

__ • Pupil* Are Graduated Young People Participate in Lut Sad Bltaaj orwr Luth- Belie of Volunteer Days Hay Mrt J. D. Dlehl, loo fleid agaat John P. O wo aa tha Q room at programme Being Oivan too Ubaroo Bstoomoa aad M 1 Speaking Con tec t for * Silver eran Minister, Who Died be Loaned to Eahway Fire- Booialy, ol tbe Motbodlal Bptaoo a Solemn BTapttal MIM fa hoh, 01 Sow Tork oily. dtUn: tko Parochial School Hall Merfal at Closing Meeting. men for Sate Keeping. From Grief Orer Disaster. addnai M tu. 0BBMb ..m,M St. Mary's Church. MISS ETHEL VAIL WINl work at tbe Motbodlet obanh to tbo TATHSB EGAN SPEAKS of erw |ioo. wao daooaad. Tbla FUNERAL BULOQIEB FOBJCAL OFFEH MAZ>B THS BRIDAI- PAHTY aa waa oosaod by lbs don a t i on E. ebanb laet nlgbl Her talk waa MISS ELIZABETH BROWN H REWARDS ARE ALSO GIVEN FOR A tba «mail etsad ssad ao a haaflake SERVICES IN NEW YORK ATTENDED RY NO PUCE TO KEEP IT PROPERLY IN IMIT liratiand with atonafi MKS NABIE CONNOLLY AS THE •AiD- VALEDICTORIAN. wbleb, did aot oast tbo manageai TENDANCE AND DEPORTMENT. eliflaa, abawlag tbe hoaaaa of tfes BI6C0NGRE6ATMM. THIS CTTY. doalataa before tba eoolely workora OF-HOWM. taleUtory by Mice Mary McCarth • amoag tbem aad tbo tmp Baadmaatot Baa l*Von .aid loot Rwiat Up tao Valuable night, that beoanee of s report to I that fouowa tbe advoat of tbo rwaorol Addree.-rioral Trt- fUlaBeia to I Till* "•*• Irleh May Day" effect that no ooUaoUoas woaid a fat tba stand, tba receipt* from Proprietor/ BUghU - To BlB(i»« by tha ark vol. oooroa hod boon ao light tost n tba ooogretallooi of Ibe Flrpl TUB doting rxeroiaaa of UM fnua- ,a« Wacchaaa; Today. Coaeldar Propoeitloa. will take two man oanoorto, at I Presentation of a aUvar medal la After many ys*» in dntty aad no- mu department of tba pan rapiBaaalad. Tha lecture waa af tbo • I rate, to briag tba noalpta op prlaa-apaaklag oonleel and on at tba late Bar. Dr. Kdward T. aafo qaartew. Iba old Amity boat oart, Hb«ol of at MIIT'I parish «>• bald Ibo expaadltaroa, Ia oaaa ao increaee L»er mounted mason of Iba delivered ond.r iba saaplooa of tbo anptUl maaa. MUM Minnie A. OaUa- f for good attoadaaoa aad deport Moldenke, aenlor foatar mi Graoe oboxob Epworth Laagaa. waa mode Iba win of Jaha P. IB tbe reboot ball UM sign*. r~ the ; together with talaiaailaa, Biempt Firemen, may Tory ebortl; W » largo attoadanoa, and tbo aadi Lstbaraa obarob, at Lexington aie- A good Hud nl*er oollactioa Owaaa, tbo popalar yoang lawyer, ikaly that tba ooftaart aal foe Jol; oa, maiked the oloalag azanlaM one and Fifty fovrtk atfaat, Ha« •r hoqaiog. Tbo tba baaafll of tba work waa taken. yaatarday moralair, at 10 o'olook. Tka om enjoyed a Moat delightful pro- of tbo Loyal Toaiparaaoa Legion Laat ta whom tbo truui, la wbiob taoafal mnilo «. wUl ba potponad. Xork, wan hold teat night la tba oaramoay took plane at Hi. Mary'a L Toa eDte Beekman Hill M. t r loaned for their Ponrth of Jol: obanb, being performed by Bor. tha Woman'e Chriwtan Tarn Fiftieth Hroat neat Beend celebration, ban made a formal oflei Mlobaol J. Qienaon. aaHatod by Bs*. Binoui children gradootod: Mary Union • raona •lot*, to tbo local Aeeootation to atoro tbo TB Lff IIJjfiT m J. A. Waakmaa. of Orantord, at doa* McCarthy, Ohripllne MaBaobaa. Joba •iTio • aad there waa a largo nnmber Of Dr. Moldenke, who waa ilitteigbt pnoeleai nllo 1B Ita baildlDg, - aad Bar. Obarlaa Oaalftald. Ooraallai MeCarthy, ] piami Tha Legion wtll (are old, died at Ma ma ample and perfeot fsoUltlaa for COUECTORS REQUIRED TO SELL LANM bath Brown, Mary Mnrray. John Mo PRACTICE OF NEW SOLDIERS Boaoo, of thla oily, aa aab-doaoam. neat again aalU saxt fall. 'Elauora," Waioboag, oo Saturday, aheliarlBg it ON WHICH TAXES ARE IN ARREARS. BOT. A. M. Bgaa waa Baobaa, Barry Korriitel. Ada Flatley, FOR 1904 HAS BEEN BEGUN. Mlaa Maj B. BowloH. laperinteod aa4 It la baUovad that tbe Hlooam df•- For a gnat part of Hi atay la tbla - Anate Oellabaa, Ellaabotb Ooooy, eat Of tba Legioa, WM In charge Indirectly t be oanae of bi. .ty tba oart hoa atood la dirty, aad Jeanett* Hand, Warns BoamaB, Wil- Tba State Board of Taxation la oall • MUoo for tbo eeaeoo Of 1 fogntama. M i M E t bel Vail « death. Twenty momban ol hi, o log attention to tba toot that tbe I art liam Btaath, Tbomaa Kennedy aoi Btato rifle range st Boa Girl baa too •liter modal, bar aeleotton being to toot to tba baralBg Jobs Oaaay. Tbe flret fonr n •I'll Take What father Take*. began by tbo National Guard of of all anal Tbo obanb was deoonlod wltb ambled Inelr etndiaa dmlng tbo paat Haw Joney. aad for two month* tba Pastor Moldenke was, perbapa, etreet by tba organisation of tbo paii yaar and will gradaata with tbo Iba State to begin prooaedlBga far tbo aad white flower, sad tba .and •harp oraok of tba Krsg-Jorgisaas wan "Ho Drnnkard Katan Tbara, Mt known Lutheran mlniiter In Bow department tbaro waa ao parUoalar or of land, oo wbiob the huaa for BBuasaf palBU) and fans. tntroial department pnpili tomorrow rifle wlU naooad orar one of tbe ork. Hi* congregation numbered proper place for atoriBg if. and BIBOO Bight too preoeeding yaol an unpaid. Tbo regular quartette of Iba obarab, oe.t rlfla nngoa In too world. s.ooo fsmiUoB. Bo gnat waa than it has drauod eol a Tory bumble aw law baoomaa affaotlTB Joly 1. iii.tiog of MiM Annie Daly, Sin. Mary MeOarthy dellvond tba ate baon foramlatad, whlol 'Blsoa Papa Doasn't Drink," Mi crowd at tbo BOTTlot htat night that OXlataaoa la barm and other notatii- Under tbo old aot It waa BOOM Lixiie Day, Joeepn U'Keefe act oftlatatory. Bar addnoa waa happily oablo tbo meo of tbo Second aod BUda Bennett; "DoUy'i Haw Draas, tbe naervMa from oao of tha polloo faotory plaoaa, it. only brightmor for monioipal bodies to inne warraou bert Mat be w., rendered tbi . varded. Tba Tsladiototisa waa hlrd Baginasta and tba regiment* Mia* Anna Vail. otatioaa wen oalled oat. Haadnde [ at the time it has gone to Eliaa- For tbo oalo of lands bearing do- portion Of tho anil Cliiabelb Brown. Bba epoka apon • tbo lint Brigade as wall, to got Ia addition to tho prisa • peak in _ won saabla to gel lato ibe obanb. both or other town, to bo obowa llnqnent Uiei, and tho original own Mm Mary Smith oa tba on "Tba End Urowm tba Work," bar plenty of praotloe thla year wltboni ton won tboaa ooaga: "Tha Bird Prof. A. Spain, praslasat of Moot trade, or celebration.. ~ id twenty year, la wbleb to n- Tbe;bnde waa glreo la aantaga ••in th«me being thai labor oaoqi Interferenoe ia any reepeol. With Ibe Broken Wing," MlOB 1 Atry Seminary, Philadelphia, a life- DiafigarlBg larni.h baa b t be landi ao aold. all Tha aaaay waa clererly handled. Arnaiomanta waro made ipirlt of Water," friend of Dr. Moldenke, i threatening tba magntfioent flUlaraa inprontabla and ritky for any one bat itreet. Tba litUa flower girl* OertlDoaloa admitting tbo gradnataa mar for tba "ngalsn" «fa What Weald Mother Ibo funeral addreea. Bar. D. work oo tbo ailTar moontlnga for lack Son Oailabaa. a nator, aad 11 Ibo mnnloipal anthoritlee to pay the *> tbe oommarotsl department low York harbor to pnotloa for tbalr Say," and "I Uee to Kill Bird., by aoa, president of tba Haw Ton of olaaalng, bat tha way la which oa Ibo loads, sad as aoean them. May Troy, a oott.in of tbo bride, preaented by Father Bna, tho notor. [uali Boat ion on tbo rifle range, as tbo Legion. Mlaa Klaala Haagla pre- Lntberan Coolereoce, aad Bar. Dr. J. baaa etond hitherto bat made dreeeed la white Bad carrying baakete Be made a arrlklsit addnaa to tba they did not bare say range la tbo •ided at tbe piano as tba aooontpaatafc. impraotioal to hava tba neoeieai of llllao of tbo tatley. grsdutae, argisg higher ideal* rioioity of tbo harbor Other featnrea af tho programme rk Mlaiatariam, aleo made pollahlng done. At toaat fJO woo) Tbe bride looked charming in a Otady and liring la their edranoed 1 eamp sad ahoot OBSTOBlootly. ere an addreaa at welcome by Ibo »wa of paaa d'eoie, trimmed wllh ••'••• a was as Impraaeioo aoorstoB. HMrtadlaM, aaa waarlng m relL Tba principal faston of tba * year thai tba pnaaaui af tbo 1 wtth ftanl pteow. aad tbo Bzempt* ban aot raft tbat Bba oarrlad a white prayer-book, Ibo taumeot. wao tba piaaantalltm of tho regular." pnTOBtad thi tba eipenaitnre wonid ba jo.tlfled aa For aareral yean paat bill* bara lf of tbe groom. Mlaa Mamie Ooa- operetta, "Aa Irub May Day." Tbo gnard.coen from baring free am Imaaar, Mrs. aillailioth A. r oroeaee, three barpa aad a ba long aa tba oart mae* go bank into tbe haw jMBontod is Ibo LegUlatata pro- BOlly. tbo maid of honor, won white CMI wot aa follow •: tba targota Tbi. waa on and Mrs. Irs Woot. While they D broken nolamin, a* wall aa r lition. that made tbo nl tan Ing Tiding* for Iba pabllootioa of mil aad oarrlad puk twoot paaa. Mrs. Oanw, Mtai Kliaabotb Oaoay "ngalsn" manned the targota deciding tba qsoattoa aa to Ma A}ar." Tho eoskot bad fox itaant 1UU oo u to enable tba Tba fomz brldaaauido, Mlaa Helen F. Mary, Bora, Sbela, Mrs. Oarew'i aad prorldod tbalr < •boald noofcra tba medal, than taxpayan to oom pare tboir at Iba bride, Mlaa oHinten. Mlaa Et:*abeth Brawn, they teldom took poeaeeelon of more osi oddnsi by Mm T. B. Tomit i aarloaa cosildeiation at tbo with stbors. Tba BOW aot prandao Him Lontta Walah. Mlaa Mary Mar i eoore of targete, aod there Afterward aoi' offer. It li Tory probable Moosion BBsat fllo a oopy of tbo tayiKUaaa, Mrs. Oanw'a domeeti. IK oa tho range, It la erident tha that tba ExempU will row to o menu with tbo Clerk af the Mim B. E Hsarsban ; Oaptala Mile. pnotloo of tba Jeieey gaardamaa rinauty, aad tbii li.i atast bo Fiufeiald. Mailer Jamee Bookloy interfered with. medal to M i at Btbol Vail. Mrs. Parse kept open atoll time, fox Daliy. Captain Mllae' daagbtar, Mlaa aada a abort addnaa. Tba UM train Cnsa Mow York bad by taxpayan. lera UaUabaa; Maarloa, Mrs. Oarew i Mra P. H. Bennett preaented apaolal oar attaobad, bearing Iba ro- tba brldo, Jeremiah OaUabaa, Jr., a as, Matar Joba MaKaeboa; Oorsld, white flower to MiM Mabel Field for of tba dead win ol tbe bride, Maariao Owaaa, Via. Oanw'a ass, Maotor Harry For- 1 excellence la department, while Mlaa brother of tbo groom and John Mlao Kthel Tall. M lee | Ooaa, of Boatb Amboy, a alBSBBiall Of GREGORIAN CHANT WIST BE USED EX- dark aad Mioi Elno Parrioo also re- and took tbo party to "Elataon," tba HBS MARIE M. CARRY BRIDE AT A TENSIVELY IN CATHOLIC CHURCHES. ostTod prlaaa for oMallaaoa ia attend- bama af tha clergyman, w CEREMONY AT NOON TODAY. USICH AT FAITH CHAPEL BEFORE AN Ksoh of tbo bndooatsldo roealToaT aarrloaa wan bald, tbe body be - ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE. oat tbo bride a TanTno.il band- Ing interred in a family Tan It 00 tbo painted gasaa fan, am did Iba maid af Half of tba print* of tba Diooaee la Conn. Htaaltog away wltbMt tbo know- tewark, tnoloding Kalber Hjtan, : The flower glrli rooolnd ley aad Han UaUahss won partlon- St. Mary', obnreh, were on ratn Manas Psrktaooa sad Mary Mooi M. Garry aad Joba K Kaoly wan Booklaoaa from ibe bride. Tbo bwlyatarar. la. t waak at Sataa Hall Ool 1 eg a. . bath of 6M Wort Foartb etreet, we ia Hi. Mary 'i obarob. i'a gift* to tbo boat man mm* tha thare wan foor brllllaat daaoi eoawladlag ooaiaraaoa of tbo ra- y aabara, won gold ooff Iloki Is tba i ohorss at 1QO> I Friday. BUbop U'Ooaaor ad- rltb being drank aad diaorderly. Tba Tao yonng people won uCaged rioBdablp knot daatga. tbo prlsolpal •ad tba clergy oa tba mbjaet of tbalr relatiree wan aware of tbalr 1B- wadding onoktsat, at wbioh 15 One, or «pend twenty dayt la H. B1SL0W, JR., ENTERTAINS SUN- dered by paptla from tbo arat grade to ni*nib.r. of tbo oaaL Tbo flret af Ibo ibnrcb mn«o. a of atajijlBB. bat today'* care- Boarlag perfection. Tba saaoae, in. Bbssuook Daaoa. Ha aald aaabtag to ice atfaot tba* DAY-SCHOOL PUPILS. proTBd m complete nrprlee to ban glTsa by tbo Kiatee ITatbarlaa tripped by Mary Donnelly, Jooepblae baya would ba mbatitatod for tbair ralatiree sad frienda. Ibaa, Blanche Btrykar, Insa Day, atrrloo. After tba bnokfaam, Mr. aod Bosk, Yaiaitlat Dady, Madal iba eoerofa ohain, nor taw* Lnoine B. BlftOW, Jr., who. wllh Immediately alter tba oeremony Mr. Margsrot BUyker oad Loaln Darii Owaao left for a fertolsht'a trip. B loans, Mabel sobaak, Ella Lapps*. will ba aUajlaatarttma tba oboln. MO family, will lam far Long iBlssd and Mri. Keely loft far a wedding with tba remarkably lne work of the Miry eujaaay. May KoaaoSy, Mary atbar tba WODU will trip. popUa, Irene Btoffel. Margant Trayaor, Katnertoe Powen, i oboln will dapaad apoa a od bio Snnday-eobool claaa of bo; i a.1 or— it tbo owner of t lisas VanZandl and Sadie OaUahas and Ada Flatley. ] mlMll o la N. night at tbe Park Glob. II was Koaly LlTery Co., aod I. propilotoi Qarla, daaarro epeolal menUon. Qypey Dance tho following ahilOraa appo farewell dinner aad no pans we! ooal yard. He I. tbe Flainlleld ilreet Tba Tiolm aalaottoaa by Mra. Oaorgo taek part: Hora MoOanhy, Margant recently. The blihop osii tbo r 11 XT HUNT K. Q. m. Kiectloa. ft ta making ll asjoyafcla, la s . Sanjm wan ap to bar anal sxool- ton, Flonaoa Baokley. Bogfna won twain parson* oaatod at sad tba Tooal oslaotloa by Ml« sn*7i Tbsnaa Murray, Maty BoUi ill bo followed In Newark diooeee. Fnadom Oostlo, KaigbM at PRICE TO ADVANCE TWENTY • FIVE Tba bishop informed the priaal, Jol den Katie, elected ofooan at It* tbo table. Tba table wae appropriately BOYS' CAMP TO OPEN. B e rt ba VaaS. W Ul 1 B waa a tnaL la *BB, fart Moras, John Motley, Pat- ad la trse Foarth at Joly My le, Miee Phillipe le fosad tba ran CENTS A TON OR JULY 1. •*•* Power*, Edward Hsanhaa, WU iworor, thai operatic feslmna i meeting last alghl. Tbo • ba obollabed fiom tbe ohnroh mi OS follow*: Noble ohlof, William m of pianist, Tooallet aad "«n BnlliAn, William Oolrln. Tbo bBBting and faTon npnssallBg fln- :, SB eiempJlflad 1B her paplla. Allowing took part la o minuet tbo Gregorian ohaat aaad men Uoa; Tloa obiaf, Albert Lewa; high lelvoly. Paleetrina mn.to and that W. T. Bank.; TaoorabU bar- cker. sad okynokoto. Tho Jaraey Boys' Oamp wlU ba Har touch u ptaaalBg and bar TOOBI Tnomai Kaasady, uaorge MoOaakar, after tha dlBOOT, tba yoaaf own I ander Ibo asBplooa of tba State work was appreciated by tbo aadl will oa Jaly 1 rain tba prloo William 8eaa.it, Warren Beamaa, recommended by tbo Oeolliaa ooolaty _Jt, L A. Hommer; .ir herald, Joba " ba permittee Bioknell | trcetee, William Day. ID pent the wrmaln'-g part af tbo are- tiTe OomsUttoa af tho Yonng Miee Florence Randolph, an iranta to «B aj par too, whlo* Joho Uaaer, Edward Oarty, Helen mlag la bowling, playing pool and Obrtetian Aosavfatttoas at Lake r la vocal, work paosBOBOB wtU bo twenty.five oaaw more a too "nllen, Jeaoetta Hand, Sathartso •tallatlon will take place next Taaa- TO SoU New.paper plaat. olgM. Tbo oanmenloa will ba bilUrdi sad bara a general aooisl awayand*. Soeeei Ooaaty, opaaiBg •lgb toprano and promlMtto direlop a at praam. Tfala wlU probably GeJbraltb, Eowui Kllloraa, 141 ly Tirtoa of a ehattal mortgagt SB tha fall Mr. Biglow aod hi. row, and ooatlaolog for too: nto a alagsr of merit. tbo proraUlag prloo for aovoxal •»asty. May Santingtoo. J iwed by a oollaMoa. aoatad by Henry A. Altai and UM Charged With •oa-aopsort. BU, will lanra to Moatalalr. While woaka One baadnd or more boyi Olban who BBTO •eekt aad when another Jump la mada Band ansle a Country Danoa waa •rai Piaaaa PrlaUag Aoaaolatlom, of I w tbi. oity Mr. Biglow boo btaa »ery ill be in aaob party fora period of ere tbo Mlaaia F •6.60 It U quit* likely that It will •*ped by Katherine Kelly. Mary To anewer to a obarga Of non-.np- Ulaabatb, bearing data Mareta M. ort, preferred by bi. wife, Joba aotfTo Is tbo work at lbs Fine Bap- wo woaka. Tba adTaaoa party atarted •tie Btola. Irene Stoffel, Mary Tan oain than for aomo Una, *Jle, Komi KUloraa, K1U Lappaa, KM, npon whloa default In paymaat oat obanh and there ba win ba to OOSSD last week nnder tho last LUllaa VanDerVoort. Bdaa BOOM time ago tbo looal doalan **«"ai Faaaaaty, Brtdw Bepou. latieM, colored. Of 914 PlainOeld are- baas made, all tba gaoda and «u arraigned thi. moraing be- nrsaUy mlaaad. •bip of Ohsrloa R. Boott. Btata lioaiw Dally, LBBIBB Bomplalaad about tba way tbo opera- Mullen, Kauarlss Ualbraltb, ibatuii of tba laid Frei Praaaa Frlat- OBoratary boys' work, sad ban Bpani Jennie Bobartaaa, OUn tor, withheld tbalr ooppyly of ooal. Ottwby, MsrgwM Uonway, Mary Jadga Boayoa. Ho waa omotod Tbaao panaaa won present ol tba Us AaaoaUttaa will ba aald at pabUo oartnl days Is pnpanai tbo oooii feber aad Mra. E E. Mamie Phillip.. »w»y, Katharine MoOaoiay toy by DataottTO MoOanhy. She iner: L. H, Billow, Jr., A. W. •notion at a o-olock Friday afwrnooo promised ao do'hJa da*y and y, B. H. Woodland. Fred Arm- . OSSUBSV campaign. of tao popUfl noalTod baadsaaM atojar Mary Katbar and ala la. lin SBg, Krerett Hartley. Herbert Do Thie to tbo foartb yaar that tba of flower, from ralatma aad «««ell B.rtlett, tha pbyiiotl esltan •»=nei, trained too ebldlna la all Bobble, George EgaJ. Jr., Da Witt "X" P*r,. and daseoa. la Justice HuflTi Court. U ad.HU. to too opantto than Twa contract aalftj bara baoa Allaced Robber* Wot U-Illy. ••* • Ptaso tola by Misi Smith, too broagfat in JmaUoa Ba ff'a ooart agaloat aba MoOUnry, Timothy McCarthy • 3. Walah; oaa by tba A. A. I Daniel J. Oarrig, tba three men B Victim'. Belatlvea Heard Vn Gritting Iron Oo , aad tba oibar by J. maad of robbing tbo Central Rail- Oeorg e W. Dole, tba aadoriakar, boa Murray Papon in both oaaa> an • at tba pnrioaa id atatloa at WeetDeld. won ao- _ oaiTed telegram, from tbe wife aad i, a clan play will be tha 0 rnable Jniy S. Bzeoatloo baa baaa itnd ycatordar, tbair trial being brother of J. P. LoauTSoy, of Brock- d before Jadga Tall in Elisabeth. '!""» Waa. A. Shoaaaafcor, and Ohoa. tost, tbo alooiBi will bold a l*teiB agalaat Mtohaal AnMtroag. p thla waak by tba Eat frail aad oool yonr blood, » aad dance la too hall. Prof. •UtofcU Bailaoaa OaUaga. O-BaUly win faralih tba a tralta, ba giaal variety, at In- MM, H. a Drake kaa ardond a I Broe. Joloy plam. and paaobaa, nk yoo wUl boy a poor eigar —*n aTamlaattaa; af tha atook of plate flaat abow window for her iXld Sieworki at Harper a, ill Park e-11 ke abarrlaa, blank and rod raon- yoa oaa abtola a good ono for a at Klzby'a, IM Par* araaao. o » s ed prtcaa ara low and bia Uook Iraah. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST

PAST FIRE RUN RECORD.1 THE MYSTERY OF SLEEP. CRICKETERS ARE SERIOUS. HERE'HEBE’SS INAN ODDODD CASK.CASE. Chicago rtremaa Astonished Trench Imperative a* 1 Da Sat InduJfre la •kjlarama "^GREGORIAN GHANTS Visitors, But the *trate»y STUDYING THE ROBIN and There Is Mo »ubstt- Horae-Play as In Old Waa Coatlw. tate for It. VATICA.H TO PUBLISH OXXO- AITECTIONATE A score of Bremen Were relating anec- Wisp, with Us siracgc Never waa cricket saor* commented j dote* of the late DenU J. Swenle, for s •malm, after tbe aa thaa it I* nowenay*. aad never was : fUrl Hugged So Hard That Bhe Broke •core of years Chicago'* tn naarabal adi of rears, as mot* a toystery ai cricket Ukeii muc «.rw>u*ly than it la Another Step by Aa Pope la Admirer"* Bib—How the Vic- "Oneday," said agriuled veteran,who, ac- Some Thinf* to look Far in tbe XVw was la the begionlng of tba raee. both by the pUicrs anc b> the ipu* •rs, bays J—•** lit-iAta. 'i -tre las; te Cethojic Cbuxch the tim Want. Her te Pay cording to the Journal, for years worked * Hoar* You Can Oive tbe Bub- lya tb* Boston Poet- Moaie ef rope eras- the Doctor's Bill. sBder the old fireman in the down-towc ' Jert-M.thod for the Wbence It comes? Row produced! _ waa to be no player juti _ow WLO at- district, "a party at French ge&Uemec j 'e aa little know the answer to these tempts tbe pantosalinie quip* atu err the Great. Walter Lorraine, of Rica, N. T., ha* called on the mayor. They said the) j nnderstood by th* whole Bald Bastions as Adasa when tbe deal Under special direction of the pope tbe brought aa action against Marie Da were directors of the Paria are fie-' There are few ot our wild bird more * The Moqul Pneblo Indians of north* slumber fell upon him In tbe garden. —that ware 10 common with players Jke Aim of Niagara Kails, to recover par tment, and would Ilk* to Inspect tht «ra Arizona an probably at the pre*- •Johnn>" Brfgfs and -Tom*1 Kaamott, Vatican printing office baa undertaken numerous or of wldw geceral dfartri- The cravlBg ot (he body for • eep Is the publication of the common text of damages. It la charged by Lorraine Bre department. Tbe mayor called batlon than the robin, and lor this rea- •at Um ihe MM Interesting atd a Imperative as Its cry for food. This who used to relieve the tension of Le*n- that Miaa Da Calm hugged him so Chief Sweoie and turned the party ovei MUqac tribe of eborlglneea inhabiting .Ji-.t tunica by setting the Held In the liturgical Gregorian melodie* In or- son tbe robin la one of the very be*t deseed loss of conscious cess la th* der that the Roman Catholic churches tightly as to break one of his ribs. to him. Sure! be would show them' bird* for the nature student to begin on; tfc* American continent. They live In «st general medicine known. Then av. It appears thai last winter the plain- everything. He sent oat a notice tc' villages located upon tbe summira ol •bo that ever caw him playing lor all over the worli may be able to carry he will be able to compare hla nates with i aelther substitute nor rival for It oat the decree of the pope iuaed tarly la US was visiting Ottawa. While there the flre department that he would pull those ol hit fellow students all over the several detached, flat-topped. »and- Sleep Is the off-duty period of am Yorkshire can lorgel how Emmott. who be met the defendant/ who was visit- box 74. Hubbard court and Michigan | atoce mountain* that rise up from a always began bit bowling turn by send- January of thi* year restoring thla form country. Of cccrte everybody caa sctousneaa. it Is daring this time. of music to the eharch. It will be re- Ing an aunt in the Canadian city.' Mu- avecne, at four o'clock. He wanted Identity tbe robin, bnt ev(n the leaatng broad, wind-swept plain. Ilk* great ben tbe entire system Is In a qulea- ing up a wide or two, used lsstatUy tual subjects of Interest drew the three engines and a truck to make s •omioenU. Tba side* or tbeae loity. :o reread hla arms asnnder In imita- membered la thla connection that the orlntholorfmorlntboloclsts *»owknow comparat1\*1,comparatively lttm-- eat state, that tbe final processes ot services of female singer* In the Roman young people into an acquAlatAuce- record run to the box, tle about him. Ask one of them the .flat-topped remaias erf what iu once. assimilation take place and that th* tion of tbe umpire signaling a wide sblp that speedily developed into an | Ue about him. Aak on* of cbm ik. tfonbtless. an eit«u»ive mountain tbe scorers? And'he would, at a Catholic choirs were dispensed with at "Among the companies to ran In on Averageaverage ageace toto whicwhichh thethe roWcrobin livesUvea.. ly la really nourished. that time, the liturgical Gregorian chant attachment of a deeper nature. Lor- the bos was engine 10 aad truck com- Whether tbe robins which nested In his nage. an quite precipitous, aad the critical point in the game, affect In a raine overstayed hla original time, whether the robins ehlcfc nest'e la bis U* In each ease « mountain. Up Inlgbt than afterward, because ol when he been caught off a "dumb" sincerity of purpose to reform the music a great deal of pleasant rivalry between doze4ox»nn simpletiirple queUloat.question*, andand >on>ou «mwill gtt,, t tbe more thorough circulation of UK, of the Catholic church and intensifies the pated In the province. The lee carni- these companies and another due on tals path, itoeei from tba plain*, and ball, and then, as though be had sud- val was at lta height, and the youag aaan levaidea olot wtatwhat aa splendidepleodld daleflelc forfor origorig-- Umbers from th« forests, many miles blood, which carries tbe new material denly recollected himself, be would turn the teat run. Accordingly the captalni Inalinal rnrearrbresearch lats printedpresented inin lb*the Ilf*life ooft aad removes tbe waste. people decided to go to Quebec to visit decided that 10 and 1 were going to •war. bav* bees carried for th« con- to the wicket eta go on playing. it, and also to secure a number of pho- •tcb the.he beilrknownbeet-known ofof ourour wildwild mi-crea- struct I on of buildings, year after year. Oxygen, too. is consumed la great** Small Jok«s enougl beat out all tbe others. tures, f quantities before midnight than aftei tgh. but they %astly re- tographic views, both belvs ardent - century altar century, for >n unknown leved the xnonotonioton;y of first-class amateur photograph era. "They arranged to get the apparatui TbsThe arenraaverape personperson caetan davot#devote butbut 1a period of th» past- t, according to tbe scientists, and oiy- cricket. out in Harrison street The operatoi unall(mall portionportion ofof bisbis timetime toto (bethe studstudyy ry to thisthis nutritivenutritive propro- The visit waa made, and conversa- at the Harrison street police station OfOf birds,birds, and.sod . asa sthe th efield field of o fbird bird studystudy Coronado. u« Spaalah explorer, in And it was the same with Brigg*. tion was punctuated with th* click of agreed to give them a signal wben tb* Is practically UmltlecE. his general Us quest tor the city of Clbola, about The heart decrease* In force from When be had fielded a ball In the most the kodak. Lorraine was to return ta practically limit!**.. his «eneral marvelous way.be would pretead to look box call came. knowledgeknowledge ofof bird*birds mustmust aecataarllynecessarily bbee tfc* middle of the sixteenth century. midnight until after sunrise the fol- borne on the following day, and it waa "The scheme would have worked to very, very limited. If. however, he chore Covad these people llvicg on the * owlng day, and nightmare, dreams, behind him, as If to see where the ball decided to develop the negatives that rnry. limited. If. however, be chore had gone, and then he would affect to a charm had the vlsltora been on time- to devotas bottnut of of thethe Ubetime hebe hasbaa terlor thisthis at the mountains they BOW occupy. convulsions, relapse—even death—oc- night. At the home of the defendant's They were, however, about two min- •abject,subject, to a singleSingle specie*,species, byby preferencepreference Bom* anthropologists claim that the? ir more frequently after this hour. feel himself all over In search of it, ul- annt there had been &tted-.up a tem- timately producing tbe ball apparently utes late. Now. it Jurt happened thai a commoncommon species,species, suchsuch a*as behe would-not would not are a remnant of the ones powerful Az- Those who burn the midnight oil iry dark room for tbe nee of Mia* a fire was discovered on. the North sid« have to waste much time In for. tecs, aad tliat their should make a note of tbe fact that from the back of his neck. Once, on Da Cairn wblle she waa visiting, and have to waste aoch tune in tunting for. Arlxoca "mtns" are at least aa old a» :he occasion of a most important match, at four o'clock to the second. h!ehis chancrechancres ofof doingdoing'original origin*!,, aeefulrueful B good physiological argument*' the room^was fitted with tbe regular "Tbe operators In the fire alarm offlcc ark wold be good. the conquest of Mezlco by Hernando n favor of the "early to bed" advice. Brlggs and Emmott both took the field i by lamp. That's where the rea ray a work void be good. Cortet la the fifteenth beginning of each Innings, wear- •track off box 8-4-6. Before be counted IfIf thisthis planplan cfcf birdbird studyEtudj' warewereadopte adoptedd Lcellent reason why early sleep enter Into the case. off the alarm, the operator waved tc __i the school. It would also hate another The occupation of these metis for Is preferable to late Is that tbe cells ing white top-, as though It were Several negatives had been devel- In the school, it would alio bate aa ocher their Intention to pisy In these, asd Delta- the waiting companies, and away they advantage;advantage; itit would'would' tendtend to savesave ththee even a brief period seem* remarkable, of tbe brain and other nerve center! oped, and one In particular appealed wont Wben he discovered the mistake nests of the rarer binis in any particular to view of the fact that the surround- recuperate more quickly before man abandoned bis huge topper to the to the enthusiastic nature of the de- neats of tbe rarer birds in any particular nplre till tbe match actually began. It was too late. He had sent tbe com- localitylocality fromfrom thethe visitsvisits ofof enthusiasticenthusiastic ing country Is a Randy desert, and the reaching a point of strain or exhaos- fendant. As the aaw the image of the panies away to box 76, and tbe box bad but often very thoughtless youngsters. water supply barely anlBcient tor the on than they can afterwarda do. During what might be called an "ex- gay scenes which they had witnessed bat often very thoughtless j tungsten, hibition" game, at which thousands of not been polled. The firemen rounded whowbo mightmight get%et jastJust asas muchmuch pleasurepleasure,, dally needs of the people. Indeed, bath- It should be remembered that the earlier In the day she wu completely the corner Just as Chief Swenle VM lna; of the person and washing of nutrition of the body goee an very Bank Holiday spectators were present. carried away. With a gurgling, "Oh. and perhaps more Instruction, by it inly- Briggi, 00 one occasion, alter being walking sp to the box. ingIng thethe neatnest ofof oneone ofof thethe commonercommoner dothes are almost unknown practice*. slowly unless plenty of oxygen is con- Walter, doesn't anything like that birds. a fact quickly made evident to the sumed at the same time. it "leg before wicket" by the make you love nature* I'm Just going "Be was the most surprised man in bird*. empire, walked up to the latter and POPE GREGORY. the crowd. The companies were on the FoTorr thethe benefitbenefit ofof thosetnoee whowho soso farfar American vlaltor at the village!, or by the consumption of oxygen 1* lest give you a big hug!" she burled have had no experience in studying the chance meeting of a wandering " d to assault him. Tbe spec- Interest of Proteitant and Catholic alike scene before be had touched the box. have had no experience la studying durinctaring sleepsleep thanthan InIn workingworking hours. tators sent up a yell, for Brigg* af- 111 this old form of sacred melody. - "Seems to me yoa bad a wrong birds,birds. II wilWilll makmatee ththee followingfollowing sugsug-- htoqut. there'lere IsIs thetbe greatestgreatest necessitynecessity forfor plenplen-- gestions for tbe stutiy of the robin: Once, it U paid, a couple of these peo- fected to be In a frightful rage, making There are two schools of ecclesiastical bunch,' waa all he said. He then pulled gestions for the study of the robin: ty' ofof pur#pure airair laIn everyevery sleepingsleeping room-room. great lunges at the umpire. And then, music known as the "Ambroslka" and the box, and brought oat the other two Begin your study of the ten as soon ple made their way to the Rio Qrande TheThe intimateIntimate connconnectio eel Ionn ofof sleepsleep andand valley, "and Impelled by curiosity nsti suddenly, the little man made a pro- "Gregorian Chant." It appear* that to- companies. At the next session of th* asas possiblepossible sfterafter thethe birdsbirds havehave begubegann bodily-Hilly nourishmentnourishment toIs strangelystrangely Illus-illos- round obeisance to the Umpire, shook ward the Close Of the fourth century. trial board two captains forfeited Svc toto build.build. MakeMake a not*not«o oft ththee sitesite selected.selected, M the Montazutna hotel, near Ima Vi trated-atpil Intn thethe hideoushldeon* "six-day"six-day race-*'race#’' nbrose. of Milan, fearing the loss or days' pay for 'anticipating an alarm ol whethewhetherr InIn a tree,tree, onon pertpart ofof as dwellingdwelling •aa. Their presence was markedly ol anandd similarsimilar feefeats (a. him by tbe hand, and expressed In pan- -ruptlon of the venerable melodies fire.' oror otherother bollrtteg.bulMing. onon thethe ground,ground. inIn a TheTbe menmen engagedengaged Inin thesethese eateat tretre-- tomime that the two would soon drinh which, to that time, bad been preserved "Ever since that time, test runs ot bolehole laIn aa. tree,tree, forfor robinsrobins selectselect ververyy mendouslendons quantitiesquantities ofof food—fivefood—five timettimes together. How tbe Bank Holiday trip- tbe church by means of oral tradi- no test runs, no horse ha* poked his nose whatKst thethe ordinaryordinary workmanworkman cancan possi-posst- screamed with chlldlah delight! tion only, endeavored to restore them to out of a stall until at least one round ot blyly consumeconsume Inin a likelike numbernumber ofof b™T*.teiy and obscure It. a matter of experiment and recreation years ago and ha* been conducted by the eeovmtely and obscure It hut ourour freefree andand happyhappy maidenmaidenss couldcould The chant which Qrogory introduced HER[EH ARMSARMS ENCIRCLEDF.NOlitl.'LEU HIM. professor without any gain to himself, TheyThey taketake tbethe PhysicalPhysical organaorgans ononee Scarcelyrely bebe persuadedpersuaded to dwelldwell therethere,. tn the church, though leas melodious but merely out of love for art. bytry oneone oodond shroudshroud themthem slowlyslowly mtilli alalll says Medical Talk. than the Ambroslan. had the higher ele- herselfherself Atat thethe pplaintiff toil tiff.. AsAs heherr mann a areare qwlescvstquiescent . says Medical Talk. ment of a full harmony. He completed encircled him there waa a crackling The students work together. Of late, Of the five guardian tense* that prn- TheThe girlsgirls ofof JerusalemJerusalem knoknoww abso-abso- especially, they have contracted the hab- Of tb* five guardian senses that pro- lutelylutely nothingnothing ofof whatwhat iiss knowknownn aasa the octave, and. of course. Immensely In- sound, and Lorraine uttered a cry of it of falling In love with one another. tectct u»u< *--- dangedangerr whilwhilee awake,awake, tbtb*e social life. According to the United creased the number of combination*. By pain. eve*ree areare *" • w~*tp"-»t Important.Important. social Ufa According to the United writing, too. the note* with separate InterestInterest inIn tbsthe negativesnegatives terminatedterminated Eighteen couples out of 35 are now en- But nor., ii alr-n come* with dark- StatesStates consulconsul atat Jerusalem,Jerusalem, theythey knowknow gaged. But norir*! slc-o come* with dark- veryrery littlelittle exceptexcept aboutabout tbslrtheir house- characters and not by numbers, feemad e andand thethe plaintiffplaintiff waswu assistedassisted toto aann Love-making, the professor lays, is fat en: slftht is nseleaa in tbe dark; sold duties. Tbey occasionally meet, musk Independent of the poetry or adjoiningadjoining gioo.aoom. Hi*His pallorpallor alarmedalarmed THE rtOBINS therefore.therefore. laIn sleepingelecptag thetbe eyeseyes eloerclose bold duties They occasionally meet, rythtn of the church tang, and they tb*the defendant,defendant, andand sheshe hadhad a physician, more seriously pursued than the study ol wouid bavs trat of all. . - a fewfew together,together, aadand havehave a littlelittle gosgos-- art. So he has withdrawn his patronage quet r £i">«s sometimes. Notice it; height first cf ill sipy chat about tbeir personal affairs. could apply It to prose as weft aa to summoned. HeHe decideddecided thatthat LorraineLorraine from tbe school, which accordingly que. r sites sometimes. Notice Its Leigh! ' turned then out. but they af- NextNest afterafter rtrfct.elpht. test*taste isle lost:lost: thenthen Thesipy y chatsometime abouts thsirshow personala slight affairsaalma- poetry. hadhad sufferedsuffered »a fracturefracture ofof oneone ofof ththee fromfrom thethe ground,ground, andacd ifif ItIt Isis tola as tree,tret, aa attraction for eastern vis- the *enw c-t rmeil. When "half asleep" They sometimes show a slight anima- Gregory, like Ambrose, gave to the rib* on tbe right aide. Lorraine un- comes to an end. note »hat hlad of * tree it is In. Fled itor* and In consequence were permlt- the tener ,.f rmcll. When "half asleep" tion ofof spirit,spirit, butbut mostlymostly theythey araree dulldull,, ribs on the right aids Lorraine un- The students indignantly contend that not* » hat hind of a tree It la In. Kind oneone' ss sight,flpht. txste:'s:e andand tismelln ell arear° gonegone listless creatures. Ignorant asd illiter- church many h>mn* of his own writing, derwent the usual treatment, and un- outout ifIf bothbo;h thetbe malemale andand thethe (smal*female asas-- e* to prolong their visit. After 1 Hearing W the next to succumb, the listless creatures Ignorant and llllter- aswellaa'wlth cnantsand music. There der the pain Incident to the they are at liberty to court when the sist In the building, and whether they parauulou tbey were permitted to In- Hear’ns !■ the next to succumb, ths ateats. TheyThey havehave nono abilityability toto speakapeak or day's work is over and that nothing con- sist to the building, and whether they serfserve* ofof ‘curb*oucb deiertlrgdesertlcc. men* lastlast ofof allaH.. a tn grammatical form. They play are eight bymna t-esainlng which are of the fractured bone hla affection dividedivide thethe workwork aboutabout evenly, oror Ifit oneone dulge In a bath. Tbe s-irae 'low atmmach of sleep I* writ* la grammatical form. They play ascribed lohim. Sli of these are written rapidly cooled. tributes more to developing artistic capa- doesdoes moremore thanthan thethe other. IfIf thethe lattelatterr "Ah!" exclaimed tbe younper Hoqui dominoes a little, games of card and little* than love. ncti-e"v* 1-edd Inin !**•t^e mnicltimnicle* andand atsinew* news. checkers are also played sometimes, In tbe regular rhyming style of ee- Upon hla return to Riga, be talked IftbcWthe ca*e.ease, whichwhich birdbird worksworts tLetfce harder*harder? when the bath was over, "the water Dmwstar-iDmw«tBr~^ Winsbegins atat thethe feet,reel, aad dealastlcal Latin, but the other two In the soatter over with frlenda. and they The chauffeur Is beginning to become NoticeNotic1 e thetbe birdkind ofof materialmaterial usedused inin thths* sou washed In I* dirtier than mln tpr-ed.*pr-»

Turkish Turkish Tbomgh Ions; delayed by Many of tbe moat beautiful weather the ounmer girt Is today are of supple white aiiic or Tba certain Is on tbe wane. 1 In Parts < The New I m Women jost as sweet aad frilly as afce'en ds cbine. Some of ibe new wbtts taf ben ft Is well arranged on the bat —tsBHirriT SMde up with ttt Women . Her towns are of aa fetaa are as supple as any sOka, a — » ™>MIBI "•••ii" ua not i Ua abort bslsro* and as over, ber underwear aa fluffyan dthey have a delicate luster which be Uchtly given an. Besides, for r tbe ground. Tbey are combined wltb most becoming. Ing It Is decidedly dsefal. belts, hats snd parasols. Woman! IndiinSquJws HaveMor ' like and her general appearance Embroidery to a* " Vivid blue, vivid ted and rrrkl green quite up to her reputation for beauty Tbsrs Is a perfect furore for old rt- all Parts , i are three ahsrtes much used in llnen. There Are Men Who C«m- Liberty Than They and daintiness. of every t and many odd shades of rather vlv broidery to handmade and Tbey sre toned down wtth whit* i sertpttoo are MOB every bine. These are trimmed wtth coarse staff bsagbt by the yard. back snd whits embroideries. ceal Their Atfe •aCIlKET takes rank among us everything. I saw .something qntte broideries dyed to match. To wear with wash s vai uoos aa a dtUlaed country tbe other day. and, though it was NOs green to an ultra faamonable >^v Of Tl«-w • CB On of atmple hats have been designed China docs not, yet tbe « called , I think it rather too heavy •bade, and It to very beautiful for thing. Embroideries worked > of China have more liberty and •— Jlnen or on flaw lawn, though _ Ing to moke note of everybody worth „ edwstion than tboac of. tbe so) >me exactly under that bead, delicate in appearance, bare gna who* born or flgnrmg on thto !••!• i exeeedlnsiy rich and h-~HiMint. tinen t In tne last four centarlss. day. Tbe One o _ show that while tbe I a sort of guipure made by sewtog every one of these alleged encyclope- It over fifty years ago, when bs was a iw of America doea the fancy aUk braid Into elaborate de- dia* I found s whole troop of Bosses, taw. redheaded youth. He gars ft the «t of tbe family abe has sign*, sometimes In sppllqoe on all "theologians and divines- mostly, tba attention from tbe start ssjd •sorlty that are never e mull, white, black, cream or ecru. Tl as or appUqne. nobody erer beard of, bat sot one word to do » to th Is day. He to Tbe Turkish married « most of thai is made in tbe shape . There Is a revival in favor of the concerning the skillful and brainy wom- to or It would not prosper, mh i to have Just one right;g; tbe deep collars. In stole shape or wl) sjDbrtc petticoat fitting tightly an who wrought tbe first flag of oar now bs towealthy . His nab- to e at til. Turk* white, but bis bearing to erect lbeir some hanging portion, while the i and graceful as s soldier's, and be tosa t M apartments » in form of a wide collar. " hemaelv^. When • Turk wishes duty as many boors ss any employee o lnti> hi* wife'* room* be advance* bs baa. Then la about him no trace Cantioojlv toward UM threshold. If of faffing either physically or mental- pair of sttppera lies upon tbe thresnb ly, and be manages bto affairs eve*. that I* a alga that tome woman friend better than he did fifty rear* Sfo b» to vlaltln* iii« ladle*. No Turk or H csase of tbe long experience. He IB fcunDedaa BUT look npon tbe face < now seventy-five years old, "but be to anj woman eici-pt a relative or lama sensitive about his age," his acqnamt- of hi* own harem, BO If tbe 1 ances say. Wbsn I beard that I re- at-tbe door the lord and master mm spected thto line old man more than withdraw. ever. He tests himself strong, weal and capable as ever, but bs tests If the. It to said that many a time the won foolish, spiteful world knew bow okt '«n of a harem put a pair of to toI t might take for granted ba to mpoD the threshold of their apartments growing weak. 1 once knew, too, a When they have no company, merely man who dreaded BO to be thought OM because they do not want to be botl that be sometimes told strangers bto •red with their man around. In th. own daughter* wen Us ttepchlldrssu respect tbe Turkish wife has the In tbe very history Itself of vantage of her western lister, who bu Nobody ever really did find out bow tbe American flag in those encyclo- old he was, not for forty years be wpr*- so den or corner sacred from tbe In pedias there to not a syl' seated tb* appearance of s truston of ber buliand when she i ing Elisabeth to fifty years of age. 1 not wlab to see him. Western law what* yon find an old man or even tartam give him tbe right to bi evening In a combination One of these descendant*. Mrs. Ba old woman who la sensitive on tb* s In upon bta wife by force. If be satin, chiffon and mingled wltb chel Albright, a granddaughter of the Ject of sea yon will find s person n at any time and place. oldlace. original Betsy herself, to this " to twenty years yoncrer than the U Tbe Mohammedan religion and ori- Parisfens Just now are very fond makeo flogs for the members of vsrious Or Bible records. I don't know n ental views of tbe MI question are to- different shades of orange mingled year — for Instance, tbe plitea scarcely tbe word to u r this rich of , bound with black o historical societies who desire tbei er the flne old gsntlenlsn of sei gether responsible for tbe degradation ilk braid la wrought into its designs . If these a re softened wltb Mrs. Albright lives In Iowa. Sbe laOre to a widower or not bat in • and subjection of Turkish women. Re- •y regular lace stitches like that deep yellowish lace the effect Is psr ored ribbon snd simply trimmed wltb ninety-one years old. Betsy Boss hei cently one or two Turkish women bar or tbe renaissance laces and tbe Iris Ocularly good. Shin-tags of knots of straw on a ribbon band. Tbeself lived till 1836, dying st tbe age o thla spirit of persistent yoatbfsf- Breton sail shape Is as popular as eve 1s s credit to him. To feel ever escaped from tbetr country to tell olnt. So the different pieces intermingled wltb yellow vslenctenne* eighty-four. Mrs. Albright wss bor1a western world of tbe life of woman elegant additions to any flue costume L very smart and pretty trimmin and It la seen st Its best trimmed wll snd brought up In ber grandmother young and keep up tbe sppearsnee of tbe empire. In Constai tbe white, It Is these dainty touches tbe bins and very full and ample at two wings' snd a shaded ribbon ruch home, therefore remembers the fssb being young to a One trait In aglas nople tbe Turkish women and girts o and Tie* rerma. bat probably tbe rhjch make a gown a success. tbe feet. These petticoats are general Ing. The envelope hat Is another loner of our country's flag well. A men possessed this spir- tbe wealthy daises hare occasionally would suggest that each be worn Manufacturers are earning the grat ly cot with one deep flounce, with tne latest millinery confections. Thto grandnlece, Mrs. Susan McCord Turner it, there would not be nearly so many opportunity to make tbe acquaints] roll* up on one side and folds over Of Philadelphia, also remembers Mrs. decrepit old hunkses among them. Its own color. Some of Ihcaw. ode of women wltb small allow wide Insertion beading it through, tbe crown. Tbe entire trimming c ROM. who, sbe says, was beautiful have the braid of inces by sending out really artistic which ribbon can be run and tied In a slats of a twist of or some other even In her oH age. * at stre to be free and to know something IIOB, and tboae with tbe *IIk threads it the same time cheap materla wide bow on the left side. Under this soft maiepaL Senator Depew says a young man cam arise* In the soul of the woman stylish collars very suitable fi blue, ecru and whits. ounce there are s couple of under Let us recall tbe story of tbe mski take no greater mistake than to sesk lalam. She longs with tbe longing oung girla. But tbe others are caten- Tbe cut ahows a waist ounce* to give tbe necessary fullness Many Umple sailor shapes are Of the first United States flag. Let i S clerkship in public office and that no the slave to be free. She is restive a ated only for very handsome wear. Shirred on the shoulders. It b Wltb the cut walking length trimmed with fruit and foliage, straw patch together tne few fact* that si greater misfortune can befall him than rebellions. So troe Is this that three believe they are called aontadi yoke and cuffs and Is trimme there are some very pretty and usefu berries being among tbe latest novel on record concerning this Imports n to get snch a place. Very well, Mr. Do- yean ago Suitnn AUlul Harold lssu roalsaance collars. Tbey would make wtth a piping of narrow satin of petticoats made of trimme. ties. personage whom men historians pew, give the clerics) offices to tbe an edict forbidding Turklah families lain dressy. deeper shade. JUDIC CHOLLET. wltb colored lace. There is a revival of grass lawn lino .the mention of, so opposed are tbey t •a. Tbey wiH take tbem snd bold employ foreign teachers In their faml Tbe bathing are now to be see Tne cut shows a aUk salt. and tussore of the same ecru shade, giving credit to a woman for anythlnf down satisfactorily and rest con- E eery where, and some of them are ver )lero toshirred , and tbe elabo- but this color Is trying and need* sod so taken up sre tbey with exploit tent wltb the place*. Thus ali roar One Turkish girl was banded over by retty and modest. There are THE LATEST MOOES. rate aklrt Is cut exceptionally full. relieved with dashes of red or green. Ing tbeh* own sex. gifted, soaring vonng men will be re- bar father to be tbe property of an made of mohairs, which, next t th JUDICJUDIC CHOLLETCHOLLJCT.. The picture shows a aUk Betay Boas' maiden ni leased to bustle and develop their tal- trimmed with Valenciennes la< ents. Tea. let tbe women have tbe of- aUk warp henrtettaa. are the beat ma both Grtscom. snd when fices. Tbey are not so smMUouM. ••rials, for the water does no) COLORS AND TRIMMINGS. an. It has a effect, and the wss noted for ber exquisite needle- trate, but falls off tbe fabric a •e to made more elaborai work. Sbe was three times married. and the garments do not ding spotted fabrics i ass of pin tacks. Ber first husband'* name was Ross, . Light colors In ai JODIC conducted an Dpnolsterifig bus frequently, white being muci i washable materials In Philadelphia; but died you . elaborately this Not only has coral returned to favor « W This la trimmed wltb a Betsy continued tbe enterprise round length of skirt la now unlversa as Jewelry, but tiny buttons for dr WHAT IS WORN. her own account This fact shows ber fined one, let oat her parlor* regularly narrow fluting of some pretty color Tbla 1* only abort In tbe atom* that and buckles for hat* ore made of It even ribbon. But more are mode for ability and grit. She WBI me ladie. who met for social brtdgs- no train, for It la cnt so as to barel Ul tbe coral shade* are also to the years old when sbe made the first flag wbist and encore parties. Tbsrs wss i rather than for display- There ,pe the ground all around. Pulloei fore In ribbons and dress materials. many colors In mohair that n Apricot shades are tbe latest, ai L committee of men was sppolntei no gambling and all tbe people con- waist Hue. both back of grsy suede seen recently i design a flag, and Betsy "was ap- ed were, of respectable •Undine, I an be suited, but Mack and dart ami of tbe • fastened with coral buttons and * [bey sre far smarter than the ordlnar; pointed to make It. The design was • are tbe best. Skirts are made pink tone*. A gown of this shodi tome of tbe woman's neighbors and worn wtth a shirt waist costume shown to her. Washington himself acquaintances were scandalised. Tbey abort, and dose Turkish coral and white . chiffon was seen recently. Tbe ful bsd helped to moke the design, pal 1 beneath, reaching to th* knee, •fcirt was trimmed wltb shlrringB ai ied committee after committee to Lone taaselo, both of linen and bag It somewhat after tbe English cos wait on ber and tell her sbe must cut tbe walat la made with more or •ilk fringe, are about the smartest trim rachtnga of tbe material. Tbe bodice " inn* of hi* own family. He him to the dresses for ordl was snugly fitted and wss trfn self draw the sketch for the flag off tbe bridge whlot and progreaaiv* " _ for veiling or linen . Tbey euchre. Here to what she says In an- One I saw had a deep are used st Interval*. Tbe space Inter- lown the front with tiny velvet bows ahowed it to Betsy Ross. There 1 bertha of lace, but this Is rather far tbe thirteen red snd white stripes, with •: -I have told these people that I vening I* filled with curved appllqi win discontinue my card parties If tbey fetched for a bathing suit. Slippers larmonltlng In tint. •kings are of course among tbe six pointed stsn ranged In wlD agree to support me and my hus- Tbe wide girdle and tbe shirred bands band for two rears, but I have not bad necessities, and dainty Httle oilskin are here to stay and form tbe i circle upon the blue union. cape protect tbe hair. Borne have tba Betsy Boss told Washington the all reply to my proposition." made to come very close to the jointed star waa a mistake. at « " ind with tbem wear fancy . .Idle Star of the British, tbe en- At tbe last port of tbe meeting st St. handkercblefB to bide tbe . Others si of the Americans. Sbe dedars< Loads of tbe Genera! Federation of other Turk, old aa ber fatber himself [Bin. thin* it beneficial to let tbe hair that the five pointed star, the heraldic Women's Clubs tbe members reached le among the French tbe pout where they actually took their Belgians, who were the friends of tbe hats off and sat with their pretty heads arm the first wife of tbe man to whom girl, tbongfa bathing and yachting aults colonies, waa the right one. By vered. One msy have hope* of aar father gave her, but that again also belong to tbla time of tbe yeai •mploying It on tbe young nation's fist .en now. 11 is not surprising either was aothlng. Tbe girl accepted tbe Ik mail in delicate t a one of tbe be patriots would pay a graceful com- to >nd that this tost convention was) eat liked of all tbe materials offered pliment to tbe only friends they bad tne most alive, progressive and op t» r dresses for nice n their struggle for freedom. ~ date one tbe federation ever bold. tbe illustration one can see a beautiful tbe five pointed star would ar at n I lei of one, tbla being made in pale > Itself easily for the circle of MS) a woman pa rtici pa te* In a free jve. tb* abade which look* pink at tbe first flag contained, a Mrs. Rom took a piece o( paper food exhibition scramble It to a sign sight. Tbe underdraw i It cut It with a stroke of bat that abe does not get enough to oat at swefa gowns, made of t scissors, unfolded It and showed to Islted raffle set on the edge, while the General IVsrtiinptbn tbe perfect fi' oter dreas has a hem and above that •Dinted star deal^-u which now odorm deep rum*, headed by a band Of Wasliikjrton was coovluced emotional to be trusted In high 4 ju»e ribbon with chine design m on tne spot. Betay Ross pot soon to alt on juries. Note: There kt m ;lnt lints, mostly greens, and this to ward the contract for making all the in wbo has held high office man am »hlte women ID the " by triple shirring* top and not- in a seneratlon. Lately be WM aa Wai condition of tbetr set In Turkey Another flounce treated in tbe trial charged with serious official of- AsMber Turkish lady hi Prince way finishes tne skirt, feniea. well be wept like a *treot "itte Ben Ayad. Her husband, a sep flounces —eh have tbe scsilopn of a somewhat darker shade, wltb a paste buckle In tbe center of each. sprinkler all through bi* trial. He abed •amber of the party of Young Turkey. itUned by embroidery In soft tne original thirteen foe i copiously when be gave bla testt- BLACK CHAJnTT.L T VAT, ba soft tad incurred the iiuplcion of tbe «ulshades of floss. The yoke and bertha each new state. Again Betsy objected r, and spectators shed tsars wMb tan'a «pl«. tmi managed In time to A and made to match tba Tba general effect to ample and puffsd trenuously. Sbe told tbem that would •rode them and get iwiy^-w Europe.- destroy tbe symmetry of the flag. him out of sympathy. Finally, at tbe out to give a plump effect to tbe figure •aid s star should be added for each lose, when he was pronounced not a* Europe witalde of Turkey Is signifi- design. This makes aa ex- Baal rtra shirtings, broad flat tucks guilty, there was a ceraenU tear lettbaa cantly and flningty called in tbe Otto- ;e dress «nd would be cqaallf equally popular as a trimming. ts te. However, tbey did not man empire. After a time Princes* loose coffee Jacket snd skirt of tlme. The DISH himself cried and sob- r In any thin material. - m are folded and stitched on ssps- trimmed with vslendennes. bed, the Jury shed team abundantly, H*lrle got away with ber children nod Shirt waist dresses made of loaUtne, tety, and tbey sre used both to trim anything, so went on and orged omrlat* and looker* Joined her husband. 8be, too. Is lectur- ffeta and other pretty and light wslsta snd skirts. The prettiest lace ornamentation for be additional stripe provision. Con ing to European aDdlracea oa tbe de- these to in a vsodyked pattern, wltb res adopted it. snd the flag continued and tbe whole pOe of tbem enjoyed > to be found everywhere now mark Deep cape collars wltb stole front* >e lac* frills to correspond. weeping time of tnett plorable condition of Turkish women. down to half what was asked for irs sold to wear wtth gowns, snd _ grow bulkier and bulkier and viler *W expects to come to the United Large flat hats composed entirely of nd uglier until ISIS, when tbe nstion- •1 aa a month ago, as the rammer e economical girl can make on small blossoms are very smsrt These Stttet. where sbe will tell ber story. rade to about over. Striped, figured ^o wltn seveial dresses, re _ making. In fact, no gown Is fashton- tathoritiea were obliged to go back •t *t «• «*• hope that somebow a waj will od pin bead checks are all much favor- In s heavier weave suitable foi ile with a narow girdle txA s plain are trimmed simply with a targe bow in. Boss* origins] plan of thirteen From tbe pace* and colimm of print •PW for the npllftina- of womanhood this s ch dre suits. It also comes dyed effect. of ribbon. sea, adding s star foe every stai ast now padded oat with alleged • ner Dative land. sheer lawn and dell- riety of new tones, among which are Tbe straight brim still continues to Tbe gown of til over bee will 1* Tbe old pattern had been followed till >ealth and beauty culture recipes II When a wealthy Turk wishes to make te embroidered, effects are much liked right red snd a beautiful shade of be tbe favorite for tbe everyday sailor worn a great deal tbla nmnrr, and •ka as If tbe writer* of tUa delectable »• most acceptable present to a friend now. aad so far thla season I have to at. Thto Is trimmed with s stiff band with It will be seen tbe all lace bat iff were paid for it by the yard aad or • man hieU In autborlty, to this d-y see one of those vety- openworked It Is hardly possible to make sleeves tiny flowers having s bunch of rimmed with a couple of large, beautl- are afraht of VMtag tbetr Joba. ae rivn that Individual tbe most beuu- ao much ridiculed last year. wide or to fill tbem In with too ollage on one rfde or a row of ribbon.fuHy •haded roses. at * «ful girl sUve he can ftod. He dresses 1 waists are, while thin, of a unl- y frills of lace or lingerie plaiting. Bern linen sown* bare replaced to Tailor made gowns an this season »*T R»ireou»ly. adorns ber with tbe Kb tbtaner materials. One of pale What M it that wa- Among those now re puffs are gradually creeping ap- targe extent those of pongee. They band. CaptaCn Aahbnan. Her third boa- *he« Jewl h T most popular are some made of sheer ird,so that fashion designers are ide Ul an equally elaborate mail nilk was trimmed wMb brood aer over. in lawn with Teoerife medal- Ictlng the full sleeve po-Tn of set bias bands, tbe coat Baring sn Eton band was Jobn ClaypooL front snd blouse back, tbe distinctive SV8AN FliPPKit m «t In all Turkey there la scarcely nn tucked wslsta made Of hnndker- s IRD. Shirring* snd cording* are Introduc- Do all yon can to hasp women and «du™ted woman, 'it la tbe policy of Jef linen, many of them with one "or young children the long wsfsted. S wherever tbe njnire can atand them. features bstttg the narrow black em- girls to became financially Independent. «>• eoremment to k^p worn*. In ab- hand work and tucks, snd broidered vast snd tiny turnover collar ••n Srrmt la id* Air »d fauUw, Skirted effect still prevails, snd • EPoeral effect Is foil find elalv>ntt- Every hour we can get In tbe air and H at »wutc Ignorance and to encourage in lea of Persian lawn In which, e lower edces of fbe full dfclr-s s*l >n to the point of en;T£<*—tl^n. and cuff* of tbe tmmt. Tbe abort puff- au w«y. the traditional belief that wo- floe tucks and One colorMI The picture stows a pink vHlns:| ed aleeres extend*: to a MMe below sunshine Is for us tbe Imbibing of BO hi the llfbTwrisht brains* that froth aan fca« no soul, only * body. Abdul tucked and etoborated after tbe fvn- much of tbe breath of eternal life. spatter. Many women wast* leadennrs bice is inset, of those of older people. a wide Ircr <-U-:r. llie. tne elbow and were nnlmiuo) *rf* H*mU knew well that educ-tlu* wo- mllara are made Bejuirate. and the three frills of lace. And If wltb tbe outdoor hour we can ra of pnetoua nerve force «twH»»a; ""•n win Tound tbe death knell «« Tbe Illustration xbowa a bat or !. .-.•:. with nn-ti'n-* of rtilf* 1 Oin work that will adorn fbe earth I violent opinion* concerning i—"w • also. These sell for as much aa intflry trimmed with roses. nM - nd the bat is r.u m^mitltjr rW-j Tbe Illustration snows a straw hat •Mental desnotlviu. or HO. b s wraatb of leaves nd r make It rlold products useful to tne are none of their basloeas. nry stole of black chiffon, also trim- to much ftp better. ELIZA ABCHABII COXN'KB. UABCIA W. CA1IPBBLL. tIEXBIKTTE ROUSSEAU. with roses. JUDIC CHOLLET. Jim ic cnnLLcr. JUDir CHOLLKT. THE CONSTTTimONALlSl.

The Constitutionalist ENNSYLVANIA Reading System 4 DEM OCRATIC WMXLT. P

ACTOMATICC KLOCK. Error* by Lauder and Qrmy Attendance at Games Hot Up A. L. Forie. fcfi.- Help Vioitont Win a Ten- to Kxpectationa-, 80 Sootch r *• . o-ltaiD wo* tiwiaal utk*. «itk . Jw 3 Inning Contwt, Plains Club is Ho More. F-Bi,a» V ,- luBM ruurutl, (Or > tf- in-uMnof «M aoaahaB* npoMio*. Mn aaa OaT«i1 Seato* D*a.oat wilt be Iber faltraot.oo. an the elephanti Tb* drapaiag of an ea*y By ball by •hi ibaa Bryaa at 81 who . tb* abataa, ami tha trip to Lander aad a wild throw by Gray to oe«fully tor three year, al Scotch •rat ban la tt Plain., i. a thing of tbe paat 10 far M IiaaU aezt ••oa**. WILL LEAVE AUGUST tbe present olnb ii concerned. fUM wltb a coo pie of .ingle., waa tb* Falibeaka waa giT.o a warn wel- ANNOUNCEMENT MADE YE5TERDA deoiiion waa rcaobad Saturday nlgbl, pour tfaroogh Ibe gate* erery houi of Alia lotxoK an otberwin Intereittng ***** by bla bom people apoa n- Iboroegbly enjoy the wonder, of -the alter Ibe game wltb tba Colonial m to Murray BUI aa Batarday. CAUSES DEEP REGRET. tornlng fromi ilia Obloago oaanatloa. free TaadvTtlle perform- The two error, were largely re- of Hew York. Boarooly cm Jim Martini• eaya warm welcome* aaoe on Ib* pjaaa *tag*, BOW one ol •poaetbl* for tbn* Th* Official Board af Grace at. E. hundred peraoni attended tbe conteit, can't b> coiiat*d la Ib* ntara* oa i* moat popular feaM, inclnde. Flora, lnnlDg, and barring the** tbe aeon aa tbe olab deotded Ibat looal lntere.t auction day. ho dOM daring ttunm on tbe .lack Church Adopt BMOlatlon*- would ban been 8 to 7 in favor ot la dead, aad any attempt to wire; the Uaeger troupe Ot balancer. The etwowal of aa honorary d*gn* Alia, iu.tead ot 10 to 8 la fan* of tbe A Committ** Appointed to onld be a loiing Tentnre. Th* e and Ibe Toxarkaaaa' daaoen. "Tbe on Henry M. aatioo la a fitting recog Tiiiton. la required tea inning, to Sacaraa Supply- M not beta as aa*zpoo*»d 00*, Temption ot Si. Aatboay," tb* fail of decide tb* oonte.t. tb* *oan being alMoo oa tb* part of Alfred 0alnr Ker. Dr. Edwin, Le* Earp. pa.tor tb* gam* ha* been ran at a lorn for Pompeii, the canal* ot Venice and tb* tie with *lgbl rona each at the end of •ity ot hi. real worth. Under Dr. f One* M. K. obnrob, ha* been 1 time. Only a balance left on Of Fail, are *ome Ot tbe newei tba ninth. A two bagger by O'H Max*oa'a able nperriaion the Plain elected to tbe obair ot aDolology from leal • 1 ha* carried the olat attraction. In Dreamland. and *ingle» by O'Oorman and Ooni •eld Poblio Bebool* ban attained a Byraonn UniTer.tty. Tbe appoint- -Tbe giant orang oaten] netted two rana, on* to apan, while etaadard Ibat ba* celled forth on mast nai been aooepted, and at yester- Hand'* team i. playing a* llmttad pntaa from trie roniaaal *d* i. a turn of inter*** amoag tbe ana Alia oooid do soloing lo (heir half faat aa article of baseball a* bai b*i day moralaaj'a nrvlo* at Z&if oator* and leading i educational Jour number of aalmal* la ibe .bow ibe tenth. ana on tbe local diamond. Tb* tea Bonarita aad bl* lion* arc a* eater Ibe formal annonnoement that irnnMii liiim. IV ni« oaJ* la Ibi* ooaairy. Tb* local, atarted tb* gam* of local talent, tbe Pl> • aa ever aad "Ibe aUaaing Earp la to giTe ap pe*toral acti vi ty for t luwAi-in, tet, eat, IH, TU, i many-go round atylo, making foai of tbe Plalnfleld Amate L Jtooordlag to aome lnlarrlewe wltb link" bold a reception afternoon and to the m, while tba »i.iton were abatoal •bleb tbrlnd a few year, ago, *o the aromlaent Democrat*, pabtlabed by ooogregatloa Tb*annonno*si*nto Mr. Boatock earn* I* tb* fltet two inning.. la tbe thiit reaeon to Ood fault wit! tbe Elisabeth Krening Tim**, Orenr aa a great .urpt:*a. Europe Monday, bringing a aeon they tallied thne run., while All OI*T*land la tb* favorite al It* county Dr. Earp laid tb* matter of hja Lehigh Valley Railroad Polar bear., tiger., • w one. lo tb* fonrtti botb teami •ex* ago tb* olab ooaL Tbe earn* 1* tree la thi. city partan tram the obarge before hie byf ataaor bl* animal arena. dnw a blank, trot tb* fifth brought •idered Urn mailer of placing the aod generally throughout tbe State. tad Friday night. ihree more for the vlallore, and onl; ream In Plalaflald, If nltabl g It former United andreda of lettera on all blade wa* aoooptod after axpni oonld be ewand. At a meeting b*l< Jame* Bmllb could lodoo* tb* •object, aad from all klada ot people for All*. Tb* next inning wa* .ion. ot regie*. Next Wedanday final laal nlgbt, a delegation fnm tbe Si Of Princeton to accept a nomit o Oondooter Dnu at Mad loon blank, while la Ibe eennlb each team action on tba matter will be taken at Mary'. Olab met the Sootch Plain, bam tbe Demoeratio National tb* gam* *or tb* pre.- land. Be ha* beaa la the mlalatry Idea, bat Ibla pbran taelad** keep! bought praaaio acid, intending to and eat and ba will net be with tb* team for Sve aad a half yean. Hi. 1 Summer Boarders! al the machinery behind In* adwtlt- my lit* when J ntnn*d borne. on til bla aakl* la entirely well. iharge waa al Bldgewoed, when lng. Tbe laa«aataa**aaly aw Tear masto aoothed me, it lifted In Ib* eighth innlOB MoUoey wa* atayed a y—u. H* waa la otaarg* OreJBfa- adnrtlalag often ooaataM ot BotbiBg •at of the TalUy ot gloom and aoala I oal aal ot a b. Jam*>* eborek, Kewaik, darlag Fecdinand Mally Tbieriot. a eon of aaen taaa Bdnrtiataft. Tb* am oa tbe height*. Toa ban t*> (dale. Attar patling; tb* ball far be tba next two year*, aad ba* boaa pai the late Ferdinand Thteriot, of Now that gatben neaieainia fro. lubted tb* beacon of bop* la my *ool. yood th* reach ot tbe fielder., be tor of j Grace for tbe peal two and York, aad formerly a resident la month and |oe* on eteadlly for Alt tbe miniMer. in Manbattaa made the otraoll, only to be thrown North FleiaBeM, died Monday at yaanUoa* that r*ilecu a tboroagb prayer, and lean ccold not ha»e oat at home. He failed to touch th* •aUlag organlanion.—K». i.ed tbe obatige of bear! that oam* bla horn* In Booth Orange, N. J. nbber. approaabiag departure, at Ib* moin- to m* while under tha magic Influence had heea IU for ilx month*. ~ Tbe aoon ta detail: tog .*Mioe Sunday, BOT. Dr. Earp HOUSE of your baton. born la Jer.ey Oity and A LIB. apoke very briefly. . He .imply itated Tb* empty aold bottle 1* at tb* bat- ear. old. HI* BooT la Black- IB FO A B he had ROrind a oall to t*k. mi of t*mj Venetian Canal. Ood Mr, TbMrtOl waa a member of tbe Walton, •*.. charge of tbe department Of aoolology l«ta yon Mr. Doei, Ood bleat yon. Hew York Stock Tb—aa* J. Maber. a lormer Jockey Lander, an. . at OyrKraao Unlnmty eaily la the Blooenly. awed oa tha Boud of Gorornora, aad The New York Times at Long Braaeb. and now a well- week, and that to enable him to begin waa alao a member of tbe Drm known Uaokmlta la ByoaaMn aie Ongea, ir iia work there It waa TOO HoSmann A Co., banker*. rtiat'e Fit to Print.' aaa, waa pat oat of beateoai for i McGoey. Of... ilm to be released Aagnet 1. wa* alaa a member of the Hew Bog vWiitetlHKlaMiEed AdcfrtUing Drpim for me cant*, unplr tour ME-J XIKCMIO • tiaj* by a. ioar-r*ar-eld hen* Moo Gray. Sb plained that m ipeoial meeting of th* land Society of tbe Orange*, the Booth day afternoon a* wa* Jnat i*ttiag BASEBALL UB SCHEDULED Badgley, if... Official Board had been oailed to Uke Orange Field Oiub, tbe Union Olnb, ready to pat aboe* oa Ibe ban* Oaana, ib.... n ta tb* matter, and Ibat he bad Downtown Aaaoetatlon, ai aad taken off oa* *bo», when tbe oall ATTRACTIONS ON LOCAL DIAMONDS _ _ _ J freed from hi* paatoral obllga- Chamber of Commerce of Hi ntaad bla foot aad auaek Maher la tion.. beginning Aagaa* 1. and that. and the Beltaarol Olab. He leayei aj,,^.; the fanhead. Tb* blow fcnooiad Ib* FOR SATURDAY AND NONDAY. is so a * hanaibeer dowa aad far •oate mil iURHAT RILL. oparato with Presiding Klder HaUeraa he wa* la aa uocoitctoa. eoodtlic The All* Olab baa tbn* ilrong at- B IB FO •coring a papUl iupplr until BAPTIST EXCURSION. Men la tb* ihop nadend eaatataBoe traotlaao far Saturday aad Monday, Oourw.y. Sb 1 1 3 Three Sunday-School* to Hold An- a* aao* aad tbioagb the ooaMaal two game* being arranged for Inde- Daj. Oa Saturday nual Outing at Anbury Perk ailaatloa ot warn water kept the HttloR bad appropriate, be would ban ewelltag dowa. Mr. Mabar'a ton wtl »I11 ratara for tb* third Ihwtd»j, July T. •ometbing to aay ae to hi* feeling* In gam* la tbe aarlai. Tba team la giaal . 0 11* 0 _ a** be eeaned aad hi. eyealght will ing aouoottona with Grace Th* committee from tbe Pint Bap- I aot b*"lnj*r*d. ly Mrenfftbened aad it U *ald tl.t churoh met laat night lo complete Doeaober. of la* Brooklyn National*, the arraagami Chang* ta Timetable. After the aerrice thore wen many 'ha .hot We.tfleid oot, will plaab ft Dlebl, -. 1 1 > ' Tb* moat Important ahaagaa b •xpreuion* of iegr#l orar Dr. Karp'i •ten of the Son day aobool to Aabary •bam. Tba argaa grinder* an d< Oonroy, p 0 » 0 Park oo Tfaanday, JnJy 7. Tb* 8nn- a*w UrnMBbl* going ta eflaot oa tbe t*rmtu«d to win tha gaan aad. thia Vew Jomy Oaairal pnt* the : to Mnn him of their beat % day-whooli from Valtb obapel and the retrieve thaaualna. 10 IS » IS 1 ajatnlat l**lbaaad train aa al MM n*W field, aad to make Foortb af Jolj morning tba Murray Sooreby Inntng. : ••aleak fro*, ban aad th* s o'clock that they wax* lorry he bad to go. Hill* will be here again New Tark at night only atop* ,lt* 401010S00I In ipliaiIn Dr. Barp. tb* Official Than who a>w Bat . aanoarigoaX Tb* fall Loog Branch r 1... 003080200 1—10 Th* Ht Ollr* Baptl.ta, who ba** tan, know bow wall Hat. Strong1* •abed*!* weal late *fl*ol *a Boaday. formerly gone wltb Ibaa, hart ar- •aa alay, t Tin—'ml" •; Dletrtoh, 'O'NalL Two ranged for a a ooilng by thamealn* Davla. It Tbe pnaanl iadtaastaoa are Ibat i lake their aoalp*. Tb* gam* will be ia*r, HoOaar, I large number at panes* will *••"{# tiled at 10JXX 1 aa ball*—Off Dart*. thi. opportunity tof la Ib* aflaraooa. at 4 o'clock, Man- 8. Sttttok oat—By ipead a day at Ibe ager Daab will ban bla n]*naat*d MfiHIta J iTi», 7: by Oooroy, 1 Left on falal • n*T* been lataad by Balld- ban. Two 2WEEBER 4fe DOM] •»i--Vorray Hill, 7: A1U.U. Flnt laipaotot Oeaa*. aae far tba enattoa Edward A. Lalag. «t Bait Front ago tale ala* am a One axhlUtloB •a on erron-Murray Hill, 8; Alia. •I a two aad a half awry tram* dwel with Alia, winning by a etaae aeon. ttreet, otnrend a dlatoaoe of oaa bun- Umpire—Merliy. Time ot tame— llag. *a W**t fearlb «*»**! aear Dar- With ibaaa thne gam**, tbe tea* iile« la hi* aatomobll* on Ban- raw anaaa, la be baUl tar J*ny will ban a taaat 9t «e*d banball, aad day, laolndlng tbe dlffloalt faa* ot AGENTS WANTED. KUMU, af Oaatral anaaa and the oUtaUag Fort Lee bill wltboot a stop. weak point, tar talon Clerk* to Meet oa Diamond. BV. FRAKK BE WITT TAS.MAGE to have tb* game, He baa lino* aa a .troag Sine* made aplef employee of J. A. editor, of Chriatiaa Herald. Only book 1 111 nlaai third banmaa • wrong line. Smith * . aad bj Talma** Umilj. Eooraou. pntt ud U Qoinby com** but he will Ml on St. Mary'a field Jaly 4. ageata who act qnict]». Outfit ten cot*. t* imni«!i«i*lj CLARK A C". probably b* mad* oa plain at aha taaaa. good alyle, di*lding baa en with a an training for a tbat- The T. M. o. A. taam wUl orom Oooroy, lato at toe Bamaa Amarto ata with the Batam Olab a in* on Each pitcher wa* to-cbed tot thirteen ib* Myrtl* miM gnaada Batoiday hit*. Tbe »i*i.«r« played a good QB0BOEW.DAT, • ••flag at tba Fair Aotee During .teady saaw, and at tb* hat they ex- Qencrnl Auctioneer. Cub. II we* ain decided to ahaai* eelled la baaeblai thair bit*. "AL" by MOM of the Y. af. 0. A. tba aea* af tb* olab to tb* Weetaeld player*, a* a eort at try-oat for the 68100 ot PcrsoD&l PropBrty aotldEed UIHU *t a Coamodor.. Farmer pal ap bl* aame top-aotoa P. O. Box 131, Uuoelien, N J , or ad Bana Shew Ameeiatna. Ta* abow A. championship toanw- IM Dalay Bnyd.r and Mm* Mar- gama behind tb* bat, bot ba fall off a , William Sherwood ha* rwifned bf* la ta be bald al Weataald oa Oowber ment, to be played later la tbe etav aai*t Kennedy, ot tat* olty ban ra- mil* in bitiifg. Putor (iolsi WNI pcaiUon at the Fadrlok-Ayer Oeai- IS aad 1». aad tb*n will b* ao racing. •a oallad off baoaan ot a id from Qnaavllla, N. J., when jpaay'aplaat. 0M«aa aad MeOeey aad Badglay. Rer Gaorge a Shaw, paatar of the lack ot lateteot. th*T ban bna Ttatuag frleada. utptrtaut at or* Ceawert. tbe Utter of I*blgb Datnrally, took srentb-Day BapMet cborcb, will Uaatan Hard*, will take oear«* at -nil* away. Mim Sayder aad Ml** Woolston & Buckle, Paroabtk'i Orobeetra wUl gir* the oar* ot the *jata*ld to p*rf*otloa. loan FiaiDOrld about Aagaat 1 fat Oamp WaBaaneaa, al ITenb Aaboir Keanedy w. Geana bald down flnt wlthoai aa int. papalai eaaaan at Bill * —i.. Whan be will r Paik. tuaanaoa. Baopp'* depaitaieat .tore Setoxday aad he .watted Oooroy fox thra* k ttan With hi. family. PAINTERS. alg fat , Jaly *. Tm* oaoead floor baa > he will go to NortonTille, Kaa- PtyU. bat waa waafc wtth th* *tlok. Wail Pap* rs, 8*T*alb-Day BafftM abusfc. 141-146 North 1 MarMa'i rap*lr abop.

' Prominent Lawyer and Form- 1 Hfllaide'B Crack Team Bpeajdy Trotter* and Pacera of Tathar Boone BB tb* IMFMJ of kU aMMtoua life, air iaainiblyman the Groom by a Score Among the IA» t of Bn trie* cdwbimtton of M «ad mar be in all thing. prosper, and ba » Joy to Iba obarob tbal baa Oondaotad bx Yonng TriMt »t a M«jri*g«> In Kew York. of 45 to 0. fo r Dri vin g Park Attraction. tb* llTing Oo-, abidlns lb« tine wb*a FATHER EQAN'B SBBMO OKEBMOHY A QUIET ON PARKS, 5; CKANFOBD, 1 THEBE BIG VAST Ing b*ppta**a, r* wording him for to* VEBY »£V. DEAN SMYTH, THE FOPJIt * WERE WEDDED AT THE HOME OF TH E. B. SHOEMAKER WINS FIRST HONORS THE PURSE FOR EACH RACE S T«0 ante beta* a«aH tlaaaa aad b ooaaolantloM falnilmem of tb. ana* PASTOR, ASSISTS IN SERVICE. THE INDIVIDUAL. Md l«bllBM dsttM of BRIDE'S BROTHER. AT HUNDRED. »nd tba pone at ion of tbal" D.D. W.W. L1TTELL,L1TTELL, Superior of tba Salptclut la Bait able dallabt tbat ay* hath aot *MB aat Clly *o.No. IllUS EarthNorth Am.Av*.. Plolaflaid.PUfofleM, E.If. J.9. mind .ooooeived what la la etora far Coopl. to BMld* la TMf City l.rtl.tlOB Of tb* TOMI boM who 1ST* BBB oarr* th* BO YEARS rrlaat. Oad. In th* familiar gnetlag or priest to prlaat, 'Ad nolto* pli rlXPIIIIINCI il the 0*l*W*ttoo Of IM Brit bi» Father Obarloa Boon., ion or D Forawr AaMmbljauMymaaa WllUamWllUaai So.Nei Tb* big fa Mmparatare of th« irogramm* for racing __- by r*tb*r Obarto* Boon*, th W. O. Boooe, of tbla city, a >rn, oatf Ualatbii ally,olty, aadani Ir.lira. MomHam to t Satorday bad a* material efleot oa nr beesbaaa offeredoffered atnt Ibetb* DrivingDriving ParkPar toiol PlaWBelder who bM Jnrt b*« bU first high man Snnd»y tnmlkal.UveathaJ. ofof Ba.Haw Tan,York, ware qtlMlrqaletl tb* golf Mtbaalaate and a large m Ibetb* oardeard peeprepare poredd byby tboIb* DrivingDrivin PATENTS I lHd to » p d »* 1» Marye cbnrch. Tba morrlad1*d olat Itain* bononom* atof tkath* tahrld o took pan la tb* araat* at tb* •eooiation for tbo Foanb of Jaly pr*oeb*d • •»«»"•« and w oaUtd a notable gnnp *f priaota t brother. UTMI M. FinkelMai*. la Bu Asaaoiotloo far tba Foortb of July. 18 si. mis sernoL braakor. Uml M. Plabalnab. b Hillilda Toaala aad Golf Olnb. at tbe apeedlftrt trotters * ! aermoa ** SI. HIHY'S SH gather. BlgblBlgktyy nrnibMTaatb nnar.Ba.•tnai.Hew Tark.T«k, Baa-San day at >« noon. On T t e aval nla la tba beit of oondiUoa •ff tb* Ug traeks wiU irtlng ra*b*r Boon, van day alt non. Day l. nr aad a* a nl* tow *oona aon. PlaaM aa far Very Rer. Doan Smyth, tb* f« iTti and Immediate fn.ndi of tb* ooople «ara pnMt Th* J.I* Tb*n were two **waw; a Oaatolog. H.V. T..T., arean repreoMtoO la HllMISES notora atof St.St. Mary'Mary '■• aadand ktahi. 00. Btllilde aod Bl Iba eslrlee.aa trier TbeTba listllrt isii batterbelter Md prtoat VaryVary Baa.Bar. Dr.Dr, Dyar.Dyer, .hawbo laU amptn o be weakly competition for th* Golf ilggerr tbastban aver**.r before,before. VUber Egan's mala theme waa OB PromotionPromotion ofof t)iatbe PrimaryPrimary ofof IkaIbe Balpiataaaftalplolaaa la1B Belrlmeie,Baltlatote. wl MB. In tb* team mato Then will be three not* In a be ba. chftrge Of 8t Haij'lBalBlBi re will be three now fa Ml Ibawe dia.nrdimity •»of **»the priesthood. m.HI andand KlndiryartanKindergarten Pupil.Pupils laIs Hlll.ld. waa a deoitire Tlotory by trotret,, till2:17 trettrot andaad >3:2 JO0 paospace , a anMil *.waf rm.from Ibotba inkOfIb Cbapaorchapter atof at.St. Dean Smyth wai daaoon. Bar. F»the of 45 to a Tbi nom*•**• «• • KarkadMarked byby BpsdalSpecial Bxerclagg.Exercises. Albert, Of WB.hlngoD, waa Mm team out an ch nomoo* wlUwlU babe $300.two. I tajioslng bli eeraion Father Kgaa aaa; Bar.B*T. DaDr. DyarDyer .aawaa an Tba entries olosed last night, tbe , «■< QIV*HQIVBN OKBTinOATBBCERTIFICATES prtaal.'Radirieet, and Mi.Mr. Dabakai.Dntebar, a aanlaailao al addition* to tbe Hit being r P ~Om••On Ualaat Taaeday morning, my dear fromrota SatanSet on Hall,Hall, .nwai manatmarter atof eti Tbla la tba inmmary of th* m oolvedved loIn Ibistbla morelsg'smorning's melLmalL AaAi aa-an •brethren, la tb* Cathedral of tb* aae*. lala tkatb* nanntryBBBetBarj arorawere B*T Hilliide—F. O. Relnbart, 7; Kober by Ibe Anooiatloo tbU morn •maeua. la Odhttitl at tha JOSEPHOSEPH GALLAGHERGALLAGHER DELIVERSDELIVERS THETHE llllaMo—V. O. Bela hart, 7; Robert noosoed by tbe AaeeolatlM this prloiailal aa* of lb*a* United Stale*, Fathetrr Bgaa.Bgaa. notorr.otor atot bt.8t. Mary’t aad Abbott,Abbott, 9;8; W.a;. L.It Glsoney.Glenney, 1;1; WillardWlUard log.g. tbatbe llatlist lais aoa* fallowsfallows. TboTba NEWNEW ININ EVERYEVERY DETAIL!DETAIL! twenty-lire yooag IBVIMI were pro ' PRIMARYPRIMARY VALEDICTORY.VALEDICTORY, UliKnliaaalataata.. RBay.B rotbar. QUBard Wadawortb, »; Story Rowland, owner and his plaoa of My tam karber fhov U aoted to tbe aaared aad nbUme dig and Faderlol. DodleyDndley H.H. Barrows,Barrowt. I;1; O.a WeeUvyWuti follow the name of th. entry all■llry atof Ikatb* OhrloUaaOhrlatlaa pnrelhood.priesthood. BaraBar* TkaTk* PrimaryPrimary BalatatorySalutatory laU Had.Had* There waa■ aaaa oaetaallyBnoaBallj largalarg* ooa Abbott,bbott, t;3 ; 8.g. D . Loanebory.Loan«bery, la10. Total,Tot. A. a Blair, J. W. Johnion, H. 143143 NORTHNORTH AVE.AV& talaihH atnlatraonlag “in thlatbia taactaaryaanotaary atof tkaIba byby MUaMI** UraalaUng]> Oolrla—AaColvln-An inptlen. bIn btaorboner atof tkath* ooooooaale a 48. t. Stonewall Jaokaoa, J. fasaei apoottomenu la lb# amirearly P«y?atpt.ryfof blabia baykoadboyhood day*data, la b* altar wa•aaa baaatltallybeantifnllj daeontaddecorate Haokeaaaok—Teaiple,Haokeaeaek—Temple, 0;0; WbltbaokWhltbeek Grosso,. Jr.,Jr., ofOf Ibistbi* oily,city, aadand PhilipPhili ■nlalaa ta.pl>Mmple abarawhere kaba IMlint l.blbadImbibed tkath Opirnt. Cloae. th* Wltb flo weii- iI Odder,Colder, 0;0; Ryppar,Kyppar, 0;0; William*,William*, 0 oneraor,, ofof BowHeir Market,Market, arean EDWINEDWIN B . MATFABD.XATOABD. lavalor. atof tkatb. aaaiadwored oalllaacallinc tkatthai la BO. Proirimnc. Fatber BRBD preached the Hodgeoo,Hodgson, 0;0; Oowea,OOWM, 0;0; Johnson.Jobnaan, Q. e ownowan aman tbetb* lltt.Uit Mr.Mr. GresesUnrat baabai laazpfaaalblyiMzpnariUy bla.bit, thantban U!• aatone ator Uaattha Gradnalion cieroliei to nark the in dlaoonm WH on tb* priaatbood Totol,Total, aa bonanone lain ovaryevery non;no*; privilegepntutcaod baadband lato abf.whom tkatb* eoa-ooa ivanoemBBt of tbo primary and aaaadd aaan anaadadextended nportreport ofof ItIt arlUwill ha E. a Shoemaker wooa Brelnrrt boaavebonon 0J62 :S5 trettrot aadand 3:389 :£8 paoa,pace, parseparse 99008300-— ateawntln rati aai ptalataprelate toU.nlymlemnty aaldaald 'Tkoa'Thou indergarten oblldren of St. Uuj'i oond In tb*** oolnmna tomorrow. f ir• tbatb* GolfGolf OommltteeOommiltee capcap withWith a Jerryrry Rod.Bed, J.J. aH. Greens.Greene, Jr..Jr., PlataPii CARNEY BROS. an a priori fonver aooordlog to Ib* aneblal Bobool war* held Monday There waa an elaborate and boant WilliamWiilia Newcom. •at•I aooaoaoon ofOf 78,76, wbUawblle aC. B.B. Morgen,Morgan Held;Id; LadyLadyUnward,U Go ward, U.. Dllalsr,Dltaler, KK1l Isa- CARNEY BROS., an a pel aat foiaati aaaoidlaf ta tka il noncal programme Tba Inmaager and George 1*. Van tb ; Bed WicR, B V. Bnwa, H talarordir atof Malahlaadab.'M.lobiiedek.' Bara,Hen, habe Ilai la the pariih aonool ball. Tb* pro- fa! ®- B. Ireasooger aad Ooorga T. Yaa bel h j Bed Wleg. B F. Brown, Bast- MADISOMADISONN AVENUE,AVENUE, yaialltadmraitled lato aaatalaaoond thattbat aliar.altar, andant i m e wa* an elaborate on*, delight- •1 rarmara' and Ooorgtaa,' tb* aol waa patfomtdperformed byby Bar.Rev. Dr.Dr. AA.. H. oekarob wara tie for Iba reaialBlBg legs,gs, H.N. Y.7. ;; MaryHary ToTader dor., J.J. p.f. Mat-Ha aarfermperform aa aliarile thattbat baabaa aano aaaaparaoompan laIi tallyfoily nadand.rendered. A largalarge-aloe alaadd aadlaaoaandience portaparta balagbeing naginng byby MmHIM AaaaAnna Daly,Daly DavldeonDorldaao,, anlitrdaaalated byby Bar.Be*. JaaaphJ« honors>oore., eacheach roodreceivin ringg a point.point. TbeTb thews,i«), PrisonPrinceton loo ; NoUloNellie OoUOolli las,n Between Front and Second strMtr. talaIM* .arid,world, aaan aotlaaaction thatthat aataart* himbin aajayadijoyed Ikatba altaffair air. oaapiaaa:•ano I MmMlu UaalaLlaal* Day,Day, alia:alto; Mr.Hi Mania,Martir>, bothboth atof MtwNew York.York. iorei: sdnmea Baltb,Smith, Sd,3d, Newark;Newark; AlbertAlbert L,L aatt fraaafrom aa.|among .aa,men, naabaamakM kthim on TkaTb* profnua.aprofrmmme opaaadopened withwltb Matthoan.Utttbewi, ttaar.tenor, aadand JaaapkO'Eaata,Joaspb O'E**f* Tb* briftbrio#* aadand groom•room aanwen anat-onat- B»•. &a Bboemaber,Sboemaker, W,88, l%-78;11—78; aa B. M. H.H. BreadBrandon on., Plainfield;Flalnneld; eutaartbh tkatba raijvary Tloa-aaraatvtoe-gereat atof tl niical aeleotton, •• Flatter*r. " by baaao. Mi.Hi. EaglaalaaKaeleitoo aaagaang tkathe aathanBBUMI taododended oatand lain allall thanliter* aanware aboaboatx Morgan,lorgan, 88,88, 9—79;8—78; R.K. B.K. Iremonger,Iremongar Wind,ind, J.J. W.W. Johasoa,Jobnaon, PlalafioldPlalnflald nrugUod. Mi« Mary Smith, oo the piano. atabor1 labor"" oadand WUlianaWUllaraa HMnnHolm. lity gaeata prrteot. Tb* brjde w. BO.SO. II—IB;11—T>; GeorgeUeorge T.T. VanVanBoakerc Bosk srokk Agnes.gDBi. BStonewal tone waill JackJaokeon son,, PlainPiainBel Bel ddr Tinnersrrnners,, anil Ued. Min Mary Smith, am Ika plaao Mm _ "O SalntarL" in aplaadld form. tiny goaata prrttat Tbo brjda 90,11 —7fl; W. IL Olannay, 80, raola Oolrin d*llw*d tb* primary onto b an polopale graygray raaalnaantrenal aaaoi 90.11 —T9: W. L. Gleaaey. 80. 0-80 Rosaline,oietine, blbl g byby BaneBaron Stein,Stein, J. H. "We"Wo anan banban tblatbla .oralafmoraine toto ■bo m Uraala Oolrla dallrand tho primary MlM Mary Smith pmtdsd ■ WillardWlllaitf Wadsworth,Wade worth, 88,88 , 8-80;8—SO; & D. aad Bon, Brooklyn. Ha.Mat, a prtaaaptie.i atot tkatb* MoatMoat UllbHlfb aadand lalo aalBtatory., laIn a oharmiaiobarmiag llulalittle ad- ;m Mary Snllb prnldad ol tat raba,, trimmeIrlmmadd .libwltb ebifoa.obtflen. BbaBba alnall Power Md Boo, Brooklya, PlumberPlumberss aaa, a gray bat mmmm with ill abery, 89, 8—HI; B-. HiF. Po*.Fox, 1010*.9 82:1 J77 trottrot aadand 3a AO:B0 pace,p»oe, parteparae 8*»—«200— Ban•bare .libwilh blnhim and bli rei gray bat ulnmod with nib 30—68; H. D. Hlbbard, 03, 9—83 ; Ola Itton Lad, J. H. Greene, Jr., Plata aatlly and fnooda tb* inaipr.aalble 'Sleepy Baa," aa exeroiie la wblob daw.roowtn, aadand laIn barher boirhair a oiooooatoreaoant off 10—88; H. D. Hibbard, 91. 9-88: Olnf Glitters Lad, J. H. Gres as, Jr, Plata- kallr aad fnaad oorteca eblldna took part, followed. Dirty dlaa Baogated.aagrtad, 96.95. 9-97.8—87. Said; JJeiii eastse Dine.Dine, J.J. B.B. Irvlag.Irrlog, Weet-Wei GasGas Fitters,Fitters, JayJay., Itha batt .aatmart aaadaDeedi 1Unil blafan ml.»onl, aaaa toartaaa akUdna laeb pan. taUo.ad Iblny dlanoadt. lha rift at tba TboIb* only eventevent aial anethe ParkPark OoUGolf fleld;Id; Fonda,Fonda, PltmaaPitman Fane.Farm, TrentonTrenton banyaM aays bla nla (ratIrat tollaolom n In troi bo at MmMi r won But bonon for tb* Full laid;i HarryHan? H.H, oh.oh. B.H, byby MaryMary Stag,King Ikatba DlrtaaDlrlne aplriaiplrll aaaiadaoaJed klmhim aaaa aa Upaa thatr rattra Iby wlU Ura n a oap, wblle T. W. Moms, Bar by AUrdeea, J. H. Power an nxmtxi of tbat Ohrletlaa army thattbat Trayoar.«•, BlokardBleftarel La.toa,Law ton. BaskH»gh t Proot naoaO- " while *. W. Mania, Rev. by Alsrdees. J. H. Power member at tkal OhrtrMai Tbe olty atne* foro* la baay repair For a nomber of y*an Mr. New Dr. H.H. K.K. OarroUOarroU Mdaad OborleaObarlee L Boa,Boa, Brooklyn.Brooklyn. dally battlti agalaat tbe *a*mtt* at John Kan.. Kdward Kornet.1, inn tb* bole* osd dopnoaloB* laft b ■■■Mr at yatra Mr. Bi all kind* are made ben. Tfnwar*) dally banlaa aialaat Ika rank Arnold, Bl. Angerbaaer. orn ba*• tanbeen aotlrtaottv. lala UaltaUnion OaaalyCount oif wan• nsHe forfor Ibatb* otherother honors.bonon, S3:3 JOtrot,0 trot, panenm POO—Fancy1300—Fancy Bpet,Spot, J.J Ibe Lord. tfcotb* troUoytrolley oonpaoycompany oloogalong WaalvT**t FromlFion eaob receiving a point For tbe otbe Greene, Jr., Plain field ; Jetue Dal made" toto order.order. Bangea,Ranges, brinkbrick andaad -Al MI nry kind invitation, I am Blaapr Baa"a*" .aawa* ffollowe alio wadd byby a aa-n- pallllorolitlci aadaad kabe amwaa a mrntarmember atof tkatba Greene, Jr.. Plalafield; Jea portable furaaroa. BaoIUry plumblkg. > moatmeet InIn loyloglaying Itaiti at.new tracktraoki a.. TboTh* •eglalatan la 1903-oa ropby, T. W. MorrU won flnt boaori bit,if, ' J,J. Gregory,Gregory, Newark;Newark; Bank,~ tsked to pnaeb tb* Mrmoa at i" .actlaaciicn byb7th*"Oblldr*a'aBympbony •aa'*Oblldraa’a By.pkaay" work will b* charged to tbe company Dagitlalan b UO-M. Par at mol .orb will ka okargad to bko bo waa a member of tba oil Dr. OarroU eeoood aad Rev. O. I Theodoreeodon T.T. MasBeld,Maifleld, BloomfieldBloomfleld 6m aalama blgb mas*. Lei ma uy whio■blobb Ibatb* lallawthifollowlair tooktook pan:part; TkaTh* atnaobBtntoh atof Itrac rockk thattbat tkatb* aorcor ■ ran non tar at iba ally Goodrich tbe c dm aalama bl|b maaa Lta .a aay VlaUa,laUn, MinMi» Qalaa:Qalnn; plaao.piano, a Ool-Gal- and ooonty BapabJloan ooraroi Otorlo,trio, AadnwAndrew Robr,Rohr, Ooslaiag.Osaining, M. •ato yaa.yoa, mymy daardear fnaad.fnind, aadaad aa.lynewly potationationn baaha* Janjoat aonptotacomplete d from tb* Y.;; Karachi,Karaohl, B.E. M.M. Grover.Grover, NewarkNewark DIME ooaMcralcd brother, in th* ml braltbraltbb aadaad L.ft Bn.a:Brows; qalrlqalri aadaad olty line to DaKalb avenue U oo* of and a leader in the fourth ward. biitie, Frank Molacraey; • night- etty Iba W DaKalb am M iJmabw baasbaaa noilaotl ren lala eevemiaennl fmu-fr A. Miller.r, 101,101, >8-78;33—78; T.T. WW. Lidada Mo,ate, PhilipPhilip Jenaer,Janaar, NowHaw MarketMarket ytlaalbaatatleetbood atof Ibatb* aa.new la.,law, thattbat atat BaoO wbiatla. Vraab Molaaraay; . algbl- tkatba Soonflneit piaanpiecei atof roUtall .orbwork battbat 1It Morris.•orris. 96.08, 11—88;IS—8s; CharlesOnoriea L,L. NloboU,HlehoU, EaMlla br. m. by Eleotor, dam aa tuaa In my nnwortby relation faen- lagala,gale, BalaaHelen O'KaafaO'Keefe .; drmn.dram, B.E. Baa-Han- H powibl* to oonatraot. Tb* track lodge*adgaa., balagbeing a pMpart greatgnat aaaaaeba baam Katslla br. bl by Blootor, d am It a). ami bla to oanatraob Tba tnabt if tb* Improved Order Red 111.IL >8-88;W—at; Dr.Or. H.H. K.K. OarroU,OarroU, 96,M, knows,own, MercerMercer DrivingDriving ParkPark Slakes,Stakes Savings Institution, tatt, baa tb*n been a BOW plan- baa; eaotanctt, H. WaMon ; raaado- boraive baaabean bidlaid laIB na* tbothoroug h aad of Iba la proved Order Rad Km of 18-88;3—83; Rav.Bav. aO. L.L Goodrich.Good rloh, MO,100 . 18-16— Savings Institution, Hi taik tfaaa tbat wblob bu b*u re- :iiaei H. Bmltb and B. Han- oanfal a manner a* tb* beat exampl *•*iw JeneyJertey Mdand aaaa oflowofficer ofof OsOanira l ; tnmpat, M. TrembUy; Mat* oanfol ■ manatr n tba ban abanpta Lodge, No. 48, A. O. U. II 84;; R.B. L.L. HalHallook lock,, 104.104, IB-85;18—85; J.J. B. Oloa* aad eicittng Of nanfieJd, 1 J., gaamdafSMotedaf BMnt. ■ ; Ironpal. K Tremble?: tam- atof tracttraok-layln loylagg oaywb.roanywhere. WWUWhile Ikath* Lodge. Ho. 48. A. O. U. W. Kr. Bette,Bettm, 118,116, 80-88;10—86; H.H. a Welle.WelU. X04.10* by all the hor* Of ruiifiald. I. Jm baariaa. M. Blag:King; ball.boll, O.a Eallay:E>Hey ; ixaet ooat U not known oateldo tba P eora wao admittedadmitted toto tbIba< Haw "U"It laii aatt aaoaonce appanalapparent aaon Iklathla JayJoy - ckoo, M. Trayaor, wood devil, M. mat ontl It oat Uawi ootatdo tka P. eney Bar aoTeral yean ago aad a. » 17-87;7-87; L.U W.W. HalHallook lock,, 108,106, 18-88;18-88; J.J IbeIb* evead.event TbeTb* mobtrack lela laIn Ibetba ml pooattga tbat tban Ii and oannot ooabao. M. Tnyaar. .aad -deoil. M. EL a onofaeea oat., tkathe maaaermanner laIn wblohwblob tka i Wataon. las, 10—99; K. Moiwel It bai ever been ilnce racin •Bl flel (1; rattl e, M Oroaby. dill wer. pat down make. It certain praatlolograotioing lawyerlawyer boaba* baMbeea veryvery soo- m. It shape It has ever been Unoe nolng M but one tboagbt a ppermtxt la onr After th* "Symphony." the klnder- van pot dan ntkw It HoweyaMo.ioneyman, 118,IIS, 17—U—98;1 Gbarlea B. started there, aad all tbe other oandl •lad! today, wbaa we ntloot tbat according to •taMment mad* yetter Maree.[am, 144,144, 14-10&14—ioa V ar* la faros Of BMgn>ne*nl sport. >ti wen called ap and pre- day by a city official, tbat tb* «m . Hawoora baa baao prom lost .tin a* rejalo*, booaaa* a yoom man day by a oily aBoial. urn TbaThe ParkPark GolfGolf debOlab Tbe evMteeventi willwill Maristart atal >S e'etooko'olook J. Frank aabbard, aaaiad with'lib naytiny dlplataaocUplatnaa. VFathe r expended oa tba work waa Urge. Haw YorkYork aoolaly.aooMty, wbarewn*n ebaeb* beebaa eat in iu Snt autob wltb tb* Om bai Jan b**B mad* a prteet forever Bgaa.•an. ibathe notat.rector, aaadamade tkatbe pmpresent * aipndad aa lha war* .aa largo. take■mn Man activeaotln partpart ioIn auyseany eoo&aleoola ol lo Ita fire* mntob mrp.P- W F Ald aaaardlagasoordlai aato Ibalh* aadarorder atOf MalahlaadabMelcbleedek mama,., Jan]mt aaaa tkaaghtbongb tkatb* llulalittle one Both aba aad bar hoiband ford GolfUolt OlabOlab taoasteam atat Oraaford,Oranf ord, m It laii hopedhoped tota dnwdraw aa reoordrecord-bru breakk l. C. Pope, Hee*y- oad Turn. ThTkae tkathem a *a Ithe baan aaon Iklatbla aaoaalaaooeaaion lala raonnagreceiving iheepekiDi. Tb* in T*ry popnlar ta a large circle A Belerday,Batarday. O.G. W.W. FaberTaber aadaad MorganMorgan tag enwdcrowd toto tbath* mootmeet. TbaTb* gnadgnnd aatanUaaaaaallyy IkaIha nbltnainbllme duallydUnity atof Ikatb* aad girls bowed gravely a* the] T. TowaeeadTo wneend aoorlngaoariag IbaIb* aolyonly polopoint* la.. itondstand baabat boomban repaired,repaired, tbeIb* eeaNatan hav priesthood. Lai m. unfold a wbila tbe I e naal aoon was 10 to 6, on tbe Moan damoatted on or bafora Jam- Ted tbe sartlBaoiso. Th* padn wa* tb* noiptent of BOOT Matty aod •ol aoare was 10 to 8, M Iba D oorareooveredd withwltb mnaUn,mnilin, aadaa 17 tomoi arul drear Intaiaot from Iba BWNBB Ihoaibti anting therefrom. tei were : Margaret Motley, Florence PLAtNFIELD ORGANIZATION NOT TO tyU—■ Tbo nau ilnlnu* boreeioverenorteloven willwill fladBad nothingDOthin lint. "So Ban," u)d Father •*-*», "w •alol aifu Park—O-G.. W.W. Fetor.Fabar, 8;1; Morgan T. detract from their enjoyment of «be itiarman, Helen Nsweli. Jaatpb ATTEND CELEBRATION AT RAHWAY. detract from tbeir eojojmoal of tbe believes ia tb* faet of tb* gnat m; s!Ufher, Arthur Kyle. Vmcenl Mnl Toowneend wanes d,, 8;1: ArtbarArthor Peok,Pack, 0;0; OharteeObarlos Boiei may be bind at Row ttry at Ib* In***n»<1in and deaih at I**, ADD* Foebre, LU11* Ooffey, LI• •bar, 0;0; Obarlas A. Reed, 0; Her be rt Jeaas Okrlat wbo eqoaliy beilevee la * Knoii. Tba Exempt *ln*a*a'e A*»ooiallon Rogers, 0;0; Bov.Bar. J.J. O.a MoKelrey, f TbaTb* JadgatJodgai muwlil tabe OaLOoL Bdwardo.Bdwardi GuraiteeJ ib* ctrla* atgaUoaaoe of tbal m.au ba* flafillaafl tba Invitation extended HfiMPIONSHIPJENNIS PUY NewarkNewark;; BehanRobert A.A. Palrbaln.Fairbaire, at $900 •trial work of oar Bavior, and no- JaMpb Gallagher delivered tba pri by tb* Bahway organlution I , 0; Davla. 0; T«p- aofaW.estntld, aadaad Mr, Ban,Re**, atof PartbPartta Salary y^amly. vavertaglr easaola to all that hU mary valadiotory. Hla addnai wa* I Iti FBartb of July ealebr* OURNAHENT TO B£ HELD ON ROSELLE r. liBoaw, I; A. Amboy,mboy. JaaheaJoehna Bogan,Bofan, atot Bnattya.Brooklyn tbanb eotemoly deolena at viaely re CASINO COURTS. .», 0; Flike, 1; Bigonay, rtarter, will tead the taalod, ao BUB OH bat baaor and Tb* exerouae oioawd with a tanelol 1 ,10. >, Jr., wlU be aniNN with tb* deepen *a*otloa nparitia. "Tba JMXIM Trlnapb." At tbo Oronford Golf dab, rkof tb* tk* ml*lM.r of Ohrtat. Il •• an boaor •C abagaaanl e aad O*U Oak will a* wall xe then waa an other team A fall an Itte: aat m aOeotloo tbat sprta. tnm of tb* memberi to p*- Iba i ID Ib* ohamploo.bip taa»a- bet weea tb* home tana and UM aaweptloa of what il meant holiday away from bom*. *T [ at e an***. Oae* we p*ro*lv* wl nnmbar of tb* PlaionaW Esampta r men'* doable, to be taia •at prlaMbMd *f Ohnet U, a ondoabledJy attend tbe c*lebra- Tben wlU be mixed foanaatu, bold oa tba ooarta of tba BaaaUo Tb* JOB* baadlaap waa Ib* only senaob, al tha Weitfleld Golf Olab an BwaaaUilglag the aabUei* faot of I lion Bad will be tbe gnetu o( the CaotB*, oa Monday. Joly «, all day, at iba WaatSald Golf Olab aa ray men foe tbo day. Tb* tilv«r Batwday. la addltloa to tbo w H k 1 j B. CODDfOTOA, Batarday, Jaly ». AU *M Batarday, and E. R Perkini waa the mpatltioo for tb* Golf niaiiilttaa & OODDIOTO*. HM tar *r*r &> i» la tbe Tt oorrlaa* ha* been loenad br tb* ild be aaal to D Waraer Molfard, Inner with a nat soon of TL Thar* w. O Annie Heffernan; Silver Sprite, M p at Ibe Hllliide Tennis an d Oott w. mlmlmry at tbm obmrob tbat He rile OMIHO, Baeall*, baton Batar- wa* a laroa Held and iftttiH*w t In- b on Saturday, there w laa Aoaa O'Lcngblla. Ooldaa Hair, nlfbf, JelJ 3- Tbo lead in g aooree won at t o t - taatfmainad wblob He .till dir M Mary Traynor. olar ploj far th* Wome: Comml*8ioner of Deeda, Haeter-la- •ad MTOtM. tbar* Ii lift lor u, Pl*y will eoeamaaoe Foartb of Joly bancery. Notary Public. Offlofia b* parta wan aplMdldly aeted and Addition! to MUM** or Mawnia- ornin( at 10 o'clock, at S o'clock 1B L Parkins, 80, 18—71; B. B. Corner cf lark avenue and Sooosd arnUdra* *f iba faith, bat etw on I Frank Malaoraey, Bdward Mr. ewd Ho. Obarlas Utter, Vt Ly- —t trtbBt. of tb* MBl'a Ud •atalBc Brlsge laeraeaea l«* tb* afwrnoon of Joly S. AU maoabtt Ptondnt, W, 15-74; J. A. Woodward, irahaa and Lillian Molnerney were eill b* tb* beit two aat of thno art*, 74; H. L Wfllte, 106, 10—76; an plaoe, have beea called to Onaae, to bin wbo itaad. at la oone*oaeno* of Ibe oompletlon of rtioolarly faod. a tbe final round, wfateb wlU Oladwln, 100, 80-79; & L T., by the tenons 111MM of Mrs. a trtrj attar ibroaghoa aewly monaiiamtMil aUnta. Tbe children were tralaed for tb* boat three oal »t In Mi. ownlev, 90, 10-80; K. D. Floyd, 96, ALBERALBERTT MEDDENneOUEN tAod w* d* aot wonder •y Slater Mary aetber aad prlnkllnjr lyiMm tbla year looli •* au time* i «,, y olio. Ill be awarded ta tb* winner! 4—81; B. A. Trewetl, 91, 10—81. s r MeaaalU-Banleit. MtaiQaian, fall* foor milee nort of roadway i*ra-ap. la tba a ven i n i I be re was tb* formal Liveryivery i& BoardingBoarding StablesStables "«-••"IT r(KM , men bhare *a»**mcd tb* tbaa laat year- Aa bat a* OoalraoM Mloba.1 HoOarty, of L«* plao*, baa ohn. end Mia* Saiih, piano, played Millar will act at epealag of tbe new addition to tb* Mn granted a permit for tb* anotloB FOURTHTOV*TM BT..9T,. *««l« Brian, aad recognized in him pa*l Me*ker noiabea them BB, other B*< •Paw.r of IBDXDK Inflaejao* mi the and thle eommitiee will b* IB " by . two and a haUatory frame dwell- .tween VatehmiBWatcbung andand ParkPark aeamaamavenue*. maoadaaiiaed otnaf will b* added ta Obara* of tb* tonrnament: D. Warn*! oo Lee plac* aaar Waet Fourth . Ptat-claaUrnt Uiarj.Livery. HoraaaHorses boardedboarded **lTldd»l. ib* fold* of tb* he bnrd.oe at John EeelT. Ib* (prink. by• work week ofor lmonth . Telephone call •M tba laTiot of •oclaty, wboa* « oliord, ebatnaaa: T. M. Day, Jr., BO.U4.o. 11*. •wttip ou ta* aoited oaly by allaa K. McUiff.rt, JoaMe M. Slider . a Martin, of tb* Irm of Wood- d John L. Wtnei. Aftar tb* aarrto* at 81. Marj'. ft Martin, returned bom* Bata: nreb Bandaj awfalif, when R«T. ay from a raoeaaafal fltbiag trip. ailM Boon* c*l.brated bit IrM bl«b Birthday Parly. Fatbtr Bgaa asid la w, bla lather. Dr. W. O Beoo* yoan| friaatda at Edward WmWm.. A.A . WoodiuffWoodmff paagb, ot SB Bart Ninth tt»«t. rt: "o» u oeea-loo Ilka tht., br- tartalard all tb* pri*oM pra.ua! at ™! * Tout prtMt o*l*brMlo« nil • **rTi» at aioner Tb* (••at* la- ta*da»d a party In honor of hla birthday, Salnrday night. " "altBiB mM> we ill ar* otTtd to ded Very R**. Daao Smyth, formtr Tbe main iBonaae la mil* INSURANCTAGENTinsurance'agent,, •*•" aoaw tbe nblltna dlgnily of .tot of St Mary.. Fatbar Bgar, Weet Savantb aad Waal Fifth » ObrlMiM prliiBoH. W« an Hkr- 1 pwwat notoc. Very H*r. Dr. rom OliDtoo avBBa* to tb* line, Fra- sasssaEP'*' *• fol of MM awFal w- er. of Baltimore, Fatbar Albert, ot peot aveooe'i new roadway la partly Mammm* HbmmamaiM rlgta tMOar DT^WE-Ta IMr we Prwt St. aid rut Itmw. , * . oBoe bo D. O-. Father Clifford one, and tbal will taaa be SA/mia HIM. 1. to. bow dapa-daat THE WONDERS OF THERMIT. STRIPED BASSJS A FJCHTER 19WlfJ[||IUED (| TUt | -.. "-- . . Wl-fcMtto%, It la a nab HutWffl, OWWoUawafaUl Wl IM- I ilium 101 the ABflar a Good Bmj-m Sport. tMOBTTt AHEHBLYKAN TO TELLORDERS ISSUED BY GENERAL QLLMOKE at 5.4OO TTIIIIW WHY BUD SHOULD HOT BE UUID. . "Woild yon go »-U8b]ng?" obierred UKELYTOtiAVEHENEflClAL RESULTS. I paplls af tbe Piaealawey Humicltr. wblcb awaltars In • baat aa anUKndUtlc lover or wit water lo- (10 FORSiDli nraablp public aebasU who I ot as degrees, aad withers and dlaa If cUnc according; to the New York Son. TIM lnMpnwIM* rabla m »bly ae- Tba week's •aeasspsBMt of tbe H«. rtahar boon abseat aor tardy dui reorj raa. up 10 or 16 oesraaa *ThaB do not dream of your apeektaa . *«»dad la tbo Haw Jaiaay bactatatan ttwanl Onard ai Boa (hn la oat as M a wunamWillisun ranPike andand HlaHi* BrldaBride Flainfl«id Store Keeper, Ac- nlcner. flndl It h«rd to roaUxo a heat trout, nor of black baa waters, norllaat wlntar, la again to ba tba sajaot piOBlo this year. This is lndloatad by •*H Away, leaving Her quitted on Charge of Keeping •ew Market: High lit ill Tt of MOO degree*. Yet, says the Brook tba far-away ulmon, but teek Ula'af dabata ^Ui d J MI Away. Leaving Har W. BSsaUer, LUliaa F. Harris, lyn Basle, tbat la tba brat developed aunts of that •hyeat. g»meit. hand- 9 , g OOWOowmM lala JfawHew, York.York. ganUBBiiraag ward: Hen. Maad BapaU. In tha combustion of iLermlt, a boat aoaust of all 0«he* of the AUaatla stemblyman S. 8. Bwaokbamar, of AdJBsaat General Uilkysoa, whichwhich woldaweld, togeiaerlosaiaer ytoemplaces Ofof lhatba uoMhcoast, tbathe stripedatrlped busbam. h T' ACTION AGAUTBT CITY maatBoat Ipoaderoo a machinery.msehlaary. whicable*h "«lha- strtpoatrlyadd baaabau ItIs ao Bilibh ofof sportsport-- board la eopport of tba bird, will ba y bl to maad Iron cast- Wt blood. Ha has teeth on hla tongue. of Oo. K. Tbe ord. r deals w 1 th tbs Will, Ftuk Oorl.ll. hit ■abaa It passible la .sad Iraa eaat- ««R Oao*. Ha buttoloabb toarM. called on oaoe more to defend It. regslattag of guard d o ty dnriag the AGGRIEVED KAN KTAWS COUMCLTO to—ingi watablaaweighing IMStons, wbto*which taretofoisheretofon a» aqcaraanuare law.Jaw, a fiercelama oyaeye aadand sowarpower William H. BkUlaat. af Bells TROUSSEAU AND PLAI tadhsTt tao babe *replaced atat stealgreat assowoa«penM ofof M«» ktohis abooldara.boulder.. BoraBorn aadsnd reareraaradd ilan TO BRING rHOCEEOlttSS. latalabor .»*and ttaa;time- whichwhteb earncan anllounite trowIron **•">• lolturmoi nulll ofof swiftswift wutara,waters, tahe tois agoe-- Mead, president of the State Horti- General GUlmore eiders tbat the ANOTHER TUP. Aaate WlMM, Minnie Bay., rmltorails soso oarfaclirperfectly7 thslthatbait tbaththee JoltllolUnsJoltini g caacan Sraooieaf*^ always aad oBltaral SoeUty, aad; Stats ITntnainlo guard each day •halQioSJilal st aa* Kerwte, «d«B D scarcely bo SOei or , and a rail can u < gist John B. Smith, af How Broni- ••ra t UUfStaaat, wbo will ba osta- Brs. Pike Was rormtriy Miss Dri- £££ Cmso. tut Md anil «.*»«*• «M»tb. wbM tba .alar to to wick, will aifas la fa v or of a Primary Depart- mil— lcmelong. loatMdInstead otof HSO o«r "rapoaeI , *•he draw™*‘, *•"near •*«shore whewhatn IItt IUs .111. smtth - Marriage a nvl-Graoe Oerlell, JIMII Dntcber, F. Satpaa*. tfonUry tit Illlswi Q.DoMeia. l|Mi K*rwlD, Marine Hoble, K«t 1, 'ZSt'ZJZ, to^aSSS* dtoeae ^ M O^Tta^lbTSl tba Somerset Ooutr Board at Agri- T>lk« on tie Case. Ward, Jamm Ban B/jon Bardlet, Sssen. Oermsny. who has been lee- _ ^^ J David 1. Itiajaiiiill. the Park »»«- Fred Oonell, Bafly Obi«u«lll, tba tlda rtooa rill ba beld at Somarvllle within a Tba guard ta am Saturday, Jaly Miss Dro.iila Hmltb, formerly of taring lain thisthis coeatryeountry beforabefore chatol-chemi- „ foUowa up the streams that flow , and Saturday, July id, will bo de- m fruit dealer, through bt* OMUII, ta"Ho follows DPp tba stroama that low hit oity, and William Pike, of Eaat William Q. D«M»t, la about to biloi wall Bioaards. Matthew Ward. -Harold cal and eaglneerin*. associationsr- u.sis uutsst* ouisn , ,‘° fe wstsrtba •are. of and olhsr dodo streams bio food mlnsloa short tailed previous to tbo departure of tba Front street, wars qaittfy married a Mil Bcalast tbe oil/ for ffi.000 daav this chemical discovery of bla that ia [ fl to *-f b >tr^mB mlMiM organisation from tnotr borne stations. fortnight age sod bava sloes beta oa Pieroa Soboal—Oraee Parker. Klste sa« fallfull atof oagtaesrtaflenglneeriag poeriblllltos;possibilities; •a .ah^ th^ ,t lIsn wn(c.blebB hta# uto .tanaIn*^^ Thlt gaard will ba employed on tba their honeymoon. Tba How York MoOsUongb Katie discoverdtoeersryy that, aaltoeunlike asao manmanyy acton-scion- Hatiflc dtucorurius.discoverler, laIs Balnot moralymerely lator-later- ^^^icmi, o(o{ roc|(r channelsctaaaela, wherwhame th tbae wa- obarge of illegal liqoor telling. Baxter, Basalt Qt It., BaasaU Ferriae, PLEASANT OUTING CLOSES SUCCESS- tba saldisn from riding on the oar story relating to tbolr trip: Jobs Bebring, Harry Goble, eatinaattosg toto tbatha tbMto.scientist, hotbut o^commer- tarter runmasB iwtwlfUy.jft!ji IIff yo u iOTe a COT platforms. It wilt bo remembered taw Mr. dally valuable ta tha Industrial world. i nature as well as with flsh, CO Tba wadding and bonsymooa ot Smith, Delia Smith, Bute Kaaa. May w tn FUL SEASON OF CHURCH SOCIETY. On tbo arrival at tha bra. DraaUla Smith-Pike, of « West Baaasottf. logolhsr with a comber of Tbo thermit la a mixture of finely lQto tae 8Urf or brace your fe« Mb in. was arrested far tba alleged Taylor.Taylor, MaryMary »Norman . Vraaklo Brag- ta Girt tbe guard will ba Sixty-ninth street, sad bat hatband, Willie Vagal, Walt-r Baxter, granulate d or powdered aluminum -]OV r. > rockyroeky taadland.headland, wbarawhere tbathe sprayspray bo members Of Bt Agnes Guild of keeping of "speak sales." Ia stoat gar. WUll* Vwl, Waltor Bum, witwithh somasome metallicmetallic oilde.oxide, martmost fra-fro- willwill drenchdrench you.you , aadand cartcast youryour balladbaiter their rear aud as tbs regiments, marota William Piks, a young banker af thlt oasoa tbo persons arrested ware not yT J.Mu.Johnson, Km*Maad Taylor.Taylor, KaitkaMartha qaentlQaonllyr oxldooxtde ofof IIron. ThisTbia mixturemixture bookbook Intointo tbathe midstmidst ofof tbathe whitewhite waterwater Graoe lEpltoopal oburah, bald their past the guard teats tbs gaard, whan , who returned yesterday from looka not unlike gunpowder, .or to when the tide i. at . laat meeting for she rammer Oa Wed- eaafined ln Iba oounty JtlL II ti malar. Lanra Smith,Nettle Matbewt, looks not aaUta gunpowder. or to when tba tlda to SI flood arriving opposite its position, will r wedding trip to Hew OrleansOileaas, 1 Homble. a booaowlfohousewife wouldwould oocsaotsuggest mixedmixed loatea, "Bel"But perhapsperhaps youyou wouldwould rathorrather habaa-n ne.day, tbe affair taking the form of has been a obapt.r alalmed tbat ball waa refuted la tba tba light granulea being aluminum die the oars and troll. Then take youi all oat bom tba oolumn. of nrprlaes, both I aasa at Mr. Haawsottt, altbaagb hi. Ub Plainfltld r Grammar Uradet— tba Usbt sraaatoa talas alnmlaom dlo tba oaro sad troll. Ttaa taka row B plonio. The merry party boarded a to tba TOBBR autfrli and the dark ones oxide of iron. In boat whore the tide rushes to and trolley oar on Watobong avenue,going This last arrangement will do sway cried pair and their ; OB—art ftffsrad tbs bead a well-known Margaret Gallagh.r, Hand* Hams, aadburning tta darkthis anasmixtur oddse create of Iron.s a ternIs- boatfro inwSata some tbarock ytide inle raabsat and yobeu wilaadl with the long d.lay. thai bava here- Meads. Mrs. Plst ia tba daughter of Margaerita MeSoaoaab, Lillian Ho*. ta rains this misters ematas a tow fro to aoms rocky tolar and yea win lo tbs foot of lbs mountains, where a WillUm a Baltb, an tavsutor and wbo waa well qwalUed iD too.taro,poratUTO. aaas Dr.Dr . GoldschmidtOoldaehmidt aa-ex- Sadfind rowro*r beabaaat Uwathere, atort.alert, oland evewearr tofore occurred is I The man. Myrilt Ranulopb, George Oafs, pressedpressed itIt laia a paperpaper madread atat tbatbs aa-an- ready, terfor lhatha eoataaLcontest Or.Or; pratarrlaspreferring a after Iht troops roach camp. AuditMix* >MoDooouib, )«•Joba MrDoa-MoDoo- nailnusl meatusmeeting ofof tbathe Americat matinsn SocietySociety tramptramp,, alaosalong ttatbe Dorashore aadsnd a eaatcatt fromfrom have goo* to live with Mra. Pike's oagb, Patrick MoDonougb of Mechanical Engineers, "shout equalequal ttatha umd.land, sogo toto ttathe ditehapditches oaon ttathe saak- su * enjoyed, after wblcb the afternoon af mira'tr", was baa Bads a •psotel parents, at 68 West HMy-aiuth street. Uto thatthat ofof ttathe .metricelectric arean Usbt-"light." « meadows connected with the i . was spent in playing games. Ba atady af guard monntinje, has been In spite of tba little comedy of errors Marjsne OBbaarlsy. Bobarl Morgan, • „ sad drop your hook into the water starting for borne tbo baby oamp was detailed aa lastraotor of gaard duty •hlch followed la the train of the BM DsSy, Klm.r Riddlt, Klwoad THTHEE VORACIOUSVORACIOUS DOGFISH,DOGFISH. cm,o»wz tb.tha botamwbordering gramgrass timethat itaover- 1st tod. (or tha satire aaoan WOOding ceremony at tbo Little •on, Joseph Harlow. John Millar, Tba party oonslited of twanty-tix oolonel la ta detail aa t Obsrob Aionnd tha Ooraar, two Will Aaalbllato MM«. rtabarta. If' “J J'JJJ'JJJA Til semban and four taaobers. Tba re- tory to Lieutenant Cross and weeks ago, tbe ao« a* a* waa aoqaUts* «t Iba obarge pre- Primary Departuent-Kn»k Phillip., Oorarnment Soom'l Help Mmhim toto thatoetthe test Mmwith tbto.this, oempequip jyour - turn trip wss mads about S n'olook. Ia junior in rank as bis aasUtaata. farrad aad tbat tbe oilj rafaaal him Major, Clifford Brown, DU It- selfself withwith splitsplit bambobambooo rorodd amdsnd faadygaudy ib. fall the guild hopes to renew tbs Tbe order providing for tbo gnard trip to Saratoga, where Mra. Hmiln- bail, k* la •• titled as daman* lor Bdward iI flies: files; sogo taop lbsthe ItodinaHudson Haw.river, atat anahyy oiasats far girls. Tbo past jea- has 0 preserve ardor oa tba trains Is Pike aspects to wear she nisi tala» tatprttoamcat aed •nliai ka> It FlakFish WordenWarden ItN. J.J. Hanna,Banna, ofof Koek-Rock- likelylikely spot,spot, sadsnd ttaythey areare plentlfalplentiful alah- i a SMoeasral ana and tba direc- made to prevent a louatieaea of tbs ffhlofa aba did aot bare la Bow roimborsed bobe willwlU brlaflbrinf OflClMaoUaa HatoUtoa. AaaloAnn it Ml.Bob!, OtodjiOladya landtoad,, baahas thetba followingfollowing toto ear.say. aceordln#accordingI moatmoomott aaywharsanwwhert»wl e aboraabove SpnytoaSpuyten Dor'll:DUJTH; ts wlobao to tbaak tbo members incident of several years ago, when Mean*. MiiDil tb. oity. Julia Richards, Nellie Bid- to tta Portland Press. ralatiTS In a goe-• sat«et lathmt« a boatboat aadand anchoranchor ItIt whamwhere bar able assistants for their nearly aossa of tba soldiers discharged their ' Tbs wadding data of tba BmUb> Pike •••y. Tbona. loll* Rlobarde. Halils Bid- rapport aad co-operation In carrying Mr. DaMaaMbaa lala rpsstlagapsakiag UlMof tba 1sIUt dlo.die, MoryVary MeDowwgb.MoDoaoagb. MayMar Harlaw,Harlow, ora maat boaaty ta dosflah: I asms atmama comascomes totoInto ttathe rriver . gaas wbilt tba train was passing nnptlalt bad baaa sat aid a urge Aaaie Bellley, Maad Morgan, Matilda •' "That,"There tois aono doubtdoubt batbut thatthat forfor flmfive withwith a rednd aadand wkltowhite lUaibis forfor yonr oa tba work of tbe society. through Bat) way, wanting a runaway lar sayijos uutbal tbatba oilycity taabad mBO avalmoral oarr yaarvyears thesethese semrensamscavengers ofof ttathe aaasea bars:have : atreteharatretcher flyfly andand a wbltowhite mlltormiller fee (unction prepared for tbs maay wed- legal rightii«hi Mto rofiHrafaaa biobla oUoatoUaal ball.ball, HallKolll las Harlaw.Harlow, LIdaatai wrought more damage to our fishing ln- • your dropper, let your Inrea fall gont- in which a man was seriously injured. I guests invited to WIBMBI tbo Magatre, Marion Bigley. wroudbt men dam ops to oar lohtod to- yaw droppor. tot row lures fall gaat- otrarob osrantoay. Tbaa Mrs. Smith, especiallM»»«l«lljy maa Mba tola a cltleeootUaaa oadaad a darioo Blgtoy dustrdwatryy thanthan toln a aoartarquarter ofof a cantury.century. 1! ly.]y, Mas torfor broobrookk trouttrout,, saaadd sinriskk thettamm The rammer home of tbe militia at bwoloooobaalnaai manmaa laIn tbtothii otoy.0117. HoHa otatauclaim* MaploMaple GrwnGrove goheal-BtollySebael—KaUly BBnoUr TtayThey aarana.warm ararrevery baybay aadand areaeven pass-pene- a tootfoot belowbelow ttathe rwfaca.surface, aaaa torfor blackblack mother of tbo bride, faU suddenly ill Ibal Iba city aalborltiw bare aetcd. all. Alias Brentnall, Helen Mo tratetrate owour rlrers. rivers. TheyThey camecame totoInto CapeCapo baas,baas, drawtosdrawing thethemm manlysmartly aadand caat-cast- RULES FOR R. F. D. aad all preparation, wore off. A note Tory aajmat aad Ibal la rlaw of ibis. Cellom, Bath Morris, Annie Winkel- CodGod byby tbathe mlllloomillion fiveflra ysamyears agoago anaadd . "Toa.wlU"Ton.will atrtksstrike plastyplenty whoawhen thttae CARRIERS CANNOT SOUCIT,OS RECEIVE was sent out on tba trail of oaob they aboald ba oaaipaUtd to nuke a tala,bols, BbadaRbeda Gray.Gray. EdithEdith Gray.Gray, MM*.a nonoww Mntoa'tMaine's flshtogfishing IndustryIndustry toIs at at theirtheir tidetide comascomes. NoneNone wilwilll hebe largelarge tab.fish. wadding invitation, taring tbat tha •allriaotory settlement. Ba alas olalmj thildilldaa WtakalboU.Wlakalbols. mercy. Teamsrs agosgo theythey camecame oalyonly aboutabout BorneSome wlUwill welshweigh threethree pounds,pounds, abdand a nappy event bad been postponed, and tbat bla client waa diagtaoed in balag BaadolpfaTlUe Scbool-EdUb Giles, r six weeks each rear front■H; three-poun pe-poondd stripedstriped basebass mud.on an eight - BaadalpbTllla Bobaal-WAUb Ullse, Aaguut to SupiumburSeptember sadand atat tbathe flratnrst ouacsounce rodrod willwill putput youyou toto youryour tautbest Aa tba rural free delivery ia aow tando would bo duly notified wboa handooffed to a prisoner aooaatd of Marjorlo Donn, Graoe Qericknnt. northerly wind they disappeared, bat skill in outgeneraling him ln his fierce a now data for tba oeremoay had aeotbar orlmo and lad to Iba county Union' School-Merle Bsudolpb, northerly wind I bey disappear*!, tat akOl to outgouerultog him to kto I _art of tba weal mall system, a n iow they are with ui shout all the year, 'rushes snd tudden plunges snd the order wblofa goes in effect July 1, and been determined upon. jail, there to bo Inoaroeratod for a Anna Sobenok. sw"Wha ttayt aoren withknow non aboutaa th eall whi tbap your.'lash rushesmany eccentricitieand soddens oplunsauf his resourcefu mad ttal While tbe frlsads af tbo yoong pair laagtb of time. "Wtat am kaowu aa tta whip leak many oceantrlrities of hla maonrcafal wfalofa offeota this part of tbo mall igflak are ourr scourge—ascourge—a small,small, rota,v \ tacticstactics . WhanWhen youyon cancan aarusave rowyour flabfish sjsttm, will bo of inters* Tba law were expectantly awaiting tbe ssooad Mm Alawaa MU. ad Haahsth, clouclouss Sabflsh thatthat toadsfeedds oaon awary every otherother Sabflsh taI n suchsuch a boutboubt t aadand malatalamaintaii n ttathe, liptip oa on their Invitation., tba pros- thatthat toIs sotnot kaIts master.master. A speciesspecies odot ttathe , ofof rowyour rodrod IntactIntact., youyou maymay barnhave aaso leaves moon to tba discretion of tha pective bride aad bridegroom hastily •hack,shark, ttathe largelarge use.one, willwill attackattack asms,a man. 1 tsarfear ofof a totaltrial ofof coaduataucoocluaions withwith any I remember S3 yearrearss agoago a boyboy fallfell orar-over- ' lasIn* again.again. 11 What's then of waittBgT" said outwork lala tolathis ooaaty,ooaaty, willwill bob• oo*one aorf board off Monfaecan and before bo was , other flsh that swims. tbo presidio*, omotrs at the rummer Meal Batata ywsag Mr. Pike. VOMER?WOMEN'S AUXILIARYAUXILIARY OfOF THETHE IRRTITU-INSTITU- am Ulbaouan wss literallliterallyy tomtorn loto pieces.piece.. II "Tor"Tor trollingtrolling torfor stripedstriped baaabaas aa sobool at NorthNortbntld Held., Mass.Maaa,, fofarr water anrroundlng being covered stronger rig Is needed than one that as Recorded, la tba Cooaty Clerk's It Isn't absolutely ntotossry, dssr. " ag cor amd strongerg rigg to seeded than caa that aasworod Miss Smith. And forth- T10HTION TOTO RAISERAISE fUNOS.FUNDS, in.' foreigdgan Mloaloaarymissionary loalMtoasootstits. with blood. winwill servserese iton blacblackk basbaaas trollingtrollies.. ArtlArtl-- Offloe at •mahata. BbaOS willwill tagtabegin bar wartwork laaraIbsie oaan "hej- are not a menacmacae toto ttathe lobster,lobster, fteU]Octal illsilver veryy loroslures anare md.used. .ad, Ba. «5«, Jr. o. 1U .. a.*. ■a, and made all preparations for it. But persuade people of Us silsCsaosexistence. TbT a CONSTABLE PANGBOM'S HAND IN- Irises a Pntnim to Ida a Putnam, Orieaas far nearly two weeks wits the strange part wss that when wa occupants of a work-room, entering It aaaw as above, II; Minsie Btrykei At tka ra*Au awaUaf at Baj ot a work-room, enuring It JURED OK THE TROLLEY. town, sod It Is alas the rastaa o 1OM OaaaaLl, No. MS, Jr. O. U. A. got ready for tba operation the patient tain ttathe asoralugmorning gadsad ramalalagremaining allall day.day . aX as Bugene M. Laing, Wast Seventh g y peration the patient or of a sleeping-room, do not notice trip so Saratoga baa been jlisai* M..bald Friday wnaimg tba fallow 1M ■ sow bora to sight- Ha tad gatotly or of a mooptag-room. do act notice street, south westerly of lasso F. Baa- was nowhere In sight. Ha had quietly tb* gradual withdrawal of the oxygen dolpb. ti: Jebn H. Saydar at «. to Mrs. Plkt'i trunk bai bass si tht from tbe air and its substtlnUon by Pall Birsr line pier for the siat twa "crowd poison" thrown oft by their own Jaoob Bobntlder, easterly side Baab- lungs. The sleepiness, lassitude and or lot 8, H ; Fred - arlok H. Walker at ux, to JUDM Caul- headache that follow ItIt ttaythey escribeascribe ttoo WILL TOUR EUROPE IN AUTO. up kla mind that It that waa kto tad ttathe fatiguefatigue ofof loag-cootlkaedlong-con tinned labor.labor. field, westerly side Johnston aveaaa, ebaaca tor a t TbsThe inabilityInability tota rtoaraw brtohbrisk aadan drmaa fresh 40 feet of Midway sv.nue, |W; James Ira. E-iiy m. WUUaawoa, of KlUa- taaaatal aMratary, Taaodan A. Kara- gotag to hare a In the morning, afteattarr a nightnight tpeatspent lala OaolOeld at ax, to Frank Haalanbeek, Bwta, ta Oo Abroad jalf -". kola, it. ; traaauar, Jacob U. Hi, ta had hi g y a close room, the lack ot appetite for That aoted olob-woman, Mrs. K»ilJ Bat ttathe uBO M remarkable thing abou L WUllBBMMB. Of Bliiabetb, who If doa. Joan VanHora; laalda 1 It waa that htae wasm aoao much better tbat the doctors found tbat It wi y do nt rg STATE DENIAL SOCIETY MEETING. president of the State ObaritUs Aid t dan and night, spent In Impure air. Aasoalatlau.Association, generalgeneral secretoryosorotary at°* *"lbs• kan 8 Mania; uaataa fa* They seek relief from their ailments Aaaaal Oatfeenag to Take Piece A Stoto Beardard afof ObUdsMObUdras' ’ss Otardtoaaaaardlaas. aMttlba, Alfrad TraaabaBd. In taking medicines, rather than in the Jaly at Asbury Put. amdand DataUnion Oaaalj'aOoonty't paatafiaaprobation afltoai.ofDosr. Oaa eaadldate waa laltlaatd Commercial Camphor. 3ii planned an tiisBtive trip abroad -- Iba MT**nM at Iba ordor PracticallPracticallyy allall tbathe camphor of c Tba Hew J.rwy BtatS Dental So- has plans ad aa lUuSTI trip abroad Agree comes from Ji out* will bold Its tUrty-femrth an- Mdand willWill saisaill forfor lampsEurope aaaa tbwea Bfoeoniioaf waia raoaivad. cer'd Port & Burgundy ■ Oaaard line from Boston J«l7 B with . i.cer'a Purl & Burguntly «Mck to a Japanese colony. As Bom. Diplomat. nuall assslosssloa tbl year la tbtbe Beaeh Oaaard 11m limm M Jaly » wttt Atbwji B»T WineWine.. 11 Aoditorium. Aabary Park, oa July SO. partpartyy afof bto^Meads Urlivin leag lala ttatthat atoy-oity. TheFioest VTias in the world fro ••But. protested the fair maid after Poaoa baa baaa raotorad batwatn tba The Finest Visa in the world from the engagement had been duly ratified, SI and 22, and tbo s*e*ion. 'wilt bo at- MrsBba. WillisWlUlatasa issMa willwill roakaaiska a MWtour aj $656 AcresAcres ofof Vineyards,Vineyard*, wherewbci _ tta uagagamaat bad boa Only rauflad. _!af ttatha Mfloneoe-tin.nl tola aasa MtamabUaautomobile anaadd UanlTal lawnliriaa aad tha 9 soil ia rich in iron, imparting "data"this tois ttathe eatsame ringring yoayou garsgave BdyttBdyta tended by several Plalafioldors. Tba Oaaaariaaloaora, ao Asbary Fuki ia soil is rich in iron, impart! throethree rnoatbsfirf*"*^ agoago whamwben pusyon warewere aaoo-- be St she Hotel aatlolpala mash, aalaytoMl la tbto to> ibeOpo—otheOporto juipegrape andand thethe jrragrap e dor mill* may not run the gfeed to her." mademods rfaf trarollagtranllng. IteulUlmitbgana will leave aer ththee Wine—causesWine—causes thethe dark,deepdark,deep ooatrol of the camphor U-ade glrm Ike "-11 knowknow KIt to.is. darllag.darling. -• repliedreplied thttae home ia BUsabst(Uaabaabb torfar BaMuuBostoa JaUJuly »I ri:j color, and blood-mak:nT, mikado a sort of control orrr war deolarea tbat abould oitbar Mr. Ctara- »ha gasbertog wlU be af mare than day. attar I rich color, and blood-makn;. wisutaae youth.youth, "b*t"but 1I badhad ItIt cutcut downdown throethree orn>1 aad wilWiul actnot Manreturn aatlluntil lhatba Mtorlastsr r'e-w^tytfthilifrfiWygrc of this life-wl wing Wine.i. g other nations. athe. in order to make it fit your shapely and or Me Parker be nominated at' Interest and will amount prso- part of September. baa agreed1 tato aaaapaaeeapt RMiaaMalS3 l 3 par sdsaa la order to make It at row shapely St. Loau, Oslsasl William Jaaalaga «~"J *> • post- Tllarard—1TsleranJ—I winwish II couldcourt triphelp yoyogn ram Tbe general publio will bo *S> Tl^CUran- Ctaqulitbstalhmit MJMIB tha&Mat Ptena iand •oosrefmllT handled thai waikiBg about with olnded oxoept OB Thursday Liberty strast. A nsaihsr of tbt toolact. • •at.owt butbut youyou aaa see fraI've eer-rn*r-r ptaytdplayed any - iMBhas, ttbba result af falling off a «">*•< ts alesg Inert hare bees oos- brofflflUcrisis andand Crocwru Grocers SellSell it.It, J^ where bat behind the DM.—Brooklyn' atap-laddaar aad severely .prainwg bis whan tbe aoolaty wOl gin them aa £* M aaUr. lt THE CONSTITUTIONALIST IM BRITISH BORNEO

omstkiBj About Tkft Interaatlai natrlct lta powera to VdCfcaar af the PbiliapW protection f A Borou«hlt«, Who eti-onB. GoTcnwteat, to bo aur*. baa tbe datr of defenae. but 11 U In fund. 8 ch ool at W ajT-e • viil e, Max- mental cuocvptlon a good and not an form of buma a gov eminent for tbe ob- Osbeme, Hatxy Irving Oreew a.4 aril. It to aoccBBBiy u tba boat iml vtona reason toa t oae form of govern B. B«ry tha Bride at NuptUl rled QuIeUy on June 5. opmeot of men. t would not meet tbo wants and Ing for any Tniaaaias Oir—opy In Holy Crosw. If one mlgHt always lire alone and needs ot all people. We believe that KBPT WBDDINQ BXOSBX ipart from all otaer croatnna, hi* Since thedajDewey'et for Americans self government to tbe Pearsoa'a tar July ooataias five sna> wlU and destraa mlcbt be tbo only rah l* doom of Spain in" tks orient and only thing, and yet one government THE RECTO* OFFICIATES -POT, fATHEJI, REV. IttCHAIID WHIT HER HUSBAND IS A rROSPEROUS be would need or ' gave to the United States a rut terri- baa decided that for toe 10.000,000 in- by Sky Allan W1U ey; Tb. M M -. •ooood pmon app tory 1 n t be f «• east wo bavo d habitants of tbe Philippine Islands self Piotars al mho TlaMo Whoa History MBS MILDRED ICMtV, BRIDE'S SISTER, rjgetsj, TIES THE KROT. YOUNG FARMER. ta made to live together, •octet? hu asw Interest la not only the Was Worm la the Makiag; Beeea government to not tba thing, AS HAJO-OF-HONOR, been constituted and there moat be de- condition* over which ftytb a Staraaad white advocating no particular form etlon, by Mr. Albert Bigslo- fc.Csarrh or MM Holy Cro.i- nning or riciits. dadea, prlTitegM Stripes, but Is all the aabjtburi of ^¥ft - Hoopla* Malhtiiaf "it—na.1 41t relation*. ~ JDands a* well. Har off j,»a, Indo- w BTMVI RuUr, Mlaa Mabel Vaa- Cfcnrrk-A UanghUr of Mar. that all governments are from God •pl> V.-Tbs United States Mot upon the arbitrary will of the two per- Chlna, Sumatra. New Gulnt. and the Corporation, by Mr. Hoary Users*. r^tMtsr, a* H»id-of-Hosor- Ul Maau, of PtaH -troet, wns associated. Some exist In tbe na BOTDOOS are now our sear neighbor! and that they should be respected and tore of things without regard to tbe and worthy of our attention. obeyed. Every Christian should there- Jr. ; Tbe BaMlsof tba Waahita (Indian Oreesa's Breihsr Beat Ms-. fore desire to consecrate himself In ev FighU aad Jignters, j by Dr. Oyraj desires or,views of the Individual! nn British North Borneo b Co w Ju«t next HiM E lessor Tborrton VaaT> Tory much to IM saiprlas of hot der consideration. Others are dictated door to us, so doss. In tact, that we have err way to hla country's best good. He is a most ungrateful cituen who MIM Rath Allaa Berry, daagbiar of Mater, daaghMt of Mr- snd Mr friendj, Mu* Badl* Masita. daoghter by surroundings and circumstance* equally independent of UM opinions partakes of all the advantages of ciu :r. aad Mrs. Frank B. Berry, of as#M*as VseDavsokar, of Myrtl* sve of Martin Maata, *f Pearl itreet, aa- aenahip and then declines to do any Tbe Borr Molmoah Monthly la to any one. Tba beat troy tostat e It Is to inn .treat, sod William Kowley IM Herlb Fi.maeid, aad Oeorg* Mad a day or two ago thai oho thing for the benefit of bia country. day wM Of tbo foremost nabllaaCtaaa ffabar, son of A. E. Faber, of Roek- HirMrt waltatatBM. «l Ballimor*, bad baoOBM Mra. Aagmtus Stioer. say God baa made tbe world and men Bow may we therefore as Christian aa tbey an. When persona come to la Amelia*, ooverlDg a laid nolo vlew avaaaa, won married la (be «era wedoad la tb* Obnrcb of Ibe Tbo weddlBg took plaoo on Bnnday, citizens celebrate this anniversary a lively by itself. It contain! 1 Obareb of tb* Holy Cross at T JO JuaoS. lire in community they cannot alter oar country's birthday by consecrat Bolj Orost, W*dB*adaT, June 23, at 0 jut most irecognute. tbe truths which eome reproduction of th* pbotographl Wsdnoadajr, Jnne aa, to tb* prsssao* a'slsok. Tb* edifice waa throngrd Mra. Btlner baa beaa ttaoblag sobool Ing ourselves to our country? ire bosnj tn nature and most make l. Let us consecrate ourselves to ait, of which Mr. Melotoeh la a rsoof bug* rjorober of society folk* i wilh ralstlvss and friend* Of UM In Warrenvltle. Three month, ago Mr their laws tbe plain expression of our country by respecting 1 ~ itifnl portral from Haw Toik, Fittsbor,, Boston, I «aaplf. The doooratlosa W*r* itmple, Btlner, who la a prnapama facts fundamental in tbe constitutajn ment 'God teaches us to respect un- mk womsn, 1 Olavalaad, tb* Uraaam aad PlalnOtld I ret aSaoHv*, comlitiog oblany ' wr near Warrenville, BMI Mlaa of man and nature. Oovi man governments even though tbe leis to lay almost without agoapUw wbiab thronged the adinoa. \ pUsH, isrns, sallax and po Manta. and they beeani* vsiy mnob .ordinance of Ood becaut copants of official positions may be UM iBbjects being AaMrtoaas; 16 made men that they invariably conatJ It waa a daisy wedding, the flower plMH. Thsse were arranged with lntereetad 1B on* another. personally unworthy. In a gover Of tba times, and soem being and la profaslon ta UM oooara- tute society in an ordered way. Tbo ment like ours many unworthy mi bMsUrol effect aboal Iba obanoeL On Jano S they want to UM parson task la to find out tbe basal of areas Importance in tba ttae of oa: at tbe ebnrob snd tha boss*, Attending In* bride wa* her sitter. ag* of Iba Maibodiot «fannb at ML ore certain to be elected or appoint* rsnt eventa, ara lonnd witbiu U which Inhere in man and proclaim official positions. The danger there- wbar* a raeapHoa wa* hold after tb* Hla) Mabel TanDavanlar, a* m Bethel, aad with only UM them In institutions and not merely lo fore Is that we may lose respect for ornate oovara of this uDlqae pabllos Th* deoorstloo. al tba honor, and Mia* Hallab VanDs witnesses present, won words. tbe office as well aa for the officers. bsoooiMOl Inaraaaad 1B chare* ooaslsMd of palms, imilax aad I inter; MlM France. VaoD.venter, a lb*r OB* laid anything of tb* Land is needed on which to r.i Indeed this to a prevalent condition li tereit from month to month Al daiilti, tber being banked In aad .Mil*; MM. Margnarit* Bun nag*, and Mr.. BUBOT retamod to box food crops. What are the rights a: land. Tbe license with which pub pionrei ara wortby of a fame. ronad tbo ebaaoel. MlM Uma* Overton, wtr* dalles at fee little soho corresponding duties of eacb and al Uc officials nre attacked In tbe preos forit. la tb* bridal party wets Mlsa Mil- •Mid*. Tb* bast man was Richard as regards the locality where home Is £ on the platform la teaching located? Patriotism hi defense dred Berry, slater of la* brid*, who WbiMlnghan. of Baltimore, brotbar not takoa plaot In bsr Ufa. lose respect for oar various fon... Tbs flnt tcMloa of Ibo Kifty-elght heritage snd homestead and father government aod even to WOE UM maid of honor, and MIM Alias of tb* groom, aad tbo aabors war* La*I Handay, however, Mr*. 8nn«r land against oppression and aggrvMiion Oon great lasted 189 days; tbe ih i Haddn, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mlaa Tfese*s* U. Dadlsy. Tbeodore Morris, whether government by the people HIIIOD for many years. Il • qaletiv allowed tb* secret to escape But It Is far more than tliis. • It is NATIVES FROM THI INTERIOR. be successfully carried on. But s Uabelt* Milne, MlM Marlon MoO*t- j ot North Plalaleld; Braoat Marshall, WBoaaotas; box marriage to nor enthusiasm for proper development logic Is false. Let ua not be deceived. 6.156 pagt* of tba Oongreai 00*00 aad Mia* Sopbl* Barlow, of thli had a little diplomatic quarrel with Reoord. lta wotd-ratpat staada Ibird I af New York, aad Robert Barton. ir. Her aobool will close tbl all resources and natural advantages England over who owns th* Inlands that us even respect on unworthy city, wbo ware nridtsmalda Th* t*rt ' Baltimore. week, and then *ho will go tolak e bar for' the betterment of community In lie Just off lta coast, and Xhi* caused ns if compelled to do so, for bis onVe's jritiy-MTaalb Coagttii was Obatle. W. Faber, brother ? Aa Ibe briaal party entered Ibe plao* OB nor hatband's farm. Tb* HI temU. Patriotism Is a generous pat to look up our long-forgotten school sake rather than lose respect for tbe proodly flnt, wlib \tn pagentb af UM groom, and tb* aabsn war* asenb, lbs Lohengrin wadding march Us school bouse wiU know bor nosion for the advancement of spiritual geograpkiea sad aaeum. a new Interest office for his sake. "Fear Ood; bono yiiith leoond, with 7,706. At tb Lewis William., Jr., Frank Thomp- , ni rendered on tbo organ by Wlillaat good of one's fellows as well as for In Boreao, of which many of a* had for- he kin*." first MMion of UM Kifly-elgbth 9M tbe overthrow of enemies. son, Allan B. Lalaa and Beary O. Wtalltiggham, of Baltimore, a gotten, save, perhaps, aa the none of * 2. Let m consecrate ourselvi poUlo bills and 1,896 prim* ones Weil., ot North Flalaflald. •f lbs groom. First appaarsd Iba It Is more than drums and busies certain wild man. Let nsase,then, what oantry by participating In It by gov were passad. In Ibe aomber of bill It Is more potent than cannon this Odd little colony of wsgHnil i«. irnment. our» Is self government, The brido'i gown was of whit* seksrs, followed by tb* bridesmaids bayonets. It means far more than Inirodaoad ii "bsaU" all messaUn* satin, with yoke and .l.eve* •ad nald of booor, wbo war* and every citizen should take his part soxdi" More Ibao 10,000 bills ships of war snd military equlpmenl Tb* territory cow known as British —m tbe selection of candidates. In Of real 1M*. BM wore * vail of toll* ti whit* argaadt* and wearing wblt* Love of conntry msy tjuse tbe eye North Borneo, and formerly called 8a- their election, in supporting good were brought In. Nearly 8,000 report. and apray of orange blonomt fastMMd BOROUGH GIRL BECOMES .THE WIFE OF arts trimmed with pink They earned to nil with tears when we see tbe old bah, 1* *ttuat*d at tb* northern end of sures and in opposing were mads. Oonaraaa earn* Its money ibo coiffure With s pin nt psaila auk sweet peas Tbs bride, gowned ELBBIDGE H. MEAL, OF HEW YORK. flag of stars and stripes float on tin Island of Borneo, and has a eoaat- and. If called upon to do so, holding U talks enough ; aod Ibto la a groat and diamond*, the gift of tbs gtoom. Ii wblte plaited allk moll, Mi breeze In a foreign land; It may lead of about 500 miles. Tbe population office under tbe government. Failure and Daoaapary part of lta fanottons. Her boaqaat waa of white *w**t paaa. one in tbe wild charge against bris- la estimated at 120.000. which Includes Hth Old rose point lace aa.d carrying Mlas KotoUa Apaar. daagbter < to participate In govern mes L*t off irj# ataam '-With Iba Prooaa- Tbe mala af honor's gown was of 01 ivory -covered prayer book, wao ao- tling heights, smoke wreathed and bi ' about 10.000 Chinese, rather than participation in them sieo, Bvsrybody's Magaain* for July tr. and I Mr*. Jobo Apger. af Mart iwept; It may demand all one's Sandakan, on the eaat tlds of British while point d" sspril over whit* sMBpaaled ap tbe alate by bar father, should be proscribed by tbe church o taffeta ud *b* carried a basket of the (a** bor a way la marrla* Front street, waa married at 7 :B0 •ns and life Itself, if need re- North Borneo, has * magnificent harbor Christ. There are -bosses" and "rings' m. Jons U, to Zlbridg* quire, yet none of these is the high- and la the chief center of trade In this and "machines" in our political life J. Adam Bade, UM bomoriit of tb daisies. Al tb* obaaoal Iba party met in* Heal, of Haw Tea*, at ta* boa est tribute patriotism claims by right part of tb* lilud. The import. Include today largely because tbe best citizens Horn* of Beprenntslim, baa written Tba bridasmalds war* nwB*d Is 1 room and his baa* man, 1 be bride's parents. v_ rom na rlee, hard war* goods of all kinda, oplaat. of tb* land fall to fulfill their duties white allk novelty over whit* asSeta, To be trimmed with lace and tbey carried WUMagbaM, of Baltimore. Tb* eere- soberly with right Jfsira of the government. And yet mosj was performed by Bar. Blobard Bev. Dr. W. Dsmooratlo leader, for UM July aum •prayed booqaeu of dalslsa Tb*yalso ik af daisies, fan* power of being for Ood gladly aad for tobacco, tim- Ood commands us to "be subject unto bar of Loalle'a Monibly Maaaalaa. II WbltMagbaai, of Alfcsa. Maryland, tbe good of ber, cutch and rattans, gutta-percha, ln- the powers that be." to "render unto or* wlds yellow girdles. Tb* brid*'* father at ibe groom, aeatotofl by HOT. ibler rose*. The H near or afar—that Is true patriotism dlarnbber. birds' nests, seed pearls, tre- •sr that which Is Caesar**"—yel la not only tbo wisdom and keenness other wore a gown of eimaM William Montgomery Downey, rector decorated with a profusion of palm* He wbo would wrong any other land psng. sharks1 nae. camphor, tortoise- can we do it when we neglect our of what Mr. Bade aaya, bat •ilaaac. •f it* chnrob. Aa tbo bridal party and foliage plaata to benefit bis own 1* no patriot, but a shell, dried cntUeflsb. beeswax, and oth- highest duty to o»r land—the duty of lilhtfnl way in which be says It that Aa tb* wedding march from Lohoa* lift the ehoob. Iba Mendelssohn wed- Tb* brtse waa «1 ven IB marriage by traitor In disguise. Love of our own er natural product*, which ore brought participating, as citizens. In tbe affairs makes this iketcb valuable. There la grin wa* being plsyed by 3. Edaiaad oiag naich waa played. tr father aod waa accompanied by lives only in advancement of tbe good Into 8*ndafca.n from tbe interior and also of tbe government—municipal. Mate or also aa interfiling article on Tb* He Skill, UM obareb organist, tb* bridal from neighboring Islands. tb«r* wa* BO raceptlon after tbo bar younger stater, Mlsa Helen Apgar, of si nntlon.il? We cannot, and tberef< Wbo Will Control tha Neil National party antand tba obareb. The ashen a* maid of honor. Tb* beet man wa* Latterly, CODTM planting has been ta- •bouM consecrate ourselves to ti Political Conventions, and a itudy of wedding, a dino*r being Barred (ox In spirit, and an In- ken up, and cotton, gambler, b*mp ani~ lad In* way fox UM bridoinulds, maid tk* BMsibar* of tba bridal party only Oaorf* L. Aiwar, a brother of Ib* •tIrx-t bean aloni ; FalrbaakB, and one Of honor and tb* brid*, who was ao- •- downed in ebaaspagm Bounflubd UM o earth'f lighst oelectrir c circle, the ewlft ttgar are receiving attention from Euro n, Iba beta of the at BM bom of Ibe bride', parent*. ITn^sclous. ret hii- san eettMTS. ra vi. 8-10; Nell. ii. 1-S; Ps. xixlil iied by bar father. Tb* groom IB, dimmed with chiffon, Whether conscious or Tbe last initallraent of tba ptriwal i, entered tb* edlflo* from. UMr la lbs evening Mr. snd Mrs. manliy. vut fr. •a On the west coast, a short line or roll 10-22; exxxvil, 1-6; Prov. zlv, 34; Matt WbitttB|hau left Iba oily far a honey- oarrjlsc a abowor bouquet ot wbll* way baa been constructad, running in- xvll, 24-27; XZU. 15-21: Mark Hi, 13-17 olmj of tba immigranti th* vestry door and met th* other woe! psas aad fern, Ibe bridi mi.re.1 flben feels aoon trip. Upon their return they In tjth» esai ivinb oorf loaytya o land from Brunal bay to open up th* In* Tim. ii. 7-13; Heb. si, S-Ifi. sbsr, a* well as a thrilling srtiol ban of tfa* party al tb* obaneal, will awks tbetr bom* la New York, si B cbsrtnicg appearance. The rat have equal t one nee all the terior of tbe conntry. loebergt, aad UM true bletery Where Ih* ceremony was perlorn.ed maid of bonor won pink vwUl* aad A great event to th* natives la a Dur- A Coivrnlloi Ballon. Badtssoo, Iba real dtaooranr of tb* by the rector, B.v. William Mont- oarriad ptnk sweet paaa. ar—which usually occur* only on UM The Buffalo convention button is great Hortbwasl gomery Downey. During the car*. Well did Luther triumph that UM arrival of some high official. Then there unique in that tbe Endeavor gray, Mr. Skiff rendered BDfUy OK ~ a iihrli onmbereo aboal Bfty. flock Into tbe little town of E Mostly rriniTM sad Intimate friend*. Lord of Uosta waa with him and thai anoe tb* organ "O. Promla* M*," he bad fur bia refnge the God of Ja- chiefs in gold-embroidered garments, ing a healthy tbe July number of tb* A collation was ** rved to UM company cob. He who doetb according to His and other* who have but little In UM specimen of the Metropolitan Magazine appear* ID new following tb* wedding, a reception" anoc the 0*T**Boay. wtn in the armieaof heaven and among way of garments toboactof. One of oui bison tribe, in- and szqnlsltsly beautiful babiluii a* CITOB for tb* ooapU by Mr. and . aad Mrs. Meal loft late la tbe children of men erer makes Hla Illustrations shows a group of Sand- dicates where entire new dress at type, a 1 Mra. Berry at (heir bom* oa Grovs SHE IS MOW THE WIFE OF FRANK AN- ng for a toor wblon will people a majority, though they may yaks, native, who had never before tbe convention •ako-np, *w bcadpieoe aod taUnlooo atraet, where over on* hsndiad asuf I a mootb. They will probably will be held. B fifty gnasta war* present. Tbe decora- DREW ST1GUTZ. stand forsaken and alone among the Tbe button has l>ii Niagara rail* while away, aod people of the world- The bosta ai come to play tion, war* oulta *laboraM. la th* ball after Ibo jret ot Ango.t will be al Hla command mid encamp around His broader text-page, a more roadabl aad library there we* an arrangement Gtveau marriage by be* falbar, children, though, like the propbefi nn Important sad attractive arrangement of tbo let ASMS BDrrill. ol Anthony. HnnWrdoo i at » Weal lat street. New Tork port In telli ng ter-preaa asd * lager aobom* of illn. aad oak bough*, while la tha oily. Tha groom i. employed a* fere- rant, oar eres may not discern reception and dining roomi, than OMaty, HIM Knuu Barrill, ot North them. With anch an ever wakeful the story not only of international con- on throughout Sixteen page* or Plalnfiild, hi nail the wife of Flask aa of a nkdag-sbell abop on tb* Har- guanilnn. with snch cohorts encircling ventions, but of state gatherings as printed la two colon, a number of tb* W*r* daliic. amilaz and oak boo|aa Asdtew StlglUi. at this ottr, at 8 • River. na, we need hare no anxiety, wo I " " aalqa* feature waa to bo ataa la room. A largo daisy ball p. ai. Jan* U Tha aurrtage took THEO. PBTJDEN WBDS. fear no erlL Whatever comes to i HMO at UM name ot Mr. ud MIL only be with the consent and ap- Tbe official programme of Dr. Clark's Tb* J*ly ' Hitman Onriaad, till Wast Fourth Ho M.rrlea Mr*. I>ool.a B. Wooden, proval of oor Father. The path may meetlnga In New Zealand to an elab- Ulm tb* first part wZ a new aarti WMI, Bev. LawraBoa R. Howard, of Baa*; VTSJBS Street, Boy. Mi be hidden from our dim eyes, tbe mist orate affair covering thirty-two pages. sMry, entitled "The PrinosssPaasss, may obscure our vision, but we can it provides for meetings In thirteen of confidently put our feet down, know by a H, ud A. M. Williamson, tt Ing1 that they will occupy Just tbe po- covering eighteen days. On some days *f ibaa iilj sniiinsBral novel sition our God has prepared for ns ta Dr. Clark to scheduled for three and walk ln.-Eptoeop«l Boeordsr. four sddresses. Mew Zealand hi. about 300 Christian Endeavor sodeUes. •ail. ol tbls oil j. aad lbs bast BM. •aaraalVall Tbe brid* war* white grace of Ood cannot do. save those wbo deliberately continue i Mr KM food Ifalng* provided far tha bi ate. It to only effective In tba lire* to UM coast, aai know nothing of the )f men and women wbo bare formed tbe 10 per cent increase mark, and Il- I —'rial* aoapar. ••wart. Hew Tork, sea and of ships. Tbey won linois ha. rolled op a complete 100 PaaaUoa aad aaasarrtllo war* repto- fee single purpose to want in tba warsaatOBtofcsd at what they sa< trip. Upon then reton Ibsy will ra- •**•* ••as« Ibeat. The groom sorrod of righteousness. There are many wbo aeliaed to tklak that tkey slds al tbe besns of the arwMa'a make a sort of halfway covenant, se- deceived in -omeway •vvral voais la Oaba aad In* Pbill- cretly pledging themselves to the serv- »m M will as in Mala*, New Mstteo A Durbar la always BM4e I k* of Satan while openly taking tbe f festivities of all kin«.and as Both Mr aad Mra. fteber 'an naav •»• athsn part* af UM U* ion. ta 1900 ta 11.000, aad •*«• UMII baaw la wsstfleld. concerts and vtotttne many. aao'freB^Il.OOO^rfll.tOrJi eervfce—Evangettot. THTHEE CONSTITUTIONAL!CONSTITUTIONALIS STT

HOLZ WASSER BCD THE SLOCDM HORROR SYRACUSEJ50YS WIB SPECIAL DISCOUNT THIS MOUTH OF IOS Captain Van Sohaiok TaattflM Great Intercollegiate Kegatta at Inquest on Diaaatar. at Poughkeepsie.

DID HIS DCTY AS F48 AS POSSIBLE Ala m ni Gather at CORIEU WOI FOl S OARS WITH EIS To Observe in Elaborate Style A Plainfleldar Weda Mist tha Feas t of O ur La dy of Edith Lombard, of Lawrenc* Mt. CarmeL Park, BronxwiUe, M. Y.

R0VTOI, TOAST MLA8TBB , NEW YORK, June 29.-WiHiaw „ PODGHKEEPSIE, N. Y- Jure 21 OH JULY IS AND 19 SON OF H. C. SS4TJIRE8 We Also Furnish a Hat Van Scliakrb. captain of tbe nteninboe Tbe perennial t'orut-li speir la t.rot JOSEPH M. SHaLAMKU RESPOND* •at $68.00. General Sloeum when It barned at t" and tbe comparatively ninall numl MASSES AND PARADES THE FUTURES OR. CHARLES SQUIRES. A SROTHER OF entrance of tbe eoand, wits the Joss of Syracuse men in town are In FOR OLD NASSAU. more than a thousand lives,,bas teett- state of hilarious delight. In whlci Of THE AFFAIR. THE GROOM, BEST HAN. Bed at tb« Inqnest beW by Coroner surprise at their own achievement Berry at New Tork, Ho waa win " quite aa active a factor a« the dellgb Mar Uae Ooocert Park tar Cetebra tbo Cosgreg.tlon.1 Into court tn on Invalid's choir, for In two out of tbe three races < ti o n-fl al rad o re Velardl In Onecwe JBI, Joka Lead H4 IIUM T«CJ bla examination had to be Interrupt* Foughkeepsle course, the only ra. OfeBroa, iMwroawo P-rk-Qroom, -8.«t. Joha aUC-tes.«a li tta to allow him to recuperate. Other w which she was entered, the cren of the nesses tastiSed In tbe Interval, one Syracuse university won victory from nil whom, tbe Riorum's candy tbe sons of Cornell In a fnebion wblc tbe Sams Ooilaao Fratemtty. Witb mooh noi»* and an clerk, contradicted tbe captain to th will return all hands bere unotbc II elaborate preparation*, a metropo WM Edith Lombard, daughter of How of orat orj, Ib• WD• of extent of savins: that be had year seeking further Honors. lltaa band, stream draped aad anha tr- aad Mrs. JMbaa Lombard, of •era or taken part In are drills bnntlng and Illuminated by ban abide IB the plains at tbs fool of It* Slocum. Tbe captain satd that be ha In the four nilte elgbt oar rarslt La>wr«noa Park, BroaxvlUa, Hew bclil three on tbe boat this year, bo race and in the freshman two mil dreds of little lamps, special ebareb Tork, aod Walter Squrcs, ion of Mr D TwtE eight oar raoe tbe Syracuse onrsme s, incindlng tba oelebratlon o at ib. »«iiey of Tbs p«d«floo«. And I4I7TO when asked to any '" what tbey con Id Mrs. Henry C. SqnirM. of Vat- tba valUy flowad with milk ud honey 1423 5 AVE:« »80*8I ST aisled replied tbat he couhl not tell • won by handsome margins, coming ot by Italian prlaata bom Na isag aveane, wara snamed at teilffUlM tint at tbe uiul din actly. of obscurity In the minds of tbe boa two parades and flroworkig a :», Saturday, at the Oongritgational mr of tbs tribe at *D« Piainneid Yals Ing sharps so marked that the frienc lore maaa anytbljDg, tba Italian colon cbnrob, Law react Park, Bronxfllls Once under way Van Schalck an of Syracuse could'not find takers ft Of this oity will have the Duett oala Otaa. swered most questions, sometimes beta at 1 to 12. Cornell won the four in ths prs*enoe of a large and lashlon. | That wu Frid.y. TIM Yala Olnb, er temporising, bat generally as tbe Oar varsity race with ease. bratlon ot tba taaat of Oar Lady able tbrong of loeieiy folks, laolodlag Which bH MTUlJ Ot mON OMBlT REV. EH MOLDERKE prosecutor wanted. He said Unit only MooDt Oarmal arar Men la U auny from ibis olty. Wisconsin, which was .thought t Ticioity. Tbo oaUbtattoa will tak tamed ont pretty Dearly la f 0 new life preservers had been pi threaten all competitors In the four oar Xbe bride's only attaadant wat bar Than was «n UBJUUT food board the Slocnnt since 1801. at varsity races, waa never a facto place Monday aad Tuesday night sister, Miss Louise Lombard, woo was gathering, and the affair went off IDJM SUDDENLY that he recalled by way of repel July 18 aad 19. maid of honor. The baat man waa Dr. with a degree of tDlhttium them waa that new straps were pa oar race and last in tbe varsity. L*« ysari i daa Squires, brother of tba groom, joliitT that WM highly anjoyabls by 300 last year. He told a whole lot Columbia, tbe "dark horse," whose Bldered a creditable effort, bnt tboand tba uahen wars Louls'Sqairaa sad Wealthy Lutheran Minister of tblngs tbat Federal Inspector Lund of that occasion will tba dlaon. Denman'i Colts Get a Good mysterious doings upstream have lei Fred Sqalres, alee brothers of tha Stricken at Breakfast Table, berg of tbe steamboat bureau did DO to a good deal of solicitude on the par In comparison with m; Biobard .Hortbiop, of Bvaat- Chef Henri excelled falaualf. Tba a. He said Londberg. who refuse of all of her competitors, did well in ilb's affair. The flnaat Italian tablaa raoaired M In a oparsa of par- Coat of Whitewash ist week to testify at the lnqi the four oared race, in which she seo, ill, and WlUlam Prrna, of Kew Passed Away Boon Altar. 9 In New Tork, SardlaUo'a Ha Tork. faot ooltnary creations M Tba Poda- Saturday. tbe ground that to do so might tend to la second, though sbe made but a fee- lam Oolnmbla Baad, ii Io ranlib tb flooa baa oror aproad bafota his inests Incriminate him, boarded tbe Slocum ble showing In the others, coming ' mnflo bOtb dajf, Tnji organlnaUon A leoeptioa foUawad (ba oeramony A. nscal a* BIBBWI dinners, tba ATTACK DUX TO GRIEF tbla spring and examined "maybe tan, lost In the freshman race and font' at tbe borne of tbe bride's parents BED" WALLEE PITCHED In the varsity. alwaya makes a favorable imprassio •ami of aim* nilti wara mng lnttila maybe a hundred." of the Slocum'a Iff OB parade, with Its Continental an from 1 to a :so. after which tba ooaple PASTOR BEMOANED THE FATE OF SLO betta. He did not Inspect tbe bos* Bad 0(1*0. The HDf lu| WM a nou No records were broken. Indeed th forai of Una, faead wttb red, left on a honeymoon Tbey will lire TaaHan of tba faast. Judge Runy THE DUSKY BRAVES GIVE A FINE EX Van Schalck said, nor teat ths life- time was slower tban for three yea: In thu citv Dpon ttitii ittoie. Mr. CUM DISASTER VICTIMS. ind life rafts. He made no in two of the races and more thaD Tbo proosssloa wlU lnolBdi tba teaatauatar, laadlag with HIBITION OF BASEBALL. 100 of the more prominent Italian! of Squires la engaged In the* iportlag boomioi voioa. At aooaptad inKt of the life preservers In water, minute and a half slower thau la Ii DBUBSII witb his fatbar la Haw tba Tale jel! ton through tba walla. oT Age * Van Schalck, wbo added that the Slo- in tbe varsftv race, wu.it mlgb York. Oalr ataa Hits M.de-The Two im's life preservers hod never boon been done In the varsity race hi oity and alao a aoon or There wu no tbreat tbal bad lost its Hod Booa tn cn*rge at One from Oonneotloot and Haw Tori The groom, his bait man and tha Team. WlU Moot Again *D Wed- tested in water. Tbe bar cashier, who Cornell puahed Syracuse may be i vigor, apparaatly, and one* or t wici Ckare* for Thirty testified, said tbat tbe bartender triad ferred from tbe statement of the 8yra Toeaday, tbo ooooad day of tbe faati nsbers are all members of Iba sama tba c»p of tba mooDttio ibeek, aid nesday at Baslaoas Men's Mat- get some of these lifebelts on to cockswain. In wblcb he Is quoted val, probably 1,000 Kalians will ooUea-e fraternity, Pht Delia Tbeta, the aatlTaa prayod faart«Uy that * Taara. Iswa—Tba beoro. day of tbe fire and tbat they burst. as saying tbat hia men were prepare* m tba oity aad enjoy Tba groom was graduated from Wll- laadallda ba avsrtad. Bar. Dr. Sdward Motdoako, one o Tor a surprise from Gomel! in tbe t. llama OoUage this you, Dr. OharU* According to tba schedule prepared Tattering cork oil orer the bar. tbemsarreilBlbair on nappy NM Bpaaebes, without sari oa so— e»apt tba baat known sad wealthiest When Van Schalck was told that the r.i n of the race and were ready for i polltan style. Balvadora Telerd Squires Is a grednaie of Cornell la that the? wan all fmll «f tba ipirtl by Ubarlei DenmaD, who Is tbo orlgl LBtbaraa olergymsn IB tba ooaatry district attorney had asked with reserve power to bit up tnel Medioal Collage, Lools Sqaires is a aal Vexy (Jailler, there was to be pii oblef. exaoutlTO of tba ooloay, has Of loyalty »o Tale and Tala men, wara died athlsaammerbosee, "Bl questions be wanted to. tbe captain speed materially, hiii they were not permit from Mayor JenklBs for graduate from tba law department of made by Jimu K. Joy, Jobn Leal, for tha Westficlds Setorday afternoon. Washlngsanville, an t-atnrday. turned to tbe Jury and said: pressed in any part of the race. Oolnmbla College, and Frederick Blackberry pie. Instead Of pie, tbay want you gentlemen to under parade. Be will lead tba ptooosslan Howard H Williami, Fred W. Wai •tricken with bract dlaaaas wbll* al The effect of tbe unexpected victory tfarengb tbo prlaolpal streets. Uqalrss. an aroaltect. Is a gradoata got eggs-goose egg*. Nine of them, aidoosM stand that I did all in my power tba of Syracuse is very marked here in laea, Story Rowland, Kvacts Tney could be done under tbe circumstance If arrancemeata can be cooolodei MB Ibe uune oollegs, wbile Blobard ud Lewis TraadwalL Of ooaraa Toast- aad tba Haw York Oolorad Giants, • way. The oaosa rent Increase In all manifeststiona o [ortbrop and William Pryns ara wbo wara slated to go down tba maw at tbe time of tbe accident. I couli iterest in the racing in general and in 'oi tbo aaa Of St. Jaaeab'i cburob, OMl«r Baayoa bad aomatbtaf awaatly of bU Ulaaat was believed to be daa not turn the boat and beech her any gradnatts of Williams and HoUy Tltns tba Denmaalaos, tripped gayly to grlaf for nsnhtn ef bit eoagrega aws to make next year*s regatta a father from St. Antoalo'i etrorab, I 00mptimtntat y to My of every sposker. than I did. I remained eUnd mtest surpaiwliiK sll those of tbe past Bailer street. New Tork, will oele Of Cornell. Hla lisramer was aa Una and Udnatrl- away witb one run. Jnit one, bnt tion wbo loot tbeir li»es oo the ill Ing In front of the pilot bouse until we qnlto saOBgb for all practical purposes. rireworks, singing crowds and a grea aaa a one a* *r*t aa alumni diODtr fated USD. BIOOBBB, and bla ooaapaa 'truck. Then I started to go down din of tooting horns kept the people It waa expected tbat tbo Otaata •ton far tbo bsr.it families af M. italrs. Fonghkeppsle awake unrJl far Into t "A volcano or are' had broken oi Tba ovtar ooliagUta wot Id waa rap* would fnrnisb a lot Of fan, bnt hardly L %• wilt maroli tbey woald h»»e any—and sbnt- weak aao yiatirday bo broke along the decks and was sweeping tq B wostber waa on the whole nearly raaaatad bj Jaatpb M. SbeUsbarger, the stairways. I could not get down rill be decked wi SUCCESSFUL OPEN AIR SALE FOR THE OBI fraUotng at thai. Tbay pat a lot down while terfeet for racing. Hashes of rain tmerloaa flaga, boaUag and bug the stairs. Some one yelled, "Jump for narred tbe enjoyment of the specta homblT. far Princeton. He did not of horseplay and gargling m-mull- for tM81oeua daod. Ha your life, captain!' and tlien I Ji ~ with lamps for a night Illumination. BENEFIT OF CHARITY. la (hair ooaaalag, bla ooutry BOOM. somewhat, and a rather brisk appaar to raollas what a terrible tsli- overboard. I at rack tn shallow water aoutberly breere toward the close o These decorations, wfaloh wlU inoli take ba bad made in fr-mtiTg foot played ball and played arary mlaaM paator of 81 f •Mr'«La«i«ran obnrob, oo tbe rocks snd broke my knee. My TIM lawn la tba rear of 806 Central of e*er, inning. : day made the water somewha nan in Prtaoateai when ba might Haw York, (or thirty jaan Ho waaclothes bad been on nre. I waa rough, to which the slow time may be rtaaa, waa gay Friday afternoon, Jnit aa wail bare gone to Haw HIT to. Good bail. too. Both atdos playad ad. attributed. witb a orowd of ohlldraa aagtrly Ba waa obaaaad and olappod. Tb* fast, tbo Giant* banging right to tha "A large, fleshy woman and a young Cornell led off at tbe p'xtol sbot In laying oaody, oak* and frnlta, ** Yale Club la tba arroagast Batligs darllagt of tba Den man bamlef. While arse girl came to me and dragged me characteristic style, bat lost her lead wall aa fancy article*. Tba aale was tba pitcher* bad an old-fasbloaad up orer tba rocks to tbe shore. Than alomnl oriaolialiou ID Ibn Pity. IU managed to crawl up to a small tree almost Immediately to Syracuse, which oandnotod far tbo beoafll of tba JUry amoora ara 1 Praaldaat, B. 81 J. Ho dual, there WM enough for tba fielders and I lay down under it. As.I looked with a quick stroke pdllp.l out s iroaads fox tba flrawotki diipUy tba atorgaa Kreib Alt Gamp. A largt OBKBOB ; vice president, V. W. Wai to do, and Ibay were kept opea-syed olargymaa, and Dr. AUrad Moldooke, nrard the Slocum I saw the pilot a lead wblch. nerer lost during so oonrteontly placed al tbat majority of Iba merchants of He city lao*; aaaratary, a W. Abboli; axaoa< with admiration. wbo ii tba iMlitut paa*or of St. rase and tbe upper decks far " lhe race, was Increased to Hrc lengths aarrloo laat yaax by Jamaa S. Msrtloe donated tbo good Ibiaga sold thars. Bod Wai 1 er waa la tbo box for W* it Van Schalck's explanation started t the Qnlsh. Once, near the two Mrs Bomminaa. O. W. MoOoa, Erarta Patar'i obmrob. mark. Cornell lu a One burst of speed bat It Is nsiosrtaln,' tm • Aboal 900 ttokots wara sold for tba Tracy aad T. M. Day, Jr. •aid, aad ba pilobad iolden tipped Tba raamalBa wora taken to Bow io jurors asking questions. They de- r other, if tba necessary ooaaanl oaa tale, aod, taktoa; It all together, tba manded explanations of the delay In did press her sturdy rival on al ball. Oaoa Charley Daaman repudiated ork. wtaare aarrloaa wan bold la terms. a seanred from Mi. M artlne at rofta will probably amooat to 980. Bad, because ba waai away witb 1. Peter-, obnreh Taaaday. Tney notifying tbe captain that there [me, io Mayor N, B Smaliey, of th Miss Mary NoSett arraagsd Iba otber and nanghiier players, aad ere tban broogbt baok M tbU ctly on board and how be reconcile* bonragb, has oSarad tha more centra Ial>, witb tba assiataaoa of Mb* vowed that Bod weald aerer we* Information with the stories ol mm npuz and ptaoad la a raalt wtaloh tbo do- aaseoners wbo began to Jump off at WASHINGTON. June 20. — Justice loa, sow kaowa aa " ana Moffatl, wbo aotad as oatblar, WeHBsld toiler-made aall again. Bal batlt BOBW hla BOBM mn (inerv-eecond street. Ln(l«rH.ni, in tlK supreme ronrt Park" OB Walohnng afoaa Mrs. HalsoB TaaWinkU, Hit E. B. SUBURBAN TEAM DEFEATS NEW YORK Dbarley baa forgiven tbo erring ana, las Bustatrted a demurrer upholding Ryder, Mra. Henry Moshar, Mlsi happy ba waa The district attorney wanted expla- ba department of tbe Interior ii lu'spnd. EB III FINE EXHIBITION. ationa too. All that tbe csptaii defense of a suit bsougbt by Jtweph IB addlHoa Io Balvadora Velerdi, In lannia Tompkls, Miss Ethel Morris, by ablBlaaj «p bla raaaata lap and say was that he did his duty, did his barge Of tbe arrangement!, tbato la Mrs. Fred Moffott, Miss OUva Hsd- atrUlag oat eleven of tba mabOBgany Nsganab. a Cblppeway Indian, who Tbe 'Plains Man, allboagh badly best and couldn't explain. claims tbat bis tribe will be Injured U imlttoa on wtalob tba following are dan, Henry Zoopa and Lawraaoi S*(- ertpplad. defeated tha Oeloalal A. ild tnat he gave no orders to tie order of the secretary of the Ugi Qnlsappa Kattols, Vilomss larlaa. IfBal Bad lost bU own fame, and r after he knew of tbe Ore. tarter should be carried out setting Oalappo, Qaataao D'anaao, Domaolco Tba waitrcotM wara.Kdaa HOSMT, Want, of Haw Tork, Balorday attar- TEMPERANCE BOYS LOSE AN EXCITING •Itness sold he hod been oo tbo aaaa la a good last exhibition ot tba mayba Charley will grow oold and aside 300,000 acres ot Minnesota pirn Fiona, T^aorianto Volazdf, Mlobola Ooa nln Haldaloff, Halaa Bydar, Dorotby Ol those GAVE OF BASEBALL. General Slocum since tbe boat timber, wonh (3.000,000, as a perpet- ataaMao aad Antonio FotrUlo. 1801, that be was flfty-three ParrlB, Batb Moore, Manol OMian, foolish wild pitches tbat will oomo Tlotaaoa Bjoor, Tad Ryder, BUsa- op. Bad pat too moon MBobnoaa on •ware old. that be had been a boatman Tba Haw Market T. M. A. oon- or forty .years and master OOtb Wfno aad Marion Wsao. tba ball la as eTert Io oatab tba ran-tlaoed on its viotorlaas career by Kn.ll.b Cal«a*l Kllim. Following la tba llBOBp: *r thirty years. LONDON. June 20.—Colonel Bloom- Alibaoloaa of tba sals steryt»g at ant, la tba foBrtfa. aad tba ras ng tbo Batnrai A. A., ot Plaln- emalnfag waa auctioned off to Iba Bootob Plalaa — Baldwin, Ib tailed in. After thai It waa nip and Held Gongb, who during the Boer war Albert, 3b: Allan. aald, on Saturday at tb« Haw •Had MmU-m Kellrr • was ordered bome for refusal to obey null aa flgores tbal aooo dUpowd of luck, aad nothing doing bat wild at flald. Tba Kawani itn at CAMBRIDGE, Sinus., June 20.—Hel- EW YORK COMMISSION TO SEE MODEL tha articlei. Orsaiui, at; Eorlgni, Sb; tonpts for both aldaa Wi General Lord Matbuen's orders, hai P; Taylor. If; H. Albert*, t£ tor them at any time and wsra en Adams Keller, the deaf, dumb aad Killed In a carriage accident at MACADAM HIGHWAYS. OalOBlal A. O.-Painter, ef; Bin to third twloa, bat Warriok, tbe 7 baataa by a aeon of 10 io 5. blind girl whoso, wonderful achleve- Kelso. Scotland. Gough, at the time Bad Us backers Tba faatora of tba gas have made her name familiar refused to obey orders, was In com- iday, JaJy 11, a special ooaii "Telephone Haason" U tna title aaaa, o; A. Bgaa. Ib; Daisy, ail tbara to block tba tDreatsnad bout the world, waa the central T»T—-". »; Ovsrtoa, If; H. Kg Mag of the T. M. ind of the Ninth lancers. He claim- ion of fire mambsrs appointed by of a skatob IB tba Jnly nnmbet of gallop down tba homaatratob. among tbe ninety-six ladies of ed that his men and horses were Good Bonsskosping by Mrs. Florsso* 8b; Thomas, sf g Jeaes. B. Bailcliffe college wbo received their de- Lsglslatore of Haw York will come to Mr, Dcnmaa la ao tiokied over tbo t for duty and refused to lead t! this BUte to inveitigata (ha New Ji Howe Hall, of Madison avaaac, aad Boonbrlaalacs: way bla pots wan boaaaa that ba 1> of bachelor of arts at tbe hands > destruction. He was a veterai TTaitatil A. O. SOOOOOOOO of Dean L. R_ B, Brlggs. tbe president aay asotbod of road building with a Tba ETII Eye and Wiiobei Sight in Koing la laka another say at tba M Afghanistan campaign. neoteb Ptalaa 000031000 Of tbe college. Miss Keller was attend- lew of adopting II for the Empire lomo" la tba heading of aa artieU Is Oiaata Weoaaedaj afternoon. "Tbay ed by Miss Sullivan, her teacher and ata. Btata Baparrlsor of B Tba Oentnry for Joly by Maad Bawa, an tba bast colored player, going. ML and when her name was irWr Wrd. Million.1, ibart A. Meeker, of this oity, alatot of Mrs. Hall aad the wife of ba aald after iba gams Of aomrai oallsd and she rose to receive her de- CHICAGO, June 29.-Marlon Llnt- are ebarga of tba party. aba m**, the artist bwtg* Kieettoaj. Aflor bsaiing WaataaM tbay oaaldVt tbe large audience broke Into er, a Chicago kindergarten teacber, U been married to Samuel Tark, tbe iw Jeney waa tba first to adopt Date Of COBBOII Mootlag. Tfeaa officer. srsrs alao*** by Martha be aaytbing alas. Tbo Wednesday earl? and prolonged applause. tbo State aid plan of OMBrtsc tba ei- Washlagtoa Conoeil. Ha. fS, Dtn|b millionaire banker and lumber I Tba son rogular mastlag of tba time ia down aa tiant of Beaumont, Tex. The wed'taosioti Of good roads, Maamnhn Ian ot Anenca. Satarday •atlaia." Ii wlU start at 5 o'clock. ommon Oooaotl 1a icbedoled for ding took place on tbe day the bridt •d OoBBootloal followed and then day night, Joly 4, bot as tbla will ba Oamaollor, Mr. Sadia Dodxa; aaaaolaM Soon by laalaaa Jnoe 2«.-Tbe French rraiser waa granted a divorce from II. H. aw Talk faU la lino. Bat lbs plan aoaasllOT. Mr. Annia AaglaaMa BSE arlen de la Crartrre has been ordered of Toledo, O. air. and.Hi holiday. It i« qnlia likely Iba matt- tbe nlnJatry of marine to proceed as triad In tbe latter StaM has lag will ba bold tba neit Blgbl, Jaly s vtaa aooaotlor, btra Wlaaita Allea -olsrad Oluu. 00010000 0—1 ark ara DOW preparing to go to Port socoaeded. aad tba offloisls olalni tbat aaaaetM* Tlaa aaaaoUor. 8. H AIIM Haiti to Insist on tbe punishment Arthur, Tex., and board Park's steam »tak» Gl*a ai,uoo. 000000000-04 1 of those irmHy of tbe outrage acainst Saala la apsndlng too much mi toaawtlaig we .wry. UUbart B Mar I Devoe; Wai- If. Dtprex. tbe French minister, wbo aefat for a two men tin' cruise In Mex- Harvey V|ak * Bwaa, New Tatk Ua ; laaaelal aMratary, U. B Altaai; for the rasalM being aofalavod. f waleb foratsr Mayor laraadPooU. AMisniaii am •toned by toe palace guard at Tha fasM of lbs N«w Jaowy toadi uaaaaror. Mr. Mary W.i.h; con- aa FrlBce recently while «aaaar. In. Hllaa: wat«aa, Mra. witb the minister of Germany. Mary Alpaagb COLON. June 29.-Tbe steamer Al- Odoll'a Banca. from New Tork. has arrived • H |fc Wm Owl, U-: ban. bringing CbW Engineer Wallace BKRLIN. June 2U.-li 1. ( to Btata Ooawsil, F. Q. Valob; rafaa- I stated that tbe satisfactloa which arJT bia party and also Majors Gorgos MMin M rl BM A lermany aad Fnu.t win oVmaad nod Lagarde ot the sanitary depart- Ham, a B. Allam frosB tbe •overnment of Haiti tor tbe ment and trained nsnai for tbe bo* attack on tbe r«spectlTe minister. «C ital corps, tic chief of whom. Ml- VeoostrlM by tbe palace guards at •Iboerd. is a vf^ersn uurae of tl:i' It leads all tba otber an Prtore will eonsM of the pun- sbfXmerk-j n war. Tbey all pro- nion In Iba length sad eat of tbe enilty penwno. 1 to Panama during tbe day. la Improved reads. Whila tba otber Mia* Mary Brows, BMaager s* Ullsr'a laaadry. aas^oassd lbs U»k* WASHIXfSTOX. -Iu:i a>.-It * ST. LOC1S. June ». - Lafayette oa> Woat Bsooad atrsat aad will 'oweg of Iowa baa accented an luriu- ere that tbe total amount of the e taka passMsla. J-ly 1 Tha M P**f* i to be Independence day orator •> •te left by -Mr. I. 7. r,.'.-. ~. f .; •,, r a wlU ba Jaat aa aooawdbla at tba old wt-*td*« fair crrm-x?. Lady Canon. wTD srmro^lin-ite SI" with tba addad advaataga af taoraaswl ooaooo. \