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Transient Fault Tolerant (TFT) 32-bit RISC processor designed by iROC Technologies based on TIMA solutions Micromachined 3D view of a fingerprint Ultrasonic captured with the Transducer - based sweeping mode MEMS tactile pulse-echo system fingerprint sensor CMOS active pixel THESIS system sensor within the vacuum chamber Four-processor System 2.5 Gb/s ATM on Chip with label translator application-specific on- implemented on digital chip communication GaAs network to implement packet routing switch TIMA Laboratory ANNUAL REPORT 2004 May 2005 46, Avenue Félix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex France Tel. :+33 4 76 57 45 00 Fax :+33 4 76 47 38 14 http://tima.imag.fr TIMA Annual Report 2004 3 Abstract The Laboratory has a long experience on hardware design (computer architecture, microprocessor-based architectures, VLSI) and on CAD software (multi-level and mixed-mode simulation, physical design, architectural synthesis, system-level design). Today, the Laboratory is focusing on various aspects of the design, CAD and test of circuits and systems. The Laboratory is approximately 130 people large. It is organized in research groups : Micro and Nano Systems (MNS), Reliable Mixed-signal Systems (RMS), System Level Synthesis (SLS), Verification and modeling of Digital Systems (VDS), QuaLiFication of circuits (QLF), Concurrent Integrated Systems (CIS). The Laboratory is very international : many staff members enjoy 2 countries of citizenship, and there are many foreign researchers and visitors (usually more than 20 countries of citizenship). The Laboratory is also hosting the CMP Service, serving for chips and microsystems fabrication, down to 90 nm. Two multidisciplinary projects are ongoing. One is concerned with the development of the WUCS, Wireless Universal Control System, in view of Ambient Intelligence, and the most recent one is dealing with Quantum Architectures, in cooperation with LEIBNIZ, a theoretical computer science Grenoble-based Lab for Quantum Computing and with Physics and Chemistry Labs working on the implementation of quantum dots.
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