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Aachen 242; columns at 198; palace Anacletus II, anti-pope 155 of Charlemagne at, 141, 142, 143; Anagni 316 palatine chapel 197, 198 Anastasis 229 Acacian schism 22, 27 Anastasius I, emperor 29 acanthus leaves 170 Anastasius Bibliothecarius 230 Acca’s cross 216, 217 Ancher Pantaléon de Troyes, cardinal tomb Ad eliminandum 311 of 268, 269 Admonitio generalis (789) 94 n. 40, 113, Andaloro, Maria 4, 167 120, 121 Angilbert, abbot of Saint-Riquier 142 Advent 64, 72 Anglo-Saxon influence on Frankish Ædiluulf, De abbatibus 91, 97, 101 n. 68 liturgy 86 Ælfric of Eynsham 104 Annunciation 69, 72, 73 Æthelwold, bishop of Winchester 103–4, Anonimo Magliabechiano 48–9 105 n. 85 Anthimus, patriarch of Constantinople 20 Agapitus, pope 20, 27 Anthony, saint 79 Agatho, pope 99 Antonina 20 Agnus Dei 79–81, 82–3 Antonine column, see Aurelian column Agrippa 36, 37 apertio aureum 69 Aistulf, Lombard king 225 Aphanus, verses of 167 Alberti, Leon Battista 182 Apollo, temple of 37 of 86, 92, 103, 105–6, 107, 114, Aquileia 218 121; De laude Dei 97–9, 101, 105; on Ara Coeli 36 new liturgy 117 Ara Pacis 293 Alessandro de’ Medici 259 Arator 57–8 Alessandro di Agostino Biliotti, mint-master Arch of Constantine 191, 298 (Florence) 259 archer, representation of 74, 75–6, 77 Alexander III, pope 308 arches, triumphal 42 n. 24, 48 n. 43 altars 146 Areobindus diptych 209, 211 Altichiero, painter 12, 291–302 arithmetic tracts 243 Amalarius of Metz 88, 93 n. 37, 94, 95 n. Ark 185 44, 103 n. 77, 104 n. 80 Arnald, archbishop of Auch 256 Amalasuintha, Gothic queen 20 Arnegundis regina (Aregund, Frankish Amario di Pietro de’ Gianfigliazzi, queen) 132 mint-master (Rome) 256 Arnolfo di Cambio, sculptor 155, 266, 270 Amatus 167–8 arrows 82 Ambrose, bishop of Milan, 134, 253 ars 42–3 Ambrosian (Milanese) chant 98 ars magica 43 ambulatory 156 artists 12, 15 Amedeo III, prince of Achaia 254 assaying (of coins) 248 n. 33 Amedeo VII, count of Savoy 254 Aswan granite 197 Ammannati, Giulia 54 Athalaric, king of the Goths 26 Anacletus I, pope 25, 26 atrium 154, 155, 156


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Audite insulae 75 Billanovich, Giuseppe 54, 56 Augenti, Andrea 25 Billett, Jesse 7, 8, 66 Augustine, 65 Binding, Günther 182, 197 Augustine, bishop of Hippo 69 Binski, Paul 10, 12 Augustus, emperor 6, 28, 37; and Ara coeli biography, serial 29–33 36; triumphal arch of 42 n. 24 Bishop, Edmund 112 Aurelian, bishop of Arles, Regula ad Blaauw, Sible 3, 9, 196 monachos 88, 89, 96 Black Death 291, 301 Aurelian column 36, 45 n. 39, 293, 295, Blair-Dixon, Kate 22 297, 300, 302 blind man, healing of 70 Aurelius Victor 30, 31, 35, 45; manuscripts Boaneus Apollo 43 of 32 Bobbio 58 authority 120, 123; papal 7, 14, 28 Boccaccio, Giovanni 302 Auxonne (Burgundy), mint of 248 Bohemia, kingdom 247 Avignon 246, 248, 250, 255, 257, 287, 322; Bolognino d’oro 244 n. 21 coinage of 245, 253, 256; as new Rome Bolton, Brenda 13–14 15; papal court at 12, 13, 14, 152, 306 Boniface, archbishop of Mainz 86 Boniface II, pope 22, 23, 26, 284 Balbi, Giovanni 46, 47 Boniface IV, pope 37 Banco di Raugio, mint-master (Florence) Boniface VIII, pope 258, 268, 278 250 Boso, biographer 153 Banderesi 250 Bosone Novello dei Raffaelli 249 Bandmann, Günter 197 Bourdua, Louise 10, 12 baptism 67, 68, 69 Bracciolini, Poggio 50 Baptistery 153, 163 Brooke, Rosalind 283 Bardi Company (Florence, merchant- Brubaker, Leslie 236 bankers) 246 Bruno of Segni 190, 199 Basil I, Byzantine emperor 226, 227 Buckton, David 236 Basil, saint, life of 230 Bulgaria, Christian church in 229 Bathild, Frankish queen, 135 Buonaccorsi Company (Florence, Baths of Diocletian 199 merchant-bankers) 245 n. 24 baths, thermal 44 burial ad sanctos 149 Bauer, Franz Alto 4 Baugulf, abbot of Fulda 115, 143 Calcio storico 259 Bede 52, 65, 71, 73, 78, 188, 189; on Calendar of 354 30 columns 187–8; death-bed antiphon Callistus, pope 25 109–10; on liturgy 86, 92, 100, 105; Camerlenghi, Nicola 155 and music 85, 91, 96, 101, 105 Cameron, Alan 54 Belisarius 20 Camillus, Roman general 28 bell towers 162, 163 Campanelli, Maurizio 6, 9, 10 Bellerophon 44 Campidoglio 309 Belting, Hans 231, 234 Campus Martius 25 Benedict Biscop 64, 65, 91, 96, 101 n. 68, Cancelleria, Palazzo della 170, 293; relief 203 sculptures found at 170–4 Benedict III, pope 236 Canterbury 100, 103, 109; monks of 314; Benedict XII, pope 248 St Augustine’s (monastery) 92, 95–6 Benedict of Aniane 117 Capitoline 38, 49 Benedict of Nursia 179 Cappadocia, cave church decorations of Benedictine Divine Office87 , 97, 102, 105 230 Bernabò, Massimo 231, 234 Capponi, Niccolò 259 Bertrada, wife of Pippin III 131 Caracalla, emperor 31 Bertrand de Got, see Clement V, pope Carloman, Frankish king 136, 139, 141, 150 Bewcastle Cross 69 n. 25, 77, 213, 216 Carolingian Renaissance 152, 154 Bianeus Apollo 44 Carrara 13, 291, 298 Bible, corrected edition 116 Carystian marble 192, 193, 195

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Cassiodorus 188, 218 Clement VII, pope 259 Castel Sant’Angelo 36 Clofesho, Council of 90, 95 Castrum Lucullanum 54 cloisonné enamel 236 catechumenate 67, 68 cloister 155 Catena format 232 Clovis I, king of the Franks 130, 135 Catholicon 46 Clovis II, king of the Franks 135 Cavallo, Guglielmo 228 Codex Amiatinus, see Manuscript Index Cave 181 under Florence Celestine V, pope 265 Codex Grandior 188 cemeteries 36 Codex Salmasianus, see Manuscript Index Cencius, cardinal 156 under Paris Centula, abbey of Saint-Riquier 142 coin hoards 238–9 n. 5, 251–2 n. 42 Ceolfrith, abbot 78, 91, 109, 188, 195 coinage, bolognino d’oro 244 n. 21; ceremonial 24 denaro provisino 238, 241, 255; denier chains of St Peter 37 provinois 238, 239, 240, 241; ducat Champagne 238; fairs 239 (gold) 238, 244, 245 n. 23, 251, 252, chant in Anglo-Saxon England 84–5, 91, 256, 257; écu d’or 244 n. 21; florin 97–8, 99, 101, 105, 106, 110; Frankish (gold) 238, 244 and 244–5 n. 21, 245 reforms of 102–3, 109; liturgical n. 23, 251, 255, 257, 259, 260; florin function 97; propers 99–100 (gold), counterfeit or false 246; florin Charlemagne 8, 9, 10, 56, 111, 136, (gold), hybrid imitations 249–50, 150, 288; dedicates the church of 253–4; florin (gold), imitations238 , Saint-Denis, 127, 138, 141; builds 245, 246, 247, 248, 250–2, 253, 256; augmentum at Saint-Denis, 140; Genovino d’oro 245 n. 23; gold penny liturgical reforms of 20, 93, 94, 102, 244 n. 21 111–12, 114–18; and the papacy 196–8, Cola di Rienzo (Nicola di Lorenzo Gabrini 223, 225, 307; patron of Saint-Denis da Rienzo) 238, 254–5 137, 139 Collectio Avellana 22, 23 Charles V, Holy Roman emperor 259 Collectio Sanblasiana 23 Charles d’Anjou 266 Colonna family 12, 281, 282, 284, 286; Charles Martel, Frankish mayor of the Stefano Colonna 249; see also Stefano palace 31, fig. 7.2, 134, 135, 140, 150 Colonna Charles the Bald, king of the West Franks colonnade 189 112 Colosseum 36, 42, 191 Chavasse, Antoine 65 Colossus 25, 41 n. 20, 43 Chelles 65, 66 Columbanus, saint 87, 133 n. 21 Christ, representation of 68, 179, 209, columns 10, 45 n. 39; discourse of 182–99; 213–14, 320 Greek 190; love of 300; Roman 190 Chrodegang, bishop of Metz 111 commercial revolution of the Middle Ages Chronica Andrensis 305 248 Chronicon Vulturnense 175, 179 Compiègne, synod of 150 church family 146 concordia 120 ciborium 155 Conrad III, Holy Roman emperor 242 circus games 212 Constantine I, Roman emperor 24, 26, 28, Circus Maximus 38, 39 31, 36, 222, 242; builder of basilicas classical models 292 193; imperial mausoleum of 134; new classical past, engagement with 177–9 198, 288; patron of St Peter’s 127, 142, classicizing idiom 16, 175–8, 180–1 143, 154, 196, statue of 40 Claussen, Peter Cornelius 4, 162, 167, 168 Constantine V, Byzantine emperor 24 Clement III (1188–91), pope 240 Constantinian basilica, see S. Giovanni in Clement [III], antipope (c.1080) 173 Laterano Clement IV, pope 265, 271; tomb of 266, Constantinople 11, 15, 26, 31, 54, 222, 227, 267 236; council of (869) 224; church of Clement V, pope 285 Holy Apostles 134 Clement VI, pope 246 n. 24, 255 Contini, Alamanno 255

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Corbie (monastery) and chant 104 double-line fold 229, 231, 235 Corinthian capital 176, 187 Dream of the Rood 68 correctio 116–17, 120 ducat (gold) 238, 244, 245 n. 23, 251, 252, Cosmas Indicopleustes 234 256, 257 Cosmati, mosaicists and marble workers Duccio, painter 287 169 Duchesne, Louis 20 curia, Roman 14, 306, 313, 315, 316 Cuthbert, saint 91 , 117 Cybele 37 Eardwulf, Northumbrian king 121 Cyril of Alexandria 229 Early Christian basilicas, imitation of 151–66 Dagobert, king of the Franks 132–4, 135; Easter Vigil 67 fig.7.2; buried at Saint-Denis, 133; grants ecclesia 10, 188 privileges to Saint-Denis, 133; restores Eco, Umberto 184 main abbey church of Saint-Denis, 131 Écu d’or 244 n. 21 Daltruffo, Zenobio 255 Edward I, king of England 276, 287 Damasus, pope 22, 23, 27, 28, 170; life of Egyptian granite 198 173 Einhard, biographer of Charlemagne 142, Dameron, George 14 197, 198, 199 damned in hell, imagery of 209–12 Einsiedeln itinerary 35, 142 dating system 26 Eleutherius, saint, 132, 135 Dauphiné 248 Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist 75, 77 Day, William 11 Emerick, Judson 8–9, 10 De laude Dei 97–9, 101, 105 encyclopaedia 39, 40, 44; see also De Rossi, Giovanni Battista 52–3 dictionary De ventre matris meae 77 England, gold coins of 244 n. 21 Decius, emperor 36 Enmann, see Kaisergeschichte denaro provisino 238, 241, 255 Epistola de litteris colendis 115 denier provinois 238, 239, 240, 241 Epistola generalis 113 Denis, bishop of Paris, 130, 131; basilica ad Etienne d’Auxerre, painter 278–9, 280, corpus at Saint-Denis, 130; natalicium 283, 284, 285, 286 of (9 October), 133 etymology 47, 48 n. 42, 49 Descriptio of 799 139 Eucharist 68; images of 79 Deshusses, Jean 117 Eudes de Châteauroux 266 Desiderius, abbot of Montecassino 9, 10, Eudoxia, Byzantine empress 37 161, 167, 168, 177, 181, 199 Eugenius III, pope 242 Desiderius, Lombard king 225 Eugenius IV, pope 52, 257 dictionary 39, 40, 44, 46, 47; Eugippius 53 see also encyclopaedia Eulalius, antipope 22 Diocletian, Roman emperor baths of Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea 194 (=palatium) 40, 42, 199 Eusebius-Jerome, Chronicon 28, 45 Dionysio-Hadriana 116 Eutropius 30, 31, 35, 41; manuscripts of 32 Dioscorus, antipope 22 Divine Office, in Anglo-Saxon England façade 154 92; basilican 87, 89, 91, 95, 101 n. 68, Felice società dei pavesati e balestrieri 250 106 n. 90; Benedictine (monastic) 87, Felix I, pope 25 97, 102, 105; Gallican 88, 89, 95, 96, Finglesham buckle 205 n. 8 102 n. 73; Irish 87, 88, 89, 95 n. 43, Flavio, Biondo 50 100, 102; Roman 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, florin (gold)238, 244 and 244–5 n. 21, 95; Romano-Frankish 86, 87, 102–3; 245 n. 23, 251, 255, 257, 259, 260; secular 95, 102, 104, 105 counterfeit or false 246; hybrid Divisio regnorum (806) 122 imitations 249–50, 253–4; imitations do ut des 147 238, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250–2, 253, 256 Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 216 Forum ware 228 Dominic, saint 275 France 244 n. 21, 247, 248, 256

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Francesco il Vecchio da Carrara, ruler of Giovanni da Cremona 296, 301 Padua 13, 298 Giovanni de’ Ricchi, mint-master (Rome) Francis, saint, Life of, frescoes 280, 283 255 Frankfurt, council of (794) 120–1 Giovanni di Cosma, sculptor 270 Frankish liturgical reforms 102–3, 109 Giovanni Dondi 299, 300; letter to Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Giovanni da Cremona 301 emperor 242, 307, 308 Giovanni Gaetano Orsini 290 Frederick V of Hohenzollern 254 Giulio de’ Medici 259 Frommel, Christoph 170 Glastonbury 84–5, 105 Fulda 143 gold penny 244 n. 21 Fulrad, abbot of Saint-Denis 9, 127, 136–8, Gonzalez Gudiel, cardinal, tomb of 270 143; as archchaplain under Pippin Gothic windows 163, 164 III and Charlemagne 138, 150; as Goths 31 arch-priest of Francia 137; basilica of Grabar, André 231, 232, 234 140–1, 141, fig 7.3; granted immunity Grado 218 by pope 136; Eigenkirchen of 137; visit granite, Egyptian 198 to Rome 143, 146, 147 Grant, Lindy 195 Graphia aureae urbis Romae 45 Gabriel, archangel 69; representation of Greek communities in Rome 228–9 72 Gregorian (Romano-Frankish) chant 98, Gallican capitella 97 107, 109 Gallican chant 88, 89, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102 Gregorian reform 152, 161 n. 73, 103, 113 Gregory, bishop of Tours 8, 195, 196 Gandersheim casket 209 Gregory I, pope 71, 73, 101 n. 70, 104, Gardner, Julian 12, 13, 280 105, 204; advice to Augustine of Garrison, Edward 231 Canterbury 65, 102, 104; building Geertman, Herman 4, 19 in St Peter’s 146; and chant 84, 85, Gelasian Sacramentary 118 86; on columns 189; Dialogues in Gellone, Sacramentary of, see Index of Greek 228; distribution of texts 52; manuscripts under Paris manuscript of Regula pastoralis 55; Geneviève, patron saint of Paris 130; sacramentary attributed to 112 basilica (at Saint-Denis), 130–1, 131, Gregory III, pope 145, 149 fig 7.2, 132, 134, 138, 140, 141 Gregory IX, pope 247, 283 Genoa 260 Gregory X, pope 276 Genovino d’oro 245 n. 23 Gregory, Master 6, 40–4 see also Narracio Gentili, Gherardo, mint-master (Florence) Gresham’s Law 260 246 n. 27 grosso d’argento 243, 244 n. 21, 258; d’oro Gerard, abbot of S. Vincenzo al Volturno 244 n. 21 175 Guglielmo da Cremona 299 gesta abbatum 33 Guglielmo Fieschi, cardinal 266, 290 gesta episcoporum 33 Guillaume d’Essai, canon of Chartres Ghiberti, Lorenzo 291, 299 266 Giacomo di Cante dei Gabrielli 249 Guillaume de Bray, cardinal 265; tomb of Giacomo di Filippo, mint-master (Rome) 266, 268, 269 255 Guillaume de Polleio, archdeacon of Le Giacomo di Renzo, mint-master Mans 266 (Florence) 258 Guillaume de Saint-Parthus 285 Giangetano Orsini 270 Guillaume Durand 266, 268, 290; tomb of gift pro anima 147–8 269–71 Gilles Aycelin 275, 276 Giordano Orsini Hadrian, abbot 66 Giotto, artist 283, 291, 293 Hadrian I, pope 112, 116, 137, 197, 223, Giovanni Cavallini 6, 44–7, 48, 296; 225, 307 see also Polistoria Hadrian IV, pope 153 Giovanni Conversino 302 Hadrian, Roman emperor 25, 31

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Hadrianum Sacramentary 112, 116, Iter romanum 300 117–18, 120 itineraria 35, 44 Hæthefeld (Hatfield), Council of99 n. 60 halo, square 229 Jachin and Boaz, pillars 187 Harrowing of Hell, see Anastasis Jacobsen, Werner 129, 139, 140 Häussling, Albert 146–7 Jacopo Antonio Colonna, bishop of Tivoli Hawkes, Jane 11 283 Heidelberg, mint of 254 Jacopo Colonna, cardinal 281; depiction Hein, Barbara 291 of 282 Hen, Yitzhak 7, 8, 10, 67 Jacopo Torriti, painter 280, 282, 283 Henri I–II, count of Provins (1152–80/ Jerome 27–8; Bible translation of 27; 1180–97) 238 n. 4, 240 n. 8 Eusebius’ Chronicon, continuation of Henry II, Holy Roman emperor 57, 311 28; De viris illustribus 27 Herod, king in Israel 37 Jerusalem, temple of 160, 184, 185, 187, Hexham 216 188 Hilarius, abbot of S. Vincenzo al Volturno Joanna I of Anjou, countess of Provence 175, 176, 179 254 Hilarius, pope 196 Job, Book of in Vatican, see Index of Hildebert of Lavardin 47 n. 40 manuscripts 232–4 Hildoard, bishop of Cambrai 118 Johannes Rusuti, son of Philippus, painter Hilduin, abbot of Saint-Denis 138 280 Historia augusta 25, 30, 31, 35, 45; John IV, abbot of S. Vincenzo al Volturno manuscripts of 32 175, 176 Honorius III, pope 156 John V, abbot of S. Vincenzo al Volturno Horace 41 175, 176 Hormisdas, pope 22, 27 John I, pope 26 Hostiensis (Cardinal Enrico de Susa) John II, pope 19, 27 271 John VII, pope 25, 145 fig 7.4, 149, 228 Hrabanus Maurus, archbishop of Mainz John VIII, pope 226–7, 230 and abbot of Fulda 184 John XVI, pope 57 Hugo, bishop of Bethlehem 276 John XIX, pope 174 Hugues Aycelin, cardinal, tomb of 274–5; John XXII, pope 238, 245, 246 and n. 24, will of 276 253 Hugutio of Pisa 46, 47 John ‘the Archcantor’, abbot of St Hungary, kingdom 247, 253 Martin’s, Rome 91, 99, 100, 109 hymns 95–7 John the Baptist 75, 76, 78, 237, 250, 253, 259; representation of 79, 81 Iberia 247 John Cassian 86 iconoclasm 11, 222, 223 John the Evangelist 250 iconography of architecture 127, 129 John Lydus 32 identity, construction of 166 John of Mantua, on columns 190 imperium christianum 127 Jordanes 31, 32 Incarnation 72 Josephus 188 Innocent I, pope 22 Joshua, abbot of S. Vincenzo al Volturno Innocent II, pope 13, 155 175 Innocent III, Pope 240 n. 8, 305, 306, 309; Josiah, Hebrew ruler 119 gifts to Viterbo 318; on papal primacy Jouarre 65 321; at Sutri 319; at Viterbo 310, 311, Journaux du trésor de Philippe le Bel 278 313, 315, 316 jubilee 251, 257, 258 interlace 204, 219–20 Julius I, pope 29 Iona 79, 82, 215 Julliard, Jillian Enckell 4 Irish monastic office87 , 88, 89, 95 n. 43, jurisdiction, papal 13 100, 102 n. 73 Justin, Byzantine emperor 26, 27 Isidore, bishop of Seville 41, 47, 182; on Justinian, Byzantine emperor 20, 242 columns 190 Kaisergeschichte 30, 35

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Kauffmann, Martin 285 liturgical music 85, 86, 91, 92, 96, 100, 101, Ker, Neil 58 105, 109–10 Kinney, Dale 10 liturgy, Frankish 7; function of 97; Koblenz 254 furniture 168, 169; influence in Anglo- Krautheimer, Richard 127, 129, 152, 153, Saxon England 84–5, 105; role of in 160, 162, 170; on Petrarch’s view of Carolingian architecture 129, 142–50; Roman antiquities 291, 300–1 ‘Roman’ 7, 63, 111; stational 24 Kuno II von Falkenstein, archbishop of Livy 28, 46, 47 n. 40, 53, 56–7; Ab urbe Trier 254 condita 45 Kutná Hora 254 Lombardo della Seta 299 Lombards 136 Landeric, bishop of Paris 135 London 254 Lapo dello Strozza, mint-master Lothar I, Frankish emperor 226 (Florence) 250 Louis I of Anjou, King of Hungary 254 Larling ivory plaque 209 Louis II, Frankish emperor 226 Lateran palace 52, 53, 223; bronze table Louis IX, king of France 12, 285; at 41; equestrian statue at 36; statues canonization of 278, 287 in 40; see also Rome churches, S. Louis the Pious, Frankish emperor 138, Giovanni in Laterano 139, 140 Latin Anthology 55; see also Codex Lucan 41 Salmasianus Lucchese d’oro 244 n. 21 Laudate celi 98–9 Lucullean marble 192 laura (at Saint-Denis) 132 n. 19 Luna marble 192 Laurence, saint and martyr 29; tomb of Lupercalia 24 157 Lupus of Ferrières 56 Laurentian fragment 21–2, 23, 25; schism Luxeuil 133 n. 21 21 luxuria 192, 199 Laurentius, antipope 21 laus perennis 90 Maginarius, abbot of Saint-Denis 137 Lavicana 46 magnificentia 191, 193, 194, 195 Lazaros, icon painter 236 Makarios, bishop of Jerusalem 194 Le miracole de Rome 44 Mango, Cyril 228 Lendit, fair of, at Saint-Denis, 133 n. 23 mappa 209 Lent 69, 114 Marazzi, Federico 24 Leo II, Byzantine emperor 222, 224 marble 191; coloured 198; Numidian 192, Leo I, pope 22, 28, 67, 144, 145 fig. 7.4, 195; pavonazzetto 193; recycled 195, 149 197; Roman 164, 287 Leo III, pope 53, 56, 196–7, 223 Mark, evangelist 257; Gospel of 28 Leo IV, pope 226, 229, 312 Martha of Bethany 72, 74 Leo of Ostia 167 Martin I, pope 265 Lérins 89, 96 Martin of Tours, saint, 132 n. 19; cult of 64 Levillain, Léon 134 Martinori, Edoardo 243 Liber diurnus 87 n. 11 martyrium for St Peter 130, 145 Liber pontificalis 19–34, 38, 45, 154, 195, Martyrologium Hieronymianum 132 196, 223, 225, 226; on embassies 235; martyrs 1, 26, 151 on John VII’s building projects 228 Mary Magdalene 71, 73, 272; image of 70 Liberius, pope 23, 28 Mary of Bethany 72, 73, 74, 75, 77 Libri carolini 113, 119 Mary of Egypt, saint 230 Lindisfarne 91; Gospels see Index of Mary the Virgin, representation of 72 manuscripts under London mass, penitential, 148 lion, representation of 176 Matteo d’Aquasparta, cardinal 290 Lippo Dini di Tingo, mint-master Matthias, saint, fair of, at Saint-Denis, 133 (Florence) 257 n. 23 litany 114 Maximinus, Roman emperor 31 literacy 68 Maximus, Roman emperor 31

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mayors of the palace, Frankish 135, 138, New Rome, see Rome 150 Nicaise, saint, effigy of288 McClendon, Charles 139 Nicholas I, pope 236 McKitterick, Rosamond 5–6, 9 Nicholas III, pope 266 mediation, priestly 148–9 Nicholas IV, pope 161, 162, 163–4, 276, Mediterranean art, definition of203 –4, 280, 283 206, 212, 247 Nicholas V, pope 6, 52, 58–9 Melucco Vaccaro, Alessandra 173 Nicolaus Desmarz, painter 279 memoria/memoriae (altars featuring relics or Nicomachi 56 icons in Old St Peter’s) 144 Nivelo, bishop of Soissons 314 Menmas, bishop 20 Noble, Thomas 223 Mercato vecchio 237 Nonantola 53, 57 merchants 245, 255, 256, 258; manuals of Nordhagen, Per Jonas 222 243 Normans, liturgical influence in Methodios, patriarch of Constantinople Anglo-Saxon England 84–5, 105 224, 234 Notre Dame, Paris 288 Metz, musical reform at 103 Michael II, Byzantine emperor 235, 236 Ó Carragain, Eamonn 4, 7 Milan 253, 260; Basilica Apostolorum 134; O radix Iesse 106–9 mint at 246 n. 27, 257, 258 O rex glorie/gloriose 105–6, 107, 109–10 Mirabilia urbis Romae 6, 35–40, 44, 47, 48, O’Reilly, Jennifer 78 53 obelisk, Vatican 43 Miracula sancti Dionysii 138 n. 56, 139, 140 Odo da Montopoli, P. 59 missa publica 147; specialis 147 Offa, king of Mercia 121 Mitchell, John 9 Office in theRegula monachorum 88, 89 Mithraic imagery 292 Office of ‘Three Fifties’90 Monaci, Alfredo 250 Old Gelasian Sacramentary 65, 66, 67 monastic office,see Divine Office, Old Hymnal 95–6 Benedictine Old Roman chant 109 Mondini, Daniela 157 Old St Peter’s, see Rome churches, moneychangers 258 St Peter’s Monothelite heresy 98–9 Oppenheim, mint of 254 Montecassino 9, 10, 58, 161, 167, 168, Opus sectile 169 174; Chronicle of 167; Desiderius’s Oratoire des Visitandines 275 reshaping of 161, 167, 168, 177–8, 179, Ordines Romani 87 n. 13, 94, 99 181; marble columns at 199 orthodoxy, triumph of 224, 236 Montpellier 254 Orvieto 265, 266, 275, 278 more Romano 127, 129, 142–50 Osborne, John 11, 206 mosaic 154, 164, 168, 178, 181, 217 Ostrogothic wars 20, 23 Mozarabic chant 98 Otto III, German emperor 57 Munk Olsen, Birger 53 Otto IV, German emperor 316, 317 Muñoz, Antonio 230 Otto of Tonengo, papal legate 40 Munster, Irish delegates 64 Ovid 37, 41 Muratori, Ludovico 243 Music, see chant Palatinate 254 Palma, Marco 53 Naples 65, 254 Panofsky, Erwin 291 Napoleon I, French emperor 198 Pantaleon of Nicomedia, saint 230 Narracio of Master Gregory 40–4 Pantheon 25, 36, 37, 44, 276 narthex 165 Pantoni, Don Angelo 168, 176 nave 156, 160 Papias 47 Neptune, Basilica of 25 Paris, Île-de-la-Cité, Saint-Denis 130 Nero, Roman emperor 25 Pascal III, pope 307 Neuman de Vegvar, Carol 4 Passio Silverii 20 Neustria 134, 135 Patiens, bishop of Lyon 194

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patriarchal basilicas 151–64 liturgical reforms of 111, 113–14, 120; Patrimony of St Peter 13 usurps Merovingian kingship 135–6 Paul and Anthony panel 82 Pliny 182, 184; on marble 192 Paul I, pope 128, 145, 225 Poggio Bracciolini 59 Paul the Deacon 48, 112; homiliary of 113, Polistoria 44–7, 296 115–16 Pomponius Mela 54 Paul, apostle 29, 79 Pont de Sorgue 243, 245 Peacock, David S. 198 Pontigny 319 pearled circle 230, 233 Porec 218 Pelagian basilica, see Rome churches, S. porphyry 25, 191, 192, 196–7, 199; black Lorenzo 197, 198 Pelagius I, pope 22, 37 Prague 254 Pelagius II, pope, 146 primicerius notariorum 29 penance, tariffed 148 Privat, saint 271 pergola 154 private mass, 146–9 periegesis 37–8 propers 99–100 Perugia 244 n. 21, 265 Provence 254 Peruzzi Company (Florence, merchant- Provins, counts of 238, 240 n. 8 bankers) 246 Prudentius 185 Peter, apostle 20, 25, 28, 29, 37, 250, 257; ps.-Germanus, Expositio antique liturgiae chains of 37; image of 257 Gallicanae 93 n. 37, 94 Peter Mallius 307 psalmody, perpetual 132–3; two-choir Petrarch 296, 300, 302 100–1 Petronilla, shrine of 144, 145 Psalterium Augustini 96 Petrucci, Armando 55 Psalters (Anglo-Saxon) 90, 103 Philagathos, Johannes 57 pseudo-Germanus, Expositio antique Philippe IV, king of France 279, 297 liturgiae Gallicanae 93, 94 Philippus, emperor 36 Pucelle 288 Philippus Rusuti, painter 279, 280, 281 purple 195, 196 Phocas, Byzantine emperor 25 Putta, bishop of Rochester 85 Photian schism 224–5 Photios, patriarch of Constantinople 228 quarry, Rome as a marble 50 Piacenza 57 Quattrino 258 Piazza S. Croce, Florence 259 Quirinal, horse of 42 n. 24 Pictish art 294 Piedmont (Piemonte), Italy 247 Ratgar, abbot of Fulda 143 Pieri, Paolino 245 n. 21 Ravenna 54, 197, 199 Pierre de Montbrun, papal camerarius Reeve, Michael 6 271; tomb of 272, 273 reform 8, 10; rhetoric of 120–1 Pierre du Fayel 288 Regula Magistri 87 n. 11, 89, 91, 97 Pierre Flotte 275 Regula S. Benedicti 87, 116 Pietro Caetani 290 Regularis Concordia 104–5 Pietro Cavallini 283 relics 14 n. 10; altars at Old St Peter’s, Pietro Colonna cardinal 281; depiction of 282 145–6 Pietro di Oderisio, sculptor 267 Remus 209 Pietro II, III, and IV di Vico 240 n. 8 renovatio, Carolingian, 127, 129, 142 Pietro Peregrosso, cardinal 276; cross Reudenbach, Bruno 184, 188 commissioned by 276–7 Reynolds, Leighton D. 53, 57 Pilgrim II, Archbishop of Salzburg 254 Riario, Raffaele, cardinal 170 pilgrims 1, 35, 44, 251, 258 Ricco di Lapo Arrighi, mint-master Pippin III 8, 9, 102, 111, 127, 134, 142, (Florence) 258 148; anointed by pope 138; building Richards, John 291, 292 at Saint-Denis 139–40; buried at Rigobert, saint 290 Saint-Denis 131, 138, 140, 149; ring crypt, 129 n. 9, 142 grants privileges to Saint-Denis 136; Roger II, Norman king of Sicily 242

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Roman books 67, 122; canons in France 245; mint 255; new 11, 15, 222; as a 274; chant 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 120, quarry 50; Senate of 24, 34, 238, 240, 122; distribution of psalms 89–90, 91, 241, 242, 248, 249–50, 251, 252, 253, 92, 95; models 298; sacramentaries 254, 256, 257; Tribune of 238 93–4, 97 Romulus 209 romanino d’oro 243, 244 Rothbury sculpture 209 romanitas 1, 7, 11, 44, 183, 288 Rouen, road to, 130 Romanization 111–23 ruins 50–1 Romano, Serena 4, 167 Runic script 82 Rome churches Ruprecht I, duke of Bavaria 254 S. Agnese 157 Rusticus, saint 132, 135 S. Andrea de Columna 296 Rusuti family 280, 283, 285 S. Cesareo 25 Rusuti, Filippo, see Philippus Rusuti S. Clemente 165, 167, 218, 229, 231, 235 Ruthwell cross 7, 68–83, 209, 213–14 S. Crisogono 162; paintings in 179 S. Croce in Gerusalemme 156, 162 S. Alessio all’Aventino monastery, Rome 250 S. Giovanni a Porta Latina 173 S. Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna 218 S. Giovanni in Laterano 25, 151, 152, S. Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna 218 160–3, 165, 194, 237, 250, 283 S. Aurea, Ostia 276 S. Lorenzo fuori le mura 9, 151, 152, S. Francesco, Assisi 270, 280, 281; nave 156–60, 164, 165, 237, 266, 290; murals of 283 architectural intervention at 156–60 S. Francesco, Viterbo 267 S. Lorenzo in Damaso 170–4, 175, 181 S. Giorgio, oratory of, Padua 292, 294, 296 S. Marco 276 S. Giusto, Tuscania 319 S. Maria Antiqua 25, 218, 228 S. Lorenzo, Viterbo 308 S. Maria de Secundicerio 229, 230, 231, S. Maria de Falerii 319 235 S. Maria in turri, Viterbo, bronze doors S. Maria in Aracoeli 162, 290 of 307 S. Maria in Trastevere 162 S. Martino al Cimino, Viterbo 319 S. Maria Maggiore 24, 25, 151, 152, S. Niccolò Corneto 319 163–4, 270, 283, 284, 290, 320; façade S. Pietro alla Canonica Corneto 308 mosaic of 280, 281, 282 S. Silvestro, Viterbo 308 S. Maria Nova 162 S. Vincenzo al Volturno monastery 10, 170, S. Maria Rotunda (S. Maria ad 174–9, 227; S. Vincenzo Maggiore martyres) 25, 36, 44, 300 175, 179 S. Maria sopra Minerva 269–70, 276, S. Vincenzo in Galliano 167 290 S. Vitale, Ravenna 143, 218 S. Paolo fuori le mura 9, 142, 151, 152, Sacra parallela see Index of manuscripts 161, 165, 196, 226; architectural under Paris MS intervention at 154–6 Saint-Denis, abbey 127–50; architectural St Peter’s 128 fig 7.1, 142–50, 152, 228; iconography of 127, 129–30; Frankish architectural intervention at 153–4; royal mausoleum at 132, 134, columns of 190, 196, 300; imitation 141; imperial mausoleum at 131; of 9, 149–50, 161, 163; martyrium pilgrimage to 135, 137; castellum of and cemetery basilica of Constantine 130; vicus of 134 127, 130, 194; Pigna fountain of 308; Saint-Maurice-d’Agaune, abbey, 133 n. 22 Saracen attack on 225–6; stational Salmasius, Claudius 55 liturgy at 24, 152 transept of 165 Salzburg 254 S. Pietro in Vincoli 36, 37, 57 Sancta Sanctorum 320 S. Prassede 229, 231, 268, 269 Sangallo Antonio da, architect 168 SS. Quattro Coronati 156, 162 Sansterre, Jean-Marie 228 S. Saba 228 santo sudario (holy shroud) 251, 257 S. Trinita dei monte 181 Saracens 225, 226 Rome, Council of (649) 52; in Master Savoy 254 Gregory 40–1; merchants of 238–9, sceptre 209

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Schneider, Rolf 193 T-shaped basilica 127, 129, 142, 143 schola francorum, 143, 145 Tabernacle 184, 185, 188, 189 schola graecorum 230 Telpaz, Anne Markham 291, 301 Scudo d’oro 238, 258, 259 temples, pagan 39 Senate, see Rome Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury 66 Seneca 41, 191, 192, 193, 199 Theodoric the Ostrogoth 21, 25, 26, 27 Sergius I, pope 149 Theodulf, bishop of Orleans 114, 119, 120 Servius, commentary on Virgil 451 Thibaut, count of Provins 238 n. 4, 240 Settis, Salvatore 15 n. 8 seven wonders/marvels of the world 44 Thodehat, king of the Goths 20 n. 32 Thomas of Elmham 95–6 Severus, Roman emperor 31 of Caen 84 Sicily 238 tomb sculpture 12, 229 Sidonius Apollinaris 184–5, 194 Tortelli, Giovanni 59 Siena 245 n. 21 touch-needles 248 n. 33 Silesia 247 touchstone 248 n. 33 Silverius, pope 20 Tours, Basilica of St Martin 196 Silvester I, pope 23, 26 Tractatus de rebus antiquis et situ urbis Romae Simon Matifas de Bucy, bishop of Paris 47–9 288, 290; tomb of 289 Trajan, column of 36, 300 Simonetti, Bartolomeo, mint-master transept 153, 154, 156, 160, 162, 164, 165 (Florence) 246 n. 27 Travaini, Lucia 243 Sixtus III, pope 23, 24, 196 travellers 15 Sixtus V, pope 295 Tree of Jesse 276 Smith, Julia 3 Trier 254 Smyth, Matthieu 65, 66 Turin 254 Soissons, synod of 150 Tuscany 14 Sot, Michel 33 Spallone, M. 55–6 ubi papa ibi Roma 265, 306 spolia 178, 197, 198 unanimitas 116–7 SS Juste and Pasteur, Narbonne 273 Urban III, pope 240 n. 8 St Augustine’s, Canterbury 92, 95–6 Urban IV, pope 265 stational liturgy 143–4 Urban V, pope 256 Statius 192, 193, 194 Ursinus, antipope 22, 28 statues in Rome 42 Stefano Colonna 284, see also Colonna Valla, Lorenzo 59 family Vanni di Colto, mint-master (Florence) Stephen II, pope 113, 128, 136, 137, 144, 258 145, 225; anoints Pippin III 138, 150; Vasari, Giorgio 259 dedicates altar at Saint-Denis 138, 139 Vatican 25, 37, 52 Stephen V, pope 227 Vatican obelisk, see obelisk Stephen IX, pope 174 Venice 244, 251, 256, 257, 260 Stephen Langton, archbishop of Venus, statue of 40, 42 n. 24, 43 Canterbury 314, 315 Vergentis in Senium 310 Stephen of Auxerre, painter, see Etienne Vergerio, Pier Paolo 49–50 Stoclet, Alain 139 Verneuil, synod of 150 Suetonius 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 45; Verona 56, 58 manuscripts of 32 Veronicas 50 Suger, abbot of Saint-Denis 131, 136 n. 43, Via Appia 25 140, 199, 287 Victorianus 56 Summerson, John 183, 191 victory, wreath of 209 Sutri 319 Vienne (Dauphiné) 248 Symmachus, Aurelius Memmius, Vigilius, pope 20, 22, 23, 57 Chronicle of 32 Villani, Giovanni 237, 245 n. 24, 246 and Symmachus, pope 21, 22, 24 n. 27, 247, 249, 261

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Virgil 4, 37, 50 n. 52, 54 Wenceslaw IV of Luxembourg 254 Visconti, Azzone, Lord of Milan 253 Westminster 287 Visitation 69, 72, 77; representation of 74, 75 , bishop of Hexham 100–1 Viterbo 13, 15, 265, 306, 307, 309–18 William of Andres 13, 305–6, 313, 314, 315, Vitorchiano 308, 309 316, 322 Vitruvius 182, 183, 184, 191 Wilmart, André 112 Vivarium 188, 218 Wirbelauer, Eckhard 23 Vogel, Cyrille 17 Wisdom 185, 186, 187 Wyss, Michael 140 Walafrid Strabo 113, 122 wall paintings 154, 168, 228 Xystus III, pope, see Sixtus Wallace-Hadrill, John Michael 138 Wearmouth-Jarrow 78 Zacharias, pope 25, 223, 225 Weigel, Thomas 197 zoomorphs 204 Weitzmann, Kurt 229, 231, 233 Zosimus, pope 22, 29

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