- MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Nov. 25. 1986 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by U rry Wright MANCHESTER FOCUS FOR SALE FDRSAlf BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Bridge, dam The T-Day After: 50th Road Race set on Thursday CARPENTRY/ MMCELLAIIEOUS plans detailed a cook’s choice REMOOEUNfl ELECTRICAL SERVICES G N U CARE 1 . p a g e 3 ... page 13 ...supplement inside Quality child care given Need Carpentry done In Dumas Electric— Having by responsible mother. your home? Jobs small or Electrical Problems? 643-2984. large. 20 years expe­ Need a large or a small Repair? We Specialize In Tune Up Time - Chain rience. Call Dave at 649- sows, snow blowers. Also 3 2 6 0 . ________________ Residential Work. Joseph Loving mother will core ottering a complete shar­ Y O U CAN enloy extra Dumas. Fully Licensed. for your child In m y home. Free Estimates. 646-5253. pening service. Quality Manchester area. 644- vacation money by ex­ Sharpening, 104 Hilliard 1476. changing Idle Items In Street 649-2111. your home for cosh ... HEATING/ with an ad In classified. PLUMBING For electrical repairs or Call 643-2711 to place your handyman, call 649-2254 CLEANINS od. Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ evenings. Free estimates. SERVICES throom remodeling; In­ Licensed and Insured. Hanrkatpr HrralJi PAINTING/ stallation water heaters, Manchester — A City of Village Charm C leaner s-Manchester PAPERING garbage disposals; faucet Ills area. Monday through repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- Saturday. 7am-10am. $5.00 asterCard accepted. Name your own price — D A D Landscape- per hour to start. Call toll (Dl«B8byNlA.lne. 30 Cents 70 CONCORD ROAD free 1-800G43-1801. Father and son. Fost, MRCELLANE0U8 Complete landscape se- Wednesday, Nov. 26,1086 5 very spacious rooms with a rec room, 2 fire­ dependable service. vlce, leaf and brush re* Painting, Paperhanging A 8ERVICE8 moved. Coll David places, breezeway and a 1 car garage. Custom built Removal. Call 072-8237. 699-2436. MISCELLANEOUS GARS N in 1951. This lovely brick 2 bedroom home is in CARPENTRY/ Odd lobs. Trucking. Home FOR SALE OD FOR SALE impeccable condition and easily expandable. All Complete Interior Reno­ repairs. You name It, we Hawkes Tree Service- [ a REMOOELING vations. Textured ceil­ new thermopane windows. New roof, gutters and I do It. Free estimates. Bucket Truck A Chipper. ings. Repair damaged Insured. 643-0904. Stump removal. Free esti­ Half Price! Flashing ar­ Meese says many extras. Asking *135.000 No lob too big or small. walls. Expert Installation mates. Special considera­ row signs $2891 Lighted, 78 Ford Ranchero, V-8 Complete Interiors and of all wall coverings. Con­ Your local handyman I tion for elderly and handi­ non-arrow $279! Unllgh- engine, 62,000 miles, $1500 exteriors. Quality and Re­ tinental Painting. 872- Call John at 643-4353 and capped. 647-7553. ted$239l FreelettersI Few firm. 643-2740. Jack J. Lappen Realty liability. Continental 6018. please leave message. left. See locally. Factory: 257 East Center Street Painting. 872d01A Art's Light Trucking- 1 (800) 423-8)63, anytime. 1979 AMC Spirits cy­ J A L Stone-Painters. Masonry RepaIrs-AII cellar s,attlcs,garages linder, 4 speed. $M0. 649- others in on Manchester, C T 06040 (Reduced rates)-Wlnter types of additions, opera­ cleaned. Junk hauled.Fur Kerosene heater-Radlant 6703. Carpentry-Fix walls, ceil­ season, commercial, resi­ tions, ons Stuco. Call 643- niture and appliances Eight like new asking $75. 643-4263 ings, odd a closet or dential, fully Insured, 9508 or 649-5635. moved. Odd lobs. Very 643-0017.O 1979 Oldsmoblle-Oelto shelving, folding attic quality references. Cater­ honest dependable "88". New custom point. stairways, odd a room In ing to customers who Snow Plowlng- worker. 25 years expe­ Mimeograph machine, Excellent condition, me­ the basement, chain sow demand perfection. 649- Orlvewavs, $10 and up. rience In moving. 646-9669 stencils. Ink etc. $15. 646- chanically and physi­ arms scheme Great Opportunity! A work. 646-3172. 6048. 649-4446. anytime. cally. 6438391. rare Rnd In Manchester, 4 L0T8/LAND 5847 after 6.D room Cope, fireplace, ap­ FOR SALE Set of Dansk dishes, beige 1972 Buick Electra-AII au­ pliances on extra large lot tomatic, needs some Tower, a Texas Republican, with a possibility of two with brown trim. 44 piece By Terrence Hunt set. $18. 643-5832.0 work. Easily restorable. The Associated Press served in the Senate from 1961 until V building lots. Convenient B0AT8/MARINE $500 or best offer. 646-6868. but private location. I IAPARTMENT IRE80RT 1985. 9 8 EQUIPMENT Portable typewrltter- WASHINGTON - Attorney Gen­ Muskie was a Democratic sena­ $185,000. James R. McCa- k | f o r r e n t PROPERTY 1900 Buick Regal8 cy­ vonogh Real Estate. Attention-Contractors FURNITURE prlnter, hardly used. $75. tor from Maine from 1959 until May 649- 646-1760.O linder, 79800 miles, air eral Edwin Meese said today that 3800.O and Developers-11 plus '3 room apartment-heat, 16 toot Mad River canoe, conditioned. Excellent people outside the White House 1980, when he resigned to become Ski Rental, Okemo- ■lir acres Manchester. Loca­ stove, refrigerator, cor- Blue love seat sofa, cozy paddles Included. Used condition. Asking $2900. appear to have known of the secret secretary of state under then- Super Doop^^Duplexll tion, location, location. Wlnterplace, Vermont. seating for 2. $100. 647- four times. Excellent con­ Kerosene heater, 8700 President Carter. petlng, near parkade. B TU . Heats one large 643-8646 after 4pm. scheme to funnel millions of dollars Lovely A plus 5 duplex In Spectacular country set- Older persons preferred. New slope side condo. 2 1543. dition. $800. Please call Vernon. Large 130'x ISO' tlngl Walking distance to bedrooms, sleeps 8, fire­ 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- room plus. Brand new in profits from Iranian arms sales Scoweroft, a retired lieutenant No pbts. $395 plus secur­ neyer used. $79. Don 646- 1976 Chevy Nova to Nicaraguan rebels. general in the Air Force, served as lot, separate utilities, 2 golf course. Lovely mea­ ity. Call 643-6802 or 649- place, all conveniences. Sota-Danish modern 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask tor Concours-good condition, cor garage. Many modern dow lands. Ideal setting Coll 633-6413 or 633-9133. style. 85 Inches, long, dark Bob. 3033.O "It appears there were some national security adviser to Presi­ 6205. auto, air conditioning, others involved,” and not just the dent Ford from 1975 until 1977. Improvements. City utili­ tor executive develope- green. Fair condition. power steering, fm stereo, ties. $138,500. Jackson ft ment. Call 4854)090. Bolton-3 bedroom duplex, IR00MMATE8 Asking $75. Coll 644-1950.O MU8ICAL runs w ell^lglnal ownerl two presidential aides forced from Asked if he would consider Jackson Real Estate. 647- Vh baths, full basement, ITEM Automotive $895. Call 646-9778 their Jobs ’Tuesday, Meese said in recommending a special prosecu­ 8400.O I WANTED 8 V/2 miles from 384. $600 Contempdrory dinette evenings. an interview on ABC-TV’s "Good tor, as some on Capitol Hill have I^BUSIRESS set, butcherblock formica ES iW O P EB T Y monthly plus security. Monchester-$250 per Morning America.” proposed, Meese said that decision Take a Spin By... or give Call 528-7955 after 6pm. table, 30" X 48", four 1978 AMC Concord, 2 Meese said that, apparently, us a coll and we'll drivel. month plus '/> utilities. Breuer choirs, caned CARS would “depend on the people Apply :40 Olcott Street, Hammond Cord Organ- door, vinyl top, runs good. "there are some consultants in­ involved” and that if his investiga­ Great 3 tamlly on 51-53 Restaurant-Located In 2 bedroom apartment In 2 seats and bocks. $75. 649- single key board, wood FOR SALE $1500/best offer. Coll after Pearl Street In Manches­ Apt. 107. Clean, quiet, 3261.0 I volved and other people who have a tion found apparent criminality on Manchester on high traf­ family home. Downstairs, responsible. frame, bench, good condi­ 6pm. 647-0285. tangential relationship to the U.S. ter. Separate utilities, fic street. Good location fully appllanced kitchen, tion. $100. Call 649-9981. » the part of people covered by the nice size rooms, great tor pizzeria. Presently op­ no pets. 1 year lease plus 1980 Renault LeCar, 70,000 government.” independent-counsel lesiglation. Income potential. Lots of House to Share-Woman Appearing in another interview, erating as a breakfast, security deposit. $550 per with well behaved 5 year TV/8TERE0/ Used 4 piece drum set, miles, dependable econ­ “then we will utilize those laws.” updating has been done. lunch, and early evening month plus heat and utili­ good condition. $110. Call Autqs. 2 cars for sole. omy car, 35 miles per Meese pledged that Reagan’s na­ $164,900. Jackson A Jack- old looking tor women to APPLIANCE8 restaurant. Excellent po­ ties. 646-8352. share 8 room home In 646-0142 between 6 and Ports Only. 1972 Olds 455 gallon. Only $625.649-7057. tional security adviser, who re­ son Real Estate. 647-8400.O tential for good Income. Engine $200, 1970 Ply­ signed, and one of his top aides, who good location. Very pri­ Electric stove 42 Inch self Call us for the details. 3 bedroom apartment, vate bedrooms available. mouth 318 Engine $200. Hardd photo by Pinto was fired, will not be "scapegoats.” Manchester-$59,900. Very $55,000. Realty W orld halt duplex, fully ap­ cleaning. Excellent condi­ PETS AND Call 646-6649 after 3:00pm. MOTORCYCLES/ nice townhouse condomi­ Single Moms welcome. tion. $99. 649-4393.0 "People who have done things Contra Prenchette. 646-7709.D pllanced kitchen, 1’/i nium, 2 bedrooms, kit­ Heat, hot water, wa- SUPPLIES M0PED8 will be accurately portrayed and, if boths,no pets.
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