Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper Oral Roberts University Collection 9-21-1973 Oracle (Sep 21, 1973) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/oracle Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Higher Education Commons rhe VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3 ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY. TULSA, OKLAHOMA SEPTEMBER 21, 1973 'Cqthedrql'c<lst begins reheqrsql Professor Raymond Lewan- around in his own life. The two dowski and Student Di¡ector Hal men subsequently disagree, which Warfield have announced the cast is the basis of conflict for the play. list for the ORU Drama Depart- Bob Butcher is assigned the ment's first production of this principal role of tbe archbishop. semester, "Mu¡der in a Cathe- The chorus of the women of Can- d¡al." Lewandowski says the play, terbury will be played by Anita written by T. S. Eliot, has been Stump, Susan Gardner, Susan called the "finest verse play writ- Jicha, And¡ea Ames, Debby ten in tåe twentieth century." It Hobbs, Jennife¡ Pitman, Shelley will be presented October 11-13 Milbradt, Vicki Trammell, and in Howard Auditorium. Karen K¡afft. Priests of the Ca- Rather than being realistic, the thedral include Steve Barclay, play is symbolic and stylized. It Michael Stewart and Marty concerns King Henry II ap- Combs. Tempters and knights are pointment of A¡chbishop Thomas Raniall Clark, Thom Plaski, Becket as chancellor of England. Randy Day, and Greg McKissick. This is a move Henry hopes will In the roles of attendants are lrelp solve problems between Mark Batson, Peter Jeffrey and church and state. Becket, after Donna Toms. The messenger will he is appointed, has a turn- be played by Eugene Lynn. Cheerleqders selected Profs prepore for 'Musicol Colomities' tomorrow qfter tryouts Sqturdoy Keeping in step moy be o problem for some peo- of the music deportmenl, ond will feolure se- ple, but not for music professors Fronco Autori, lected f¡eshmen music moiors. All funds roised Evelyn Dovis, ond Andzei Wosowski, who ore will benefir the deportmenl qnd ifs octivities Cheerleading tryouts were held said that 8 of the 12 finalists will shown recenlly reheorsing for their port ¡n to- during the coming yeor. Tickels ore $1.50 for last Saturday morning in the be on ths Varsity squad, with tbe morrow nighl's "Musicol Colomities." Produced ORU sludenfs ond moy be purchosed in fhe HRC. Twelve girls, including four remaining four making up the JV by senior Lorry Morbitf, lhe musicol-variefy music business office ond ihe cofeterio. Curloin from Iast year's squad, were cho- squad. show is sponsored by the focully ond students lime is 8 p.m. in Howord Auditorium. sen from a field of 47 in the Judging the tryouts were Sandy preliminary tryouts. Finalists are Thresher, ORU social director, June Crain, Delane Fielden, Syl- Cathy Jacobson, Carol Kin- via Jones, Nancy Fortenberry, ney, and Cindy Bryant. Cne for the pr¡ce of two Janiece Shibley, Trudy Cane, Returning from last year's Cynthia Perkins, Pamela Tanner, squad are June, Nancy, Sylvia, Kim McBride, Roni Hix, Kathy and Del-ane. In preparation for Paille, and Margo Dodd. this year, they attended a cheer- Preliminary tryouts climaxed a Ieading clinic sponsored by the Yeorbooks to be combined week of hard work which began National Cheerleader's Associa- by donno moson ing brings in about $2,000 more. book experience in high school. with an allday clinic September tion at the University of Santa Yearbook staff will be putting Two years ago when the year- From that, ten people applied. 8. After a week of practice 47 of Barbara September 2-6. They re- in double time this year, working book was behind schedule, Steve During rush night, 20 to 25 p,o- the original 71 participants re- ceived four superior, three ex- on two yearbooks instead of only Heaston, instructor of English, ple signed up. Paton said, "The mained. Saturday's tryouts cut cellent, and three outstanding rib- one. According o Dave Mark- began working on it and spent way we have it set up, it should this number to 12. bons. They also received the l"y, Student Senate President, last year straightening it out. It be out early-there are an ade- A floor cheer and a pompon superior trophy, the camp's high- lack of sufficient staff, low mor- was mailed out this summer. Pa- quate number of people working routine made up the 3-1l2-hour est award, as the squad with the ale, few guidelines, and no dead- ton said, "IIeaston and I did the on it." tryouts. Director Sharon Burton best overall spirit during the clinic. lines caused the 1972-73 issue of þout and everything." Terry, One month from now the Perihelion to be delayed until Madison, whose specialty is jour- Perihelion staff mrxt complete May 3, 1974 wltrcn it will appear nalism, will be the faculty advisor 30 per cent of the yearbook for with the 1973-74 issue. this year. its ffust deadline. A¡other 30 per Cutbocks offect o¡d l¡ttle Out of the student activity fee, Three or four students were on cent is due the fi¡st of December, $9.50 per student is used for the the Perihelion staff last year. 30 per cent will be due úhe first Perihelion The total raised from This year 150 memos \ryere sent of January a¡d the final 10 per Recent Federal cutbacks in fi- tunity Grant Program, has been the fee is $18,000 and advertis- to those students who had year- cent is due by February. nancial aid to ORU have been made available to incoming Dave Paton is receiving a felt only slightly. According to freshmen. This program is de- scholarship fo¡ his work as editor John McKinney, Director of signed primarily to help those of of Perihelion He will be ques- Financial Aid, some $10,000 less a lower income bracket to attain Rush night deemed success tioned by the Student Senate ev- has been allocated for the 1973- further education beyond high ery 4 weeks and if the yearbook 74 school year than in previous school. Most organizations and clubs Gaining the largest member- is behind schedule, a percentage years. ORU's work-study program al- reported good responses Rush ship were the Spanish Club with will be deducted from his schol- Many of the nation's universi- so helps to fill the gap in indivi- Night when almost 600 new club over 100 new members and the arship. Paton spends about 20 ties, which are already in a state dual financial packages. Students members were recruited. German Club with over 80. hours a week on Perihelion and of economic turbulence, have are allowed to wo¡k up to ten Colorful trinkets and eye- Other language clubs reported near deadlines he works ¿ìs many been greatly affected due to the hours a week in 350 work sta- catching decorations lured pre good respo,nses. The Gymnastics as 50 hours a week. recent cuts by the Nixon Admin- tions which a¡e scattered about spe.ctive members. The Frenqh Club and the P.E. Major and Paton said, "Two yearbooks in ist¡ation's austerity program. the campus. Club used the "taste-bud" tactic Minors Club had respooses close one won't be poprfar," but later The impact of the cutback at The Office of Financial Aid with beautiful French pasties on to thei¡ goals for the night. Stu- in the summer he hopes to supply ORU was most felt by the Na- in the LRC is open daily. Stu- their table, and the BieCareers dent Senate Committees and Stu- a supplement. He said there will tional Direct Student Loan Fund. dents can speak to Mr. McKin- Club even offered to take blood dent Foreign Missions Fellows,hip be enough copies of the Periheli- Ilowever, a new federal program, ney or one õf ,his assista¡ts about pressures! reached almost 75 members each. on to send to last year's students. the Basic Educational Oppor- any financial difficulties. Pose 2-lHE ORACLE, Seplember 21 , 1973 CATALYST /N5/CHT Gollery- Three Dog Pqrents sqy the tickets dqrnedest things sell fqst by dovid i. morkley by renee colwill A lot of s,tuff is in the mill So you thought you were going to spread your little wings and right now. Meetings this week in- cluded such ever popular topics fly when you left home? You thought that after all the mushy as food service, a movie schedule kisses, pats on the back, and last minute words of advice that you that will meet everyone's approv- would be "on your own"? al, Sub redecoration, mail service, ad nauseum. Due to the great mechanics of the U.S. Postal service and Bell Within I l/2 hrs. students Telephone, however, many students don't feel as far away from bought all of our Three Dog mom and dad as they thought they would. And over the first few Night tickets and made us go back more. Next time we'll weeks and the first couple of years of school, students have got- for just rent the Civic Center and ten some strange, interesting, and funny letters, phone calls, and sponsor the show ourselves. friendly advice. Within a week or so Senate price c,om- Not all things parents write, will publish its second parison list so students r:r'ill know however, are so good to hear. since she also wanted to know where to get tbe best buys for "Well, Dan, we've made your where he went, what he did, and room into a music room," wrote their money on commonlY needed wi,th whom.
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