Broaden your outlook Planning methods for security and gender equality Broaden your outlook Planning methods for security and gender equality Title: Broaden your outlook – Planning methods for security and gender equality (Vidga vyerna – Planeringsmetoder för trygghet och jämställdhet) Graphic design and production: Infab Text: Boverket (The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) and Infab Illustrations: Anna Ödlund Edition: 1 ISBN (PDF): 978-91-86827-68-7 The publication can be downloaded as a PDF file at National Board of Housing, Building and Planning Box 534, SE-371 23 Karlskrona, Sweden Office: Drottninggatan 18 Web site: E-mail:
[email protected] Tel: +46 455 35 30 00 Boverket 2011 2 Foreword This publication contains proposals for methods availability as well as cultural, linguistic and religious you can use when you are working with security and aspects among others in your work on security and gender equality issues in community planning at all gender equality, you can further deepen the social levels. The publication is a result of the mandate of the dimension of your work. National Board of Housing, Building and Planning to cooperate with the County Administrative Boards in In order for security and gender equality issues to have supporting concrete development work to enhance real resonance and be visible in plans, programmes security in urban environments from a gender equality and the physical environment, everybody working with perspective. In the Government’s Action plan for com- planning, building or management of the same need to bating men’s violence against women, honour-related have knowledge.