Ah,/T-Ck-- Björn Brohmee Ulla Engstrand Ick 5 Ndelin
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GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. 7th May 1993 Örebro Municipality Örebro County Council r 4,0tA on -e,---- Johans7 Anders Olsson ore Görh EkstTand Askersunds Municipality Degerfors Municipality A. Lennart Gustafsson Göran Mattsson 6fElrvert'i/62d Karlsgb. Christer Lindberg Hall Municipality Hällefors Municipality 0„4131,4~ , Ame Gre Ingela orteg en Hans Eriksson Lars-Göran ore Kumla Municipality Karlskoga Municipality Börj Pette son Ronny ald onsson Sven Gadde ders Ottensten s Municipality I Erik Hellqvist Laxå Municipality ah,/t-ck-- Björn Brohmee Ulla Engstrand ick 5 ndelin (1) see following pages This is page 2 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. 7th May 1993 Gävle Municipality Uddevalla Municipality Håkan Vestl Mats Carlss n Stig Härdner wbor s401 Municipality Trollhättans Municipality ako--J4-~ Sve gvar Eriksson Kerstin~ Malm-Andersson Eric Andersson Gerhard vik Sandvikens Municipality Varbergs Municipality 4-cos4.4. Wå2-e5 nnart Ocklind Ingemar Andersson Mjölby Municipality Lindesbergs Municipality Sjöö Hans Hal arsson Conny arlsson Mats Åberg Härnösands Mun c ty (2) 162-lat. Lars—Eric Westin —A e Sandberg This is page 3 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. 7th May 1993 Nor unicipalit Arne Pette sso Christer Engström e Gudmund Lind sson Fagersta Municipality llefteå Municip ty K ell Olsson Viveca Erickson Lorentz Andersson avid Ny erg Västervik Municipality Conny Tyrber Claes-G Crlsson Ha Klintbom A ingsås 1mmun Smedj eb ac kens kommtra, jörn Leivik Niord ertil ersson Gonny ans son Borlänge kommun Boxholms kommun 1994-04- 4-‘ WAA(\ r ss n Christina Norän Eva Karlsson Incfemar Nordström 13 april 1994 28 april 1994 Ockelbo komynun Strömsunds kommun ats strand ders Stefl Bo Be Sven-Erik Aberg 6 maj 1994 16 m a j 1994 T nu s acka ommun 2e_ MA4 örkman engt attsson Roger Larsson ma 1994 24 maj 1994 Gnosjö kommun Valdemarsviks kommun Torvald Karlsson Bertil Lindström This is page 4 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative S ociety. 30th May 1994 th June 994 Eda Municipality Overtor å Municipality it031- ,A42 Nils Eri ssö ' Be lEhnfors Harry G 1 Nilsson 14th June 1994 20 th June 1994 Luieå Municipality Hedemora Municipality Sven icS?son Jansson 9th August 1994 12th August 1994 Falu Municipality Landskrona Municipality ,s&g072j-, Hans Nordström JanGättå---- Gerd Brob g Bernström Ste ohanssor 22th August 1994 29th August 1994 Arboga Municipnlity Orust Municipality Gt4K4Pya Nilsson Bertil Wiman Torsten 0 gård berg Munkedals Municipality Falkenbergs Municipality 1 S er, 1994 3 October 1994 rs Östen Nilss bert eft Katrineholms Municip ' County Council of Sörm and 10 October 1994 20 October 1994 "2/7/ 41"11 L-Å- LN- drita Bengts Bengt Danling Göran Lagerstedt engt allin This is page 5 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. Vadstena Municipality 28 October 1994 Pajala Municipality 2 November 1994 ,t4 t/7697Y71_, Anders Agn endeby Owe Pekkaari Sten Lundströmer Kommun- k. Chef Kommun- Ek. Chef styrelsens ord. styrelsens ordf. Vårgårda Municipality 20 December 1994 Bergs Municipality 22 December 1994 e~_ ARorgtyn(1 Jerk jord B. unterbe 011e Nord Nils-Gunnar Mo m Kommunstyrelsens Ekono chef Kommunstyrelsens Ekonomichef orcif ordf • ipality 8 December 1994 Piteå Municipality 30 December 199 rik son Per'Arsson Eleonor Klockare Peter Roslund Kommun elsens Ek dir Kommunstyrelsens V. ordf ordf ordf Orsa Municipality 16 ar 19 5. -iÖdeshö icipali ary 199 nn Beskow Rolan Michael ornell Leif sson Kommunstyr. Ekonomia Kommunstyr. ek- s. ordförande ordförande chef Sveda Municipality 27 January 1994 B jö n nsson Kommunstyr. ordförande This is page 6 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. 2nd February 1995 9 February 1995 Lomma Municipality Lekeberg Municipality \J\II\ 11)44-7 Nils Linde Lars Ake Ståhl lsson Tomas dersson Tjörn Municipality 5 th April 1995 L n-Evert Halldin In emar arlsson öran Svedbe 4 May 1995 15 May 1995 affanstorps Munici ali Härryda Municipality CS 1,4^904V/A-- Sture NilsAn komir Serbinson an Gustavsson Jan Lejdelin 2 95 31 May 1995 Grups unic4pality Höganäs Municipality Strömber Kurt Andersson Claes Pettersso 2 ersson 1 June 1995 8 June 1995 i Ängelholm Municipalit 7- Mun 1.1~.4.3111:14, Else Ekblom Jan RydA aty ans Ivarsgon 28 December 1995 27 november 1995 Nordmalipt s Municipality Essunga Municipality .40r ri er Aronsson Kent Larsson Ulla ajAndersson Gösta ionsson This is page 7 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and conunitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Komnuminvest i Sverige as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. 23 January, 1996 15 May, 1996 Oskarshamns Mbnicipality Båstafts Municipal y 4244 414 v be/7» VLIV 4,1 Torsten Carlsson K-G Johansson f Tord Knutsson Lars Mglmber 24 june, '1996 St man ipality 7 august, 1996 19 august, 1996 - 1vda1ens Municipality Sunne Municipality nnar Barke gvar Sk pstedt Karl-Johan Adolfsson 6 september 1996 Hjo Municipality Kjell Aldsten 7 Januarv, 1997 alå Municinalitv Roland esson Andersson Bert Selberg 17 January 1997 7 April, 1997 Högsby Municipality Torsby Mun-cipality .:4teLr ///L, Bi ger Svanström Halvarsson Torkel Bijrgersson This is page 8 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommunivest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: Guarantee The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige as regulated in the Articles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. 52 maj 1997 Lycksele kommun be,95#4,o~ Bert-Ove Bäckman vonne Angström Sven-Ake Gustavsson Nils-Gunnar Nilsson KS ordförande KS vice ordförande 13th of June 1997 ASTORPS KOMMUN Ark_p„ Jan Nilsson Ks-ordförande Ekonomichef 25th of June 1997 Sijnrish p s Kommun John Erlandsson ngve Wiber Ks-ordförande Ekonomiche 26th of June 1997 Vimmerby ,ommun 124i.~49-2/ kov Ben Johansson S€a,an Le jon Ks-ordförande Ek omi- ch planeringschef This is page 9 of the Guarantee for all liabilities, obligations and commitments undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, which text is as follows: GUARANTEE The undersigned Swedish county councils and municipalities herewith jointly and severally guarantee, as for a liability of their own, all obligations, liabilities and commitments presently and subsequently undertaken by Kommuninvest i Sverige as regulated in the Arficles of Association of Kommuninvest Cooperative Society. Hultsfreds kommun 1997-07-14 Vlitrffi0 /4-9 Bo Be gman Mats Stenström Ks-ordförande Ekonomichef Mörbylånga kommun 1997-07-2 7-252 Hardy ters on Rolf Joh nsson Ks-ordförande Ekonomichef Arvika Municipality August 7, 1997 aes. Pet rsson unnar Tideman Municipal1 commissioner Financial manager Ha marö unicipality October 6, Berg en iren Municipal tommissioner Financial Manager