[Partia Fashiste Shqiptare, historia dhe rrethanat e kohes - The Albanian Fascist Party, its history and circumstances] English|Page 6

1 e 7 Prill 1939 ushtria italiane drejtohet ne brigjet e Shqiperise ku hasi ne qendresen masive kombetare shqiptare, e perbere M nga Ushtria dhe Xhandarmeria Kombetare, Balli Kombetar ( i themeluar po ate dite), dhe qindra e mijera vullnetare nacionaliste. Detyra kryesore ishte ruajtja e Mbretit dhe familjes se tij bashke me arin shteteror, deri ne kalimin e kufirit me Greqine ku arriti te shpetoje; por armatimet e pakta e numri me i vogel (ama jo mangesia e guximit) detyruan ne nje dorezim dhe armepushim. Italia fashiste ne nje kohe te shkurter e beri Mbreterine Shqiptare pjese te kurores italiane qe do te thote se shtetasit dhe institucionet shqiptare ishin ne ne te githe nivelet baraz me shtetasit dhe institucionet italiane. Pra Shqiperia jo vetem nuk ishte vetem koloni si Etiopia, por nje Mbreteri e mirefillte duale me Italine, sic ishte dikur Austro-Hungaria. Ne kete gjendje te re politike dhe shoqerore Italia fashiste krijoi njefare protektorati kulturor, politik dhe ideologjik, qe mbushte boshlleqet e kaluara te vendit tone dhe duke nxitur njekohesisht antaret dhe tiparet me te mira te popullit shqiptar. Kundershtare te shkuar te Mbretit Zogut si Mustafa Kruja, Tefik Mborja, Shefqet Verlaci, Maliq Bushati, Kol Bib Mirakaj gjeten vend tek qeveria e re dhe perqafuan fashizmin si ideologji. Ata u bene elita dhe aristokracia e re shqiptare gjate bashkeqeverisjes shqiptaro-italiane. Afersia gjenetike-raciale dhe historike me italianet thjeshtesoi bashkepunimin mes tyre dhe shqiptareve. Ne ato kater vite (prill 1939- shtator 1943) u ndertuan rruge, hekurudha, areoporte, teatro, institucione

2 kulturore, rinore dhe sportive, dhe shume ndertesa per banim. Disa qytete shqiptare moren nje forme moderne dhe madheshtore fale arkitektures klasiko-futuriste fashiste , dhe vete Tirana nje kryeqytet qe kishte ende tiparet e nje fshati u shendrrua ne nje qytet te mirefillte europian nga rruget e ndertesat e kohe, nje pjese e te cilave qendron ende sot. Nje tjeter kontribut tjeter ka qene bashkimi kombetar me Dardanine dhe territore te tjera te dhena padrejtesisht fqinjeve ne 1913. Ne keto territore u ngriten per here te pare pas sa kohesh administrata dhe institucione dhe shkolla shqiptare. Nuk eshte ekzagjerim te thuhet qe italianet bene me shume per shqiptaret ne 4 vjet se sa turqit bene per 400. Me 2 qershor 1939 u krijua Partia Fashiste Shqiptare (jo ‘’e Shqiperise’’, sepse ishte e te gjithe shqiptareve etnike) dhe Dhomave te Fashos ne cdo qytet, sipas modelit italian. U garantua drejtimi i duhur i Mbreterise Fashiste Shqiptare dhe sundimi i ideologjise me te mire te mundshme per popullin shqiptar ne ate kohe specifike. Duhet te nenvizohet fakti qe krijimi i nje partie fashiste shqiptare ishte nje akt unik qe nuk ndodhi neper vende te tjera. Pra, perserisim qe nga pikpamja italiane Shqiperia nuk ishte as koloni (si Etiopia) e as territor i pushtuar (si Greqia). Kjo eshte nje deshmi per barazine mes shqiptareve dhe italianeve nen perandorine fashiste. P.F.SH ishte organi kryesor i shtetit dhe drejtuesi i gjithe jetes politike dhe kulturore te vendit; ajo kryesohej nga Sekretari i caktuar (dhe që mund të shkarkohej) nga Gjenerali Shtatmadhorisë së Perandorit në

3 Shqipëri, me propozim të Kryeministrit të Shqipërisë, pas këshillimit me Sekretarin e Partisë Fashiste Italiane . Sekretari i Partisë Fashiste Shqiptare kishte titullin dhe funksionet e Ministrit Sekretar i Shtetit, ishte pjesë e qeverisë shqiptare, dhe merrte direktivat dhe urdhrat nga Sekretari i Partisë Fashiste Italiane. Sekretari i Partisë Fashiste Italiane në Shqipëri përfaqësohej nga një Inspektor i partisë, i ndihmuar nga një Sekretar Federal dhe një inspektor federal. Në çdo qendër qarku u krijua Federata e Fashos e Partisë Fashiste Shqiptare dhe në çdo komunë, Fashot e luftës të Partisë Fashiste Shqiptare. Partia Fashiste Shqiptare ka qenë një lëvizje masive, ajo arriti numrin më të madh të anëtarëve (13.500) në maj 1940. Kishte gjithashtu organe te tjera te varura dhe pjese e P.F.SH sic ishte Milicia Fashiste Shqiptare e cila ishte nje lloj ushtrie qe kishte dhe detyra te ruajtjes se rendit ne te cilen benin pjese ish pjesetar dhe oficere te Ushtrise Kombetare dhe Xhandarmerise qe ndahej ne Milicine e Rruges, te Detit dhe te Pyjeve. Ndarja ne zona ushtarake behej dhe sipas qyteteve dhe formacioneve luftarake (te quajtura kohorta), nga te cilet u dalluan batalionet Taraboshi , Tomorri dhe Gjahtaret e Shqiperise (nje formacion i pervecem ushtarak) ne fushaten e Greqise, ku u cliruan disa toka dhe qytete shqiptare ne Cameri. Protagoniste ketu ishin vecanerisht vellezerit came Dino te cilet ngriten strukturat e P.F.SH ne zonen Came, dhe administraten shqiptare atje.

4 Nje tjeter organ i krijuar ishte Roja Mbreterore Shqiptare, anetaret e te ciles mbanin kostumet popullore te zones se tyre si uniforma dhe te cilet kryenin parada ushtarake ne raste feste dhe pervjetoresh te rendesishme. Ata ruanin Kuirinalin ne Rome, dhe bene nje parakalimin historik ne Rrugen Perandorake pergjate qendres se qytetit te lashte me flamurin shqiptar. Pamja e tyre fizike bashke me vecantine e kostumeve shqiptare la pershtypje te mire tek populli italian. Pas 8 shtatorit 1943, kur mbreti italian i dorezoi vendin aleateve dhe Italia u nda ne dysh, gjendja ne Shqiperi ishte kaotike. Edhe pse shume italiane te stacionuar ne Shqiperi u kthyen ne vend, shume vazhduan luftuan perkrah shqiptareve, ku nje pjese u zu rob nga komunistet shqipfoles pro-jugosllave dhe u torturuan pa meshire. Shume italiane rane deshmore per Shqiperine Etnike. Me i famshmi prej tyre Niccolo Giani, themluesi i shkolles mistike fashiste, i cili u vra ne luftim e siper ne malin Shendelli ne Tepelene. Nga ana ngushtesisht historike periudha italiane ne Shqiperi objektivisht ka patur me shume aspekte pozitive se sa negative, por jemi ndikuar se tepermi nga propaganda 45 vjecare enveriste dhe kjo nuk na la mundesine ta analizojme ate periudhe ne driten e duhur. Me shume se sa nje kontribut italian ne Shqiperi, ishte nje kontribut fashist ne Shqiperi, nje ideologji gjithperfshirese europiane qe i pershtatej dhe popullit shqiptar. Me vone, me ardhjen e bandave partizane te cilat kishin aq pak mbeshtetje popullore sa ne rradhet e tyre kishin dhe serbe, malazeze dhe maqedonas, erdhi dhe fundi i kesaj periudhe. Me ndihmat sovjetike dhe aleate filloi epoka me e erret e historise shqiptare.

5 (English)

n the 7th of April 1939 the Italian army heads towards the shores of where it faces the massive national Albanian resistance, O made up from the National Army and Gendarmerie, the National Front (founded on that very day), and thousands of volunteers. Their primary duty was to safeguard the Royal Family and their treasury until they crossed the border to Greece and fled. The were defeated quickly, but not due to lack of courage, rather due to lack of armament. Fascist Italy made the Albanian Kingdom a part of itself, which meant that Albanian citizens and Albanian State institutions were on par with the Italian citizens and Italian institutions. Thus Albania was not a mere colony like Ethiopia, but a part of a true dual Kingdom, such as what the earlier Austria-Hungary had been. In this new political and social situation, fascist Italy created a sort of cultural, political and ideological protectorate over Albania, which filled the voids that past governance had left behind and promoted the best members of Albanian society as well as the best traits of the Albanians. Former rivals of the deposed King Zog such as Mustafa Kruja, Tefik Mborja, Shefqet Verlaci, Maliq Bushati, Kol Bib Mirakaj found new positions in the new government and embraced fascism as an ideology. They became the new Albanian aristocracy during the era of the Italo- Albanian co-governance.

6 The racial and historical closeness to the Italians simplified the cooperation between them and the Albanians. In those four years (April 1939 to September 1943) roads, railways, airports, theatres, cultural and sports institutions were built as well as new buildings for habitation. Some Albanian cities took a more modern and majestic form due to the futurist-classicist Italian architecture, and Tirana itself was transformed from a half-village to a proper European city due to the new buildings, some of which remain to this day. Another contribution of the Italians was the national unification with Kosovo and other territories which were given unfairly to our neighbors in 1913. For the first time, these territories were given an Albanian administration, schools and institutions. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Italians did more for us in four years than the Turks did in 400. On the 2nd of June 1939 the Albanian Fascist Party was created, along with the Chambers of the Fascio in every city, after the Italian model. Albania was governed by the best possible ideology of that specific era. It must be highlighted that the creation of an Albanian Fascist party was a unique act from Italy's side which they did not repeat elsewhere. To say it again, from the Italian perspective, Albania was neither a colony like Ethiopia nor an occupied territory like Greece. This is proof of the equality between Albanians and Italians under the Fascist Imperium. The Albanian Fascist Party was the primary organ of the State and the leader of the political and cultural life of Albania; it was lead by a

7 Secretary appointed by the General Headquarters of the Emperor in Albania, with the proposition of the Albanian Prime Minister, after the advice of the Secretary of the Italian Fascist Party. The Secretary of the Albanian Party had the title and functions of a Secretary Minister of the State, was part of the Albanian government and took directives and orders from the Secretary of the Italian Fascist Party. The latter was represented in Albania by the Inspector of the Party, aided by a Federal Secretary and a federal inspector. The Federation of the Fascio of the Albanian Fascist Party was created in every administrative center. The Albanian Fascist Party was a massive movement that reached its peak 13.500 members in May of 1940. There were also other organs that were dependent on the Albanian Fascist Party, such as the Albanian Fascist Militia made up of former members of the Albanian Army and Gendarmerie, and it was divided in the Highway Militia, the Sea Militia and the Forest Militia. The division was also done according to cities and army formations (called cohorts), from which the battalions Taraboshi, Tomorri and Hunters of Albania (a special military formation) distinguished themselves in the campaign against Greece, where some Albanian lands and cities in Chameria were liberated. Distinguished among these were the brothers Dino who raised the structures for the Albanian Fascist Party in the region. Another institution was the Albanian Royal Guard whose members wore the folk costumes of their region as uniforms and paraded in festive

8 occasions or for important anniversaries. They guarded the Quirinal Palace in Rome and did a historical parade in the Imperial Road along the center of the ancient city where they also raised the Albanian flag. Their physical appearance alongside the beauty of their costumes left a very good impression upon the Italians. After the 8th of September 1943, when the Italian king surrendered his country to the Allies and Italy was divided in two, the situation in Albania was chaotic. Although many of the Italians stationed in Albania returned home, some remained where they were and fought alongside the Albanians, and a part of them were captured by the pro-Yugoslav communist partisans and tortured brutally. Many Italians died in the name of Albania. The most famous of them all was Niccolo Giani, the founder of the School of Fascist Mysticism, who died in combat in the mountain Shendelli in the region of Tepelena. From a strictly historical perspective, the Italian period in Albania objectively had more positive sides than negative sides, but we have been influences too much by the 45 year old communist propaganda who did not allow us to analyze the fascist era correctly. More than Italian contributions in Albania, they were fascist contributions, an ideology that is pan-European and appropriate for the Albanian people. Later, as the partisan gangs came, who had so little support from the people that they had to fill their ranks with Serbs, Montenegrins and Macedonians, the Fascist era was over. With Soviet and Allied aid came the darkest

period of Albanian history.