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Oracle (Sep 21, 1973)

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VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3 ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY. TULSA, OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 21, 1973 'Cqthedrql'cer Singers, B:00 p.m., Howord Auditorium. Jubi:ee '73. They performed on ãre the ones who gained the November 3, Je-remioh People, 8:00 p-m., Howord Auditorium. someone's back yard balconv, most."


with purchose of homburger IMPORTED CAR Hut ond this clipping SERVICE FEATURING THE Erper|'service ¿t Beasonab¡e Rates for ' Any tlakg ol InPorted Car FINEST IN MEXICAN FOODS d('lgltfis 587 -2737 8rø 1302 E. Elh Sl. Tulsa, okla. 10120 ól st & IEWIS " Charcoal Specialties" - OTHER TUTSA LOCATIONS: 5220 5. Yqle I 5I4 S. Horvord/ I 502 N. Sheridon óó18 E. Admirol 225 E. líth/7925 E.41st 47O4 N. Peorio Poge 4-THE ORACIE, Sepiember 2l , lgTJ Krofft new doctor 'Uncle Doc q¡ds qerobics progrqm by margarel crider on campus? Laughing, Uncle in_ Doc tion with ORU which began with Do: is here? "The real explained, "I had been a Dr. Krafft's reason I nat daughter,- Karen, am here is the student. I know üå now a sophomore communication ty in arts maj and our paths crossed on th" .or.rål spring I east porch, ..Are very midterm I blurted out, tlrq {ou Ì,- 5rafft, our new campus time thar was not ,n" pl".å las. Mrs. doctor?" Sure enough, was cancer, and the I tälk- service for me. Back a number of Kraffts visiteC ing to Dr. Krafft. Concerned the Prayer Tower for prayer on sron, mercy, and understanding of several gboul a fellow student, he paused occasions as well al vis,it- to students. That's the reasoñ just long enough nto ing l(aren. to ask the addi- Love for ORU grew I'm here and I'm sure that it is tion of my prayers for this stu- head the state committ"" as Dr. Krafft came to beÍeve at dent. in tfiS many things Texas Pediatric Society to help ow humble, pray- through the -Compassionate, develop adolescent medic¡.,e a, ä the erful, and understanding, wtrât communitv. sub-specialty of pediatrics. I not up more could one want in our cam- only worked his wiie ii an pus doctor? on that as a com_ A few nights later at mrttee member, ready to consider the health made it very clear that I was to the taping but became an servi:e of the spe:ial, I found adolescent specialist at the here as a possibility. come to ORU instead." out-a sense of humor. From same all time. lnvestigotes impossibiliry Uncle Doc does not treat just sides, Dr. Krafft was surrounded the student's medical problerns. Work wirh drug qddicts "I don't qÞink a persori can just phoro by brion "When the movement of the burnett treat medical problems without "Don't be concerned, you,ll nol sur- treating the whole man. I am vive the physicof exominolion ony- here strictly for the treatment of woy," soid Dr. K¡offt the new medical difficulties, but if I treat gate the possibility compus of being the a student's medical problems cor- doctor. He believes thof health service physician God's guidome at ÕRU. rectly, I am treating the whole Annuql physicols plonned brought him to Naturally, being contact ORU. in with man. Furthennore, I do not do Dr. Krafft foresees that the Dr. Fa¡ah. I asked him what he anyth.ing for healing. It is God dedication to Jesus Christ and a thought. .Ilvf- physical exams u'ill become a His response was that does the healing. I believe POSSIBLE.' I ñad thought ir very might be quite a difficult*situa- asw tion, yet the Lord continued to cine. impress me that I should keep up fore the- investigation both in prãyei degree of the miraculous I should and in appointments witñ ilr. be led pray ation problems of many sorts." to for when ea^h Carl Hamilton. I feel that Dr. patient comes in see _ Why Oral Roberts University? Hamilt to me." Dr. Krafft met fair Dr. Krafft and Karen reside in Dr. Charles F¿r- in pres the Tulsa. ah of the Theology Department Dr. Krafft's son, Mark, is me in his work with his difficul iries completine a psychology major at What is a baby doctor brother at a meeting in Bryan, Texas. here." doing Dave, that only through a total That developed Southern Methodist Universitv in into an associa- What is the real reason Uncle Dallas.


To ORU Sfude nls, Faculty FREE checks " ' - . .your first order of 200 personolized checks ore free os our g¡ft to you for thinking obout bonking w¡th Riverside Notionql Bonk of Jenks. Complete bonking qre services CIvoiloble including the privilege of coshing checks, sov¡ngs occounts. SATURDAY BANKING unt¡ I 12 noon. Join us ond think obout bonking. lvz mrres south on Delowore.

Member FDIC 299-5041 Seplember 21, 1973, THE ORACLE-Poge 5 SPORT LIGHT lntrqmurqls rolling; booters tqke tourney by tom corr Many students on their way out to the parking lots or just out for a leisurely stroll on Saturday afternoon have taken notice of the football fields on the north section of the campus. If one has, then he's probably witnessed the dust flying while football teams are getting ready for that big first game. Unknown to a lot of people, isn't the only thing that's going big{ime at ORU. Students are already finding that intra- murals are not just for wasting a few hours like back in high school. Why is it different? There are several reasons. First of all, Intramural Director, Mike Ash, is doing a superb job of organrz- phoîo by bob holl ing and is getting complete cooperation from the University ad- €¡imson Iide, second ploce pre-seoson fovoriles, Tide ¡oq¡ed lo o 40-ló viclory. Gory Mclntosh ond ministration. The program is learning from its past mistakes, and plon strotegy for their gome ogoinsl Covenonl. Ihe lorry Bosille eoch sco¡ed twice for the Tide. things are taking shape for great competition this school year. But you've probably noticed that already, by the fierce play that has been going on in flag football. It's great to see so many people takingPart' lntromurols bring shutouts, bruises * * * The soccer team successfully defended their Championship at St. John's Invitational Tournament in Winfield, Kans. last by tom norton pollings, turned on the steam and rison tallied twice for tlle victors. the Intramural football competi- shut out Shekinah by 30-0. Steve IXOYE (>ronounced ICH- weekend. tion for men began last week. Ogden scored two TD's for the THUS) and Rare Breed toiled The Titans stopped host team St. John's in the first round, 3-1, Monday's ex- Twelve contests were played, re- Few. Concluding on Wednesday to a 6-6 stalemate on goals by Dub Ambrose (2) and Erik Ulleberg. In the finale, the sulting in four ;hutouts, and an citement the King's Men squeezed with IXOYE "bringing home the Íuray of sore, battered, and by the Flock 8-7, in a defensive bacon" by penetration. booters breezed past Cloud County Community College, 7-3, as bruised players. struggle. Nika came from behind to tie Nigerian ace Udensi Oþara tallied 5 goals to spark the effort. On Monday, the Over-the-Hill Starting off strong and hoping (13-13) and prevail against New Jose Quirarte and Dub Ambrose also netted scores for the Titans Gang and the Blue Raiders bat- to fulfill their number one pre- Society by penetration. The third tled to a 13-13 deadlock. In over- season ranking, the Family and final contest of the afternoon against Cloud County. time, the Gang won by deter- dumped the Omegas 74-19, was a decisive triumph for the When asked to coûiment about the wins, center-halfback Rich mined penetration. These teams Tuesday. Dave R ansb ar ger Ligtr'thouse (21) versus Clay (0). Helsel said, "Iloth tearns tried to outmuscle us, but our superior were ranked fourth and re- scored enroute the Thursday, 133 (Ps for fifth five TD's to Ps passing and dribbling ability enabled us to score these two decisive spectively in pre-season polls. win. Psalms) scored two touchdowns The Crimson Tiders, number The Pavesi Boys, led by Bill in the second half to overcome victories." two pre-season favorites, roared Brinkman (2 TD's) and Harry Solid Rock by l4-7. Another The Titans travel to Kansas City, Mo. tomorrow to meet one year is to 40-16 victory over the Coven- Werner (2 TD's), demolished the familia¡ name from last of the nation's strongest squads, Rockhurst College. ant. Gary Maclntosh and Larry Neighborhood Children 44-0. In the Disciples, who were upset by Basille each scored twice for the another lopsided encounter Alli- the Watc.hmen, l3-7. Tim Reiter- Tide. The Chosen Few, predicted ance ran away with a 35-0 white- man-taltied twice for the Watch- number three in ths pre-season washing of the Monks. Tom Har- men. o F.ERBABB 0s MEN'S HAIRSTYLIST AND HAIR DESIGNER -.^. Offers the finest of tonsoriol services to men who volue their hoir, honds and fcce. v All work oerformed with scissor ond rozot by h¡ghly skillcd Europeon ttoined borbet s tvl ists. zs Pqrlor ffi c¡sToM & READY TO WEAR HAIR PIECES "8'I APPOINTMENT ONLY" t 743-6755 l-l ,.Lflitrt$, zzto E 6t GET

3ó20 S. Peorio Southroods Moll ACaUAINTED 743-6133 622-4000 SPECIAL!

Coupon Good For Phone -Aheqd SOUTD Foi ,'r' ErtcrRoiltcs $1.00 off ony 15" pizzo Foster Service * slereo & quodrophonic systems or 742-5262 50c off ony 13" pizzo * records * topes WesÌ I of This od worth a l0"/o discount on Expires October 5 5l st & Lewis slereo systems ond occessories Poge ó-THE ORACIE, September 2l , 1973 Sig ned by Spu rs R¡chord Fuquo return in pro debut "There are four other guys on the single-handed "bombing" who averaged 24 Celtics who selected Fuqua on ence co-champ Memphis State in His Invitational floor and t'd be happy playing raids have caused the enemY to points per game last year. Gil- the fourth round. the 1972 National raise the white flag- more is ably supported bY an- Richard Fuqua, as one of onlY Tou¡nament in Madison Square team basketball." retreat and last there was spec- long- other all-star, , as well basketball Garden. His 42 points were the Late season He is a master at launching years varsity feet as Rick Mount and Louie Damp- than 3,000 highest of the tournament and ulation that 4 of range shots from 30 to 40 had burned Fuqua out. goal and scoring with rer. made his earned him a berth on the NIT ball "In from the team. addition, he was a way I guess that was true. I uncanny accuracy. Tickets are on sale in Mabee Oral Rob- all-star In "The Mad Center, priced at $3.50, $4.50, named to five different All-Amer- was ready to think about some- Hence, Richard thing else after playing 110 ball Bomber" Fuqua delivers his call- and $5.50. All students receive a like to do it all **'"å,X'itî icaí teams i¡'73. "A people talk about games. But basketball is my life ing card. It's sudden and deadlY. $2 discount, on tickets purchased could," he says. lot of points," saYs. and now I'm more excited about Richard returns for his prior to the date of the game. A starter all 4 years at ORU, scoring 3,000 he Pro can score theY playing than ever before since it's debut on WednesdaY night, SeP- At 6-4 and 175, Fuqua has Fuqua put the Titans on the na- "But anybody if waited many years to put on a tional basketball map by averag- shoot the balt a lot. I know not with a pro team." tember 26, at 7:30 as the San pro battle the Ken- professional basketball uniform. ing 18.1, 31.8, 35.9, and 23.6 many have done it (onlY others Now in the ranks, Fuqua Antonio Spurs "looks forward to making a con- tucky Colonels. In addition to His dream is now a reality with points per game and leading fhe and Dwight La- the Spurs also feature the of the Titans to 27-4, 2l-5, 26-2, a¡d mar), but a lot of players could tribution to the team. Fuqua, "As a rookie with the Spurs, Collis Jones, Skeeter Swift, and American Basketbell Association. 21-6 records. have if they had taken enough I know be tough to get the year's top college scorer, Wil- The Spurs drafted him seventh Fuqua was dubbed "the Mad shots." it will in last game, alone start. But just liam "Bird" Averitt from PePPer- last May and signed him to a Bomber" by the New York CitY Fuqua says he's tired of the let I dine. Needless to sâY, the multiyear contract a few weeks press during his 42- outburst "gunner" label and wants to want to learn all I can and see what happens from there." Colonels have the 7-2 sensation later, outbidding the NBA Boston against Missouri Valley Confer- change his playing manners. Grants for foreign study being offered Grants for overseas studY are being offered by the Institute of International Education. Award-

be available for 7974-75. These grants, whose PurPose is to increase mtltual understanding between the peoPle of the United States and other countries through the exchange of Persons, knowledge and skills, are Prolid- ed undei the terms of the Mu- tual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 196l (Ful- bright-Éays Act) and bY foreign governmen'ts, universities, and orivate donors. ' Aoolicants must be U.S. citi- the time of aPPlication, "."r'ätwho will hold a bachelor's degtee or its equivalent before the begin- Dynamics you can read three to ten times nins date of the grant. In most With Reading .a.ä they should- be proficient faster. Handle your ass¡gnments more easily in the language of the host coun- try. Exceþt for certain sPegiflg and more quickly' Exit the midnight oil. awards, candidates maY not hold time of aPPli- the Ph. D. at the You can handle your reading assignments in cation. rls, 7/r, Creative and performing ar- even less . . . of the time you are now tists are not required to have a spending. . . and make better grades doing itl GUIRAIITEE bachelor's degree, but theY must Reading Dynamics is a reading technique now years professional have four of over 300,000 people across the United study or equivalent exPerience. used by Kennedy thought it so effective Social-work applicants must have States. President your Time easy homework assignments outlined by at least two years of Professional that he had his Joint Chiefs of Staff enroll. instructor experience after the Master of Magazine calls it "Fantastic. . . should be used Soèial Work degree; candidates in public schools." in medicine must have an M.D. at the time of application. There are no machines, no gimmicks, you Selection is based on the aca- learn practical reading methods that will last a lncreqse Your Reqdil"t; t*"t up to 5O% demic and professional ¡ecord of lifetime. You maintain your speed after the and the applicant, the validitY because you do not learn to depend on a feasibility of his propæed study course FREE MINI.TESSONS plan, his language preparation machine to pace you. ãnd personal qualifications. Pref- If you need to read. mote, Sundoy, Sept. 23 thru Thursdoy, Sepl.27 erence is given to candidates be- study more, know more, attend tween 20 and 35 years of age the Free Demonstration that 4 p.-. ond 8 p.m. who have not had prior oppor- tunity for extended studY or resi- will show you how you can do 4515 South Ytrle, fulso, Oklohomq 74135 dence abroad. it. . . without the midnight oil. Information and application forms may be obtained from Dr. Robert G. Voight, Fulbright Pro- HffiLTN UM oR 2-6413 gram Adviser in LRC 510 S. The 1155 North 3ril . Abilene, Texas deadline date for receiPt of aP-- BEfflll{G DYllßltrlIGS plications in his office is Oct. 1, 1972.