Watergate Issue on Coverup Evidence

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Watergate Issue on Coverup Evidence Eatontown Probes Unauthorized Buildin SEE STORYPAGE18 The Weather Partly sunny and not as FINAL -:.i warm today. Fair tonight, low around 50. Tomorrow increas- ing cloudiness. EDITION 2* PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO.207 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, APRIL 24,1973 TEN CENTS Watergate Issue On Coverup Evidence WASHINGTON (AP) —The gal tactics such as clipping and early 1972. They win be nance chief, if they weren't disclosure of finances prior to Watergate scandal continues newspapers and recording kept under lock and key, turned over within 72 hours. that. to boil after fresh reports of speeches by the other side. available only to lawyers for Last Nov. 1 the Nixon cam- Shortly after reaching that evidence that the White House Records that might shed the Nixon campaign and the paign agreed to give the court agreement the Nixon cam- tried to cover up the facts be- some light on the size and pur- citizens' group Common "all records, documents, com- paign delivered a six-foot-tall hind the wiretapping. pose of this Haldeman oper- Cause, pending settlement of munications and other writ- cabinetful of records to the There were these new de- ation were given to the clerk a lawsuit to force public dis- ings. .. pertaining to contribu- court, but Common Cause velopments: of the U.S. District Court yes- closure of the secret cam- tions and expenditures" for lawyers said virtually no — Sources close the the Sen- terday by Daniel Webster paign finances. all of 1971 and up to April 7, spending data were included. ate's Watergate investigation Coon, a lawyer for the Fi- The records were furnished 1972. Contributions and spend- Coon said yesterday that said President Nixon surely nance Committee to Re-elect only after Common Cause ing after that date have been the campaign treasurer, Paul was aware of a coverup, and the President. asked the court to issue a con- disclosed in accordance with Barrick, had been under a that evidence indicates top The documents cover secret tempt citation to Maurice H. a new law that took effect "misunderstanding" that only presidential aides H.R. Halde- campaign spending for 1971 Stans, Nixon's campaign fi- then. Common Cause sued for donor lists were required. AP Wlrephoto man and John Ehrlichman FIRE SET — Members of the First United Methodist Church of Newark participated in the coverup. examine the 123-year-old landmark building yesterday after a weekend — A lawyer for Nixon's fire that authorities say was deliberately set. The Rev. Virgil Mabry, the campaign finance committee pastor, said he knew of no reason why anyone would want to destroy the gave court officials three car- church. Damage has been estimated at $2 million. tons of secret campaign spending records which had been withheld in apparent vio- lation of an agreement to fur- nish them last November. He Parochial Schools Win said they include payroll records containing the names of two of the Watergate con- spirators. State Aid Concession Clemency Offer TRENTON (AP) - Private effect immediately," Cahill violated the U.S. con- — Transcripts of testimony and parochial schools in New said. stitutional requirement of sep- before the Watergate grand Jersey have won a partial vic- The $2.1 million would be aration of church and state. jury quoted convicted wire- tory in court — the right to used to pay the balance of this At the time, it ordered an im- tapper James W. McCord Jr. spend $2.1 million of a $19.5 year's salaries to auxiliary mediate halt to any further as saying under oath that he million state aid program that personnel in the schools, such payments. had been offered executive had been declared uncon- as librarians and guidance However, the state re- clemency if he would remain stitutional. - counselors. quested yesterday's hearing silent about the conspiracy and serve more than a year in The decision by a three- to seek a delay of the court's The state contended it had Jail. judge court yesterday was contractual obligations to the ruling. hailed by Gov. William T. The court denied the stay. — White House spokesman employes which should be ful- Gerald Warren again denied Cahill who said the ruling pro- filled even though the pay- But U.S. Circuit Court Judge Regislir Slott Phot« vided "a transfstional period" James Hunter 3rd said the pro- that Nixon had advance DEMOCRATIC SMILES — Monmouth County left, Herbert J. Buehler, Ocean Township; Assem- ments were declared uncon- knowledge of plans for wire- that would permit part of the stitutional. posal to permit payment of Democratic Chairman D. Philip Gerand, left, is blyman Eugene J. Bedell, Keansburg, and H. Jo- program to continue while the the remainder of the salaries tapping Democratic head- pleased with Democratic candidates endorsed by seph Dietz, Colts Neck. At right is Matawan In yesterday's ruling the quarters last June. state appealed to the U.S. Su- federal court also ordered the to auxiliary personnel was the county organization for state Senate and free- Township Councilman Philip N. GumbS; freehol- preme Court to reinstate all granted to "provide an or-, The Senate sources yes- holder. Candidates for sit der candidate. non-public schools — most of terday declined to go into de- from the funds. which are Roman Catholic — derly transition and wind down" of the program. tail about evidence of a cov- "I am grateful to the court to return approximately $6.5 The other members of the erup, but said the operation for its ruling permitting pay- million worth of equipment to included "attempts to pres- ments until the end of the the state after the currerit panel were U.S. District Court Judges George H. Balow and sure other officials in the gov- Bedell, Dietz and Buehler Win school year, thus alleviating school year ends. John J. Kitchen. ernment to go along." hardships that might have oc- The same panel ruled April The sources said these other curred if the termination took 15 that the entire program The court also denied yes- terday the state request to officials included ranking pay out $102,000 to about 7,000 members of the Justice De- County Democrats' Support parents who have not re- partment and of the FBI. ceived state grants for paro- Ehrlichman and Haldeman, By JIM McCORMICK D. Philip Gerand, county Richard Van Wagner, Middle- State, Sen. Alfred N. Beadles- Kissinger Annoyed chial school pupils this year. whom the sources said ap- Democratic chairman, said town, and Madison Township ton of Rumson, president of The program, adopted in peared to be part of the cov- BRADLEY BEACH - More more than half of the county's Councilman William E. Flynn. the slate Senate. 1971, provided $10 a year to erup operation, have hired a than half of Monmouth Coun- chairmen voted last night. Hg The county Republican orga- Selected for the Democratic AtHanoiViolations parents of elementary school lawyer to represent them in ty's 53 Democratic municipal said many did not attend be- nization has endorsed Madi- nomination for the Assembly students and $20 a year for the Watergate case. chairmen last night endorsed cause they were on the 17- son Township Mayor Richard in District 10 (Coastal) are NEW YORK (AP)-Henry ing a question and answer ses- high school students to pay Found Oat Later Assemblyman Eugene J. Bed- member screening com- A. Cooper and Red Bank Long Branch Councilman A. Kissinger has accused the sion after a major policy ad- for textbooks, instructiional The sources said there are ell, R-Mon., H. Joseph Dietz, mittee. The chairmen, were Councilman Dr. Michael J. Mrs. Gertrude Berman and North Vietnamese of system- dress on plans by the United materials and supplies. indications that Nixon found Colts Neck, and Herbert J. unanimous in their endorse- Arnone, a dentist, to oppose Point Pleasant Councilman atically violating important States to forge a new Atlantic A second part of the pro- out about the raid on the Buehler, a former Ocean ments. them. William Fitzpatrick. Republi- clauses of the Vietnam cease- charter with its European al- gram paid for secular sup- Democrats' Watergate offices Township committeeman, as • Both the Democratic and Assemblyman Bedell will cans endorsed incumbents fire agreement, including lies. plies, equipment and auxiliary only after it look place, but candidates for the state Sen- Republican slates will not be run against State. Sen. Jo- Brian T. Kennedy, Wall Town- commitments to withdraw On the American govern- services in the private and re- was aware earlier that his ate. officially determined until the seph Azzolina, R-Mon., the in- ship and Joseph E. Robertson, troops from Cambodia and ment's dissatisfaction with ligiously affiliated schools. campaign included a political- The chairmen also sup- June 5th primaries. However, cumbent from Middletown. Spring Lake Heights. Laos. North Vietnam, Kissinger said As of April 5, when the court espionage operation. ported the recommendations the official party candidates The Democrats endorsed Mr. Buehler will be opposed "We have been very dis- the Communists also have handed down its original de- Recently Haldeman told a of the organization's screen- are usually those endorsed by for the Assembly in District 11 by incumbent Sen, Richard R. appointed with the com- failed to abide by an uncon- cision overturning the pro- group of Republican congress- ing committee for the six As- the county organizations. (Central) are, Marlboro May- Stout of Ocean Township. pliance by the North Vietnam- ditional commitment not to in- gram, the State Education men that he had set up such sembly posts and one freehol- Bayshore District or Morton Salkind and Free- Due to recent redistricting; ese," President Nixon's for- troduce troops or supplies into Department said that $4.67 an operation, but that it was der position to be filled in the Endorsed for the Assembly hold Borough Councilman every scat in the state Senatt eign policy adviser told the South Vietnam.
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