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Meese Says Others in on Arms Scheme

Meese Says Others in on Arms Scheme

- MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Nov. 25. 1986 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by U rry Wright MANCHESTER FOCUS FOR SALE FDRSAlf BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Bridge, dam The T-Day After: 50th Road Race set on Thursday CARPENTRY/ MMCELLAIIEOUS plans detailed a cook’s choice REMOOEUNfl ELECTRICAL SERVICES G N U CARE 1 . . . p a g e 3 ... page 13 ...supplement inside Quality child care given Need Carpentry done In Dumas Electric— Having by responsible mother. your home? Jobs small or Electrical Problems? 643-2984. large. 20 years expe­ Need a large or a small Repair? We Specialize In Tune Up Time - Chain rience. Call Dave at 649- sows, snow blowers. Also 3 2 6 0 . ______Residential Work. Joseph Loving mother will core ottering a complete shar­ Y O U CAN enloy extra Dumas. Fully Licensed. for your child In m y home. Free Estimates. 646-5253. pening service. Quality Manchester . 644- vacation money by ex­ Sharpening, 104 Hilliard 1476. changing Idle Items In Street 649-2111. your home for cosh ... HEATING/ with an ad In classified. PLUMBING For electrical repairs or Call 643-2711 to place your handyman, call 649-2254 CLEANINS od. Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ evenings. Free estimates. SERVICES throom remodeling; In­ Licensed and Insured. Hanrkatpr HrralJi PAINTING/ stallation water heaters, Manchester — A City of Village Charm C leaner s-Manchester PAPERING garbage disposals; faucet Ills area. Monday through repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- Saturday. 7am-10am. $5.00 asterCard accepted. Name your own price — D A D Landscape- per hour to start. Call toll (Dl«B8byNlA.lne. 30 Cents 70 CONCORD ROAD free 1-800G43-1801. Father and son. Fost, MRCELLANE0U8 Complete landscape se- Wednesday, Nov. 26,1086 5 very spacious rooms with a rec room, 2 fire­ dependable service. vlce, leaf and brush re* Painting, Paperhanging A 8ERVICE8 moved. Coll David places, breezeway and a 1 car garage. Custom built Removal. Call 072-8237. 699-2436. MISCELLANEOUS GARS N in 1951. This lovely brick 2 bedroom home is in CARPENTRY/ Odd lobs. Trucking. Home FOR SALE OD FOR SALE impeccable condition and easily expandable. All Complete Interior Reno­ repairs. You name It, we Hawkes Tree Service- [ a REMOOELING vations. Textured ceil­ new thermopane windows. New roof, gutters and I do It. Free estimates. Bucket Truck A Chipper. ings. Repair damaged Insured. 643-0904. Stump removal. Free esti­ Half Price! Flashing ar­ Meese says many extras. Asking *135.000 No lob too big or small. walls. Expert Installation mates. Special considera­ row signs $2891 Lighted, 78 Ford Ranchero, V-8 Complete Interiors and of all wall coverings. Con­ Your local handyman I tion for elderly and handi­ non-arrow $279! Unllgh- engine, 62,000 miles, $1500 exteriors. Quality and Re­ tinental Painting. 872- Call John at 643-4353 and capped. 647-7553. ted$239l FreelettersI Few firm. 643-2740. Jack J. Lappen Realty liability. Continental 6018. please leave message. left. See locally. Factory: 257 East Center Street Painting. 872d01A Art's Light Trucking- 1 (800) 423-8)63, anytime. 1979 AMC Spirits cy­ J A L Stone-Painters. Masonry RepaIrs-AII cellar s,attlcs,garages linder, 4 speed. $M0. 649- others in on Manchester, C T 06040 (Reduced rates)-Wlnter types of additions, opera­ cleaned. Junk hauled.Fur Kerosene heater-Radlant 6703. Carpentry-Fix walls, ceil­ season, commercial, resi­ tions, ons Stuco. Call 643- niture and appliances Eight like new asking $75. 643-4263 ings, odd a closet or dential, fully Insured, 9508 or 649-5635. moved. Odd lobs. Very 643-0017.O 1979 Oldsmoblle-Oelto shelving, folding attic quality references. Cater­ honest dependable "88". New custom point. stairways, odd a room In ing to customers who Snow Plowlng- worker. 25 years expe­ Mimeograph machine, Excellent condition, me­ the basement, chain sow demand perfection. 649- Orlvewavs, $10 and up. rience In moving. 646-9669 stencils. Ink etc. $15. 646- chanically and physi­ arms scheme Great Opportunity! A work. 646-3172. 6048. 649-4446. anytime. cally. 6438391. rare Rnd In Manchester, 4 L0T8/LAND 5847 after 6.D room Cope, fireplace, ap­ FOR SALE Set of Dansk dishes, beige 1972 Buick Electra-AII au­ pliances on extra large lot tomatic, needs some Tower, a Texas Republican, with a possibility of two with brown trim. 44 piece By Terrence Hunt set. $18. 643-5832.0 work. Easily restorable. The Associated Press served in the Senate from 1961 until V building lots. Convenient B0AT8/MARINE $500 or best offer. 646-6868. but private location. I IAPARTMENT IRE80RT 1985. 9 8 EQUIPMENT Portable typewrltter- WASHINGTON - Attorney Gen­ Muskie was a Democratic sena­ $185,000. James R. McCa- k | f o r r e n t PROPERTY 1900 Buick Regal8 cy­ vonogh Real Estate. Attention-Contractors FURNITURE prlnter, hardly used. $75. tor from Maine from 1959 until May 649- 646-1760.O linder, 79800 miles, air eral Edwin Meese said today that 3800.O and Developers-11 plus '3 room apartment-heat, 16 toot Mad River canoe, conditioned. Excellent people outside the White House 1980, when he resigned to become Ski Rental, Okemo- ■lir acres Manchester. Loca­ stove, refrigerator, cor- Blue love seat sofa, cozy paddles Included. Used condition. Asking $2900. appear to have known of the secret secretary of state under then- Super Doop^^Duplexll tion, location, location. Wlnterplace, Vermont. seating for 2. $100. 647- four times. Excellent con­ Kerosene heater, 8700 President Carter. petlng, near parkade. B TU . Heats one large 643-8646 after 4pm. scheme to funnel millions of dollars Lovely A plus 5 duplex In Spectacular country set- Older persons preferred. New slope side condo. 2 1543. dition. $800. Please call Vernon. Large 130'x ISO' tlngl Walking distance to bedrooms, sleeps 8, fire­ 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- room plus. Brand new in profits from Iranian arms sales Scoweroft, a retired lieutenant No pbts. $395 plus secur­ neyer used. $79. Don 646- 1976 Chevy Nova to Nicaraguan rebels. general in the Air Force, served as lot, separate utilities, 2 golf course. Lovely mea­ ity. Call 643-6802 or 649- place, all conveniences. Sota-Danish modern 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask tor Concours-good condition, cor garage. Many modern dow lands. Ideal setting Coll 633-6413 or 633-9133. style. 85 Inches, long, dark Bob. 3033.O "It appears there were some national security adviser to Presi­ 6205. auto, air conditioning, others involved,” and not just the dent Ford from 1975 until 1977. Improvements. City utili­ tor executive develope- green. Fair condition. power steering, fm stereo, ties. $138,500. Jackson ft ment. Call 4854)090. Bolton-3 bedroom duplex, IR00MMATE8 Asking $75. Coll 644-1950.O MU8ICAL runs w ell^lglnal ownerl two presidential aides forced from Asked if he would consider Jackson Real Estate. 647- Vh baths, full basement, ITEM Automotive $895. Call 646-9778 their Jobs ’Tuesday, Meese said in recommending a special prosecu­ 8400.O I WANTED 8 V/2 miles from 384. $600 Contempdrory dinette evenings. an interview on ABC-TV’s "Good tor, as some on Capitol Hill have I^BUSIRESS set, butcherblock formica ES iW O P EB T Y monthly plus security. Monchester-$250 per Morning America.” proposed, Meese said that decision Take a Spin By... or give Call 528-7955 after 6pm. table, 30" X 48", four 1978 AMC Concord, 2 Meese said that, apparently, us a coll and we'll drivel. month plus '/> utilities. Breuer choirs, caned CARS would “depend on the people Apply :40 Olcott Street, Hammond Cord Organ- door, vinyl top, runs good. "there are some consultants in­ involved” and that if his investiga­ Great 3 tamlly on 51-53 Restaurant-Located In 2 bedroom apartment In 2 seats and bocks. $75. 649- single key board, wood FOR SALE $1500/best offer. Coll after Pearl Street In Manches­ Apt. 107. Clean, quiet, 3261.0 I volved and other people who have a tion found apparent criminality on Manchester on high traf­ family home. Downstairs, responsible. frame, bench, good condi­ 6pm. 647-0285. tangential relationship to the U.S. ter. Separate utilities, fic street. Good location fully appllanced kitchen, tion. $100. Call 649-9981. » the part of people covered by the nice size rooms, great tor pizzeria. Presently op­ no pets. 1 year lease plus 1980 Renault LeCar, 70,000 government.” independent-counsel lesiglation. Income potential. Lots of House to Share-Woman Appearing in another interview, erating as a breakfast, security deposit. $550 per with well behaved 5 year TV/8TERE0/ Used 4 piece drum set, miles, dependable econ­ “then we will utilize those laws.” updating has been done. lunch, and early evening month plus heat and utili­ good condition. $110. Call Autqs. 2 cars for sole. omy car, 35 miles per Meese pledged that Reagan’s na­ $164,900. Jackson A Jack- old looking tor women to APPLIANCE8 restaurant. Excellent po­ ties. 646-8352. share 8 room home In 646-0142 between 6 and Ports Only. 1972 Olds 455 gallon. Only $625.649-7057. tional security adviser, who re­ son Real Estate. 647-8400.O tential for good Income. Engine $200, 1970 Ply­ signed, and one of his top aides, who good location. Very pri­ Electric stove 42 Inch self Call us for the details. 3 bedroom apartment, vate bedrooms available. mouth 318 Engine $200. Hardd photo by Pinto was fired, will not be "scapegoats.” Manchester-$59,900. Very $55,000. Realty W orld halt duplex, fully ap­ cleaning. Excellent condi­ PETS AND Call 646-6649 after 3:00pm. MOTORCYCLES/ nice townhouse condomi­ Single Moms welcome. tion. $99. 649-4393.0 "People who have done things Contra Prenchette. 646-7709.D pllanced kitchen, 1’/i nium, 2 bedrooms, kit­ Heat, hot water, wa- SUPPLIES M0PED8 will be accurately portrayed and, if boths,no pets. 1 year lease sher/dryer. kitchen privi­ necessary, actively prosecuted ... if chen and 17 X 19 living plus security deposit. $675 Sears slow cook toaster Too many cooks? room, 116 baths, carpet­ ROOMS leges Included. Call 643- oven like new. $22. 649- there’s anything criminal.” he said 2 per month plus heat and German Shepherd pup­ 1984 B M X Saint Tropez ing, paint and wallpaper FOR RENT 4353, leave message tor 8913.0 on the NBC-TV “Today” show. utilities. 646-8352. Karen. pies, full blooded parents, Price reducedi Newblack dirtbike. Good condition. Becky Adamy, first-graders wearing Indian hats and has been updated. Very AKC. $100. Call after 4. Yellow and black with Nichola Qrasso, a second-grader at Martin School, gets link is top and Interior with this But he added in the NBC good condtion. D. W . Pish Room for non-smoking, Tw o bedroom townhouse, 8 track player one speaker 246-7242.______mags, morel Negotiable ready to taste the vegetable soup that students were vests, and R r’ rt Krawiec, who Is In second gracle. Each Realty. 643-1591 or 871- and 8 track music. (3ood classic red convertible, a interview that his investigation, mature gentleman. Kit­ appllanced kitchen, no 1964 Rambler American. $75. 643-9649.0 cooking this morning as B Thanksgiving activity. The first- or second-grader had to bring a vegetable from 1400J3 CLOTHING condition. $40. 647-9613.0 Free to good home- begun Friday, has so far found no chen privileges. Washer p ^ . 1 year lease security Shepherd/Huskle cross, Rebuilt last year so It runs home. The children had the soup for their morning snack. evidence of invoivement by others and dryer. Parking. Call deposit. $550 per month 1986 Honda ATZ trax, Junior Pilgrim was assisted by Danielle Orfitelli and Refrigerator 16 cubic toot one year old, male, neu­ good and looks good. Was close to Reagan in concealing the 643-5600. plus heat and utilities. $900, now $800. Call 635- TOcc, Imonth old with assaiied Manchester-$108,900. Clothlng-Bovs, size 4. Like manual defrost. $30. 643- tered. Good with children, head gear. $750. 649-7057 secret arrangement from the 646-8352. new. Snowsult Including house broken. Needs 1998 anytime. Nicely remodeled Cape Rooms-AAaIn Street loca­ 2809.0 after 5pm. president. priced tor someone look­ boots. White stag brand. room to exercise. 649-7086. tion. $185 and up. Referen­ Manchester-Quallty 1 and $20. 646-6026 between 6pm 1979 Ford Fairmont-6 cy­ "As farasanyonein the top levels WASHINGTON (AP) - The ing to get started. 3 bed­ ces and security. Apply In 2 bedroom apartments. of government — let’s say at the rooms, fireplace living and 9pm .□ RECREATIONAL linder, automatic trans­ revelation that Iranian arms mo­ 6 person. Apartment M af­ Heat, hot water and all ■MISCELLANEOUS mission, power steering, MISCELLANEOUS EDC prepared to pass mall plan department-head level or top peo­ room, dining room and EQUIPMENT ney funded Contras in Nicaragua is ter 1pm. appliances Included. Air I for power brakes. Good con­ AUTOMOTIVE ple in the White House such as the remodled kitchen with conditioned, quiet, on bus [ SALE leading stunned legislators of both pantry, 116 baths. Call dition. 65K, $1100 or best chief of staff, certainly the presi­ parties to call for'more firings and Large room for rent-close line. Ideal tor middleaged FURNITURE For Sole. Rowing Ma­ offer. 6468487 or 8758812. snow tires E78-14 Fire­ agreement. ize work in the wetlands areas today, get started. D. W. to bus lines and near town. 2 By John F. Kirch grini said he could not speculate on dent or vice president, or any new investigations of Reagan ad­ and senior citizens. $515 chine, fully assembled, 1 Typewriter-Remington stone u'sed 1 season. The EDC’s meeting was sdie- around the mall site north of Pish Realty. 643-1991 or $70 per week. Utilities and $550. 247-5030. Oak Formica table with Herald Reporter the commission's actions. Cabinet members beinginvolved — ministration foreign policy and 071-1400.O year old, excellent condi­ portable. Good condition. Thunderbird 1981-Blue, Mounted. AMC rims. $50. But for several months, top town duled after the Regional Planning Interstate 84 between Siater and we’ve pretty clearly established at Included. Security and ref­ two 12 Inch leafs, 4 padded tion. $75. Call 646-3245 $35. 649-1819.0 fully equipped. Mint con­ predict that Congress will ban erences required. Call 643- 643-5563 after 6.o Manchester’s Economic Devel­ officials have pushed for approval Commission of the Capitol Region Buckland streets and study the this point that that has not Manchester off Porter. chairs. Nice looking set. after 5:30pm. dition. 42800 miles. Auto­ further U.S. aid for the Nicaraguan Thayer Rood-Gracious 8 Nice 3 room apartment. $99. 6430155.n opment Commission is likeiy to of the plan, which includes a Council of Governments gave its traffic impact the mail would have happened.” room home styled tor Photo darkroom for matic overdirive trans­ Jeep rims, 15" standard. rebels. Heat, electricity, security Skis-Kastle fiberglass 170 approve the project plan for the proposal for $13 million in munici­ nod to the project plan for the mall on local roads. family living. Hurryl- Christm as I Bogen en­ mission. Craig am/fm Asking $50. Call 649-1373.o The planning agency also recom­ In a related development, Rea­ Numerous legislators also said APARTMENTS deposit. No peta. 643-8552. 80 Inch curved bock sofa. cm. with Salomon step In larger, easel, KInderman stereo cassette. Power Mall at Buckland Hills when it pal bonding that has already been and surrounding deveiopment on gan today appointed former Sen. Tuesday that several laws may $179,900. "W e Can Guaran­ Excellent condition. $100. mended that the developers per­ tee Our Homes I Blan­ FOR RENT bindings, color red and safellght, dryer, tanks. windows, asking $4,500. Full size truck cap. $80 or meets Tuesday, one commission approved separately by the EDC. almost 200 acres north of Interstate Manchester-Available Im­ Will deliver. Call 528-7955 form an air-quality assessment and John Tower, former Secretary of have been violated by the program. chard & '“"xsetto Real white. Excellent condi­ Excellent . $99. 643-2041 Call 871-3744 days, 646-5412 best offer. /Please call member said today. The officials have argued that 84. The regional agency, which met State Edmund Muskie and one-time Most appeared surprised by the mediately. 5 large rooms, otter 6pm. tion. $45. 649-1794.0 after 6.o after 6:30pm. 649-2401 .□ in Hartford Tuesday night, was address concerns about traffic Estate. 6 V , 3 and 4 room apartments, 2 bedrooms, recently ren- "These big projects take on a life such assistance is needed in order national security adviser Brent White House announcement of the no appllances,no pets.se- of their own.” said Vice Chairman to make it feasible for the Chicago- required under state law to decide problems in East Hartford, town ovoted.' Appllanced kit­ officials said today. In addition. Scoweroft to a special board that connection between secret arms Suddenly . illoblel This curlty,call 646-2426. Week­ chen. W all-to-wall. Joseph Hachey. "A lot of effort based Homart Development Corp. whether the mali plan was in will investigate the activities of the shipments to Iran and military aid 3-3 two tom y Is bock on days 9-5. Washer-dryer hookups. went into this by the developers and to build the 785.000-square-foot mall accordance with the master plan CRCOG included a statement that White House National Security to the guerrillas trying to over­ the market. See It today $550 per month plus utili­ the town staff. I think it will pass.” in northwestern Manchester, and for the region. said it recognized the mall would only $108,500. "W e Can Two bedroom apartment have a negative impact on the Ck)uncil staff in the secret sale of throw Nicaragua’s leftist ties. No pets. Call 649-9066 EDC Chairman Alfred Werbner the developers have said that the In endorsing the plan 6-3 with one U.S. arms to Iran. government. Guarantee Our Homes I tor rent. Dishwasher, dis­ otter 4pm. abstention, the commission recom­ Blanchard & Rossetto posal, pool, tennis courts. could not be reached for comment site would be too expensive to Tower, who most recently served President Reagan announced and Planning Director Mark Pelle­ develop without the financing mended that the developers minim­ Please turn to page 10 Real Estate. 646-2482.0 Near 84. Call 28^7908 after 24 Locust Street, .7 room as a U.S. arms negotiator, was Tuesday the removal of his national 7:00 pm. or (617) 864-5770 apartment, no applian­ picked as chairman of the three- security adviser. Vice Adm. John Luxury Abounds- x4204days. ces. 650/month plus utili­ man panel. Poindexter, and his assistant. Mar SpectaculOr 4 bedroom, 3 ties. Security, no pets. Reagan said the review board rine Lt. Col. Oliver North. Attorney both home. Magnificent Call 646-2426 weekdays 9-5. landscaped lot with pool was charged with conducting “a General Edwin Meese said money and view. $240's. "We 0ni bedroom. Garden Bryan Farms key in fire soiution comprehensive study of the future from the Iranian arms sales went Guarantee Our HousesI" Spacious 4 room apart­ Apartment, air conditi­ role and procedures of the National into a Swiss bank account for useby oned, wall-to-wall, ap­ Blanchard A Rossetto. ment near bus. Adults * e * * * ***** ***** Security Council staff in the devel­ the Contras. 646-2482.0 preferred, no pets, 1 cor, pliances, on bus line and hood will end upbeingserved by the petition drive said recently that opment, coordination, oversight “Today you have a situation in more. $450 per month plu! By (3eorge Layng and conduct of foreign and national which two policies are colliding security and reference. Herald Reporter Eighth District, which provides fire there is still strong sentiment in Owner anxious to sell this 64M265. utilities. References. 649 • Stereo Specialist Country Christmas Swedish Gifts Bryan Farms against joining the security policy. around a Geneva bank account,” "Doll House"! Pour protection and sewer service to J.B. ELECTRONICS — Where Pro­ One duck, two ducks, many, many, visit the SCANDANAVIAN GIFT News Analysis most of northern Manchester, or by Eighth District. "In particular, I have asked the said Sen. David Durenberger. rooms, 2 bedrooms, full Manchester • 2nd floor 2 If and when the town and the "By all means, we belong to the board to review the NSC staffs R-Minn., chairman of the Senate basement. In move-ln con­ CONDOMINIUM8 fessionals buy their stereo equip­ more ducks, fabric ducks, carved SHOP. Nut crackers, pyramids, Eighth Utilities District talk about the town. A similar debate occurred bedroom, heat and ap­ ment and accessories. Discount ducks, painted ducks, lucky ducks and Hummel figurines. We also town of Manchester,” said Mat­ proper role in operational activi­ Intelligence Committee. dition. H u rryl $89,900. pliances, no pets. $550 plus FOR RENT their differences over providing in 1982. when a petition was signed — Wreaths and flower and folk art carry Swedish foods. Ellington ties, especially extremely sensitive He said his panel is investigating Strano Real Estate. 647- security 646-3979. pricing on cosh and carry Items. fire protection to northern Man­ east of Doming Road, the subdivi­ by some residents of Bryan Farms thew S. Bronisz of Carmen Street. 7653.0 Coll Jock Bertrand 643-1262. too, all hand made and waiting for Center Plaza, Ellington, 872-0273. sion has been served by the Town who wanted to join the Eighth He said most of the neighborhood’s diplomatic, military and intelli­ the tangled situation, but "it is way Manchester-BIgelow Hol­ you at chester — and in particular about Tw o bedroom townhouse low condo. One loft, bed­ what to with the town’s Buckland Fire Department since 1974. Last District. residents "generally feel we should gence missions,” the president said beyond our wildest imagination” South Windsor-New list­ • heat, hot water, car­ room, 1'A baths, lacuzzi * e * * * CRAFTMEN GALLERY ***** belong to the town.” in a statement. that something like it would occur. 9 firehouse on Tolland Turnpike — week, however. Eighth District But neighborhood residents who ing Immaculate 7 room peted. All appliances. Air tub, spiral stairs, covered 58 Cooper St., Manchester, wanted to remain under the town’s The Town Fire Department pro­ "Specifically, they should look at “It comes as a shock.” Raised Ranch, spacious the Bryan Farms section of Man­ Director Thomas Landers pro­ conditioning. Coll 649- parking, ample storage. 647-8161 Pets posed that the fire protection needs jurisdiction gathered their own vides a more efficient service than the manner in which foreign and Sen. David Boren, D-Okla., who tomlly room with deluxe 5240. One of a kind. $700. Two Jewelry Holiday hours 7 days a week. chester could be a key to any the Eighth District would, he said. national security policies I estab­ will replace Durenberger as head of wood stove, 3 bedroot is, settlement. of Bryan Farms be studied. signatures, prompting the original months security, no pets. Largest selection of diamonds and 4) * * * * DJ'S DOG GROOMING and PET lished have been implemented by 2'/6 baths, oulet location. Located along the South Windsor The suggestion rekindled specu­ circulators to stop their efforts. 1 bedroom apartment, Available Decembff. 872- gem stone dinner rings. Christmas S U P P L Y 649-0485. B edding - Please (urn to page 10 the NSC staff,” he added. Please turn to page 10 Only $199,900. U A R heat, and hot water, quiet 3972. \ border north of Interstate 84 and lation about whether the neighbor­ Some of the leaders of the second Realty. 643-2A92.0 hours, 9-8pm, M on.-Fri., 8-5 Sot. canopy, brass, cuddle end mats. neighborhood. Referen­ Fiorists Coats, sweaters, rain gear, life / ces, no pets, $435 monthly. BRAY JEWELERS, Wayne Bray, H0ME8 643-5617 PARK HILL JOYCE FLOWER lackets and back packs. Unique cat 6-6 Duplex with separate 646-2311. FOR RENT heating systems, garage SHOP - Fancy Fruit Baskets. Box­ furniture. Holiday goodies, toys TODAY’S HERALD and a prime location near 2 bedroom apartment- wood Trees - All Your Christmas and crates. Pet pictures with Santa, U.S. the hospital. "W e Guaran­ Wall to wall carpeting. 3 bedroom, single family Decorating NeedsI 36 Oak Street, November 28 and 29, 128 pm and Trade Trade deficit falis again tee Our HousesI" Blan­ Appliances Included. No home In Manchester. No Fruit Baskets 649-0791 and 200 West Center Street, every Sunday after. ■Mittile attacic deadly Rain likely chard A Rossetto. 646- pets. Lease. Security. pets $650/month. Call 646-6056. Deficit WASHINGTON - The nation’s ing deficit, the trade imbalance for Exports of manufactured goods 2482.0 Available December 1st. Tom Benoit at 646-7709. FANCY FRUIT BASKETS - Deliv­ rose to $13.4 billion in October, up An Iranian missile launched Rain tonight, heavy at times this Also 3 bedroom duplex. ered Locally - Shipped nationwide. MICHELLE'S FLORALS - Fresh ar- October trade deficit narrowed to $12.1 the first 10 months of 1986 was against Baghdad early today evening, ending after midnight. running at an annual rate of $167.9 from $12.3 billion the previous Luxury Abounds- Lease. Security. No pets. I8T0RE AND WICKER- WICKER- WICKER rongemets, silk arrangements, hol­ $12.1 billion billion in October, the third consecu­ struck a residential neighborhood, Breezy with a low near 45. Becom­ Spectoculor 4 bedroom, 3 Available December 1st. Unique Gifts tive monthly decline, the Com­ billion — far outpacing the record month. Imports of manufactured OFFICE 8PACE PERO F R U IT STAN D - iday wreaths and many gift Items In goods also rose in October, to $24.5 killing 48 people and wounding 52, ing sunny Thursday with a high both home. Magnificent Call 643-1595.0 276 Oakland Street, Manchester, both our stores. Hours 9:30dm- The store with elegant, unique and merce Department reported today. $148.5 billion deficit for 1985. all civilians, Iraq's official radio around 50. Outlook for the rest of the landscaped lot withi pool Analysts suggested that the de­ billion from $22.4 billion in 6 643-6384 5:00pm dally and Thursday 'til 6pm. different fashions and gifts from It was the best trade balance reported. Story on page 5. holiday weekend: Fair Friday and and view. $U0's. "W e Bolton Notch-NIcely fur­ 3 rooms containing 900 Saturday, 9-1 pm. 857 Main Street, around the world. EAST WEST IM- ( ficit is easing under the impact of a September. Guarantee Our HousesI" IMPORTS performance in 14 months. Saturday. A chance of rain Sunday. nished 2 room efficiency square feet on Spruce FERNANDO'S ORCHARDS, Birch PORTS, lll'/i Center Street, Mon-i declining dollar that is making Farm trade, which had posted a Blanchard A Rossetto. Mancheter 649-2522 (formerly Leaf, The improvement, down from a Highs in the 40s and 50s. Lows in the Including all utilities. For Street. Parking, can di­ Mountain Road, Glastonbury. Na­ Stem, and Root), 39 Windsor Aye. Chester, 643-5692. imports more expensive at home deficit for three months earlier this 646- 2482.0 elderly gentleman. Park­ $12.6 billion shortfall in September, 30s. vide, 1 year lease. Call tive apples, cider, fruit baskets, (Rte. 83) Vernon, 875-5145 everyday 3 1 .4 appeared to bear out contentions by and U.S. goods more competitive year, also continued to improve. ing. 649-9093. 643-6712. holiday wreaths and other crafts. Friedman convicted No shovellna Snow...Spa­ 98, Sot. 9-5. ***** Reagan administration officials abroad. ’The United States ran an agricultu­ Figures rounded Racketeering convictions cious well kept unit close Office Space-1-2 or 3 ***** that the nation’s huge trade deficit . Some economists argued against ral surplus of $675.2 million in Index Manchester-2 bedroom, • e * e e in billions of doUars against the Bronx Democratic to 1-384 and on bus line. rooms available. Prime may finally be starting to ebb. reading too much into the monthly October, up from $138 million in 20 paggg, 2 tgetlong Quick occupancy possi­ heat hot water and ap­ Main Street location. ------1 An increase in exports, rather deficit figures, claiming they are September. leader and three others in New ble. Manchester. $99,900. pliances. $510. Referen­ Plenty of parking. Rent Automotive Package Stores than a decline in imports, was often unreliable’'because of a lag York (^ty’s biggest corruption Joyce G. Epstein. 647- ces, lease and security. No Oil and petroleum product Im­ Advic* _ 14 Lottery 2 very reasonable. 649-4003. PAP Auto Parts, 307 East Center BROWNS P A C K A G E STO R E has a EXPORTS entirely responsible for the reduced time of up to several months in ports declined to $2.7 billion in scandal in decades should spur 8895.0 pets. 647-9876 evenings. further investigations, a federal Business_____18 Obituaries___ 10 Street (rear of Lenox Street) 649- variety of liquors, wines, cordials, trade deficit. reporting some imports. October, down from $3.1 billion in Clesslfled . 18-20 Opinion ' 8 Manchester-Small office. 3528. Super sayings on gift Ideas for your holiday needs and gift giv­ But. three months of back-to-back prosecutor said. The defendants, Suddenly Avallable- East Center Street. Heat 19.3 Imports in October totaled $31.4 the month before. Comic* 8 People------2 , sale; 10*^ off on Gift Certificates. ing Ideas. 278 West Middle Tpke. declines at least pointed toward a including party leader Stanley ...Charming older Colon­ and elcetric Included. $200 billion, up from $30.1 billion the Sports 18-17 643-7330. clear trend of improvement. ’The largest single deficit in Friedman, were found guilty Tues­ Connecticut _ _ 4 ial located on East Center per month. Tully Real month before. Exports totaled $19.3 October, as usual, was with Japan Entertainment 14 Televlalon _ 14 Street In Manchester. 3 room oportment-heot, Estate. 643-0005. billion, up from $17.5 billion in (Jetober’s trade deficit was the day of turning the Parking Viola­ PIve bedrooms. Lots of hot water, stove, refriger­ lowest since a $12.1 bilion shortfall — $5 billion, up from $4.1 billion in tions Bureau into a hotbed of g"""* 11 U.8./World _ 8 . 8 September.' September. Weather______2 space. Possible office lo­ ator, laundry facilities, Office space available. Despite three months of a declin­ in August 1985. bribery. Story on page 4. Local new*_3,10 cation. Call today tor garage. Ask about senior Approximately 800 sqare details. Joyce G. Epstein. citizen's discount. 646- feet. $450 per month. In­ 647- 8895.0 7368. cludes heat. 646~4004. MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1986 - » t — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1986 Parkade deal i?' S . Union dam WEATHER hydro idea Connecticut forecast ia called likely I w 1u resurfaces ))); Eastern Interior: Rain tonight, heavy at times 'H this evening, ending after midnight. Breezy with The town has put off repairs to the :) t; lows 40 to 45. Becoming sunny Thursday with highs despite snags Union Pond Dam because a private 45 to 50. Outlook for the rest of the holiday weekend; concern has shown interest in Fair Friday and Saturday. A chance of rain By John F. Kirch If the sale is completed, Oron said turning the structure into a hydroe­ Sunday. Highs in the 40s and 50s. Lows in the 30s. 26 Herald Reporter he hopes to bring more major m lectric facility, Public Works Direc­ Central and Southwest Interior: Rain tonight, tenants into the shopping center to tor George Kandra said Tuesday. heavy at times this evening, ending after midnight. Kandra said the rehabHitation '@ 1 Negotiations on the sale of the make it a viable economic center in Breezy with lows near 45. Becoming sunny Sears side of the Manchester town. Turning it into an enclosed project is set to go out to bid. But Thursday with highs around 50. Outlook for the rest earlier this year a firm became Pat’s Act Parkade have hit a snag and the shopping mail is one of many plans of the holiday weekend: Fair Friday and Saturday. earliest a deal could be completed under consideration, he said. interested in using the facility for A chance pf rain Sunday. Highs in the 40s and 50s. Former First Lady Pat Nixon received a fine tribute is December, according to sources Oron said he hopes to have developing a hydropower plant, he Lows in the 30s. from one of her daughters in a newly published close to the discussions. tenants to fill the more than 100,000 said. That prompted town officials West Coastal and East Coastal: Rain hnding square feet of empty space at the to delay the repairs in the hope that biography “ Pat Nixon: The Untold Story.” One little New York devdlbper Amran the projects could be done tonight. Still breezy with lows near 45. Mostly sunny shopping center. Oron, who hopes to purchase the Low Thursday with highs around 50. Outlook for the rest known fact about Mrs. Nixon is her short-lived career in “ It's a waste of space,” he said. simultaneously. 400,000-square-foot s^m ent of the Temperatures of the holiday weekend: Fair Friday and Saturday. . As Patricia Ryan, she appeared before " I ’m trying to revive the whole Kandra said this morning the shopping center from the Cutter place before the other mall is town wants to go out to bid this A chanceoLraJi^ Sunday. Highs in the 40s and 50s. cameras dozens of times as an actress. She was an extra Operating Corp. of Stamford and f Awe In fflA ^lAfi '\ opened. That is my main goal.” winter on repairing the dam. He in “The Great Ziegfeld” and “Small Town Girl.” She make major renovations to it, said Oron was referring to the proposed said he-hopes the price of the work Northwest Hill^ Rain ending tonight. Still also acted in a local , where she met Richard two problems stalling completion of a ‘Vjfj will still be around the $40b,000 FRONTS; breezy with lows near 40. Sunny Thursday with Mall at Buckland Hills, which N a deal are environmental and one Nixon, a newcomer who played her leading man. would be located in northwest earmarked for it, but that estimate highs around 50. Outlook for the rest of the holiday involves a bank. He would not H i ' i t M i l l ti,. Manchester. is now three years old. W arm -v^ CokJ-v-^ weekend: Fair Friday and Saturday. A chance of elaborate. Herald photo by Pinto DO YOU KNOW — Which Nixon daughter wrote the Many business leaders have said In 1983, town voters approved a rain Sunday. Highs in the 40s and 50s. Lows in the $895,000 bond issue, with $400,000 recent biography of Pat Nixon? "W e are getting into some the Parkade would suffer the most Showers Rain Flurries Snow Occluded Stationary ^ 30s. William Ginter of Fuss & O’Neill plains the project to residents during an specified for the dam repairs and problems before we can go into from construction of the 785,000- TUESDAY’S ANSWER — In “The Three Little Pigs" a wolf Consulting Engineers of Manchester, informational session. The project is 1295,000 targeted for the power closing.” Oron said. “ They can be square-foot mall by the Homart tried to blow down the pigs’ homM. the manager forthe Union Street Bridge expected to cost around $1.2 million, generation project. NATIONAL FORECAST — Rain is forecast Thursday for the Pacific resolved ... The thing is progressing Development Corp. of Chicago, a Coastal forecast 11-26-66 Knowledge Unlimited. Inc. 1986 subsidiary of Sears, Roebuck and reconstruction project, Tuesday ex- and work would begin in 19B8. Then in 1985, a New York firm well." backed out of the hydro project Northwest. Showers are forecast from Louisiana to the Midwest and for Randy Naylor, property man­ Co. Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and when it became apparent that 0 some New Engiand coastai areas. ager for Cutter, could not be Four tenants are interested in Montauk Point: Winds south 10 to 15 knots falling oil prices would make the A Newipaper in Education Program reached for comment. However, filling the 22,000 square feet left increasing to 20 to 30 knots this afternoon and early Sponsored by venture unprofitable. The town when asked if the deal had gone vacant in 1985 when the Waldba- tonight shifting to the northwest 15 to 25 knots late administration sought to kill the The Manchester Herald through, an official in Naylor’s um’s Food Mart grocery store tonight and Thanksgiving. First bridge to stay up project, but the Board of Directors office said: “ It did and it didn’t.” moved out of the Parkade, Oron decided to keep it alive. Visibility lowering to 1 to 3 miles locally less than “ We’re kind of in the middle,” said. He said he hopes to use Earlier this month, an engineer 1 mile in rain an fog today and tonight. Seas she said. “ We don’t really have another 80,000 square feet down­ building to 3 to 5 feet this afternoon through stairs and may also have tenants from Chester and one from Rhode anything solid to tell you.” Traffic relief sought as new span is built in town Island asked the town for some Thursday. Almanac for the shopping center’s office Oron and Cutter were sch^uled more information about building a Rain today and tonight. Partly sunny space. Oron said he is considering V to close the deal Nov. 18, but the Catherine Lankford of Tolland hydroelectric facility, town Budget Thanksgiving. Today is Wednesday, Nov. 26, Cutter official said the earliest a adding another 30,000 square feet to By George Lovno is kept open, but the work should Turnpike, head of the North Man­ Analyst Robert Huestis said today. deal would be finished is the building. Herald Reporter still be completed by the endof 1988. the 330th day of 1986. There are 35 chester Property Owners Associa­ The two are researching the December. , "M —, y plan is to make the Parkade However, he estimated that the days left in the year. tion. cited fears that Union Street economic feasibility of using the "That’s a big if,” she said. “ I'm strong enough so that if Sears Although it may increase costs decision will also increase the Today’s highlight in history: would be widened to accommodate dam for power generation and may sorry I can't tell you anything. We leaves, the center will be strong and delay work, the existing Union original $1.2 million price of con­ Across the nation Nov. 26, 1789, was a day of traffic expected to be generated by put together a partnership to M don’t even know.” enough to last,” Oron said. Sears. Street Bridge will be left standing struction by about 5 percent. thanksgiving set aside by Presi­ the proposed Mall at Buckland pursue the project, he said. Widespread heavy rain set off high water alprts Cutter owns the Middle Turnpike Roebuck and Co. has announced while a new span is built in 1988. “ It’s a big figure, but construc­ dent George Washington to ob­ 29 Hills. Huestis said that new rules in four states today after thunderstorms spawned side of the shopping center, which plans to open a store in the Mail at Public Works Director George tion does cost a lot today,” Ginter serve the adoption of the U.S. However, Kandra said there are passed earlier this year by the state tornadoes in Alabama. includes the section where Sears is Buckland Hills and there has been Kandra assured Union Street resi­ said. He explained that the town Constitution. no plans to widen the road. He said Department of Public Utilities Showers and thunderstorms rumbled across the located and runs west and north to talk that it might leave the dents Tuesday. will pay between $90,u00 and On this date; "W e’re not going to close the $100,000 for the project, with the the southern section of the road will Control could make the venture Florida Panhandle, eastern Alabama and western the Channel Home Centers store. Parkade. In 1716, the first lion to be bridge, we’re going to keep it state and federal governments remain at 34 feet, while the profitable because the hydro opera­ and northern Georgia. DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS exhibited in Am erica was shown open.” Kandra told about 40 resi­ covering the remainder. northern part will stay at 28 feet, tors might be able to rent power Rain spread from the lower Great Lakes across to the public in Boston. dents gathered at Robertson School According to the plans presented except near the bridge, where it will lines from' Northeast Utilities. This the Ohio and Tennessee valleys into the southern In 1825, the first college social and Republic of Korea. for an informational session on the Tuesday, the new bridge will gradually expand to accommodate would allow the town to send the Appalachians. Rainshowers also dotted the middle fraternity. Kappa Alpha, was In 1973, President Richard M. ROTC doing well, bridge project. The decision came stretch 195 feet, compared with the 34-foot wide structure. electricity generated from the dam Mississippi Valley, southeast Kansas, eastern formed at Union College in Nixon’s personal secretary. Rose after complaints that it would be about 65 feet for the existing “ I don’t believe you.” responded to the town’s water treatment Oklahoma and Arkansas. Schenectady, N.Y. Mary Woods, told a federal court difficult to use an alternate route. structure, which was built in 1929. Lankford, who along with other plant, lessening the town’s depen­ A flood warning was posted for the Little River of In 1832, public streetcar ser­ she had accidentally caused part “ It’s really a big. big problem to The greater length will reduce the Tolland Turnpike residents is dency on NU, he said. strongly opposed to town plans to The power concern might also be central Oklahoma. The Pearl River of southeast vice began in New York. The fare of the 18>A-minute gap in a key but space is tight get to the north end of Union Street sharpness of the curves on both widen that street to absorb mall able to sell the electricity to NU. Louisiana also was under a flood warning due to was 12‘A cents. The streetcar was Watergate tape. while the bridge is out.” com­ sides of the bridge. traffic. She charged that the town But since the utility company bases heavy rain. the horse-drawn “ John Mason,” In 1975, a federal jury in plained one unidentified man. The new bridge will be located MORNINQ WEATHER — Weather sateilite photo taken at 2:30 a.m. shows Bv John Mitchell jobs, he said. Engineer William Ginter, the east of the old one and will be six eventually will widen the northern its price on the costs of oil and coal Flood watches remained in effect today in Ohio unveiled 12 days earlier. Sacramento, Calif., found Herald Reporter He also told the board of the project manager for Fuss & O’Neill inches higher. half of Union Street. — which are currently low — that a comma-shaped area of ciouds over the eastern haif of the nation. and western Pennsylvania, where up to 3 inches of In 1940, the 500,000 Jews of Lynette Fromme guilty of trying success of the school district’s pilot Consulting Engineers of Manches­ About ISO feet of road on the south “ It’s not in the works,’’ Kandra option may not give the town a large Precipitation extends out of Missouri to the southern Great Lakes, then Warsaw, Poland, were forced by to assassinate President Gerald rain could accumulate by tonight. Citing diversity as one thing that breakfast program, in which ROTC ter, which has been hired to draft side of the bridge and 250 feet on the told her. enough return, Huestis said. the Nazis to live within a walled R. Ford. participates with one other school. south to the Guif of Mexico. Patchy ciouds can be seen over the Four Temperatures around the nation at 2 a.m. EST sets the Regional Occupational the preliminary designs, said he north side will be repaved. This will The existing Union Street bridge Another factor in whether the two ghetto. Training Center offfrom others, the Gerri Kelley, food service in­ was closed for several months in 2 Corners area. Frontai ciouds and precipitation continue to piague the ranged from 3 degrees at Yellowstone Park, Wyo., had originally hoped to close the old require the purchase of land from engineers will go ahead with the structor and manager of the ROTC Pacific Northwest. to 80 at Key West, Fla. In 1949, India adopted a consti­ Today’s birthdays: TV com­ school’s director told the Board of bridge — which crosses the Hocka- one property owner — Beatrice 1983 because of structural prob­ project is whether a new design for tution as a republic within the mentator Eric Sevareid is 74. Education Monday that area em­ cafeteria, said that of the. 94 num River — during construction Smith of 133 Union Street. The strip lems. It has since been in use. the plant could be created so that a British Commonwealth. “ Peanuts” cartoonist Charles M. ployers are hiring more handi^ students enrolled, 38 percent qual­ so that the work would not be being taken is about 185 feet long, although vehicles over 4 tons are state Department of Environmen­ ify for the breakfast program and of In 1950, China entered the Schulz is 64. Singer Robert capped people and also warned of delayed. and varies in width from two to 25 prohibited from using it. tal Protection requirement on the Korean conflict, sending troops Goulet is 53. Actress-singer Mar­ possible space problems. those, so to 65 percent use it Ginter said after the meetingthat feet. A public hearing on the prelimi­ amount of water flow needed for the across the Yalu River to begin a ian Mercer is 51. Singer Tina The ROTC, which is located on regularly. Last month, she said, an an extra two months of work might Some North End residents who nary plans for replacement of the hydroplant’s turbines could be average of 17 students a day took counteroffensive against soldi­ Turner is 48. Impressionist Rich Wetherell Street, was established be required iftheexistingstructure attended the meeting, including bridge is scheduled for Dec. 10. bypassed, he said. part in the program and this month PEOPLE ers from the United Nations, U.S. Little is 48. in 1976 to provide a special vocational education program for the average rose to 18. Kqlley said the students who eat at the sdiool in 6 handicapped students between the she says, ‘This year, instead of ages of 14 and 21. the morning are mostly from Hartford and don’t have the food Jockey loses the traditional turkey, stuffing, Director Jack Peak said students O n the Light Side available at home. cranberries and yams, what if we from as far away as Woodstock are Former Jockey Ron Turcotte ‘T m happy they are able to have were to have what millions of enrolled, and their disabilities has lost a $100 million lawsuit he range from blindness to cerebral that,” she said. filed after he was paralyzed less-fortunate families will have cross. Another went to Theresa Make it a Re^al Christmas palsy. Peak said there are more se­ for dinner,’ and they’re ali San Diego cops give below the chest in a 1978 racing Ries of La Mesa when she Peak, commenting during a verely handicapped students at the fall. staring at a huge, empty dining good drivers turkeys stopped to let some schoolchild­ school board meeting held at his school and although a space prob­ Give him something special from his favorite men's shop! room table.” New York’s top court, the SAN DIEGO (AP) - Safe and ren cross the street. “ As cops, school, said the ROTC currently lem is not imminent, the possibility .Court of Appeals in Albany, N. Y., courteous drivers are being we’re always looking for the receives about $12,000 in federal needed to be noted because it is said Tuesday that Turcotte ac­ Brew for the boys ticketed by police, but they’re negative,” Weathersby said. grant money through the Perkins hard to predict the future student knowledged “ horse racing is a getting Thanksgiving turkeys “ We don’t notice the good things. Act, which allows facilities to adapt population at ROTC. "W e’re using every space availa­ dangerous activity” in which Prince Charles handed out instead of fines. Well, maybe we are a little more schnol equipment for use by the ble,” he said. “ speeding horses lawfully and /' beer to an outstanding military Crime Prevention Officer Matt aware now.” handicapped. "W e’re not overcrowded,” he properly come within inches of unit at a British base in Dhekelia, Weathersby said the 13-day pro­ The school uses an in-service LOTIDOn program to bring in area employers stressed. “ I don’t anticipate even other horses and frequently Cyprus. gram that ends today had bmn so to talk with students looking for needing space immediately.” bump each other.” The Prince of Wales on Tues­ successful it may be repeated Turcotte rode Secretariat day watched the final stages of over the Christmas holiday. Lottery when it won racing’s Triple the McKay Victoria Cross com­ The program, co-sponsored by Crown in 1973, and was in more petition, which paratroopers Ralph’s Grocery Co., issimilarto Rail abandonment date FOO ^ a n 22,000 races in a 17-year hold annually to commemorate one started three years ago in Connecticut daily: career before the accident at Sgt. Ian McKay, who was killed . Belmont Park in . on Mount Longden in the Falk- One of the 100 turkeys went to Tuesday: 443 coming up in mill area Turcotte, now in his mid-40s lands war in 1982. Veronica Irvin of Santee after Play Four: 2099 and living in New Brunswick, JOHNNY CASH ask to buy them. Conrail said it FRI.-SAT.-SUN. RON TURCOTTE Charles presented the award, a she stopped in the middle of a A decision on Ckmrail’s applica­ Canada, sued jockey Jeffrey acknowledged danger . sings for children silver statue of a British soldier, block to let two pedestrians L otto : 6-12-16-21-28-40 tion to abandon a 1.9-mlleraillinein would sell. The company has asked Fell, racehorse owner David a case of lager and silver-plated Manchester will be made by the for $200,000. A number of people, including Reynolds and the New York mugs to the mortar platoon, Interstate Commerce Commission former Manchester resident Wal­ Racing Association. He alleged which also was cited for out­ by Dec. 5, federal officials said Music Country Radio Network. ter W. Simmers and town officials, that Fell, riding a horse named Comics go serious standing performance in a five- Manchester Herald Tuesday. Small Raja, improperly crossed The show will be taped to air over If the ICC approves abandonment have expressed an interest in the network before Christmas. mile march-and-shoot in front of his horse. F lag of Leyte The comic strip characters of of the line, which runs from purchasing the site. Simmers about 175 cartoonists, including competition. Woodbridge Street south to Elm wants to use the tracks as part of a Gulf. USPS 327-500 Garry Trudeau of “Doones- Charles was leaving for home VOL. CVI, No. 49 Street in the Cheney Historic larger commuter rail service to Calling it quits bury,’’ and Mell Lazarus of today. Published dally oxcapt Sunday Suggested carrier rates are $1.50 District, the move will allow Hartford, while the town has said it and cartaln holidays by Ihs Man- weekly, $6.50 for one month, $19.25 might be interested in turning the Values 9 “ Miss Peach” and “Momma,” Conrail to dismantle the tracks and Maria Barton Carson, the chaatar Publishing Co., ISBralnard for three months, $38.50 for six will ask Thanksgiving Day read­ Place, Manchaatar, Conn. 06040. sell the real estate around them. land into a north-south access road Cash for tots adopted daughter of Elizabeth months and $77.00 for one year. to *105 ers to help the hungry. Second class postage paid at Man­ Mall rates are available on request. The ICC is required to approve the or a bicycle or jogging path. Country music entertainer Taylor and Richard Burton, and Today’s quote chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: application within 90 days of its “ We are interested If it’s a gift or Johnny Cash plans a "T oys for talent agent Steve Carson have “ W e all know about Africa Sand addraas changaa to the Man- /-avery low price,” Town Manager To place a clasalflad or display filing if no one makes an offer to Tots’’ benefit concert Dec. 18 at decided to legally separate, a because of the incredible atten­ chaatar Herald, P.O. Box 591, Man- purchase and subsidize the tracks. / Robert B. Weiss said Tuesday. chaatar. Conn. 00040. advartlsamant, or to report a news the Grand Ole Opry House in spokeswoman said. tion it got last year,” said “ W e in the United States could Item, story or picture Idea, call 043- Conrail filed its application Aug. 27. “ But we have not explored whether Nashville, Tenn. “ Maria hopes and anticipates Lazarus. “ But it’s time now to not and did not involve ourselves 2711. Offica hours are 0:30a.m. to5 Conrail officials have said the the town has a legitimate need for 4 STYLES turn that same kind of search­ in your internal political de­ If you don’t raealvo your Herald p.m. Monday through Friday. it.” The 90-minute show will in­ the separation will be amicable by 8:00 p.m. weekdays or 7:30 a.m. company plans to wait an addi­ clude performances by the Car­ for the sake of their daughter, light on the people in this country bate.” — The U.S. ambassadorto Saturday, plaaaa talaphona your tional 120 days before tearing apart Simmers has said he is not sure TO CHOOSE FROM! whether he can afford Conrail’s ter Family, Tom T. Hall. Larry Eliza, 4," a spokeswoman for who are starving.” the Philippines, Stephen W. carriar. If you're unable to reach The Manchester Herald Is a mem­ the tracks, which they have not •ASTRO • BLIZZARD 38 to 46 Rog. Boone and Kathy Mattea. Taylor, Chen Sam, said Tuesday. Lazarus said that in Thurs­ Bosworth, telling a Filipino busi­ your carriar, call subscriber service ber of the Associated Press and a used in two years. Should someone asking price. at 047-9046 by 5:30 p.m. weekdays • INGRAM 42 to 48 Longs The toy-raising campaign is The couple was married in day’s “Momma” cartoon, “I ness forum that the U.S. steared member of the Audit Bureau of Cir­ • METRO for dallvary In Manchester. culations. sponsored by the Marine Corps February 1981. She is 25 and he is have her kids walking into the clear of recent political unrest in Reserve in cooperation with the 36. house on Thanksgiving Day, and the Philippines. WINTER CLEARANCE Sale Ends Sat., Nov. 30 VMId Through FREE CLASSIFIED ADS Ndvambar 1080 SALE 6 P E ffP L E IN DOUBT? A REGAL GIFT CERTIFICATE! To all Herald Readers who have something to sell for RABBITS & BUGS l i f i a d *99 or less. We w ill run your ad for 6 days — FREEI SAVE! - SAVE! HOURS: Fill out coupon (one word 1 t s 4 Many to choose from. 903 MAIN ST. No matter what your advertising ^message, FRIDAY 9:30 to 9:00 per space) and mall or DOWNTOWN • • 7 • Over 30 years of service more peopie in this area wiil read it in classified. bring to the Manchester MANCHESTER' SAT. 9:30 to 5:30 Herald Office, 16 Bralnard SUN. 12 to 5:00 • 10 11 18 643-2478 W e’ll help you reach the right people, too! Place. JtECATS TIM MORIARTY "Your Quality Men's Shop" Classified ads get results. Clearly state Item and price IS 14 IB 18 In ad. One Item only per SILKTOWN MOTORS ad. No pet. tag sale, or 270 Hartford Rd., Manchester • 643-6217 commercial ads accepted. Call 643-2711 -r Ask for Classified. N am e. Phone “VOLKSWAGEN OUR SPEClAl.TY' Address. Wo Buy ■ Sell and Repair All Mei>e Cars 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednegday, Nov. 26. 1986

Connecticut In B ri^ City battles rising murder rate U.S./World In Brief Palestinians convicted In attack By Arthur Max phoned from the Iranian arms request of the United States. all the details of the Iranian arms Board requires pension disclosures By Linda Stowell port’s fluctuates every year, but cities in that category around the problem in some areas and we want The Associated Press payments to the Contra rebels. “ The payment for this equipment deal. His national security adviser. to adequately respond,” Bucd said. Vice Adm. John Poindexter, re­ STAMFORD — The Governmental Accounting Standards The Associated Press added "there appears to be more country and they averaged a 19 BERLIN — A court today convicted two Palestinians of Meese said the Iranians appar­ was made directly by an Iranian drug-related homicides” now. percent increase in homicide for “ We want to be where people can attempted murder and weapons violations in a West Berlin JERUSALEM — Israel today ently paid an inflated price over the representative to a Swiss bank, signed and a Poindexter aide. Lt. Board has issued a statement requiring state and local see us and drive drug traffickers BRIDGEPORT - Murder in “ We can’t control homicide,” the first six months of 1986, Major bombing attack they said was aided by Syria. admitted it shipped arms to Iran for actual cost of the weapons, which according to instructions from the Col. Oliver North, was fired. government employers and public employee retirement systems Meese, sjieaking after Reagan, Connecticut’s largest city is on the Land said. ” We had a man wipe out said. out of the city." the United States, but denied the U.S. was reimbursed for, and American representatives,” the to provide more disclosures about benefit plans and 10-year- Ahmed Nawar Hasi was sentenced to 14 years in prison and his said that, with North’s knowledge. rise, and police and city officials his girlfriend and her two children. On ’Tuesday, Mayor Thomas Bucd also said he is going to ask: accomplice, Farouk Saiameh, to 13 years in prison. Both men handling any payments or channel­ that “ representatives” of Israel statement said. “ These funds did trend information about these plans. were involved although he would not pass through Israel.” $10 million to $30 million collected say the jump is at least partially An 82-year-old man with Alzhei­ Bucd met with Police Supt. Joseph Gov. William A. O’Neill to assign admitted to the March 29 bombing of the German-Arab ing the money to U.S.-backed The statement issued Tuesday also requires the computation A. Walsh and other police officers to the Regional Narcotics.Task Force Meese said the first U.S.- from Iran was siphoned by Israeli due to a serious drug problem, one mer’s disease stabbed his 80-year- Friendship Society in which nine people were injured. Contra rebels in Nicaragua. not provide names. and disclosure of a standardized measure of the pension benefit. discuss a new plan to address drug to Bridgeport. That task force, “ Israel did not serve and would Shamir’s statement, released by sanctioned arms shipment to Iran middlemen and transferred to bank that includes drug deals that often old wife during an argument. How The court was expected to issue an explanation of the verdict Deborah Harrington, a spokeswoman for the GASB said that do you prevent a man from killing trafficking. The meeting was “ in operated by the state police, is not have served as a channel for his spokesman Avi Pazner, said took place in 1085 without President accounts set up by the Contra turn sour. later that could say whether it believed Syria aided the attack. prior to Tuesday’s decision, state and local governments were There were 16 people murdered his wife?” response to the violent crime drug currently assigned to supplement such a transaction,” said a state­ Meese’s announcement came as a Reagan’s knowledge and was aj>- r6b6ls. Meanwhile, a city justice official said prosecutors issued an Israel Radio said Shamir’s ad­ allowed to use a variety of methods when they disclosed pension in the first half of 1986, and 21 more traffic spawns and the serious local officers around Fairfield ment issued by Prime Minister surprise and that ” if such a proved by the president only after arrest warrant for a man alleged to be a high-ranking Syrian viser on terrorism, Amlram Nir. information. This decision means they must use a specific have been slain in the second half of “ WE F E E L ’THAT maybe we can problems it causes in our neighbor­ County. But Bucd said he would Yitzhak Shamir. transaction took place, it had the fact. intelligence officer who helped plan the attack. who has been identified in some measurement method to calculate their benefit obligation. the year, bringing the total to 37, control the drug-related homicides hoods,” Bucd said. like to see that force strictly in The statement said the Iranians nothing to do urith Israel.” Shamir’s statement did not say The GASB sets the accounting standards for state and local according to police and the State by cracking- down on the pushers,” As a result of that meeting, Bucd Bridgeport. paid directly into a Swiss account Shamir issued the statement whether Israel was paid a commis­ accounts as a Njtey figure in sion for its role and came on the eve arranging the arms transfers, governments. The Financial Accounting Standards Board sets Police Uniform Crime Reporting Landa said. “ It’s not just in said ’Tuesday night that there will Earlier this week, Bucd met with for the weapons. It was the first after meeting for three hours late Philippine cease-fire Imminent ’I^esday with his foreign and of a scheduled Knesset, or parlia­ attended the meeting with Peres accounting standards for corporations. Both boards are under Program. There were 30 people Bridgeport — the whole nation has be increased police presence in residents at a West End church public acknowledgment of Israeli defense ministers, Shimon Peres ment, debate on the Iranian arms and Rabin. the Stamford-based Financial Accounting Foundation. murdered in 1965, police said. this problem.” certain nelghterhoods and two congregation to discuss the drug MANILA, Philippines — The government and communist involvement in delivering weapons Nationally, the homicide rate is additional detedives will be as­ from the United States to Iran. and Yitzhak Rabin. shipments. A secretive 10-member Speaking earlier on Israel televi­ “ People from out-of-town come problem. But after the meeting, guerrillas today agreed to a 60-^lay cease-fire — their first in to buy drugs. The sellers try to rip up 8 percent in the first six months signed to the Special Services Unit, U.S. Attorney General Edwin "The government of Israel con­ inner forum of Shamir’s Cabinet sion, Shamir said, “ It is not our neighborhood gang members put. natiomiride truce since the insurgency began 17 years ago. policy to export arms to Iran, but Work-related deaths drop In 1985 them off and if they’re not success­ of 1986, according to Vicki Major, which handles drug trafficking. Meese III on Tuesday in Washing­ firms that it helped transfer defen­ was due to meet before the debate. seven packages of crack, a deriva-' The pacrt, which was announced by both sides, is to be signed sometimes there can be ful, they shoot them,” said Lt. Bert editor with the Uniform Crime ton claimed that between $10 sive arms and spare parts from the Reagan told journalists ’Tuesday WETHERSFIELD — The number of work-related deaths in tive of cocaine, in a church; Thursday and take effect Dec. 10. President Corazon Aquino had Lancia, officer in charge of the Reporting Program of the FBI in BUCCI ALSO said a “ mobile million and 630 million was si­ United States to Iran upon the in Washington that he was not told exceptions.’ Connecticut dropped from 103 in 1984 to 95 last year, despite an bathroom and taunted a priest. Bridgeport detective bureau. “ How Washington, D.C. Statistics for the strike force” will be established to set a Sunday deadline for the rebels to accept a cease-fire. increase in occupational illnesses and injuries, the State Labor do you stop a man from ’Trumbull first nine months are not available go to the “ hot spots” of the city and At the meeting, residents com­ "Both sides won the war,” said Ramon Mltra, the chief N Department reported. from coming here and buying yet. saturate them with police. The plained about the need for more government negotiator. “ We gained a new phase in the life of Reductions in fatalities occurred in three major industry drugs?” Bridgeport, with a population of details of what that force will do will plain-clothes p o lice'^ patrol the country. It’s something we both longed for, and the president had groups, according to the report released Tuesday. It said area. The priests said people are wanted all along since she decided to seek the presidency.” Fugitive ‘cowboy’ keeps region on edge Lancia, who has been with the about 143,000, ranks in the category be worked out by Monday and government workers experienced the greatest decline in police department for 30 years, said of cities with populations of 100,000 implemented immediatley, he said. afraid to leave their homes during Mltra told The Associated Press he had informed Aquino of the job-related deaths, from 15 in 1984 to eight in 1985. to 250,000, she said. There are 124 “ We have been seeing a serious the day. the number of homicides in Bridge­ agreement and she congratulated the panel. By Tom Mlnehart road who did not evacuate Tuesday. read too many cowboy stories or The report said that one out of every 11 workers experienced an The Associated Press Authorities believed they had something,’’ said Shornock’s injury or illness last year, or 9.1 percent, compared with 8.9 formed a perimeter around Shor­ mother, Ann Shornock of New percent in 1984. The report said occupational illnesses and Washington residents return home ED NEYVILLE, N.C. - Resi­ nock, and (iecided to “ sit tight” and Bern. “ He thinks he can steal things injuries increased 2.3 percent. Koch calls for Bronx boss to resign dents of this mountainous region wait for better visibility today, said and shoot cars and get away with it. 0 The 14th annual survey by the labor department covered last GLACIER, Wash. — Crews reopened a road ’Tuesday to free locked their doors and kept guns Henderson County Sheriff’s Capt. “ He knows they’re talking about year’s workforce of more than 1.5 million and excluded the nearly 1,000 skiers stranded for two nights near Mount Baker, Tom Hatchett. “ They don’t want to money to the highest standards,” Shafran and businessman Marvin handy today as police hunted for a big-time prison now. I don’t know self-employed, small farms and federal government employees. Bv Larry McShane and residents in other flooded communities returned home run around in them woods at night, Mayor Edward I. Koch said in a Kaplan were found guilty of racket­ robbery susjtect and survival ex- what he’ll do for sure, but he said he The department said it compiled the data from information The Associated Press following soggy weather that claimed two lives. with the fog the way it is.” statement. eering, conspiracy and mail fraud. jwrt whose mother said he had read would never go back to prison. I received in questionnaires sent to 8,000 employers.^ Drenching rains and melting snow forced more than a dozen NEW HAVEN — Racketeering Koch, a Democrat, also called for All four said they would appeal. “ too many cowboy stories.” A sheriff’s sergeant was in figure he’s serious, and this all was rivers to flood. In the Snoqualmie River Valley east of Seattle, it Volunphrs carried barbecue, convictions against the Bronx De­ Friedman’s resignation from the Friedman testified during the serious but stable condition after just a form of suicide. I know we’re was called the worst flooding since 1950, and emergencies were stew and ^ndwiches to 400 officers mocratic leader and three others in powerful Bronx post that allowed trial that he could secure city being shot ’Tuesday under the eye as his family, and we’re biased, but I declared in King, Lewis, Whatcom and Snohomish counties. ^ r ^ n g In thick fog and pouring Teachers’ pay may exceed bosses’ New York City’s biggest corruption him determine which Democrats contracts with a single telephone he and three other officers were hope he gets out of this alive. We Burlington Northern restored railroad traffic Tuesday scandal in decades should spur ran for office in the overwhelm­ call. rain for Michael John Shornock, 21, searching a field for Shomock’s love him.” V HARTFORD — A new state law covering teacher salaries of Swansboro, who is charged with further investigations, a federal ingly Democratic borough of 1.2 Karen Argenti, coordinator for afternoon east and south of Seattle, repairing rail lines cut off by tracks. A state Highway Patrol could mean that some teachers will earn more than the robbing a bank Friday. Authorities Sandra Home, 46, who said she prosecutor said.' million people. the Bronx County Democratic mudslides, said BN spokesman Howard Kallio. trooper avoided injury when a administrators who supervise them. say he has exchanged fire with taught Shornock techniques of The defendants, including party Committee, offered a two-word A landslide early Monday cut a 300-foot-deep gap through 60 bullet was deflected by an ammuni­ wilderness survival, described him But state Education Department spokeswoman Kathy Frega them several times since then, leader Stanley Friedman, were BUT FRIEDM AN said he would answer ’Tuesday when asked who feet of track near Stevens Pass in the Cascade Mountains, forcing tion clip in his hip pocket. A trooper as a crack shot, but said he did not said ’Tuesday that that’s not likely to become a trend around the injuring, two officers. found guilty ’Tuesday of turning the not step down despite what Giuliani was running the organization; east-west trains, including Amtrak service, to detour. A was wounded Monday by flying “ We’re staying put. just watch­ need a firearm to survive in the state because towns get “ substantial state (financial) aid that Parking Violations Bureau into a said were “ a substantial number of “ Stanley Friedman.” mudslide also blocked the railroad’s mainline tracks between debris in an exchange of'gunfire. ing and not letting anybody in,” woods. they can direct any way they want.’’ hotbed of bribery. matters” under investigation in­ Friedman and the others face up Seattle and Portland, Ore. said Sarah Russell, 67, who sat with “ Apparently he lays in wait ’til an “ He can take a stick and chew it “ There’s nothing stopping them from using that money to raise U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani volving him and other "politicians to 50 years in prison and fines of $1 police and fire scanners in her officer approaches, then he fires (to sharjien it) and hit a bird with it the salaries of administrators,” she said. called the verdict “ a victory for the who violate the public trust.” million each when sentenced cramped living room and kept a and runs a further distance and at 40 feet,” she said. “ He can catch The General Assembly passed a law this year offering cities honest and decent citizens of New “ I think the convictions here have March 1. In addition, they will be Ex-automaker denies he’s *lvan’ loaded .22-caliber rifle on the waits again,” Hatchett said of a snake and eat it. He can take and towns millions of dollars in incentive grants to get them to York who have labored too long given us momentum,” Giuliani required to forfeit ill-gotten gains MICHAEL SHORNOCK JERUSALEM — A distraught John Demjanjuk went on trial couch. She and her family were the Shornock. sticks and make a bow and arrow raise teacher salaries. The law does not address administrators’ under the yoke of crooked politi­ said. and face possible state charges. . . . crack shot only residents on their mountain “ It certainly seems as though he and kill a deer with it.” salaries. cians...,” and called for Fried­ Friedman said, “ As far as I ’m Friedman, a lawyer, could be today for war crimes, and denied he was the Nazi death camp The Journal-Courier of New Haven reported this week that man’s resignation. concerned, the fight is over when disbarred. guard “ Ivan the Terrible.” about one quarter of that city’s 1,100 teachers will be at or near “ There can be little doubt that they close the box on you. I ’m not HOURS AF’TER the verdict, Defense attorney Mark O’Connor protested that his 66-year-old the pay levels of department heads by February, when state this verdict sends a crystal-clear giving up. I ’ve never quit a fight in Friedman and his wife, Jackie, client was unable to stand trial, and the retired U.S. autoworker funds are received as a result of the new law. message to all those who would my life.” were arrested after a scuffle with was temporarily removed from the courtroom and seen by Iranian missile attack kills at least 48 attempt to manipulate the system He, former city transportation New York Daily News photo­ doctors. to their own ends. The public has a chief Michael Lazar, ex-Parking STANLEY FRIEDMAN Demjanjuk was later taken back into the courtroom, still grapher Robin Graubard at their believed to be a Soviet-made SS-1 right to hold those entrusted with its Violations Bureau head Lester hotel. . . . faces new charges looking shaken, and asked if he understood the 26-page NICOSIA, Cyprus (A P) — An IRNA quoted the statement as another residential district of Suit against Carbide dismissed Scud-B weapon, with a range of indictment accusing him of Nazi war crimes, crimes against Iranian missile launched against saying; “ These inhuman and vi­ Baghdad, the Iraqis claimed. Tehran’s War Information head­ about 300 miles. A federal judge in New York has dismissed stockholder suits Jews and crimes against humanity.' ‘ Baghdad early today struck a cious acts will not remain A Newspaper in Education Program unanswered.” quarters said in a communique that The Iranians have been supplied charging that the Danbury-based Union Carbide Corp. failed to Sponsored by Speaking in his native Ukrainian tongue, Demjanjuk entered a residential neighborhood, killing 48 Tehran’s War Information Head­ Wednesday’s missile strike was to with more than a score of the warn investors of hazards at its subsidiary’s plant in Bhopal, State defends home The Quiz plea of innocent and told the three-judge panel he was not the pe(leople and wounding 52, all civili- The Manchester Herald quarters called on international avenge Iraqi air raids over the last missiles supplied by Libya through India, where a gas leak killed 2,000 people. feared guard at the Treblinka death camp in Nazi-occupied alh" s, Iraq’s official radio reported. It was the sixth missile attack by organizations to “ prevent the Iraqi four days on several cities, includ­ Syria. The two countries are Tuesday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge John F. Keenan said Poland, Israel Radio said. ing Bakhtaran, Ahvaz, Dezful, Persian Iran’s only Arab allies in WINDSOR (AP) - State officials home was in guarded condition, wondscope (10 point* for oach qu*«Hon aniworod corractly) Iran this year against the Iraqi regime from further attacks on the stockholders had failed to show that alleged omissions in the Demjanjuk has claimed he is a victim of mistaken identity. His Animeshk and the southern port of its war with Iraq, an Arab state. 2 residential areas.” company’s prospectuses and annual, reports had made the are downplaying the significance of Cartter said. capital. attorney claims ’’Ivan the Terrible” was killed in a prison revolt Iran’s offical Islamic Republic The Iranians claimed they hit a Imam Khomeini, IRNA reported. IRNA reported that Iranian documents misleading. inspection reports that cited un­ Officials tentatively traced the at Treblinka in 1943. News Agency, monitored in Nico­ telecommunications center in The Iranians claimed nearly 100 fighter-bombers also attacked the His ruling rejected several stockholder suits, consolidated in clean kitchen conditions last year outbreak, which began Nov. 16 and Erbil air base in northern Iraq this at a nursing home where four 17, to pureed food served at the sia, said the missile was fired at Baghdad in the last missile strike, civilians were killed in the attacks court, in which individual investors had sought class-action morning. deaths have been linked to salmo­ Vietnam releases MIA remains Baghdad at 3:45 a.m. and that the Saturday. Iraq said 28 people were on the western city of Bakhtaran status against the company. Union Carbide had requested the 120-bed nursing home two days The agency gave no details of the nella bacteria. earlier, Cartter said. target was the Iraqi Defense wounded then. alone on Sunday. dismissal. BANGKOK, Thailand — Vietnam today turned over to a U.S. Ministry. It said the attack was in Another missile fired Nov. 14 IRNA did not say what type of raid, but said all the warplanes A state inspector who who made a “ Obviously we’re disappointed,” said Edward Labaton, " I f you pulled inspection reports military delegation what are believed to be the remains of three retaliation for four days of Iraqi air killed seven people when it hit missile was fired today, but it was returned safety to their base. surprise visit to Mountain View in lawyer for one of the stockholder groups. “ We thought we had for 10 nursing homes at random, I ’d Americans listed as missing in action from the Vietnam war. raids on Iranian cities in which 112 August 1985 noted that puree dishes prepared a petition that would survive the motion to dismiss.” He think you’d find this is one of the A U.S. honor guard saluted as the remains, placed in caskets civilians have been killed. 6 said there was no decision on an appeal. better ones,” health department were discolored, according to re­ with a folded American flag on top, were hoisted on to a U.S. C-141 Baghdad Radio did not identify ports on file at the state health spokeswoman Wanda Rickerby transport plane at Hanoi’s Nol Bai Airport, said Lt. Col. Paul the district hit, but said five department. said Tuesday of the Mountain View Mather, head of the U.S. delegation that went to Vietnam. buildings were destroyed and 35 Health Care center. Kennelly calls for policy overhaul “ It was not appealing to the eye. The remains were flown to Honolulu, where U.S. Arm y badly damaged. Dr. Matthew Cartter, a state ... It doesn’t say the dishes were specialists will try to identify them. Iran’ s Revolutionary Guards Rep. Barbara Kennelly, D-Conn., ’Tuesday said new epidemiologist, confirmed Tuesday dirty,” said Cynthia Denne, chief of Mather headed a 15-member team from the Honolulu-based Corps, the Islamic regime’s shock revelations about the Reagan Administration’s dealings with that a Mountain View resident who licensure for the health troops, warned in a statement BIG & TALL SAVINGS Joint Casualty Resolution Center and the Army Central department. Iran and Nicaragua indicate a need for an overhaul in the died Monday night tested positive Identification Laboratory. Mather is head of the center’s issued in Tehran that Iran was administration’s foreign policy-making operation. for salmonella bacteria before her “ capable of launching missile The inspector also observed a 1 United Stale* citizen Eugene Hasenfu* is shown here listening to Bangkok office. "To permit the national security council to conduct secret death. He declined to identify the attacks on industrial, economic and food worker “ serving meatloaf the verdict read in a Managua courtroom. Mr. Hasenfus was He declined to give details on the remains, but quoted the foreign adventures out of the basement of the White House is to do resident or the three others who intelligence centers in all Iraqi slices directly to patients’ plates sentenced to 30 years in jail after admitting that he helped Vietnamese as saying they had retrieved them while a grave disservice to the American people,” said Kennelly died last week following the out­ with his bare hands and without cities” if Iraq “ did not stop its (CHOOSE ONE: fly weapons to, light with) Nicaraguan contra investigating reports from local people. SPORT COATS through her Washington office. break of salmonella bacteria. benefit of handwashing” after the criminal acts.” ENRO rebels. ” ... The disclosures of the past two weeks demonstrate how A total of 25 people are believed to worker had blown his nose. The dangerous unilateral policy-making is. Mistakes are made, have become ill from the bacteria, inspector also noted that the 2 Head of the (CHOOSE ONE: • SOLID BLAZERS kitchen floor was “ littered and Matchwords LONG SLEEVE perpetuated, and covered up in ways that could never happen if which is spread through infected French, German) slate-owned (2 points lor •ach corrsct match) there was full public debate. Our foreign policy becomes totally food and feces and causes diarriiea, soiled” and that “ the egg and auto company, Renault, was shot • WOOL & WOOL BLENDS vomiting and fever, Cartter said. vegetable refrigerators were soiled 1- unanimous a-all ^ ^ derailed, and that is unacceptable in the dangerous world we live to death by terrorists recently in DRESS SHIRTS in.” Two who remained hospitalized and stained.” front of his home. ’Tuesday were improving, while a An April 1986 inspection revealed 2- denounce b-seizing power • 48 TO 60 third who remained at the nursing no violations, state records showed. 3 Secretary of State George Shuhz ’ Ass’t Stripes Only recently said, “ I think the signal 3-coup c-forbid •42 XL TO 52 XL has been given.... I don’t see any ’ 15 Vi to 18 Vi. 35 to 38 sleeve need for further signals.” He was ♦-veto d-condemn \ AOflL n/lmchester | referring to (CHOOSE ONE: arms ' 17Vi to 20, 33 to 35 sleeve SANTA SAYS. shipments, warnings) to Iran. 5-signal e-sign 4 Some researchers recently dis­ Peopiewatch/Sportiight j P arkade covered a drug, THA, that tem­ (S points lor aach corraci anawar) porarily sharpens the (CHOOSE 1 A new Soviet iilm , "Repenlence” is a ^ MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION ONE: memories, vbion)of people surprisingly frank portrayal ol Russia SHOP suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. J under the rule of (CHOOSE ONE Ivan 2 45 Reg. ‘150 to ‘ 185 5 Recently, the Northern Marianas, the Terrible, Joseph Stalin) Reg. »30 to ‘32 islands In the (CHOOSE ONE: 2 Arbitrager Ivan Boesky recently reached DOWNTOWN Eastern Caribbean, Western a $100 million insider-trading settle­ \ FREE RIDES ] Pacific), officially became a com­ ment with the (CHOOSE ONE: Securi­ ------9 monwealth of the United States. ties and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Treasury Department). I WITH SANTA i LEVI CLASSICS ^ F06' THIS 3 "The Starry Night" and many lesser- known works are included at the • RAINWEAR Metropolitan Museum in New York CHINO'S & CORDS CHRISTMAS! City in a show opening on November SUPPORT THESE DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES. 25 called (CHOOSE ONE: "Gaugin, • OUTERWEAR Newsname "Van Gogh) in Saini-Remy and Auvers.' (tS point* It you can Idanllly Ihl* 4 A new opera by composer Gian Carlo paraon In Ih* nawa) FRIDAY FROM 9:30 am to 8:00 pm • Hospitality Booth in Most Stores Menotli opened recently to mixed • 48 to 54 Reg. & Longs I am the Defense . ' <■ reviews. The opera portrays the life of Minister of an im­ lamed Spanish painter (CHOOSE ONE 2h»^50 portant Asian nation. Register to win Gift Certificates in participating stores Goya, Picasso). In recent weeks, Friday, 32 to 42 Tall (Friday, November 28 Only) unrest in my country 5 If Michael Jordan continues his present 44 to 54 Big has led many people scoring pace of 38.4 points a game, it November 28 J. Garman’s Bibles & Books Nassiff Sports to say that I am plan­ w ill be the third highest average in NBA ning a coup. Who history. (CHOOSE ONE: Wilt Chamber- lla m -4 p m •FREE Fairway Wilton’s Marlow's am I and what is my lain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) has the all' HEMMING Regal Mens Shop Nassiff Camera Glaziers couniryl lim e highest average. YOUR SCORE; St to 100 points —TOP SCORE: Mari-Mads Bray Jewelery Crockery Shop St to 00 points — Excallanl. 7t to SO points — Good. 61-70 points — Fair. Peter’s Furniture Personal Tee J&J Jewelery e Knowladg* Unllmllart, Inc. 1124-86 REGAL’S Blish Hardware Marvin's Quinn’s Pharmacy Coventry Farms Manchester Mall Manchester Hardware New Video Mary Lewis Lift the Latch ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ COLORING BOOKS Arthur Drug “ W » q “ *«qD MIM-S Soiloo-s H | io o 0 « a -£ tuo|f«|uiiMOD a S u tq ix ] ANB CANDY MEN’S SHOP Michael's Jewelers p u ( *3|HJiuas-Z iO4 S/H3 lV M 31dO]d 903 MAIN ST., DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Eblens a-S Ij-s !q-C fp-E !»-l iSDIIOMHDlVIV *au|dd|||qj aqi a iu o j utnj :]»VVNSM3 N OPEN MON., TUES., SAT. 'TIL 5:30 643-2478 3 | | | itj uM|*aM-$ !*a|iouiaui-^ OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9:00 SUN. 12 to 5:00 !i)U3iiid|i|* iuin-c iqjuajj-z )0| •uodt>M A ||-l :3d03SaiH0M MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Nov. 26. 1986 — 7 > - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednegday, Nov. 26,1986 OPINION SHOP DOWNTOWN THIS

'\ Tests aren’t lW,lEWBID0iriS m Jack whole story mnucvMPN&MP A nderson mNoriDH^insiim/ I Now that the Human Relations Commission has completed its work on Manchester’s proposed affirmative action plan, it should turn its attention to the questionable way Libyan bullet _ _ _ „ candidates are selected for municipal Jobs. 1 \liya5BZWT Under the current system, applicants who successfully make it through the initial ended futile screening process are required to take a 175 MAIN tT. ^ 1 7 H PURITAN written, oral or practical exam. The top five MANCNE5TER hours: M-T-w-Fae/THt-a/sat. a-eso MC-KIW I ‘‘Soft Orion" Sweaters scorers are then certified for interviews and . ransom try Froai la aler to Sm ImpoatlMr to And youalwuM oonta hara tall Youth Specially Shop N the job is filled from that small pool of WINDOW tHADES CUT ★ KEYS WADE I • 100% Dupont Orion candidates. Those who are not certified are placed on an eligibility list for one year and WASHINGTON — ’The frustration and ultimate ^ EXPERIENCE LEISURELY. ENJOYARLE 20-30% OFF I .1 5 colors $ j Q 9 0 are called in for an interview if a suitable futility of trying to ransom American hostages with HOLIDAY 8H0PPINB, DI8G0VEIL. AILHEAVYWEAR • X-M-L-XL arms or money were tragically demonstrated last» position opens during that time. PramMiits - SnowsuHs - JMkats - Coats Rag. *24 spring, a few days after the American bombing s The system has brought many qualified raid on Libya. A gentle, pro-Arab librarian at the FAIRWAY • BOYS - YOUTHS • OIRLS A REFRESHING CHANGE people into municipal jobs and should not be American University in Beirut was murdered when (Sizes 4-20) (Sizes 4-14) a Slacks - Jeans SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS « eliminated. However, a thorough review by 1 l^WwanoTT (MSURU I his kidnappers, tired of waiting for the $3 million <« a COOKIE TINS ■ BAKEWARE a Blazers a Drees Shirts (long & short) a Orasaes V than qualified for a town job fail to get VsM in/M ^ Kilbum endured: -iCi ^ 20% OFF ONE ITEM q CARTER’S UNDERWEAR INFANTS - TODDLERS interviews because they are not among the o ONE COUPON PER HOUSEHOLD. EXCLUDED: SALE Boyt (2-20) Girls (2-14) Overalls - Slacks - one of the main sporting events of O ITEMS, CANDY, TOBACCO, LOTTERY AND HEALTH & z I 903 Main St. in Downtown Manchester ^ top five scorers on tests. 'The fact that they are Speaking with be both bad and good. AN ERUDITE, GENEROUS MAN, said to hav^p T-Shirtt, Brlafa, Undarahirta, Pantiss Jsnaya - Pt)aniu not interviewed does not mean they’ve failed First, inApril, weweretoldthat its nature in the country. had the best collection of Verdi opera records in BEAUTY AIDS. Master Card / Visa No adlustmanta on pravloua salsa. g FRIDAY 9:30 to 9:(X) SAT. 9:30 to 5:30 SUN. 12 to 5:00 g “evidence” was at hand that We are now entering into the Beirut, Kilbum often paid for the education of - ’jj Extended Store Hours In December the exam, or that they are less than fit for the forked tongue L2.30 within a certain percentage of the five highest Covertly, naturally. So secretly, federal court In San Diegohanded workers, participants and spec­ serious consideration to the idea of raising several ^ S scorers. indeed, that not even the highest down some sentences in a stran- tators should be commended. million dollars privately from American M tlie ^atcli adminsitration officials were let geiy similar case. It seems to me that in the last humanitarian and church groups to meet the ’These methods would leave breathing room • MANCHESTER a ROCKVILLE • WINDSOR 997 Main St. in on it. Five defendants convicted for couple of years many of the kidnappers’ ransom demands for Kilbum and 942 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER • 643-1505 • EAST HARTFORD • HARTFORD (2) for applicants who might be good at the job, stealing F-14 jet parts and selling articles written about this ever- other hostages. » M anchester SSI The post facto rationale is a.r___^ ____ r - ____ f - 4 tA/lth f fo CLINTON • GROTON • PUTNAM but poor on the test. seriously pronounced as butter­ them tolran,for$10million,were popular and famous sporting 649-6870 Others should no doubt be considered as ing up the next hierarchy in Iran. sentenced to one to six years in event have not mentioned the THE SAME WELL-MEANING GROUPS were well. Whenever they get a chance to prison. The prosecutor said the many years of sponsoring and providing (as they do to this day) tens of thousands ,^ a participation by the Tall Cedars Save 15% on Aluminum and Formica 6 But there’s no question that an HRC review take over. And whoever they may prime motivation of the defend­ of dollars to keep negotiations alive through ~ ants was greed. Makes you of Lebanon. Anglican minister Terry Waite. As a special » CUSTOM FRAMING 8 is needed because of the deep implications of be. Nothing about ransoming Reserve Your Ring Sava 10% on all wooda Manchester’s certification process. three U.S. hostages, of course. wonder what the prime motiva­ This writercertainlyhopes that adviser to the archbishop of Canterbury, Waite INTRODUCTORY OFFER 8 Who were immediately replaced tion of the president was in doing this is an oversight but as has been seemed to be close last dhristmastime to getting » CUSTOM FRAMING IN TIME FOR SAVE ‘100.00 iS4Sr 8 ’The HRC is recommending that the Board exactly the same thing. mentioned previously, the Tall several of the hostages out (He also visited the m of Directors adopt an affirmative action plan by three new ones. Simply good s THE HOLIDAYS P.R. work. Of course, the several An Academy Award, maybe? Cedars of Lebanon have been United States at least twice during that period, and!^ Hundreds of gift ideas for the artist on your list! *449 that calls for employing more minority-group very conspicuous by their ab­ millions of dollars garnered by For best protrayal of Walter met with Lt. Col Oliver Norths the National “ s 8 oil Seta - Pastel Sett - Art Books - EbbbIb members and women in municipal jobs over the arms deal had to remain Mltty? sence in most recent articles Security Council official who, as it turned out, was ;* OLIVETTI CX880 ELECTRONIC TYPE about the road race. It is my hope overseeing the arms/hostages negotiations with " g SPECIAL FRAME Phone 8 the next five years. That is a laudable goal, hidden, so they were quickly i Main PRICES END a46-IW13 but concrete steps are needed if it is to be diverted, illegally, todirectaidto John Bossidy that this has been an unconscious Iran at the time.) ^ Cloaed WITH COMPUTER INTERFACE 8 achieved. the twrorists in Central America. 61 Cambridge St. omission on the part of the writers Waite’s negotiations for Kilbum broke down FOR CHRISTMAS Wad. Aftnn 100 Chiractor Print Wheal Half-spice key 8 Wimout the consent of Congress. of these articles, but I did feel that several times — and ended abmptly and finally '2 Open Thun. IN i Auto centering By increasing the number of people who are I had to write this letter to remind when the United States bombed Libya last April 14. '2 • Triple Pitch • 10,12.15 8 ^^rtjfied, the town would increase the number Mts knowledge. ^ Q r FIRST .3 STONES > Auto underline Further rationalizing from the Cedars deserve all of us of the many many years of Kilbum’s kidnappers were already sorely • Print Spaed 15 cpt. 8 oM ^ale and minority candidates who get job )val Office informs the public devoted service of the members fmstrated at their inability to sell their hostage for ^ / FREE A Store of Inspiration in a SIngla-llne correction memory • Much, much morel intei^iews. That is one step toward a true 7that the whole bucket of worms credit for race of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon who the $3 million they had demanded. Downtown Manchester affiiroative action policy. t was predicated upon alleged continue to play a significant part m 8 Granted, the more people interviewed, the “evidence” that Iran was, and T04^e Editor: in this very special sporting THE LIBYANS had already offered them $1 longer it will take to fill a position. But still is, a major conduit for event, which over the years has million for the unfortunate Kilbum two days before' ! . jewelers terrorism in the world. As though It has been my experience over made a marvelous contribution in the U.S. raid. The kidnappers quickly closed the !!: ^Bibles & Books because test’s aren’t totally qualified to ju(i support of the programs for deal and sold their captive to Libyan agents. On LIGHT FROM COD LIFE FOR MAN a person’s qualifications, ttie step might e^en the families of 239 American many years as a Manchester Marines needed such a reminder. resident to have become involved muscular dystrophy. April 17, Kilbum’s body was found on the roadside r ! ^ improve the overall quality of the candi/date near Beimt along with the bodies of two British 'v Makes one wonder if all the in a very minor way with the ^£xcjUiii te ^ iamonJi & ^ in t ^ t lasLxy B u s m E s i PurnBlI Place 8 pool. “facts” and “evidence” of bad Thanksgiving Day Road Race, William R.Rood hostages, who had also been shot in reprisal for ” 840 Main Street 649-3396 It would certainly broaden its diversity deeds by Arabian countries can which has established itself as tStephenSt.. Britain’s cooperation In the American raid on lo b m MACHINES Manchester • 643-61568 Libya. i; I 785 Main St., M anchester • 643-8484 According to our intelligence sources, the Britlslrn! hostages — and presumably Kilbum — were shot ~ "OLD FASHIONED PRICES” by a Libyan army officer, identified only as a -* A good new leaded for state Democrats Major Khalifa, who had come from Tripoli to do the" r H^SS\TFSmP job. r. ^ 991 Main Street • Manchester • 647-9126 lcA y\n e s P C a c e ^ Kilbum, generous, warmhearted friend of Arabs,," Vincent E. Mauro of New Haven, who reporters while the backstage maneuvering was was one victim of a tragic situation that has made S 103 New London Tpke. • Glastonbury • 622-6937 1 Unisex-Full Service Halrelyling understands and supports4lie Democratic Party’s going on — some of it in a meeting with Maiiro at 9 every American in the Middle East a potential ’ 8 liberal tradition without being obnoxious about it, the Governor’s Mansion. And Mauro has made it target for abduction and murder by pro-Iranian ^ clear to O’Neill that he will be a forceful chairman. ^a/Mnct/nt couldn’t have picked a better time to take over as C apitol terrorists — or mercenary thugs who hide out in the>!; I Family Sports Shop Since 1944 its state chairman. As one of his New Haven friends put it, “Vinnie Bekaa Valley of Lebanon under the protection of won’t be a patsy for anybody.” ’Ibat was taken to I Cross Country and Downhill Skiis mnJ a y U y tm m s Mauro assumes the leadership of a party newly C om m ents Syria. " I» manchester 811 MAIN ST. MALL restored to a peak of power through stunning , . 4 i mean he will make allowance for the personal Bob Conrad victories at the polls this month. Its status is partly alliance O’Neill has with the inner trio of Jim Billboard alert Equipment • Clothing to the credit of the man Mauro will succeed, Wade, George Hannon and Jack Mahaney. Mauro Timothy J. Moynihan of East Hartford, a chairman has no special love for non-elected politicians, Communities across the nation face a deluge of » THE CRAFT SUPPLY HOUSE Wilton’s Gift Shop who has also put the party’s organizational house in which describes those three. applications for billboard permits before Congress m order during his two years in office. Moynihan Mauro will want to involve himself and the party reconvenes in January and takes up revisions of “ 50 Purnell Place (Otf Main St., Downtown) the Highway Beautification Act. ‘"The billboard ;; Specializing in Hummel Figurines moves on to become president of the Greater back rooms, he chose long ago to be a “clean” in national issues. He sees benefits for Connecticut 646-8439 Hartford Chamber of Commerce. in opening doors at that level. He may^have liberal industry is going all out to erect thousands ofmew J: operator and an artful practitioner of building billboards before Congress takes up the billboard 2 COLLECTOR’S PLATES So Mauro could not be luckier in the timing. Nor coalitions and compromise. leanings — he was an early activist in the Caucus of Large selection of Craft Supplies at an could he be more thoughtful in choosing Arthur. T. Connecticut Democrats — but he is skilled at issue again,” warned James McMahon, executive CONTACT LENBEB He also preserves, if one step removed, the director of the Coalition for Scenic Beauty. “Cities Early American Gifts & Accessories Barbieri — his predecessor as Democratic town Democratic Party’s history of hiring chairmen bringing together diverse elements of the party. _ HEARINO AIDS affordable price. 8 chairman in New Haven — to nominate him next need to act now or they are going to be inundated by ^ whose ethnic roots are Irish, His parentage is new, giant billboards.” Fear of stricter controls is <* EA^ERN CONNECTICUT'S LEADING Gift Certificates • Ideas • Gifts • Classes & Morel Large Selection of Byers Carolers month. Italian on his father’s side and Irish on his ACCEPTANCE OF Mauro is not unanimous in 6 t ^ f u l l SERVICE OPTICIANS r the party, of course, but that is par for Democratic inspiring the industry’s action; they want to get Mon.-Sat. 10-5 • Thurs. ’til 9:00 mother’s. If the circumstances had been reversed their billboards up in case Congress passes though ;;; 964 Main St. 643-7781 BARBIERVS CAMEO ROLE in this transition — that is, an Irish father and an Italian mother — politics. But he won’t be opposed at next month’s 763 MAIN S T R E E T ■ 643-1191 Ask about our 10% Bulk Buy Discounts comes with its own bit of drama. He may well be Mauro would go down as yet another chairman of election by the Democratic State Central restrictions. ^ 191 MAIN STREET ■ 643-1900 SIBaSaiBS(!ESIBaiE«E«iE»IE«!ESEaiE»EaYfiSEe(iBSSE«aiE»:£«£fi(»aSiEaEaE Committee. . M BKYfi* Ba *«*«*«*« Y®*®*®*************®******®******® muttering, as he performs his chore, “there but for Gaelic background. dlEfiZIi the grace of God and John M. Bailey, go I.” This is, in fact, his second time around. Mauro Barbieri yearned for the chairmanship through his wanted the job two years ago when O’Neill, at the Dazxle Her With A Quality DLYMPIA DEUCATESSEN years as boss in New Haven, calling repeatedly for IN VINNIE MAURO. Democrats are getting a urging of his inner circle, went for Moynihan HlanrhpBtpr HpralJi Diamond of a Carat or More Bailey’s resignation, but it was not to be. chairman whose liberal leanings will jibe with the instead. Mauro was talking of shooting for a seat on Founded In 1881 697 Main St., Manchester the Democratic National Committee if he had lost a WAB XMAS CUALITY 8 As an added aside, Mauro and Barbieri are party’s swing in that direction recently, and in 1 .00CT. OvBl *3105 *2408 SI* Q Color “family.” Mauro’s wife is Barbieri’s niede. Mauro company with such other ieaders of that similar shuffle — this time to West Hartford Town PENNY M. SIEFFERT...... PuWtahef DOUQLAS a . BEVINS...... Exacutlv* Editor 1.(W CT. Mtrqule 3295 2008 SI* F Color 643-0809 calls Barbieri his mentor in politics. And while complexion as U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd, House Chairman John Droney. JAMES P. SACKS...... Mtniglno Editor 101 CT. Round 3005 3108 ”VS* E-F Color 631 Main Street Barbieri never realized his dream, he is happy for Speaker-elect Irving Stolberg, state Attorney Gen. He won’t be autocratic, but the party will know ALEXANDER QIRELLI...... Anocitta Editor i !05 CT. Round 4295 3806 VS’ F-Q Color Luncheon Specials. Party Platters, 8 Manchester Mauro. Joe Lieberman, National Committee members he is on duty. “I wouldn’t have taken the job unless 1 10 CT. Round 4450 3780 VS’ H Color DENISE A. ROBERTS...... Advartiting Diractor DOli Sandwiches, Homemade Soup That association is important to mention here Mary Sullivan and John Flynn, and U.S. Reps. I was prepared to accept the responsibility that 1.61 CT. Round 0500 0280 W S IJ Color _ 643-6346 goes with it,” he said. MARK F. ABRAITIS...... Blitinaat Mtnagar 2.56 CT. EttBle DIb. 7500 8000 before Vinnie Mauro brings this excellent tutelage Barbara Kennelly, Sam Gejdenson and Bruce SHELDON C O HEN...... Cotnpoaing Mtnmar Tum.-Frt. 7:00-4d)0. Thum. W6 8 to the job along with practical experience of his Morrison. ROBERT H. HUBBARD..,...... Praatroofn Managar Mon. A Sa(. 7M-SM Maternity, Lingerie, Uniforms own in the political arena of New Haven. And while Mauro has the personal blessing of Gov. Bill 1 Bob Conrad writes a syndicated column about JEANNE O. FROMERTH...... Circulation Managar he knows all of the tricks and he pressures of the O’Neill, who played a game of cat and mouse with Connecticut iwlltics. -5___M a n c h e s t e r h e r a l d . Wednesday, Nov, 26, 1986

HAOAR THE HORRIELE by DIk Brown* SNAFU by Bruce Beattie PEANUTS by Charlet M. Schulz

WMAT'LU I FEEL. AP\/StJWf2oUS MAKE A COMPLETELY M A I ^ E YOU TOPAY... j------Opi&iMAUOfJE-OF-A'KlMP ThlAT. W, h a v e UJE 6 0 T ’ iBv Tht Atioclatbd Prtts And, she admits, "I’m scared a Domacker’s panicked cries of undaunted. conditions, radio chatter — makes of the occupation. BAP NEWS FOR “It takes a lot of concentration,” WAVE ? P(2|MK J iie r FOP ME / T ] M o l little bit.’’ “HU the water! Hit the water!" Dennis Nordin has survived two airborne reporting a hectic Job. YOU T0NI6HT.' ' Kathy Collins is still haunted by Her fear Is not unfounded. were heard by thousands of rush- freeway crash landings in the three “You have to remember you’re said Street, who earns $50,000 to 11*,. the last panicky on-air cries of a Since April, airborne reporters hour commuters. years he’s reported on traffic from also the foil for the disc Jockeys,’’ $75,000 a year. “You have to lellow traffic reporter, whose helic­ have been involved in crashes of The latest fatalities occurred a helicopter for KEX-AM in Por­ said Nordin, 34. “If you’re up there constantly fight against I * - J opter crashed into the Hudson seven helicopters and one plane. ’Tuesday In , where a tland, Ore. wondering if you’re going to make It complacency.” % River. And after 19 years, Collins is Seven lives were lost, making 1986 chopper crashed in heavy fog, He knows he is lucky to be alive, through the weather or not, you Since 1975, when the N’TSB began thinking about giving up her career the worst year ever for such killing pilot Dan Gould, 31, and but the sight of a twinkling city can’t forget you’re still expected to keeping such records, 17 traffic (n the clouds. accidents, according to the Na­ WKRC reporter Nancy McCor­ below him outweighs the fear of be the Ed McMahon. helicopters have crashed killing 12 > Her fiance wants her to get tional Transportation Safety mick, 26. flying. "It’s difficult to be Jovial when people. The most in any year until Smother Job, said the 39-year-old Board. “Every time something like this “In the evening when we are you’re somewhat frightened.” now was 1983, when three accidents In Los Angeles, “Commander" killed four people. n i b --"V Reporter with KOY radio in Pho­ Last month. New York City happens, those of us in the air make coming over the west hills, when enix, Ariz. “But the pay is good, I reporter Jane Domacker was killed a Uttle extra effort to be vigilant,” it’s a clear-air night, it’s Just Chuck Street, who pilots “Yellow This year’s accidents remain THE PHANTOM by L ** Falk A By Barry WERE NOT EVEN 60ING enjoy the work and the station has when her helicopter crashed intg said Carl Dombeck, traffic pilot- beautiful up there,’’ he said. Thunder" for Los Angeles’ KIIS- under investigation, so officials are TO GIVE YOU THE een good to me. I don’t know what the Hudson during a WNBC reporter for KING-AM in Seattle. Concentrating on so many things FM, said the Cincinnati crash unable to speculate on any reason F T WILE 1 AMSOtPTIVE'^l^ HO SUPPueP-N PETAIL6 AT ELEVEN! reminds him of the inherent danger for the increase. IN "mE TERRORIST CAMP, THE CAMP WITH tni going to do right now.” broadcast. Many veteran reporters remain at once — ground traffic, flying I HEARP HIM BACHOINS WEAPONS, MONEX, W(?"FOR INSTRUCTIONS. MEN ------REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK W-2M ClWtWMiA UK fe a tu rin g : "He knows more about the lie of this green than / do.” ELEGANT THAT MANCHESTER $300,000 NOT THE REAL ANSWER Colonial, In prestigious area. This WE WANT^ CAPTAIN EASY :^">by Crooks A Catale 3,200 aq. ft. home has 5 bedrooms, N ^ 'tOU CAN'T THERE'S SUCH A ranging In size fro m 12’x 1 3’ to 13’x17’ Tcx^orro^ : So a p ani^ WATen.. PO THIS FINE LINE BETWEEN TOME! A DREAM AND A — all with walk-ln closets. Huge living NIGHTMARE,I6NT room, den & breakfast room, as well as BLONDI^ by Dean Young A Stan Drake ESTATE a formal dining room on the 1 st floor, 16'x28’ rec room: 4 working TH E Y O IDKI'T A LLO W llii I THINK I'M OUR DEDUCTIONS TA K IN S MV fireplaces. Immaculate home, with WORK T O O Ideal layout for entertaining. Set on SERIOUSLY OPPORTUNITIES 1.87 acres. 243 MAIN STREET •MANCHFSTER J I ^ .J - . . . Y ' 'I U643-1591 ' i J - l - J J I a W F IS H VEHNON CIRCLE • VEHNON 1 ...1...... 871-1400

' V 243 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER J.. n 643-1591 ■s ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson p.w.riSH*jJiI&|I>ATA,IN)C.. sec... ■ U|W Manchester Townhouse $59,900 WHICH 15 OWMED Very nice townhouee condominium. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and 17x19 IPw:' living room, 1V4 baths. Carpeting, paint and wallpaper has been WHICH \‘^ A WHoU.‘f’-PWMe[> updated. Very good condition. Of ..OF... \ S0351PIA(2.V MANCHESTER $M,900 ) Immaculate 4 room Ranch 0 4* IM completely redecorated, new wall to wall carpeting. Corner lot. '■P A pleasure to show. ALLEY OOP * by Dave Graue

CAPTA.IN, r THINK WE CAN GET ALL / ALL OF US? HOW EXCUSE ME, \ I'LL / AS YOU MISS EUA WHY, HOW OF YOUR PEOPLE WELL SOUTH OF | IM TARNATION GENTLEMEN.../t e l l I WISH, / MAE,Y'ALL v NICE OF HERE BEFORE TH' YANKEES KNOW I ARE Y'ALL GONNA U.8. ACRES by Jim Devla D INNAH IS y YOU V SUH f LOOK SIMPL' > YOU TO s e r v e d ; / a f t e r w e ( ; yscRUMTiou£ / s a y s o , e a t ; A,ear THIS EVENIN' ( RANSOM! STORR8 - Nice 2 bedroom Mo­ rAREN'T VOO A6HAMEP WHAT'S THAT ? SOUTH WINDSOR - New listing Immaculate 7 room ralshed bile home In adult community. OF VOOR FEARS,WAPE? ranch, spacious family room with deluxe wood stove, 3 IT'S THE COWARP'S SI Appliances, central air and bedrooms, 2’A baths, quiet location. Only $159,900. ART OF 6ELF- porch. PEFEN6E. I'L L REMONSTRATE $32,900 \! U&R REALTY CO. 2 James R. McCavanagh Manchsster Nicely Remodeled $108,900 W e ’ v e Built Our Reputation on Service Q Q Ik A Cape priced lor eomeonaone Ilooking to get started. 3 bedrooms, flraplaced 643-2692 237 East Center St., Manchester, CT 06040 0 ^ « /“ O oU U living room, dining room and remodeled kitchen with pantry, 1 'A baths. THE BORN LOSER ' by Art Sansom Call today, get started. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor McCavanagh doesn’t rest till your living in the best! ______/ IKY rKgePM&lNIHAT ^TI6K'gM U piy z "CACjcxe FAaOKY',' " ~ ~ l ' T T WILL THFYl " ' k 6 Puxxlea A strograph Don Jackson IK Rose Viola Jackson ACROSS 7 Firearm Answer to Previous Puzzle Bill, Roberts owners' gp. s u 1 t N A Y Q u 1 P I Blacksmith's 8 Marquis da ^ o u r Rosalie Brunetti ; block u p T O O L E U s D A o s E E 1 A E O N birthday o Paul Cavagnaro SUDDENLY AVAILABLE E Goose genus 9 English school THAYER ROAD I I Optic applicator 10 Indian music I y A Id D L E this 3-3 two family is back on the Nov. 27, 1986 Mike Swanson Gracious 8 room home styled for 13 Mistakes mode Rp;il Fvitntp market. See it today only $108,500. 14 Eye part 12 Trousers 1 Real Estate family living. HURRY! $179,900.00 "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESr...646-2482 H P B L E You're going to derive great pleasure in FRANK AND ERNEST ' by Bob Thaves Patricia Gentilcore 13 Organic "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI’’...64S-2482 15 Sailor (2 wds.) O A H U o A K S the year ahead from some of the won­ 16 Ear (comb, compound derful non-material things life has to ot­ "rij*- > u sj Vinnie Diana, Jr. E M 1 L 0 N E S form) 18 3, Roman ter. You'll be quite fortunate where [ b L E R Y l In G S T 647-8400 17 Actress Louise 20 Novelist Jane friendships are concerned. ■ \ T M ^ II^ ^ A ts Tt> 19 Last queen of 168 Main St., Manchester Spain 21 Capital of E F F e1 [u T E SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Even 5 T e A l > Y 20 Most esthetic Kansas, O A R s o ~u\ E E R O if It involves sacrifices on your behalf, 1 ^ try to return favors today requested by 22 Hawaiian island 22 Fumbler's A R A N U R D L E S S exclamation persons who have been kind to you in 25 Madam's N 0 N e S O E E N T E the past. Trying to patch up a broken counterpart 23 Folksinger Guth­ romance? The Matchmaker set can rie 26 Boors 36 Bird (comb, 44 Ripped help you understand what might take to 30 Sources of 24 Receive form) 46 Walking stick make the relationship work. Mall $2 to 6 -6 DUPLEX information 1966 by MCA. me Tvr/H/ES II - 2 G LUXURY ABOUNDS metal 37 Courts 47 Not now Matchmaker, c/o this newspaper, P.O, with separate heating systems, garage Spectacular 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. 31 Bard 27 First-rate (2 40 That is (Lat., 2 4B Flat-bottomed Box 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. and a prime locaton near the hospital. Magnificent landecaped lot w/pool S view. '240'* wds.) wds.) boat CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You'll "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI” ...646-2482 "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSESI"...646-2482 32 Make a map of do well In competitive developments to ­ 28 Lawn party 41 Modern fabric 50 German article 33 Grafted, in day If you keep In the back of your mind 29 British gun 42 Wax (Lat.) 52 Edgar Allan WINTHROP ' by Dick Cavalli heraldry the fact that you have reserves that oth­ 35 Mountain ridge 34 Painful 43 River in Russia ers may lack. ^WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!” MRS. STENSLE SENTA MOTE ITMEANS r DONY TAKE A SPIN BY. 35 Bounder 1 2 3 4 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Condi­ HOME t h a t SAID I WAS SUPER DOOPER DUPLEX!!! Or give us a call and we'll drive! Great 3 family on 3B Sharp tions are hopeful today pertaining to SErANVALLOWANCE Blanchard & Rossetto Senior 11 something you've long desired. Take " insubordinate ;' F O R A M O N T H . Lovely 6+5 duplex in Vernon. Large IStyxlSO' lot, 51-53 Feral St. in Manchester. Separate utilities, 39 State of bliss Citizens Discounts practical measures now to make your separate utilities, 2 car garage. Many modern nice size rooms, great income potential. Lots of 42 Split 646-2482 14 dream a reality. improvements. City utilities. $138,500. updating has been done. $164,900. 647*8400 V, .REAL ESTATE 45 God PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Although 46 Cow's chewed 16 profits from one of your ventures may 9 food be a bit lean at this time, don't get dis­ 49 Wears away 20 couraged. Shortly, they'll become more r 349 EAST CENTER ST. 'LvjJ .. 51 Texas city (2 ample. MANCHESTER REALTY WORLD* 22 2 3 24 Joyce G. Epstein I wds.) ARIES (March 21-April 19) You have (203)646-7709 73 West Center Street good judgment today, so once you '53 Most unusual 647-8895 Frechette Associates Manchester, CT 06040 30 make up your mind, don't alter your de­ flea/ Estate 54 More quickly c is io n s . What you decide should be best WE GET RESULTS 55 Watchful 32 T|or you and others who are involved. WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL GETS ATTENTION 56 Lacking money TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The fruits of A DIVISION OF THOMAS A. BENOIT ENTERPRISES” 34 your labors could yield a harvest today. DOWN But if the pickings are a trifle slim, use this as a lesson to try harder the next Bridge DUPLEX 1 Air (comb, time. Fenced yard, separate driveways, 3 bedrooms & large 4 2 form) 4 3 4 4 4 5 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) An unstruc­ kitchens all combine to make this Duplex your, tured, lively gathering, held just for fun, y r No Shoveling Snow... 2 Russian he would welcome a club play from 4 9 SO could turn out beneficially for you bu- Headache Spacious well kept unit “NEXT BUY” ! $145,000 ■'no' West. What West did didn’t help. He sinesswlse today. Look for profit among NORTH 11-26-86 played the club ace and another club. close to 1-384 and on bus­ 3 Reject S3 the potables. ♦ 10 9 3 remedy ♦ A Q 2 East won the club king but he didn’t line. Quick occupancy poss­ 4 Here (Fr.) □ CANCER (June 21-July 22) A family is­ know who had the queen or who had 5 Pertaining to S5 sue that has caused everyone in your ♦ 10 8 6 2 By James Jacoby ible. Manchester, $59,900. ♦ 10 6 2 the other diamond. So he now tried to the moon household a degree of discomfort looks cash a diamond trick. Declarer grate­ 6 6 Surfaces (c)1986 by NEA. Inc 26 like It may be resolved today. It won't WEST EAST Every once in a while a bridge hand, come easily. fully ruffed high, picked up the trumps ♦ 6 5 ♦ 7 like today’s, gives the defenders a and made his game with the three LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) The appropriate ♦ 10 8 6 5 3 ♦ J 9 7 headache. Does it surprise you that heart tricks. opening will present Itself today, giving ♦ A 5 ♦ K Q J 7 4 3 East would open three diamonds with you an opportunity to resolve a serious ♦ A Q 8 3 To avoid the need for aspirin, West CELEBRITY CIPHER ♦ K 9 5 only a six-card suit? That’s not unusu­ must carefully play his cards so that matter that you've been reluctant to al. In fact, three diamonds would easi­ C«4«brlty Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present thrash out with a pal. SOUTH East cannot err. He assumes from the PRICE REDUCED Each letter in the cipher stands tor another Today's due- K equals V VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) This Is a ♦ AKQJ842 ly make even though West didn’t have play of the diamond three that East Owner anxious to sell this “Doll House” ! Four rooms, by CONNIE WIENER good day to go shopping for essential ♦ K 4 very much. However, South bid three holds the club king. So his proper play 2 bedrooms, full bayement. In move-in condition. household Items. If you search the ♦ 9 spades and North gambled a bit with “ W ... EWTG CJNGUNPIV, ZUPMHMED is to lay down the club queen at trick HURRY! ' $89,900. stores, you should find what you want at ♦ J 7 4 his raise to game. two. He can then follow with the club Suddenly Available... RESTAURANT prices you can afford. When the diamond ace was led, East Charming older Colonial Vulnerable: Neither ace, and the defenders will quietly “Putting You 1st Is 2nd Nature To Us!” Located in Manchester on high traffic street. Good location for MGRHCVG W OHKG HELHDV MGGJ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Take a no- had to get West to switch. Not only located on East Center Street In Dealer: West take the first four tricks and defeat the pizzeria. Presently operating as a breakfast, lunch, and early nonsense posture if you have a critical would it not help for West to continue Manchester. Five bedrooms. game. evening restaurant. $55,000. Excellent potential for good in­ UGZGEEGN MO ZGUGJJWHE LWJJGUV.” — situation to work out today. Once those West North East South diamonds, but if West had started with Lota of space. Possible office STRANO REAL ESTATE with whom you are dealing see you are the lone ace, then it was important come. Call us for the details. Pass Pass 3 ♦ location. Call today for details. serious, they'll fall in line. 4 4 that he get to East’s hand so a second IGPUIG RHUEWJ. Pass Pass Pass 156 E. CENTER ST„ MANCHESTER, CT. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) If you hope Pass diamond could be cashed. Suit prefer­ PREVIOUS SOLUTION: ‘'Sometimes we deny being worthy ol praise, to have an old obligation repaid, give ence was the answer. East could play Of the five Great Lakes, only one — CALL TODAY - 647-“SOLD” f e ( 203) 646-7709 hoping to generate an argument we would be pleased to lose." — Cullen the debtor a reminder today. There's a Opening lead: ♦ A a diamond honor or the seven to sug­ Lake Michigan — is wholly in the y Hightower. chance you could receive partial payment. gest a heart play. When he played the United States. The others are shared diamond three, the message was that with Canada. MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Nov. 26. 1986 — 11 1* — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Nov. 26, 1986 Contra link assailed F O C U S /F o o d

as furor continues MoMliMltrRoad tdfSt JamMChintl Conllnued from page 1 which limits the transfer abroad of kottr _ «ad £ i i t U.S. weapons. rtwiiiMdliiiniidlii the committee in January, said Durenberger, an opponent of SetKKdnwattiM’tlMii’i Reagan should admit he made a Contra aid. said, "I suspect it will ...... _ ...... ^ ...... mistake, fire all those responsible be a cold day in Washington before "and try to start again with a clean any more money goes to Nicara­ slate.” gua . Ollie North may have killed his j Im t^kNMidjNdli4l^f. fb jjitw w » » i Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., incoming Nicaragua program.” — ------. chairman of the Senate Armed Nunn, a backer of Contra aid, l*t«r. TIM Jaadflilt la MaiiciNMter a«I Cm ukm ^ Services Committee, said, “the concurred. "Contra aid was al­ Reagan administration has to un­ ready a very close question,” and .' tiiiiiMiH derstand that they cannot abuse the the latest revelation "puts it in dOMd «wl Nunn said there should be an earlier position and voted to permit irfU b« d ‘‘'Z ^ ;* ^ ’ Timraday. Some convenience atorea will be open. AliMhd! Faekage atorea will be doaed Tburaday. Moat baia . N Rainfall gives town adli remain open. Saaeiieaey nambara; In Maneheater. hisbway, a47«$aaik I ' \ refoaot M7*dMi^ aewer and water, M7A minutes, or until chologist and amateur athlete, I add a cut onion and celery rib for Turkey divah 8 cyl. *63.95 Qnni (onni ru eliminate all flavor. Cover and microwave on If desired, cut out pastry decora­ heated through. Let stand for 10 interviewed patients at Boston- I * 2 4 . 9 5 *mosf cars ^swr-’^CARD —^CARD ARD those little pans of things to be depending upon the amount of food tive shapes with a cookie cutter. minutes before cutting. 1 package (10 ounces) frozen area sports medicine clinics and high for 30 minutes; then simmer l_ warmed over. on the plate. on 30% (medium-low) for 15 to 30 Place on waxed paper covered chopped broccoli reviewed research on the role of Telephone 646-1700. We suggest that you place the This method allows each person minutes. Pour the broth through a cardboard and microwave on high Cream of turkey soup 1 can (I1V« onnccs) cream of exercise in the release of pleasure- ni Qnni Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. leftover turkey, gravy and vegeta­ to choose their own foods, and it for 4 to 4‘A minutes, rotating chicken sonp, undiluted causing chemicals in the brain. CARD CARD Q strainer Into quart jars and let cool I Lube, OH, Filter I I Brake Specials bles In covered containers. When it controls the portion sizes. It also before refrigerating or freezing. cardboard twice. These can then be 3 caps turkey stock Vi cap milk or light cream The report by Chan, assistant I I Complete, Lifetime Guarantee is time to re-heat, simply arrange eliminates re-heating more food added to garnish the pot pie during 1 cup flnely chopped potatoes 2 tablespoons dry sherry professor of human services at I Up to 5 Qts. 10W40 Oil When you are looking for some­ I DISC DRUM the refrigerated foods on the table, than is going to be eaten. Re­ thing to do with the leftovers, try the final 2 minutes of microwaving. 2 teaspoons finely chopped onion 6 to 8 tnrkey slices Boston University, was published 1 can (lOVi ounces) condensed 1/3 cap grated Parmesan cheeie ^CARI)m m buffet style. Let each person help heating foods more than once these suggestions; Place margarine in a 2-quart in the 1987 Medical and Health * 1 6 . 9 5 I I *54.95 *54.95 themselves. Cover the plate holding reduces flavor and quality of the batter bowl. Microwave on high for cream of celery soup, nndllnted Place broccoli in an 8x8 inch Annual, released this week by the "moat cars ‘moat cara ^ach person’s food with plastic leffovers. 30 seconds. Stir in flour and poultry Vt cup diced cook^ tnrkey baking dish. Cover tightly with Chicago-based Encyclopaedia Bri- !wrap and pop it into the microwave. We have some suggestions for Turkey pot pie seasoning. Blend in broth. Stirring 8 slices bacon, cooked crisp and \ tannica Inc. as Qm Qm Qm Qm <£ ;Reheat on high for 2 to 3>A minutes. leftover turkey which you may find 2 tablnpoons butter midway through cooking, micro- cnunbled Please turn to page 12 Addiction can occur in any Coupons must be presented on payment. strenuous sport, Chan said in a Senior citizens take off an additional 10%. telephone interview Tuesday night. Qm Qm Qm Qm Qm Qm It - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Nov. 26. 19»6 Supennarket Shopper Your Neighbor’s Kitchen Rebate can create legal tangle If you want a refund La Roeque races for brunch By Martin Sloane paint, caulking materials and power tools. firmly, transfer to plastic bags and United Features Syndicate With most refund offers for food and common Bv Nancy Pappas Offer. Send the required refund form and two close tightly. Do not thaw, just add household products. I ’ll send a portion of the register Hsrald Reporter proofs of purchase from any combination of two "I wouldn’t be surprised if the people who bought our five minutes to the baking time. D EAR M ARTIN: Consumers should be warned of tape without a moment’s hesitation, even if the Clip *n* file refunds purchases of Geisler Double Duty Shampoo Flea the possible consequences that can arise when they package, minus the proof of purchase, is still sitting in Christine La Roeque is a very house on Scarborough have a few unexpected guests Pet Foods, Pet Products (File No. \trC) Powders, Flea Sprays, Dip or Soap (dog or ca t). play the refund and rebate game. One of these is that the pantry. If this type of item proves to be defective, organized person. And she wishes Cranberry coffee cake Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-off Expires Dec. 31, 1986. she’d gotten her holiday baking show up on Thursday morning.” sending in a sales receipt in return for a refund can be taking the package back to the supermarket or sending coupons — beverage refund offers with beverage cup (1 stick) butter an invitation to legal difficulties. the manufacturer a letter of complaint are my done on Saturday and Sunday. coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed H A PPY CAT Oiristmas Stocking Offer. Re­ After all, this working mother 1 cup sugar Consumers are protected by law or by the specific remedies, and. in either case, the register tape is proofs of purchase while looking for the required ceive a free Happy Cat Christmas Stocking. Send expects 50 to peopleon’Thursday. Vk cup brown sugar warranties of the manufacturer. But in any dispute, a rarely important. 60 years that the family lived on and pineapple. forms at the supermarket, in newspapers and the required refund form and three weight circles 2 eggs proof of purchase may be essential for one to be entitled Some are coming for a road-race Scarborough Road. In fact, some Mix together dry ingredients and ' But getting satisfaction with problems involving magazines, and when trading with friends. Offers from any size or flavor of Happy Cat brand Cat 2 cups flour to an exchange or refund. brunch, and the rest arejcoming for guests may still be unaware of the nuts. Add to zucchini mixture and rebate items is a different matter. Department stores may not be available in all areas of the country. F o ^ . Delivery by Christmas cannot be guaran­ 1 teaspoon baking powder Frequently, the manufacturer’s warranty provides a turkey dinner with all the La Roeques’ recent move. "I stir well. Divide batter into two and home-improvement centers usually have a strict Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. teed. Expires Dec. 31,1986, or while supplies last. 1 teaspoon baking soda for the return of defective merchandise in the original trimmings. , wouldn’t be surprised if the people greased and floured 5-by-9-inch loaf requirement that a receipt or register tape be returned The following refund offers are worth $10.29. But instead of paking cakes and Vt cup sour cream carton, along with a proof of purchase, which is usually K AL KAN Dog Food Refund Offer. Receive $1 in who bought our house on Scarbo­ pans. Bake in a 350-degree oven 55 before they will give out a refund or make an exchange. This week’s offers have a total value of $19.58. muffins last weekend. La Roeque 1 teaspoon vanilla the original sales slip. rough have a few unexpected to 60 minutes. Cool 10 minutes in 'niese offers require refund forms: coupons. Send the required refund form and four and her husband, Al, were hanging Vt cup walnuts No sales slip or cash-register tape should be disposed Consumers wanting to take advantage of a rebate guests show up on ’Thursday pans, then remove to a wire rack to AMORE Cat-alog Offer. Receive free Amore labels from any size cans of Kal Kan Dog Food, 38 rolls of wallpaper and a dozen 18-onnce can cranberry nance of until the purchased item is thoroughly tested or offer should carefully test the product before disposing morning.” she said. finish cooling. Pet Diary Cat-alog(s) (8>A-by-ll, $3 pages). Send along with the cash-register receipt (s) with the pairs of curtains, so that their new 1 cup powdered sugar satisfactorily consumed. of the original carton or sending the register tape or Here are 'some of her brunch the required refund form and 20 Amore Universal purchase prices circled. Expires Dec. 31,1986. home on Ferguson Road will would 1 teaspoon vanilla extract JORMA KETO, GREENCASTE, PA. receipt to the manufacturer for a promotional offer. If favorites. there is a possibility that the item might fail during Product Codes, along with $I for postage and look spectacular for Thursday’s Sun City special Milk as needed handling for each Cat-alog. Expires Dec. SI, 1086, Here’s a refund form to write for: A $1 rebate. Cream butter and two sugars DEAR JORMA: You make a good point. subsequent use. then, by all means, make a photocopy invasion of guests. 1 pound sweet sausage meat of the register tape. The copy need not be of the whole or while supplies last. RUST-OLEUM $1 Rebate Offer, P.O. Box 3542, . As a result, most cooking for the Zucchini bread I pound ground beef together. Add eggs. In a small bowl, Today, we find rebates on everything from mix together flour, baking powder tape. Just fold it so the top portion, with the name of the CARNATION Company Offer. Receive a free Young America, MN 55394. This offer expires La Roeques’ two Thanksgiving 3 eggs 1 pound American cheese underwear to automobiles. Rebates have also become and baking soda thoroughly. Add to store, and the portion with the price of the rebate item 7-pound bag of Friskies Dry Cat Food. Send the Dec. 31,1986, but requests for the form must be parties had to be done Tuesday and 1 cup vegetable oil Vi teaspoon oregano popular among hardware and home-care manufactur­ egg and butter mixture, then add are shown. Careful handling will allow you to copy as required refund form and the proof-of-purchase postmarked by Dec. 30,1986. While waiting for the today. “ Talk about putting pres­ 2 cup sugar Garlic to taste ers. Rebates are similar to refund offers, but they tend sour cream, vanilla and nuts. Pour many as three of these tapes on the same page. seals from two 7-pound bags of Friskies Dry Cat form, save two Universal Product Code symbols sure on yourself! ” said La Roeque. 2 teaspoons vanilla Salt to taste to be made on items that are not typically grocery into a greased 13-by-9-inch pan. Stir Food. Expires Dec. 31, 1986. cut from two spray-can tops of Rust-Oleum, along “ And I’m not normally this kind of a 2 cups shredded zucchini 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce items. When I recently shopped at a Rickies Rebate otters usually asK tor the onginat of tne tape, cranberry sauce to break up lumps, GEISLER Double Duty System $1 Refund with a dated cash-register receipt. person.” 1 8-onnce can crushed pineapple 2 loaves party rye home-improvement center, the bulletin board had and I have found that the photocopy is sufficient for the then spread over top of cake batter. It would have been far easier. La 3 cups flour Brown meat and drain well. Add m ore than 100 different rebate offers on such items as purpose of making any subsequent complaint. Bake in a preheated 350-degree Roeque admits, to have called off 2 teaspoons baking powder cheese and spices. Mix well over oven for 40 to 45 minutes. Mean­ this year’s parties. “ We often go to 1 teaspoon salt low heat until cheese melts. Spoon while, Stir powdered sugar and Herald photo by Peppet other relatives for our Thanksgiv­ Vt teaspoon baking soda meat over party rye pieces. Ar­ vanilla together. Add milk, a ing dinner,” said La Roeque. ’ ’But I tablespoon cinnamon range slices on cookie sheets. Bake Turn those leftovers into a fancy feast mrtha teaspoon at a time, until a soft this year, everyone was really 1 teaspoon nutmeg in a 375-degree oven for 10 to 15 Christine La Roeque of Ferguson Road is busy preparing frosting texture is achieved. Driz­ curious to see our new place. So we 1 cup chopped nuts minutes; serve when bubbling hot. V i cup chopped green pepper melted. Stir in flour to make a Ketchup Fortin, Michael Ryan, son of William J. Manning of 39 Stephen zle over cake while it ’ s still hot. Cool Continued from page 11 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Sht^and her husband, Al, felt we had to have them all over.” Beat eggs until well blended. Add Note: These may be frozen on the smooth paste. Gradually add milk, Slice 3 rings from green bell St. and the late Francis E. Boland. thoroughly in the pan, then cut into IVt cup turkey hroth Martin R. and Jane (Hickey) are having to people a road-race brunch And the road-race bmnch had oil, sugar and vanilla. Beat until cookie sheets, before they are stirring until blended. Microwave 6 pepper. Chop remaining pepper Her great-grandparents are Mr. 50 60 lor squares and serve. plastic wrap. Microwave on high, Vi teaspoon seasoned salt Fortin of 68 Branford St., was born become a tradition during the seven mixture thickens. Stir in zucchini baked. As soon as they are frozen or until hot, drain: TU RKEY SAUCE: minutes on 70% (medium low) or and combine with onion in a 2-cup Nov. 5 at Manchester Memorial and Mrs. Harold H. Duff of 42 Thursday. ' glass measure. Cover and micro- Blend soup, milk, sherry in a 1 2 tablespoons butter until thickened, stirring after 4 Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ Bluefield Drive and Mrs. Evelyn C. wave on high for 3 to 3VI minutes, quart measure. Spoon half over V i cup flour minutes. ents are Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morton James of Willimantic. She has a stirring midway through cooking. broccoli. Top with turkey slices. 2 cups milk Beat in salt, paprika and bouillon Hickey Jr. of East Hartford. His sister, Lindsay Karen, 2. Add to ground turkey and beef, Add half grated cheese to remain­ Vt teaspoon salt with a wire whisk until bouillon is paternal grandparents are Mr. and Know the facts before buying a CD A b o u t T o w n bread crumbs, eggs and >A cup ing soup. Spoon over turkey. Top dash paprika dissolved and sauce is smooth. Stir Mrs. Lionel Fortin of Marlborough. ketchup. Shape meat mixture into a Brown, Cara Leigh, daughter of with remaining cheese. Cover 1 teaspoon Instant chicken bouil­ in turkey. Cover and microwave 5 He has a sister, Rebecca Lee, 3. Ronald J. and Diane (Paul) Brown almost $15 per disc, compared with investment, you’ll be forced to face lines; and the Insurance City tightly. Microwave on high, or until lon minutes on 70% (medium high) loaf and place in a 9-by-5-by-4-inch Phonograh re­ Horn player Bought of 82 Chambers St., was bom Nov. 5 the “ music,” enjoyable or not. thorns, Admission will be $8. sauce bubbles and cheese browns 2 cups cubed cooked turkey until hot. Yields 4 servings. glass loaf pan. Cover with wax cord sales could about W for an album. What’s Combine rice, onion, celery and paper and microwave on 70% Boland, KIley Elizabeth, daugh­ at Manchester Memorial Hospital. suffer this holi­ more, the demand for CDs has . The Manchester Symphony Or­ lightly. Turkey meat loaf ("Sylvia Porter’s New Money Lobbylat to apeak green pepper in a 2-quart casserole. (medium high) for 11 to 12 minutes, ter of Daniel M. and Karen (DufO Her maternal grandparents are day season as j £ % \ brought prices down for some LPs. chestra is seeking a musician for Book for the 80s,” 1,328 pages of Add turkey broth and salt. Cover. 1 medium green bell pepper rotating pan midway through cook­ Boland of 48 Barry Road, was bom Mrs. Antoinette Paul of 296 School more folks buy • Even if you can afford them, the position of second horn. Audi­ Vernon Area Satellite Support Turkey and rice dowh-to-earth advice on personal Microwave 13 minutes on high. Let V t cup chopped onion ing. Drizzle loaf with ketchup and Nov. 5 at Manchester Memorial St. and the late Richard S. Paul. compact discs. Sylvia you may have trouble finding the tions for this unpaid position will be Group of the Connecticut 'Trau­ RICE: stand, covered while preparing Vi pound ground cooked turkey top with bell pepper rings. Micro- Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ Her paternal grandparents are Mr. Increasing title you want on CD. Despite money management, is available held Monday by appointment at the matic Brain Injury Association will Vk cap uncooked rluce sauce. 1 pound ground heef wave (uncovered) on high for IV) ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. and Mrs. John S. Brown of 19 numbers of efforts to increase production, the through her column. Send $9.95 plus Lowe Center, Manchester Com­ meet Monday at 7; 15 p.m. at the y* cup chopped onion Place butter in a l ‘/i-quart V i cup seasoned bread crumbs minutes. Let stand for 5 to 7 minutes Duff of 53 Pioneer Circle. Her Dorothy Road. She has a brother, Christmas Porter demand this (Oiristmas will be far $1 for mailing and handling to munity College. For an appoint­ Ellington Ambulance Building next Vi cup chopped celery casserole. Microwave on high until 2 eggs, well beaten before slicing. Yields 6 servings. paternal grandparents are Mrs. Christopher Ryan, 3. shoppers are greater than supply. It is estimated “ Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book ment, call Linda Hahn, 684-7402. to Ellington High School, Maple for the 80s,” in care of this turning down that by December, only 8,000 titles Rehearsals will be Mondays at the Street, Ellington. The association's newspaper, P.O. Box 419150, Kan­ turntables and « t will be available on CD. college. There will be three more lobbyist, Clem Roy. will speak on sas City. Mo. 64141. Make checks instead opting • Shop around for a good buy on concerts this season. the legislative process and the payable to Andrews. McMeel & for compact disc players. touches the disc. CD players. Average cost is about group’s proposed bills for 1987. For A Buffalo watering hole put zing in the chicken wing Parker.) But before you rush off and buy For this reason a CD is more $250. But you can get them Champa to perform information, call John Clark, 749- durable than a record. Unlike discounted to $150 or even lower, 9031. The public is welcome at your beloved the latest in high-tech Hartford Chapter Society for the By Stephen W. Bell wide, along the way winning the their menus. Bellissimo, whose parents founded als, foreign currency, a ship’s Dennis Smith, marketing services • sound, make sure you hear — and records, discs do not scratch, warp says Edward Dempsey of Compact meetings. The Associated Press acclaim of people like writer Calvin ‘"rhere’s no question that Buffalo Frank and Teressa’s Anchor Bar wheel, lobster pots, football Jer­ manager for Cleveland’s Durkee or skip. Despite advertising gim­ Disc Warehouse Inc. Above $400 to Preservation and Encouragement . understand — the facts. Bank put energy of Barbershop Singing in America, Trillin in ‘”rhe New Yorker" and wings did establish chicken wings and Italian Restaurant in 1935. It seys, a stuffed alligator, a collec­ Foods, for whom Bellissimo is a Since the compact disc, or CD, micks, though, they are not $500 you’re paying for added Auction rescheduled tion of ceramic roosters, conch which has several Manchester BUFFALO. N Y. - It was a food editor Craig Claiborne in “ The as a food item,” says Donald Will, has been at its present Main Street consultant. was introduced in Japan in 1982, indestructible. features but typically not better utility coats on ice The Manchester Junior Women’s New York Times.” Shells, a papier-mache shark, and members, will hold its 41st annual quarter of a century ago that owner of Will Poultry, which sells location since 1940. growth has been astounding. Al­ With a phonograph, the needle quality sound. Club will have a craft auction Dec. 4 Some Southerners and others — perched on the main beam — a Bellissimo was invited by Macy’s LIVERMORE, Calif. (AP) - A Festival of Harmony Saturday at 8 'Teressa Bellissimo first barbecued wings to 13 of this area’s top 25 wing The egg-shaped Bellissimo pats most 23 million CDs were sold in the deteriorates with use, and when it Unlike other stereo equipment, at 7:30 p.m. at filing Junior High cuddly Stuffed hen. in to show its patrons branch of the Bank of America in p.m. at Conard High School, 110 some soup-pot chicken wings at the might argue that the Anchor Bar restaurants. ” It took a long time to backs, calls out names, and shakes ' United States in 1985. Industry wears out it will damage your sound quality varies only slightly School on East Middle Turnpike. "Dominic probably single- how to put the zing in a wing. this northern California commun­ Berkshire Road, West Hartford. Anchor Bar and started a food fad didn’t invent barbecued chicken take hold in the country, but it has in hands as the noontime lunch crowd experts report that CDs have grown records. The laser in your CD from the least expensive to the Items may be viewed from 6; 45 to handedly has revolutionized the ity “ banks” and stores ice made Major performers will include; among the beer-and-a-shot crowd. wings. But none can dispute that a a lot of places now.” fills his 250-seat restaurant. at a faster rate than VCRs. player lasts forever, and it will top-of-the-line CD player. Once you 7:30 p.m. More than 150 handmade chicken industry by putting a value By mayoral proclamation, each within its own energy system to New Traditions, the society’s na­ Today the popularity of the tangy late-night experiment at the Buf­ Today the Anchor Bar and its It’s a cluttered attic of a bar, lined By the end of this year, CD sales never damage your disc in any way. reach a certain level, the benefit items will be auctioned. The on something that used to be thrown July 29 in Buffalo is “ Chicken Wing provide its cooling needs, reports tional 1985 quartet champions; tidbits that came to be called falo watering hole prompted a lot of heritage are in the hands of with old license plates, baseball ' should hit 44 million, estimates Thus, CDs retain the quality of per dollar spent drops off rapidly. auction previously was" postponed Buffalo wings has spread far and other restaurants to put wings on 64-year-old Dominic “ Rooster” caps, team pennants, stuffed anim­ out or saved for soup,” says H. Day.” the original studio master tape Decide whether extra features Energy User News. Free and Easy, the society’s state Digital Audio magazine. champions; and Sweet Adeline’s because of bad weather. For more from which they were made. A (5d are worth their cost. Remote The integral refrigeration plant information, call Jeanne For- sounds better than a regular control, programmability, which Rainbow Express, Northeast QUESTION; What are compet operates automatically, and the champion quartet of Sweet Ade- schino, 647-9302. DUNKIN’ DONUTS IT’S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN’OO/V/; discs, and why are they pushing the record, says Michael Riggs, editor allows you to determine the order of process results in a substantial M e n u s traditional vinyl record album into of High Fidelity magazine. songs, music search functions and savings in energy, according to the the background? The CD version will be cleaner, automatic disc changers are avail­ publication. quieter and more detailed — with able and costly. FULL SERVICE • CDs are not cure-alls. A poorly Electronic tiriie controls allow Senior citizens evening meal second: Bolton schools ANSWER: Compact discs typl- clearly defined highs and deeper,^ 24 HOUR SERVICE Monday: American chop suey, * ! cally offer better quality sound than richer bass. There’s no static, or made recording or terrible speak­ the plant to operate during off-peak The following lunches will be^ The following meais will be carrots, green beans. Ham-saiad hissing with CDs. Also, there’s a ers will not produce perfect sound and mid-peal: hours of 6 p.m. to AUTOMATIC SERVICE served in the Bolton public schools : LPs. served at Mayfair Gardens and sandwich, grapes, milk. : Records have hair-sized grooves greater range between the loudest just because you have a CD player. noon to manufacture a three-inch UP TO 74 SAVINGS Westhill Gardens the week of Dec. 1 the week of Dec. 1 through 5: THEGIFTFOR and softest sounds, adds Riggs. • Understand the basics of CDs thickness of ice around coils Tuesday: Roast beef with gravy, that “ store” the music. The needle Monday: Egg or tuna sandwiches through 5 to Manchester residents baked potato, mixed vegetables, ' ; “ reads” the grooves and eventually While CDs are undeniably the before you. For instance, you can't through which chilled water is 89 Wsst Road in pocket bread, carrot and celery who are 60 or older: salad, cake. ’Turkey salad sand­ Z * wears it down. A compact disc, sound wave of our era. If you’re record on a CD. Also, CD portables circulated and stored. (Next to Moser Dairy Store) sticks, cookie and applesauce. Monday: Spaghetti with meat which is hard plastic and only 4*/i thinking of buying, keep these tips and car players are appearing, but The chilled water is used to cool Ellington. CT. wich. pears, milk. ’Tuesday: Beef and gravy over sauce, tossed salad. Italian green Wednesday: Baked chicken with - t inches in diameter, contains no in mind; the discs, though smaller than the 20,000 square feet of floor space rice, broccoli and cauliflower, beans, Italian bread, plums, oat­ gravy, cranberry sauce, whipped PBQPLEWHOARE grooves. Instead, it has millions of • CDs are more expensive than records, are not as convenient to during peak banking hours when 875-7227 chilled fruit. meal cookie. potatoes, spinach, salad, cookies. ' . bits of computer Information, record albums or cassettes. If you store or carry as cassettes. there usually are more than 100 Wednesday: Orange juice, ’Tuesday: Cranberry juice, sau- ’Tuna salad sandwich, pears, milk. which are "read” by a low-power buy your sister a CD player for Listen to your common sense. employees and customers in the spaghetti with meat sauce, but­ erbraten with gingersnap gravy.' ’Thursday: Baked meatloaf with laser beam that never physically Christmas, she’ll wind up spending Once you make this high-tech building. tered peas, carrot cake with boiled potato, glazed carrots, wheat gravy, whipped potatoes, broccoli. topping. bread, freckled pudding. Chicken salad sandwich, apple­ Wednesday: Grape juice, Thursday: Minestrone soup, GOINGFLACES sauce, milk. grilied cheese sandwich, french chicken supreme. Cheddar-topped Friday: Manicotti, zucchini, wax fries, appiesauce bar. Dunkin' Donuts® has the perfect addition to your holiday gift list The Wonder Mug. Complete with potatoes, corn, rye bread, fruit cup. beans, salad, cake. Egg salad Friday: Fruit juice, meat and an attractive gift box, this unique mug is designed not to tip or slide in the car, boat or just about Thursday: Pineapple juice, roast sandwich, sliced pineapple, milk. turkey with gravy, sweet potatoes cheese pizza, tossed salad, fruited anything you might be traveling in. jGid it’s also designed to look great sitting still in the home or office. with apples, dinner roll, mixed gelatin with topping. . CHRISTMAS STARTS Offer good at participating shops, while supplies last vegetables, fresh fruit. Manchester Memorial FREE NOTICE I Friday: Cranapple juice, baked ’The following meals will be Coventry elementaries Probate Court is open fish withnewburgsauce, peas. rice, served to senior citizens at Man­ SPILL-RESISTANT, CERAMIC M UG WITH Suggested reuil price The following lunches will be Blood Pressure for conferences with the wheat bread. Caiifomia compote. chester Memorial Hospital, be­ S6 61 comparable retail valuie served in the Coventry elementary GIFT BOX & 14 OZ.C0FFEE GIFT CERTIHCATE Tax not included CLINIC-BY NURSE judge from 6:30 P.M. to 8 AT JEANS-H PLUS! * tween 4:30 and 6:30 p.m., the week schools the week of Dec. 1 through P.M. on Thursday of Nov. 30 through Dec. 6: e v e r y Meals on Wheels 5: T H U R S D A Y nights. Appointments Sunday: Pork chop with gravy, Monday: Beefaroni, sliced car­ The following meals are to be beef turnover, batter dipped fish, 5 - 9 suggested. Night tele­ rots, hot roll, chilled fruit. SUNDAY served to Meals on Wheels clients hot dog on a bun. LIGGETT PARKADF phone number: 647-3227. FRIDAY SATURDAY ’Tuesday: (blam roll, french fries, PHARMACY the week of Dec. 1 through 5 to Monday: Chicken cordon bleu. William E. Fitzgerald banana split sundae. PARKADE HEALTH and Meals on Wheels clients. The hot Swedish meatballs, com fritter 12 to 5 Wednesday: Homestyle vegeta­ NUTRITION CENTER Judge of Probate 10 to 6 1 0 to 6 noon meal is listed first and the cool with sausage, hamburger. PARKADE • 404 W MIDDLE TPKE ble soup, meat and cheese grinder, ’Tuesday: New England boiled orange smiles. dinner, fried clam strips on a bun, ’Thursday: Cheeseburger, potato macaroni and cheese, Sloppy Joe. puffs, hot vegetable, cookie. St. James Wednesday: Seafood newburg. Friday: Meat and cheese pizza, meat ravioli, bacon lettuce and tossed salad, fruit. tomatoes, kielbasa and sauerkraut. announces Thursday: Veal Parmesan, frankfurters and beans, cheese­ Coventry High School NEUI ENGLAND’S honor roll burgers on a bun, stir-fried beef The following lunches will be with vegetables. served at Coventry High School the First-term high honors and gen­ Friday: Boneless pork loin, week of Dec. 1 through 5: eral honors for students in Grades 5 stuffed sole, manicotti, crabmeat Monday: Oven fried chicken, to 3 at St. James School were salad on a roll. whipped potatoes, roll, fruit. #1 mORTGAGE recently announced. Award certifi­ Saturday: Roast beef with gravy, ’Tuesday; Bacon burger, french cates for this achievement were veal scallopine, chicken and fries, fruit. given to the following students: cashews. Wednesday: Shells with m eat. Hlah henen sauce, green beans, garlic bread, Grade 8: Elizabeth Buono, Ll$a fruit. OFF Manchester schools Cataldl, Brendan Connolly, Amy LENDER ’Thursday: Sirloin tips on noodles," SIddons. ’The following lunches will be Grade 7: Lourel Bonnely, Michelle vegetables, fruit. served in the Manchester public KInel, Rebecca Mercler, Patricia Friday: Caizone, salad, fruit. Shields. schools the week of Dec. 1 through 30 Year 6 Grade 6: Anissa Barbate, Dayld 15 Year OUR LOW PRICE ON ENTIRE STOCK' % Buono, Jennifer Connor, Beth Gerhard, 5: 6 Karen Jurezak, Anthony Lemleux, Monday: Orange juice, cheese­ Jessica Russo, Noah Starkey, Jessica burger on a roll, potato chips, Andover Elementary r 1 WMmot, Mono Zorlnelad. mixed vegetables, chilled fruit. 9% " 19.69’* Q’fc'* 19.73* INCLUDING BASIC lEB A IBVI JEANS A CORDS... Grode 5: Almee Allaire, John Carl­ The following lunches will be IS Year Fixed Rate 1 Annual Percentage Rate ’Tuesday: Tomato soup, toasted with two points son, Daniel Daley, Brian HIrko, Alpano served at Andover Elementary n for MuflBns with two points Kum ar,, Raymond TanskI, Dorothy .99 6 cheese sandwich, tossed salad, Thompson, Stephen Weaver, Annette School the week of Dec. 1 athrough 1 Rates based on 20% down. Rates subject to change. 1 •No adjustment on prior sales. •Excluding coupon items Wlotr. chocolate pudding. 5: I One coupon per customer per visit. Available at participating shops. Oenerol honors Wednesday: Half day at elemen­ Monday: Chicken patty with a Offers cannot be combined. Shop must retain coupon. Taxes not included. The most competitive rates, Grade S: Holly Buckley, Gezo Deesy, tary schools, no lunch served. For and an unmatched special level of Suzanne DeMarchl, Sherry Krause, roll, potato rounds, com on the cob, I Limit: 2 offers Offer good: Thru 12/31 /86 Paul Michaud, Kevin O'Toole, Lisa junior and senior high schools: peaches. service are why COMFED remains 297 E. Center St. •Bu. as, TalaMIrUI* Bd^ V« C 3 M ^ D Serrombana, William Shields, Bree Meat and cheese taco, Spanish rice. Tuesday: Bacon-burger, parslied New England's number one m ort­ UOPTOAOS co^mc. Scott, Dennis Tarldono. *6S1 Baldd St, Bal

5:00PM [HBO] High Powder Dick and 1 Timothy Van Patten star in this story of ! i drug abuse and peer pressure on a high You’ll feel richer sharing school ski team. (60 min.) 5:30PM [ESPN] Down the Stretch 6:00PM ® ® ® ® ® News DYNASTY (X) Three's Company (X) Magnum, P.l. your blessings with others In "The Choice.” the episode d D Gimme a Break of ABC's "Dynasty” airing O ) Private Benjamin W EDNESDAY, NOV. 26, the O. heavenly Father: We thank (29) Doctor Who DEAR READ­ thee for food and remember the love of Amanda (Karen Celli­ ERS: By popu­ (2D Charlie's Angels ni) for Michael (Wayne Nor­ hungry. lar demand, We thank thee for health and (2D Quincy throp) leads to a dramatic here is my tradi­ ffT) Reporter 41 confrontation with her father. remember the sick. tional Thanks­ D e a r A b b y We thank thee for friends and (ST) MacNell-Lehrer Newshour giving column: CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME remember the friendless. d D Facts of Life Tomorrow is Abigail Van Buren We thank thee for freedom and [DIS] MOVIE: 'Down the Long Hills' Af­ 1986Compulog Thanksgiving remember the enslaved. ter surviving a wagon train massacre, Day, so take a two children battle nature and the horse May these remembrances stir us thieves who are after the stallion accom­ few minutes to to service. panying them as they try to make th< think about That thy gifts to us maj( be used way home. Bruce Boxleitner, Jack Ejem what you have to for others. Amen. Bo Hopkins. 1986. be thankful for. [ES P N ] Mazda SportsLook Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, monogamy. Brooke Adams, Ben Mas­ (2D MOVIE: 'Mind of Mister Soames' A How’s your health? Not so good? you, call someone. Go out of your and may God bless you and yours. [HBO] MOVIE: 'SinbajUmrThe Eye,d^f ters. Daniel Stern. 1985. Rated R. man emerging from a life-long state of Well, thank God you’ve lived this way to do something nice for N the Tiger* Sinbad sails into a world of Love, [USA] Wednesday Night Fights (2 hrs.) suspended animation struggles to adapt long. A lot of people haven’t. You’re somebody. It’s a sure cure for the swords and sorcerv and confronts a himself to life. Terence Stamp, Robert ABBY menacing sabertoothed tiger. Patrick 8:30PM dD (SD Head of the Class (CC) Vaughn, Nigel Davenport. 1970. hurting? ’Thousands — maybe blues. Wayne, Jane Seymour, Margaret Whit­ A lonely Charlie finds himself having millions —are hurting more. (Have Are you concerned about your An afterthought; Want an instant ing. 1977. Rated G. Thanksgiving dinner with a most unu­ (2D Hogan's Heroes you ever visited a veterans hospi­ country’s future? Hooray! Our sual companion. @ News high? The surest cure for the [MAX] MOVIE: Hasty Heart' Five tal? Or a rehabilitation clinic for system has been saved by such post-holiday blues is to do some­ wounded soldiers in a hospital offer dD Novela: Herencia Maldita [CNN] Sports Tonight crippled children?) concern. Cloncem for fair play friendship to a Scottish corporal. Ronald thing nice for someone. Why not [DIS] Danger Bay [DIS] MOVIE; 'Kiss Me Kate' This musi­ under the law. Your country may Reagan. Patricia Neal. Richard Todd. cal version of Shakespeare's The Tam­ call someone who lives alone and 1950. If you awakened this morning not be a rose garden, but it also is 9:00PM d ) Magnum, P.l. Mag num ing of the Shrew finds the stars battling and were able to hear the birds sing, invite him (or her) over for dinner? [USA] Dance Party USA puts his own life in danger when he pro­ as much off stage as on. Kathryn Gray­ not a patch of weeds. tects a young native girl from the son, Howard Keel. Ann Miller. 1953. use your vocal cords to utter human 0 6:30PM ( ® WKRP in Cincinnati Freedom rings! Look and listen. Better yet, call and say, "I’m clutches of a hired killer. (60 min.) [ESPN] SportsCenter sounds, walk to the breakfast table ® dD ABC News You can still worship at the church coming to get you, and I’ll see that (X ) dD Dynasty (CC) Amanda and Blake [USA] Alfred Hitchcock Hour on two good legs and read the head for a confrontation over her rom­ of your choice, cast a secret ballot you get home.” Many older people d D Benson newspaper with two good eyes, and even criticise your government don’t drive, and those who do don't d lS C T V ance with Michael, who gains the sup­ 11:35PM ® Entertainment Tonight port of Zach Powers in a scheme against ET begins the holiday season as it prev­ praise the Lord! A lot of people without fearihg a knock on the head like to go out alone after dark. (2D Too Close for Comfort Blake. (60 min.) iews this year's Christmas movies; guest couldn’t. or a knock on the door at midnight. host Larry Hagman concludes "Great @ dD NBC News (2D @D Gimme a Break (CC) Nett and How’s your pocketbook? Thin? And If you want to live under a Try it. And let me know the (2D Nightly Business Report Marty hope to cdre Joey of gambling Cowboys: They Went That-A-Way," a tri­ bute to the legendary John Wayne. In Well, most of the world is a lot different system, you are free to go. results. d D Noticiero SIN fever. In Stereo. P. S. Special greetings to those of Stereo. poorer. No pensions. No welfare. There are no walls or fences — Hertld photo by Roche dD Silver Spoons (2D dD John Lennon: A Journey in the you in the military who wrote from Heretd photo by Roche V Life 1 1;55PM [HBO] MOVIE: Teachers' No food stamps. NtvSoclafSCcurlty. nothing to keep you here. [CNN] Showbiz Today remote comers of the world to tell dD Novela: Muchachita (CC) A burned-out but gifted teacher In fact, one-third of the people in the As a final thought, I’ll repeat my East Catholic High head coach Jude Championship Trophy. The Eagles v/ill Manchester High football co-captains Trophy. They’ll get to put it In the [ESPN] Action Outdoors with Julius Bo­ faces complex problems when his aging, world will go to bed hungry tonight. Thanksgiving prayer; perhaps you me that you are using my Thanks­ ros [C N N ] Larry King Live overcrowded school is sued for award­ Kelly, senior quarterback T.J. Allbrio school’s trophy case with a victory Are you lonely? The way to have a will want to use it at your table giving prayer on this Thanksgiving attempt to add the hardware to their Jim Goddard (left) and Dwayne Albert, MOVIE: *A Wedding' Wedding [D IS ] MOVIE: 'A Face in the Crowd* A ing a diploma to an illiterate student. [TMC] , JoBeth Williams, Judd tomorrow: Day. (center) and senior co-captain J.B. trophy case on Thursday against and head coach Ron Cournoyer, show Thanksgiving Day against crosstown excitement reveals the most hidden se­ derelict uses homespun humor and mus­ friend is to be one. If nobody calls crets of the families involved. Carol Bur­ ical talent to ruthlessly climb his way to Hirsch. 1984. Rated R. In Stereo. Kaldy get a hold of the Herald's Town Manchester. off the Herald's Town Championship East Catholic. nett. Mia Farrow, Lillian Gish. 1978. the top. Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal, Wal­ ter Matthau. 1957. 12:00AM ® Kojak Rated PG. In Stereo. ® Nightlife [USA] Love Me, Love Me Not [E S P N ] Top Rank Boxing from Las Ve­ gas, NV (2 hrs.) Live. (ID Star Trek Patients’ lists can be helpful 7:00PM ® CBS News [TMC] MOVIE: 'Insignificance' Marilyn d D Tales of the Unexpected ® @ ) M*A-S*H Monroe, Joe DiMaggi.o, Joe McCarthy, (2D Keys, to Success and Albert Einstein meet for a steamy DEAR DR. series and nothing abnormal was CX) (2D Wheel of Fortune (2D Alfred Hitchcock Presents MHS-East game one of pride and tradition night in New York. Theresa Russell, Gary GOTT: In an found. What can I do? ® dD *100,000 Pyramid Busey, Tony Curtis 1985. Rated R. @D Dick Cavett article in the dD Jeffersons 9:30PM dD Odd Couple dD Novela: Amo y Senor New England DEAR READER: A growling Carson's Comedy Classics dD (2D (2D You Again? (CC) In Stereo. dD Sanford and Son Journal of Medi­ stomach is the result of air'in the (2D MacNeil-Lehrar Newshour [CNN] Newsnight D r . G o tt d p Novela: Camino Secreto cine, a doctor bowel that gurgles when the intes­ Indians and Eagles in 12th renewal on Thanksgiving Day morning (2D Barney Miller [ESPN] Auto Racing '86: Barber Saab said that many tine contracts. You can ignore your 10:00PM d D Equalizer McCall must Pro Series (R). Peter Gott, M.D. dD M*A*S*H Part 2. uncover the truth when the death of an physicians were lion-house gut or can attempt to d P New Newlywed Game honor student is linked to a notorious 1 2:05AM ® Adderly Adderly is as­ trained to be­ reduce the gas by cutting out Bv Jim TIernev defeat the Indians. And they want to East is averaging almost 30 tant for the seniors. We have to dD Novela: Maria de Nadie vigilante group. (60 min.) signed to protect a Russian ballerina lieve that pa­ carbonated beverages and other Hertild Sports Writer maintain their winning edge head­ points a game this season while strike real fast. If you get a lead, ® News who is being sought by a KGB agent. (70 Manchester-East Catholic series dT) Nightly Business Report min.) tients who wrote gas-producing foods, by making ing into the state championship. allowing an average of 14. Man­ you build up hope and momentum dD Maude (X ) dD Arthur Hailey's Hotel (CC) Peter down lists of sure that you are not swallowing air chester is averaging 16 pointa per which a lot of teams strive for.” and Charles clash when two Australian 12:30AM ® Judge Rivalries, especially at the scho­ "Our major emphasis all season East Catholic leads the season series with crosstown [C N N ] Moneyline symptoms ,were when you eat or by using a contest while giving up almost 20 a RisCassi thinks of this game as any hotel men offer to buy the St. Gregory, (X) Entertainment Tonight lastic level, are entities which has been to take one game at a time [ESPN] SportsCenter Charles is reunited with a lost love and a mentally ill' He went on to say, in nonprescription anti-gas compound Manchester High, 6-5. The first game between the two schools game. other. d D dim & Tammy I welcome patients who keep sports teams and their fans subsist and give a consistent effort.” East [USA] Riptide billionaire becomes obsessed with a effect, that the person’s problems reasonable lists of what ails them. like simethicone. on for elevated goals to be reached coach Jude Kelly said. “It’s ex­ was played opening day 1975. Since that time, they’ve met on ’The Indians are led by junior "We just have to execute like pretty young clerk. (60 min.) (2D 800 Club If your rumbling stomach is more always,” RisCassi said. “It would T 7:30PM ( ® PM Magazine were completely discounted and Lists cut down on forgetting and and. at the same time, instilled tremely important to win. Winning Thanksgiving Day. Manchester retired an Army and Navy '^eignal-caller Kelly Dubois and (TD INN News dD Late Night with David Letterman than just an embarrassing nui­ be a big win. It’ll be pretty (X ) A Current Affair ' laughed at as a sign of neurosis. As give me concrete items to address. enthususiasm between the two is an attitude and we have to keep Club trophy in 1980, East in 1984. A school must win three senior running back Dwayne Al­ QD Mission: Impossible Tonight's guests are Jack Paar and a writer of lists, which are neces­ sance, ask your doctor to refer you bert, who has scored five touch­ emotional which adds intensity. We 2 (X ) d D Jeopardy Larry Miller. (60 min.) In Stereo. Like any human activity, list­ schools involved derived from that attitude going.” - games, out of a possible five, to retire a trophy. (2P Star Trek sary in our complex lives, I was (and your X-rays) to a gastroente- downs this season despite missing want it.” Senior defensive end Dave CX) Entertainment Tonight (2D Alfred Hitchcock Presents making can be carried to extremes. pride and tradition. The Army and Navy Club trophy The series year by year: d D d D St. Elsewhere (CC) A critically offended and perplexed. Do doctors .rologist for another opinion. two games due to mononucleosis. Fox feels confident of the Indians’ dD INN News d D Gene Scott However, I find patients’ lists to be once again will be presented the wounded Fiscus imagines himself in really believe this nonsense? helpful, and most other good winning team. A team must win Another key element in the back- chances of kncLking off East. dD Best of Saturday Night Heaven, Hell and Purgatory while Or. [ESPN] Best of Bill Dance (R). One such rivalry which is em­ doctors do, too. Dr. Gott's new Health Report on barking on its 12th reflection is the three times, out of a possible five 1975 East Catholic 18 Manchester 13 field for Manchester will be junior “We have a hard task ahead of us. (2D Barney Miller Craig and the rest of the staff rush to [USA] Edge of Night save his life. (60 min.) In Stereo DEAR READER: When I read Alzheimer’s Disease discusses inter-town matchup of Manchester games, before it can retire a 1976 East Catholic 14 Manchester 6 halfback Ron Smith, who has but I think we’ll pull through.” Fox (2D Carson's Comedy Classics 1:00AM ( ® Barbara Mandrell Thanks­ that article, I couldn’t believe it. scored three touchdowns this sea­ said. “We’ve got to stop RisCassi up (23) (ST) On Stage at the Wolf Trap: Win­ giving Special . (60 min.) DEAR DR. GOTT: For the past symptoms, management and new High vs. East Catholic on Thanks­ trophy. Also, this year marks the dD New Newlywed Game dham Hill Evening on Stage at Wolf Trap either. I think that what the author 1977 East Catholic 12 Manchester 6 son. Contrary to East, the Indians the middle. It’s going to be a good rX) Dynasty year I have had a severe case of studies of this tragic and irreversi­ giving Day at 11 a.m. at Memorial first annual Manchester Herald (2D NHL Hockey: Boston Bruins at Windham Hill musicians Will Ackerman. had in mind was the small percen­ "stomach growl." It sounds like the ble disease. For your copy, send $1 Field. Even during the most dismal Town Championship Trophy which 1978 Manchester 18 East Catholic 8 put the ball in the air on many game, this year we’re more family, Washington Capitals (2 hrs., 30 min ) .Michael Hedges and the six-member CX) Joe Franklin Show more together.” group, Shadowfax celebrate their first tage otpatients who traipse to their lion house at the zoo — one growl and your name and address to P.O. of seasons, a win for either team in will be a permanent fixture and opportunities and have two fine 6 dD Twilight Zone dD All New Dating Game major national tour. (60 min.) In Stereo. doctors with long lists of seemingly right after another. This happens Box 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101- this emotion-filled contest atones given to each year’s winner. 1979 Manchester 33 East Catholic 13 junior receivers in Eric Rasmus There are 11 seniors on the Eagle dT) Wild, Wild World of Animals (2D Local News (2D Maude imaginary complaints. after I eat. I had an upoer G.I. 3428. Be sure to mention the title. for past wrongdoings and allows the Both coaches feel emotion will I960 Manchester 40 East Catholic 7 and David Russell, who have roster. Playing in their final game More Real People dD Carol Burnett and Friends (2D Honeymooners dD victor a great sense of satisfaction. play a key factor in this contest, combined for seven TD catches this against MHS are: Alibrio. Bill [C N N ] Crossfire 1981 Manchester 7 East Catholic 6 [C N N ] Crossfire dD Muy Especial: Jose Luis Rodriguez Usually, this is the final game for although execution and discipline, year. Barry (who will'miss the game due [ESPN] AW A Wrestling (90 min.) Live. [E S P N ] Mark Sosin's Salt Water Jour­ they think will be the difference. 1982 East Catholic 12 Manchester 0 "Dubois, from what I’ve seen, is to injury), RisCassi. Paul Pelletier, d D Kojak nal (R). Manchester (5-4-1) and East (8-1-1) 7:40PM [DIS] Mouseterpiece Theater but. the Eagles will be participating "Discipline and emotion is the certainly not afraid to run," Kelly Sean Keane, Dave Janton, Jeff [C N N ] CNN Evening News [TMC] MOVIE: 'Young Man With a Thoughts 1983 East Catholic 14 Manchester 0 remarked. "Albert has got some Flynn, Larry Bourcier, J.B. Kaldy. 8:00PM ® New Mike Hammer Ham­ [HBO] Young Comedians All-Star Reu­ Horn' A jazz trumpeter rises to the top, in the Class MM championship key,” Cournoyer voiced. “Both nion Superstars of the comedy world game next Friday or Saturday, teams will be sky high. The team 1984 East Catholic 14 Manchester 13 speed and Rasmus has the height Marty Zabielski, and Joe McGui- mer must elude an assassin in his search but the girl he married almost proves to ness. The 22 seniors playing for for a man's missing girlfriend. (60 min.) join forces to introduce some of today's be his undoing. Kirk Douglas. Lauren Ba­ A thankful person worships. You We can choose to do that together “It’s very good! ” Dec. 5 or 6. Last year Manchester that has the most discipline will 1985 Manchester 12 East Catholic 6 and has made some big plays for MOVIE: 'Herbie Goes to Monte brightest new comics in this tenth anniv­ call, Hoagy Carmichael. 1950. them. We have to defend against Manchester against East one last CX) ersary celebration with hosts Harry An­ cannot be thankful without raising with others by joining in worship registered the biggest upset in the win.” Carlo' While in France preparing for a [U S A ] Motoworld (60 min.) series, defeating heavily favored ’’The biggest factor is the high ______their quick-hitting dives, the option, time are: Dan Fox, Dave Fox. big race. Herbie's gas tank becomes the derson, Richard Belzer, Howie Mandel, your arms, your voices, and your this evening or tomorrow. And God Rev. James Meek Robin Williams and Steven Wright. (60 1:05AM [M AX] MOVIE: The Lest Ro- East (iatholic, 12-6. East still leads emotional level of the MHS kids.” r and the pass play.” Roger Carrington. Albert, Joe hiding place for a stolen diamond. Dean thoughts to God in praise. That is will have reason to exclaim again Community Baptikt Church Casey. Jacques Asselin, Tony Os­ Jones, Don Knotts, Julie Sommars. min.) In Stereo. mantle Lover' A New York editor travels because there are so many things the series. 6-5. Kelly said. “This isa verybiggame The co-champions of the All Taioui have combined for nearly The liianksgiving day affair is to Paris looking for the world's greatest special for the seniors, in that for man, Scott Rhea, Bill Sciaudone. 1977. [M A X ] The Movie Show for which I can be thankful that I "It (a win) would accomplish two for them. I think Ron Cournoyer Connecticut Conference, East, 1,000 yaFds. lover. Dayle Haddon, Fernando Rey, Ger­ most of them it is their final game. Clark Gingras. co-captain Jim (X) dD Perfect Strangers (CC) Balki and [U S A ] Airwolf ard Ismael. 1978. Rated R. cannot find another person who is K T H I CHRISTMAS SOITION OF THE EAST HARTFORD g of three goals,” Indian coach Ron does an outstanding job coaching.” which relies on the wishbone "We can’t let them get into a Larry disagree over whether or not to Cournoyer said, "We would have a Cournoyer feels strongly about the offense, possesses a dangerous pattern of grinding out yardage on "It’s always a big game,” Alibrio Goddard (who will not play due to a testify against a numbers racket boss 10:30PM (X ) (3D News 1:1 5AM (7) MOVIE: 'Special Delivery' responsible, not even myself. knee injury) ; P ^ Gauruder. Chris $500,000 in bank loot is stashed in a winning season and we would town event and the relationship weapon in senior fullback Kevin the ground," Cournoyer said of the (EC quarterback) said. "We have The Honeymooners ’The air to breathe is a gift of (5od. I ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET | CX) NBA Basketball: New York Knicks at (2D mailbox as an ex-marine makes a frantic RisCassi, who has racked up 900 Eagles’ running game. "I think it’s to come ready to play. The Reichardt, Jim \Pearson, John Boston Celtics (2 hrs., 30 min.) A clear sky on a crisp night is a gift defeat a tournament-bound team. It between the two schools. 1 1:00PM ® ® (2D dD News _ getaway. Cybilt Shepherd, Bo Svenson, Enl HarHord MIddIa School | ”I feel we have a good relation­ yards this season and 20 touch­ important to stop all of their backs. emotional factor is big. I'm sure Allen. Jason Neuijauer. Charles dD MOVIE: 'Shark's Paradise' Three un­ Mel Scott. 1976, of God. The blue sky with white would add icing to the cake,” CX) d D Late Show: Starring Joan Rivers 777 Bumsldo A y r ., East Hartford, Conn. | For East Catholic, the impor­ ship with Jude and the coaching downs. Senior quarterback T.J. 'They (East) have too much balance they (MHS) will be ready." Rose, Matt Hayes, N^J^illiam Clay­ likely partners will do almost anything to puffy clouds came as a special gift ton, Rob Fallon, Al^m ith;r an^d stop an extortionist from sabotaging an CX) Carol Burnett and Friends 1:30AM QD in n News of God. as does the rain which fills tance of Thursday’s game is staff at East,” Cournoyer said. Alibrio has rushed for 279 yards and to focus on one and neglect the "I’m sure they'll be on their Australian town's annual Surf Carnival. d D Odd Couple [CNN] Newsnight Update our reservoirs. The processes that Do your Christmas shopping hsrsi g obvious. The Eagles always want to “It’s a great event in the town.” juniors Aaron Alibrio and Jason rest.” guard," Albert said. “It’s impor­ Dana Matte. David Reyne. Ron Becks. Sally Tayler. [ESPN] NBA Today (R). 1986. dD The Untouchables make food grow, airplanes fly, SPONSOPED BY g Wild, Wild West dD McCloud 1:45AM [HBO] MOVIE: Ghoulles' A automobiles run are all physical THE EXCHANQE CLUB OF EAST HABTFOBD g (2D Motorweek Satanic cultlsts' son conjures up little attributes of the natural world that (2D MOVIE: 'The Hunter' A professional creatures who want to eat his friends for Under the Menegement of bounty hunter tracks bail jumpers to ev­ (2D Tales of the Unexpected was created by God. St dinner, and when the father returns, THOMAS BARROWS & SONS, Ltd. 76ers hold off Celtics ery corner of the country. Steve (2D M 'A 'S 'H chaos breaks out. Peter Liapis, Lisa Peli- The physician prescribes medi­ SI McQueen. Kathryn Harrold, Ell Wallach. kan. 1984. Rated PG-13. cation that heals our illnesses, but (203) 342-2540 1979 dD 24 Horas Did you know that... SCTV Network that is all based on knowledge of the SI (2D dD Highway to Heaven (CC) Jona­ dZ) 2:00AM (£ ) m o v ie : 'Hail, Harol' An idealistic young man, scorned by his fa­ body chemistry created by a good than and Mark bring together a dying [C N N ] Moneyline SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1986 - 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. g as rivalry is renewed By Earl Yost No less than five runners who won Coghlan and two to Rich O’Flynn. tycoon and his only son (60 min.) In mily for his rebellious anti-war activity, God. [E S P N ] America's Cup Challenge surprises them when he inexplicably de­ SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30,1986 - 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. SI Sports Editor Emeritus awards as the leading high school The lone "outsider” in the select Stereo. Downunder On the final day of creation God cides to join the army. Michael Douglas. made two free throws with 12 finishers returned later to win first grouping is . (S ) d?) Day in the Life of America (CC). looks over all he made, and the « FOOptAROFENTHROUaHOUT THE SHOW K Bv Ralph Bernstein [HBO] Great Pleasure Hunt: Japan Join Peter Strauss, Arthur Kennedy. 1969. seconds left to send the Sixers Did you know that... place overall in the years fihead. Big names in the racing world are (2D MOVIE: 'Key Largo' A gang of hoods host Murray Sayle for a trip through the (9 ) MOVIE: 'Purple Taxi’ A group of Bible observes God said “It was t ORnwal Admission *2.50 with this ad admission *2.00 | The Associated Press takes over a hotel in the Florida Keys pleasure palaces of the Land of the Ris­ bumbling ex-patriates and misfits, who ahead. 101-99. Two records will be extended in led the schoolboys in not new among runners taking part ing Sun. very good." When we exclaim “It’s g (RL 44, BunMWt Av*imm) Q Thursday’s Golden Anniversary 1948, and in 1951 gained the first of and intimidates the proprietor Hum­ enta'ngle and disentangle in the wild of very good” we are worshiping. PHILADELPHIA — There aren’t Bird thhew up a three-pointer that in the local race. Back in the 1930’s, phrey Bogart. Lauren Bacall, Edward G. [M A X ] MOVIE: 'S.O.B.' A Hollywood southern Ireland. Fred Astaire, Edward too many rivalries in'sports that clanged off the hoop and Philadel­ Manchester Road Race, diarlie his six successes. Pete Close topped the entries included Joe McCIus­ Robinson. 1948 producer turns his G-rated bomb into a Albert, Peter Ustinov. 1977. can match the Philadelphia 76ers phia rebounded. Hinson was fouled Robbins will be appearing in his the school entries three times. key, Clarence DeMar. Tarzan dD Novela: Monte Calvario lavish erotic musical for financial suc­ dD Grizzly Adams 35th consecutive and 41st overall as 1953-54-55 and won the event in 1958. cess. Julie Andrews. William Holden, Ri­ vs. the Boston Celtics in an NBA and made one of two. It was 102-99. Brown and . In the 40’s, MOVIE: 'Family Reunion' A retired [ESPN ] Mazda SportsLook (R). (2D chard Mulligan. 1981. Rated R. -game. Bird went to the free throw line a competitor. Robbins, 55, who runs Ray Crothers was the first school­ it was Johnny Kelley, Tommy schoolteacher (s stjocked' to learn that [USA] MOVIE: 'The Last Circus Show* A Nikki’s Celebrates Families with one second on the clock. He barefooted, won in 1945 and 1946. boy across the finish line in 1966and Crane, , Jess VanZant. [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Warning Sign' (CC) A "It’s the best rivalry in basket­ some of her relatives plan to re-zone deathly ill child tries to get his separated Sin(% 1945, Robbins missed only the in 1965 was the overall champ. family-owned land Bette Davis, J Ash­ small mid-western town is endangered parents back together. James Whit­ ball,” said Boston’s Larry Bird made the first, then deliberately Fred Schoeffler. old John Kelley ley Hyman. David Huddleston. 1981. when a biological experiment goes more, Lee J. Cobb, Cyril Cusak. 1974. banged the second off the glass, 1951 race while doing his medical Burfoot first attracted attention as and McCIuskey. The 50’s produced awry.-Sam Waterston, Kathleen Quin­ November is Family Month at Nikki’s Tuesday night after a Celtics’ rally Part 1 of 2. fell short in a 102-100 loss to the hoping the Celtics could rebound internship in Cleveland. a schoolboy star in 1963 and five Schoeffler, Kelley, Johnny Laf- [C N N ] Prime News lan. Yaphet Kotto. 1985. Rated R. In 2:30AM [C N N ] Sports Latenight Stereo 76ers. and score the tying basket. Another record that is safe is years later, in 1968, won the first of ferty. Bob Black, Bob Lowe. Nick Edison Twins [ES P N ] SportsCenter [DIS] [U S A ] Wanted: Dead or Alive Philadelphia’s Roy Hinson, ac­ But Philadelphia rebounded as ’s string of seven his nine races. Charlie Duggan Costes, Dick Hart, Crane and Pete ® CBS News Nightwatch In We’re [HBO] MOVIE: 'Target' (CC) A son 2:35AM NIKKI’S quired in the off season from the buzzer sounded. successive victories, 1971 to 1977, paced the high school list in both Close. Lowe, Jim Keefe, Kelley. Vic makes a startling discovery about his 1 1:10PM [DIS] Location: Down the Stereo. and nine overall, all in a 10-year 1969 and 1970 and won the race in father's past when he and his father hunt Long Hills Restaurant Sponsoring Cleveland, shook his head in Another Philadelphia-Boston Zwolak, Ralph Buschmann. Amby 2;40AM [MAX] m o v ie ; ' biow Our a sizzler was over. period. Little Johnny Kelley won 1980. Burfoot, Sid Sink and Pat McMahon for his kidnapped mother Gene Hack- 1 1:30PM (X ) (3D ABC News Nightline * sound effects engineer accidentally re­ is a Family restaurant, wonderment. man, Matt Dillon, Gayle Hunnicutt. This was a new Philadelphia six times and defending champion were the bright lights in the 60s (XJ Police Wom^n cords a political assassination. John Family owned, family FAMILY "If you can’t get up with that Statistically speaking, this is Jim 1985 Rated R Travolta. Nancy Allen. John Lithgow. team. Moses Malone was gone. John Treacy and Joe McCIuskey followed by Burfoot, Treacy. Mick d D Honeymooners atmosphere, family food. crowd,” he said, "then something is Balcome's eighth year as race [MAX] MOVIE: 'Key Exchange' (CC) A 1981. Rated R. OF wrong with you.” Andrew Toney sits sullenly on the each notched four triumphs in the director, the sixth year Pratt and O’Shea, Brendan Quinn. Greg New Yorker swaps apartment keys with (2D dD Tonight Show Tonight's guests Country Pies & bench with aching feet. Bobby holiday trot. Meyer, Rich O’Flynn. Colin Reitz, her longtime boyfriend in hopes of a are George Carlin, actor tan McKellen 3:00AM dD Emergency Full bar available. The usual Philadelphia-Boston Vilhitney is a financial supporter, longterm commitment, but doesn't know and Barney Odum and his climbing dog. dD Shopping Line THE sellout throng of 17,967 started Jones has retired. Records are made to be broken the ninth year the Road Race Steve Binns, Randy Thomas were but Treacy’s course record of 21; 26 that he is terrified by the mere thought of (60 min.) In Stereo. [CNN] News Overnight screaming when the two teams The new 76ers’ names are Hin­ Committee has run the show and 1980 standouts with national, inter­ 254 Broad St. • Manchestei WEEK came out for pre-game warmup son, Cliff Robinson, Danny Vranes, set in 1979 appears to be safe. the 36th year Nutmeg Forest, Tall national of ’ drills. The crowd reached near- Tim McCormick, David Wingate. Treacy, in his second Manchester Cedars of Lebanon has been experience. 646-3000 race in '79, wasn’t seriously chal­ Fill out entry slip at hysteria as the 76ers built a 62-48 But the beat goes on. Never mind involved. Crothers is the only runner to set halftime lead over the hated who is on the floor. It's Boston vs. lenged and finished 59 seconds Over the years, four runners Cinema Nikki’s — Drawing held every ahead of his brother, Ray. Condi­ the pace for schoolboys in 1960. for Celtics. , Philadelphia. were second best before winning the entire field .in 1965 and in the Saturday at 8 pm during the The Celtics sliced their deficit to "They’re a different team than tions that fall were just right, 51 the following year. Johnny Kelley they used to be,” said Bird. degrees and sunny. The margin of Masters Division in 1983. :30,3:20, 5:10, 7:45,10. — Stor Trek IV: WRST HARTFORD 81-73 after three periods and they was second in 1950, won in 1951; ’ best finish in HARTFORD _ , . 1 month of November. "They’ll have a strong bench when victory was the greatest in history. ChMma Clfv — Ptogv Sue Got The Vovaoe Home (PG ) 12:30, 2:50, Rim 1 * 2 — Top Gun (PG ) 7,9:30. — trailed 87-75 with 10:30 to play. Dick Hart was second in ’54, won in Manchester was third in 1974. He 5:10, 7:25, 9:50. — "Crocodile" OUndee Jumpin' Jack Floah (R) 7,9:30. Only brothers ever to win were Married (PG-13) 1:50,4:10,7:10,9:30. -= Then came a typical rally by the everybody is healthy.” '55; Pete Close was second best in placed fifth in 1973 and was 18th in Sona of the South (G ) 1, 3, 4:50, 6:50, (PG-13) 13:30, 2:30, 4:30, 7:10, 9:20. — Maurice Cheeks with 23 points the McCIuskeys, John in 1927 and 1^50 _ Mother Tereeo 1:30, 3:30, 7:20, Tbe color of Money (R) 12:15, 2:35, WILLIMAHTIC And the winning family, defending NBA champions. They '57, triumphed in '58 and Burfoot both the 1965 and 1966 events as a y.20. — The Nome ofthe Rose (R) 1:40, 4:55, 7:15, 9:40. — FIrewalker (PG ) Jllltan Ssuora CImma — Schedule outscored Philadelphia 14-2 and the and eight assists led Philadelphia. Joe in 1930-31-32 and in 1947 at the unavailable. was second in '67 and No. 1 in '68. senior at Newington High School 4:15, 7,9:40. 12:40, 3:55, 5:10, 9:50. — Children of a crowd fell relatively quiet as the He got help from Robinson with 18, age of 36, the oldest man to perform and during his freshman year at Lesser God (R) 1:15,4:15, 7:05,9:30. Dinner is FREE! Celts edged ahead 89-88 with 6:10 Hinson’s 16 and 16 from the old pro, the feat. Little Johnny Kelley is the only RAtT HARTFORD ^ ^ WINDSOR runner in history to finish third, Wesleyan. His first road race was in RMlwood Fob * Cinema — Top Gun Plaza — Tough Guvi (PG) 7:15. Up to 5 meals plus a left. Julius Erving. The “Irish Connection” tag app­ MANCHRSTRR lied to Irish born runners by this second and first over a three-year Manchester 20 years ago. (P G ) 7:30. UA Thenters Rost — Too Gun (PG) 'complimentary family sitting The scored was tied at 91, 93, 95. Then there was the irrepressible Faer Rldiord't Pub * Cinema — 7:20, 9:40. — Jumpin' Jack Flash (R) 97, 99. Now there were 35 peconds Barkley, with 17 points. 11 re­ writer after the 1979 race which span, turning the trick In 1949-50-51. 7:15, 9:30. — Peaav Sue Got Married from Deguzis Photographers featured the Treacy brothers, Ray Nine of the 10 best times have Prediction Department; 1. John Jumpin' Jack Flash (R) 7:30, 9:30. President John F. Kennedy left. There was a scrimmage under bounds, a crucial steal and slam fbawcota CInamot 1-9 — Something (PG-13) 7:30, 9:45. an award winning family the basket and Boston’s Kevin dunk late in the game, and a level of 'and John, Mick O'Shea and Bren­ been turned in by members of the Doherty, 2. John Gregorck 3. Bill Wild (R) 13:25, 2:40, 5:05, 7:25, 9:50. — asked the U.S. in 1?61 to work JOHN KELLEY dan Quinn. 'The quartet gained four "Irish Connection” , four credited Rodgers, 4. , 5. Charlie Stand by Me (R ) 1:05, 3:05, 5:15, 7:40, VRRNDH toward putting a man on the moon McHale fouled Charles Barkley. intensity that permeated the 9:50. — An American Toll (G ) 1:15,3:15, CIna 1 6 2 — Jumpin' Jock Flash (R) ______portrait artist! The crowd hushed as Barkley building. , .six-time champion of the first six places. to John Treacy. three to Eamonn Breagy. 5:15, 7:30, 9:30. — Solprbobles (PG) 7:10, 9:30. — Top Gun (PG ) 7, 9:15. by the end of the decade. MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Nov. 26. 1986 — 17 UConn hoop could suffer Its longest winter ever i i Hawks exploit Lakers’ weakness ( ft -Bv Bill Barnard i i- STORRS — The University of Connecticut’s Ursery, averaged 2.4 points per game a year ago. volatile scoring machine, is the supposed offensive Mar Indiana is uncertain. and Terry Catledge added a season- on the horizon around Storrs, however, the The Associated Press 1 ; basketbali team will embark on yet another season Gamble is the only returning double figure scorer, Olajuwon, among the league high 20 as Washington Bullets blew which, assuredly, will be accompanied by continual averaging 10.6 points per game last year. tions may be too high for a sophomore tp NBA Roundup leaders in scoring, rebounding and most of a 13point lead before vicissitudes stemming from their membership in the Ostensibly, the blatantly obvious fact concerning the Although Robinson exhibited flashes of brilliance a < During a nine-game winning blocked shots, had 34 points, 17 subduing Portland. heavily burdened Big East Conference. Jim Tierney undermanned and undertalented Husky team heading year ago, consistency will be the Integral part to his streak that temporarily gave the rebounds and four blocks when the Malone scored 10 points and First-year coach Jim Calhoun, who led Northeastern into the 1986-87 campaign is their lack of a pure shooter, game ttils season. ,, Ix)8 Angeles Lakers the best record ’The Lakers took the lead briefly injury occurred. grabbed six of his 11 rebounds in the to a 26-5 season a year ago, inherits a team of 12 a so-called ‘money player’ , an attribute they haven’t Gamble shot a woeful 39 percent from the field a year ‘ in the NBA, few people were talking In the fourth period before a reverse Henderson’s two free throws with first quarter, pacing the Bullets to a players, eight of which are on scholarship, and four been without during the last decade. Names such as ago, an Inauspicious statistic for your labeled shooting 'about their supposed weakness layup by Glenn Rivers, who joined 4; 02 left gave the Knicks the lead 34-19 lead. walk-ons. Freshman Steve Pikiell (a scholarship Herald Sports Writer Tony Hanson, Joe Whelton (1974 East Catholic High guard’ . King, who has averaged only 2.6 rebounds^ a -inside. Levingston with 19 points, put for good at 90-89. It was the 11th lead Portland pulled to within 44-42 in player), out of St. Paul High School in Bristol, graduate), A1 Weston, Cornelius Thompson, Mike game throughout his career will have to make ■ But with'leading rebounder Kurt Atlanta ahead to stay at 9392. ’The change of the fourth quarter and the second quarter as Steve John­ reinJured his shoulder during an exhibition game with McKay, and Earl Kelley were players over the past 10 dramatic improvement In that category and nu 'Rambis on the sidelines with a Hawks went on to build the margin started a 14-2 streak that gave New son scored nine of his team-leading the Melbourne (Austrailia) Tigers and is likely to miss years who could always produce in clutch situations. scoring (4.4 points per gome last year). George.ja dislocated finger, the Lakers were to 10 before the game ended. York a 102-91 lead with 36 seconds 16 points in the period. But the up to eight weeks. Calhoun is considered by some a Despite the turmoil Kelley caused around the UConn promising freshman, will have to demonstrate the devastated on the boards by “ We wpre excited to come away remaining. Bullets outscored the Trail Blazers miracle-worker, a label he is quick to lay to rest. progression could evolve in a painfully slow fashion. campus, there was no denying the awesome offensive poise of a senior relating to his ability to engineer the Atlanta ’Tuesday night and lost with a win,” Atlanta Coach Mike 19-8 in the final 3; 54 of the half to “ There is no panacea, ” Calhoun said during a UConn ’The Huskies’ starting lineup, which will consist of talent he displayed. It was clearly evident last season, offense. If the Huskies experience foul trouble often, 113107, giving the Hawks an Fratello said. “ We had a 17-point Sonics 113, Clippers 103 rebuild a 6350 lead. press luncheon Monday. "W e’re dedicatingthis season 6-foot-9 senior Gerry Besselink at center, 6-10 junior during the games Kelley was suspended, the necessity ,4hey will have to rely on Ursery, freshman James fNBA-best 10-2 record and making lead and then were out^gored by 21, to progress. You’ll watch us grow and suffer. We’re Jeff King at one forward and 6-10 sophomore Cliff for a scorer and, more importantly, a leader. C ra d lin g and four walk-ons. Needless to say, things them the first team to reach double but it showed a tremendous amount Dale Ellis scored a career-high 35 Kings 123, Suns 102 really trying to mold a program.’’ Robinson at the other forward, 6-4 sophomore Phil could get very ugly in those situations. figures In victories. of character to find enough strength points and Tom (Chambers added 32 Otis Thorpe scored a season-high Gamble at shooting guard and 6-5 freshman Tate BESSELINK, ’THE ONLY SENIOR on the squad this For a season, seemingly in Its embryonic stages, “ I hate to say this, but I think they to come back. for Seattle against Los Angeles. 27 points and Mark Olberding ’THE QUESTION OF PROGRESS is one which must George at point guard, last season combined for 25 year, may possess the necessary leadership for this filled with countless question marks and demands on wanted it more than we did,” ‘"rhat stretch in the third period Ellis, whose previous career high scored six of his 10 fourth-quarter be perused, since this Husky team ranks very low on points per game, excluding George. ’The only other team, however, his offensive production throughout his inexperienced players, UConn basketball could suffer Lakers guard Michael Cooper said where the Lakers caught us was an was 31 while playing for the Dallas points in a tw3minute stretch, talent in comparison to other years, and, the rate o f. eonni-«vpoHpnced player, reserve forward Robert UConn career has left much to be desired. Robinson, a through its longest winter ever. after shooting 2-for-l2 from the ugliness that shows up every game. Mavericks, was 13for-20 from the lifting Sacramento over Phoenix. field. We blew big leads against Boston field. He scored 12 points in the first Olberding came into the game " Dominique Wilkins had 26 points and Cleveland, but had enough to quarter as the Sonics pulled ahead with 7; 50 left after Phoenix had cut and 11 rebounds for Atlanta, and hold on and win those games.” .30-17 and kept the lead the rest of a 13point deficit to 10394. ’The six Cliff Levingston added 15 more “ They’re a quick, young, hungry the way. points by the Kings’ 12-year veteran N rebounds to lead the Hawks’ 6342 team,” Lakers Coach Pat Riley Mike Worason led the Clippers forward helped push the margin to advantage on the boards. The said of the Hawks. “ We got whipped with 20 points and Michael Cage 113-96 with 4; 47 left. SCOREBOARD Lakers’ rebound leader was A.C. tonight. The first half was the worst added 16 points and 18 refunds. The top Phoenix scorer was ,Green with seven. half of basketball that I can Walter Davis with 28 points. “ We’ve got a lot of great jumpers remember since being here." Spurs 117, Nets 99 on this team and we’re always Earvin "M agic" Johnson led the Nordlqun2,Cinadltni1 76aitUl2,CaKlca100 Tuaaday’a callage heap acerea San Antonio handed hapless New Warriors 111, Jazz 106 hitting the glass," said Mike Lakers with 22 points and Byron Jersey its seventh straight defeat Eric Floyd scored 11 of his 25 Hockey EAST McGee, who was traded by the Scott had 20. 8 1 8 -1 BmAethM I spobtscabdI BOSTON (N U as Alvin Robertson scored 21 points points in the fourth quarter and _____ 8 2 8 - 8 McHale 1M85a29, Blrd10-23Z32Z Parish AMerson-Brooddus 70, Point Park 63 "Lakers to Atlanta during the First Period— None. Penalties— Noslund, 48 Z2 10, Johnson 5-14 0-2 10,Aliige6-12 Bobson6ZMlT52 offseason. and Ed Nealy came off the bench added 12 assists for Golden State Men (sloshlng),19:IB;Glllls,Oue(tlashlne), 4818 KlteZ50«8Wedman0-2»00, lucent BoruchS7, Lehman 54 for 19 more. against Utah. 19:02.- NBAatandInga fr3ZZ2,Car1lsle1-2Z28Totals4a«719-Z7100. Binghamton St. 8Z Oswego St. 81 Knicks 102, Rockets 93 NHL standlngt Second Psrlod— 1. , McPtwe 6 Bowdotn7ZAAaln5Formlnafon65 ■ In other NBA games, it was New The Spurs outscored the Nets The Warriors then their last six (Chellas), 1:14. Z Qin ^ , Cote 6 (Kumpel, Biid8eport78,Sprlnqf1eld67 York 102, Houston 93; Washington Gerald Henderson scored a 14 of EASTERN CONFERENCE FHILAOELFHIA (NR 18-10 in the last six minutes in the points from the free throw line, WALKS CONraRRNCR Glllls), 13:13. 3, , A. Stastnv 8 RoMnson 7-17 44 18, Hinson 5-12 6-7 16, Bridgewater, AAass. 75, Rhode Island Col. 111, Portland 99; Philadelphia 102, his season-high 21 points in the (LoFrenlere, Goulet), 14:14. Penalties— Alkntlc Division first period for a 2318 advantage including four by Floyd, after the Patrick OlvIfiMi W L Pet. OB McCormick 1-7 2-2 4, E r ^ 7-14 2-2 16, Boston 100; San Antonio 117, New W L T Pta OPOA Glllls, Chie (hlgh^lcklng), 16:27; Le- Oreeks #18 1-2 2Z Threott Z9 Z2 8, Buffalo 86, St. John Fisher 68 fourth quarter, eight of them in the and San Antonio’s largest lead was Jazz rallied from six points down mleux. Men (hlgn^cklne), 16:46; Moller, Boston 8 4 .667 — Buf(aloSt.89,Hortwlck70 , _ „ Jersey 99; Golden State 111, Utah Pbllodtlphla 14 4 2 30 86 45 Philadelphia 9 5 .643 — gorklev « 5-717, Wingate (M) 00 0.Totals final 4; 02 against Houston, which 53-32 in the second quarter. The midway through the final period to AP photo Pmnwreh 13 7 2 28 87 75 Que (hWvstlcklna), 16:46. 4046 22-28 10Z Conrardia, N.Y. 69, N.Y. Te rt g 106; Sacramento 123, Phoenix 102; lost Akeem Olajuwon with ankle Nets, who were led by Orlando close the margin to 103104 with 1; 32 NY lilamten 12 8 1 25 85 66 Third Period— None. Penalties— ' Washington 6 7 .462 2)^ CW . Post 120, Mt. St. AAorv, N.Y. 72 New York 4 10 .286 5 IS n 25 17— 180 and Seattle 113, Los Angeles and knee injuries. Woolridge with 21 points, got no Now JtTMV 10 9 2 22 78 94 Lemleux,A6on (slashing), 1:12; Skrudland, _ n 41 19 11—181 Denison 63, Carnegl5AAellon 53 left on a jumper by Rickey Green. Atlanta’s Dominque Wilkins (21) du nks over the top of the Nlon (elbowing), 6:09; Svobodo, MIon New Jersey 2 11 .154 6Vi Eostem 71, Delaware Val. 59 Clippers 103. WotMngton 7 11 4 18 72 90 Central Division Rireppoint goals— Carlisle. Fouled The Rockets trailed 82-81 when closer than six points in the second Joe Barry Carroll and Chris NY Ronecn 6 11 4 16 82 93 (high-sticking), 10:37; LoFrenlere, (iue oj?-^pne. Rebounds— Boston 57 (AAcHale FO U-Modlson 54, Scranton 53 Atlanta appeared on the verge of Olajuwon was injured in a collision Lakers' Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (33) and Atlanta teammate Adam DIvMen (high-sticking), 10:37; Picard, Que (trip- Atlanta 10 2 .833 — Gannon97, Pltt.-Brodford61 half. Muliin each scored 20 points for Chicago 7 3 .700 2 in , Philadelphia 50 (Hinson 21). Anlsts— Tree Rollins (30) in their NBA game Tuesday night at the Montreal 12 7 3 27 80 69 ping), 14:17. M o n 38 (Johnson 8), Philadelphia 25 Geneva 86, Wosh. & Jeff. 60 routing the Lakers by taking a 6343 with New York center Bill Cartw­ Golden State. Utah’s Bobby Hansen Quebec 11 8 4 26 88 71 » oHots on goal— Montreal 6-9-0— 23. Qu­ Milwaukee 9 5 .643 2 Indiana 6 7 .462 4'/i (OweksOl.Totaltauls— Boston21,Phlladel- GlastboroSt.93, Kean75 halftime lead. But Los Angeles right with 7; 37 left. X-rays r^velead scored 22 of his career-high 26 Forum In Los Angeles. The Hawks won to run their NBA Hartford 9 6 3 21 65 63 ebec 7-7-3— 17. Phki 34. A— 17,967. JohnJav88,CCNY85 outscored the Hawks 4323 in the no tears or breaks, but his status Bullets 111, Blazers 99 Boston 9 10 3 21 74 78 Power-play Opportunities— Montreal 0 D«^Olt 5 6 .455 A'/i Moriavlan98, Hoverford43 points in the first half as the Jazz record to 10-2. Buffalo 4 13 3 11 64 74 of 2; Quebec 0 of Z Cleveland 3 9 .250 7 N.Y.Poly63,StevenTech46 third quarter to tie the game 8383. after he . misses tonight’s game at Moses Malone scored 32 points grabbed a 60-52 halftime lead. CAMPBRLL CONPRRRNCR Goalies— 66ontreol, Roy (17 shots-15 WESTERN Co n f e r e n c e NBA atatlallea Old Wesibury 67, AAedgar Evers 37 Nerrtt Divttlon saves). Quebec, AAolorchuk (23-22). OAMwest Division Penn St.-Behrend 75, Bethany, W.Va, 68 Toronto 9 8 4 22 70 68 A— 15396. Dallas 7 5 .583 — Phlla. Pharmacy 81, Penn St.-Capital 61 St. Louis 8 7 4 20 66 66 Denver 7 5 .513 — Queens89, KIngsPoIntTO Detroit 8 10 2 18 57 66 Utah 6 5 .545 'h a M 1FT Fto Avf RutgereCamden 94, Trenton St. -89 Ollcoeo 5 12 5 15 70 94 Houston 6 6 .500 1 Jordan, Chi. 10 137 94 369 36.9 SallsburySt.84, Lincoln, Pa.63 Hrudey comes through for Islanders Minnesota 6 11 2 14 74 80 Sacramento 5 7 .417 2 English, Oen. 12 145 66 356 29.7 St. Mlchoel’s88, Norwlch85 MCC hoopsters chalk Smvttw Division Footlian San Antonio 5 8 .385 2W V 0 n d e w • 0 h e- , Tufts86, Curry 71 Winnipeg 13 7 1 27 79 65 Podtlc Division Prt. 13 133 ,19 357 27 J W.Maryland69,Gettv8burg60 Edmonton 13 9 1 27 102 86 L.A. Lakers 9 2 .818 — Bird, Bos. 11 vn 79 294 36.7 W. Virginia St. 135, Bluffton89 Bv Ken Rappoport game away with a three-goal average scorer, would have put in Caleory 12 10 0 24 79 85 Seattle 7 5 .583 7>h Wilkins, Atl. w 95 68 264 26.4 W. Virginia Tech 101, Concord 72 ' The Associated Press second period. the net.” Los Angeles 8 13 2 18 89 103 NFL atandinga Golden State 7 6 .5)8 3 A6cHale, Bos. 11 99 91 289 26.3 Woshlmston Coll. 79, Frostburg St. 74 NHL Roundup The first-place Canadiens main­ up fourth straight win Vancouver 6 14 2 14 73 89 Portland 7 7 .500 3Vi Earvin Johnson J.A6olene, Wash. 12 117 57 293 24.4 WavnMburo93,Wheellng8l Nordlques 2, Canadlens 1 Tuesdoyt Oames Phoenix 5 8 .385 5 Chambers, Sea. 11 87 90 267 24.3 Williams 106, Skldmore86 UNIONDALE, N.Y. - Kelly tained a one-point lead over the Quebec 2, Montreal 1 AMERICAN CONFERENCE LJV. Clippers 3 10 .231 7 Better known as "Magic,” Davis, Phee. 12 129 33 291 24.3 Wm. Paterson 76» Rutgers-Newark‘ 63 Hrudey was in the nets and on the Anton Stastny and Alain Cote runnerup Nordlques. GROTON — Chalk up another their lead to 54-39 with 10 N.Y. Islanders 5, Plttsburgli 1 Rost Tuesday’s Dames M.Malone.Wash. 12 88 115 291 243 Yeshlva73,AAolloy70 W L T Pet. PF PA New York 102, Houston 93 this superstar guard was Olaluwon, Hou. 11 104 56 264 24.0 ropes when the New York Islander?, “ 1 thought our concentration in scored goals 61 seconds apart in the victory for the Manchester minutes to go. Vancouver 11, Los Angeles 5 SOUTH Canucks 11, Kings 5 Ozzie Grant’s three-point field Wednesday’s Oames N.Y. Jets 10 2 0 .833 306 246 Washington 111, Portland 99 drafted first by the Los An- Aguirre, Doll. 12 111 99 3 T ZI.9 BeltarmlneSO, Kentucy St. 70 played the Hartford Whalers over 611 areas was better (than Saturday second period to lift Quebec over Community College basketball New England 9 3 .750 326 200 Phllodelphia 102, Boston 100 Shi^, G.S. 10 89 55 235 23.5 Boston at Wosblngton, 7:35 p.m. geies Lakers in the 1979 CampbellsvIlleSO, Centre66 the weekend, an effort that Coach night’s 33 loss to Hartford).” Montreal Canadians in a battle of Four Vancouver players — Tony team. The visiting Cougars goal with 6:02 left gave MCC its Buffalo at Hartford, 7:35 p.m. Miami 6 6 J00 321 293 San Antonio 117, New Jersey 99 Oantlev, Oet. 11 89 76 254 23.1 Carson-Newmon 85, Plkevllle80 prevailed Tuesday night in their largest margin, 65-45, Mike Buffalo 3 9 0 .250 232 273 Atlanta 113, L.A. Lakers 107 NBA draft. Now in his eighth Thomas, Oet. 11 86 69 24) 22.1 Terry Simpson called one of his Simpson said. "W e were alert and Adams Division front-runners. Tanti, rookie Jim Sandlak, Patrik Montreal at Pbllodelptila, 7:35 p.m. Cent. Wesleyan 71, Kennesow68 Stowell chipped in with 12 points Quebec at N.Y. Rangers, 7:35 p.m. Indianapolis 0 12 0 .000 144 322 (Solden State 111, Utah 106 year, he has been named to Harper, Clev. 12 Ml 58 262 21.8 Cumberland 86, Lincoln AAemortal 65 team’s worst of the season. played with determination The loss was Montreal’s first this Sundstrom and Petri Skriko — each fourth outing in as many tries, Central Sacramento 123, Phoenix 102 worthy, LAL 10 85 46 216 21.6 along with 11 each from Ozzie N.Y. Islanders at Pittsburgh, 7:35 p.m. the Aii-NBA first team the no. Souttrern 86, AAo.-St. IjOuIs 64 Still, he stuck with Hrudey for tonight.” season against an Adams Division scored two goals as the Canucks defeating Avery Point, 7360. It Toronto at Detroit, 7:35 p.m. Cincinnati 8 4 0 .667 295 298 Seattle 113, L.A. Clippers 103 Robertson, SA. 12 98 55 253 21.1 nagler64, LoulslarwiColl.61 Grant and Chris Galligan . Paul Cleveland 8 4 0 .667 276 263 Wednesday’s Dames _ la s t four seasons. Johnson, LAL 10 72 65 209 20.9 ’Tuesday night's game against the Hrudey was happy with his effort, rival, but the victory was costly for staged their most productive offen­ was the opening contest for New Jersey at St. Louis, 8:35 p.m. (jeorgetown, Ky. 60, Transylvania 58 Swartz led the rebounding de­ Chicago at Minnesota, 8:35 p.m. Pittsburgh 4 8 0 .333 206 258 Portland at Cleveland, 7:n p.m. Pierce, Mil. 14 104 77 288 20.6 Hanuxlen-Sydney 85, Va. Wesleyan 74 Pittsburgh Penguins — and came as well as the overall team effort Quebec as acting captain Dale sive performance of the season. Avery Point. MCC’s next tilt is Houston 3 9 0 .250 225 272 Houston at Indlono, 7:30 p.m. M * GRAPHIC partment with 12 while Stowell Winnipeg at Edmonton, 9:35 p.m. J.C.Smlth127,Benedlct95 out looking like a genius while following Saturday night's lacklus­ Hunter was taken to the hospital Barry Pederson, Rich Sutter and next Wednesday against the Vancouver at Los Angeles, 10:35 p.m. New York at Boston, 8 p.m. FtoM(toto1 P W M ifg g g Lee77,Tenn.Temple7l grabbed eight. Hamilton Garcia Denver 9 3 0 .750 287 191 Washington at Milwaukee, 8 :X p.m. FO FOA Pet Hrudey was looking like an Ail- ter performance. after breaking a bone above his left ^ Stan Smyl also scored for the Eastern Connecticut junior var­ Ttiundav’e Oomee UndsayWllson1l1,Belmontl03 turned in a fine floor game, Winnipeg at Calgary, 9:35 p.m. L.A. Raiders 8 4 0 .667 255 226 Sacramento at Dallas, 8:X p.m. Bpura 117, Nata 99 Pierce, Mil. 104 167 423 Long«rood93,GullfOrd82 Star. ” We were mentally prepared ankle in the second period. He’s last-place Canucks, who broke a sity squad at 8 p.m. at East Kansas City 7 5 0 .583 263 263 Chicago at Denver, 9:W p.m. Abdul-Jobbor, LAL 74 121 .613 ■ Montevallo66,Tougaloo52 Catholic. handing out nine assists while Seattle 6 6 0 .500 223 239 Seattle at Utah, 9:X p.m. West, Clev. 57 94 .606 “ I had a feeling that Kelly would tonight,” Hrudey said, “ and having expected to be out for at least eight two-game losing streak to move N.Alabama106,StlllmanS8 The homestanding Pointers Bernard James' had nine SonDlega 2 10 0 .167 250 312 Atlanta at Phoenix, 9:X p.m. NEW JERSEY (99) McHole, Bos. 99 169 .586 . do well this time and it just paid a four-goal lead after two periods weeks. within four points of fourth-place L.A. Lakers at L.A. Clippers, 10:X p.m. AAcCormIck, Phil. 62 106 485 N. Kentucky 74, Wilmington, Ohio 61 came out strong against the blocked shots. o Cam:.... 11, KInga 5 NATIONAL CONFERENCE Woolridge 6-139-1121, Williams 7-15Z716, S;Arkansas71,ljOlslanaColl.S6 off,” Simpson said after the Is­ was helpful. It was better than The Nordlques are already play­ Los Angeles in the Smythe Division East Thursday’s Dames GmlnskI 8-13 1-1 17, Washington V3 00 Z Schrempf, Doll. » 86 .581 ShenoiKloah61, Gal Ioudet60 Cougars and actually led. 23-21. N.Y. Giants 10 2 0 .833 244 174 No gomes scheduled Cartwright, N.Y. 74 129 .574 lander goaltender made 30 saves in going into the third period tied 1-1. ing without captain Peter Stastny. standings. Birdsong 1)0 00 0, King (M) DO 0, Brown St. Leo 109, Palm Beach75 with 6; 43 left in the first half. MCC (79) — Paul Swartz 1 2-2 4, I 3 1— 5 Washington 10 2 0 .833 283 210 Friday’s Dames 8-15 0016, Bailey 24 00 4, Wood 3-7 5411, WIttman, Atl. 75 133 .564 St. Paul'864, Mow61 a 31 victory, one of three NHL or something.” who has a fractured finger and is The Canucks scored four times on Tyrell Hartfield 11 1-2 23, Ozzie Dallas 7 5 0 .583 291 230 San Antonio at Boston, 7:X p.m. Paxson, Chi. 51“ 91 460 However, MCC's Tyrell Hart- Vancouver 2 5 4-11 Turner 1-1Z24, AAannlon3-7Z28. Totals3F78 Taylor83, St. Francis, Ind. 55 games. Pat LaFontaine had a power-play expected to be out for another two the power play against two Los Grant 5 0-0 11, Donald Cost 4 30 8, Hrst Period— 1, Vancouver, Sondlok 3, Phllodelpha 3 9 0 .250 176 233 Portland at Philadelphia, 7:X p.m. 21-3999. Nonce, Phoe. 90 163 .553 Thomas More9Z Hanover 82 field’s three-point play at the Hamilton Garcia 2 30 4, Chris St. Louis 3 9 0 .250 163 277 Milwaukee at Detroit, 7:X p.m. Johnson, Port. 64 116 .552 Along with the Islanders’ spe­ goal and two assists as the weeks. Angeles goaltenders as the Kings 6:52. 2, Los Angeles, Robllallle 13 SAN ANTONIO (117) Tuskeoee97, R . VallevSt. 87 6:32 mark gave the Cougars the Galligan 5 1-1 11, Mike Stowell 6 32 (Dionne), 7:53. 3, Vancouver, TantI 8 Central Denver at Indiana, 7:X p.m. Greenwood 1-3 00 2, Corbin 39 3-4 9, WestGeorgla101,Shorter89 cialty teams — which connected on Islanders took a 4-0 lead after two Montreal took a 1-0 lead early in finished a five-game road trip with 12, Tony Mays 2 30 4, Bernard Chicago 10 2 0 .833 251 140 New Jersey at Dallas, 8:X p.m. BfltoMHiiliig lead for good at 24-23. MCC ran (Peltt), 9 :». Penaltles-Hardv, LA Gilmore 64 4716, Robertson 6-17 9-12 21, J. MIDWEST three of five power plays and periods. the second period on Mike a lackluster effort. James 1 30 2 Totals: 37 4-7 79 (roiighlng), 8:43; Sktlko, Van (holding), Minnesota 6 6 0 .500 278 214 Seattle at Phoenix, 9 :X p.m. Dawkins 8-13 00 16, Sundvold 7-12 33 18, a Off Del Tot Avg AsMondSO, AAalone49 off the next six points and never AVER Y POINT (60) — Charles Detroit 5 7 0 .417 201 219 Atlanta at Utah, 10 p.m. wiins, Att. 11 42 101 143 13.0 allowed Pittsburgh just one goal in “ The power play won the game MePhee’s sixth goal of the season, Los Angeles got two goals from 8:43; Smvl, Von (trippina), 11:»; Thompson 37 24 8, Nealy 64 54 19, Avlla69,Park680T looked back, assuming a 36-28 Hillman 3 3-3 9, Ray Flynn 0 0-0 0, Vancouver bench, served by Sutter (too Green Bov 2 10 0 .167 159 284 Chicago at L.A. Lakers, 10:X p.m. Krvstkowlok 1-1 00 2, Duckworth 00 34 3, Wlllloms, N J. 12 S3 101 154 1Z8 Benedictine, Kan. 97, Baker, Kan. ‘86 seven tries — Hrudey was a key for for them.” said Pittsburgh defense- but Cote tied it at 13; 13 and Stastny «both Luc Robitaille and Marcel Karl pepIn 131 2, Bryan Ohio 2304, Tompa Bay 2 10 0 .167 188 338 Golden State at Sacramento, 10:X p.m. Oakley, Chi. 10 36 92 128 1Z8 lead at the intermission. many men on Ice), 19:28. McKenzie 1-1 00 3.Totols 4378 2943117. Cedarvllle86, Indiana Tech67 the Islanders, who maintained their man Moe Mantha. "They con- scored the game-winner at 14:14. Dionne. The linemates also had two Dean Pinto 63012, Pat kelly 60-012,' Lolmbeer, Oet. 11 48 91 139 1Z6 andnnoll Bible 88, Rio Grande i86 Hartfield scored eight of his Keyin Sullivan 9 0-0 18, Tim VIele 0 Second Period— 4, Los Angeles, Robl- L.A. Roms 8 4 0 .667 218 193 Parish, Bos. 11 46 92 138 1Z5 home-ice mastery over the Pen­ trolied the piay.” “ We dominated most of the assists each. 3-10 3 Totals: 27 314 60 Bulleta 111, Trail BlazeraBB 18 32 27 23— 99 M.66alone,WOsh. 12 57 86 143 11.9 Coe66, St. Ambrose62 game-high 23 points in the tollle 14 (Dionne, Erickson), 1:03 (pp). 5, Sn Francsco 7 4 1 .625 280 178 Sem Antonie 29 33 23 33— 117 Cornell, lowaSI, Mt. Mercy 71 guins. The victory was New York’s After LaFontaine scored his 12th game,” Montreal Coach Jean Per­ The 11 goals tied a Vancouver Halftime:36-28 MCC Vancouver, Pederson 7 (Skriko, Smvl), New (Orleans 6 6 0 .500 210 193 Three-point goals— Nealy 2, Sundvold, Olaluwon, Hou. 11 56 73 129 11.7 opening 10 minutes of the second Three point goals: MCC — Grant Atlanta 5 6 1 .458 208 218 Carr, Port. 13 40 98 138 10.6 Oubuoue 86, Rockford Col. 83, OT ' 10th straight over Pittsburgh at the goal of the season at 8; 26 of the first ron said. “ But we lacked that extra team record set in March 1971 2:49 (pp). 6, Vancouver, Sundstrom 8 PDRTLAND (99) McKenzie . Fouled out— Brown. Dvke105,Oberlln78 half and the Cougars extended (1) (Richter), 6:35. 7, Voncouver, TantI 9 Tliurtdav, Nov. 27 Rebounds— New Jersey 36 (GmlnskI 14), Donaldson, Doll. 12 33 93 136 10.5 Nassau Coliseum dating back to period on a deflection of Denis effort around the net. We missed a against the California Golden (ireen Bov at Detroit, 12:X p.m. Carr 7-91-215, Vandeweghe 5-14 2-21Z S. Sikma, Mil. 14 38 105 143 10.2 Eureko64, Concordia, III.47 (Udster, Sundstrom), 11:43 (pp). 8, Van­ Johnson 6-114616, Drexler5-141-211,Porter Son Antonio 37 (Gilmore 8). Assists— New Rndlov 73, Ohio Northern S3 November,„J983! Potvin’s shot. New York put the lot of goals a good scorer, even an Seals. couver, Skriko 13 (AAoxwell), 15:23 (pp). 9, Seattle at Dallas, 4 p.m. 4-14Z310,PaxsonS92-412,Ca.Jones04444, Jersey 26 (Wood, AAonnlon 6), San Grace, Ind. 70, Spring Arbor49 Los Angeles, Duchesne 2 (Fox, NIcholls), Sunday, Nov. 30 Kersey 4114612, Holton 0-3000, MartInOI Antonio 29 (Robertson 8). Total fouls— New ASSMS Huntington 87, AAanchester 74 17:17. 10, Los Angeles, Dionne 8 Buffalo at Kansas City, 1 p.m. 00 0, B e r^ 341-1 7, Engler 01000. Totals Jersey 31, Son Antonio 19. Technicals— O NO. Avg. III. Wesleyan 111, AAorycrest 89 (Robitollle, Wells), 18:03 (pp). 11, Houston at Cleveland, 1 p.m. 399S21-X99. Robertson, Sem Antonio Illegal defense. Johnson, LAL 10 117 11.7 Iowa Wesleyan 89, Upper Iowa h Vancouver, Sutter 9 (Butcher, Skriko), Los Angeles RamsotNewYorfcJets,1p.m. Royd, G.S. 12 135 11.3 WASHINGTON (111) New Jersey Illegal defense. A— 5,511. 9.8 Kearney St, 7Z Nebraska-Omaha 68 Martip suspended; McMahon out for year 19:37. Penalties— PlaWalr, LA (hooking), Cotledoe 7-14 48 20, Ch. Jones 1-3 00 Z M. Rivers, Atl. 11 108 Llncoln75,Culver-Stockton59 ‘ 2:(D; Los Angeles bench, served by New England at 1 p.m. Malone 11-15 1O103Z J. AAalone 5-184414, Cheeks, Phil. 13 111 8.5 AAarietta 79, Mt. Vernon Nazarene M Sporte In B rief ^ Robitallle (too many men), 11:18; Williams, Pittsburgh at Chicago, 1 p.m. Whatley490012, Cook 491-211, A. Jones 1-1 Preseev, Mil. 14 114 8.1 Mlssourl-Rolla83, Westmlnster65 LA, mlnor-malor-oame misconduct San Diego at Indianapolis, 1 p.m. 345,Bol02000,Wllllams2-21-36,Roundrield Humphries, Phoe 12 94 7.8 Mornlngslde73,BrlarCllff69 • GREEN ^ A Y . Wis. (AP) - Martin was penalized for body- of McMahon, star running back (roughing, spearing), 12:34; Lowry, Tampa Bay at Minnesota, 1 p.m. 4101-19.Totals 4Z83 2432 111. Porter, Port. 13 100 7.7 slamming McMahon after a Green Walter Payton, wide receivers Hawka113.Lakera107 Harper, Oall. 12 88 7.3 Mt. Unlon82, WOoster72 Green Bay Packers defensive line­ Van, minor-game misconduct (rough­ Washington at St. Louis, 1 p.m. Nebraska Weslvn75,Sterllng72 Poirot qualifies for nationals Bay interception in the second Dennis Gentry and Willie Gault and ing), 12:34; Tambelllnl, Van (Interfer­ Atlanta at Miami, 4 p.m. 19 31 28 21— 99 Lever, Oen. 12 88 7.3 man Charles Martin will be able to Cincinnati at Denver, 4 p.m. Sparrow, N.Y. 13 93 7.2 NW Iowa 106, Midland Lutheran jS quarter of the the Bears’ 12-10 center Jay Hilgenberg. He said ence), 12:43; Petit, Van (Interference), Washington 36 29 24 24— 111 ATLAN TA (113) Wayne, Neb. 81, Peru St. 61 A LB A N Y , N .Y. — Bruce Poirot, a 12-year-old sixth grade play Thanksgiving Day against 16:24. Philadelphia at Los Angeles Raiders, 4 Three-point goal— Williams. Fouled Wllklns5219426, Wlllls3


3 and 4 room apartments, BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY A no appllances.no pets.se- faesH 5 o p ? ty curlty.call 646-2438. Week­ OP lepTcvcfc^. Attantlon-Contractors days 9-5. HEATINB/ and Developers-11 plus PAMTINe/ acres Manchester. Loca­ Two bedroom apartment GHILOCARE PAPERIN6 PLUMBINO tion. location, location. for rent. Dishwasher, dis­ I Spectacular country set­ posal. pool, tennis courts. Loving mother will cari Name your own price — Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ ting! Walking distance to Near 84. Call 282-7908 after for your child In my home. Father and son. Fast, throom remodeling; In­ golf course. Lovely mea­ 7 :0 0 pm. or (617) 864-5770 Manchester area. 644- dependable service. stallation water heaters, dow lands. Ideal setting X4204 days. 1476. Painting. Paperhanging 8. garbage disposals; faucet for executive develope- Removal. Coll 872-8237. repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- Tune Up Tinie - Chain ment. Call 485-0890. CLEANING osterCard accepted. sows, snow Mowert. Alto offering a complete shar­ Placing on od In Classified SERVICES Complete Interior Reno­ pening service. Quality is easy. Just call 643-2711. Spacious 4 room apart­ vations. Textured ceil­ MISCEIIANEOUS Sharpening. 104 Hilliard ment near bus. Adults Cleaners-Manchester ings. Repair damaged SERVICES Street 64^2111. preferred, no pets. 1 cor. area. Monday through walls. Expert Installation BUSINESS security and reference. Saturday. 7am-10om. $5.00 of all wall coverings. Con­ Odd lobs. Trucking. Home 649-1265. per hour to stort. Call toll tinental Painting. 872- repairs. You name It. we For electrical repairs or PROPERTY 6018. handyman, call 649-2254 free 1-800-343-1801. do It. Free estimates. Ill Manchester - 2nd floor 2 Insured. 643-0304. evenings. Free estimates. Restaurant-Located In bedroom, heat and ap­ CARPENTRY/ Licensed and Insured. Manchester on high traf­ pliances. no pets. $550 plus REMODELINO J 8i L Stone-Painters. Your local handyman I fic street. Good location security 646-3979. I (Reduced rates)-Wlnter Call John at 643-4353 and for pizzeria. Presently op­ season, commercial, resi­ please leave message. Cl 1M8 By NBA. aw. erating as o breakfast, 2 bedroom apartment- No lob too big or small. dential. fully Insured, lunch, and early evening Wall to wall carpeting. Complete Interiors and quality references. Cater­ Art's Light Trucking­ D & D Landscape restaurant. Excellent po­ Appliances Included. No exteriors. Quality and Re- ing to customers who cell or s.attics.garages MISCELLANEOUS llablllty. Continental demand perfection. 649- Complete landscape se- BOATS/MARWE tential for good Income. pets. Lease. Security. cleaned. Junk hauled.Fur- vlce, leaf and brush re­ EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Call us for the details. Available December 1st. Painting. 872-6018. 6048. nlture and appliances moved. Call David I 855.000. Realty W orld Also 3 bMroom duplex. moved. Odd lobs. Very 65^2436. . 646-7709.D Lease. Security. No pets. Carpentry-Fix vralls. ceil­ honest dependable 16 foot Mod River canoe, Lined patio drapes. Excel­ Available December 1st. ings. add a closet or worker. 25 years expe­ paddles Included. Used lent condition. 84 Inches Coll 643-159S.a shelving, folding attic ELECTRICAL rience In moving. 646-9669 Masonry . Repalrs-AII four times. Excellent con­ by 164 Inches. Traverse Rentals stairways, odd a room In anytime. types of additions, altera­ dition. $8()0. Please call rod Included. $65. 647- Manchester-West Side. 6 the basement, chain saw tions. and Stuco. Call 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- 9902.P work. 646-3172. Dumas Electric — Having room duplex. 3 bedrooms, Electrical Problems? Hawkes Tree Service- 643-9508 or 649-5635. 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for excellent location. no‘ Need Carpentry done In Bucket Truck 8> Chipper. Bob. Photo darkroom for pets. Available December Need a large or a small I ROOMS your home? Jobs small or Repair? We SpecloHz* In Stump removal. Free esti­ Christmas I Booen en­ FOR RENT 1st. $675 a month plus large. 20 years expe­ Residential Work. Joseph mates. Special considera­ Snow Plowlng- MUSICAL larger, easel, KInderman utilities. Call after 6pm. rience. Call Dave at 649- Dumas. Fully Licensed. tion for elderly and handi­ Drlveways. $10 and up. ITCMS sofellght, dryer, tanks. 643-0110. 3260. Free Estimates. 646-5253. capped. 647-7553. Excellent . $99. 643-2041 Rooms-Main Street loca­ offer 6.0 tion. $185 and up. Referen­ ces and security. Apply In CONDOMINIUMS person. Apartment M af­ FOR RENT ter 1pm. E N D R O L L 8 Hammond Cord Organ- r r k w M h - M 8 Monchester-BIgelow Hoi ■STORE AND STORE AND ■ ROOMMATES single key board, wood low condo. One loft, bed­ OFFICE SPACE OFFICE SPACE WANTED FURNITURE frame, bench, good condi­ 1Wi wMlh • 2 for 2M APARTMENTS room. IVi baths, lacuzzi tion. $100. Call 649-9981. M UST be picked up at the FOR RENT Manchaster Herald Oftloe tub. spiral stairs, covered 3 rooms containing 900 Manchester-8250 per Sofa-Danish modern parking, ample storage. Manchester-Small office. Used 4 piece drum set, before 11 A.M. ONLY. On'e"oro kindiVooTf-wiU East Center Street. H ^ square feet on Spruce month plus Vi utilities. style. 65 Inches, long, dark Street. Parking, can di­ Apply :40 DIcott Street. green. Fair condition. good condition. $110. Coll Two bedroom townhouse months security, no pets, elcetrlc Included. $200 646-0142 between 6 and - heat, hot woter. car­ per month. Tully Real vide. 1 year lease. Call Apt. 107. Cleon, quiet, Asking $75. Call 644-1950.o Available December. 872- 643-6712. responsible. 8pm. peted. A ll appliances. A ir 3972. Estate. 6434)005. TAG conditioning. Call 649- Contemporary dinette SALES 5240. Office space available. House to Share-Woman set, butcherblock formica PETS AND with well behaved 5 year table, 30" X 48", four HOMES Approximately 800 soare SUPPLIES Garage Sale-Movingl FOR RENT feet. $450 per month, In- PROPERTY old looking for women to Breuer choirs, caned eludes heoL 646-4004. share 8 room home In seats and backs. $75. 649- Tools, shop and garden, good location. Very pri­ 3261.0 (aermon Shepherd pup­ books, dishes, record Bolton-3 bedroom Cape, Ski Rental, Okemo- vate bedrooms available. pies, full blooded parents. player, and records. Mis­ 2 bedroom duplex for rent Wlnterplace, Vermont. In Bowers Area. Ap- appliances, garage, flexi­ Need'repairs around the Single Moms welcome. Oak Formica table with AKC. $100. Call after 4. cellaneous. Friday the ble lease. $700 per month. New slope side condo. 2 Heat, hot water, wa- two 12 Inch leafs. 4 padded 246-7242. 28th and Saturday the pllanced. gas. heat, aulet home? Call an expert. bedrooms, sleeps , fire­ location. $595 plus utili­ References required. Call You'll find the help you 8 sher/dryer. kitchen privi­ chairs. Nice looking set. 29th. KM. 78 Buckingham 633-6921 after 5pm. place, all conveniences. leges Included. Call 643- $99. 643-0155.O Free to good home- Street, Manchester. ties. Call John at 643-1591. need In Classified. 643- Call 633-6413 or 633-9133. 2711. 4353, leave message far Shepherd/Huskle cross, Karen. 80 Inch curyed back sofa. one year old. male, neu­ Excellent condition. $100. tered. Good with children, Automotive MISCELLANEOUS B 7 I MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Will deliver. Call 528-7955 house buken. Needs MFORSALE t J j m SALE mFORSALE MFOR SALE Merchandise after 6pm. room to emrclse. 649-7086. CARS nniV/STEREO/ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Valid Throuflh APPLIANCES FOR SALE November 1966 179 J ANTIQUES/ FREE CLASSIHED ADS I'^ICOLLECTIBLES Electric stove 42 Inch self Kerosene heoter-Rodlant cleaning. Excellent condi­ Eight like new asking $75. tion. $99. 649-4393.D To all Herald Readers who have something to sell for 643-0017.P Autos. 2 cars for sale. Sears slow cook toaster Mimeograph machine, Parts Only. 1972 Olds 455 *99 or loss'. We will run your ad for 6 days — FREEI oven like new. $22. 649- stencils. Ink etc. $15. 646- Engine $200, 1970 Ply­ ■ii Christmas Sale-Country 8913.P 5847 after 6.a mouth 318 Engine $200. crafts, antiques, cllectl- Call 6446649 after 3:00pm. Fill out coupon (one word 1 t s 4 bles. November 28th and 8 track player one speaker Set of Dansk dishes, beige per space) and mall or 29th. KM. November 30. and track music. (*ood • s 7 S 8 with brown trim. 44 piece bring to the Manchester 1:30 to 4:00. 250 Fern condition. $40. 647-9613.D set. $18. 643-5832.D Herald Office, 16 Bralnsrd Street, Manchester. • 10 11 IS Place. Refrigerator 16 cubic foot Portable typewriter- Price reduced I New block manual defrost. $30. 643- printer, hardly used. $75. top ond Interior with this, Clearly state Item and price IS 14 IS . IS 2809X1 646-1760.P classic red convertible, a- 1964 Rambler American.!; In ad. One Kem only par CL0THIN6 Rebuilt lastjvear so It runs- ad. No pet, tag sale, or B n RECREATIONAL Typewriter-Remington portable. Good condition. good and looks good. WosI commercial ads accepted. N am e. Phone Clothing-Boys, size 4. Like EQUIPMENT $35. 649-1819.P $900, now $800. Call 635- new. Snowsult Including 1998 anytime. Address boots. White stag brand. For Sale. Rowing M a­ Kerosene heater, 8700 $20. 646-6026 between 6pm chine, fully assembled, 1 BTU. Heats one large 1979 Oldsmoblle-Delta! and 9pm.a year old, eMellent condi­ room plus. Brand new " 88". New custom palnt.- tion. $75. a l l 646-3245 never used. $79. Don 646- Excellent condition, me-; after 5:30pm. 3033.a chanically ond physl ' colly. 643^1. 1972 Buick Electro-All au-, LROAL NOTICa TOWN OP ANDOVRR tomatic, needs some< ZONINO aOAKD OF AFPIALS work. Easily restoroble.; $500 or best offer. 646-6868.- Th# Zoning Boord of Apptoli of tho Town ofAndowor, Con- noctlcut ot o mooting hold on Novombor 19,19S4. took fho fol­ 1980 Buick Regol-6 cy­ lowing action. linder, 79,000 miles, alrj atSI- Datum Rnelnoorliia - Tho vorlonco of lOp (Mt front- i M t l t y i ogo and 1000 lauaro foot lot tizo oro donlod. Lot R S conditioned. Excellent on north tido of Shoddy M ill Rood. condition. Asking $2900. 643-8646 after 4pm. run on a in - Philip Insul and Alex Bishop - Tho vorlonco of SOfoot trontogo ond 19,000 squoro foot lot olio oro donlod. neartl Lot locotod ot 6 Rooo Lono. 1976 Cheyy Nova Dotod ot Andovor. Connocticut 26 Novombor, 19S6. Concours-good condition," was tri auto, air conditioning, Country Christmas Swedish Gifts ZONING BOARD OF A P P E A LS Stereo Specialist ANDOVER, CONNECTICUT power steering, fm stereo, actuall DONALD AYRTON, CHAIRMAN runs well. Original owner! J.B. ELECTRONICS — Where Pro­ One duck, two ducks, many, many, visit the SCANOANAVIAN GIFT $895. Call 646-9778 thouse fessionals buy their stereo equip­ more ducks, fabric ducks, carved SHOP. Nut crackers, pyramids, 047-11 evenings. ment and accessories. Discount ducks, painted ducks, lucky ducks and Hummel figurines. We also Thurac pricing on cosh and carry Items. — Wreaths and flower and folk art carry Swedish foods. Ellington 1978 AMC Concord, 2 Call Jack Bertrand 643-1262. too, all hand made and waiting for Center Plaza, Ellington. 872-0273. door, vinyl top, runs good. you at LROAL NOTICR $1500/best offer. Call after c r a f t m e n g a l l e r y TOWN OF ANOOVIR 6pm. 647-0285. 58 Cooper St., Manchester, PUBLIC HBABINO OF PLANNING 4 ZONINO 647-8161 COMMI$l$ON ON SUBDIVISION MOBATORIUM 1980 Renault LeCor, 70,000 Jewelry Holiday hours 7 days a week. Thu Planning 4 Zoning Commission of AndovurVconnuc- miles, dependable econ­ DJ'S DOG GROOMING and PET tlcut will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, Documbur S, omy cor, 35 miles per Largest selection of diamonds and 1986, at 7:30 p.m. In the lower level of the Town Office Build­ gallon. Only $625.649-7057. gem stone dinner rings. Christmas S U P P L Y 649-0485. Bedding - ing on the proposed moratorium on Subdivison appllco- hours, 9-8pm, Mon.-FrI., 8-5 Sot. Florists canopy, brass, cuddle and mats. tlons. 1981 Olsmoblle Cutlass Su­ BRAY JEWELERS, Wayne Bray, Coats, sweaters, rain gear, life At this hearing. Interested persons may appear and be heard preme, excellent appear­ 643-5617 PARK HILL JOYCE FLOWER lockets and back packs. Unique cat and written communications will be received. ance and mechanical. SHOP - Fancy Fruit Baskets. Box­ furniture. Holiday goodies, toys Doted this 26th day of Noyember and 3rd day of December, $3450. Must seel 872-8535. wood Trees - All Your Christmas and crates. Pet pictures with Santa, 1986, at Andover, Connectiut. Decorating NeedsI M Oak Street, November 28 and 29, 12-6 pm and ANDOVER PLANNING 8. ZONING COMMISSION 649-0791 and 200 West Center Street, every Sunday after. KENNETH LESTER, CHAIRMAN MOTORCYCLES/ Fruit Baskets SUZANNE DOWER, VICE-CHAIRMAN 646-6056. M0PED8 FANCY FRUIT BASKETS - Deliv­ 044-11 ered Locally - Shipped nationwide. MICHELLE'S FLORALS - Fresh ar- 1984 BMX Saint Tropez WICKER - WICKER - WICKER rangemets, silk arrangements, hol­ Unique Gifts dirtbike. Good condition. PERO FRUIT STAND - iday wreaths and many gift Items In LROAL NOTICR Yellow and black with 276 Oakland Street, Manchester, both our stores. Hours 9:30am- The store with elegant, unique and TOWN OF ANDOVRR PUBLIC HRARINO OF FLANNINO 4 ZONINO moos, morel Negotloble . 643-6384 5:00pm dally and Thursday 'til 6pm. different fashions and gifts from $75. 643-9649.D Saturday, 9-1 pm. 857 Main Street, around the world. EAST WEST IM­ COMMISSION ON FROFOSRD SFRCIAL PRRMIT FERNANDO'S ORCHARDS, Birch Mancheter 649-2522 (formerly Leaf, PORTS, 111'/a Center Street. Man-) The Planning and Zoning Commission of Andover, Connec­ 1986 Honda ATZ trox, Mountain Rood, Glastonbury. No- Stem, and Root), 39 Windsor Ave. Chester, 643-5692. ticut will hold a Public Hearing on Mondoy, December 8, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. In the lower level of the Town Office Build­ TOcc, Imonth old with tlve opples, cider, fruit baskets, (Rte. 83) Vernon, 875-5145 everyday ing on the following petition; head gear. $750. 649-7057 holiday wreaths and other crafts. 9-6, Sot. 9-5. Route 6 - Petition of (Jeorge J. Chomic for approval of a offer 5om. Special Perm it for a business office and store front In a Business zone. MISCELLANEOUS The^roperty Is bounded on the North by property N/Fof Automotive Package Stores tho Town ot Andovor, boundod on th oI !.South______by______Route 6, AUTOMOTIVE boundod on tho East by proporty N/Fof tho Andovor Con- P a p Auto Ports, 307 East Center BROWNS PACKAGE STORE has a grogotional Church and boundod on the Woit by proporty N /F of tho U.S. Govornmont. 2 snow tires E78-14 Fire­ Street (rear of Lenox Street) 649- variety of liquors, wines, cordials, stone used 1 season. 3528. Super savings on gift,Ideas for your holiday needs and gift giv­ At this hoorlng, Intorootod portont may appear and bo hoord and written communclatlons will bo rocolvod. Mounted. AMC rims. $50. ^ sale; 10% off on Gift Certificates. ing Ideas. 278 West Middle Tpke. 643-5563 Offer 6.Q 643-7330. Information portolnlng to this application Is on file In tho offlco of tho Town Clerk, Town Office Building. ^ to d this 24th day of Novombor and V d of Docombor, 19S6, Jeep rims, IS" standard. at Andovor, Connoticut. Asking $50. Coll 649^1373.a p l a n n i n g 4 z o n i n g c o m m i s s i o n KENNETH LESTER, CHAIRMAN Full size truck cap. $80 or SUZANNE DOWER, VICE CHAIRMAN best offer. Please call 043-11 649-2401 .□ MISCEILANEOUS « I8 A I£

otto drapes. Excel- ndltlon. 84 Inches Inches. Traverse eluded. S65. 647- iHw;.. .V darkroom for V 1 ■ nasi Booen en- easel, Klndermon ( \! It, dryer, tanks, nt . 899. 643-2041 /i*. ■ c

4DROLL8 Hi wMh - 2M K'' width-2 lor 2M be picked up at the tester Herald Offloe 111 A.M. ONLY.


e Sale-AAovInol shop and garden, dishes, record and records, mls- lous. Friday the nd Saturday the M. 78 Buckingham AAanchester. M m Dm0tlV8 M i i m CARS FOR SALE jumh

2 cars tor sale.. Only. 1972 Olds 455 I $200, 1970 Ply- ^ V 318 Engine $200. M649 otter 3:00pm.

f educed 1 New block d Interior with thIsJ red convertible, a- ambler American.' U I last.year so It runs- nd looks good. Was' low $800. Call 635- lytlme. 1

3ldsmoblle-Delta! New custom paint.- ent condition, me-I :ally and physl- M3-6391.

jick Electro-All au-^ Ic, needs some'* Easily restoroble.' best otter. 646-6868.- lulck Regol-6 cy- 79,000 miles, air; Cloned. Excellent Last y^r*s 49th*edltlon of the Manchester Road Race was Ion. Asking $2900. 6 otter 4pm. run on a ralrty Thanksgiving Day, with the temperature near the freezing mark. The record field of 5,649 entrants C h e vy Noya.' urs-good condition,' was trimmed by the bad weather, with only 4,000 runners air conditioning, steering, tm stereo, actually competing. The Read Race Committee — and ell. Original ownerl Call 646-9778 thousands of runners —• are hoping for better weather igs. Thursday for the golden anniversary of the local run. AAAC Concord, 2 /Inyltop, runs good. >est otter. Coll otter 47-0285.

enault LeCar, 70,000 dependable econ- iianrljcBtpr M m lb car, 35 miles per . Only $625.649-7057. Wednesday, Nov. 26,1986 Ismoblle Cutlass Su- !, excellent appear­ and mechanical. AAust seel 872-8535.


SMX Saint Tropez ke. Good condition, v and block with > morel Negotiable I3-9649.D

Honda ATZ trox, Imonth old with gear. $750. 649-7057 5pm.

MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE MAKCHEaTBBMBEAIi): W«d»i^y; N»v;» Road Race is pinnacle of festival week A i filcUMt'/IFILL--Y O U R - SACK-EARLY

By Len Auster Sports Editor

The Manchester Road Race Committee has gone all out to make the golden anniversary of the Thanksgiving Day run through the streets of town — the second-oldest road race in New England — something special. Instead of a one-day celebra­ tion, a week of activities was planned this year. The 1986 Road Race Festival was launched last Saturday with a Sports and Fitness Expo at Manchester High School. That evening, the Turkey, Gooseft Pig Ball was held. Monday night, the Manchester Wevember 39 OFIN Symphony Orchestra and Cho­ rale staged a performanceof race Shop 6orly for 'SUNDAY music. On Wednesday there was a fashion show and luncheon en­ host 86loctionl Noon • 5 PM titled "O ff and Running.” More activities are scheduled for Fri­ day, including the Hal Roach Show, and Saturday night a dinner featuring all past winners will be held. But as always, the main ,4. attraction will be the 4.77-mile' O race that once again is expected to attract a record-setting field of entrants. FISHER FISHEP There were 5,649 entrants a SPECiAl • lOO WATTS ryjf. price • DUA; CA‘ year ago. • AM ‘ M As of last Friday, a total of 5,300 DISC • SPEAKLm . entries had been received for the r a c k s t e r e o 1986 run. A record field of over SYSTEM 6,000 Is expected to answer the gun Thanksgiving Day at 10 a.m. FISHERI at the start/finish line is in front of It was a sunny, mild day in 1984 when the runners Road Race with a record-setting field of over 6,000 FISHER FISHER St. James Church on Main Street. answered the starting gun. The weather forecast appears entrants expected. favorable for the 50th Anniversary of the Manchester THE MANCHESTER RACE first surpassed the 1,000-entrant barrier in 1976, and the numbers tradition of the Irish Connection, trant is Geoff Smith, a two-time fourth, a slot which left him jii have been jumping ever since. O’Flynn and O’Reilly will not be In 1978 a glimpse of the "Irish here; instead they’ll run in the which has produced the winner of winner of the Boston embarrassed, according to one LITTON Connection” hit the streets of TAC National Cross Counti^ the race in seven of the last eight who placed fifth at the Beijing source. town as John Treacy snapped Championship two days later in years. International Marathon in China “ It’s important to race on the COM PACT . e l e c t r o n i c Despite the notable absences, earlier this year. coiirse before;” said Gregorek, t o u c h p a d s Amby Burfoot’s long reign on top. San Francisco. M ICROW AVE • FULL SIZE His presence was just a sampling " I ’d like to be there, but it’s just the Road Race Committee wasn’t These two, however, may not who’s hoping to become the first OVEN of wbat was to come. impossible,” said Treacy, four­ caught short. have their way as 26-year-old American to ward off the invad­ M i c n o w ^ The Irish Connection, with the time and defending champ of the The 50th run will have a stellar John Gregorek of Barrington, ers from across the sea. likes of John and Ray Treacy, town run. " I really have to field as a new "British Connec­ R.I.,attemptstoatoneforwhathe “ I ’d like to win it for the town.” tion” invades the streets of c o n s id e r e d a p o o r 1985 he said. “ At times it seems that Litton 2^ Eamonn Coghian, Mick O'Shea, support the team (New Balance Litton Litton Litton Richard O’Flynn, Charlie Track Club) .” Manchester. performance. they (the foreign runners) invade Breagy. Brendan Quinn and John Doherty, a native of our territory and we have to Gerry O’Reilly — all nationally BUT B REAG Y will be in the Leeds, England, who now lives in IN LAST YEAR’S RUN, Gre­ defend it. I like the challenge.” and internationally known field, and so will Iona College East Freetown, Mass., is one of gorek attempted to stay with While he may not be found with runners — has had a major runners Kieran Stack and Brian the runners atop the favorites’ Treacy on “ Heartbreak Hill, ” the the leaders at the finish line, impact on the race since then. Hayes. Stack was eighth in 1983 list. He is a winner of the 1986 lOK stretch that begins about a mile another prominent name runner ’This year, however, the connec­ and Hayes 13th a year ago. Peachtree Classic in Atlanta, Ga: from the start, and paid dearly for ClUiHS his inexperience. He finished Continued on page 4 tion has been broken. Treacy, They will try to uphold the Another favorite first-time en­ g e n e f ia l g e n e r a l ITSELF, e l e c t r ic e l e c t r ic e'icrwCAul Rood Roo# Hir. interior Rtfroshmontol 01 ANT • E NER'T'^ save r IH CU T m ister mOST ‘ REE Join us in our first annual ^ J.0 dishWASHJ^ DoruiJt r e f r io e r a ^ O p e n ^ Christmas Open House & Thanksgiving Day OPEN SUNDAY 12 NOON - 5 Pivi 6 am — Noon I I ____64^92^7 .______F R E E 1967 Mr. Donut Coupon Calendar with any purchaae and this ad. Monday Evening, Dec. 1st Z TERMS: Limit one per cuatomer — offer good through 6:00 pm — 9:00 pm n CASH • MONTHLY 12-31-86 or while auppliea last. ^ Refreshments • Complimentary Flower CREDIT CARD PAYMEHT8 135 EastKasi Centeruenier St.,at., Manchesterraancneoier • Me-826g646-8263 MANCHEmYcT ------Up ID M SOOInilint credit mister Comor o4 W. »Tpfeo. a eMoe OL D o v u i t , 4A — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Nov. 26. 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Nov. 26,1986 — 5A 50th anniversary race iops week Sponsors taking ate, will not make it home for a Contlniied from page t - ‘3-. third straight try. The molecular biologist is working on her MBA who has joined the '86 field is Bill at the University of Arizona and prominent roies Rodgers. The Newington native is her schedule won’t permit her to making a return to the race where take time off. he began his road racing career 20 Thqj means Susan Baxter- By Jim Tierney competes in, no matter what his Herald Sports Writer years ago. Faber, who placed third in the ’85 finish. Elite marathon runners can As an 18-year-oId schoolboy in race, may be Merrill’s chief gqin as much as $50,000 in appear­ The major shoe corpora­ Running, a sport that was once 1966, Rodgers placed first in his challenger. ance money. tions, such as New thought of as exclusively amateur, Statistics such as these point out division and 18th overall. He has a has achieved more than a bit of Balance, have taken over pair of thirds to his credit, in 1973 THE TOP THREE male and the obvious money to be earned by a professional status over the past talented runner. and ’74, but the four-time Boston female finishers will receive TAG and in some cases tell the decade. The scenario that occurred re­ and New York marathon cham-« Trust Awards of $1,000, $750 and The powers In the sport are the cently between Treacy and Richard runners where they must pion has never won here. $500, respectively. The first 25 (A ■ V ’J, sponsors — the elite of which supply O’Flynn, both of whom will miss the run. “ I’m very excited about being finishers and top five females will the runner with his or her most vital golden anniversary race due to back,’’ hesaid. "I’mnowgoingto also make the prize list, along item, the running shoe. Shoe commitments to their sponsor. New see if I can beat my high school with the first three in four age manufacturers such as New Bal­ Balance Track Club, demands ance, Nike. Brooks. Adidas. Etonic, time.’ ’ divisions (upto39,40-49,50-59and further explanation for those who Converse, Saucony and Reebok feel Treacy and O’Flynn are 60 and o v er). The first three high have been the dominant sponsors of THE WOMEN’S FIELD will be schdol boys, first three high “ bypassing" Manchester. j Ilf' the top-notch runners around the minus its defending champion, school girls and the top Gonnecti- - lewder^ world. FOR MANCHESTER to have cut male and female finishers will Judi St. Hiliare, this year. With the omnipresent assistance acquired a Treacy or Coghlan for The 28-year-old resident of also hit the prize list. of these sponsors, the world-class one race in its history would have . Brighton, Mass., set a course Two round trip airline tickets to runner has been able to make a been greatly appreciated, and the , recordin’85witha24;40clocking, Hawaii, courtesy of Gonnecticut career out of his sport after college fact is that Treacy and Coghlan Exquisite Diamonds shattering the old mark by a Travel Services Inc., will be — something track athletes could have appeared in Manchester a whopping 57 seconds, but she’llbe randomly drawn at the awards never have done in the past. combined seven times. Most road & Fine Jewelry Sponsors, besides supplying unable to defend due to a groin ceremony. Winners must have races subsist on local talent and shoes, shorts, warmup suits and Manchester has almost been injury. com plete the race. other necessary attire, pay their off our large ’That seems to leave a wide- ’The big winner, as it is every spoiled with the number of world- top runners a base yearly salary to class runners who have appeared open field. year, will be the Muscular selection of Seiko compete using their- name. Conse­ here. Dystrophy Association fund, na­ The first name that comes to quently. the sponsors accrue the Treacy and Coghlan came back watches in stock mind in this division is first-time tional objective of^he Nutmeg status of employer in their reiation- to Manchester because they have a entrant Jan Merrill. Holder of 14 Forest, Tall Gedars of Lebanon. JOHN GREGOREK KIERAN STACK ship with the runners representing genuine love for the race and the and AAU and TAG championships, The Tall Gedars and Manchester . . . race favorite? . , ,Irish threat their products. people of the town. the 30-year-old Merrill is making Road Race Gommittee are race But this year. Treacy and her first appearance in. sponsors, with financial aid from CONTRACTS BETWEEN the O’Flynn — who both became 2 5 % off all ------* Boston Running Nows photo runner and his or her sponsor often Manchester. outside sources. eligible for the TAC National Cross include clauses that stipulate that a A year ago over $18,000 was Country Championships this year BILL RODGERS One local favorite, Lori Veal, a certain number of races must be . back after 20 years M^anchester High School gradu­ raised for the MDA fund. due to a ruling which allows foreign FINAL CLEARANCE run each year. In many cases, the residents of the U.S. to score in the runner's race schedule is dictated race — are committed t6 run for by the sponsor. Besides the healthy their team (New Balance) in San 17, 5, 18, 8 ... 1986 NISSAN TRUCKS yearly stipend from the sponsor, Francisco. runners can acquire prize money Both said if they had a choice. and, in some cases, appearance Manchester would have been a money. certainty. The town never ex­ These are the^ numbers to watch World-class runners such as pressed a dislike for foreign Ireland’s John Treacy (New Bal­ runners racing here on Thanksgiv­ ance) and Eamonn Coghlan (Adi­ If you’re unfamiliar with the (4), David Litoff (7), John starting in his 35th consecutive ing. Now that they can’t come this Manchester Road Race and 41st das) , who have the top two times year, people think they owe the race faces of the top runners in the Dyiewicz (9), and James Wads­ ever run in Manchester on Thanks­ overall. %* something. golden anniversary of the Man­ worth (10). giving morning, have been able to They don’t owe the race anything. Local favorites to watch are The top women runners to chester Road Race, here are the secure good lifestyles as a result of Treacy, O’Flynn and Coghlan have numbers to watch; Tim DeValve (12) and Stephen watch should be Jan Merrill their talents. (7002), Susan Baxter-Faber done wonders for our grand race. John Doherty (17), John Gre- Gates (13). Those looking forpast For example, a Coghlan or The influence of the runners’ bosses gorek (5). Geoff Smith (18), Bill favorites should watch for Amby (7001), Denise Valk (7003), Karen Treacy can earn a guaranteed — the sponsors — were responsible Rodgers (6) .CharlieBreagy (15), Burfoot (2) and the barefooted Smyers (7004) and Donna Geiger $5,000 to $20,000 for each United for the departure of Treacy and his, Gharlie Duggan (3), Dave Uhrich Charlie Robbins (1). the latter (7052). * A.P.R. States or European track meet he mates this year. Seven bands ALL IN STOCK UNITS! SHOP EARLY along course ABSOLUTE VIDEO ANGELO’S PIZZA & RESTAURANT 200 West Center St., Manchester FOR THE BEST L NS) Once again, a number of bands 662 Center Street SELECTION will be found along the Manchester Manchester 647-9334 Road Race course on Thursday; NEW RELEASES morning. There will be seven bands Open in all; two on Main Street, a pair on Porter Street, two on East Center Born American One Magic Christmas Mon. - 930-530 . Street and one at Highland Park Tues. - 930.530 Market. Indiana Jones Lucas The bands, and their locations, *Up to 36 Months with 20% Down Payment to Qualified Wed. - 930.530 are; Raw Deal Buyers. Dealer Particpatlon May Affect Price. Sphinx Temple Band — Army Space Camp Pizzas — Grinders — Caizones i' OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 29, 1986 Closed Thanksgiving and Navy Club. Cobra St. Patrick's Bagpipe Band — Murphy’s Law Plus a wide variety of Open Friday ’ til 8 Highland Park Market. John Prytko Band — Porter Police Academy Quick Silver ' Italian Dishes Street. Come in for Stewart Highlanders Pipe Band At Close Range Money Pit — 74 Porter St. Your place or oursi Coffee & Cookies Sphinx Temple Highlanders Pipe Band — Medical building, 116 E. $1.25 par rental of movie Reserve now for your Christmas party Center St. ' . We’ve got party size pizzas and FREE 1 year membership 285 BRi MANCHESTER MC - VISA - AMEX Senior Citizens’ Band — In front -• scacciatas you can eat here, or ^ of the Masonic Temple, East Center 643-4165 (EXIT 60 OFF 1-84) 785 Main Street Street. ______we’ll deliverl __ Salvation Army Band — In front Manchester ■ 643-8484 of the Salvation Army.. Citadel, HOURS: 10-10, Sundiy-8«lurd«y, CloMd Thanksgiving Main Street. Open 7 days a week. MANCHESTER HERALb. ■VtAfntjjla.vl IfeVl M .lft'w V rT y »A - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednetdav. Nov. ». 1W6 Irish runners dominant in Manchester Irish Connection has been disconnected

Continued from page 6 the NCAA Division I cross Providence placed 12th and 15th, Bv Jim TIernev country nationals, was third in respectively. Herald Sports Writer Ray followed in second place 21:43. The year 1985 saw Treacy while O’Shea took fifth position It was the first time three men return once again, with his main To say that Irish-bom runners and Quinn sixth. broke the 22-minute j barrier. challenge coming from George­ have played a dominant role Charlie Breagy, also out of town University graduate and since 1978 in the Manchester THE TRE ACYS were unable to Providence, was fourth and 1984 Olympian John Gregorek. Road Race would be a glaring return in 1980 and O’Shea was the Quinn was sixth. Villanova fresh­ Amid the worst weather the race understatement. lone representative of the Irish man Gerry O’Reilly finished had seen in quite some time, When one speaks of the im­ Connection. This would be the eighth in his first appearance. Treacy had this race won almost mense popularity that the 4.77- only year that a non-Irish-born O’ Reilly’s running mate at Vil­ before it began. Gregorek was mile run through the streets of runner crossed the finish line lanova , freshman ^ a n O’Neill of unable to successfully negotiate the ‘ ‘Silk City” has gained first since 1978. Belfast, finished 17th with a time ‘Heartbreak Hill’ — often the fate throughout New England and the That runner was local favorite of 23:20 to round out the impres­ of the first-timer in Manchester entire country during the past Charlie Duggan. A Hartford sive performance by the — and finished a dismal fourth. eight years, the famed ‘‘Irish Public High School and Spring- ’Connection’ . O’ Flynn and O’ R eilly both field College graduate. Duggan Connection” serves as the tel­ I I Treacy, who thrilled his coun­ crossed the line ahead of the ltale sign of its success. achieved a lifelong dream of trymen by securing the silver American challenger. Brian The dynastic history of the winning in Manchester. O’Shea medal in the marathon at the Los Hayes of Iona rounded out the “ Irish Connection” began with was second and Tom Ratcliffe Angeles Olympics, was back for “ Connection” finish. Treacy’s the then-21-year-old John Treacy out of Brown University was the 1984 edition with his main time was 21:43. in 1978, who had just graduated third. Duggan’s winning time competition being two British from Providence College, In the was 22:30. "This year was defi­ runners. Colin Reitz and Steve WHICH BRINGS US to this earlier 1970s, the 1968 Boston nitely the weakest for the Irish Binns. Reitz had placed fifth in year’s 50th anniversary of the Marathon winner and Wesleyan Connection. the 3,000-meter steeplechase in grand race. The Irish Connnec- graduate Amby Burfoot had The following year marked the Los Angeles. tion has been depleted, largely graced the winner’s circle nine first Manchester appearance for due to the main sponsor. New times (seven in succession) in Coghlan. a two-time Irish Olym­ BINNS, ANOTHER Provi­ Balance Track Club, demanding Manchester since his maiden pian who had come in fourth in dence graduate, had a fine the appearances of some of its appearance in ‘68. For many of two Olympic finals — the 1.500- reputation on the roads and top runners — namely. Treacy the local folk, Burfoot had almost meter run in Montreal in 1976and broke Treacy’s record in the and O’Flynn — at the TAC (The the 5.000-meter event in been deified and the tall, bearded The Irish Connection has been an important part of the Fischang-Cicchetti lOK road Athletics Congress) National figure, famous for competing in a in 1980. Coghlan coasted to an race in Waterbury that October. Cross Country Championships painter’s cap, was considered a easy victory in 21:37. Three Manchester Road Race since 1978. The 1981 race was Insiders felt Binns would be the in San Francisco two days after living legend. MANCHtSTr t! 104^ members of the Irish Connection one of the most exciting with (from left) Ray Treacy, Mick man to beat and Treacy would Thanksgiving. To the townspeople, the mere crossed the line in unison for O'Shea and Brendan Quinn finishing in a tie for second have a difficult time regaining O’Reilly, ,>djo is being recru­ thought of Burfoot finishing second, third, and fourth places place behind the winner, countryman Eamonn Coghlan. the title for the first time in five ited by the sain^ponsor, also is anywhere other than first place — Ray Treacy, O’Shea, and years. running in San Fraqcisco, leav­ each year oh the fourth Thursday Quinn. Brian O’Keefe, a fresh­ On that chilly Thanksgiving ing Breagy as the I o i k represen­ in November would shatter a man at Villanova and a new face early from Coghlan amd avoid his fourth. Paul Maloney and James morning, however, Treacy liter­ tative of the “ Conneqtion” since sacred tradition. for the Irish, garnered ninth. punishing final kick. Meyer took The 1983 race was one of the finest in Manchester Road Coghlan prevailed. Coghlan has won the race three Fallon, also of Providence, were ally ran away with the top prize. his fouth place fin i^ n 1983. Two Coghlan returned to defend in the lead from the start and led by times, Treacy on four occasions. sixth and 10th, respectively. Reitz and Binns placed second British-born .jpmn^rs, John Do­ TREACY, THE 1984 silver Race history with John Treacy (left) and Eamonn 1982 in what would result in the as many as 40 yards, before The long-awaited duel between and third, respectively. Treacy herty and ^ o f f Smith, who will medalisi in the Olympic Games Coghlan racing neck-and-neck to the wire before greatest race of them all. Coming Coghlan caught him on E a st» Coghlan and Treacy material­ was never threatened and re­ be making (heir initial appearan­ marathon in Los Angeles, ar­ off a stress fracture, Coghlan Center Street. Both runners were ized in 1983, when the Irish turned to his devastating form in ces in Manchester, have been rived in Manchester in 1978 as the was not in top form. But his main stride for stride coming down to run in Manchester. It was consecutive world cross country having two New England cross would break Burfoot’s record. Connection would dominate by Manchester. tabbed as the “ British Connec­ reigning world cross country adversary. Greg Meyer, was Main Street with Coghlan able to Coghlan who advised Tierney championship in Limerick, Ire­ country championships under his Treacy turned out to be pro­ taking the top five placements. For the “ Connection,’’ tion” much to the dismay of the champion — an achievement he experiencing the best year of his muster his patented kick for the and Moriarty to pursue Treacy, land, returned to defepd his belt in 1974 and ‘75. Quinn had phetic. He shattered Burfoot’s Coghlan’s heralded kick O’Reilly finished a fine fourth town’s large Irish contingent. career. win. had earned in Glasgow, , something that adds irony to the championship in 1979 and just won the Big East champion­ record by a staggering 55 se­ proved the difference in the with Iona runners Eddie Han- in March of the same year. fact that Coghlan eventually brought along his older brother, ship that fall. conds, clocking a still-existing Coghlan’s time was 21:43 and match race, and his time was his ratty, Pat McCarthy, and Kieran The race will persevere, but M EYER. WHO HELD the Townspeople turned into be­ would be the only runner to Ray; Mick O'Shea and Brendan After the 1978 race, Treacy course record of 21:26. Brother Meyer’s was 21:46. Quinn was best in Manchester — 21:36. Stack, taking fifth, seventh, and the golden anniversary will American records for the 15K lievers after Treacy trounced the defeat Treacy in Manchester. Quinn. All three were also out of predicted he would not only win third, while Richard O’Flynn out Treacy was second in 21:40, eighth, respectively. Mark dearly miss the “ Irish Continued on page 7 and 20K, was certain to escape Connection.” field and came within two Treacy. who had won a second Providence College, with O’Shea upon his return, but also that he of Providence College came in while O’Flynn, the runnerup in Keller and Kieran ’Tumbleton of seconds of Burfoot‘s course re­ cord of 22:21. which he set in 1972. Burfoot finished fourth that year — 21 seconds' behind Treacy. nfdviesfliQ^ Your Holiday What the townspeople didn’t Santa JEastern LUBE, OIl V FILTER CHRISTMAS TREES "Your Holiday know was that this rare appear­ “Choose and Cut Your Own” Video Store" Video Store" ance by a world-class athlete in Suggests Manchester on Thanksgiving one Hop Chriitmai " JVideo PENNZOlf A N N ^ U N C I N G ... ^’ ^ was not to be a one-time event. MOVIES - VCRS - TV * Not only would Treacy return shopping at SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS 9.95 I IjEEPcniEAnmV in the ensuing years, but he "your Locally Owned Family Fldeo Store" most cars — with coupon )WAITDISKEY$ would also bring friends to join I $20 him, which, because of their ANY TREE ON THE FARM birthplaces, they would earn Bring the Family to Select Your Tree! rumi=LU OP uaom them the name “ Irish iX Kslders el the Connection.” L eetM *1 9 M Many people wonder whatever DON’T GET CAUGHT compelled a world class runner iZ ledleea leees ^zen Christmas 24.95 Plus Other such as Treacy to enter the K t h e T e e ^ IN THE COLD... Plus Other Djsney Classics Paramount Manchester Road Race..Well, as ef Dee«*29~ (No Other Discounts Apply) Movies On Sale For 1SI.90 the nickname so states, Treacy Tree ^ a rm take advantage of our ' I Home of Quality Grown Trees and his mates did have a , VCR Cleaeieg Mambera Gat An Additional 10% OH connection in Manchester. •24“ Barber Hill Road, South Windsor Two tpwn residents and na­ FALL TUNE-UP SPECIAL Tel: 644-9505 or 644-0444 or 875-5470 C^atiirin/1’ Zenith, Sylvania Er Hitachi VCRs tives of Ireland, P, J. Tierney and iX VCR Head Computerized Tune Up — Includes labor for installation Tim Moriarty, contacted their Ctaaaan *15“ Priced Right For The Holidays and adjustments — parts extra — most cars. fellow countrymen during the Free Lifetime Memiiership Plus 10 Free Movie Rentals With Purchase of vcR. fall of 1978, hoping to land some am tX VCR CortHkatM Aceasserles OPEN competition for Burfoot, Tierney 6 & 8 Cyl. and Moriarty, representing the *34.9 5 4 *44.95 DAY AFTER Glastonbury-based Shamrock Free Coin Hdider - Just for Asking! THANKSGIVING MARS SHOPPING PLAZA • 282-1403 Athletic Club, launched heavy EVERY DAY 281 Ellington Road, East Hartford, CT lobbying efforts before recruit­ Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 9-9, Sun. 12-5 ing these top runners. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ^1 BURR CORNERS SHOPPING PLAZA • 643-6446 1139 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, CT THE SHAMROCK Athletic Hours: S43B E. Middle Tpke. movies Financing Available nMc^s m o RBnoR sem cB Mon.-Sat. 10-9, Sun. 12-6 Club initially tried to lure Ea- Mea.4iL 1M Mancheeter EwTsiartwhHy a^nore monn Coghlan, the world record 488 Center Street • Manchester • 646-2516 We reserve the right to limit the quantity. 40 STORES IN 6 STATES holder in the indoor mile and gm.12-6 649-5369 S3M11S Villanova University graduate. i.-f986^?PA lA — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wediie«d»y. Wov- W. Doherty, Smith top threats Tall Cedars’ getting Involved S' I t ' British invaders the favorites was boost for MDR in state mas present,” Smith said. “It By Earl Yost ticularly the business people. ol-i' Sports Editor Emeritus By Jim TIernev would be a nice way to end the “No official was ever paid,” Herald Sports W riter year and a nice way to head into Hemingway’s sugges­ Hadden said of his three decades With Troacy’8 absence this year, two new next year.” The golden anniversary of the tion met with over­ as general chairman. ”We were Since the arrival of Ireland’s faces from England will advance as favorites for Both Englishmen are wary of Manchester Road Race ’Thanks­ always able to line up capable John Treacy in Manchester in the presence of a formidable giving morning will mark the whelming approval volunteer workers.” For the 1978, foreign runners have mo­ the golden anniversary race. John Doherty of American challenger, John Gre- 36th consecutive year that Nut­ frbrn the Cedars’ most part, today’s volunteers nopolized the prize list in the Five Leeds and Qeoff Smith of Liverpool have been gorek, who is coming off a meg Forest. Tall O dars of still play major roles in the Mile Road Race. Nearly all have personal best time of 28:07 for Lebanon, had a hand in the membership and in state’s biggest and best-known »tly named the "British Connection” for what sponsorship. been from the “Emerald Isle." lOK in a road race in North 1951 the Forest road race. Two years ago, in 1984, two be each runner’s maiden start In Carolina, where he defeated When the popular holiday road Although listed as one of the British-born runners, Colin Reitz Treacy. race, referred to for nearly four becam e the lone sponsors. Nutmeg Forest today and Steve Binns, were brought in lanchester. “I think John (Gregorek) is decades as the Manchester Five official sponsor. Cha­ plays only a small role in the an attempt to give Treacy some coming back,” Doherty said. Mile Road Race, was revived operation. ’The Road Race Com­ much-ne^ed competition. But "On form, he could be the real after World War II in 1945, the rles Findlay served as mittee, headed principally by that strategy failed as Treacy danger in my estimation. The Tall Cedars were not involved, chairman with Hem­ Eamon Flanagan and Dave Nv. decimated the fieid — includini meters, won the New Bedford three of us are all good track except as boosters and Prindiville, has taken over the / > run on the ranch where the reins. The former is this year’s his two British rivals. television series "Dallas” is half-marathon in the summer runners. John has the edge in spectators. ingway the race With Treacy’s absence and placed fifth in the Virginia speed,” said Smith. “John’s coordinator, a role the latter filmed. always in good form. He’ll be From 1945 to 1950, the Army director. filled a year ago. year, two new faces from Due to Doherty’s parents’ 10-miler in September before his and Navy Club was sole sponsor land will advance as favoriti marathon in China last month. tough to beat.” origins, the Irish are trying to of the race, but it never really THE ROAD RACE COMMIT­ the golden anniversary /race. claim him as one of their own. His For Smith, it would be quite an Can the "British Connection” 'IS John Doherty of Leeds and Geoff withstand the strong American made any headway in attracting TEE will be running the show mother is from Tyrone and his achievement to win in runners and spectators. Road Smith of Liverpool have been Manchester. challenge of Gregorek? Man­ this turkey day for the ninth father is from Tipperary. racing was making a slow role the next year and held that straight year. ’The committee 7 aptly named tbe "British Con­ “I think I’m in a unique “It would be the best Christ­ chester will find out on ’Thursday. important position until the 1981 Botton Running f I photo nection” for what will be each comeback back after the war, was formed following the 1978 / / / // position,” Doherty said. “If I but at a very slow pace. In fact, race was in the books. run. which had several snags, JOHN DOHERTY ru n n er’s m aiden sta rt in win. I can please both sides of Manchester. Manchester was the first Connec­ particularly at the finish line. . British Connection people in Manchester.” ticut town to stage a road race. MUSCULARD YS’TROPHY re­ While operating under the Tall search — the national objective Cedars, the race grew from over DOHERTY, 25, resides in West SMITH, 33. resides in East ^(m neciicu(> 0oncer{> Several weeks before ’Thanks­ of the 1 Tall Cedars — was the Warwick, R.I., where he is giving in 1945, it was decided to 100 runners for the first time in Freetown, Mass., and graduat^ Presents the Annual recipient of all money collected 1956 to 2,885 in 1978. The entry list employed as a printer for the from Providence in 1984. (His revive what had been an annual from entry fees during Hadden’s Rich Paper Box Co. sports promotion in Manchester has topped 5.000 the past four roomate was Jim Fitzgerald, a reign. years with a record 4,596 fin­ A Providence College casualty 1980 East Catholic graduate.) He from 1927 to 1934. ”We never paid any runner due to injuries and differences JVutaxuAer- ishers in 1984. ’There were 5,649 is currently attending night Only eight runners showed any appearance money, or even signed applications in 1985 and For years, Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, was with the cross country coach, school in pursuit of a master’s ir Director Joyce Karplej interest in ’45 and the next three travel expense. Only once did a Doherty returned home to Eng­ SAD m . 13 4,203 recorded men women and the primary sponsor of the Manchester Road Race. It business administration. Manchester High School 3 yai A 7:38 pm years the number of finishers runner ask for travel expense children across the finish line. continues to be one of the sponsors, and It continues to land in April of ’83 in order to Smith, who is sponsored by totaled only 40, 51 and 47. In 1949 and a friend donated the amount train for a spot on the 1984 British The O dars, with member be involved with Muscular Dystrophy Research. Converse is a two-time winner of Ellington High School s pp and 1950. just 50 and 56 men asked. When the runner, who won Olympic Team in the 5000-meter the in 1984 and finished, and with no indication the race that year, learned that interest slacking off, were happy Proceeds from the race go to the MDR fund. A total of run. Doherty placed third with a ’85. Even though he competed in TIeiitIt AvilliMi At that in future years the race all proceeds were earmarked for to listen to the Road Race $18,000 was raised a year ago. personal best time of 13; 23 in the Committee’s suggestions to im­ the Beijing International Mara­ Dancers Place, 210 Pine St., Manchester would grow, the Army and Navy muscular dystrophy research, he trials for the British squad. But turned the check over to the prove the race and with Fred thon in China six weeks ago. Call 847-8462, 528-6266 or 633-6445 club threw the towel, a move that because of a pre-selection pro­ placing fifth with a time of 2 was later regretted. committee,” Hadden recalled. Peck as general chairman the cess, the former world record- hours and 10 minutes, he remains All Tickets ”I’m proud of the fact that green light was given to the holder in the event, David confident in his chances of Qsntral Admission Wlileh Psrformsncs DONALD HEMINGWAY, one every penny we collected went to group, a decision that has proven Moorcroft, was chosen to repres­ beating his fellow countryman. A dults 'S.OO No. of AduNs------of the organizers of that revived muscular dystrophy,” Hadden fruitful to all concerned. ent England ahead of Doherty. "Peachtree was a long time Son. CWisns *4.00 No. of ChUdrsn — race in 1945 along with Army and said. ’The latter.) incidentally, will ’There will be members of Doherty journeyed back to the ago,” Smith said, referring to Chlldran undsf 12 *4.00 No. of Sr. CHtesns- Navy Club members Russell be honorary chairman for the Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of states, was married and ac­ Doherty’s phenomenal perfor­ ohsoSs psysWs to ConnscSout Conosit BsNst. 2S0 QsrOsn Qrovs. Hathaway, Bob Hathaway and 50th race ’Thursday morning. Lebanon, prominent on race day quired a sponsor in Etonic. mance in July. “I can beat him.” Msncttsslsr, CT OSOW Pfssss ssod ssIKSSm sllS asmosd snvsioos. Pete Frey, Manchester High Funds to meet operating ex­ wearing their pyramid-tassled A good friend of the lone Smith was aware of the festivi­ Name------' track coach Pete Wigren and this penses and the merchandise hats, assisting in the collection representative of the "Irish ties at this time of the year in writer sought out Nutmeg Forest prizes were realized through' an along the race route, but the day Connection” in Manchester this Manchester. “I heard (of the Address,------—------to take over when the club attractive souvenir advertising is nearing when the organization Thanksgiving, Charlie Breagy, race) through the Irish kids,” he City. decided it would drop program, thanks to the full will only be a name in the Doherty had heard about the said. “All the years they went it sponsorship. support of the community, par­ Manchester Road Race history. race for a couple of years, but for seems to be a big festival.” Hemingway’s suggestion met various reasons could never with overwhelming approval make it. SMITH HAS RUN 28:06 for 10 from the Cedars’ membership "I knew of a strong Irish kilometers on the roads. But and in 1951 the Forest became the Connection in Manchester,” Do-i most of his efforts have come in Tlo*s Cake lone official sponsor. herty said. ‘Tve always wanted or longer road races, Charles Findlay served as to run this race, but one year I a factor which could hurt him in DECOM Tim SUPPUESp ImOs chairman with Hemingway the was injured and the other I got Manchester. Smith, who has race director. SI married.” posted a 3:55 miler and a Create Magical ’The Cedars’ first venture into personal best of 13:22 for 5,000 the sports promotion field was by r NONE’IHELESS, Doherty al­ Cookie Treats & Feats! no way a marked success. ready knows a bit of strategy ’The finishing field dropped off W ONG’S Which Way is the Lake? concemingtherace. “I’veknown The Village Pub Discover the m erry Wilton to 48, but the race marked the runners like John (Treacy), Ways... arrival of a little, blond, curly- Sometimes it’s hard to figure the best way to get Reitz, and Binns. We’re all close & Restaurant RESTAURANT • Bake and decorate delighttui molded haired Irishman from New Lon­ something done. Even when the answer is right in friends,” he said. "They said if Serving Breakfast cookies with Wilton quality cookie don who was a dominating factor CHEF WONG'S DINNER SPECIALS you have a good position at the molds. Wrap up a dozen in festive front of you. Tamil 1:30am for three straight winning years Botton Ruftnktg H tw t photo top of the hill, then it’s free paper—what a great gilt! — Little Johnny Kelley. CHANGE WEEKLY wheeling the rest of the way.” At Exposure Art and I^raming, we’ve got the • Create an enchanting gingerbread From 1951 to the 48th race in TAKE OUT SERVICE QEOFF SMITH Outstanding among his tri­ house or cookie tree. Wilton kits make experience and know-how tol advise you on the best 1984, Nutmeg Forest was the sole AND umphs on the roads was July 4, it fun and easy Take advantage at . first-time entrant sponsor. Two yea’rs ago, the COCKTAILS way to frame, restore, texture or laminate your art. when Doherty won the presti­ • Receive a $2 rebate on any $1.00 mail-in rebate offer! Come in and Pratt & Whitney Division of We can even help find the art! gious Peachtree Road Race and classic Cookie Mold find out the details United Technologies joined the set a course record and personal p u rchase d. Cedars in running the show. This POST ROAD PLAZA If you’re not sure of the way to the lake, come see best time of 27:56 for the 6.^mile w year, Pratt and the Tall Cedars 352 Hartford Tpko., (Rto. 30) distance. Over the sununer, S A V E 1 0 % (l-M Exit 65) Vomon us. We’ll frame the way. < 9 welcomed the Hartford Courant Doherty underwent a grueling ON as a third sponsor. ^10 pA schedule which included 16 races 2 Eggs, Toast, (^ffee — *1” C O O K IE For 30 years, Wilbert “Red” (203)875-0661 in 20 weeks. He won a major race w/Home Fries — Hadden assumed the rote as 111 Center Street in Dallas during September when MOLDS i A CHEF W ONG exp o su re w/Bacon, Ham or Sausage — *1** general chairman. After han­ RESTAURANT art A fraiiiiiif; limited Manchester 049-6939 he defeated Michael Musyoki, a 501 Eail Middle Tpke., Manchester dling the street collections in world-class Kenyan runner, in ■cross from VFW — 646.9457 191 Center St. * Manchester. CT (203) 646-0228 1951, he took over the Findlay the Southfork lOK — which was / lOA — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Nov. 26. 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wedneaday, Nov. 26, 1986 — llA Merrill unfazed by race course DeValve top local threat In Road Race

By Adele Angle captured the same title the year “ quite supportive” during this Central Park in New York — the By Len Auster of John Doherty and Geoff Smith far from his best. The former people cheering for me,” he cem him. Focus Editor before. period, and the two have re­ Harvey’s Electronics Half- Sports Editor from across the sea. Husky co-captain has a personal added. ‘ ‘It’s always “ I’m not competing against • And fifth over all in the mained in touch. Marathon — and she had to back How about a “ Manchester best Road Race clocking of 23:18, encouraging.” those two guys,” be said, “ but Jan Merrill has never run the National Cross Country Cham­ Merrill’s coach. Norm Hig­ off from training. Her goal, she Since 1978, there’s been the Connection?” when he placed 16th in 1984. Back in college, DeValve back where I’ll be in the top 25 Manchester Road Race course pionships in New York City. gins, sent her back to practice on said, is still to get back into "Irish Connection.” And in 1986, It’s been years since a local ■ I trained 90 or 100 miles a week. there are always some good before, but she’s not particularly the same track four years later. national competition. a “ British Connection” appears runner such as Joe McCluskey or HE’S RUN in a Combustion “ I probably averaged 20-30 college runners or those just out worried. WHEN was “ It kind of pushed all that hate In the meantime, she’s substi­ to be forming, with the invasion Peter Close headed the Manches­ Engineering-sponsored relay miles for the last year,” he said. of school.” “ I’m not concerned about It. In still an unknown, Merrill and out of me,” she said. tute teaching and running the ter Road Race. McCluskey’s last race. He ran in a UTC two-mile “ I’d like to increase it to 40 and How will he do? “ Last year my a road race, you either have it or another world-class miler, Fran- store with her coach, whom she’s victory occurred in 1947 in a field race last spring and won that. try to do 50-60 (miles a week) by time wasn’t that good but I you don’t," Merrill said in a cee Larrieu, were fighting it out HIGGINS, 50, is still Merrill’s known since her days at Connec­ of 51 runners. That was his fourth And he’s competed in a couple of the time of the race but I’ve been finished 11th,” hesaid. “ It’shard telephone interview from her in Madison Square Garden com­ coach. ’The two are part owners ticut College. championship. Close, the last corporate races. Other than that, putting in overtime, 12 extra to say.” home in Waterford. petition. That sometimes-nasty of Connecticut Sporting Goods on Merrill said she’s approaching Manchester High School runner finding time to train has been hours a week, and now I have a He does have one goal, he said, Merrill, 30, will run the ’Turkey rivalry landed them regularly in Captain’s Walk in New London. the Manchester race with a real to receive national acclaim difficult and competing has been toe problem,” he said last week. which is to be the first Manches­ Day race for New London’s Age the headlines of Sports Higgins, by the way, has his sense of fight. Three years ago, in under then coach Pete Wigren, is another matter. “ One thing or another has been ter finisher. "I always shoot for Group Athletic Association. A Illustrated. own reason for liking the Man­ top form, she might not have the last local runner to have won, “ I guess now it’s the biggest slowing me down. But I’m still it,” he said, adding that his chief world-class runner, she has It was the Larr,ieu-MerriII chester race. He won the high taken it quite so seriously. in 1958. race I gear for,” DeValve said of hopeful of doing well. I have to competition is Steve Gates, a several good reasons to be contest that started all the school division in 1954. That was “ It’ll be a competitive race for the Manchester Road Race. wait and see what happens.” perennial member of the top 25. confident. Among them: worldwide attention on women’s back in the days when the race me — it’s not something I’ll blow SINCE THE IRISH ConnecUon “ Since I don’t have any state DeValve may not be in front of • Gold Medals in the 1975 and running in the mid-1970s, she was closed to women. away,” she said. invasion in 1978, it has dominated championships or alike to gear DeVALVE KNOWS he won’t be the pack at the end of the race. 1979 Pan American Games said. He called Merrill’s style “ de­ 29 the winner’s circle. The excep­ for, this is the race I point for toward the front with the Doher­ But being the first Manchester • Membership on the U.S. “ Decker came along later. We termined.” “ She pushes herself tion occurred in 1980 when each year. tys and Smiths and Gregoreks on finisher isn’t so bad. Olympic Team in 1976. She was were the pioneers,” Merrill said. from inside,” he said. Charles Duggan, a Hartford “ People know me and I hear Thursday, but that doesn’t con- Not if you make the connection. eighth in the finals, and the only In recent years, she has turned Merrill called herself “ a guts Public High School graduate, American to make it. from mile events to mid-level runner.” Rigorous training, was an upset winner over Mick • ’Twelve national titles since distance events. Part of the rather than natural ability, has Race takes O’Shea. 1976, and membership on 25 reason is a stubborn back injury accounted for her success, she It’s not very likely that one of national teams. which has caused chronic hamst­ said. “ If I don’t study hard, I the local runners will be a factor • A second in the World Cross ring problems. flunk,” she said. late entries toward the front this Thanksgiv­ Country Championships in Mad­ She received the injury when a Some race-watchers might ing Day, but former Manchester rid, Spain, in 1981. jogger crashed into her while she find her short stride a bit Pearls... Diamonds... G o ld If you haven’t entered yet, it’s High School and University of • First in the Outdoor Nation­ was practicing on a track at mechanical. “ I’m no flowing Connecticut standout Tim De­ als’ 3,000 meters event. UCLA in 1980. “ He was sprinting ballerina or anything,” she said. still not too late. Late entries for the Manches­ Valve wishes it could be • First female to win both the — like a jerk,” she said, a trace of ’Those who remember the famous different. Combined to Create mile and the two-mile events in anger in her voice. Most tracks Merrill pony tail won’t see it this ter Road Race will be accepted tonight from 7 to 9 at the Nathan The 23-year-old DeValve has Madison Square Garden in 1976. today erect barriers to keep the year — she’s cut her hair short. found getting ready each year for • First in the September 1986 novices away from the pros, she Merrill aggravated her hamst­ Hale School on Spruce Street and Lustrous, Sparkling Holidays JAN MERRILL Thursday morning between 8 and the race more and more ^fficult. Harvey Electronics Half Mara­ said. . ring condition while winning a He’s now a family man, with a 9: IS a.m. The late entry fee is $8. O u r fine quality cultured .. back in college thon in New York City. She Her arch rival Larrieu was September half-marathon in wife and a four-month old son, Caleb. And the Manchester na­ pearl necklaces will add tive, who has just purchased a lustre to her holidays. house in town after living in 5V2-6 mm Vernon for awhile, is working at 409 New State Road Pratt 8c Whitney’s Hamilton 18 inch Necklace a L o o k Standard Division in Windsor Special Holiday Price Manchester, Connecticut 06040 Locks, where he’s been asked ARE YOU SMART??? recently to put in 12 hours of ^ 2 9 5 . Telephone 643-5168 overtime a week. Other lengths C om pare a Mazda 626 for- “ Between working and a fam­ also available ily, I haven’t had much time to train,” admitted DeValve, whose Depreciates less than most cars best finishes were in 1983 and ’85 over the same period of time in the RESAU when he just missed cracking the NADA Guide TIM DeVALVE top 10, placing 11th. His time of Manchester Connection 23:40 a year ago, however, was In July, 1986, Automotive Cultured pearl with Cultured pearl with News ratdd the 626 second,^ -LESS three diamonds twin diamonds RELIABIIITY only to Mercedes Benz 14 kt. yellow gold 14 kt. yellow gold lOOOIn reliability (or larger'^ HEADACHES^ cars. MARLOW’S Special Holiday Price Special Holiday Price Celebrating our $ 1 3 9 . *189. PERFORMANCE Faster than a BMW 32SE EN JO YA BLE^ Our Reg. $199. Our Reg. $250. 0 to 60. and & §on§. Itic. ’4 VALUE ■ a lot less money g DRIVE ystii Anniversary! SOME 10 Available CUT CORNERS. 16 Diamond Cultured Pearl Earring Jackets 14 kt. Earrings Including: WE H.^DSTITCH THEM. Deluxe Special Holiday Price SVz mm Luxury From their hand-sewn uppers to their long-wearing 2 Drs. soles. Soft Spots' are built to be as durable as they are *199. *28. comfortable. Our Reg. $275. 4 Drs. And because Soft Spots' keep coming back for G T Turbos more, so will you. Pair after pair. Use your own pearls or purchase a pair of ours. Quality is something you just 626 Prices starting at *10,799. for a Deluxe 4 Dr., don't walk away from. s o ft These very special low prices are for the holidays only. with AC, PS, and Cassette. Stk #1-3020 r COUPON 1 Offer good until December 31,1986. Illustrations enlarged to show detail. MO QimMIGKB ’ JU9T A QUBAT 8POKTY DMAU j I ^5®® OFFo.*s"oV§i::r| VVKVK(;0T.A Good thru Obc. 1. 19M SOhTSI'OT‘-'()K Yta Price Indudn: 1. AM Dealer Prep. 2. Undarcoatlng 3. Clean a Wax 4. Handling and Freight Chargee

We’re cleaning our all of our 1987 Mazdas — Sizes 6-1 IS Wiufmmd Come see us soon and really BE S M A R T « 5 -llM 5-1IW "Place Your Trust in at CERAMIC TIL5 • LINOLEUM • CARPET ■ SLATE 5-llW W the Diamond Specblists" Not all cues in every color & style. M O R I A R ^ Y b r o t h e r s / Manchester Parkade Tri City Plaza MARLOW’S Vernon Exit 60 Off 1-84 FfHST FOn EVCAYTHflVC Sf.VCE 1»1I Manchester ' OOWNTOWN MAIN ST.. MXNCNESTeR 872-6900 HOURS; 301-315 CENTER STREET n/IQ FI Of WE DO SELL “DO-IT-YOVRSELFERS” — OPEN ( DA«t — THUm. TIL I 846-0012 Op«n EvBnIngs 'til 9 p. FREE MARKING rllOHT AMO REAII or OVA STORE | = | Fri. & Sat. *111 6 p.m. " MANCHESTER.CONNECTICUT 6 4 » - M 2 l ______I ^«A n, Mi\NCHBSTER.l^EIVUJ), WcS a<..19»6 MANCHESTER HERALD, wie^eeday. Nov. 28.1986 - MA Scorecard aince 1945 Initial Road Race I entrants Road Race didn’t catch onr Year Top three finishers Time 1945 Charlie Robbins, Herb Stevenson, Fran Leary 26:10 remember first one clearly 1946 Charlie Robbins, Tom Crane, Joe McCluskey 25:09 until most recent history 1947 Joe McCluskey, Bob Knowles, Jess Van Zant 25:02 By Earl Yost school against the alumni was on 1948 Ted Vogel, F r ^ Schoeffler, George Terry 25:03 1949 Tom Crane, Fred Schoeffler. John Kelley 24:48 Sports Editor Emeritus tap later in the morning, with a the way.” outdoor season at the West Side 1950 CoailnBed from page It basketball game at night be­ Fred Schoeffler, John Kelley, John Lafferty 24:55 Haraburda, a sprinter of note Oval’s cinder track, and later the 1 It’s been 59 years since the tween the schoolboys and the 1951 John Kelley, Tommy Crane, Bob Black 24:30 of Main Street,” he said. who also was a regular in Recreation Department Five Mile Road Race in Man­ grads. 1952 John Kelley, Austin Scott, Charlie Robbins 25:33 Clifford noted that it snowed one-mile races, was the early launched a series of foot races for chester first appeared on the “ As far as I am concerned, 1953 John Kelley, Charlie Robbins, Nick Costes 24:20 the night before the ’27 race and leader. But when he developed teams and individuals at the sports calendar, and four men Frank Haraburda should have 1954 Nick Costes, Dick Hart, Fred Schoeffler 24:42 there were patches of snow on the leg cramps, McCluskey forged to Oval. “ A couple of years I who took part in the inaugurai won that first race,” John 1955 Dick Hart, John Kelley, George Terry 24:48 roadside. ’The sun was shining the front and managed to break donated a number of medals I event in 1927 still have vivid McCluskey said, ’’but I felt once won in the Cheney races to the 1956 Charlie Dyson, Alan Shaler, Bob Scharf 25:34 during the running but it was the tape first before a crowd of memories of that sunny, cold we started and I was able to hold between 300 and 350 half-frozen Rec to distribute to the road race 1957 John Kelley, Pete Close, Lew Stieglitz bitterly cold. Thanksgiving morning. my own that coming down Porter 23:59 spectators. .top finishers,” Dougan said. The 1958 Pete Close, Ed McAllister, At Confalone McCluskey’s winning time 59 About a dozen runners — all Street if I could stay out front, I 24:43 years ago was a very respectable Busch, best known as a heavy­ latter was also a sprinter — with natives or residents of Manches­ had a chance to win. I lengthened 1959 Bob Lowe, John Kelley, Russ Bennett 24:18 27 minutes, plus. No accounts of weight boxer and sparring the 100-, 220- and 440-yard runs ter — participated, with John m y stride by over one foot and 1960 Bob Lowe, Jim Keefe, Larry Damon 24:00 the race have ever been located partner of Jack Dempsey, served his usual distances — but in '27 as McCluskey, an 18-year-oId stu­ still looked like I was running the 1961 John Kelley, Walt Barker, Larry Damon 24:21 as to the exact finishing time and as the first starter. a favor to Lloyd he ran the longer dent at St. Thomas Seminary same speed. This gave me well 1962 John Kelley, Len Ehler, Larry Damon 24:30 the exact number of starters and “We all ran for the fun of it,” distance to help fill out the field. from Manchester's East Side over a lOO-yard lead, maybe even 1963 Vic Zwolak, John Kelley, George Conefrey 23:53 finishers. Haraburda said. “ No money was “ He (Lloyd) thought it would Irish district, showing the way to more, so when I reached the involved like today. In many of be a novelty race,” Dougan .. A :, 1964 Ralph Buschmann, Jim Keefe, John Kelley 23:56 the finish line. Center, it was too late for ALL FOUR — McCluskey, the races all we received were added, “ and it was at the time, 1965 Ray Crothers, Jim Keefe, John Kelley 23:50 It was a stirring battle from Haraburda to catch me although Haraburda, Clifford and Dougan ribbons for winning.” but it is certainly not today.” 1966 start to finish, with McCluskey he was closing fast as we neared Ralph Buschmann, Amby Burfoot, Ray Crothers 23:14 — felt the first field numbered Dougan, strolling down me­ Today’s entrants boast na­ breaking the tape ahead of Frank I the finish line.” 1967 Art Dulong, Amby Burfoot, Ralph Buschmann 23:15 “ between 12 and 15 runners with mory lane, said Cheney Brothers tional, international and Olym ­ Haraburda, from the East Side McCLUSKEY’S REWARD 1968 Amby Burfoot, Jim Keefe, Sid Sink 22:34 two or three dropping out along staged many races during the pic backgrounds. Polish section. The latter had was a silver loving cup “which 1969 Amby Burfoot, Pat McMahon, John Vitale 22:38 just completed a brilliant four- my parents cherished very 1970 John Vitale, Pat McMahon, Amby Burfoot 22:42 year career as a sprinter with the much, and of course, which we 1971 Amby Burfoot, John Vitale, Terry Gallagher Manchester High School track 23:45 still have displayed today.” 1972 Amby Burfoot John Vitale, Dan Moynihan 22:21 team. ‘"The race was five miles, plus 1973 Amby Burfoot, John Vitale, Bill Rodgers 22:37 in those days,” McCluskey re­ 1974 Amby Burfoot, Peter Squires, Bill Rodgers BOB D O U G A N , a veteran called. “ We ran through Mount 22:32 runner of 25 at the time, was 1975 Amby Burfoot, Charles Duggan, Tom Hollander JO E McC l u s k e y Nebo which I thought was a great 22:34 among the also-rans. But the 1976 Amby Burfoot, John Vitale, Charles Duggan YOUR ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS STORE . . part of race history idea but impractical later as the 22:34 local man, now 84, can boast a number of entrants swelled.” 1977 Amby Burfoot Charles Duggan, Bob Hensley 22:41 record unchallenged concerning FOR OVER 30 YEARS Dougan, too, recalled the race 1978 John Treacy, Charles Duggan, Bob Hensley 22:23 the race. This year’s 50th anni­ recent years more than 5,000 route. 1979 John Treacy, Ray Treacy, Charles Duggan 21:26 versary will mark Dougan’s 50th runners and crowds numbering “ It was a real test, more than 1980 Charles Duggan, Mick O ’Shea, Tom Ratcliffe 22:30 NATURAL LOOKING year with the race, either as a 30,000. five miles. We started and 1981 Eamonn Coghlan, Ray Treacy, Mick O ’Shea 21:37 1 MEMORIAL PIECES participant or as an official. He It was Lloyd and his right-hand finished on Main Street, opposite 1982 Eamonn Coghlan, Greg Meyer, Brendan Quinn S For the Cemetery served as clerk of the course, a man, Frank Busch, of the Rec School Street, just as the race did 21:43 ARTIFICAL TREES 1983 most important post, for better staff, who put their heads to­ when resumed after World War Eamonn Coghlan, John Treacy, Richard O’Flynn 21:36 s Baskets and Blankets made fresh Wreaths and Garland than 40 years. gether, and with an assist from II. We ran down Main Street, up 1984 John Treacy, Colin Reitz, Steve Binns 21:52 Earle Clifford, who noted his Pete Wigren, then in his sixth Mount Nebo Place, onto Mount 1985 John Treacy, Richard O ’Flynn, Gerry O ’Reilly 21:43 S daily and decorated to appeal to Very realistic looking. 80th birthday last Oct. 1, was 21. year as track coach at Manches­ Nebo and down behind the paper S everyone. All Sizes Available. “ I hadn’t been running for three ter High, pooled their resources mill on Charter Oak Street, then years but Bob Dougan came into and knowledge to stage a race. up Highland to Wyllys, down m y store and urged me and then ’The trio felt such a promotion Porter to East Center, left at the HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS insisted that I run,” aifford would offer townspeople a com­ Center to finish at the lower end FAMOUS COLONIAL CANDLES OF CAPE COD recalled. “ I know I didn’t come in plete sports holiday menu. A last. I think I was 10th.” football ganie featuring the high ContiBiied on page IS Barefoot Charlie OUR COMPLETE John McCluskey, now 77 and a DOUG’S ARMY S TO C K OF OFF REGULAR PRICES retired physician residing in Barefooted Charlie Robbins is part of Manchester's race Duxbury, Mass., is the older CANDLES OFFERED AT 20% UNTIL DEC. 7TH brother (by two years) of his history. The two-time winner (1945 and 1946), a more famous brother, Joe & NAVY semi-retired physician, will be entering his 35th McCluskey. The latter was ruled consecutive Manchester Road Race come Thursday. It too young to compete at 15, but he AUTHENTIC will be his 41st overall. WREATHS traveled most of the course on a Special Introductory Offer POINSETTIAS bicycle urging his big brother on to victory. This coupon is worth $5.00! LEE RIDERS® All Sizes Avaiiable Haraburda, 78, is retired from First in New England STRAIGHT Plain and Dacorated. United Technologies Corp., one Aval I able In All SIzaa of today’s major financial sup­ LEG JEANS %\\t ^rmtt parlour Freah piants deiivered porters of the race, and resides in to ua daily from the Glastonbury. Classics, pure and simple. BEAUTY SALON We make most of our wreaths, announces the arrival of areaa leading growera Clifford is a retired longtime i Lee builds outstanding fit, 465 HARTFORD ROAD so we know they're freshi Main Street men’s haberdashery' sturdy construction, and store owner. Dougan is also clean cut styling Into every MANCHESTER. CT retired from Pratt & pair. 100% cotton heavy­ Whitney/UTC. FRESH GARLAND BIRD FEEDERS weight denim available In 649-7897 CRAFT SHOP OPEN Mad* Locally THE HOLIDAY FOOT RACE' dark Indigo. RITA KALOS. PROP. Huge selectioa Make a real nice 7 d a y s ; was the brainchild of the late: The newest and most exciting way to send Very complete We have it avail­ Christmas Gift. l« w is Lloyd, then recreation' WED. a greeting or message. PrcwMiMd - $17.99 A Full Service Salon director for the town of Manches­ and priced right. able in Pine, Lau­ We also have all THURS.I ter. Little did he know that 5 minutes recording on VHS Video Ciasselt Unwashed - $14.99 Perms, Color, Eyebrow Large Assort­ rel, Princess Pine, th e different &FRI. someday the event would mush­ (with mailing carton) in a private, fully Waxing, Individual foods to go in room into one of the East’s automated booth. ment of Bows and and Pine and UNTIL prem ier promotions, luring in' Chtekt W»leom» Eyelashes... them. Regular Price *14.95 Ribbons. Laurel Mixed 8:30 with this coupon *9.95 — Shop early for beet Unit being shipped from California by W9lcom9 selection — Now Specializing in full November 26th. EMERGENCY Expecled in Manchnler (he beginning of December! 643-5065 Nail Services — IflTn irH YC ^M»EN a CHRISTMAS Fire — Police — Medical 269 West Middle Tpke. Nail Tips, Acrylic or Gel and Manicures. : shop DIAL 911 (next to Walgraan's) In the Tumpika Plaza West ^ : R ^ f i ) • M«H€lMtttr*V«nioii Town Lino ■ 649-242$ In Manchester Hours; Mon., Tust., Wad. 10-8 Stop in and see about a Holiday Gift Certificata ARMY a NAVY Thurt. & FrI. 9-9 / S «. 9-6 / Sun. 11-5 UA - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesctay. Ni)V-26. 1986. MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednewlay. Nov. M. 19M — liA « Heartbreak Hill Course record could be in jeopardy

By Len Auster key to victory Sports Editor Top 15 times Record holders Can a course record be set in the golden anniversary of the By Len Aoster at first, and runners hardly know Runner Time Year Record Runner Time Year Sports Editor it’s-there. Manchester Road Race? But it’s unending. It continues In last year’s race any pros­ Heartbrealt Hill. up and up and up until 1.2 miles pects of a record-setting feat 1. John Treacy 21:26 1979 M, Open John Treacy 21:26 1979 Two little words, but words later, as runners round the were dimmed by 32-degree, that carry a big impact. corner of Charter Oak and Porter new 2. Eamonn Coghlan 21:36 1983 F, Open Judi St. Hiliare 24:40 1985 DOonce rainy weather that kept the field Heartbreak Hill has done ex­ streets. Heartbreak Hill comes to tc. far below the registered number 3. Eamonn Coghlan 21:37 1981 M, 40-49 Robert McCarthy 23:51 1980 actly what it says — it’s broken . an end. But its damage has and made running quite difficult. 4. John Treacy 21:40 1983 F, 40-49 Jane Arnold 28:20 1984 many a heart in the Manchester already been done to the Road Race. unaware. Despite those conditions, John 5. Eamonn Coghlan 21:43 1982 M, 50-59 John Dugdale 24:52 1984 The 50th anniversary run takes Treacy captured his fourth Tur­ “ It’s important to race on the 6. Rick O’Flynn 21:43 1983 F, 50-59 Diane Stuart 33:48 1985 1 place Thanksgiving Day morn­ key Day crown with a time of ing, with a record-setting field course before,” said Gregorek, 21:43 for the officially measured 7. John Treacy 21:43 1985 M, 60+ Charlie Robbins 28:30 1982 who wound up fourth jn the ’85 expected to answer the gun at 10 4.77-miIe course. That equaled 8. Greg Meyer 21:46 1982 F, 60+ Adeline Kearney 35:30 1985 a.m. race. The 1984 United States the fifth-best time ever, pre­ Olympic -team member in the 9. John Treacy 21:52 1984 M, H.S. Kevin O’Keefe 23:17 1977 And Heartbreak Hill awaits. viously set by Eamon Coghlan in steeplec^jpse, Gregorek is re­ “ We forgot to tell (John winning the 1982 race and by Rich 10. Richard O’Flynn 22:02 1985 F, H.S. Leslie Wrixon 27:01 1982 turning for the 50th anniversary Gregorek) this course is de­ O’ Flynn in 1983. run, in part to atone for what he 11. Charlie Breagy 22:06 1983 signed for me. I do a lot of While the top names of the damage on the hill,” John Treacy considered a poor performance. famed Irish Connection won’t be 12. Brendan Quinn 22:10 1983 said after winning for the fourth “ It is potentially a fast course here on Thanksgiving Day, three 13. Brendan Quinn 22:11 1982 and a race over it makes a other internationally known time in 1985. 14. Colin Reitz 22:11 1984 H eartbreak Hill was the difference,” he said. runners will challenge Treacy’s course-record clocking of 21:26 difference. “ You would like to know it is 15. Steve Binns 22:14 1984 set in 1979, his second winning Gregorek, 26, of Barrington, there if you’re a first-time effort here. R.I., was a first-time competitor runner,” Treacy said of Heart­ in the ’85 race, and he paid for his break Hill last week from his JOHN DOHERTY, from inexperience. He tried to stay home in Warwick, R.I. He’ll miss Leeds, England, and Geoff Treacy’s record could be chal­ Judi St. Hilaire’s women’s with Treacy, and that proved to this year’s run due to his to challenge Treacy in ’84, did Smith, from Liverpool, England, lenged this year by Doherty, the division record of 24:40, set last be his undoing. commitment to run in the TAC well, but not well enough. They lend a “ British Connection” to winner of the 1986 Atlanta lOK year, appears to be safe. She “ These hills coming early as National Cross Country Cham­ are listed in the top 20 best times the 50th running of the Manches­ won’t be able to defend her title they do can break a guy’s heart,” pionships in San Francisco on with clockings of 22:11 and 22:14, Peachtree Classic, by Smith, ter Road Race. These two because of a groin pull. And Jan Treacy said. “ I could tell at the Saturday. respectively. two-time Boston Marathon prominent runners will find Merrill, the former U.S. Olym­ crest of the hill he was in trouble. “ On that (Manchester) course, champion, and by Gregorek, who themselves challenged -by 26- pian and two-time Pan- I heard a breath.” you have to run it before because NINE-TIME WINNER Amby beat Treacy and O’Flynn in the What’s been dubbed "Heartbreak Hill" about a mile from the start, and they year-old John Gregorek of Bar­ American Games gold medalist Heartbreak Hill begins you have to know what to Burfoot, still a crowd favorite in Old Reliable lOK last Sunday in has been the critical factor in the last few rington, R.I. Gregorek was a who is making her first appear­ roughly a mild from the start of expect.’’ he advised. “ The first know how to use it. The inexperienced his traditional painter’s cap, can Raleigh, N.C., with a personal member of the 1984 United States best 6.2-mile clocking of 28:07. ance in Manchester, admits to the race, which sees the field of half of the race is the toughest,” editions of the Manchester Road Race. runners, such as John Gregorek a year likewise be found in the top 20. Olympic team in the steeple­ not being- in top-notch shape over 6,000 trying to avoid tram­ he added. The experienced runners, such as John ago, pay for their lack of knowledge of His winning effort in 1972 was his That is if the weather JOHN TREACY chase and placed fourth in cooperates. because of a hamstring problem. pling each other. And the hill is a story all onto best, a 22:21 clocking. Treacy, know that the hill is located the Manchester course. holds course record Manchester a year ago with a But there’s no rest for the itself. “ It’s a difficult course time of 22:30. weary. because the hill is so long. I term He’s capable of running faster, At the mile mark, near the it a 5 as far as difficulty on a scale if the elements are conducive. com er of Charter Oak Street and of 1 to 10,” Treacy said. His time, while not to Gregorek’s Virginia Road, the slope has a It’s been the difference in satisfaction, still was one of the definite uphill climb. It’s gradual manjia Manchester’Race Race. Specials top 20 times in race history. good fflovietimc. Only four men have broken the 'W estow ii^^M lfirinacy at both 22-minute barrier. Treacy has done it four times, in 1979 when he Movetime set the record and also in 1983, ’84 Happy Holldaya from locations and ’85. Eamonn Coghlan, the v id e o ® world-record holder in the indoor mile with a 3:49.78 clocking at the 445 Hartford Rd. Meadowlands in East Ruther­ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK IDJ'S DOG GROOMINGI 327 Green Road 1215 Bumalde Avenue ford, N.J., in 1983, has broken 22 119 Oakland St., Manchester At the lufiettan ef Parker > WoodbrMge a Green Aeroee from Mareo Polo minutes three times. He won 649-0485 Maneheeteir e e46>1168 from ’81 through ’83, with times 643-5230 East Hartford • 52^1852 of 21:36 (1983), 21:37 (1981) and 21:43 (1982). [Have your dog or cat’s OVERNIGHT THE ’82 RACE was one of the picture taken with Santal most competitive in race history O P E L Ih u rsd a y , Thanksgiving Day Nov. 28-30/ Dec. 7, 14 & FILM with Coghlan holding off the 21st from 12:00-6:00 challenge of Greg Meyer as the 8 am — 8 pm P.M.for only $6.00/Pola- & pair fought neek-and-neck for the roid Pic. I tape with Meyer also breaking 22 MOVIE minutes in 21:46. For your last minute PHOTO DEVELOPING Rich O’Flynn, who placed second in the ’85 race with a time of 22:02, is the other owner of a Thanksgiving Day needs, 1 Day Service time under 22 minutes. He took RENTAL '’-'M third place in the highly competi­ we have Prints, Slides. 8 mm. tive ’83 race with a time of 21:43. Only Members of the Irish Connec­ ISSELL STOVER CANDIES Exclusive headquarters for dog and cat supplies. Reprints, Enlargements tion can be found elsewhere in the With 20 best times ever recorded in & Ilf you’re looking for "out-of-tho-ordinary" gifts, This Ad Manchester. Charlie Breagy in [for friends or for yourself, look no fartherl PLUS 1983 had a time of 22:06. That’s the llth-best time ever recorded. HALLMARK CARDS We Stock Transfer your home movies to Not good on 2 for 1. And Brendan Quinn in two of his Life Jackets, Back Packs, Rain Qear, Unique Cat Furn., Limit one per family. four appearances in Manchester video tape — AM BY BURFOOT Dog Beds, Collars, Leashes, Sweaters, Coats, Toys, came close to the seemingly Offer expires Nov. 30. 1986 M H . nine-time champion elusive barrier. He ran 22:1 T in Cages, All Natural Holiday Goodies. WE CAN DO IT ’82 and bettered that a year later WatcnfotW our GIANT Christmas circular in Open TuM.-Sat S-S — Sun 10-S Thur». s-9 by one second. Deal M tidv firwoh Tlwnday, lOin^pa ■ Fritfiy ind SMiirdiy 111 S pm ■ Sundiy Nitn 0 7 pm Colin Reitz and Steve Binns, a the Herald, Tuesday, December 2nd. pair of Englishmen brought here. MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Nov. 26, 1986 — 17A HA - MANCHESTER HERALD. WedMidav. Nov. M. 19M The Road Race has become Uhrich looks for improvement WALLPAPER SALE Bv Jim Tierney Uhrich’s personal best time for Herald Sports Writer five mites is 23:17, set in Al’s Run on in 1984, where he defeated tradition for iocai famiiies One man who’s out to atone for two-time Olympian Steve Lacy. Selected Books a disappointing performance in Originally from Manitowoc, By Nancy Pappas the morning, ats,a fairly low the Thanksgiving Day classic a Wis., Uhrich now lives in Herald Reporter temperature. At midday, when year ago is Dave Chrich. A Boulder, Colo., where he trains at the family retum ^o the Homs’ newcomer in 1985, Uhrich placed altitude and competes on a 30% OFF For eight years, Emily and There’s Thanksgiving Timrod Road honte, the t^ p e r - ^leth with a time of 23:56 — a regular basis. The generally Richard MacKenzie of Pilgrim ature in the oven iWalSe'd. showing he hopes to improve on accepted norm in comparing Until Dec. 13 Lane have compiled results for as It's celebrated In This is not the ideai way to in this year’s 50th anniversary times from races at altitude with the Manchester Road Race. the rest of New roast a turkey, admits Jan Horn, race. races at sea level is that altitude "We work all day on results. who is president of the Connecti­ “ Last year was one of my races are usually 10 seconds i There are papers all over our England, and then cut Dietetics Association. "But it >yorst races,” Uhrich said. “ It slower per mile. house for weeks. The telephone there's Thanksgtvlng allows the family to eat together might have been due to being Uhiich’s best performances in rings throughout our Thanksgiv­ at some kind of reasonable hour overraced. This year I won’t be 1986 included a second-place i ing dinner, with reporters asking as It’s celebrated here — I’d be serving around 7 o’clock overraced and I’d really like to finish to Englishman Mark 31i k ^ for the top ten finishers,” Emiiy In Manchester. From otherwise.” redeem myself from last year. I Scrutton, former NCAA Division MacKenzie said. the early morning In some households. Thanks­ feel I should be in the 22:20 to I Cross Country champion, at the But a few days ago, when the giving dinner isn’t just a few 22:40 range.” Colorado Heat lOK. Scrutton ran MacKenzies mentioned .that they warm-ups to the hours late — it’s a few days late. Uhrich wants to break the Top 29:48 for the 6.2-mile distance might give up their position as late-night poring over Race festival chairman Eamon Ten this year. while Uhrich finished in 30:10. result compilers, their 14-year- Flanagan and his wife, Sheila, Uhrich, 24, graduated from Uhrich’s 4:04 mile in February old daughter, Hannah, was race results, "turkey for instance, generally have their Marquette University in Milwau­ broke the Boulder fieldhouse horrified. day’’ in Silk City Is turkey dinner on the weekend kee, Wis., in 1985, where he record. Scrutton and former "She said to me, ‘You can’t do after the big race. starred in both cross country and marathon gold medalist Frank that. Mom! That IS Thanksgiv­ unique. track. He has been competing on Shorter never broke 4:10 in the E. A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. ing.’ And she's right. For a lot of THIS DOESN’T MEAN, how­ the road race circuit for Team Boulder fieldhouse. us in Manchester, I guess the ever, that the Flanagans’ Jean Adidas since his graduation. Uhrich defeated three-time 723 Main St., Manchester race is Thanksgiving,” Emily Road home is empty on Thanks­ While at Marquette, Uhrich TAC National cross country 649-4501 MacKenzie said. and her husband. Bill, and their giving afternoon. The couple was a six-time indoor national champ Pat Porter in a road mile ' There's Thanksgiving as it’s 13-year-old son, Brian, run in the invites athletes back to their qualifier as well as two-time in Boulder, clocking a time of celebrated in the rest of New race, aiong with an out-of-town house for a cocktail party each champion in the 800-meter run 4:02. Uhrich hopes to finish his England, and then there’s relative or two. Daughter Debbie year. “ I guess you’d say that’s a while completing in the preti- 1986 road race schedule with a Thanksgiving as it’s celebrated is usually not home on Thanks­ big part of our tradition,” Flana­ gious Kansas Relays. During his good performance in Manches­ here in Manchester. giving, either. For years she held gan said. junior year, he broke the record ter, a race he wouldn’t miss even lorgensen warm-up togs for her family and Others who traditionally host at the National Catholic Cross considering the distance he wili tH f UNIVERSIff Of CONNeCIlCUl FROM THE EARLY MORN­ cheered on the runners. Now parties are folks with homes Country Invitational, eclipsing DAVE UHRICH travel. ING warm-ups to the late-night she’s a cheerleader for the along the race route. Tim and the previous mark established a “ Last year I was very im­ ^Auditorium poring over race results, “ turkey Manchester High School football Mary Devanney expect a few year earlier by former George­ . . .looks to move up pressed with the Manchester day” in Silk City is unique. game. hundred people at their annual town standout, 1984 Olympian Road Race and the way the Return to magic. You’ve got runners and their The result, of course, is that no race-watching party on Porter and the top challenger in this victories in Al’s Run in Milwau­ community backs this event,” cheering sections, officials and one stays home to tend the home Street. It’s a 25-year tradition year’s golden anniversary race, kee in 1984 and 1985. With an Uhrich said. “ With this being the ' volunteers, brunch bunchers who fires. So iast year, when turkey started by Tim’s father, John John Gregorek. entry list of 25,000, the five-mile 50th anniversary, it will probably Return to socialize along the race route, juices dripped down onto the Devanney. When everyone Among Uhrich’s most notable race ranks as the fourth largest be even better. I’m glad to be and the afternoon party-hoppers, floor of the oven, no one was at clears out, the Devanneys will go triumphs were two consecutive road race in the United States. involved in it.” the land of enchantment. who socialize wherever the invi­ home to notice. The Schwarzes next door for Thanksgiving tations may lead them. came home to a smokey house. “ I dinner. Volunteer announcer “ A lot of the people who run in guess we’re lucky. None of the Meanwhile, in the parking lot Return to the Road Race do it so they can neighbors called the fire depart­ of Highland Park Market, people Stephen Penny, Democratic majority leader of the town As part of the Manchester Road Race run a little, then hoist a few ment,” Schwarz said. "That who do not live along the route Board of Directors, Is also one of the many volunteers THE NUTCRAa beers," said Eamon Flanagan, would really have been will be doing their own entertain- who make the Manchester Road Race a success. He embarrassing.” 50th Anniversary activities, coordinator of the Road Race ' ing, with tailgate breakfasts. served as one of the announcers during the rainy 1985 Festival. “ This is a very social "This is our own special way of run. thing." PUTTING ’raE TURKEY in celebrating Thanksgiving,” said Manchester Memorial Hospital is pleased to host: Tduulcovsiqra beloved BALX£T And where are the traditional early has also been Stu and Jan Gary Rock, who parks his beige families, sitting down to eat their Horn’s game plan for seven van in the supermarket parking turkeys? They’re here, too, in years. For five of those years, lot each year. "Other people The Spirit of great numbers. Runners, race Jan ran in the race; for the other might be home watching the officials, volunteers of all kinds, two, when she was pregnant, she parades on ’TV. But tailgating is Christmas Unique CHENEY BROTHERS WAS THE WORLD seem to enjoy Thanksgiving at worked on the results. our tradition. It feels more — preaented by tbe home. Of a dozen families The turkey goes in first thing in well — Manchester.” I interviewed, not one goes to a ns CENTER STREET ALBANO BALLET restaurant for the big meal. MANCHESTER, CT 06040 Even a trip to see the grand­ 649-9041 A free program by parents can be tricky. The year that the M acl^zies tried to Professor John Sutherland of and the make it to the f n i l y homestead UNIVERSITY OF CX>NNECTICUT in Andover, Maa., Richard was hanksgiving Manchester Community College SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA rewarded with ah yS5 speeding ticket. 'I Good friends, good fun, "That taughtkhs!” said his For the child in all of u s... wife. "Now wcMave the good love and laughter... sense to stay hdjbe.” Friday, November 28 The meais ar^ k ely to be just may all the joys of this Saturday & Sunday as elaborate as ^ s e featured in special Thanksgiving 12 noon Ticked for the performincK cooking magazii^s, even though December 6 & 7 General public ' SIO.OO 8.00 S.OO 3.00 Sludend/cbildren: S 6.00 S.00 4.00 3.00 there’s little time to spend on the holiday he yours to share. in the Sr. Citizens: $ 9.00 7D0 4.00 3D0 preparation. Sell 3 pm each day Serving New England AS MANCHESTER RUNS - H. Louise Ruddell Auditorium And loin ut following th» ptrlormanco, lor th» “SUGAR PLUM PARTY". or turns out to watch the Road Taka your child (or tha child In your aoul) onto tha Jorganaan ataga to maat tha caat and racalva lhair vary own mlnlatura Albano Nutcrackar Doll. Race — who’s minding the Rent White Printer Specialists Lease at turkey? TIckata tor THE SUGAR PLUM PARTY ara luat $2.00 par paraon. The answer, in some cases, is Professional Machine Service Manchester Memorial Hospital absolutely no one. Many of Manchester’s veteran Road Instant Blueprint & Blueprint Supplies * 71 Haynes Street EASY ACCESS Race families pop their turkeys Copies Madel FROM 1-84 Tickets Info into a low oven early in the morning, then proceed to warm — Repair, rebuild and replace all major brands — UNIQUE & UNUSUAL GIFTS! Manchester, CT FREE PARKING 486-4226 up for the race. Call 203 647-1223 • HOLOGRAMS • CANDLES • TAROT CARDS OPEN SUNDAYS Joan Schwarz is an example of • DRAGONS • PYRAMIDS • CRYSTAL BALLS one who runs as her turkey cooks 1 l3 '/i Center St. Manchester, CT I • UNICORNS • WIZARDS • MUSICAL ACCESSORIES — or in some cases, smokes. She • JEWELRY • BOOKS • SNAKE SKIN BELTS k WALLETS Race not quite a five-miler Rain gear Although the annual Manches­ ter Road Race has been billed as Umbrellas were the order a five-miler, the actual distance of the day in 1985 as rainy the runners must cover from start to finish is 4.779 miles. weather moved into town The distance was hand- and caused some calibrated in 1982 by Jim Bal- probiems with the 49th come, race director, using a measuring wheel. edition of the Manchester The race course has been Road Race. The hope for changed several times since its the Golden Anniversary birth id'1927. run is clear skies and When the holiday run was first sunshine. introduced by Lewis Lloyd, then the town recreation director, the course the runners followed started on Main Street and then wound around the woods in the Festival week still has more to come Mount Nebo complex, through Charter Oak Park and onto Charter Oak Street, to East No matter what you do on chester Memorial Hospital, at come, too. For more informa­ The festival began on Saturday Center Street and left down Main Thanksgiving Day — run in the noon on Friday. tion, call 643-5111. with the Sports and Fitness Street to the finishing line. This race, stand by and watch, or Next on the agenda is a ! Then, at 6 p.m., a worship Expo, Manchester’s first fitness distance was closer to 5‘A miles. simply stay at home and eat bloodmobile set up in Neill service, called the Sportsmen’s fair. About 400 people allowed turkey — the festival doesn’t end Auditorium at St. Mary’s Episco­ Thanksgiving, is scheduled at St. health professionals to tell them When the race was revived in when the final runner crosses the pal Church. Mary’s Church. A choir made up how fit — or unfit — they were, as 194S, after a lapse of 11 years, the finish line. "The Thanksgiving weekend of singers from several churches they visited booths in Manches­ Mount Nebo and Charter Oak There are four race-related has the heaviest traffic of any will sing under the direction of ter High School’s cafeteria. Park route was cut out. events you can still enjoy on weekend in the entire year,’ ’ said David Clyle Morse, musical That was followed by the At this time, Phil Susag, who Friday. Jean McGrath, blood services director at South United Metho­ ’Turkey, Goose and Pig Ball at The Manchester Road Race course officially measures 4.77 miles. It served as head timer for many First is an opportunity to see chairman for Connecticut Valley dist Church, and Suzanne Gates, Manchester Community College. begins in front of St. James Church on Main Street and winds onto years, used a calibrated trail “Cheney Brothers Was The East Branch of the the American choir director at St. Mary’s. More than 200 folks in formal measuring wheel and the course World,” the audio-visual presen­ Red Cross. “ This means there is The finale for the day is Irish Charter Oak Street. That turns into Highland Street and the runners wear danced the evening away in measured 4.778 miles. tation that has been a perennial the greatest number of traffic comedian Hal Roach, in an 8 p.m. the Lowe Program Center. continue up "Heartbreak Hill" until a sharp left turn onto Porter Street. The route of the race With reconstruction of the favorite. It was put together by deaths, and the greatest need for presentation in Bailey Audito­ rium at Manchester High School. Monday brought the Manches­ Then it's mostly a downhill stretch onto East Center Street, before the intersection of Porter and High­ John F. Sutherland, a professor blood.” In spite of the increased Appearing on the program with ter Symphony Orchestra and runners turn for home back onto Main Street with the finish line also In land streets, in conjunction with of history at Manchester Com­ demand, the St. Mary’s blood him will be Cahal Dunne and Chorale concert, with the debut construction of Interstate 84, now munity College and director of front of St. James Church. collection is one of the few blood Fintan Stanley. Tickets are $12 of Paul C. Phillips of Storrs, the 1-384, the distance was shaved the Institute of Local History. Sutherland uses slides and drives scheduled for the holiday general admission and $10 for new music director. This was slightly. ® taped oral accounts to tell the weekend. The Red Crosa^ill be senior citizens, and are available followed Wednesday with “ Off Theragran-M NEW! SOFT SENSE start and finish has always story of life and labor in early at the church from 1; 30 to 6 p.m., at Ray Seller’s Music Store; at and Running,” a fashion show Advanced Formula from Gillette Skin Lotion been on Main Street. From 1927 20th century South Manchester. and it would like you to make an the Belmont Record Shop, Ver­ and luncheon presented by Sage- Theragran-M® Is Good News through 1935 and again from 1945 The show will be presented, free, appointment to donate blood, if at non; at The Travel Shoppe, Alien Department Stores and Packed For Action! to 1952, both points were opposite in Ruddell Auditorium, Man­ all possible. Walk-ins are wel­ Glastonbury; or at the door. Sally Middleton. • Extra aComplex Good. School Street. You^an Feel at Home With Us To Help Release Energy* Only * 1** • MANCHESTER • ROCKVILLE •J"INDSOR In 1953, in their third year of • EAST HARTFORD • HARTFORD (2) sponsorship, the Tail Cedars • CLINTON • GROTPN • PUTNAM Reg. decided to move both sites closer Amazing New to Tall Cedar headquarters at tfie SALE STARTS TODAY-ENDS DEC. 5, 1986 Lubra-Sm ooth" Strip A Balloon Store JBSm. Masonic Temple. The race NEW ROUUDS SODIUM FREE started and finished in front of & Gift Shop HALL'S the Mary Cheney Library from CHERRY FLAVOR 1957 to 1977. 30 Free With too THEMBNCmECHESTSIMTERSALE H e f t n i s Codgh Drops i Then it was back to the original Snowflakes to Sunburts * 1 ^ * SAYE 50C spot, opposite Scliool Street, until 1977. It became necessary to take Palm Trees to Paradise mm Reg. * f " a closer look at the possible R o lald s. iWIIHnSH Extra Moiiturlzlng problem of injury to the runners Light Ideas for with only a short distance from Rainbow Supplies BPS Slew ter Extra Protaetion Christmas Cheer SQUIBB WIEN YOU BUY the start to the comer at Charter AituaiiKuitauami 6 oz. bottles Oak Street. So in 1977 the starting line was 6 4 6 - 2 3 0 2 Delightfully colorful • New, Non-Prescnpiion Formulas moved back to its current spot. • Effective Reliel and Sincere! CUREL The present system has been Asst. Flavors Dimetapp Moisture Lotion lauded by both participants and 30 Count Bags spectators and affords onlookers ONLY a bigger and better view of the Bixir Dimetapp 6 oz. »1*» race. COUGH SYRUPS Great $ 0 5 9 Reg. *2“ Several times in recent years it GET THE PERFECT ROBITUSSIN Grape CurOl has been suggested to increase - o q I Balloons & Taste! IL\IRST\XE FOR oo uattrs [ Rag. 2.99 10 oz. »3** the race distance to an exact five Mpi miles, but runners have been TOUR LIFESTYXE Bouquets New. R OMM THAT WORKS WOSOBir' Reg. >4" strong in their belief that there bioahiip A muKi-faceted, individuat look lhal will ac> c h c it formulas should be no tampering with the M ONDAY SPECIAL! Available for DM* for commodate all your many roles and moods. existing course. There$only one you. and our expeM siylists whII Delivery or cold/allergy GRAND AWARD ^8®® HAIRCUTS preciHon-$hape and perm your haii lo highlight Pick-Up Service M, T, W & F 9"-5“ your wonderful uniqueness REG. REG. relief BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS CurOl Open Thurs. Night - 8 pm 4 oz. 8 oz. ASK ABOUT OUR SENIOR 4 FI. OZ. 50% OFF EMERGENCY CITIZEN DISCOUNT 200 WEST CENTER ST. Fire — Police — Medical MANCHESTER. CT 06040 135 Center St., Manchester Our Reg. M** *7" MONDAY & TUESDAY (203) 6434)759 Only only Only Only ON SALE 98* •S" D IA L 911 W Helium Rental* * Decorating Service* A Reg. *3" Reg. *5” Reg. *r» Reg. *3??/ Reg. 3.79 SEB OUR IN STORE DISPLAY In Manchester Thut

tOA — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Nov. 26. 1986 iOM ^ L m ) j

Make it a Regal Christmas I Give him something speciai from his favorite men's shop! OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 5 TIL CHRISTMAS "BotanuSOO* ENRO "SOFT SPUN” Hopsack Blazers SPORTSHIRTS • 100% Acrylic • Easy Wash & Dry

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