UpdateEAB www.-gb.org ✩ Gisdateˆ An organ of the Esperanto Association of Britain Organo de Esperanto-Asocio de Britio ★ No. 35, October–December 2006 N-ro 35, oktobro–decembro 2006 ISSN 1741-4679 International communication without discrimination ★ Respect for all cultures Internacia komunikado sen diskriminacio ★ Respekto por ˆiujc kulturoj 91st – now 67 national associations

Reports on this year’s World Espe- ranto Congress in Florence appear in Esperanto in La Brita Esperantisto, in UEA’s Esperanto, and elsewhere, so here is a view in English. So much goes on during the week that almost anyone’s account will differ radically from any other, so this is very much a personal perspective.

e left Britain in a heat wave, only to find W Tuscany in identically stifling weather. Temperatures around 38°C continued through much of the week. Luckily, most of the congress venues were provided with air-conditioning, and thankfully also our hotel. The town was occasionally Above: A small corner of the new ‘Movada Foiro’, where organisations and ideas get an informal airing during the traditional ‘Interkona Vespero’.

Below: The Committee of the Universal Esperanto Association at work – representatives from 65 national associations practising equal respect for all languages and cultures – the only such world body to practise what it preaches. Two more associations were accepted during the Congress in Florence – from Nepal and Madagascar. EAB-Ìisdate • 1 UNIVERSALA KONGRESO WORLD CONGRESS REDAKTORA NOTO drenched in a sudden downpour, points, getting the participants but the weather finally broke into the swing of the Congress. Britoj sur la towards the end of the week. Whether someone deliberately put the atheists’ table face-to-face monda scenejo Adequate halls with the Catholics, I do not know! The congress halls might be A troupe of young dancers Pli ol 40 britaj esperantistoj termed ‘almost adequate’. The performed ultramodern dances partoprenis en la Universala main congress venues were in a outside the main congress hall. Kongreso en Florenco. EAB once-private villa and its This was appreciated, but they elmontris sin kaj çe la tiel- grounds, conveniently near the had to do it on gravel! I was nomata Movada Foiro, kiu railway station. The old orangery amazed they agreed. served as the book shop, which unuafoje kvazaü eklançis la was brim full with every sort of Opening kongreson, kaj çe la prelegaro sub literature from UEA’s book The highlight of the opening Tago de la Lernejo, kie An©ela service. There was also a modern ceremony was the talk by Tellier tre sukcese prezentis la congress building in the grounds. Prof. Franœois Grin, author of projekton Lingvolançilo al As the premises were not big the report on what possible scivolema aüskultantaro. Krome, enough for the larger gatherings, results use of Esperanto in the la Verda Ranaro prezentis du these were held across the road in French educational system might teatra∆ojn dufoje. Ni rajtas fieri the old fortress. Unfortunately, be (see EAB Update No.32, p.11). pri tiuj britaj kontribuoj al nia this was on the flat, so two It is always a treat to hear internacia afero. viewing-screens were placed someone outside the movement Kaj aliteme. Iuj lastatempe towards either end of the hall. with a perfect and fluent com- demandis pri la amplekso de çi The official number of partici- mand of Esperanto. However, he tiu bulteno. La nuna numero pants was 2,209, somewhat more did not hold back in criticising kreskis ©is 24 pa©oj, sed ja ne than last year. Esperantists for wrongly inter- çion mi enmetas. Mi tute ne scias, preting his report as support. As a çu oni ßatas la krucvortenigmojn Movada Foiro scientist, it is, self-evidently, his kaj kalendaron. Çi-lasta ja aperas The idea to hold a so-called ‘fair’ job to be impartial and objective. en revuo Esperanto, sed mi seems to have been a success. A As such, it is hardly surprising pensas, ke eble tiuj, kiuj ankoraü plethora of associations and that the report is favourable to a ne individue ali©is al UEA ßatus societies sat in the garden, wider use of Esperanto, but it is ricevi informojn pri internaciaj displaying their work and wares. incumbent on Esperantists not to aran©oj – kaj, ankoraü pli grave, Among them was EAB, displaying compromise a scientist’s position the ‘Springboard2Languages’ by claiming his support. Only instigon ekpartopreni. project. It attracted a great deal of evidence supports. On the other Geoffrey Sutton interest. hand, it has to be said that any • Material for the next issue of Unfortunately, tables had to scientist producing a report on a EAB Update should be with the be shared, though there seemed revolutionary social idea can editor no later than 17 November. to be no adverse effect on the hardly expect that idea’s support- • Materialo por la venonta numero lively exchange of information. ers not to – whether rightly or de EAB-Gˆisdate atingu la redaktoron They provided a host of talking- Continued opposite plej laste la 17-an de novembro.

EAB-Update / Gˆ isdate is a quarterly organ of the Esperanto Association ❏ EAB also publishes the review La Brita Esperantisto, wholly in Esperanto of Britain / estas kvaronjara organo de Esperanto-Asocio de Britio, / EAB eldonas ankau˘ la revuon La Brita Esperantisto, tute en Esperanto. Esperanto House / Esperanto-Domo, Station Road, Barlaston, Stoke- ✰ on-Trent ST12 9DE. ❏ Tel. 0845 230 1887 or +44 (0)1782 372141 EAB is a registered charity (No. 272676) and an affiliated national Fax / fakse: on request / lau˘pete association of the Universal Esperanto Association, which has official relations with the and Unesco / EAB estas legˆe registrita E-mail / rete: [email protected] bonfara asocio kaj aligˆinta landa asocio de Universala Esperanto-Asocio Websites / ttt-pagˆaroj: www.esperanto-gb.org (Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 Rotterdam, Nederlando. Tel. 00 31 10 www.esperantoeducation.com 436 1044; fax / fakse: 00 31 436 1751; e-mail / rete: [email protected]; www. ❏ Membership of EAB costs £25 a year (£20 concession); supporter or uea.org), kiu havas oficialajn rilatojn kun Unuigˆintaj Nacioj kaj Unesko. youth member £10 / Membrigˆi en EAB kostas £25 pundojn jare (£20 ✰ rabatite); subtenanto au˘ juna membro pagas £10 pundojn. ✰ ❏ EAB is also affiliated to the International League of Esperanto Teachers ❏ and the / EAB aligˆis ankau˘ al Internacia Ligo de Material for Update should be sent by e-mail, computer disk or hard Esperantistaj Instruistoj (ILEI) kaj Eu˘ropa Esperanto-Unio (EEU). copy direct to the editor / Materialon por Gˆ isdate oni sendu rete, diske au˘ ✰ papere rekte al la redaktoro: Geoffrey Sutton, 7 Clover Road, Aylsham, Norwich NR11 6JW; e-mail / rete: [email protected]. Material may ❏ The views expressed in EAB Update are not necessarily those of the be in Esperanto, English, Welsh or Gaelic / Materialo rajtas esti en la lingvoj Management Committee of EAB / La opinioj esprimitaj en EAB-Gˆ isdate ne internacia, angla, kimra au˘ gaela. nepre estas tiuj de la Administra Komitato de EAB.

2 • EAB Update UNIVERSALA KONGRESO wrongly – use it for their own purposes. As the Congress did not take place in a capital city, there were few diplomats present. However, there was a representative from the British Consulate in Florence, HM Consul Moira Macfarlane. We hardly ever see a British diplomat at any Congress, so congratulations are in order – though I doubt the Foreign Office knew about it! Among the greetings from national associations, I was waiting for a representative from Above: Angela and Dominique Tellier and others manned EAB’s ‘half- Iran; the Iranian association table’ during the Movada Foiro in the congress hall garden. Springboard affiliated to UEA last year. No attracted a great deal of attention from around the world. Below: Peter one did, despite eight Iranians Bolwell and Sally Phillips during La Verda Ranaro’s presentation of the play having joined the Congress. Pacaj Batalantoj by Paul Gubbins, twice performed during the congress. Whether they came or could come, I have not yet been able to ascertain. Paul Gubbins officially greeted the congress on behalf of British Esperantists.

Education and lectures Kleriga Lundo was again a success. It is a loose collection of educa- tional talks and lectures. As ever, it is not easy to choose which to attend when so many things are happening at the same time, but that is a luxury that applies through much of the congress week. The Internacia Kongresa Universitato (IKU) also presented its somewhat more august themes on subjects ranging from the EU’s 20 official languages, European pivotal language for ‘What Was Really New in the plus the same text in Esperanto, translation and interpretation, we Renaissance’ to ‘Statistical Exami- that Esperanto is structurally find English. UEA publishes the nation of the Vocabulary of the located precisely in the middle. texts of the IKU lectures annually. Proposal for a European Consti- At one extreme of the classifica- There were also courses for tution’. Interestingly, we learnt tion is Finnish, and at the other beginners and those with some from Dr Iván Bujdosó’s research extreme, and thus also demon- experience, so no one should be into the properties of this text in strably inappropriate as the afraid of attending a world congress, although, inevitably, Members of the Esperanto Academy replying to the public’s questions the more one knows the more one is likely to get out of it.

Auction The auction was not quite the spectacle it often is, perhaps because Humphrey Tonkin, whose lively banter makes the show, was beginning to feel his workload. A copy of Lilio by Edith Sinnotte, the first female Esperanto novelist, and British, was sold for 140 euros. A copy of EAB-Ìisdate • 3 UNIVERSALA KONGRESO WORLD CONGRESS the same book was selling for pennies in Scarborough! The Kongresa Rezolucio money raised goes to UEA funds. La 91-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, kunveninta en Florenco (Italio) kun 2 209 partoprenantoj el 62 landoj, Three dismal events In general, events started on time, konstatinte, although some were oblivious to – ke la Jardeko de Edukado por Daüropova Evoluigo 2005–14 estas grava the fact that others were to kadro por iniciatoj cele al evoluo kiu estu socie dezirinda, ekonomie viv- follow. kapabla, kulture taüga kaj ekologie daürigebla, The ‘Nacia Vespero’ was the – ke nuntempe ekzistas gravaj minacoj kaj al biodiverseco kaj al kultura worst I have attended in ten kaj lingva diversecoj, pro la reciproka dependeco inter la homo kaj la world congresses! The singing of naturmedio, the Italian mountain choir – – ke la nuna superrego je monda skalo de unu lingvo havas maltrankvil- without accompaniment – was, igajn ekonomiajn, sociajn kaj edukajn efikojn koncerne daüropovecon, in itself, fine. Everyone would lingvan ekologion kaj la rajton je komunikado, have enjoyed three songs, but it – ke la strebado de la Esperanto-movado al lingva demokratio kongruas went on and on, and on – and kun la valoroj de transnacia edukado celanta informitajn, aktivajn that was all. Is that all Italy has to civitanojn, kiuj estu kapablaj kritike kompreni sin mem kaj la çirkaüan offer? Hardly. mondon por partopreni la evoluprocedon respondece kaj solidare: The ball was also a failure. It Alvokas la Esperanto-komunumon aktive enga©i©i en la agadoj, kiuj, would seem that no one took any sur diversaj niveloj, strebas antaüenigi praktikojn koherajn kun la interest in its organisation. We principoj de la bezonata ßan©oprocezo, kaj utiligi siajn lingvon kaj retojn arrived at the appointed time serve al tiuj klopodoj. only to find a large room with a Rekomendas al la Estraro de UEA doni al la çi-rilataj problemoj pli da few chairs – nothing more! Yes, a atento en estontaj kongresoj kaj agadoj, partnere kun neesperantistaj good band did arrive, and people organiza∆oj. started dancing, but there were Konfirmas la pretecon de la Esperanto-komunumo kunlabori kun not enough chairs, there were no Unesko kaj aliaj organiza∆oj cele al tutviva edukado por paco, socia justeco tables to sit at, and there were no kaj kultura diverseco, kaj atentigas ilin pri la lingva aspekto de daüropova drinks being sold! And people evoluigo. had got dressed up for this. I felt sorry for them. Congress Resolution (English translation): A small boy approached me The 91st World Esperanto Congress, meeting in Florence (Italy) with and enquired in fluent Esperanto 2,209 participants from 62 countries, what I thought of the venue. ‘Not much,’ I replied. noting that, ‘It is a big underground garage – the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005–14 is an with a carpet, isn’t it?’ he said. important framework for initiatives aimed at development that is socially ‘Spot on!’ I agreed. How dismal desirable, economically viable, culturally appropriate and ecologically compared to the great evening in sustainable, Gothenburg! – there are now grave threats both to biodiversity and to cultural and Apparently, the banquet was linguistic diversity, due to the interdependence of humankind and the also held in an inappropriate environment, place, such that the diners in the – the present dominance of one language at world level has disturbing restaurant had to be split up – economic, social and educational effects with regard to sustainability, hardly in the spirit of the occasion. language ecology and the right to communication, It seemed that the people who – the ’s struggle for linguistic democracy is congruent organised these events just did with the values of transnational education for informed, active citizens not comprehend their nature. with a critical understanding of themselves and the world around them And, on the Thursday, having who can take part in the process of development in a spirit of responsibil- already visited several museums, ity and solidarity: we heard that showing the con- Calls on the Esperanto community to commit itself actively to the gress insignia allowed free entry! activities at various levels that endeavour to promote practices consistent with the principles of the necessary change-process and to use its language British success and networks to support those efforts. The British theatre troupe La Recommends that in future congresses and activities the executive of Verda Ranaro presented two short UEA pay greater attention to the problems in this field, in partnership plays by Paul Gubbins, who also with non-Esperantist organisations. led the group. They performed Confirms the willingness of the Esperanto community to cooperate Pacaj Batalantoj, first performed at with Unesco and other organisations for lifelong learning for peace, social the British Esperanto Congress in justice and cultural diversity, and draws attention to the linguistic aspects of sustainable development. Scarborough, and Mikael kaj la 4 • EAB Update UNIVERSALA KONGRESO WORLD CONGRESS

Monstro twice. Both were much appreciated by the audience, the first performance taking place in the purpose-built theatre hall. They were, of course, amateur productions, but they were well performed and, in general, better enunciated than similar produc- tions at previous congresses. All deserve hearty congratulations. Paul Gubbins was also a laureate in the Belartaj Konkursoj for his play Nia Paradizo Bon– venigas. Congratulations, Paul!

Newly affiliated associations The UEA Committee was in session through much of the The main congress hall – a converted villa – from the central lawn. week. They approved the affilia- Below: The children from the Internacia Infana Kongreseto approach the tion of national associations in podium during the Closing Ceremony. Madagascar and Nepal. The Tajikistan association also wishes Excursions year’s Congress in Yokohama. to join UEA, but the papers had Our three excursions went well It did, however, seem odd that not arrived in time. enough, including the full day on the decision to hold the 2008 the Wednesday. Our lunch congress in Rotterdam was not Internacia Vespero together, looking over the olive announced in the closing cer- The International Evening went groves and vineyards of the emony. with a swing compared to the Tuscan hills, was truly memora- dismal National Evening. The ble. It became, however, tedious Always a great experience many and diverse acts came from hearing the commentary in two A World Esperanto Congress is around the globe, from Cuba to languages, but the tourist organi- always a great experience, and Korea, from the International sations often insist on their guide this time both blind Esperantists Choir to the outstanding acting being present. and young Esperantists also had and declamation of Croatian parallel meetings. This consider- National Theatre actress Vida Closing ceremony ably enhanced the variety of Jerman, whose brilliant, but far- As tradition dictates, the flag was people around the main events too-short, performances are handed over to Japanese Esperan- and should surely be continued. always eagerly awaited. tists, who welcomed us to next A.N.

EAB-Ìisdate • 5 A selection of photos by Simon Davies from the two presentations, Pacaj Batalantoj and Mikael kaj la Monstro, by La Verda Ranaro at the World Congress in Florence.

9-a Internacia Fotokonkurso Post ok sukcesaj konkursoj (1998–2005) la redakcio de La Ondo de Esperanto invitas al partopreno en sia naüa Internacia Fotokonkurso. Rajtas partopreni çiu fotemulo amatora aü profesia, sendepende de la lo©lando kaj lingvokono. Unu persono rajtas partopreni per maksimume kvin fotoj. La minimuma formato estas 15 x 20cm. Fotoj povas esti koloraj aü nigra-blankaj, vertikalaj, horizontalaj kaj aliformataj. Fotoj senditaj elektronike ne estos akceptitaj. La konkursajn fotojn sendu unu-ekzemplere al la sekretario de la konkurso, Halina Gorecka (RU-236039 Kaliningrad, ab. ja. 1205, Ruslando). La fotoj devas atingi la sekretarion de la konkurso antaü la 1-a de decembro 2006. La konkursa∆oj devos esti subskribitaj per pseüdonimo. En aparta koverto kunsendata devos esti slipo kun la pseüdonimo, aütenta nomo kaj poßta adreso de la aütoro. Oni povas aldoni titolon aü klarigan noton al la fotoj, sed tio ne estas deviga. En la konkurso ne rajtas partopreni fotoj jam premiitaj aü publikigitaj. Ju©komisiono alju©os premiojn al la laüreatoj: 1. 50 eüroj kaj abono de La Ondo de Esperanto 2007 2. 25 eüroj kaj abono de La Ondo de Esperanto 2007 3. Abono de La Ondo de Esperanto 2007. Speciala premio (50 eüroj kaj abono de La Ondo de Esperanto 2007) por la plej bona foto pri la temo Naturo. Çiu premiito ricevos diplomon. La rezulto estos anoncita en La Ondo de Esperanto. La organizanto de la konkurso havos ©is la 31-a de decembro 2008 ekskluzivan rajton uzi la ricevitajn fotojn en papera kaj elektronika formo kaj en ekspozicioj. Poste la publikigo-rajton havos kaj la organizanto kaj la aütoroj. Informoj pri la pli fruaj fotokonkursoj kaj kelkaj dekoj da premiitaj fotoj estas en la retpa©aro de La Ondo: www.esperanto.org/Ondo/Ind-fk. Sukcesojn! Halina Gorecka, sekretario de la konkurso


From 16 to 18 June EAB’s Management Committee met in Barlaston for a CDs for those without ready regular committee meeting and its annual discussion weekend. All trustees access to the internet. were present. Also present was David Kelso, who was co-opted to the commit- It was agreed that arrange- tee, and who, together with Angela Tellier, took the minutes. Present during ments be made to print Elemen- parts of the meeting were Geoffrey King, Viv O’Dunne and Jim Voiels. tary....! as copying in-house is consuming too much of Viv’s efore the meeting, Jill Ward, Helen is to represent the time, and quotations are being BPrincipal of Wedgwood association on Eüropa Esperanto- sought for reprinting Mil Unuaj Memorial College, welcomed the Unio (EEU). It was agreed to Vortoj en Esperanto. committee and spoke briefly donate £500 to EEU, as re- Regarding Springboard, about recent developments and quested, towards their publicity expenditure on pilot schools will current issues. It was apparent DVD (reported in the previous take the form of (discretionary) that there is a large measure of issue of EAB Update). grants rather than fixed subsidies. agreement between the commit- Such an arrangement allows EAB tee and the college on all matters. Finance and risk management to adjust expenditure to match Paul Gubbins is now chair of the Joyce Bunting explained that circumstances; the first and early college’s Advisory Committee recent changes in recommended pilots will be generously subsi- and ex officio a member of the accounting and reporting practice dised but in due course provision Management Committee of the mean that EAB shall in future should be self-supporting. college. have to record both significant There had been a great deal of The college is currently achievements and failures against interest around the country in experiencing major financial plans. It was agreed that the Springboard but little actual difficulties; within three years the amount of detail should be commitment to using it, demon- Learning and Skills Council proportionate to the size and strating how difficult it is to expects the college to be self- resources of the association. convert interest in Esperanto to financing, which would necessi- Joyce also led a discussion of actual adoption in schools. tate a tripling of course fees! possible risks confronting the Angela explained that in most The proposal to relocate the association and of steps that may schools there are many people village library to the college is be taken to avoid or minimise involved in decisions about the again under discussion. those risks, based on the paper in curriculum, making it a lengthy There will be a College Open the Trustees’ Handbook (first process. (Since the meeting, one Day next year, in June. composed by Paul Hewitt). The school in Cambridge has com- The long-awaited computer outcome of the discussion will mitted itself to the project. See suite came on-line this summer. appear with the handbook. EAB Update No.34, p.10.) Jill thanked EAB for the gift of a In its second year Springboard work-station. Voting will concentrate on Primary- It was agreed that voting proce- specific events like the Manches- Roles and responsibilities dures at the AGM had not been ter NACELL conference/exhibi- The roles of the Trustees were satisfactory, and a solution is tion, rather than generic events agreed as follows: Edmund being actively sought. like the Language Show. Grimley Evans: publications, It was agreed that EAB take an internet (domain/hosting), Visas advert on Springboard and EAB copyright matters; Derek Tatton: After discussion it was confirmed, on the back cover of UEA Jarlibro, staff matters, Buchanan, with regret, that the association at a cost of approx. £303. Language Watch, WMC liaison; cannot issue letters of invitation Angela reported on discus- Joyce Bunting: finance and to Esperanto events in Britain for sions with Wedgwood College administration; Helen Fantom: visa purposes. These might, concerning possible Language publicity; David Bisset: Butler however, be issued by individuals Awareness courses, using Spring- Library; Eric Walker: NetNews, or local organisations. board material and, it is hoped, lapsed/overdue members; Jean promoting interest in the project. Bisset: library, second-hand Education This was approved, and it was books, garden, local community; Angela Tellier spoke to her report, agreed to proceed with prepara- Andrew Wheatley: publicity, with statistics on course uptake tion of a general leaflet for the www (with Bill Walker), IT, etc. compiled by Viv O’Dunne. promotion of Springboard. federations liaison; David Kelso: Education Resources CDs will A briefing for Springboard secretary, education; John Wells be copied onto the website for colleagues, by Terry Page, will be (president): oversight and downloading as required. The made more generally available external representation. office will hold a small stock of through the website. EAB-Ìisdate • 7 ADMINISTRA KOMITATO MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE

The committee congratulated relations, on the one hand, and (although not necessarily exclu- Angela on a year of considerable that area of work associated with sively). After discussion, agreed to achievement. groups, federations and local proceed as proposed, with the media. An informed decision is minor amendment that it be Website to be made in October. made explicit that the publisher It was agreed to seek to establish Helen requested that everyone may also sell/distribute their own a ‘Services Directory’ of useful keep her informed of publicity publications. The guidelines are contacts etc., which might also be activities; she in turn will compile to appear in the Trustees’ Hand- a Wiki and/or password-protected. a monthly Ideas Report for the book and be posted on EAB’s It was noted with appreciation Management Committee. website. Later, the arrangement that Angela and Viv O’Dunne The general leaflet, which has might be extended to include had updated the Volunteer been under discussion for a year distribution of CDs and DVDs. Network database. or two, will be available by the Joyce reported that the possi- end of October, in time for the bility of a in Buchanan Bequest Language Show. the UK had arisen. Derek Tatton reported on Amendments to the Members’ progress regarding the Buchanan InfoPack will be sent out with La Congresses Bequest at Liverpool University. Brita Esperantisto in October. It was agreed that Helen represent The university have committed Helen said she’d check the EAB on the UEA Committee at themselves, in writing, to a current state of arrangements for the World Congress in Florence. partnership approach to the the in No further information was Buchanan Lecture(ship) and Essex before her departure for the available regarding the 2007 Prizes, allowing EAB to organise Universala Kongreso in Florence, British Congress in Letchworth. It Buchanan Lectures – in collabo- where she would consult repre- was suggested that the British ration with the university – in sentatives of Skolta Esperanto- Congress in 2008 might be in the Liverpool or elsewhere. A number Ligo. She will also explore North-West (for example, Crewe) of loose ends remain to be dealt whether Junularo Esperantista and agreed to consult with the with. It was agreed to work Brita (JEB) can help as volunteers. NW Federation. towards a Buchanan Lecture at It was agreed that the theme next year’s British Congress in for the Presentation at the Lan- Butler Library Letchworth, and in Liverpool in guage Show in November 2006 David Bisset reported that Mike 2008, when Liverpool will be the be ‘Language Awareness’. Seaton hopes to finish the Listing European City of Culture. (abbreviated catalogue) later this Publications year. Eric McCanlis’s book Publicity Edmund Grimley Evans spoke to collection is expected during A consensus emerged that there his proposal that EAB act as a June. The Library Committee was scope for considerable book distributor, acting in plan to publish a leaflet for improvement. There was agree- partnership with individuals (and library users. David took the ment that there should be a organisations) who would opportunity to thank Geoff King distinction between high-profile, publish under their own name for his enormous labours in and national and educational media and distribute through EAB for the Butler Library. Jean Bisset drew attention to • Legacies the implications of the village The Association has recently received several legacies: £1,000 from library project for Butler Library the estate of Miss E.E Mallett, £9,000 from Mr Roy Hoather, and storage; most likely we would £11,608 from Mr William Howard. From the estate of Mrs Sybil lose the Houghton Room. The Sly we received £59,893, thanks to her executors’ good offices. situation needs monitoring. We are sad to lose valued members. The trustees will endeavour to use the bequests as they would have wished, to further the work Garden of Esperanto. Jean reported on developments • Gift Aid and commended the work of Many thanks to all who have signed up to Gift Aid. EAB was able Pam How (College’s horticultural to reclaim income tax on subscriptions and donations to the value adviser) for her maintainance and of £1,895.85 for the year ended 5 April 2006. This is a significant development with modest resources. increase on the previous year. Forms are available from EAB office for any tax-payers who would like to join the scheme. Junularo Esperantista Brita (JEB) As JEB have amended their age- • Donations range to 16–30, it was agreed that Monetary gifts are much appreciated. EAB can also transfer dona- EAB should similarly amend the tions to UEA-held funds for anyone who cares to send a cheque, age-range of new members whose clearly stating to which fund it should be paid e.g. Konto Afriko, details are passed (if no objec- Fonda∆o Azio, Fonda∆o Canuto. tion) to JEB. J 8 • EAB Update FESTIVALA SEMAJNFINO FESTIVAL WEEKEND

Opportunity for clubs and federations Festival weekend 19–21 January 2007

he winter weekend ‘Ni course, that other groups will Memorial College, Station Road, TFestivalu’ takes place in 2007 join the actors during the week- Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent between 19–21 January at end to arrange parallel and ST12 9DG (tel. 01782 372105/ Wedgwood Memorial College, Photo: Simon Davies Barlaston. The weekend offers an opportunity for individual groups, such as federations or clubs, to plan their own pro- gramme but join other Esperan- tists at mealtimes and during other social events (such as evenings in one of the two Barlaston pubs).

Your favourite piece A group which has been meeting regularly in Barlaston in January is the theatre group, which combines study and practice to discuss Esperanto plays and develop practical theatre skills. This year, following the success- ful presentation of two plays at the World Congress in Florence, Colin Simmonds – here seen at the World Congress in Florence – has again the weekend will include discus- agreed to conduct a practical session on acting at the next ‘Ni Festivalu!’ sion of how – or whether – this experience should be developed. equally stimulating sessions. 373427; fax: 01782 372393; As a new activity, participants are Further details, including e-mail: wedgwood.college@ asked to bring with them to costs and availability of rooms, staffordshire.gov.uk). Barlaston a favourite poem, can be obtained from Wedgwood Paul Gubbins monologue or short prose passage (maximum five minutes) which they can read or declaim. EDUKO KAJ INFORMADO EDUCATION AND PUBLICITY

50th anniversary Would-be participants should Dreaming sweetly in the Shelter of Hope note that the play to be discussed at the Friday session is Marjorie he sweetest dream: Unity and crayons on the desktops, presum- Boulton’s Vaka Se©o (in the TDissonance in Europe was the ably dropped there by their collection Virino çe la Landlimo) title of an exhibition of contem- young owners, departing to play which received first prize in the porary artworks, held earlier this outside. All of this was of course UEA literary competition in 1957 year at Space Studios in Hackney. a simulation, prepared by Kaszás and thus in 2007 celebrates its One of the works on display was and Lóránt themselves. All of this 50th anniversary. It is anticipated an installation by two young was entirely in Esperanto. that two other plays will be read, Hungarian artists, Tamás Kaszás Throughout the three-week and those who have enrolled for and Anikó Lóránt. Entitled Shelter exhibition The Shelter of Hope was the weekend can receive the texts of Hope, this took the form of a open to the public, along with electronically from Paul Gubbins smallish school classroom, several other works which (in the at [email protected]. equipped with desks and chairs words of the organisers’ press The theatrical strand of the improvised from timber found release) ‘focus on the pursuit of weekend is not intended for on local rubbish-tips. On its walls unity in Europe, consider collec- beginners or post-beginners. were charts to help young pupils tive ideals and subvert cultural However, Esperantists with a learn, together with samples of stereotypes’. The artists them- good grasp of the language and their drawings and written work. selves were busy elsewhere, so an interest in drama are warmly Exercise books lay scattered EAB was asked to supply in- invited to attend. It is hoped, of among worksheets, pencils and formative leaflets for distribution EAB-Ìisdate • 9 EDUKO KAJ INFORMADO EDUCATION AND PUBLICITY to any bemused visitors who structure that a halt had to be these will subsequently come might not fully appreciate the called to allow the venue to close round to sharing our ‘dream’ exhibit without knowing a little at its appointed time. Discussion only time will tell. EAB’s support more about Esperanto. Feeling then continued over refreshments of the event was warmly appreci- that the installation was some- in a nearby pub. ated by B&B, who in a note of what incomplete without either Apart from those who at- thanks to Terry said that feedback pupils or a teacher, B&B (the tended the lesson, several hun- had been ‘really positive’. Unused organizing company) enquired dred visitors saw the exhibit at information packs would be whether an actual Esperanto other times, and received leaflets distributed by them to local lesson might perhaps be taught about Esperanto. Whether any of schools. J one evening in the simulated classroom. Terry Page accepted their invitation, and posters were duly displayed advertising a free 90-minute introductory Espe- ranto lesson, to be held on Thursday, 22 June. In the event only ten vistors to The Sweetest Dream accepted the invitation, and perhaps this was no bad thing, bearing in mind the limited space available. All seemed to enjoy the experience (including a complimentary half- time glass of wine!), participating actively in structured question- and-answer conversations, and asking so many questions about the language’s history, aims and Inside the Shelter of Hope: early arrivals await the start of Terry’s lesson.


You cannot see the ‘Esperanto A tale of two libraries Collection’ all in one place as the books are shelved in the base- The British Library ranto. Her chief work is with ments and are available to Olga Kerziouk, an Esperantist Slavonic languages (she is the readers only after ordering them who looks after Esperanto books Head of Ukrainian Collection) to Reading Rooms. within the European Collection and Baltic languages (Latvian The electronic catalogue at the British Library, now has a cataloguing). (http://catalogue.bl.uk) includes modest annual budget for pur- In a talk at the London full bibliographical description of chasing publications in Espe- in August, Olga each book or periodical. It is ranto. Her chief problem is lack explained that there have always possible to search the catalogue of time to catalogue the books been books in the collection, by author, title, place of publica- she already has, as she may only mainly journals and books tion, language, subject, etc. The spend 5% of her time on Espe- published in Britain which, by Library is using Library of Con- law, have to be sent gress Subject Headings (LCSH). to the British To become a ‘reader’ at the Library. Others have British Library you have to apply been received as for a reader’s pass. All informa- donations (recently tion is available at www.bl.uk/ from David Hill services/reading/admissions. and Kris Long) and Olga would welcome dona- by exchange with tions, but requests that a check be other international made first to ensure that the libraries. offered items are not already in the collection as the library Biblioteko Butler collects only one copy of each de EAB çe Wedg- book or periodical. Her e-address wood Memorial is: [email protected]. College Continued on page 12 10 • EAB Update JEB-PAGˆO JEB PAGE

Aktiva JEB nun havas 30 anojn

unularo Esperantista Brita ade Jprogresas kaj estas nun videble aktiva asocio. Ni povas raporti kun fiero, ke nia membraro atingis tridek, celebrinda nombro por kreskanta organiza∆o. Indas mencii ankaü la diversecon de niaj ali©intoj; estas JEB-anoj lo©antaj en çiu el la dek du anglaj regionoj, Irlando, Skotlando kaj Kimrio. Pluraj alilandaj esperant- istoj kontaktis nin, kiuj estis studontaj aü laborontaj en Britio, kaj unu-du diversnaciaj studentoj eç membri©is, donante al JEB pli Çe la Internacia Junulara Kongreso en Sarajevo: (de maldekstre) Elvaro, mondan senton. La Esperanto- Hispanio; Sophia, Germanio; Esben, Danlando; Daniel White, Britio. scipovoj kaj antaü çio la a©oj de Sube: Andrew Weir kun geamikoj çe la bankedo de la Universala Kongreso JEB-anoj varias tra la tuta spektro, en Florenco, Italio. Plej sube: Katalunoj ludas tradician muzikon çe la IJK. kaj estos tiu varieco, kiu estontece internacia renkonti©o çe la kvankam la efikoj de la milito ne ebligos senpaüzan daürigon de Universala Kongreso en Florenco, estas kaßitaj, la urbo certe estas la asocio. Italio. En la IJK en Sarajevo, tiel moderna kiel iu ajn alia Çi-somere britaj gejunuloj kunvenis JEB-anoj Marcos çefurbo – kaj ni trovis eç irlandan partoprenis en la grandaj Espe- Cramer, Rolf Fantom, Daniel trinkejon! Krome okazis ranto-aran©oj en Eüropo. Andrew White, kun Duncan Thomson, ekskursoj al la fama Ponto de Weir partoprenis en sia unua kiu poste voja©is al la IJS en Mostar kaj la bosniaj piramidoj. Hungario. Por la vesperoj estis filmoj, famaj La semajno esperantistaj muzikistoj kaj en Bosnio- teatra∆oj. Gejunuloj el çiu lando Hercegovino amiki©is kaj amuzi©is per uzo de tute bon- la internacia lingvo. egis. La Post monatoj de atendado lando estas kaj la laboro de Tim Owen, JEB vere bela. pretas por anonci la lançon de Oni vidis la nova Diskuto-Forumo por pre©ejojn de faciligi komunikadon inter niaj la diversaj membroj. La dua numero de nia religioj en bulteno Saluton! nun preti©as sub Sarajevo la redaktado de Tom Shorney, kaj la kaj ©i baldaü aperos interrete. malnovajn Ìi enhavas pli diverstemajn partojn de artikolojn de pli da kontribuantoj la urbo, kie el nia membraro. Ni provos aran©i por kelkaj el la komencantoj kaj novuloj partopreni en la kurso ‘Course- You-Can’ en Barlastono, kaj fine de la jaro ni esperas kura©igi pli da junaj britoj çeesti la 50-an jubileon de la Internacia Seminario, kiu okazos proksime al Paderborn en Germanio. Estas pli da detaloj pri estontaj aran©oj por gejunuloj en nia retpa©aro kun informoj pri la Karavano al la Seminario en decembro. Vidu www.novajeb.org.uk; retpoßta adreso: jeb@novajeb. org.uk. Daniel White EAB-Ìisdate • 11 BIBLIOTEKOJ LIBRARIES

Continued from page 10 books in a public library, and awaited him – and still does. had to store them for three years. Butler’s catalogue couldn’t be as The Butler Library An expert advised that the walls comprehensive as computerised A few days later, during the at 140 Holland Park Avenue were catalogues are nowadays. Every- Somera Festivalo at the Barlaston strong enough to bear the weight, thing had to be recorded on headquarters of EAB in August, so shelving was installed and the index cards, and whereas today Geoff King spoke to the Supera collection transferred there. there need be only one detailed Kurso about the development of Montagu Butler remained electronic entry which can be the Butler Library. librarian until his death in 1970. cross-referenced in dozens of Montagu Butler collected Cecil Capp, who had assisted ways, at that time there had to be mostly books and journals in Butler in his last years, briefly and separate cards for title, subject, Esperanto and in the 1930s had reluctantly became the librarian, etc. It was rumoured that 30,000 about 700 items when he do- and was succeeded by Dermod books were in the collection, but nated them to the British Espe- Quirke, the first professional that wasn’t right – there may have ranto Association (BEA). But BEA custodian of the Butler Library. been 30,000 index cards, but had nowhere to store or display He began work on an author many referred to a single book. them, so the collection remained catalogue, which had not existed Since the move to Barlaston, a in Butler’s home in Kingston, and previously, and started a lending ‘quick list’ of books has been he was appointed librarian. collection. He resigned about almost completed electronically, The library grew as donations 1974. Penny Maybin took over thanks to volunteers, and Geoff were received. In 1970 Butler was for several years. Then Geoffrey is working on the detailed e-cata- obliged to move to a smaller King was invited to become the logue alongside his other tasks. dwelling. BEA tried unsuccess- honorary librarian 1982–3. It’s taken a lot of patience to fully to find a home for the A huge amount of work collate and bind many years of Esperanto journals for conserva- tion and easy reference. Archives Subscribe – Esperanto Magazines 2007 of photographs going back a long way, letters and postcards from The Esperanto world has always been rich in periodicals – some eminent people, and ‘ephemera’ would say, too rich! Whatever your taste, there is almost certainly a have to be sorted and catalogued magazine to suit, from La Komencanto – for beginners – to for easy retrieval. A BBC re- Literatura Foiro, for those of a literary bent; from La Ondo de searcher recently requested Esperanto (from Russia, largely about the Esperanto world) to pictures from the Edwardian era, Monato, about everything except the Esperanto world. If you can which Geoff was able to pin- possibly afford it, you should subscribe to at least one overseas point. Conservation work is also Esperanto magazine, to ensure that your Esperanto is truly interna- done by the Library Committee. tional. Those listed below are all available through David Kelso The Butler Library at Barlaston (contact details below). Prices are 2006 figures, except for La Ondo, is available for study by appoint- which has already announced its 2007 annual subscription rate, so ment, and accommodation can please contact David before sending money. be booked at Wedgwood College. During Summer School/Somera La Ondo de Esperanto General, monthly, newsy £22 Festivalo for the last two years, Monato Current affairs, very presentable, monthly £32 students and private researchers Heroldo de Esperanto 3-weekly newspaper £22 have been able to benefit from La Komencanto For beginners, x6 a year £10 Geoff’s extensive knowledge. Facilities for copying and scan- Juna Amiko For younger Esperantists, x4 a year (special ning are available for a small rates for schools/groups) £10 fee. And Geoff has put loads of Literatura Foiro Literary, x6 a year £21 information on the library Fonto Literary, ‘several times a year’ £21 website: www.biblbut.org. La Kancerkliniko Satirical, alternative, x5 a year £15 Two libraries £ Laüte Open house for all opinions. x6 a year, + literary supp. 12 It is hoped that the British Library La Gazeto General. High-quality articles. x6 a year £19 and the Butler Library will share Scienca Revuo Scientific, long-established. x4 a year £13 information. But I was disap- Litova From Lithuania, middle-brow, general, x6 a year £10 pointed to learn that cataloguing cannot be shared, because they £ Femina Social-literary, from female perspective. x4 a year 14 have different system requirements. Access to the Butler Library is Cheques payable to ‘David Kelso’, please; e-mail: davidekelso@ rather easier than at the British yahoo.co.uk; address: 5 Craigenhill Road, Kilncadzow, Carluke, Library, so do make the most of it. ML8 4QT. Joyce Bunting 12 • EAB Update EU˘ROPO EUROPE

Herzberg am Harz – la Esperanto-urbo! ni informis pri ‘unika Oevento por la Esperanto- movado’. La magistrato de Herzberg (çiuj deputitoj de la kvar partioj kun tri sindetenoj) voçdonis la 11-an de julio, ke la nova oficiala nomo de la urbo fari©u: ‘Herzberg am Harz, die Esperanto-Stadt/la Esperanto- urbo’. La urbo laü sia kapablo antaüenigas la uzadon de Espe- ranto por neütrala internacia interkompreni©o kaj planas uzi la lingvon por montri al la mondo siajn homajn, turismajn kaj aliajn valorojn. La malnova urbodomo de Herzberg kaj la nova blazono de la urbo, kiu Herzberg jam havas Esperant– aperas sur çiuj oficialaj leterpaperoj. Sube maldekstre: Unu el ok voj- lingvajn vojmontrilojn al la montriloj al la Esperanto-Centro, kaj (dekstre) la sidejo mem. Esperanto-Centro. La oficiala leterpapero de la urbo surhavas lernejoj de la urbo okazas instruantojn kaj instruistojn ‘Herzberg – la Esperanto-urbo’. instruado de Esperanto (dum la • Esperanto-biblioteko kun Esperanto estas uzata por la lernojaro 2005–06 studas çirkaü vidbenda kaj gazetara arkivo estas ©emelurbaj kontaktoj (kun Góra 100 gelernantoj). tutjare vizitebla en Pollando). Kadre de model– Jen kelkaj ekzemploj, kie kaj • ekzamenejo por Germana projekto, la urbo paralele ofertas kiel Esperanto çeestas en Esperanto-Instituto kun du Esperanton al siaj civitanoj kaj Herzberg: rajtigitaj ekzamenantoj, kun helpas disvastigi la lingvon por • Esperanto-Societo Sdharz porokaza oferto de UEA/ILEI- internacia komunikado. Funkcias aktivas jam de 30 jaroj, kunligas ekzamenoj Esperanto-arkivejo en la malnova esperantistojn de la urbo kaj • Interkulturaj vesperoj por urbodomo. Parttempa dungito de regiono neesperantista publiko. la urbo zorgas pri aferoj rilataj al • Interkultura Centro Herzberg/ Ni bezonas çies subtenon, Esperanto, kunorganizas Germana Esperanto-Centro ideojn, la amaskomunikilojn ktp. programojn, disdonas afißojn, ofertas tutjaran programon kun por bonkvalite merkatumi tiun alvokojn kaj simile. La urbo lingvokursoj en çiuj niveloj, unikan bonßancon por Esperanto. provizas – senpage aü ege favor– seminariojn, konferencojn kaj, Viaj eventualaj gratulleteroj preze – per ejoj por kursoj de kiel klerigejo de GEA, klerigas povus esti bona tuja subteno. Esperanto, renkonti©oj ks. En çiuj kaj pluklerigas Esperanto- Bonvolu adresi ilin al nia urb– estro Gerhard Walter: (rete) [email protected] kaj bv. sendi kopion al: esperanto- [email protected] (Interkultura Centro Herzberg, Grubenhagen- str. 6, D-37412 Herzberg/Harz. Tel. +49/(0)5521-5983. www.ic- herzberg.de). J


donacinto. Ili ebligis la çi-jarajn Mi devas danki la donacintojn Novaj planoj naciajn kongresojn en Burundio nome de tiuj gejunuloj, kiuj nun kaj Ni©erio, ili ebligis la restar- lernas Esperanton pere de la nigra igon de la Afrika Oficejo de UEA tabulo, por kies açeto esperant- por malnova en Benino kaj la renovigon de la istoj provizis la rimedojn. Tiu inform- kaj instru-materialo, kiun nigra tabulo estas starigita sub kontinento vi povas vidi en www.afriko.org. grandega ombro-dona arbo, apud Sed çefe ili ebligis al multaj Lilongwe, çefurbo de Malavio, kaj sperantistaj donacintoj ebligis afrikanoj ricevi materialon pri la instruisto skribas sur ©i vortojn Emirindajn aferojn, pro kiuj Esperanto. Multaj el ili, cetere, ne en Esperanto, kiujn la lernantoj eble la afrikanoj mem ne dankos nur finance subtenas, sed ankaü sidantaj sur la grundo kopias en ilin, çar ofte la afrikaj esperant- fizike partoprenas la sendadon de siajn kajerojn. Ili estas en pli istoj ne scias pri la unuopa lernolibroj al bezonantoj. bona situacio ol tiuj multaj, kiuj havas nek kajerojn nek nigran tabulon. Untrapping Africa: Nun ni havas grandajn planojn por Afriko. Interalie Claude Piron in The Namibian esploroj pri aran©ado de inter- nacia Esperanto-konferenco en The following reply to an article entitled ‘Africa: Eternally Trapped?’ on 2008 en Afriko jam komenci©is. 16 June appeared in the newspaper The Namibian. Tute aparta programo, kies nomo Dear Sir, estas ‘Esperanto-instruistoj por I quite approve Alexactus T. Kaure’s call for a common language for Afriko’, celas instrui centon da afrikanoj, kiuj jam parolas Africa, but I don’t think that choosing between English, French or Esperanton, por ke ili ricevu la Portuguese is a fair solution to the problem. The best solution is for instruistan diplomon okaze de Africa to adopt a language free from colonialist connotations, from tiu internacia konferenco. Ili links with political and economic powers, and so easy that every komencas sian pretigadon çi-jare. African could readily learn it in a short time so as to be able to commu- Çio çi okazas aldone al la rutina nicate spontaneously and precisely with fellow Africans, whatever their laboro de informado kaj instru- origin. Such a language exists. You can learn about it in ‘Understanding ado. Çi tiu granda fortostreço among Africans’, at http://claudepiron.free.fr/articlesenanglais/ bezonas vian atenton. Fonda∆o undafricans.htm. If you don’t have much time, go right to ‘Towards a Afriko dankas vin anticipe nome realistic solution’. You’ll probably feel like reading on. de la afrikaj informotoj kaj It’s high time something be done to ensure that Africa, while lernontoj! La pago-manieroj estas la respecting all its dialects, languages and cultures, may avail itself of a kutimaj pagomanieroj al UEA very pleasant and practical means of communication. The language I’m kun la indiko ‘Fonda∆o Afriko’. alluding to is Esperanto, maybe unknown in Namibia, but with a good Renato Corsetti, following in other countries, like Togo, Tanzania, the Congo and many prezidanto de UEA others. Although easy, it’s a rich language, well adapted to the realities of Africa (it has words with no equivalent in colonialists’ languages, like kaprejo ‘the place where the goats are being held’ or frateta MALLONGE ‘fraternal’, ‘brotherly’ but only in the sense of ‘from a younger brother’, ‘of younger brothers’; without reference to age, which is so important in many African languages, ‘fraternal’ is frata). Africa needs to be • Nova granda japana vortaro untrapped! Why not have a look at this way out? Çe Japana Esperanto-Instituto ∆us aperis la nova granda Esperanto– Best wishes! Claude Piron japana vortaro en molplasta binda∆o kun skatolo. Redaktis Kaj intervjuo kun Claude Piron en itala gazeto ©in speciala komisiono sub la En la itala ∆urnalo Abruzzo Oggi de regiono Abruzzo aperis longa prezido de Konisi Gaku. La libro artikolo la 1-an de septembro, subskribita de Giorgio Bronzetti, havas 21 + 1 328 pa©ojn. kiel kunordiganto de lingvodefenda asocio Allarme Lingua, kun la titolo ‘Ni realproprigu al ni nian kulturon – Intervjuo kun Claude • Kial ne korespondi prepare Piron, sperta pri internacia komunikado’. Ìi legeblas en la itala çe al la UK en Japanio? www.disvastigo.it/approfondimenti/approfondimenti_126 kaj en Çu vi dezirus korespondi kun Esperanto çe www.disvastigo.it/esperanto/dise_263. japana esperantisto, antaü ol La artikolo enhavas plurajn interesajn sugestojn kaj eventuale partopreni en la venontjara meritas tradukon en naciajn lingvojn. Bonvolaj tradukantoj Universala Kongreso en anoncu sin al: [email protected]. Jokohamo? Çe Kansaja Ligo de Giorgio Bronzetti Esperanto-Grupoj (KLEG) 14 • EAB Update MALLONGE IN SHORT

Fotis Zsofia Korody konstante funkcias koresponda servo. Ìia ttt-pa©aro estas: www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~kleg/ esperanto. Skribu al Japana Esperanto-Korespondo-Servo, KLEG, Sonehigasi 1-11-46-204, Toyonaka, JP-561-0802, Japanio. Skribu ne rete, sed nepre per afrankita letero aü poßtkarto, kaj preslitere viajn nomon, adreson, a©on, sekson, okupon, interesojn ktp. La servo nepre sendos konfirman karton al via letero.

• Hejmoj de esperantistoj forrabitaj dum enlanda milito Kelkaj esperantistoj en Rutshuru, plej orienta Kongo, devis forlasi • La Kancerkliniko – ‘ajnista’ gazeto 30-jara siajn hejmojn forrabitajn de Kadre de la Esperanto-centro Kvinpetalo en Bouresse, Francio, okazis militistoj. Ili skribis: kvartaga ‘laborrenkonto’ kun abunda partoprenantaro pri la historio ‘Vere, pravis tiu, kiu diris, ke de la gazeto La Kancerkliniko, kiu estas kultura, politika, ‘ajnista’, sed “Estas dum malfeliçoj, kiam oni tamen çi-jare tridekjara. Prezento, analizado, rakonto de anekdotoj, rekonas veran amikon”. Ni, laütlegadoj, foliumadoj okazis, prezentitaj de çeestantaj respondeculoj geesperantistoj el la distriko – Jacques LePuil, Serge Sire, Jopetro Danvy, A.Lequint – pri la 140 Rutshuru … dum longa tempo numeroj jam aperintaj. Dank’ al retkamero eblis havi tri longajn sentis nin forlasitaj de la tuta diskutojn kun Çinio (vidu supre) interalie kun verkisto Mao Zifu. esperantistaro. Mankis al ni eç eta (Retkontaktoj: [email protected] kaj [email protected].) Daürigo sur la sekva pa©o


(Anna Löwenstein, author of the known for its links with Espe- Congress highly praised novel La Ítona ranto goes ahead as planned. Urbo) an opportunity to meet and chat with official guests and Acknowledgements on way update congress participants. Some people who have already enrolled for next year’s congress mong the eminent visitors to Don’t wait – may be wondering why they have Anext year’s Congress in you might be too late! so far not received any acknowl- Letchworth will be Dr Renato Plinston Hall in Letchworth is in edgement of their payment. To Corsetti, current president of many ways an ideal venue for a minimise postal costs, receipts Universala Esperanto-Asocio. In British Esperanto Congress. This are being sent out not separately the first of a new series of means it is always in demand for but as part of an information Buchanan Lectures, to be given functions of all kinds, so the pack, preparation of which has under the joint auspices of organising committee regard been delayed by some exciting Liverpool University and Espe- themselves as particularly fortu- last-minute additions to the ranto-Asocio de Britio, Dr nate in having secured it for the congress programme. The organ- Corsetti will deliver his talk in 2007 early spring holiday week- ising committee apologises for Plinston Hall, to an audience of end. But this popularity is not having kept participants waiting, congress delegates, augmented by without its problems: the finan- and assures them that very soon invited guests and others who cial penalty for late cancellation now they will be receiving their have come to Letchworth spe- would be very high. This is why receipts – and more! cially to hear him speak. Previous you are being asked to enrol early Buchanan Lectures have always – today would be fine! By being Visit our new website! been given in English, but this one of the ‘early birds’, complet- Up-to-date information will from one is to be in Esperanto, with a ing and returning the application now on be available to computer- translation available for anyone form that accompanies this users via the internet. Address of who needs it. A sherry reception number of EAB Update, you will the site is www.britakongreso.org – immediately following the talk also be helping to ensure that our be sure to visit it next time you will give Dr Corsetti and his wife congress in a Garden City long are online! J EAB-Ìisdate • 15 MALLONGE Vi povas pagi membrecojn

por EAB kaj UEA kune simpla rekura©iga mesa©o. Hodiaü … ni ricevis mesa©on pere de niaj geamikoj el Goma Kotizi al UEA Esperanto-Klubo, kiuj nin gastigis dum nia fu©o en la urbo Goma, kiam nia distrikto estis atakita de por 2007 ribelantoj. ‘Ni ©ojas, ke finfine oni (la Kerna servo de Universala Esperanto-Asocio (UEA) estas organizi la cˆiu- Esperanta komunumo) pensis pri jaran Universalan Kongreson de Esperanto (UK) tra la mondo, je kies kotizo ni. UEA pere de sia prezidanto individua membro ricevas rabaton. UEA funkciigas ankau˘ la plej grandan sendis al ni iom da mono. Çi tie libroservon de Esperantaj libroj (pli ol 4 000 diversaj libroj kaj varoj), pri kiu multvaloras la gesto ol la mono haveblas 190-pagˆa presita katalogo kaj ttt-pagˆo (www.uea.org/ … Ni kore dankas al la tuta katalogo). Kaj pli grave, UEA agas por Esperanto sur la monda scenejo. esperantistaro. Por pli detalaj informoj pri la organizo kaj rolo de UEA, oni konsultu ‘Ni certas, ke tiu gesto multe cˆi ties Jarlibron kaj la revuon Esperanto. kortußas çiujn niajn geamikojn el Virunga Esperanto-Klubo, kaj Farigˆi individua membro de UEA tiamaniere homoj konscios pri Eblas pagi por individua membreco rekte al UEA per kreditkarto (Visa, Esperanto kaj iom post iom ni Eurocard, Mastercard, Access au˘ American Express), al nederlanda atingos nian celon, kiu estas la posˆtgˆira konto 37 89 64 (Den Haag) au˘ al la banko Bank Mees Pierson, disvastigo de la internacia lingvo.’ Postbus 749, NL-3000 AS Rotterdam, Nederlando (konto (El Esperanto en Afriko, junio Alternative, oni povas pagi al la brita Peranto de UEA, kiu akceptas 2006, bulteno de la Afrika Komi– britan cˆekon au˘ posˆtmandaton kondicˆe ke cˆi tiu estas skribita al ‘EAB’, kio siono de UEA. Afrika Oficejo de ebligas pagi ankau˘ kotizon al EAB samtempe: EAB, Esperanto House, UEA, BP 416, Lokossa-Mono, Station Road, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent ST12 9DE. Tel. 0845 230 1887; Benino; rete: afrika.oficejo@ retadreso: [email protected]. Oni ne sendu britan cˆekon rekte al UEA. uea.org) En la okazo se vi estas nova membro, bonvolu doni viajn plenajn nomon, adreson kaj, se vi havas 29 au˘ malpli da jaroj, ankau˘ vian • NoJEF naskigˆ jaron*. Cˆ iuokaze bonvolu klare indiki la celon de la pago. Por anigˆi Norwich Jubilee Esperanto oni ne postulas plenigon de oficiala formularo. Foundation (NoJEF) has for some time been seeking a volun- Kotizoj de UEA por 2007 teer to act as ‘examiner of ac- MG/Membro kun Gvidlibro tra la Esperanto-movado ...... £6 counts’ (auditor, more or less). MJ(-T*)/Membro kun Jarlibro (kaj gˆis inkl. 29 jaroj, membro de No fewer than 12 replies were TEJO* (Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo) kun la received for the post (Is this a revuo Kontakto sen plia abonpago) ...... £16 record?), for which the founda- MA(-T*)/Membro-Abonanto: kiel MJ(-T) plus la revuo tion is most grateful. Ian Mac Esperanto ...... £39 Dowall, who ‘has a lot of experi- SA/Simpla abonanto al la revuo Esperanto sen membreco … ...... £24 ence of bookkeeping and the like’ Kto/Abono al la revuo Kontakto sen membreco...... £15 has been accepted. Many thanks SZ/Societo Zamenhof: mecenata kategorio, kiu ne inkluzivas to all who volunteered. membrecon ...... £78 • British Esperanto Association Kongres-aligˆoj kaj aliaj pagoj (Inc) Ltd (BEA) La Peranto (EAB) povas akcepti pagojn (kvankam ne per kreditkarto) ankau˘ The original registered company por la Universala Kongreso de Esperanto (UK) kaj la Libroservo de UEA, still exists, in accordance with por kiuj celoj la administrejo de UEA eventuale malfermos por vi personan legal advice. Even though the konton cˆe la Centra Oficejo (CO) en Nederlando. Bonvolu noti, ke la company is dormant and has no kongresajn kotizojn oni ne fiksas en pundoj, do ilia valoro varias lau˘ la taga assets or liabilities, a report is kurzo. Estas plej avantagˆe aligˆi antau˘ la antau˘a jarfino. La Peranto kutime made and balance sheet pro- disponas pri kongresaj aligˆiloj kaj la Unua Bulteno de la UK, sed ne pri duced every year, and the com- librokatalogoj. pany is reregistered at Companies Aligˆu frue al la UK en Jokohamo por ricevi maksimuman rabaton: House. The directors of the €160 antau˘ 31 decembro por anoj de UEA, sed €200 por nemembroj. company are John Wells, Edmund Grimley Evans and ✩ Universala Esperanto-Asocio Joyce Bunting. Geoffrey Wood is Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 BJ Rotterdam, Nederlando the company secretary. Other Tel. 00-31-10-436-1044; Fakse 00-31-10-436-1751; Rete [email protected]; members of the company are [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; members of the Management [email protected]; [email protected]; TTT-pagˆo: www.uea.org Committee of EAB plus one life member of BEA.


• Nacia Esperanto–Muzeo, pri diversaj temoj kaj teknikoj. skoltoj povos interkompeni©i per Gray, Francio Skolta Esperanto-Ligo (SEL) Esperanto. La franca Nacia Esperanto- organizis metiejon pri Esperanto, Se vi pretus helpi çe la Espe- Muzeo, en Gray, inter Dijon gviditan de Venkatesh Reddy kaj ranto-budo çe la venontjara kaj Besanœon, havas novan Francesco Maurelli. Ìi okazis Monda Ôamboreo en Essex, interretan pa©aron: www. kvarfoje, kaj çiun fojon parto- bonvolu vin anonci aü çe la naciaesperantomuzeo.com, prenis çirkaü 30 ‘geroveroj’. La Oficejo de EAB (vidu pa©on 2) aü kiun oni petas, ke oni nepre partoprenintoj ricevis kaj uzis la çe Helen Fantom. vizitu. Ilia retadreso: esperanto- lernolibron Ôamborea lingvo. Per La Esperanta perioda∆o La [email protected]. Çi-jare la rekta instrumetodo ili lernis la Skolta Mondo nun legeblas en la muzeo ankaü prenis tutpa©an fundamentojn de Esperanto kaj interreto çe http://esperanto.org/ reklamon sur la malantaüa poste scipovis fari simplajn skolta/eo/eldonajxoj/la-skolta- kovrilo de la Jarlibro de UEA. frazojn. mondo/. La 12-an de aügusto venis al (Raportis Guido Ricci, • Use your ‘Bendoteko’ la tendaro la prezidanto de UEA, Sekretario de Skolta Esperanto- Ben Gosling’s e-mail address is Renato Corsetti, kie li interalie Ligo; www.esperanto.org/skolta.) [email protected], enmanigis la Medalon de or you can phone him on 01787 Toleremo de Fondumo • Book donations 247737. He has a selection of Zamenhof al Eduardo Missoni, to the Butler Library cassettes and videos for lending. ©enerala sekretario de WOSM. The Butler Library was pleased to Students can hear Esperanto Çeestis la estroj de la tieaj naciaj receive Eric McCanlis’s book spoken by people from around taçmentoj, aliaj skoltaj gravuloj collection in June, kindly do- the world on many topics. There kaj iom da ‘geroveroj’. D-ro nated by his daughter, Siân. are also some historic, if rather Corsetti paroladis en Esperanto, Another collection is due from fuzzy, tapes of early Esperantists. kaj çeestantoj miris, ke ili Karen Smith, daughter of Will komprenas grandan parton de Coventry. She has held on to her • Skolta agado liaj vortoj. Anna Lowenstein father’s Esperanto books for En aügusto okazis en Italo tradukadis la paroladon anglen. several years, unaware that EAB tendaro en Loppiano, apud En sia parolado li substrekis la had moved so near to her in Florenco, kiun partoprenis kvin similecon inter la idealoj de la Staffordshire. Geoff King, our mil geskoltoj. Tie oni aran©is esperantista kaj skolta movadoj. honorary librarian, will inspect pli ol cent ‘metiejojn’, kie la En sia dankparolado, Eduardo them and incorporate any rare ‘geroveroj’ povis diskuti kaj lerni Missoni menciis ankaü, ke la volumes into the Butler collec- tion. Others may be retained for lending or go into second-hand Springboard 2 Languages project – stock, for sale. Are you a teacher who’d like to help? Most readers of EAB Update will have heard of this exciting • Io nova per Esperanto? project, which is seeking to promote Esperanto in primary schools Oni sendis al ni informojn pri (Key Stage 2), not just for its own sake, but as an aid, a stepping- MondEtur, kiu estas: ‘neprofita stone, to learning other languages. Esperanto-kompanio por zorgado Our first pilot school, near Cambridge, came on stream in Sep- kaj servado. Ìi kunligas turismon tember, and we are energetically seeking more pilots around the kun komercaj servoj, aldonante al country, especially where there is an experienced Esperantist çio ion novan: zorgon pri mal- teacher nearby to advise and assist. So far the work has been done sanaj kaj maljunaj homoj fare de by a small team of experienced teachers but we are always on the lookout for more team members. profesie edukitaj gevartistoj, So, if you are an experienced teacher (preferably, but sporton kaj kulturon.’ Vidu çe not necessarily, Primary) and would like to help – even in a www.MondEtur.net kaj ju©u small way – please contact the Project Leader, mem. La stabo de MondEtur, Angela Tellier, by e-mail: Zelimir Pehar, Natruja Pehar, [email protected]. Zoran ›iri£, petas vian For more details see kunlaboron. the Springboard website: www.springboard2languages.org. • Full-page article on Esperanto in WI Home & Country A full-page article by Neal fondinto de la skoltismo, Baden- Maidment entitled ‘The benefits Powell, favoris Esperanton, sed of speaking Esperanto’ appeared bedaürinde li ne estis kompren- in the August issue of the Wom- ata de la geskoltaro. Missoni en’s Institute’s magazine WI aldonis, ke li havas revon, ke en Home & Country (p.66). There has iu venonta ∆amboreo çiuj ge- also been a good response to EAB-Ìisdate • 17 MALLONGE IN SHORT

EAB’s 1/4-page advertisement in Esperanton çe lernejo en jarojn kaj donis la kulereton al the same issue. Leeuwaarden, kaj poste li rajdis Annice Szrajbman, kiu proponos en Germanion. Survoje li ©in al la Internacia Esperanto- • Hazarda renkonti©o kun rimarkis ekbrilon. Elseli©inte, li Muzeo en Vieno. Çu vi iam Zamenhofa kulereto trovis kulereton kun la viza©o de vidis aü scias pri tia kulereto, Antaü la Dua Mondmilito Will Zamenhof sur la bovlo kaj demandas Annice Szrajbman, Farrar, tiam brita komencanto, kvinpinta stelo sur la tenilo! 37 Graham Road, Mitcham biciklis tra Eüropo. Li instruis Walter nun havas okdek ses CR4 2HB.

• Publicity Short pieces on Esperanto In memoriam recently appeared in the Cumberland and Westmorland Sybil Violet Sly Herald (20 May and 3 June), (1920–2004) Southport Visiter (23 June) and Ham&High (23 June). J Sybil naski©is en Londono, kaj transloki©is kiel knabino kun sia familio al Ìardenurbo Letchworth William Auld (1924–2006) en 1927. Íiaj gepatroj entuziasme Kun granda bedaüro, ni ∆us subtenis la idealojn de la kreinto de antaü ekpreso eksciis, ke la ©ardenurbo, Ebenezer Howard, mortis William Auld la 11-an kaj ili esperis, ke pli pura aero de de septembro. Hertfordshire resanigos Sybil post koklußo. En 1930, la dekjarulino kaj ßia patrino aüdis prelegon de Montague Butler, kaj fari©is esperant- istoj. Ili fondis instrugrupon en la hejmo, kaj çeestis vesperkursojn Alleluia, Coca pri Esperanto. La Universala Kongreso en Stokholmo, 1934, estis la unua de Cola, Amen! multaj por Sybil. Sybil studis por diplomo çe London School of Economics. Íi The following is a light-hearted voja©is çiutage de Letchworth, kaj hejme subtenis siajn gepatrojn piece that was used to fill a space in kaj blindan onklon. Íi finis la unuan studjaron, kiam ekbrulis la a church magazine. Dua Mondmilito, do ßi rezignis pri la kurso. Poste ßi dum multaj jaroj dediçis sin al prizorgado de la familio kaj la Esperanto- I like words. I find that stringing movado. them together provides me with a Sybil renkontis Kenneth Sly çe Esperanta somera lernejo. Ili very effective means of communi- geedzi©is en 1953, kaj ili estis benataj per tri gefiloj: Frances, Janet cation. You can play with words. kaj Arturo. Íi sukcese lernigis la geknabojn per infankantoj, ßatataj It’s fun. rakontoj ks. en Esperanto. Kiel familio, ili kun plezuro partoprenis You can use them to amuse or en britaj kongresoj. to confuse; as an aid to under- Esperanto-Societo de Letchworth kaj Sudmezlanda Esperanto- standing or to create misunder- Federacio okupis Sybil dum multaj jaroj, kaj ßi instruis lernantojn standing. For example, can you grandnombre. Íi aktive subtenis diversajn bonfarajn asociojn, pick an odd word out of the three inkluzive de UNA, BEPO (British Esperanto Peace Organisation) kaj in the title of this piece? estis ‘verdulo’ kaj vegetarano. Bet you said, ‘Coca Cola!’ So Dum la Centjara Celebrado de Esperanto en 1987, çe kvakera now there’s a misunderstanding domo, Euston Road, Londono, Sybil estis elektita reprezentanto de between you and me. You think la ordinaraj membroj de la brita Esperanto-movado. Íi kaptis la the question was easy and the okazon por danki al lokaj Esperanto-societoj kaj federacioj, kiuj answer was obvious, but you’re dum la jaroj gastigis homojn al kongresoj kaj aliaj kunvenoj. Tio wrong and I don’t give up on an estis por Sybil ßia plej fiera Esperanto-momento. argument when I know I’m right. Sybil tiel forte subtenis Esperanton, ke ßi heredigis al EAB You see you weren’t playing the mondonacon. La familio devis malimpliki la investa∆on por game by my rules and its my plenumi ßian deziron, kaj nur lastatempe la afero fini©is. EAB game so I can make up the rules. dankas al Frances, Janet kaj Arturo pro iliaj klopodoj, kaj uzos la The answer is simply that hereda∆on por antaüenigi Esperanton en la maniero, kiun Sybil there isn’t an odd one out, and aprobus. you couldn’t know that without Sybil sendube aprobus la alvenon de la Brita Kongreso de knowing the rules of my game, Esperanto en Letchworth en 2007. so now I’m going to tell you JMB the rules and maybe you’ll get

18 • EAB Update the right answer next time. These words are connected Last call for Course-You-Can! because they are all universally A weekend course for beginners and post-beginners understood. You can say them in 20–22 October any country and the locals will understand you. Would that Come along to Wedgwood Memorial College, Barlaston, and international communication improve your Esperanto skills in agreeable surroundings and was that simple! enjoyable company. All those who have completed the Free Postal Well actually it is! Of course, Course within the year will be entitled to a subsidy. Book through you won’t believe me unless Viv at the office (tel. 0845 230 1887). you’re prepared to spend some time on my side of the fence, but I’m not prepared to ask you to • Esperantaj reklamçemizoj come over here. That would Çe la retpa©o de Peter Weide, www.esperantocxemizo.1go.dk create at best a heated discussion, açeteblas du specoj de çemizoj kun la surskribo ‘esperanto lingvo at worst an argument! That’s life! internacia’. Li estas la UEA-delegito en Melby, Danlando. Instead I’ll just state my case! Lia retadreso estas: In two weeks I acquired the [email protected]. means of communication with people of my own age in the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithua- nia, Estonia, Romania and Bulgaria. I have carried on correspondance with these people for almost fourteen years now. When on a package holiday to Poland my friend stayed in a B&B in the same town as our group and in our ‘free’ time we were able to travel around on ordinary service buses, experienc- ing life as the locals know it, in En 1987, dum la Brita Esperanta Jubilea Festo, oni prezentis her company. en Londono la faman teatra∆on de Oscar Wilde La graveco de la My Romanian friend keeps fideli©o en Esperanta traduko de William Auld. La prezento estis me informed, first hand about filmita kaj eldonita sur vidbendo; nun, dank’ al la teknikaj the real difficulties of life in her kapabloj kaj diligenta laboro de Simon Davies, homeland. Her accounts are not ni disponas ©in ankaü sur DVD-oj. embellished or exaggerated by La nova teknologio donas novan utilon: spektante la DVD- the media! version, oni povas laüvole ßalti la subtitolojn kaj elekti subtitolojn If my above-mentioned en Esperanto aü friends and I were in the same la angla. room we could chat together Du diskoj, comfortably as equals, yet none daüre entute: 145 speaks the national language of minutoj. Lingvo: any of the others. Esperanto. I placed the words ‘as equals’ Subtitoloj: in bold type to emphasise the Esperantaj, common feeling that our na- anglaj. tional language is superior in Regionoj: çiuj. some way. After all, everybody Normo: PAL (625 speaks English, don’t they? No, linioj/50 Hz). they don’t. We didn’t find any- body in Poland who spoke Mendu de EAB English! Moreover, I can honestly kontraü £11,75 say that I understand the letters + 1,65 (sendo- from my Eastern European kostoj en Britio) friends better when we use a = £13,40. EAB, neutral language than I would if Esperanto House, they wrote in English. Of course I Station Road, do, because when conversing in a Barlaston, neutral language we all start as Stoke-on-Trent equals. I am not trying to convert ST12 9DE, you! I am just stating that in my aü de la TTT-ejo: experience Esperanto works as a www.esperanto- basis for international friendship. gb.org Audrey Brady EAB-Ìisdate • 19 New books, etc. – just in! Please add 15% to the cost of your order to cover P&P Amaro Sten Johansson £11.55 Chapecó: Fonto, 2005. 222p., 21cm. A collection of short stories; you decide which events occurred in reality, and which were figments of the author’s imagination.

Gvidlibro pri Jokohamo – havenurbo nova kaj malnova Aida, Suzuki & Sidara £4.00 Jokohamo, 1995. 38p., 21cm. Illustrated guidebook to Yokahama in Japan, city of the 92nd (2007) World Esperanto Congress. Includes Kamakura, the ancient capital.

Interpopola konduto Edmond Privat £9.25 Czeladz, 2006 (2nd ed.) 142p., 21cm. Psychological study of international problems and the difficult road to peace, written in 1934.

Kun diablo en la korpo Raymond Radiguet £9.05 Novjorko, 2006. 139p., 22cm. This semi-autobiographical love story between a schoolboy and a young married woman, set in Paris in 1918, has been called ‘one of the finest, most delicate love stories ever written’. Trans. from the French by M. Duc Goninaz. La Lando de la blinduloj H.G. Wells £2.50 Rotterdam, 2006 (2nd ed.). 26p., 21cm. An explorer stumbles on an isolated community of blind people, and recalls the proverb ‘In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king‘. But events don’t turn out that way ... Trans. by E.W. Amos.

Mio, mia filo Astrid Lindgren £9.90 Gotenburgo, 2006. 143p., 20cm. Helped by a genie, a young lad travels to Farawayland, whose king is his father. Once there, he encounters a prophesy that sends him on an adventure. Trans. from the Swedish by Leif Nordenstorm.

Monatoj tra la mondo Various £4.00 Maebasi, 2005. 95p., 26cm. Eleven authors from 11 countries entertain us with tales of journeys across their respective countries, throughout the year.

Pasporta Servo (2006) TEJO £10.50 Lists of TEJO hosts, with maps. More than 1,000 private addresses in 75 countries.

Salutu la sinjorinon Tome & Janry £6.55 Paris, 2005. 47p., 30cm. The first adventures of Young Spirou; a Belgian comic strip in the style of Tintin and Asterix . Trans. from the French by S. Merlet & J. Lazert.

La vintra fabelo William Shakespeare £9.90 Rotterdam: UEA, 2006. 154p., 21cm. A translation of The Winter’s Tale by Humphrey Tonkin. One man’s moment of folly, a family’s 16 years of pain. But time and forgiveness will show them a better way.

Vizito al la Centra Oficejo (DVD) £10.60 Documentary about UEA’s head office (Centra Oficejo) during its open day in November 2005. 24 minutes, PAL (625 lines/50 Hz).

20 • EAB Update Vendo de brokantaj libroj HB = bindita; SB = broßurita. Prezoj inkl. poßtkoston kaj pakadon. A Beginner’s Course in Esperanto W.J. Downes. Tutor required. Bristol, 1978. SB, p.150. £1.20 Fermentario Carlos Vaz Ferreira. Filozofia literaturo. Montevideo, 1960. SB, p.258. £2.00 La granda aventuro kaj aliaj noveloj Ferenc Szilágyi. Originale Esperantaj de elstara stilisto. Stokholm, 1945. HB, p.144. £1.50 Homo Eduadas Miezalaitis. El la litova tradukis Petras ‹eliauskas. Poemaro. Vilno, 1986. HB, p.93. £1.50 Homoj sur la tero Stellan Engholm. Originala romano kaj gajninto de premio; jam klasika∆o. La Laguna, 1932. HB, p.202. £1.20 La kapao kaj aliaj rakontoj Akutagawa-Ryunoske. El la japana tradukis Nozima-Yasutaro. Tokio, 1954. SB, p.93. £1.00 Koloroj Julio Baghy. Novelaro. Varsovio, 1960. SB, p.106. £1.00 Kit vivas J. Lynghirk. El la dana trad. G. Riisberg. Romano, lingve kontrolita de la literatura komitato. Danio, 1973. SB, p.93. £1.50 La lanternisto H. Sienkiewicz. Kun aliaj proza∆oj de polaj verkistoj. Tradukis K. Bein (Kabe). Amsterdamo: ç.1938. HB, p.206. £1.20 Libero kaj amo Sándor Pet∞fi (1823–49). Poezio de la granda hungara poeto, trad. de Kalocsay. Hungario, 1970. HB, p.260. £1.60 Lingvistikaj aspektoj de Esperanto J.C. Wells. Rotterdam: UEA, 1978. SB, p.76. £1.50 Noveloj de Lusin Plena kolekto de 33 noveloj de la granda çina verkisto (Lu Xun, 1881–1936), el la çina. Çinio, 1974. HB, p.488. Ilustrita. En pura stato. £3.00 Peer Gynt Henrik Ibsen. El la norvega tradukis Erling Anker Haugen. Drama poemo. Norvegio, 1951. HB, p.258. £3.50 Praktika bildvortaro de Esperanto Kolore ilustrita por plenkreskuloj kaj infanoj. Oxford, 1979. SB, p.87. 1 en kondiço meza £1.20; 1 bone uzita £0.80 Riça kaj sen mono Phillips Oppenheim. El la angla tradukis Fred E. Wadham. London, 1930s. HB, p.222. £2.00 La robaioj de Umarkajam El la persa tradukis Gaston Waringhien. 2-a eld. Antverpeno, 1984. SB, p.107. £1.50 Rozoj kaj urtikoj Poul Thorsen. Tridek spritaj poemoj originale en Esperanto kaj 36 traduka∆oj. Kopenhago, 1954. HB, p.117. £1.10 La sentimulo J.F. Cooper, reverkita de R. Imbert . Facila Esperanto, uzante nur 450 radikojn. Zagrebo, 1982. SB, p.70. £1.00 Sofoklo: Re©o Edipo kaj Antigona. El la greka tradukis Douglas B. Gregor. Kun abundaj notoj de la tradukinto. La Laguna: Stafeto, 1960. SB, p.215. £1.50 Step by step in Esperanto M.C. Butler. Kun laügradaj lega∆oj kaj ekzercoj. London, 1943. HB, p.280. 6-a eld. Bona kondiço. £1.50 La stranga butiko . Poemaro. Parizo, 1931. SB, p.125. £0.80 Tiaj ni estas Sander J. Bako. Rakontoj, lingve rekomenditaj de Aüstria Esperanto-Instituto. Los-An©eleso, 1965. SB, p.252. £2.00 Tri noveloj A.S. Pu«kin. El la rusa tradukis A. Fisher. Leipzig, 1923. SB, p.67. £0.80 Tra dezerto kaj praarbo Henryk Sienkiewicz. El la pola tradukis M. Sygnarski. Varsovio,1978. SB, p.315. £2.00 Vivo de Zamenhof Edmond Privat. Londono, 1920. HB, p.205. £2.50

EAB-Ìisdate • 21 FEDERACIOJ KAJ GRUPOJ FEDERATIONS AND GROUPS Membership New Members Audrey Brady, Bedlington Ria Crowley-Fox, Totnes Adin Eichler, Hemel Hempstead Clare Hunter, Birmingham Sylvester Ogden, Hyde J. Purvis, Swindon Ian Roberts, Milton Keynes N.K. Rowley, Great Yarmouth John Waddingham, Sheffield Intermediate exam Miland Joshi (Merit), Birmingham Elementary exam Jeanne Day (Distinction), St Andrews Completed the Free Postal Course Aiden Bridgeland, Isle of Wight Lelia Bridgeland, Isle of Wight Membroj kaj amikoj de la Sudlankaßira Esperanto-Grupo en julio 2006 havis Mary Coward, Poole sian someran tagman©on çe la hotelo Íipo en Haskayne, apud la kanalo inter Leeds kaj Liverpool. En la bildo (de maldekstre) estas: Vivienne Isherwood, Deceased Gaynor Voiels, Ian Mac Dowell, Jim Voiels, Daniel White, Andrew Jean Blake, Luton Wheatley, Stephen Hodson, Richard Phoenix kaj Ray Newman. Ellen Mallett, Borehamwood

Eastern Federation weekend KUNVENOJ MEETINGS 4th Esperanto Weekend at Felixstowe Ferry 14–15 oktobro 16–18 February 2007 Ekpaku! 38-a Korea Kongreso de Esperanto, Pohang. Inf.: [email protected] Roy Threadgold will guide a ✩ Plena listo de aran©oj konsult– beginners’ course, and Petro eblas cˆe: www.esperanto.hu/kalendar. 20–22 oktobro De Smedt, from , htm aü www.eventoj.hu, aü sendu iun Course-You-Can – Beginner’s will run a course for interme- ajn retmesa©on al la aütomato: Esperanto, Wedgwood Memorial [email protected]. Se vi College, Barlaston. Inf.: EAB (see diates and experts. deziras rigardi mapon de aran©oj, The cost will be £67 for iru al: www.esperantoland.org pages 2 & 19). Tel. 0845 230 1887; the whole weekend, or £57 rete: [email protected] with alternative accommoda- tion. Saturday attendance 2–8 oktobro 16–22 oktobro only £17. Internacia Paroliga Semajno Lingva Seminario, Skokovy, ÇeÕio. (InPaSem), Dob®ichovice, ÇeÕio. Inf.: [email protected] Ask for further details from: Inf.: Kava-Pech, Anglická 878, Roy Simmons: ‘’, CZ-252 29 Dob®ichovice, ÇeÕio. 22–29 oktobro 12 Packard Place, Bramford, Rete: [email protected] Kijiva Esperanto-Semajno. Inf.: p/k Suffolk IP8 4HA. Tel. 01473 35, Kijiv-133, UA-01133, Ukrainio. 461346 7–8 oktobro Tel. +380-044-2851701 aü +380- Seminario pri informado, instruado 80974403172; rete: volodimir_h@ kaj utiligado de Esperanto de Sveda yahoo.com Obituary Esperanto-Instituto, Popola Alt– Edward Wheatly, aged 90, lernejo, Karlskoga, Svedio. Inf.: Lars 26–27 oktobro died from pneumonia on 19 Forsman. Tel. +46 586 54811; rete: 11-a Lingva Festivalo, Çboksari, March 2006, three days after [email protected] Çuvaßio. Inf.: d-ro hab. A. Melnikov, ab. ya. 393, RU-344002 Rostov-na- his wife Joyce, aged 88. He 7–9 oktobro Donu 2. Tel. (8632) 43 13 71; had been a sub-postmaster in 13-a Aütuna Renkonti©o de Espe- rete: [email protected] Chaddesden until his retire- ranto kun ‘varia programo por ment in 1981. He had been gejunuloj, familioj, aliuloj ...’ Sylver 26–30 oktobro auditor for the East Midlands Bay, Lake George, NY, Usono. Sta©o çe Kvinpetalo. Inf.: Eo-Centro, Esperanto Federation from Inf.: ELNA, PO Box 1129, El Cerrito, Rue de Lavoir, FR-86410 Buoresse, 1993 to 2001. CA 94530; rete: usej-estraro@yahoo- Francio. Tel/fakso: +33 (0)5 49 42 80 Jean Brown groups.com 74; rete: [email protected] 22 • EAB Update KUNVENOJ MEETINGS

3–5 novembro 14–15 decembro Christchurch 8004; rete: Studsemajnfino, Hoek van Holland, Zamenhofaj tagoj, Odeso. Inf.: [email protected] por çiu a©o kaj nivelo. Inf.: Esperanto Junulara Esperanto-klubo Verda∆o, Nederland, p/a A.M. Pijnacker, Tulp– Tatjana Viktorovna, Primorskij bulvar 26 februaro–10. marto straat 110, NL-2841 AE Moordrecht.; n-ro 1, Dvorec Molodjo∑i, Odessa, Internacia Himalaja Renkonti©o rete: [email protected] Ukrainio. Tel. +38-0482-233831; en valo Langtang, Nepalo. Inf.: 7-a rete: [email protected] IHR Komitato, Nepala Esperanto- 10–12 novembro Asocio, GPO Box 8974 CPC 102, Konferenco pri Aplikoj de Espe- 15-16 decembro Kathmandu. Rete: Esperanto@wlink. ranto en Scienco kaj Tekniko, 29-a Jarkongreso de Pakistana com.np. Tel. +977-1-6209877 Dob®ichovice (ç.20km-oj de Prago). Esperanto-Asocio, Multan. Inf.: PEA, Temoj: ‘Lingvo kaj interreto–studoj el c/o Esperanto Markaz, Chowk 20–22 aprilo diversaj fakoj’. Inf.: Kava-Pech, Petro Shahidan, PO Kesto 555, Multan; Printempa kunveno, Pinswang, Chrdle (vidu supre) rete: [email protected] Tirolo, Aüstrio. Inf.: Bavara Espe- ranto-Ligo r.a., Giesuebel 36, 24–26 novembro 15–17 decembro DE-96317 Kronach, Germanio. Studsemajnfino, Bornerbroek, apud Afrika Kongreso çe la Franca Vila©o Tel. +499261-1621, fakso: +499261- Almelo kaj Germanio, por çiu a©o kaj en Badagry, Ni©erio. Inf.: efen_2002 963850 nivelo. Inf.: Esperanto Nederland @yahoo.co.uk (vidu supre) 29 aprilo–9 majo 23–29 decembro 19-a Esperanto-festivalo ‘Aroma 25 novembro 31-a Internacia Forumo pri Jalto’, Ukrainio. Inf.: vidu supre Malferma Tago, Centra Oficejo de Turismo, Edukado kaj Kulturo, sub ‘Kijiva’. UEA, Roterdamo. Inf.: UEA, Nieuwe Bydgoszcz, kun 30-a Sesio de Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 BJ Rotter- Akademio Internacia de la Sciencoj. 4–7 majo dam, Nederlando. Tel. +3110- Inf.: Internacia Studumo pri Turismo 88-a Brita Kongreso de Esperanto, 4361044, fakso: +3110-4361751; kaj Kulturo, ul. M.Sk¬odowskiej- Letchworth. Inf.: EAB (vidu pa©on 2). rete: [email protected] Curie 10, PL-85-094 Bydgoszcz, Tel. 0845 230 1887 Pollando. Tel/fakso: +48-52- 8–10 decembro 3461151; rete: stud@esperanto- 12–19 majo 31-a Studadsesio, Herzberg. Inf.: turismo.com 59-a Kongreso de Internacia Interkultura Centro Herzberg, DE- Fervojista Esperanto-Federacio 37412 Herzberg/Harz, 27 decembro–3 januaro (IFEF), Parizo. Inf.: AFCE/UAICF, Grubenhagenstr.6. Tel. +49/(0)5521- 23-a Internacia Festivalo (aran©o 59-a IFEF-Kongreso, 9 rue du 5983; rete: esperanto- por familioj kaj plenkreskuloj), Château-Landon, FR-72010 Paris. [email protected] Saarbrcken, Germanio. Kadra temo: Tel. +33(0)1 48 53 05 52; rete: ‘Francio’. Fakultativa ekskurso al [email protected] 8 -10 decembro Strasburgo. Inf.: Hans-Dieter Platz, 18-a Kultura Festivalo, ústí nad Postfach 1148, DE-34303 16–20 majo Labem, honore al la 100-a Niedenstein. Tel/fakso: +49-5624- Berlina Arbara Renkonti©o, Bad naski©datreveno de J. Ko®ínek kaj 8007, poßtel. +49-171-4964558; rete: Münder (inter Hanovro kaj Hameln), T. Pumpr. Inf.: Miroslav Smy¢ka, [email protected] Germanio. Inf.: Andi Münchow, Dlouhá 20, CZ-370 11 ›eské Oberstra. 15, DE-30167 Hannover; Bud¡jovice, ÇeÕio. Rete: 27 decembro–3 januaro rete: [email protected] [email protected] aü 5-a Novjara Renkonti©o en Trier, [email protected] aü Mosel. Çeftemo: ‘Medio’. Inf.: 19–21 majo [email protected] EsperantoLand e.V., Lu Wunsch- Postkongreso de 59-a Kongreso de Rolshoven, Wiclefstr. 9, 2. Hh, IFEF , Liono, Francio. Inf.: (kiel supre 8–10 decembro DE-10551 Berlin, Germanio. Rete: sub IFEF) 33-a Kataluna Kongreso de [email protected]; tel. +49-30- Esperanto, Amposta. Inf.: Kataluna 685 58 31, telekopiilo: +49-30-68 05 20–26 majo Esperanto-Asocio, Apartat 1008, 70 11 7-a Tut-Amerika Kongreso de ES-08200 Sabadell, Hispanio; rete: Esperanto, Kalgario, Kanado. Inf.: [email protected] 2007 Tut-Amerika Kongreso de Esperanto, 19–21 januaro Suite 600, 909 7th Ave SW, Calgary, 8–10 decembro Ni Festivalu! Esperanto-teatra AB, T2P 1A6. Tel. +1-403-277-3866 Zamenhof-Tagoj, Bjalistoko, semajnfino. Wedgwood Memorial Pol–lando. Inf.: Bjalistoka Esperanto- College, Barlaston. Inf.: EAB (vidu 25–28 majo Societo, PL-15-282 Bia¬ystok, Piekna pa©on 2). Tel. 0845 230 1887; rete: 84-a Germana Esperanto-Kongreso, 3, pk. 67; rete: elakarczewska@ [email protected] Hamburgo, Germanio. Inf.: interia.pl [email protected] 3–6 februaro 9–12 decembro Kongreso de Nov-Zelanda Espe- 26–28 majo ÇeÕa/Saksa Tago. Inf.: Inf.: Miroslav ranto-Asocio, Christchurch. Inf.: Antverpeno Festas pro la 100-jara Smy¢ka (vidu supre) David Dewar, 4 Harlech Mews, ekzisto de la klubo ‘La Verda Stelo’ EAB-Ìisdate • 23 KUNVENOJ KRUCVORTENIGMO CROSSWORD PUZZLE

1 2 3 4 5 per internacia renkonti©o. Inf.: [email protected] 6 15–17 junio 102-Skotlanda Kongreso de 7 Esperanto, Tolbooth, Lanark. Inf.: [email protected] 8 21–28 julio 18-a Ekumena Esperanto-Kongreso, 9 10 60-a Kongreso de IKUE, kaj 57-a Kongreso de KELI, Pelplin, Pollando. Inf.: Eichkorn, Bernhard aü Kozyra, 11 Eduard, PL-83-130 Pelplin, Strzelnica 8; rete: [email protected]. 12 1314 15 16 pl aü Jadwiga Wasiuk

27 julio–3 aügusto 17 18 19 Internacia Junulara Kongreso de TEJO, en Hanojo, Vjetnamio. Inf.: çe UEA (vidu sube)

28 julio–4 aügusto 20 7-a Kongreso de Eüropa Esperanto- Unio, Maribor, Slovenio. Gejunuloj senkotize ©is la jarfino. Inf.: www. Horizontale esperanto-maribor.si; retpoßte: 1. Karakteriza kunmetado de morfemoj leksikaj kaj gramatikaj çe lingvo, kies [email protected] vortoj konsistas plejparte el morfemoj senßan©aj aü kun regulaj varioj (adjektivo, 8). 1–8 aügusto 6. Siglo de la organiza∆o de junaj britaj esperantistoj (3). Internacia Junulara Semajno, 7. Specio de primolo el Alpoj, Ôuraso kaj Karpatoj, plurjara herbo, kiu floras tre Hungario. Inf.: Hungara Esperanto- frue en la printempo, kun flavaj floroj en umbelo; ursorelo (8). Junularo, Pf. 87, HU-1675 Budapest; 9. Aparta divida∆o de (tir)kesto ks.; aparta branço de scienco, arto, industrio, komerco ks. (4). rete: [email protected] 10. Karakteriza de subtera loko, kie laü la antikvuloj lo©is la animoj, bonaj aü malbonaj, de la mortintoj (6). 4–11 aügusto 12. Interjekcio uzata por esprimo iom malßatan senzorgecon (2). 92-a Universala Kongreso de 13. Laü maniero de fabela esta∆o de malsupera rango, dotita per supernaturaj Esperanto, Jokohamo, Japanio. povoj (3). Inf.: UEA, Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, 15. Prefikso montranta, ke substanco estas karakterizata de, aü konsistas el, du NL-3015 BJ Rotterdam, Nederlando. samaj atomoj, funkcioj, molekuloj ks. (2). Tel. 00 31 10-4361044; rete: 17. Prepozicio, montranta la limigitan spacon aü la objekton, de kies interno io [email protected] sin movas eksteren; la antaüan staton de io, kio ßan©i©is kaj alii©is (2). 18. Çiu el la tri egalaj partoj de tuto (6). 20. Sonfiguro, konsistanta en la imitado de naturaj bruoj per lingvaj sonoj (10). 8–20 aügusto 16-a Memzorga Lagumado, Vertikale Délegyháza, Hungario. Libere sen 1. Homo, kiu scias nek legi nek skribi (10 literoj). aü kun vesta∆oj ripozi, akvo- aü 2. Pinaco de falfoliaj, monoikaj pingloarboj kun maldikaj, molaj pingloj, kaj ßlimbani. Inf.: (poßtel.) Laca +36-30- kun ovoidaj konusoj; ligno rezinoriça (6). 3. Nerva kuntiro de la muskoloj (4). 2097864, Andi +36-30-2752068; 4. Poliamida rezino, uzata çefe por fari fortikajn teksa∆ojn (ekz. paraßutojn, rete: [email protected] dorsosakojn) kaj ßnurojn, kaj silkecajn trika∆ojn (ekz. ßtrumpojn) (6). 5. Dikventra aü ©enerale trafita de hipertrofio de la grasaj konektivoj (5). 18–24 aügusto 8. Balanci©e kiel peza∆o, pendanta de fiksa punkto kaj balanci©anta laü egalaj Somera Festivalo, Wedgwood temperoj (7). Memorial College, Barlaston. Inf.: 11. Interjekcio uzata por esprimi konfuzitecon; onomatopeo, imitanta la blekon EAB (vidu pa©on 2). Tel. 0845 230 de ßafo (2). 1887; rete: [email protected] 13. Hela brilo, produktata de gasoj eli©antaj el brulanta materialo (radiko, 4). 14. Oficiala tabelo, montranta, je difinita dato, la detalan elnombradon de çiuj 2008 elementoj de kompleksa∆o (radiko, 4). 16. Sufikso, montranta esta∆on, apartenantan al la sekso organizita por gravedi©i 19–26 julio kaj naski (2). 93-a Universala Kongreso de 19. Prefikso kun la senco ‘laüforme inversa’, se paroli pri organo sen laülar©a Esperanto, Roterdamo, Nederlando. simetriebeno (2). Inf.: UEA, Nieuwe Binnenweg 176,


NL-3015 BJ Rotterdam, Nederlando. Onomatopeo. 20. Ob. 19. Triono. 18. El. 17. In. 16. Di. 15. Etat. 14.

Tel. 00 31 10-4361044; rete: Flam. 13v. Fee. 13h. Ba. 12. Be. 11. Infera. 10. Fako. 9. Pendole. 8. Aürikulo. 7. [email protected] JEB. 6. Obeza. 5. Nilono. 4. Tiko. 3. Lariko. 2. Analfabeto. 1v. Aglutina. 1h.

24 • EAB Update