Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19217-0 - Rome Across Time and Space: Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas c. 500-1400 Edited by Claudia Bolgia, Rosamond McKitterick and John Osborne Index More information Index Aachen 242; columns at 198; palace Anacletus II, anti-pope 155 of Charlemagne at, 141, 142, 143; Anagni 316 palatine chapel 197, 198 Anastasis 229 Acacian schism 22, 27 Anastasius I, emperor 29 acanthus leaves 170 Anastasius Bibliothecarius 230 Acca’s cross 216, 217 Ancher Pantaléon de Troyes, cardinal tomb Ad eliminandum 311 of 268, 269 Admonitio generalis (789) 94 n. 40, 113, Andaloro, Maria 4, 167 120, 121 Angilbert, abbot of Saint-Riquier 142 Advent 64, 72 Anglo-Saxon influence on Frankish Ædiluulf, De abbatibus 91, 97, 101 n. 68 liturgy 86 Ælfric of Eynsham 104 Annunciation 69, 72, 73 Æthelwold, bishop of Winchester 103–4, Anonimo Magliabechiano 48–9 105 n. 85 Anthimus, patriarch of Constantinople 20 Agapitus, pope 20, 27 Anthony, saint 79 Agatho, pope 99 Antonina 20 Agnus Dei 79–81, 82–3 Antonine column, see Aurelian column Agrippa 36, 37 apertio aureum 69 Aistulf, Lombard king 225 Aphanus, verses of 167 Alberti, Leon Battista 182 Apollo, temple of 37 Alcuin of York 86, 92, 103, 105–6, 107, 114, Aquileia 218 121; De laude Dei 97–9, 101, 105; on Ara Coeli 36 new liturgy 117 Ara Pacis 293 Alessandro de’ Medici 259 Arator 57–8 Alessandro di Agostino Biliotti, mint-master Arch of Constantine 191, 298 (Florence) 259 archer, representation of 74, 75–6, 77 Alexander III, pope 308 arches, triumphal 42 n. 24, 48 n. 43 altars 146 Areobindus diptych 209, 211 Altichiero, painter 12, 291–302 arithmetic tracts 243 Amalarius of Metz 88, 93 n. 37, 94, 95 n. Ark 185 44, 103 n. 77, 104 n. 80 Arnald, archbishop of Auch 256 Amalasuintha, Gothic queen 20 Arnegundis regina (Aregund, Frankish Amario di Pietro de’ Gianfigliazzi, queen) 132 mint-master (Rome) 256 Arnolfo di Cambio, sculptor 155, 266, 270 Amatus 167–8 arrows 82 Ambrose, bishop of Milan, 134, 253 ars 42–3 Ambrosian (Milanese) chant 98 ars magica 43 ambulatory 156 artists 12, 15 Amedeo III, prince of Achaia 254 assaying (of coins) 248 n. 33 Amedeo VII, count of Savoy 254 Aswan granite 197 Ammannati, Giulia 54 Athalaric, king of the Goths 26 Anacletus I, pope 25, 26 atrium 154, 155, 156 340 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19217-0 - Rome Across Time and Space: Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas c. 500-1400 Edited by Claudia Bolgia, Rosamond McKitterick and John Osborne Index More information Index 341 Audite insulae 75 Billanovich, Giuseppe 54, 56 Augenti, Andrea 25 Billett, Jesse 7, 8, 66 Augustine, archbishop of Canterbury 65 Binding, Günther 182, 197 Augustine, bishop of Hippo 69 Binski, Paul 10, 12 Augustus, emperor 6, 28, 37; and Ara coeli biography, serial 29–33 36; triumphal arch of 42 n. 24 Bishop, Edmund 112 Aurelian, bishop of Arles, Regula ad Blaauw, Sible 3, 9, 196 monachos 88, 89, 96 Black Death 291, 301 Aurelian column 36, 45 n. 39, 293, 295, Blair-Dixon, Kate 22 297, 300, 302 blind man, healing of 70 Aurelius Victor 30, 31, 35, 45; manuscripts Boaneus Apollo 43 of 32 Bobbio 58 authority 120, 123; papal 7, 14, 28 Boccaccio, Giovanni 302 Auxonne (Burgundy), mint of 248 Bohemia, kingdom 247 Avignon 246, 248, 250, 255, 257, 287, 322; Bolognino d’oro 244 n. 21 coinage of 245, 253, 256; as new Rome Bolton, Brenda 13–14 15; papal court at 12, 13, 14, 152, 306 Boniface, archbishop of Mainz 86 Boniface II, pope 22, 23, 26, 284 Balbi, Giovanni 46, 47 Boniface IV, pope 37 Banco di Raugio, mint-master (Florence) Boniface VIII, pope 258, 268, 278 250 Boso, biographer 153 Banderesi 250 Bosone Novello dei Raffaelli 249 Bandmann, Günter 197 Bourdua, Louise 10, 12 baptism 67, 68, 69 Bracciolini, Poggio 50 Baptistery 153, 163 Brooke, Rosalind 283 Bardi Company (Florence, merchant- Brubaker, Leslie 236 bankers) 246 Bruno of Segni 190, 199 Basil I, Byzantine emperor 226, 227 Buckton, David 236 Basil, saint, life of 230 Bulgaria, Christian church in 229 Bathild, Frankish queen, 135 Buonaccorsi Company (Florence, Baths of Diocletian 199 merchant-bankers) 245 n. 24 baths, thermal 44 burial ad sanctos 149 Bauer, Franz Alto 4 Baugulf, abbot of Fulda 115, 143 Calcio storico 259 Bede 52, 65, 71, 73, 78, 188, 189; on Calendar of 354 30 columns 187–8; death-bed antiphon Callistus, pope 25 109–10; on liturgy 86, 92, 100, 105; Camerlenghi, Nicola 155 and music 85, 91, 96, 101, 105 Cameron, Alan 54 Belisarius 20 Camillus, Roman general 28 bell towers 162, 163 Campanelli, Maurizio 6, 9, 10 Bellerophon 44 Campidoglio 309 Belting, Hans 231, 234 Campus Martius 25 Benedict Biscop 64, 65, 91, 96, 101 n. 68, Cancelleria, Palazzo della 170, 293; relief 203 sculptures found at 170–4 Benedict III, pope 236 Canterbury 100, 103, 109; monks of 314; Benedict XII, pope 248 St Augustine’s (monastery) 92, 95–6 Benedict of Aniane 117 Capitoline 38, 49 Benedict of Nursia 179 Cappadocia, cave church decorations of Benedictine Divine Office 87, 97, 102, 105 230 Bernabò, Massimo 231, 234 Capponi, Niccolò 259 Bertrada, wife of Pippin III 131 Caracalla, emperor 31 Bertrand de Got, see Clement V, pope Carloman, Frankish king 136, 139, 141, 150 Bewcastle Cross 69 n. 25, 77, 213, 216 Carolingian Renaissance 152, 154 Bianeus Apollo 44 Carrara 13, 291, 298 Bible, corrected edition 116 Carystian marble 192, 193, 195 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19217-0 - Rome Across Time and Space: Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas c. 500-1400 Edited by Claudia Bolgia, Rosamond McKitterick and John Osborne Index More information 342 Index Cassiodorus 188, 218 Clement VII, pope 259 Castel Sant’Angelo 36 Clofesho, Council of 90, 95 Castrum Lucullanum 54 cloisonné enamel 236 catechumenate 67, 68 cloister 155 Catena format 232 Clovis I, king of the Franks 130, 135 Catholicon 46 Clovis II, king of the Franks 135 Cavallo, Guglielmo 228 Codex Amiatinus, see Manuscript Index Cave 181 under Florence Celestine V, pope 265 Codex Grandior 188 cemeteries 36 Codex Salmasianus, see Manuscript Index Cencius, cardinal 156 under Paris Centula, abbey of Saint-Riquier 142 coin hoards 238–9 n. 5, 251–2 n. 42 Ceolfrith, abbot 78, 91, 109, 188, 195 coinage, bolognino d’oro 244 n. 21; ceremonial 24 denaro provisino 238, 241, 255; denier chains of St Peter 37 provinois 238, 239, 240, 241; ducat Champagne 238; fairs 239 (gold) 238, 244, 245 n. 23, 251, 252, chant in Anglo-Saxon England 84–5, 91, 256, 257; écu d’or 244 n. 21; florin 97–8, 99, 101, 105, 106, 110; Frankish (gold) 238, 244 and 244–5 n. 21, 245 reforms of 102–3, 109; liturgical n. 23, 251, 255, 257, 259, 260; florin function 97; propers 99–100 (gold), counterfeit or false 246; florin Charlemagne 8, 9, 10, 56, 111, 136, (gold), hybrid imitations 249–50, 150, 288; dedicates the church of 253–4; florin (gold), imitations 238, Saint-Denis, 127, 138, 141; builds 245, 246, 247, 248, 250–2, 253, 256; augmentum at Saint-Denis, 140; Genovino d’oro 245 n. 23; gold penny liturgical reforms of 20, 93, 94, 102, 244 n. 21 111–12, 114–18; and the papacy 196–8, Cola di Rienzo (Nicola di Lorenzo Gabrini 223, 225, 307; patron of Saint-Denis da Rienzo) 238, 254–5 137, 139 Collectio Avellana 22, 23 Charles V, Holy Roman emperor 259 Collectio Sanblasiana 23 Charles d’Anjou 266 Colonna family 12, 281, 282, 284, 286; Charles Martel, Frankish mayor of the Stefano Colonna 249; see also Stefano palace 31, fig. 7.2, 134, 135, 140, 150 Colonna Charles the Bald, king of the West Franks colonnade 189 112 Colosseum 36, 42, 191 Chavasse, Antoine 65 Colossus 25, 41 n. 20, 43 Chelles 65, 66 Columbanus, saint 87, 133 n. 21 Christ, representation of 68, 179, 209, columns 10, 45 n. 39; discourse of 182–99; 213–14, 320 Greek 190; love of 300; Roman 190 Chrodegang, bishop of Metz 111 commercial revolution of the Middle Ages Chronica Andrensis 305 248 Chronicon Vulturnense 175, 179 Compiègne, synod of 150 church family 146 concordia 120 ciborium 155 Conrad III, Holy Roman emperor 242 circus games 212 Constantine I, Roman emperor 24, 26, 28, Circus Maximus 38, 39 31, 36, 222, 242; builder of basilicas classical models 292 193; imperial mausoleum of 134; new classical past, engagement with 177–9 198, 288; patron of St Peter’s 127, 142, classicizing idiom 16, 175–8, 180–1 143, 154, 196, statue of 40 Claussen, Peter Cornelius 4, 162, 167, 168 Constantine V, Byzantine emperor 24 Clement III (1188–91), pope 240 Constantinian basilica, see S. Giovanni in Clement [III], antipope (c.1080) 173 Laterano Clement IV, pope 265, 271; tomb of 266, Constantinople 11, 15, 26, 31, 54, 222, 227, 267 236; council of (869) 224; church of Clement V, pope 285 Holy Apostles 134 Clement VI, pope 246 n. 24, 255 Contini, Alamanno 255 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19217-0 - Rome Across Time and Space: Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas c. 500-1400 Edited by Claudia Bolgia, Rosamond McKitterick and John Osborne Index More information Index 343 Corbie (monastery) and chant 104 double-line fold 229, 231, 235 Corinthian capital 176, 187 Dream of the Rood 68 correctio 116–17, 120 ducat (gold) 238, 244, 245 n.
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