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Toveko Reference List Rev 24 Page: 2 Of: 12 Date: 09/10/2015 Crystal Clear answers to your needs REFERENCE LIST SEMICONDUCTOR SOLAR PHARMA POWER GENERATION FOOD & BEVERAGE PULP AND PAPER CHEMICAL OIL AND GAS MINING AEROSPACE AND TRANSPORT STANDARD EQUIPMENT Toveko Continuous Gravity -Flow Filters Filter Filter Client & Location Duty Species Removed Size Material Sweden Arjeplog Municipality S-300 304 Sewage tertiary filtration SS & P Granges Aluminium T-1200 316 Industrial wastewater Oil Granges Aluminium T-1200 316 Industrial wastewater Oil Kramfors Municipality S-300 304 Sewage tertiary filtration SS & P Kramfors Municipality S-300 304 Sewage tertiary filtration SS & P Wallco S-75 304 Potable water filtration SS, COD, MOH Hedemora Municipality S-150 Potable water treatment SS, COD, MOH Gränges Aluminium S-300 Industrial wastewater Oil & SS Sala Municipality S-450 Sewage tertiary filtration SS & P Karlskrona Municipal S-75 Potable water treatment SS, COD, MOH Drum Trading S-75 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS Långsele Laundry S-150 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS Lepec S-150 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS Holmbergs S-150 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS ABU Garcia S-150 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS Galvanoteknik S-300 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS Beslag o Metall S-300 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS LIC S-150 Industrial wastewater MOH & SS Nyströms Metall S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Furuviks Ytbehanling S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Kvarnströms S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Markaryds Ytbehandling S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Forsheda Ytbehandling S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Nyströms Bor S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Gävle Harbour S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Hjulsbro Spännarmering S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Växjö Municipality S-150 Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH MoDo S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Skogstorps Ytbehandl S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS FFV Ordnance S-150 Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH Orust Municipality S-300 Sewage tertiary filtration SS & P Mora Armatur S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Väsbo Galvan S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS FM Mattsson S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS GCE S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Samhall Jokkmokk S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Kungsörs Galvan S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Dala Plating S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Maxitech S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Nibeverken S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Toveko Reference List Rev 24 Page: 2 Of: 12 Date: 09/10/2015 Filter Filter Client & Location Duty Species Removed Size Material FFV Ordnance S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Forsbacka Laundry S-150 Raw water filtration SS, COD and MOH Gustavsbergs Industrial S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS FFV Ordnance S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Laxå Municipality Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH Växjö Energy S-300 Incineration SS & C Leba S-150 Water Recycling Oil, MOH and P Bulten Stainless S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Candor S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Bulten Stainless S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Sundsvall Harbour S-150 Industrial Wastewater Oil & SS Sundsvall Harbour S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Ericsson Telecom S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Candor S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS AKS S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Aero Engine S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Candor S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Kafab S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Bofors S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Tranemo Municipality S-300 Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH SSAB S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Enthone OMI S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS ABE S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Ericsson S-450 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Ericsson S-450 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Bacho Hydrato S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Enthone OMI S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Norrköping Harbour S-300 Sewage tertiary filtration SS & Oil Candor S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Fagersta Energetics S-150 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS AKS S-150 Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH AKS S-300 Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH Ifo S-300 Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH Ifo S-300 Potable water treatment SS, COD & MOH Galvatek S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Processteknik S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Gnosjö Ytbehandling S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Galvatek S-150 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Åbergs Förnickling S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Ytema S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Götaverken Miljö S-150 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Karlshamns Hamn S-300 Sewage tertiary filtration SS & Oil Toveko Reference List Rev 24 Page: 3 Of: 12 Date: 09/10/2015 Filter Filter Client & Location Duty Species Removed Size Material Galvatek S-600 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Ånge S-75 Exhaust Gas Treatment MOH & SS Falu Energi S-150 Exhaust Gas Treatment MOH & SS Hörle Tråd S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Norma Precision AB S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Nikro Galvano S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Industrial Harbour Karlstads Hamn S-300 Oil & SS Wastewater WTC S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Hofors Energi S-450 Process Water Colour & SS Industrial Harbour Västerås Hamn S-450 Oil & SS Wastewater Schlötter S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Ytema S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Götaverken Miljö S-75 Gas Condensate SS & MOH Götaverken Miljö S-75 Gas Condensate SS & MOH Outokompu WTT S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Götaverken Miljö S-75 Gas Condensate SS & MOH WTC S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Schlötter S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Schlötter S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Storvik CXL-24 Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & P Reny Tvätt' S-75 Raw Water Filtration SS Perstorp S-150 Cooling Water Filtration SS Mjölby Energi S-150 Exhaust Gas Treatment MOH & SS Fix Göteborg S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Eskilstuna Miljö&Energi S-450 Exhaust Gas Treatment MOH & SS Bodycote S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Bergå Tvätt S-75 Laundry SS, COD Leksand S-75 Gas Condensate SS & MOH Perstorp S-75 Gas Condensate SS & MOH Malmö Municipality S-600 Lake Water Treatment P Gasell Profil AB S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Outokumpu S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Industrial Harbour Loudden S-75 Oil & SS Wastewater Vattenfall Götene S-150 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Falk Engineering 2 x S-150 Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & MOH Soiltech, Bromma S-150 Soil Washing SS Denmark Velskin S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Candor S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Candor S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Toveko Reference List Rev 24 Page: 4 Of: 12 Date: 09/10/2015 Filter Filter Client & Location Duty Species Removed Size Material Candor S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Candor S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Galvatek S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Galvatek S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Galvatek S-600 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Galvatek S-600 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Galvatek S-600 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Finland Teuvan Pessola S-75 Raw Water Filtration SS Solvallan Urheiluopisto S-150 Raw Water Filtration SS Galvatek / Vaskiluodon Voima S-300 FGD Wastewater MOH, Dioxins & SS Galvatek / PVO Kristiina S-300 FGD Wastewater MOH, Dioxins & SS Galvatek / PVO Tahkoluoto S-300 FGD Wastewater MOH, Dioxins & SS Metal finishing Candor / Oras, Rauma S-300 SS & MOH wastewater Ivo Vanaja Power Plant S-300 Boiler feed water SS Metal finishing Candor / LK Products S-300 SS & MOH wastewater Metal finishing Candor / ABB Tools, Vaasa S-300 SS & MOH wastewater Tammermatic, Tampere S-75 Car washing Detergents and SS Ekokem S-75 Barrel cleaning MOH and SS Surface Treatment K. Hartwall KY Soderkulla S-150 SS Wastewater Citec OY / Reny Tvatt AB S-75 Laundry SS Kaverner / Elkilstuna Power S-450 Flue gas condensate SS Potato processing Raisio Oy, Vihanta S-600 SS wastewater Eknora Eng. / Borealis S-75 Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD Tamflow for Hankasalmi T-1200 Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD Norway Alta Fishfarming S-600 Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & MOH Noka S-300 Potable water Treatment SS Trondheim Fishfarm S-300 Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & MOH Flatebue Municipality S-450 Potable water Treatment SS Flatebue Municipality T-900 Potable water Treatment SS Novatek S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Novatek S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Novatek S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Novatek S-75 Incineration MOH, Dioxins & SS Novatek S-300 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Toveko Reference List Rev 24 Page: 5 Of: 12 Date: 09/10/2015 Filter Filter Client & Location Duty Species Removed Size Material Germany University Darmstadt S-300 Secondary water SS, COD & MOH Philipp Müller S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Triton Water AG S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Triton Water AG S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Triton Water AG – Airbus A-380 S-75 316 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS WAT, Germany S-75 316 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Austria Philipp Müller Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & MOH Philipp Müller Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & MOH Philipp Müller S-450 Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & MOH Kufner Textilwerke S-450 Industrial Wastewater SS Ecoplast T-1200 Industrial Wastewater SS Switzerland Philipp Müller Sewage tertiary filtration SS, BOD & MOH Holland AITC S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS AITC S-75 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Hubert S-75 Potable water Treatment SS Hubert S-150 Industrial Wastewater MOH & SS Hubert S-75 Thomas Regout
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