10 Country Reports on Economic Impacts

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10 Country Reports on Economic Impacts 10 COUNTRY REPORTS ON ECONOMIC IMPACTS 1 Call: H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2019 Work Programmes: H2020-EU. The mechanisms to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. H2020-EU. Trusted organisations, practices, services and policies that are necessary to build resilient, inclusive, participatory, open and creative societies in Europe, in particular taking into account migration, integration and demographic change Deliverable 4.3 – 10 country reports on economic impacts. Editors: Caputo Maria Luisa, Bianchi Michele, Andrea Membretti, and Simone Baglioni Authors: Austria: Marika Gruber, Ingrid Machold, Lisa Bauchinger, Thomas Dax, Christina Lobnig, Jessica Pöcher and Kathrin Zupan Bulgaria: Anna Krasteva, CERMES/NBU with the support of Chaya Koleva and Vanina Ninova Finland: Daniel Rauhut, Pirjo Pöllänen, Havukainen, Lauri, Jussi Laine, Olga Davydova-Minguet Germany: Stefan Kordel and Tobias Weidinger, with support from Anne Güller-Frey Italy: Monica Gilli and Andrea Membretti Norway: Veronica Blumenthal and Per Olav Lund Spain: Raúl Lardiés-Bosque and Nuria Del Olmo-Vicén Sweden: Ulf Hansson, Anna Klerby, Zuzana Macuchova Turkey: Koray Akay and Kübra Doğan Yenisey United Kingdom: Maria Luisa Caputo, Michele Bianchi, Martina Lo Cascio, Simone Baglioni 2 Approved by Work Package Managers of WP 4: Simone Baglioni and Maria Luisa Caputo, University of Parma (20/06/21) Approved by the Scientific Head: Andrea Membretti, University of Eastern Finland (27/06/21) Approved by the Project Coordinator: Jussi Laine, University of Eastern Finland (29/06/21) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5017813 How to cite: Caputo M. L. et al. (2021) (eds.) “10 country reports on economic impact” MATILDE Deliverable 4.3 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5017813 This document was produced under the terms and conditions of Grant Agreement No. 870831 for the European Commission. It does not necessary reflect the view of the European Union and in no way anticipates the Commission’s future policy in this area. 3 TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION TO THE 10 COUNTRY REPORTS ON ECONOMIC IMPACT....................................................... 6 AUSTRIA ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 OVERVIEW OF COMPANIES SELECTED FOR THE INTERVIEW, METHODS AND KEY FEATURES OF THEIR EMBEDDING CONTEXTS ....... 8 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISE AND COMPANIES: ORGANISATIONAL/BUSINESS CHANGE AND INNOVATION ........................ 21 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISE AND COMPANIES: COMMUNITY AND TERRITORIAL IMPACT ............................................. 35 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................... 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................. 51 BULGARIA ................................................................................................................................................ 55 PURPOSES OF THE STUDY AND RATIONALE FOR THE SELECTION OF COMPANIES AND STAKEHOLDERS ................................... 55 ORGANISATION AND INNOVATION. SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND MIGRANTS .................................................................... 64 TERRITORIAL IMPACT. COMPANIES AND MIGRANTS. IMPACT OF MIGRATION ON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR MARKET INTEGRATION ............................................................................................................................................... 75 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................ 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................................................. 89 FINLAND ................................................................................................................................................... 93 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 93 THE REGIONAL LABOUR MARKET ....................................................................................................................... 99 CHANGES IN BUSINESS CULTURE, INNOVATIONS, AND SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP ........................................................ 103 IMPACT ON COMMUNITY AND TERRITORY .......................................................................................................... 111 ONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................ 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................. 123 GERMANY ............................................................................................................................................... 130 INTRODUCTION, SAMPLE, AND METHOD APPLIED ................................................................................................. 131 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND COMPANIES: ORGANISATIONAL/BUSINESS CHANGE AND INNOVATION ...................... 136 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND COMPANIES: COMMUNITY AND TERRITORIAL IMPACT ........................................... 145 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................. 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................. 154 ITALY ....................................................................................................................................................... 161 INTRODUCTION: CASE-STUDIES, SELECTED COMPANIES AND METHODS ADOPTED .......................................................... 161 ORGANIZATIONAL/BUSINESS CHANGE AND INNOVATION ....................................................................................... 168 MIGRANTS WORKERS AND LOCAL COMMUNITY .................................................................................................... 180 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................. 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................ 191 NORWAY ................................................................................................................................................. 194 INTRODUCTION, SAMPLE AND METHODS APPLIED ................................................................................................. 195 4 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND COMPANIES: ORGANISATIONAL/BUSINESS CHANGE AND INNOVATION ...................... 201 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND COMPANIES: COMMUNITY AND TERRITORIAL IMPACT ........................................... 206 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................. 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................. 215 SPAIN ...................................................................................................................................................... 219 INTRODUCTION, SAMPLE AND METHODS APPLIED ................................................................................................. 219 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND COMPANIES: ORGANISATIONAL/BUSINESS CHANGE AND INNOVATION ...................... 226 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND COMPANIES: COMMUNITY AND TERRITORIAL IMPACT ........................................... 236 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................... 240 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................. 244 SWEDEN .................................................................................................................................................. 250 INTRODUCTION, SAMPLE AND METHODS APPLIED ................................................................................................. 250 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISE AND COMPANIES: ORGANISATIONAL/BUSINESS CHANGE AND INNOVATION ........................ 255 MIGRANTS, SOCIAL ENTERPRISE AND COMPANIES: COMMUNITY AND TERRITORIAL IMPACT ............................................. 264 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................... 270 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................. 273 TURKEY ................................................................................................................................................... 278 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................
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