W - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuiwlay. Nov. tO, 1»M_

All real estote advertised In the Manchester Herald Is subject to the Fair Tutor-Experienced and Housing Act of 196a. which certified teacher with de­ mokes It Illegal to adver­ gree In early childhood. tise any preference, lim­ Will tutor your child. Coll itation or discrimination Sheryl at 643-4936. based on race, color, reli­ Quality child care given Complete Interior Reno­ gion. sex or notional by responsible mother. vations. Textured ceil­ origin, or on Intention to 643-2984. ings. Repoir damaged Real Estate make any such prefer­ walls. Expert Installation ence. limitation or dis­ Loving mother will core of all wall coverings. Con­ crimination. The Herald fOr your child In m y home. tinental Painting. 872- will not knowingly accept Manchester area. 644- 6018. HOMES any odvertlsement which 1476. FOR SALE Is In violation of the law. MISCELLANEOUS I Complete Interior renova­ tions. Textured ceilings. SERVIGES Monchester-No shoveling Government Homes from CARPENTRY/ Repair damaged walls. snow I $59,900. Spacious $1 (U repair). Delinquent REM00EUN6 Expert Installation of all Odd lobs. Trucking. Home well kept unit close to 1-304 tax property. Reposses­ I wallraverings. Continen­ repairs. You name It, we Tune Up Time - Leaf sions. Call a05-6a7-6000 ext and on bus line. Quick No lob too big or small. tal Painting. 872-6018. do It. Free estimates. Blowers, snow blowers, occupancy possible. G H 9965 for current repos­ Insured. 643-0304. lawn and garden equip­ session list. Complete Interiors and Joyce G. Epstein Real exteriors. Quality and Re- J 8i L Stone-Painters. ment. Also offering o com­ Estate. 647-aS9S.o llablllty. Continental (Reduced rates)-Wlnter plete sharpening service. Painting. 872-6018. season, commercial, resi­ Your neighborhood Quality Sharpening, 104 ONE OF THE nicest handy man I Honest fam­ Hilliard Street (203) 649- 30 Cents For long-lasting fire, dential. fully Insured, 0 things about wont ads Is quality references. Cater­ ily man, will estimate any 2111.______choose hardwood loo? their low cost. Another Is lob you create, lawns, No lob too big or too ing to customers who INVITATION TO BID that produce a shorter their quick action. Try a demond perfection. hauling, cleaning, paint­ For electrical repairs or N small. Complete Interiors flame ond burn less ra­ wont od todoy! 6048. ing, and minor repairs. handyman, call 649-2254 pidly than soft woods. If and exteriors. Quality and Tha Eighth UtllltlM Dis­ The Eighth Utilities Dis­ reliability. Continental Residential/Business. evenings. Free estimates. trict, 32 Main Stra«t, Man- trict, 33 Main Street, Man­ oromo Is the most Impor­ For the highest quality at Licensed and Insured. chMtar, Ct., taakt bids to: chester, Ct., seeks bids to: Lack of snow brings relief Painting 872-6018. tant consideration, select Manchester's Flnest- the lowest prices call, MOUNT A UTILITY BODY Replace Hose Body 8, wood from fruit trees. If Locatlon 9 room custom­ John 643-4353. Hawkes Tree servlce- ON A 11,500 GVW VEHICLE Booster Tank an 1949 Mack you hove fireplace loos ized Cope set on 3 plus ELECTRICAL Bucket Truck 8, Chipper. WITH A 04 INCH CAB TO Pumper. for sole, find buyers the acres In Hlglond Park. PAMTIN8/ Stump removal. Free esti­ AXLE DISTANCE. Bid specifications may be quick and easy way ... Ideal for professional ho- PAPERMR mates. Special considera­ Bid spoeincotlont may bo obtained during normal busi­ Rainfall proves forecasters wrong, eases problems me/offlce. "We con gua­ Dumas Electric— Having tion for elderly and handi­ obtolnod during normal busl- ness hours (9:00 a.m. ta 5:00 with o low-cost od In Electrical Problems? n tit hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Monday thru Saturday Classified. 643-2711. rantee our homes!” 646- capped. 647-7553. 2452. Blanchard 8> Name your own price — Need a large or a small D 8> D Landscape- p.m.) Monday thru Saturday from the Dispatcher at the Father and son. Fast, from tho DIspatchtr at tht Eighth District FIrahause, 33 By George Layng Rosetto. 646-2482.0 Repair? We Specialize In Complete landscape se- Masonry RepaIrs-AII Eighth District FIrahouso, 33 Main St., Manchester, Ct. 0 dependable service. Residential Work. Joseph vlce, leaf and brush re­ types of additions, altera­ Main St., Manchostor, Ct., 04040. Herald Reporter Painting. Paperhanging & Dumas. Fully Licensed. moved. Call David tions, ons Stuco. Call 643- Sealed bids will be received In Two Lengths Must be seen I Luxurious 3 Removal. Call 872-8237. Free Estimates. 646-5253. 659-2436. 9508 or 649-5635. Sealed bids will ba received at the abava address until Manchester breathed a sigh of bedroom aluminum sided at the above address until 7:00 p.m. on Monday, De­ relief this morning after what had 7:00 p.m. on Monday, De­ cember 1,19M, at which time Colonial on the west side. been forecast as snow instead came Great family house. "We cember 1,1914, at YVhIch time they will be publicly apaned, they will be publicly opened, read aloud and recorded, t; down as rain Thursday night, con guarantee our read aloud and recorded. homes I" 646-2482. Blan­ Bids shall remain valid for washing away some of the heavy Bids shall remain valid for thirty days from the bid mass that snapped tree limbs, took chard & Rosetto. 646- HOMES APARTMENTS STORE AND FUELOIL/COAL/ thirty days from the bid opening date. The District V 2482.0 FIREWOOD opening date. The District reserves the right to relect down power lines and made travel HD FOR SALE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE reserves the right to relect any and all bids for any red^ difficult on Wednesday. South Windsor-New list­ any and all bids for any rea­ son deemed to be In the best son deemed to be In the best Interest of the District. "Oh boy was I ever,” Park ing Immaculate 7 room Interest of the District. Superintendent Robert Harrison Raised Ranch. Spacious JOSEPH TRIPP Manchester-$165,000-0ne 2 bedroom oportment- 3 rooms containing 900 Seasoned Hard wo od- JOSEPH TRIPP FIRE COMMISSIONER said when asked if he was pleased family room with deluxe 6 room two story apart­ Wall to wall carpeting. square feet on Spruce Cut,spllt. Local delivery. FIRE COMMISSIONER with the snow's failure to wood stove. 3 bedrooms. $110fullcord. 643-2207. Dated at Manchester, Conn, ment with up to 4 bed­ Appliances Included. No Street. Forking, can di­ Doted at Manchester, Conn, this 13th day of November, materialize. 7'/2 baths, quiet location. vide, 1 year lease. Coll rooms and two 1 bedroom pets. Lease. Security. this 10th day ol November, 1904. “We were so very, very fortu­ Only $159,900. U & R flats, each on one level, 2 Available December 1st. 643-6712. 1904. 035-11 Realty. 643-2692.0. gas furnaces, appliances Also 3 bedroom duplex. RECREATIONAL 034-11 nate,” he said. "If we had had what Included. Convenient lo­ Lease. Security. No pets. Monchester-Attractive EQUIPMENT was predicted, we’d be in trouble.” Suddenly Available- ED By this morning, power in area cation, coll our office for Available December 1st. Colonial decor, 500 square Court of Probate, District of INVITATION TO BIO Charming older Colonial the details. O. W. Fish Call 643-1S95.0 foot, good visibility and towns was almost all turned back For Sale. Rowing Ma­ Manchester located on East Center St.. Realty. 643-1591 or 871- parking. Near highway. NOTICI OF HEARING The Eighth Utilities Dis­ on. Northeast Utilities officials chine, fully ossemblecL 1 In Manchester. 5 bed­ 1400.O 3 bedroom apartment, $500 plus utilities. Allbrio IN RE: RITA N. McCANN trict, 32 Main Street, Man­ said, adding that remaining out­ rooms. lots of space. Pos­ duplex fully oppllanced Realty. 649^17. year old, excellent condi­ Pursuant to on order of Hon. chester, Ct., seeks bids for William E. FitzGerald, the following Items; ages are scattered. Some 210,000 sible office location. Call Spic 8, Span! 11 Immacu­ kitchen, I'/a baths, no tion. $75. Call 646-3245 after 5:30pm. Judge, dated November 4, customers statewide were without today for details. Joyce G. late 6 plus room Ranch In pets. 1 year lease plus Office Space-1-2 or 3 1904 a hearing will be held on TW O (2) 4.5 AIR PACKS Epstein Real Estate. 647- East Hartford. Nice neigh­ security deposit. $675 per rooms available. Prime an application praying for FIFTY (50) FIREFIGHTERS power after Connecticut was co­ 8895.0 • , borhood, 1'/j baths, 1st month plus heat and utili­ Main ' Street location. Skis-Knelsel 190 centime­ change of name as In sold ap­ PROTECTIVE COATS vered by up to a foot of snow ties. 646-8352. Plenty of parking. Rent ters, with look 77 bindings, plication on file more fully Wednesday night. floor family room, op- $130. Nordica boots size 10. appears, at tha Court of Pro­ Bid specifications may be pllances, city utilities, very reasonable. 649-4003. bate on December 1, 1904 at obtained during normal busi­ The return of electricity meant 6-6 Duplex-with heating above ground pool. $25,646-4732. ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 2 bedroom apartment In 2 2:15 P.M. p.m.) Monday thru Saturday that Keeney Elementary School systems, garage arid a $113,900. Jackson 8, Jack- Mary Lou Taylor, family home. Downstairs, Ski boots, women's 6V7, from the Dispatcher at the students returned to classes today. prime lacotlon near the son. 646-1316. fully oppllanced kitchen, 041-11 EIGHTH DISTRICT FIRE­ While all Manchester schools were hospital. “We Guarantee INDUSTRIAL excellent condition, must HOUSE, 32 Main St., Man­ no pets. 1 year lease plus sell. Need moneyl Only closed Wednesday, Keeney had to Our Houses" Blanchard & Waterfront Property! 11 security deposit. $550 per PROPERTY chester, Conn. 04040. Rosetto. 646-2482.0 Witches Woods Lake- E] $35,643-4096.0 Sealed bids will be received stay closed for two days because of month plus heat and utili­ the power problems left by the H«rsld photo by Rocha Woodstock, Ct. 5 room ties. 646-8352. Manchester-Good space PUBLIC NOTICE at the above address until Skis-Kastle fiberglass 170 7:00 p.m. an Monday, Oe- storm. One floor llvIng.Avalloble TrI-level with 3 bedrooms. at reasonable prices. Call Century Yugo will appear cember 1,1984, at which time A p p r o x im a t e ly 1200 cm. with Solomon step In Meanwhile, town crews should Town of Manchester Highway Depart­ though the town generally uses a 2 If you buy this Immacu­ 2 bedroom townhouse, op- owner tor present or fu­ Nov. 24, 1904 before Man­ they will be publicly opened, square feet. 1 car garage. bindings, color red and chester Zoning Appeals finish clearing branches this after­ late 3 bedroom ranch. pllanced kitchen, no pets. ture needs at 643-2414. white. Excellent condl- read aloud and recorded. ment employees John Turgeon, left, and vacuum to collect the piles, Wednes­ 80’ on the water. Year- 1 year lease, security Board to requesta special ex­ noon that were either left hanging Fireplace, pool 8. more! tlon.$45.649-1794.o ception as authorized by Sac- Bids shall remain valid (or Herald photo by Tucker Sidney Cushman, right, rake wet leaves day’s snow and Thursday’s rain promp­ "We Guarantee Our round property.$129,900. deposit, $550 per month tlon(s) Art. II. Sect. 11.02.01 thirty days from the bid or were knocked onto streets and Jackson 8> Jockson. 646- opening 4rata. Tha District ted officials to change their method. Houses" Bloncnard 8. Ro­ plus, heat and utilities. ROOMMATES Art. II. Sect. 5.01.02. of Zon­ Lonise Bias, whose son, Len Bias, died after using sidewalks by the snow, Harrison on Glenwood Street this morning as 1316. 646-8352. WANTED OOAT8/MARINE ing regulations. reserves the right to relect PHOTO-GUIDE 8360 setto. 646-2482.0 EQUIPMENT any and all bids (or any rea­ cocaine, taiks to about 800 students at the East Hartford said. The only tree that fell over Bruno Goiempa gathers a ioad. Ai- PAHERN To update 54 Tolland Turn­ son deemed to be In the best entirely because of the heavy snow B -ia 3 rooms, appliances, heat pike, Manchester, from a Interest of the District. Coventry-Cozy 5 room Monchester-$250 per Middie Schooi Thursday. Her son’s death was not in was on Edgerton street, he said. Rontals and hot water. No pets. used car dealer to a new car JOSEPH TRIPP large puddles, but no flooding. A casual car-coat with in­ aluminum sided year month plus Vz utilities. 16 foot Mod River canoe, dealer. Highway Superintendent Keith trucks, which then haul them away schedule, which it used in the past. Security required. Availa­ FIRE COMMISSIONER vain, she said. "We were fortunate, very fortu­ teresting detail can be round Ranch near Coven­ Apply :40 Olcott Street, paddles Included. Used 037-11 Chapman was also relieved. “ This for disposal. "If we had gone on the weekly try Lake. Wall to wall ble November 20th. 646- four times. Excellent con­ Dated at Manchester, Conn, nate,” he said. "If we got another 10 made in a longer version Apt. 107. Clean, quiet, this 12th day of November, is a reprieve,” he said. Chapman said about 60 percent of schedule, there could have been carpeting 8. stove. Beauti­ 2970. dition. $800. Please call inches of snow, we’d be in trouble.” for rain or shine. Nice in ROOMS responsible. 1984. He said Thursday’s rain helped the leaf piles in Manchester have some areas that were really wool, corduroy or poplin. ful view of the water. 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- Cheryl Dewey of Northeast Utili­ FOR RENT Rockvllle-2 bedroom, first MISCELLANEOUS 034-11 wash away some of snow that been collected. If the next few loaded,” he said. No. 8360 with Photo- Private beach and boot­ ID 99468:30-5:30. Ask for Bob. ties said only scattered, individual ing rights. $82,900. James floor apartment, availa­ FOR SALE Love fights drugs, covered leaves, allowing crews to weeks are relatively dry, the Chapman said the leaves did not Guide is in Sizes 8 to 18. outages remained in the R. McCovanagh Real Est­ Room for non-smoking, ble December 1. $375 plus MorchandlSB resume their pickup of the piles that pickup should be finished by cause snow plow crews any real Size 10, 3 2 bust, 2% utilities. 872-1599 MUSICAL CARR Manchester-Bolton area today, and yards 54-inch. ate. 649-3800.D mature gentleman. Kit­ had been raked onto curbs before mid-December, he said. problems, though some piles were evenings. ITEMS FOR RALE should have been restored by late Patterns available only chen privileges. Washer Bias tells students the snow hit early Wednesday. The He said the snow this week set accidentally pushed into the ends of in sizes shown. Storrs-NIce 2 bedroom and dryer. Parking. Call ENDROLLS town’s vacuum aparatus cannot be crews back by one week. But driveways as streets were cleared. this morning. Mobile Home In adult 643-5600. 2 bedroom apartment, Asked about the general condi­ In Coventry, the remaining elec- combination gas stove, no FURNITURE TTVs wMh • 288 used because the leaves are still too Chapman said the town is ahead of TO ORDER, senil $2.50 for tic h community. Appliances. ED Her son’s death was not in tion of the streets. Chapman said pattern, plus SOt tor p o iU io and utilities Included. $450 plus 12ki wkmi - 2 (or 288 By John Mitchell wet, he said, but plows and loaders where it would have been if it had Central olr ond porch. Rooms-Moln Street loca­ vain, in her opinion. "God had to Thursday night’s rain had left some Please turn to page IZ handlint. $32,900. James R. McCa- tion. $185 and up. Referen­ security. Call 643-5372 or 2 twin beds with frames, HammondCord Organ- M UST be picked up at the Herald Reporter are putting the leaves into dump not changed from a weekly pickup SUE BURNETT vonogh Real Estate. 649- 646-7336. like new. Simmon firm, Manchester Herald Office 1981 Pontiac Phoenix- take someone special,” she told (name ol paper) ces and security. Apply In single key board, wood before I t A.M. ONLY. ttdO *ve. of AmericM 3800.D person. Apartment M af­ 649-8199 asking $200 or best frame, bench, good condi­ good running condition. EAST HARTFORD - In the students, adding that her son New York. N.Y. t0036 ter 1pm. • Bolton Notch-NIcely fur­ offer. tion.$100. Call649-9981. $1250.649-2271. January, Lonise Bias had a represented "one man to save Print Name, Addreis^wilh ZIP nished 2 room efficiency Manchester-Open House. dream that someone in her millions.” CODE, Style NumOer and Size. Including all utilities. For Wing back chair, print 1-3pm. Saturdoy, No­ Large room for rent-close Hammond Cadette Organ 1966 Dodge Charger-(3ood family would die. Bias had a lesson to offer the vember 15th. 305 Hilliard to bus lines and near town. elderly gentleman. Park­ fabric, warm tones. Ex­ with automatic rhythm. Iran deal illegal, Wright charges Automotivo condition. Needs engine. “ When I woke up, I cried for parents gathered for the talk as St. 4 room Ranch.com- ing. 649-9093. cellent condition. $60. 643- $70 per week. Utilities Excellent condition. $275. Asking $1000 or best offer. two hours, it was so real," she well. "We need more love in the pletely redecorated new Included. Security and ref­ 2041 after 6pm .□ 649-1164. said it is “ clearand unambiguous." to withhold information about the Manchester-2 bedroom, 649-6818. said. "E ve ry so often it would home,” she said. “ You must By Lawrence L. Knutson United States to improve U.S.- Casual Knit wall to wall carpeting. A erences required. Coll 643- Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., Iran operation from Congress and heat hot water and ap­ come back just for a little while, show love.” The Associated Press Iranian relations and free Ameri­ pleasure to show. Direc­ 1021. Oak headboard with att­ Gulbransen Pacemaker CARR emerged from the private briefing that Casey complied with it. pliances. $510. Referen­ ached night tables for 77 Volare-Good running then it would go away ... I Although Bias, who is from can hostages held in Lebanon. tions: Brood Street to left Spinet organ with rhythm FORRALE condition. $500/best offer. and said, ’‘I think there is an He said there was no point in on Hilliard Street. $98,900. ces, lease and security. No queen bed. $99. Call 742- dismissed it.” Hyattsville, Md., has given W ASH IN G TO N — Accusing the "W e have learned about people section and Leslie. $500. 649-8549. unresolved difference of opinion on badgering Casey about that. James R. McCovanagh APARTMENTS pets. 647-9876 evenings. 6141 evenings.o 643-9819. . But eventually, the dream speeches all across New Eng­ Reagan administration of violating from other countries who have been the interpretation of the law.” "The problem lies at a higher Real Estate. 649-3800.O FOR RENT forced the self-described “ born- land and the Southeast, it was the law. House Majority Leader involved in shipments (of arms) 1979 Ford Falrmont-6 cy­ " I think there was no violation of level than that,” Wright said. "The Colonial 4 piece sectional again believer” to confront the deaf that she was amazed by Jim Wright said today that Iran "'With- the condoning of the United yery good condition. 633- PETRAND linder, automatic trans­ the law,” Hyde declared. And, problem lies with the determina­ Great Opportunity! A 3 and 4 room oportments, mission, power steering, Lord, she said. the East Hartford students’ paid more than $12 million for the States and the complicity of the rare find In Manchester. 6 5518.0 1966 Rambler-The Classic I referring to the keyword used by tion of someone in the executive no appllances,no pets.se- RUPPLIER power brakes. Good condi­ Five months after it first efforts to welcome her, which weapons it purchased from the United States in some instances,” room Cope, fireplace, ap­ 3 room apartment-heat, From when they made'em the administration’s critics, he branch that the president doesn’t curltv,call 646-2426. Week­ like they used to. Only tion. 65K, $1100 or best occurred, her son Len, a 22- included a huge sign on the front United States. Wright said. pliances on extra large lot hot water, stove, refriger­ Blue love seat sofa, cozy said: " ‘Tim ely’ is a word of art. have to abide by the law unless he days 9-5. ator, laundry facilities, German Shepherd pup­ 85,000 mllesi Solid runner. offer.6464)487or875-6812. year-old University of Mary­ of the building, a band perfor­ Wright, commenting after a And he said these countries “ felt, with a possibility of two seating for 2. $100. 647- The law in that regard was wants to.” garage. Ask about senior 1543. pies, full blooded parents, 742-7686even I ngs. land basketball All-American mance of “ The Greatest Love of closed-door hearing with CIA Di­ at least, that they were abiding with building lots. Convenient Two bedroom apartment Thunderbird 1981-Blue, deliberately drawn in a vague Earlier, White House officials but private location. citizen's discount. 646- AKC. $100. Call after 4. who’d been chosen to play for A ll.” and the singing of a rap rector William Casey, told repor­ the wishes ol the United States” in for rent. Dishwasher, dis­ 246-7242. fully equipped. Mlntcondl- fashion.” briefed members of the House $185,000. James R. McCa- 7268. Moving-Must sell I Wall the Boston Celtics, was dead of song about substance abuse by ters that 1.000 of the 2,008 TOW shipping arms to Iran. posal, pool, tennis courts. unit $50. Baby's changing tlon. 42,000 miles. Auto- "Clearly the president has the committee on "the whole setup” of vonogh Real Estate. 649- Near 84. Call 282-7908 after cardiorespiratory arrest. After three students who had written missiles bought from the United Wright said Casey assured 3 room apartment-heat, table. $30. Dining table m ^lc overdirive transmi! right to withhold information from the secret details of the Iranian 3800.D______7:00 pm. or (617) 864-5770 MtRGELLANEOUR he used cocaine, brain signals to it. States were assembled in San members of the House Intelligence stove, refrigerator, car­ w ith 4 ch a irs . $300. Autos. 2carsforsale. Parts Sion. Craig am/fm stereo Congress. I ’m not saying it was arms deal. x4204 days. cassette. Power windows, his heart were interrupted, "This is the best reception I Antonio last February. Others were Committee that there are no other Keep your TV picture peting, near parkade. Playpen $40. 646-9602. FOR RALE Only. 1972 Olds 455 Engine wise. I ’m saying it was unwise.” About 20 members of the commit­ asking $4,500. Call 871-3744 have had anywhere.” Bias told shipped separately, he said. cases in which the CIA has been sharp with frequent clean­ Older persons preferred. $200, 1970 Plymouth 318 causing it to beat irregularly Rep. Bob McEwen, R-Ohio, com­ tee attended an early morning Engine $200. Coll 646-6649 days,646-5412 after the crowd gathered in the “All were paid for by Iran — $12 ordered to withhold information ing of the screen. Use a No pets. $395 plus secur­ Sofa-Danish madern Tw o 50Ft. rolls of snow then stop, according to medical menting on the entire situation, briefing at the White House by Vice ity. Call 643-6002 ar 649- after3:00pm. 6:3(>pm. school’s auditorium, while look­ million plus,” Wright said. about a covert operation from mild soap with water or a style. 85 Inches, long, dark fence. 4 ft. high. $25.00. reports. said, “ Hell hath no fury like a Adm. John Poindexter, the presi­ 6205. green. Fair condition. ing at red and white banners on Congress. 9 it was Len's tragic death and Wright, who is likely to be House bit of ammonia In water. Spacious 4 room apart­ Each New. Phone 643-8470 78 Ford Ronchero, V-8 congressional committee dent’s national security adviser, to Be sure to dry thoroughly, Asking $75. Coll 644-19S0.O after6pm. 1981 Buick Skylark, 54,000 her belief in God's word that the.wall which read “ Say No To Speaker next year, said that other " I don’t think there is any ment near bus. Adults 2 bedroom duplex, ap- miles, power steering, engine, 62,000 miles, $1500 scorned.” get his version of events. if you have an extra Bias said brought her to East Drugs” and "Death Of A than the United States and Israel, question tifat the law has been preferred, no pets, 1 cor, pllanced kitchen, no pets. Contemporary dinette power brakes, air condi­ flrm.643-2740. Wright said Casey confirmed Leaders of the Senate intelli­ television set no one Hedstrom baby carriage. Dreaj ■’several other countries” have broken,” Wright said. security and reference. Lease security deposit. set, butcherblock formica tioning. Call Gary at 568- Hartford Middle School Thurs­ reports that Attorney General gence committee, beginning its watches, why not ex­ Converts to stroller. $30. 1979 AM C Splrlt-6 cylinder, shipped arms to Iran. But he said He said the law forbids the United 649-1265. Available early De­ table, 30" X 48", four C:all649-6646. 2020or646-0213. day with an an anti-drug mes­ Edwin Meese III reviewed the own investigation, were Mso to change tor cash with a 4speed.$800.64F6703. sage for the 800 students. _ Please turn to page 4 these shipments were not necessar­ States from withholding secret low-cost od In Clossifled? cember. 643-7791. Breuer chairs, caned president’s order directing the CIA receive a briefing from Poiiw|exter. Manchester - 2nd floor 2 seats and backs. $75. 649- ily connected to the efforts by the information from the Congress and 643-2711. Heorthmafewoodstove bedroom, heat and ap­ 3261 .P 1979 Oldsmoblle-Delta pliances, no pets. $550 plus and accessories. Best offer •A’ “88". New custom paint. CONDOMINIUMS over $35 takes It. Brick security 646-3979. FOR RENT Price reduced! New black Excellent condition, me­ What mokes Wont Ads ITV/RTEREO/ lined. 6464)439. It must go. chanically and physically. Today’s HERALD work? People like you 6464>439.a top and Interior with this Two bedroom townhouse APPLIANCER classic red convertible, a 643-6391. Teamsters mount drive at J.C. Penney who read and use the - heat, hot water, car­ Manchester-BIgelow Hol­ low condo. One loft, bed­ High choir, upholstered, 1964 Rambler American. Want Ads every day. 643- peted. All appliances. Air Rebuilt lost year so It runs 1972 BuIck Electra-AII au­ U.N. condemns raid Clearing tonight 2711. room, V/z baths, lacuzzi 18 foot Coldspot Upright yellow, attached formica tomatic,needssomework. conditioning. Call 649- good and looks good. Was organizing efforts,” Hayes said. on,” he said. “ They certainly have “ The company spends a lot of 5240. tub, spiral stairs, covered freezer. Excellent running table, chrome frame, Easily restorable. $500 or By John F. Kirch The United Nations has con­ Gradual clearing today, but molded tray. $30. 649-2723 $900.now$800. Call635-1998 the right to listen to a labor union, money to keep the workers in the parking, ample storage. conditon. First $99 buys It. bestoffer.646-6868. Herald Reporter " It ’s a real w ar.” demned the U.S. bombing raids on windy with a chance of a rain or M o nchester-$239,900-4 mornlngsorafter5:30.a anytime. He said the effort was strictly a but they also need to know what psychological fold,” Hayes said. 2 bedroom plus loft, 2 One of 0 kind. $700. Two Call649-4003.o Libya as illegal and says the North snow shower. Clearing this evening bedroom Colonial nestled months security, no pets. Employees and management of­ rank-and-file manuever and that they have without one,” he said of "Probably the greatest obstacle the baths'. In the Clock Tower Minolta mount Sollgor 1978 Datsun B-210 auto­ TRUCKR/VANR African nation is entitled to com­ but remaining blustery. Low near on 2 plus acres In one of Mill, Indoor pool, many Ayallable December. 872- Electric stove 42 Inch self the union was playing it "low-key” employees. people have to overcome is fear of lens. 35/105 Macro. $65. matic. 2 door. Best offer. FORRALE ficials at Manchester’s J.C. Penney pensation for "material and hu­ freezing. Sunny Saturday with a Manchesters flnost loca­ extras. $650 month. Avail­ 3972. cleaning. Excellent condi­ at this point. It could be a year If employees begin signing union the company, fear of lossing their 649-0670.O 529-1975ofter5. Laura. Catalog Distribution Center may be man” losses suffered in the attack. high in the middle 40s. Details on tions. 12 X 19 master able December 1st. 643- tion. $99,649-4393.0 before the effort Is in full swing, cards, Radabaugh said, manage­ jobs. I'll be frank with you. On the bedroom with wolk-ln on a collision course as organizers The world body Thursday passed a page 2. 7611 or 646-1094. 1981 Plymouth Horizon. 4 1983 Datsun pick up, take the first steps toward unioniz­ Hayes said. ment would point out the benefits day we submit our (union) cards, closet. Dining room, eot- HOMES Sears slow cook toaster Kerosene heater-Rodlont brown, low mileage, non-binding resolution condemning A warm sweater to knit In kitchen and super fam­ Eight like new asking $75. doorv Standard, gas mizer ing more than 1,000 employees at As yet, the effort is virtually they currently enjoy. J.C. Penney will launch a campaign and wear with your skirts 1 bedroom apartment, FOR RENT oven like new. $22. 649- engine. 77k. Very good 31,600. Model 720, 4 cy­ ’The drive would mark the second the raids by a vote of 79-28, with 33 ily room with cathedral 64341017.O linder. Call 633-2904. the facility. unknown among officials at the that will boggle the mind. It's a job, nr pants wardrobe. heat, and hot water, quiet 8913.0 condition all around! time since the center opened in 1982 abstentions. Story on page 8. celling, skylight, brick neighborhood. Referen­ Russell Hayes, director of organi­ giant warehouse, a 2-million- a real job they do on these people. No. 5180 has directions fireplace, bay window and 3 bedroom, single family Mimeograph machine, $1300.633-2686. square-foot distribution center lo­ that workers have tried to organize. Union-busting is big business in this In d e x for Small, Medium, Large ces, no pets, $435 monthly. home In Manchester. No zation for Teamsters Local 671, said sliders to large deck. 2'/i ILAWN AND stencils. Ink etc. $15. 646- MIRCELLANEOUR cated in the Buckland Industrial In 1984, the Teamsters failed to country.” Moynihan resigns and E xtra -L a rg e Sizes 646-2311. pets $650/month. Call 5847ofter6.a 1970Capri needs work, best a 40-member rank-and-file commit­ 24 paggg, 2 ggctlong baths, 2 car garage. D. w . Park. organize workers after manage­ The union expects the company to (32-46) inclusive. Tom Benoit at 646-7709. GARDEN offer. Body and Interior In AUTOMOTIVE tee was formed about two months state Democratic Chairman Ti­ Fish Realty. 643-1591 or Nice older duplex-2 bed­ " I ’m kind of curious because on a ment conducted a massive public hire an outside law firm to hinder Advice__ . 17 Lottery______2 To ordor, iiod $2.50, lor oaeh 871-1400.n Set of Donsk dishes, beige good shape. 646-1822 after ago and has begun publishing a mothy J. Moynihan is resigning to pattern, plus SOt lor poitago and rooms, , 1 bath, private Riding lawn mower. with brown trim. 44 piece 5pm. Tw o 185/70 R14 Snow tires. newspaper to educate workers formal basis we haven’t heard relations campaign to undermine any organizing effort, Hayes said. Buelnest. .22 Obituaries____12 driveway and entrance. become president of the Greater iiandiinf. STORE AND Yardman. 5 horse power, set. $18.643-5832.0 Studded. Used 1J)00 miles. about the union. anything from Local 671 about it,” Local 671, union officials said. He said many union leaders at the Clutifiad - 23-24 Opinion 6 ANNE CABOT Nice, large, private lot $550 per month. Call Bo­ 1978 Fiesta, good condi­ Company officials, however, de­ Hartford Chamber of Commerce (snmn nl paper) comes with this 3 bed­ 2 speed. Forward plus Mounted on 4 hole Datsun He said the union has not yet said Dennis D. Radabaugh, the plant will be isolated by manage­ Cornice______10 People _ _ _ 2 land Brothers, 649-2947. OFFICE SPACE tion. runs well. 110.000 and New Haven Democratic Chair­ IldOAvo. MAmarlcaa room, 2 full both home I reverse. 25 Inch cut, Portobletypewrltter- wheels. $75. Will mount. begun to sign up workers and center’s manager. Radabaugh said nied that any such campaign took ment, while others will be Connecticut _ 5, 7 Sports — _ 18-21 New York, N.Y. 10030 6 4 3 -19 3 8 .0 man VlnceiU JBf^auro is expected FIreplaced living room engine bod. $50.643-4535.0 prlnter. hardly used. $75. miles. $500 or best offer. warned that the company would put he had seen a one-page union paper, place. They said that company intimidated. Print Name, Addraea wltk ZIP Manchester-Immediate 742-6358after 6. to siiccectT^Moynihan. Moynihan JEntertelnment 14 Television _ _ ie COUE and Style NwaOar. and extra flue In family Office Space For Rent. 646-1760.O up a battle to stop the effort. but was not sure exactly what it officials were merely called in from "Th a t’s absolutely untrue,” Ra- occupancy 3 bedroom du­ Toro electricpower shovel 2 snow tires E78-14 Fire­ has been state chairman for almost Focus 13 U.S./World .8 . 11 SPECIAL: Over 200 ae- room, 2 car garoge, lo­ Excellent location-heat, " It ’s a militant company based was. New York to talk to employees plex with natural wood­ with 100 foot extension Tvpewritfer-Remlnator. Dodge-1982 Arles Wagon. stone used 1 season. two years. Story on page 5. Local news3-4,12 Weather______2 lections and a F R E E cated In Andover. work, gas heat. Children air ,|anltor, parking. 500 " I ’m unaware of any effort going about current benefits. Please turn to page 12 cord and operator's man­ Good condition. $35. 649- 86,000 miles. $2200. Call Mounted. AMC rims. $50. on their past practices toward other Pattern Section in the $125,000. Strono Real Est­ ok. $ ^ plus utilities. All- square feet $250. 649-5334. ual.$65,649-9062. 6464732. 643-5563ofter6.o ALBUM. Just 13.00. ate. 647-7653.0 brio Realty. 649-0917. or 643-7175. 1819.n MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov. 21,1986 — 8 t — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 21, 1986 \ Alzheimer’s drug viewed with caution WEATHER F By John AAltchell on the memories of 16 out of 17 of THA. " I work in the field - I prescribed by physicians except Herald Reporter Alzheimer’s victims on whom it want to see this thing improved.” those using it experimentally. Connecticut forecast O was tested. In the past, doctors have said the “ It looks very promising,” said Any drug found to show promise Alzheimer’s Disease, a leading disease results from hardening of Garaventa, a Lakewood Circle for the control of Alzheimer’s the brain’s arteries. North man whose wife suffers from Central, Eastern Interior and Southwest Inte­ cause of senility among elderly Disease should be regarded with Robert Berland, a private neurol­ the disease. He said it was “ too rior: Clearing this evening but remaining blustery. people, diminishes the body’s abil­ C cautious optimism because of past ogist on Main Street, said he helps early to know about any of this Low near freezing. Sunny Saturday with highs in ity to make chemicals needed to experience with treatments, local carry messages from nerve cells to Alzheimer’s patients by providing stuff.” the middle 40s. emotional support and encourage­ doctors and support group leaders the brain, causing progressive Garaventa said that based on West Coastal and East Coastal: Clearing this ment. It’s all doctors are able to do u say. deterioration of the.organ. what he has heard, the possible side evening but remaining windy. Low near freezing. “ I have not heard of the success at this stage, he said. Leito, who also helps to coordi­ effects of THA worry him. He added Sunny Saturday with highs in the middle 40s. of any drugs currently on the "U p to now, we hove nothing nate the Alzheimer’s support group that the drug was only effective on Northwest Hills: Clearing this evening but market," said Louise Leitao, of much to offer people,” he said. in Manchester, said the news of people in the early stages of the remaining blustery. Lows 25 to 30. Sunny Saturday s Visiting Nurse and Home Care of Berland, who said he wasn’t THA was “very exciting," but disease, because It brings out the with highs 40 to 45. Manchester. familiar with THA and how It F irst Aeronau ts noted that history has shown a best of abilities that' haven’t yet "Everybody has theories,” said worked, cautioned that there is no share of treatment failures. been damaged. Two'Frenchmen made aviation history on this day in Ermano “ Gary” Garaventa, who reason to get excited quickly over "Not all of it is as hopeful as it 1783. That was when Jean de Rozier and Marquis helps to run a local support group such discoveries. “ This information is much, much Coastal forecast seems," she said. too early to jump up and down about d’Arlandes made the first free-flight ascent. Their five- for families of Alzheimer’s pa­ "It has to be over a long period of Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and time to see If It is beneficial." he and say we’ve got something,” he mile voyage in a hot-air balloon took them to an altitude tients. " I t ’s going to be a long way A few years ago, she said, people Low Montauk Point: Wind west 10 to 15 knots becoming down the road before something threw out their pots and pans after said. said, noting that there have been northwest and increasing to 20 to 35 knots with o f3,000 feet and lasted about 25 minutes. Ironically, the happens.” experts surmised that a high Researchers who conducted the four or five supposed controlling Temperatures agents discover^ in the last year higher gusts through tonight. Saturday northwest world’s first pilot was also aviation’s first victim. Jean The comments came after the aluminum concentration in the study have stressed that while alone. 15 to 25 knots decreasing to 10 to 15 knots by disclosure last week that an experi­ brain was one of the causes of the encouraging, the findings are still De Rozier was killed in 1785 while attempting to cross preliminary. The drug is not a cure, “ They’ve all been shot down,"' he afternoon. mental drug, tetrahydroaminoa- disease. the English Channel. His balloon caught fire and they said. THA cannot currently be said. Seas 3 to 5 feet through tonight. crine, or THA. had positive effects “ Hey, I hope it works,” she said FRONTS: crashed shortly after lift-off. N Variable cloudiness today. Clearing tonight. W arm -v^ Cold-v^ Sunny Saturday. DO YO U KNOW — What famous brothers flew their 'o ^ plane at Kitty Hawk? Occluded Stationary Mayor eyes alternative on water rates Showers Rain Flurries Snow THURSDAY’S ANSWER — Turkish is the official language Across the nation of Turkey. By Alex GIrelll Directors, which established the the lower end of the water consump­ relief under the Circuit Breaker NATIONAL FORECAST — Snow is forecast Saturday for the Pacific 11-21-86 ® Knowledge Unlimited. Inc, 1986 Associate Editor rates, town administrators sought tion scale, but raise them for larger system. Northwest with showers predicted for portions of Utah, Colorado, Arizona A winter storm moved along the northern to evaluate what the effect would be users. The study was sought originally Atlantic Coast today, spreading heavy snow by Weinberg as a means of easing A Newspaper in Education Program Mayor Barbara Weinberg wants if the minimum rate of 831.20 for up As an example, the report said and New Mexico. Showers are also predicted for the western and northern the burden on some senior citizens. 0 through the mountains and heavy rain from the Sponsored by the town administration to continue to 1,200 cubic feet of water per the bill for Manchester Memorial Gulf coast states. ' centrai New England Coast to New Jersey. The Manchester Herald its study of the water rate structure quarter were reduced. Hospital would go up about 840,000 a Republican Town Chairman Do­ As much as a foot of snow was expected over the with a view toward reducing costs Under one assumption in the year. nald Kuehl recently suggested northern New England mountains, with 10 inches to for needy elderly people who use report, the rates would have to be modifying the minimum charge less than the minimum amount of set at 82.18 per 100 cubic feet to A memorandum from Robert and the minimum amount of water 15 inches possible over the Adirondaks in upstate Huestis, the town budget and water for which they pay a fixed provide the revenue needed to run for which it is levied as a means of New York. Herald photo by Rocha research officer, said it will be charge. the water operation based on the saving water. If the amount and A winter storm warning was posted this morning Almanac difficult to determine how many of Weinberg said today she has in billing and consumption totals for cost were lower, he said, people across Maine's western mountains and central those paying the minimum rate are mind a system under which water fiscal 1985-86. might curtail use to stay at the highlands, northern parts of Vermont and New Mayor Barbara Weinberg indicates the height of a figure senior citizens. users could apply for relief from the The effect of such a change, minimum and avoid added V Hampshire, and northeast sections of New York Today is Friday. Nov. 21. the the world’s longest suspension, in a new nativity scene Thursday at the town garage on minimum water rates If they meet according to a report by Robert But Weinberg said today that charges. state. 325th day of 1986. There are 40 bridge — the Verrazano Narrows Charter Oak Street. The scene was bought for display in certain age and income Young, water and sewer depart­ information might be found by With a higher minimum charge Gaie warnings also were in effect for the Atlantic — opened, linking the New York days left in the year. the North End of town, but may end up at the Center this qualifications. ment superintendent, would be to cross-checking 0 voter lists or the and amount, there Is less incentive City boroughs of Brooklyn and Coast from northern New Jersey to northern New Today’s highlight in history: year. In a report to the Board of save money for many customers at lists of senior citizens who get tax to save, he said. England. On Nov. 21, 1922, Rebecca L. Staten Island. Heavier snowfali for the seven hours ending at 3 Felton of Georgia was sworn in In 1973, President Richard M. a.m. EST inciuded 6 inches at Montpelier, Vt.; 4 as the first woman to serve as a Nixon’s attorney, J. Fred Buz- SHOP BARL Y FOR inches at Augusta, Maine, and Lebanon, N.H.; and member of the U.S. Senate. Mrs. hardt, revealed the presence of First nativity scene 3 inches at Concord, N.H., and Burlington, Vt. Felton’s tenure lasted only a an 18‘/i!-minute gap in one of the BEST SElECTIONi Traveiers’ advisories were issued for southern day; she had been appointed to White House tape recordings New Hampshire, southern Maine and central parts serve out the remaining term of related to Watergate. of New York state, with forecasters predicting a the late Sen. Thomas E. Watson is brought to town mixture of freezing rain, sieet and snow. before his elected successor took' In 1979, a mob attacked the As much as 3 inches of snow was expected to office. U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, accumulate over north central and northwest On this date; Pakistan, setting the building on The smaller of the two nativity lenged in other communities and REGAL'S ENTIRE STOCK! Pennsylvania and northeast Ohio, prompting In 1789, North Carolina became fire. Two Americans were killed. scenes bought to replace scenes several seemingly conflicting court travelers’ advisories in those areas. the 12th state t(> ratify the U.S. In 1980, a fire at the MGM destroyed by a fire Oct. 17 arrived decisions have been handed down Constitution. Grand Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas in town Thursday. on the question. A number of cities posted record highs for In 1877, inventor Thomas A. claimed 87 lives. The scene is the one purchased W cin^rg has said the decision Thursday, including 88 at Fort Lauderdaie, Fla., Edison announced the invention for display in the North End, but it will have to be made by the breaking the previous record of 86; 82 in of his phonograph, which he Today’s birthdays: Baseball might be used in the center of town Manchester Board of Directors, but Apalachicola, Fla. (79) ; 63 in Ely, Nev. (62): 82 in dubbed a “ talking machine.” hall-of-famer Stan Musial is 66. this year if the second scene does she wants the Nativity Scene Galveston, Texas (80); 87 in Miami (85): 84 in New MORNING CLOUD COVER — Weather satellite photo taken at 2:30 a.m. In 1877. Vice President Garret Actress-singer Vivian Blaine is not arrive in time. Mayor Barbara Committee to make a Orleans (82); and 84 in Port Arthur, Texas (83). recommendation. shows a comma-shaped cloud mass over New England and a trailing band A. Hobart died in office in 65. Actor Laurence Luckinbill is Weinberg said today. Temperatures around the nation at 2 a.m. EST Most people invoved in replacing Paterson, N.J'. at the age of 55. 52. Actress Mario Thomas is 49. The figures for both displays of frontal clouds across Florida. High clouds stretch across the northern the scenes want the scene for the ranged from 11 degrees at Minneapolis to 76 at Key Ballet dancer Natalia Makarova were purchased through Melnick’s In 1942. the Alaska highway center of town put back In Center Plains and broken low clouds cover the northwest. West, Fla. is 46. Actress Juliet Mills is 45. Display and Decorations of East 2 across Canada was formally Hartford. Park. The one for the North End has Actress Goldie Hawn is 41. opened. Weinberg said the figures are always been in Robertson Park. Actress-singer Lorna Luft is 34. In 1964. what was at that time larger than the old ones that had A fund drive to pay for the been displayed in Robertson Park tableaux is in progress and by early o f f and the colors are softer and more this week. 81.300 had been col­ 20 ’^ ; pleasant than she expected. Some lected. The two scenes cost $13,500. PEOPLE On the Light Side members of the town’s Nativity Loans from the Savings Bank of Manchester and from Realtor 3 DAYS ONLY ^ Scene Coipmltteehad said a picture of the scene made the colors appear Daniel Reale will finance the Divine new roie "W e both like animals, we both Water connoisseurs are going with the pollution and garish. original purchase. r have horses and we’re both close everything, this was a way to go. No decision lias been made yet Contributions may be sent to to our families. I ’m not not an find a home at bar It’s pretty healthy stuff.” Manchester Nativity Scene, P.O. Actress and singer Bette about whether to place the down­ THURS.-FRI.-SAT. athlete like she is, but I ’ m Box 231, Manchester, Conn,, 06040. M idle^nd her newborn daugh­ BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) Most of the water will go for $1 town scene at Center Park, where it athletic.” had traditionally been before being Cannisters for contributions will ter are doing fine and should soon — People looking for the latest in a bottle or glass, but the more Swenson, a veterinary medi­ moved In recent years to the lawn of soon be placed in stores and be leaving the hospital, the star’s trendy drinks should check out exotic imports will go for $2 a cine student at Colorado State Center Congregational Church. envelopes for contributions will be NOV. 20 NOV. 21 NOV. 22 spokesman said. the Water Bar. serving. University at Fort Collins, said' Town Attorney John Cooney has put on bank counters. "The Divine Miss M” named It’s serving 51 varieties, from Mills’ favorite is an unassum­ she had reservations about the drafted an opinion on the question Weinberg said today that Park the girl Sophie, publicist Mark 20 countries, chilled in a 6-ounce ing little domestic from Arkan­ movie. But once it was clear a sas called Mountain Valley. of displaying the scenes on public Superintendent Robert Harrison Stern said Thursday from his bottle straight from the country will uncrate all the figures and movie was going to be made, she Bartender Richard Heriza, des­ property, but has not yet released New York office. “ The name is of origin, or sparkling in an check them for damage before they said, she wanted to take part. cribes it as “ clear and good,” it. He said today that it is being Sophie von Haselberg — sounds elegant black glass. reviewed by other attorneys in the are displayed. compared to the Soviet water, like royalty, doesn’t it?” But no ice, please. town attorney’s office and will not which he says is so full of Midler married Martin von All of them "We find that with most of be made public until after it has Haselberg, a performance artist these waters, the real subtleties minerals “ it tastes like you’re been delivered to Weinberg, who "lake a Look and commodities trader, in De­ Comedian Steve Martin mar­ get voided out when you start taking your vitamins.” requested it. cember 1984. The baby is the ried actress Victoria Tennant, loading it up with ice,” says 'TOe display of religious scenes on NOTHING HELD BACK! i couple’s first. his co-star in the movie “ All of Steve Mills, proprieter of the bar, public property has been chal- Morlaiiy Bros. Me,” in a private civil ceremony Midler, 40, delivered the 8- which opens this weekend as an Used Car Specials pound 11-ounce girl a week ago at in Rome, his publicist said. adjunct of a boutique that spe­ Lottery Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in "They’ve been seeing each cializes in sportswear and other for a long time, but I didn’t Los Angeles. accessories. Connecticut daily: Crash victim 83 Lincoln Mark VI V even know they were engaged,” “ A lot of the retail places have EVERY FAMOUS BRAND IN TOM SELLECK Tu-tont, Loaded *12,995 STOCK BETTE MIDLER said Martin spokesman Paul amenities, a bar or a coffee bar Thursday: 551 Tough choice . . . contract to end Bloch after the marriage Thurs­ still at M MH . . . doing fine or something,” Mills said Thurs­ Play Four: 9659 84 Lincoln T. Car day, the first for Martin and the day. "W e thought the way things o,,, *11,900 Tom Selleck is pondering his second for Tennant, who has no A Glastonbury woman involved W ARROW W HART, SCHAFFNER A MARX W LONDON FOG next step as his contract with children. in an automobile accident last week 83 Escort CBS expires and his "Magnum, and CBS can make,” said Ben Wagon, Low milea *4900 A little coaching Martin, 41. and Tennant, 28, was listed in satisfactory condition WVAN HEUSEN W YVES SAINT LAURENT P .I.” series ratings rebound, his Halpern, Universal vice presi­ W MEMBERS ONLY exchanged vows in the brief Manchester Herald today at Manchester Memorial 85 Dodge Van agent says. dent of publicity. K arl Swenson has been brief­ Auto, *7295 ceremony, Bloch said, adding Hospital. W PURITAN W CHRISTIAN DIOR WWOOLRICH Selleck’s seven-year contract ing actress Tracy Pollan, who is that they will live in Los Angeles. with CBS for the series expires in portraying the world class ath­ Mary Ripley, 59, was traveling 84 Buick Regal Hartman to co-pilot USPS 327-5(X) VOL. CVI, No. 45 2 Dr., T'Roof, Loaded. February, and “ Hawaii is a long lete in a television movie of her east in the left lane of East Middle Maroon *8795 W ENRO W BOTANY 500 W LEVIS FOR MEN Published dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rates are $1.50, way from many things that are Chuck Yeager, the first pitot to kidnapping in Montana. Lena, Tony team up Turnpike Nov. 10 when the accident and certain holidays by the Man­ weekly, 86.50 for one month, $10.25' 83 Chrysler important in Tom ’s life,” said break the sound barrier, is taking Swenson, 25, was kidnapped chester Publishing Co., ISBralnard (or three months, $36.50 (or six occurred, police said. According to W CAREER CLUB W HAGGAR SLACKS W DAMON 9 Esme Chandlee, Selleck’s agent. television host David Hartman two years ago by self-proclaimed Lena Horne and Tony Bennett Race, Manchester, Conn. 06040. months and $77.00 (or one year. the police report, Ripley’s car jM.wYork« ,8290 teamed up in a tribute to the late "T o m is not a greedy man and along on a cross-country celebra­ mountainmen Don Nichols, 53, Second class postage paid at Man­ Mall rates are available on request. crossed over the center line and W MUNSINGW EAR W LEVI SLACKS tion flight next month. composer Harold Arlen pres­ chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: W DUOFOLD the decision to stay or leave is not and his son Dan, 19, near Sand address changes to the Man­ struck a van, which was entering 85 Marquit Bro. ia a o b ented by the American Society of Loaded. 3 to choose w 0 9 9 only a financial matter." Yeager will leave Edwards Air Bozeman while she was on a chester Herald, P.O. Box 501, Man­ To place a classified or display the westbound lane of East Middle Composers, Authors & advertisement, or to report a news WJANTZEN W SANSABELT The Hawaii-based detective Force Base in California in a training run. The Olympic biath­ chester, Conn. 06040. Turnpike from New Bolton Road. W HANES Publishers. Item, story or picture Idea, call 643- 85 Lynx 4-dr. series suffered in ratings when Piper Cheyenne 400 LS and lon hopeful was shot through a 2711. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 Xuto. PS. AC, The impact drove Ripley’s car 3 to chooao opposite the "Cosby Show,” but attempt to make it to Kitty Hawk lung. Thursday’s tribute to the com­ If you don’t receive your Herald p.m. Monday through Friday. *5295 W PENDLETON W FLORSHEIM SHOES WJOCKEY has improved in a new time slot, in about 4‘/^ hours, said Gene She made a comeback to win a poser, who died April 23 at age 81, by 5:00 p.m. weekdays or 7:30 a.m. backwards and sent it into a spin, was at Broadway’s Majestic Saturday, pleaae telephone your police said. Ripley was thrown 83 Buick Regal j Officials at Universal Studios O’Bleness of the First Flight North American championship Whila. Auto, 4 Dr. *6395 Theater. Home and Bennett sang carrier. I( you're unable to reach The Manchester Herald Is a mem­ from her car into the middle of the said they are pleased about the Society, which celebrates its 50th in the biathlon, a competition of your carrier, call subscriber service ber of the Associated Press and a series’ improved ratings, but anniversary on Dec. 17. skiing and shooting. a medley of 23 of his songs. at 647-0046 by 5:30 p.m. weekdays member of the Audit Bureau of Cir­ eastbound lane. The van, operated 84 Topaz by John C. Ayers Jr., 43, of Brown, 5 8pd., 4 Or. *4995 can’t provide any news about its Hartman, co-host of ABC-TV’s "She answered all my ques­ Hoirne brought the house down (or delivery In Manchester. culations. “ Good Morning America,” is to with her spunky first line of Marlborough, came to a rest on the A future. tions about the ordeal and I felt I 82 Mark VII Is INCLUDING 4 Dr., Tu-tone *9895 "It’s a decision only Selleck be the co-pilot. got to know her,” Pollan said. “ That Old Black Magic.” lawn of 15 Lake St. Ayers, who told police he was 84 Mazda SE-5 8 At least that’s what classmates cratic Chairman Timothy J. Moyni­ . leave party politics had been a people: Mauro and West Hartford build roads and extend utility lines town to help it finance the public -tell her back home in Simsbury, han is resigning to become presi­ difficult one because ” I enjoyed it Town Chairman John F. Droney Jr. in northwestern Manchester so that improvements, some of which were :Conn., Susie said Thursday before dent of the Greater Hartford thoroughly.” He refused to rule out Droney, however, could not make it a shopping mall can be built has required by the State Traffic 'accepting the award from the Chamber of Commerce and New a return to politics in the future. a full-time job and had thrown his been postponed until December, Commission. Homart and town ' National Easter Seal Society meet- Haven Democratic Chairman Vin­ The switch, effective Dec. 1, had support to Mauro, O’Neill said. Town Manager Robert Weiss said officials have said the cost of the -ing in Mobile, Ala. cent E. Maurb is expected to been expected for the past week. Mauro, New Haven chairman this morning. improvements would be too much She was bom with spina bifida succeed Moynihan. Moynihan acknowledged that his since 1980, said he was “ absolutely The town Board of Directors was for the company to bear all at once ‘ which left her paralyzeid from the Moynihan has been state chair­ new salary will be more than elated that the governor has given scheduled to consider the tax- because the site of the planned ^shoulders down, except for limited man for almost two years. $100,000. One report this week put me this opportunity." He said he increment financing plan Tuesday, shopping mall is hilly and rocky and -use of her arms and hands. And she Ninety minutes after Moynihan the salary at $150,000. For the past would quit his job as chief deputy but delayed action until the Eco­ will cost an inordinate amount to "uses them to the fullest in express­ formally announced his job change. 22 years, Moynihan has worked as a sheriff in New Haven County. nomic Development Commission develop. ing her enthusiasm forextracurric- Gov. William A. O’Neill, titular vice president of J. Watson Beach He said he had met with O’Neill meets and decides whether to give .ula activities, including Girl head of the state Democratic Party, Real Estate in West Hartford. last week to discuss the possibility However, at a public hearing it final approval. Scouts, karate class, and church said Mauro was his choice for O’Neill called Moynihan “ one of of his taking over if Moynihan The EDC was supposed to meet earlier this month, a number of ^cholr. Moynihan’s successor. the outstanding leaders of this stepped down. Manchester residents criticized the this morning, but canceled its I Susie was wearing her karate That choice will have to be state.” J O’Neill said he had told U.S. Rep. session because the Captiol Region financing plan. They argued that attire, complete with headband, ratified by the 72-member Demo­ The governor, who had installed Bruce A. Morrison, D-3rd District, N Council of Governments — whose Homart, a subsidiary of Sears, Iwhen she accepted the national title cratic State Ceentral Committee, Moynihan after the December 1984 about his choice of Mauro, but had approval is needed before the EDC Roebuck and Co., is wealthy enough ;for 1987. which meets in mid-December. resignation of James M. Fitzgb- been unable to rreach U.S. Sen. can act on the plan — did not hold a to pay for the improvements by She’s also learning to speak Party Vice Chairwoman Arlene M. rald, praised Moynihan for moder­ Christopher J. Dodd or the other Thursday meeting at which the itself. .Spanish “ a poco” (a little). Bidwell will serve as acting chair­ nizing the party structure, specifi­ two Democrats in Connecticut’s plan was to have been considered. Homart’s plans call for the Mall , She has become experienced with woman Until the committee acts on cally overseeing the party’s congressional delegation. Mary Ellen Kowalewksi, director at Buckland Hills and related interviews as a state poster child in Mauro. The committee tradition­ agressive use of computers. Moynihan said he had no short- or development to occupy a 193-acre long-range plans for his new job. of community development for Connecticut, but still calls on her AP photo ally accedes to the wishes of the “ My first choice would still be CRCOG, said today the group has site north of Interstate 84 between ‘ 13-year-old sister, Katie, for help in governor. Timmy, if he had not gotten this “ I ’ m very familiar with parts of decided to meet Tuesday. Under Buckland and Slater streets. Build­ .dealing with reporters. Timothy Moynihan of East Hartford speaks at a news Moynihan’s acceptance of the golden opportunity.” the governor the chamber, but I ’m very unfamil­ state law, it must verify that the ing plans show that the enclosed new post, effective Dec. 1, also said. iar with others,” he said. “ The 0 “ I prefer the photo sessions,” conference in Hartford Thursday after he was named the proposed Mall at Buckland Hills is shopping center would contain ‘said Susie, a fourth-grader at means he will resign his seat as a O’Neill said Mauro had agreed to major focus I should have is to in accordance with the master 785,000 square feet of space. Tootin’ Hills Elementary School. new head of the Greater Hartford Chamber of state representative from East serve in the $40,000-a-year job make all the different levels of the Hardd* photo by Tucker regional development plan before Among the tenants that have Hartford, a job he has had for 12 full-time, although he will stay on greater Hartford community work Her parents and grandparents Commerce. Moynihan has, resigned his post as municipal action can be taken. committed to puttting stores in the years. He was elected without as New Haven town chairman well together. That’s something I accompanied her to Mobile. Democratic Party state chairman to take the position with Middle School Thursday. Her visit was part of the Manchester Planning Director mall are Sears, D&L, Steiger’s, G. opposition to a seventh term earlier through the 1987 municipal think I've been able to do in my Lonise Bias, whose son, Len Bias, died after using Fox and Sage-Alien. The mall itself the chamber. political life.” school’s campaign against drug abuse. ' Mark Pellegrini said this morning Sandy Perkins, a spokeswoman this month. O'Neill has set a special elections. cocaine, talks to about 800 students at the East Hartford that the EDC will probably not meet would occupy 64 acres and would be • for the National Easter Seal So- until after Thanksgiving, and Weiss surrounded by office, retail and ‘ ciety, said Susie has received said the town directors will proba­ industrial buildings. rehabilitation therapy at the Hart- V bly take up the matter Dec. 2. The town administration has ‘ ford Easter Seal Rehabilitation House, Senate Democrats pick new panel heads Love fights drugs, Bias teiis students Under the tax-increment plan, strongly supported the tax- . Center and participates in camping the town would issue up to $13 increment financing plan, arguing • sessions at the society’s Hemlocks million in bonds to pay for road that without it, the mall would not Outdoor Education Center in He- Polinsky of Waterford and Sen. elect Marie Herbst of Vernon. • Planning and Development: improvements and utility exten­ be built in Manchester. Officials HARTFORD (A P) - State House berg of New Haven, and Senate Continued from page 1 Somers State Prison will talk to me to embrace her,” Bias said. said she bought it because “ it will . bron. Conn. Joseph H. Harper Jr. of New • Government Administration Rep. Richard Blumenthal of Stam­ sions in the Buckland area. Real have said the shopping center and and Senate Democratic leaders on President Pro Tempore-elect John students about drugs, alcohol and Such displays help students love help the school.” She has taken karate lessons for Thursday completed their assign­ B. Larson of East Hartford. Britain. and Elections: Rep. Martin M. ford and Sen. Frank D. Barrows of In the halls, colored posters on estate taxes collected from the mall related development will greatly related crimes. themselves and keep them off Sandy Brescia, an eighth-grader, .several years and is the proud ments of committee chairmanships Stolberg and Larson also an­ • Judiciary: Rep. Richard D. Looney of New Haven, and Sen.- Hartford. the tiled walls carried messages and surrounding development expand the town’s tax base and drugs, she said. said drugs should be stopped, owner of an orange belt classifica­ for the 1987-88 General Assembly. nounced the creation of a new Tulisano of Wethersfield, and Sen. elect James H. Maloney of • Insurance: Rep. Gabriel J. like “ Don’t be a bug, stay off Speaking passionately to the would then be put into a special fund provide for more jobs. "W e have a responsibility to adding that she understood the talk. tion, said Ms. Perkins. Because Democrats now control special committee on housing, an Anthony V. Avallone of New Haven. Danbury. Biafore of Bridgeport and Sen.- drugs,” and “ Drugs can hurt you, half-filled auditorium. Bias chose draw the line and to say no,” she When she’s at home, Susie plays both legislative chambers, all area that previously was covered • Education: Rep. Naomi L. • Energy and Public Utilities: elect Mark H. Powers of Niantic. please say no.” her words carefully, frequently “ Parents pressure kids ...” she said, her voice rising and falling as piano while her sister, Katie, plays chairmen are from that party, with by the Planning and Development Cohen of Bloomfield, andSen.-elect Rep. Raymond M.H. Joyce of New • Environment: Rep. Mary M. Paula Erickson, an English reminding the students that they said. “ It shouldn’t be that way.” she spoke. “ We have got to get into flute and her mother, Louise, the exception of three committees Committee. Kevin Sullivan of West Hartford. Britain and Sen.-elect Gary Hale of Mushinsky of Wallingford and teacher at the school and the are the nation’s hope. “ I realized that drugs aren’t that Police officers get Sen.-elect Michael Meotti of them.” accompanies them on the piano and that have a chairman from each The chairmanships: • Transportation: Rep. Moira K. Ansonia. Student Senate adviser, coordi­ “ I have spoken to so many kids good for you,” said eighth-grader guitar. party. Program Review and Inves­ • Finance, Revenue and Bond­ Lyons of Stamford and Sen.-elect • General Law: Rep. John Glastonbury nated Bias’ visit. She said the whose parents don’t even know they Many students take drugs not Jason Arnold, who said he knew and Susie said when she becomes an tigations, Regulations Review, and ing: Rep. Ronald L. Smoko of Howard T. Owens of Bridgeport. Wayne Fox of Stamford, and -• Banks: Rep. Thomas D. Ritter lecture was part of an anti-drug use drugs,” she said. ” ... The because of peer pressure, but admired Len Bias. Arnold, who said of Hartford and Sen. Steven C. adult, she hopes to “ write songs, Legislative Interns. Hamden and Sen. William A. • Public Safety: Rep. Lawrence Sen.-elect Thomas Sullivan of program that had been going on at children have to be taught, parents because “ they just cannot cope — he played on the school’s basketball chance to exercise Casey of Bristol. own an organization and work for Appointments were made by DiBella of Hartford. Anastasia of Norwalk and Sen.- Guilford. the school since classes started in — they are the future.” period,” Bias said. team but didn’t start, said he had seen the Maryland Ail American the Red Cross.” House Speaker-elect Irving J. Stol- • Appropriations: Rep. Janet the fall. “ We wanted to pick a She used her own children as In spite of the reception they By Jacqueline Bennett the consultant determined that theme for the year that we could examples. provided, some students indicated play. Herald Correspondent some officers needed to lose weight HAPPY. THANKSQIVINQ For s succewful Thankiglwlng ■ ilncsr* •ppracistlon devote our efforts to,” Erickson Her 18-year-old daughter, a high they weren’t sure who Len Bias Arnold had difficulty understand­ and strengthen their hearts through ^ lor all wa hava— a moat happy gat togalhar with llowera & explained. school graduate currently working really was. ing the star’s death. “ I guess he was COVENTRY — Police Chief regular exercise. Each month, the school has a two jobs, helped prove that children One was a girl in the back of the happy about life so he took an Frank Trzaskos wants his officers Since police work is largely Gas prices down from last year auditorium wearing a T-Shirt that overdose of cocaine and died, he different activity planned. In Janu­ love to be hugged, she said. to shape up. And to make sure they sedentary with spurts of high "She requires me and demands of read “ Say No To Drugs.” The girl said. ary, she said, prisoners from do, he’s planning a fitness program physical and emotional stress, HARTFORD (AP) — The price of gasoline price and availability per gallon: and premium unleaded for them. Barney recommended 30-minute gasoline in Connecticut is down survey released Thursday", the gasoline is $117.7 per gallon. “ We wanted something they workouts on a “ lifecycle.” The from last year, according to a followiing average gasoline prices AAA’s survey said that while a 2 would do all year, in all weather,” equipment is easy to use and is a survey by the Hartford branch of were reported in Connecticut: few gasoline outlets will be operat­ W o S la n A good option for the department ing on Thanksgiving Day, the tea Woodland 8 t. 643-8474^ MACC pulls back from ‘hands’ effort Trzaskos said at a meeting of the th0 AAA regular gasoline is 90 cents per Town Council Monday night during because of restraints on money, In the AA A ’s 1986 Thanksgiving gallon; unleaded gasoline is $1.04 majority of outlets will be closed. 8 am • 6 p ir dally which the council authorized him to space and training time, he said. cut Coalition for the Homeless was percent of incoming money has spend a $1,300 surplus in the police Trzaskos said the program will SPECIAL n?l«d®Slors Bv Andrew Yurkovskv according to Nancy Carr, MACC’s MO i^lx6u colors gone to help the homeless. Recip­ budget to purchase a computerized be optional and will be scheduled at Herald Reporter executive director. MACC has unavailable for comment. C U T F L O W E R S 3 bunches - $10.95 informed Hands Across New Eng­ MACC has not received any ients include Meals-on-Wheels in stationary bicycle for the the end of the workday. He said department. Barney will return to give training e p e e i J d | T The Manchester Area Confer­ land that it no longer wants to be money from Hands Across New Darien and Stamford and Commun­ FESTIVAL CALENDAR ity Action for Greater Middletown, The bike will fulfill a 1986-87 sessions on use of the equipment to ence of Churches, citing a dispute associated with the fund drive •England, Carr said. But she noted he said. The soliciting for Hands contract agreement calling for the eliminate the town’s liability in over how money is being raised and because of rtiisgivings about the that the way in which the money Across New England is being town to provide exercise equipment case of injury. is to be distributed, has cut Its ties to group’s activities, Carr said. was to be distributed had never THE MANCHESTER performed by Entertainment Pro­ for the nine full-time police officers, Trzaskos said he would like the CHRYSANIIIEMUMS a Storrs group raising funds for The decision to cut ties to Hands been worked out in detail, so MACC RCADR/CE# wasn’t sure how much it should ductions in New Haven, he said. Trzaskos said. He said he decided to use of the cycle opened up to all homeless people. Across New England was made by initiate a fitness program last year town employees. This summer MACC agreed to MACC's board of directors after the have gotten. “ I ’m a legal, bona fide organiza­ The 1986 Road Race Festival celebrates the fiftieth running of the Manchester Road Connecticut Coalition for the Home­ George Thornton, president of tion,” Thornton said. “ I have all my after an officer had a heart attack Council member Patrick Fla­ Race. It Is co-sponsored by the Race Committee and the Town of Manchester and will ^souMYiairre- lend Its name to the fund-raising Potted r^oTTRaniMglvIng Giving and had to leave the force. herty said he was all for healthy efforts .of Hands Across New less questioned the way the group Hands Across New England, said forms in place. I have all my be held from ^turday, November 22, through Saturday November 29. All proceeds Dried Arrangements, Decorated — perfect hostess gilts— Harry Barney of University employees, but asked Trzaskos to England, with the understanding was raising money and what Thursday he has complied with documents in place ... If other people have complaints, they can Associates was called in to do a expand his program to provide from the festival will go to aid research in muscular dystrophy. Rustic Logs and Pota, Balaam Chrysaatkamams...... 6.95 and 8.95 that money solicited in the Man­ percentage would actually reach MACC's request that its name not “ body composition profile” on all incentives to officers to stop smok­ Wraaths-framas Cone Wreathe, Raigar Bagonlas (large)...... 7.95 chester area would help pay for those for whom it is intended, she be used. either call me or the Department of The Road Race Committee acknowledges the generous financial help of the following Consumer Protection.” officers, Trzaskos said. As a result. ing, as some do towns now do. providing food and shelter locally. said. A spokesman for the Connecti­ He said that so far about 30 companies that have made the Festival possible: Pratt & Whitney, United Technolo­ Balaam Qraana, Artificial Christmas Cacti (3 " pot)...... 1.99 gies Corporation; The Hartford Courant; The Savings Bank of Manchester; J.D. Real Wreaths. Christmas Peppers (large pot)...... 3.99 Estate Company; and Lynch Toyota-Pontlac. Also: Large Beleetlon el Bird Fsedera, Garden Books B Statuary Cydamaa...... 9.95 Coventry Democrats choose Fowler, get election scolding Violets (2" pot) 1.39...... (4 " pot) 3.45 KEEP FEEDING THE BIRDS Kaleiiehoa (4 " pot)...... 3.1 said that question is obviously said this morning. Bluo 8aal Bird Saod Aite: aunSeswr, Garbaras (6 " pot)...... 4.97 The March 5 special election will vacancy or conduct business. town committee that she wasn’t Bv Jacqueline Bennett “ moot” because the Republican Fowler said she felt compelled to EVENTS .28 lbs...... ------6". 'misBa, MIM, decide who is to hold the Town After appointing Fowler, Hodge impressed with the 57 percent voter Polatsettlas...... 5.95 Herald Correspondent selection caucus is scheduled for accept the nomination. 80 lba..~...... 1V* Crecked Cccn. ale. Council seat currently occupied by used the same procedure to appoint turnout in town Nov. 4 and said she Saturday, Novambar 22 tonight. “ lliere was a vacancy on the Democrat Rose Fowler. Fowler Democrat Elizabeth Paterson to wanted a better response in March. COVENTRY — Gearing up for a Fowler was endorsed by the town council,” she said Tuesday. “ I saw • Sporta and Fitness Expo 11am-3pm, Manchester High School, Cafeteria and Gymnasium, was appointed to the council in the council. The last vacancy was “ I want a bang up-job,” she said. special election In March, the committee ’Tuesday and again at a the town had a need. Who’d have No charge for edmltelon. All Information; Joan Schwarz, Telephone 643-4096. August by Town Manager Harold filled by Republican Thomas She also said the election proba.- chairwoman of the Democratic caucus of registered Coventry ever thought it would come to this... Hodge, who under advice from Sparkman, who was seated by a bly should not be held at all because a Turkey, Goose end Pig Bell 7pm, Menchaeter Community College, Cocktails, Buffet Dinner, GARDENS Town Committee scolded town Democrats ’Thursday to be the it feels like no choice.” Town Attorney Abbot Schwebel council vote. Fowler’s seat, vacated by a Demo­ Dancing, Black Tie, Tickets $50.00 per peraon. All Information: Anita Murphy, 131 Lakewood party members this week for what Democratic nominee In the special But Fowler said that she was exercised executive authority to fill Shortly thereafter, a Coventry crat, should belong to a Democrat. Circle North, Menchaeter, Telephone 647-1306, Tickets: Denise PrIndIvllle, 310 TImrod she said was a poor effort in the election. Fowler was chosen un­ determined to carry through on-her a vacancy that had existed for more resident filed a petition for a special Walsh has asked the attorney for Road, Menchaeter, Telephone 640-0026. recent state election. election to fill those seats, charging the Democratic State Central Com­ animously at the caucus. Town commitment to her party and the “ My sense Is that the Democrats than 30 days — a procedure that that the procedures used to restore mittee to investigate the matter, Council Chairwoman Joan Lewis council. won on Nov. 4 in spite of Coventry,” touched off a controversy. Monday, Novambar 24 y V o m i a m i the council to Its full strength were she said. Democratic Town Chairwoman De­ She will be the party’s candidate illegal. However, Schwebel ruled borah Walsh told the 16 committee in the special election. e Manchester Symphony Orchestra end Chorale 6pm, Manchester High School, Bradley that the election would apply only to WALSH ALSO CONTACTED Re­ BUY NOW & SAVEI members who got together Tues- Auditorium, Tickets l&OO, Senior Citizens $4.00, at door. Children under 16, no charge. All SAVE FOR SPRING Fowler’s seat because she was the publican Town Committee Chair­ te y at the Town Office Building. ” I HODGE TOOK the action after Information; Mike Pareons, Telephone 640-2766. only member appointed when the man Gregg Batterson to ask that FINAL CLEARANCE- in v e a total terror that on March 5 three resignations this summer left council lacked a quorum. the GOP leave the seat uncontested are going to sleep and be the seven-member council without Tuesday night. Walsh told the by not putting up a candidate. She Embarrassed.” a quorum and unable to fill the 1986 NISSAN TRUCKS Wadnaoday, Novambar 26 G E T TH E GreenPra. e Fashion Show and Luncheon "Off and Running" Noon-2pm, Manchester Country Club, 9 Presented by Sage-Alien and Sally Middleton, Tickets $10.00, For Information and tickets; Parkade sale Bev Malone, Telephone 649-6716. POWER The guaranteed Feeds,greens ‘99%’ ready Thanksgiving, November 27 %* I and thickens atternative to. a Manchester Road Race 10am. St. James Church on Main Street, Entry Fee $6.00 before your law n ! The sale of the Manchester November 14, and $8.00 thereafter. All Information: Telephone 643-1096. DON’T MISS Green Power’ *s Parkade is “ 99 percent” complete special lime* chemical spraying and could be finalized within the release nitrogen next couple of days, a source close formula keeps to the buyer said Thursday. THE MANCHESTER HERALD’S feeding, thick­ * A.P.R. Friday, Novambar 28 ening and GreenPro Prolessional Lawn The source, who asked that his a RuddeltMl Auditorium,AUdltonum, Mincnwior Menchaeter rvtemonw Memorial Hospitalnoipuai 12 id noon,niTun, "Cheney \-niwnoy Brothers was»»»» the greening your Service Products are what the pro's name not be used, confirmed that use Vou'll get a greener, thicker, ", An audio-visual prseenatlon of life end labor In early 20th Century South Manchester lawn week after Cutter Operating Corp., the Par- ALL IN STOCK UNITS! World" weed-tree lawn all season long. kade’s landlord, would sell the HOLIDAY EDITIONI b y Jo hin n lF. ------Sutherland, Profeeeor------of History------at Menchaeter Community - , College and Director. Usually at one-half the price ol s .^.^.^s All Saib%ll^ DmlmtlnnA NlSnChOStOr shopping center to a partnership InatKuts of Local History, All Information: Andrew Beck, Public Relations, chemical spraying. Four special, professional led by New York developer Amran Memorial Hospital 647-4751. Thursday, Nov. 27, 1986 Cnbpma Fravemer formulas. Four easy applications. Oron. Oron is purchasing the side of Crmt Fas# i*« «^Grm$Fas6»»i Blood Bank. St. Mar/e Church 1:30pm-6pm. Perk Street. Manchester. Neill Auditorium \ * 3 ^---''Reg. Ml" taM M M sei And GreenPro products are the Parkade where the Sears store Drop-ina welcome. Appointments preferred. All Information: Rod Cross, Manchester Me" Nmi Shmsm guaranteed to perform better than 6 is located. chemical spra^ng or mail proof of Start the Holiday Season with this special Thanksgiving 643-5111. Greenvfeiu. *28" Although he declined to comment kMpa lawns Irasnsr, Uiiektr,WMd*lrss~.lan8sf. purchase to Greenvrew and they on details, the source said the deal Sportemen'a Thanksgiving Service 6:00pm, St. Mary's Church, Park Street, Manchester. All A will send you your money back. edition of the Manchester Herald. It will feature timely 'U p to 36 Months with 20% Down Payment to Qualified could be completed within hours or No questions asked. Buyers. Dealer Particpatlon May Affect Price. Information: Mary Wlllhide, 647-0550 might take a couple of days. He said stories, holiday events and a shopping guide for all Hal Roach Show 8K)0pm, Manchester High School, Bailey Auditorium. Tickets $12 at Ray some problems still had to be OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 29,1866 New Package! ISS*' Beller's Music Store, 50 Purnell Place, Mancheotor. All Information: P. J. Tierney, Telephone MOtmmAO worked out before the transaction yuletide giftgiving. Lawn Food would become definite. 043-2597. CranFsaduii FM Gnat feed one' and it Cutter officials have not returned • Low cost, quick action ikntwtiM phone calls from reporters. Reserve your advertising space now! fertilizer One Parkade merchant told the • Ideal 20-3-3 formula costs less. Herald Thursday morning about Deadline: November 21 History of the road race, written by Amby Burfoot, will be available at race time. Pratt & • Most economic way to DE CORMIER Whitney Is underwriting the cost of the book and all profits will go to aid the shelter for feed a lawn for tost WOODLAND GARDENS the sale, ending months of rumors MOTOR SALES, INC. that the Parkade was on the Call 643-2711 homelets people operated by the Manchester Area Council of Churches. greening 68 Woodland Street market. The merchant at the Manchester Herald Display Advertising 285 BROAD Si MANCHESTER • Use Anytime of year Manchester, C T popular shopping center off Middle 643-4165 (EXIT 60 OFF Eamon Flanagan, Festival Co-ordinator 5,000 sq. ft , 16 lbs,, Turnpike said that Oron had #32005 643-8474 revealed plans to turn the Sears side of the Parkade into an enclosed IV n S S A A l shopping mall. ) MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 21. 1986 - 7 ■ — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 21. 1986 Connecticut In B r ie f New tax code may OPINION Ruling could free Fargo defendants HARTFORD — A federal appeals court has ruled that lengthy lower utility bills delays are unconstititional and bail should be set for two of the defendants in the Wells Fargo robbery case. Standards The decision by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New By Dean GolembeskI BUT KOSS AND the others noted York Thursday, said that waiting in jail for 18 months to be tried The Associated Press that gains under the lessened tax Jack wouid be unconstitutional. rate will be partially offset by The court put much of the blame on the federal government and HARTFORD — The state’s utility changes in depreciation tables and companies stand to pay smaller prosecutors for failure to speed up the process. the loss of the 10 percent investment board might Anderson federal tax bills under the nation’s U.S. Attorney Stanley A. Twardy Jr. said he was certain the tax credit. new tax code, and consumers could Mike Gomez, a SNET spokes­ government would “ seek an appropriate review,” which could be the ultimate beneficiaries, a man, said the loss of the investment involve asking the U.S. Supreme Court to dealy the appeals court state official says. tax credit this year would add $22 help schools ruling while a formal appeal is filed. But spokesmen for the state’s million to his company’s tax bill. He Twardy said it appears that the decision could allow the other leading utility companies, agreeing lamented the loss of the credit, seven defendants in the 1983 robbery of $7 million from the West the reduction in the federal corpo­ saying it “ encouraged all busi­ Hartford depot of Wells Fargo to seek bail. The idea of creating a state standards board rate tax rate will result in some nesses to expand and be benefits, said the overall impact productive.” for the teaching profession is probably worth Gold hunters C H F A offers low-interest mortgages can’t accurately be gauged because Koss, on the other hand, said the pursuing. the new law increases some costs of elmination of the investment tax Although new layers of government are HARTFO»lD - The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority doing business. credit shouldn’t have a major will offer $70 million in low-interest mortgages beginning next Gene Koss at the state Consumer impact because most of the state’s generally to be shunned, this one might may really be Counsel’s office in New Britain utility companies aren’t involved in month. Gov. William A. O’Neill said. actually merit the risk. Fifteen states have “ These funds should support up to 1,000 home mortgages believes Northeast Utilities, the any major construction projects. named such boards with good results so far, targeted for first-time homebuyers,” O’Neill said at a news Southern New England Telecom­ “ The tax code is saying you’re not according to Mary F'utrell, president of the munications Corp. and United going to use the tax code as a means N conference in his office Thursday. close to find Illuminating Co. all will fare well for capital formation,” he said. Calling it “ the most affordable financing we have been able to National Education Association. under the new tax code. Speaking for the world’s largest teachers’ offer in some time,” O’Neill said the mortgages would be offered Koss believes SNET and other The Department of Public Utility telephone companies are the clear at 7.875 percent, about 2 points below the current average Control will conduct hearings next federation at a session in Hartford this week, WASHINGTON — It sounds like the plot of a winners under the new tax law. He 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage. month to examine the effect of the Futrell argued that a standards board in paperback thriller: An American entrepreneur The mortgages will be financed through the sale of bonds by said phone companies won short the new tax code on utility compan­ depreciation lives for their elec­ Connecticut could help produce “ tough, excavates an underwater coral reef in search of trhe CHFA. ies and determine whether the gold buried by the Japanese more than 40 years He said $15 million of the total would be set aside for new-home tronic equipment, and in compari­ rigorous and enforceable’’ guidelines for both benefits should be passed on to son “ the electrics tended to get construction. novice teachers and veteran instructors. “Hello, room service? How about sending up some caviar, a couple of ago, while rival treasure seekers lurk nearby, consumers in the form of lower gored.” 0 CHFA Executive Director Orest'T. Dubno said the mortgages rates. The various companies have Given the problems in our schools, few trying to sabotage the operation with various acts bottles of champagne and two dozen F-16 automatic flight moduiators.” of skulduggery. would be “ growing equity fixed mortgages,” under which the already started submitting testim­ But Gomez said in addition to the would question the need for such standards. It’s actually happening, though. With the interest rate is fixed but the monthly payment Increases every ony to the DPUC. loss this year, SNET will see its tax bill increase another $25 million in But determining how they should read is a far .blessings of Philippines President Corazon Aquino, two years by 65 cents for every $1,000 borrowed. The loans are 1987. In 1988, SNET will come out more complicated question, and there are American engineer A1 Meyers is drilling into a thus paid off in 17 years. "IT BECAME apparent to some that there were going to be some about $3 million ahead, he ssaid. AP photo many others as well that would be answered coral reef in Calatagan Bay. It is believed to be the winners here,” Koss said. better with the input of such a panel. burial site of millions of dollars’ worth of gold Yale sets up center to^tudy pain Northeast Utilities will benefit KOSS BELIEVES United Illumi­ Open Forum bullion hidden by Japanese Gen. Tomoyuki Winter coat Should teachers now in the classroom be NEW HAVEN — A Center for Pain Management has been because it has already completed nating will do well under the law, Yamashita, the “ Tiger of Malaya” and proconsul its nuclear power plants, with the despite Seabrook, because the V tested? Should some kind of merit pay plan be established at Yaie-New Haven Hospital by the Yale School of A coating of snow and ice from this week’s storms nuclear project “ for tax purposes is of the Philippines during World War II. Medicine, the school announced. exception of a small share in the transforms the wooden totem pole at the public library in pursued? If so, how? And how should the Seabrook nuclear power plant in essentially completed.” ented the finest group of people in for a Soviet spy, and our Unlike previous gold seekers — many of whom “ If we can manage pain effectively in the early stages, then program s instituted under last y e a r ’s New Hampshire. Koss said both UI and NU will pay Groton into a perfect model for ’’Old Man Winter.” Boy we're happy the state. white-hatted representatives, as were nothing more than con artists who fleeced fewer patients will suffer from chronic pain problems” said Dr. Education Enhancement Act be fine-tuned to gullible Investors with bogus maps and glib NU will pay about $15 million less slightly higher taxes because the I was also able to experience befits compassionate politicians, Josef K. Wang, a professor of anesthesiology and the center’s period for depreciating some prop­ ensurethat quality comes along with In Eighth District promises — Meyers has an eyewitness who claims in taxes in 1988, the first year the being a part of the first went along merrily. director. erty was lengthened under the new to have seen the gold bars burled in Calatagan Bay. new federal tax code takes full increased salaries? Republican-led General Assem­ Now, the purrs of contentment “ An aggressive approach, which combines physical therapy, effect, NU spokesman Jeff Kotkin code. “ Our eyewitness was a Japanese general’s exercise, regional pain control and medications, will help people DON’T MISS i m Those are just a few things that are still the To the Editor: bly in ten years. We enacted have given way to croaks and said this week. For instance, nuclear power (Filipino) houseboy, who was about 17 in World who have developed such problems as shingles or low-back or subject of debate. One way or another, all will historic and landmark legislation howls of studied indignation. In 1987, a transition year in which plants will have to be depreciated 80 DEALER ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE to be held this War II,” one of the expedition leaders recounted. neck injuries,” he said in Wednesday’s announcement. over a 15-year life compared to the be answered in the next few years, and cogent Boy are we happy in the Eighth in the areas of tax cuts and ■ Why? some tax changes take effect, NU Could it be that the croakers “ He told us the Japanese had used a donkey engine The center will help people who suffer from many types of pain will pay an additional $8 million in current 10 years. Also, hydro­ SUNDAY at the Aqua Turf Country Club in Plantsville, suggestions will only mean better results. District. A win of 10 votes would Insurance, and welfare and education reforms, along with and howlers value the life an set up on a platform on stilts on top of the reef, that may originate in muscles, joints or cancers, be from taxes as it adapts its accounting electric plants will have a 20-year Conn. (Southington). Just 40 minutes down route 84 you can have seemed like a miracle but life compared to the current 15 If a state standards panel is to be created, many other programs designed to freedom of Mr. Daniloff more along with an endless cable and a big ‘drop bucket’ headaches or follow surgery, nerve injury, amputation or spinal practices to the new law, Kotkin see over 80 exhibitors from over 5 states. Just to see the Aqua the win of 2.510 votes left us said. years, he said. however, it must be done carefully. benefit every sector of our than those of the American held to gouge out a slot from the reef. He further told us cord injury. Turf Country Club, so well known for their outstanding humble and very grateful that so that they backfilled the hole with the broken coral At United Illuminating Co., spo­ Koss still finds the extended life Predictably, Futrell told representatives of society. captive by deranged Moslems? unacceptable, though, saying an facilities, is an experience in itself. The antique show will have many people took time to get all and many bargeloads of fill material from the main Four prisoners flee courthouse kesman Jack Dolan said it is the State Board of Education that any the facts before voting. Thank you The best thing that has com e out Or is it conceivable that since “ difficult to say what the bottom even longer depreciation life is exhibitors from Maine and Vermont with many country island of Luzon.” . committee should be mostly composed of allforyourfairness.Iloveyouall. of this past election was the Mr. Danlloff’s tormentors are NEW HAVEN — A state police spokesman said that four line will be.” needed. He noted that nuclear furniture items, along with early toys, jewelry, books, oriental voters’ decision to remove the communists we should Judge escapees were still at large this morning alter they overpowered But he said initial figures indicate power plants are licensed for 30 teachers. Trust us to be honorable to the PRISONERS OF WAR — Filipinos and possibly rugs, silver, country collectibles, lamps, just to mention a few. party lever from the voting them not on the merit of their two sheriffs at a courthouse cellblock. the company will gain $5 million in years, but then given only a 15-year “ This is not a power play, not an attempt at commitment. Mr. Giles has Americans — were forced to dig the treasure hole, The antique show will be this Sunday. Keep the bottom of this machines. This move toward a grisly actions but rather, and The two deputy sheriffs were not injured seriously in the escape 1987 and $11 million in 1986. life under the new tax code. dominance,” she said. “ We teachers want already stated that the'consolida- “ The advantage of a short life,” more progressive, accountable eternally, on the potential of and witnesses reportedly have said that the bay ran from the cellblock on Thursday afternoon, authorities said. The corporate tax rate will fall advertisement so you may enter with a discount. tion vote was too complicated for he said, “ is the utilities can get above all to monitor ourselves in order to and democratic government will Marxism? red with their blood when they were killed. Captain from its current 46 percent to 40 those who voted no to understand. New Haven County Sheriff Henry Healey said one of the more out of the taxpayers’ hide. It im prove ourselves. We want above £^|1 to put a stop to the loss of competent Would the babblers persist in Kidd-style, to protect the secret. sheriffs was bringing one of the men into a cell occupied by three percent in 1987 and, finally, down to This is the kind of baloney we have 34 percent in 1988. really doesn’t match reality.” protect the integrity of our profession.” public officials due to the “ coat­ their criticism of the president in Meyers’ crew has found a cut in the coral reef others when he was jumped. The second sheriff came in to help SOUTHINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY to deal with that you don’t always roughly 60 by 100 feet. They believe whatever was That may be so. But input from other tail” effects of the party lever. front of, say, the freed hostages and was knocked to the ground, Healey said. PRESENTS ITS SECOND ANTIQUE SHOW see in the paper. buried — if anything — is more than 70 feet down. 2 and their families? The men smashed into the glass control room with a chair and segments of the educational community on With your vote^ behind us Connecticut voters made a wise The bottom of the bay is strewn with metal released a lock on an outside door, went outside, scaled a gate in AND SALE THIS SUNDAY, NOV. 23, 1986 maybe we can talk to the town choice. Probably. The bottom line is standards is'essential, and teachers’ unions fragments and other debris, which could have been the courtyard and fled, he said. Unitarian Univerealist without that kind of insulting flok, I want to thank everyone again that these men do everything out do not deserve a veto power over the of principle regardlessof political ripped off ships that scraped the reef or simply The men, all from New Haven, ranged in age from 16 to 26. Meetinghouse The Aqua Turf Country Club and get somewhere. who supported and encouraged proposals that are offered. Thus far, they me during these last two years, I and ideological considerations. tossed overboard from passing vessels. Charges they were facing included rape, robbery and 153 W. Vernon St., Manchester Mulberry Street, Plantsville, Conn. Hope you will all com e to the The treasure hunters report that they have found kidnapping. have done a less-than-admirable job of peach festival next spring. Eve­ couldn’t have done it without you. Preview Sale: Nov. 21,7-9 PM, *3 Hours: 10am to 4pm I will remain in office until Joao R. Caxide a man-made marker in the^rm of a huge coral policing the profession, showing the tendency rybody is welcome. Saturday, Nov. 22, 9-3, Free Under the management of Memory Lane Antiques and 16 Coburn Road head cemented on t ^ t o p o f a 20-ton granite Petitioners call for SN ET probe to protect those already in the classroom from Thanks, thanks and thanks January, so please feel free to call boulder, as well astoral “ plug” used to cork a Hendcrmftcd Gift$ A Deeontion* Show Promotions, Gail and Gene Dickenson ..i me toll-free at the State Capitol, NEW HAVEN — More than 3,000 people from southern ChrUtmer Shop it 0«fcei« Stitched A accountability. again. tunnel in the reef. They regard these finds as 1-800-M2-1421, if you have any Connecticut have signed a petition asking the state to investigate fCniiieif ltem$ it Neer Antiquet * (J»ed General Admission *2.50 — but with this ad *2.00 The composition of the group is something encouraging. Booh§ A Toy§ it Vermont Chee$e it Elinor A. Patten questionsor problems. Thankyou Dfstrict’s chief service during the recent eight-week strike of Southern New that can be worked out, though. Unless a hitch Other treasure seekers obviously believe Meyers ChitdreH‘$ Aetivltiet if Pretervet A 33 Mather St. all once again. England Telecommunications Corp., a labor leader says. Bmkery it Directions from Manchester area — take 1-84 West to of some magnitude arises, Connecticut should thanks the voters team is onto something. Their boats are hovering Frank Carrano, president of the Greater New Haven Central Exit 29 (Route 10, Cheshire) and follow the signs. • Luncheon - b e co m e the 16th state to m ake use o f a state James D. Giulietti nearby, and they’re trying to crosscut into the Labor Council, said the petitions were mailed to the state standards board, at least on an experimental State Senator American crew’s dig. There has been an attempted Department of Public Utility Control on Thursday. To the Editor: kidnapping, and cables on the Meyers barge have basis. Outgoing senator 325 Kelly Road Carrano said the signatures are evidence of wide dissatisfac­ Vernon been cut. The Philippine coast guard is providing tion with SNET’s service during the strike that ended Nov. 7. assesses term On behalf of, the Manchester protection to the Americans, and the whole SNET spokesman Michael Gomez said “ the" overwhelming Save BIG on every Fire Department — Eighth Utili­ operation is under the supervision of President majority” of SNET customers were not affected by the strike and ties District, I wish to take this Aquino's uncle. Assemblyman Francisco that the estimated 3,500 signees were a minority of SNET’s 1.3 book, brand and To the Editor: Furor over Iran opportunity to express my most Sumulong. million customers. pattern we sell! sincere appreciation to the voters WALLPAPER SALE As a state senator for the past Is just babbling of Manchester for supporting us SKEPTICS MAY SNEER, but over the years Featuring... two years, I had the honor and on November 4. there has been persuasive testimony about the Parking-lot plan privilege of representing the so-called “ Yamashita treasure.” One of the most SCHALLEK residents of the 14 towns that To the Editor: Harold A. Topliff Jr. startling revelations came in 1975, in testimony by ruffles feathers compose the 35th Senatorial Chief theiv-President Ferdinand Marcos’ press ACURA District. For the life of me, I can’t spokesman before a House committee in WEST HAVEN (AP) - Tar and During that time, I had the understand congressional uproar Washington. feathers don't mix, say opponents of a parking-lot paving plan they 1688 HONDA PRELUDE opportunity to listen to and act over President Reagan’s over­ Address letters to: Open Fo­ “ In early January 1970,” testified Primitive fear will scare away the piping 5 Spd.. AC. Sterao. upon many residents’ concerns— tures to Iran. rum, Manchester Herald, P.O. 15,000 mllM *11,495 Mijares, “ when accusations that (Marcos) had plover, a rare species of bird that something that had always been Recently, in the Nicholas Dani- Box 591, Manchester, CT 06040. become the ‘richest man in Asia’ were reaching a nests nearby. 1984 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN my tdp priority. As I was brought loff affair, we dealt with terror­ The Herald reserves the right fever pitch, he called In reporters and admitted “ People and plovers don’t mix closer to the residents of this ists for the sole purpose of to edit letters in the interests of that he was really rich. But the source of his Auto, AM/FM, Stereo *6795 ‘Will you get Thanksgiving Day off? district, I realized that I repres­ swapping an American reporter brevity, clarity and taste. well,” said Richard Dyer, a biolo­ wealth, Mr. Marcos said, was the treasure of gist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 1888 HONDA CIVIC DX Yamashita, which he had discovered In Northern Service in Newton Comer, Mass. H.B.. 5 Spd., Sterto. S f iV A C Luzon.” The plover population is declin­ LikeNsw * 0 / 9 9 You can believe that or not, but alleged ing significantly on the East Coast 1884 CHEV. MONTE CARLO participants have told us that they recovered a because many shoreline areas are President Reagan Is no old-time patriot different lode in 13 buried trucks at Teresa, a town being developed for recreational Ve. Fully Equipped *7995 uses, he said. The plovers are an about 35 miles south of Manila. They had been endangered species and protected 1884 NISSAN SENTRA In the days of yore, that golden, mostly symbolic meaning so hard and so long. following Japanese maps, they said. The trucks by law. Dyer said. S/W, 5 Spd., AC, claen car *5395 imaginary American era of the McGuffey reader Whether or not that’s how this affair strikes were loaded with $10 billion worth of gold bars. The piping plover mates and 9 which Ronald Reagan cherishes in his somewhat foreigners, that’s how it will eventually be viewed The authoritive source is unavailable, of course. nests along Sandy Point, a shore­ 1884 OLDS FIRENZA by the president’s fellow citizens. He’s gone against Yamashita was hanged by the Americans in 1946 as disorderly mind, the children were taught patriotic line area along Long Island Sound 4 Cyl.. Auto. AC *5995 slogans: "D on’t give up the ship,” "I regret I have Nicholas the spirit of his administration; he’s contradicted a war criminal. valued by bird lovers. but one life to give for my country,” and more to the Zeitgeist he’s worked for seven years to create. “ We’re concerned about it,” said 1983 NISSAN MAXIMA It looks as though he’s gone to the eagle’s nest, Milan G. Bull, director of field bOOk for this bright red sticker the point, during these days of Iranian craziness. Von Hoffman studies and ornithology for the S/W. e Cyl., Auto. Loaded *7995 “ Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute! ” taken out his pliers and pulled the talohs off the Mlnl-editorial and find exciting savings on Wait-Tex" American war bl rd. Connecticut Audubon Society. 1882 HONDA ACCORD LX This ringing cry is loosely attributed to Charles At the risk of calling down on our heads the wrath Paving the lot along Beach Street , waiicovering patterns. Pinckney, President Washington’s ambassador to of those troglodytic. turf-tearing fans of the New may bring more traffic to the area 5 Spd.. AC, Stereo *5995 the new Republic of France, a nation that was PERHAPS HE WAS RIGHT in so far as prudent York Mets, we feel compelled to note the baseball and that, in turn, could cause the Your Wall-Tex® dealer is inviting you to look for these money­ going through a period with at least a superficial diplomacy is concerned, but if he was going to be a champions’ affront to President Reagan last week. birds to flee. Bull said. 1980 HONDA ACCORD similarity to the present phase in Iran. Pinckney calculating president, a practitioner of statecraft Only a handful of the players bothered to show up “ We’re not anti-development. We 5 Spd.. w/AC *3995 saving stickers on his Wali-Tex® sample books. Find them and treat had been told that a fee of 50,000 pounds had to be scorned to do. President Reagan paid tribute. He and wiley stratagem, he has put on the wrong for the traditional White House ceremony of just want to protect the birds,” he paid before France Would open discussions on its blinked, he bent the knee, he bowed down, he public face. This is Mr. Red, White and Blue, the congratulations: even the team’s manager couldn’t said. 1884 BUICK CENTURY LTD. yourself to 30% off the suggested retail price per roll of the patterns Bull said the parking lot would be embargo of American goods which was killing our kowtowed, he played the weakling. City on the Hill kid, and then lo and behold, there is find time in his off-season schedule. We would AC, Auto, Olymptc Edition *7495 more acceptable if a fence or other farmers. The incident took place in 1797 and comes a break in the curtain, and we get a glimpse of a remind the Mets that hubris — arrogance resulting you select. devious, duplicitous man of shadowed ambiguity, a barrier were installed to keep 1884 HONDA ACCORD LX down to us in the history book as the XYZ Affair, , THE PRESIDENT has not only paid tribute, but from excessive pride — was considered a cardinal people away from the nesting area. figure utterly unreconcilable with square­ Sedan, AC. S Spd.. t O f k A C but memory of it is lost among most of our people in addition he has spent billions,.if not trillions, for sin by the ancient Greeks. The baseball gods may Parking lot lights would also have 35.000 Ml. * 0 9 9 9 Select from exciting contemporary designs, traditionals, colo­ defense. Half that money has been spent on the shouldered Joe American, the yahoo guy waving 6 and even Pinckney’s cry has been forgotten. wreak fearful vengeance. to be directed to avoid shining on 1883 RENAULT ALLIANCE LTD. navy, making any coast on the globe accessible, in his 10-gaIlon hat. the bird nesting area, he said. nials, metallics, textures, pfaids and florals; they’re all here at THE EFFECTS OF REAGAN’S Iranian boo-boo theory at least, to American arms. Comes a serious Ronald Reagan has made his career by invoking “ It doesn’t take too many people Auto, AC. PS.PW. POL *3995 situation, not the Libyan fiddle-de-dee or the hyperdramatic patriotic friezes. He has asked to be walking up and down the beach remarkable savings. So come in— look for the bright red sticker— on international relations are widely discussed 1888 CHEVY CELEBRI-TY elsewhere, but there’s been little comment on how Grenadian nonsense, and what do these arms avail judged by Yankee Doodle standards. So bring up before (the birds) abandon it,” he what the president has done offends against the us ? If we are to believe the stand-tall talk which the background music. It's 1904 again and they’re said. 4 Dr., vs. Auto, AC, Stereo >6995 and buy yourself a decorating bargain. Sale Ends December 1,1986 The piping plover is a sandpiper­ sis-boom-bah patriotic spirit he has sought to infuse has com e from President Reagan and his pep playing “ There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town HJanrliPstpr Hrralft squads, this was the moment to use one of these Tonight.” An American citizen. Ion Perdicaris has like bird that is about seven inches the country with. This is, after all, the man who Founded In 1881 long and is noted for its melodious mighty armadas to mount a stinging punitive been kidnapped in Morocco by a terrorist named MANCHESTER WALLPAPER reviled his predecessor for making America look “ peep” or “ peeplo” call. expedition against the Iranians. America, numero Raisuli; the new American fleet, all painted white PENNY M S IE F F E R T...... Publisher weak. DOUGLAS A BEVINS...... Executive Editor Mayor Azelio M. Guerra said the The president and his associates vehemently uDo, show ’eai vim 's iMiMMitte ^ Mdraa^liaghirir. Teddy JAMES P. SACKS...... Mtneging Editor ■.'“Army Corps of Engineers has W kM vcn ttMNrrwimf fodo. ho sente^the telegraph NOW ^*‘*‘*'® Turnpike, West deny that the arms sent Iran were the coin of Instead the franlain aiViMttloff witfrvhat took#'' ALEXANDER Q IR ELLi...... Associate Editor ordered the city to provide more DISCOUNT PRICES Mencheeter. Conn. ransom. They insist they were a means of opening from a distance like protection money. We’ll pay message to North Africa, “ Either Perdicaris alive parking for beach areas, although ON up conversation with the Iranian government with you in armaments not to kidnap American.citizens. or Raisuli dead! ” DENISE A. R O B ER TS...... Advertising Director the corps did not specify where. SCHALLEK Phone 646-0143 That. Mr. Yankee Doodle, is how those MARK F. A B R A ITtS ...... Business Manager “ It’s never been our intention to ACURA Cards an eye to eventually setting outstanding Pleading that it was a small number of guns turned SHELDON C O H E N ...... Composing Manager SALE! Wsicoina endanger the species of the piping 34S Conlof Sifool, Manchester differences. So let’s accept the president at his over to the Iranians is beside the point. It’s the old-fashioned patriots used to free our hostages. R O BER T H H U B B AR D ...... Pressroom Manager 647-707? symbolic meanings that are important here, the JEAN N E G. FR O M ER TH ...... Circulation Manager plover,” Guerra said. “ We’re not word. Then he has done what Pinckney, the against modifying the plan.” long-ago gentleman in the lace fronted shirt. more so with this president who has traded on » - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 21. 1M6 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 21. 1986 — » .S./World In Brief U.N. condemns bombing of Libya SHOP DOWNTOWN THIS Japan quakea follow eruption By O.C. Dotlling Irene Pavne. snokeswoman for raids on Tripoli and Benghazi were The South Dakota Republican it The Assocloted Press the U.S. mission to the United in retaliation for Libyan-sponsored one of the members of CongreW,- TOKYO — Flames and smoke billowed today from a newly Nations, said the resolution "failed acts of terrorism, including the who each year serve on the U.S^ formed fissure on an island near Tokyo where a volcano began UNITED NA'nONS - The Uni­ to address the central issue of bombing of a West Berlin nightclub delegation to the assembly. erupting last week, and more than TOearthquakes shook the area, ted Nations has condemned the U.S. importance, which is Libyan that killed two American soldiers AIso' Thursday, U.N. spokesman'' the Central Meteorological Agency said. bombing raids on Libya as illegal terrorism.” and a Turkish woman. Francois Giuliani said the agency; Police said about 70 people were evacuated from a hotel near and says the North African nation is The resolution said the raids During the two-day debate, will end the year with $10 million Mount Mihara, a volcano on Oshima Island, about 68 miles south entitled to compensation for “ mate­ violated international law, called Treiki accused the United States of cash, only enough to pay one week's of Tokyo, according to the Japan National Broadcasting Corp. It rial and human” losses suffered in on the United States to refrain from “ blatantly hostile acts” against his worth of wages. showed firey ash spewing from the fissure. the attack. threatening or attacking Libya country since Libya closed U.S. Giuliani quoted Se«'retary«. The temblors began at 2:17 p.m. One registered 5 and at least The world body Thursday passed again and said Libya was entitled to bases and took control of its own oil General Javier Pere': ae C jellar aB two quakes registered 4 on the Japanese scale of 7, the agency a non-binding resolution condemn­ compensation for the “ material resources after the 1969 revolution saying the cash shortage would said. Richter scale readings were not immediately available. ing the raids by a vote of 79-28, with and human losses inflicted upon It.” that brought Col. Moammar Gad- exist even with the payment of $190 Two hours later, smoke billowed about 3,700 yards into the air 33 abstentions. Libyan officials said 37 people hafi to power. million by the United States? from the new crack, about one-half mile away from the 2,349-foot The resolution was sponsored by died in the bombing raids and 93 “ We want to be friends of the Giuliani said Perez de Cuellar volcanic peak. 27 countries, mostly Arab and were injured, while Western diplo­ United States,” Treiki said, “ but told delegates the amount of unpaid Soviet bloc states. The United mats put the number killed at 100. we refuse to be the lackeys or assessments by member nation^ States, most of its Western allies, Libya had asked the IS-member puppets of any country, including would be larger by Dec. 31 than Ij^ Fewer Americans move to West Japan, Israel and a few Third U.N. Security Council in April to the United States.” was a year earlier, and that the World nations opposed it. NATO condemn the raids, but the measure Sen. Larry Pressler told the world body's financial crisis vrail utaxtaxtaEtaxiaxiaxndaxiaxKtiaxtasiaxBafiaaiiMiaxiaxii WASHINGTON — Americans are no longer flocking to the members Greece and Turkey was killed by a veto from the United assembly during the debate that the continuing. " West for the first time in years, despite a Jump in the number of abstained. States, Britain and France. U.S. raids were carried out in The deficit Jan. 1 was $242.4 people moving to new homes, the Census Bureau reports. Ali Abdussalam Treiki, the Li­ A condemnation by the Security self-defense “ to reduce Libya's million. In September it had growd FAIRWAY DEPARTMENT STORE 1 Thursday - Friday - Saturday The West failed to gain migrants from other regions, byan U.N. ambassador, welcomed Council would have carried more ability to continue to commit to $462.7 million, although thaj; STB MAIN ST. 84S-1717 “reversing, at least temporarily, a decades-old trend of the vote, saying It "affirms the political weight than one by the unlawful aggression through ter­ figure will be $100 million less when MANCHESTER h o u n s im -t -w -f o o / t h s -s / s a t . o-siso MC-lflSA Nov. 20 - Nov. 21 - Nov. 22 N falsehood of all the charges” made General Assembly. rorist force against the United the United States pays itk ^yiQhedi movement,” according to a report on geographic mobility in 1983 From to Iho "ImpoBBlblo” to find you should comB horo ittl s by the United States. U.S. officials said the April 15 States and its nationals.” assessment. Youth Specialty-Shop and 1984 released Thursday. 8 The slacking of growth in the West has occurred despite WINDOW SHADES CUT * KEYS MADE California's increase in high technology Jobs, which has drawn SI OFF people from other states, said Donald C. Dahmann, who wrote the EXPERIENCE LEISURELY, ENJOYABLE 20-30% OFF HOLIDAY SHOPPINS, DISCOVER... ' ^ A * - report. NASA lauds shuttle despite flaws 121 AU HEAVYtWEAR California's growth was balanced by Job losses in the Pramtuite - SnowsuHs - JKkets - Coats Inter-Mountain region where mineral and energy developments By Howard Benedict members of the six-man spacecraft' FAIRWAY 20% A REFRE8HINQ CHANGE have declined recently, he said. The Associated Press closeout crew and a quality-control; • BOYS - YOUTHS sO iR L S Entire Stock! Two other trends have been overturned; Atnericans are inspector were tagged by observers' ■ COOKIE TINS ■ BAKEWARE (Sizes 4-20) (Sizes 4-14) moving to the suburbs rather than rural areas and the percentage CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - A • Blazers • Slacks - Jeans SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS as “ injured” or “ incapacitated.'.r • BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS ■ TRIM-A-TREE (L«vt. OtMosh. Prwtty of Americans relocating is increasing for the first time in 30 practice emergency in which seven Oxygen masks were placed on then)? • Slacks - Jeans PtMSB. HBBith fK ) ■ CHRISTMAS WRAP ■ TDYS QALDRE (HM ithtBX, FtiTBh, LbvI, years. astronauts were evacuated from a and they were carried across a> O th kcth , OteklB) • Blanket Sleepers space shuttle revealed some flaws ■ CCDKIE CUTTERS _ ■ GIFT BDXES • Skirts platform to slidewire baskets at thO. s • Flannel Shirts and will help improve safety before cabin level of the pad, 147 feet high7, ■ GIFTS F^R ALL AGES • Robes • Slip On Sweaters the fleet resumes flights, says No one knew in advance precisely? • Pajamas Blacks boycott to protest deaths • Pa|amas • Slack Seta NASA's launch director. what or when the “ emergency'* t OUR GIFT TO YOU!!! • Slack Sets (4-7) • Sweaters I I I The biggest problem during RECAVS would be or who would be tagged ~ PRESENT THIS AD AND RECEIVE JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Thousands of residents of a Thursday's launch pad drill that • Dress Shirts (long & short) • Dresses "Your Quslity Men s Shop______| Pretoria black township boycotted schools and work today to simulated a fuel spill involved All 19 people on the launch paA 20% OFF ONE ITEM commemorate the anniversary of a confrontation last year in communications, said launch di­ entered the baskets, but did not ridC ONE COUPON PER HOUSEHOLD. EXCLUDED: SALE CARTER’S UNDERWEAR INFANTS - TODDLERS which security forces killed at least 13 people. them down 1,200-foot cables to th^ Boys (Z-20) Qlrls (2-14) Ovsrtlls - Slacks - 903 St. rector Gene Thomas. There also ITEMS, CANDY, TOBACCO, LOTTERY AND HEALTH & T-Shirts, Briefs, Undsrehlrte, Pantlse Jerseys - Ptiimat Main in Downtown Manchester Black activists claim 40 residents of the Mamelodi township were troubles with a broken-down ground. Some believe the swift ridsh BEAUTY AIDS. and abrupt halt at the bottom i$? Master Card / Visa No adlustmsnts on previous talas. were killed last year by security forces moving against an escape vehicle, a helicopter and a Extended Store Hours In December I THIS WEEK • Open Wed., Thur., Fri.Till 9:00, Sat. til S:30| estimated 50,000 people protesting rent hikes, restrictions on risky and should be attempted only^ system that deluges the pad with teat tax BM ie«iBati6«Ba teat tax aa teat tax tag »»<»<««««>»<«»< aw K EOt ESd EtSl lESd ESd iSXE tianu funeral services and use of troops in townships. water. in a real emergency. But Thomas" Police said they fired after mobs threw bricks and firebombs “ We had some breakdowns, but said the system is being improved? ...with the real gold contacts. but activists claim there was no provocation. overall the exercise was very and volunteers will test-ride th^? New KODAK Reporters and residents in Mamelodi today said no buses and valuable to us,” Thomas said. baskets next spring. KODAK SUPRALIFE Alkaline lators, photo equipment and taxis were seen operating during the morning rush hours, shops “ We'll look at everything real hard The baskets were sent down SUPRALIFE “ Alkaline Batteries give you: more—go for the gold! Use were closed, and only a handful of cars were on the streets. before we fly again.” unmanned. The astronauts and the? new high performance others took an elevator to th^ e Real gold contacts for more They reported a heavy security force presence and said some The exercise was designed to Batteries corrosion resistance and KODAK SUPRALIFE Alkaline vehicles entering or leaving the township were stopped and improve safety measures in the ground and re-entered the baskets" Batteries. Christmas Has Come To Rescue personnel helped or carried? outstanding electrical searched. wake of the Jan. 28 explosion of the conductivity. shuttle Challenger that killed its them out and whisked them away in* ^Lift the Latch. Our shelves There were no reports of violence. Afy -Size 2-pack crew of seven. three tank-like armored vehicles to> a Maximum performance “ The simulation was very realis­ a heliport two miles away, where, time after time, Fare filled with your favorite things! tic and well-orchestrated by the the “ victims” received medical; a Double-sealed casing for C-size 2-pack The scents and sights of Christmas are Shultz to face questions In Canada people in charge,” Thomas said. treatment. longer lilfe and to prevent “ We learned an awful lot about leakage D-size 2-pack everywhere Annalees, Byers choice carolers ONE ARMORED vehicle had a} WASHINGTON — Secretary of State George P. Shultz visits where improvements can be made, AP photo Canada today for long-scheduled discussions on trade, terrorism especially in our means of real breakdown during the trip and For all your battery needs — I the original snow village, ornaments, imported] flashlights, toys, radios, calcu­ 9-voU and acid rain, but the continuing controversy over U.S. Iranian communicating.” its occupants transferred to a van?; cards and wrap. Favorite things for favorite people, g policy is likely to follow him. A fire-rescue worker at the Kennedy Space Center in Thomas said the armored vehicle^; Joe Clark, the Canadian minister for external affairs, planned THE FUEL SPILL alarm was Fiorida carries an injured worker in a simuiated are 20 years old and that NASA? sounded as the rookie astronauts expects three new replacementfl'. 2 to meet Shultz in Ottawa on the secretary's first foreign trip since evacuation driil at Pad 39-A after they had abandoned soon. he publicly expressed concern about President Reagan's arms boarded the shuttle Atlantis, trig­ space shuttle equipment. Rookie astronauts were placed shipments to Iran. gering a flurry of activity that sent From the heliport, stand-ins for- on the shuttle Atlantis and a test conductor declared a the “ injured” were taken to hospln? The agenda included U.S.-Canadian concerns over tariffs on fire and rescue workers hurrying to the launch pad. Streams of water “major emergency,” which then set off evacuation tals by ambulance or helicopter. commodities such as corn and lumber and discussion of disputes support helicopter, not one of those- doused the pad to protect against procedures. • MANCHESTER a ROCKVILLE a WINDSOR that have angered commercial, labor and environmental that transported the stand-ins?.' 997 Main St. interests on both sides of the border. fire. t 942 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER • 643-1505 The fuel was supposed to be by the elevator at cabin level for communicate with everyone on the experienced a fuel leak. • EAST HARTFORD a HARTFORD (2) Although Reagan has denied rumors that Shultz threatened to hydrazine, a volatile chemical that their signal to board Atlantis. pad.” Thomas said that after the' You Can Feel at Home With Us • CLINTON a GROTON a PUTNAM resign over the Iranian controversy, questions about the issue can harm a person who inhales it or “ They were alerted to the emer­ He said in the future, astronauts exercise ended, the launch control' are expected during the Canada trip, notably when Shultz meets comes in contact with it. gency only when the water came will have walkie-talkies or some center was unable to stop th^ reporters at an afternoon news conference before returning One problem, said Thomas, was on,” he said. “ We need better ways other form of communications. launch pad water deluge system? Save 15% on Aluminum and Formica home. that two astronauts had no com­ of communicating in an emergency remotely, probably because of S CUSTOM FRAMING Shultz voiced opposition to the arms sales in a television munications system as they waited like this. We need to be able to ONE ASTRONAUT, two computer program glitch. Reserve Your Ring... interview Sunday and there were subsequent news reports that ______Sava 10% on all wooda______INTRODUCTORY OFFER he had offered to step down after more than four years in office. CUSTOM FRAMING IN TIME FOR SAVEnOO.OO -5S49T THE HOLIDAYS Decision may speed air-bag instaiiation? s Hundreds of gift ideas for the artist on your list! S 449 Democrats will challenge Reagan s Oil Sets - Pastel Sets - Art Booke - Easels Bv H. Josef Hebert makers to phase in so-called the driver side” where the risk of proved it would install driver-side t ggf SPECIAL FRAME Phona OLIVETTI CX880 ELECTRONIC TYPE WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats, enjoying their new The Associated Press passive passenger restraints — serious injury is greatest. airbags in “ a majority” of its North? Mein PRICES END 646-0613 majority strength, are making plans to move quickly and either air bags that inflate in an The Insurance Institute has been American designed cars beginning; Street 12-15-86 Cloaad WITH COMPUTER INTERFACE challenge President Reagan for control of the legislative agenda WASHINGTON - The Transpor­ accident or belts that automatically a strong proponent of air bags, with the 1990 model year. FOR CHRISTMAS Downtown Wad. Atinn a 100 Character Print Wheal • Half-space key when the 100th Congress convenes Jan. 6. tation Department tentatively ap­ wrap around a car occupant — which the automakers have res­ The automakers have com?.' Mancheetar Opan Thurt. IN 6 a Triple PUch • 10,12.15 • Auto centering “ The Congress must not spend the first three months of the proved a measure likely to speed up beginning with 1986 model cars. isted for more than a dozen years. plained that the development of air.' ^ r FIRST .3 STONES year in the presidential waiting room,” Sen. Robert C. Byrd of the installation of air bags in Under the rule, all new cars The Ford Motor Co. is the only U.S. bags for the passenger side is more- a Print Speail 15 cps. a Auto underline 8 West Virginia told a private meeting of the Senate's new automobiles, but it could mean a would have to have the devices, manufacturer to offer the devices difficult than for the driver side and', FREE A Store of Inspiration in IS a Single-line correction memory a Much, much moral Democratic majority Thursday. delay in providing increased pro­ protecting both drivers and front- to the general public, having it as an more time was needed to overcome* 8 Downtown Manchester “ The president has his timetable, we have ours,” Byrd added. tection for front-seat passengers. seat passengers, by Sept. 1,1989. option in its Tempo and Topaz the difficulties. ■■ 8 8 At that gathering, Byrd — who also was celebrating his 69th The depariment, according to The rule change, which is ex­ models. Mercedes-Benz offers In documents outlining the tena-' i H , birthday — was reinstalled as majority leader while government sources, is scheduled pected to be made final after a them as standard equipment on all tively approved rule change;? Republicans, meeting separately, picked Bob Dole of Kansas as to announce today its tentative 30-day comment period, calls for an its models. NHTSA agreed with the automak^- I .Jcwelc's B ibles & Books approval for a proposal that allows extension of at least “ several Last July, Ford requested that ers, concluding that an extension in" minority leader. Both men were unopposed and approved by l ig h t f r o m C O D LIFE FOR M A N unanimous votes, as were each party's other leaders from the automakers more time before they years” and possibly as many as the National Highway Traffic the deadline is justified to provide, Safety Administration change the s _ 99th Congress. would be required to provide four years beyond September 1989 time to resolve “ technical, engi­ automatic passenger restraints for in the passive restraint deadline as federal passive restraint regulation neering and supplier ... problems”- Byrd told the Democrats they must not waste the 55-45 majority H^ianionJi £r U inc ^ both drivers and front-seat long as the manufacturers step up by delaying the Septembel* 1989 in installing passive restraints thaf,' BusfNEsi 39 Purnell Place 8 they gained in the Nov. 4 elections by waiting to respond to the 840 Main Street 649-3396 passengers. the installation of the driver-side deadline for a commitment from protect both the driver and front-; MACHINES Manchester • 643-61 S8« White House agenda. This will be the first time since 1980 the In turn, the automaker would air bags. automakers to install more driver- seat passenger. I 785 Main St,, Manchester • 643-8484 obm Democrats have a Senate majority. have to put driver-side-only air John Cook, a spokesman for the side air bags. The revised requirement wouid? isaisas«)e«iea»asiBstiBa(iBstssssiEfa O FF«a”*' l WKAKtiOI'.A The Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday ordered the responded, “ I can't answer that main interest is that a similar Good thru 0«c. 1, iee« | Sdl-TSIIITVimvul' 191 MAIN STREET A question.” emergency inspections, covering nearly 100 airplanes and incident does not happen again. “ We were received very warmly While he insisted that Hasenfus requiring the airlines to examine each plane within 50 flying by the vice president,” Sandle Dazzle Her With A Duality hours, probably about a week in most cases. was not a bargaining chip in the OLYMPIA DELICATESSEN Coppens, Hasenfus' sister, said political conflict between the Uni­ Diamond of a Carat or More U.S. airlines operate 117 of the aircraft, according to officials of after the 15-minute meeting at a Sizes 6-1 Lockheed-California, which built 250 of the planes between 1970 ted States and Nicaragua, Ramirez WAB XMAB QUALITY 697 Main St., Manchester Catholic center on the University of suggested an agreement between 5 -llM 8 and 1983. Three airlines — Delta, Eastern and Trans World — fly Wisconsin-Madison campus. “ It 5 -llW 1.00 CT. Oval •3195 •2495 SI* Q Color Nicaraguan President Daniel Or­ 3295 2695 S I’ F Color a total of 9 ^ was very encouraging.” 5-llW W 1.00 CT. Marquis 8 tega and U.S. officials might help 3995 3195 VS’ E-F Color 643-0809 Spokesnf^ for those three carriers said the inspections were Also at the meeting were Hasen­ 1.01 CT. Round Hasenfus' chances of a pardon. Not all SUM in every color & style 1.05 CT, Round 4295 3595 VS’ F-Q Color 631 Main street either u n d ^ way or — in the case of Delta — already completed. fus' sister-in-law, Sylvia Hofherr, Luncheon Specials, Party Platters, “ My role is to try to help (Ortega) 1.10 CT. Round 4450 3750 VS’ H Color Manchester All three airlines said the examinations would not interrupt and cousin Jack Hasenfus. 6400 5395 VS’ J Color to find a political way for a MARLOW’S 1.49 CT. Round Deli Sandwiches, Homemade Soup normal air service because the work can be done while the planes At an earlier airport news confer­ FIRST FOR CVERYTHIIVC SIACE fS Il 1.67 CT. Estate Dia. 7500 5000 64'3-6346 ence, Ramirez nodded when asked solution,” he said. DOWNTOWN MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER are undergoing routine maintenance. —OPEN S DATS — TMUNS. T i l ( Tum.-FrI. 7:00-4M, Thura. V I6 Hasenfus is native of Marinette, FREE PARKING FRONT AND REAR OF OUR STORE whether a pardon of Hasenfus was 699 Main St. Mon. A Sflf. 7 M -3 M Maternity, Lingerie, Uniforms 6 4 B -S 2 2 I BRAY JEWELERS Since 1915 ^ likely, but he also used the word in northeastern Wisconsin. )sa* « Bs taattB*Baittx* « teaKxtB* jBataa* « SMK*BK Bat Bat BsttMiiaxwtYfizSPts***!*®****®*® ***•**■ *<' MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 2i, 1986 — II M — MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 21.1986

HAQAH THE HORIIIILE by Oik Brown* SNAFU by Bruce Beattie PEANUTS by Charlee M. Schuli _ 1 proposal to finance catastrophic care draws mixed reviews HOW p o You want YOlJfZ V/EAU CUTLET ? i'm a s m a m e p ^ ^ UIEP0NT60 OH A This proposal was called “ right The private Medigap insurance Without endorsing the specifics of President Reagan, is expected to NATURE HIKE JUST TO By James Rowley The proposals, unveiled Thurs­ encounter stiff resistance' from 5RENP ALL OUR Time: The Associated Press day by the Department of Health on target” by Rep. Fortney Stark, industry, which sells policies that the plan. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, pay for costs not covered by the incoming chairman of the conservatives, who argue the go­ AT A SOUVENIR stamp! and Human Services, include a D-Calif., chairman of the House Medicare, accused Bowen of trying Senate Labor and Human Resour­ vernment should not extend an - WASHINGTON - Health Secre- $4.92 monthly increase in the Ways and Means health subcom­ to take away their business. ces Committee also welcomed the entitlement program. ' tary Otis Bowen’s proposals to help Medicare Part B premium to help mittee. But others said a higher "The $4.92 a month is really just report. Americans finance the high cost of the 30 million Medicare beneficiar­ premium would place an unfair But the secretary argued that taking over what the private sector “After six years of Reagan catastrophic illness drew mixed ies pay for extended hospital stays burden on low-income elderly peo­ “ with a minimal cost to consumers is already dofng and it's not really administration cutbacks in health­ reviews on Capitol Hill, where key and other medical costs. ple without creating any new and cost to our Medicare trust creating any new benefit,” said care coverage for the elderly and _ Democrats welcomed the report The premiums would raise $1.77 benefits. funds, we can provide peace of //~2/ ® loee UnttBd FBAtuTB SyncticAW.Inc. John B. O’Day, president of the the poor. Secretary Bowen de­ _l>ut questioned the method of billion a year so that beneficiaries Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., mind to ail Americans.” Insurance Economics Society of serves credit for recognizing the solving the problem. would not have to pay more than chairman of another key House dimensions of the health-care crisis /3£au/^£ i'll bet HARRIET "I know it will provoke much $2,000 annually for their share of subcommittee in the health area, America. He acknowledged that the pre­ Despite criticism, the report was of our citizens,” Kennedy, D-Mass., PIPN'T STUFF HER debate and that is good,” Bowen Medicare-covered expenses. About said the report “shows no real mium increase might be a hardship welcomed by Democrats such as said in a statement. TH E m A N T O M by L*« Falk A By Barry 0ACKPACKWITH ALOT jtaid. “ The problem is complex. 800,000 recipients, fewer than S commitment to putting new federal for some, but called it ” a very Waxman, who said it “ will help to ' Bowen’s proposal, the product of OF USELESS SOUVENIRS... There are many potential answers, percent, pay more than this amount resources into addressing the cheap price to pay for the peace of move the debate toward.” a 10-month study ordered by KNOW . knowA/" th e s e tw o are SPECML,.^ none are simple or easy.” each year. problems.” mind of even those people.” WE HAVE - THEY K. I'/M FLVINS THEM TO TOWN. NOT BEEN 04NNIBMLB FOR SENERATIONS, REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK featuring:

CAPTAIN EASY ^by Crooks A Caaale ELEGANT M A N C H E S TE R $300,000 HURRY UP, REAL eORPONl Colonial, In prestigious area. This 3,200 aq. ft. home has 5 bedrooms, ranging In size from 12'x13’ to 13'x17' N Mturt Synthcata Inc WorM ngfttt fwrvd~| — all with walk-ln closets. Huge living room, den & breakfast room, aa well as BLONDIE by D*an Young A Alan Draka ESTATE a formal dining room on the 1st floor, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE / 16’x28’ rec room: 4 working fireplaces. Immaculate home, with Ideal layout for entertaining. Set on OPPORTUNITIES 1.87 acres. ! Y 243 MAIN STREET •MANCHESTER Cl 643-1591 D.W.FISH ■;;j.U K ' S VERNON CIRCLE • VERNON ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson |'■■"|.;,s .. . ■ 871-1400

243 MAIN S TR EET* M A N C H ESTC f' O 643-1591 , VERNON CIRCLE • VERNON CREAT OPPORTUNITY! 8Z1-1400 A rare find In Manchester. 6 V O N TH E A A 8 TR A C K by Bill Holbrook room Cape, fireplace, appli­ ances on extra large lot with a possibility of two building lots. No Picture Available Convenient buy private loca­ tion. $185,000. Manchester ,. Townhouea $59,900 Very nice townhouse condominium. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and 17x10 living room, 1'A baths. Carpeting, paint and wallpaper has been updated. Very good condition. MANCHESTER $M,900 Immaculate 4 room Ranch ALLEY OOP 'by Dave Graue completely redecorated, new I WONDER IF THAT'S THE I WELL Y'GOTA ) ARE YOU KIDDING, \...IF YOU WAMT/A, wall to wall carpeting. Corner lot. LIGHT, < MANi* THIS WAGONS LIGHT UP, ^ O K A Y .'; A pleasure to show. BUDDY.P ] FULL OF PERCUSSION J GO DO IT I'M GOIN*} CAPS, LEAP, AN' 7 s OMEPLACE1 I'M GOIN* GUNPOWDER! ELSE.'.' U.8. ACRES by Jim Davit

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Bv Brent Laymon to be such a case....” the official said. The Aetoclated Press “You don’t want the 36 offices going off in 36 different directions.” HARTFORD — Employee drug test­ UTC announced its drug testing ing programs like Pratt & Whitney’s program Oct. 10, joining the growing have caught the attention of the number of companies nationwide to National Labor Relations Board’s pro­ adopt policies to combat drug abuse secutorial arm, which has taken the among employees. unsual step of reviewing complaints Under UTC’s new policy, job appli­ normally handled by Its regional offices. cants must submit to drug tests. Also, The NLRB has never Issued an employees having job performance opinion on whether drug-testing pro­ problems will be asked to take a grams for union employees are res­ physical examination, said UTC spokes­ New conductor tricted under collective bargaining man Thomas Drohan. If drugs are agreements, an official In the NLRB’s detected, the employee would be asked general counsel’s office said Thursday. to take a second, supporting test, then The general counsel’s office expects asked to enter an employee assistance to issue its position within the next program, Drohan said. month to guide its 36 regional offices in The program officially started Mon­ Phillips dances dealing with such complaints, said an day and was Implemented at P&W NLRB official in Washington, D.C., who plants in Connecticut, Maine, Georgia asked not to be identified. The general and Florida, which employ about 49,000 counsel’s office acts as the prosecution N employees, according to company spo­ in cases before the five-member NLRB. keswoman Sandra Ahearn. Last week, the Machinists union. Adler said the union Isn’t necessarily as others play Local 91, filed a complaint with the local opposed to drug testing, but contends a NLRB office against United Technolo­ drug testing program should be drafted gies Corp., challenging the Hartford- through collective bargaining. By Nancy Pappas based company’s new drug testing He contended UTC’s program has a program at its Pratt & Whitney division. number of problems, including the Conductor Paul C. Phillips The complaint is likely to be among possibility that it would be used by doesn’t need words to let musi­ Hartid photo by Rocha those forwarded to the general counsel’s low-level managers to harass 0 office in Washington, D.C., for review, employees. cians know what’s on his mind according to several NLRB officials and UTC contends it had authority to during a rehearsal. When he’s Food for the needy attorney Gregg D. Adler of Hartford, implement drug testing under the pleased with a passage, he gives who is representing the Machinists management rights clause in its con­ players a twitch of the eyebrow union. tract with the Machinists, Ahearn said. and mustache, coupled with a David Wengertsman, 12, and Sonia Peiletier, 13, pack in which food baskets are prepared by schoois, Such complaints are usually investi­ The drug program, which company slight crinkle at the corner of his Thanksgiving food baskets at St. Bridget Schooi this churches, civic groups and individuais. Wengerts­ gated initially by the NLRB regional officials contend is simply an expansion eyes. week to be distributed to iow-income famiiies in man, a sixth-^grader, is president of the St. Bridget office where it is filed. But when a new of an existing program to assist When he’s unhappy with a note, Manchester during the hoiiday. The effort is part of Student Councii, and Pelietier, an eighth-grader, is labor issue comes up, *the general employees with drug- and alcohol- he waggles one index finger V related problems, covers about 52,000 vice president. counsel’s office steps in, the NLRB while continuing to conduct with the seasonai sharing drive coordinated by the official in Washington said. UTC employees in Connecticut and the other hand. And if an entire Manchester Area Conference of Churches each year. “We believe the matter of drug testing about 120,000 employees nationwide. section needs more work, he will pantomime a pencil jotting down notes. Phillips, the new musical di­ Lack of snow relieves Manchester obituaries rector and conductor of the Manchester Symphony Orches­ "People, we've got a lot to do. A lot to do before Monday.” tra and Chorale, projects his Continued from page 1 While the snow and rain may In addition, he said the stream state were on the rise today after an Sh am FlBher police officer and retired as a musical opinions through body have made some commuters running into the Globe Hollow ice storm coated highways, causing district manager from the Hartford language. At Monday night’s tricai outages in the northern part angry, Manchester Water and Shane Fisher, 3-month-old son of Times. Reservoir was flowing “the fastest dozens of accidents, forced the rehearsal there were times when and rather jarring, discordant HIS LONGTERM GOALS for which play in a terrific hall are of town were corrected by 2 p.m. Sewer Administrator Robert Stuart and Denise (Lynch) Fisher Besides his wife, he is survived by I've seen it in a long while.” closing of Bradley International Phillips, 34, looked as much like a notes were, indeed, challenging the group include moving to a very few, Phillips said. “You Thursday, spokeswoman Marilyn Young said it has helped replenish Earlier this month, a drought Airport and hindered efforts to of 43 Salem Road, died Tuesday at a daughter, Helen Vincent of Manchester Memorial Hospital. dancer as a conductor. His for the symphony. But just when better hall — a wish mentioned learn to deal with what you’ve Brossmer said. some of the town's water supplies in watch went into effect when the restore power. Manchester; two sisters, Helen by all four of last year’s conduct­ got.” its reservoirs. He said that 1.35 Besides his parents, he is sur­ Hathaway of Vernon and Mary F. bullfight-style dance was partic­ the Ives piece sounded the worst, Statewide, 22,173 customers were town’s reservoirs fell to less than The bodies of Oliver Hull Senior, ing candidates. The Lowe Pro­ In the meantime. Phillips said, without power as of 9 a.m. today, inches of rain feli Thursday night on half of capacity because of below- vived by two sisters, Jessica Lee Taylor of North Stonington; and ularly interesting, adding Phillips indicated with a smug 74, and Elsie Pieron, 73, were found grin and a small victory gesture gram Center at Manchester he has been impressed -with the Dewey said. She said most of those top of the snow the day before. average precipitation. in their home in the Sandy Hook Fisher and Stacy Jean Fisher, and two grandsons. matador-like gestures to his That boosts the total precipita­ a brother, Justin T. Fisher, all at The funeral will be Saturday at 11 conducting in the “Variations on that the musicians were right on Community College, where the dedication of the Manchester were in the Farmington Valley- Around the state, the deaths of section of Newtown Thursday even­ musicians. “I know they get Danbury areas. Power should be tion for the month so far to 4.5 two elderly Newtown residents is ing, after a neighbor suspected a home; his paternal grandparents, a.m. at the Glastonbury Funeral America” by Charles Ives. target. “It’s difficult to hear symphony normally rehearses restored there by Saturday, she inches — .75 inches over the being linked to a portable gasoline Ted and Jean Fisher of Simsbury; Home, 450 New London Turnpike, “Hey, you’ve got to have fun when you’re right on a piece like and performs, has more disad­ frustrated, but they keep right on problem and called police, dis­ working. It’s been a wonderful said. average for the entire month, he generator used for power when patcher Steven Munger said early and his maternal grandfather, Glastonbury. Burial will be in with this variation, gang,” he this one.” Phillips said. vantages than advantages. In Manchester, garbage collec­ said. Young said that there is no their house was darkened by today. Thomas Lynch of South Windosr. Green Cemetery, Glastonbury. Cal­ said from the podium. “Loosen “The good part is that the fall working with them.” tion has been delayed by one day, visibie difference in the ievel of the Wednesday’s snowstorm, officials Munger said the two apparently The funeral will be Saturday at ling hours are tonight from 7 to 9. up.” But moments later. Phillips PERFORMING DIFFICULT people at MCC bend over back­ the Sanitation Department said this reservoirs as yet, but the full effect say. had been asphyxiated by fumes 8:45 a.m. at the John F. Tierney Memorial donations may be was all business, asking the music with great skill is typical wards to make life simple for The Manchester Symphony morning. should be felt in a few days. Temperatures throughout the from the generator. Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St. made to the Connecticut Institute musicians to listen and focus on of the Manchester group. Phillips us,” said Phillips. “They accom­ and Chorale will perform Mon­ Burial will be in the East Cemetery. for the Blind, 120 Holcomb St., said. The Manchester conductor, modate to our schedule, rather day at 8 p.m. at Manchester High Memorial donations may be the work at hand. “People, we’ve 2 Hartford. got a lot to do. A lot to do before who is also director of all than the other way around.” School’s Bailey Auditorium. Police Roundup made to the Hartford chapter of the orchestral activities at the Uni­ The disadvantage of the pro­ Tickets are $6, general; $4, National SIDS Foundation, in care Monday” The concert he referred to is versity of Connecticut, believes gram center, said Phillips, is that senior citizens; free to those of Linda Sakon, 355 Collinsville the acoustics are very poor. “We under 18. “Outdoor Overture,” Road, Farmington 06085. CARD OF THANKS coming up Monday at 8 p.m. in that the local symphony is ah Three men face charges after dispute Bailey Auditorium at Manches­ outstanding example of a com­ have learned that we must add “Quiet City,” by Aaron Copland; I would like to thank all our friends, ter High School. It will be munity orchestra. resonance, artificially, to our “Variations on America,” Cha­ Benjamin T. Avary music,” he said. “We know that rles Ives; Symphony Number 2, neighbors and relatives for the Phillips’ debut as Manchester’s “I am very fortunate in coming non-surety bond and Whorff was treated at Manchester Memorial Benjamin T. Avery, 87, of 42 the minute a note leaves the John Sibelius; medley of Ameri­ A fight and the alleged theft of a south on Gleason Street at about sympathy shown us at the time of conductor, a position he was here,” Phillips said, “The or­ case of beer led to the arrest of released on a $150 non-surety bond. 3:50 p.m. when her vehicle was Hospital and released, a hospital Walker St., husband of Emily his death, and for the cards, flow­ given last spring after four instruments, it dies. Just dies can traditional and patriotic three local men Tuesday night near All three men are scheduled to struck head-on by a larger north­ spokesman said. (Smith) Avery, died Thursday at chestra is already in a rather right in the air, over at Lowe” songs, with audience invited to ers and food. Also, a special thanks “It’s difficult to hear when you’re right conductors “auditioned” for the good position, in a musical sense. the UA Theatre East, police said appear in Manchester Superior bound truck that crossed into her Michael Reardon suffered Manchester Memorial Hospital. to Dr. Caputo, and the nursing staff But the number of orchestras sing along. He was bom in North Stonington on a piece like this one.” job. Phillips’ predecessor. Dr. It is clearly one of the best today. Court on Monday. lane, police said. The truck, oper­ bruises on his neck and left hip, the at Manchester Hospital. Jack Heller, was musical direc­ spokesman said. Information on and had lived in Glastonbury many community orchestras in the Roger Carpenter, 17, of 4 Devon ated by Duane A. Buxton of East tor of the Manchester Symphony Drive, struck Donald Whorff, 21, of A 10-year-old South Windsor boy Hartford, slid out of control when the injuries to Buxton and Donna L. years before he moved to Manches­ From the family of country.’’ Fred W. Hanson Sr. for 17 years. 159 Hillard St., after he was was listed in satisfactory condition Buxton applied the brakes, Buxton Reardon was not available. ter. He was a former Glastonbury This does not mean that the harassed by Whorff, Carpenter told at Manchester Memorial Hospital told police. BESIDES BEING Phillips' de­ new conductor won’t find his police. Carpenter said that in today after a two-car accident on Buxton was fined $50 for travel­ position challenging, however. response, Whorff hit him repeat­ Gleason Street Wednesday. ing at an unreasonable speed. “Choosing a pro­ but, Monday’s concert opens the symphony season, and is also one He hopes to work on a few basic edly with his belt, police said. James Reardon, one of two Buxton, Donna L. Reardon and areas. One is to have the string Both Carpenter and Whorff were passengers in a pickup truck driven Michael Reardon, 8, another pas­ Diamonds.. . Gold.. . Hearts of the kick-off events for the gram is one of the Manchester Road Race Festival. sections play in a more unanim­ charged with third-degree assault. by Donna L. Reardon, 36, of the senger in Reardon’s truck, were ous fashion. Another is to have same South Windsor address, was That’s an interesting combina­ Sean G. Finnegan. 16, of 38 the various sections really listen Edgerton St., who was fleeing from admitted to the hospital with a tion — one which strongly the scene with Carpenter, admitted bruise and fracture following the Combined to Create Sparkting Holidays most difficult parts influenced Phillips’ choice of to one another. “Both of these to taking a case of beer from accident and remained there today, EMERGENCY music. Because of the tie-in with will give a more unified approach Whorff, police said. He was a hospital spokesman said. Fire — Police — Medical of being a conduc­ the race, Phillips chose Ameri­ to our sound.” Phillips said. charged with sixth-degree larceny. Police had no information on the Beautiful brilliant cut sparkling diamonds can music for the first half of the Turning to another area en­ Finnegan was released by police relationship between the occupants DIAL 911 tirely, Phillips said he will be combined in a unique design of concert. He wanted music that on a written promise to appear. of the truck. In Manchester tor. I love it, and I would be fun for an intergenera- involved in a major effort at Carpenter was detained on a $100 Donna L. Reardon was traveling 14K yellow gold. tional audience, but did not want building up the symphony’s to make his local debut at a audience. “It’s something that’s agonize over it. “pops” concert. facing all arts groups across the "Choosing a program is one of country,” he said. One of the Teamsters the most difficult parts of being a most important ways to develop And I agonize and I conductor,” says Phillips. “I a longterm audience is to woo the organize at n love it. and I agonize over it. And young people, Phillips indicated. agonize. I agonize and I agonize.” For the first time in the He finally chose the “Outdoor organization’s history, free Overture” and “Quiet City,” tickets to ail concerts are being Penney Ten Diamond Eight Diamond Seven Diamond both by Aaron Copland, and offered to students under the age Earrings Ring Pendant “Variations on America” by of 18. Phillips hopes to work Photos by Gary Tucker Charles Ives. “They’re fun, but Continued from page 1 closely with the music teachers EXTRA ‘ 159. ‘229. ‘ 199. really challenging — both for the in Manchester’s public schools. dabaugh said. “That is against the Our Reg. Price $199. Our Reg. Price $275. Our Reg. Price $260. musicians and for the audience.’’ And he would like to offer young, law.” Phillips said. talented musicians the opportun­ At Monday’s rehearsal it was 9 Despite the problems he foresees. ity to play with the symphony “Hey, you’ve got to have fun with this variation, gang. Loosen up.” Hayes said he still thinks workers obvious that the unusual rhythms during rehearsals. have a good chance of organizing CASH All Hearts Specially Priced for the Holidays clerks, packers, stock handlers and others. He said there are about a That’s right! You can thousand employees at the center make extra money who could be organized. A single sparkling diamond delicately set in 14K yellow gold Radabaugh said the number of by selling unneedecj hourly wage employees was “sub­ Festival week opens with a fitness expo at MHS stantially” higher than the number items to reatders of Hayes gave, but declined to give the Classifieci columns. further details. Medicine Associates of East screening; computerized health progress in on imaginary race, in of races. Workers have complained about Ring Do you want to know how much a video screen; computerized You’ll be surprise(j just Earrings fat is lurking in your body? Want Hartford will test your flexibility analysis; computerized nutrition poor working conditions, including Stairmaster, where you mimic OTHER BOOTHS: Nike Inc., to find out whether you’re prone and help determine whether you analysis; measure the strength favoritism, vague rules and senior­ how quickly your ad ‘79. the body stress of cllmhing the shoe samples; Brooks Athletic ‘79. to knee injuries? Wondering are likely to sustain an injury of your knees; advice on how to ity policies, Hayes said. Our Reg. Price $129. Our Reg. Price $129. avoid injuries; an opportunity to stsirs Shoe Co. Inc.,^hoe samples; The “Apparently the rank and file has will pull response. whether you really eat a health- when you run or participate in other sports. try cardiopulmonary resuscita­ Physical Therapy & Sports Run-In, athlehc clothing; Remi- gotten sick of it,” Hayes said. . ful diet each day? THE M AN L HESTER tion on a mannequin; determine Medicine Associates — will test glno’s First Place, athletic clo­ “Apparently conditions are such Reafiers will be calling Give her your heart and one of ours; she will cherish it for a lifetime. ' You can answer these ques­ Manchester Memorial Hospi­ tal’s cardiac rehabilitation unit RCAD RACE# your blood type; have handouts your flexibility; give you train­ thing; National Sporting Goods 6 over there that it was absolutely vou before vou know it] tions at the first Manchester ing tips; do a full assessment of Exchange, athletic gear; Hart­ These very special low prices are for the holidays only. ^ r t s and Fitness Expo Satur­ will do a body fat measurement; and discussion of sports and necessary for a union.” your potential for injuries in ford Track Gub; Willimantic To organize. Local 671 needs to Offer good until December 31, 1986. day at Manchester High School, and the physical therapy depart­ said. “I felt that we needed to parent-child issues; a table ment will use a computer to have at least one thing that was where visitors may sample popu­ sports. Athletic Club; The Athletic get 30 percent of the center’s hourly the very first event in the D.C.L. Physical Therapy Ser­ wage employees to sign union Illustrations enlarged to show detail. Manchester Road Race Festival. analyze why your knees are primarily for the runner.” lar “runner” drinks like Gato- Congress. rade, and learn what’s really in vice — will do a posture analysis; In the gymnasium; 11 a.m., cards. Those cards would then be The cafeteria will be filled with giving you pain. submitted to the National Labor Joan Schwarz, a veteran THE FAIR IS OPEN from 11 them. test your joint flexibility. Sally Zimmer, world class people willing to poke, prod, Manchester Health Depart­ runner, “Women and Running"; Relations Board and a union vote probe and otherwise explore runner from Manchester, has a.m. to 3 p.m., and admission is Connecticut Wellness Centers ment — will test your lung noon. Dr. Evan Gold, chiroprac­ would be scheduled. your body, in an effort to find out been to other fitness fairs, which free. However, there will be — will make up your fitness If a majority of the workers precede other races around New nominal fees charged for some of profile; get your cholesterol capacity on a machine from the tor. “Muscle Coordination and MANCHESTER Q )lc m i< m d just how fit you are. American Lung Association. approved union representation in For example, the Connecticut England. That’s why she offered the tests. Here’s what you’ll find count; check body fat Muscle Balance’’; 1p.m., Debbie Total Fitness Systems — try that vote. Local 671 would become "Place Your Trust in Wellness Centers are offering to be coordinator for this event. in the various areas of the high composition. Brown, exercise instructor. out treadmills, rowing machines, the legal bargaining agent of the HERALD the Diamond Specialists cholesterol screenings, body “I felt very strongly about this. school cafeteria; Holiday Matrix Fitness & Aerobic and Anaerobic Workout, bicycles, cross country ski employees. people read oA o € i? ca ^ composition tests and health There was a whole week of Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Racquetball Center — Life all may participate; 2 p.m., classified ads machines. Geoff Smith, marathon winner, Tri City Plaza fitness profiles. festivities, but most of it has tal — will give you a body fat Rower, a multi-media rowing pboaa 643-2711 classified Manchester Parkade Physical Therapy & Sports nothing to do with running! ” she measurement; blood pressure machine, where you see your Silk City Strlders — videotapes "World Class Training.” The Comstock Lode of silver and Manchester Vernon gold was discovered in Nevada in 646-0012 872-6900 1859. 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD Friday. Nov. 21, W eekenders

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Howie Enjoy church fairs Ten at ten Mandel says the toughest episodes he’s, ever- had to do on “ St. Buy some gifts, crafts and homemade food at “ The Ten of Us,” a show of fine crafts by Elsewhere” involve his character fa irs this weekend. Connecticut artisans, will open at 10 a.m. on getting, shot and visiting heaven, hell and purgatory. The annual Trinity Covenant Holiday Fair will be Saturday and Sunday at the Yale Motor Inn, Route 5, Wallingford. The show is open until 5 each The NBC series devotes two Saturday from 9: SO a.m. to 2; 30 p.m. at the church, episodes to the near tragedy that afternoon. Admission is free. 302 Hackmatack St. A light luncheon will be served strikes Dr. Wayne Fiscus and starting at 11:30 a.m. Swedish coffee bread, pies brings him to the brink of death. THE H omestead and other home-baked goods, candy, handcrafts, The shows are set for the next two A fine dining experience with a country antique flair, dried flowers, books. Jewelry and macrame will be Wednesdays, Nov. 26 and Dec. 3. sold. There will be several booths. Proceeds will go Cars In spotlight Mandel said the episodes took to the Covenant Women Missions. four weeks to shoot, including Michael Kapsch If you want to see all the 1987 car models under location work in Pasadena Ond in Unitarian Universalist Society-East Holiday one roof, then the Hartford Civic Center is the place Arizona. Normally the only location former chef at Vito’ s Birch Mountain Inn, Craft Fair will have a preview sale and - shooting is in Boston, home of the refreshments tonight from 7 to 9 at the to be this weekend. The 12th annual International w e lc o ;^ you to his new restaurant. The Auto Show will feature cars from 30 show’s fictional hospital, St. meetinghouse, 153 W. Vernon St. The admission Eligius. Homestead, in Mansfield, CT. A country manufacturers, as well as guest appearances by will be $3. On Saturday the fair will be free and “ Arizona was where we filmed antique atmospere with Chef Kapsch’s Jim Rice of the Boston Red Sox, Don Pasqua of the hell, but we didn’t want to tell the open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch for less than 35 superb ihenu make the Homestead will be served. Sale items will include: gourment New York Yankees, and Ron Francis, Mike Liut local people that,” Mandel said. preserves, pottery, wrought-iron pieces, used and Dave Tippett of the Hartford Whalers. In In the first hour, an angry wife Restaurant a wonderful dining experience books and toys, near antiques and baskets. addition to the sports figures, Gregg Marx and Lisa follows her injured husband into the _ _ _ for both lunch and dinner. American Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Brown from “ As the World Turns ' will be on hand emergency room at Boston’s St. Eligius Hospital to finish him off. Proprietors Michael and Alice Kapsch encourage you to make Fair will be Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sunday afternoon. The show is open tonight until N Instead, she shoots Fiscus. church, 21 Garden St. Sterling silver jewelry, 11, Saturday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday reservations now for your holiday party. They will plan an event from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets are $4.50 general and While the staff of the hospital ceramics, candlesticks. Latvian decorations, and works frantically to save his life, sure to make all of your senses happy. $3.50 senior citizens. Children under 15 must be many other items will be sold. Coffee and pastries Fiscus has the out-of-body expe­ accompanied by an adult; under 12 will be will be served. rience in which he visits heaven, c n St. Bridget Holiday Fair will be Saturday from 10 admitted free. hell and purgatory and meets up 50 Higgins Highway (Rte. 31) a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school cafeteria and church with Dr. Peter White, the rapist basement at 74 and 80 Main St., sponsored by the killed by a nurse in a previous Mansfield ■ 456-2240 The Homeilertd^ Rosary Society. Craftsmen will demonstrate. Artist sketches state scenes episode. “ These were the hardest two 0 Santa Claus will visit at 1 p.m. There will be games Happy birthday, Arthur episodes for acting I ’veeverdone,” and crafts for children. Fresh-baked pies and The drawing of a barn at Caprilands in at the Borgia Gallery, Elms College, 231 If you’ve got children, you probably know the Coventry was made by Mariiyn Richard­ Springfield St., Chicopee, Mass. The Mandel said. “ I had to climb ANGELO’S PIZZA cakes, cheese, jams, jellies, raffle tickets, used Marc Brown stories about Arthur the aardvark. mountains in Arizona. Spend the Herald photo by Rocha gallery is free and open to the public toys and jewelry will be sold. Lunch will be He’s appeared in “ Arthur’s Glasses,” “ Arthur son, Wrights Mili Road, Coventry, who day in freezing water. They hung available. Goes to Camp,” and many others. The Faxon has drawn, several other scenes of the Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 me about 30 feet up on a sound stage ft RESTAURANT Branch of the West Hartford Public Library, 1073 state. Her vwatercolors are on display at a p.m. in front of a blue screen. It was right /fs a what? after lunch, and I almost got sick. 3 ® New Britain Ave., West Hartford, will throw a Springfiefd (Mass.) Art League Exhibit The next day they called and said party for Arthur on Saturday, in honor of the The SCACCIATA Jazz warms the night David Smith iets the Eccentric Passive Chine, and others which test health and something had gone wrong, and I a Pizza dough pie! V stress, will be featured at the Sports and aardvark’s 10th birthday. The party will be at 2 had to do it again. I also spent seven .lO ® ' Isometric Isokinetic Biodex machine p.m. and is aimed at children ages 5 through 9. The sizzling jazz sounds of Ellen M cllwaine will test his refiexes and joint fiexibility, in Fitness Expo on Saturday at Manchester days in bed with all those tubes and Plus a wide variety of fill the student center at the University of Children will play games and act out scenes from Famous gorilla gets makeover tapes.” , Connecticut in Storrs tonight. Mcllwaine is one of the physical therapy department of High School, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Arthur books. The program is free, but famiiies In the second hour, Bill Dana Italian Dishes the few female jazz soloists in the business. The Manchester Memorial Hospital. Paul Admission is free, but there will be should call the library, 523-5545, to reserve a spot. plays Fiscus’ father. He’s a carpet CHICAGO (AP) — Bushman the forever. A makeover should last said. opening act will be One More Than Four, a jazz Zelinsky, one of the hospital's physical nominal fees charged for many of the salesman, Mandel’s real-life occu­ Now Open Mondays gorilla has been dead for 35 years, Bushman an additional 20 years, pation before he became a come­ fusion quintet from the Berkeley School of Music in • tests. Bushman weighed 550 pounds therapists, jots down data. This ma- but he’s still being pampered and said taxidermist Paul Brunsvold. dian and actor. 11 am - 8 pm Massachusetts. Tickets are $4, and the concert when he died at age 22 and stood 6 groomed for the millions of visitors “ I'm giving Bushman a real He calls himself “ a real fan” of starts at 8. feet, 2 inches tall. 647-9334 An opera of love who keep coming to see him. restoration and cleaning,’ ’ he said “ St. Elsewhere.” 662 Center St., Manchester Thursday. “ Just from age, areas of He was called “ the most out­ “ My pride in this show is that The French tragic love story, “ Manon,” by Jules The gorilla, a highlight at Lincoln his skin were dry and peeling so I’m standing single animal of any zoo in we’re based on reality. It’s not Massenet will be the Hartt Opera Theater’s first Park Zoo for 20 years, was treated Take a walk The dancing fools Turkey on tap using a lanolin solution to soften the world and the most valuable” at predictable,” he said. “ The ap­ offering of the season. Performances are tonight by a taxidermist after his death in ^A^SSARO:S 1951 and placed on display at the and condition the skin. a convention of the American proach to this episode is real. It’s How does a forest get ready for winter? You can Marcello Mastroianni and Giulietta Masina are Turkey roasts, turkey shoots, turkey dinners and and Saturday at 8 and Sunday at 2; 30 p.m. in Field Museum of Natural History. “ The solution will also make his Association of Zoological Parks and not a fantasy. I didn’t approach it as see the answers for yourself on Saturday at 2 p.m. retired tap dancers who believe themselves to be even a turkey dance; all of that will be featured this Millard Auditorium, University of Hartford. a dream. People who’ve had But taxidermy doesn’t live hair shiny and pliable again,” he Aquariums in 1946. at Gay City State Park in Hebron. The Department Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Federico weekend at Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Tickets are $11 at the door, with discounts for out-of-body experiences describe of Environmental Protection is sponsoring a Fellini’s newest cinema spectacle. This film, Mass. A full week of traditional Thanksgiving senior citizens, educators and those with season them as real. I believe there’s more arestaurant Family Outdoor Discovery Program, which will released just this year, will be shown in Von Der activities begins Saturday at 11 a.m. with a tickets. to life than the body. All that energy presents our include a discussion of hibernation, a chance for Mehden Hall at the University of Connecticut in competitive turkey shoot. Throughout the can’t be destroyed. It only changes weekend specials seeing how insects protect themselves from the Storrs tonight at 8. Tickets are $2.50. weekend, costumed interpreters will prepare form.” Meat or Cheese Ravioli w/«iuMige ...... *5.75 Cinema But Mandel, currently appearing snow, and much more. The two-hour program is turkey dinners in open hearths and meals of a Baked Scrod ...... *6.95 similar type may be ordered at the Bullard Tavern. in a comedy special on Home Box free. Gather in the main parking lot, off Route 85 in Toys tell of ancestors Office, is ever the comedian, Chicken Cordon Bleu ...... *7.75 Natural ornaments Visitors will be invited to attend traditional Sot and Sun 2, 4:15, 7, 9:15. Americon Toll (G) FrI 7:10, 9:20; Sot Hebron. HARTFORD ^ ^ and Sun 1:10, 3:20, 7:10, 9:20. — Song of “ I had an out-of-body experience Veal Pizziola...... *8.95 worship services at 1; 15 and 3; 45 each afternoon. What do playthings tell us about our parents and Clntmo City — Peggy Sue Got the South (G) FrI 7:10,9:20; Sot and Sun Get into the holiday spirit on Saturday by making Married (PG-13) FrI 7:10, 9:30; Sat and WEST HARTFORD once,” he said. “ I went shopping. I Filet Mignon w/muahroom tauce ...... *9,00 The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. grandparents? That’s the subject of ‘"Toys as Keys Sun 1:50,4:10,7:10, 9:30. — Song of the Elm 1 8 2 — Top Gun (PG) FrI 7,9:30; 1:10, 3:20, 7:10, 9:20. — “ Crocodile" Sot and Sun 2,4:15,7,9:30. — 52 Pick-Up Dundee (PG-13) FrI 7:05,9:15; Sat and didn’t buy anything. Next time I ’m natural ornaments and holiday decorations at the Admission is $8.50 for adults, $4 for children. to the Past,” a program Sunday at 3 p.m. at the South (G) FrI 6:50,8:50, Sot and Sun 1,3, 331 Center Street 2 Taste of Thanksgiving (R) FrI 7, 9:30; Sot and Sun 2, 4:15, 7, Sun 1:05, 3:15, 7:05, 9:15. — Peggy Sue taking my body with me.” Connecticut Audubon Society's Holland Brook 4:50, 6:50, 8:50. — Mother Teresa FrI (Corner of Broad and Center, next to Carvels) Connecticut Historical Society, 1 Elizabeth St., 9:30. Got Morried (PG-13) Frl 7:05; Sot ond HBO’s “ The Young Comedians 7:20, Sat and Sun 1:30, 3:30, 7:20,9:20. — Sun 1:05, 7:05. — Somethino Wild (R) Revolutionary War soldiers will invade Putnam Center, 1361 Main St., Glastonbury. Instructors and Hartford. Miniature cast-iron stoves, china tea sets The Name of the Rose (R> FrI 7, 9:40; All-Star Reunion,” airing this 647-9995 Sot and Sun 1:40, 4:15, 7, 9:40. WILLIMANTIC Frl 9:15; Sot and Sun 3:15, 9:15. Memorial State Park on Saturday to demonstrate all necessary supplies will be provided. The See Israeli film and catling cards for 19th-century girls will be JIMion Square Cinema — Firewalker month, also features comedians camp and cabin life in winter. A sample program is from 9; 30 to 11; 30 a.m , andcosts$15 CAST HARTFORD (PG) FrI 7, 9:10; Sat and Sun 1, 3:10, 7, WINDSOR Robin Williams. Harry Anderson “ Hill 24 Doesn’t Answer,” an Israeli film, will be among the items displayed by education officer 9:10. — The Color of Money IR) FrI 7, Plaza — Tough Guvs (PG) Frl 7, Sot Thanksgiving dinner will be prepared, including per family. Children must attend with their ■otlwood Pub * Cinema — Top Gun 9:10; Sot and Sun 1, 3:10, 7, 9:10 — An 7:15, 9:25; Sun 4, 7:15. and Richard Belzer. shown Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Federation East, 434 Christine Ermenc. Each participant will receive a IPG) Frl-Sat 7:15, 9:20; Sun 7:30. foods only from the 18th century. Taste the foods, parents. Peer Richard's Pub 8 Cinema — 52 Oakland St. Tickets at the door will be: $2.50, Victorian paper toy to take home. This program is talk with the soldiers, and watch crafts Pick-Up (R) FrI and Sat 7:30, 9:30, F rid a y & Saturday Spaclala general admission; $2, senior citizens; and$l, recommended for ages 5 and up. Admission is $2 midnight; Sun 5,7:30, 9:30. demonstrations — all for free. The park is at the for adults, $1 for children under 12. Because thewcose Cinemas 1-9 — Soul Man A Hartford happening students. (PG-13) FrI 1:25, 7:20, 9:45; Sal 12:45, Manchester Symphony Orchestra junction of routes 58 and 107 in Redding. For more refreshments are served, participants are asked to 2:50, 5, 7:20,9:45, 11:50; Sun 12:45,2:50, information, call 938-2285. make reservations Saturday by calling 236-5621. 5,7:20,9:45. — Standby Me (R) Fr11:40, Tie on your dancin’ shoes and bop on over to the 7:40,9:55,11:40; Sat t:05,3:05,5:15,7:40, and Chorale Concert • stuffed Flounder Centinental ...... *6.95 Hartford Happenings Rock & Roll Singles Dance on See Indian crafts 9:55, 11:40; Sun 1:05, 3:05, 5:15, 7:40, 9:55. — Somethino Wild (R) FrI 1:15, • Shrimp Piccatta over Rice ...... *7.95 Saturday, starting at 8 p.m. It’s going to be at the 7:25, 9:50, m idnight; Sat 12:20, 2:40, 50th ANNUAL MANCHESTER ROAD RACE University of Hartford’s Konover Center, 200 Bring the children to see Colonial and native 5:05, 7:25, 9:50, m idnight; Sot 12:20, • Broiled Swordfish ...... *8.95 American dancing and crafts at the Haps Christian 2:40, 5:05, 7:25, 9:50, m idnight; Sun Bloomfield Ave., West Hartford. Admission is $12 See ‘Fame’ on stage 12:20,2:40,5:05,7:25,9:50. — Firewalker Andersen Montessori School, St. George’s ' • Chicken & Eggplant Parmigiana ...... *6.75 at the door. The dance goes through 2 a.m. Sunday. The hit television program “ Fam e” began as a (PG) FrI 1:20, 7:40, 9:50, m idnight; Sot V Epsicopal Church hall. Route 44A, Bolton, Sunday 12:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:40, 9:50, midnight; Drinks are 25 cents until 9:30, and 99 cents movie and Broadway musical. See the stage from 2 to 4 p.m. Activities will include; cider Sun 12:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:40, 9:50. — 0 thereafter. All munchies are free. version this weekend at Glastonbury High School, "Crocodile” Dundee (PG-13) FrI 1:35, 1 LA STRADA Restaurant pressing, butter churning, crafts and games. 7:10, 9:20, 11:20; Sot 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, m 321 Hubbard St. It’s being presented by the Monday, Nov. 24, 1986 — 8 P.M. 471 Hartford Road 643-6165 Mixashawn, a native American, will dance in full 7:10, 9:20, 11:20; Sun 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, CO Glastonbury Youth & Fam ily Services and 7:10, 9:20. — An Americon Toll (G) FrI -V Mon.-Sal. 5:30-10 / Sun. 'til 9 dress. Vegetable soup, butter, cider, applesauce, 1:15,7:20,9:20,11:10; Sot 1:15,3:15,5:15, o» Strings for free Glastonbury High School Drama'Club Friday and Manchester High School corn and pumpkin muffins prepared by the 7:20, 9:20, 11:10; Sun 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $2.50 general, $2 7-20,9:20. — The Color otMonev (R) FrI The Karas String Quartet will offer a free students will be served. 1:05,7:15,9:40; Sot 12:15,2:35,4:55,7:15, for students and free to senior citizens with a chamber music concert on Sunday at 3; 30 p.m. at 9:40, 11:55; Sun 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, Paul C. Phillips, C onductor reservation. Call 659-2711, extension 300 for more 9iS0. — Jumpin' Jock Flash (R) FrI 1:30, St. P eter’s Church, 160 Main St., Hartford. The 7/35,10, 12:05; Sat 12:40,3, 5:05, 7:35,10, information. David Clyle Morse, Chorale Director program includes Paganini’s Sonata Concertata Speler’s art shown 42:05; Sun 12:40, 3, 5:05, 7:35, 10. — T he H omestead Children of a Lesser God (R) FrI 1:10, A fine dining experience with a country antique flair. for guitar and violin, which will feature guitarist 7:05,9:30,11:50; Sat 1:15,4:15,7:05,9:30, An art exhibit by Glastonbury Sue Speier will Richard Provost, professor at the Hartt School of 11:50; Sun 1:15,4:15, 7:05, 9:30. Orchestra open with a reception sponsored by the Manchester MONTH OF NOVEMBER SPECIAL: Music. MANCHESTER ^ ^ Arts Council on Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Hear readings UA 'nieaters East — Top Gun (PG) Symphony #2 — Sibilius Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 20 FrI 7:20, 9:40; Sot and Sun 2, 4, 6, 8:10, Seafood Medley Wit and Wisdom Writers Club members will rea d . 10:10. — 52 Pick-Up (R) FrI 7:15, 9:30; Selections by Ives and Copland Hear the English Hartford Rond^ The public is invited to the Sot and Sun 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30. —- Scallops, Shrimp, Mussels, Clams, Crab and *CtASSIC I reception and to the exhibit, which will be on view some of their prose Saturday at 2 p.m. at Whiton Peoav Sue Got Married (PG-13) FrI I AMCmCAH PARr Memorial Library. The public is invited. 7:30,9:45; Sat and Sun 2:30,4, 7:30,9:45. Scungilli in a rich garlic sauce served over linguini • Listen to the International Staff Songsters of untilJan. 17. — Heavy Metal (R) FrI and Sat American Patriotic Songs by the Chorale Recapture riverfront midnight. — The Rockv Horror Picture London, England, at an ecumenical service Show (R1 FrI and Sot midnight. - - Plus Audience Sing-Along ★ Remember us for your Christmas parties. ★ Denise L. Nappier, executive director of Saturday at 7 p.m. at South United Methodist Fright Night (R) FrI and Sot midnight. General Admission — 86.00 ftem Mwiehni* Riverfront Recapture, will speak tonight at 8 at the Church, 1226 Main St. Tickets are $5 in advance EMERGENCY CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR ' VBRNON Sr. Citizens & Students Manchester Community College Lowe Building, from Salvation Arm y members and $7 at the door. cine 1 8 2-52 PIck-Up (R) Frl7:10, over 18 — $4.00 50 Higgins Highway (Rte. 31) Fire — Police — Medical 9-30; Sot ond Sun 4:45, 7:10, 9:30. — Room CL244. The program is one of a series There are no reserved seats. The songsters will Saturday, 5fovember 22, 1986 — 10am-4pm Heothcllff, the Movie (G) Sot and Sun Children Under 18 — Free sponsored by the Manchester Land Conservation give a vocal clinic Saturday at 1:15 p.m. and will be DIAL 911 i:30, 3:15. — Top Gun (PG) FrI 7, 9:15; THE MANCHESTER Mansfield ■ 456-2240 The Homestcfld Trust. Tickets will be free to trust members, $2 at the Salvation Arm y meeting Sunday at 10:45 In Manchester CRESTFIELD CONVALESCENT HOME F o r further information call 649-2766. KCADRACE# general admission and $5 a family. a.m. at the Citadel, 661 Main St. FENWOOD MANOR EMERGENCY 9 565 Vernon St., Manchester, CT 06040 Fire — Police — Medical Best Italian 1984-86 ★ Wooden Items ★ Ceramics ★ Christmas DIAL 911- Nikki’s Celebrates Families 4n Manchester Voted Conneclicul Magazine Ornaments ★ Handsewn Crafts November is Family Month at Nikki’s NIKKI’S Presents A New Diversified Menu • Italian Cuisine *• Seafood • Fowl • Steaks • Ribs 254 Broad St., Manchester W e’re Present* the 8lh Annual WRITE IT DOWN NIKKI’S November Specials: (Toes., Wed., Than. Only) Before the showcase Sponsoring Great Turkey Day Race, CINEMAS FAMILY Veal Cacciatori wUh Poienu *9.95 JViUc/'acAe/^ s f (Served with salad, pasta, vegetable or potato, HAL ROACH E. HARTFORD s e e -s B ia OF nuK Sc fresh fruits, bread Sc butter) Director Joyce Karple) iSI stop by for breakfast. INTERSTATE 84 EXIT 58 Set Dec. 13 BARGAIN MATINEE — $2 50 Manchester High School first a f te r n o o n s h o w o nly 3 PM 8 7:30 p« I S C O M I N G / THE 646-3161 Open 7:30am-12:00pm CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT SUN & HOtIDAYS 60 Villa Louisa Roads Bolton* CT Sm . Dm . 7 m m LATE SHOWS FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ellington High School 3 PM November 27 FRIDAY NOV. 2a./9Qe WEEK AN AMERICAN HREWALKER 6 TlekPti AvilliMi At T in t e S T S ^ 1 2 . 0 0 TAIL ISI i:in a o iaOT:40 Fill out entry slip at Finest food from the Dancers Place, 210 Pine St., Manchester JtrfiAYB£U£/iS _ $-.«MI:IO MOI2M loa Nikki’s — Drawing held every Call 647-8462, 528-6266 or 633-6445 St Don’t forget to order your Holiday Pies! MiJRIC STORE South of the Border 4lSo: SOMETHING JUMPIN’ D) Saturday at 8 pm during the All Tickets rORTRECORD Sr6F\ PLACE WILD m JACK FLASH Which Partormanca MANCHESTER 1:307:30 month of November. O tn cril AdmlMlon Baked Pie deadline for orders: \WRR0R7MrS7/-/goi 1:187» tftOOI2d)6 Adult! ^ '800 No. ot Adult*------m :T k Mo-ieoo No. of Childran------Monday, November 24 CHILDREN OF And the winning family, San. CItIzani *4.00 b SOUL MAN Margarita’s that are No. of Sr. Clllzana------A LESSER GOD Childran undar 12 *4.00 l»7J0- I:I07M- out of this world! Mtho ctMCke payoWo (o Connoctleut Conoofl Saltet, 280 Oarden Qrove. Cream Pie deadline for orders; M# IPGTUl O-JOIIAO S Dinner is FREE! Manchoetor. CT 08040. Ploaoe tend oolf-aMroeaod eUmpod onvolopo. Up to 5 meals plus a Tuesday, November 25 the color STAND BY OF MONEYS] ME S complimentary family sitting W ittrlnf^ Hoi. 429-1900 From NIKKI with LOVE . 1«-T:18 1:407:40 1:40 83011:40 from Deguzis Photographers 254 Broad St Manchester 1 CROCODILE DUNDEE 1 an award winning family Rt. 32, Mansfield (Form erly Chuck’s Steak House) • 646-3000 • 1 1 JS-7;108201 t:t0 fPgrai | portrait artist! MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 21.1986 — 17 U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov. 21, 1986 A dvice Friday T V You don’t see him,

Maude but he’s everywhere 5:00PM [ESPN] Rollermania (60 (5S) m in ) (30) More Real People . „ Family circle too big by one [HBO] M O VIE: Protocol' (CC) A naive [CNN] Crossfire cocktail waitress becomes a national her­ L.A. LAW By Jerry Buck oine when she is recruited by the Slate 1:1 SAM CD MOVIE: Making Love' A The Associated Press Department as a protocol official Goldie young woman must face the knowledge Hawn. Chris Sarandon, Andre Gregory that her husband is in love with another LOS ANGELES — You may lor wife who’s left husband 1984 Rated PG In Stereo Grace Van Owen (Susan Dey) man Kate Jackson, Harry Hamlin, Michael • JW^' - must overcome courtroom Ontkean. 1981 never have seen the face, but once 6:00PM ® ® 0® News emotion when she prosecutes 1:30AM Q[D independent Network you hear the voice you’re unlikely D E A R Annual Lonely Hearts Thanksgiv­ ® Three's Company News to forget it. ABBY: Fifteen dD Magnum, P.l. an AIDS victim who took the ing Day Bash” (our second will be life of his terminally ill mate [CNN] Newsnight Update Lorenzo Music is heard every­ %ionths ago, I even better). (3D ^ G im m e a Break rather then see him suffer any [ESPN] Running and Racing (R). where — as Garfield the cat on the took my two Divorced and widowed friends CS) Private Benjamin more with the same disease, [M A X ] MOVIE: 'E llie' Revenge is sweet CBS specials and the upcoming iphlldren and left met at a restaurant for an old- dD Doctor Who "The Venus Butterfly” epi­ for a seductive country girl who finds ways theatrical movie, as numerous my husband of D ear A bbv fashioned Thanksgiving dinner. So d® Charlie's Angels of doing away with those involved in her Saturday morning cartoon voices, sode of NBC’s "L.A. Law" father's death. Sheila Kennedy, Shelley ,I0 years. For many people are all alone during Q uincy as the voice on many television airs FRIDAY, NOV. 21. Winters. 1984. Rated R (bine years I took Abigail Van Buren the holidays, and they shouldn’t be. (3D Reporter 41 commercials and on more radio Inside the NFL High­ fin emotional Eight of us got together commiser­ (57) MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour 1 :40AM [HBO] CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME lights of the NFL games, including com­ commercials than he can count. Mattering from ated about life and, before we ate, dD Facts of Life mentary by Len Dawson and Nick Buoni­ He is the voice of Ozzie the dog on )his man until I read aloud the Thanksgiving [DIS] MOVIE: 'The Adventures of Icha- conti (60 min.) In Stereo “ Disney’s Floppy Dogs,” which finally reached prayer you run in your newspaper bod and M r. Toad' Ichabod Crane encoun- 2:00AM CE) m o v ie : Road to Bali' ABC will broadcast Monday, Dec. the point of “ Let ters the Headless Horseman and (Vfr Toad column every year. The queen of Two American vaudevillians wind up as 1. Jne out, or lock me up!” our day was an 82-year-old widow travels to Toad Hall. Animated. Voices of deep-sea divers, hired to recover treasure. found that the most misspelled Htrald photo by Rocha Bing Crosby, Basil Rathbone. 1949. He’s also Tummi Gummi on J We live in the same city with my commonly used word is who kept everyone well entertained Bing Crosby. Bob Hope. Dorothy Lamour. “ Walt Disney’s Adventures Of the [ESPN] Mazda SportsLook d® d® VVall S treet W ith Louis Rukeyser [E S P N ] SportsCenter Live 1953 jentire family. They have seen how “occurrence.” with wonderfully witty stories. Gummi Bears” on NBC and Peter ^busive he has been to me and my Win a warm quilt [MAX] MOVIE: 'Chorus Line: The (3D Novela: Herencia Maldita [M ] Max Headroom (3D MOVIE: ‘This Island Earth' Scientists Amazingly, fewer than 10 percent Please continue to print that journey to a planet nearly destroyed by an Venkman on ABC’s “ Ghostbus- N Movie' (CC) Young dancers auditioning children, yet they continue to invite beautiful Thanksgiving prayer ev­ [USA] Check It Out! of the students in my classes have for a musical, seek fame and stardom M i­ 1 1 :35PM ® Entertainment Tonight interplanetary war. Faith Domergue, Jeff ters.’’ Both are Saturday morning him to all family functions — ery year, and may God bless you Lillian Krukas and David Ebelon hold a queen-aize quilt will benefit hIgh-school Priscillu Prosloy of "Dallas'’ talks lo ET Morrow, Rex Reason. 1955. spelled it correctly the first time. chael Douglas, Audrey Landers. 1985 9:00PM (3D Dallas (CC) (60 mm ) cartoon shows. LORENZO MUSIC birthdays, anniversaries and holi­ The most common misspelling of this year and always. music students. Raffle tickets will be Rated PG-13 about hof rolo as Jenna VVade in the hi! dD Grizzly Adams Perhaps Music’s best-known role quilt that will be raffled at the Feb. 7 (3D (3P) Love Boat (CC) On a Caribbean CBS TV nighttime drama In Stereo . . . forget the face days — just as though nothing had occurrence is "occurance” — but JANE BEDELL AND FRIENDS, [USA] Dance Party USA health and fitness cruise, a dint author is (1® Music City, U.S.A. was his first as a voice. He was the tri-band concert at 7:30 p.m. at sold at school games. The raffle is looked ujion with suspicion, n 40 yrjat old 1 2:00AM ® Star Search (60 min.) happened. I have hinted that I’m there are several others. HOUSTON 6:30PM C£) w k r p in Cincinnati [ESPN] Mazda SportsLook (R). unseen Carlton the Doorman on very uncomfortable with him there, Manchester High School’s Bailey Audit­ sponsored by the Friends of Music. man wants to play the field and Doc s (3D N ightlife Bob Newhart Show.” He and Davis I consider the most difficult word ( ® (3® ABC N ew s honeymoon is disrupted wfien he sees onNick Nolte, Music said. wanted but we couldn’t find anyb; been laid off for nearly a year and (3D Noticiero SIN (241 Connecticut New Week JoBelh Williams, Judd Hirsch. 1984. family gatherings, but I am misera­ ENGLISH DEPARTMENT (61) Christian Children's Fund He doesn’t look anything like ody,” he said. "I read for Carlton we are having a realty rough time of dD Silver Spoons (41) Novela; Muchachita Rated R In Stereo. ble when he’s around acting extra ARVADA SENIOR HIGH, [CNN] N ew snight that. The fact is, he doesn’t want during the rehearsals while we kepi it. Is there a tactful way to stop [CNN] Showbiz Today (57) M anaging Our M iracles: Health Care 3:00AM QD Emergency charming so they will wonder what ARVADA, COLO. Morse conducts chorale Red Cross honors volunteer in Am erica Panelists debate the docjor- [ESPN] NFL Game of the Week people to know what he looks like. looking. Mary Tyler Moore, who exchanging Christmas gifts? We [ESPN] Action Outdoors with Julius ^ D Shopping Line Is wrong with me. The Connecticut Valley East Branch of the patient confidentiality in child abuse cases MOVIE; Deja Vu' An actress He would pose for pictures only if was a guest on the first episode, can’t afford to send any gifts this David Clyle Morse, conductor of the Manchester Boros (60 mm ) [HBO] I may have to ask my family to DEAR MR. GRAHAM: Thanks bears a startling resemblance to a ballerina [CNN] News Overnight said, ’Why don’t you do it?’” Symphony Chorale, has announced solists and American Red Cross has named Bernice Woodbury of [USA] Love Me, Love Me Not his face were obscured. make a choice between him and for the spelling lesson. Consulting year, and we don’t want anyone to [CNN] Larry King Live who has been dead for years Jaclyn [ESPN] College Basketball '87 Prev­ ” My voice doesn’t look like what I He began doing voices seriously) send us anything. So how can we get selections for the joint concert with the Manchester Manchester the volunteer of the month. She is a 7:00PM (® CBS News Smith. Claire Bloom, Shelley Winters iew: Dial Dick Vitale Special (60 min.) Jne. What do you think? the dictionary is a daily occurrence V [DIS] MOVIE: 'The Parent Trap’ After Symphony Orchestra on Monday at 8 p.m. at Bailey registered nurse who 1985 RaUid R (R) sound like,” he explained. “ If about five years ago and gave up the word out? CE d® ® M*A*S*H meeting by chance, separated twin sisters everything else two years ago. TORN for me. but I have never heard of Auditorium. Manchester High School, East Middle has been a health history scheme to bring their parents back to­ [MAX] MOVIE: 'Model Behavior' Two [TM C] MOVIE; 'A Wedding' Wedding people dbn’t know what I look like chthonic. and my chances for using SHORT IN FORT WORTH CE) d® Wheel of Fortune “ When I started doing commer­ Turnpike. interviewer at bloodmo- gether Hayley Mills, Maureen 0 Hara. young men ppse as a photographer and an excitement reveals the most hidden se­ people will accept me as Garfield . DEAR ’TORN; The moment of it are slim. However, i f l ’m ever on DEAR SHORT: I’ve made this (3D (3® $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Pyram id Brian Keith 1961 agent in an attempt to woo their female crets of the families involved Carol Bur­ cials I was doing the Carltoq Selections will include a medley of American and biles once a month for 20 the cat. Kids will accept me as the truth has arrived. Quit hinting and a quiz show (or in a spelling bee). suggestion in previous years: Come (33) Jeffersons [ESPN] Top Rank Boxing from Atlantic model subjects Kelly -Emberg, Bruce nett. Mia Farrow, Lillian Gish 1978 Rated handsome hero on ’Ghostbusters.’ I character,” he said. “ I met an patriotic songs with some audience participation. years. She worked at Lyons, Richard Bi*kms ■ 1984 PG. In Stereo tell your family exactly how you the information may come in Thanksgiving, write a note to those (3§) Carson's Comedy Classics City, NJ (2 hrs , 30 mm ) Live can be anybody I want, but if people agent, Roger Heldfond. He created Soloists and their songs are; Judith Lidberg, "It’s a Manchester Memorial [USA] Night Flight (R) feel. And if they continue to invite handy. on your Christmas gift list saying: d3) MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour [TMC] MOVIE: The River Raf |CC| A 12:05AM f f iT . J . Hooker A beautiful know what I look like they’ll say, my career. He set a very high price Grand Night for Singing.” Karen Dieterle, “ Shenan­ Hospital for 40 years young girl and her father, who has returned Eurasian girt U>ads Hooker to an automatic him, they will have made a choice. “ We are thankful for folks with d® Barney Miller 3:05AM [M A X ] m o v ie : 'Deadly ’Naw.he wouldn’t sound like that.’” for my work and those who wanted doah,” and Ann McClain, “ Black is the Color of My before she retired. She aftei 13 years m prison, set out on a reno weapons ring operating in Chinatown (70 Force' A former cop is called upon to track DEAR ABBY: Thanksgiving will whom we can be honest. We’re not and her husband, Cha­ (3® New Newlywed Game vated old toufist boat for a wer?k(jnd triji Frequently, the voice is a flat me knew they were getting this True Love’s Hair.” min ) (H) down a psychopathic mass murderer. DEAR ABBY: You nominated soon be here, and I want you to in a position to send Christmas gifts rles Woodbury, have (4p Novela: Maria de Nadie on the Mississipjii Tommy Let* Joni»s. monotone. For Carlton, it had a character. I didn’t have to audition Other songs include; “ The Battle Hymn of the 12:30AM 3D Judge Wings Hauser, Joyce Ingalls, Paul Shenar the word “ hors d’oeuvre” as the know how much your column this year (nor do we expect any), Martlia Plimpton, Brian Dennehy 1984 1983 Rated R spaced-out quality. But it’s the kind and I did a few exotic things. But Republic,” “ America, the Beautiful,” and “ You’re a been married 51 years, d® Nightly Business Report Rated PG 3D Entertainment Tonight word most frequently misspelled. helped us. Being single can be but please accept our love and of voice you will not forget and will Roger died two years ago and I Grand Old Flag.” The audience will join the chorale and have a son, David dD Maude [USA] Robert Klein Time (18) Jim & Tammy 4:00AM 3D Make Room for Daddy After grading tens of thousa nds of devastating during the holiday sincere good wishes for a happy, Woodbury, and three [CNN] Moneyline (3D Jackie Gleason recognize the next time. went with a new agent, Rita with “ This Land is Your Land.” 9:30PM H8l Odd Couple (22) (30j Friday N ight Videos In Stereo hssays in the last 1? years, I have season, so I organized the “ First healthy, blessed holiday.” Tickets at the door will be $6, general admission; $4, grandchildren who live [ESPN] SportsCenter Live. (ID Emergency Music has been seen performing. Vennari. (24) Fourth Estate (38! Alfred Hitchcock Presents He was in the movie "Nickelodeon” "She put me at scale, and I had to students and senior citizens; free, students under 18. in Manchester. [H B O ] Inside the NFL Highlights of the (61) Gene Scott [CNN] Larry King Overnight NFL games, including commentary by Lon (41) Novela: Camino Secrelo in 1976. That 'year he and his wife compete with everyone else. She Season tickets are available for the six concerts [ESPN] Auto Racing '86: IHRA Drag [ESPN] Senior PGA Tour: Shearson/ Dawson and Nick Buoniconti (60 min ) In [MAX] Martin Mull Presents the His­ Lehman Brothers Senior Classic First starred in a syndicated television knew I could do a few jobs a year a$ planned for the 1986-87 season. For more information Stereo tory of White People in America: White Racing Fall Nationals Coverage from Land Trust Bristol, TN (60 min ) (R) round coverage from Delray Beach, FL. (2 variety show called “ The Lorenzo Carlton for the rest of my life. But to Problem may need surgery or a brochure, call 647-6043 or 633-2419. Stress Hawkins Falls, Oliio citizen Hal Har [TMC] MOyiE. 'The Gang That hrs ) (R) and Henrietta Music Show.” develop and do more work I had to hears Nappler C ouldn't Shoot S traight' An henchman in risen suffers tlie symptoms of wfim* 1 2;45AM [TMC] m o v ie : Lianna' A stress' and Ins family convinces fiim to 4:30AM (3D Jackie Gleason He got into voices in 1974 when do straight stuff and learn how to do the mafia takes the place of the Godfather woman sffarching for her sexuality leaves , DEAR DR. to what extent. Faulkner club meets Monday Denise L. Nappier, with his own gang Jerry Orbach. Leigh seek therapy lu'f husband for another woman Linda [HBO] MOVIE: 'Whirlpool' A handsome “ Rhoda” was spun off from “ The cartoon voices. Now, more antf Your murmur is loud (grade III), executive director of Ri­ Taylor-Young, Robert De Niro 1971 Griffiths, Jane Hallar(;n. Jon DeVries private eye takes on the strange case of a Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Before more, I can do different voices. On GOTT: I had SOUTH WINDSOR — The William Faulkner Club 10:00PM O l Falcon Crest (CC| (60 rheumatic fever and your symptoms seem to verfront Recapture, will Rated PG mm ) ,,1982 Rated R missing blind girl Alain Delon. 1981. that he had been an Emmy-winning ’Ghostbusters’ I play a lot of other will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Paperback Alley, 984 when I was 14. indicate that your circulation is speak tonight at 8 in the [USA] Riptide (3D News 1 :00AM (3D Solid Gold 4:45AM [M A X ] m o v ie : 'The U s t writer for “ The Smothers Brothers roles besides Peter.” Sullivan Ave., to discuss his novel, “ Flowers in the Bernice Woodbury Romantic Lover' A New York editor trav­ As a result, I faulty because of mitral disease. Lowe Building, Room 7:30PM CID p m Magazine (11) Independent Network News (3D Telephone Auction Comedy Hour,” story editor for Music also sent out 4,000 demo Dust,” and the short story. “ There Was a Queen” ’The els to Pans looking for the world s greatest have a grade III D r. G o tt Surgery may be the best option for CL244, Manchester Community College, The location (18) Cover Story 3D Joe Franklin Show “ The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” tapes that made advertising agen­ meeting is open to all who have an interest in fsD A Current A ffair lover Dayle Haddon, Fernando Rey, Ger­ systolic mur­ you. However, this decision can be on campus has been changed since anouncements '11.) At the Movies ard Ismael 1978 Rated R co-creator and co-executive pro­ cies a nd casting agents everywhere Faulkner’s works. There is no admission fee. For more (3D d® Jeopardy (20) Star Trek mur in the apex Peter Gott, M.D. made only after appropriate tests were sent. ducer (with David Davis) of “ The aware of him. information, call the paperback bookstore, 644-9979. (3D Entertainment Tonight (22J (30; L A Law Van Owen must control and mitral in­ are made on your heart. The program is one of a series sponsored by (3D Independent Network News her emotion wfu?n shr: pmsr.‘c:uies an AIDS Manchester Land Conservation Trust. General 2 victim for tile mercy killinij of his (fymg sufficiency. I In my opinion, you need treat­ Hear Zingler on day-care taxes (181 Best of Saturday Night lover, wfiile a gleeful Becker handles tfie lESX eas laix £» )E» IE» lES £» £» IE» xac lECX Ktt Jiave pain and ment; medicine to reduce the work admission will be $2 a person and $5 a family. Trust d® ® Barney Miller case of a tjigamist with 1 1 wives (60 mm ) -burning in my of the heart or surgery to repair (or Manchester Family Day Care Exchange will meet members are admitted free. Memberships will be d® Carson's Comedy Classics In Stereo • left shoulder replace) the valve. As you grow Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the parish hall of St. Mary’s available at the door. For more information call Geri d® New Newlywed Game (24) Great Performances: Gian Carto close completely) were complica­ older, the situation is likely to Church. 41 Park St. Walt Zingler will speak on family Lemelin, program chairman, 646-4241. M enotti: The M usical M agician (90 mm ) -.«nd arm, shortness of breath, (3® All New Dating Game Weakness and fainting. Should I be tions that needed correction. worsen, because few health prob­ day-care taxes. Care providers and their spouses are '26 Local News dZ) S tate W e're In •on medication? Is surgery the only lems improve with age: your heart encouraged to attend the free session. For more i4i; Noche de Gala T U R N O N Murmurs are extra sounds in the information, call Karen Germain, 643-5483. Partners dance to Graduates dD Carol Burnett and Friends I ienswer? What can I expect as I get eventually will tire after many (57) Capitol Journal heart, caused by eddy currents and [CNN] Crossfire older? I’m now 27. years of trying to compensate for Parents Without Partners, Manchester Chapter 469, (61) Kojak turbulence as the blood either has mitral insufficiency. I suggest tl|pt Leather Pounders reactivated will have an open dance Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at St. [DIS] Zorro [CNN] CNN Evening News trouble passing through the valve [ESPN] NFL's Greatest Moments: NFL you seek a consultation with' Bernard Church hall. West Main Street, Rockville. [HBO] MOVIE: The Bride (CC) Dr THE LIGHTS!] or is inappropriately squirted back­ Hillstown Leather Pounders, an equestrian club that Symfunny (R) cardiologist and agree to have t' Music will be by The Graduates. Admission will be $5 Franki-nsiein luis trouble coritro.llmg his • DEAR READER: The mitral wards through a valve that doesn’t necessary tests to determine which was organized more than 25 years ago by Mr. and Mrs. for members with cards and $6 for non-members. For 8:00PM C3D Scarecrow and Mrs. King new creation a be.iutiful woman . valve is one of the heart valves that close completely. In both instances, type of treatment would be best for Howard Jacobs Sr. of Hillstown Road, has been more information, call 871-7009 and 649-7695. (60 min ) Jennifer Beals. Clancy Brown 1985 Rau-d .l^revents backflow of blood. Years the normal flow of blood is reactivated by the Jacobs’ son and daughter-in-law, PG 1 3 In Stereo you. m MOVIE; 'Muppet Movie' Kermit the Jgo, when rheumatic fever — a disrupted and the heart has to work Tom and Kathy Jacobs. Officers are Robin Jewel, [MAX] MOVIE 'National Lampoon's Be informed about prescription Frog and friends head to Hollywood in 4 Lucky kids will have the g consequence of some streptococcal harder to do its job. president; Kimberely Botti, vice president; Samantha Cubs earn bobcat badges hopes of achieving fame and fortune in the European Vacation' Tfie Griswold family Infections — was common, patients drugs; Send for Dr. Gott’s Health movies 1979 takes' Europe liy storm when they win an Hawthorne, treasurer: Kelly Jacobs, reporter; and all-expensi.’s jiaid trip on a game, stiow Were apt to develop mitral disease, New tests, such as ultrasound Report. Consumer On Medicines. St. James Cub Scout Pack 120 gave out several (3D ® W ebster (CC) W ebster is thrilled Christine Botti, secretary. Chevy Chasr?, Beverly D'Amjelo, Eric Ufle exams and cardiac angiography, For your copy, send $1 and your awards. They include: when he finally gets the chance to pitch for chance to ride with s as you did. In most cases, mitral 1985 his junior league baseball team atenosis (a rigid valve that does not enable specialists to determine name and address to P.O. Box Bobcat badges — Gregory Panas, Michael Johnson, [USA] Airwolf 91428, Cleveland. OH 44101-3428. Be Check pressure at pharmacy Shawn Chase, Matthew Moynihan, Michael Garafola, (3D News hpen readily) or mitral insuffi­ with precision which part of the sure to mention the title. James Paro and Jason Rolland. all of Den 5. (11) (2® MOVIE; 'Forced Vengeance' An 10:30PM (11) News ''Santa” in a Fire Truck to | ciency (a flail valve that doesn’t heart valve is malfunctioning and A free blood pressure clinic will be held Saturday American kung fu expert seeks revenge (is; Hollywood Closeup from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Rite Aid Pharmacy, 361 Main Wolf badge — Matthew Grover, Den 1. when his family and boss are murdered (38) Honeymooners St. No appointments are necessary. For more ’Two silver arrows — Scott Lefevre, Den 1. Chuck Norris. Michael Cavanaugh, Mary Gold arrows — Nathan Donlon and Scott Lefevre. Louise Weller 1982 (|7 J John McLaughlin s One on One light the Christmas Tree in I information, call the pharmacy, 649-9110. (1® Cotumbo 1 1 :00PM 3D (3 ) 22 30, 40 News Friend gets special calendar (2® (1® Am azing S tories (CC) A pretty (3D (61) Late Show teenager convinces a love-struck class­ (3D Carol Burnett Downtown Manchester. g ; D A R mate to perform black magic on their hated E DEAR POLLY: To refresh tired, (11) Odd Couple POLLY: I English teacher (60 min ) In Stereo B aching feet and soften calluses, (1® The Untouchables bought a new d4) d® Washington Week in Review soak your feet in a mixture of Friday, Nov, 28, 1986 | calendar to send d® MOVIE: W ake of the Red W itc h ' An (5® Tales from the Darkside vinegar and water, feels East Indies trade monarch and a hell d® Tales of the Unexpected %o a dear friend raising sea captain are rivals over pearls 6:30 P.M. I P ointers wonderful! ^8) M 'A'S'H 'and her family, VIRGINIA and a woman John Wayne. Gig Young, •who don’t see Gatl Russell 1948 (41) 24 Horas St. James Church lawn B I Polly Fisher ioften enough. To d® MOVIE: 'M'A*S"H' Military life rs® SCTV DEAR POLLY: Here’s a tip for comes under sharp attack when a pair of [CNN] M oneyline Main Street | ^ a k e it per- plant lovers who have pots without medics set out to dissect Army morale [TMC] MOVIE: 'Lunch W agon' Three «onaI, I wrote drainage holes. Cut plastic lids during the Korean War Donald Suther­ sexy CO eds make a constfiK;tion site little messages land, Elliot Gould. Sally Kellerman 1970 B from shortening or coffee cans to luru.li tfui.k profitabU.* Candy Muorr?, jOnall thesignifi- just fit about an inch or two above ® Novela: Monte Calvario Chuck McCann, Rose Mane 1981 Rated 'cant dates: holi­ dD MOVIE: 'To Be Announced' R Enter your child’s name | DEAR POLLY: With the cost of the bottom of the pot, then poke days and birthdays of each family holes in the plastic. Place this in the [CNN] Prime News [USA] Night Flight member, for example. On the date Christmas trees so exorbitant, my planter and cover with dirt. Auto­ [DIS] Five Mile Creek 1 1 :30PM ® (4d ABC News Night pf Thanksgiving, I wrote a little husband is making our tree. Select line to win the honor of | a 2-by-4 board of the height you matic drainage! [ESPN] World Class Championship note thanking her for being my J.A.M. W restling (60 mm ) (3D Police Woman friend. Even though we don’t get want the tree, then drill holes all [HBD] MOVIE: 'Porky's II: The Next over it. Insert greenery (evergreen 9 (3D Honeymooners together, it will keep us in touch Polly will send you a Polly Dollar Day' High school students, recruited to ap­ (^) Check It Out! turning on the Christmas fi branches) into the holes, then spray pear in the school play, wreak havoc with j^veryday. p oTTIE the tree with artificial snow. Balls, ($1) if she uses your favorite their pranks Dan Monahan, W yatt Knight. (2® (^30) Tonight Show (60 mm ) In Stereo bells and other ornaments can be Pointer. Peeve or Problem in her Kaki Hunter 1983 Rated R MOVIE; They Came to Cordura' An column. Write Polly’s Pointers in [MAX] MOVIE: 'Born Free' A game Army officer, accused of cowardice, is Tree Lights. And... get a | hung on the tree, but we use two warden in northern and his wife sent to find five mem worthy of the Medal DEAR DO'TTIE: What i lovely beautiful blue feathery doves care of the Manchester Herald. raise three motherless lion cubs until they of Honor Gary Cooper. Rita Haywortfi, gift! Your helpful Pointer earns you perched on ours. are forced to set them free Virginia Van Heflin 1959 \ the Pointer of the Week awardia ROSALIE DON’T MISS McKenna, Bill Travers. 1966 C38) Hogan s Heroes ride in a Fire Truck. 4 [USA] Sanchez Of Bel Air ^7) News copy of my book, “ Polly ’s Pointei , If the cooling slots on your power [CNN] Sports Tonight :i081 Helpful Hints for Making tools become clogged with saw­ THE MANCHESTER HERALD’S 8:30PM ® (Ip) M r. Belvedere (CC| Everything Last Longer” Others, d e a r ROSALIE AND George finds himself flirting with some [DIS] MOVIE: Paris Holiday’ An actor Everyone is invited to entries will be chosen, b dust, Wood magazine says to stop who would like this book may orteY FRIENDS: The branches may lovely ladies at his high-school reunion finds romancf} in Pans while m search of a need to be secured with a little glue. by your local photography store for recent screenplay Bob Hope, Fernandel it for 16.50. Make checks payable to (3D NBA Basketball: New York Knicks at Artfully done, this could be an a can of compressed air designed Chicago Bulls (2 hrs , 30 min.) 1958 attend the Tree Lighting! Drawing Nov. 26. s Polly’s Pointers and send to Polly s elegant, economical Christmas to clean camera lenses. The small HOLIDAY EDITION Pointers, P.O. Box 91428, Cleve- tube that comes with the can is just Und,OH«l01.342.. tree. Many thanks for your Pointer! Stars honor Patti LaBelle Most Downtown Stores will be open late and many will be offering | POLLY the ticket for tight spots. Thursday, Nov. 27, 19^6 h&spitality areas. Chances to win Gift Certificates too! ® Start the Holiday Season with this special Thanksgiving 6 6 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Eliza­ Merit.” beth Taylor and Bill Cosby will be Born in West Philadelphia, Miss (in participating stores only) 1 edition o f the Manchester Herald. It will feature timely hosts at an awards ceremony on LaBelle began her musical career Thoughts Dec. 1 honoring singer Patti as a teen-ager with the rock group, stories, holiday events and a shopping guide for all The Ordettes. In 1961, Patti LaBelle LaBelle. city set on a hill cannot be hid. Nor Miss LaBelle will receive the and The Bluebells had their first hit 1 Do you know what is wrong and it. yuletide giftgiving. record, which sold in the millions. MAIL OR DELIVER TO Mark Twain, in 1901. spoke to a do men light a lamp and put it under Philadelphia Art Alliance’s 1986 n 1 Grades Entries must what is right? . . . . a bushel, but on a stand, andit gives There is a proverb that reads; Christian Society at a church in Award of Merit, given each year to On May 24. 1844, Samuel Morse 1 be received by light to all in the house. Let your Reserve your advertising space now! n K-6 THE MANCHESTER HERALD “ TTiere is a way that seems right to Brooklyn. “ Always do right.” he a Philadelphian who has been “ an transmitted the first public mes­ 1 Nov. 25, 1986 said. “ This will gratify some people light so shine before men. that they innovator, achiever and contribu­ n Only a man (woman), but the end therein sage by telegraph, sending it from 1 16 Brainard PI., Manchester, Ct. and astonish the rest.” The saying may see your good works and give Deadline: November 21 tor in their artistic field." 1 is death*** glory to your Father who is in Washington to Baltimore. s The ancient Greek philosopher. caught on, and 30 years later it “ I can think of no performing 1 Name ------Grade _ became the motto of the political heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16) artist more deserving of the 1986 s Aristophanes, has often been Call 643-2711 8 1 Address quoted: “ The right is on my side. campaign of Governor Wilbur award than Patti LaBelle,” said 1 ------School. Cross: “ Always do right!” Manchester Herald Display Advertising Marilyn Goodman, Art Alliance EMERGENCY n Perhaps we should ask the Fire — Police — Medical 1 Phone question. ‘‘Do I know what is wrong director. “ Her dynamic influence, ------Age---- So, consider the words of our Robert J. Bills devotion and commitment to Phila­ s 1 and what is right?" Hopefully, you DIAL 911 do! Probably you do if you read this teacher; Minister of Visitation delphia make her a most worthy “ You are the light of the world. A Center Congregational Church recipient and we are delighted that In Manchester column regularly and think about she will accept our 1986 Award of I- 18 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 21, 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 21. 1986 — H SPORTS Charger comeback spoiled in OT by Raiders

By Dennis Georgatos Raiders running back Marcus Allen “ We have a history of doing that The Associated Press slipped a couple of tackles and with them. Last year when we came carried two Bargers defenders down here it was the same situation SAN DIEGO — The lesson from into the end zone to cap a 28-yard and we lost, so it was very East gets second shot at ND in title game the latest meeting between the San touchdown run. satisfying to get a win the same Diego Chargers and the Los An­ ’The winning drive came on the way.” geles Raiders was — don’t switch Raiders’ second possession of the ‘The Raiders, winning for the By Jim Tierney experience form the kids,” East yards this season — an amazing' television channels, no matter what overtime period. Jim eighth time in nine games since an Herald Sports W riter coach Jude Kelly said. " It ’s not statistic for a high school quarter­ the score. Plunkett set up Allen’s run with a 0-3 start, im prov^ to 8-4. ’The often you get a second chance. I ’m back — and has 17 touchdown Anyone who tuned out after the 28-yard completion to tight end Chargers fell to 2-10. FAIRFIELD — It Is not an confident our kids will give an passes to his credit. His favorite, Raiders grabbed a 31-10 lead Todd Christensen that put the ball “ Of course I ’m satisfied, but it’s everyday occurrence In high school outstanding effort.” target, usually on the receiving end' midway through the third quarter on the Charger 38. also a little scary because'we were football when a team gets to face The workhorse on offense for the of those touchdowns has been, missed a stirring San Diego come­ Allen ran for a 10-yard gain up by 21 points and they came right the same team twice in the same Eagles has been fullback Kevin senior Chris Ferina, who has scored, back, a last-minute touchdown and, before breaking loose for the back,” said Plunkett, who threw an season, especially two teams with RisCassi, who has gained nearly 900 10 touchdowns this year. Notre ultimately, a 37-31 victory in game-winner. Il-yard TD pass to Christensen in the caliber of personnel repres­ yards rushing and has scored 20 Dame has amassed 291 points in its' overtime for the Raiders on Thurs­ San Diego’s lone possession in the first quarter and a 10-yard ented by the two adversaries touchdowns. “ The workhorse of our 10 outings while it has limited its day night. overtime ended with a punt after scoring pass to Dokie Williams in squaring off in Saturday’s All team has been RisCassi,” Kelly opponents to 61. San Diego quarterback Mark following consecutive holding calls the second period. Connecticut Conference Champion­ said. Senior T.J. Alibrio will be at “ We are a pretty balanced' Herrmann entered the game in against tackle Jim Lachey, fol­ Plunkett finished with 23 comple­ ship game — East Catholic and quarterback this time against team.” Marcucci said. “ Wecan run. place of Tom Flick, who started for lowed by two incomplete passes. tions in 40 attempts for 348 yards, Notre Dame-West Haven. Notre Dame. Sophomore Mark and pass.” Marcucci feels RisCassi, injured regular . Flick Actually, the lesson to stay tuned boosting his 16-year career total to Mangiafico was at the helm for is the key for East and must be was benched after five Charger should have been evident from last 25,171 yards. Christensen caught 11 The title game, to be played at East in the two team’s first stopjjed for his team to w in.. turnovers, including three year’s matchup in San Diego, which passes for 173 yards. “ RisCassi is as good a running back . Fairfield University’s Alumni meeting. “ Alibrio is the key to our the Chargers won 40-34 in overtime. “ I feel good because being down as we’ve seen,” Marcucci said, Field tomorrow at noon, will afford offense,” Kelly said. “ He is very Herrmann, demoted to third “ Anybody that would miss this 21 points we put the game into ‘"rhey are so well disciplined. ’They. the Eagles (8-1-1 and 4-1-1 in the unselfish.” string earlier this week, wiped out Raider-Charger game In San Diego overtime,” San Diego Coach AI N have that incentive to come back • ACC) a chance to avenge their only the 21-point deficit by leading the would be crazy because its always Saunders said. “ We played hard and beat us. We’re preparing like, loss of the season,,which came at Kelly is also impressed by the (Tiargers on touchdown drives of entertaining.” Raiders Coach Tom enough and intensely enough to we’ve prepared for every game all the hands of the powerful Notre play of his two Junior halfbacks, 71, 39 and 66 yards. The first two Flores said. “ But it’s like deja vu. win, but we didn’t play smart season. It’s a challenge for us.” Dame squad on Oct. 24, with East Aaron Alibrio and Jason Talbot. drives ended with Curtis Adams You know last year, the samething. enough.” bowing 28-16. ’The Eagles, who were "They are running extremely East, which utilizes the wishbone runs of one and 13 yards. Adams “ We had a lead and they came minus seven of Its 11 senior hard,” Kelly explained. “ And their offense, feels that it is important had a 19-yard scoring run earlier. back and tied it and won it in Los Angeles defensive stars members in that loss due to blocking has improved.” Senior but not vital that it attains the lead Herrmann’s 16-yard scoring pass overtime. This time we made the Lester Hayes and Jerry Robinson disciplinary reasons, know they are running back Bill Barry will miss against Notre Dame. “ Getting the. to Charlie Joiner with 1:01 remain­ big plays in overtime, and some teamed up to convert two San Diego fortunate to be where they are now. Saturday’s championship game iead. I don’t think is all that, ing in regulation and Rolf Be- really big plays — Todd Chris­ turnovers into touchdowns. Hayes blocked the first punt of 0 The game may not take place at due to a knee injury. important,” Kelly said, “ it’s impor-. nirschke’s extra-point tied the tensen’s catch — and of course all, however. ACC executive direc­ Notre Dame (9-0-1 overali) knows tant that we are always within a' game at 31. Marcus’ run, were absolutely the game by San Diego’s Half tor George Fasolo was to inspect East will have the necessary touchdown, it woui{d be interesting' The Raiders had a chance to win marvelous.” Mojsiejenko. Robinson picked up the field, which has not been motivation for the game, which to see how they (Notre Dame) the game in the final seconds, but With the Raiders enjoying a the loose ball and ran two yards for cleared of snow, today at 2p.m. and could be a key factor. “ It’s tough to would react (being behind) and Chris Bahr’s 35-yard field comfortable lead. Raiders line­ the score. he’ll make a decision then. If the beat a good team two times in a respond in that situation.” attempt was blocked by rookie backer Matt Millen thought people With 12:03 to play in the third game is cancelled — both teams row,” Notre Dame coach Tom For Kelly’s seniors who missed lineman Jeff Walker, who had watching the nationally televised period, Robinson stripped the ball Harald photo by Rocha have games on Thanksgiving Day Marcucci said. ” We have our work the first contest, the motivation will blocked two field goal attempts game probably were losing from Son Diego receiver Wes Kevin RisCassi (29) has rushed for field conditions permitting, take on — Notre Dame will be declared cut out for us. They’re a very certainly exist in the championship earlier this season. interest. Chandler for the Chargers’ fifth ACC champion based on its 6-0 weli-coached football team.” game. “ From an emotional stand­ Although Bahr’s kick was at­ “ I was sitting on the sideline AP photo V Notre Dame of West Haven Saturday for turnover of the game. Hayes caught nearly 900 yards and scored 20 TDs in league mark, Including the win The Green Knights’ attack is led point. those kids will be motivated tempted on second down and the (when it was) 31-10, thinking to the ball in midair and ran 39 yards leading East Catholic’s wishbone run­ the ACC championship. over East. by senior quarterback Kevin Ne­ to give their best effort,” Kelly Raiders recovered the ball, the myself, ‘People are probably untouched into the end zone. 37-31 overtime victory over San Diego ning attack. RisCassi and the Eagles, " I think it’s a great learning ville. who has passed for over 1,000 said. Raiders didn’t get a second try changing the chaniTel, turning over Bahr and San Diego’s Rolf Marcus Allen of the Raiders maintains because time had expired. to (The Cosby Show), the game’s Benirschke each kicked field goals his balance and heads for the end zone Thursday night in NFL action. With 8:33 gone in overtime. over.’ All of sudden, here it is. to round out the scoring. with the winning TD in Los Angeles’ NHL roundup NFL roundup Canadiens’ win is memorabie Sports In Brief Locals to run at Kinney Meet Broncos-Giants game a critical one

By Dick Brinster Pittsburgh 5, Calgary 2. of the Bruins and Lemieux decided he didn’t like the way things were Three local runners will take part in the Kinney Cross Country Bv The Associated Press If the season ended today, the The Associated Press °“ It was just a situation of a lot of to have a go at each other. going for the Flyer offense, so he Championship Northeast Regionals at Van Cortlandt Park in division champions would be the tempers, a lot of fighting and when “ It was building up,” said Jay did something about it. New York, Nov. 29 at 11 a.m. Manchester High’s Shaun Brophy,, ’The Denver Broncos and the New Giants, Bears and Rams in the While the Canadiens we leave the area having to go right Miller, who has fought Nilan “ After a while, you begin to who placed 14th in the State Open, will be the lone representative York Giants, a matchup Sunday NFC. and the Jets, Cincinnati and and the have staged past their bench area,” Montreal several times in the last year. “ It press. Tonight we clicked,” said from Manchester. Two Rockville runners. Chuck Kittredge and ^tw een two of the top defensive Denver in the AFC. many a memorable confrontation defenseman Larry Robinson said. always builds up with Boston and Kerr, who had four goals and an Carolyn Verdon, will also compete. Kittredge was the 1985State teams In the NFL, is one of ten Washington and Dallas would be in ancient Boston Garden, few have “ It’s a poor situation to have. Montreal. It builds up from Game 1 assist. “ You always press when Open champ and placed third this year. The top eight In from games in Week 12 with major the NFC wildcard teams, while New England and the Raiders surpassed the battle of fisticuffs You’re asking for trouble.” to Game 8 and it’s going to carry things aren’t going well, so it’s nice each regional will move on to San Diego on Dec. 13 for the playoff implications. would make it from the AFC. they waged on the building’s 58th Goals by Claude Lemieux and over into the playoffs.” to get a few.” nationals. ' At 9-2, both Dan Reeves’ Broncos birthday. Robinson four minutes apart in the At 9:47 of the third period, Bobby ’The loss extended Chicago’s and Bill Parcells’ Giants are in the But Dallas Coach Tom Landry It was a far cry from a classic 1-0 first period gave Montreal a 2-0 Smith scored a power play goal by winless streak to seven games. running for home-field advantages was not thinking of a wild-card shutout the Canadiens posted when lead, but Boston got on the board cashing a rebound of a shot by The Blackhawks had taken a 1-0 MHS-East grid tickets on sale in the playoffs in addition to leading berth as he readied the Cowboys for 2 the old arena above North Station when Mike Milbury scored early in Gaston Gingras. lead when Mark Lavorre re­ their respective divisions. another shootout with the Redskins. “ As long as our record is no worse was dedicated on Nov. 20.1928. But the second period. bounded teamate Ed Olczyk’s shot Tickets for the Thanksgiving Day football game between The Broncos have a l>A-game the Canadiens’ 3-1 victory Thurs­ Then, at 14:45 of the second Islanders 6, Leafs 4 past Philadelphia goalie Ron Hex- Manchester High and East Catholic High at Memorial Field are lead in the AFC West and are than four losses we still have a day night won’t soon be forgotten. chance to win the division,” said period. Boston’s Cam Neely, who Mikko Makela was mired in a tall at 1:03 of the opening period. now on sale at both schools. Tickets are on sale at East at the second only to the 10-1 New York Montreal’s Chris Nilan was ac­ Landry, whose team managed to suffered a forhead cut requiring II slump and worried, but got some But Kerr got a power-play goal to main office daily from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and at MHS from 1-2:30 Jets in the battle to see who would cused of throwing a sucker punch rally to beat San Diego 24-21 last stitches after bweing hit by a puck advice and new life when he was tie the game at lO: 42. He took a pass p.m. daily and from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Wednesday. Tickets are have the home-field advantage for while the Canadiens said place­ week despite surrendering 12 quar­ in the first period, got in a fight with shifted to line spearheaded by from Murray Craven in the slot and $3 for adults, $2 for students. Tickets at the gate the day of the all conference playoff games. The ment of an exit from the ice near the terback sacks. Montreal’s Shayne Corson. That , fired a 25-foot wrist shot over game are $5 apiece. Giants are tied with the Washington Boston bench was “ asking for Dallas-won the first meeting. 30-6 triggered another series of fights Makela got the go-ahead goal — goaltender Murray Bannerman’s for the lead in the NFC East, but are trouble.” at Texas Stadium and hopes to just 24 seconds later. one of three New York scored in a stick. ahead of both the Redskins and the Whatever the reason, a general become the first of the division’s big The teams were sent to the span of 69 seconds late in the second 9-2 Chicago Bears for the top brawl followed that resulted in 124 Penguins 5, Flames 2 Australia III withdraws from trials three to beat another on the road dressing rooms while the ice was period as the Islanders overcome a playoff seeding in the NFC. minutes in penalties.A series of Mario Lemieux assisted on this year — New York has lost in cleared of debris and new ice made 4-2 deficit. In other games Sunday that fights led to the melee with Randy Cunneyworth’s first-period FREMANTLE. Australia — Australia III was withdrawn from Dallas and beaten the Cowboys and with 4:51 left in the period. Referee “ I couldn’t score,” said Makela, figure in the playoff picture, Dallas Montreal leading 2-1 and just under goal and later scored his 20th goal of the America’s Cup defender trials, the Alan Bond syndicate Redskins at home. ' Andy Van Hellemond assessed who had gone eight games without a is at Washington, Chicago hosts five minutes remaining in the the season to tie Minnesota’s Dino announced. eight major penalties for fighting, goal. “ I feel more confident playing Green Bay, New England hosts Last week, the Cowboys over­ second period. Ciccarelli for the league lead. The Bond Syndicate, which also operates Australia IV, said ejected eight players on game with Brent (Sutter).’* Buffalo, Minnesota visits Cincin­ came 12 sacks of and “ Both teams were playing very John Chabot got the Penguins that Australia III would not compete in the third round, scheduled misconducts and handed out a “ I told Mikko not to get down.” nati, Pittsburgh is at'Cleveland, beat San Diego 24-21. The Redskins, aggressively, but what made it rolling with his seventh goal of the to start Dec. 2, and will assume the role of the organization’ s trial double minor and automatic ejec­ Sutter said. “ He’s a good skater Atlanta visits San Francisco, Kan­ meanwhile, played the longest happen was when Nilan sucker season at 4:11 of the first period, horse, according to executive director Warren Jones. The Bond AP photo tion to Ryan Walter for leading the with a heavy shot.” sas City is at St. Louis, and New game in Monday Night Football punched (Paul) Boutilier.” Boston and Pittsburgh made it 2-0 when \ charge from the Montreal bench. Makela’s sixth goal of the season syndicate was the group that guided Australia II to victory in Orleans is at the Los Angeles Rams. history, outlasting San Francisco Coach Terry O’Reilly said, ‘"rhat’s Doug Bodger scored his seventh at Montreal’s and came against Toronto goaltender 1983, ending the United States’ 132-year reign as keepers of the Also, Philadelphia is at . Jim McMahon (right) will start for the Bears against, 14-6 despite being outgained. 501 breaking the rules. ’Then when he 7:38. Boston’s Tom McCarthy started the Ken Wregget at 17:15. Pat LaFon- Cup. Detroit at Tampa Bay and Indiana­ Green Bay on Sunday. He’s been bothered by shoulder yards to 266. (Nilan) came off the ice he took a melee with a fight which earned Paul Reinhart drew Calgary to Australia III, which was in fourth place in the six-yacht polis at Houston, taine got his 10th at 16:06 and Duane AP pho(o New England. 8-3, needs a victory shot at Ken Linseman. And Kenny them only major penalties. within a goal with his third goal of ‘The are at Miami problems most of the year but has been declared fit. Sutter his fifth, to tie the game at defender series with a record of 8-12 and 12 points through the over Buffalo and then must hope didn’t do anything or say anything, Then, as Nilan headed through the season on a power play at 14:09, on Monday night. Accompanying him to practice is offensive tackle Jumbo 16:45. Petr Svoboij^ of the Canadiens is lifted off the ice by first two rounds, was skippered by Gordon lucas. Miami can beat the injury-riddled which is not like Kenny.” the gate at the Boston bench en but Cunneyworth, with Lemieux Week 12 began Thursday night Boston's Nevin Markwart during first-period action Kookaburra III leads the defender series with a 19-1 record and Covert. Jets on Monday night if it is to move In other NHL games, it was route to the dressing room, he took assisting, made it 3-1 at 16:29. with the Los Angeles Raidens 29 points. Australia IV, 14-6 and 20, is second with Kookaburra II within a game of New York in the Philadelphia 5, Chicago 1; the New a punch at Ken Linseman. Walter Flyers 5, Blackhawks 1 Lemieux scored his 20th at 7:25 of Thursday night at Boston Garden. Montreal won the beating the San Diego Chargers third at 13-7 and 19 points. AFC East. York Islanders 6, Toronto 4, and led the charge as Nevin Markwart Philadelphia’s Tim Kerr decided the final period. fight-filled NHL game, 3-1. 37-31 in overtime. The Giants, for example, have for third with 43. The Bears, locked in a three-way The task for Denver in its second given up 285.3 yards per game; the But shutting down the Giant battle with the Giants and Redskins trip this season to Giants Stadium Broncos 285.6 and are ranked 2-3 in running does not necessarily mean Martina to stay away from England for NFC superiority, host a Green — the first was a 22-10 loss last the N FL In defensing the run. The the Broncos will win. Minnesota NBA roundup Bay team that came alive last week NEW YO R K — Martina Navratilova says high taxes in Britain month to the Jets — Is to beat New Giants are second in the league in held Morris to just 49 yards last in a 31-7 drubbing of lowly Tampa probably will keep her from playing any English tournaments York in a matchup of imposing points allowed, with 158; the week, but the Giants surprised the Road Race adds Broncos are fourth with 172, the Vikings with their best passing Bay. Chicago will start Jim McMo- rushing defenses. other than Wimbledon. hon at quarterback for the first ‘ ‘I think the key for us will be if we best mark in the AFC. game in a month. Phil Simms threw The 30-year old Navratilova was awarded a $1 million bonus by time in four weeks. Nuggets flying high behind Lever are able to run the ball and not have The Broncos, featuring line­ for 318 yards and the Giants rallied the International Tennis Federation for winning all four Grand “ He tells me he’s ready,” Coach to throw it a lot.” ssid Reeves, who backer Karl Mecklenburg and to win 22-20. depth to field Slam singles titles in a row — Wimbledon and the U.S. and ’The Cowboys-Redskins game in Mike Ditka said of McMahon, who says the key on defense will be the defensive end Rulon Jones, are Australian Opens in 1983 and the French Open in 1984. has been out with a shoulder injury. Seattle before being traded to the exact opposite — stopping the second in the league with 44 sacks. Washington also will be important By The Associated Press an 86-62 lead. Denver led by as mento past Indiana. “ He threw the ball well, threw it Bucks in the off-season, scored 12 running of Joe Morris, who has The Giants, led by linebacker to the Giants. Dallas. 7-4. needs a many as 29 points before Portland Otis Thorpe scored 20 points with better than I thought he would.” Bv Jim Tierney best event. O’Neill has run a points in his first game back at his gained 1,040 yards this season. Lawrence Taylor, who leads the victory to remain in contention for When the Denver Nuggets are began chipping away, getting 17 rebounds for Sacramento. Chuck Kuo Chl-hslung leads Japan golf ’The Bears have won the past 22 Htfrald Sports W riter 1:47 half mile. Accompanying former home. The numbers on defense are league with 16‘A sacks, and defen­ the division title and to retain major flying, the only thing to do is duck. within 10 points late in the fourth Person led the Pacers with 21 games McMahon has started. Tom Chambers scored 35 points T A IP E I Taiwan — Taiwan’s Kuo Chi-hsiung, playing in heavy sive end Leonard Marshall, are tied hopes for a wild-card berth. O’Neill to Manchester, who also “ We tried to establish a running quarter. points. similar. The 50th anniversary of the and Xavier McDaniel had 24 for the figures to be in the Top 10. is game,” Denver guard Lafayette Wayne Cooper scored 18 points, rain shot a one-under-par 71 and took a one-stroke lead after the Manchester Thanksgiving Day SuperSonics. Connecticut native, Roy Masco- Lever said Thursday night after the Darrell Walker 17 and Danny first round of the $300,000 Chiang Kai-shek Centennial Golf roundup Road Race will certainly have lino. A junior and the No. 3 man Nuggets raced to an 86-point first Schayes 13 for Denver. Rockets 104, Jazz 90 Championship. u ■ » its usual world-class runners, in for Villanova’s cross country KIki Vandeweghe scored 26 for Kuo 46 got below par with a birdie on the 18th hole of the half and beat the Portland Trail Reserve guard Steve Harris favorites John Doherty and team. Mascollno placed fourth Portland, with Jim Paxson getting 7 046-yard par-72 Taiwan Golf and Country Club course. One Blazers 142-128. scored 10 of his season-high 14 Geoff Smith, who comprise the in the Big East Championships Lever got 30 points and had II 20 and Clyde Drexler 18. stroke behind were three other Taiwanese players. Hsieh ‘British Connection’ , and top held at Franklin Park in Boston. points in the fourth quarter and Traditional games highlight the slate rebounds as Denver, again leading Min-nan, Chen Liang-hsi and Chen Tze-ming. Am erican challenger John Mascolino. a resident of West- Rodney McCray contributed a th^JlRA in scoring, tied for the Mavs 113, Clippere 108 career-high 14 assists as Houston Gregorek. port and a 1983 graduate of second-highest point total ever in a Mark Aguirre scored 31 points beat visiting Utah. Michigan takes on seventh-ranked student band on the final play for a and this is neither to Jim Har- The depleted 'Irish Connec­ Staples High School, might be first half. The host Nuggets ended By The Associated Press tion’ . this year consisting of remembered locally as the man and reserve Detlef Schrempf got 10 I^ rris hit three baskets early in Layne still In critical condition Ohio State. touchdown on a kickoff return and baugh’s credit nordiscredit. but the Portland’s four-game winning of his 14 points in the fourth period, the final period to help the Rockets Elsewhere, No. 10 Southern Cali­ victory. game is played on the football field. Providence College graduate that Steve KIttredge (1983 East streak. LUBBOCK, Texas — A spokesman at Methodist Hospital says From ‘ "The Game” at Harvard helping Dallas win in Los Angeles. take an 86-74 lead. Houstdn, playing fornia and No. 18 UCLA will meet in Other Top 20 teams in action are It is not won by talking.” Charlie Breagy. who was fourth Catholic graduate) dueled with “ We were awful in the first half,” Square to ‘"rhe Game” in Berkeley, The Mavericks led 111-108 with without injured Ralph Sampson, former NFL star Bobby Layne remained in critical condition in the Rose Bowl. But neither of them No. 8 LSU against Notre Dame. No. in Manchester in 1983 with a and defeated to win the 1983 Trail Blazers Coach Mike Schuler tradition takes over college football clocking of 22:06. will add three State Open cross country cham­ IVt minutes left, and Schrempf’s got 20 points from Robert Reid and the hospital’s intensive care unit today. „ , . . this weekend. will be there New Year’s Day 11 Arkansas vs. Southern Metho­ said, ‘ "rhey played very well and Layne’s condition has not changed since last Saturday when he Schembechler. whose Michigan names to its list for the Golden pionship during both runner’s two foul shots with seven seconds 19 by Akeem Olaluwon. Intrastate rivalries in California. because No. 4 Arizona State has dist, No. 13 Texas A&M against teams are 8-8-1 against Ohio State, we just didn’t defend anybody. left clinched the victory. underwent emergency surgery, the spokesman said. already won its first Pac-10 cham­ Texas Christian. No. 17 Baylor Anniversary run. Sean O’Neill, senior years. Besides being a They did what they wanted to do. Mississippi, Washington. Oregon will be trying to rally his squad a senior at Villanova Univer­ legitimate Top 10 contender in Derek Harper and Rolando Hawks 108, Cavaliers 89 Layne underwent the surgery to stop internal hemmoraghing and Arizona mean bragging rights pionship. Arizona State plays 14th- taking on Texas and No. 19 Ciemson from last week's upset loss to “ Denver is the only team in the Blackman added 17 points apiece I sity. will race in Manchester on Manchester Thursday. Masco­ Dominique Wilkins scored seven in his esophagus. for another year. Yet even more ranked Arizona, while No. 12 against South Carolina. Minnesota, which knocked the NBA that makes you play their for Dallas. Cedric Maxwell had 19 ITianksgiving Day. O’Neill ap­ lino could also gamer the award of his 27 points during aCsecond- The operation was to correct a condition Layne had will be at stake Saturday in classic Washington visits Washington Miami is idle this weekend, as are Wolverines out of the No. 2 ranking game. They run their offense so for the Clippers. peared in Manchester once for the Top Connecticut finisher quarter burst that led Atlaj^a over experienced for about a year. The situation worsened in Pontiac, matchups at Lincoln, Neb., Colum­ State. Mississippi State faces Mis­ No. 9 Alabama. No. 15 Auburn and and all but ended their national title well that you can’t set your defense Marques Johnson, the Clippers’ before in 1983. when he took 17th — which was garnered by Joe Cleveland. Mich on Nov. 8, the day before Layne was supposed to have been bus, Ohio, and State College, Pa. sissippi and Oregon opposes No. 20 (Jeorgia. . hopes. for them.” . star forward, suffered a neck injury place with a time of 23:20 during Swift (eighth place) in 1985. Wilkins and Glenn RiveVs com­ part of special ceremonies at a Detroit Lions game honoring For second-ranked Penn State, a Oregon State. In Ohio, much of the talk is about In other NBA games. Milwaukee when he collided with teammate what Michigan quarterback Jim his freshman year. Another name to be reckoned bined to score 12 straight points and Doak Walker. victory over Pitt means an almost- Up in the Northeast, fans will trek beat Seattle 116-105, Houston de­ Benoit Benjamin in the first quar­ Harbaugh has been saying. Earlier In addition to O’Neill two Iona with will be Jim Norris, a 1985 give the host Hawks a 62|35 lead certain meeting with No. 1 Miami to Boston for the 103rd meeting of feated Utah 104-90, Atlanta downed ter. Johnson was taken to a hospital this week. Harbaugh “ guaranteed” College runners. Kleran Stack graduate of St. Joseph’s College shortly before halftime. The closest for the national championship. ‘The Harvard and Yale. Both teams will Cleveland 108-89, Sacramento beat for precautionary observation. his team would win the 83rd and Brian Hayes, both who’ve in Philadelphia, Pa. Norris, who the Cavaliers got after tnat point Kroc confirms Padres for sale Nittany Lions, favored by two be trying to salvage their seasons in Mobil Indiana 92-83 an(l Dallas topped the meeting between his Wolverines run here before, are scheduled runs for the New Balance Track Bucks 116, Bonlct 105 was 84-72 early in the fourm period. touchdowns, are going to the Fiesta the Ivy League matchup, in which Los Angeles Clippers 113-108. SAN DIEGO — Padres owner Joan Kroc has confirmed reports and the Buckeyes. Spruce Street Mobil to join the reshaped ‘Irish Club, has a 3:59 mile to his Kevin Willis scored 18 points and Bowl win or lose. But If they lose, Yale leads the series 56-38-8. Alex English led Denver with 33 Terry Cummings scored 32 points the team was for sale, and promised she would take every legal “ He’s 22 years old. so he can say Full Sorvico Qas Connection.’ Stack ran here in credit. His best time for five had 20 rebounds for tne Hawks, the top-rated Hurricanes — who • Out West, the Bay Area will gear points, but Nuggets Coach Doug and Ricky Pierce had 27 as step available to assure that the club remains in San Diego. ^ whatever he wants,” Michigan ’84 and took eighth place while miles is 23:40 which occurred in while Rivers finished im h 17 points. AP photo play East Carolina. 2-8, on Thanks­ up for the 89th meeting of California Moe singled out Levar for pralst. Milwaukee beat Seattle. “ We would consider any serious offers that meet the criteria. Coach Bo Schembechler said. “ He Now Accapting Hayes placed 13th last year. two of his recent triumphs on the Ron Harper scored 18 for Cleve­ giving Night — won’t be joining and No. 16 Stanford, which leads the “ r v e never seen a streak by a Cummings scored 10 points in the Kroc said Thursday in an interview with three local sports rivalry 42-36-10. It will be the final didn’t say it in the heat of a game. Amtrican Expraat A native of Belfast. O’Neill roads. A resident of Marion, guard like Fat has had in terms of second quarter, and his 19-foot land. Atlanta's Dominique Wilkins them. editors “There are no negotiations going on right now game for Cal Coach Joe Kapp, who He said it on Monday. I won’t school was the No. 2 runner on the Pa., Norris placed fourth in the playing defense and rebounding,” jump shot with three minutes left in sails over Cleveland's John The Big Eight championship and 220 Spruce Street whatsoever but (team general counsel) Beth (Benes) has a list is being let go after five years. him on what to say or what not to Villanova cross country team prestigious Penn Relays in the Moe said, “ He’s just been terrific the half put the Bucks ahead for Kings 92, Pacers 83 a trip to the Orange Bowl goes to the Houn: Mon.-rrL lam-Tpiii Williams to score two in the already of about eight people that ... we know specifically are The first time a Kapp-led Cal say. I’d be more upset if he’d said this past season. He. however, 5000 meters during his senior and I just can’t say enough about good. winner when third-ranked Okla­ •euntay Tam4pm prefers track to cross country Eddie Johnson scored two Hawks' 108-89 win over the homa plays No. 5 Nebraska. ’The team played Stanford, the Golden we’d lose.” year with a personal best time of the guy.” Paul Pressey scored 18 points and interested in talking to us about (buying) the team.” OltMl Fual baskets and assisted on another in a Big Ten title and a berth in the Rose Bears parlayed five laterals and a Said Ohio State Coach Earle with the 800 meters being his 13:40 for the 3.1 mile distance. The Nuggets shot 63 percent from had 12 assists for Milwaukee. Jack Cavaliers Thursday night in 75-second span midway through the Bowl awaits the victor when No. 6 madcap dash through the Stanford Bruce; “ One thing about football. the floor In the first half In racing to SIkma, who played nine years for fourth quarter that sent $acra- Atlanta.

•H f W — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov. 21, 1986 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 21. 1986 - $1 Ex-Memphis State coach Dana Kirk in hot water Tyson out to make boxing history

By Woody Baird indictment, ignoring questions that for the past IVi years has been receiving the money, Kirk de­ seven seasons ago and posted Memphis State. He also had The Associated P rn s shouted by the pack of reporters Investigating allegations of sports frauded the university of the honest records of 13-14 in his first two years coached at Tampa and Virginia By Ed Schuyler Jr. Tyson declined to answer ques­ what he does and I react to it.” record. The Associated Press waiting for him outside the U.S. gambling in the Mid-South. services required by his contract with the Tigers. Commonwealth. tions Thursday. ' “ This guy (Tyson) won’t know Berbick said he has been bo­ MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Former marshal’s office. He testified before the panel last with the school, Ewing said. But the ’ngers finished the next After his dismissal, Kirk agreed Noting he had already held four what to do with Berbick because thered by a cold, and has told the Memphis State Coach Dana Kirk, U.S. Attorney Hickman Ewing year and acknowledged that his The indictment also accused Kirk season 24-5 and began a roll that to a cash settlement of $170,833 for LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Trevor or five news conferences, the Berbick won’t know what he’s going Nevada State Athletic Commission fired by the university after build­ Jr. said the charges against Kirk personal finances were under re­ of trying to influence the grand jury took them to the Final Four of the the 30 months remaining on his Berbick looks at young challenger challenger said, “ There’s not much to do himself,” trainer Angleo he has been taking medication. ing a Top 20 basketball program, were not related to gambling. view. He denied any wrongdoing. appearances of three Memphis National Collegiate Athletic Associ­ contract with Memphis State, ac­ Mike Tyson as "a good fellow, who I can tell.” Dundee, who has joined the cham­ The champion also has had to just does his jo b ... but his time has IV has been charged by a federal Ewing also said that rumors of Kirk was charged with soliciting State boosters expected to testify ation tournament in 1985. They cording to the university. But he did say the fight “ will be pion’s corner for this fight, said. take time to go to court. He was in come.” grand Jury with demanding payoffs possible point-shaving in Memphis a $2,000 payoff to have Memphis about basketball tickets allegedly returned to the playoffs last season, something you won’t forget.” Berbick has an unorthodox style L^s Vegas District Court for five Soon after his move to Memphis for sending his team to State basketball games were State participate in a basketball sold by the former coach and about but were eliminated in the second The odds-makers feel the time If Tyson wins the fight, which will that can make him troublesome. hours Tuesday in connection with State, Kirk became a local celebf tournaments. unfounded. tournament at New Orleans in 1982 money given to him by other round. has come for the 26year-oid Tyson be televised live by HBO at about That will help him against Tyson, Texas promoter )Thomas Prender- rtty. He hosted television and radio Kirk, 51, also was indicted "Based on what we have deter­ and a $10,000 payoff to send the people. to make boxing history. Tyson was 7:30 p.m. PDT, he will replace according to Eddie Futch, who gast’s attempt to garnishee $495,000 shows, appeared In TV ads for Thursday on charges of income tax mined, there is no evidence of any ’Tigers to a tournament at Los ‘The indictment does not go into ‘The NCAA has since sanctioned made a 61 favorite and, as of Floyd Patterson as the youngest helped train Berbick for his victory from Berbick’s $2.1 million purse several local businesses and drew evasion, obstruction of justice and point-shaving or any game-fixing at Angeles the following year. detail about those transactions. the Tigers for fielding ineligible Thursday, he was stiil a solid 3-1 heavyweight champion. over Thomas. But, Futch feels, because of a breach of contract. glowing praise from Memphis State mail fraud. Memphis State University,’ ’ he ‘The tax charges accuse Kirk of players in 1985 and 1986. choice to win the World Boxing Tyson’s age on Saturday will be there are certain basic things Thursday, a writ of attachment fans. If convicted on ail charges in the said. ‘"There is no evidence that ‘ "The negotiations for Memphis under-reporting his taxable income Memphis State was ordered to Council heavyweight title from 20 years, 4 months, 22 days. Berbick must do if he hopes to win. was granted, according to Marc He was selected as the city’s No. 1 11-count indictment, he could draw Coach Kirk was involved in any State’s participation in the 1982 in 1982 and 1983 and of understating return almost $1 million gained Berbick Saturday night. Patterson was 21 years, 11 months “ He has to move side to side and Risman, Berbick’s attorney. Rls- celebrity in a 1982 newspaper poll. a maximum sentence of 62 years in federal gambling violations.” Sugar Bowl tournament were ter­ income received from summer from the tournaments in those But the 33-year-oId Berbick when he won the vacant undisputed in on Tyson and he must stay out of man also said Prendergast was But when the grand jury investi­ prison and fines of $912,000, theU.S. Memphis State President Tho­ minated due to Kirk’s demands for basketball camps from 1980-1983. years and was put on two years’ thinks the time has come for Tyson title with a fifth-round knockout of the comers and off the ropes ordered to post bond for an equal gation began, he became the focus attorney’s office said. mas Carpenter has refused to a personal payment,’ ’ the indict­ In 1982, he reported income of probation. to taste defeat for the first time Archie Moore on Nov. 30, 1956. because Tyson is devasting there,” amount pending the outcome of a of much of the controversy sur­ Kirk surrendered to authorities discuss the reasons for Kirk’s firing ment said. $122,620 when his actual income The ineligible players, who were after 27 victories, 25 by knockout. Most boxing observers seem to Futch, who couldn’t reach a finan­ hearing, which probably will be rounding Memphis State’s athletio two hours after the indictment was in September except to say it was in ‘The indictment said Kirk was was $171,707, and in 1983, he not named by the NCAA, should Berbick was a 61 underdog when he •feel that if Tyson wins, it will be by cial agreement with Berbick to held in Febnirary. department. issued and was released on his own the best interest of the university. paid $10,000 for pregame telephone reported an income of $164,482 have been sidelined because they won the title from Pinklon Thomas knockout. He goes after an oppo­ work this fight, said. Prendergast, of El Paso, con­ After the dismissal. Carpenter recognizance pending a hearing Former Memphis State player interviews with the media covering when he actually made $281,338, the received more than they should on a 12-round unanimous decision nent from theopeningbeII,andl5of Futch also said Berbick must try tends Berbick breached a contract said Kirk’s absence would make it next Wednesday before U.S. Magis­ Larry Finch was named to replace the Los Angeles tournament. indictment said. have in federal student grants, here last March 22. his knockouts have been in the first to back up the squat aggressive to fight Tony Perea in June, 1982. AP photo easier for the university to shore up trate Aaron Brown. Kjrk. Officials at Memphis State were Kirk took over Memphis State’s officials said. T m going to knock him out,” round. Tyson, “ and he’s got tomake'Tyson Tyson’s purse is $1.55 million. N its battered public image. ’ He refused to comment on the Kirk was indicted by a grand jury *nM nhout the payment, and by struggling basketball program Kirk had a record of 158-58 at Berbick said Thiirsay at a final Tyson has said he has seen repect him. He’s got to try to hurt In two scheduled 16round heavy­ Twenty-year-old Mike Tyson talks tothe media Thursday Joint news conference for the Berbick fight on television, but has him early. Trevor isn’t a big weight bouts on the undercard, in the final press conference before he tries Saturday scheduled 12-round fight at the Las not studied tapes of his fights. banger, but he hits hard enough to Thomas will fight William Hosea, night to become the youngest heavyweight boxing Vegas Hilton. “ I don’t believe watching films is hurt you.” and Greg Page, a former World “ I ’m liwking to take him out by going to help any.” Tyson said Berbick has won 23 fights inside Boxing Association champion, will champion in history. Tyson takes on WBC champion SCOREBOARD the seventh round.” earlier in the week, ” T react. I see the distance while posting a 31-61 fight Wimpy Halstead. Trevor Berbick at the Las Vegas Hilton.

Raldera 37, Chargera 31 (OT) 0 lilandert8,Mipl8leifs4 win, lose & DREW NiT Tournament matches up top dubs eariy on Hockey tJl. Raiders 14 7 10 0 6-37 Toranle 1 I 6-^ San Otego 0 10 7 14 0-31 N.Y. Mondsn 1 4 1—4 First Quortar is led by Jeff Chatman, 17.5, and 6-11 center Olden Polynice left Albeck, the former Chicago Bulls Rrst Period—1, New York, Letter 2, By The Associated Press Oklahoma, favored to win the Big Arizona Coach Lute Olson has four LA—Robinson 2 return of blocked punt and Bobby Capener, 14.9. school. coach, now leads Bradley, which 13:17. 2, Toronto, Thomas 8 (Fergus, (Bohr kick), 3:19 Eight Conference, is at home starters returning from last year’s NHLstindIngs Koltopoulos), 18:42. Penalties—None. / ''1 2 k —Christensen 11 pass from Plunkett One purpose the early-season against Brigham Young; Western 23-9 Pac-10 champions, including Junior guard David Rivers, se­ Fess Irvin, a highly regarded was 32-3 last season. ^ (Bohr kick), 8:31 riously injured in an automobile freshman guard, will make his “ Everyone on our team, even the Second Perlod-O, Toronto, Damphousse National Invitation Tournament Kentucky is at Notre Dame, Tem­ 6-foot-8 sophomore Sean Eliott. WALES CONFERENCE Second Quarter accident on Aug. 24. will be coming collegiate debut for LSU, which has center, has the green light on 5 (Allison, Yaremchuk), 6:20. 4, Toronto, SD—FG Benirschke 47, 5 :8 serves is to provide matchups of top ple at Virginia, Texas Christian at Nevada-Las Vegas has 6-9 center Fotrlch DtvMon Terrion 2 (Smith), 13:27. 5, New York, V off the bench against Western been hit injuries to Ricky Blanton, three-pointers,” Albeck said of the W L T F t! OFOA SD—Adams 19 run (Benirschke kick), teams, who otherwise probably Louisiana State. Bradley at Michi­ Armon Gilliam and guard Freddie Bossy 13, 14:26. 6, Toronto, Allison 2 12:34 Kentucky as Coach Digger Phelps who plays ail positions, and 7-1 new rule this season which rewards Philadelphia 13 4 2 a 80 44 (Damphousse, Yaremchuk), 14:55. 7, New would have scheduled easy opening gan and Howard at Villanova. Banks back from last year’s 33-5 P ittsb u rg 12 6 2 76 81 8 LA—Williams 10 pass from Plunkett brings him along slowly. Rivers, Zoran Jovanovich, and lost three shots from 19 feet, 9 inches and York, LaFontalne 10 (Flatlev, Jons- > r< h - (Bohr kick), 14:8 games. Memphis State, rebuilding under squad. N Y Islanders 11 7 1 73 77 59 son) ,16:06.8, New York, D. Suttw5 (Trotfler, / who changed the Irish into a starters from a 26-12 NCAA Final further with three points. N ew Jersey 10 7 2 22 73 83 'leSliNla. Third Quarter Two of the nation’s Top Twenty new Coach Larry Finch, and No. 20 “ Sean Elliott is one of the Letter), 16:45. 9, New York, AAakela 6 LA—FG Bohr S7, 2:29. running team, was a 16.7scorerasa Four squad. TCU returns four Howard, the only team in the NIT Washington 7 10 3 17 65 82 (K ro m m , B. Sutter), 17:15. Pen alties— college basketball teams meet Cleveland State, a major surprise premier kids in the country,” N Y Rangers 5 10 4 14 69 W Tiasnusr LA—Hayes a fumble return (Bohr sophomore. Kennard Johnson. 69, starters from last season’s 22-9 field which didn’t compete in Allison, Tor (Interterence), 6:32; Konrovd, kick), 2:57 tonight as the tournament starts its last season, play Saturday night. UNLV Coach Jerry Tarkanian said. Adorns DtvMon N Y (hooking), W:5D; Letter, NY (tripping), leads Coach Murray Arnold’s West­ team which finished tied with postseason play last season, has Montreal 12 5 3 27 76 63 SD— Adams 1 run (Benirschke kick), second year, when 19th-ranked Second-round games will be held “ He can put the ball on the floor 18:53. 14:8 ern Kentucky team that is coming Texas A&M for the Southwest four starters back from a 1610 Quetiec 8 8 4 8 77 66 Third Period— 10, New York, B. Sutter 12 Arizona, a leading contender from Monday night and the four winners one-on-one and is real tough to Hartford 7 6 3 17 55 63 Fourth Quarter off a 23-8 campaign. Conference title. squad, including guard Fred Hill (Bossy), 19:22 (en ). Petratty—McGill, Tor SD—Adams 13 run (Benirschke klck)v the Pacific-10 Conference, visits move to New York’s Madison defend.” Boston 7 10 3 17 8 71 (hooking), 8:36. Temple. 25-6, has a premier Guards Gary Grant and Antoine and 68 Robert Mcllwaine. Villan­ Buffalo 4 11 3 11 62 8 ' e s S r 2*49 No. 5 Nevada-Las Vegas, the Square Garden for the semifinals Oklahoma has plenty of scorers Shots on gool— Toronto 3-1M2—27. N.Y. ' 'so—Joiner 16 pass from Herrmanp rebounder and shotblocker in 69 Joubert hold the key for Michigan, ova, 23-14 last season, tries to find CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Islanders 12-14;7—33. Pacific Coast Athletic Association and finals on Nov. 28 and 29. returning in Tim McCalister. Dar­ Norris DIvIslen (Benirschke kick), 13:59 Tim Perry, who shouldn’t have any which lost its front line from a 23-8 someone to take up the slack of Power-play Opportunities—Toronto 0 of Overtime power. Despite the loss of guard Steve ryl Kennedy and David Johnson. Toronto 9 6 4 22 67 99 2; N .Y. Islanders 0 o f 2. match against Virginia, 19-11. since Big Ten championship team. Stan graduated Harold Pressley. St. Louis 8 5 4 8 61 56 LA— Allen 8 run, 8 :8 Kerr to a serious knee injury. Brigham Young. 18-14 last season. Gcmlles—Toronto, W regget (26 shots-2) A— 56,031. In other games tonight. No. 7 Detroit 7 10 1 15 50 60 saves), Bester (0:00 third, 66). N.Y. Chicogo 4 12 5 13 8 91 Islanders, Smith (27-23). Minnesota 5 11 2 12 8 a A —14,216. Smvttie DIvtslen First downs 8 8 Referee—Kerry Froser. Linesmen— Rushes-yords 3618 8-18 Winnipeg 12 6 1 25 75 59 Wayne Bonney, Pat Dopuzzo. Edmonton 12 8 1 25 92 a Passing 327 20 Controversial night leaves Colporv 10 10 0 8 8 75 Return Yards M 13 Los Angeles 7 11 2 16 78 88 Comp-Att-Int 23661 21-463 Vancouver 5 12 2 12 55 71 P8nguint5,Flimes2 Sacked-Yords Lost 321 6 8 HHirMtov’ Gomes Punts 7-8 68 Montreal 3, Boston 1 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 6J DID YOU KNOW Philadelphia 5, Clcogo 1 P tth b u rsh 3 8 2-4 Penaltles-Yards 16114 934 N.Y. Islanders 6, Toronto 4 C otgorv 1 I 0 - 4 Time of Possession 8:8 8:8 doubles partners in semis Pittsburgh 5, Calgary 2 R rst Period—1, Pittsburgh. Chobot 7 Being a Manchester Herald carrier Is big m dov's Games (Schmidt, Hannon), 4:11. Z Pittsburgh, INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS St. Louis at Harttford, 7:35 p.m. Bodger 7 (Errey, Hannon), 7:38. Z Calgary, RUSHING—L.A. Raiders, Allen 2138, Reinhart 3 (Mullen, Otto), 14:09 (pp). 4, McCallum 3 8 , Plunkett 615, Strachnn 613, business for young people? at Buffalo, 7:35 p.m. By Bob Greene "But it’s a long way off now and I arm in Sullivan’s direction as she Washington M Detroit, 7:35 p.m. Pittsburgh, Cunneyworth 7 (Lemleux), Hawkins 1-3. San Diego, Adams 2693, Los A n oelerot Winnipeg, 8:35 p.m. 16:29. Penalties— AAacoun, Oal (cross­ Anderson 618, Spencer 618. The Associated Press don’t think about it. You realize how stormed off the court following the N.Y. Rangers at Vancouver, 10:35 p.m. checking), :41; PepllnskI, Col (roughing), out—None. Rebounds—ClevelarKf57(WIIII- PASSING—L.A . Raiders, Plunkett23461- long 74 is when you have to start match. ----- 2 3:37; Frowlev, R t (roughing), 3:37; am s 11), Atlanta 59 (W illis 20). Assists— 348. Son D iego, Flick 617-3104, Her­ Saturday's Games again from scratch.” "1 played a hundred matches and St. Louis at Boston, 7:05 p.m. Hunter, Cal (elbowing), 8:13; Bullard, Cal Cleveland a (Boeley 6), Atlanta 29 (Rivers rmann 1323618 . NEW YORK - Following a night Hartford at N .Y. Islanders, 7:05 p.m. (elbowing), 11:51; Mantha, R t (holding), Basketball in . Total tauls—Cleveland 21, Atlanta 17. FootbaD RECEIVING—LA. Raiders, Christensen of controversy, two doubles Shriver is working on a two- I ’ve never been cheated like this Toronto at Philadelphia, 7:35 p.m. 12:36; Quinn, Pit (hooking), 13:22; Sut«- Cal Technicals—Cleveland, Illegal defense. 11-18, Allen 619, Hester 38Z Williams 3 8 , partners find themselves facing match winning streak after losing before,” Mandlikova said in a Pittsburgh at Washington, 7:35 p.m. (holding), 17:47. A—8447. Barksdale 1-12, McCallum 1-7. Son DID YOU KNOW last week to Mandlikova in statement. " I don’t want to take Buffolo at Quebec, 7:35 p.m. Second Period—5, Calgary, Bozek 5 Diego, Anderson 7-113, Chandler666, Joiner each other in the semifinals of the $1 O tro lt at Montreal, 8:05 p.m. (T o n elll, H unter), 5:13. Pen alties— NBAalandInga Rockafat04,Jazz90 NFL atandinga 350, Hololran 361, Winslow 3 a million Virginia Slims Champion­ Chicago, anything away from Pam. I was N.Y. Rangers at Calgary, 8:05 p.m. Buskos, Pit (holding), 2:52; Wilson, Col MISSED FIELD GOALS—L.A. Raiders, playing my best tennis at the Our Manchester Herald Carriers delivered (Interference), 11:34; Bodger, PIf (slash­ Bahr 46, 35. ships tennis tournament. “ Last week against her I must Voncouyer at Edmonton, 8:05 p.m. have served 15 aces and lost the beginning and I felt I was being New Jersey at Minnesota, 8:35 p.m. ing), 12:51; Macinnis, oal (hooking), 16:50. EASTERN CONFERENCE U T A H (a) AMERICAN CONFERENCE As expected, top-seeded Martina 2/207/436 newspapers In Manchester alone this Suiidoy's Games Atlantic Division Malone6187-12a,Trlpucka64004, Eaton East Navratilova rolled into the semis at match,” the Lutherville. Md., cheated. Los Angeles at Winnipeg, 8:05 p.m. Third Period—6, Pittsburgh, Lemleux X W L FCt. OB 611 6615, Green 1-7 61 2, Hansen 1-41-13, W L T Pet. PF PA right-hander said. “ The other thing " I can fight to a certain moment, (Simpson, Siren), 7:25. 7, Pittsburg, Boston 7 2 ,7a Madison Square Garden in what is past year? New Jersey at Chicago, 8:35 p.m. Bailey 7-120014, Griffith9 1 4 6 4 8 , Benson N.Y. Jets 10 1 0 .98 303 2 8 but then it's too much.” she said. Duguav 2 (Frowlev, Bodger), 11:44. Phllodelphia 7 4 .636 6 1 0 0 0 , Stockton 67006, lovoronl 61000, New England 8 3 0 .727 304 181 billed as the world’s richest is that I think it’s really hard for a Penoltles—Johnson, Pit (tripping), 5:11; WOshlntiton 4 6 .400 3'/i CurrvOO600, ScuiTvOO000. Totals3679 Miami 5 6 0 .48 276 290 Harrah’s Odds top player to play another top Shriver said she told Mandlikova FOtlu, Cal (tripping), 8:01; Johnson, Pit women’s tennis event. Flyert 5, Blickhawk$ 1 New York 3 8 .773 5 162490. Buffalo 3 8 0 .273 213 a i player in five days. after the match that she was sorry, (Interference), 14:04. New Jersey 2 8 .200 5'A HOUfTON (1W) Indianapolis 0 11 0 .0 8 127 81 Now, the world’s top-ranked Cetifrol Division McCray 610 64 13, Petersen 7-17 64 18, Central player will face Pam Shriver, who, “ I actually thought about that in “ not sorry that I won but that she Chloate 1 0 » - i Shots on goal— Pittsburgh 21-65—32. Atlanta 8 2 .88 Otaluwon 7-11 66 19, Reid 616 62 20, Cincinnati 7 4 0 .636 271 2a RENO, Nev. (AP) — This week's odds with help from a controversial line Chicago and felt I ’d rather win in felt she got a bad call.” Philadelphia 1 1 2-4 Calgary 611-6—25. Milwaukee 8 4 .87 1 Wloolns62628, Fettl 1-300Z Lloyd2-3004, Cleveland 7 4 0 .636 2 8 2 8 from Harrah's Reno Race BSports Bookfor Notional Football League gomes, college New York.” That began a four-game string First Period—1, Chicogo, Lovorre 1 Power-ploy Opportunities—Pittsburgh 0 Chicago 5 3 .675 2 Hants 7-110014, Johnson63004, Anderson Pittsburgh 4 7 0 .364 175 81 call and with a new attitude, upset (Secord, OIczyk), 1:03. 2, Philadelphia, o f 7; Calgary 1 o f 6 Indiana 6 5 s a 7'h 1-100ZTotals438716181(M. Houston 2 9 0 .182 194 2 8 games Involving teams In the AP third-seeded Hana Mandlikova 66. It didn’t appear as if Shriver had for Shriver that gave her the middle DID YOU KNOW Kerr 14 (Craven, Propp), 10:42 (pp). G o a lle^ ^ ltts b w g h , Meloche (25 shots- Detroit 3 6 .33 6Vi Utah 16 M a 28— 90 W est Top Twenty and other malor college a chance against the talented but set. Mandlikova began the decisive 23 saves). Calgary, Vernon (3327). Cleveland 3 8 8 0 5'/7 games for which odds are provided. 7-5, 6-1. Navratilova ousted West Penalties—Steve Smith, Phi (hlgh- Heustan n a M 26—189 Denver 9 2 0 .818 271 18 inconsistent Mandlikova. The Cze­ third set by serving a love game, stlcklng), 2:03; Marsh, Phi (Interfer­ A— 16,798. WESTERN CONFERENCE Three-point goals—Griffith 2, Reid Z L.A. Raiders 8 4 0 .87 755 NFL (Sermany’s Bettina Bunge 62, 6-4. Our Manchester Herald Carriers walked over 2a T h ursday ence), 5:41; O'Callahan, Chi (tripping), Referee — Denis Morel. Midwest Division Fouled out—None. Rebounds—Utah 42 Kansas Cltv 7 4 0 .636 249 240 Tonight, the other semifinal choslovak ripped through the open­ including her ninth and 10th aces of Linesmen— Swede Knox, Randy MItton. Los Angeles Raiders 6 over San Diego 10:06; OIczyk, Chi (hooking), 18:46; Propp, Houston 6 3 .87 (Bailey 9), Houston 55 (Petersen 11). Seattle 5 6 0 .48 18 219 pairing will be decided when ing set and had a 4-1 margin in the the match, but didn’t win another 50/000 miles this past year to deliver your local Phi (crosschecking),18:46. Utah 5 4 .58 ~ Assists—Utah 29 (Green 10), Houston San Diego 2 10 0 .167 2 8 312 Sunday Dallas 6 5 .545 1 29 (McCray 14). Total fouls—Utah 16, NATIONAL CONFERENCE Washington 3>/> over Dallas second-seeded Steffi Graf of West second, capped by winning 12 game. Second Period—3, Philadelphia, Kerr 15 Denver 6 5 .545 1 Houston a . Technical—ReM. A— 16016. E a st Cleveland 6 over Pittsburgh consecutive points. " I ’ll remember the match as newspaper? New England 13 over Buffalo (Germany takes on No. 7 Manuela (Propp, Craven), 9:51 (pp). Penalties— Sacramento 4 6 .48 2'/i N.Y. Giants 9 2 0 .818 225 18 She was serving for the match at hanging in there.” Shriver said. Secord, Chi, m alor (fkihttng), 2:00; San Antonio 3 7 .38 3'A Washington 9 2 0 .818 242 IM Chicogo 14 over Green Boy Maleeva of Bulgaria and No. 4 Brown, Phi, malor (fighting), 2:00; Ber- Volleyball Foclflc Division Dallas 7 4 0 .636 277 18 New York Giants T/i over Denver Helena Sukova of Czechoslovakia 5-3 when she double-faulted twice, “ Despite that call, I was still down gevln, Chi (hlgh-^Icklng), 8:35; Cross­ L.A. Lakers 7 1 .875 -_ Nuggala142.TrallBlazara128 Phllodelpha 3 8 0 .273 18 2 8 Detroit 3 over Tampa Bay meets No. 6 Claudia Kohde-Kilsch giving Shriver a break point. two service breaks.” man, Phi (holding), 11:48. Golden State 5 5 .58 3 St. Louis 2 9 0 .182 140 263 Houston 6 over Indianapolis Cincinnati 3 over Minnesota of West Germany. Mandlikova pulled back to deuce, After her victory, Navratilova Third Period—4, Philadelphia, Kerr 16 Phoenix 5 5 .9 8 3 PORTLAND (128) Central (Ekiund), :44. 5, Philadelphia, Kerr 17 Seattle 5 5 .98 3 9 2 0 .818 2 8 18 Kansas City 4 ov er St. Louis but then, following the best rally of said she saw most of the Shriver- Rec Volleyball Carr 66 1-211, Vondeweghe 1621 67 26, CJilcogo The final of the week-long, (Craven, Propp), 2:59 (pp). 6, Philadel­ Portland 5 6 .48 3W 6 5 0 .545 258 190 San Francisco lOVIi over Atlanta Johnson 681-2 9, Orexler 7-14 6318, Porter Minnesota season-ending tournament will be the match. Shriver took the ad point Mandlikova match, phia, Propp 8 (Kerr, Ekiund), 4:03. American Division — Redwood L.A. Clippers 3 8 .773 S'A Detroit 4 7 0 .364 163 2 8 Los Angeles Rams 6'/i over New DID YOU KNOW 612661Z Paxson612610», Kersev686615, with a forehand volley. “ Hana’s were tough calls, and Penalties— Watson, Chi (trtpplna), 2:19; Farms def. Luigi's 162; 165; 166; Thursday's Games Green Bay 2 9 0 .182 149 272 Orleans staged Sunday, with $125,090 going Hill, Phi (hooking), 4:36; Tocchet, Phi Watkins def. Six Packers 615; 162; Atlanta 108, Cleveland 89 F. Martin1-300ZHotton66009, Jones6166 2 9 0 .182 171 3 8 Seattle 6 over Philadelphia On the next point. Mandlikova she couldn’t win her serve after she 6,Enoler00600.Totals46913642ia. Tampa Bay to the winner. (holding), 4:55; Carson, Phi, double minor 165; Insurersdef. Ambulance 163; 156; Houston 104, Utah 90 W est M o n d ay broke.” Navratilova said of the line Our Manchester Herald Carriers earned over New York Jets r/ i over Miami Navratilova ran her current lost her service when hit a forehand (high-sticking), 9:18; Nylund, Chi (hold­ 169. Denver 14Z Portland 128 DENVER ( 1 « L.A. Rams 7 4 0 .636 18 18 calls. “ It used to be that you could ing), 10:99; Howe, Phi (cross-checking), Dallas 113, L.A. Clippers 108 4 1 .991 2 8 COLLEGE match winning streak to 51 by cross-court volley that was called Standings; Insurers 162; Watkins English 1 6 a Rasmussen 631-2 Sn Froncsco 6 ia $154/000.00 this past year, plus tIpS/ prizes and 11:37; Wilson, Chi (holding), 15:53. Sacramento 9Z Indiana 83 66 a, 5, 6 0 .545 18 167 T op 8 give those points away, but now I 12-3; Redwood Farms 96; Six Packers C o<^91 20 018, Lever 1689930, Dunn67 New Orleans 5 easily stopping Bunge in 64 min­ wide, Shots on goal— Chicago 13-5-7—25. Phllo- 7-8; Am bulance S ervice 611; Lu igi's Milwaukee 116, Seattle 105 5 5 1 .58 2 8 198 1. Miami, Ra. Is Idle 1-1 7, Alorle 614 0010, Schoyes 46 66 13, Atlanta "She hit an unbelievable volley only do it when I know that the delphla 8-14-9—31. 615. Friday’s Games Thursday's Game 2. Penn State 14 over Pittsburgh utes. That’s the third longest string trips? Power-play Dpportunttles— Chicago 0 of Golden State at Boston, 7:30 p.m. W alker6115617, Evans611649, M. Martin 3. Oklahoma 8'/i over Nebraska in tennis since the sport opened that landed plum on the line.” person I ’m playing is going to give Notional Division — A.B.A Tool 6 Die OOOOO, Wllllams61 OOO. Totals561072934 Ijos Angeles Raiders V, San Diego 31, OT 8; Philadelphia 3 of 4. def. Alcar 164; 161; 163; North Enders Detroit at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. 4. Arizona State 3'/2 over Arizona competition to professionals in Shriver, lid. it back. Houston at Washington, 8 p.m. 142. 5. Nebraska B'/i under Oklahoma Goalies— Chicago, Bannermon (31 shots- def. Redwood Raiders 167; 163; 166; Perltand a a 31— lundov'i Oamst " It ’s rotten,” Shriver said of the “ Hana is fair, but at that point for 26 saves). Philadelphia, Hextall (25-24). Economy def. Buffalo Water 1613; 167; New York at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. a ia Buffalo at New England, 1 p.m. 6. Michigan 7'/i over Ohio State 1968. A— 17,222. Dallas at Phoenix, 9:30 p.m. Denver 45 41 a 10—1C 7. Ohio State 7'/i uiKier Michigan line call. "You feel rotten and then Pam, it’s too tough to give points 1613; Elmore Ass. def. Manch. Prop. Three-point goals— Drexler, Holton, Denver at New York Giants, 1 p.m. The left-hander from Fort Worth, Referee— Ron Fournier. Linesmen— Ron 165; 168; 1610. New Jersey at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. 8. LSU 5 over Notre Dame away like that.” Lever. Fouled out— Kersey. Rebounds— Detroit at Tampa Bay, 1 p.m. Texas, holds the record with 74 take the game. Asselstine, Bob Hodges. Standings: A.B.A Tool 6 Die 160; San Antonio at Portland, 10:n p.m. Green Bay at Chicago, 1 p.m. 9. Alabama Is Idle Although there were several Saturday's Games Portland 46 (Drexler 11), Denver 42 (L ever 10. So. California 3V> under UCLA straight match victories, set in " I would have gotten a great DID YOU KNOW Elmore Association 12-3; North Enders 10). Assists—Portland 26 (Porter 10), Indianapolis at Houston, 1 p.m. 116; Economy Electrlc96; Manchester Boston at Atlanta, 7 :X p.m. Minnesota at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. 11. Arkansas 3 over SMU 1984. Chris Evert Lloyd, missing round of applause if I gave her the questionable calls in the Denver 33 (English 13). Total fouls— 12. Washington 15 over Washington P ro p erty M aintenance 6-9; A lca r Auto Cleveland at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh at Cleveland, 1 p.m. from this year’s Championships point, but I probably would have Navratilova-Bunge match, they Canadlana3,Brulna1 ports 69; Buffalo Water Tavern 1-14; Golden State at New York, 8:30 p.m. Parttand3ZDenver33.Technloals—Denver Dallas at Washington, 4 p.m. State You can loin the winning team? Illegal defense, Portland delay of gome. been in here listening to you tell me didn’t affect the outcome. Navratil­ Redwood Raiders 615. Washington at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. Atlanta at San Francisco, 4 p.m. 13. Texas A6M 73'/i over TCU because of injury, won 55 consecu­ Phoenix at Denver, 9:30 p.m. A—8421. 14. Arizona 3W under Arizona State ova was just too sharp for Bunge, M on tre al 2 0 1 - 4 Women's League — Tierney's def. Kansas City at St. Louis, 4 p.m. tive matches in 1974, while Navra­ how nice it was and not winning.” Main Pub 163; 156; 165; Uifayette def. New Jersey at Utah, 9:30 p.m. New Orleans at Los Angeles Rams, 4 15. Auburn Is Idle Mandlikova, who had questioned who is ranked 13th in the world. Boston 0 1 2-1 Son Antonio at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. 16. Stanford 18W over California tilova had a 54-match string Rrst Period—1, Lemiuex 5 (Corson) Locksmith 1610; 1614; 165; Coach's Mavaricka 113. Clippera 108 p.m. Are you responsible? Milwaukee at Sacramento, 10:X p.m. 17. Baylor 7'/> over Texas several calls earlier in the match, "It was kind of routine, being that 6:50. 2, Montreal, Robinson 3 (Corson) Corner def. Heritage 162; 164; 165; Philadelphia at Seattle, 4 p.m. snapped in January 1984. Canine def. Hungry Tiger 1615; 1614; Indiana at Seattle, 10:30 p.m. Mottday's Game 18. UCLA 3'/> over So. California was livid. She later was given a 1 didn’t lose my serve,” Navratil­ 10:32. Penalty—Svoboda, Mon (holding) 19. Clemson i'A over South Carolina ” I didn’t think I could get to 1611; Woodland def. B & J 166; 156; Sunday's Games DALLAS (111) New York Jets at Miami, 9 p.m. ova said. “ But I was down quite a 9 warning when she slammed her 13:24. Houston at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Aguirre 1621 65 31, Perkins 611 1-1 11, 8 . Georgia Is Idle another 74,” Navratilova said after Second Period—3, Boston, Mllbury 3 167. few break points. Standings: Coach's Corner 160; Indiana at Portland, 10 p.m. Donaldson 65 62 10, Harper 7-9 36 17, Other College her latest victory Thursday night. racket against umpire Paul Sulli­ Willing to see a job through? (Kasper, Burrldge), 3:23. Penalties— Milwaukee at LJk. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Blackman 6151-217, T a ^ e y 03000, Davis Georgia Tech 7 over Wake Forest “ I ’d say it was a solid match. It Thelln, Bos (hooking), 5:17; GIngras, Woodland Gardens 160; Lafayette “ It certainly seemed a bigger deal van’s chair, refused to sit down on Escodrille 165; Canine Holiday Inne 64 OO 4, Wood 1-5 60 9, Schrempf 56 6414. Missouri 7 over Kansas could have been closer.” Mon (cross-checking), 9:34; Corson, Mon, Totals467921-ai1Z Boston College 13'/!i over Holy Cross alter It was over. one changeover, then threw her malor (fighting), 14:45; Neely, Bos, 96; B A J Auto Repalr7-8; Hungry Tiger Kinga 92. Pacera 83 69; Tierney's 610; Heritage Auto Body LJ1. CLIFP R S (188) Temple V/i over Rutgers malor (fighting), 14:45; Chellos, Mon, Cage 16 OO Z Maxwell 613 76 19, Transactions West Virginia 3 over Syracuse Do you like people? molor (fighting), 15:09; McCarthy, Bos, 69; Locksmith Hair Studio 612; Main Pub 615. INDIANA (81) Nlmphlus6106314, Johnson670010, Drew Michigan State 13W over Wisconsin m alor (flu tin g ), 15:09; AAaley, Mon, 613 (M) 1Z Beniamin 69 OO Z White 7-10 North (tarolorxi t'/i over Duke molor-game misconduct (fighting), Person 920 26 21, Williams 610 62 1Z Stipanovich69668, Remlng7-156216Lohg 0014,Woodson39007,Huston64004,Flelds Tennessee b'h over Kentucky 15:09; Miller, Bos, malor-gome miscon­ 30 628, Gordon 610 OO lO.Totals 469711-13 BASEBALL Indiana 11 over Purdue *. duct (fighting), 15:09; Nlland, Mon, 6156415, Tlsdale1-9655,Rlchardson00030, Are you cheerful & friendly? Macy62O4)0,Anderson67O06Totals3687 IM. Amerleon Leiwue BYU 12V!i over Utah malor-gome misconduct (fighting), Connors leads foursome 162683. Deltas a a a iii CHICAGO WHITE SOX—Named Al Illinois 11 over Northwestern 15:09; Boutlller, Bos, malor-gome mis­ Bowling SACRAMENTO (92) LJL otapwi a a a 20—ia Goldls director of scouting ond plover Oklahoma State 6 over Iowa State conduct (flghttno), 15:09; Lemleux, Mon, Tyler M 60 6, Thorpe 613 610 20, Three^nt goals—Aguirre 3, Wood, development. ColorcKlo 8'/ i over Kansas State molor-game misconduct (flghtlna), 15:09; Thompson 66 00 4, Steppe 67 46 10, Woodson. Fouled out— None. Rebounds Collfemla League Mississippi t 'f i over Mississippi State Can you handle money? Morkwort, Bos, malor-gome misconduct Smlth676616,Johnson611M8,Theus612 Dallas 44 (DonaMson W), L.A. Clippers 49 SAN B E R N A R O IN O -N am ed Bill Air Force 12 over RIce (fighting), 15:09; Llnsemon, Bos, gome 65 16, KMne 64 00 4, Olberdine 00 68 5, (Beniamin 16). Assists—Dallas 28 Shanahan general monoger. Texas Tech 11 over Houston misconduct, 15:09; Walter, Mon, double LaVaa Induatrlal Preslev1-21-23.Totals330036O79Z (Harper, Aguirre 7), LA. Clippers a BASKETBALL Oregon State 1 over Oregon " into Shootout quarterfinals minor-game misconduct (first to leave the (M axwell 8). Total fM is—Dallas ta, L.A. National Boskelball Assedallon Iowa 5'/i over Minnesota bench), 15:09. Robert Wilbanks 208, Dick Moonan 267, Ralph Duketta 226582, A l Schewy m d k n o a S4 19 I7— a Clippers a . A —0312. NEW JERSEY NETS—Placed Darryl Son Diego State 2 over Hawaii Third Period—4, AAontreol, Smith 12 Dawkins, center, on the Inlured list. If your answer is “yes” to all 226582, Norm an Jaquith 555, G ary Sacremenlo uaa S S -0 2 (GIngras, Chellos), 10:35 (pp). Penalties— Th reeiw lnt goal—Person. Fouled out— Activated Pace AAannlon,forward,from the At six points apiece. Schultz lead. Larson, Bos (cross-checking), 2:42; Rawson 205, Jahn Stratton 200, ChaMIe Biicka 116,8upar8onlca 106 HOUSTON (AP) — Top-seeded Williams. Rebounds- IrKttono 57 (Stipa- Inlured list. "Had he held serve that (second) Momesso, Mon (rough ing), 9:47; Court- H artley 216214624, Don W ilson 226201- ■ Jimmy Connors faces Scott Davis, underhit two overheads and then 592, Barry PInnev 216203611, Dave novich 15), Sacramento 65 (Thorpe 17). Centhiental Busholball Assedallon noil, Bos, double minor (roughing, elbow­ JACKSONVILLE JETS—Signed Quintin missed a drop shot to give Connors game, it would have been a tougher these questions, then we’d like Assists—Indiana 18 (Person, Flemino 4), MILWAUKEE (116) while No. 3 seed Aaron Krickstein 6 in g),9:47. Wilson 207, Al Senno *76210677, ^ e Cunnmlngs 132169a , Pressev 7-126418, Dailey, guard. the advantage. set,” Krickstein said. "That was a Shots on goal— Montreal 7-613—25. Bos­ P a g g lo ll 558, John KozIckI 216207-581, Sacramento 20 (Theus 7). Total fouls— battles Eliot Teltscher in today’s SIkma 613 6412, Hodges 610 OO 6, Pierce FOOTBALL Soccer big game for me to come back and ton 6146—34. Leon Bilodeau 214, Dan Tylutkl ai-565, Indiana 27, Sacramento 23. quarterfinals of the $279,000 WCT “ I wouldn’t say I choked,” John McCorthv *09S<:5P'Ed Dettore Technicals—Thompson Z A—1040. 16157-9a, Breuer 63004, Bradley 1-5003, National Foolball League Power-Ploy Obportunittes— AAontreal 1 MINNESOTA VIKINGS—Placed Curtis Schultz said of Connors’ comeback. break.” to talk with you! 212, M ik e Fellsteod 223600, R ay OUWIck Reynolds 611 61214, MokeskI 61 OO 0, Houston Shootout. of 3; Boston 0 of 4. McDowell OO OO 0, K. Smith OO OO a Rouse, offensive tackle, on the non-football “ Then (at 6-6) it was semi-choke, Also on Thursday, sixth-seed Goalies— Montreal, Hayward (24shotv23 201, M ik e PrestI 207-206567, Ed B aclw Connors glided to an early lead Tetals469l 268116 Inlurv list. Slobodan Zivojinovic of Yugoslavia saves). Boston, Rlggln (25-22). 206553, P e te Beauudry 211, D a ve Ed­ Hawka 108, Cavallara 89 MI8L atandinga Thursday before eliminating Bud semi-choke and big-time choke.” wards 216553, R o ger M Ieezkow ski 202- SEATTLE (188) _____ NEW YORK JETS-SIgned Elvis A— 12445. Franks, defensive end. Ploced Shark Krickstein of Grosse Point, served his way to a 7-6 (7-3), 63 Join the winning team — 568, Rich H iggins 201-201-575, D ave Chambers 91917-18 a , McDaniel 1 6 8 4 0 Schultz of Boston in second-round Referee—Andy Van Hellemond. Gostlneou, defensive end, on Inlured victory over Marty Davis of Harbor M azzoll 211, P a t C astogna 201-576. CLEVELAND (89) a,Usler1-10624,E1lls16161-12ZYoung 00 Eortem Dhdslen action, 7-6 (8-6), 6-2. Mich., combined his powerful fore­ Linesmen— Kevin Collins, Mark Vines. McCray 00 00 0, Williams 615 1-2 1Z OO 0, Johnson 16 66 4, McMillan3663 reserve. W L FCt. OB HOCKEY Trailing 62, Schultz found his hand with an aggressive return of Bay Isle, Calif. Dougherty 7-14 65 16, Boertev 611 62 1Z 8, Stansbury 16 61 Z Schoene 03 62 Z Baltimore 2 0 1.08 The 6-foot-6 Zivojinovic won 25 Harper 7-15 6418, West 66 0 0 6 Lee66628, Williams 16 62 4,Ptielps61000.Totals Dallas 2 0 1.08 rhythm and evened the first set at serve to knock over Houstonian Be a Manchester Herald Carrier! DETROIT RED WINGS-Returned Ed Poauette64004,Prtce671-l6Mlnnle(leld- 36d736ail». Cleveland 1 1 .98 1 5-5 He won six of the first eight Richey Reneberg, 6-3, 6-2, in other points with his overpowering serve 1-3 00 Z Newman 681-15. Totals 390911-17 MHweohee a M a se-iu Johnstone, right wing, to AdlrorKlock of the Chicago 0 1 .08 m . Recalled Bob points In the tie-breaker, but he Thursday action. including 11 aces. Radio, TV 89. Seeltle a a a 24-18 Minnesota 0 2 .08 z Although Zivojinovic had six Calendar ATLANTA (188) Three point goals—Hodges Z Bradley, Probert, left wing, from Adirondack. New York 0 2 .08 z couldn’t get the set-winning sev­ The 19-year-old Krickstein, who CALL US AT Wilkins 11-86527, Wlllls6186218, Rollins Ellis. Fouled out—Chambers. Rebounds— COLLEGE W estern Olvltlen turned at 16. took advantage of five service break opportunities, Davis CENTRAL WASHINGTON— enth point. 3 0 6 2 8 ,Rlyers6116517,Wtttman 611 61 Milwaukee 49 (Cummings 13), Seattle 46 Los Angeles 2 0 1.08 service breaks and Reneberg’s 18 held his serve all but once. TONIGHT 16, Levlnqston SO 00 10, Koncok62620, (McDaniel 11). Aselsls—Milwaukee a Announced the resignation o f Tom Parry, Wichita 1 0 1.08 ” I Just worked to get the ball in head football coach. unforced errors. Reneberg opened Derrick Rostagno of Los Angeles 7:30 W halers vs. Blues, W TIC McGee1-700ZBottle6(6a,Has(lnos1-700 (Pressev 12), Seattle 16 (McDaniel 4).Total San Diego 2 1 .667 Vi play on his serve,” said Connors, SATURDAY 2, Henderson61600. Totals 461011619108. fouls—Milwaukee 28, Seattle 31. Kansas City 1 1 .98 1 the second set with a service break also advanced to the quarterfinals 7:30 Celtics vs. W arriors, SportsChan- W ICHITA STATE—Announced that Gus who allowed Schultz four aces in the F M tb O ll nel, W K H T Technicals—Chambers, Seattle Coach Tacoma 1 1 .98 1 by hitting several shots deep to by eliminating Leif Shiras of ACC Chamglenshlp C leveland aaaa-a BIcfcerstaff, Milwaukee Coach Nelson, Santos, forward, will be reinstated on the St. Louis 0 3 .08 7Vi first set. “ Once I got it to 65 it was 8:30 Knicks vs. Bulls, Channel 9 basketball teomfortheNovemberaseoson Krickstein’s backhand for winners. Milwaukee. Wis.. 62 - 4. Rostagno Eost Catholic vs. Notre Dame-West 9:00 Boxing: Michael Nunn vs. Alex ARonta a a a 24-ia Mllwoukeellleeal defense, Seattle Illegal Tliursdav's Gome easy. I played two good returns and - ! opener. 647 9946 Three point goals—Wilkins 2. Fouled Los Angeles 4, Son Diego 3, OT faced Bill Scanlon of Dallas today. Hoven (at Fairfield University), Noon Ramos, ESPN a passing shot.” But Reneberg’s couldn’t hold the

t MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Nov. 21, 1986 — 23 » - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Nov. 21. 1986 BUSINESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643 Notices Growth funds good investments m i h elp w anted EO hELP WANTED H U HELP WANTED EU hELP WANTED Hl|lN8TRUCTIDN LOST Automotive Title Clerk- Church Consultant-United Responsible person Varied duties, pay com- Part time kitchen help. Hair Stylist In progressive lAND FOUND Church Directories Is look­ wanted to work In hard­ QUESTION: in which you want to invest and That can take the value of your fund mensurate with Cooks and waitresses. salon In Vernon Circle What invest­ Weekends. No experience area. Experienced pre­ ing toroselt motivated and ware store waiting on / explain what you want to do. The shares up or down. If interest rates experience. Benefits, va­ Clerk/Tvpist. Small East customers, displaying, ment would you fund will provide the necessary go up, the value of your investment Lost-Charcoal gray cation, call Bernie at Car­ necessary. Will train. ferred but not necessary. success oriented Individ­ Tutor-Experienced pnd Schnauzer, shared fur, Hartford office. 8:30 to D8iD Caterers. 646-2394 or Full or part time posi­ ual toworktullorpart time stocking, full or part time. certified teacher with de­ suggest that a forms for you to sign and handle will fall. dinal Buick, Manchester. Good poy. Apply at Cony­ $tub tall, white eyebrows 649-4571. 4:30. Monday through Fri­ 646-0350. tions. Coll for appolnt- In sales/publlc relations. gree In early childhood. 26-year-old use Investors’ everything after'that. So, there is no absolute protection and feet. Area of Union day. Pleasant working ment. 643-6713.______You will be contacting ers Hardware. 646-5707, Will tutor your child. Call conditions. Permanent area churches otall talths. ask for Bob. Sheryl at 643-4936. for his individul Since your letter shows you are a of your principal. Nonetheless, Street. Reward I 649-2558. Child Care-Seeking ma­ Executive Secretary- retirement ac­ G uide bright young person. I’m sure you’ll you’re not taking a big risk. position. Excellent ben- South Windsor, East Hart- Part tIme-Dental Female or male has the ture, caring woman to flts. Might be Ideal for Assistant-Experience pre­ Secretary-Part time ofter- count? I have pick a no-load mutual fund. care for Infant, 3 days per ford area. Work for same opportunities for Classified ads' serve the someone re-entering the ferred but not necessary. achievement. Our 24 years noons; general duties In­ returned to William A. Doyle QUESTION; I’m in a govern­ Employment week, 8-5, In my Manches­ president and vice presi­ cluding typing, shorthand, people today ... lust as lob market or someone dent of this well estab­ Call 643-1726. ' of experience can guide school and won't QUESTION; After learning that ment bond mutual fund, which ter home. Flexible on lust starting out. Please computer, data entry, tele­ they have since our coun­ days. 646-8053. lished company. Position you to success. A good be making IRA brokers sell high-interest certifi­ sends me a check each month. The & Education call Mrs. Palmer, 289-9576. Credit Promotlons- begtning Income. Gasallo- phone; responsible. Inter­ try's beginning. Read and lust made available after est! ng position. 646-6270. use them regularly. 643- contributions. cates of deposit, I bought a such a statement I receive with the check 22 years. Call Sharon, Intervlews to sollcite the wance. Incentive program Any money I lists the number of shares in my Babysitter-Needed, Tue- Part time Receptionist- new Discover Card at 2711, CD from one of the biggest say through Friday from Advanced Careers. 282- and expense paid training have available will go to pay tuition into a growth mutual fund. brokerage firms. account. But it does not show the Looking for a bubbly, out 9232. Corner of Main and Sears, Manchester, Ct. school. Training begins WANT ADS are worth 2pm to 9pm. 2 children In going person who enloys CallMr.Blake284-5054. January 6th. Send resume looking into when you're loans. That type of fund, which holds When that CD matured a few dollar value of my account. my Manchester home. G o v ern o r Street, East HELP WANTED people. Must be responsi­ Hartford. to: Larry K. Robertson,P. looking tor a place to I now have two $1,000 certificates stocks with past records and/or months ago, the interest available Naturally, I want to know if the 64^3508 after 9pm. Cook-Housekeeper, (Ca­ live...whether it's a home, of deposit in my IRA. One pays 10.66 future potential of growth in value on new CDs was quite low. At the. value of my investment is going up, ble, mature and dependa­ O. Box 507, Gallon, Ohio. HELP WANTED ble. Hours approximately tholic Rectory), Rockville 44833. an apartment or a mobile percent interest and is due May S, — thereby taking the value of the broker’s suggestion, I invested the down or staying even. How can I Person to perform cour- Dental Offlce-18 to 24 Landscaping procedures. 1 to 5, except Tuesdays till Fall cleaning, pruning and area. 4days weekly. Wilton home. 1990. The other is a floating rate CD, fund’s shares higher — is a natural money in a government securities determine that? rler and general file clerk hours per week, 4 days. 9. 4 days per week. Call Agency. 246-8541. N snow removal. Phone Kel­ presently paying 6.5 percent, and choice as a long-term investment. mutual fund. I need a higher sevices. Part or full time. Computer skills desired, 646-5153. Leave message. Flexible hours possible. expereinced In dental of­ ly’s Landscaping 528-8114. will mature soon. Make sure you understand that income this fund provides, but I ANSWER: Open your newspaper 9 to 4 Monday thru Friday. Bobysitter needed tor 7 Retirees welcome. Send fice not necessary. Send month old. Near MCC. it PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR * Being a long way from retire­ the dividends paid by a growth want to be sure my principal is to the 'financial and business resume to; Kathy Tower Oil Burner- Service techni Stenographer-South mutual fund are not as high as the work resume to P. O. Box clan and Installer. Li­ Some evenings until 8pm. ment, I would Ike my IRA invest­ protected. Did I use good section, where you will find a table at Fuss & O’Neill, 210 Main 505, Manchester Ct. 06040. Customer Service-Inside Call 646-7871. Windsor High School Gul- 20-21K ment to grow in value. There has to interest paid on CDs. Also, there is judgment? of prices of mutual fund shares. St., Manchester, Ct. 06040 censed. East of the River. sales. Manchester com­ dence, 11'A months, 37'/2 Full time. Insurance and be someplace else, other than a risk that the stocks it holds and the Locate your mutual fund. Multiply or call 646-2469. EOE/M-F. Nurse Aldes-Currently ac­ pany will train. Take hour week, shorthand Well established local firm offers fine benefits. Excellent wages. ' orders, service existing Person to sit tor two young 70wpm, typing 60wpm. Sa­ bank, where I can put the money fund’s shares might tumble. ANSWER; The type of fund in the price of that fund’s shares by cepting applications for 1647-9137. school age children. Flexi­ career opportunity In area of non­ from the second CD. Would you However, over the years, the which you invested holds U.S. the number of shares listed on your Planned Maintenance our Nurse Aide training customers. Beautiful new lary range $5.75-$9.(X) per exempt recrultino- Must be fam iliar with building. Call Sharon. Ad­ ble hours dolly. Must be hour. Applications re­ advise me to transfer it to a growth values of the vast majority of Treasury and federal agency secur­ statement. The resulting number is Service Salesman to ser­ class that will begin soon. obleto pick uptromschool. vice and repair loading Manager - Full time. As- vanced Careers. 282-9232. ceived through December EEO/AAP. Some travel. Outstanding be­ mutual fund? growth mutual funds have risen ities. Those securities are counted the value of your investment, as of Also taking applications •jlstant manager - part Reterences. 643-0607. nefits, fee paid. Call or send resume to dock. Levelers. Good for CNAs. We offer excel­ 16-22K salary. 2 by Donald Mercure, 0 and, as a result, have provided as safe, because there is no doubt that day. Your fund’s share price, time. (15-20 hours; after­ driving record Is required lent wage and benefits. Loylng grandmother or Business Manager, South H illary Cuttes, Business Personnel Asso­ ANSWER: Yes — after that CD better total investment returns they will meet their interest pay­ of course, can change from day to and a mechanical back­ noons 8, alt. weekends). Part Time. Female Pre­ Windsor Public Schools. ciates, P.O. Box 1019, Glastonbury, CT Please contact;Director Growing self service stor­ responsible student tor matures. Don’t do it before that, than fixed-income investments ments and will be redeemed at face day. ground Is’ helpful. Will of Staff Developement at ferred. Soles assistant. 1737 Main Street, South age organization has per­ 24-year-old. My home Windsor, Ct. 06074. 528- because you would be hit with an such as mutual funds. value when they mature. 'The statements from most mut­ train on the lob. Excellent Crestfleld Convalescent Please apply In person. (mileage supplement) or 659-3511 You can switch your IRA money ual funds provide the value of the benefits and lob opportun­ manent positions In East Floral Expressions. 646- 9711.EOE. early withdrawal penalty. Whether However, the value of those Home/Fenwood Manor. Windsor and/or Manches­ ' yours. Tuesdays 3 to the other CD matures, you should by making a trustee-to-trustee securities can rise or fall in the account, as of the statement date. ity. Please call Mr. Sher­ Monday-Frlday, 7am- 8268. 9 p.m. and Thursdays, wood Rose at Stordox ter for 2 people who want a Legal Secretary-Fulltime, also consider putting that money transfer. Contact the mutual fund marketplace before they mature. Unfortunately, some don’t. 3pm at 643-5151. EOE variety of Independent 3 to 5:30 p.m. Call ot- Equipment Company, Gas station attendant. ter6p.m .,643-9540. Manchester law firm, ex­ phone 228-9476 tor an work Including customer Part time afternoons and perience preferred. Non- HOMES HOMES V Interview. realtlons and light office evenings. Flexible Hours smoker. 643-7779. FOR SALE FOR SALE duties In a pleasant 8, for the right person. Apply Part time teller needed HD ini Putnam Bridge, East unpressured environ­ at Vernon Shell. 875-5450. Port time or full time help Agreement reached in strike at Deico Sales Reps Needed-Salary ment. Call M r. William­ Harttord ottlce. Will tor filling orders. Flexible AP photo plus commislon. Inside train. Apply Savings Bank son at 649-6980. Hand! Self Receptionist - Answering hours. Excellentopportun- soles, no experience ne­ Stor-lt Place. of Manchester, 923 Main By Janet Braunstein Studdard, a 17-year GM veteran the layoffs included 3,500 workers Infant day care needed phones, some clerical du­ Ity tor housewives. Call lack of parts. Deico makes elec­ cessary, will train. Call ties. Apply In person at St. Manchester. 646-1700. The Associated Press beginning In January. For 11-5pm, Monday through EOE Arthur Drug Worehouseat tronic components, including ra­ who works at a Bowling Green, Ky., at GM’s Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac Robert Mercer, chairman of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Part time help wanted - H8,B Tool, 481 Sulllyan 649-8648between8and4. dios, heat sensors and on-board plant where layoffs began plant in the Detroit enclave of more Information please Friday. 282-9893. Reliable, loving Individu­ talkis with reporters in the lobby of the company’s call 643-0889. Ave.,South Windsor, be- DETROIT — A tentative settle­ computers, for GM vehicles. Thursday. Hamtramck; 5,500 at a pair of headquarters in Akron, Ohio, Thursday after the board als needed to work In a tweeen 8am and 4pm or ment was reached today in a downtown Detroit Cadillac body Carpenters Needed- reputable day care center. call 528-9341. “We’re getting a lot of support approved a $618.75 million offer to buy back Goodyear State school substitute Immediate opening for 646-7090, Linda. walkout that forced General Motors ABOUT 36,850 GM workers were from the public and also the other and assembly plants: 6,000 at a Instructor-lmtnedlate op­ experienced carpenters. Corp. to shut down factories in eight told to stay home today as the parts factories,” said Rick Ireland, a Buick-Oldsmobilc-Cadillac plant in stock from Sir James Goldsmith. Goldsmith reportedly enings for substitute In­ All phases of construc­ states, but the 44,550 striking and shortage idled plants in Michigan, striking Deico worker in Kokomo. Wentzville, Mo., and 1,000 at a owns 12.5 million shares of stock and was attempting a structors with minimum 2 tion. Full time employ­ i T MEDICAL ★ laid-off workers stayed off the job, a Kentucky, Missouri. Ohio, Kansas, Chevrolet Corvette plant in Bo­ years experience os a ment and benefits. Call SECRETARY K R The strike began Monday at the wling Green, Ky. The Willow Run leveraged takeover of the company. mental retardation GM spokeMnan said. Delaware, New Jersey and Indi­ plant, which ships parts to GM 742-5317,8:30 to 5:00. Mon­ Wanted Licensed electri­ RRINTERS The agreement came about 2 ana. More than 16,500 of them had plant shut down Thursday night, worker or 2 years of day through Friday. cian. Callafter 5.568-5846. Part time position avail* a.m. after a 17-hour bargaining been laid off Thursday and the rest assembly plants on a “just-in- idling 3,500, workers said. college training In Special able in Internal Medicine time” basis as they are ordered. Ed or the Behavioral session between negotiators for were told to stay home starting office. Responsibilities in* NIGHTS: For that reason, little or no Sciences Per diem rate of stripper, minimum 2 years GM’s Deico Electronics subsidiary today, Mueller said. Also laid off were 5,600 workers at elude billings, insurance YOUR CHOICE - and United Auto Workers Local 292 inventory of the parts existed when a Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac plant $45. Apply at Mansfield BIG BUCKS Some laid-off workers expressed the strike began. Goodyear thwarts Training School, route 44, forms, light typing and experience with some 4-color PAY THE LANDLORD’S in Kokomo, Ind., said GM spokes­ support Thursday for the Deico in Orion Township, Mich., 5,000 Mansfield Depot, Ct. or SPECIAL RECRUITING DAY experience. man John Mueller. workers at a Chevrolet-Pontiac- patient contact. 'Walkout, which stemmed from a IT TOOK LITTLE more than 24 call Susan PawloskI at MORTGAGE, OR PAY YOUR OWNI Details of the agreement would Canada group plant in Fairfax, 566-8451, 429- WENDY’S OLD FASHIONED HAMBURGERS DAYS: dispute over subcontracting some hours for the parts shortage to force Call Cathy MANCHESTER 100 HEMLOCK ST. not be disclosed because of the jobs and transferring radio produc­ near Kansas City, Kan.; about 1,000 unwanted takeover 6451.AA/EOE. on 260 Broad Street, Manchester has Immediate between 9 am and 5 pm • Smaii Press Operator pending ratification vote, sche­ GM to begin shutting down assem­ GMC van assembly workers at a CENTER SPRINGS PARK AREA tion to Mexico. bly lines and sending workers openings for lunch and closing shifts. Up to 6 4 6 -4 66 5 2 years experience. duled for Saturday, he said. Chevrolet-Pontiac-Canada plant in State school substitute • Cutter Operator Completely remodeled 47’ 2 bedroom ranch. Sunny “Even if it’s going to hurt me, home. teacher-immediate open­ •4.50 per hour to start. Uniforms, training and new kitchen with appliances and bath. No wax floors, “Work will resume as soon as Lordstown, Ohio: 3,600 workers at a Bv Robert Green with about $80 million in profit. 1-2 years experience. paneled sun porch. Warm attached garage. Immediate possible following ratification,” we’ve got to start sticking together “We knew that we could shut Chevrolet Corsica and Beretta ings for substitute growth provided. Interested candidates should 2 The Associated Press Goodyear stock Thursday closed teachers. Certified In Spe­ • Bindery Heipers, no experience. occupancy. $112,000. Mueller said. as a union or forget it,” said Jim them down,” Cassis said today. “It plant in Wilmington, Del., and 2,000 at $42.87>A per share on the New apply In person on Tuesday, November 25 bet­ also cial Ed. Per diem rate of K Mart help wanted. 7 room aluminum sided air-conditioned CAPE with Local 292 president Ron Cassis Dolinger, laid off from his job at the wasn’t the fact that we wanted to workers at a similar plant in CLEVELAND — Goodyear Tire York Stock Exchange, up $1. $60. Apply at Mansfield ween 9-11 am and 3-7 pm. EOE CALL FOR INTERVIEW Willow Run, Mich., plant. shut down all (GM) divisions, but Linden, N.J,; and 150 workers at garage, newer kitchen and bath. Bircti paneled family predicted the proposal would be & Rubber Co. ended an unwanted Goldsmith, in a statement from Training School, route 44, 1- 800-221-6052 m c t 1- 800- 654-3547 room. Asking $120,000. just that we had some issues that we Deico Remy Division plant in ★ ★ Merchandise Em­ ratified. ■‘T m in total support of the takeover bid from financier Sir his New York offices, said that in Mansfield Depot, Ct. or ployees, Cashiers, The strike by 7,700 workers at the workers in Kokomo because they wanted to settle.” Anderson, Ind., that uses parts James Goldsmith on Thursday by light of the company’s repeated call Susan PawloskI at ELLINGTON, CT i Samuelson Broker call 649-0498 Deico plant in Kokomo forced other (GM) were going toshipjobsoutof As of today, GM sa|d the number from the Kokomo plant to make 566-8451 or 429-6451. Stock. Full time and buying back his 11.5 percent stake rejection of his offers and action part-time positions GM assembly lines to shut down for the country,” said 38-year-old Mike of workers and plants involved in other parts, Mueller said. in the company for about $619 being taken by the state Legislature AA/EOE. million. to hinder hostile takeovers, his available experience Mature woman to care tor ★ ★ ★ ★ not necessary, many The tiremaker’s board also ap­ investor group “determined that toddlers, morning and af­ proved a $2 billion stock buyback we had no other alternative but to employee benefits. ternoon shifts. 7 to 1,1 to 6. Apply in person daily Some people face and a restructuring plan aimed at agree to the company’s proposal In the Children’s Place RETAIL ASSISTANT Business In shedding its Celeron Corp. energy that it repurchase our shares.” Day Care Center. Man­ Mon-Sat Manchester K subsidiary and Aerospace and Goodyear officials, workers, poli­ chester, call 643-5535. Mart 239 Spencer IIWANTEDI! Motor Wheel units. ticians and community leaders had Fotomat Street EOE. Singer Co. to lay off 135 workers tougher tax forms “The unwelcome situation with expressed fear Goldsmith would Sales/Industrial. A na­ JO/N OUR SALES FORCE which the company was confronted sell off properties such as the tional service organiza­ LITTLE FALLS, N.J. — The Singer Co. has announced it will presented a range of very difficult energy and aerospace groups in tion Is looking for an Full time position offering lay off 135 electronics workers at its Kearfott Division in Little agressive self motivated SECRETARY By John Cunniff choices for the company,” Goo­ order to cut “corporate fat” and Individual to cover the WORK PART TIME Fails. The Associated Press dyear Chairman Robert ^ Mercer return the company to its core tire management training for The jobs are among 400 being eliminated nationwide in a The book, incidentally, state of Connecticut. For receptionist, said in a statement fromxompany and rubber business. Knowledge of hydraulics the Wllllmantic and Storrs typing and general Must like children, must have reliable cost-cutting effort in the company’s aerospace and electronics NEW YORK - Have we really is 59 pages long, with “In my opinion, the sight of whole and/or electronics a plus , headquarters in Akron. administrative du­ car. Hours 5pm-8pm, Mon.-Thurs., units, said Thomas Elliot, Singer’s vice president for corporate cut taxes? Have we really simpli­ about 500 words to a “We are confident that the course communities rising up against an but will provide training. locations. Experience not relations. fied them? selected by the board will result in unwarranted takeover attempt was College graduate pre­ required/ but helpful. ties. Good skills re­ 9:30-1 pm Sat. He said Thursday that the Kearfott layoffs make up less than 2 As the rhetoric fades and reality page. Says investment enhanced overall values for our the major factor in Goldsmith’s ferred. Excellent oppor­ quired, including percent of the division’s workforce. He would not specify how shareholders through a strong and decision to sell out,” Mercer said in tunity with a growth or­ typing and PC. Ex­ takes focus, those questions are adviser Martin Sass, iented company. Send EASY MONEY many people work there. likely to be asked by many independent Goodyear.” a letter to Goodyear’s 300,000 resume to; Regional Sales ★ Ca// 423-1059 ★ cellent opportunity / “It’s a cost reduction. We’re reducing overhead,” he said. ”We taxpayers, some of whom will find “Don’t believe the Goldsmith disclosed earlier this employees. Manager, 3836 Pem- for Interview appointment. benefits. Send your want to be more competitive.” their returns more complex than jargon about this month that he owned 11.5percentof Goodyear also said it would buy brooke Lane, Vestal, New resume and salary The layoffs will fall in administrative and support divisions, before, and more costly too. Goodyear’s 109 million outstanding back an additional 40 million of its York 13850. , history to; CALL SUSAN but Elliott would not be more specific. being a tax simplifica­ common shares and was interested shares from stockholders for $50 a THIS IS A NICE HOUSE! Much of the increase is a in seeking control of the tiremaker share, and outlined the restructur­ PirsonnsI Admlnlitrator The division makes navigation guidance and other high- consequence of higher capital gains IN CIRCULATION 5 very spacious rooms with a rec room, 2 fire­ technology electronics systems used in defense, such as airborne tion act.’’ in a friendly offer worth $4.73 ing that included an early retire­ KCR Technology Inc. places, breezeway and a 1 car garage. Custom built taxes, which can offset lower basic billion, or $49 a share. ment program and wide-ranging ASST. MANAGER / MANAGER TRAINEES computers. tax rates. Millions of taxpayers who too Prestige Park Rd. TODAY in 1951. This lovely brick 2 bedroom home is in Elliot said the cutbacks will be made gradually and should be Goodyear will buy Goldsmith’s cost cutting measures. Come Grow With Us sell stocks or real estate will find stake for $49.50 a share plus The restructuring, originally E. Hartford. CT 06108 impeccable condition and easily expandable. All completed by the end of the year. themselves with higher taxes While the direct tax impact on expenses the financie- said he aimed at driving up Goodyear’s CARD GALLERY An Equal Opply. Employer new thermopane windows. New roof, gutters and instead. individuals might be of overriding incurred in the bid. s h a r^ ric e and making the com- M/F 647-9946 many extras. Asking *135.000 Some who paid a 15 percent importance to them, they might Analysts have estimated Golds­ panyToo expensive for Goldsmith to Are you ambitious, creative, highly motivated? Do you enjoy working in a fast- Qualfflod AppRcBntt Only Japan firm eyes CE facility capital gains rate this year will have overlooked something that mith paid an average price per acquire, includes some of the paced, ever changing environment? Then we are looking for you to join us. We are a progressive and expanding retail chain of card and gift stores. Do not pic­ Jack J. Lappen Realty GREENEVILLE, Tenn. — Tateho Chemical Industries of find, for example, that they face a might hurt badly in the long run. share in the low $40 range, meaning moves Goldsmith had indicated he Japan said its first major overseas acquisition will be the 28 percent rate in 1987. And, Some tax people already call it the he could walk away from the deal might make. ' ture us as a small card'store: Our 2 new stores currently under construction are 164 East Center Street purchase of Combustion Engineering’s magnesium oxide facility because some states also charge invisible tax hike. 12,000 sq. ft. and 26,000 sq. ft. Manchester, CT 06040 taxes on capital gains, that’s not the The invisible tax hike is the here. We offer a generous benefit program including merchandise discount, medical/ PICTURE THIS The plant’s principal product, TECO-MAG, is a high-purity, full tab. increased business costs that al­ 643-4263 A New Yorker who paid 26 most surely will land back in the dental insurance (if chosen), paid vacations, holidays, sick pay, and profit shar­ fused magnesium oxide used mainly as an insulating and heat Rising stock prices ing plan, for a confidential interview for placement in the Manchester/Vernon conducting material in electric heating elements and as a raw percent capital gains this year laps of individuals. Critics of the $ EXTRA MONEY $ material for products used in steel production furnaces and might incur a 40 percent combined new law maintain that there is no area, call Shirley Wright collect 203-236-3281 or write ceramics. rate in 1987. And the spread might way individuals can effectly With Your Own Part-Time Job. Tateho, located in Hyogo-Ken, Japan, is a manufacturer of be similar in other states if they transfer tax bills to business. snap scandai siump Diamond Sales Co, industrial minerals while Combustion Engineering is based in raise their own capital gains rate. Congress tried to do it, of course, 345 N. Main Street, Suite 315, West Hartford, CT 06117. Other taxpayers mightfind them­ by shifting to the corporate sector An Excellent Opportunity for- Stamford, Conn., and is concentrating on supplying the public By The Associated Press rumors. | EOE and private power industries. selves qualifying for a stiffer about $120 billion of taxes over the alternative minimum tax, designed next five years. But, says the Tax In Washington, meanwhile, the Housewives and A spokesperson for Tateho said Thursday that the 50employees Stock prices have snapped a Commerce Department said Amer­ Mothers with at the plant are expected to remain at work once the sale is to snag those who use perfectly Foundation, such action risks a legitimate means to reduce their slump caused by Wall Street’s icans’ personal spending plunged 2 completed in about 30 days. A purchase price was not disclosed. slowdown in business and more insider-trading scandal, and econo­ percent in October, the biggest drop young children bring them Combustion Engineering retained its fused silica production taxes below “acceptable” levels. unemployment. mists say "government figures What, specifically, is the alterna­ in 27 years of record-keeping, as with you and facility and personnel in Greeneville. Many tax analysts insist, in fact, showing rising personal income consumers put away pocketbooks WE HAVE AN EXCITING save on tive minimum tax? Let Arthur that there is really no way at all to and' lower consumer spending Tateho had 1985 net sales of $38 million while Combustion after an auto-buying splurge. babysitting Engineering net sales in 1985 were $2.4 billion. Andersen & Co., the big accounting shift the aggregate tax burden from lessen chances of a recession. | costs. firm, take a stab at that one. This is individuals to business, since busi­ The Dow Jones average of 30 At the same time, Americans’ OPPORTUNITY IN what it told the American Associa­ ness is merely the way in which industrials rose 34.03 points to incomes rose a moderate 0.-1 Dollar fails to gain ground on pound tion of Individual Investors in a society gets and spends its money. 1,860.66 on Thursday. Combined percent, the best showing in six guide prepared for them: The tax buck, they contend, ends with the 9.42 gain Wednesday, the months, the department said. The " ADVERTISING SALES! LONDON — The dollar rose against all major currencies “It is difficult, if not impossible, with the individual taxpayer no indicator nearly negated the com­ gain was helped by special factors, We have a permanent full time position avaiiable for an MANCHESTER *128,000 except the British pound in thin European trading early today. to explain adequately a concept as matter what evasive tactics are bined loss of 56.38 points Monday including bonuses paid to DISTINCTIVE CHARM Gold bullion edged up to around $389.50. complex ks the alternative min­ employed. and Tuesday. autoworkers. - Advertising Saies Representative for the Manchester Her- $ $ Aluminum sided Dutch Colonial with a walk-up European traders described the dollar’s rise as a technical imum tax in the limited space of In that sense, it is argued, the The market had been shaken by The combination of a steep aid Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5pm. Must be attic and finished rec room with bar Iri basement. reaction to the currency’s recent weakness. the announcement last Friday of a plunge in spending and a pickup in this book. It is at least as difficult to attetnpt at diverting taxes to energetic and reliabie. Must have dependabie transporta­ This home has to be seen to be appreciated. It They said fundamental market factors, such as unfavorable do so in terms that are consistent business from individuals was widespread insider-trading scan­ income growth helped boost Ameri­ features finished hardwood floors and woodwork, U.S. economic factors, continue to weigh against the dollar. with the simple, non-technical simply a pre-election attempt at dal centered around well-known cans’ savings rate slightly from a tion. Maintain established account iist and expand terri­ 21 Hours Per Week French doors and fireplace In living room, formal Midmorning dollar rates compared with levels in Europe late stock speculator Ivan F. Boesky, record low in September. dining room with built-in hutch. All appliances and approach to year-end planning for diverting attention from reality. tory by coid cail seliing. Salary plus Mileage Thursday: which this book strives.” And in the tax world, reality is who agreed to pay a $100 million The figures encouraged analysts, ' Salary Plus Gas Allowance oak cablneta are just a few amenities In this • 2.0185 West German marks, up from 2.0070 Sa;. neni i.iser Martin usually higher taxes. fine to the Security and Exchange who said the strong pickup in wage reimbursement. Excellent benefits, including dentai, paid beautiful home. Call us for more details. Sass, “Don’t believe the jargon Commission. , and salary growth reduced the SOUND INTERESTING? a • 1.6800 Swiss francs, up from 1.6688 Says Sass, who advises many likelihood that weak consumer hoiidays, vacation. Piease caii Denise Roberts, Advertis­ We ciiit help you becoms about this being a tax simplification Insider trading is the illegal use You cen be a Herald Area Adviser and handle and "REALE" PROFESSIONAL! • 6.6050 French francs, up from 6.5675 ultrawealthy clients about such of non-public information to profit spending could push the country- • 2.28215 Dutch guilders, up from 2.26550 act.” matters, this is what reality has in ing Director, at 643-2711 for interview appointment. aupervise our carrier boys & girls. If you like kids, Call 046-4525. and ask lor Dan. from the sale of securities." into a recession. want a little Independence and your own Income... • 1,396.75 Italian lire, up from 1,389.00 He explained to a meeting of the store for us: Traders" worried the scandal “We are not looking for a boom in • And 1.38605 Canadian dollars, up from 1.38480 Young Presidents’ Organization “Because budget deficit-cutting might threaten takeover deals and growth, but we are looking for the D. F. REALE, INC. Against the trend, the British pound edged up to $1.4118 from last week that the act’s “stringent measures have been ineffective, dilute demand for stocks in com­ economy to perform about like it Real Estate $1.4110. alternative minimum tax calcula­ political pressure to raise taxes and has for the past two years,” said 175 Main St., Manchester, Ct panies involved. But on Thursday M) Mft) h

KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright HOMES HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE All real estate odvertlsed BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY In the Manchester Herald 6-6 Duplex with separate heating systems, garage Is sublect to the Fair - m FboR, Housing Act of 19M, which and a prime location near makes It Illegal to adver­ the hospitol. "W e Guaran­ PAINTING/ RH8CELIANE0U8 MISCELLANEOUS TrtiHei. IT tee Our Houses!" Blan­ M6V0i HAt> tise any preference, lim­ CHILDCARE |2oJ PAPERING 31 8ERVICE8 31 SERVICES itation or discrimination chard & Rossetto. 646- 24S7.0 h CHAMce based on race, color, reli­ Quality child care gtyen Complete Interior Reno­ Your neighborhood Art’s Light Trocklng- gion, sex or national handy man! Honest fam­ cellars.attlcs.gorages origin, or an Intention to Luxury Abounds- by responsible mother. vations. Textured ceil­ A LEFTOVER. Spectacular 4 bedroom, 3 643-2984. ings. Repair domaged ily mon, will estimate any cleaned. Junk houled.Fur- moke any such prefer­ vralls. Expert Installation lob you create, lawns, nlture and appliances ence, limitation or dis­ bath home. Magnificent landscaped lot withi pool Loying mother will core of all woll coverings. Con­ hauling, cleonlng, paint­ moved. Odd lobs. Very crimination. The Herald tinental Painting. 872- ing, and minor repairs. honest dependable will not knowingly accept and yiew. $240's. "W e for your child In myhome. Guarantee Our Houses!" Manchester area. 644- 6018. Residentlal/Business. worker. 25 years expe­ O any advertisement which For the highest quality at rience In moving. 646-9669 Is In violation of the low. Blanchard & Rossetto. )476.’ 646-3482.0 the lowest prices coll, anytime. Government Homes from John 643-4353. SI (U repair). Delinquent South Windsor-New list­ CLEANING ELECTRICAL tax property. Reposses­ ing Immaculate 7 room SERVICES Howkes Tree Service- sions. Call 805-687-6000 ext Rolsed Ranch, spacious Dumas Electric — Having Bucket Truck ft Chipper. Stump removal. Free esti­ GH 9965 for current repos­ family room with deluxe Relax! Let me do It. Clean Electrical Problems? Tune Up Time - Leaf session list. wood stove, 3 bedrooms, Need 0 large or a small mates. Special considera­ Blowers, snow blowers, IIII N* Shine. Responsible tion for elderly and handi­ 2 ’/2 baths, quiet locotlon. Repair? We Specialize In lawn ond garden equip­ home cleaning service. capped. 647-7553. Charming 6 room Ranch Only $159,900. U 8. R 643-4154. Residential Work. Joseph ment. Also offering a com­ plete sharpening service. located at 410 Summit Realty. 643-2692.0 Dumas. Fully Licensed. For electrical repairs or Street. Featuring: large Free Estimates. 646-5253. Quolltv Sharpening, 104 CARPENTRY/ handynnan, call 649-2254 Hilliard Street (203) 649- master bedroom, V h evenings. Free estimates. bath, fireplace, and eat-ln RU8INE88 REM 0DEUN 6 HEATMG/ Licensed and Insured. 2111. kitchen. Affordable, I TOWN OP M A N 8PIBLD INVITATIO N TO B ID PROPERTY INVITATIO N TO BID $119,900. Realty World, PLUMRING Get the Want Ad h ab it... Now Is the time to run an No lob too big or small. ad In classified to sell that $URPLU$IQUIPMINT Scheyd Agency. 828-0377. Complete Interiors and read and use the little ads The Eighth Utilities Dis­ Restaurant-Located In Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ In Classified regularly. camera you no longer The following Itams hove trict, 32 Main Street, Man­ Manchester on high traf­ exteriors. Quality and Re- chester, Ct., seeks bids to: Bolton-5 Green Hills llablllty. Continental throom remodeling; In­ 643-2711. use. boon declared surplut and fic street. Good location stallation water heaters, ore available for sale: Replace Hose Body & Road. 9 plus rooms Raised for pizzeria. Presently op­ Painting. 872-6018. Booster Tank on 1969 Mack ranch, 4 bedrooms, 3 both- garbage disposals; faucet paving box, snow plows, tip­ erating as a breakfast, ping plow, generator, pump, Pumper. s,ESK living room, dining Carpentry-Fix walls, ceil­ repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M - concrete cutter,, army lunch, and early evening asterCard accepted. Bid specifications may be room, 1st floor, laundry restaurant. Excellent po­ ings, add a closet or trucks/new motors, dump obtained during normal busi­ room, lower level family truck body, low-bed equip­ tential for good Income. shelving, folding ottic ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 room, one plus acres, 2 stairways, add a room In MISCELLANEOUS ment trailer, 1970 Interna­ p.m.) Mondov thru Saturday Call us for the details. SNOW PLOWING tional cab/traefor, paint from the Dispatcher at the fireplaces, w/w over hard­ $55,000. Realty World the basement, chain saw SERVICES striper, sand spreader, 1974 Eighth District Firehouse, 32 wood floors. Heated pool, Frenchette. 646-7709.a work. 646-3172. Chevrolet Malibu 4 door Main St., Manchester, Ct. hot tub, security system, 3 By professionals who care. sedan, etc. 06040. zone. Heat, solar orient­ Odd lobs. Trucking. Home PAINTING/ Equipment may be Inspected Sealed bids will be received ated. $225,900. Converse repairs. You name It, we SANDING AVAILABLE. Resi­ at the Mansfield Town Gar­ at the above address until S a tu rd a y Real Esate. 646-4382. Rentals PAPERING do It. Free estimates. age, 230 Clover Mill Rood, 7:00 P.m. on Monday, De­ Insured. 643-0304. dential/ commercial and Indust­ during regular business cember 1,1906, at which time Great Opportunity! A hours. Call 4294676 for de­ they will be publicly opened, Nome your own price — tails. read aloud ond recorded. rare f!nd In Manchester, 6 rial. We are FU LLY INSURED. R 00M 8 Father and son. Fast, Sealed bids must be submit­ Bids Shall remain valid for room Cope, fireplace, ap­ FOR REHT dependable service. ted to the Director of thirty days from the bid pliances on extra large lot Are the others? I Painting, Paperhanging ft D ft D L a n d s c a p e - Finance, Town of Monstleld, opening dote. The District 'With a possibility of two Removal. Call 872-8237. 4 South Eoglevllle Road, reserves the right to relect Room for non-smoking, Complete landscape se- Storrs, CT 06260, by 11:00 building lots. Convenient and brush re- any and all bids (or any rea­ but private location. mature gentleman. Kit­ J ft L Stone-Painters. vice, leaf a.m., December 17, 1906, at son deemed to be In the best chen privileges. Washer m o v e d . C a ll D a v id which time they will be Interest of the District. $185,000. James R. McCo- (Reduced rates)-Wlnter THE MAK COMPANY opened. vanagh Real Estate. 649- ond dryer. Parking. Coll season, commercial, resi­ 659-2436. JOSEPH TRIPP Bid forms may be obtained FIRE COMMISSIONER 3800.0 643-5600. dential, fully Insured, from the Director of Finance quality references. Cater­ Masonry RepaIrs-AII at the above location. Dated at Manchester, Conn, Rooms-Moln Street loca­ types of additions, altera­ 643-2659 this 13fh day of November, Manchester-$98,900. Im ­ ing to customers who JE FFR EY H. SMITH 1906. maculate 4 room Ranch tion. $185 and op. Referen­ demond perfection. 649- tions, ans Stuco. Call 643- DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ces and security. Apply In 9508 or 649-5635. 035-11 completely redecorated. 6048. 042-11 New wall to wall carpet­ person. Apartment M af­ ing. Corner lot. A pleasure ter 1pm. to show. James R. M cCa- INVITATIO N TO B ID INVITATION TO BID vanagh Real Estate. 649- Large room for rent-close The Eighth Utilities Dis­ 3800.O to bus lines and near town. I APARTMENTS STORE ANO LAW N AND MISCELLANEOUS The Eighth Utilities Dis­ $70 per week. Utilities trict, 32 Main Street, Man­ trict, 32 Main Street, Man­ FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE GARDEN FOR SALE chester, Ct., seeks bids to: chester, Ct., seeks bids (or Storrs-NIce 2 bedroom Included. Security and ref­ I the following Items: MOUNT A UTILITY BODY Mobile home In adult erences required. Coll 643- TWO (2) 4.5 AIR PACKS 1021. Office Space For Rent. Riding lawn mower, Two 50Ft. rolls of snow ON A 10,500 GVW VEHICLE community. Appliances, Manchester-New duplex, Excellent locotlon-heot, Yordman. 5 horse power, fence. 4 ft. high. $25.00. WITH A 04 INCH CAB TO FIFTY (50) FIREFIGHTERS central air and porch. 5 room, 3 bedroom, prime air ,lanltor, parking. 500 2 speed. Forward plus Each New. Phone 643-8470 AXLE DISTANCE. PROTECTIVE COATS $32,900. James R. McCa- APARTMENTS location. Immediate occu­ square feet $250. 649-5334. reverse. 25 Inch cut, after6pm. Bid specifications may be Bid specifications may be vanagh Real Estate. 649- FOR RENT pancy. $675. No utilities, or 643-7175. engine bod. $59. 643-4535.a obtained during normal busi­ obtained during normal busi­ 3800.O ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 ness hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 no pets. 649-4575. Hedstrom baby carriage; p.m.) Monday thru Saturday 3 rooms containing 900 Converts to stroller. $30. p.m.) Mondoy thru Saturday Super Dooper Duplex 11 3 and 4 room apartments, from the Dispatcher at the from the Dispatcher at the Bolton Notch-NIcely fur­ square feet on Spruce Call 6494646. Eighth District Firehouse, 32 EIGHTH DISTRICT FIRE­ Lovely 6 plus 5 duplex In no appllances,no pets,se- RECREATIONAL Main St., Manchester, Ct„ curlty,call 646-2426. Week- nished 2 room efficiency Street. Parking, con di­ HOUSE, 32 Main St., Man­ Vernon. Large IM ’x 150’ Including all utilities. For EQUIPMENT Hearthmatewoodstove chester, Conn. 06040. dovs 9-5. vide, 1 year leose. Coll lot, separate utilities, 2 elderly gentleman. Park­ 643-6712. ( and accessories. Best offer Sealed bids will be received Sealed bids will be received car garage. Many modern ing. 649-9093. For Sale. Rowing M a­ over $35 takes It. Brick at the above address until at the above address until By Richi Improvements. City utili­ Two bedroom apartment lined. 646-0439. It must go. 7:00 p.m. on Monday, De­ 7:00 p.m. on Monday, De­ for rent. Dishwasher, dis­ chine, fully assembled, 1 cember 1,1906, at which time The Assi ties. $138,500. Jackson & Manchester-2 bedroom, I INDUSTRIAL year old, excellent condi­ 646-0439.O cember 1,1906, qt which time Jackson Real Estate. 647- posal, pool, tennis courts. they will be publicly opened, they will be publicly opened, heat hot water and ap­ PROPERTY tion. $75. Call 646-3245 after read aloud and recorded. read aloud and recorded. 8400.O Near 84. Call 282-7908 after pliances. $510. Referen­ High chair, upholstered, MIAMI 7:00 pm. or (617) 864-5770 5:3(lpm. Bids shall remain valid (or Bids shall remain valid for ces, lease and security. No Manchester-Good space yellow, attached formica thirty days from the bid thirty days from the bid dangerou Take a Spin By... or give X4204 days. opening dote. The District pets. 647-9876 evenings. at reasonable prices. Call Skis-Knelsel 190 centime­ table, chrome frame, opening date. The District pee with us a coll and we'll drivel. molded troy, $30. 649-2723 reserves the right to relect reserves the right to reject owner for present or fu­ ters, with look 77 bindings, any and all bids for any rea­ Great 3 family on 51-53 $130. Nordlco boots size 10. mornlngsorafter5:30.ci any and all bids (or any rea­ was in f Pearl Street In Manches­ ture n e ^ s at 643-2414. son deemed to be In the best son deemed tp be in the best $25.6464732. Interest of the District. Interest of the District. after FBI ter. Separate utilities, Minolta mount Sollgor nice size rooms, . great Spacious 4 room apart­ JOSEPH TRIPP JOSEPH TRIPP posh Ke; 3 room apartment-heat, ROOMMATES Ski boots, women's t 'h , lens. 35/105 Macro. $65. FIRE COMMISSIONER FIRE COMMISSIONER talked wi Income potential. Lots of ment near bus. Adults hot water, stove, refriger­ excellent condition, must 649-0670.O updating has been done. preferred, no pets, 1 car, WANTED Dated at Manchester, Conn, Dated at Manchester, Conn, Milliga ator, laundry facilities, sell. Need monevi Only this 10th day of November, this 12th doy of November, $164,900. Jackson ft Jack- security and reference. I 1906. by reaso garage. Ask about senior $35,643-4096.0 Kerosene heoter-Rodlant 1906. son Real Estate. 647-8400.D 649-1265. citizen's discount. 646- Woman to share condomi­ Eight like new asking $75. 036-11 034-11 raping tl nium, child ok. 647-1294. 7268. Skis-Kastle fiberglass 170 643-0017.O State Un Monchester-$59,900. Very Manchester - 2nd floor 2 cm. with Solomon step In nice townhouse condomi­ bedroom, heat and ap­ Monchester-$250 per Mimeograph machine, CARS LIQUOR PBRMIT bus. He 3 room apartment-heat, bindings, color red and NOTICE OF APPLICATION nium, 2 bedrooms, kit­ pliances, no pets. $550 plus stove, refrigerator, car­ month plus Vz utilities. white. Excellent condl- stencils. Ink etc. $15. 646- F0R8ALE with kidi chen and 17 x 19 living security 646-3979. peting, near parkade. Apply :40 Olcott Street, tlon.$45.649-1794.0 5B47ofter6.a This Is to give notice that I, women. room, V h baths, carpet­ Apt. 107. Clean, quiet, Older persons preferred. CHARLES B. BOSSIDYofSIl “ We CO ing, paint and wallpaper Two bedroom townhouse responsible. Set of Dansk dishes, beige HOP RIVER STREET, BOL­ No pets. $395 plus secur­ dangeroi has been updated. Very - heat, hot water, car­ ity. Call 643-6802 or 649- with brown trim. 44 piece TON, CT 06040 have filed an good condtion. O. W. Fish peted. All appliances. Air ROATS/MARINE application placarded 6205. set. $18.643-5832.0 NO VEM BER 5, 1986 With the incident Realty. 643-1591 or 871- conditioning. Call 649- EQUIPMENT Department of Liquor Con­ connecti 1400.D 5240. Autos. 2carsforsale, Parts trol a PACKAGE LIQUOR for 2 bedroom duplex, ap- Morchandlss Only. 1972 Olds 455 Engine Thursda; ptlanced kitchen, no pets. the sale of alcoholic liquor on 2 bedroom plus loft, 2 16 foot Mod River canoe, $200, 1970 Plymouth 318 the premises 1467 SOUTH kesman 1 Lease security deposit. paddles Included. Used ENDROLLS Engine $200. Call 6466649 STREET, COVENTRY, CT Manchester-$108,900. baths. In the Clock Tower Available early De­ 27% width - 288 "Ithinkh Nicely remodeled Cape Mill, Indoor pool, many four times. Excellent con­ ofter3:00pm. 06238. The business will be cember. 643-7791. dition. $800. Please call 18% Width < 2 lor 288 owned by FRED BONEY 8, him ." priced for someone look­ extras. $650 month. Avail­ FURNITURE CHARLES B. BOSSIDY of ing to get started. 3 bed­ able December 1st. 643- 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- MUST be picked up et the 1981 Buick Skylark, 54,000 (FRED) 27 LORRAINE U.S. M East Hartford 2 bedroom 99468:30-5:30. Ask for Bob. Manchester Herald Office miles, power steering, DRIVE, TOLLAND, CT06084, on Frida rooms, fireplace living 7611 or 646-1094. unit. $400 per month, no room, dining room and 2 twin beds with frames, before 11 A.M. ONLY. power brakes, air condi­ (CHARLES) 811 HOP RIVER without pets. Tenent poys utilities. like new. Simmon firm, tioning. Call Gary at 568- ROAD, BOLTON, CT 06040 remodled kitchen with 1 bedroom apartment, Two month security. 289- and will be conducted by unlawful pantry, V/t baths. Call heat, and hot water, quiet 649-8199 asking $200 orbest MUSICAL 2020or6460213. 7922. CHARLES B. BOSSIDY as ment. Sh today, get started. D. W. neighborhood. Referen­ offer. ITEMS TAG permittee. Fish Realty. 643-1591 or ces, no pets, $435 monthly. SALES his remc Luxury 2 bedroom town- Wing bock djolr, print CHARLES B. BOSSIDY 871-1400.O 646-2311. 1978 Oatsun B-210 auto­ Doted November 11,1986 Public E house In the woods. High­ fabric, warm tones. Ex­ matic, 2 door. Best offer. land Park area. $750 per 025-11 said h e : Thayer Road-Gracious 8 2 bedroom apOrtment- cellent condition. $60. 643- Furniture, books, some 529-1975after5. Laura. month. Includes heat and 2041 after 6pm .□ miscellaneous household waytogi room home styled for Wall to wall carpeting. hot water. 6^7-7411. family living. Hurry! Appliances included. No Hammond Cord Organ- Items. 24B Sycamore 1981 Plymouth Horizon, 4 quickly $179,900. "W e Can Guaran­ pets. Lease. Security. Oak headboard with att­ single key board, wood Lane. AAanchester. Satur­ door. Standard, gas mizer CARS needstn tee Our Homes! Blan­ Available December 1st. CONDOMINIUMS ached night tables for frame, bench, good condi­ day only, 11am-4pm. engine. 77k. Very good FOR SALE queen bed. $99. Call 742- tion. $100. Cal 1649-9981. chard & Rossetto Real Also 3 bedroom duplex. FOR RENT condition all around! Estate. 646-2482.0 Lease. Security. No pets. 6141 evenlngs.D Indoor Tag Sale-Antiques $1300.633-2686. Available December 1st. Hammond Cadette Organ and old stuff. Furniture, 1972 Buick Electra-AII au- Suddenly Available This Call 643-1595.0 Manchester-BIgelow Hol­ Colonial 4 piece sectional with automatic rhythm. china, glass, quilt pieces, Dodge-1982 Arles Wagon. tomotlc,needssomework. low condo. One loft, bed­ very good condition. 633- Excellent condition. $275. hooked and braided rugs, 66,000 miles. $2200. Call Easily restorable. $500 or 3-3 two family is bock on 649-1164. the market. See It today 3 bedroom apartment, Vz room, 1'/z baths, lacuzzi 5518.0 linens, etc. Saturday, No­ 646-4732. bestoffer. 6466868- duplex fully appllanced tub, spiral stairs, covered v e m b e r 22, 8am -5pm . only $108,500. "W e Can Honda Accord 19816 door . Guarantee Our Homes! kitchen, I'/z baths, no parking, ample storage. Blue love seat sofa, cozy Gulbransen Pacemaker Route 85 North of Gilead 1966 Dodge Charger-Good year lease pluVr^One of a kind. $700. Two seating for 2. $100. 647- Spinet organ with rhythm Congregational Church, condition. Needs engine. sodan, 5 speed, power Blanchard ft Rossetto pets. 1 year lease brakesandsteerlng,$ecur- Real Estate. 646-2482.a security deposit. $675 per ^ months security, no pets. 1543. section and Leslie. $500. Hebron. Asking $1000 or best offer. month plus heat and utili­ Avollable December. 872- 643-9819. 6496818. I t y system, am/fm DON'T KNOW anyone cassette, new snows. Im- Luxury Abounds- ties. 646-8352. 3972. Moving-Must sell! Wall who wonts to buy what unit $50. Baby's changing Used 4 piece drum set, 77 Volar6(*ood running mocualtel 67,000 miles. Spectacular 4 bedroom, 3 you hove to sell? Let a $3800flrm.649-3085. bath home. Magnificent 2 bedroom apartment In 2 table. $30. Dining table good condition. $110. Call want ad find a cosh buyer condiflon. UOO/best offer. family home. Downstairs, (HOMES w ith 4 c h a irs. $300. 646-0142 between 6 and 6496549. landscaped lot with pool for you! 1980 Silver Caprl- and view. $240's. "W e fully appllanced kitchen, FOR RENT Playpen $40. 646-9602. 8pm. no pets. 1 year lease plus 1979 Ford Falrmont-6 cy­ automotlc, power steering Guarantee Our Houses!" and brakes, air condition­ Blanchard ft Rossetto. security deposit. $550 per 3 bedroom, single family Sofo-Danlsh modern Automotive linder, automatic trans­ month plus heat and utili­ style. 85 Inches, long, dark mission, power steering, ing, good maintenance. 646-2482.0 home In Manchester. No PET8AND $2950.6446300after5:30. ties. 646-8352. pets $650/month. Call green. Fair condition. power brakes. Good condi­ Owner anxious to sell this Tom Benoit at 6467709. Asking $75. Call 64619S0.a SUPPLIES tion. 65K, $1100 or best CARS offer. 6460487or8756812. "Doll House”! Four 2 bedroom townhouse,'bp- ITRUCKS/VANS rooms, 2 bedrooms, ful! pllanced kitchen, no pets. Manchester6 room Cape, Contemporary dinette German Shepherd pup­ FOR SALE basement. !n move-ln con­ 1 year lease, security large yard, fireplace, full set, butcherblock formica pies, full blooded parents, Thunderbird 1981-Blue, FORSALE dition. Hurry! $89,900. deposit, $550 per month basement, nice residen­ table, 30" X 48", four AKC. $100. Call after 4. fullvequipped. Mlntcondl- Strano Real Estate. 647- plus, heat and utilities. tial area. Near to highway Breuer chairs, caned 2467242. tlon. 42,000 miles. Auto­ 1983 Dotsun pick up, 7653.0 646-8352. and shopping. $750 per seats and backs. $75. 649- matic overdlrlvt tronsmls brown, low mileage, 3261 .□ Sion. Craig am/fm stereo month. 8761969. 1966 Rambler-TheClossIc! 31,600. M odel 720, 4 cy­ 3 rooms, appliances, heat MISCEU.ANEOUS cassette. Power windows, linder. Call633-2904. No shoveling Snow...Spe­ and hot water. No pets. From when they mode'em asking $4,500. Call 871-3744 cious well kept unit close ITV/STEREO/ FORSAII like they used to. Only Security required. Availa­ STORE AND days, 646-5412 after to 1-384 and on bus line. ble November 20th. 646 APPLIANCES 85,000 mllesi Solid runner. 6:30pm. (Juick occupancy possi­ OFFICE SPACE 742-7686evenings. MISCELLANEOUS 2970. Portabletypewrltter- ble. Manchester. $59,900. 78 Ford Ronchero, V-8 AUTOMOTIVE Joyce G. Epstein. 647- 18 foot Coldspot Upright prlnter, hardly used. $75. Rockvllle-2 bedroom, first 6461760.P engine, 62,000 miles, $1500 B895.D ___ __ Office Spoce-1-2 or 3 freezer. Excellent running floor apartment, availa­ conditon. First $99 buys It. flrm.643-2740. Two 185/70 R14Snowtlres. rooms available. Prime Studded. Used 1J)00 miles. ble December 1. $375 plus Call649-4003.D Typewrltter-Remlnator. M ain Street location, Mounted on 4 hole Datsun utilities. 872-1599 Plenty Good condition. $35. 649- Price reduced! New black 1979 AM C Splrlt-6 cylinder, of parking. Rent wheels. $75. Will mount. evenings. very reasonable. 649-4003. Electric stove 42 Inch self 1819.0 top and Interior with this 4speed.$800.64%6703. Bolton-$123,900-For sole classic red convertible, a 643-1938.0 by owner, 6'/i room, L- cleaning. Excellent condi­ 2 bedroom apartment, tion. $99.649-4393.0 Whirlpool clothes dryer, 1964 Rambler American. 1979 Dldsmoblle-Delto shaped Ranch, large first Manchester-Small office. Rebuilt lost year so It runs 2 snow tires E78-14 Fire­ combination gas stove, no East Center Street. Heat $165, portable refrigera­ “88". Now custom paint. floor family room, 1 both, good and looks good. Was Excellent condition, me­ stone used 1 season. 3 bedrooms, 6463667. utilities Included. $450 plus and elcetric Included. $200 Sears slow cook toaster tor, $115, and fireplace security. Coll 643-5372 or oven like new. $22. 649- screen with tools, $20. $900, now $800. Call635-1990 chanically and physically. Mounted. AM C rims. $50. per month. Tully Real 643-5563ofter6.a 6467336. Estate. 6434)005. 8913.0 633-8435. anytime. 643-6391.