain^, a/iri.'such tools known bv the HOUSE DEMESNE : It consists ot or to the Sea Oflicers who may bc employed to ra-fr Men 1! Causes to me directed, all the of utensils as ar® commonly used in. or are proper for Temarkably on Shore, in inipfeliing, or othetV/il'e procuring Men for about Fortv-six Acres, good for any pur- Defendant's Household Furni- the preparing, working up, (ir fiiiisbiri^ o.f the' iinen, John Smith and Jo- l-li.S Majesty's Fleet' V pose; together with a commodious HAEITATIUN, ture, and some/ Cows and v/oi.d:-. 11 or 3 Ik manufacture?., cr a:;y or either o( thern, nathan Smith -Given at Hi-? M» jelly's Cattle of Dublin, the 16 th Day- OUT-OFFICES; &C. Horses. ! or any parts of parc-ir of sn.eS tails or :.unt-:iKils, ' y . <1 t,- March, >80-5. There is no better 'ftftuatfon, there ft more what, nai-'i o.- naiivs-s 5o/>)5 o- ct n'.'ls sbaii'or nriy Same. Dated this 6th day of No- By Hit Excellency's Command, desirable-neighbourhood,, being..within One .Mile ot lie pallet! or known,'the'person.or Wrf'^itji' so'.iofi;''iiif'iijj vember, 1805. A. MARSDF.N.. the Town ol N EW.MA RKI:T, and almost .TR.idway snail -or every such offence, not tihrV itnifeit iiid lost a(I ' ' Paul Ham a T. STUDDERT, Jun. GOD Save the KING. between Ralahine and Cahirbatie. 'such tools intl utensils, or"pjrtstor par eis t:iei:eof- 'iVfjic-h Same. Sheriff. shall b.- so loaded', o'r put on board as a foresaid,- but ahd Application to be made to Mrs. M'MAHGN, at the Sum of Two Hurt ir'ed Pound* of,la wful inoliev of Newmarket; or to Doctor O'SHAUGHNESSY. Geo. Wheeler a The above Sale to commence Br the l.ord Lieiitenantand Council of Ireland, this kingdom ; aud ia cite such tools or gtirisiis sbill'he November 18, 1.805, Same. J at one o'clock on said day. A PROCLAMAI ION. loaded or put on board of any ship, ve.ssVf;..ci'f. boat; V/Jifeh HARDWICKE, shr.U be bound to any port or place in Jreland or Grr'at The sbove SALE is adjourned to Friday the ssd'Y ITrHEREAS by an Aft pafTed in the Twenty-firll and Britain, orto some other.of the dominions of the Cr, wn instant. 1 November 12, 1805, VV Twenty-fecond year of his Majcf y's reii?n, enti- o: Great Britain, then and'in every slic'i case the ma i-i- TO BE SET, ' tled " An ASt for the better fecuring the Liberty of the or commandei of every such ship, ve.»-l, or bo<t,'shall . From the First Day of May next, ubjea," and commonly called the Halieas Corpus Aa, give security by bond, in the penalty of On- Thiuand gjp A General Meeting of the GOVERNORS it i» provided, that it (hall and may be lawfnl to and for Pounds, conditioned for the landing of such tools rr For such TERM of ^SARS or LIVES as shall the Chief Governor and Governors for the Time bring, Utensils at the port or piace fo' which such ship, boil od and DEPUTY GOVERNORS of the COUNTY of be agreed on, \ and Privy Council of Ireland, to fufpend the laid Act', vessel shall l'e bound a oresaid. - CLARE is requested at the Court-Ho use of ENN13, dnring fuch time only an thdre fhall lie an tctual lovafton 4*r The FARM and LANDS of GURTIVOHIR, " It shall and may .be Iiv/lul to and for any officer of on THURSDAY the iist instant. or RcbelFon in Ireland of Great Britain, an.! that ao his Majesty's customs or excise in this kingdom,, to seize Containing about 160A. 3R. 3SP. judge or jnltice of Peace fhall bail or try any Peib.n or Signed bv order, a ul ^n ure in some or'one ol his Majesty's warehouses ali Perfons charged with; being.concerned ill luch Invsfion or Situate on the Rciad between CRU-SHEEN and TUB- Nov. 14, 1805. D.'FJNUCANE, C, G. hi such tools or utensils by this act prohibited 10 be ixporud Rebellion without an Order from the Lieutenant, or Lord BER,\ in the COUNTY of GAI.WAY. .i. ai -.tich officii shall find or discover to-be laidj On put on D' puty and Privy Council of Ireland lor the Time being, Proposals, in writing, to be received by THEO. board of ship, Vessel, or boat which sbalj uo^t. be bouii i ijgned by Six of the faid Privy Council, any Law, Statute directiy to some port or plice in Great-' Br lain, or this . BUTLER, Esq; Fishmoyne, Boiisoleigh; and J. By the Lord lieutenant General and G/neral or Ulage to the contrary in any Wile notw.'thflanding. kinvdom, 01 to some other of the' deniinions of the CDONNE!.)., Esq. Ennis. Governor of Ireland. Resident TeJXailts Will be encouraged. And where4s a daring Rebellion hath actually broken Crown o Great Britain. , (f) • Novembe" ' ?' ' 1805" . PROCLAMATION out in Ireland, and il hatli become advisable to lufpend " If tbe captain or roaster of any ship; ressel,' or boat For fardoning Dvierters frdt/i His Majesty's the Operation of the faid A£tduiing the Continuance in this kingdom, shall knowingly peimit an of the said Regular Forces.. t'lereofj tools or,utensils, by ibis act prohibited to he expo, ted as " Now we the Lord Lieutenant and Council do by this aforesaid, to be put on board, his said,, ship, vessel br HARDWK'K.E; UUfpro'clamationdeclare, That the laid be, and the kamc boat,-every such captain or master'sball for every su-. h IT) U lift E AS \i fias.tieen reprefented TO THE KIWR, is hereby liifpbnded,: of which all Judges, Juliices oi offence forfeit thr ium of One Hundred Pounds of law- VV Tint there aie ot this time Ii vdralDcfi-rters rcoro the Peace, and others arc required th lake Notice^ ful money of this kingdom » and if the sard ship, vess.!, Hi.s.MaVe-dy's Regular Laud Forces,, vviio might br. in- And whereas there is reafon to apprehend that (c7eral or boat, belong-to his Majesty,; his heirs or successors; : du.cd tij r<tu n to thcif L~>ut) by ftnOfferof HisjMajefiy's • K-r-rf^: Perfons, charged with having been concerned in the faid. then the captain or master thereof shall not only fifrfeit Gracious Parddn. "Vnd that 1 u c hn n inlfnnee of His Royal Rebellion, are endeavouring to cfcape Jdtlice by dipatt- the sum of One Hundred Pounds; but, shall also forfeit- Cleiru-ncy wcul.l have a due Lflueiu'e upon their future his employment, and be incapable of. arty office or em- By the Lord Lieutenant an'! Cftnnci! of Ireland, ing from Ireland ; l-3e'. xviblif; His Majeiiy has: fieen grscioufly; pleafed-to ployment under his Majesty, bis heirs, or successors. A PROCLAMATION. No'.v we the Lord Lieutenant, being defi.r'ous to bring graiit Hj-s 'FUSE PARDON I- all L)K. HAR'DWtCKIi. all fuch offenders to fpeedy Punilhment, do, by and witli ,, And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Atbiunc. SERT-ERS from His RBGUL.vk- LAND HEREAS by ah Ail paP.ed iu the 44th year of -b» thr Advice of his Mkjeflv's mod Honourabl. Privy Couiiu that one moicLy of the respective forfeitures, by this act He! • a II, VoncR.s.-wr.o fliall l'urrcoder ihcmlWves, Majesty's Reignj entitled, " /in Act lor elfablift- •dl, ItriiSKy forbid any Pcrfon whomfoe'ver to depart from inflifled upon offenders against the same .shall, when re- W Coi'k. on or before the 2ijth Day' oi 0£cKM BUR ing and maintaining a p-ruiajieni add tiaaai loiee to bc Dublin, Inland without having obtained s Paffport foi that pur- covered, go and be applied to the use of his Majesty,, : next, to any of His Mhjelly's Civil M«gif- j5.ifcid!- lie ".|-ct,!!'nii,"l o'r.:h'.c idisfeneep ol-ine realrit,; and to jinn'.skiilen.
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