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BUSINESS Over Sentence Vjhbre It'll Be Dark Great Gifts *

BUSINESS Over Sentence Vjhbre It'll Be Dark Great Gifts *

20 - HERALD. Tues.. Nov. 30. H8Z McGann bitter TcfWn lists streets Liqueurs are BUSINESS over sentence vJhbre it'll be dark great gifts * . . page 7 ... page 10 . . . page 15 Best market bet: Go for long-term investmenta- If you’re one of those nervous, nail-biting, in-and-out Addressing himself to a big investment worry — that preciation). Sit’s clients, he tells me, are up an aver] stock market players, this column is not for you. huge budget deficit — Sit observes that the deficit stood 25 percent-plus so far in ’82. The reason; This is a pitch from a savvy market pro at flll.6 billion as of Sept. 30. He figures the govern­ Sit is not only talking like a bull; he’s acting like ( (Eugene Sit of Sit Investment Associates of ment has the wherewithal to finance the deficit by tap­ His clients are about 95 percent invested and he’s put­ Manchester, Conn. Minneapolis) for the seemingly dying art of long-term Dan Dorfman ping the huge pool of personal savings (about $150 ting new monies to work instantly in the marketplace., Mostly cloudy investing. That’s where you buy a stock and salt It away billion). In fa(4, since the end of October (with the Dow around Wednesday, Dec, 1. 1982^ in the hopes of making big bucks down the road. Fear of job losses and savings incentives (such as 990), Sit has poured about $20 million into equities. again 'Thursday Obviously this is the very last kind of a pitch a nervous Syndicated IRAs) have fattened the consumer savings rate to 7 Vi to Our man, who sees equity returns (including - 25 Cents investor wants to hear about in a treacherous market Columnist 8 percent. And Sit looks for the rate to remain at high dividends) of at least 20 percent a year over the n e x t. — See page 2 environment characterized by a booming budget deficit, levels because of consumer cautiousness — thus xhree years, figures the best investment bet is to play ‘ a sick economy, a slew of nations in financial hot water enabling Uncle Sam to finance the deficit without crow­ the consumer since he’s going to lead the economic and wild fluctuations in stock prices in reaction to vir­ ding out the corporate sector and thus pushing rates recovery. However, since ’83 is expected to be only a tually every movement (real or expected) in interest higher. modest recovery year, Sit says you’ve got to focus on rates. Despite the more than 200-point surge in the Dow in the well-managed, well-positioned industry leaders. Our market pro, though, who boasts an above-average electorate gave Congress and the administration at the recent months. Sit still regards stocks as cheap, based “I think we’ll see a two-tier economy in ’83 with the investment record, insists forces are at work that last elections, In brief, he says, the message to on price-earnings multiples arid future earnings. top companies doing well and the secondary companies . suggest we're in the beginning stages of a roaring bull Washington was: “Hey, cut out the b.s. and get us ’liie Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index is selling at lagging,” he says. market (periodic or frequent sharp price declines moving economically.” And this means, he goes on to about 10 times training 12-month earnings; on potential HIS FAVORITES ARE General Motors, Whirlpool, Kennedy won't seek presidency notwithstanding). Accordingly, he says long-term in­ tell me, that the Federal Reserve, Congress and the ad­ ’83 earnings, only nine times. Sit believes a 12 to 13 inul- ho'me builders like the Ryland Group and Pulte Home; vesting is the way to go. ministration have no choice but to stimulate economic tiple is more realistic, given an inflation rate of just retailers, such as Dayton-Hudson and Wal-Mart Stores, - growth. about 5 to 6 percent on an ongoing basis. THE 44-YEAR-OLD Sit is a fella who merits a and a couple of trucking firms. Consolidated ! WASHINGTON (U PI) - Sen. Gov. Joseph E. Brennan late presidential race would likely make holiday on Cape Cod and political The source said “there was respectful hearing. A former top official of the multi­ SIT’S SCENARIO CALLS FOR a real three-year SIT ’S PRO FIT OUTLOOK calls for a 20 percent Freightways and Ovemite Transportation. ; Edward Kennedy, bowing to the Tuesday night and told him be former Vice President Walter Mon­ associates whose counsel he values feeling throughout the family billion Investors Diversified Services of Minneapolis; he economic expansion starting immediately. However, gain in ’83, 25 percent in ’84 and 10 percent in ’85. As part of the consumer package. Sit also likes motel- wishes of his children and the wasn’t going to run “because his dale the Democratic front-runner, most. everything would be more settled, left that firm about a year and a half ago to set up his because of high unemployment, weak exports and poor Given his expectations. Sit predicts a 1,150 Dow hotel companies. And here he favors La Quinta Motor assessment of his political advisers, kids really didn’t want him to,” a although other candidates may now His political advisers told him his over the next six years. ’The kids own investment shop. His record was such that big capital spending, he figures, at best, a modest ’83 before the spring of ’83 and 1,350 some time in ’84. Inns, Prime Motor Inns and Marriott. has decided not to run for president Brennan aide said. emerge. chances of being elected president would be older and out of school. money came to him in a hurry and he now manages over recovery with real gross national product rising about 3 “You’ve got inflation under control, interest rates The Technology game remains a steadfast Sit in 1984, published reports say. David Cheever, Brennan’s press CBS News said Kennedy also had. in 1984 were not good eveh though ’The divorce would be far behind $200 million worth of equity pension funds for 10 cor­ '/ 2 percent. stable to m ^erately lower. Improving productivity, an favorite. And here his top choices are IBM, Intergraph • Sources "close to Kennedy were secretary, said the governor decided not to run because he felt polls show him to be the early them; everybody would have President Reagan would run for re- porate clients, including Boeing, Raiston-Purina and A cooperative Fed, as Sit sees it, means still lower in­ economy that’s about to turn up and room for healthy Corp., Wang Laboratories and General Instruments. quoted today as saying Kennedy, “wpsn’t stunned” by the call. Bren­ favorite, the Globe said. calmed down from 1980. It was General Dynamics. terest rates; he sees the prime rate at 10 Vi percent multiple expansion . . . all of which is quite a whopper,” who failed In a bid to wrest the nan was the only governor to sup­ election in 1984 and believes he can Regardless of his chances, his generally felt 1988 was a much “Sure we could have a 5 to 10 percent a sell-off,” Sit (now 11 '/ 2 percent) within six months. ’This, in turn, wili says Sit. In a bull market, investors have a tendency to get Democratic nomination from Jim ­ port Kennedy during the senator’s run in 1988. children, Kara, 22, Ted Jr., 21, and better time to think again about the tells me. “but the bull market is just beginning. I don’t speed up the rebuilding of corporate liquidity, since Thus far in ’82, Sit, as he has frequently done in the excited about almost everything. For now at least, my Carter in 1980, would announce 1980 presidential bid. A source was quoted by the Daily Patrick, 15, urged him not to run, presidency.” see many flies in the ointment. . . and we’re on the right companies will be able to shift short-term debt to long­ oast, is outdistancing the crowd. ’The Standard & Poor’s though. Sit thinks a number of stock groups should be his decision today. One factor in a decision not to run News of New York as saying the said the Daily News in New York. 'The Globe reported Kennedy con­ course, which is realiy what counts.” term debt. And that’ll give Corporate America the mus­ 500 Stock Index was recently up about is percent for the clearly shunned because of poor industry economics. The Massachusetts Democrat could be that President Reagan may family believed 1988 would be a “’They all went out for a sail, he ducted a series of meetings with his. By right course. Sit refers chiefly to the mandate the cle to finance the next economic recovery. year (including both dividends and capital ap­ ’They include energy, steel, aluminum and capital goods. scheduled an 11:30 a.m. EST news seek a second term and Kennedy, better time to make a bid, noting his and the children, and talked it staff Tuesday who afterward were conference at which his announce­ were he able to win the Democratic children would be out of school and' through,” a source told the News. “unavailable to reporters.” ment was expected. He planned an nomination, might have trouble his pending divorce would be behind “All of them were against it. Without Kennedy in the 1984 race. earlier meeting with House Speaker beating Reagan. The president, him. ‘"They did not want to go through Mondale would emerge as the Economic forecasting is no* science 'Thomas O’Neill, D-Mass., but an asked in Brasilia, Brazil, if he was ’The Boston Globe quoted sources it again, the personal agony, the leading Democrat. Other possible Bank merger OK'd aide to O’Neill said he did not know surprised at Kennedy’s move, said, today as saying Kennedy was ad­ physical drain and the possible party nominees inciqde Sens. John SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY the subject of their meeting. "In h word, yes.” vised not to run by family members anguish of losing again. 'They were Glenn, D-Ohio, Alan Cranston, D- By LeRoy Pope UOLI.EOTIVEI.Y, forecasts by as times got tougher and their past One Harvard Business Review Ar­ HARTFORD (UPI) — Federal authorities have approved a . . . staying out of race Kennedy reportedly called Maine . Withdrawal of Kennedy from the he met with during the ’Thanksgiving very adamant — it was too much.” Calif., and Gary Hart, D-Colo. UPl Business Writer economists were somewhat better forecasts came under severe ticle by T. Rothermel last April merger between the Connecticut Bank and 'Trust Co. and State and on some individual topics, even criticism. ’They didn’t offer any par­ blamed short-term management National Bank of Connecticut and it should become final after a 30- NEW YORK — Economists are the individual forecasts were not ticular explanation for that. policies of American corporations day waiting period. poor prophets, a new survey by two terribly off the mark. ’The fields in largely on their lack of faith in the Some urge Bennef sale THEY DID conclude that, in view ’The Comptroller of the Currency approved the merger Monday, researchers from Cornell and the which the individual forecasts were credibility of long-term forecasts by University of Tel .Aviv concludes. of the generally poor performance the same day the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. endorsed the best were unemployment and out­ the nation’s economists. banks’ proposed sale of five Danbury-area branches with aggregate In fact, say David Ahlers and lays for new plant and equipment. of economists as prophets, Josef Lakonishok. companies will do American businessmen may have deposits of approximately $30 million. Ahlers and Lakonishok thus con­ THE AHLERS-LAKONISHOK The sale to ^u th Norwalk Savings Bank was proposed Sept. 28 to better basing their future policies on cluded that businessmen should pay been somewhat unjustly criticized for their excessively short-term study contains complicated tables of defuse complaints about a possible banking monopoly in the state Housing plan ordinary statistical reports than on close attention when economists orientation. If the trained economist computer analyses of the forecasts and to speeid federal approval of the merger. the way the economists interpret forecast continuing high unemploy­ collected by Philadelphia editor them can’t see far ahead successfully, CBT and State national officials said they expect to comolete the ment with a possible deeping of the Livington and shows that other merger and sale of the five offices when the 30-day waiting period The two researchers — Laknishok recession, or when they say com­ how is the businessman to look ahead longer than six to 12 months, experts making such analyses of required under the Bank Merger Act expires. is a visiting professor at the Univer­ panies will be reluctant to invest in. economic forecasting reached sity of North Carolina — got the raw they asked. ' State National will sell its offices at 30 Main Street and 330 North hotly debated new industrial capacity to create similar conclusions, that often both Main Street in Danbury and at the Caldor Shopping Center in material for their study from a jobs, particularly in the smokestack Ahlers and Lakonishok do not the individual and consensus massive collection of forecasts by Brookfield. The sale agreement includes CBT offices at 30 Church industries. claim to have discovered anything forecasts of economists are far Hill Road in Newtown and at Brookfield Plaza at 782 Federal economists gathered between 1947 'Those per-unit rents would not In­ But on the four topics closest to terribly new. They cite cpm- from rational and are quite in­ Road. By Paul Hendrie and 1978 by J.A. Livingston, one of clude heat and hot water. the hearts of businessmen, inflation, paratively recen t a rticle s in conclusive. ’The merged bank will operate as the Connecticut Bank ^nd ’Trust Herald Reporter the editors of the "Philadelphia "If this was the only option, then retail sales, weekly earnings and the Business Week and the Harvard Co. under the charter of State National, the oldest national bank Inquirer " They also reached the conclusion \jj>poneiits of the proposed conver­ that’s it or nothing. But you haven’t prospect for an immediate upturn, Business Review concluding that charter in the United States. They found the accuracy record of that economists tended to really tried to sell if,” said Eugene Ahlers and Lakonishok advise the professional economists have CBT Corp., the parent holding company of CBT, will have $4.5 sion of a vacant Bennet School the individual economists’ forecasts exaggerate expected changes and building to elderly housing showed A. Sierakowski, of 101 Strawberry business to pay no attention to what oversold their ability and con- billion in assets, 5,300 employees and 150 banking offices' not just poor but “extraordinarily that econometric procedures did not up in force at a public hearing Lane. economists are saying. sequentiy fallen into the trap of throughout Connecticut. poor" considering the amount of They said, however, the forecasts creating a gap in their own credibili­ give much better results than 'Tuesday night, bringing along fHp That was Ijhe most frequently time and expense put into them. of economists have improved a little ty. straight judgment forecasts. * charts and statistics to back their cited criticism. Sierakowski and E arguments. several others proposed that a .’Their criticisms were challenged citizens committM be formed to in­ by several speakers who voiced sup­ vestigate selling the building to Center port of the project. commercial interests. Public Records About 35 people attended the ir inn hearing and 19 spoke. Six spoke in „ singers favor of the project, 10 against it V* Warranty deeds Quitclaim deeds Certificate of devise N. Baldwin, $250,000 pro­ 363.26. F. Anderson, property at and three skulkers took neutral should ^ a d v e r t ^ or w le and Members of the Thomas P. Crockett and R.S.K. Contractors Inc. Estate of Sophie Tedford perty on Hillstown Road. Internal Revenue Ser­ 166 Chestnut St. positions. Many of the critics were competitiw bidding wllcited. C Center Congrega­ Michael W. Crockett to to .South Windsor Builders to George Binok, property Moriarty Brothers vice releasing John Tracy, familiar as earlier opponents of the Hugh V. Lennon and Anne Inc., property at 647 and at on Charter Oak Street. against Rosemary M. Ke­ 20 Marble St., $7,363.26. Notice of lease Bennet project and .ast housing f “.'“P tional Church K. Lennon, property at 204 661 E. Middle Turnpike. nyon, $400, property on Bruce S. Beck releasing Charles B. Zucker and projects with town Involvement. Ma^*'*****^\’a*KS'**^i Choir, left, per­ Green Rd , $59,900. Roger A. Jacobs to Lynn Agreement of sale Willard Road. Gail Hayward, property at Ariela L. Zucker to Charles 'l i e pUn is to take the vacant Rebuilding would bring in the $75(^.. Vernon Street Corp., 172 McKee St. school knd convert it to 45 unite of OM assessed value and would formed Tuesday at Gay Oliver to Kevin J. M. Jacobs, property at 1 Federal tax Hen A. Lesoveck II and May T. Kelley and Kathy A. Spring St. seller, and John M. Toller moderate-income elderly housing, R?. , Interna Revenue Service Notice of lease Lesoveck, Unit 302A. the Mark Twain Kelley, property at 23 Anita J. Shorts to Arthur and Mary R. Toller, Green Road for one year financed with the sale of revenue „ Duval St., $65,000. B. Shorts, property at 76 buyers, house to be con­ against Sebastian ’The Center Street Ck>rp. bonds and tax benefits. Rent projec- H‘ll « . , e x p r ^ quaWted Memorial party In Ruggiero, 70 Wood Hill St., to Peter’s Furniture City from Nov. 1, 1982 with op­ Suffolk Management Co. Bowers St. structed at Knollwood tion to purchase. tlons announced Tuesday night suppor for the project, d lsag ^. Hartford. One of and Real E-1 Limited Jane Puglise to William Drive, $93,500. $6,936.46. Inc, premises at 810-818 would range from a low of $320 a “I thlnkalotoftoewgiimentatlon Main St., for three years month to i high of $410 a month, haw heard ^ ^ t e d m a tart of the soloists is at Partnership to Joseph C. J. Puglise and Jane Judgment Hen Internal Revenue Ser­ Valerie, Lynda M. Valerie Puglise, property at 89 vice a'^inst SHAFS INC. from Nov. 1, 1982 with a “ knowledge,” said Hagearty. ‘"There top left; director Meadows Convalescent three-year renewal option. ADventnres is not a sane person in real estate and Evelyn H. Valerie, Henry St. care ofGloria Stevens, 397 v!W Walter Grzyb Is Unit 547C Northwood Hideko Robichaud to Home against Beatrice Broad si., $441.90. who would tell you that (form er) Lipp, property at 854 Release of lls pendens Townhouses, Hilliard Joseph F. Robichaud Jr., Internal Revenue Ser­ high school building is worth $750,- above. Hillstown Road, $1,851.56. M a a a ta S M W ! is ludicrous. M you go •Street property at 112 Avondale vice against Eldward Zera, Savings Bank of Alyear Maintenance Ser­ public and solicit proposals for that Suffolk Management Co. Road. Lis pendens Manchester against Herald photos by Pinto vice, 94 Elida Court, East 28 pages, 4 sections building, you are not going to get and Real E-1 Limited Bettylou Mokoski, also Richard J. Cavar et al, Partnership to Mary Executrix deed Hartford, $216.99. va $750,000, so don’t delude Estate of Clifford Y. known as Bettylou Green property at 136 Bissell St. Michelle .Moran, Unit 549A against Arthur Green, Areatowni';::;::";::::;” ;':.8 yoursewes” Anderson to Robert S. Releases of Hen n He pointed out the town keeps Northwood Townhouses, Security Finance Corp. of Sposito, property at 166 Hartford Radiology Releases of lien ...... VsLot public buildings assessed at higher Hilliard Street. Connecticut, foreclosure, Frederick J. Martin and Chestnut St. Group releasing June State of Connecticut ...... „ than m arket value for insurance property at 121 Lenox SI.. Williams, property at 5 releasing Hannah Overton Evan small buaintMnM iT,.*o,*.rnW.«ni'...... IR reasqus and to protect the town’s Margaret J Martin to Ber­ Executor’s deed Condo construction begins nard J. Lidestri and Ralph Road. Klock, property at 63 ‘ ...... “ bond raOngs. Hagearty estimated Estate of E. J. Holl to Attachments Henry St. tiava cash now proMiMns Kathleen L. Means, Internal Revenue Ser­ ...... in the real m arket value for the Bennet Blanchard and Rossetto Chase Manhattan Bank vice releasing Geraldine Commissioner of Human I GOT HIM IN THE WANT ^lidO T . . 6 bulWlng wouW be closer to $200,000. apparently will be quality con­ The decision to go forward with few years, however. property on Henry Street, Construction Inc., proper­ By Alex Qlreltl $73,500. against Joseph A. Coscia, Tracy, 20 Marble St. $7,- Services releasing Clifford APS, WHERE E U S t ? dominiums. the project may reflect the general Alan F. Lamson, Manchester's ties on Regent St., $16,(X)0. P eopletalk...... 2 B U T MAIN Street merchant Herald C l^ Editor Ida Sullivan to Gregory $1,550, property at 51 Nine of the unite are scheduled to easing of interest rates on construc­ director of planning, has pointed out Estate of Hannah Over- Sp o rts...... 11-14 b .D. Pearl, of 562 Gardner St., have garages and eight will have a R. Kapa and Catherine M. Elizabeth Drive. ( Construction has begun on 15 con­ tion money and on housing purchase a number of times that a lot of new ton Klock, also known as Television ...... 22 argued that the building should be half-bathroom as well as a Kapa, property at 74 Peter G, Kelly and Ray-, Your nowspapar carrier depanda on dominium unite on Blast Middle mortgages. housing construction has been Nancy 0. Klock to Susan W eather...... 2 gold for manufacturing space, not Adams St.. ^2,000. mond J. Devlin Jr., ’Turnpike at Plaza Drive. bathroom. Another outcome of- the easing of authorized, but little has gone Klock, property at 63 hla collections each week to pay hla The estimated construction cost Grace A. Anderson to trustees for former borrowing cost may be reflected in forward. Henry St.. $126,000 (based Samples continue “Manchester has no business in Two of the unite will be built in listed on the permit is $394,000. The Robert J. Sposito, property shareholders of HUtetowni the fact that a few permits are being One theory was that builders, on conveyance tax). bill, whether or not he has received what was formerly Calvary Baptist parcel, about 300 feet by about 215 at 166 Chestnut St.. $62,500 Realty Inc. against Merritt issued for new single houses. For waiting for letter borrowing rates, (jhurch. ’The owner and builder is feet, is in an M Zone. Zoning ap­ (based on conveyance tax) payment from hla cuatomere. When many months a permit for a new would hasten into cqnstruction once ROLEX RSK Contractors Inc. of South Wind­ proval dates back to 1960 and the K.W. Inc. to William H. single house was a rarity. the rates lowered qriough and create he doesn’t get paid, he has to dip sor, which has applied for a building site plan for the project was ap­ Wiesner Jr. Unit 3-B, East subscribers in Manchester. t^plex houses on exlsiting lots of competition in tfie local housing Plea»e turn lo page 10 pennit for the construction of what prove in February this year. Meadow Condominiums, Into hla pocket to rhake up the record have been built in the last market. $49,900. difference. Margaret E. Zagorski, ’Theresa M. Banning, and Lady's M an's Former town director Joseph Banning Jr. to Her- Oyster perpetual Oyster perpetual widi date,,28 date-iust. 30 You can help make a email .man Frechette, property jewels, 14k jewels, 14k yel­ at 94 W. Middle Turnpike, ^ llo w g o ld low wid, fluted businessman from going under If $45,000. fluted bezel/ bezri/crown you pay your carrier Suffolk Management Co crown and and stainless Paul W illhide dies in and Real E-1 Limited td l Ih Aktst bnUam fsiiiftt stainless steel. steel. Bracelet when he calls ta odleot. Thank Partnership to Peggy S. Bracelet is is stainless steel Wadhams, Unit 525A stainless steel with 14k gold Paul B . WUlhlde, 59, a top vice Technologies. He had a bachelOT’s served on the Mandiester Chamber were the remit of Paul’s efforts. "To me, he was an outstanding €tfITU niUMTlOM CO. with 14k yel­ Hilliard St. Ksf. taTo middle linb. president a t United Technologiei degree in industrial engineering of Commerce and on the Board of '' “I would classify him as a truly company man. His whole life was low gold mid­ $2325. Hugo Benson and Gloria Manch^tor Harali . ana a former town director, from Pennsylvania State Univeralty Traatoes at Sooth United tdstbodist outstanding citlxen of the town of devoted to Ms job. He was always dle links. Manchester. He’s one of those guys there when I ne^ed Mm. for advice E. Benson to Town of $1775. early this morning in Georgia. and a m aster’s degree in manage­ Church. Manchester, property at Manehaatar Cam aNo dataila were available, but be ment from Rensselaer Polytechnic “In my opinion, he was one of the who really wam’t a limelight guy, and be always got right to the point, Hackmatack Street and 563-9815 had a hhitory of heart trooble. InsUtutc. most talented ladlvldiialt who ever but he quieUy did a lot of good.” he never beat around the bush. Primer Road. T"Tivtiuara!tlW T«ir#^^ We are an WlUUde and hii wife, Mary — a He was a World War II veteran Uved in Manchester,” said banker "He was an outstanding citizen. We've gone around with the authorized WHlhides since our kids were David R. Ayotte and Rolex sales member of the RcpaUlcan Town flyer with the ISth Air Force, ser- Nathan G. AgostineUi, who was lUs is a great lost to the com­ Deborah E. Kruh to Shung j24iiM (2alory) and service Committee and former party vice viBg as a first Uentenant and flying RoMbUcan Town (3ialnnan while munity,” said state Rep. Elsie L. babies.” Mao Chien and Yuan Yuan f agerK^^ith a chairwoman — were active tn 35 nnlsslaos. Wlfihtde was on- the board. “ He “ Biz” Swensson, a pm onal friend: Besides Ms wife, Mary, WUlMde Chien, property at S Little govemiiM t, drarch and d vlc af- WUlhlde, a Republican, was ap- priXWbly has done more good from a “He was a very Christian person. If leaves a daughter and four sons. St., $56,400. id^ionof falra. He waa. a rMidnnt of pointad to tho Board of Directors in moaetary standpoint — the money you gave him a job, you knew it was Funeral arrangemente jtie being TnM»a Jv uMitn Sktc» tOOO Styles- Herman M. Frechete to Pygy IU M M I Matwhnatar for 16 yeara. 1975, to fUl a valency. He woo elec- he has brought into Manchester — going to be done well, in every line: handled by the Holssbs Funeral Manchester Memorial owiNt cofHHiM onm oiAt WUlhlde was a vice president in Uon in hia own right that November than any other individual. A lot of poUtics, bis work, his church and Ms Home, 400 Main St., but are in­ Hospital, property on West charge of personnel at United and served one terra. He also bad th i grants that came Into the town family. complete. Paul Willhida Middle ’Turnpike, $«,000. on TMWMO-WAC C U M I I 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., Dec. 1. 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Dec. 1, 1982 - 3 NATIONM WEATHER SERVCE EORECA8T Is 7 AM EST !»-»-•? Mmn.TT » .» 19.00 r\ ' ' .1 Parkade manslaughter frail Hews Briefing Junk car fire F A IR /)■ k A / / •AMniAHOIMO , Cyanide figure Western storm is suspicious A lO ft Fight led to killing, brother says waives extradition kills at least 11 iOWC«T TiMKNATUMt Fire officials have still not determined the cause LOS ANGELES (UPI) - An Arctic 30 of an ei^ t-car fire Monday night at Parker Street are otherwise unreliable. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - An un­ & By Raymond T. DeMeo problem.” Asked what Shine’s reqxHise He sold he chased Shine’s car across storm rode 80 mph winds along the Auto. ThM are describing it as susplcloas. was, Tierney said, "He. told me to shut the Parkade parking lot to get the employed mechanic waived extradition Herald Reporter ’ He has also suggested that Allen to Illinois to take lie detector tests about, length of the California coast, piling Town fimfightSrs found the cars blazing when up or he’d mess me up, too." registration plate number. Other responding to the 10 p.m. call, and had trouble Tierney’s death was caused by Us falling the Chicago Tylenol-cyanide slayings but homes into the surf, setting off A fistfight between Alien Tierney and nerney said his brother Allen walked witnesses say Shine drove away after the from Shine’s car window, during a fight avalanches, mudslides and floods and knocking it down at first. Deputy Chief William D. authorities said they doubt he is the • WCAIHCft (OVOCA31 4 William D. Shine led off a confrontation out of the bar at that point "gnd asked if incident. wUch Tierney provoked, rather than by killing at least 11 people. Hundreds of Griffin said. poisoner. that resulted in Shine’s running over the defendant was giving me Shine’s running him down deliverately. thousands of people were without power. With gasoline from the junk cars leaking, and "He (Allen) said h(eTSWie) wiw giving SHINE’S LAWYER, Tboimas D. Clif­ Kevin Masterson, 35, who ran from Tierney with his car last year, the vic­ ford of Hartford, tried to discredit' police for a month after learning he was In Orange, a storage tank at the . with tires burning, he said the men found they had tim’s brother testified in Hartford him s- in the bar all hli^t'long;’’T iaiiey DR. STEPHEN Adams, a former Cosden Oil ti Chemical Co., overheated to use foam to bring the blaze under control. said. Tierney’s testimony under cross- state medical examiner who performed wanted for questioning in the killings, Superior Court Tuesday. examination. He pointed out that faced arraignment today on a warrant by loss of cooling power when the storm Weather The monetary d i^ g e was minimal, be said, John A. nerney, 22, said his brother Allen Tierney and Shine started an autopsy on Tierney, testifi^ Tuesday knocked '6ut electrical lines, exploded in because the cars were junks. "It’s suspicious, "duking it out" in the parking lot, .lierney told police after the incident under questioning from Assistant State’s from DuPage County, III., charging him and Shine squared off outside David’s that he had left David’s before his sister with possession of marijuana. flames and released an eye-initatlng definitely, because it just didn’t start by itself," he Restaurant in the Manchester Parkade Tierney said: He said his brother Attorney Richard Schatz that Tierney’s chemical, styrene monomer, lliousands’ said. The department cleared the scene at about "seemed tp overpower" Shine. Darlene, wUle in court Tuesday he death-causing injuries "were consistent Masterson had agreed to waive around 1 a.m. April 3,1961, when Shine is testified that Darlene had left the bar extradition and Illinois officials said of people were evacuated from a 2:30 a.m. Tuesday. accused of killing Tierney and injuring As Shine was getting into his car, Allen with a motor vehicle having passed first. ' Tuesday they hoped to have him 4square-mlle area. Today’s forecast his sister, Darlene Tierney, by continued to grapple with him, Tierney over” him. “When they lost power they lost their sai(l. As Allen held on. Shine started the Under questioning from Clifford, returned soon — perhaps today. Master- deliberately striking them with his car. Tierney admitted that he didn’t give son calmly walked into an FBI office cooling system and their control over the Today becoming cloudy with a 30 percent chance of Shine, 22, of New Britain; will face engine, "squealed and took off,” he said. Adams also testified that Tierney’s chemical,” said Fire Chief Ed Rowlet. some light rain or drizzle late today. Highs 50 to 55. Tierney said Us brother was dragged police a report of the incident until April blood alcohol level was .19 by weight at Monday and surrendered after living in maximum penalties of up to 40 years in 17, 1961 — two weeks after his brother’s his car in the desert. A force of 100 firefighters needed more Winds light and variable. Tonight cloudy with fog and jail if he is convicted of charges of first- 10 to 15 feet before he fell off the side of the time of the autopsy. For comparison, than two hours to contain the spill, and occasional light rain or drizzle. Lows 40 to 45. Winds Fire Calls Shine’s car. As his brother tried to stand death. under state law a blood level of .10 is con­ Illinois Attorney General Tyrone degree reckless manslaughter and first- Clifford also brought forth John Fahner, who heads the investigation of the evacuees were allowed to return easteriy 10 mph. Thursday remaining mostly cloudy. degree assault. up, aided by Us sister. Shine circled, sidered sufficient evidence to charge a home Tuesday evening. High temperatures in the low 50s. Winds light and around the parking lot and headed Tierney’s criminal record — including person with driving under the influence the seven Extra-Strength Tylenol 1977 convictions on burglary and larceny slayings, said. “I don't think he will turn variable. Manchester TIERNEY SAID he was standing toward the two at a speed of 30-35 miles of alcohol. near his sister Darlene’s parked car an hour, he said. charges and still-pending charges of sale out to be the one." Both Darlene and John Tierney have Monday, 10 p.m. — Cars on fire, Parker Street Auto, before the incident when be saw Shine, Tierney said his sister was knocked off of marijuana and hallucinogenic sub-, testified that their brother, a husky, tall Man goes berserk Extended outlook Parker Street. (Town) cariTing a knife, walking around the to the side of the car after being struck, stances. Tuesday, 9:04 a.m. — Accidental box alarm, Cheney rear of Us own car, wUch was parked in wUle Allen was dragged Underneath and Shine’s laWyer has tried to establish man who worked for Manchester Extended outlook for New Friday through Movers, was drunk at the time of the in­ with baseball bat Technical School. (Town) the next space. eventually came to rest'on a raised me­ that 'the witnesses to the alleged UPI photo Sunday: Tuesday, 11:06 a.m. — Accidental box alarm, Illing cident. Reagan, Demos He said he asked Shine "if there was a dian. manslaughter were drunk at the time or SPRINGFIELD, Tenn. (UPI) - Ted Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut: Mostly 'Junior High School. (Town) disagree on jobs Lee Jones was a familiar figure, cloudy with a chance of showers through the period. Tuesday, 8:43 p.m. — Diunpster fire, 40 Olcott St. Have you been flossing? marching along Main Street in military Mild with high temperatures from the the 50s to the low (Town) WASHINGTON (UPI) - President fatigues, turning corners sharply, 60s. Low temperatures mostly in the 40s. Wednesday, 6:30 a.m. — Medical call, 14 Lawton SUNDAY 12-5 Reagan and House Democrats are on a Sprucing up for the holiday season, Ann Burke of the Museum of sometimes wearing a knapsack on his Vermont: Wet and unseasonably mild. Highs In the Road. (Town) collision course on Capitol Hill, with the Natural History In New York, cleans the teeth of tyrannosaurus rex back. 50s and low 60s. Lows in the mid 30s to mid 40s. legislators trying to formulate a $5 But residents of Springfield, a com­ Maine, New Hampshire; Mild with some periods of billion public works jobs program Tuesday. If his jaw slips, she's done for. V munity 30 miles north of Nashville, paid rain or drizzle. Highs in the 40s north and 40s to mid 50s Tolland County Reagan vows to veto. scant attention to Jones until Tuesday, south. Lows in the 30s to low 40s. Wednesday, 1:55 a.m. — Ambulance call. Brown Democrats maintain such a program when the former mental patient began Drive, Andover. (Andover) is needed to reduce the 10.4 percent un­ Talks avert Powers seeks clubbing' people with an aluminum employment, the highest since the Great baseball bat, authorities said. Depression. They wantMo tack it on to a hotel strike charges dismissal Police said Jones hammered five pe

8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Dec. 1, 1982 I )

^ ^ '',11 c> Area towns A n d o v e r Bolton / C o v e n t r y Neither side in Coventry budget battle sure of win 1

By Jett Weingart Town Council Chairwoman Joan tion to bring the current budget to a Herald Reporter A. Lewis maintained that the machine vote. Democrats on the council had inter­ " I t was my understanding that CO VE NTRY — The key players in preted the law correctly when they you could take the budget to referen­ the contest between the Town Coun­ voted^his spring to set the mill rate dum,” said Mrs. Koontz. “ Everyone cil and the Coventry Taxpayers at 27.9. The vote cam e a fte r in to^TO thought it was legal to bring Association, scheduled for residents at the annual town the budget to referendum.” Harild photo by Pinto Thursday, aren't making any bets on meeting chose to adopt the budget Mrs. Koontz, like others on the which side will triumph. even though the taxpayer group had council, was reluctant to pick a GretchenlSprecher happily Inspecta a cou­ mas gifts at a PTO-sponsored shopping day Each side beiieves it has the filed a petition to bring the budget to winner in the proceedings. stronger case, but each agrees that ple of stuffed animals. The toys In her hand Friday. Surrounding Qretchen are Paul Pur­ a referendum. The group is charging "As far as predicting, it will be a Judge Eugene T. Kelly's decision — and on the table are part of a collection of vis, left, Eric Purvis and Gunther Sprecher. that both actions were illegal legal interpretation,” she said. a ruling which may determine how handmade goods that Bolton elementary The sale will be held at the school. because, members say, state statute Democratic council member ■ the town's budget can be adopted in guarantees them the right to bring Christopher G.F. Cooper agreed “ it students will have a chance to buy for Chrlst- the future — will be based on a strict the budget to a machine vote by is a tough one to call.” interpretation of the law. It's not collecting 200 signatures. “ I've maintained alt along that known if Kelly will make a decision the town charter does not supercede CUSTOM - MADS "1 still have my belief that the NEW 1982 STYLES Thursday or just listen to trial charter does set out a process for state statute," said Cooper. “ It will proceedings and make one at a later adopting the budget" said Mrs. come down to an interpretation of WELCOME WAGON^ date. Lewis. "1 have a great deal of con­ the law ." TIMEX "It's a hard thing to know what's W ANTS TO fidence that he (attorney Palmer "W e are saying the only way to JUNIOR going to happen," said CTA Presi­ McGee) will prove it." pass that budget is for people who Large Fabric Selection VISIT YOU & dent Joyce Carilli. "We've got a "The charter says the budget will are responsible enough to come Expeii Installation DOWN CO ATS 25% OFF good case, but death and taxes are be adopted at an annual town voice their opinions\and vote accor­ SPECIAL the only sure things. That's as far as dingly." said Cooper. OftCAT SELECTION meeting," she said. "N o other coun­ AUDMfTAUeElfCnnCSEUO elCO I'll go as far as betting." cil ever stood by the charter. This is U on • tarWIND eWATcmoor ♦ quautz CTA Vice-President Thomas I I D eOfICtt gift BOXED ••FOtTt what we are doing.” I'R A N K M. Dunn Jr., the vice- Brainard, when pressured to sum up B vcan ouanantic The taxpayers association was chairman of the council, also said it Q Suede & Leather his feelings about the case, would successful in bringing the budget to was “ hard to predict” which side n g . * 1 9 8 J U J only say he was “ hopeful." Q Cleaning ■■t M m M Urn uyfi referendums in 1980 and 1981. would triumph in the'case. "The facts are on our side," said Quilted faEhlon coatE filled H iM ik 'M m The trial is scheduled to take •aaii emf IH im I V k Brainard. “ If the facts are with genuine down for extra place Thursday at 10 a.m. at Tolland □ DrapM, 8«at Covara and examined, I don't see how we can KEPI BI.ICAN council member ^ Mja MJe HUkiMitaM Roberta F. Koontz defended her rho- County Superior Court. warmthi I L l Wadding Qowna all at lose." FIETCHER GIASS CO. Sizes S-M-L m m I MUSIC BOXES lY V Ov«r JJ Y»0rt fiptrwvKt ~ ]UlMlln 3 mlnutM y% OFF r^C^NECTICU T TriAli^i: oYOQURT— JUICE— no waste May. There are seven seats j r a i Q I BREAK. •FREEZE— for Inotsnt Ice Cream on the board. Select wheels of Skirts - Blouses - Slacks THPU-N-TIMVa •QRtND— meats for patao 6 harr S E R V IC E S rune regular ___ Monday, Republican Nylon Ski Jackets - Sweaters and p r e s e n t s ilC OFFICE PENS] Weekly programs to Disney DINNERS— Salads -I Chairman Joseph J. Dresses. CNtes • Baby Food, Bland Dlata and | Haloburdo Jr., Democrat Worid with Delta Airlines and moral ■ Vice Chairman Louis • i— O f HMtiL regular programs to OR MINUTE EREADMAKBR-< 3rtnd I Gift Shop Early — It's so much easier to find Lae — whole grain, mix and knaad Into I Cloutier and former the "right" gifts when selections are at the best! Vegas, Hawaii, A Cancun with VISIT SANTA frash ho m a m a d e bread In ona easy _ Republican Chairman An­ Selection 3-mlnuta oo f atlon. I Use our convenient lay-away or charge plans SAVE United Airlines, all Hartford T O T A L JUICER The on# tfiaf throve I drew T. Maneggia — a 12- to "get set" (or Christmas nowll departures. AT NOME I Nothing aivayf ^ year member — said $3.00 of loFuQ 8 V a f Parti Repleoement | they're not sure they'll run I •taW-Cleenlng I •Christmas CMMECnCIIT TRAVEL SERVICES in the MANCHESTER PARKADE •lupf po wf ed M 6l f I again. BERMUDA PARKER Thomochirte that is Much ■ Both Dem ocratic and THE NnmE TO REmEmBER. SnU NOT RE UNDER SOLDI More than a Food Procesaor I SB , JOTTER • O f t Wrap SAT. DEC. 4th 11-4 pm VITAJilX® 3600 I Republican caucuses are If you find a program using either slated for the end of tiM The Affordable Cutaway** IRALLPORIT SUN. DEC. 5th 12-5 pr DRESS SHOP •Boxed Cards Delta or United Airlines out of Hart­ • n m A C M E M e n H January. It is then that for­ ford with similar hotels for a lesser F rM Coloring Booko mal party nominations will •Ornaments [oidiM■t Se m « PEN JUICERATOR V k a d iU i price, not only will wo match that be made. Both town com­ lor the kids rossTmtaerHAMD _ ImU 13, VemM, Ct mittees are at present price, but we'll do It for $10 lessi Mm, Tnt, M IMdk O n , M IM: U. HUM YITAUTY recruiting candidates. OEpoe«te OvEltPf Nwi REetel EAE-MIE FEATURES: 4 n.50 % n u a We’ve tripled our size m our "I'm still in the process Manchoetor office. Como eay hollo. of deciding," Haloburdo ^ 4 • aiMMiisMiW Min « dw M fcv a«i Round trip Jet traneportatlon via cwcdMvfulaa. said " I want to talk to COMEpnCirT TRAVEL SOnnCES __ _ Prefeealonai TsaJVOotepher DELTA AIRLINES between Hartford ^ available wHh Instant photon of your Larry Converse □ REED'S INC. □ DSL (Lower Lavoi) (Republican Town Com­ SHOPTHE and Bermuda. S 3 visit (n«xt doer to Delyns) nUUUDE HEALYH SHOm mittee chairman) first. I B MAHCHEtia rAmOE B ___ 647-1666 B B want to see what they're if nva daye/fdur nights at the luxurloui, doing. I'm really undecided ^ a r t f o t d □ B D D B D D B D D □ □ □ □ B P Q B D Q □ B B B B B B B B B □ B a B B D B B D B at this point." he said. ELBOW BEACH HOTEL. Haloburdo has been chairman for the past two if Brealcfest and dinnar dally at tha years, and a member for Crafts Expo about 10. hotal. Cloutier, a 10-year 11TH AHNUAL member, said he is un­ * Tranafara batwaan tha airport and tha decided. “ I had mixed feelings," hotal. I t ^ The H.TrHord C ivic Center he said. “ I have feelings of if All tlpa and taxaa at tha hotal In- Sewer plan r December 3 , 4 , 5 oiuding Bermuda Dapartura tax A anargy surcharga. I L A C K & w h i t e ; C O V E N TRY - The pros and cons of the proposed Decem ber 10,11,12 limited sewer for the if U K IM K C a n K " /'/ H A I I SII<)\( S AAA Cocktail party. , ______(wrWngliwirumwMooniMnlngltMt Lakeview Terrace and Chlldnm Shot tof polUhwl CbroiTM S tradWoiwI Crew quUtty. fPORTABLE t.V; Waterfront Manner areas I < il ill lv ;)/<■ r iK li it < rkt lul -*■ AAA Eaeorlad. of a debate scheduled for 7 tonight at the Robertson I IcillOIIStt.lllOIIS, School. Kflicshm i-iUs Robert Boucher, a I MM't>.ir kiiH( M slitiilir M'Tv If «■ member of the Water i f( Mil I I - 111 ImmI Sf.ili' \ I ii M >n. In vliou Pollution Control Authori­ ^ S.ii X Sun ty, will state the positive aspects of the plan, while a I 10 I )A N 1 If I ‘#|MII Elaine Stetson/Will present SA (I HDAN !()ln'#pin the opposite^.viewpoint. SI \ I ) A N' H Mm H[irn

A f jiM isMMii s i On ( i iild M'li iiiH Iff ! I Dorouwmrtto .ulimttfil t rrr a ifh |i.immi| nm a loti raolpa? S<*niOI ( lll/f'll (IlM Mllllt rut.jOIr FaaS a dUtetl Maka nannybany |amT I nusuiil ( iilts Sand SR/raelpa «Mi nama, foi I l(inl-tn-Shi It addfaaay tataptwn#lo l ’ r < > i> lr MClKnMOEIIS E* PO BaaTM Sa. WLidtar, Ct 0W74 Money refunded for nn- •ncceauful iiarrti. l U - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 1. 1982 Bennet proposal brings out foes, backers

Road, the pastor of Community Bap­ Continued from page 1 turnover.” should have. He said toe town’s con­ average cost for heat should be possibility of installing gas or oil John R. Crowley, of 11 Division sultant, Arthur N. Greenblatt, of about $45. He said the decision to heat will be explored. tist ^ u r ^ and chairman of' the operation." St., who served lasf year on a Board exclude heat from the rent was to Manchester Area Conference of Community Development Corp., ELIZABETH Sadloskl, of 48 Pearl also rejected the assump­ of Directors housing subcommittee, said on Nov. 20 that a 3 percent drop encourage tenants to conserve. Churches, said be wishes rente were Hollister St., said the Manchester said the Bennet housing would meet in interest rates would save $45,000 a Samuelson and others questioned lower — to appeal to low-income tion that there is a housing shortage Property Owners Association un­ in town. That view was rejected by the needs of elderly people forced year foV the project. the $45 estimate. elderly — but believes there may be from their apartments by con­ "If we had a kilowatt number to animously voted to oppose the a msAet for it. t several other speakers. Smyth said that means rents Bennet project. dominium conversion. should be $85 a month less than go on, at least,^e would have “We (MACC) want to qommend “1 am a renter in town," said “You say it isn’t going to cost us "I was delighted as a member of earlier estimates, but instead he something to ^o he said. you for entertaining the Idea of Irene Ashley, of West Middle Turn­ anything, but the point is you are the housing subcommittee to see one said the rent increase announced on “If they’re so s®e, have them using this building for housing) ' pike. "It took me six months to find going into competition With tax of our favorite proposals, the con­ Nov. 20 averaged just $30 to $40 a write it into the contract that $45 a because there is a gfeat need,” hh a rent. My rent is $390 a month, paying developers,” said Mrs. version of a vacant municipal month. month is all the heat will be,” said said. going up to $400, and th a t’s Sadloski. “It’s a dangerous thing to moderate." building to elderly housing, acted Greenblatt replied that the Vincent T. Kelly, of 34 S. Adams St. start.” CRISTIAN Kaefer, of IP Wood- " I’ve heard people get up here upon favorably. I want to applaud difference is a cushion being built “We are confident that the heat She suggested, instead, that bridge St., called for a referenduni: tonight and say there’s no need for the Board of Directors,” said into the project to make sure the factors and the heating numbers private developers be encoura^ to “I would say, put this on the ballot," apartments,’’ said Hagearty. Crowley. cash flow is sufficient to give the will be right on line,” replied provide housing, perhaps by offering he said. "That's poppycock. A 1 percent Smyth charged that drops in in­ town a return in lieu of taxes. Greenblatt. tax benefits. ’Ihere was a light moment when vacancy rate says you don’t have terest rates have not reduced Greenblatt said electric heat will Democratic Director Stephen T. Joseph L. Swensson Jr.-,- a local any vacancies at all, just normal projected rents as much as they be installed in the building and the Cassano said this morning the Peter J. McNamara, of 40 Durkin developer, asked why bousing for St., said, as a landlord, he objects to the elderly was being promoted, but the town getting involved in not housing for younger petqile. ★ prQvidiiRiding housing. He said the “If you build housing for the elderr ★ ■A- Bennet project would not pay tlw ly, what are you buildUng for people same taxes that he, as a private of my generation?” asked landlord, must pay and he callWl Swensson. i that unfair. “Prisons,” shouted someone in the Lower rents, minus utilities, unveiled back of the room. “You are competing with me in the real estate business,” tie skid. Alaska is the least densely popr New lower projected rents for the two-bedroom, one-bath units of 785 released on Nov. 20 even if $45 is The payment to the town will be Robert A. Faucher, of 125 Spruce proposed Bennet elderly housing square feet; $380-$390 for the three subtracted across-the-board. determined in lease negotiations ulated state, with 0.54 inhabitants St., chairman of the Human per square mile. project were presented Tuesday two- bedroom one-and-a-half bath Electric heat is planned for the between the non-profit Bennet Relations Commission, offered night at the start of a public hearing. units of 785 square feet and $395-$410 structure. Using electricity was Housing Corp. and the town. qualified support. He said he wishes The rents still are aimed at for the three two-bedroom, one-and- criticized by a number of speakers Earlier, 10 percent of the net cash rents were still lower, but un­ Golden eagles dive on their prety moderate-income elderly, but are a-half-bath units of 935-960 square at the public hearing, because they flow each year was proposed as pay­ derstood that was impossible with such speed and force that the down even from lowered rents un­ feeb said it is more expensive than oil or ment to the town, but critics have without federal subsidies. 8 0 ^ of the wind whistUpg through veiled on Nov. 20. Rents presented on Nov. 20 ranged gas. One speaker suggested adap­ complained that is not enough. Rev. James Meek of SA Ferguson the wingtip feathers can be heard.' The new monthly rents would be: from $390-$450 a month, including ting the Bennet heating system so it $320-$,335 for the 16 one-bedroom, heat. Rent projections before then could use both oil and gas, taking one-bath units of 610-620 square ranged froin $420-$490. whichever fuel is cheaper at a par­ feet; $330-$345 for the 17 one- Unlike .rents announced earlier, ticular time. Obituaries Second held bedroom. one-bath units of 645 the new rents would not include the Democratic Director Stephen T. square feet; $365-$380 for the six costs of heat and hot water. Cassano, the real estate committee Arthur N. Greenblatt, of Com­ chairman, said this morning that op­ munity Development Corp., the con­ tion will be considered. He said elec­ Funeral set Friday In Memoriam in drug bust sulting firm designing the Bennet tric heat was proposed because in­ In loving memory of Ekiith Boyce project, said the lower rents itial installation would be cheaper. for Judge O’Neill You are what Simpson who passed away Police today reported another pef- became apparent “as we get closer If gas or oil heat is installed at a HARTFORD (UPI) - Funeral December 1, 1979. to the bonding marginally higher price, the rents son was arrested in connection wiffi you drink ^ services will be held Friday for a cocaine bust Friday ni^t and ”We had tried all along to be con­ may fall within the high side of the Superior Court Judge Brian E.. You may be gone PHOENIX, Ariz. iUPI) — A new servative on the high side," he ranges announced Tuesday, Cassano But to me never dead, charged with illegal possession of O’Neill, whose compassion often led the controlled substance. X study of young adults indicates you added. "We just tightened up our said. hitn to offer help to the less for­ I see your smile in the clouds are what you drink. figures." But he said the town is trying to tunate who came before him. overhead Police also served a warrant on A The survey of beverage The mortgage for the project get a commitment from the gas O'Neill, who dealt with issues I know your love is existing and man they say they believe is com preferences and social identity would be funded with the sale of company to install a new gas main ranging from the death penalty and bright. nected with the theft of almost $10,- found specific alcoholic beverages revenue bonds. oh the lower end of Main Street. corruption in high office to distur­ In the warmth of the rays of the 000 worth of goods from a locm may be symbols drinkers use to Greenblatt said the monthly Meanwhile, no final decision on bance of the peace, died Tuesday in sun’s golden light. business. communicate their status, lifestyle heating costs per unit could average how much the town would get from Hartford Hospital of an undisclosed Sadly missed by jrour and personality information to $45. The rents announced Tuesday the project each year in lieu of taxes illness. Daughter Mildred Lucille Napolitano, 28, of 141 others. night still were lower than those has been made, Cassano said. He was 44 and his death brought Doooooooooocoeeoooooooof Tudor Lane, was charged Friday shock and sadness to state and night at her home after a police judicial officials. In Memoriam search turned up some cocaine. “Judge Brian O’Neill was a hard­ With each and every year new. Police had earlier reported that working and dedicated jurist who We recall what you use to say and Michael A. Napolitano, 43, of the Here's list of town s^treets gave freely of himself toward the do. same address, was arrested that advancement of the judicial system For those of us who loved you so night and similarly charged. in Connecticut,” said Chief Justice dearly, John A. Speziale of the state Your daily presence is felt so . He was also charged with illegal where lights are going out Supreme Court. clearly. possession of a sawed-off shotgw, “It is tragic indeed that death In our hearts your spirit continues to which police said they turned up in would come to a man who had such a live, the search. - ■ In an effort to save $13,000 in this DeepwtMKJ.- H-182.3; Deerfield. H-1802: Del- lAihind. H-5627, H-5604; Lenox. H-2715, H-2719; long and promising career ahead of Because when you were here, you Both were released on $2,500 year's budget, and more in sub­ -imnf. S30I3. Devon. M-I830, Doane, S-30.34. l.ilac, Jl-2739; Lilley. H-2745; Linden. H-2752, him." »ezia(|e said. had so much to give. ; and ordered to appear in Kasf Center, H-1896, H-1909, H-1925. H-1929. H-2765. I.lnnmore, H-2793; Unwood, H6177, H- hester Superior Court Dec. IS. sequent budgets, the town is now 11-1937 11-1964. H-1970; Edison. H-2008, Ed­ 6181. U cusl, H-2806, H-2811, Love Lane, H- Gov. Williqm O’Neill, no relation, K.P.M. turning out street lights, mostly mund. 11-2010 H-2014. Eldndge, H-2019, H- 2827; Lydall, S-203. S-212, S-216, S-256; Lyn- said state residents “have lost one In loving memory of William F. e Claude Dowdell, 34, of 29 along residential streets 2076. H-2036. H-20.38, H-2046. Elizabeth. S-2300; dalo. H-2846. of their brightest legal talents, and McClelland who passed away Woodland Circle, East ^ rtford , Following is a list of streets where Kim. 11-2047, H-2050. H-2047, H-2050, H-2067; Madison. H-2870; Main. S-4976; Maple. H- one of their most dedicated and December 7, 1980. was arrested Monday on a warrant KIwood, H-2074. Erie, H-2092. 3027; McDivItt, H-7533; McKinley. H-3080; charging him with flrst-degred lights will be extinguished and even­ Kairfield. H-2109, Kerguson, H-2157, H-2161, Meadow U ne. H-3082, H-3086; Middle Turn­ expert judges.” Sadly missed. tually removeii Vhe numbers after 11-2169. H-2175, H-626C; Ferndale, H-2204; pike East, H-6075, H-6077, H-6081, H-6084. H- A former assistant state attorney Wife, Children and larceny and third-degree burglary, the street names imekthe numbers of Klorence H-2215. (1-2223, H-2227, H-2231; 6093. H-«095. H-6098, H-6101, H-6103, H-6114, H- general. Judge O’Neill , found .Grandchildren Police said he was wanted in con­ the poles involved YmTCan find the I'l.m er. H-2234, 11-2238; Forest, H-2266, 7660, H-7721. S-35; Middle Turnpike West. H- himself in the public spotlight nection with an Aug. 21 burglaiy ait l oster 11-2310: Frances, H-2321, H-2327. H- 6009. H-6011, H-6023, H-6031, H-6035, H-6039. H- the Carlyle Johnson Buildliv on 52 pole number on a metal label on the 2331. Franklin. M-2.336 6042. H-6I97, H-6046, H-6051, H-6054, H-6058, H- during his four years on the bench. pole Dalaxv, H-6898: Garden Grove Road, H-2428, 6060. H-6062. H-6065. H-6067, H-6070; Mill, S- O’Neill recently drew attention Main St. A typing machine, a \(};iins n-7-lii anil H 736, Adams South. H- 11-7505. H-7508, Gardner. H-2344, H-2359; 3621 MilchelL S-2.TW, Myrtle. H-3133, H-3137. when as presiding judge in Hartford The Pine Tree Flag was the first copying machine, several tool )44‘i H-7t7 ,ind H-751. Alton, S-2732 .Am- G.irth, H-2452; Glenwood, H-2470. H-2475; Superior Court he rejected a defense U.S. Naval ensign. It was made at chests and the company van were ‘ ibsador H-7;Ujf) ^rul S-200-S Arch, H-805. Ar- Gtislee, M-5375, Grandview, H2502; Green, S- New. H-3152, New Bolton, H-7663; New 3143. S 3140. (ireen Manor. S-2233, Greenwood. State. S-.3817, S-3834, H-6958; Newman. H-3154; request to dismiss corruption the request of George Washington’s taken, police said, ’hie total value :.att Ashwi.rth H-B53. Autumn. H-869 military secretary in 1775- to be was about $9,600. lt.irrmo.Ml H-8ni4 Iti-nton, H-929 H-944, S.:n4f). Grissom. 11-7688, H-7690, H-76%, H- Niles. H-3170. North. S-881; North Elm. S-3642, charges against former Transporta­ lie M-4496 Hitiwfll 11-6592, H-6.')95 M-966. 7700, Griswold. H-2526, Grove. S-3I71 S-3663; North Main. H-6942. H-6944, H-6947, S- tion Commissioner Arthur B. flown by a fleet of armored He was held on $1,000 bond, police H.ik'' iow H-971 Bin h. il-WKJ Hissell, H-1093, Hackmatack. 11-4571. H-4605, H-4612, H-4620. 952, H-5323, S-1804. S-1790. S-3672, S-3696; schooners. said. i’.liNS S >«<>•) Blui* Bid^fo H-6669, Boulder, (I- H-4629 Hamilton. M-7527. H-7529. H-7531; Nutineg. H-7613. H-7615. Powers. ll.!2. Br.inlord H-l\150, Brelton, S-28-53 ■ lamlin. H-4638, Harlan, S-3176. S-3181, S-3187; Oak. H-3231. H-3254; Oak Grove, H-3256, H- Briarwootl. H-7579 lV-7.592, H-7584, H 7588. Harrison. H-4655, Hartford,-H-4742. H-4750. H- 3258. H-3269, H-3281, Oakwood. S-3720; Olcott Broad s 4.ir,S 11-5077 Brookfield. H-1174. H- 4771 Hawthorne. S-3209, Hawthorne South. H- Drive. H-.3299; Olcott Street, H-3306; O’Leary. UHl. H1190 il 1)94 H-6585. Bruce. H-1200. 4797 Hazel. H-48I2; Hendee, H-4833; Henrv.S- H-3349; Overlook. S-3742; Oxford. S-3751. Senior column Thursday. Brvan S-455.H S-4561 Burnh.ini, S-112. S 1474 1058, S-1062, S-3245. S-3249, S-3264. High Street- Palm. H-3374; Park. H-3400; Parker. S-4307, s 14H.1 liii'th Bill 11-1217 West, H-4865, Highland. H-4890, H-4921; S-4389, S-4394. H-5155; Patriot, H-7933, H-7935; Circumstances beyond the Herald’s control prevent rairihrulL’c S.U90! f'ampfield H-1295. lljKhwfKKl. H-6251; Hilliard. S-3283.- S-3341; Pearl, H-3420, H-3430, H-3431; Phelps. S-3757, publication today of the Manchester Senior Citizens ( anrll.-woiMl H 5!f64 (^•^rpenter. B-7539 H Hillstown, S-4629. S-4693. Hollister. S-3378. H- S-.3761. S-3766; Philip. H-6276; Pilgrim, H-6213; Center column. It will be published in Thursday’s 5291 Horace. H-5050; Hudsfin. S-3423, S-3430; Pine Hill, S-4546: Pleasant Valley. H-8012. S- Atlantic Cit 7.')4r» f'l’dar 11134-4. M-I347. ('enter. IM42f). H- 7 Herald. 1436. II 14f)« H-1469 • 11-1482. 111502 H-I524 lliinler. S-4702, Hyde. H-5062 2879. Plymouth. H-3517; Porter. H-3538. H- Wednesday and Saturday ' hap.-l S -4877 Charter Oak. H-1.585, H-1593, Indian. .S-.3234. 3550. H-3.562, H-.3604 Princeton, S-3779. S-^81. Excursions to Chestnut H-I610 Church. IM622 Columbus. -loseph S-3477 S-3785. I’roctor, H-3656; Progress. H -6^; Prospeel, H-3632; Purnell, H-2888. Guaranteed IM67t r oolifiy.- 11-1674, Cooper. H-1676. H- KCrm v. H-2.579, H-2607, H-2622, H-26.35. Ken- 1678 I iMipur Mill 11-1704 Cornell, H-I7.32 sintMun H-2639 Quaker. S-2288; Ralph. H-6876, H-6884; Redwood. H-6813, H-6819, S-4582; Richmond, S- Cr.ift S2577 S-2.581 ' l..ike S-3493. S-3502 Umplighter.H-7895.H- DRAPERY CLEANING 4828: Roosevelt, H-3723; Russell. H-3730. Dale 1M796 Dartmouth. M-.5498 H-5502 7897. Laurel. H-2694. l/edgecresl, H-7912.. St James Place. H-37S2; St. John. H-3754; • No Shrinkage St Uwrence, H-3768; Sanford. S-2238; San- • Squared & Even Hemlines lina, H-3778. H-3784; Sass, H-7977; School. H- • Takedown & Re-Hang Service 3803. H-382S; Seaman, H-3832; Sheldon. H-7321, Folice fight, chase, then H-73.30. Shepard. H-7705; Somerset, H-5971; O N LY«iO* 87 #4fVjOO round-trip South Main. H-3879,11-39^; Spring, H-3951, H- > t D ( £ S £ l Call: plus special casino bonus 3976. H-3980, H-3985, H-3998; Spruce, H-4048; 872-0166 Starkweather. S-3879. S-3883. S-3888; Steep Leaves 8:15 a.m. ' Hollow, H-4101, H-4111; Sterling, S-3895; Stone, nab Peeping Tom suspect H-4123; Starnt, H-4118; Strawberry. H-7593. H- CHOOSE SWISS QUALITY WITH CONFIDENCE” Travel in style and comfort on a deluxe 7595. Strickland. S-3901; Strong, S-3913; Travel Time motorcoach. Summer. H-4125; Summit. S-4324, H-5141. Following a stakeout Monday walking near the apartments Tam. H-S9U2; Tanner. S-3921, S-3936; Teresa, Purchase Tickets in A dvance night for a reported Peeping Tom, H-4152. Thayer. H-5512; Thompson. H-7037; hurriedly. The officer followed, he Timber, H-5886; Timrod, H-5903; Tolland police fought, chased and finally said in his report, and after viewing Turnpike. S-1750, S-1756. S-f7^1, S-1869.,S-1886. Contact: Tkmaml.Jhnm. Bus Llnaa Ina arrested a man seen looking into an the man looking into an apartment S-1884, S-1900, S-1904, S-1917, S-1927, S-3960, S- MERRY CHRISTMAS Connecticut Travel Service, 0. & L. Store, Lowek Level apartment at the Fountain Village window, he confronted him and told 3982. S-4938, S-4959. S-4975; Tuck. H-4414; Manchester Rarkade Tudor, H-7439. H-7554, H-7557. complex, they said today. him he was under arrest. Ann Schlaefer’8 Manchtstar, CT Raymond C. Robinson, 48, of 118 Robinson then allegedly swung Valley View. H-7903. H-7905; Vernon, Accordlan & Plano Studio Tti. (203) 947-ieae Wakefield Circle, East Hartford, around and hit the officer, and after Victoria. H-4215; Village. H-4223. H-4227. was charged with breach of peace, a brief struggle, escaped. A search Waddell, H-4259; Walker, H-4281, H-4288, H- Says: Merry Christmas With A 4292 Washihgton, S-4037; Wells. H-4437,’ H- assault on a police officer and es­ involved several more officers 4443. West Center, H-4390. H-4S84. H-4389, H* I Special $2.00 Off The Regular Faej cape from police custody. He was located Robinson several minutes 4396 Westland, S-4944; Westwood, H-4412 During January! detained on a $5,000 bond. later, police said. White. S-2281. S-4068, S-4072; Wilfred. H-7773 An officer working on the stakeout Police said the stakeout was set H-7778; Williams. S^079, S-4064; Wlndemere’ "GIVE A GIFT OF MUSIC LESSONS" reported that he observed a man, S-4097. Winter. H-4533; Woottbrldge. S-317’ up after the department received Wfiodland. S4155. S-4159; Woodilde, S-4767 649-0078 later identified as Robinson. several reports of a Peeping Tom. 4771. S-4778, JEAN Announcing Christmas Antiques Show & Sale the Openino of DEWEY . ^ 0 i’:\liil)il< > i> Gohms to OM lMhan YOUR BUSINESS OFFICE Saturday. Dec. 4, 1982 1M B. Cmitor St. for ChtetaMiH Manohaatar, C t 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.

General Bookkeeping & Typing Services lu l>. Ilrlll .It W liM. II Ik.oI THE MARKET PLACE raryour Ifi.i itro.id ^li*Tl. M.imlir Di. t •I Sinaii Business and Personai Needs i{ h I li I n I-111 - I r* i I ’ 11 U 111 i>allv e-a Gl6R Ledien, Gtattoitoy ^ M7-9780 Ni'n.i- ; Wiin il hI uti ;■ . \il jHiH ••ri|- I k t j ’ I \: EvMlngs: ' ■ ' ' i"f IL luG’ I '9. I ,,i ' ■ I' -k ; ‘ ■ viM aahJlS^isaaaawiiia^/- Marge Lappeti i4e-7>2S or 647-9887 Carolyn Wilton ■ I -!r< I '. ji]i i; ■ : . r ,1 . ,1 :: I ,,, U. ! MiHillc I III li|iiK< 8TER HERALD, Wed., Dec. 1, 1982' MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Dec. 1, 1882 - 11 Pistons snap net proposal brings out foes, backers Celtic streak Page 12 turnover.” should have. He said the town’s con­ average cost for heat should be possibility of installing gas or oil Road, the pastor of Coraihunlty Bap­ SPORTS pane 1 John R. Crowley, of 11 Division . sultant, Arthur N. Greenblatt, of about $45, He said the decision to heat will be explored. tist Church and chairman of' the exclude heat from the rent was to Manchester Area Conference of St., who served last year on a Board Community Development Corp., ELIZABETH Sadloski, of 48 of Directors housing subcommittee, said on Nov. 20 that a 3 percent drop encourage tenants to conserve. Churches, said he wishes rents were |jected the assump- Hollister St., said the Manchester lower —■ to appeal to low-incoma I a housing shortage said the Bennet housing would meet in interest rates would save $45,000 a Sgmuelson and others questioned the $45 estimate. Property Owners Association un­ elderly — but believes there nuy be lew was rejected by the needs of elderly people forced year for the project. animously voted to oppose the leakers. from their apartments by con­ Smyth said that means rents "If we had a kilowatt number to a market for it. » go on, at least we would have Bennet project. "We (MACC) want to commenCI New-look UConn Ite r in town." said dominium conversion. should be $85 a month less than "You say it isn’t going to cost us West Middle Turn- "I was delighted as a member of earlier estimates, but instead he something to go on,” he said. you for entertaining the idea of “If they’re so sure, have them anything, but the point is you are using this building for housing, |e six months to find the housing subcommittee to see one said the rent increase announced on going into competition with tax It is $390 a month, of our favorite proposals, the con­ Nov, 20 averaged just $30 to $40 a write it into the contract that $45 a because there is a gfeat need,” hk month is all the heat will be,” said paying developers,” said Mrs. said. ^ l$400, and that's version of a vacant municipal month. Sadloski. "It’s a dangerous thing to building to elderly housing, acted ' Greenblatt replied that the Vincent T. Kelly, of 34 S. Adams St. CRISTIAN Kaefer, of HI Wood- "We are confident that the heat start.” people get up here upon favorably. I want to applaud difference is a cushion being built She suggested, instead, that bridge St., called for a referendunil fast breaks Yale factors and the heating numbers I there's no need for the Board of Directors,” said into the project to make sure the private developers be encouraged to "I would say, put this on the ballot," Crowley. cash flow is sufficient to give the will be right on line,” replied And break the Huskies did as they for-12 froin the field for 12 points in said Hagearty. provide housing, perhaps by offering he said. By Len Auster lock. A 1 percent Smyth charged that drops in in­ town a return in lieu of taxes. Greenblatt. There was a light moment udien raced to a 46-33 halftime lead. A 17-2 23 minutes. Tim G les in 25 minutes tax benefits. Herald Sportswriter |iy s you don't have terest rates have not reduced Greenblatt said electric heat will Democratic Director Stephen T. Joseph L’ Swensson Jr., a local spurt, led by the scoring of netted 5 points but showed good at all, just normal projected rents as much as they be installed in the building and the Cassano said this morning the Peter J. McNamara, of 40 Durkin developer, asked why housing for freshman Eiiri Kelley and 6-foot-ll work on the boards with the 6-foot-7 No one could accuse UConn of false forward hauling in 6 caroms. Eddie St., said, as a landlord, he objects to the elderly was being promoted, but advertising for openers. senior captain Bruce Kuezenski, the town getting involved in not housing for younger people. - gave the Huskies a 38-23 edge with Williams in 19 minutes had a single Billed as a fast-break club, the digit and was O-for-3 from the field. providing housing. He said the "If you build housing for the elderr new-look Huskies showed their heels four minutes left in the half. ★ ^ Beimet project would not pay the ly, what are you building for people The Elis, behind Steve Leondis Kuezenski was the fifth Huskie in to a fast tiring Yale five and bit the twin figures with 11 markers. He same taxes that he, as a private of my generation?” asked Elis to a tune of 96-73 before a crowd and Butch Graves who each saw 39 landlord, must pay and he called Swensson. > minutes out of a possible 40, also grabbed 8 rebounds. Leondis of 5,022 Tuesday night at the New and Graves each netted 22 for the that unfair. "Prisons,” shouted someone in the Haven Coliseum. trimmed the Connecticut lead to 69- minus utilities, unveiled back of the room. 61 with seven minutes left. But Elis. It was the sixth straight opening UConn’s next action is Friday “You are competing with me in night win for Connecticut Coach buckets by Kuezenski and Hobbs night at the Fiesta Basketball the real estate business,” he skid. Dom Perno. “I’m tired myself,” sandwiched around two Larry released on Nov. 20 even if $45 is The payment to the town will be Alaska is the least densely pop­ Classic in Tempe, Ariz, against host |)jected rents for the two-bedroom, one-bath units of 785 Robert A. Faucher, of 125 Spruce ulated state, with 0.54 inhabitants sighed the sixth-year coach, seeing Blucher free throws righted the et elderly housing square feet; $380-$390 for the three subtracted across-the-board. determined in lease negotiations St., chairman of the Human Husky ship. Arizona State. Utah and South per square mile. i; his Huskies use their speed to outleg Carolina collide in the other first Ipresented Tuesday two- bedroom one-and-a-half bath Electric heat is planned for the between the non-profit Bennet Relations Commission, offered the Bulldogs, who slip to 1-1. The 6-foot-9 Blucher was im­ ; of a public hearing, units of 785 square feet and $395-$410 structure. Using electricity was Housing Corp. and the town. qualified support. He said he wishes pressive on the boards for the round clash. The consolation and Connecticut placed five players in championship are Saturday night. till are aimed at for the three two-bedroon\, one-and- criticized by a number of speakers Earlier, 10 percent of the net cash rents were still lower, but un­ Golden eagles dive on their prety double digits and shot a torrid 41- Huskies with a team-high 9 Ic elderly, but are a-half-bath units of 935-9W square at the public hearing, because they flow each year was proposed as pay­ derstood that was impossible with such speed and force that the rebounds. The Huskies make their ’home’ for-65, 63 percent, from the field in debut Tuesday back at the New |i lowered rents un- feet. said it is more expensive than oil or ment to the town, but critics have without federal subsidies. sotind of the wind whistling through successfully tapping off the 1982-83 “I think we wore them out,” Per­ Haven Coliseum against Fairfield Rents presented on Nov.‘20 ranged gas. One speaker suggested adap­ complained that is not enough. Rev. James Meek of SA Ferguson the wingtip feathers can be heard. campaign. Six-foot-5 junior Norman no said. “I think welre in pretty P and then return to Storrs next Jhly rents would be: from $390-$450 a month, including ting the Bennet heating system so it Bailey tossed in a career-high 26 good condition. I don’t know how 16 one-bedroom, heat. Rent projections before then could use both oil and gas, taking points on 12-for-16 from the field ' good we are but we have some Thursday to entertain UMass. of 610-620 square ranged from $420-$490. whichever fuel is cheaper at a par­ with guards Vernon Giscombe and enthusiasm not seen before. for the 17 one- Unlike rents announced earlier, ticular time. Obituaries Second held Karl Hobbs each equaling career "The kids are hustling. They are Jbath units of 645 the new rents would not include the Democratic Director Stephen T. bests. Giscombe; 5-foot-ll junior out going to make mistakes but I love UConn (96) - Kelley 6 0-1 12^ »65-$380 for the six costs of heat and hot water. Cassano. the real estate committee of the Bronx, was lO-for-14 from the Uieir enthusiasm.” Giscombe 10 0-2 20, Hobbs 6 5-5 17, Arthur N. Greenblatt, of Com­ chairman, said this morning that op­ field for 20 points with Hobbs adding “I think we did wear them down,” Kuezenski 3 5-5 11, Blucher 2 0-0 4. munity Development Corp., the con­ tion will be considered. He said elec­ Funeral set Friday In Memoriam in drug busf' 17 markers and dishing out six Hobbs concurred. "Graves and Bailey 12 2-3 26, Coles 2 1-3 5, sulting firm, designing the Bennet tric heat was proposed because in­ In loving memory of Eldith Boyce assists. Leondis are great players but they Vaughan 0 0-0 0, Williams 0 1-2 1, itial installation would be cheaper. for Judge O’Neill Feroleto 0 0-0 0, Ithier 0 0-00, Taylor what project, said the lower rents Simpson who passed away Police today reported another per­ Hobbs, for one, likes the Huskies’ didn’t sit down while we rotated and became apparent "as we get closer If gas or oil heat is installed at a HARTFORD (UPI) - Funeral December 1, 1979. son was arrested in connection with new look. “I love it,” the 5-foot-8 at the four-minute mark took advan­ 0 0-0 0. Totals 41 14-21 96, marginally higher price, the rents Yah- (73) - - Kelly 6 3-4 15, k to the bonding services will be held Friday for a cocaine bust Friday night and junior out of Roxbury, Mass., said. tage of it.” may fall within the high side of the ' You may be gone Leondis 10 2-4 22, Graves 9 4-6 22, 'We had tried all along to be con- Superior Court Judge Brian E., charged with illegal possession of- “It gives me the chance to get up. The three Husky freshmen, who f iz . ranges announced Tuesday, Cassano But to me never dead, Hyacinthe 1 1-2 .3, Parker 1 1-1 3, (UPI) — A new ■servative on the high side,” he O’Neill, whose compassion often led the controlled substance. X and down the floor. And it is easier Perno wants to allow to have bdults indicates you added. "We just tightened up our said. him to offer help to the less for­ I see your smile in the clouds Herald photo by Pinto to pass when you’re in motion. You "freshmen years” had mixed Foley 2 2-2 6, Williams 0 0-0 0, Hill 0 link. figures." But he said the town is trying to tunate who came before him. overhead Police also served a warrant on A can make a better pass off the results. Kelly, 6-foot-l guard out of 0-0 0, Petela 0 0-0 0, Jacob 1 0-0 2. |y of beverage The mortgage for the project get a commitment from the gas O’Neill, who dealt with issues I know your love is existing and man they say they believe is com Blocked shot in spirited action break.” Wilbur Goss in New Haven, was 6- Totals 30 13-19 73. rid social identity would be funded with the sale of company to instali a new gas main ranging from the death penalty and bright. nected with the theft of almost $10,- ulcoholic beverages revenue bonds, on the lower end of Main Street. corruption in high office to distur­ In the warmth of the rays of the (HXI worth of goods from a local lls drinkers use to Greenblatt said the monthly Meanwhile, no final decision on bance of the peace, died Tuesday in sun's golden light. business. Main Pub’s Kevin McCooe (13) spike Is in last night’s Rec Department Volleyball Detroit signs heir status, lifestyle heating costs per unit could average how much the town would get from Hartford Hospital of an undisclosed Sadly missed by your blocked by Dean Machine's Danny Shooter League action at llling Junior High. Lou Whitaker ty information to $45. The rents announced Tuesday the project each year in lieu of taxes illness. Daughter Mildred Lucille Napolitano, 28, of 141 Tudor Lane, was charged Friday Nadzak out at UConn night still were lower than those has been made, Cassano said. He was 44 and his death brought 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOOdOOOOOOOO< DETROIT (UPI) — Lou Whitaker shock and sadness to state and night at her home after a police has signed a five-year contract with judicial officials. In Memoriam search turned up some cocaine. STORRS, (UPD — Walt Nadzak has resigned after six years the Detroit Tigers worth between $3 Police had earlier' reported that “Judge Brian O’Neill was a hard­ With each and every year new. as head football coach at the University of Gnnecticut, leaving million and $3.5 million, making him working and dedicated jurist who We recall what you use to say and Michael. A. Napolitano, 43, of the Slowed little by age one of the best-paid second basemen behind a 24-39-2 record. j's lis^ of town streets gave freely of himself toward the do. same address, was arrested t^ t in the major leagues, the Detroit night and similarly charged. Nadzak, 46, reportedly told players about his decision Monday and advancement of the judicial system For those of us who loved you so met Tuesday with UConn Athletic Director John Toner. Toner said he News reported Tuesday. Thirty eight years ago, Charlie Robbins led a The newspaper also said the in Connecticut,” said Chief Justice dearly. expected Nadzak to make a “formal announcement” today. John A. Speziale of the state Your daily presence is felt so . He was also charged with illegal starting field of eight runners around the course in Tigers appear to be on the verge of possession of a sawed-off shotgw, Manchester in 26:10 to win the Five Mile Road The decision caught players by surprise. re ights ore going out Supreme Court. clearly. Herald “We were talking about winter conditioning and he announced his signing pitcher Jack Morris to a "It is tragic indeed that death In our hearts your spirit continues to which police said they turned up in Race. four-year contract worth $3.2 the search. ; Last Thursday morning, Robbins, 62, was timed resignation,’’ said junior quarterback Rob Divello of Torrington. would come to a man who had such a live. Angle “Jaws dropped. We couldn’t believe it. There have been rumors about million. That would make him the ti.’Pim-.MKl. IM82.1; Deerfield. H-1802, Del- 1.1'hmd. H-5827, U-5604, l.cnox. H-2715. H-2719; Both were released on $2,500 in 28:$0 - just 2:20 slower than in 1945 - to head the highest-paid Tiger ever. save $13,000 in this long ancj promising career ahead of Because when you were here, you him leaving since I’ve been here.” ■n.inf .S:ini.1. Devon. H-lfl.'W, Doane, S-3034 l.il.ic, 11-27.19; Llllcy, H-2745; Linden, H-2752, had so much to give. tonds and ordered to appew in list oif mala mnnenr in tiie 60-year-old category. Earl Ybst. 'i and more in sub- Kasf Tenter 1M896. 11-1909, H-1925, H-1929, H-2765. I.innmore. H-2791; Linwood, H6177. H- him,” Sbezi^e said. Nadzak came to Gnnecticut from Juniata College, a Division III the town is now Gov. williqm O’Neill, no relation, K.P.M. Manchester Superior Court Dec. 13. U ttia Kelley, who won, the 1951 rade for Sports Ed Editor II-19:i: . IM964. 11-1970. Edison. H-2008, Ed- 6181. Ijjcust. U-2806. H-2811, Love Lane, H- Claude Dowdell, 34, of 29 tbe first of his sis triomphs, had a winning time of school in Huntington, Pa., where he was both football coach and |eet lights, mostly -mind 11-2010 H-2014. Eldndge, H-2019. H- 2827. Lvdall. S-203. S-212, S-216, S-256; Lyn- said state residents “have lost one In loving memory of William F. athletic director. He has had only one winning season at UGnn and 2076. ll ^OBB. 11-2038. M-2046. Elizabeth, S-2300; dale. 11-2846 Woodland Circle, Blast Hartford, 16:10. Radiol 1 streets of their brightest legal talents, and McClelland who passed away this year began voicing his differences with Toner. list of streets where I’llrn 11-2047, H-2050, H-2047, H-2050. H-2067; Madison, H-2870; Main, S4976; Maple, H- one of their most dedicated and December 7; 1980. was arrested Monday on a warrant Thanksgiving monilng, Kelley, now 51, went KIao-kI. H-2074. Erie. H-2092 3027, McDivitl. H-7533; McKinley, H-3080; charging him with first-degred around the 4.77 course In 27:21, good time con­ Nadzak complained about what he called dangerous practice con­ inguished and even- }••,n^^|eld. H-2109. Ferguson, H-2157, H-2161, Meadow laane. H-3082, H-.3066; Middle Turn­ expert judges.” Sadly missed. ditions, a depleted staff and a lack of time spent on scheduling. 11-2169. H-2175, H-626C. Ferndale, H-2204; Wife, Children and larceny and third-degree burgl^, sidering the 31-year span. Kelley was first in the 50 The numbers after pike East. H-6075, H-6077. H-6081, H-6084, H- A former assistant state attorney Five Mile Road Race was David Solomon, Mark’s “I know it’s not right to fight in the media, but it’s the only way of l••|e, H-5375, (Irandview, H2502, Green. S- .New. H-3152; New Bolton. H-7663; New the request of Grorge Washington’s taken, police said, ’hie total value The family now resides in Meadowbrook, Pa. WINF, Channel 4 3143. S 3140. Green Manor, S-2233, Greenwood. Slate. S-3817. S-3834, H-6958; Newman. H-3154; request to dismiss corruption Improvement noted |i h lt-B5H. Aiituinn l{-R69 military secretary in 1775 to be was about $9,600. Mark Solomon graduated from the Wharton season was in 1980 when the Huskies were 7-3 and ranked 10th in the 8 - NBA: Knieks vs. Cavaliers, Benton, HH2!i H-944 S-3M5. Grissom, H-7688, H-7690, H-7696, H- Nile.s. H-3170; North, S-881; North Elm, S-3642. charges against former Transporta­ Improvemott has been noted in the performance NCAA Division 1-AA. This year UGnn tied for the Yankee S-3663. North Main, H-6942, H-6944, H-6947. S- He was held on $1,000 bond, police School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania, and Channel 9 lull M-BSM2, H «r>% H-9T)6 771KI. Griswold. 11-2526. Grove, S-3171 tion Commissioner Arthur B. flown by a fleet of armored of Tim DeValve, former Manchester High ninner, Hackinalark, H-4571. H-4605, H-4612, H-4620, 952. H-5323, S-1B04, S-1790, S-3672, S-3696; said. , is now a guest lecturer'at the college. Conference title. 8 - College Baskelhall: Notre Jh . Hissfll H lflli:!. Powers. schooners. now a standout with the University of Connecticut. H-6W49. litiulder. H- 11-4629 Hamilton. H-7527, H-7529. H-7531; Nutmeg. H-7613, H-7615. The latter’s father, Sanol, well-known Dame vs, Kentucky, ESPN 1150 Brutlort S-28-53 ,la nlin H-4638. Harlan S-3176. S-3181, S-3187; Oak. H-.3231, H-3254; Oak Grove. H-3256, H- DeValve, the oldest of two running brothers, was Manchester buinessman for years, was a one-time M-7582, M-7584, H-75H8 Harrison. H-4655. Harlford.*H-4742, H-4750. H- 3258. H-3269, H--3281, Oakwood, S-3720; Olcott the fM t hif^ school runner to finish in 1979. His star track man with Ncw York University teams. ’ HnKikfiold, II 1174 H- 1771 Hawthorne. S-3209. Hawthorne South. H- Drive, H-3299; Olcott Street. H-3306; O'Leary, 21th placement just missed making the elite top 25 M-6585 Hruf’f H-12U0. 17'i7 Hazel H-4812; Hendce, 11-4^33: Henry. S- H-3349; Overlook. S-3742; Oxford, S-3751. Senior column Thursday 1058, S-1062, S-3245, S-3249. S-3264. High Street Balm. H-3374; Park. H-3400; Parker. S-4307, In 24:19. | l B urnham . S i 12 S 1474. College basketball roundup ! 1217 West. H-4865. Highland, H-4890, H-4921; S-4389. S-4394. H-5155; Patriot, H-7933, H-7935; Circumstances beyond the Herald's control prevent This wasn’t the case the next three years. |i)l . f'mnpf.ii'Irl H-1295. llichwiKKl. H-6251. Hilliard, S-3283, S-334I; Pearl, H-3420, H-3430, H-3431; Phelps. S-3757, publication today of the Manchester Senior Citizens As a freshman at UConn in 1980, D m DeValve C /irpunler H-75.19 H- Hillsiown. S-4629, S-4693. Hollister, S-3378. H- S-3761, S-3766; Philip. H-6276; Pilgrim, H-6213; Center column. It will he published in Thursday’s 5291 Horace, H-5050. Hudson, S-3423, S-3430; l>ine Hill. S-4546; Pleasant Valley, H>6012, S- Atlantic Citf came in 14h in 23:34. He moved up one notch to 13th 1-1M7. Cenlur 111425. H- Herald, Wednesday and Saturday H-1482. II 1502 IM524 Hunter, S-4702. Hyde. H-5062 2879. Blvmoulh, H-3517; Porter, H-3538,^- place in 1961 In 23:22 and last Thursday was 11th in .3550. H-3562, H-3604; Princeton. S-3779, S-^81, |rt4*r f);ik. II I'lfiS 11-1592 Indian. S-32.34 Excursions to 22:14. North Carolina finally fh u rc h . IMfi22 (’iilumhiis, .l-isupl, S-.1477 S-.3785; Proctor, H-3656;' Progress, H -6^; Tsro members of the DeValve family made the Prospect, H-3632; Purnell. H-2888. Guaranteed l l 1674, fiKiper. 11-1676 II- K.un. v. H-2579. H-2607. H-2622. H-2635. Ken- top 25 in 1962. Dave edged his way into 24th place ■ 11-1704 Curnpll H-1732 sini'ton 11-2639 Quaker. S-2288; Ralph. H-6876. H-6884; Redwood. H-6813. H-6819, S4582; Richmond, S- with a time of 23:58. His 25:04 time in 1980 was the l..iku, S-3493, S-.3502 Lamplighter. H-7895. H- DRAPERY CLEANING 4828; Roosevelt. H-3723; Russell. H-3730. litin o u tli II-549H M-5r>02, 7897 L'lun-I. H-2694. L^gerresl, H-7912, best 6y A Manchester High runner. < St .lames Place. H-3752; St. John, H-3754; • No Shrinkage enters winner's circle St Uwrence, H-3768; Sanford, S-2238; San- • Squared & Even Hemlines lina, H-3778, H-3784; Sass, H-7977; School. H- i ^ • Takedown & Re-Hang Service Years ahaved off - '^’'1 3803. H-.3625; Seaman. H-3632; Sheldon, H-7321, By Fred Lief Matt Doherty with 17 for the Tar cond half as Pittsburgh beat rival •11-7330. Shepard, H-7705; Somerset. H-597I; O N L Y $273)0 round-trip “I like to run ip Manchester,” Greg Meyef C.II: Heels. Tulane was led by Williams Duquesne 62-53; Melvin Johnson's 26 fight, chase, then .South Main. H-3679, H-390S; Spring, H-3951, H- plus special casino bonus quipped. ’’1 read whole I was 25. That was two*, UPI Sports Writer 3976. H-3980. H-3985, H-3998; Spruce, H-4046; years ago,” said the man who gave Eamonn^ with 21 points and Paul Thompson points paced UNCCharlotte over Starkweather. S-3879, S-3883. S-3888; Steep Leaves 8:15 a.m. Coghlan a run for his life before finishing s ^ n d ' What’s with North Carolina? with 16. Rider 81-69; and Otis Thorpe had 18 llpllow. H-4101.11-4111; Sterling. S-3895; Stone, The NCAA champions returned as "We should have won the points and 8 rebounds as Providence H-4123. Slarnt. IM118; Strawberry. H-7593, H- "CHOOSE SWISS QUALITY WITH CONFIDENCE" Travel in style and comfort on a deluxe best on Tiuudcsglring momiflg...The Shamrock Gub 'eeping Tom suspect the No. 2 team in the country this ballgame,” Tulane coach Ned defeated Brown 70-56. 7595 Strickland. S-3901. Strong. S-3913; Travel Time motorcoach. was responsible for bringing In the five-man. Irish ; Summer. H-4125; Summit, S-4324, H-S141. Connection of Coghlan, Brendan Quinn, Rick season and promptly proceeded to Fowler said. “ People who came to Leonard Mitchell’s 23 points stakeout Monday walking near the apartments ram. H-5902; Tanner, S-3921, S-3936; Teresa. Purchase Tickets in Advance O’Flyim, Paul Maloney and Jim Fall«i to take part lose their first two games. Not since the game must realize that North sparked Louisiana State over Pan Jqrted Peeping Tom, hurriedly. The officer followed, he H-4152; Thayer. H-5512; Thompson, H-7037; and ail went home with awards, taking five of the 1919, when Woodrow Wilson was Grolina was very, very fortunate to American 76-67; Scott H arries Timber, H-5886; Timrod, H-S903; Tolland president aiid the talk was of trans- chased and finally said in his report, and after viewing Turnpike. S-1750, S-1756, S-fT^l, S-I869, S-1888. Contact: Tkaamilknm. B u s L in a s In c top 10 places. Quinn was celebrating his SOth win the game. ... It was a freak scored 13 points and keyed a late Atlantic flights, had a North 1 seen looking into an the man looking into an apartment S-1884. S-1900, S-1904. S-1917, S-1927, S-3960, $• MERRY CHRISTMAS Connecticut Travel Service.O. & L. Store, Lower Level birthday several days late in winning...Steve Gates thing for them to get a desperation surge that lifted Utah State over Jthe Fountain Village window, he confronted him and told .3982. S-4938. S-4959, S-4975; Tuck, H-4414; Menchetter Fterkade has been as consistent as any rufiner in the last 12 Carolina team begun its season with shot.” Brigham Young 75-69; Terence Isaid today. him he was under arrest, Tudor. H-74.39, H-7554, H-7557. Ann Schlaefer'8 Manchester, CT years in the Five Miler. Die former Klanchester such a record. Elsewhere in the Top 20, No. 3 Stansbury hit a foul shot with four On Tuesday night, this time at seconds left and Temple downed ] Robinson. 48, of 118 Robinson then allegedly swung V.illry View. H-7903. H-7905; Vernon. S-«0; Accordlan & Plano Studio Tel. (203) 647-1666 High and Eastern Coouecticut State College ace has Georgetown routed Morgan State 91- L-le. East Hartford. around and hit the officer, and after Victoria. H-4215: Village. H-4223. H-4227. made the prise list right times, the hi^test a home, the Tar Heels continued to 57, No. 14 Missouri pounded George Washington 68-67; and Oscar I'ith breach of peace, a brief struggle, escaped. A search Waddell. H-4259; Walker, H-4281, H-4288, H- Says: Merry Christmas With A Peve^ In I960. He was 18th last weekiafter play as if they left their game in a Augustana 85-55 and No. 18 Taylor’s 20 points pushed New 4292 Washington. S-4037; Wells, H-4437, H- tobacco field outside Chapel Hill. Oklahoma beat AuburnMontgomery Orleans past Texas 74-56.» loliee officer and es- involved several more officers 4443. West Center, H-4350, H-4384. H-4389 H- [Special $2.00 Off The Regular Fee tiritolAE Nw Hli lim. ...FnU d e d tt to t bringing In r.-r. Thanks te a fluke play, the Tar Roy Hinson had 10 points and 4 Ic e custody. He was located Robinson several minutes 4396. Westland. S-4944; Westwood. H-4412 During Januaryl the three Irish bagpipe iiNts that pwforined dqring 104-83. 13,000 bond later, police said. White. S-2261. S-4068. S-4072; Wilfred. H-7773' the race goes to Bill Foitaes, thO former leader of Heels escaped With a 7668 victory At Landover, Md., Patrick Ewing blocked shots in Rutgers’ 60-55 vic­ Irking on the stakeout Police said the stakeout was set 11-7778; Williams. S^OTd, S-40S4: Windemere. "GIVE A GIFT OF MUSIC LESSONS" the popolar Manchester Pipe Baqd. over Tulane in triple overtime. scored 19 points and the Hoyas tory over Princeton; Xavier S-4097. Winter, H-4533; Woodbridge. S-317 “We’re obviously very happy to applied fullcourt pressure in McDaniel struck for 22 points and 18 ■he observed a man, up after the department received Wmidland. S4155, S-4159; Woodiide, S4767 i 649-0078 lied as Robinson, several reports of a Peeping Tom. 4771, Sx4778. Time files by finally win a basketball game,” said crushing Morgan State. The Hoyas, rebounds as Wichita State stopped JEAN North Carolina coach Dean Smith, 3-0, forced 20 turnovers. Yarhar- Detroit 73-61; Norm Bailey’s 26 Dme Flies Dmaitment: It seems that not too whose team earlier lost to St. John's brough Robert led Morgan State points sent Connecticut over Yale many years ago, Marit Sohmion Was a standout Lit­ and Missouri. “We didn’t shoot par­ with 18 points. 96-73; Patrick Kelly hit a despera­ tle. League baseball player, later on a scholastic Announcing Christmas Antiques Show & Sale Herald photo by Pinto ticularly well tonight but we played At Columbia, Mo., Steve tion buzzer shot in overtime and levri. well ... better than in our first two Stlpanovich scored 20 points and Texas Southern defeated North D m Uttfe Leagtw play was 30 years ago. DEWEY TIM DEVALVE games.” grabbed 11 rebounds to carry Texas State 9189; Rick Lamb totaled the Opening of Last Ttauradiqr, one of Die 5,300 entrants in the 5 0 l‘]xliii)ilor> .Improves each year With four seconds left in regula­ Missouri. Jon Sundvold added 17 18 points and 14 rebounds as Illinois Conai to (ton iMhan tion, Tulane inbounded and bounced State topped Northern Illinois 54-45. i .'liiri, rj"..,,: points for the D gen, 3-0, and Carl IR BUSINESS OFFICE the bail off the back of Ito center, Gooder scored 16 for Augustana of Saturtday, Dec. 4, 1982 John Williams. Michael Jordan of 164 e. Cantar St. tor ChrMnni—I South Dakota. Manohaatar, Cl. North Carolina grabbed the baU and At Norman, Okla., David Little Option for fans 10 A.M. - 4 P.M, f ir ^ a 20-footer to tie it 5363. tossed in 22 points and Chucky THE MARKETPLACE Eight East grid stars AII-HCC In the first overtime the TSr Heels Barnett and freshman Wayman PITTSBURGH (UPI) - »ral Bookkeeping & Typing Services III I M ’ 111 ■ 111 .1 I W . M I I I f I I ^ I I 11 M I I could have won but Jordan missed a Dsdale added 20 in Oklahoma’s Pittsburgh Pirates fans also hooked for your into cable television systems will iD .i Urn.Ill ■■'Irrrt, M,mrhr-hi. * I on the gridiron translated HOC hondn with East, bad seven juniors. . , layup at the buzzer, leaving the romp. The SoOners led 41-28 at the at setecUons followed by six from Picked to the defensive toam were score 59-59. North Carolina was half. Jessie Phillips had 20 points for have the option of watching home H r I r* li MH’M I - • I I I’l I *.i f l\ i ri L.' itedftosnccess at the ballot box as ill Business and Personal Needs South Catholic, four from Northwest tackle Rich Kucinskas, end Doug taken to the third overtime when Auburn-Montgomery. garnes in the comfort of their own East Catholic tied the most selec- homes next season. Oen Lochen, Oastonbury ttons on the all-Hartford County Catholic and a pair from St. Paul. Bilodeau, linebacker Vito Perrone l^ n e guard Howard Jenkins hit a In other games, Tony Campbell pally B-iL Someday soon they may also be Oonferance (HOC) foothall toam, u Tabbed on the offensive squad and safety Chris Darby. short jumper at the buzzer. scored 18 points and T r^ Taylor 16 647-B780 AHtI>n '' I.» :tji 11 , .uj i - I n I hi L' j

rallied for three sCfaight goals, with In other games, Quebec topped " f t # SAN DIEGO (114) By Tony f=avla Winnipeg 8-6 and the New York Chambert 4-10 4-4 12. Cummings U-16 UPl Sports Writer Bozek scoring at 8:44 and 11:15 after 46 28. Whitehead 4-11 26 10. Holinis 1020 Isaksson’s goal at 8:07 had given Los Islanders edged St. Louis S-2. 07 23. Wood 16 06 2. Anderson 16 00 2, Basketball Smith 06 00 0. Brooks 46 26 10, Hodges The Los Angeles Kings are aware Angeles the lead. Hockey 46 00 9, Brpgan 06 26 8, Jones 0U) 26 Football of the significance of their intra- “We played well in the first and Nordiques 8, JeU 6 12. ToUis 47-108 1965 U4. t divisionai games. second periods,” Isaksson said, At Quebec, Real aoutier scored I PORTLAND (121) twice on third-period power.pla)rs t o .' 06 06 IS. Natt 7-14 86 22. 1 After the Kings had beaten the “and we came back in the third to TbompKm 011 7-11 23. Paxson 9-14 03 21. -Canucks 5-2 at Vancouver, British play a bit better. We got the goals lead the Nordiques. With Winnipeg Valentine 46 02 10. (hooper 07 2-2 12. leading 6-5 entering the final period, Townes 08 06 6, Lever 26 36 7, Lamp Coiumbia, Tuesday night to move we needed and that’s what 1«7 16 3. Verhoeven 1-1 06 2. Totals 40w into second piace in the Smythe counted.” Quebec’s Marc Tardif scored at 1:52 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC 2038 121. NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Division, Steve Bozek, who had two Thomas Gradln gave Vancouver a before Cloutier delivered'the gatne- Conference Eastern Ckmference San Diego 23 32 24 30~114 winner with a low shot from the Patrick Division Atlantic Division Portland 333129 28-121 W L T Pet. PF PA goais, refiected his team's feelings. 1-0 lead at f0:44of W L T Pts. GF GA W L Pet. GB 'niree-point goal-Hodges. Fouled out— NY Jtta 3 1 0 .750 U1 65 “We have to win the games in our the first period faceoff circle at 5:53. NY Islanders 15 9 5 95 llB » Philadelphia 13 3 A3 - None. Total fouls—San Diego 31, Portland 3 1 0 .750 90 63 PhiUdelphia 13 9 3 29 90 82 Boston 13 3 A3 — 27. R e ^ n d » -S a n Diego v (Whitehead Buffalo 3 1 0 .750 04 40 own division,” he said. “Whenever with the Canucks NY R angers'. 12 11 1 25 90 97 New 8 9 .®1 5^ 15), Portland 46 (Carr 11). Assists—San LA Raiders 3 1 0 .750 106 86 we can take a game away from a playing short- Islanders 3, Blues 2 Washington 8 0 6 22 81 87 Washington 7 8 .407 5^ Diego 23 (Hollins 12). Portland 25 (Carr Miami 3 1 0 .750 96 78 team in our division, it’s a plus. handed, as he in-, At St. Louis, Clark Gillies and Pittsburgh 8 12 4 20 04 114 New ^ r k 4 11 J07 8Mi 7). A-12.666 Pittsburgh 3 1 0 .750 86 74 Denis Potvin scored secmutperiod New Jersey 4 16 7 15 72 113 Central Division San Diego 2 2 0 .500 80 70 They’re all big games now.” tercepted a Larry Adams Division Detroit 11 6 .617 - DETROIT (123) Seattle 2 2 0 600 61 54 Ulf Isaksson broke a 2-2 tie Murphy pass at goals to help the Islanders snap Montreal 16 4 5 37 120 81 Milwaukee 11 6 047 — Tyler 013 36 13, Jones 010 1-1 11, Cleveland 2 2 0 500 66 89 their five-game winless streak. The Boston 13 7 5 31 91 71 Atlanta * 7 7 500 2Vi Laimbeer 4-10 2-2 10. Thomas 1027 36 » . New England 2 2 0 500 07 75 midway through the third period for the Kings’ Buffalo 12 8 4 28 107 85 Chicago 6 10 375 4Mi Kansas City 1 3 0 250 59 73 Johnson W3 5« 21. Long 9-B M 20, { Los Angeles on a deflection in front blueline and went Blues took a 2-1 lead 1:28 into the se­ Quebec 12 10 2 26 118 112 Indiana 6 10 375 4V^ Owens M 04 8, May M M 0, le a v e r 3 0 250 57 91 cond period when Joe Mullen Hartford 5 14 3 13 72 107 Cleveland 2 13 .133 6 Levingston 1-3 00 2. TotaU 52-lW 10-24 ' Houston 1 3 0 250 60 101 of goaltender Ken Ellocott. - in ali alone to beat Campbell Conference Western Conference 0 4 0 .000 33 105 knocked ill a centering pass from 123. Baltimore - - With less than a minute to play in Los Angeles goalie Gary Laskbski. N orrb Division Midwest Division BOSTON (116) , _ National Conference the first, Jim Fox gave Los Angeles The Kings tied the score at 16:34 Blake Dunlop but St. Louis failed to W L T Pts. GF GA W L Pet. GB Maxwell 0-4 2-2 2, Bird 11-15 7-9 20, W L T Pet. PF PA hold the advantage. The Blues’ Chicago 16 3 5 37 105 76 Kansas City 8 5 .615 Vi Parish 13-18 30 29. Buckner 34 1-2 7, Washington 4 0 0 1.000 98 73 a 2-1 lead. After a scoreless second with a short-handed goal, when MinnesoU 14 8 4 32 113 97 San Antonio 11 7 .611 — Ainge 30 04 6, McHale 50 1-2 11, Green Bay 5 1 0 .750 101 64 period, Darcy Rota finally evened Ellocott misplayed a loose puck and Wayne Babych and Brent Sutter of St. Louis 9 14 3 21 80 99 Dallas 7 7 300 2 ' Archibald 54 6-7 16. Henderson 1-5 04 2, Dallas 3 1 0 .750 97 66 the Islanders scored in the first Toronto 4 12 5 13 71 98 Denver 7 10 .412 3^ Robey 20 04 4. Carr 3-4 04 6, Bradley 2- 3 1 0 .750 67 58 the score with a power-play goal at Mike Murphy was able to tip the Detroit 3 16 6 12 66 113 Utah 4 11 367 4 04 4. Totals 4804 20-26 116. Minnesota 2 2 0 iOO 81 66 period. Smythe Division Houston 2 12 .143 7 Detroit 2 2 0 500 59 57 1:40 of the third before the Kings puck into the net. Edmonton 11 9 6 28 124 113 Paeifie Division 2 2 0 500 84 92 Boston . * ■* Atlanta / Los Angeles 11 9 3 25 84 63 Seattle M 2 .675 - Fouled out—none. Total fouls—Detroit St Louis 2 2 0 500 71 82 Vancouver 9 11 6 24 94 90 Los Angeles 13 3 .813 1 28. Boston 28. Rebounds-Detrolt 46 San Francisco 1 3 0 650 89 90 Calgary 9 13 5 23 100 100 Phoenix 11 0 047 3*A (Laimbeer, Johnson 10 each), BMton 38 Philadelphia 1 3 0 650 81 89 Winnipeg . 10 10 2 22 108 96 Portland 9 9 300 6 (Parish 14). Asslsts-Detroit 31 (Thomas NY Giants 1 3 0 650 63 76 (Top lour In each division qualify for Golden Stale 5-11 313 9 9), Boston 34 (Bird 12). TechnicaV- Tampa Bay 1 3 0 650 55 60 Laura Bafenbaum qualifier Stanley Cup playoffs.) San Diego 3 13 .188 11 Detroit coach Robertson. A—11,782. C hic^o 1 3 0 250 37 79 Tuesday's Results Tuesday's Results LA Rams i1 o 3 u 0 250 74 102 . Quebec 8. Winnipeg 6 New Jersey 112, Kansas City 103 (Top eight teams in each conference \ N.Y. Islanders 3. St. Louis 2 New York 124, Utah 98 l 6 s ' a n 6 ELES (137) qualify for playoffs.) Los Angeles 5, Vancouver 2 Detroit 123. Boston 116 Landsberger 0 0 06 0, Wilkes 1018 36 lltursday's Game Wednesday’s Games Atlanta 111. Philadelphia 97 - 23. Abdut-s^bbar 11-26 56 27. Nixon 11-23 (All Times EiST) (All Times EST) Milwaukee 88, Gcveiand 78 3-3 25, E. Johnson 9-14 66 24, C ^p e r 16 San Francisco at Los Angeles Rams. 9 World Tae-Kwon-Do trip 16 3. Worthy 11-17 06 22. McAdoo 010 1- Hartford at N.Y. Ranf^rs, 7;35 p.m. Los Angeles 137, San Antonio 132 <20T) p.m. Minnesota at Detroit, 7:35 p.m Dallas 140, Denver 129 1 13. C. Jonnson 06 06 0. Totals 50113 Sunday s Games :• V.- Montreal at Buffalo, 7:35 p.m. Golden State 110, Phoenix 98 1023 137 Buffalo vs. Green Bay at Milwaukee, 1 SAN ANTONIO (132) Chicago at Pittsburgh. 7:3a p.m. Portland 121. San Diego 114 p.m. ' UPI photo Toronto at New Jersey. 7:36 p.m. Wednesday's Games Banks 016 26 20. Mitchell 14-Z7 16 29. Houston at New York Giants. I p.m. Philadelphia at Edmonton, 9:S p.m. (All Times EST) Gilmore 1016 01 20, Moore 013 46 20. Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 1 p.m. BOSTON’S LARRY BIRD AND PISTONS’ EDGAR JONES repeat for local woman Calgary at Los Angeles, 10.35 p.m. Atlanta at Boston, 7.30 p.m. Gervin 014 01 18. Willoughby 36 06 6. Kansa.s City a t PitUburgh. 1 p in. Thursday s Games Milwaukee at Indiana, 7:35 p.m. Dunleavy 012 1-1 9, Rains 5-7 (M) 10. MinnesoU at Miami, 1 p.m. . . . scramble for loose ball during action In Hartford Tuesday HartM photo by SavMa Quebec at Boston New York at Cleveland. 8 p.m. Phegley 06 06 0. ToUls 61-111 8-14 132 New England at Qiicago. I p.m. Pittsburgh at Washington New Jersey at Washington, 8:05 p.m. Los Angeles 26 32 28 30 8 13—137 SI. Louis at Philadelphia. 1 p.m. By Earl Yost Minnesota at St. Louis San Antonio at Detroit, 6:05 p.m. San Anunio 34 35 25 22 6 8-132 San Diego at Cleveland. 1 p.m. C3iicago at Kansas City, 6:35 p.m. Three-point goals—Dunleavy 2. Fouled Cincinnati at Baltimore, 2 p.m. Sports Editor Coghlan’s family Los /mgeles at Houston. 9:06 p.m out— Banks, Moore, Gervin.'ToUl Fouls Atlanta at Denver, 4 p.m American Hockey League —Los Angeles 23, San Antonio 30 Northern San Diego at Seattle, 10.30 p.m. Dallas at Washington, 4 p.m. She only stands two inches over Eamonn Coghlan’s biggest rooter and his two smallest In last W L T Pts GF GA Thursday's Games Rebounds-^s Angeles 43 (Worthy 12), Seattle at L A. Raiders. 4 p.m Golden' State at Dallas San Antonio 56 (Gilmore 16). Assists—Los Monday’s Game five feet but 21-year-old Laura Fredericton 15 4 97 56 Angeles 38 (Nixon 13), San Antonio 41 Thursday’s Five Mile Road Race In Manchester were his wife, rNova Scotia U 7 114 97 Portland at Utah New York Jets al Detroit. 9 o.m. Philadelphia at Phoenix (Moore. Dunleavy 9 each). Technica)— Pistons shade Celtics Barenbaum isn’t anyone to try to daughter Susan, 4, and son, Eamonn, 17 months. The trio was Maine 12 9 92 82 Los Angeles (zone). A—12,115. steal a purse from. Adirondack 11 11 105 100 snapped on Main Street minutes before Coghlan took off and Sherbrooke 9 13 97 102 The local woman, who resides at 3 Moncton 8 17 86 110 PHILADELPHIA (97) PHOENIX (98) going after his 200th win in his Robert Parish with 29 each. Kevin Packard St., last week qualified for won his second straight race here., Southern Erving 9-17 3-4 21. lavaroni 9-2 (W) 0, Lucas 7-12 1-2 15. Nance 66 02 14. By Earl Yost fourth season with the team, but it McHale tossed in 11, Tiny Archibald Hershey 14 6 92 79 Malone 7-17 11-19 25. Checks 5-16 2-3 12, Adams 09 06 6. Davis 1021 1-2 21, the second time in as many years Toney 5-12 4-6 14. Jones 2-6 4-4 8. Johnson 4-13 06 8. Cook 3-7 06 6. Scott 1- Sports Editor will have to wait until tonight at 16, the only other players in double St Catharins 13 11 107 106 for the United States Tae-Kwbn-Do 11 12 104 106 Richardson 3-8 1-2 7. Edwards 1-3 (Ml 2, 4 06 2. Kramer 1-2 06 2, Macy 1-3 2-2 4. Soccer least when the Celts play Atlanta digits. team which will compete in the foltim ore 10 12 96 106 Schoene 4-6 (M) 8. Curcton 0-1 (W 0. High 2-2 06 4. Thirdkill 07 2-2 12. White One player completely dominated tonight at the Boston Garden. It also The announced crowd was 11,762 Binghamton 10 13 93 108 McNamara (VO 00 0. Anderson 00 00 0 2-3 06 4. ToUis « 62 8-10 98. World Championship in Canada Dec. 9 12 93 no ToUls 3088 2040 97. GOLDEN STATE (110) the game, Isiah Thomas, as the sur­ Rochester Short 1021 1011 40. Smith 08 2-4 14, marked his 1,000th game as an NBA but there were several thousand New Haven 8 14 70 90 ATLANTA (111) prising Detroit Pistons surprised 10, 11, 12. Benitez looks Roundfield 1022 06 24. Wilkins 017 10 Carroll 017 06 24. Free HO 3-4 5. coach. empty seats, something the Celts Tuesday's Results the Boston Celtics last night at the Barenbaum, a compact 123- Baltimore 5, Moncton 3 13 26. Rollins 09 33 13. E. Johnson 11-17 Richardson 5-10 1-2 12. Williams 2-2 06 4, Larry Bird was his usual self for havent been used to as every home 07 27. Sparrow 2-8 00 4. Matthews 013 Romar 4-7 06 8. Lloyd 02 06 0. Brown Hartford Civic Center. 123-116. .pounder, is one of two w.omen who Sherbrooke 7. St. Catharines 4 MAJOR INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE game in Boston has been sold out for Wednesday's Games 1- 1 11. Glenn 02 2-2 2. Macklin 02 2-202 2. 1-2 1. Conner 02 2-2 2. Engler 01 00 Boston but on this night he couldn't will represent the USA in the world G Johnson 1-2 02 2. Hawes 02 02 0. Eastern Division Thomas gave by far the best in­ more than two years. Maine at Adirondack 0. ToUls 42-82 25-31 110. W L Pci. GB match the skills of Thomas, who at Moncton at Hershey Totals 42-94 27-38 111. _ Phoenix 20 25 27 26— 98 6 1 857 — dividual performance of any player competition. Six men will comprise Philadelphia 26 2318 30— 97 Baltimore 6-1, appeared lost at times among Sherbrooke at Rochester Golden SUte 27 34 26 23-110 New York 5 1 833 Vt since the Celtics moved their NBA the squad. The trials were held in for knockout Atlanta 3417 16 44-111 Total fouls—Phoenix 27. Golden SUle Vt Before Thomas reached down into Thursday’s Game S 1 .833 the giants under the boards yet he Fouled out-none. Total fouls-Phlla- Buftalo games to Hartford five years ago. his bag of tricks, and he had many, Bergenfield, N.J. Adirondack at Nova Scoria , ( 20. Technical foul—Coach McLeod. Cleveland 3 1 .750 managed to sky high to score from The local entrpnt came home with delphia 32. Atlanta 29. Rebounds- Adams Rebounds—Phoenix 49 (Lucas Chicago 4 2 667 1*^ The Pistons, in winning, snapped in the fourth period, it was anybodys youngest boxer ever to win a world — ( I ■ Phiiadelphia 54 (Malone 24). Atlanta 56 10). Golden Slate 36 (Carroll 14) Assists Memphis 2 3 .400 3 inside. two silver Jbiedals, one each in form NEW ORLEANS (UPl) - WBC (Roundfield 22). Assists-Phlladelphia 15 -Phoenix 29 (Davis 10). Golden SUte 23 an eight-game Celtic win skein. gamqikThe Pistons were down 33-32 title, picking up the WBA junior Los Angeles 24W—6 Pittsourgh 1 3 250 3¥, Detroit’s victory was all that and sparring. Barenbaum took part super welterweight champ Wilfred Vancouver 1-(M—2 (Cheeks 4). Atlanta 26 (E. Johnson. (Richardson 7). A—6,759, Western Division sweeter as two of its regulars were at the period and it was all tied at Benitez says he is unintimidated by welter crown at age 16. In 1979 he First period—1. Vancouver. Gradin 8 Matthews 7 each.) Technical-Richard- Phoenix 4 I .800 — Thomas was immense. He com­ in three events, form, board­ son A-12.0H. halftime, 65-65. Detroit zoomed to defeated Clarlos Palomino to win the (unassisu^), 10:44. 2. Los Angeles. M. CLEVELAND (78) St Louis 3 2 .600 1 pletely controlled the flow of play sidelined with injuries, Kelly breaking and free-fighting with the Thomas Hearns’ 78-inch reach, In­ Murphy 6 (Ruskowski, L. Murphy), 16.49. 2 4 533 2‘^ an 99-89 edge with 12 minutes left WBC welterweight championship. Robinson 013 2-2 12. Wedman 7-21 2-2 Kansas City and found time to toss in 29 points. Trupucka and Kent Benson. two women scoring the highest sisting he will “dance all over” the 3, Los Angeles, Fox 14 (Holmes). 19:01 KANSAS CITY (108) 16 Mokeski 16 00 2. Brewer 012 2-2 12. San- Diego 2 5 286 3 but a hyped-up Hartford crowd He took his third title in 1981, Penaltiea-K^artraw. LA. 0:53; Rota. E. Johnson 09 2-2 12. Nealy 02 1-2 1, Huston 46 2-10. Bagiev 36 2-2 8. Haves Wichita 1 3 250 2W Lack of rebounding and short­ Scott May, signed as a free agent, challenger and eventually send him 3 could not ignite the Celts. Boston points qualifying for the world knocking out Maurice Hope for Van. 0:53; Lemay, Van, 8:50; Hardy LA. Meriweather 010 06 12, Drew 1022 3-4 1-4 00 2. Wilkerson 3-7 06 6, Hubbard 4- Golden Bay 0 3 .000 comings by the backcourt operators contributed and gave the club an to the canvas. major. 12:01; Williams, Van. major 29. R. Williams 4-14 07 15. S. Johnson 2-4 11 26 10 ToUls 3361 12-12 78. Ixis Angeles 0 8 .000 pulled to within four, 99-95, but the games. Competing was for holders (misconduct). 12:01; Morrison. LA, 16:34. hurt the Celts Big Bill Lainbeer, 6- added dimension. of black belts of three degrees and “ The fight ^11 not go the dis­ super welterweight honors. 2- 6 6. Woodson 015 06 12. R. King 1-6 4-4 MILWAUKEE (88 Tuesday's Result Pistons took charge of the boards to Benitez has won 43 of his 45 fights SecotKl period—None. Penalties—Korab. 6. R. Johnson 2-4 06 4. Thompson 02 00 Johnson 7-14 06 15. Mix 26 06 4, Buffalo 6, Los Angeles 4 11 and 245 pounds, used his muscle Five Pistons were in twin figures, tance,” the Impound champion LA. 2:06; Botdirev. Van. 15:49; Chartraw. Wednesday’s Games grind out the decision. under. — scoring 28 knockouts — with only 0. Loder 04 06 6. Steppe 06 06 0. Totals Lanier 4-13 26 10. Ford 26 2-2 6, to advantage under the boards and Terry Tyler hooped 13 points, Edgar Last August, Barenbaum took pr^lcted. “ Hearns will be tough in LA. 19:54. 4261 1025 103. Moncrief 013 07 17. Lister H 16 3. (No Games Scheduled) Two Hartford dates remain for one loss and one draw. His sole set­ Third peiiod-4. Vancouver, Rota 12 NEW JERSEY (112) Winters 16 06 2. Bridgeman 014 86 20. Thursday’s Game came away with 10 rebounds, most Jones 11, Laimbeer 10, Vinnie John­ the first four or five rounds, then I (Chicago at San Diego. 10:GB p.m. EST Boston, Jan. 31 against Chicago and part in the World G am es in back was a TKO at the hands of (Botdirev. Bubla). 1:40. 5, Los Angeles, B. Williams 46 011 16. A. King 7-14 1-2 Catchings 01 06 0. Pressey 26 01 f of them at crucial stages. son 21, John Long 20. Resistensia, Republic of Argentina. will dance all over him. He won’t Isaksson 6 (L. Murphy. Hardy). 8:07. 6. 15. Dawkins 011 07 24. Cook 9-17 36 21, Criss 2-2 16 5. Hill 16 06 2 ToUls 34-83 Coach Bill ©tch of the Celts was Best for the Celts were Bird and March 7 against New Jersey. have a leg to stand on.” Sugar Ray Leonard in^l979 that cost Los Angeles. Bozek 5 (M. Murphy. Floyd 16 1-2 3. Walker 26 4-4 8, Gminski . Forty five countries competed. him his welterweight title. Ruskowski). 8:44. 7. U)S Angeles. Bozek 3- 4 3-4 9. M. Johnson 36 36 9. O'Koren 0 Cleveland I® ^ Now an eight-year student of Benitez, angered by his op­ 6 (Chartraw. Ruskowski), 11:15. Penalties 5 00 6. Elmore 0-4 1-2 1. Totals 41-75 30 Milwaukee 2 3 1 5 ^ ^ —88 ponent’s failure to attend a -C hartraw . LA. 12:16; Kelly. LA. 38 112. Three-point goals—Johnson, Fouled out Transactions Kwang Sung Hwang, Barenbaum “We are ready to fight,” said (misconduct), 15:50; Delorme, Van. Kansas City 1728 29 29—103 —Mokesti ToUl Fouls-Cleveland 29. teaches more than 100 students scheduled news conference (misconduct), 15:50; Minor. Van. (minor* New Jersey 27 34 26 35—112 Milwaukee 23. Rebounds-Cleveland 56 By United Press International Tuesday, accused Hearns of having Benitez’ father and trainer, m isc^uct). 15:50 Three-point goals-R, Williams. Fouled (Wednnan 12). Milwaukee 40 (Lanier 9) Baseball weekly, ranging in age from 5 to 65. Shots on goal—Los Angeles 14-0-17—39 a special talent for ducking confron­ Gregorio. “We are working easy out-None. Total fouls-Kansas City 33. Assists—Cleveland 27 (Wedman 6). AtlanU — Optioned pitcher Jose She first became interested as a now, just completing the hai^ work Vancouver 7-15-16-38. New Jersey 27. Rebounds—Kansas City Milwaukee 25 iLanier 6). A—8,766. Alvarez to Richmond of the International tations. Goalies—Los Angeles. Laskoski Van­ 32 (Meriweather 6). New Jersey 42 (B. League. Poise in overtime 13-year-old when she saw Hwang couver, Ellacott. A—12,790. Chicago (AL) — Assigned catcher “'Tommy Is scared," said the 24- for the fight. Right now we’re just Williams 16). Assists-Kansas City 17 (R. demonstrate the finer points of mar­ Williams 5). New Jersey 28 (A. King 6) Marv Foley, pitchers Keith Desjarlais year-old Puerto Rican by way of the trying to maintain conditioning. and Juan Agosto and outfielder Rusty tial arts in a class in ^ s t Hartford. We’re in good condition to win.” 1 2 0 -3 ’ Technicals-R. Williams. Dawkins. A - DALLAS (140) Caught up in the excitement of the Bronx. “He knows I can beat him in NY Islanders 9.662. Aguirre 14-25 9-U 37. Vincent 1024 3-5 Kuntz to Denver of the American Hearns, known as the “Motor City St.Ol LouislaUUlB * ^ 29. Cummings 013 2-4 18. Davis 46 06 8. Association. sport, she took lessons and eventual­ or out of the ring.” ^FlrsT^^riod-l. St Louis. Babveh 10 Chicago (NL) - Signed pitchers Cobra” for bis Detroit roots, won (Brownschidle, Ramage), 3DB 2, Blackman 7-11 46 18. Garnett 3-7 06 6. Ferguson Jenkins and Willie Hernandez ly won the coveted black belt and Benitez, who picked up the UTAH (93) Lloyd 1-4 06 2. Bristow 16 06 2. Ransey Lakers' trademark the WBA welterweight title by Islanders. Brent Sutter 3 Dantley 1017 4-4 24. Poquetle 012 2-2 8. 011 46 16. Turner 2-4 06 4. ToUls 50107 and outfielder J&y Johnstone. nickname “Radar” for the accuracy Detroit — S ig n ^ second baseman Lou then gained national acclaim as one Nystrom), 4:52. Penalties—Gilbert, NYI, Schayes 4-8 00 8. Green 011 06 10. of his punches, defends his title knocking out Plplno Cuevas In the 9:13; Wilson. StL. 11:07; Brackwbury. 2261 140. WhiUker to a &-year contract. of the best women in Tae Kwon-Do Griffith 12-21 06 29. Wilkins 010 26 12. DENVER (129) Philadelphia — Agreed with shortstop second round in 1980. StL. 13:52; Brackenbury. SIL. 17:». . F.WlUiams 02 06 0. R WillUms 01 06 0. English 14 23 56 34. Vandeweghe IH7 By United Press International Magic Johnson scored 24 points 18th straight victory over Cleveland. in the United States. against Hearns Friday night in the . Seemtd period—3. St. M u lle ^ Ivan DeJesus on a 0year contract; He defended his crown three Eaton 01 06 0. Eaves 1-3 00 2. ToUls 66 29. Issel 12-22 06 30, McKinney 0U 2- released pitcher Don' (irmen; named and added 12 assists, Jamaal Wilkes Hawks 111, 76ers 97 Louisiana Superdome. (Dunlop. Pettersson), 1:28. 4. ^ 2 14. Dunn 26 26 6. Robisch 1-4 2-4 4. times before he was stopped in 14 by Islanders. Gillies 7 (Bourne. TotcUI). 4066 1018 93. Karl Kuehl minor league sUff instructor Los Angeles combined the basic At Atlanta, Eddie Johnson scored Earlier on the Don King fight NEW YORK (124) Ray 2-7 1-2 5. Williams 1-2 26 4. Hanzlik had 23 points and rookie James Leonard. Observers attributed U;30. 5. NY Islanders. Potvin 6 (ToncHi. Seattle — Team president Dan O'Brien and the bizarre down the stretch 27 points and rookie Dominique card, WUfredo “ Bazooka” Gomez Bossy). 17:01. Penallties-Jonsson. NYI, King 7-14 05 17. Robinson 07 01 7. 1-4 1-2 3. Gondrezick Ol 06 0, ToUls 50 Worthy added 22 points and 12 Cartwright 36 2-3 8. Sijerod 46 16 9. 97 2768 129 agreed to a 2-ycar contract extension Tuesday night to form the usual — a Wilkins added 26, including 15 in the U.S. prepared defends his WBC super ban­ Hearns’ loss to his only suspected 3:43; McEwen. NYI, 14:10. . Basketball rebounds for the Lakers. Third period-None. Penalty-Bracken- Tucker 012 2-2 21. Wcstphal 7-10 06 19, Dallas 35 34 34 37-140 weakness — a lack of stamina. S.WilUams 013 2-2 18. WebsUr 36 46 10. Denver 37 25 38 20-129 AtlanU — Signed forward Sam Peljom Laker victory. Spurs’ coach Stan Albeck was left fourth quarter, to pace the Hawks to tamweight championship against bury, StL, 2:08. from Lima of (^ontinenUl Basketball to host Cup ■ J iX t Toward the end of 1961, Hearns set Shota on goal-NY lalanders 10-13-16- Orr 010 46 10. Taylor 06 00 0. Grunfeld T^ee-point goals—English. Vandewegh- "This game gave me a mystifed by Nixon's sleight-of-hand. their third straight victory. Dan bantamweight champ Guadelupe 2-4 00 4. Ha.stings 16 02 2. ToUls 5096 e. Fouled out—Vincent Totals fouls— Association. headache,” Laker coach Pat Riley Roundfield had 24 points and 20 "Lupe” Pintor. his sights on the super welterweight 36. St. Louis 7-5-17-29. 2366 124. _ Dallas 28. Denver 25. Rebounds—Dallas College “ Nixon enticed our people to NEW YORK (UPl) - Phil Goalies-NY lalanders. Smith. St. Utah 27 271128- 98 Oregon SUle — Associate athletic said after Los Angeles used the rebounds for Atlanta,while Moses Hearns, who earlier expressed and middleweight championships, 49 (Garnett 11'. Denver 42 (Dunn 111 director Jim Rudd resigned. come across the Woosnam, commissioner of the Louis. Liut. A^13.4fl9 New York 23 36 40 26—124 Assists—Dallas 34 (Davis 9). Denver 25 traditional skyhooks of Kareem defeating Eamle Singletary in his Tulane — Football coach Vince Gibson line on the free Malone led Philadelphia with 25 North American Soccer League and anger at Benitez for boasting of the Three-point goala-Tucker Fouled out— (English 10). Technlcal-None A—8,799. Abdul-Jabbar and a freak play by damage be would do, steered clear first middleweight test and stopping None. ToUl fouls-U Uh 24, New York 17. resign^. throw,” Albeck points and 24 rebounds. vice president of the U.S. Soccer Rebounds-UUh 37 (Poquette. Wilkins 8). Norm Nixon to beat San Antonio 137- of Tuesday’s news (x^erence. Marcos Geraldo and Jeff charged. "It Mavericks 140, Nuggets 129 Federation, has affirmed that the Winnipeg New York 48 (S.WilUams 10). A ssista- 132 in double overtime at the McOacken this year. UUh 25 (Green 11). New York 34 (King should have been At Denver, Mark Aguirre led U.S. is adequately prepared to host “Wilfred had better wake up,” he QuebM ^ ^ 3—0 HemisFair Arena. “Our poise in The victories raised Hearns’ First perlod-1, Winnipeg, Maclean 10 8). Technical—Robinson, New York a violation Dallas with 37 points and Pat Cum­ said to one training camp observer. (Ulegal defense). A—7.6M. those overtimes makes this team the World Cup Tournament in 1986. overall record to 35 victories in 36 (Dupont, Balwch). 5:18. 2, Quebec, against LA, but mings and Rolando Blackman added “We are certain that the U.S. “This is not a game.’’ Hunter 5 (A. Stastny, M. Stastny), 6:» . very tough.” (official) Jack ___ 18 apiece. The Nuggets were paced In 1976 Benitez becam e the outings, including 32 knockouts. 3, Winnipeg, Maclean 11 (Levie). 9:36. Soccer Federation will work ar­ lW alU e»-Sm ail, Win, 3:16: MaroU. Qua. Monday's College Nixon, who scored 10 of his 25 Madden called it ^ by Alex English with 34 points, while Herald photo by Pinto points in the fourth quarter — in­ duously to obtain the World Cup title 4 :« ; Levie, Win, 7:07; Tardii, Que, 7:67; Basketball Results MODERN AUTO a double viola­ Dan Issel had 30 and Klki for the United States in 1986;” aouU er, Que, 6:32; Hamel, Que, 1^13; AUTO REPAIRS cluding the Lakers’ last 5— sent the tion. It seems like We just can’t get Vandeweghe 29. LAURA BARENBAUM P Stastny, Que, 18:12. Maclean, Win, Esftl RADIATOR game into overtime with some un­ Woosnam said. “ We know that is Fans' antics Irritated misconduct, 19:16; Marois, Que, miscon­ Connecticut 96, Yale 73 INTRODUCES the call at the crucial time.” Warriors 110, Suns 98 what we want to do. - . . . Canada-bound duct, 19:16; DeBlois, Win. double-minor. Fairfield BO. CanUlas U ’’ planned trickery. Los Angeles was At Oakland, Calif., Purvis Short » 3 » ; Palement. Que, double-minor, tiM 90-mlnut* e Elsewhere, New York crushed XM. Georgetown 91. Morgan St, 57 WE SERVICE ALL trailing 116-113 with 4 seconds left in New Haven 99. Mercy 82 . Utah 124-93, Detroit upset Boston hit for a season-high 40 points and Second period-4, Quebec, M. Stastny driv*-in and Horn* of Mr. Goodwroncfi GENERAL MOTOR regulation and Nixon at the free 123-116, New Jersey clipped Kansas Golden State snappy a seven-game 39 (P. Stastny, Rouchefort). 5:47. 5. Phila. Pharmacy 93. Penn St.- drhnaway aolutloni throw line, Nixon hit the first foul Polish fan support Winnipeg, Dupont 3 (DeBiois. tobyeW , CapiUI 61 CARS AND TRUCKS City 112-103, Milwaukee topped losing streak. Vote delay by NFL player reps 7:SB. sTouebec, P. Stastny 20 (Pichel, M. Pittsburgh 62, Duquesne 53 FOR: shot and faked the second attempt, Cleveland 88-78, Atlanta jarred Trail Blazers 121, Clippers 114 Stastny), H);32. 7, Winnipeg, DUowich 10 Providence 70, Brown 56 (Lundboim), 11:03. 8, (heb«, H leh^ 3 ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRC causing players from both sides to Philadelphia 111-97, Dallas nudged At Portland, Ore., MychalThomp­ season beyond its current 16 games. Rutgers 60, Princeton 56 WASHINGTON (UPl) - of Pittsburgh Steelers’ owner Art (unassistad), 11:49. 9, Winnipeg. DeBlois Westfield St 82, Bridgewater St. enter the lane, and a double viola­ Denver 140-129, Golden S tate son scored 23 points and Jim Paxson The union also wants three player hurt Fibak in vYin 10 , COMPLETE COUISION REPAIRS tion was called. Abdul-Jabbar con­ Differences over four or five issues Rooney Sr., in Pittsburgh, Woschitz 80 scorched Phoenix 110-98 and and Calvin Natt added 21, helping are delaying a vote by NFL Players said. representatives who were cut from South REBUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION! trolled the jump ball and Nixon tied Portland dumped San Diego 121-114. the Blazers snap a three-game their teams before the start the CHICAGO (UPl) - W«Jtek stands not oniy Irritated me, but Bryan 04. Milligan S3 the score 116-116 on an 18-foot Association player representatives The delay could force the union to ct AUTO PAIUnNC losing streak.' ' postpone FMday’s vote on the agree­ strlkedelayed season to be Fibak’s countrymen jammed the made me perform poorly in tlw first Clarion Newman 88, Union 78 aUMrein duicM, jumper at the regulation buzzer. Knicks Ui4, Jazz 93 on the agreement that ended the 57- BUuuiT. woe, b .4b ; m k bu i*, Centre 53. Berea 50 CHAR8E WITH MASTER CHARGE day pro football strike. ment by the' union’s rank and file, reinstated. atands to honor the native of part (rf the match,” Fibak lahl. . Anitel. Win. major, 17:31; P. SUitny, dMhE wt M id “I faked the shot when I saw Que, mlnorratiur 17:a.- Charleston 62, Piedmont 37 At New York, rookie guard Trent Woschltz said. The poll of the Management wants the college Posnan, Poland, but their luppert Lutz, aeeded thM in the fidd of Clinch Valley 81, Alice Lloyd 70 We have found that 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE everyone jump into the lane because NFLPA executive director Eld 16, said Fibak grew stronger as play Thlri pertaf-B, Quetec. Tardif 9 Tucker, making his second pro Garvey and Jack Donlan, executive representatives would determine draft extended in its present form hurt the tennis player more than it (CkMtler), 1:*. M, Quebec, • Georgia 81. Randolpb-Macon 53 most of our customers •1 wanted to wait while everybody start, scored 17 of his career-high 21 Probation set belpedhim. wore oo. (TaidU), 3:«. M. fftebic, C l»ll« » Lincoln Memorial 87, Lee 87 problems can be solved director of the NFL Management their recommendation about the through 1092 while the union wants (GooM. Ptd>i»).T*.>enalU^IMBloia, ■was scrambling to get position and points in a 30-8 spurt opening the se­ to agree only through 1990. A local group of Polisb fraternal Longwood 54. VMI 49 within this time frame. then throw the ball up off the rim for for Rosie Ruiz Council, planned to resume talks on pact to the union members. “He starteid aerving better and be Win, »:«: Babycb. Win. 7:0i; Hawer- Muskingum 39. W. Liberty II cond half, helping the Knicks snap a the agreement today, union “They’ve resolved some of the Should tlM union members go ■ocietiea deaignated Tuesday ehak. Win. BA ; Molto', Qua, UM. No. Carolina 70, Tulaoe ($OT) The problem part is one of our players to get it,” said four-game losing streak. "Polish Night” at the fSOO.OOO WCT was retumlBg my first adrves with a I& u m no^l-Wliiiilpeg 137-U-a. Shepherd 103, BluefMd tt removed, promptly NEW YORK (UPl) - Roste Hull, spokesman Prank Woschltz said issues, but four or five are still against the pact, “Garvey said he Qnabae BHff-W. (»RTER Nixon, who added 13 assists. “I lot of antho^ that kept me from N.C.Okartotte 81. Rider m repaired on our who was stripped of her Boston Tuesday. open,” Woschitz said. ”We probably didn’t think there could be another CSdcago 0p m and cheered the 30- hiwHii WInnirTl. SUnlowaU. Qnabae, wasn’t even trying for a double year-old tennis sUr who often coming to the net,” said Luts. Htlantak. W. Virginia Tech 90. Concord 74 premises and rein­ 112, 103 Marathon prize because she was ac­ Garvey pulled the plug on a won’t vote” on the agreement today. strike,” Woschitz said. Midwetl violation.” Nets Kings appears in town on bdialf of Polish In other noatchea, nnaeeded’Terry stalled. 'At Blast Rutherford, N.J., Darryl cused of cheating, has been scheduled |mU of the union represen­ Earlier, the vote was reschedule Moor, klemphis, Teim., aurprieed Bemklji St. 83, Jamestown 79 Abdul-Jabbar hit a skyhook with charities. nilnoU St. 54, No. UUnoU 45 Replacements are Dawkins scored 11 of bis season- sentenced to five years probation tatives from the 28 NFL clubs for today. .1:38 left in the game to put Los "It really worked against me,’’ veteran Eddie Dlbba, Miami, 5 4 ,6 - Tennis ResulU Indiana Tedi 57, St. Francis 54 available from our dis­ high 24 points in the fourth quarter for passing bad checks, officials Tuesday night as talks with Donlan . “We already sent out the contract Angeles up 132-128 and after San An­ Fibak said, "because people not 4, 6-2 to advance to Thuraday’s se­ Br United Prew International Ohio St. 71. CUco St. 58 tributor size btventory. and Darwin Cook added a season- said Tuesday. and other members of the manage­ fto the membership) Saturday by Basketball Europe vs. the Americas Challenge, Nov. Rose-Hulmsn 90. BlacUNim 86 1^29 MAIN ST. tonio center Artis Gilmore oslentod to tennis unlntenUonally cond round. so Relax in our waiting high 21 to help New Jersey hold off Ruiz, 28, was sentenced Monday ment team approached the 24-hwr Express M ail,’’ the union St. Xavier 59. lU. Benedictine 48 AUTO REPAIR MANCHESTER countered with a dunk, the NBA’s BUSINESSMEN think they are doing me a famr At Barcelona. Spain Wartburg 11, St. Otaf 71 room, while our Kansas City. Larry Drew scored a by Acting Supreme CkMirt Justice mark. spokesman said. ‘Tt was a rough More first-round play was (Europe leads &6) No. 2 all-time scorer behind Wilt copy with handwihttai stuff and Fogarty Oilers 60 (Don Pandlsda because they were clapping Joae Higueras (Spain) Europe, def. Wis.-Stevens Pt. 18, St. Norbert knowledgeable special­ TEL. 046-6464 career-high 29 points for the Kings Jeffrey Atlas in Manhattan. “There are some points that 25, Glen Nurback 22, Pete Pandlsda scheduled for tonight. * 50 Chamberlain hit another 16-footer to they’re negotiating about,’’ p i^ that were not initlaie off. And whenever my opponent lost a Vince van Patten (U.S.), Americas. 01. ists get you moving and Ray Williams — in his first The former marathoner had been 10), Sportsman Cafe 45 (Marc Moor, who had to qualify for the 04; MaU WUander (Sweden). Europe, Witconsin-Rlver Falls 08. .give the Lakers a 134-130 lead with Wosebitz said. "They’re negotiating that’s what they’re working on.” point.” 4lef. Andrea Gemex (Ecuador). Americas, Hamline 54 again. game a^inst New Jersey since the arrested in April and charged with Schardt 12, Rick Raimondo 10). tournament by winning three GMOUAUTY 59 seconds left. San Antonio’s Mike over the language.” Woschltz said be was not per- But Fibak overcame the crosrd 06 (07). U : Gene Mayer (U.S.) S outhw est Nets traddd him — added 15. forgery and grand larceny for ^-Stars a (gMtt Lawton matches Sunday and Mondiqr, geld Anwrleae, def. Ivan Lendl (Czeebos- Dallas Bapt. 96. Jarvis Christian ' M S - S M 2 sovicc Runs Mitchell, who led all scorers with 29 Befora the talks resume today, mittod to disclose the nature of the fsui eUminated Bob Luts 44 , 6-1.7 4 Bucks 88 , Cavaliers 78 cashing checks totalling more than be wonrtqr nonking fewer mJitdkes lovakia), Eeinpe. S4. 86; John 70 IM B iM M T N II ;points, hit a layup with 32 seconds 16, Tom Foran), bldriarly P aal^ • in ihs opening round of the touma- McEnroe (U.8.), Americas, def. Bjorn QmiRAL MOTORS Horrs n v s m At Milwaukee, Junior Bridgeman 924,000 that belonged to her members of the Management Coun­ ■unresolved Issues. than DibiM — even though 0 e was Oklahoma 104, Auburn- m Mahi qt. Maned, CT ‘left before Abdul^abbar iced the The union wants the right to (Joe VanOudenhove II, Joe Gaar- ‘ment. Borg, (Sweden). Europe, 06.16, M; scored 17 of his 20 points In the se­ employer, Stephen Realty Co.^ef 144 cil planned to attend the funeral of dino 18), I tired/ Montsomerv 83 game on a running stuff with 16 Kathleen McNulty Rooney, the wife negotiate any extension of the NFL “The antics that took place in the seconds remaining. cond half to lead Milwaukee to its W. 72nd St. MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed- Dec, t, 1962 - 15 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Dec. 1, 1882 f ■f FOCUS/ Food

Liqueurs make great gifts


^ i

i}-- LIQUEURS ARE NOT h X r D Vo MAKE AND THEY MAKE GREAT GIFTS . . . If you have the time to spare, these can be yours

covered glass container in refrigerator. Shake well A votre sante. Prosit. To your health. No matter much lower alcohol content than mixed drinks. 1 cup water what the words, the sentiment is the same. And Your guests won’t necessariiy save on calories, Ml cup brandy before serving. Makes about one quart. In large glass jar or container stir together there’s no better tim e to toast friends and fam ily since most punches are made with a syrup base.. cranberries and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Stir than during the holiday season. But visitors won’t be as likely to overindulge. in com symp, vodka, water and brandy until well Apricot Liqueur 'But this m ay'be the year to add a new dimension A well-made punch includes a mixture of flavors, blended. Loosely cover. Let stand at room to your celebrations, making the spirits yourself. with no one taste predominating. The base, made 2 packages (6 ounces each) dried apricots temperature at least a week, stirring each day. Serve them at your own parties, or make fruit with com syrup, adds sweetness easily without the 3 cups water flaV(Hred liqueurs ahead of tim e and package in graininess of granulated sugar. Drain liquid from cranberries; reserve 1 cup sugar handsome bottles. Homemade liqueurs make And even if your sights are slightly less ambitious cranberries. Strain liquid through four layers of 1 cups light com symp damp cotton cheesecloth. Store in tightly covered 'A cup brandy thoughtful and unusual gifts. than a holiday bash with cast of dozens, you can still In three-quart stainless steel or enamel saucepan A cup of bubbly is a natural Ingredient at festive . protect your entertaining budget by preparing your glass container in refrigerator. Makes about one The cigarette that Boosting taste to equal | gatherings. And whether your taste is in an in­ own liqueurs. and one half quarts. stir together apricots and water. Let stand 10 To make cranberry relish: Stir together reserved minutes. Cover; bring to boil over medium heat and timate dinner party for six or a cocktail buffet for Liqueurs are traditionally served after dinner. cranberries, one quarter cup light com syrup and boil gently 10 minutes. Rem ove from heat. Stir in 50, you can cut the cost of holiday entertaining by But a frait-flavored liqueur poured over ice cream one teaspoon gra t^ orange rind until well mixed. planning your liquid refreshments wisely. makes a simple yet elegant dessert. sugar until dissolved. Stir in vodka, com symp and changed two million minds. Many holiday recipes call for a dash of liqueur as Serve with turkey or chicken. Makes about two brandy until well blended. Cool to room leading cigarettes wjith up " If you’ve invited a houseful of guests, a homemade punch is a good choice. The Eiarl of a flavoring ingredient. And as a bonus, if you make cups. temperature, stirring occasionally. Pour fm it and liquid into large glass container; Warrick, for instance, entertained 6,000 guests in your own, the fruit strained from the finished MERIT, loosely cover. Let stand at room temperature at 1746 with a punch recipe calling for 80 pints of liqueur can be used as a garnish, relish, or dessert The one that rewrote the to twice the tar. I | Irish Cream Liqueur least a week. Drain liquid from apricots; reserve. Filter lemon juice, four barrels of water, and 25,000 topping. 2 cups (80 proof) Irish whiskey In strainer placed over bowl place apricots one layer citrons. Here are some recipes to get you started. But even if your 1982 gathering is a bit smaller, 1 cup light com syrup at a tim e; gently press with back of spoon to extract as much liquid as possible. Reserve book on cigarette-making. MERIT. I you can ease your entertaining task by preparing a VSi cup sugar Cranberry Cordial 1 cup heavy cream apricots. Mix reserved liquid and apricot nectar; festive punch. In one-quart shaker or jar with tight fitting lid A pretty glass punch bowl set on a sideboard w ill 1 package (12 ounces cranberries, coarsely and strain through four layers of damp cotton place whiskey, com symp and sugar; cover. Shake enable guests to help themselves, and will make it chopped (3 Vit cups) cheesecloth. Store in tightly covered glass con­ until w ell blended and sugar is dissolved. Pour in The MERIT cigarette. The ‘Enriched Flavor;! j easier for them to circulate. You can skip barten­ 1 cup sugar tainer in refrigerator. Makes about six cups. cream. Shake gently until w ell blended. Cover; ding duties. 2 cups light com syrap refrigerate until well chilled. Store in tightly Please turn to page 23 Made by actually cigarette. | As an extra plus, punch made with wine has a 2 cups (80 proof) vodka boosting the taste you Theie^ nothing | Let MCC show you how get out of smoking. halfway about it. I | Taste wine the right way

By Susan Plese uestions, and there w ill be film s called "the eye of the swan” — a Next stop is the nose. Smell the epictlng wine production in all white wine made from a red grape. wine, and check its aroma or A r'.-\ ■■M'. 1 Herald Reporter 3 parts of the world. But before you set off on your bouquet. "A rom a comes from a It may be hard for the average And what would wine be without evening of tasting, be sure to eat a young (recent) white wine,” Saturday night wine drinker to un- the fequlslte cheese and crackers? good dinner. “ Then tbe wine won’t Spaziani says. Aroma should be deratand, but real dyed-in-the-wool, Plenty of muhchies will also be set have as much effect on you,” grapey and very fruity. lovers of the grape taste their wine out, though the purpose is not to fill SfMzianl says, “ though w e w ill have The bouquet comes from older without actually swallowing It. you up. good things to eat there also." wines aged in wood. Bouquet of red ‘”nien what do they do with a “ The food is to help cleanse the . Leave your crystal wine glasses at wines should be "rou n d^ , deeper nMuthful of w ine?" you ask naively. palate, and to Wash away the taste home. Plastic glasses will be and richer. You can actually smell Why, they spit It out In buckets of the previous wine,” says provided, and there will be facilities the wood.” to rinse the glasses out, should you provided for just that purpose. Spaziani. Last stop— the taste buds. "Sip it, ‘”rhat’s how wine tasters taste,” For those people who just can’t choose. and let it linger on your tongue. says Eugene Spaziani, a member of resist a debut, there will be some W H E N M A K IN G the rounds of That’s where the flavor buds are,” the IntemaUonal Wine Society, Les premiere excitement at the wine- tbe tables, taste the dry wines first, Spaziani says. Amis du Vin. “ At professional tasting, too. then the sweet. “ And don’t drink too ’’Let it slip down your throat. You tastings, we don’t swallow." The Buena Vista Winery in much,” Spaziani cautions. “ Drink should never gulp wine.” No wine Not that you’ll be expected to Sonoma County, Calif., w ill briim a one half to one ounce maximum so guzzlers allowed.. foihnr professional form at the wine brand new vwrtejy of wine called you can make the cmnplete dircult. tasting set for Thursday at7:80p.m. FINALLY, SPAZIANI Spiceling. Tbe white wine, a blend of Decide on better varieties, then go at the Manchester Country Club. CAUTIONS tasters “ not to expect Riesling and Gewurstra, w ill be un­ back,” he says. too much. ’Try to rate a wine as it is T H E E V E N T, sponsored by the corked for tbe first torn in Connec­ Now you’ve got an ounce of supposed to be, not sriiat you like. If Manchester Community College ticut (Ml Thursday evening. it is well-made, you should be able Warning; The Surgeon General Has Determined It’s not even available nere yet, in your glass, and besides just qiu f- Athletic Fund and Les Amis du Vin, to enjoy it.” though the medium dry, spicy wine flng it down, you’re not sure how to O ^ n p Morrto JiK. 1962 is a beq^t for the MCC athletic A n d yes, for those true That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. has been very successful In Califor- ftmd.'nckets are |10. prw to^' professionals In our midst, there Rapresentatlves from eight “ First look at the clarity,” bla. will be buckets available tbe night of Herald photo by Hinto 7 mg "tar,'' 0.5 mg nicotina av. per cigaratta, FTC Report DecISt ’The Spiceling w ill be joined by Spaziani says, as be bolds a glass op - dllw eiit w in ces will tote between the tasting for tasters who don’t other notable offerings, sudi as a to the light In demonstration. "Make ' ' .^ 1 "' ' ' 10 and SO varletlea of their srines to want to swallow. ’There, maybe you EUGENE SPAZIANI SHOWS PROPER WAY TO TASTE WINE |U bottip o f ^ t champagne, a fM sure it is clear and not cloudy. If it is MMdMster tor tasting. can salvage your diet after all. . . . look at It, smell It. then taste It stowW ’Tlw rwjtesentatives will answer rytuiniet SavlgDOO and som ething cloudy, It is probably bad.’’ 1 6 - M A N C H E S T E R H E R A L D . W ed .. D e c. 1, 1982 M A N C H E S T E R H E R A L D . W ed .. D e c . 1. 1982

O ''' , c.iZt'-- 0


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JL. 1 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Dec. 1, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., Dec. 1, 1982 - 19 Youth ballet XPEOPLE PHIL R O U R A b TOM p o s t e r s Asher tells of wines for our times to perform Over the years I have read a great many wine books, original version it'Bays “Une petite precaution pour que from the Ehiglish writers,of the early lOtb century to la composition ne toume pas, ajouter une pincee de some of the great American writers such as Frank bicarbonate de soude.”) EXCLUSIVE! Schooamdker and Alexis Lichine, as well as many of the B e a rd Yule classic more recent pec^le. While some of them wrote with a Line the bottom of a 4-cup charlotte mold or a souffle li^tn ess of touch and a feeling for good living, too many o n F o o d dish with a circle of wax paper. Butter it and the mold A Manchester holiday tradition will come - were stuffy. Frankly, their books brcame pretty boring well, and fill with the mixture. Set in a baking tin partly This ex-hostage isn't pubiicity shy allye Saturday night, when the Manchester to read, 'niis was particularly true of some of the By James Beard . filled with hot water (it should reach halfway up the Youth BaUet presents its annual performance of ", English writers who were wont to write long critiques of Syndicated Columnist sides of the dish) and bake at 310 degrees for 1 V4 hours. It's been almost two years since the Iranian hostages were country pushing their book, “The Destined Hour.” Bar­ “T was the Night Before Christmas.” The show J wines that had long since been out of circulation. Loosen edges with a knife and turn out onto a platter. released and Barry Rosen, press officer at the U.S. Em­ bara co-authored the book, and while Rosen writes of his will open at 7:30 in Manchester High School ' Then, praise be, along came an old friend of mine to bassy in Teheran, came back with 51 other Americans. lime in captivity, her half of the book is a blast at the way auditorium. > clunge the picture for us. He has just produced a book Tomato Sauce Many former hostages were annoyed at the over-exposure the American media handled the Iranian crisis. The traditional classic poem by Clement C. T called, appi^riately enough, "Gerald Asher on Wine” and sought anonymity. But not Rosen. With tongue in cheek, Rosen concedes that he was par­ Moore has been adapted by FYiscilla Gibson, ar- \ (Random House, $15.95), and it is a delight. Reading it Over medium heat, saute 1 strip bacon, chopped, 2 “ rstill believe the Iranian situation is most important to tially responsible for making stars out of TV commentators with culinary afterthoughts, and I had to make some tablespoons each chopped onion, carrots and celery, and tistic director for the Youth Ballet. 'Iliis ; makes one feel that one is sitting in a room with Gerald, educated guesses as to what "a small bowl of milk” the U.S., and 1 know in my heart that the Persian Gulf is like Ted Koppel, whose ABC-TV Nightline started with.the children’s fantasy comes complete with cat, * enjoying his personal views, his prejudices, his delight­ V4 pound finely diced mushrooms in 1 tablespoon bacon our main link with the Third World nations,” he said in Iranian crisis. “ Sometimes they had nothing to talk about might measure! Madame Geoffray recommends ser­ fat for 5 minutes. Stir in 1 tablespoon flour, then add % mice, dolls, a jack-in-the-box. Raggedy Ann and ■ ful sense of humor and his appreciation of life — not to ving this light and savory custard with a tomato sauce professorial tones. but just repeated what was happening over and over again cup chicken stock, 1 Vt pounds ripe tomatoes that have Andy, toy soldiers and sugar plums and the mention his awemme knowledge and expertise in the flavored with mushrooms — I am giving you a recipe, as Rosen and his wife, Barbara, are stumping around the in Iran,” said Rosen. “ Actually, he is excellent, but ykm each been cut In fourths, 1 clove of garlic, crushed, a Sugar Plum fairy. Santa Gaus, his sleigh and world of wine. she did not. know how it was during the crisis. When there was nothin^', reindeer will also appear. ; Gerald gives you the solid basics of wine-making and bay leaf and 2 large sprigs of parsley. Season with salt, new, nobody actually said that in the media here.” Denise Desmarais and Michael Wright will • wine drinking but not in a stuffy manner. The book is pepper and a little sugar if necessary. (Lacking good The Kosens have also gone over some rocky times in their play the parts of the parents and Suzanne Pinto ' graced by amusing anecdotes and witty observations. Timbale de Foie de Voiailie tomatoes, substitute 1-pound can of Italian plum tomatoes, drained.) marriage. He was gone for more than two years and came Paul Simon with Harper, his well-mannered son. and Lisa Levy, the children. Other cast It’s a book to read and reread for the sheer pleasure of (3iop 1 large chicken liver, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 sprigs home almost a total stranger to his wife and two children. members will include Apryl Sahadi, the Christ­ It. of parsley and a little fresh tarragon very fine. (Use Bring mixture to a boil, cover and simmer for 30 “ What is .very exciting to me is that my son will now go mas Fairy; Sheryl Brandalik, caL Tricia Gerald Asher has been the wine editor for Gourmet teaspoon dried tarragon if fresh is unavailable.) Beat 5 minutes. Push the mixture through a sieve and return to out alone with me,” said Rosen. “ He felt that I left him, Paul Simont Proud dad Dougan, Sugar Plum Fairy; Oiristine iT-eemer, magazine for a number of years. Jane Montant, the eggs lightly and seasonwith salt and pepper. Heat 2 cups clean pan. If too thin, reduce by rapid boiling. If too abandoned him, to go to Iran. And when 1 came back he Pew 10-year-old boys ^et to pal around with their fathers soloist snowflake; Michelle Clouter, Snow brilliant editor in chief of that magazine, is to be con­ milk and Vk cups cream and add to t he eggs slowly, thick, add a little stock. Taste for seasoning and pour would only go out with me with another adult present, for at concerts and opening nights, but cute Harper Simon is Queen; Karen Irish, Frost Princess. Miss gratulated both for choosing him in the first place and stirring all the time. Combine with the chicken liver and over custard. Sprinkle with a little chopped parsley and fear that I would abandon him again. We didn’t even kiss. one who does. Dressed in a suit and tie and saying “ Yessir” Freemer is from Vernon and Miss Goutier from for allowing some of his columns to be recreated in this herbs, and add a pinch of bicarbonate of soda. (In the serve at once. Serves 6 to 8 as a first course. Imagine a child not kissing his own father? We gradually to everybody who shook his hand. Harper nearly stole the Bolton. All other dancers are Manchester Unusual visitor book. To make it complete, another of my favorite peo­ made up, and that is perhaps the most important thing show recently at a glittering New York opening night. And residents. ple, Elizabeth David, wrote the foreward in. her in­ that’s happened since I came back.” right next to him, his famous father, who looks like a Karen Moore of New York City and imitable style. “KInderoo” of KIndercare Day Care Centers Elizabeth first knew Gerald in London in the 1950s. The Rosens are working on a new project now. They youngster himself, beamed. Christopher Gibson of New Haven will be guest hope to develop a syndicated radio show for children. performers. Gibson, a former member of the was a recent visitor at the Manchester When she finally visited our shores in 1981 for the very Daddy is singer Paul Simon of “ Simon and Garfunkel” Memorial Hospital. Shown meeting with him first time, it was Gerald who was her host and chief “ Most of the music on radio for young people is almost fame. Everybody remarked how Harper is the spitting im­ Gmnecticut Ballet Company, and currently a pornographic,” says Barbara. “ Hopefully, we can develop faculty member at the Priscilla Gibson School of are Lynn Sherman, holding patient guide to the city of San Francisco, and of course it was age of Paul, who likes to take his son with him whenever he Lawrence Sherman, 20 months, and Crystal he who introduced her to Californian wines on their own a program that will be educational and entertaining, with can. The boy’s mom is Peggy Harper, a former (and pre­ Dance Arts, will dance the part of the ( ^ s tm a s Sherman, 3’/t. territory. music that children would enjoy. Can you believe that there viously married) airline stewardess, who wed Simon in 1970. Fairy’s Cavalier. are thousands of radio stations in America and not one Miss Moore, a former member of the Gerald covers a great deal of ground in these pages. Save 20^ The Rosens: Barry, Barbara and family, 1980 plays music for children?” > Manchester Youth Ballet has just completed a The fact that he lived in England and then switched his six-month dinner theater engagement. She will pattern of living to this country has given him a new and dance the part of the Moon and will be featured ; different attitude about wines from that of the average Ziegfeld Oirlst Still in touch after all those years performer In "Winter Classic,” to be performed Menus Englishman, and it is evident in his book. The delightful “The F ruit There wa.s a time, way back when, that almost the entire beautiful today as they were in the ’20s and ’30s. You take on the same program. little, chapter called “Wine and Wok” is an example. world cheered the Ziegfeld Girls. The "girls,” now well on Dodie Ziegler of Chicago, still a knockout. And do you I am a great admirer of Princess Diana and I am doing an The price of tickets for Saturday’s perfor­ There are a number of questions that most of us ask an d C ereal in years, long ago formed an organization to keep in touch remember Madeleine Janis of New Jersey? She has a son English composition on her wedding dress. Can yon help? mance is f3.S0 for adults and $2 fof 'Students and , when dealing with wine and CJiinese food, and he with each other. who is a congressman and another is a mayor. Her hus­ —L,S., VlUa Ridge, Mo. senior citizens. Tickets will be sold at the door. Manchester schoois answers them very successfully. \ 9 9 With members spread across two continents, living in band, Joseph Courier, was one of the builders of the World Okay, let’s shoot for an “ A.” Diana’s gown was design­ I Idved the chapters on Bordeaux. “December is not a places like Miami, Chicago, Hollywood and South Trade Center. Naomi Johnson, a great looker, lives in ed by the husband-and-wife team of David and Elizabeth The following lunches will be served in the good time to visit Bordeaux,” he starts out. “The new America, the women provide money and other help to Brazil and Bettle LaForest runs the Florida chapter. Emanuel, who have a shop in Lxtndop. They’d been a Manchester public schools the week of Dec. 6 through wine, still in lingering phases of fermentation and usual­ some of the old Ziegfeld Girls who have fallen upon hard “ You know so many of the women married well and now favorite of the future queen’s for years, but the wedding 'E.T/ success 10: ly reding of the tanks, is impossible to taste, let alone times. Some became alcoholics, others ended up with bad most of them spend their winters in Florida. You do dress was the first time that the Emanuels had designed Monday: Hot dog on roll, potato sticks, buttered peas, judge ...” Gerald also speaks of the wines of Italy, marriages, but help is available, and it is kept secret, even remember Billie Burke, who was Florenz Ziegfeld’s second anything for the royal family (or someonie about to become orange smiles. Germany and CaiiComia, evaluating not only rare first on foreign trip growths but inexpensive, worthwhile country wines, too. from the members themselves. wife? She was active until she passed away.” a member of the clan). The dress took several months to Tuesday: Meatball grinder, salad, ice cream cup or RaiSIN B R a N "There are 312 of us left, but only the president and the The Ziegfeld Girls believe the club will survive long after make and was fashioned out of featherweight silk taffeta. ice cream sandwich. It’s really a delicious volume. RaiSIN treasurer know where help goes,” says Doris Vinton, 72, they’ve all passed on. Current show biz performers are It came complete with a cathedral train that got in her way HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Steven Spielberg’s Wednesday: Pork chopette, gravy, creamy whipped I asked Gerald not long ago if he’d brought back any reefpes with him from France — he speaks so fondly of who was 13 when she appeared with W.C. Fields in a joining the club to carry on the tradition of helping their at every turn. Nobody was able to say how much the gown “ E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial” opened for the potato, buttered cabbage or carrots, chilled applesauce. Posf* puts three packs of meals enjoyed in the company of old friends there. He Ziegfeld show. “ Many of the Ziegfeld Girls are still as own. finally cost but, take it from us, you’d need at least one first time overseas this past weekend and posted Thursday: Steak sandwich on roll, cheese wedge, BRaN plump, delicious raisins in burrowed about in his study and came up with one from crown jewel to afford it. the biggest box-office draw in history. potato chips, buttered green beans, cherry crisp. Universal Pictures announced Monday E.T.’s Friday: Cheese pizza, tossed salad with choice of his self-appointed godmother, Yvonne Geoffray of the each box of Post* RaiSIN BRaN first overseas dates in Australia, South Africa, dressing, chilled fruit. Milk is served with all meals. (3iateau ’Thivin in Beaujolais. (Do refer to the second Isn’t Gary Collins, master of ceremonies of the Miss Singapore and Malaysia, outgrossed Spielberg’s chapter In his book for an evocative description of the (20 oz. and 25 oz. only). America Pageant, married to a former Miss America?— “Jaws,” which had been the highest grossing house — “solidly buttressed and somnolent with the No wonder it’s “The Fruit J.K., Greenfield, Wis. picture of all time in foreign markets. Coventry schoois perpetual cooing of pigeons in their lofts beneath the You bet. Her name: Mary Ann Mobley, Miss America of Robert Rehme, president of Universal’s tiled roof.” ) The recipe Is delightfully quirky and dotted and Cereal Lover’s Cereal.’’ 1959. marketing and distribution division, said “E.T.” The following lunches will be served In the Coventry opened last I^iday in Australia to a record in­ schools the week of Dec. 6 through 10: Monday: Orange juice, meatball grinder, cheese I saw Tom Jones on some program, and he said that he itial three-day gross of $232,037 in four cities. STORE COUPON The film also opened Friday in South Africa cubes, green beans or spinach, banana. IS Bw (sMMar GonoiN Foods Cor^ a * forv- bad taped 29 or 30 TV shows in Canada. When will they be Tuesday: Vegetable soup, hot dog on roll, baked tw rit you tor mo Ik * voKw of tfid coupon plus 7c shown in the United States?—B.K. (no address given) for a record-setting two-day gross of |7B,S01 in Akroyd, Murphy costar tof handbng i4 you rocont d on tt>t u N ot (ho beans, com on the cob, Nathan Hale cake. •ptaflsd product m d l( upon roqunt you tubnut ____ four cities. In Singapore and Malaysia, the film oridmeo e( Durchoto thoroot sm ta d ory to Gonom Jones taped those shows about a year ago, and most have Wednesday: Oven fried chicken, buttered noodles HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Dan Aykroy^ and Eddie Foods Corp Coupon m iy not bo OSSlgnod. trmsfsrrod or roproducod opened Saturday and grossed |46,S6 for the first Customor rrHiol p « any soloo tax m wtiors prohM od, (uod or been (presented in Canada. Eventually, they will be shown Save 20® rostncM bv law Good U S .A ., Puorte Rico and U .8 Gov't. Murphy, past masters of sophomoric humyr, will costar' two days in four cities. with gravy, cranberry sauce, seasoned peas, roll and on any size Mistafl Caan vaiua' t/20( Coupon w(d not ba tionorad it prasantad in the United States via syndication. But those things take In “Black and White’’ (a working title) for producer mrough outaida agsnoaa. brofesri or ethari vtioart not raiaH dHtrlD- butter, assorted fresh fruit. d o r* el our mariTtandiaa or ipacificaSy authoruod by u$ to praaard time to negotiate. Expect to see them starting very late this Aaron Rusaon at Paramount Pictures. coupon* lor rodsmpOon. Fo( radampwn of prOMrfy racalvod and Thursday: Chicken vegetable soup, grilled cheese hintflad coupon, mad to Oonaral Foods Corp , P O. Box t03, Kanka- year, or early next year. sandwich, pickles, finger salad of celery, carrots, and John Landis, who directed the fatal helicopter scene kaa. IL 609(12 TNs coupoti good only on purchisa ot product md>- ^.RaiSIN c a M . Any omar tao confbtutas fraud pepper strips, dressing, potato puffs, chilled peaches. in “The Twilight Zone” that killed actor Vic Morrow Paopio Exclusival anawara tha moat Intaraating To report area news Friday:' Orange juice, pizza or hot dog, salad, and two Asian children extras, will direct the comedy BRaN OntTBipIras quastlons from raadara. Sand yours to us cars ol this assorted desserts. written by Hersshel Weingrod and Timothy Harris. W 3m Veterans Ralph Bellamy and Ray Milland will co-star nswspapsr. To report news items In Bolton, Andover and GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION NBOMDl'tiOO OIM2 BY TRIBUNE COMPANY SYNDICATE. INC. Coventry, call or write Richard Cody at The- in the picture, which will begin production in New York A few o f the fabulous Ziefifeld Girls during their heyday. 120 Eau «2nd Street, New York, N.Y. lOOIT Manchester Herald, Herald Square,.P.O. Box- RHAM junior and senior Dec. 13 followed by location shooting in Philadelphia. 591, Manchester, CT 06040; telephone 643-2711. 'Die following lunches will be served at RHAM junior and senior high schools the week of Dec. 6 throu^ 10: Monday: Hot dog on roll, baked beans, carrots, applecrisp. -Christmas specials crowd the tube cinema Tuesday: Stuffed shells with meat sauce, green beans, mixed fruit. NEW...YORK (UPI) - comic-strip character with Washington,” 10-11 p.m., Wednesday: Juice, grinder, carrot and celery sticks, One of the best new “ Perry Como CJirlstmas HARTFORD Blood (R) 1:10, 7:15, VERNON The remains of the turkey the big head and the gigan­ offerings of the season in Paris,” 10-11 p.m., Dec. Dec. 13. 9:35.-Q (R) 1;35, 7:40, Cine l& 2-T he potato chips, gelatin with topping. ^scarcely had gone into the tic heart. He will be Alheneum Cinema — Thursday: No lunch served. comes, not from the major 18 “ Bob Hope Christmas Diva 7:30, 9:35. 9:40.—The Burning (R) Missionary (R) 7:30, post-Thanksgiving soup pot followed, from 8:30-9 p.m., “John Denver and the Friday: Soup, pocket sandwich with choice of fillings, networks, but from Capital ’Special,” 8-9 p.m., Dec. 19. Cinema City — The 1:10, 7:45, 9:50.-Going All 9:30.—My Favorite Year before television was by the time-honored City TV Productions for Muppets,” 8-9 p.m., Dec. lettuce and tomato, macaroni salad, Neopolitan dessert. “ Berenstain Bears Empire Strikes Back (PG) The Way (R) 1:30, 7:30, (PG) 7:10, 9:10. decking its halls with animation of "Frosty’s syndication through .’ 21 7:15, 9:40.—Amarcord (R) 9:35.—Jimmy the Kid (PG) Film Festival Cinemas Yuletide specials — more Winter Wonderland." December on more than CBS: Christmas,” 8-8:30 p.m., Dec. 21. 7:05 with Small Change l.-The Boat (R) 7, 9:50. —Star Trek II: The Wrath than half of them animated "Rudolph the Red-Nosed 150 stations, nationwide. “ A Charlie Brown of Khan (PG) 1:30,3:30, 7, Manchester eideriy and most of them as well “Family Circus Christ­ (PG) 9:20.—The Chosen ENFIELD Reindeer” will make his The rest of the Yuletide Christmas,” 8-8:30 p.m., 9:05.-Warriors (R) 1:30, used as the baubles on the annual Yuletide run at the mas,” 8:30-9 p.m., Dec. 21. (PG) 7:30, 9:45.-Mephisto Cine The following lunches will be served at Mayfair and lineup, as scheduled to Dec. 6. 7, 9:30. 7:05 with Enter'the Dragon average family Christmas nation's housetops tonight date, looks like this: “Real People,” two-part 1,2,3,4,5,&6-E.T. The Westblll gardens the week of Dec. 6 through 10 to “Bugs Bunny’s LooAey Cinesiudio-^Live and (R) 3:15, 8:30. tree. from 8-9 p.m, for CBS. ABC: Christmas show, 8-9 p.m., Extra-Terrestrial (PG) Manchester residents who are 60 or older: CJiristmas,” 8:30-9 p.m., Let Die 7:30 with You Only Monday: Potato chips, sloppy Joe on a bun, cheese ABC will kick off the After that it will be wall-to- "Rudolph’s Shiny New Dec. 6. Dec. 15 and Dec. 22. 7:10, 9:25.-Heidi’s Song season tonight from 8-8:30 wall “Jingle Bells” until “Sounds of Christmas Live Twice 9:45. (G) 7, 9.-F lrst Blood (R) slice, Creamy coleslaw, chilled peaches. Year,” 8-9 p.m., Dec. 6. “ Andy Williams’ Early Colonial—Fastest Fist p.m., EST, with "Ziggy’s the New Year chimes in as “Christmas Comes to Eve,” musical medly, 7:40, 9:40.—The Empire SHOWCASE Tuesday: Pineapple juice, turkey chow mein, New England CJiiistmas,” Alive (R) with Fierce Gift" — a new animated Christmas themes invade PacLand,” 8:30-9 p.m., ll:30-midnlght, Dec. 24. Strikes Back (PG) 7:20, steamed rice, broccoli spears, peanut cake with 8:30-9 p.m., Dec. 6. Kung-Fu Brothers (R) special starring the mute prime-time shows. Dec. 16. “Christmas Rome 1982,” 9:45. —Creepshow (R) Whipped toppiiig, wheat bread. “Johnny Cash: A Merry from 1. (Christmas Eve m idni^t 7:30, 9:S5.-An Officer and F IR S T SHOW ONLY • Wednesday: Baked pork patty with, gravy, mashed Christmas,” 9-10 p.m., EAST HARTFORD potatoes, seasoned collard greens, combread, chilled Dec. 7. mass celebrated by Pope A (ientleman (R) 7:25, John Paul H at St. Peter’s Eastwood Pub A 9:50. applesauce. ‘“Twas the Night Before Cinema—My F av o rite Thursday: Grapefuit juice, chicken cacciatore, 'Elephant Man' opens tonight Christmas,” 8:30-9 p.m., Basilica, midnight-L:lS MANCHESTER HARTFORD a.m., Dec. 25. Year (PG) 7:15, 9. spaghetti with sauce and grated cheese, tossed salad Dec. 18. UA Theaters East—The IHTER5UTE 84 EXITSS "The Elephant Man” opens tonight “Christmas at the Poor RichaHa Pub A frith dressing, Italian bread, chilled pears. Wethersfield will be featured In the “ Dr. Suess’ How the Empire Strikes Back (PG) EASTHAITTEORD S6 8 ' 8 8 K) at 8 in the main auditorium at role of Mrs. Kendall. Washington Chtbedral, 11 Cinema—My Favorite ; ^Iday: Roast beef au Jiis, baked potato, peas and Grinch Stole Christmas, 8- 7:15, 9:30.—Time Baiulits Manchester Community College under a.m. until noon, Dec. 2S, Year (PG) 7:30, 9:30. mushrooms, roll, chocolate pudding with coconut. Other members of the caSt are Colby 8:30 p.m., Dec. 18. (PG) 7:15, 9:30.-The U s t JIMMYtiw HD the direction of Betty Spalla, and Stearnes of Vernon, Kevin Bradley, PBS: Showcase PG presented by the Theater Wing of the NBC: Cinema—Creepshow (PG) Unicorn (G) 7:15,. 9. Honey Nut Chinch William Reale, Danielle Kava and Toni “Smurfs Christmas “The Snow <)ueen” (ice ■SHOWWAT!. ■ Honey Nut Crunch college. Fogarty, all of Manchester. ballet), local listings, week 1:40, 7:30, 9.-50.-E.T. The MANSFIELD Robert J. Donnelly of Hartford plays Special,” 8-8:30 p.m., Dec. Extra-Terrestrial (PG) Trans-Lux College Gretchen Weide of Vernon is stage of Dec. 4. Bolton High School the lead role of John Merrick, the 13. “ The Nutcracker’’ 1:15, 7:10, 9:30.-An Of­ Twin—Gregory’s Girl 7:15, RaiSIN manager and Wade Gadoury of Elephant Man. The story is b a s^ on (Mikhail Baryshnikov), ficer and a Gentleman (R) 9.—My Dinner With Andre ‘O’ RaiSIN BRBN Manchester, assistant stage manager. the life of Englishman Merrick who “Chipmunk Christmas,” local listings, Dec. 11. 1:50, 7:20, 9:45.—F irst 7, 9. ^ lr lists honor students snownan— BRaN4 i M weKAiiTNni was born with hideous deformities yet General admission charge is $3.50. 8:309 p.m., Dec. 13. “Christmas at Pops,” OAAN HC*4lY*»W)ri A delicious new survived with a sense of an immutable Students and senior citizens will be ad­ ” NBC Family Christ­ w.wY,MvniViTiiTiiiri4;3 (Lome Greene and the Scott RiclurdMa, PUUp Rumin, spirit. The Broadway production of the mitted for $2.50 and a group rate is mas,” 910 p.m., Dec. IS. Boston Pops orchestra, ; BOLTON - The high combination of Honey. idiool honor roll (or the William Sbeeti, Shari Vattenail play received many awards. available for $1.50 per person. For “Christmas in local listings, Dec. 23. ICREMHOWei and Alexander Zoeba. TTie role of Frederick Treves will be ticket information call 649-1061. Tickets Erst marking period has Walnuts. Crunchy Cereal played by Christopher J. Ambrose of will be available at the door. The show tWMtlWawCMfMCgWIHMnMI been released. ,1 Qrado 10 Nuggets and Raisin Bran Hebron .and Julie Murtha of will continue through Saturday. jamm, Jamea Bolea, MichtUe Daly, Jay High Honors Flhno, Faith Ganfaway, Donald Join Us For ^m s Halohurdo, Jamta Harrlng, Starts crunchy and prade 11 KamnUi Hiptky and Dawn HoWa. Christmss Msgic, ixm stays crunchy so ‘niE ELEPHANT MAN — — SHOWN a t ' - ^ ' MarcU Manniitg: Malanie Lemaira, Dana* •y B «rM r4 PoaiarRiK* as ths IJMdUM-HMJI Mariball, Evelyn MellahOD, your whole family D1r«ct«tf ^ Sm IIR l^rada 10 PatrIcU Sebel, Meliaaa Walaa, Manohaster Youth Lynda Wella and Ann WMIe. will love it! [Otflroy Hindi and MytblU Save 35^ D«c. 1 • 4 Ballat mSTBIOODs VaduUkrWaan; $pm Qrade 9 _ MrtMNls -IHOWNati-— Dutch plays It.again grade 9 Joy AUaman. Wchella Cloiilkr. ‘Tw w Ths Night BMors ^anna Dwn tod John Ueblcr^ CyithU HaropioD, Michaal STORE CCXJPON nckKT*: SS.M 30« la ms raSMar C«ot'A room Co'O Christmas” a Mou|htoQ, WUUm Kieaman and •fwwOu'w you *0' to* 'K t ir u t ol n>i* IL IIimiFS VIUETY REVUE PiMay a Saturday S:M - 1:60 cou00" 0>«t ? C • y o u ’tcwvt ANOPPICIRAND Eric Lorentinl. on any size can of Master Blend' coffee. c •I 0» (be MM 0*F>t tpKiMO WOOtlO MW ELENOR EMERSON ★ LLOYD OILLIAM Dutch doaa Ma thing with tha ' Matthew Maynard, Jobs ' ypOA >routll rto *u0" l VriOtect o' "WIntw CIssslo” AOSNTLSMANR Honors Save 3 0 ^ pw* Rriiwt g'ONOAM l|i«0 0' 'tU>0* W AL OENTILrS BIO BAND ★ . MMdMdHbU . I** GeoooMyriusa Putnon^eaneuS Co«i m Monday - Prtday 4M0 - 7 «0 ’Doou BoMuc, IhMdore arems, C ^ p Coupon may net bo aisignad irantirra d or rtproducad Custom r r?Hiii pay CMb MKM I 70( Coupee «Mi loi M rtoneiM •< proai COIN SHOW a n y s a N tU s VOKI Whtrs protsbrtsd lAhOd Or rastnclOd by Uiw Good onty a f U S A F"« 4gronw<*«f«aiarml> . . . A Ottwra Tha tatty, llvs^, A fltoal anticainants ol nohert Cuano, Oragory Faoloa, Pusfio R ico and u S Govt mtiaii Cash vaiua t / 20* Coupon w»u not ba honotad if Honey Nut Crunch OM'PMO't si OU' rne *e*o*n*dn O aam f SMMY - JMUMV M - 3 FM fjOaraan Oagimi, Hatdl Lack, Hot ol ou* marchandisa O' tpaciticaiiy autnoruad by ut to praitnt coupon* tor r td tr ^ Z v o PO loilO J UAUM* It 60103 'rwteOuMO 10a.m. to 4o.m. Tioksw avalaMa attw door ar aal Inn For ladamphen ot propany iKeivod and hjndiad coupon mao to Ganarai OMy oe pu>tttsu O' P'OOuCl "VKSIM hir, UM C( Tussday t:60 • 12:60 Bob Rioiiardson Ml VMUiar, KataShony andCharyl food* Corp PO fioi 103 Kankjkca IL 50902 RaiSIN M n I'M EAST NNinU MM SCMOL S 4 S ^ 0 liSSIw th i* coupon good only on p u'Chau ot product ir'dicattd Any oihat u*a conslilulat Ri^NMiidMiW iyMra.Sh6ra . ' ^ Wsdnssdays 6 d » «-l2dM Donrila MSnsr iraud 131 M I L 7H IwmMo An. East IMM LNAIT-OM COUPON (trade 11 iartia(mllMaaiaai I) Adulta...... 13.60, Thuradays iOO - 12:60 Bob Rtohardaon itaiSartidA. b r S n 0 36 16 _ ,*8.00 psfson BS Sala«WAMasi lAoo AOnmI, SkaOBoa Bnuni,. ^'eatmrmlSL- GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION SG0MD513QD ■snsati Ust Hidtnra tw ist Oialii ! Studantt A Sr. CHiisna...... -.62.00, A w DafralM, lUloolm Jm M. IHl SGOIMDOBOO l■^«^16?Tlii^^6l^lA^ « CtNEkAL FOODS CORPORATION J n 45 East Center St., Manchester. Ci;643^751 rs i; an, Richard UaMw and a , 226<0I7Q 30 ' • Pj — iMifdktn. 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., Dec. 1, 1982 Bagn^r M ANCHESTER HERALD , Wdd.. Dec. 1, 1982 - 21 Y o u r Neighbor's Kitchen i J / m t U P e d e e d 0 ( ; Clip 'n' file refunds I Advice Italian food her favorite Pet Products (File No. 12-B) Clip out this file and keep it with aimibu" cash-off CHOKE MMELESS coupons — beverage refund offers with beverage Sure-fire deal sends savings up in smoke By Barbara Richmond Country Style Tortoni coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed IVA pints heavy cream s cute messages on the back. Herald Reporter proofs of purchase while looking for the required SIRLOIN HIPS DEAR ABBYi I am D EAR AB B Y: Now that didn’t feel a wee bit hurt, (whipped stiff) forms at the supermarket, in newspapers and NO NAME, PLEASE desperate. I am in charge it’s gift-giving,^time again, but my gifts always come A trip to Italy this past (A cup Galliano liqueur magazines, and when trading with friends. Offers CHOICE BONELESS WHOLE of my mother’s money. She please say a few from the heart, and I have DEAR NO NAME: summer took the Papa 1 cup finely crushed may not be available in all areas of the country. had $2,500 in the bank - reassuring words to those never given a gift because I Another correspondent family of 87 Waranoke almond" macaroon crunibs Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. her life’s savings — until I o f us w h o give wanted a thank-you. wrote to say that he had Road back to their Into the whipped cream SIRLOIN TIPS $179 I! The following refund offers are worth 114.00. This D e a r A b b y drew it all out last June. I sent his grandson a check ancestors. fold crumbs and Galliano. grandchildren, nieces, CHECK AND DOUBLE OVEN ROAST & STEAKS 12 16 LBS JL PER week’s icfund offers have a total value of (OT.OO. also took $1,500 from the for his bar mitzvah, and he Both Rosemarie and Pour into quart souffle dish nephews and other loved CHECK These offers require refund forms; account m y husband and I Abigail Van Buren was thrilled beyond words John are of Italian descent, with collar and freeze ones a check instead of a SUPEKtUYIl BUTCHER’S BLEND |3 Refund. Send the had in the same bank, DEAR AB B Y: Many in to recei:^e the most and Italian foods are their mixture until firm. M ellow gift. required refund form and the weight circle from added it to my mother’s my family now receive beautiful thank-you letter favorites. “ Itaiian food is at room temperature for 10 Shopping is not always the 20-pound Butcher's Blend bag, along with the money and invested the checks for birthdays, etc. he had ever received probably my favorite food minutes before serving. easy for older people. I’ve commercialX C L O D r o a s t original register tape with the purchase price whole $4,000 in a deal that When they endorse the written on the back of the to cook — it’s our most Garnish with more been giving checks for TENOERUMNS X HHROurafiEiws lo-uisa S r per circled. Expires March 31, 1983. was guaranteed to triple checks, they always write cancelled check. enjoyable meal — but we macaroon crumbs, toasted birthdays, graduations, I COME !N G ^ T IT No Bad Dogs The Woodhouse my money in two months. a little message on the don’t necessarily have it coconut or ch op p^ nuts. 0-7LH S. Christmas and weddings a o N a a s o u E D Way/Book Offer. Receive Bartora Woodhouse’s Weil, I lost the $4,000, you out. First, tell your back: “Thanks mucho!” every night,” Mrs. Papa Serves 12. * and husband find out. for years. Sometimes I’m Getting married? ORDERS NOW book "N o Bad Dogs The Woodhouse Way.” Send the and now I don’t know what husband and mother what "This will buy that neat said CHUCK n U IT Abby, do you know any thanked by telephone, in BEING TAKEN FOR required refund form and the proof of purchase sweater I ’ve had my eye Whether you want a formal NTS0«tT12-litSt. to do. rich Catholics who believe you have done. Then notify person or with a lovely Whiie she was being in­ Mediterranean Salad seals from any two bags of Come 'N Get It Dog M y mother knows the fraud division of your on. Thank you.” “ You are church wedding or a sim­ MORRELL E-Z in the Blessed Virgin and note. Occasionally, the ple, “ do-your-own-thing” terviewed. Mrs. Papa was 4 large navel oranges Food. Expires Jan. 31, 1983 or while supplies last. a doll, and I love you, CARVE, HAMS AND nothing of this and neither St. Jude and would be police department. You only way I know that my busily cooking veal birds.^ 1 stalk celery hearts GAINE6-BURGERS $1 Refund. Send the Grandma,’’ etd. And ceremony, get Abby’s new NEW YORK does my husband. 1 was willing to give me $4,000 to may not get your money check was received is The recipe was handed ‘A teaspoon pepper OVEN PREPARED RIBS!! required refund form and two proofs of purchasB_l_^oing to surprise them back, but if this was a case sometimes a clever booklet. Send $1 plus a help me out? Please tell when my bank statement long, self-addressed, down from her maternal V teaspoon salt SIRLOIN STRIPS FOR YOUR (the starredj — ★ — price marker) from one 72- j tripled the money. of fraud, the police may be drawing is added. 4 LEAN me what to do. and cancelled checks grandmother. " 4 tablespoons olive oil U-141SS. ounce box of Gaines-Burgers, along with the able to track down the peo­ I usually get a note stamped (37 cents) CHRISTMAS & I have prayed and prayed DESPERATE arrive with the endorse­ The dish is made with cup pitted black olives register tape with the purchase price circled. ple who took advantage of farther down the road from envelope to: Abby’s Wed­ 1 BEEF STEW to the Blessed Virgin and. ment on the backs of the thinly sliced pieces of veal Peel and slice oranges NEW YEAR S LI. LOTS Expires March 31, 1983. DEAR DESPERATE: you and prevent them from each of them, but when the ding Booklet,' P.O. Box to St. Jude, but it hasn’t checks. cutlet stuffed with a tasty crosswise, about one-half HOLIDAYS!!! 9 LIVES Morris Calendar Offer. Send the helped. I don’t know what I Please don’t look for any swindling other innocent cancelled ' checks come 38923, Hollywood, Calif. mixture of onions, bread inch thick. (Quarter each $199 required refund form and 50 labels from 9-Llves, will do when my mother “rich Catholics” to bail victims. I’d be fibbing if I said I back to me, I enjoy the 90038. crumbs and cheese. She slice. Slice celery. Mix all WHOLE BOnOM ROUND l Y POPI/UR OEAMND0 X . P C I t any size, any flavor, along with 50 cents postage and served them for lunch on a ingredients together and handling for a calendar or $2.25 with 15 labels or bed of noodles, along with let set at room POT ROAST, SWISS M 6 9 $4.50 with no labels. Postage and handling must be her favorite salad, temperature for 30 minutes included for all offers. Free calendars oidered are Woman's headaches may be migraines Mediterranean salad. before serving. STEAKS. EYE ROUND* J L P E R L limited to one per household. CDiere are no limits The salad is made with on other offers.) Expires March 31, 1983. headache. If it does, you care of the Manchester They were concerned oranges and ripe black MONDAY-FRIDAY NOV. 29th • DEC. 3rd ' P U R IN A Hi-Pro $1 Refund. Receive a $1 coupon DEAR DR. LAMB: I most certainly have Herald, P.O. Box 1551, about men who smoke olives as prime in- Brolin is back for a 25-pound or a 50-pound bag Purina Brand Hi- am a woman in my early LEAN (BULK 10 LB. LOTS) $ 1 2 9 migraine headaches. Radio City Station, New heavily and white, non­ gredifents. Pro Dog Meal. Send the required refund form and 30s. For years I have suf­ S pui There are a number of York, N.Y. 10019. smoking women in regard For luncheon dessert for TV movie • GROUND------BEEF the woids ” $1.00 Off” from a specially marked 25- fered from severe things you can do for to bladder cancer. That Mrs. Papa made delicious HOLLYW(X)D (UPI) - $ 1 4 9 pound bag of Purina Brand Hi-Pro Dog Meal. headaches, as far back as DEAR DR. LAMB: I LEAN HAMBURG PATTIES ..ix A PCRIA. Your Health concern does not mean ricotta cookies. childhood. They have migraines. In some people, James Brolin, whose ac­ Expires March 31, 1983. *" realize there is a lot of con­ they were able to prove Another favorite dessert ting career began in § gotten very severe to the when the first sign of a LINK, HOT OR SWEET TOP (MOICE $1 Refund. Send the required re­ Lawrence Lamb, M.D. troversy about saccharin. I any relationship other than — also Italian — is country point of no relief from any migraine starts, caffeine, television’s “ Marcus $159 fund form and two proofs of purchase (the starreii am concerned because 1 coincidence. In other style tortoni which consists X P fR type of aspirin on the in a strong cup of coffee, Welby, M.D” series, ITALIAN SAUSAGE — * — price markers) from two 36-ounce boxes ol really enjoy diet pop and words, they did not prove a of whipped cream, market and, believe me, I w ill abort the attack. Later returns to the tube to star Top Choice or Puppy Choice, along with the prefer it to regular soda. I cause and effect Galliano liqueur and have tried them ail. in the attack it is of no in “ Cowboy,” a two-hour KIELBASA RINGS & KELUES register tape with the purchase prices circled or don’t like the taste of sugar relationship. crushed almond I have seen many doctors help. Your diet is also im­ CBS-TV movie. one proof of purchase (the starred — *— price or its calories. I try to limit A more recent study and all I hear is that it is portant. macaroons. T h e contemporary marker) 'from one 4-pound 8-ounce box of Top vomiting. The headaches migraine headaches. There my intake of diet soda but 1 BOGNER BEEF FRANKS There are many causes done independently by six Mrs. Papa said the ' Western story will be Choice or Puppy Choice, along with the register psychological or just last two days, one if I’m are different variations of don’t know what the limit for headaches. About one epidemiologists found mixture is poured into a filmed entirely on Quality comes tape with the purchase price circled. Expires nerves. I ’ve had extensive lucky. Aspirin just doesn’t m igraine headaches but should be. /Imt 7K$mt PttdnUt in five Americans do have nothing but chance varia­ quart souffle dish with locations in Texas near the March 31, 1983. examinations and all I get help at all. yours is typical enough to First at migraine headaches. And DEAR RKVDKR: Many tion. They noted that the collar. The collar is made communities of VKTTORY Lambert Kay 50-cent Refund. Send the is an expensive bill. cian you help me? I have justify a trial of medicines I they can begin in people would tell you that subgroups were too small ^^anchester packing My headaches are two by taping a double strip of Waxahachie, Italy and required refund form and the front panel from a spent so much money on used to treat migraines. for meaningful analysis severe ones each month childhood. you need not be concerned buttered aluminum foil or Maypearl. Victory or Victory 5 Flea & Tick Collar package doctors. My money is gone and there was no increase company inc. 646-5000 that come a few days Migr^.. 3 headaches, if The various types of and the saccharin in your four-inch wide waxed Co-starring in the Wiaccapl Expires Dec. 31, 1983. but the pain is still there. with increasing dose. before or aftfer my they are mild, can be headaches are discussed in soft drinks should not be paper around the .top of the Bercovici-St. Johns NOUNS; • 34#WETHERELL8T, Food Stamp*, Here is a refund form you can write for: A $1 re­ Specifically then, if you use menstrual period. They are D E A R READER: Of relieved by aspirin. The The Health Letter 16-12, the limiting factor. In 1980 dish. The collar is removed Production are Ted Dan- MOH..E(ll.7;ao.m 10 5 p.m. MANCHESTBR^COJJiO^ M**l*fCh*m#ryi** fund on shavers or lighters, ” Bic Deal!” , Wiley even five or six soft drinks MT.TMamlsUiiapn (wur t o I»c c a w a n M im w — course I have not seen the more severe ones require Headaches and What to Do a case-control study by the before serving the tortoni. Heraid photo by Pinto son, Annie Potts, Randy Street, Milford, Conn. 06460. ’This offer expires centered in my left eye, results of your tests and I other medicines. A good About Them, which I am National Cancer Institute a day the saccharin is not Although Mrs. Papa Quaid and George .-DiCen- March 31, 1983. with a sharp point down the do n o t know what test for a diagnosis is to sending you. Others can failed to find any likely to be a threat. For ' planned to run in the zo. left side of my neck. There ROSEMARIE PAPA COOKS ITALIAN use ergotamine tartrate. If send 75 cents with a long, relationship between other reasons I’d rather Thanksgiving Road Race, is numbness and pressure medicines you have tried . . veal birds and Mediterranean salad it is used early in treat­ stamped, self-addressed saccharin and cancer in the see you drink fruit juices she was ' having Ai Pacino cast on this side of the face. I other than aspirin, if any. ••••• Supermarket Shopper ment it may abort the envelope for it to me, in general population. and fortified skim milk. Thanksgiving dinner at her as ‘Scarface’ become sick and begin But your story suggests home. One of the piece with another ‘A pat of board: knead until smooth ‘A teaspoon pepper traditional things she butter. Broil for 3 to 5 and elastic, about 8 to 10 ■A teaspoon crumbled HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - makes for Thanksgiving minutes on each side. minutes. Place in a thyme leaves Al Pacino will make one of Dissatisfied? Thoughts and Christmas is Italian Watch carefully, as this greased bowl, turning to 'A teaspoon sage his rare appearances in a chestnut-sausage stuffing. cooks very quickly. grease top. Cover and let 2'A cups chopped chestnuts Hollywood-made movie , "Cooking these things 'A pound butter or when he stars in the title rise in warm place, free I believe I am a law- for the holidays brings margarine role of “ Scarface” at from draft, until doubled in Write rtiaker abiding citizen; I drive on back fond memories of P an etto n e Simmer the chestnuts in Universal Studios. bulk, about 1 hour. Punch the right side of the road fam iiy gatherings when I 4'2 to 5‘A cups unsifted the shells for 20 minutes. Brian De Palma will dough down. Cover and let By Martin Sloane was very unhappy. So un-| and expect others to do the was growing up.” Mrs. flour Immediately immerse in direct the New York-based rise again until almost dou­ happy, that she took pen in same. But laws change. F.O.G.Y. Papa said. '2 cup sugar cold water and peel. Brown actor in the melodrama, ble. about 30 minutes. ‘ What would you do if hand and wrote to the In Barbara Seulling’s ” I love to cook and enter­ 1 teaspoon salt the sausage lightly in which will be filmed at the o u r frozen chicken Punch dough down makers of Red Cross book entitled "You Can’t tain. That’s why, when we 2 packages active dry yeast skillet along with onion and studio and on locations in ricasee was completely again; turn out onto lightly Macaroni. Eat Peanuts in Chicago were looking for a house, ' 2 cup milk celery. Mix with other in­ Santa Barbara, Calif., New floured board. Divide in levoid of anything “ We take the greatest of and Other Little Known we looked for one With a ‘2 cup water gredients and stuff fowl. York City and Miami. half ; form into round balls. esembling chicken? care to see that this Laws” , we read some in­ PRESENTS large kitchen,” she ' 2 cup butter or margarine Pacino will play the role Place on opposite corners product is shipped to our credible ones. For in­ explained. 3 eggs (room temperature) that brought international of a greased baking sheet. f “ The picture o f the customers in good con-’ stance, in King Henry I l l ’s Ricotta Cookies Mrs. Papa is originally '2 cup chopped citron Cut a cross ‘A inch deep on recognition to Edward G. ^ricasee on the outside of 'A pound butter dition,” replied James time, death was the punish­ from Ohio. She went to ' 2 cup seedless raisins top of each ball. Cover; let Robinson in the 1930s. ^ h e package showed, V4 cup ricotta cheese Masterson, vice-president ment for “kyllynge, ^ M II PRODUCTION’S college in New York and 2 tablespoons pine nuts rise in warm place, free Several deliclous-Iooklng 1 teaspoon vanilla of marketing. “ Jumbo woundynge or mamynge” taught in a junior high 1 tablespoon anise seeds from draft, until doubled in Classic Disney llpieces of chicken,” says 1 cup sugar Shells are a very fragile a fairy. Then there is the school in California. She 1 egg bulk, about 1 hour. ^Izabeth Hibberd, of Glen 1 egg re-release due product and sometimes Idah o la w prohibiting and her husband, who is an 1 tablespoon water Beat 1 egg with 1 tables­ fdills, Penn. “ But there 2 cups sifted flour even though we take the fishing for trout from the attorney, met in coliege. In a large bowl, poon w ater and use to HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - %wasn’t a single piece in- He was in the service when thoroughly mix IV2 cups 'A teaspoon baking soda Disney Studios’ contribu­ greatest care, this situa­ back of a giraffe! brush tops of cake. Make Sside. I even double-checked People make laws to fit they were married. They flour, sugar, salt and yeast. ‘A teaspoon salt tion to the Christmas tion does occur. We sure egg covers all of the Jto be sure I wasn’t missing the need3 or whims of their have three children, Jen­ Combine milk, 'A cup Allow butter to soften. holiday season will be the sincerely apologize for any top. Bake at 350 degrees j^mall bits. inconvenience this caused nifer. l.’l. John, 8, and Sal, water and margarine in a Blend with ricotta until re-release of “ Peter Pan,” culture. Some have grown for 35 to 45 minutes, or un­ « “ I thought about it a you.” Along with the letter out of greed, like the law 5 saucepan. Heat over low creamy. Add vanilla. Mix one' of Walt Disney’s ^ CHRISTMAS til done. Remove from Iwbile apd then decided to well. Add sugar gradually, Camille received fou r threatening death to Mrs. Papa is involved in heat until liquids are baking sheet and cool on classic animated cartoon 2writerto Armour. I beating until well-blended. packages of Red Cross anyone picking up amber a lot of volunteer work and warm. Gradually add to wire rack. hits, first released in 1953. ;jenclosed the picture from Add egg and mix well. pasta and a colorful recipe along the Baltic Coast will be having the annual dry ingredients and beat 2 “ Peter Pan,” which first -4he outside of the box and Slowly stir in dry'in­ booklet. during the Middle Ages. Holly Brunch of Child and minutes at medium speed, appeared on a London Sexplained the problem. Chestnut-sausage stuf­ gredients and blend well. Others emerge from a Family Services at her scraping bowl occasional­ stage in 1904, based on Sir 2 “Several weeks later I home on Dec. 9. ly. Add 3 eggs and lA cup fing Drop from a teaspoon on James M, B a rrie ’s strict religious code, as the j^as surprised to receive a ’The can of Baker’s Joy prescribed street dress for flour. Beat at high speed 1 pound sausage greased cookie sheet. Bake children’s tale, will be AND Veal Birds delightful letter of apology had a label on it that Iranian women today. ARTS CRAFTS at 350 degrees for 10 for 2 minutes. Stir in 1 cup chopped onion released In hundreds of dnd enclosed was a check offered a free box of cake 2 onions, thinly sliced minutes. This yields 48 to Is there a simple answer citron, raisins, pine nuts 1 cup'sliced celery theaters during the month ‘,'for $3.50.1 feel much better mix. ’That was one of the 8 tablespoons bread 60 cookies, depending on to the welter of often con­ and anise seeds. Add ‘A cup chopped parsley of December in keeping •about the whole experience reasons Josie Charcas of crumbs the size. Can be iced with a flictin g, known and un­ enough additional flour to 1 large bag prepared bread with Disney’s traditional land have decided to give Seloh, Wash., bought it. 1 tablespoon grated cheese powdered sugar icing then known "law? Both the Old make a soft dough. Turn stuffing re-release of his feature Itheir fricasee another But when she got home and Garlic salt, to taste topped with sprinkles. and New Testaments give out onto lightly floured 2 teaspoons salt cartoons for th,e holidays. peeled o ff the label to send 2 veal cutlets ? f y - ” us the two Great Com­ (cut into 4 sections each) it in for her free cake mix, mandments: "Thou Shalt * We often complain about she got an unexpected sur­ SHOW Salt •the high cost of postage, es­ love the Lord Thy God with Pepper prise. pecially when manufac- all thy heart and with all Butter “ Imagine m y disappoint­ Ziurers’ refund offers ask thy soul and with all thy Provolone cheese ment when I saw an expira­ mind,iind thy ileighbors as : i o r bulky proofs-of- tion date on the back of the Saute 2 onions in oil. Add Think of everyone who’d love a purchase, but Pat thyself.” SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 the bread crumbs, grated label and the offer had ■•Woodward of Danville, What more is needed? cheese and garlic salt. already expired. I was rva., decided to do Lightly salt and pepper going to forget about it M, Naomi Foaler Something about it. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 each piece of veal, (in each Christmas gift from Hickory Farms: when I rem em bered a Center Congregational J" “ I wrote to Del Monte put 1 teaspoon of the bread similar situation in one of Church 1 and told them that I was crumb filling, '/k pat of your columns,” writes at ! unhappy that their $10 re- 7 0 1 S A F A R I - Josie. “ I wrote to Alberto-' butter and ‘A inch cube of I lb BEBF STICK* I fund 4(fer required $2 provolone. Roll each sec­ Suromer Sauttire, Summer Banea#». It Culver, makers o f Baker’s 4 ox. Taco CheoM. fs. mild Cheddar ■ worth of postage in order Glastonbury tion and secure with a 4 ox. Robuito Horn, 7 m. Plain Joy and told them of my Gouda. 8 oa. Sdam ! to send in the complete toothpick. Place in a CheeH4>. two 2 ox. disappointment. In less Stick, oc. KOP- \ labels. I suggested that in B.C. Beauty Cheese Spreads, PBLZAK* Cheeae.S, than a week, I received a bakine dish and top each Cracked Wheat ee. Smoky (smoked I < the future they use some most gracious reply. Since High School Thins and Straw­ cheese b a n aadi portion of the label." By the flrat miUennlnm F O R S PA R K LIN G berry Bon Bons. Strawberry Boni they no longer had any free B.C., most every Egyptian No. M 19 Bona No. 37 92LM ;; A few weeks later Pat cake mix couponi, they noblewoman used perfumei WOODWORK, TILE, Plut misrsHteed de­ Ptua aasraeteed de-. •received this response livery rhsrae if ship- livery rhsriw if ahlp-. sent me a coupon for a free o f musk and roaewater, had 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. GLASS AND PAINTED ■vfrorn dsniel Nepb of Del SURFACES, add three can of Baker’s Joy. Yon eyeliner pencils composed fe a t u r in g j^onte: “ We appreciate can bet that I w^l continue of kohl and puIveHxed ants’ tablespoons of washing f j ^ r comments and wish to 'soda to a quart of-w arm to be a happy user of their eggs, and used lipsticks 1 lb BEEP ift.npBncx- ^dvlse you that the UPC product.” made of animal fa t , 'O V ER 100 P R O F E S SIO N A L water and wash. No rinsing STICK* Summer ••■■er floBMfi, ••symbols of the labels are required Bsotue, 74 oe. S-dotMH YddUd Apple Pie C M ' Tnisr* Tio lap, ^ncceptable in lieu of the 'ARTISTS and CRAFTSMEN dar, 10 oa. Port tw o t ea. Ghooie Wine Cheeee. 74 9 m . J a r U label. In the future, Wjs os. Cheese 'n W Bwaat-HoC Mma- ill indicate In the ad that Ham. two 2 oa. tafC • at. M a te NOTICE Cheeae Spread# CBoMar Btitk. symbol Is acceptable CUSTOM MADE and Strawberry Orachad Vhoal ellmjnate the confu- Probate Court is open Boo Bona No. 2» Tlilaa Md lirtv - Admission: $1.50 (inc. tax) for conferences with the •18J9 im and excessive postage Plui fuaranteed. c o s ts . Thank you for judge from 6:30 P.M . to delivery eksme if CKildren under 12 admitted FREE •hipM calling t^ matter to our 8 P.M. on Thursday nights. Appointments ittention.” FREE parking suggested. Night telephone number: 647- WE WE How would you feel if 3227. MAIL HiekBryfinm MAIL opened the box of William E. FitzGerald OF OHIO* and found that Judge of Probate INSIDE SEARS AT oore tHan half of the

IWCfGenersI Host Corporsiiun THE MANCHESTER PARKADE nacarcinl' waa brokent smille Padavonla of J, III., u y i that ahe MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., Dec. 1, 1982 - 23

22 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed,, Dec. 1, 1982 AbOlit Town Liqueurs rhake great gifts

Wednesday TV Continued from page 15 20 whole cloves ^ Members attend meeting Support group to meet 2 (3-inch) pieces lorange peel Brandied Apricot: Heat and serve reserved Membera of Dilworth-Cornell-Quey Poit ) , 1 quart dry red wine heirsst to idemlfv tha author of perform soma of their big Nta. 1 :3 0 A.M . 03 St. Bridget’s Divorced and Separated Support Group apricots as a garnish for meats and poultry. Makes 6 :0 0 P .M . ® - Mdneyline J American Legion attended the recent District I meeting 1 cup blanched whole almonds * an incriminating totter. Paul 8 • NCAA Ptoyw of the Yaar ( D - Tom Cottle Show " will meet Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. in the church baaement. about one and one half cups. ’ CD - EyawitiMu Naw* 3 - Newscenter Newman, Joanna Woodward, in East Hartford. In three-quart saucepan bring water, com syrup, 0 - MOVIE: 'Mantsge on C D - Hogan's Heroes ' Anyone interested is invited to attend. Refreshments CD - Tbraa's Company , 3 - Sports Edition Tony Francloaa. 1976. Rated ammander NorramU tho Mandieater one half cup of the raisins, giiiRer. PG, tha Rocks' A woman, rebaWng (H ) - Independent Network. wllLbe served. For tnore information call 646-2976, after cloves and orage peel to KoiF over medlui? heat ( D CD ( 8 - Naws . ^ . 3 - El Derecho de Nacer Te- agakiat tha monotony of her j ^ , presented the district flnance office with a. dieck 6 p.m. Rose Wine Punch Wednesday 8 - MacNall-Lahrar Report nnarnBge, persuades her hue- Reduce heat; simmer 45 minutes. Strain, discard ' CD - Buck Rof^ars lenovela en la cual Maria Elena ifor $102 to give to Rocky Hill Veteran’s Hospitd for the del Hurtco da a luz un hijo ilegi- 8 - 2 4 Haras band to take a trip to Mexico. 8 - MOVIE: 'Cuttsre Way' A'. 4 cups rose wine bitter Vietnam veteran draws-. Christmas Cheer Fund. spice mixture. Return com syrup mixture to - Happy Daya Again timo. Su padre al enterarse de Frank Sinatra, Deborah Kerr, 2 cups strong tea 8 - MOVIE: 'Modem Romaroiw Ne wds and hie only friend into ' ’The Manchester post was presented with the atten­ saucepan. Add wine. Heat until just heated through. (32) - Ski School esto decide deshacerse del nino Prohlama' A young man be- Dean Martin, Csaar Tressler wins contest 1966 en obsaseive mieelon to un­ 2 cups light com jiynip (Do not boil.) Stir together remaining one half cup ® - Two of Hearts A young pero 'Mama' Dolores, su negra II It's cold outside It must be comes telekinetic after acciden­ d e e trophy for having the most members present. criada, decide encargarse del cover a murderer. John Heards 2 cups orange juice raisins and almonds. Ladle hot glogg into five- girl stumbles onto the iruth be­ time lor FROSTTS WINTER tally being splashed with nuclear Jeff Bridges. Use Ekthom.'* This will remain with the Manchester post until the next Eirin Marie Tressler of Manchester was the winner of hind her broken home. bebe. Nadie conoce la historia WONDERLAND, to air on ABC waste. Chevy Chase. 1981. 2 package (10 ounces each) frozen strawberries hasta que Albenico se convierte 8 - MOVIE: 'Harper Vallay 1981. Rated R. ^ district meeting, Jan. 23 in Manchester. * the first place $50 savings bond, in the baby picture con­ ounce punch cups. FFA' a woman tsschea tha Ice cubes ® ) - USA Cartoon Express en doctor y se envuelve con su Wednesday, Dec. 1. Here Frosty 1 0 :3 0 P .M . 8 8 - NBC Newt test sponsored recently by Finast Supernuuket in Blast the Snowman and his wile are PTA mambera a toaaon whan Orange slices Pear Cordial CiSl - Festival of Faith propia familia. Veronica Castro, ( D - Nine on New Jareay they disapprove of her way of Overnight . Hartford. (29) - Little House Socorro Avelar. Humberto Zu- enjoying an exciting skating trip Freeze issues portrayed Place two cu|9 of the wine, one cup of tea, one rita. (S ) 8 - Indapsndant Hie. Barbm Eden, Nanette Fa- 1 :4 5 A.M . . 2 cups sugar @ ) - Newswatch down a frozen river. Natsworli Natwi bray, Ronny Cox. 1978. cup of the com syrup, one cup of the orange juice ( 3 -* Entertainmertt Tonight 8 - MOVIE: -7110 V.I.P.'s' A Nuclear freeze issues will be portrayed through 2 cups (80 proof) vodka @ ) - Newscenter CHECK LISTINOS FOR EXACT TIME 8 - AHrad Httohoock . 8 - MOVIE; ''Ow SacfM crosa-section of travalara wait Christmas party set and one package of the strawberries in blender con­ (§2)' Busirtess Report An author and a famala dramatizations, songs and poetry at the Unitarian 1 cup (80 proof) brandy (S) - MOVIE: 'The Learning 8 - Bualnass Report Ayant overnight in a posh airport: ( tainer. Ctover; blend on high speed 15 seconds or un­ agent poaa aa huaband and wife lounge for a fog-dalayed flight.v Meetinghouse, KS^. Vernon St., Sunday, at 10:30 a.m. Golden Age Club will have its Christmas party and til well mixed. Repeat with remaining ingredients. 1 cup light com syrup Tree' Director Gordon Parks' 7 :3 0 P .M . 1 0 :4 6 P .M . to hunt an anamy spy. Made- journey to fame is chronicled. Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton. Reminiscences of Hiroshima, prophetic works of luncheon ’Thursday, Dec. 2, at the Marco Polo Pour into large bowl. Cover; refrigerate. Just 5xpounds fully ripe pears, peeled, cored,- sliced (3D - P.M. Magazine 8 - Raportar 41 Mria Carroll. Pater Lorn. Robert Maggie Smith. 1963. Kyle Johnson, Alex Clarke. Es­ (3D - All In the Family Young. 1936. Eisenhower and Einstein and humorous interpretations Restaurant with a social hour starting at noon and before serving, pour into punch bowl. Add, ice (about 8 cups) telle Evans. 1969 • \ In large glass jar or container stir together sugar, (33 - You Asked For It 1 1 :0 0 P .M . 2:00 A.M. ~ of civil preparedness will be presented. luncheon to follow. cubes. Garnish with orange slices. Makes 24 half (21) - T.V. Communty College ( D - Eyawitnai a Naws 1 2 :3 0 A.M . CD - CBS News Nightwatch John Packard of E91ington will present some original Members should bring a $3 grab bag Rift. vodka, brandy and com syrup. Stir in pears. C!over (2D - Reporter 41 (3D - Family Feud cup servings. CD - M*A*8"H CD - Sanford and Son CD - MOVIE; -lllegar A former, folksongs for the program. Nursery care wiU be ✓ with a plate directly on pears to keep pears below ® - M*A*S»H (3D - Benny Hill Show \ (D CD 8 8-Nawa CD - Hdtoelon ImposeiMs dlitrict attorney gats kivolvedr p ro v id e . liquid level. Cover and refrigerate five days. Drain (333 - News with mobitere and ends up hav^ Club honors officers I (S^ - 3-2-1. Contact CD - Madama's Place Swedish Qlogg liquid from pears, reserve. In strainer placed oyer (32) - ESPN SportsCenter their school incite a student re­ w ho'd been pursued across two Fito Giron, Ofelia Guitmain, Ja­ CD - MOVIE:. T h e URknats to defend Ne wife. Edward 6 ;3 0 P .M . Warrior' Plague and starvation Robinson, Nina Foch, J;yn ^ bowl place pears one layer at a time; press with (3D - Sports Look bellion. Timothy Hutton, George continents. Jack Nicholson. vier Lopez y Gina Montez. (fi) - Metropolitan Rsport Marietta Tedesco, supreme marshal of the U.S. 4 cup water C5} - WKRP in Cincinnati C. Scott 1981. Rated R. Maria Schneider. compound the probicma of aur- Mansfield. 1955 Chorus sets rehearsal back of spoon to extract as much liquid as possible. - Soap 8 - MOVIE: 'SmIlsy'a 8 - Hot Spots Cabaret Style vhrors of a nuclesr holocausi in Supreme Emblem (31ub and Betty Parsons, supreme 1-Vk cups light com syrup (33 - CBS News (3D - Professional Wrestling ( 8 - MOVIE; ' S ^ w Dogs' A People’ Part 1 Music end Entertaiment. (60 tha 21at century. Yul Brynnar, fyp - Joe Franklin Show Reserve pears. Mix reserved liquid and pear neo- (S3 - Sports Tonight Coverage of professional wres­ min,) The Beethoven CJ^roS'UiJlI rehearse ’Tuesday from 10 president, were recently honored at a dinner given by 1 cup raisins, divided QD - Barney Miller young mathematician seeking (E l - Willia Nelaon Max Von Sydow, Joanna MHaa. (IT) ~ Entartainmant Tonight tor; strain through four layers of damp cotton (2 ) - M*A*S*H tling is presented from Madison revenge for his wife's rape, 8 - Festival of Faith to 11 a.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Church, 60 Church St. A Manchester Ehnblem Gub. Vii cup chopp^ candied ginger 32) - Pick The Pros If the NFL 1977. O > MOVIE: 'Who's Afraid of> cheesecloth. Let stand several hours. (3 ) (EZ) - MacNeil-Lehret Square Garden, New York, NY. turns into a violent killer. Dustin 9 :3 0 P .M . Guests and friends from other Connecticut clubs 4 (2-inch) cinnamon sticks Players strike continues, this (3 hrs.) 8 - TwHight Zona CD - You Aaksd For H Virginia WooH* An embattled, coffecL hour will precede the rehearsal. New members Report Hoffman, Susan George, David Family Has Alex tries to attended. program will be pre-empted and Warner. 1975. IS) - 8 - Sports Tonight 8-StarTtBk ' man's wife tries to cover her are welcome. NFL Films’ will be aired. @ ) - Trampa Para un Sonador (2D - MOVIE: 'Capricorn One' climb the corporate ladder at a frustrations and vulnarabilities' The astronauts scheduled for (@ ) - Survival Special 'Killers new supermarket. 8 - Nswscsntar 8 - ESPN SportaCantar (^ (2D - NBC News Un hombre se en<'uentra entre with attempts to humiliate him. el amor de dos mujeres Anto­ the first flight to Mars fight for of the Plains.* This program stu­ 8 - Pallcula; 'Loa Chicos' Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton j their survival after they threaten ®-Vanessa ' 8 - NCAA FaaNiall; Notre - Untamed World nio Grimau, Cristina Alberto. dies big game animals living on 1966. Holiday bazaar planned to reveal their pan in N A SA 's 8 - Madama's Place Dame at Southern CaNfomIs - Noticiero Nacional SIN Dora Prince. the Serengeti Plains in East Af­ 1 0 :0 0 P .M . (2D faked space 'mission'. Elliott (St) - Business Report 8 - Hdonayllne Update IS ) - Sporta Update Noticias nacionales con Guil­ rica. (60 min.) ( D - Nawa A holiday bazaar will be held on Dec. 4 from II a.m. to ® ) - Madame's Place Gould. Hal Holbrook, James 8 - Htodame'e Placa lermo Restrepo 8 :3 0 P .M . CD 8 - Dynaaty Krystle's ex- 1 1 :3 0 P .M . 2 :3 0 A .M . 4 p.m. at the Mahoney Recreation Omter on Cedar (2 ) - spotlight Preview Brolin, Brenda Vaccaro. 1978 8 - Late Night with David (3) - Jeffersons / CD - Carol Burnett and husband arrives in Denver and CD CD - HeweH Ffve-O CD - CBS Nawa Nightwatcbr Street. ^ ) - Barney Miller (213 - Prime News Latterman JIP 3D - A B C News Friends Fallon instills doubts in Blake CD - Staraky and Hutch The evmit is sponsored by the Mahoney Rec staff and SD “ More Real People (39) - Real People T o - about Adam not being his son. (St) - Over Easy (33 (ID - Frosty's Wonderland 8 - MOVIE: 'Where Love the Washington School PTA. night's program features a tricy­ (60 min.) (Closed Captioned] CD - Banny HiU Show 1 :0 0 A.M . Has Qona' A divorced coupto' 8 :0 0 P.M . cle race for adults, golfers Andy Griffith narrates as^Frosty The fair vrill feature many handmade items, children’s 7 :0 0 P.M . the Snowman gets married. 033 - Independent Network CD 8 - Nightllna CD - Carter Country reunite to save their daughter (33 C33 - Rudolph The Red- playing on a course covered News alter aha kills her mother’^, games, homemade baked goods, a children’s room (3) ' CBS News Nosed Reindeer^ Rudolph is with snow and a look at the (Closed Captioned) d S - Saturday Night Uva 9 ) - Psychic Phanomana - NCAA Football: Miraga lover. Susan Hayward, Bette. (3 3 (3 - M*A»S*H called upon to guide. Santa's 'fastest bartender in the West.' 92) 8 - Night QaUery 8 - NCAA BaNcetbaH: Davie, Michael Connors. 1964. where children can buy inexpensive Christmas gifts, and - Muppet Show sleigh. min.) (60 mm ) 9 :0 0 P.M . Bowl from Tokyo. Japan - ® ) - Crossfire Kantuoky at Notre Dame Santa CTaus for the children. A short movie will be (33 Clemson ve. Wake Forest 8 - Crossfire • (33 - ABC News (33 - P.M. Magazine (21 - MOVIE: 'Nicholas ( D D - MOVIE: 'Misaing 8 8 - Tonight Show 8 - Mika Douglas People shown for the children so parents will be free to browse. Children; A Mother's Story' ® - MOVIE: -Tha French 8 - TwHIght Zone X (33 ® - Ziggy's Gift Ziggy. Nickleby' A young lad tries to Now (33 - Soap save his family from an evil un­ Lieutenant's Woman' An ac­ 8 - MOVIE: 'Modem the cartoon character with the dD - The Men/ Show Romance' A film editor can't 8 - EmertNnment Tonight 3 :0 0 A .M . QD - Jeffersons big round nose, makes his tele- cle Sir Cedric Hardwicke. Jill tress on-screen tragedy is juxta­ dD ® - Fall Guy posed with an off-screen Kye with or without his long lost 8-Dsapsdhta CD - MOVIE: 'SarrowM - NFL Films 'Super Bowl vison debut Balcolm, Derek Bond. 1947. (52) (3D - AM Service Revelation romance with her leading man. love. Albert Brooks, Kathryn Jonas' Race track tela based on THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT VIII Highlights. Miami vs Minne­ - NBA Basketball: New (21) - Survival Special Mizma: Harrold. Bruno Kirby. 1981. 8 - MOVIE: 'The Atmlver- A « p (33 Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons. sary' Tan yaati after her hue- the famous Damon Runyo^ LOOK FOROURBEAUTIFULtePAQECIRCULAR sota York at Cleveland Africa's Mysterious Spring ' 2 ) - Facts of Life Blair is au­ characters. Bob Hope, LucINa Births IT’S LOADED WITH MONEY SAVING VALUES dited by the IRS. 1981. Rated R. (S) ~ Twilight Zona band's dasih a widow O ) - HBO Magazine Starring (3D - MOVIE: 'Blood and This wildlife special looks at the Belt. 1949. IN THE MAIL...COPIES ALSO AVAILABLE AT variety of creatures who visit continues to celabrita her an­ Dick Cavett This show pre­ Honor' Part 2 Rolf Becker, Mar- ® - Who Killed the (2D - CNN News 1 2 :0 0 A.M . ® - ESPN SportsCwiter iiisrinss iMxni •I'O^eO toSy rM»fy i.aJeye YOUR LOCAL ASP STORE Kenya's Mzima Spring. (60 Lindbergh Baby? The Lindbergh niversary in whicb she dieplaya L iMh Oi NtoSO I sents an inside look at the lie Engel Freeman Reports I 99M 01 ox hOtO>-wTiiiooDooxiiso*OXKBmooc*»StoxS . . oicoptei min.) kidnapping and the trial of (2D CD - Archie's Place her unnatural hold over her ® • NCAA Football: Oaorgia -■ VonVcIdhuioen, Lebanon, was bom Nov. 13 ■ ioOSiNeoWylXWO'HoOmiNxsss ______shows and stars appearing on three sdutt sons. Bette Bavle. HBO (32) - NCAA Basketball: (2 ) - MOVIE: 'The Passenger' Bruno Richard Hauptmann are (2 ) - Quincy CD 8 - last Word Tech at Oaorgia Melissa Marie, daughter of at Manchester Memorial Kentucky at Notre Dame examined. (60 min.) Sheila Hancock,. Jack Hadtoy. (3® - 'You!' Mag, for Women A quick passport switch ena­ (2D - MOVIE: 'The Drowning (® - SRO: Country Rock '82 1968. 8 - Prime News ^ Douglas and Susan Ather Hospital. His maternal ® - MOVIE: ‘Taps' Cadets bles a T V newsman to assurr>e Pool’ A private investigator is 3 3 - Alice ^ D - La Carabirui de Ambrosio The Oakridge Boye, the Charlie 8 - Ounentoks VanVeldhulsen of 5447 N. grandparents are Henry threatened with the closing of the identity of a dead gunrunner Comedia musical oresentartdo a summoned by a southern oil Daniels Band and Rosanna Cash 8 - F H m CHark St., (3iicago, 111., was and Mildred Bartley of 102 eWwxeniwWXrtc" bora Oct. 19 at Swedish Constance Drive, ONE OF THEIR CARS ASTBO-GBAPH Covenant Hospital in Manchester. His paternal HA9 OOTTEN LOO&EI BRIDGE Chicago. Her maternal grandparents are Ben and Bernice Bede Osol grandparents are Mr. and Agnes Magowan of Vernon. Mrs. Roger S. Ather of 199' He has a brother, Steven Victory is no mystery W. Center St. Her great­ Andrew. grandmothers are Bemice Fagan, Jeremy Jeffrey, Yorii’s Caveodiih Club. St. Pierre Baglin of son of Jeffrey and Nancy Barbara ut. But it got South of 129 Bldridge St. was nal grandmother is Mrs. Mb 129 «b 189 OJ973 • 10 4 2 to one no-trump and Barba­ move, bo alorl for opportunity. Fresh Chi^en . 6 9 ' Gilonial Franks pkg 1 Kahn’s Jumbo Meat Franks pkg 1 Bonek'ss Shoulder .Steaks SAOnTTARRM (Nov. 23-Ooe. - bom Nov. 14 at Manchester BEEF CHUCK-lEAN-BONELESS VJ96 VK103 Catherine Fagan of SLICEO-IRECIAI CUT OR MAPLE CURED BEEF ROUND ra to lead a diamond. She led 21) Instead of letting negative ', FRESH ..b 189 1N9 ...I'M GONNA ♦ AJ10 7 Memorial Hospital. Her Manchester. He has a lb 1 Beef for Stew SOME / EXCUSE I HOW LONG/ TOO LONG,OOP! ♦ 84 32 the deuce. conditions dominate you, make P^due Chicken l ^ s » 8 9 ' Colonial Bacon p*g 1 Bonek’ss Rump Roast PEOPUE I M E, WILL VtXJ BEEN I IF 1 PUT MUCH TURN INTO A maternal grandmother is brother^ Joshua, 18 BEEF ROUND(SfEAK LB 3 SLICED • 10 4 • a k j The king was played from a concerted etlort to bring FRESH AVAILAtbC WEO. thru SAT ^ 749 TO SEE V'riXJ.Bcryj f a t in ' t h i s ( m o r e o f t h i s BRONTDSAURU B ernice Claing of 299 months. •JA9 lb ^ Ann Pa}>e Bacon o 'rtXI.YER -----_ iTUFE GUZ?/ VEGETARIAN SOUTH dummy. Eiaat his ace about positive changes. Much .< Chicken Breasts ,bl” Fresh Fish Filktsi”?.: lb ^ Bonek’ss Kye Round Roasts Parker St. Her paternal Ryan, Kathleen Aidon, HILLSHIRE FARM BEEF-(3 OLBl BEEFO-LB PKO 1 39) h i g h n e s s ! • K 8 5 and reinmed the Jack which can be accompkahed If you are FRESH AVAR.ABIE WEO. THRU SAT. 729 VQ842 was allowed to hold. Barba­ wlHIttg to try. New predictlona grandparents are Robert daughter of William and Perdue Chicken Breasts ,b P Fresh Perch Fillets lb. ^ Polska Kkibasa______lb ^ A&P Meat Franks • 06 5 ra played the three. East for tha year loHowIng your F. and Beverly A. Connors Doreen Russo Ryan of 120 • 983 shifM to the three of hearts birthday ora now rbady. Sand ‘ of Blast Hartford. Plymouth Lane, was bora F ro/t'ii Spi-L'iiils and declarer made three $1 to Aatro-Qraph, Box 489, c Melnlyre, Molly Marie, Nov. 18 at Manchester jME f a im # Vulnerable: Neither spades, three hearts, one Radio eny Station. N.Y. 10019. daughter of David A. and Birds Eve Dealer; North Bo sure to specify birth date. i. Memorial Hospital. Her •Extra Craamy For Freshness 4 Savings diamond and bis one no- Doreen Everett McIntyre maternal grandparents are C ^ l Wnip •Ragular 6 9 ' Weit Nortk East Sootl trump contract Bond an additional $2 lor the FlOniUA-JMCY-VITAMM WHITE on NEW Aatro-Qraph Matchmakar of 153 Pearl St., was bora Patrick and Elizabeth A Jumbo 37 !• !• 1 N T “Poor girl,” said South, Slit wheel' and booklet. Reveals Birds Eye Com or Peas Pink Grapefruit' Pass Pass Pass “She didn’tuTknow know the...... right..' Nov. 13 at Mpnebester Russo of Stamford. Her CALtFORFMA-JUICY SEEDLESS romantic combinations and Memorial Hospital. Her paternal grandparents are “I made the right compatibilities tor all signs. ’ Sunkisi Navel Orangi’si:?'' 1 0 . said the mystery lady maternal grandparents are William and Ann Ryan of Rich’s Coffee Rich Opening lead: 92 CAPRICORN (Doe. 22-Jon. 19) n NEW ENGLAND OROWN-CMV JUICY ing, "If I j^ y ed the eight A little extra patlanco and tot- y; Mrs. Gloria Fletcher of 101 Waterbary. ,|89 McIntosh A p p k 's there would be no way to La Pizzeria Cheese Pizza «, ‘ erance may be required today i French Road, Bolton and DeLorenzo, Miehael V CAirORNU JUK:V PLUMP ■tO U l o o k i l l , MOTION MDU'VE I J U 9 T CMS. defeat declarer. I needed it In dealing with a sensitive “ Dexter Everett of Blast Jooeph, son of Anthony G. as an entry so I could lead a Red Emperor Grapes «. ( REVERENP WEEMS. G I C K N E 5 5 - BEEN FTOM A MEETING- friend. You'll know how to han- ' Hartford. Her paternal and Pamela Knapp Macaroni & Cheese CANTALOUPE-HONEY OCW-WATERMElON CUTS « club." die things so aa to bulkTitrong- WHAT5 WRONG ? . . MR. NUTTXELL T I ^ V E U N G ? ' OP TH E UAC7IEG' grandmother is M n. Betty DeLorenzo of 861 Dunn IloHday Melon Trays » GUILP.' By Oswald Jacoby “James Bond” Crawford or bonds. >. Banquet Fried Chicken thought “This lady It inter­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-FM>. I B ) .' McIntyre of West Hart­ Road, Coventry, was bom ALL PURPOSE US NO 1-NUTMTIOUS x and James Jacoby ford. Her grea.t- Nov. 18 at Manchester l);iir\ S pi‘L’i;iLs FAstern PotatfK's 10 NUTRmOU&NEALTHFUL-VnAMM A esting, Indeed. I lA l compli­ This Is a good day to tackle a ^ Tender Carrots Today’s hand is taken ment her becanse she was task you'va boon postponing ^ grandparents are Mr. and Memorial Hospital. His Lipton U S NO. I AU PUfWOSE right Not that she would because you thought It was too Mrs. Giarles Schuberth of maternal grandparents are Noodle Soup Yellow FARMFRESH-TENOCR YOUNG from the same Barbara tough or diotaatalul. You're up New Country Celerv Kachmar article in the find that dub lead if she did Hartford. She has a sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. ASSOMTEaVAl O nions in with the diamond to It now. “ Yogurt 3 ^ * 1 Hearts “Bridge World" anthology. PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20)1 Devon, 3. Knapp of (Coventry and his Li|rton Cup A Soup We have changed the cards a eight Even I might not have Coeavant, Brett paternal grandfather is Let the one you love know how (iriK'irv S[H f ials trifle. The hand is supposed found it" much you care for him or her. Thomo*, son of Robert M. George DeLorenzo Sr. of Kraft Singles (NEWSPAPER BfTERPRBE assn.) Cooked to have been played at New not by what you say, but by and Mary G. Doyle Casa- . He has a sister,. Ham 4- your meaningful gestures. “ vant of 103-A Rachel Road, Toni Marie, 20 months. Kraft Cheez Whiz 1 0 9 Doods are more Important than . wai born Nov. 12 at Ocean S|m y Pink . i d Vl words today. r Frolich, Kryotyna Land O’ Lakes Butterd! Grapefhiit Juke b X Cooked Roast Beef ARIS8 (March 21-AprH 19) II Manchester Memorial Abigail, daughter of Atty. OCEAN SPRAV ii you are diligent and porsever- Hospital. His maternal Terrance J. and Atty.' ACROSS 68 Smill cube Answer to Praviout Pualo Velvecta Slices NEW) . Cranberry Juke Cocktail Genoa Salami Ing today, your chances for, grandparento are Thomas Evelyn Gryk Frolich of 8W 9PAQHETTI4 MEATBAUS OR working out a problem which DOWN m jt! ■ u E iu n ■ uinEJEji and Rita Doyle of South Vernon St., was bora Nov. Chef Boy-ar-Dee Beefaroni ^ I'M Ju5T THANKF u L 1 Lacking has bean bugging you are vary ’• ^69*^ Cooked Salami 4 Outer (prefix) □ n o I □fUD D ■ Qr:itn[D Weymouth, Mass. His 18 a t M a n c h e s te r PiOsbury Rolls aSTnl STEMS a PCCES annlnnacDHaDBO good. Stick with It. 8 Color 1 Obaaivts TAURUS (Aprs 20-May » ) - paternal grandparents are Memorial Hospital. Her Mt. Laurel Mushrooms 2S;.*1 Potato Salad______TN A T Z-iZ AND PIC|4 2 Advartiaing ncicDun ncin nnn 12 Hurrieono Instead of tr^ng to do things >, Marcel and ’Theresa Casa- maternal grandparents are H B A t'l (it'll. M m 'h ;in d ist' KKW 169' (al.) ■ □ □ t i n n o contor (cii](aD[::]n{Dn e u j u u on your own today, seek to,. 'vant of 169 Brookfield St., Coronet Bath Tissue V? 3 Twahramonth Atty. and Mrs. Anthony J. •Smmgo Olsss 1 t.a S ^ Kami 13 Povorty- □ D D □mtD Eiaafoc) team up with a competent Manchester, He has a ■Ipisrsgl QIs m ie.»«g. ttrickan 4 Cantarpiaca associate. Colloctive efforts oro *- Gryk of 55 Highwood •On «w necks OMsa a«t. 109 Spaghetti Sauce Homastyle □□□an Dfnn oain brotlwr, Ryan Robert, 4V4 Glad Large Kitchen Bags FM.MEDNiM OR BROAD 14 Agat 5 Haan(Lat) Qinnn nnonanno apt to be more auccotoful. “ Drive. Her patentol grand- d io ^ lS n g l^ TTH i 5 W Y . 0 All (Span.) and a sister, Courtney JWiiAcncoMBfriONPon Penn Dutch Noodl^ / f 15 Environmeiit OEMHH (Stay 21-Juno 20) p^arents are Ruth L. 1 9 9 Carnation Evaporated M ib i t agency (abbr.) 7 Expound rjuij acin e d id h o l ] Look for wayo today to tighten' ’Theresa, 17 months. Frolich of Westwood, EFoA. Shampoo Eight O’clock SPAQ . ZITt. ELBOWS. OR RIOATOM 'V/ 8 BrainwevotoM up things to your advantage Dobkln, San, daughter A, . 16 Goddata of □naiuncinnn ■ □□□ Mass, and the late Vincent Instant Coffee Nestle’s Quik ChecoUM SS? 2^’ Buitoni Pasta Romano fata 9 Corpse LinnPm GnnDlnQD where your work or oaminga, of Glen arid Naneite (3off 5X1Kliser Bubs noeusTOiTAUAN on it auan . 'I ' burning Frolich. 119 THAyej i» -/ 17 Northern [onnpItniiinnlnnD ora concerned. The right Itobkin of 37 Deerffeld 1-1M WATT Wi^bone ^lad Chex Cereal •ecti 1. Contadina Tomato Sauce OW..WA.MC n.lV.U.KK.n.0. 10 Indian music movao now will enhance your' Foley, Christine,' ASianiana 32 Ro9srding (2 50 Made throad Drive, was bom Nov. 11 at G.E.3WayBul)s D r e ^ n g 18 Mora witharad security. >. Nestle’s Morsels Bwm i Choc4»lolo 11 Soviet Union wds., Ltt, 61 Exacutionar In Manchester Memorial daughter of Patridi M. and Contadina Tomato Paste 20 Baaaball CANCER (June 21-July 22) '. fibbr.) “Mikado" Hospital. Her maternal Georgette R. Desormiers player Mai abbr.) Make a gama of thlnga today, ,! M&M Chocolate Candies 19 Consume 33 Novor (contr.) S3 Slog and play to wip. Howovor, of_ grandparents are Mr. and Foley of Vernon, was bora 21 Mm ____ Nov. 19 at Mancheiter G ia n t W eRE ARE I H OPE T H E R E T ^ e n (W O R K , •ITESTEP 22 Dtlaoo 36 Annoying 85 Not naw more Importaneo, do thia in o.- Mrs. David Krinjak of 71 NabiscoChips Ahoy C ookies'll” Wng Insoot .SB Hindu way M M to help othora m woS ] Memorial Hospital. Her FLA5H BUL& S 23 Tima of Ufa 24 Skinny fish Farm Drive, Manchester. AREHT /FTHAT'S THEMAWQ 39 Pub bovorago gormant aoyouroaH. maternal grandmother is Nabisco Fig Newtons 25 Waothor 26 Olligrsding Her pateonal grandparents Niblets Com 12-oz. 'to0 6tX)EHT ^ WHAT 'fcjU bureau (abbr.) 41 Jolly B7 Margin LEO (July a-Aug. 21) TakO'! Lucille Dorarmiers of 440 MWOS THeV ALL number your A iIIm and rasponolblHtlM are Mr. and Km. M. Adler Nabisco Snack Crackers MEOWW PFAS17-02 KITOCN SLICED. OUTHE 27 Raliah 44 Port of com 6BCompat4 FRENCH STYLE OR CUT GREEN BEANS 1402 F0(?AA E?, 27 Ralinquish M rloutly today, agpoclally, Dobkin oflSS Shallowbrdok W. M iddle T uruplko, MALL^ IW T H IS AAEAJO KtSWEO. plont 31 Dine at home 29 Pull one's lo9 point IhoM atfocting your famSy and Lane, Manchester. She has Manchestets Her paternal Fab Laundry Detergent (2wda.) 46 Chest bona 51 Uncoln'a T A aE . m e w 29 Entiro lovad onoo. Tho/N bo counting'' a brother, Nicholas Aaron grandparents ore Charles 34 Long time aOFrambaSIt 48Vaaoal nicknanM Wisk Laundry Detergent onyeu. D o l ^ S . and LorralM Foloy of 36 Biblical land VMMO (Aua. a .t opt 22) An 3 37 Ona (Gor.) 1 2 • ■ 7 r U IT Maaowao, BriaW Dana, Ro'ekvilte. She has ■ Ivory Dish Liquid f oM friand amom you know wW brothsr, Patrick, IS 36 School of 12 U M hoor you out and whooe advioo.. onocRandall andBaverty madam an hM boon helpful to you bafore-) S tr a n d M ag o w an Of months. 40 A alp of II 11 17 to tha poraon to go to today H* )l2'Mina product you have an Important matter 43 Expttriata 11 u lOdiBOUM. TMCr. nVTOLAV OimukahCandks .29* 46 Mora auatara ■ ■** U M U (OapL SS-Oab ISM 29. it TatoMix :;49' 47 Animal floab ' QoMs ond obiseUwM may n o ir DAyMnin l4cL jjl t l ^ R o c k O Q C Dorito’s 49 Actor WoNoch ■ BT ba too oasSy adlSayad today, J. Potato PancakeSS Haggles •Newborn:i 24cL NO WAY/ THEi^BATESr T H EY 'R E BOTH CjRAZY. IS NAMH?MAOYUXA, 60 Snow runnor but If Sioy ara worSM Mfklng^ 0 4 , m e . ia«t. 14«L 99 ■1 BOXER THAT EV ER THE (SrREATEST BOXER ANOBELONSSTO 62 Actor Tom sa for ba eroparad to axtondi;; Soda 'ss viOZA Toilila Chips 12«t ■ SweetouduKoS; ’srl'* Diapers •wTm^ LIS/Et? W A S O D E LOUIS/ THAT EVB2 LIVEP... T H E R N C H L E V 1 5 C M 64 Miabandio ■ - ■ yourMS. MoUvatton la tha k N BCBIWB (OoL I PBlCtl ■fWCm iWV.ItTMTMWBBiC.aTWtfM. W t M M R V f TMh RMIHI lULMWT SALES ANu CORRECT rvpoORAPMirAL ERRORS ITEW t FOR SALE NOT AV AR. AOLI TO W N O US AIE OR N IT AN. OC AlEN t. AAAPLE AVa'lUE. 61 Seed F-a* X-. flOMainort ■mi ■ V9UF oSSaoBB tor w o o b m ara-. BOMIdoaat n •• Mry aeed todiy baoauia of} I 1« a ' CM. T your abMty to ipprN ii ihaltort-; aaapon 47 1 ( iv - 92 Glum riMUSflilly. Spa IMnge for*- ■ thoy « « and you won't go «; CHUN tHtmw run 63 Hawaiian XT IT IT IT kittru manta ■ “ ■ 94 Oatart in Aaia M IB •t It 69 InorgyanM 66 Knot tr w BoUntUiUtoaiidlka nBLi 67 HooMof HT 19 girtleh tto cMhtor .to a i Adam p - 1 f a m t r S g M « ; .T »-.n illiiVi '|-vaw gfiiitftsis^

MANCHF.STER HERALD, Wed., Dec. 1. 1982 — 27

• eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#e 2 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Dec. 1, 1962 eee^eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeMeeeeMeem*****e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee J.. Autos For Bala BI Autoa For Bala BI Five ClaaaMM Atfe Rooms tor Rant / 82 Aparimanta tor Rmit B i' Au im tor Rato BI Autoa Igr Bala -Bi Autos for Bala BI •••••^•••e«e»eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...... ‘••emeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMMbee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ROSS 26” Ten sp id bike. ROOM WITH kitchen FIVE ROOMS, two $30.00. CaU 649-20 I after 6 privileges for.middle aged bedrooms in two famUy. p.m. person. Must be neat and Appliances, washer/dryer quiet, no drinking. hook-up, baaement, LOOK FOR THE STARS... * • FOR SALE - Roll over bars Briween 6 and 8 p.m., 046- and garage. No pets. Rent for mlni-pickup. $99.00. 7973. $450 pins security and N0W$ f C Q After 8 p.m. 742-6247. utilities.' References P er NICE ROOM - parking, required. 6460717. look for the Classified Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. 300 PAPERBACK BOOKS private bathroom for an ONLY A 9 9 M o n th - Ten for $1.00. All types. older gentleman about 60. FOUR ROOMS, two 643-9132. Nice private home, no bedrooms, in four family. other roomers. Wall to wall carpeting, MENS SUEDE JACKET References. CaU 6^73%. appUances and storage. No *■ Put a star on Your ad and see what a difference it makes. * pile lined, size 40 - almost pets. Rent $395 plus securi­ IWITHI new. $35.00.6464152 after 5 GENTLEMAN - CentraUy ty and utilities. References p.m. located pleasant room next . required. 6460717. to shower. Telephone, ^ Telephone 643-2711, AAondOy-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Z E m H SKI BOOTS, size parking. 6466801. THREE ROOMS with 8Vh med., new $185. Sale stove, no furniture. $90. Like new, made in ELEGANT BED Sitting Available now. Working room for young •••••••••••••••********* Fnn Cla$aHlnd Ada Germany. Ask for Sfilt, woTnan preferred. Call 643- Building ConlnctMg 33 professional woman. Share 6441 for information. Nafp Wint d 1$ Homea For Sale 23 WomM For SoM 649-7028. Help Wanted 13 0 ...... «••••••••••••••••••••••• quiet house near hospital, 10.75 ONE 51^ Bushel capacity •••••••••••••••••••••••• ELECTRICAL SERVICES FOR SALE - Sertapedic MENS NORDICA SKI bus stop. $60.00 weekly. FREE RENT until BOOKKEEPER - Part lawn sweeper. $20.00. 640- X-RAY TECHNICIAN - - We do all types of Elec­ double mattress and box Boots, 8Vh, worn once. 6462428. ^ January 1st. Two time. General contractor Private office, trical Work! Licensed. Call spring. Call 643-8278 after 6 2433. $75.00. O riginally $160. ' . . . . . bedrooms, IVi baths Con- 'lifliA ilE Tin ISBT PATMENI! seeks full charge Manchester. Send ra^m e I after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. p.m. Telephone 643-2880. Apartmanta for Bant S3 dominium, New carpets. to Box LL, c/o ^he bookkeeper to handle all 14 BOYS Dress jackets, appliances, Parking for phases of bookkeeping thru 16, 18, $7. each, Manchester Herald. ,\ FARRAND ATARI VIDEO GAME sizes 14, SEWING MACHINE, MANCHESTER - Main two cars. $475 monthly. trial balance. Experience ! Excellent condition. 568- TOW HRST PAYMENT NOT HNTN REMODELING - Cabinets, with three cartridges, Street. 2-3 rooms. Heated. 647-0391. required. Approximately Brothers, zig-zag portable LOOKING FOR a source of Roofing, Gutters, Room $115., additional cartridges 5926. with case and attachments. Hot water. Appliances. No income? Come work at 20 flours per week, flexible u iw x rj^ Additions, Decks, all types .sold separately, $10-$20 pets. Security. Parking. Homaa for Bant 84 Good condition. $40.00. 646 scheduling. Send letter YASHICA GSN 35MM your local newspaper. of Remodeling and each. 646-1015., 9982. 523-7047. Potential to earn above detailing experience and ■ REALTORS Repairs. ^REE ...... „ camera with_ range finder, JANUARY 1983!! FOUR BEDROOM CAPE salary requirements to Box average wages and help Estimates. Fully insured. Free Claaalllad Ada automatic shutter sp LIKE NEW gas stove, FOUR ROOM apartment only blocks from all out a local cause. For in- M, c/o The Manchester C n ou f’ 1 A trim ^ttoci<4lion of R fA iron s tcrving thr grr.MW 7lsnC OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, Office n>dg.. School Rd., Andover, woman the way to *46,900** December 10, 1982 at 4:15 P.M. 13” TRICYCLE -10” wheel pewer Meerluf , ^ewer 1975. ExceUent c|)ndltlon. TELEPHONE SALES per­ tricycle, 16” girls bicycle Margaret K. Vinkels, Clerk go when you have m o M a n i T Y i m 6467071 alter 5 p.m. OM-11 sonnel to call from our Pliilbrick Rgency with training wheels. GyJym LYNX'S Coventry office; pleasant MI-MM Mt-1171 set. 646-1340. 1966 TWO DOOR FALCON still-good items part time position with a 82CADIL. *13,495 - Best offer over $200. O INVITATION TO BID SMAU consumer oriented M 4 2 Q 0 SILVER PUNCH bowl set. M m 0>VM*. IJ,OOe nSw, SOfONTiRC *9195 Oi m U UMm * 4-UMr, ab m s T after 6 p.m. weekda; The Manchester Public Schools around the home national firm. Four hours Singer sewing machine, **7* .«»»«w tlt IM*,., ^ S n m S S S r ^ 1BBZMTSUN MEDIUM anytime weekends - 6-. ZEPHYRS solicits bids Cor VCXIATIONAL daily with openings from 9- □ BUSINESS bar stools, Pendleton M N T flA Vi Ion P te^ #H-1W OomofN-lliT EUJUCATION EXJUIPMENT for LARGE or apartment 9. Call Mr. Clark at 646- and SERVICES • the I9R2-1M3 School year. Sealed 5328 mornings only - no B ^ k ^ O lla r a d 31 Sarvleaa Ollarad * **« ** ^°fore*8 p°m™**' 1974 OLDSMOBILE bids will be received until 3:30 experience necessary. 78 CHEV. *3995 77 FORD Cutlass Supreme, two P.M. December H. l#«2. at which 5926 which are no \ Sarvleaa Ollarad 31 REWEAVING BURN...... * I n t e r i o r **”**a n d MmRMv dMMk 8-$eer. Mb «eiiMl. esmmoam 4 4ssf, Mb *3295 ZEPHYR SMALL LOADS OF CARS $1001 TRUCKS $75! l i u u u n door, four new radials. time they will be publicly opened. WANTED BABYSITTER HOLES. Zippers, um­ EXTERIOR Painting, The right is reserved to reject any STONE, trap rock, play Available at local govern­ s B ir r iu . PICKUP TON Very dependable, high longer needed for infant in my home. BRrCK” BLOck*'s’i w brellas repaired. Window paper hanging, carpentiV gr« . ^ .^».sso wg WAGONS and all bids. SpecifIcaUons and bid sand, white stone, loam ment sales. Call (refun­ t-Ooor . §§1. |M4tM mUeage. $700 fhrm. 6tl- Non-smoker. Flexible Concrete. Chimney shades, Venetian blinds. work. FullyFiUKT inftsurwf J.P. forms may be secured at the and p o o l sand dable) (312) 931-JEEP, 79FnElttD *9495 1370 anytime. hours. 647-0262 after 3:00 Repairs. "No Job Too Keys. TV FOR RENT. Lewis and Son, 649-9658. • Business Office, 43 N. School or used. DEUVERED. Telephone Ext. 2340B for your direc­ * B 9 9 B Knit a warm, raglan crew p.m. ______Small.” Call 644^8356. Marlow’s, 887 Main Street. 644-1775. J9 01DS *5995 Street. Manchester, CV>nnecticut. tory on how to purchase. 24 GOVERNMENT Raymond E. Demers. Buslneis blouaon aw«ater for those 649-5221. PAINTING & PAPER hours. SURPLUS can add trucks Manager chilly days. Nice with OESIGN KITCHENS - Hanging Ceilings 79MAZDA *4915 ^ • skirts or pants. CELEBRITY CIPHER C A M Tree Service, Free cabinets, vanities, counter repaired. References. Ful­ Uated for $2,064^Id for 032-11 Calabrtty CIplwr cryptogranw ar« eraalBd Irofn quolattona by tamouB p90pl9. p«Bl ONE COPPERTONE H Q U I , j | j 5 No. 6926 has knit direc­ SheMI tell you and ereeent. Each letter In me dphersiBnds lor awther. Today’s ekm C tguatt L . estimates. Discount senior tops, kitchen cabinet ly insured. Quality work! $61.00. Available in your Electric stove. One elec­ ana. 20677671to Ext. 418. ■' * bAMPlF BUY * tions for Small, Medium citizens. Company fronts, custom Martin Mattsson, evenings C W M SNm . 4 4m ,. * m ZS IMSBMMI and Large (huat 80-40) Manchester owned and woodworking, colonial 6494431. tric dryer, three years old. 19X1 L1NX her way ... a One couch, good condition. 79 AMC *3495 COLT ADEEnturei inciOaiTe. “ M tZVMO NMD DPQPW FLTXP operated. Call 646-1327. reproductions in wood. hMW^SL >MM .M m m i 1978 OLDS CUTLASS • 1.0R HATCHBACK One washing machine, n m o , WH « JO far sack J.P. Lewis, 649-9658. FflED LEE PAINTINO - Automatic tranimiulon, uttW a, pan I0« tar aaatata aai low-cost ad in 'three years old. 643-9880, other extras, goodninniiu APNTAP lUMX EUP WPMCCH UGHT TOUCKING - Fen­ Interior and exterior. \M wM on to dhootaFToml cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ Residential and commer­ 8 7 5 ^ . condition, one owner. $800. Classified . . . ages cleaned. All types A W B iK 6467761. a aaa. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee# cial. Fully insured and COLT ".or>il s O lcli".’ I imcoIm IMDXE. MOA XUP QMNX XUMX trash, brush removed. Extra High AMowanca for 6000R rTan, N.T. itON PaUiUng-Ba/tarlng 32 d^ndable. 646-lW. M l la tta n , on n vp H M N O w M* I ijiy Mnnict Dpalt- M at am ZIP ^ e easy way to Picket, SpUt Rail, Stake •••••••••••••••••••••••• CARS $100! TRUCKS $751 coil aai I EZVP ZQ XUPV IMOX XZ BPX Fences installed. 528-0670. Chan Tradai it Eaay Financing INTERIOR p a i n t i n g , Available at local govern­ SPECIAL: Over 200 se­ find a cash buyer. eee9eeee9999999«e99eee9e ment sales. Call (refun­ lections and a 16-page LOVING MOTHER will over ten years experience, Conn, s Olilfsl I inenin Mon ni} M,i/ 1 6 tt 4 8 3 -4 8 4 7 MAHCHISTIB (>43-5135 lypaa af aaaOlawaili aU lli. .Mmincied H more men would remember to stop showing their tlla.> dorm ere, roofing. delivoed, IW.OO/cord. Cut, IINtOLN (ONtototoStoCsrwWNW. Ttieeboveoen ttoeeeiC i«Ta>Ace. References aTailable. Reasoiisbie prices. Free MiKcuiiT eeeeMi ew ■ ■ h h m 1- lli-TO live ar Kllp-40 aaa- wnm side to thek belter helf." — Farrah Fawoell ReslanUal or commer­ delivered, ^.OO/coni. 228- O pth EvM, TH 8, Pi1.-8Mt 1H 6 BtUmatosI FailvA U y i i I m U w M > HI f I b N h n.-j r T:-- ■ "i' Before 9 or after 6, CM- cial S*S-4»S1 0101