25C Seniors Take a "Magical Mystery Tour
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25C Graduation Section In This Issue: Volume 11, Issue 28 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday. May 27.1987 Seniors take a "Magical Mystery Tourf t This year's Senior nighl party boarded buses for bowling at the again boarded the buses for the was titled. The Magical Mys- Kentwood Bowling Cenier. At trip to Deer Run Golf Club, and tery Tour", and it proved to be about 11:30 the seniors found breakfast. The party finally came just that. Nearly 150 Lowell themselves disembarking the to an end at 6:30 a.m. High School seniors boarded buses at the Michigan Athletic This year's party was chaired buses at 5:30 Friday afternoon Center on Burton St. Here the by Dwight and Joanne Frcy, for parts unknown. The annual group swam, participated in Roger and Kathy Southland. Ron party is staged by the parents of numerous sports and tried their Pawloski and Vem and Gay L.H.S. seniors in an effort to luck at a Las Vegas style casino. Nauta. Dr. Robert Reagan congratulate them, as well as Winners at the gaming tables chaired the acquisition of prizes, show them a good time in an received chips that could be used and told us that 180 merchants, environment free from drugs and at an auction featuring Au- manufacturers and individuals alcohol. ctioneer Tom Nagy. About sixty donated to this worthwhile The first stop for the group prizes were auctioned off. in- cause. He asked that we please was Geribee's Party Place in cluding TV's and other nice pass along the thanks of the com- Grandville. There the seniors prizes. About 175 door prizes mittee to all those who supported were treated to dinner and danc- were also given away. this effort. ing. From there, they again At about 4:00 a.m., the group Lowell's Along Main Street Graduation Above are a few of the happy Lowell High School Seniors as they waited for buses to haul is Sunday them away on their "Magical Mystery Tour**. Nearly 150 of this year's 190 graduates participated in the event. Parents of seniors organize the party each year to demonstrate a fun evening without Lowell High School gradua- the influence of drugs or alcohol. tion ceremonies will be held Sun- day, May 31 at the Showboat Am- phitheatre. The commencement Lowell's Mayor for a day will begin at 3:00 p.m. with a processional to "Pomp and Cir- cumsunce" played by the L H S Band POLICE BENEFIT DANCE David VanderMeulen, Presi- dent of the Class of 1987, will The Lowell Police Department Reserves are asking you to attend offer an introduction and wel- a benefit dance on Friday, May 29. That's this Friday, so get your come to the audience. Rev. fm m - ^ act together now! The dance will lake place at Deer Run Golf Stephen Arrick will offer the in- Club and will get started at 8:00 p.m. vocation. Tickets are just $5.00 per person and include dancing to Lite L.H.S. Counselor Gordon & Listen, hors dbeuvres and door prizes. A cash bar will be in Gould will present various schol- effect. arships and Principal Richard All proceeds from the dance will be used to equip the Lowell Korb will announce the top ten Police Department's Emergency Mobile Command Center. and honor students. Tickets are available at The Lowell Ledger, the Lowell Police The speakers for the day will Department or at the door. be tri-valedictorians Christina Mellon, Rebecca Dine and ANNIVERSARY BASH ON WEST MAIN STREET Richard Stegehuis and salutato- rian Amy Davis. Each will de- It's that time of year again! Time for the big anniversary celeb- liver a short address. ration staged by Curtis Cleaners. Curtis Car Wash, Curtis Tanning Supenntcndent of Schools Salon and Heritage Meats and Deli. The festivities will lake place Fritz Esch will present the on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 28, 29 and 30. Treat Graduating Class of 1987 and yourself to hot dogs, Polish dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers and award diplomas. Musical num- Pepsi at bargain prices each day from 11:00 a.m. 'til 7:00 p.m. bers by the L.H.S. Band will be There are anniversary specials in effect at all four businesses. See played during the ceremony and an ad on front of your East Kent Shopper's Guide for complete the recessional. Rev. Arrick will details. also offer the benediction. Korb says the event will take 1932 CENTENNIAL COURT TO BE IN PARADE place at the amphitheatre unless the weather is very inclement. One of the featured floats of the Sesquicentennial Parade at "We will make a decision be- 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 27 will be the 1932 Lowell Centennial tween noon and 1:00 p.m. But, queen and her court, this time riding in elegant horse-drawn car- if it looks bad, and we decide to Lowell Mayor James Maatman presents Portland Mayor Joseph Tkhvon a "Key to the City" riages. The group was listed in a 1932 Ledger as Queen Emma move inside, that's where it will during last week's Mayor's Exchange Day. Tidivon brought a group of 18 dignitaries to Lowell Kropf, Audrey Carey, Bemice Lee, Ruby Eickhoff, Essie Condon, have to be even if the weather on Thursday. A similar group from Lowell visited Portland on Tuesday. Louise Ryder, Myrtle Jay, Patricia Hefferan, Dorothy Bieri, Roxy clears. There's just too much Condon, and Helen Cahoon, and most of these ladies will be on equipment involved" Korb said. Portland Mayor Joseph Thomet Chevrolet and Buick. Cousins' Card and Gifts, Curt's hand for the parade. The Lowell Woman's Club still needs the The commencement is open to Tichvon, along with numerous The tour included stops at most Sound and Radio Shack, names of the four young girls who accompanied Queen Emma the public if held at the am- Portland officials and their city operations; including the Eberhards, F.M.B. State Savings Kropf on the float. Please let the Ledger know. phitheatre, but only ticket hol- spouses, arrived in Lowell last water treatment plant, sewage Bank, Family Fare. Flat River ders will be allowed if it is Thursday morning for Mayor's treament plant, fire bams, Antique Mall. Great Lakes Fed OLD FASHIONED FUN COMING JUNE 27 moved to the High School Gym- Exchange Day festivities. A D.P.W. garage, rescue garage, eral Savings, Lambert Variety nasium. similar group headed by Lowell Lowell Light and Power and the Lowell Area Arts Council, Low Men, are you growing those beards? Time grows short and Mayor James Maatman toured police station. The tour also pro- ell Granite, Lowell Ledger, Low Blough Builders is offering some fine prize trophies. See Ivan Portland on 1\iesday. ceeded past many other points ell Sport Shoppe, Lowell Water Blough. Ladies, have you gotten the old costumes out? Eastern Special The Portland group was re- of interest such as schools and beds, Pfaller's Clothing, Inc. Star is having a contest for period costumes. Are you entering a ceived at City Hall where they large businesses. Guided tours Root Loiwell, Schneider Manor float in the parade? That will be at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, June Graduation were served refreshments. Maat- were given at C.J. Christoff & Sneakers, Straw Basket 27. An old-fashioned picnic will follow at Recreation Park, with man presented his counterpart Sons, Schneider Manor and Superior Furniture, Thomet cloths spread on grass. For those who don't want to prepare a Section with a key to the city, and intro- Superior Furniture Co, Chevrolet and Buick, Vennen picnic lunch, food booths will be available. In This ductions were' made. The Port- The day's activities culmi- Chrysler-Dodge & Plymouth, The Y will have zany and traditional games and contests at the land visitors were given gift nated with a dinner at Deer Run Lowell YMCA and 7-Eleven. park and in the pool. Horse-and-buggy rides will be available. A this issue: packages of numerous items Golf Club anended by numerous City officials extend a special complete schedule will appear in next week's paper. Don t miss manufactured or sold here in civic leaders. thank you to the members of the a fun day for everybody! PRECISION & FASHION Lowell. A complete list of those who Lowell High School "6th Hour HAIRSTYLING - For both The group then boarded cus- donated eithei gifts or tours in- Band" for the afternoon concert men and women. Man's World tom vans provided by Vennen cludes: Attwood, Anderson Fam- that they performed. continued on page 25 Hairstyling. Phone 897-8102. Chysler-Dodge & Plymouth and ily Shoes, C.J. Christoff, The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday. May 27. 1987 - Page 2 Coming EventsTh e Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, May 27, 1987 • Page 3 L.H.S. students honored at academic dessert :II_ -t .nr\ — _ ___ c ing the celebratton and want Notice* in the Ledger's man Road, Lowell. Greenville, 7:30 p.m Meeting, Greenville First ship will be celebrated with a picnic dinner (and several to hear from former Vergen- Susan Rittersdorf. Glen Ro/ich. nman. Tncu "Coming Eventa" are tree Methodist church, 7:30 p.m. On WedncMla). Ma> 13. 76 Meteorologist, addressed the stu- Rittersdorf. and Tracy Yaw ; and hldndge. Ann Hildenbrand. Kcnccca Dine. nes Township residents If Adam Thaler. Tracy Illusion. Juamta of charge to any non-profit EVERY THIRD THURSDAY THURS., JUNE 4: lokemo events still in the planning Limcll Hi^h School siudcnis dents.