THE WESTFIELD LEADER Thm Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper in Union County Inure* U Second Clam Matte Published SIXTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No
THE WESTFIELD LEADER Thm Leading And Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Union County Inure* u Second ClaM Matte Published SIXTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 44 Port OMc*. WutliM. N. 1. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1958 •very Tkureiir Fingerprinting own Olympics Battle Pledged Board Approves Smaller >et For Saturday By Democrats Gym As Pool Substitute Protest Action Playgrounds No Injury.Accidents Taken Against Dr. Craver, VP, . '•- Says Switch In Here During Weekend Canvassers Here Resigns From Addition Plans to Take Part There were no ill jury-accidents County Democrats have served in Westfield during the • three-day 'notice that continued demands for In Annual Event Fourth of July weekend, Police fingerprinting of their vote regis- School Body Chief Albert Pnrrmann has an- tration canvassers in Westfield or saves other Republican communities will nounced. The radar was in op- Dr. Bradford N. Craver of 805 „ The Board of Education Tuei>, The annual playground Olympic eration during the entire period lend to legal action over constitu- tional rights. fountain avenue, vice president f » lay night announced it* decision ames will be held Saturday at and 75 motorists were picked up jf the Board of Education, sub- change the plans for the seniof lecreation Field at 9:30 a.m. till for various motor vehicle viola- The warning was issued by mitted his resignation, effective igh school addition by subttitut- oon. Trophies, medals and olym- tions, especially speeding, the Thomas G. Dunn of Elizabeth, re- immediately, from the school (i smaller gymnasium forth* Mc hats will be presented to event chief reported.
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