Etn1959 Vol06 10

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Etn1959 Vol06 10 ' / \ '_. k I ~ / l f RACKNEWSL£1TE r . ".' , also KV\ownas - [1R~tlf N'1ts1~trERI , , I _/_ sJ , (OFFlCl~L P\.l8L\C/\TION Or l'RKK NUiS OF i11E 'WO~\.0J\lN1t.1c) Vol. 6, No, 10, Dec. 23, 1959 Semi-Monthly --$6per y~ar by first class tbaH_. NEWS METROPOLITAN AAU FIELD EVENT MEET, New York City, Dec, 5: 35 lb. wt. throw, Engel (NYPC) 63'8½" (scratch); SP, D'Atnico (Manhattan frosh) 56'7~" (six-foot handicap), Marchiony (Manhattan) 56'7¼" (1'10" handicap); BJ, McBride (Manhattan) i4'2" --(11 811 hanaicap); PV, , Barr (St. John's) 14'9" (1'9'' handicap). ' , , STANFORD ALL-COMERS, (all SCYG unless noted}: Dec. 12:-1320, Sargent 3: 07. 6; Curtis 3:08. 7; McGee, 3:14. 7. Dec. 19: 3,000 meters, 40 yards: Beatty 8:36. 3; Kelly 8:43. O; Bishop 8:44. ' 0; Sargent 8: 50. 3; McGee 8:53. O; l0Oy, Thomason 10. 2; 660, Toomey (Colo _,_) 1:22.2, Mccalla (Berkeley H.S.) 1:26.0. " ' WESTERN HEMISPHERE MARATHON: Culver City, Calif. Dec. 12: Torn Ryan (Culver City A.C.) 2:28:30, new ·course record. Old record / 2:32:35.4, Allan, 1958. SOUTH AF RICA: Sasolburg, Nov., 25: l00y, Gamper (GerrhaIJ.y) 9. 9; -440, P.otgiefu:,;, 48. 2; mile; Brenner (Gerrnruty) 4d2. 2, Clark 4:14. 3; 220LH, Pqtgieter 23. 6; SP, Wegmann · -(Germany) 56'5½"; DT, du Plessis 178'2". Pretoria, Nov. 28: l0Oy, Bromberg 9.5, Jefferys 9. 5, Luxon 9. 6, Gamper 9. 7; 440, Spence 46. 6, Oberste (Germany) 47. 4: Tee 48. 5; Mile, Br~nner 4:13. 5, Clark 4:14'. 3, Laurence 4:14,. 5; HH, Burger 14. Ow, van der Merwe 14. 3w; 440H, Potgieter 50.7, Thorburn 52.1; Mile Relay, South Africa 3:10.5, Gerrnany _3:14.o; \, SP, Wegmann 56'8½"; DT, Du Plessis 17,1'6". · AUSTE.ALIA: Melbourne: 1500, Lincoln, 3:45.5~. 1 ENGLAND: London: 60y, Ornagberni (Nigeria) 6. 3. • RUSSIA: Erivan: SP, Ovscpyan, __59 'lfl,. new Russian,_ reccn:tl. BULLETIN BOARD , Next Newsletters Jan. 6, 20; Feb. 10, 24. Track & Field News mailed Dec. ~1. , All-Time Indoor rrack and Field Record Book by Wally Donovan is ~he first of its kind. - Its 72 pages gives the ,meet records of the major indoor rn cets ·, the all -time indc;,or list and the best indoor performances of all time. Also gives the data on the various indoor tracks around the nation. Order now from Track & Field News. Only $1. - WIND SPRINTS __ Olympic sprint champion Bobby Morrow teturns to action when he runs~ the · -440 at the Sugar Bowl meet in Ne\v Orleans on Dec. 30,; Morrow has been working out daily for six ,months and he thinks he is recovered from f~om his leg :iJ;lJury• . On - . >:. _,'- ·-­ Dec. 10 he ran a couple of 50-yard dashes in 5. 4 and 5. 5 and liad no 1 trace of the injury~.~ East Texas State will have 10 men in the Sugar Bowl meet, headed by sprinter Sid Garton, who recently rejoined the squad. Garton will run in the 100 meters while Buddy McKee will defend his title in the high hurdles. John West will run in the 100 yard dash and East Texas will run - teams in the ,J40 and mile relays ••• Doug Kyle has been .named as Canada's , \ representative in the New Year's E-ve road race in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Kyle recently was named Canadats outstanding track and field athlete for 1959 ••• among the Europeans slated to run at Sao"'1Paulo are Martin Hyman of Great Britain and Gaston Roelants qi Belgium. Hyman's best s.ix-mile time this season is 28: 16. 2. · - I I a - \,t • • ·.i;;,"').••-,, .;.."~; C •·•• '.t • -....) ,< 1.-. 1 .1 t '-. .._,;,_,. ', -'?)/r,,,\1-.-- " ,,. .,', ,1- d!.,••t., .,:.. v-- .· X·-,... ,l ) i 1 . 'l • 11 ,t\. ,_ ' jv ' ,> , ~ ··\· '.\\ I . ... ,,._--,.,-r •,,:d-,1 ,· . · - /\ I 1:-, ) ·•.·;':"'····,··,.-..-.., .'1..,·•,~ ,,._}_.·•., .· •· Jr~ \ (.,~>y V \ ,. _!, ! f. -~- ._;. ~, . , ., ~ "'f-'.-1' ~ ,. ' - . -J'' 1 ' , "i '-.:,_, '.. •.• ,:' ' - ·- ..... --.., - ~I l( '- .J \, j \ I ' ' ;,.\ ;. • 1 ~ i- \-.,"¢ - . ' ," / ' ' u,· / - ·-·.:t,., I ) .. THE JOYS J\ND:;PROBLEMSOF TrJE 'PAN AM GAMES· I< ' ,~ . ' · , By'Herb McKenley .__ 0 ; Cbach, British ~West Indies . Teall) /, ' . l u . - ' .J ' . (I . ' , . ··r '· ".).,,../"~ '·'·\ ·~- ,/Y.· ,,, ' •(Reprµited from the Sports 1'ife magazine of Jamaica) , I "'- ·\ r Ne;>~'that the ~rd ,Pan Amtfric _an Games are I thin_kthe \Vest_Indi~s · ca? look . I , forwafd with a certam ·:1;1mount,of eu'gerness .and confidence to the Oly~ _pic Games m Rom;e next year .JI don't think lit is necessary fo,r me \o say that we did well - ., you have all read ;· , the .results and in one event, the 400 meters run, we administered the first "shutout" to .~ ; ,'( ,,the United States in the history of li,er 'internati_onal competition. , . , V "~'.. ' , What 1 would like to; tel~ you tliough is s9me ofthe "be,hind the scenes" happen¥1gs ·.....---r in .which 1I do believe you would be interested. , · . _ " ' " ' ~\ ~ ' ' l We ari:ived in Chicmgp'on a very happy uote .and were met at ,the airport by a: . • -""<;f ~- donunj.~ee madeup of West Indians w~o wanted to make ·our stay in Chicagp as pleas~t as ,~ ." possible, and as the days went by they really went all-out tc;>do this an~ I, for one, ,must , , •' " ,- say ~ big "thaIJk you" tothfrm. Also at the airport to meet' us were my two buddies ~ - Lloyd .,,., LaBeach aud,C1rilo Mcsween. - 1 . · ' · ~j\_ ' '...,;'-' I 1 . '' Chicago w'.as veryhot ,and indeed ~lmost unbearable. I was son:iewhat ·worrie~ that • the ~xce:ssive heat ~ight affect ,the boys 1 mental approach to their task so my first job was ,- "'· 1., to applx for as ~ate a training pour as possible and this I was able to arrange from 5 to - q:30 every afternoon. My biggest task was not so much keeping the boys physically fit, but making them happy and giving them the right mental approach. _ · . i ' ".,,, Fiom the very beginn!ng Basil Ince was worried that he was too fit and would lose .1 his form by tne time the _games started. I had to cowiteract this feeling by giving him lots ,of sho:r;t mid fast r-epetitioµ work- - short enough but yet fast enough·for him not to realize \. : ' , how m:uch Work he was doing. - . .. ' , , . 'George Ken:/ although he never complained, tried to count the number of races he had already tun for the yea:i; and I realized he was trying to ·assess his form in relation to. I the g~mes. My remedyJor _him during that period was always to remark how good he looked during practice. One~fay he fin~y admitted that he felt as good as he did in the NCAA championships when he ran 1:47. 8 for the 880. · · ' ~ ,,1- _ .. The other bo~s h~d vecy UJ:tle to siy but I realized Dennis Johnson had a feeling of ·, somplete re'\Te;rence for Ray Norton ,and Bobby Poynter, whom he had run several times in "' ~ California. ". ~ J ,, ( \ My real problem boy, however, was Ince. Basil for some reason felt that he ha.d ) I lost his form. Every day he developed more aches and pains than one could ever imagine, Fo,r a three-day period he had . a.·sore throat and fever and then for a while he had pains · .,.. I in the kne~. I went over his performances with him pointing out the titles he had won and ,t, ( .,'' . the period he b:ad off prior to returning to the West Indies. I pointed out tq him .,that he ])ad run only three race:s while il,1/th~ West Indies and that liis trainihg during that time .:• ' could not have been very strenuous. ,I also -pointed out that he was a big, strong fe,llqw and l, y at 26 years of' age completely i;nature. Further., I told him; that he .was compietely wrong ·••;i) ·\.,_to think that he would lose his form. As I told hi1;ll -- one does not lose ,one_'s form witho~~· ' having 'g:r;ound~on w,hich to base this. To supplement my argumem I told him sotne of my , , \'. ekpcriences, pointing out that I had similar feelings but found out later on the basis of my· y I , , f -, performanees 'how wrong I was. This !believe reassured him a little, However, , there was i still some doubt hi his min4 ~d OJ].eday hesaid to me "Y'ou ~ow coach, I hate a man who ,. .j i ~f_ I ~ :-' .L · / corn plains. " WJ:l~I . did not a~swer he fy.:r;ther said / I kno'Y you .!11:Ust ~e . si'ck me,. I am . 'j ', ' ,., ,alw?Y;Scoq1plammg." I told .him then not to worry about himseli, that was my Job. 1 _r 1" On the first ,day of competitio:ri&e were entered in the 100 meters with (Mike) ,\ ) · 'Agostini, Johns6n and (Wilton) Jaclq3ori. In the .,800 meters we had Kerr and ,Mel Spence _and ... 1 , •. in the high jump, Ernle Haisley. / ' ' , - ' , ,- I i ' ' I ·wellsnot too worried about Agostini because he had lots- ~f th~ right mental approach .. but Ltpought I would work o~-J?hnsop ,'s mind so I took a .,bet_1~·~~th som~one in Johnson's · , preSjence that,,he would beat (Bill) Woodhouse, who was1 running m ,the 1same ·h~at. I knew · th.1t he wohld now do his best not to let medown and would cbncentrate more on Woodhouse 'and less ohhimself.
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