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TAG Crowned: Spinks Knocks out Cooney / Page Are Eagfmt/Fmg# 11 4 Days for the Price of 3! H3 ^ PLACE YOUR AD on TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, and YOU’RE ALL SET for the WEEK

TAG Crowned: Spinks Knocks out Cooney / Page Are Eagfmt/Fmg# 11 4 Days for the Price of 3! H3 ^ PLACE YOUR AD on TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, and YOU’RE ALL SET for the WEEK

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w - Manchester HtKAiJy. arowdav. Juiw i5. m> ProduetHr#; U.8, labor costa decline / page /kMmyou trt ★ ★ the HHh iffade ★ ★ TAG Crowned: Spinks knocks Cooney / page are eagfMT/fMg# 11 4 Days for the Price of 3! H3 ^ PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL SET FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSIFII

BUSINESS A SERVKE ) V '■ f City REE. Rlrewood. un- EORO 14»1 Bitan L, Spllf.youhOul.A49-4471 p t n m o o o o r 549-A509. is i d cord. 6 fddf tdngfiM, Whif#/ 4 spgod, om-fm, oreen, denvered, Seordminf- ISSTiale IcmiM BllMBHf mum. MA8flR/Vf8A CARO tuBsetay, June IS, 1 0 0 T 3DC«ntB BSSSSrnmmmmmmmmmt SSSSrnmmmtmmmrnm CORDOBA iW ISnpSrff M U STAN d 19167 Wim UDRTUiER FVRUWOD 4 ntfw Eogid > r s t - opfiona. Excdftgnf ^ ff9;a fWV rw lYTWTIWfilfV ^ pn Morehandlse D fC TE M D TD M borf, sunroof, S f « f o r v J 272-iHD oiuminum rims, 368 # ff6- zg**Y.Ss;* B !y‘ g RPY motor rune, body good dxcdpf rdor guorfdrs O L D S o m a g o as. ^o w o r ■flv. d£ii^mfy inpW K 9w raNlw < PIAMD. Sferllng upright. itaanna atid btm ati Navy has OK to use force in Persian Guif a n d possenger door. W us A good sforfdr. You All idotnor infdrior. oir candWanfnn 4 c y ­ Consofd a n d bvcKdfs. linder, 4 dooT/^greof 7 0 # » 4 4 t f . mSr% Next fo Nothing, corner $ % ’ . 'cM* ^ .''- ‘'‘‘ B6isf offdr. AMO new stereo. Excglldm com By Jifw Drtafcofd policy and called the deeisioh to negative effect," he said, one that threat, it said. feeimg emboldened to use the m f t i t t m i of Eosf Center and d W a n. Coll 449-9S64. The Aggaclatglef E rg n reflag the Kuwaiti tankers and would raise questions about fJ.S. Weinberger said President Hea- Silkworm missile..." Weinberger HISSHtt snow# mounted on R sfated stof ias »oSr. Spruce. Open Tuesdoy, rim s. C o ll Jo g 643- OLDS CutIWS defend them from possible Iranian commitments to golf states and gan has emphasized the need for said tn the report. Wednesday, Thursday 1798.0 engine. Eossed emmlf- WABHINDTON - Defense lecre- signal the Soviet Union that the ' u ipiiNiyaeNNii i i W i-'»»; EOUS o n p a g a 6 attack "a limited response to a very Careful military planning and prep­ Kep. William Broomfield, H- u offernoons. A49-0S33. ELVAildbfM iW ~5r5n slan a n d inspecflpn, tary Caaear Wafnbergar told Can- real threat." United States is no longer serious aration and adequate cooperation Mtch., senior Republican on the ^*’22£SSISSSZ^Sd^^^^3lli^[ m Fury. 2 new fires a n d $250. 1996 Eonffoc 389, great today tfte V.i. vaaaels in the He said fJ.g. forces in the region about protecting its interests m the from allies, as well as full consulta­ condition, panel, said he went into the session alfernofor. Coll VSpm aabotage," ha said. region. 0 /m FREE Crysfolll For de­ Peraian OuH profecting Kowaltl will be bolstered by the addition of tion with Congress in implementing deeply anxious about the adminis­ or 5-7.649-7933.8500. tankers wifl be atrtharfsed (a use Weinberger publicly released an three vessels outfitted to meet The report said U.S. forces in the the protection plan. mil tolls pleose coll Nancy fM Jii aw. it y/ajart tration’s decisions. FURRiTURE a t t i t S pm . at 429-9610. BuiCK l9i4SkyhowKcus- force "In the face at attack or unelaasifiM version a t a n a dtntnta- potential sea, air and land-based gulf will operate under rules "We understand the risks in­ wogon. 6 cylinder. Ai6 Bed, 2 living room fom. 50400 miles. R«d, hostfle intent indicating imminent tra tta n proposal sent to Capitol fflll missile threats. They will be stipulating that any aircraft or sMp volved In our strategy, particularly " I 'm deeply concerned about the OVfNOrddmfurniture, excellent condition. Good condition only mam twin bed, 175. Eoidlna choirs, 2 loveseots, 68,500 miles. N o w attack." late Monday describing plana to operating under orders to counter that maneuvers into a position the protection of s M p ^ g arrange­ possible consequences of being $5000. 643-1694. teak fable $25. A49-0717. Ibig rocking cholr,4 brokds, tires, snows, Wainberger maintained that provide Navy protection to li force with force "In the face of where it could fire a missile, drop a ments with Kuwait. But we are Involved in the war between fran a PuHi televisions, dryer EINTO 1979 4gulre nice dependable cor, risks to U.B. naval forces from KowaHI oil tankers which are being attack or hostile intent indicating bomb or use gunfire on a ship will be convinced that the risks of alterna­ and Iraq," Broomfield said. TlKhtg (small oportment Wagon. Aufomoflc, 1800 or best otter. 64t- protecting the reflagged veaaels allowed to tty U.S. flags. imminent attack," he told the showing evidence of hostile intent. tive courses of action or inaction toward Iraq’s side in the war could size). Coll 8754358. power steering. Runs N Jim RHwRN ilK I IHlfM I 69T1. Dove. are "moderate." Preaenting the report in a closed com m ittee. Forces would be permitted then are greater — with Iran stepping up tempt rathcal Iranian kadate tatty good. $595. 643-1840 of- ^iiasr Com ero 19^j Z28. bpRons, "There are some risks, partlco- eeaalon of the House foreign Given the stakes and the conse- to defend themselves or U.S.-flag its intimidation of (gulf) states, fo provoke the Gnlfed States into IfSSBBSTfSeSr ^^^H^m®Dfw»WWw fer 4pm. greof condition,38400 larly from onconyentional threats, Affaire Committee, Weinberger ouences, a retreat hy the United commercial vessels with the force conducting attacks on n o n ­ Joining the conflict more directly, C H E V Y N o vo 1^74. 2 iHRelllB CNDROLLB m iles. $10,500. 643-7776. auen aa Iranian terrorism or defended the administration's gulf states now would have a profoundly necessary to "neutralize" the belligerent shipping, and possibly he said. door, high perfor­ offer 5pm.______Tfuehffl#. ffili Ten Sen SeraaswE Uam . drtdtti • a for 284 mance 350. Best offer. ' Ji^M^Ad^MI ' J m u s t ^ i l this i/ M k i i i t* Tepirri. YOU M N N Any smounf dsflytred. Alto, fin. ■MUST be pMked up ef the I 646-1015. A fte r 6:30. w^im rsvei. Men* snd OtM muieh. M ike. Amerfeon Rombler tf/fMEdH. Eree 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 *^4ti 4 ^ iUMM iHereid Ofliee Monday thru I from the la n d a t no x^^eubA^ AaiSA^Mi Am lfM.frMdf4Mf.d43l- obesi. bioknoe S Msdw lentsi. iThurtdeybelorette.ni.enfy. [ EfNliiATMMti^ g MUSTANfe 1977. 2door,* rusf-Morylandl Runs- Trade deficit SSS«mT jwITlrS DAVIS eONSTRUenON cylinder, Inferlor/ex- classlc ports. Worth filing counselor hd^^RMNWhE m IM H i SIOOO'Sl R e o llv l 742- K' m ». fM acM syfifi • tMiff fin dAif I I7 M 4 « / 0SI-S8S5 ferlor, good condition. TNUCKS/VANS Needs seme work. 8600 7686.0 I ran SALE or best offer. Coll 649- faiis siightiy 4305, Melissa. is named tops ROTOTILLINO Monte gardens, O A T S U N 1977 620 longbed C H E V Y f4 o n ta fW9. Runs rCLES/ pickup Inexcellent ­ good, needs hood, grill, free estimates. ning condition with radlATOR. $450. Call HOMES APARTMENTt in Connecticut WASHINGTON (AP) - America's deficit In the Call Clyde and over fhe fop cop. Morw 643-2171. ateve /RoTISrcycufmsofon^ FOR SALE FOR RENT new parts. Coll 647- RLYAdbtIfH Valare >6 broadest measure of foreign trade shrank slightly In Sons. e4?-fl«87. Cofflpgflflve rotes. By Alex Olrellf the first three months of the year to 897.12 billion as the COVENTRY. Charming 4 0805. for ports only I Coll Some doy coveroge. SPECTACULAR Ronch 1 BEDROOM apartment, f^oRb Van l986.Jusf after 4pm. 6464549. Associate editor country continued to pile up International debt, the all utilities Included. room house for renf on Mony plons available. NEW LISTING with a gorgeous foyer pained white. In excel- government reported today. No pets. Convenient Covenfry Loke. En­ Call Judy or Jonef of leading through french ^ D J H I N R R lent condittan. "People seek her out; people see her as a special The Commerce Department said the Imbalance In location $425 per closed porch. Corner DOO g R 1977 318 window fhe Crockett Agency. M o v 5*T1? Condition. doors fo a sunken liv­ 53100/best offer. 568- person,” says Dr. Richard P. Undgreh, prlniclpal of month. Coll Mike 643- lof. No pets. $500 per van. Runs good. Asking 643-1577. the nation's current account edged down 2.8 percent Owner's onxiout. A ing room. 3 generous 0206 ask far Gory. Call illing Junior High School, describing Angela Phelan. room. Asklna I12S.W0. 1136 o r T o m 649-2865. month plus utilities. $1850/besf offer. 742- from fhe final three months of 1888, when the trade bedrooms. Bay win­ Please Call 742-5918 of­ befroe 7am or offer Phelan, the fchool's coordinator of guidance deficit a quarterly record of 198.0 Mlllon. dow and private treed Monday through Frl- Klea^n Realty a fer S:30pm. 7pm. services, was named Connecticut Junior H i^ School The eurrent account measures not only trade in backyord. This fine dov,9-5.______/ property has been 4 ROOAA, no appliances. STRAWBERRIES Couneelor of the Y e a r for 1886-18t7 b y the executive merchandise hut also trade In services, which Includes priced for Immediate $570 ft $470. Security condition. $1800. lOom- hoard of the Connecticut School Counselor's such Items as Investment earnings, tourism and Pick Your Own Spm. 646-8439, 5:30 644- DON'T Judge o book by salel Coll In todoy. deposit. No pets. 2 Association. foreign aid. 3833. 1986 Its' cover I You must Blanchard ft Rossetto. months security. 646- Chiponit Irothort 80// Your C0r Lindgren said Phelan has a unique ability to put >) While the United States has run a deficit In see the Inside of this " we Guarantee Our 2426 weekdays 9-5. CAVALIER 1985. Low ml- Mople at ease under difficult circumstances. "1 don't merchandise trade for IS of (he last 18 years Hie ftices for renf. Reosono- 30 Clark 8t., So. Windsor LINCOLN property to truly ap­ Houses " 640-2482. □ 3 (tOOMi. Partly fur- leoge. Excellent condi­ ble rotes, Ihcludlng oil have it. Most people don’t," he said. current account recorded a surplus as recently as 1981 preciate all It offers! AAANCHESTER. Buckley nlshed. Heat. Working EAEC OenM»0r$ tion. M uit sail, taking TOWN CAR Phelan agrees that she does have a good relationship as Americans’ earnings on overseas Investments were uflllfles. 643-7175 or 647- 4 Lines — 10 Days offers. 647-8623. Separate In-ldw apart­ School areo. Well male preferred. opening SiturdaV June 0. with students, teachers and parents. enough to offset (he merchandise deficits. In recent 9223. 509 charge, each addi­ 3 fo Choose fro m ment with kitchen and landscaped Ranch, No pets. Lease. 643-2880 Houre Sam-epm or until Whiff, Slug, Brown "1 find 1 can facilitate people realizing their full years, however, a flood ot foreign goods has wiped out full bath, plus 4 bed­ aulet street. Living NEWLY Renovated. picked out. No children tional llna. You can AMC Concord Wdgon. STUDIO Type. Partly fur- Close fo 1-84, 1st and Your Choice potential," Phelan said during an Interview this the cushion once provided by the Investment earnings. room s, 7 full baths, two raom with Swedish nlshed. Working single under 14 years of age al­ cancel at any lima, 1978 aufomoflc, power 2nd floor Suites oyollo- morning. "1 do it by trying to get to understand them A relentless string of quarterly deficits In the current fireplaces, 7 car g a r­ fireplace. Pine kit­ male preferred. No lowed In field. f ln n n v steering, runs good. age, deck built In 1975. ble. Renf Includes utili­ $895. 647-9066. and what makes them individual. Once 1 understand, I account has made the United States the world's largest chen, 3 bedrooms, 2 pets. Lease. 643-2880. NO REFUNOB OR $18,700 5 Situated on Vernon - baths, large basement, ties. Peterman Build­ 828-S741 can help them to understaiid. Once they understand, debtor country as foreigners now own more In U.S. COLUMBIA. 4 room du- ADJUSTMENTS Bolton lane on' 3.5 attached carport. ing C om pany. 649-9404. fo r latMl Intermallon. they are better able to realize their potential." Investments than Americans hold In foreign plex. Washer, dryer 1977 CADILLAC wooded acres. $249,900. $145,000. Principals Investments. hookups. Near com­ CALL HERALD She said that when someone comes to her for help, he Jackson ft Jackson. only. 643-8479. Sedan DbVIIIb may have a "presenting problem" which masks the muter parking. No America became a debtor country In 1985 for the first A47-6400. CLASSIFIED SCRANTON 4 Doer, Blue, Leaded, real underlying problem.’' pets. Call 228-3673. MUSICAL Mint Condition lim e In 71 years with a total owed to the rest of the w orld CONVENIENCE, this 3 ODl^ilTY What sometimes appears to be a student problem D U P L E X . 4 rooms, ITEMS of 1107.44 billion. bedroom, full dor- ILOTI/LAND 643-2711 sometimes turns out to be a family dysfunction mered Cape Cod Is adults preferred. No COLuX(FI3r Lake sea­ The precise extent ot the country’s Into hock SOMI l.t« FINANOINO on LISSt •3.095 problem. Phelan has much contact with parents. located In an excellent FOR RALE pets. References and sonal cottage, 3 bed­ PIANO. Knabe spinet. during 1980 will be released by the government next Sr GOOGE CARAVAN <1S.< 52 Ceprloa 4 dr. •8498 area of East Hartford ^security. $500 p e r ro om , asking $95,000. Excellent condition. Tuesday, but based on information contained In the month. Phllbrick $1500. Call 647-9079. SZ DAKOTA P/U •ii.e$8 near all facilities. I'/i 20 ACRES Prime farm­ Offers Invited. 537-3446. sr LeBAHON 4 dr. •10,4$S 81 Fairmont Wagon •2698 FREQUENTLY PARENTS are the last to know current account report the U.S. world debt now stands land, rich loam, no __Agency. 646-4200. Beazley Company. baths, fireplace, re­ 87 OODGE CARAVAN •i4.sie 61 GLO 4 dr., At, AO <3696 about a youngster’s problem because "there’s too at more than 1280 billion, putting the country far abend creation room, and a stones; over 3000 feet DItAND new i bedroom sr oooae c a r a v a n •18.HS S4 Mazda Pickup *4696 much on the line tor the kid" Including fear of rejection on clean river; one INVITATION TO BID C H ^ R ^ ^ bI^ I^ N C . of the previous debt leader. Brazil, which owes 1108 spacious out building townhouses. 1'/> baths, sr LeBARON 4 * •11.HS 53 Lynx Wg . At. AO •4696 by parents. block off route 6 near billion to foreigners Ideal for storage or air conditioning, mod­ Sealed bid* will be received ROUTE 83, VERNON SSTHUNDERBIRD •c.iie "1 like to feel I'm the liaison," she said. Andover/Bolton line. In Ine General Service*' of­ 84 OODGE Lg*M4 •11,418 68 Aflee Wagon •6,496 The small Improvement in the current account playhouse! Call and ern kitchen with with PAJ Conflicts sometimes arise between students and see this auallty pro p­ $59,900. Te rm s '/a down. oil appliances. Woll to fice, 41 Center St., Mancha*- 7S Ohevetle 4 dr. •1M 5 Se FIFTH AVE. m •1f,SI6 66 Mazda 8E8 P/U •6300 deficit in the January-March quarter came from a (416) 851-0175. At the raeular mstfine on ter, C T until JU N E 30, IH 7al seLeSAHONtvnM •11,418 teachers,eachers, largely because ot differences In style. A erty today. $130's. wall carpeting with full S/27/S7, the Ballon Contarva- tl;00a.m . ferine tellowine; S3 n*(|il Wagon •7198 85 Colony Park Wg. *10,400 slight drop In the merchandise trade deficit to IM.,19 basement and laundry n mo( •4998 se DOOQE ROYAL FU •10.SI6 teacher mayy be nighty n organized and Inflexible and a Hergid photo by tucligr billion. 0.7 percent tower than the fourth quarter. Blanchard ft Rossetto. flon Commission m odi the Ill G (2) S3 Skylerk 4 dr. 86 Marker XR4TI '12,600 " We Guarantee Our hookups. Private front fqllowlneI Inland WsflondWstM flb- se LeBARON 4 nr. tiHWi •12.416 student disorganized,trganl: Phelan explained. Added to this Imbalance between Imported goods and 53 Bulek Regal 4 dr. •6698 15 PLY. VOYAGER •14,tie 85 Cullaee 2 dr. . '7890 Houses" 646-2482. a porch and bock patio. plication ^Ifrliloitts: P

- t #- witmtjy. jo m k . k t sfAwCHM nttW aUt&,taaadar.jaaaiS,l40'-l

•»w miVC95v lOrVM.HK, vflP0n99QV)r, J W rr /^<^cr Jbj' V<(fc "them aalhng (he fatM," he said Monday seeks bid again, and after mere was were put out to Md again. and Missouri. thar Mills" confusion over where to obtain the (y Marra explafnedihat H was not CONNECTICUT WEATHER tO O A W f H feto n v: On triis day in aliat a tnaatitig at tha Planning and Highs should he in the Ms to 70s TOnAV'i SAR0S i&ning Canwilaaian. “Van aan'l money for me work until recently that an emergency 1M3, Soviet aatfonaut Vafamina te- developed with (he safd from the northern Rockies across raabkova was launcnad into ofut. t>e- ay PHIL PAStOHCY atap Ptagma Wa don’t have However, (be directors, during a root. Pa the Pacific Northwest; 70s in fairy taie for grownups: Once upon a ertdogh land there ta tan aw meeting at (be firehouse accepted that Whan (he job was first planned C«niroil^ t^fl«<«Tfi ffitEftfir, ikHt(fiir««l oomiog tba tifsf woman space AaAA.4a.^A.M.A. ta northern New England; near or (favaflw. lima a waathar forecaatar actually went ■TuallWSS. the lowest of two Wds from Premier over a year ago, tha lira dapari- partly cloudy. A (bought some minor patching above too from the desert Southw­ t o n ig h i, 36 percent chance of a outdoors to see If It was raining. He aatd H was too dangatana ia Roofing Co of West Haven to install want ohovoer or thanderaterm. L&w 66 to 66. Wednesday, operate farm eqofpmem an laaai a new roof over the northern half of that was done would hold ontfl me est across southern New Mexico TOtFAV'S ggrtMTAVi: Jannta Oma- Why can't the madicai community (he huildtng at a cost of $ . The work was atartad. to west Texas, and 00s to 00s sunny. High 66 to 6S. taada heeaase tKMf la ««|b0 Ohange request for (he $84 Btdwell The Amazon surges into (he Northwest Mills: Tonight, partly cloudy, A 30 fl(. property from Rural Resfdenee, Eighth District Fire Department offers were sent out. leaks deve­ tiamtt z i«AO pnm tiotti aau0y Atlantic Ocean with a flow 00 times percent chance of a shower or thunderstornn. Low near A B t f o g r a p h wh/eh allows 1.3 living unfls an spokesman 'Thomas D'Marra. dur­ loped and It was discovered the roof ing a special public meeting held was 24 years old. usMia laoidoa zz«t that co- Other celebrities were sim­ should be handling yourself. follow through Regroup and fry again It Other residents said the zone ilarly ushered Into a prefight LEO (Juty 23-Aug. 22) Keep your feel­ you encounter resistance, change and housing project would stars Cyblll Shepherd. ings and comments in check today if A R IE i (Mareb 21-Aprll t$) Usually Willis, 32, last week appeared banquet given by developer and someone you are very fond of seems to you're innately opllmlsllc and selt-aa- bring excess (raffle to the neighbor­ Coupons suit settled before a hearing officer to deter­ casino entrepreneur Donald pay more atfenflon to others than to sured, but today you may harbor un- hoodand would hurt some wetlands mine whether he would be Trump, who sponsored the fight. you. neceasary doubts about your ablllllea on (he site. HARTFORD (AP) - An anti­ -value coupona in Connecti­ charged with a misdemeanor tor Gov. Thomas H. Kean entered VIHQO (Auu. 23-Eept. 22) It's Impera­ and Involvementa. Most of the surrounding land Is trust settlement between the state cut from 1678 to 1982 and conspired Hstald ghelo by Olnfe to tlx the price of eggs and turkeys allegedly rushing at police offic­ surrounded by security agents. tive that you fake your mate's wishes TAURUS (April 20-Mey 20) It may not zoned RR and AA cluster, although and Waldbaum supermarkets has MARIO CUOMO The Rev. Jesse Jackson also into consideration today when making piove wise to take if upon yoursell to­ there are some high density zones been approved in federal court, tn 1979 and 1980. Under terms ot the ers and screaming obscenities as BHUCE WILLIS decisions, falling to do so could invite day to make a commitment tor a (riend to the north and an Industrial zone clearing the way (or the distribu­ settlement, Waldbaum made no they sought to shut down a . . . moved out of home . .. surprise walked In surrounded by aides. friction. without first getting consent. Cover the TlnyT House Speaker Jim Wright, to the northwest of the parcel. tion of $7.5 million In coupons to admission of guilt. Memorial Day party at his LIRRA (tept. 13-Oet. 23) Be honest bases ■fhe land, the site or the Pella Connecticut consumers. Attorney The settlement requires Wald­ Hills home the plate. " Cuomo, a former ($83,333) award Monday from the D-Texas, made small talk over A IIHIa bit Bhy Katrina thrall of celebration. Her mother, Katherine baum to publish the coupons In dinner with Trump. Former dairy farm since the beginning of General Joseph I. Lleberman said Neighbors said laler they had player, Munich Academy of Fine Arts to the century. Is designated as a Manohaatar ahowa off one of the Fllloramo Thrall, created the design. Her today. newspapers (our times. Tne first romote music eucatlon In the Philadelphia Eagles football complained several times about remains a softball enthusiast. P' low-density area by the town’s T-ahIrts that will be sold at the T-shirts will be on sale from 4:30 p.m. three times will otter $2 off on a loud parties. "If everybody could be as lucky tJnited States, th e Ernst von coach Dick Vermeil chatted Current Q uotatlone Comprehensive Plan of Develop­ throughout the evening, which includes The state had sued Waldbaum, minimum purchase of M6. and (he amiably over drinks with high Manohaatar BIcahtennIal Band Shell on “ During the hearing he was as 1 have been over these S.B Siemens Music Prize, sponsored ment. meaning no more than three July 3, the day of the Ihdapandence Day a fireworks display. charging that It conspired with fourth will otter $8 off on a admonished tor his conduct years, there would be very little by the Siemens electronics firm, rollers Invited to the banquet. living units can be built per acre. other companies to eliminated minimum $28 purchase. is West germany's must presti­ promised to apologize tn his trouble in the world, " he told staff tn the press room, actor Matt "If we don't do the Job, the officials In the New York area." neighbors, and the situation has members and reporters. gious music prize. Dillon strolled among reporters A Siemens spokesman said he Soviets will.'' — President Rea­ — Rep. Thomas A. Luken, ended because he moved his Ot the governor's lucky and, like Johnson, never took off D-Ohio, threatening federal legis-; understood Bernstein would dis­ gan, answering critics ot his plan residence out of the area," Qualls number, spokesman Oary Fryer his dark glasses. latlon to force New York Mayor PZC puts Derekseth on hold — again Manchester In Brief tribute the money to the Indiana to protect oil tankers In the said. He didn’t disclose where the said Cuomo “told me was mar­ Persian Gulf with American Edward t. Koch to end the plight actor moved. ried on the fifth, has five children, university School ot Music, Har­ Spinks and Cooney were not the • Extend Ihe proposed High vard University, Brandels Uni­ only boxers getting attention. warships. ot the wandering garbage barge. By John F. Kirch problems gettlog the plaos ready commission. Directors set special meeting always bets the fifth horse and his "The only thing wc wanted was Iicdge Circle, which would end In a versity and the tanglewood Bobby C tyt hugged guests at the Herald Reporter tor August. He sold the only reason favorite baseball player was Joe "It was long on rhetoric, short Ihe Iccnnlcal matters existed was some direction.” Pierce said "Now temporary dead end lo Ihe end of The Manchester Board ot Directors has scheduled a special 9 Lucky birthday Music Center. banquet. Sugar Ray Leonard also the properly line so that II might DiMagglo, who wore number B." that we have that. I think we can act meeting tor Thursday to discuss paying teachers money the town sat near ringside. on tacts and left a misleading Plans to build 98 luxury houses In because the developer was led to Bernstein had a bad weekend In believe the plans were supported by on them ithe plans)" someday connect with future devci has received from the state under the Education Enhancement Munich. Police said thieves took Impression." — Senate Majority L o t t c r v Ihe Case Mountain area have been New York Uov Mario Cuomo Ihe P*C The commission Ignored an ear­ opmeni on abutting parcels Act. his watch, valued at $16,000, from _ . Leader RebeH Byrd, reacting to pul on hold again by the Planning • Approve a 4-acre recreation ot a suprise party for his SBth President Beagan's budget and gonlng Commission until sev­ In January. Derekseth showed lier recommendation by Pellegrini, The money, totaling $482,764, Is being requested by the Board ot . oirthday In Albany ami said this Bright moment the cloakroom of the German B 8 Q i B p r who said Ihe plans should he dented area In the southwest corner of the fi picture. eral technical problems are worked the commission an outline ot the Education so that It can be Included In teachera' last paychecki f should be an especially good year Museum on Saturday before he proposed development and asked without predujlce so that the parcel when school closes Thursday. The money la for the 1916-87 flacal out on the site plans ...... • Approve a private driveway 7 for him, since five is nis lucky American conductor-composer was to conduct a concert there. Run-DMC and the Beastie Boys Connecticut daily The Derekseth Corp. of Windsor, for some direction At the time, developer coulo clear up the site year. number. Leonard tternatein had a few bad That evening, there was a bomb say their concerts are getting a commission members gave an plan's problems A denial without that services two lots In the at the Lincoln Center hearing room. "There has been too much Monday; 581 which has proposed the develop­ northeast corner of the site Pelle­ The meeting Is at 8 p.m. "It always has been,” Cuomo moments but ended his visit to threat and the concert hall was bad rap tor rowdiness and hope posturing, petulancy and petty ment for a steep, rocky 186-acre Informal nod of approval lo the site prejudice would have allowed Der 8 said Monday at a Capitol meeting Munich, West Germany, on a evacuated. Police said no explo­ this won't put a damper on their ekseth to resubmit new site plans grini had recommended against parochialism shown by the local Play Four: 4316 parcel off Birch Mountain Boad. plans. ^ , bright note. sives were found and the concert nationwide “Together Forever" But Planning Director Mark without waiting a six-month grace this because the drive goes up a room, where his cut a birthday now has until the commission's steep hill and might make It cake Inscribed "Mighty Mario at He received a IBO,000-mark began an hour late. tour. Aug. 8 meeting to complete Its site Pellegrini said ttiat since then, the period. plans have been reviewed by hts Instead, the commission made difficult for emergency vehicles lo Pood distribution planned plans. It Is the second time since pass The commission said It would M unchester H cruld June I that actinn has been staff. He said town officials nave several changes to the plans They Surplus cheese and butter from the federal government Is more Information now than they did Include; approve the common drive as long postponed because of the lechnleol os tire officials agreed emergency scheduled to be dtitributed Thurtday from 8 to 8:80 p.m. at Com lcB Sam pler problems with the plans. In January. a Relocate a proposed street on Center Congregational Church by the Mancheater Area U8PS 327-500 VOL. CVI, No. 216 Pierce said his firm will remain the Bile, known as Jenny-Clltr vehicles could reach the top oary L. Pierce, the president of Pellegrini also questloneo (he use Conference of Churchea. . .. ^ Derekseth. said he anticipated no flexible and work with the Circle, out of a wetland area tn At that time, a re-reglitratlon w ill be held tor thooe who wloh to addition. Jenny-Ctiff will connect to of so many rear lots on the site. 7 WHATAQUV byaWHoMl Published dally except Surtdey Suggested carrier rales are $1 60 be eligible for surplus food to be dlatributed In I6IT-M. Applicants Birch Mountain Boad The devci Rear lots are located behind lots end certilrt holldeye by (he Min- weekly . $7 70 lor one month, $23 10 ahould bring their Social Security numbers, proofs of income and chMter Publlihing C o . 16 Bralnerd tor three months. $46 80 lor ilx Windham man charged In crash oper had proposed II as a dead end with frontage on a public street. Piece. Mencheeler. Conn 06040 months and $62 40 tor one year • Eliminate the proposed Moun­ The town recently passed rear-lot reildence...... regulations However, until Derek- For more Information, call 646-4114. In this space, samples of Second dess postage peid at Senior clllten retee end mill rales WINDHAM (AP) - A 86-year-old Route 6 tn Columbia and into the tain Brook Boulevard from the site f " iT 'a Mencheslar. Conn Posimeslet srs Bvallsbie on reguest oncoming car ot trooper trainee plans. Originally, the road con­ selh, no major rear-lot subdivisions new comics will be printed Windham man has been arrested In have been proposed BEEN Bond addreei changei to Ihe To place e classllled or displiy oonnetAion with the head-on colll- Kenneth P. Moore, $$. of Hebron, nected the development’s main Town man In talavlalon play from time to time. Our aim Is Mencheeler Herald. PO Box 661 advettisemenl. or lo report ■ news police said. street to Birch Mountain Boad But The commission said, however, TAKEN Mencheeler. Conn 06040 aion in which a state trooper trainee that It had no problem with 16 of the to get reader reaction to new Hem. story or picture Idea, call was killed on Easter weekend, state town officials said It was too Glen Perry ot Manchester nlayed tsoac In the play "Bummer CARE O F ." It you don't receive your Herald by 643-8711 Oltice hours are 8:30 a m Moore, who would have gradu­ dangerous because of steep slopes 26 rear lots proposed in the coiT\lcs, or to old comics that 6 pm weekdeya or 7 30 a m lo 6 p m Monday through friday police said. subdivision. Kiss” Monday on Connecticut Public Television. Gilbert Bourque was charged ated Wi^nesday, died two days • Eliminate grass Islands from The drama explored the Rrst relationship between two we are thinking about drop­ Balurdays. pieote telephone your the Mencheeler Herald is a three proposed dead ends. Derek- The commission originally had carrier It you're unable lo reach with manslaughter In the second aRer the April 17 accident. college-aged homoaexual men. Perry prevloualy pinyad In ping. Send your comments member ot the AssocietedPrees. Ihe Bourques was arrested aRer selh said homeowners would be until Monday to act on the plans or your carrier, call subecriber service Audit Bureau otCirculallonsandthe degree with a motor vehicle white "Whlspera," alto shown on CPTV, that dealt with the Mruttlaot to; Features Editor, Man- intoxicated on Monday, state police ulling Into the driveway of hts responsible for maintaining them they would he automatically ap­ at 647-6646 by B p m weekdays lor New England Newspeper But Public Works Director George proved The developer agreed to a young man and hla parents over the laaue ot homqaeituailty. cheater Herald, P.O. Box delivery In Mencheeler Association laid. It Is a Class C felony with a Kome, state police said. He was He currently Is a mamber ot 'Comedy Sports," a Q 'S|7 rwattw uyniAi w< 1^- vv...id rgm* fearveo maximum penalty ot 16 years In addittonally charged with driving Randra said this was against town lve the commission more time to eclde when it appeared the PEC Hartford-based improvlsatlonal group. 8B1, Manchester, 06040. prtBon and a $6,600 Rne. while Intoxicated at the time of hts standards, adding that the town § He Is suspected ot having driven arreit, and refuted to take a breath usually ends up maintaining the , might deny the proposal without hlo car kcroti the center line ot teat, itate police said. grass Islands prejudice MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Jmw U. IWT - » Feds decide to publish AIDS education booklet VaS a/ w oM bi B eu f I Reagan takes offensive on economy

«SsA# ^|i|S< A^yy tapertyheeald, ^ OiMNiMNi hoMf gIrHrldfKl hostage W. Date Nolaon reforms he called "an economic WASmUWOlf 0FV - CORW niT 9IF ^Wf^9w mRW mW 19 lvOi9^ wWw W 19 WWwW OTWv 19 WWWwj MHrMd HP WW^y Wm9m HP TIm Atfoclotod ProM BiU of RighU." pyggM dMadflb Bsvmc ARSS aadhea pnssMisw tee a IMtflUl onVBPMrr Iw m pOHvy rEW r* wn cmfrivs. aptdu/amam w9 9 ^9 Iffl^P 9^0 iwgy^wy/ INDfAHAPOUS ^ A gaMMiim am ampketamlaea rateeeed two Reagan’g apaach at a glanca Follorring the apeech. Demo­ 9IUUUV, V9 allBRUwMIipBV IIQfIRP ^arattea Mwww aadd reader ihe raew HMMil natkaS rnemag waaJatU M In tie aatd Pm traddat aaaia fdd MThr today , 12 Boars after Mixliie BNni. bat CMtfMMd to WASHINGTON - President cratic teadera In Congreaa attacked «xnw 9W9w^ H* w^^Sar fFMW mv WmWm C&f9&9 WOQRf Dv nationally broadcast address, de­ can start by gsttfng Con- Persian Gulf plana are decepUve. WIMF WmR RF iVMr UlmriA^ rf^OVt Rr FHRWllf^MMp^^^vWORRf ^9 ______§0f/n^ flhRi OOl^BVH^^w RF TINniV OTIfH^^» wwwn^w^ ^ ------^ AAAAfy. " I Bara a feoHag tBay Jaat ptoyad aa Bia aympatby aad were nted be left the Venice summit ''Pte had dkMw (CongimsMtMshi A m 9 99iAiia 9 ghgir CPO^PPsP agxs,ssxss:i gras to vota— ysa or no, u p Senate Majority Leader Robert dNees^ bet K*p. PHfMm FIFaF fIfffVlwWv mW mWw fl^vffVWEp Iowa," PoUeo CUot Peat A. Aaaaa aald after Cbaryl C. empty-handed and accused Con­ WBRFO^wP^e/ eF*wOPK r •W90W^9^9^r^9’ v do mahead____ a a d d eB /a n d mariehy Byrd, D-W.Va., eald the president’s ' flWMiRv Cdpilv Mr vVVFy NMNRRPIV g.-A.A. dAdjaadd^ ^ PmT gress of hampering world economic or down — on an amand- QRKMW mV nVOn IV QRs WVFv swR^Ra CRFW9. 19 liW 9^KWwC%we 0r v99 •9RP*' l^^99 g^91F »^9^9^^W99wW fW PVRh fWVw99 wy Broadaa aad BatB Graaaa wara fraad. budget picture “was likie his early ^ ^ A ( M^i^MAi MvwssgpuniU> IVPVH^^P 9* HV^9FVf V ^9911^^^91 ^91^M 9 Baaad oa Bfa Blatory of vlolanee aad aubataaoa abaaa." a balancad budgst.” y MiBPi ^di dddddi ^^dAdM^dg-Adt ^^A^d^drg^Md Hv WnH wHvHw* tHV HHHHHPWWW thamaalvaa from lb* deadly ; tum. I'm not certain he did it with (acts about the reaulta of elx yeare The FWhnk ^ ^ HleaRh SereHM' htad Seei^ e rrf MM R. E0 vm 9 0m 9 t RF m J 9 ^ 9 a S 9 y y IflllR IV VBi9 19 VffOCV IFT AmMw9 OVNWiPOw inMRWNHV. Tba tbfwa woman co-workara wara aaliad Monday and ware .. A

Declining dollar dumps labor costs Buamewa In Bnwf Lower wage hikes outpace major foreign producers RatM mixtii In T-blH aifctlonf WASHINGTON - IntsrMt rates on sBort-term TreasoiT Sv Mdft Yoncdy IflTBs averaging one-half to one- Skyrocketed nearly 43 percent in Factoring in the 1985-55 devalua­ Tfw ASMClotBd P rtss third the increases of Japan and Japan, 40 percent in West Ger­ ■ecuiitie* were mixed hi Monday's aoetion with rates M tion of the dollar, labor costs for three-month Mila rising while rates on six-month securities Western Europe became a source many, 33 percent in France and 19 both countries have increased a like WASHINGTON — Labor costa of of major concern. percent in Great Britain. 23 percent over the the past seven edged down slightly. THIS WAS poesnY neatness count The Treasury Dei^rtment sold |3-6hillion in three-month Mils WE LAST F0RANVTHIN6 ANYMORE?.' U.8. manufacturers plummeted "’There Isn’t a single statistic that "The exchange rate, not produc­ years. CHRISTMAS,SIR nearly 33 percent last year when alone measures a country’s com­ tivity, is what is determining our "The rising dollar really at an average dlacoont rate of 5.79 percent, up from 5.99 percent compared with those of major petitive posture, but if there was competitiveness,” said Gordon Ri­ creamed U.S, manufacturing,” last week. Another 15.5 Mllion was sold in six-month Mils at an industrial foreign competitors, lar­ one, growth In productivity would chards, an economist for the said Frank Levy, an economist at average discount ratf of 5.95 percent, down from 5.99 percent last gely due to the declining dollar, new come the closest,” Robert Ortner, National Association of the University of America. "Now week. government data shows. undersecretary of commerce, said Manufacturers. it’s turning around, and not a The rates on three-month Mils wero the highest since they sold Monday. "Side by side, there have been for 5.81 percent on June 1 while the rates on six-month Mils were PEAc M-FJZo MT But even minus the effects of the moment too soon. But there's a lot PiZOPeBTY 1^ PEALUr Although leas than the 4.5percent substantial increases in our produc­ of inertia and these things don’t the lowest since May 11, when they brought 5.74 percent. devalued dollar, the United States productivity increase of 1985, the tivity,'’ Richards said, citing the WIUP Tril$ YEAP / outpaced all of ita nine major happen in three minutes." The new discount rates understate the actual return to How stunt men get dressed In the morning. improved efficiency of U.S. manu­ willingness of U.S. labor unions to Ortner, Levy and other econo­ investors — 5.85 percent for three-month Mils with a 919,999Mil eompetitors in the International facturers in churning out goods last swap pay concessions for job market in both improving manu­ mists agreed that the devaluation selling for 99,855.99 and 6.24 percent for six-month Mils selling for year outpaced gains of 3.5 percent security in contrast to European of the dollar has performed a 99.699.20. facturing productivity and keeping (or Japan. 3.9 percent for Great unions. "But In terms of the effect "quick fix” for the United States’ THE QRIZZWELL8~ by Bill Schorr a lid on wages. Britain and 1.9 percent of West on competitiveness, it’s like com­ competitive posture. But they said The 3.5 percent increase in U.S. THE5E^TDU8IH6»Wft Germany and France. paring an elephant and a mouse.” that is not a good long-term solution Dollar holds on to Its new gains manufacturing efficiency in 1985 U.S. manufacturers increased ^yi5KHflWM6WHEM®VE . Since mid-1955, the dollar has because a declining currency also was more than twice the average hourly wages and benefits only 2.9 dropped more than 42 percent raises inflation. LONDON — The dollar held on to the new gains it has made in lii Improvement of major foreign percent, the lowest of any of the 10 against the Japanese yen, 38 recent days, opening little changed on European foreign producers, the Bureau of Latwr major industrial powers, with labor percent against the German deut- “Anyone who thinks that the exchanges today. Gold strengthened. Statistics said in a report Monday costs for each item of goods schemark, 19.5 percent against the dollar or protectionism will make Dealers said trading was lively but the dollar fell from highs comparing productivity and labor THi OHANTOM by LeefaHi S Sy Barry produced in 1985 down by an British pound and about 32 percent him competitive is deceiving him­ reached in New York Monday, apparently because of a large sale cost trends of 10 countries. average 0.5 percent. against the French franc. self," said Allen Sinai, chief econo­ of dollars by unidentified interests in the Far East. It was the first time in the 37 In contrast, hourly wages and That devaluation has enabled mist for Shearson-Lehman Bros. Dealers expected a quiet week on currency exchanges because U ------c iHTHBTWIB RBMEA186R ... . rwesw/o, years that the bureau has been OF MV «WNPFATHeR'e O M tP -) O 0H06T WHO ^ HAW,, i/ve? /MCMt; 7?WO O N AU ,,t unit labor costs measured in local U.S. manufacturers to bring labor "Japan and Germany certainly of a string of public holidays in Europe, including a two-day WTHBR, MANY WOWIPP6P APUKeOPgV/t.. making international comparisons currencies rose by 3.9 percent and cost Increases over the past seven don't think that way.” that U.S. manufacturing productiv­ shutdown Wednesday and Thursday in West Germany which was 0.7 percent, respectively, in Japan; years into sync with those of Japan. "Once a country becomes a likely to stifle trading until next week. ity improvements outpaced those of 8.1 percent and 5 percent in Great From 1979 through 1985, U.S. low-cost producer of high-quality ail nine major foreign competitors. In Tokyo, where trading ends before Europe's business day Britain; S. 1 percent and 3.1 percent manufacturing labor costs rose 24 items, it continues to capture begins, the dollar fell 0.40 yen to a closing 143.99. Later, in Because productivity improve­ in West Germany, and 4.8 percent percent while Japan's fell 14 market (or years, regardless of ments are the ultimate source for London, It was quoted at 144.10 yen. and 2.8 percent in France. percent (or each unit of output, what the dollar does," Sinai said. In London, the British pound was quoted at 91.5349, compared increases in "real" wages after But measured in U.S. dollar, largely because of the rising value “We've had tremendous improve­ CAPTAIN EASY ■ by Crook* A C a * ^ inflation and a rising standard of which fell sharply against major ment, but we're not yet the low-cost with 91.5332 Monday. of the dollar in relation to the yen Gold opened higher, pushed up by better closing prices in New N AKIP Y ASOUT WHAT? ABOUT HOW I COULP LIRE C'MON.LET'G 6ET7JEEZ. EAG-W t living, declining U.S. gains in the currencies, labor costs last year diirinv that period. producer." BEING SO I&OLATEP FROM BACK.TO THE 7 WIS'H THERE York. It had weakened in Europe Monday as the dollar YOU WERE b WILPERHEBB.'m WAGBOME- AMAZEP. PEOPLE. THING 1-H. strengthened. Banks face Knight-Ridder to tell book publisher BLONDIE by Daan Young B Stan Drake MIAMI - Knight-Ridder Inc. is selling HPBooks (or an undisclosed amount to Price-Stern-Sloan Publishers Inc. in a bad quarter deal that should be completed In July. Tuscon, Ariz.-based HPBooks publishes how-to books about such topics as cooking, gardening, photography, auto care, = 5 WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. banking health and fitness. The firm has some 390 titles currently in print. industry is facing its worst quarterly perfor­ Price-Sloan-Stem publishes a diversified line of children’s, mance in history as billions of dollars are humor and self-help books and produces electronic education drained into reserve funds to guard against aids, children’s videos and such novelty items as puzzles, games ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnaon Third World loan losses, federal regulators say More than 12.000 of the nation’s more than and posters. ICOULDtofTCOIIOfTOASTORE 14,000 banks are making a profit, according to Miami-based Knight-Ridder owns 32 daily newspapers, six AT MIDNIGHT ANPWV figures released by the Federal Deposit community newspapers, eight television stations and several J06T T6ILtT PAPER' Insurance Corp. on Monday. But reserves for business information services firms. Knight-Ridder also is a , potential defaults by Brazil and other develop­ partner in joint ventures in cable television and newsprint ing countries may more than offset those profits manufacturing. In the quarter now ending. On the PABTRACK by Bill Holbrook "The amounts they’re allocating for re­ serves, just in the second quarter, are so Carbide seeks court delay In India ^ H 6 I S ROSE TfeELLI^ tremendous that the aggregate net income (or NEW DELHI, India — Union Carbide Corp. on Monday applied W6 UULL Mow ' ‘ ■ the Industry will be around zero'' and could well to the Bhopal district court to adjourn legal proceedings until PiPHki- MUSIC be a net loss, said John Quinn of the FDIC’s October, the United News of India reported. research division. Union Carbide attorneys sought the adjournment on the FDIC Chairman William Seidman said It appears the quarter "will be the worst quarter grounds that petitions against the company for the 1984 Bhopal in history" (or the commercial banking gas leak that killed more than 2,300 people still were pending in industry, in both the rate and amount of the U.S. Supreme Court. earnings decline. The application stated it was not possible for Union Carbide to A loss would follow a record first quarter for defend itself in both courts at the same time, UNI reported. the banking industry. District Judge M. W. Deo has set June 22 as the next date for the The FDIC's regular quarterly report said the proceedings. 14,061 banks reporting data showed total net Petitions against Carbide by private Bhopal citizens and the 6 income of $5.29 billion for the three months Indian government are pending in the U.S. Supreme Court. Legal ending March 31, the largest profit ever for a proceedings are underway Judge Deo’s court in Bhopal. single quarter. The Indian government filed a $3 billion compensation suit The FDIC said 2,019 banks reported a loss in against Union Carbide In Bhopal for the toxic gas leak that killed the first quarter, down from 2,824 (or the year more than 2,300 people and injured more than 200,000 others. 1986. During the same period, however, there were 54 bank failures, also a record. Eighty-seven American Brands elects Alley a winner. That wasn’t bad thinking, as percent were west of the Mississippi River and GREENWICH — William J. Alley Monday was elected NORTH *-l*-B7 A good plan, far as it went. Unfortunately East won represented problems in the farm and oil belts. chairman and chief executive officer of American Brands Inc., 9Q J 10 6 4 2 the trump ace, immediately played A- And the number of delinquent loans Increased as far as it went Q of clubs and then got off lead with a THE BORN LOSER ■ by Art Sanaom the company announced. 9K 40.5 percent over the first quarter of 1986, from Alley, 57, succeeds Edward W. Whittemore, 64, who had held ♦ K 7 3 diamond. 54,375 to 76,422, the FDIC said. 46 4 3 By James Jacoby Declarer can do better than playing OAPV5'0 HEVEP^ Of more Immediate concern, however, are the positions since 1981. Whittemore, who has been ill the past for a defensive error. If the spade ace month, will remain on the board of directors, the company WEST AN jvALLOWAPlPTV the Third World reserves. In recent weeks, four EAST Students of chess know that a gam­ is alone, he has a reasonable chance, major lenders have set aside $5.5 billion in loss announced. 9 3 4 A bit involves the sacrifice of a piece to but he must employ the gambit of sac­ 0B 6IN A L ^ ^ t^PIC TU PE Alley had been vice chairman and chief operating officer. He • j to 9742 908653 reserves against their foreign loans. More ♦ 10 9 8 ♦J6S42 gain a positional advantage. Bridge rificing his third diamond trick. Let 'feRUBNIk" A n K j IMTHE banks are reported to be considering the bitter has been on the board of directors since 1979. 8K 10 9 4AQ has its gambits also, but you must be him play ace of diamonds, queen of di­ r a w pill. American Brands had consolidated sales of 98.5 billion in 1985. on the lookout for them. Today’s de­ amonds overtaking with dummy’s Us products include Carlton, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall and LET'lbO Citicorp on May. 19 set aside $3 billion against SOUTH clarer fell into the common trap of king, and ruff the third diamond. Now possible losses ot) loans to Brazil, and said it Tareyton cigarettes; Master locks; Sunshine crackers and 4 K 9 8 7 5 hasty play. He won the opening lead he can play a trump. The favorable HAVE FOP AP photo 9A would declare a 82.5 billion net loss for the cookies: and Titleist golf products. and right away led a trump. Of course club position, described above, en­ quarter as a result. Chase.Manhattan Corp., ♦ AQ his hope was that the defender win­ ables him to make the contract. AMEPe J 4 J 8 7 5 2 Burled alive Security Pacific Corp. and BankAmerica Corp. ning the spade ace would lead a dia­ J f followed suit in establishing reserves Vulnerable: East-West mond to his ace. He would then cash A new book by James Jacoby and his Dealer: South A back-hoe operator tosses another machine onto a pile of still-operable But Seidman said that once those actions are his queen of diamonds, get to dummy father, the late Oswald Jacoby, is now completed, bank performance should improve, The First Day Of My Summer with another trump, cash the diamond available at bookstores. It is "Jacoby amall business computers at a dump In northwestern Tokyo recently. and he predicted significant recovery during Weft North Blast South king and play a club. If either defender on Card Games, "published by Pharos FRANK AND ERNEST * by Bob Thave* Truckloads of the computers, which are becoming obsolete in as little as half 1 4 had a singleton club honor, or A-K, A- Books. the second half of the year. Vacation I Went lb Sylvan. Pass 4 4 Pass Pass Q or K-Q doubleton, then the defend­ a year, are regularly carried to the dump. Computer manufacturers extract The FDIC officials made the comments as Pass they released the first quarter report Summer 15 qq time to take a vacation from learning. In ers would be stym i^, unable to cash HOME LOAN^ l^lCE T/?Y - ^u t rare metals such as gold from the scrapped machines. (act. It may tre the best time to help your child catch up. Opening lead: • J out three club tricks and forced either The traditional gift for the 13th keep up and get ahead In school Our proven approach to give a stuff and a ruff or to overtake wedding anniversary is lace, but the u^lN<5 MY Ho/v\^ to learning has already helped thousands ol children a club honor and make declarer’s jack modern gifts are textiles and furs. In both remedial and enrichment education programs. T H I ^ m o n t h . In a stress-tree environment ol positive encourage­ ‘Street smarts’ important to managers ment and personal attention. Sylvan otters nationally recognized programs that are Individually tailored lor students of all ages and all abilities. Polly’s Pointers thereby neglecting Important ad­ kinds of problems measured by IQ TALLAHASSEE. Fla (AP) - business executives with Fortune • Complete dlannosilc lesilnn When It comes to business savvy, 500 corporations In their study, vice from others” tests." Wagner said 9 • tsar by MIA. ma Thavr^ &-IG Judging common sense has al­ "Tacit knowledge work-related • Individual Instruelimi in reading and math “street smart” managers appear which was released Monday Their Others who would like a copy of this poor-tasting milk. They must be fed to outshine those who were aca­ subjects agreed that IQ and scores ways been easier said than done praclical know-how Ibal Is ac­ • Positive reinfurceinem and rewards for Don’t use cleaners quired informally on Ibe Job Is the Issue should send |1 for each copy to grain both morning and night. It Is demic superstars in their younger from ability and achievement tests But Wagner and Sternberg have success POLLY’S POINTERS, In care of this also possible to fe ^ them too much do not necessarily predict manage­ develop^ to test to measure of aspect of street smarts that Is so on your fish tank WINTHROP A years, breaching a psychologi­ cents from Friday’s close. futures contracts, noted that trad­ organizations and determine what FOX Rim HALL cally important trading barrier. In two sessions since mid-May, ing volume had been about half of can lead to success They should p w Svivtn GLAarrONBURV CT Yet the move may atiil not carry the contract had reached prices of normal levels, as the market look to find people who are good at Laamlng 6S9-0400 remained in the doldrums awaiting managing themselves, others who ____ Catrtar. . much long-term significance, ana­ $20 or higher. But this was the first Ikcausc 8UCCCS8 begins with the lysts said Monday. time it stayed above that level since the outcome of the June 25 meeting are good at managing their tasks, <. 4«bncdapin8RorM5yi9ca|niW$ctv««nniiMiD> PEOPLE WHO k n o w of oil ministers of the Organization and those who are good at manag­ rr • r whw tiedri icwivWeiw » wiDdWei mrih know thort's »c«rtwn magic 1 1 1 1 W W W ■ ■ ■ # 1 1 At the New York Mercantile Jan. 28, 1986, when it closed at icomputnonoi A " about Classifiad Advtrtising. « A A Exchange, contracts for July deliv­ 920.17, said Mary Ann Matlock, of Petroleum Exporting Countries. ing others " he said. MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. June IS-1$*7 - II r B i iM t f .i h w t e h e Two In car llling counselor tops in state FOCUS

face chargea Cswriased from page 1 counseling as an escape from the classroom, bm that has changed with young people coming Into tlw fieiu, of drug use especially people with more training In counseling. O m Pf the hHMvatIvc prqj«ct« Pkelan ondertook was Phelan heads the "Child at Risk" co m m l^ M llling. The committee tries to provide support ana T w » men e to fiad oat what members of the school staff felt were the most important things counselors should be doing guidance for students who, while they are not in a _ 'OfMselon oT special education program of any kind, have some r r M « p In their contacts with stadents. She plans to follow op parapItenMife academic, social or personal difficulties. coimectiM wftft m hMMBiM fa pm that study by trying to determine what parents think parktaf kx of Harpo'a, a atglKdab guidance counselors should do. She said the students are sometimes in a temporary at Oakland St.. poHoa t iU . Phelan also organised and coordinated the produc­ crfMs or are establishing troublesome patterns that The men, Paol M. OJakiaa, 91, of tion of a brochure describing for parents the guidance have not yet been Identified. CheaMre. md John M. Maffno, 27, system hi Manchester school from Grades 7 to 12. The On the state level, Phelan recently c h a lr^ a brochure, distributed to students' parents entering the of Weat Hartford, were in a parked committee that has established criteria to car at the time of their arraat, Junior high schools, lists questions that parents Junior high school guidance programs. The critena police aaid. typically have and tells how to get in touch with the have been adopted by the Connecticut School person who can answer them. It also tells the White Marino waa ieanftig down, Counselor Association. OJaklan waa "looking aroond the procedures followed by guidance counselors in various Phelan is vice president of the association. She is also lot in a nervoua faahion aa if he waa situations. on the State Police Task Force for Drug and Alchohol acting an lookout.” aaid a police She said one objective of the brochure was to Abuse. She has been inducted Into the UConn chapter of report. Police aaid OJaklan waa improve the public image of guidance in schools. Phi Delta Kappa, an honorary educational leadership then aeen leaning down toward bia lap and mbhing hia noae. T H A T IM A G E HAS improved quite a lot in the recent fraternity. She lives at 38 Kinne Road in Glastonbury. Between OJakian and Marino, years, she said. Some years ago people saw guidance plice found a m irro r with powder 'reaidne. according to the report. A J aearch of OJaklan turned up a Petitioners want pubiic ciub J rolled-up dollar bill anda "blaater" — a device oaed to anort cocaine — Pickens has said women and with powder reaidue, police aaid. In Continued from page I and handicapped facilities. other groups are given exclusive Marino’a poaaeaaion, police found a The cost would be paid with an starting times. But he said this Is folded piece of paper containing a one In Blast Hartford, have also increase in yearly dues charged to done to better manage the targe amall quantity oif auapected co­ turned a profit. members, avoiding having the numbers of golfers that use the caine, police aaid. For their part, the Manchester town pay the cost, clqb officials Marino waa alao charged with Country Club's leaders have said have said. course. u they would like to make a number of The petition drive comes as Ogden has also said the club is not interfering with a police officer. u Harald photo by Pinto following the provisions of Its state Police aaid Marino atruggled with improvements to the course, total­ Hooker and a former club member, liquor license because it does not an officer who waa trying to ing about $500,000. if they had William Ogden, have complained serve two meals every day. handcuff him. Award-winning students assurances that the town would that the club violated its lease with Pickens, though, has said two OJakian and Marino were re- renew the lease. The improvements the town by setting up exclusive meats are available every day for leaaed on $1,000 non-aurety bonda. Sonya Samino and Norman VIttner, llling Junior High would Include a new, computerized blocks of playing time for women those who want them. They are to appear W e d n ^ a y In School students, recently received top honors in the sprinkler system, a new clubhouse during which men cannot play. Mancheater Superior Court. school awards assembly. VIttner received an award from the Sons of the American Revolution for good N citizenship. Semino was issued the National Gold Medal Warrant aought Citibank puiis out of S. Africa Armstrong, teacher and author of N — Scholastic Art Award. She was chosen for artistic In assault of cop achievement. Her work will be displayed in the IBM NEW YORK (AP) - Citibank, Citibank chairman John S. Reed leaving the white-minority ruled “Sounder,” talks with James Downing Qallery of Science and Art In New York from July 21 the biggest U.S. banking concern, said in a statement he "expressed nation at an accelerating pace. and Lauren Delaney, both students at Mancheater police are aeeking a announced today it is withdrawing regret at terminating the corpora­ More than 60 companies have left warrant for the arreat of a man who through August 1. from South Africa by selling its tion's presence In South Africa, South Africa in the past two years, Washington School. aaaaulted a police officer In an subsidiary In the racially divided which has had a positive effect upon most notably International Busi­ HereM pftelo by Pinto Incident Thuraday night in the nation. the environment within that ness Machines Corp. and General parking lot of Nathan Hale School, The New York-based banking country,” Motors Corp. police aaid. Obituaries giant said It had agreed to sell the The statement said Citibank felt Chris Ball, managing director of The officer waa Identified aa subsidiary. Citibank N.A. Ltd, to compelled to withdraw because First National, said the Citibank ‘Sounder’ author visits Jamea Nelawantger. Detalla of the the First National Bank of Southern "current constraints on Citicorp subsidiary would be maintained as incident, which la atilt under Donald W. Landry The funeral Is Thursday at 9:15 Africa Ltd., a former unit of have made it increasingly difficult an independent specialist bank inveatigation, were not available. a m. at the Dillon-Baxter Funeral Barclays Bank of Britain, which to meet the needs of Its South serving the large corporate Donald W. Landry. 53. of Por­ Home. 1276 Berlin Turnpike (Maple pulled out of South Africa in African clients in manner they have market, and all Its staff would be tland. died Monday at Middlesex Avenue Extension), Wethersfield, November. The sale was expected a right to expect." retained. 'Now, you in the fifth grade, you are eagies’ Memorial Hospital. He was the followed by a mass of Christian to be completed by the end of this Although Citibank’s operations in Ball said the subsidiary's profit Vernon man held husband of Donna M. (Gority) burial at 10 a.m. In St. Lawrence month. Citibank said. South Africa are relatively small, for the year ending Dec. 31 was not Landry and father of Sandra J O'Toole Church. Burial will be in The sale was valued at about $64.5 the company Joins a list of large expected to exceed about $4.47 By Nancy Pappas Moran. Washington’s reading In theft of auto (Landry) Bllotta of Manchester Cedar Hill Cemetery. Hartford. million at current exchange rates. U.S. corporations that have been million after taxes. Herald Reporter specialist, wanted an author to Besides his wife and daughter, he Police arreated a Vernon man Calling hours are Wednesday from Overall, the bank’s Citicorp par­ speak to all students in the upper Is survived by a granddaughter. Sunday in the Mancheater Parkade 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. ent had consolidated profit of $1.05 It ’s not often that an educator grades, rather than limiting the Ashley Ann Bilotta of Manchester; in connection with the theft of an billion, or $7.13 per share, in 1986. complains to children about his his parents. Amos and Hazel Memorial donations may be exposure to only those in the automobile from Eaat Hartford, Housing starts down (Daniels) Landry of Portland; two made to the Manchester Bicenten­ educational experiences. authors’ program. Many stu­ police aaid. nial Band Shell. P.O. Box 1673. But that’s Just what happened dents read “Sounder” and most Williann Peteraon, 21, waa brothers. Amos Landry Jr of WASHINGTON (AP) - Housing sharper declines of 3.8 percent In In Memorlam Manchester 06040. on F rid a y afternoon, when saw the 1972 film of “Sounder” charged with firat-degree larceny Brookfield. VI.. and Lowell Landry construction fell 2.7 percent in May, April and 5.9 percent In March and William Armstrong, a noted and poaaeaaion of a atolen regiatra- of Revere, Mass.; two sisters. Hilda the third consecutive monthly left building activity at its slowest In loving memory of Roberta M. before meeting Armstrong. Swanson of Cromwell and Melody tion plate. Police aaid Peteraon waa decline, the government reported pace since December 1984, when Muldoon who passed away June author and teacher of classics, Vecca of East Hampton; and David J. TInton At the beginning of the sitting In a IM l Lincoln with a today. housing was being constructed at 16th, 1984. history and literature at the several nieces and nephews assembly, Washington’s princi­ reglatratlon plate belonging to a David J. Tinson. 43, of 27 The Commerce Department said an annual rate of 1.61 million units. prestigious Kent School, epoke to The funeral is Wednesday at 9 A life is still a life for so long as pal, Ray Gardner, handed 198S Toyota, Princeton St., died Monday at construction of new homes and Analysts had expected May ac­ students at Washington School. a.m. at the Portland Memorial It remains unforgotten. certificates out to all who had Peteraon waa held on $8,000 caah Manchester Memorial Hospital af­ apartments declined to a season­ "I was unhappy for all the Funeral Home. 231 Main St . tivity to be weaker, reflecting the created original books. When bond and appeared Monday in ter a long illness. He was the son of ally adjusted annual rate of 1.62 Remembered Always, years I was in elementary Portland, followed by a mass of John C. and Jewel (Ordway) Tinson adverse impact of a sharp Jump in Husband, Children Arm strong got to the m icro­ Mancheater Superior Court. Hia million units last month. school," he told the third- Christian burial in St. Mary's of East Hartford mortgage rates this spring. and Grandchildren phone. he told the students, “ If caae waa continued to June 22. The May decrease followed even through sixth-graders assembled Church. Portland, at 10a.m. Burial He was born Oct. 20. 1943, In we had had anything like a will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. in the school’s gym . Hartford, and had been a Manches­ Young Author’s Conference back 6 Portland, with military honors ter resident for more than 15 years. "First, I was a runt. Second, I Police say teen in my day. It would have been 6 Calling hours are today from 7 to 9 He had been employed as a suffered from asthma terribly... wonderful. It would have been a p.m. quality-control manager with Scan- People used to laugh at me in took cop's case whole different world for m e.” Memorial donations may be Optics Co.. East Hartford, and had d a te because of m y loud made to the American Lung Associ­ Police arreated a Mancheater been with the company for 14 years. At fiteUtC) breathing,” said Armstrong, who He is known in his own school ation. 45 Ash St.. East Hartford teen-ager early Saturday morning He was a graduate of East Hartford is known to millions as the author to be a strict taskmaster with 06108. High School. Class of 1961. and was in connection with the theft of an of "Sounder.” "Not only that, but high expectations of himself and also a graduate of Ward School of officer’a briefcaae from a patrol I was the only person in the whole others. He is said to have hurled car. Mary C. Maccarone Electronics. school who wore thick glasses. a student’s stereo out a Wayne Holiingaworth, 17, of 37 Besides his parents, he is sur­ WE HAVE Mary C. (Marone) Maccarone vived by a brother. Arthur G. \ Boys never picked me to be on dormitory window because he Seaman Circle, waa charged with 85, formerly of Hartford, died Tinson of Vernon; and three EMERSON QUIET KOOL’ teams with them. In the was listening to music during third-degree burglary and aixth- Monday at a local convalescent nephews. mornings, I was always trying to study hours. degree larceny. hospital. She was the widow of The funeral is Wednesday at 1 tell my mother that I couldn’t A police officer waa returning to Urban Maccarone and mother of BEAT THE SUMMER p.m. at the Holmes Funeral Home. police headquartera after making a Ralph U. Maccarone of make it to school that d a y.” HE TO LD the Washington drunken-driving arreat on Griaaom 400 Main St. Burial will be In Cedar students that the responsibility Manchester. Hill Cemetery. Hartford. There are Road when he noticed that hia Besides her son, she Is survived ARMSTRONG, '72, spoke in a for education was theirs. no calling hours. HEAT WITH: briefcaae waa mlaaing from the ” You might be the biggest Jerk by two other sons, Justin S. Memorial donations may be low-key m anner about his days in patrol car’s front aeat. police aaid. Maccarone of Simsbury and Ar- SUN. a white-washed six-room school- in the sixth grade, but there Is When the officer returned to made to the East Hartford VIsItng mand A Maccarone of Rocky Hill; WhiteWsslinghouse CARRIER house in the Shenandoah Valley still something wonderful inside Griaaom Road, a witneaa identified Nurse Association. 70 Canterbury a brother, Ralph Marone of We­ of you, waiting to em erg e,"h e Holiingaworth aa the one who took St . East Hartford 06118. of V irginia. thersfield; five sisters. Margaret He also gave advice to students said. the briefcaae. police aaid. L«han of West Hartford, Nellie EMERSON' of the current generation. To help this "something The witneaa Identified Holiinga­ Battalino of Wethersfield Ella Robert J. Upton Jr. He said he understood that wonderful” along, he said, worth because of a cast he has on PlacentinI of Hartford, and Anna Robert J. Upton Jr., of 161 Deer his hand, police said. students must be proud of their Bredice and Antoinette Marone, Run Trail, husband of Donna WHITE- fifth-graders were pushed Hsrild pholo by Pinto Hollingsworth waa held on $1,000 school, read as much as possible, both of Bloomfield; II grandchild­ (Hart) Upton, died Monday at his around by big-shot sixth graders. bond and was to appear Monday in ren: and seven great­ home. WESTINGHOUSE He said that sixth graders were William Armstrong commands the attention of Washington School and listen to teachers. "Y o u r Mancheater Superior Court. grandchildren. Born in Hartford, he was a under pressure to excel. And he students, as he speaks about education. He spoke with the third- teachers are involved in an Manchester resident for 40 years. SANYO said third-graders should spend important artistic pursuit,” he He had once been employed by Cott more time listening to and loving through sixth-grade students on Friday. said. "Because the greatest work Beverage and was presently em­ their teachers — and less time of art in the world is to help in the Eighth directors want ployed with Blanchard and Ros- FRIEDRICH fooling around. that he sympathized with their H O W E V E R , he went on to tell bhoululi i t: lu oUci, iieights. shington School’s final activity In development of one beautiful setto of Manchester. He addressed each grade Eagles, they explain, can fly a semester-long project called person. But you must love them Besides his wife, he is survived by plight. a tale about an eagle whose egg separately, telling the others beautifully, but prairie chickens the Young Authors-Readers and listen to them, to make their a son. Robert J. Upton III of is accidentally placed in a prairie iand returned to them Carrier "Y o u don't have to listen, but you "Along about the fifth grade, chicken’s nest. He is raised cannot. Conference. Students who wish to work easier.” Hurlburt Field. Fla.; a daughter, "So the eagle, who had grown The Washington students Rebecca Ann Upton of Manchester; NEW S YEAR WARRANTY must reamin quiet.” Students you start to have troubles among prairie chickens, and participate must write and bind taxed by the Eighth District, which By Oeorae Lanyg a grandson, Robert J. Upton IV; W I STORE FOR A U DETAILS wearing baggy tropical-print because there are these big shot believes himself to be sim ply an up among prairie chickens, their own books. These books are applauded enthusiastically after Herald Reporter provides fire protection and sewer 9 and a granddaughter. Amanda shorts or skin-tight blue jeans sixth-graders who are bossing odd-looking member of the Hock. never got off the ground ."sa id shared with other students in the Armstrong was finished speak­ service to most of northern Man­ 9 Upton. nodded as if they completely you around, and now you’re too Armstrong. Now, you in the fifth school library. ing. " I liked the part where he Manchester's great land war chester, from the late 1970s up to The funeral Is Thursday at 10:18 understood what the bald big to pal around with the One day. said Armstrong, the grade, you are eagles. You’re not said all about that love stuff," continues. 1981. records show. a m. at the John F. Tierney Funeral gentleman in the madras string fourth-graders anymore, and young eagle looks up to see an prairie chickens. Don’t let IN M A N C H E S T E R , 400 said Kevin Viel, on the way out of On Monday, the Eighth Utilities In a letter to the Eighth District in Home. 219 W Center St., followed eagle soaring through the air. anyone tell you what you cannot students participated in the book the gym nasium . District Boai^ of Directors decided April, Vincent said some of the tie was saying. sometimes you don’t know by a mass of Christian burial at 11 5,000 UNITS He spent the most tim e with whether you’re going or coming. The young prairie chickens do.” project; 35 of these students were " I had happy tears because of to ask the town of Manchester to properties should hove rightfully a!m in St. Bartholomew's Church, the fifth-graders, telling them explain to the baby eagle that he Armstrong’s talk was Wa­ from Washington School. Donna him.” said Contessa Paterau. transfer some properties on Slater belonged to the town in the first Manchester. Burial will be in St. You have lots of troubles.” Street and Tolland Turnpike to the place. The error was discovered In James Cemetery. Calling hours are IN STOCK!! 8 Eighth District’s tax rolls, claiming 1982 when the town was putting its Wednesday from 2 to 4p.m. and 7 to 8 they were originally in the Eighth tax records on computer, he has 9 p.m District. said. Memorial donations may be Air Conditioner The decision came after Eighth Landers noted, though, that at a made to the American Heart District Treasurer Betty Sadloski meeting last week between negotia­ Television vignettes help tell the story of the Constitution Association. Values! said she examined the town’s tax tors from the town and Eighth Optional; We Install • We Deliver. of topics,” Servodidio said. records and found the properties in District, the town said that some All systems window thru-wall — By Bob Qvorchak coming out about the Constitution Is Tenn. Public broadcasting stations "They convey In layman’s terms survived 100 years,” he said. question had been part of one plot town property on Sheldon Road still Arthur F. Ru m b II the different parts and important "Th e re ’s a need to educate without size Thu Atioclatud Press stuffy and pompous. I wanted to in 187 cities are also airing the Also appearing in the "Constitu­ that waa Uxed by the Eighth belonged to the town, though it was Whole house any type, any footnotes to the Constitution. The doing It In a boring fashion." Arthur F. Russell, 48, of Vernon, house or apartment. We have the generalise it so everybody could "Constitution Minutes." tion Minutes” are E .G . Marshall, District. When that was subdivided, subdivided. husband of Nancy (LeBuffe) Rus­ learn,” said Lou Redo of Easton, The vignettes are playing at two more Information we can supply to Richard Morris, professor emeri­ Tony Randall, Robert Vaughn, BIQ selectlonll______PHILADELPHIA - Barbara tus at Columbia University, was a 7 though, the town apparently added "Th e y’re using the argument sell, died this morning at Rockville Walters U lks about the men who Pa., executive producer of the visitor centers In Philadelphia, our viewers the better we are and Lynn Redgrave, Paul Sorvino, 7 the better Informed our viewers consultant to the series and nar­ the lota to its tax rolls. both ways,” Landers complained. General Hospital. A§ Utual • ^ signed the U.S. Constitution. Ce­ series. where delegates from the original Jason Robards and others. If the town does not surrender the are,” said Farrell Meisel. director rated one of the minutes. He was “ Aa It was subdivided and given Besides his wife, he Is survived by leste Holm discusses women's " I ’m Interested In informing the colonies met 200 years ago to write LOWEST PRICES EVER of programming at WWOR, which also a consultant to CBS on the There’s this tidbit from George new numbers. It was scoffed up,” territory, the Eighth District might two daughters. Laurie A. Russell suffrage. Dick Cavett highlights brown baggers of this country what the 4,543-word document that uni­ reaches 20 million households. "Bicentennial Minutes,” a series Plimpton; "During four months of added Director Thomas E. Land­ take legal action, he said. and Lynn M. Russell, both of right here In Manchesterll colonial travel. George Plimpton the Constitution is all about. The ted a struggling, infant nation. "In an uncomplicated way, these that aired in 1978 during the ■earing heat, 55 men produced a ers, who first raised the matter last Vincent said this morning his Vernon; his mother, Bertha (Chad­ racalla the "four-month miracle.” people I like to reach are the people Reda also plans to sell the one-minute vignettes will give nation’s 200th birthday celebration. four-page document that was a November. department would consider making wick) Russell In N .H .; three They and other celebritiei nar­ who watch ‘Laverne and Shirley,” ' soundtracks to radio stations. everyone some Insight into what ' 'These are done as leafet as well,” daialing model of political theory The eight properties at issue are changes In the tax roles If the brothers, George and Donald Rus­ rate a oeriei of 26 one-minute ■aid Reds. "Th e way we produced them, it our nation stands for,” said Pat ■aid Morris. and practice. Among its revolution­ located below Interstate 84 near the Eighth District could provide a sell. both of N H.; and William television vignettes called "Consti­ Reda, the executive producer of doesn’t make any difference if you Servodidio, president of RKO "It will call attention to what the ary Innovations ware three co­ Intersection of Tolland Turnpike legal description of its borders. He Russell in Florida; a sister. Elaine tution Minutes” made tor the tOOth the CBS miniseries "The Blue And watch them or listen to them. The General. country was like, why the Constitu­ equal branches — the Oongraaa to and Slater Street. Town Assessor J. said that so far, only Imprecise Richardson of N.H.; and several anniveriary of the writing of the The G ray,” has sold the vignettes to message is there," Reda said. "This is one of the strongest ways tion was necessary to forge a union make the laws, the president to Richard Vincent said today the maps have been used that, because nieces and nephews. ______- . _ _ i-zmsMi framework of American WWOR in New York and RKO At WWOR, the vignettes are used HTSvein- m w u T I V ^ w n m . cms to use television. This will give and to what extent the ConatttuUon Implement them and the Supreme amount of tax money Involved Is not of their scale, do not clearly Calling hours at the John F. democracy. General stations K H J in Los as part of the noon newscast during .SUPER DISCOUNT CENTER III I « « o - m "SSL. i greater reach and cover a variety Is worth celebrating because it has Court to interpret them.” large, because they are mostly Indicate where ^ e line is. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. t«i auuMi “ 9 '**WSS ON/-8887 •nSSTJW “T oq much of the Information Angeles and W HBQ in Memphis. the bicentennial celebration. residential piw^rticr. He did not Center St., are Wednesday from 7 OFSH OMLYl MOW-TMURS TH. S • TUlS.«SD -SATjm • • FRL H i I • SUN. liM have - ‘•'t neure though. La Pas, Bolivia, has the wu.ld’s lu 9 p.m. Funeral and burial will be M any of the properties had been highest international airport. I.eld in New Hampshire. if - MANCHESTER HERALD. TuCTdav. June »«. 1W7 Seasoned travelers rate their favorite out-of-the-way places MANCHESTER BSRAtJk. Tawdav. Jvme U. m r - tt ELKHART, Ind. (AP> — Arecmt maintains its link to the past tions of folk culture; a Suwannee ral History Museum is a historical Ernest Warther, called "The addition to thousands of merchan­ Women ■arrcy of expertenced t w tH tn through Ita historic downtown area River tour boat; and the MP-foot showcase from the prefristorlc to World's Master Carver,” Include dise items, there's a large collec­ About Town from tbe U n lM Statoi and Canada and the many a vil War era homes Stephen Foster carillon tower. the present, with displays including the history of steam locomotives tion of Western memorabilia. baa apoiHgbted aoma favorite otrt- in the town. • Plymouth. Mass.; In addition dinosaur fossils, minerals and and ivory carvings portraying o Charleston, S.C.; The Charles­ oMbO'Way plaroa they have a Rockford, Mich.; Many of the to Plymouth Rock, site of the Indian artifacts. great events in American isto ^. ton Harbor tour covers historic Amvtli form now group allowed diacovered. buildings In the town, in western P t l^ m s ' landing, there Is the • Coinmbos, Ind.; The town of • Old Tucson, Tucson, Aris.;The forts. Charleston Naval Base’s V i» now forming Port 17 for Mmelierter tmd Membera of the Coachmen RV Michigan, date back to the lM«s. Town Wharf, from which genera­ armada of fighting ships, and M,MP residents is an architectural busy motion picture studio and ■urroamHng towns. Roquirwnente for momberi lifpnro Company owners’ club Hated a elegant homes of the historic Old There are weekend festivals and tions of fishermen have left for the center, distingnished by a high entertainment park offers daily bn hononrable diicharge and a gia year membarahip number of Interesting, though not the business district. Souires Street sea; Cranberry World Visitors concentration of contemporary ar­ guided tours. And five times a day. South city. fee. on subs well known, places not generally Center; the nymouth National The Coachmen Caravan, with 345 Square, offers visitors a variety of chitecture by world-famous'arcM- the Old Tucson repertory actors Mvea and children may participate in community thought of as trip destinations; mills, shops and restaurants. Wax Museum and a variety of local local chapters, represents more tects, designers and sculpture stage gun battles on Main Street. rancthMM. The meeting! are held on the lart a Galena, III.; Cited for its a Stepbm Poster State Folk wineries. melding with handsome Victorian than members who gather oh • Wall Drug, Wall, S.D.; Bil­ 21,000 W edn^ay of the month at 8 p.m. at the Army and WASHINGTON (AP) - Womrti unusual shops, historic buildings o Vernal, Utah; Home of the buildings. a regular basis to travel on group Culture Center, White Springs, lboards for miles east and west of Navy Club on Main Street. For more Information, call will havo the right to work abo«ml and homes, including the home of outings. In addition to taking trips Fla.; Highlights of the attraction Dinosaur Quarry and the Dinosaur o Warther Carvings, Dover, Wall exhort travelers to visit Wall <48-417$. submarines durtaigsentrinleMfhe President Ulysses 8. Grant. Galena Gardens and Museums. The Natu- on their own. include exhibits and demonstra- Ohio; The hand-carved works of Drug for a free glass of Ice water. In resvH of an order by Navy Secre­ tary James H. WebP, who waa VrMgo club tcorot onnoucnod critidied earlier for his views The Mancheater A.M . Bridge Club reaulte from June sgalnrt having women in military Advice 8 and June ll are; academies. North-South; 1, Ellen Goldberg— Irv Carlson; 2, Bev Webb on Monday ordered that Saunders — Sara Mendelsohn; S, Grayce £Aea — female technicians be allowed Eleanor Berggren. aboard submarines during sea East-West; 1, Eleanor O’Donnell — Mary Murphy; 2, trials to test new equipment. Frankie Brown — Lesly White; 3, Ann DeMartIn - The action came In the case of On Father’s Day, give from the heart Pamella M. Doviak CelH, a civilian Mollie limreck. North-South; I, John Greene — A1 Berrgren; 2, Hal engineering technician at the D E A R R E A D ­ Please print It once more for my had lost all interest in sex. "F ru s­ I^cal - Carol Lucal; 3. Peg Dunffeld - Mollie Portsmouth, N.H., Naval Shipyard J J trated” wants to know why. Let’s who had accused the Navy of aex ER S : This Sun­ beloved father. lim reck. day is Father’s FAITHFUL READER give him a few reasons; East-West; I, Mike Franklin — Tom Regan; 2, discrimination. Day. You’re 1. Does he bathe regularly? Virginia Petersen — Marion McCarthy; 3, Mary The Navy made clear that broke? Not to D E A R R E A D E R : The letter that 2. Does his breath turn her off? TIemey — Grace Barrett ^ I Webb’s ruling would apply to any worry. Here’s a D e a r A h h y meant so much to your father has 3. Does he wear clean clothes? similarly qualified woman. Webb declared that "female suggestion for a Abigail Van Buren been 'requested more than any 4. Does he consider her needs Father’s Day other. And here it Is: when having sexual relations? CroM offers programs civilian employees shall have full opportunity to embark in naval gift that won't 5. Does he consider her needs The Greater Hartford Red Cross is offering classes in Herifd pbefe by f vessels on non-operatlonal, short­ cost you a dime, D E A R A B B Y : I am the most when not having sexual relations? first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adult but will proba­ 6. Does he stimulate her desire term sea trials on the same basisas U U heartbroken person on earth. I and child victims at the Manchester chapter. THE DOWDS, LEFT, AND THE SCHEIBENPFLUQS male civilian employees," the bly be the best always found time to go every­ for sex with " I love you," “ You re The schedule includes; Firstaid for children. July 25, Navy said. gift your father where else but to see m y old. wonderful.” "You are all I need," Sa.m.toSp.m.; AdultCPR. July 14,6tol0p.m.; Infant .. . couples mark 50th anniversariss Ms. Celli said she will be pleased has ever received for any occasion. readers can see It. It may help them gray-haired parents. ’They sat before and after sex? CPR, July 13, 6 to 10 p.m.; Multimedia standard first if the Navy follows through on Its It doesn’t matter if you’re 8 years to see the light. home alone, loving me Just the 7 Does he remember special Aid, Ju ly K . 3 a.m. to 8 p.m. statement, but questions whether H old or 60, if you’re lucky enough to SAVANNAH SENIOR same. occasions? For more information, call 643-SI 11. have a father, sit down and write "Dear Abby: My father wrote to " It Is too late now to give them 8. Does he prevent her life from will. him a letter. It doesn’t have to be a you at least 12 years ago, and you those few hours of happiness I was becoming a bore? Two couples " I tend to be very guarded about literary masterpiece; Just a few put his letter in your column. You too selfish and too busy to give, and 9. Does he share the problems Strawbarry auppar plannad any statement the Navy makes N sentences telling him how much he printed it twice on request. M y now when I go to visit their graves that she has with the kids? about what it’s going to do," she N means to you. and why, will do. Of father had it framed, and when we and look at the green grass above 10. Does he consider her a The North United Methodist Church on Parker Street note double said. She said her attitude is, "O K , course. If you are In a chatty or brought him here to live with us. he them, I wonder If God will ever "lovemate," not Just a will host a strawberry supper on Saturday from 8 to let’s see you do it.” sentimental mood, go ahead and carried It In his hands for fear It forgive me for the heartaches I hou.sekeeper? 6; SO p.m. The menu Includes ham. potato salad, cole The annotmcement was unex­ express the thoughts you may have might be damaged or tost. must have caused them. If he will take a look at himself. slaw, baked beans, breads and strawberry shortcake. anniversary pected, because the Navy had been found difficult to verbalize. And "When he heard his letter had " I pray that you will print this, I ’m sure he can find plenty of love The cost Is $6 for adults and $2 for children under 12. preparing to fight such an order in when you sign It. be sure to add the been framed and hung In the chapel Abby. to tell those who still have and sex at home. Fo r reservations, call 049-3696 or 649-0136. federal court and because of date. Long after the neckties, of a cemetery, he said. ‘What a pity their parents to visit them and show SEX AT HOME AT 69 Webb’s previous opposition to the Phillip and M ary Dowd of Wells Street shirts, sweaters and wallets are it will be seen only by those for their love and respect while there is admission of women into military Braakfatt for dad and Susan and John Scheibenpflug of worn and discarded. I ’ll bet your whom it is too late. It would still time. For It is later than you academies. Webb expressed Ms School Street celebrated their 50th Father's Day letter will remain — accomplish more on the bulletin think. For Abby's booklet, "What Every Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2046 will offer a views on that subject In an article tucked away for safekeeping with boards of high schools and TO O L A T E ” Teen-Ager Ought to Know," send a Father’s Day breakfast with juice, pancakes and wedding anniversary on June 7. published before he became N avy ERIC°DAVIS The couples were married in a double the rest of Dad’s important papers. colleges." check or money order for $2,50 and sausage or ham on Sunday from 7 a.m. to noon. secretary. How do I know? Mine were. "Abby. he made me promise that DEAR ABBY: I can relate to the a long, stamped (39 cents), self- Admission is $2.80 per person. ceremony on June 2, 1937 at St. James Ms. Celli, with the backing of tbo after he died 1 would write to you wife who’s approaching 40 and addressed envelope to; Dear Abby, Church with the Rev. William P. Reidy American Civil Liberties Union, D E A R A B B Y : Please rerun the and ask you to run It again. announced to her husband ("F ru s ­ Teen Booklet. P.O. Box 447. Mount officiating. filed suit in U.S. District Court in AP pholo enclosed letter so your young “ He died one week ago at age 72. trated in Downers Grove” ) that she Morris. 111. 61054, Qlrit' aoclaty maata Until his retirement, Dowd worked at Portland, Maine, on March 20 to Pratt ll Whitney Small Tool In West The Girls’ Friendly Society Sponsors will have a enforce a ru lin g . by the Equal This baseball card, featuring Eric Davis of the Hartford, and his wife worked at the covered dish supper Friday at 6; 30 p.m . at the home of Employment Opportunity Commis­ Manchester Town Hall. Reds, could be had for a nickel two years ago. Now that M ary Frazier, 390 Burnham St. Members should bring sion that affirmed her right to go on Scheibenpflug was a construction Mr. E is a "pheenom," It’s selling In Manchester for $12. a covered dish, their own utensils, a foldingchairand a test runs by the submarines she Larynx cancer is often hard to treat foreman at Pratt k Whitney In East T V table helped overhaul. Hartford until his retirement. More than 120 people attended a Ms. Celli spent one week aboard DEAR D R . DEAR READER: Addison's dis­ development? Library offart programs dinner held In their honor at The Colony WEDDINQ DAY, JUNE 2, 1937 the submarine US8 Benjamin GOTT: My hus­ ease Is complete or partial failure of Vernon. the Dowds, left, and the Scheibenpfluge Franklin during sea trials In 1902, The Batter’s Box band had his voi- of the adrenal glands, which Mary Cheney Library Is offering summer programs Hosting the party were the Dowd's but was barred from another trial cebox removed manufacture several hormones DEAR READER: I cannot for children beginning June 26. A film series Is offered children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corso of flug also of Manchester. Scheibenpflug's, James Gleeson of run later that year. Navy officials and had a tra­ D r . G o t t that are necessary for health. answer precisely; It depends on the on Fridays at 10:30 a.m.: an Introduction to the Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dowd Members of the bridal party attending M anchei^r and the maid of honor, Mrs. said allowing women on board cheotomy. due Addison's disease usually has a type of surgery your grandson had. hanadicapped on July 2, a dog show Is July 9. and an of Florida and M r. and Mrs. Raymond the celebration were M r. and Mrs. John Chiarizio of Wethersfield. submarines would deprive male crew members of privacy and draws card fans to a malignant gradual onset; It produces wea­ If he re q u lr^ an operation to animal show sponsored by the Lutz Children's Museum Dowd of Colorado; and the Scheibenp- Dowd’s best man, Thomas Gleeson of A mass of Thanksgiving was held Peter Gott, M.D. impair the ship’s readiness. tumor. It’s been kness, weight loss, digestive distur­ relieve excess pressure in the brain on July 23. For more information, call the library at flug's children, Ruth Scheibenpflug of Manchester, and the maid of honor, June 7 at St. James Church. Webb’s decision will not change There is some nine months and bances. restlessness, depression because of swelling (hydrocepha­ 043-2471 Maine, Joan Scheibenpflug of Manches­ Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin of New Both couples have four the all-mate rule for operational new life at Man­ it still hasn't and a peculiar skin discoloration lus) . slow speech development ter and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schelbenp- York; and the best man for the grandchildren. chester Green healed yet. called bronzing. could be the result of the condition Haalth care for seniors offered deployments. with the opening Could he have Treatment is almost always Itself or some complication of of The Batter's Collectors* b e e n successful and involves the admin­ surgery. Your grandson’s pediatri­ COLUMBIA — Community Health Care Services Box If you have overradiated? istration of adrenal hormones — cian Is the logical person to ask Inc. will hold office hours on the following days for lost your paper­ C o m e r glucocorticoids and mineralocorti- about this. In any case, your blood pressure checks, tine tests, throat cultures and For Vietnamese translator, life is fairy tale 6 boy. you might D E A R R E A D E R : Cancers of the ment he was given. Ask your colds — In pill form. In addition, grandson might be helped by health guidance: 6 find him here, Russ MacKendrick larynx (voicebox) often are diffi­ husband's surgeon to make sure patients with this disease must special training or classes to aid his June 23, S; 30 to 10 a .m . at the agency office on Route 6 dickering with cult to treat because they can be that the wound is mending as It maintain a nutritious diet that is speech development. Again, the In Columbia. By Susan Okulo He graduated from Ohio University the proprietor highly malignant and require both should. high in protein and carbohydrates. pediatrician is your best resource. June 24, 2 to 3 p.m. at the Coventry Town Office Th t Associated Press after 2.6 years and became a teacher of Diane Donofrio. surgery and radiation therapy. The To give you more general infor­ Salt Intake may have to be Building. Vietnamese at the State Department. for a packet of use of X -ray treatment may affect mation. I am sending you a copy of monitored, because Addison's pa­ June 25, 1 to 2 p.m. at the Village Pharmacy in N EW H A V E N - Life has taken on the While In Washington, he became an aide baseball cards. normal tissue at the operative site, m y Health Report. Viruses and tients tend to lose excessive quanti­ Coventry. quality of a fairy tale these days for to a future South Vietnamese leader, What's with these cards anyway to Baseball Cards. ($4.95 from the slowing healing of the skin. With the Cancer, which tells about the latest ties of salt. The stress of infection, July 0, 1 to 2 p.m. at the Coventry Pharmacy In Huynh Sanh Thong, a translator and Ngo DInh Diem. and why the interest? They are House of Collectibles, 1900 premier new cobalt machines, radiothera­ discoveries In cancer research. surgery or injury will Increase the Coventry. editor of Vietnamese poetry. Thong declined an Invitation to return handy-sir.ed colored photos (nowa­ Row, Orlando. Fla. 32809.) pists can deliver highly focused Other readers who want a copy need for extra hormone replace­ HALL FOR RENT A well-child clinic will be held on Ju ly 16 from 8; 48 to Thong, 60, turned to translating the to Vietnam to continue working with days). of major leaguers. And The book has thousands of names beams of energy to kill cancer cells. should send $1 and their name and ment. Patients with Addison's For p«rlir«. itiowm. rercpliorn. II a.m. at the Andover Congregational Church in poetry of his native country Into English Diem, who took over the country in 1988. here's one that could be had for a and 100.000 prices. We learn about However, slow healing Is often a address to P.O. Box 91428, Cleve­ disease must be closely supervised rorrling*. Complele kilclien firililin. Andover for all preschool residents of Andover. in the 1970s when he had no job and when " I saw no future,” Thong said of the "O ld Judges” of 1886-90 and the Diem, who was assassinated in 1963. nickel two years ago — up to $12 consequence of this therapy. land. OH 44101-3428. Be sure to medically. larzr rnrloard parkins 1°'- Inquire: Columbia and Coventry to receive Immunizations and he felt he could take no side in the already. Tobacco. Candy & Gums, the "T fc I don't know whether your mention the title. routine physicals. By appointment only. controversy over the war in Vietnam. Thong left his State Department Job in It shows E ric Davis of the E " cards of 1909 to 1915. In 1933 husband received excessive radia­ D E A R DR . G O T T ; My 32-month Lithuanian Hali I For more information, call 228-9426. He soon won acclaim for making the the spring of 1950 after the Washington , whose specialty is came the Goudey Big League Gum tion therapy; however, I believe D E A R DR . G O T T ; M y son has old grandson says only "Dada” and 24 QOLWAY STHEET poetry accessible to the West. Post published his letter opposing pulling bark homers that have gone series. World War II stalled this this Is unlikely. Rather, he probably Addison's disease; his adrenal "Mama.” He had surgery twice MANCHESTER Earlier this month, he found that he American support f Diem.. cardomania — to start up again CMMIorateM. "M y boss told me to shut up. 1 over the fence. Seen it several times Is healing slowly because of the gland doesn’t function. Is there any before he was 4 months old. Could PtiOfW S4S-061S has won a no-strings-attached $395,000 on T V . (There ougta be a law!) with the Bowman series in 1948. The necessary and appropriate treat- help for this disease? this be causing his slow speech award from the Chicago-based John D. resigned Instead," he said. He is known In the simply Batter's Box has some Bowmans in and Catherine T. MacArthur He was fired from another Job ns “E .” as In "Hey, E, you're up." stock. Foundation. translating Vietnamese newsreels when M r. E can hit. throw and steal The real date to remember is " I took refuge In poetry,” Thong said his employer came under pressure from bases. He has so far survived the 1951. with the Topps Chewing Gum Monday in an Interview at Yale the CIA, Thong said. Jinx of a cover story In Sports Co. of Brooklyn coming on the University. "The amazing thing Is it In 1997, Thong came to Yale to teach Illustrated (May 29), where he is market. In recent years the field paid off for me. It is a kind of fairy tale... Vietnamese language. He also was mentioned in the same breath as has been shared by Topps. Donruss GET THEM WHILE I was a complete non-entity — no Ph.D. "completely engrossed in the fight Hank Aaron. Roberto Clemente and and Fleer. or anything." against communism," acting as a Willie Mays The Box can take care of our Thong was one of 32 people and the spokesman for some Washington Davis has been a pro ballplayer needs with these and also can offer only person in Connecticut to be named groups. He returned briefly to Vietnam m since 1980. Always good, but only bl colored posters and autographed THEY’RE HOT. as a MacArthur fellow. The 32 will in 1964 to act as a goverment press this year has he become a "phee­ . receive obligation-free, five-year sti­ official. nom." And. asexplalnedby Diane’s A free tip. Just remember you pends of between $30,000 and $76,000 a As protests against the Vietnam War co-worker, Jim Plante, whenever a read It here: for $20 at The Batter's year starting In July. escalated in the United States In the late player gets super hot his cards whiz Box you can pick up a ball signed by In a June 11 letter from the founda­ 1960s and early 1970s, Thong found he up In demand This hoopla Is soon the Red Sox rookie Ellis Burks, tion, Thong was told he will receive was unable to take a side. reflected in the pricing guides; who. in time, might Just make a $359,000 in quarterly installments over " I refused to demonstrate for one side Current Card Prices and the monkey out of the high-flying Mr. the next five years. or the other because I saw the issue as Baseball Card Monthly. E. The award recognizes Thong's trans­ AP photo very complex,” he said. Tbis last periodical comes from lating and editing, "which demonstrate The grant funding his Yale Job dried Dr. James ^ckett. the top-drawer Russ MacKendrick is a longtime your originality, dedication to creative Huynh Sanh Thong, director of the Yale Southeast Asian up in the 1970s, when U.S. interest in the maven. who has Just hit the sands Manchester resident who Is an pursuits and capacity for self- country ebbed along with the withdrawl 9 9 Refugee Project, grins as he describee hie reaction to the with The Official 1988 Price Guide anthority on collectibles. ^ 4 klf ill'll.i >»’(!,ill iji’ V'll direction," the letter said. of U.S. troops from Vietnam. “ Our hope Is that the award will announcement that he was awarded $350,000 from the " I lost my Job. I felt so bad about it provide you with a period of greater MacArthur Fellowship, commonly known as the "genius that I turned to poetry lor consolation,” freedom from financial and Institutional awards." he said. Thoughts constraints, during which you may He has supported himself since devote yourself more fully to your own humanities In Vietnam; and "The Vietnames history between 1371 and through his literary work and the grant ('. .-.lU't . • i. i.iri, A ,j'. creative endeavors.” Lac-Vlet Series," which publishes in 1421. supporting the refugee project. This week we are discussing the reliable power that is other than the Thong is best known for his English softcover works on Vietnamese history, He said the grant also will free him for Thong was nominated for the M acAr­ failures of fanaticisms of this language, literature, folklore, economy research and other translations. thur award by Yale political science 8 8 subject of hope in a seeming world translation of Nguyen Du’s "Th e Tale of Travel plans are heating up everywhere. Because of despair. Hope comes easy when world. Christian hope is sustained 8-Passenger Wagon Cadillac Sedan deVille Kieu," a classic early 10th century and politics. Thong called poetry a "most impor­ professor James C. Scott. He won the things are going well. However, by faith and love. These are the right now Avis is offering low rates on a wi(je variety Vietnamese narrative poem. He also Thong is the only staff member of the tant tool for understanding" Vietnam. lOSl H arry Benda Prise of the Associa­ among many despairing pessimr clues to realistic hope. By faith we of ‘Red hot’ cars from subcompacts to roomy has published a translation of 480 other refugee project publications, which are Folk poetry, especf^ly, reveals the tion for Asian Studies. ism seems to have taken over. grasp something of God’s ffdellty to poems in "The Heritage of Vietnamese funded by the Henry Luce Foundation. Vietnamese soul, he said. He prefers translation to writing *45- 8-passenger wagons to mini-vans and luxury original poetry. Especially those who take their humanity. -This prophetic faith per weekend day p e r d a y Poetry.” Both books were published by He types, edits and lays out the books. Thong came to the United States in clues for meaning from "the trends provides standards by which we sedans. Avis gives you confirmed reservations on the Yale University Press. He may use part of the MacArthur 1948 as a political refugee. An employee "There is so much to be done in of the American consulate, he had spent translation," he said. "When you talk of the times" feel themselves can discern the hopeless from the Beretta/Corsica Chevrolet Spectrum wagons. So you’re guaranteed to get one. As director of the Yale-ba:ied Sou­ grant to help in the publishing of 17 more volumes of "The Lac-Vlet Series.” Two a year in Jail for his role as a liaison with about world literature, you n e ^ trans­ caught In an apocalyptic moment. hopeful in a broken world. Love Our low daily, weekly and weekend rates are theast Asian Refugee Project. Thong Things fall apart. Families break sustains hope as well. Because we $9^ edits “The Vietnam Forum,” a twlce- of the first three volumes are poetry the anti-French underground move­ lation ... you have to master two 7 7 up. Job security Is threatened. know God’s love, we are driven to backed by Avis’ fast, friendly yearly publication concentrating on the translations and the third looks at ment in Vietnam. languages and two countries.” Racism, classism and sexism seem love our neighbor — even the p e r d a y/ p e r w e e k service every step of the way. demonically persistent and have neighbor who might be our enemy. So make your trip hotter by not been overcome. National polit­ In love we discover that nothing ics aeem to drift without moral worth doing can be accomplished renting from the company that tries harder. See your travel consultant for AV/S Group urges use of medicine for aiiergies, asthma rudder. Nuclear threat esculates. alone, that we must bond ourselves details. Or call Avis at 1-800-331-1212. Htrsid pholo by Tuekar shouldn’t be dying...Many people either black males, 41 pertwnt tor Mack Life loaes direction. Old religious to God and to other humans. In my dil(JilK>riai dc$y attef .3 (.onseuitive days By John Nolan to suffer and take unacceptable risks, tamales, 10 percent tor white malat and securitiee are revitalised from the experience as a prison chaplain, Tht Assoclottd Prats the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of don't take asthma or the allergic 33 percent tor white temalea, Remmy pulpit and only the fundamentalls- trying to get these thoughts ac­ America states. diseases seriously, and they should.” tlc Ayatollahs of the right and some cepted by inmates, was seemingly TalTBt the gevel CINCINNATI — Sufferers of asthma The national rate of asthma deaths On a less dramatic level, allergic says. "Th a t’s terriMe stutf.” ha adda. " It of the revolutionaries of the left a hopelass exerciae. More about and allergies who fail to take the increased by 23 percent from 1080 to disease! can mean chronic suflering tor victims and can keep young sufterera doesn’t have to be that way It the paopit seem fanatically certain. Chris- this tomorrow. Advance reservation requirements may apply Cars and Redrates are available at selected U S locations, hot. specific cars and rates subiect to availability Limited availability at these rates Teas Monson accepts the gavel as ailments seriously or seek treatment 1088, to 1.6 deaths per 100,000 people, can obtain proper care, either through tiaaa hope as they realistically SuperVaiue Weekend Rates available Thursday nOon to Monday midni|ht. Minimum makimum-day rental requirements and destination restrictions apply Blackout and surchmg*' president of the American Aeaociation of increase the risk of death, reports an says Richard Remmy, executive direc­ out of school. Remmy says 130 million Iieriods may apply Higher rates may apply in New ttork metro area Rales, terms and conditrons subject to change without notice These rates are nondiscountable and include a fre« tor of the foundation's Cincinnati school days were lost nationally In 1N8 their allergIM or through a univaraity accept theae facta of the world. Rev. Rasaell Camp mileage allowance Additional per mile charge in e*cess of this allowance. Refueling service charge, taies, optional COW RAl and PEP not included Standard Avis age. driver and Retired Persona, Chapter 2300, after organiiation that is promoting aware­ chapter. because of asthma and other allergic allergy treatment center with a medical Chrlatian hope is rooted in a Priaaa ChaplalB, Ret. credit requirements apply. Rates higher tor drivers under 2S. i 1967 WiaardCo.. Inc. serving on the group’s board of directors ness of the problem. With the improved medical treatment "Th a t’s staggering.” Remmy says. diseases. card." . t« w d w . * m e » . \ m Tw cM lavfV SPORTS

S :O O P M (ieeW f tiMir smf TssNsr PMKdOrtsn.t A J O B fO m HtMXjlMOVW; TlwdaMorNiwnranW Stir M k t a tOM irs art* atatgiMd itw haaw- rMu* talk dSantOytOp a Nait Spinks answers question, now wants Tyson or fonr«a* guarding tha Aagaah SM . Orapory Faelr. ttaddte (Cytn David Mvan. Anthorty Outhh. 1961. atiephefO) deS» 6y Berry 'HWtat evew he waen’t tote whfeh ewet did vOvTFEy, Wlfv W8W IHv IBf IBIUI0 6 :0 0 P M (X (X) (S DMiv* t0mi mn tSesed TM ASOCUdtd PfMi (he damage. InvfF 0l 8 twCWW CDDfWtaWa Company ItptttXman and m ‘T thMR N wgg a feff hook or « V tw C 8t Woof VCivOTlFilsl Iv o^FIIRv^ (X 84a(T HoMsmi pot(i4gfi4dtn ATLANTIC Ciry. N J. - Mf- right outgfde hook that ffrgf dated MghfiAg (he IffyMMe M«fi. O Qtmma a SttaaK tht "SomewtttTe SRifikg sMwtrtd (fottikm Mm. I shook Mm ftp with Jahg or (he “I didii't iee! i ftUd waMed fo rni (0 AnpM VrtdetttieMn- abmrt Mg crtdtntlaU as a fwavy- otrtgfde right himdg or gtrafght atetitid the rfog.” BMoko Mifd. (8 booiorWho how" epSode wtfgM fht ktgf way any htarvy- rightg. 1 wag hfttfhg Mm hard, but 1 wanted tehe there imdtMhe there. 8 CharSa'a Anpata ABC's "Moon- wafght can — with paw&r pnnnMng wae gurprlged he wetrt d&wfi." When he punched, 1 wanted ie he 8 Outnoy iMMifM/' agafngf tfw pow&r fnmcfier m In Mg two IBF title fightg with gene. 1 had to make Gerry ndea." 8 Saportar 41 yagfartfay. Nnw ht mtigt rfn M again Larry Molmeg, BpMkg ghowed ffttfe WMeh he did. Cooooy etmeeted M K t t d . (B ) iMaoNaH / Lahrar Nawahour againgl fha pnwtrfmnchtr of (Mlay. er. Ag a Hght heavyweight, he on only 88 of 228 puo«h«8, foelodfflg ®D Pama (60 min ) If ho gaocootfg in that, fhoro will D It knockoutg, hut the (fiteatkii fuM ffte of 28 in the tlnal round. CHECK IISTINGS Whan a rain- bo no dfgfniflng Mg claim ag world wag. could he Mt like a heavy- Cooney never could trap Bpfnk* (MS] MOVI6: 'Plutaman' FO* EXACT TIME makar whh a aaemingiy mapical Suia champion. wefgM? Agk Cooney, when and if he on (he r«Mg or In (ho comor. brings an and to a proiongisd drought in an Miko Tygon owng fho World decldeg lo talk ahouf It. Cooney did land acme good letta In Australian community and is than daniad Boxing Aggoclatlon and World “Ifeh, wHhmytahandMflingoff the ttrird rcand, hot ectiidn'l lake j piwment. ha plays a haunting tuna that advantage llplnk«' causas all the town's children to rSsap- Boxing Council tiflog. Spinkg hag my Jah. I knew l could get him,” et a art ever paar John Jarrat. Emil Minty 1983 only hlg own claim to (ho (Iflo altor a Sfdnkg said "It wag working very right eye. vory Impfogglyo boating of lavated good 1 had a gure ghof throughout It wag Spinkg who did the (ESPN] Sportatook 8:30PM X 8 O row lng Ratn* (C C ) 8 Hogtn't Haroe* (USA] Cartoons C»fol hs* no d»t* for the winter formal (R) ® N a w » Ooffy Coonoy on Monday night. the light." punighittg. [C N N ] Sport* tonigfit Spinkg knockod down Coonoy Spinkg will he anything hut a gure ”1 fought gmart,” he gald. "The 6:30PM CE) too Ciosa for ComSort 9:00PM X M OVfE: Badg* of tfM A (- twloo hoforo gtopping Mm in (ho ghot agafngf Tygon, who he wag ropea were really the place he ( X (S i A S C N o w * icci sessin' Baaed on the actual coast-fo-coast [DfS] MOVIE: 'Dan0*rou* Whao Wat' The glory campaign of an unrelenting asaiatant dis­ An Arkansas girl, who is plsnnning to fifth round. For Spinkg, (ho firgt accuged of ducking to fight Cooney. wanted me to he. Me cut the ring en (H) Banaon trict attorney (o apprehend the killers of swim Itia English chsnnal, falls in lova wilh IlgM hoayywolght ohamplon ovor Now Spinkg wilt have to wait for me good, but he couldn't do what he of groon ® 9 C T V two New York Coy cops (May be pre­ a Franch champagne salesman Esther to movo up and (ako (no heavy­ Tygon, and It prohahly will be at wanted with It. 8 Uvama S Bhirlay empted for game seven of the NBA Playoff Wtlliams, Fernando Lemas, Jack Caraon. Finals. Boston Celtics at Los Angeles Lak­ 1953 weight crown. It matched (ho kind leagt a year. “ft took me a tong time to map out MIehMf Chamberland, of 8 8 N B C N a w * ers I James Woods. YaphetKotfo, 19B5. [E B FN ] BportaCarrtar of punching power more aggoclatod Tygon lg committed to fighting how 1 would fight Oerry. t didn't u Nightly BusMos* Baport (B) Covantry, proudly holda a 8 with Tygon — and, for (hat matter, international Boxing Federation watch one film. I knew I wouldn't 8 Notielaro Univtsion C D Moonftght irrg (C C ) A leprechaun 11:40PM [MAX] MOVIE: 'M.O.t.g.' ohaok givan fo him by tha A awtngirrg aofofity is dadicatad to afiatrng (ho reluctant warrior Coonoy, champion Tony Tucker, who Spinkg get much out of geetng all theee (CNN] Bhowbiz Today asks Maddte and David to safe^ard her Spinkg. 3«. landed 182 of 278 refuged to meet en route to the knockoutg. It would frighten nte a pot of gold (60 min.) (R) avaty guy on campus Susan K y a f. Ltsa Martehaatar Qardan Club [ESPN] N BA Today Lpndpn, Pamafa Jaan Bryant. .1979 Raiad punchog. Including a devaatatlagM heavyweight unification ghowdown little Ml." ( H Wime Nefson wWh Rary Chaidea From R Scholarship Fund. Cham> (HSO] MOVIE: 'Bananas' A daydream­ Austin, Texas; This concert features the of 101 In the fifth round. Mo againgl tygon. That led the IBF to But Spinkg wagn't being overly barland, a Junior at tha ing products tester heads lo t a mythical songs “ T o All the Girls I've Loved Before," 12:00AM X Taxi gtaggorod Cooney with a vlcloug gtrlp Spinkg of the title, tygon algo detengive. In fact, he cotialdefed It S c ^ h American country to become a “ Whiskey River," “ Seven Spanish An­ macho ravolutionafy leader W oody Allen, X 8 A tk Or. Ruth (CC) right hand after Cooney miggod a hag two other boutg planned, critical that he. the boxer, he the Unlvarslty of Connacticut In gels," “ Georgia on My Mind" and more gtarting In the fall with 1884 aggreggor. the puncher. Louise Lasser. Carlos Montalban 1971 (60 mm.) X Carmori looping loft hook. And Spinkg kept Storrs, la tha raoiplant of tha Rated PG battering (he rugty Coonoy. who Olympian Tyrell BIggg. “1 wagn’t thinking declglon,” he N ® MOVfE: 'Crfme of Innocence' ® Star Trafc scholarship to further his 7:00PM IX C B B Navy* (C C ) An exploration of the imperfect re­ ® Tafaa of fha Unaxpaotad had fought only goven roundg In ”lt’g Importantnportant foifor ug to fight gald. X ® 8 M 'A 'B 'H form system that allows delinquent youths 8 MOVIE: Taka tfia High Ground' Af throe fightg In five yearg, with a Mm.” Spitiinkg gald of the 20-year-old Cooney wag “dlgguited and dla- education in horticulture. At. to be jailed and face (ho risk of exploitation X Whaal of Portona (CC) ler years of molding young recruits imo gorlog Of rightg and gome hard loftg. Tygon, “1”I don’t give _ away any fight appolnted.” with hlg performance, UConn, ha Is majoring in m adult prisons Andy Griffith, Diane Ladd t o u ^ fighting men, a sergeani requaita Twice, Cooney went down from piang. i’ll flghl like 1 fight everyb- according to gpokegmati ttich ttoae. X B100.000 Pyramid 1985 (R) (In Stereo) biology with an emphasis combat duty Richard Widmark. Karl Mal­ rightg; twice he got up only to find ody elge — with alt my heart and After go few fIgMg glnce loalng to ® Jaffaraons 1CC| Part 1 of 4 (jS f) Fronfflne (C C ) In this look at the den, Elaine Stewart 1963 Spinkg walling to hit him gome gutg,” Molmeg In a WBC title bout In 1882 on botany. ® Baat of Saturday Night contemporary black church, Roger Wilkins 8 Consumar Olacount Natwork profiles (wo Chicago churches ■■ Trinity more. Spinkg gald Cooney ghowed thoge and alter guch a weak ahowlttg Whaal of Eortune 8 ABrad Httehcock Praianta H«r

MAWCHEgTER WWULP. IW iitor. Ja m M. W r- It..

K IT‘IT CARLYLE ®by Lorry WrlgM ll--_IIAWCHEgTER HERAU). H m d «. .Iww M. 1W7

I IhlNKlTli XfW£ 'Tb'TfelM CLASSIFIED ADS 643-27|l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 VoOR NAIUS>, Netices SvtintH Prootrlv...... Enftrfofnm«nt ...... Form SvDpfios ond foulomont.. Httoff Proatfiv ioohkMDiAD/incom« Tox Offico/MotoH Eowfomonf...... a«res; iraseovt; WctnttotriMaaarMr. Loat/Xoune...... 01 Mtrfeoett...... Corptntry/RtmotftMrttf Mocroofionot tosHpmonf...... 7 M tv eoiff; ZS ctnft Mr IIM oar eat. FfTMIIOIa...... M wonfta ta Suv...... PomikiD/PoiMriGD...... •oota ond AAorino Eoufonsonf .. SI ft SS Mv«: se etiiM Mr Uiw *«r Mr. AiHMwncmMfitf...... M Ahuoicof itoim...... SS tr mart Mvt: M eonfi Mr Him mt Mv. h o tiC M N R P WANTED AiKiiem. .•...... M OoGfino/SidiRo ...... : 4 Mm. |NaP WANTED NELPWANTBI IHELP WONTED HELP WANTED [ID NELP WANTED lElPWAIITBI rinoiKlal...... OS Rdfltols P lo o rin o ...... ComoroR ond Pftoto Coufomonf. flGGm« I6f M«nf...... Clpctrlcof ...... Fotf ond SvdoffOR...... Aa a MndHloft praeadMtie Hootlno/^iumblno MiKotionoovt for Solo...... OfBTAlRTIIdrTemwm TIRE Changer. Fulltime, ffiRlNoT^ovarnmenf MEDICAL Raeapftonisf. ■mptoymant A Educotton Aaorfmanf* for M«nf..... Ml6C6Mon««VS SQfViCM Too SOlOf...... bt ouMMliM TimMv ffirtusn SofurMv. IM Ww Hoeawianf af ony odvar- Ccntfomlnlumt for Mtnf.. Wonfod to Ouv/Trodt ...... MoMfM w noon on Itw Mv stftrt eiMMottan. iMna In Ifw MwKhMtar Ha­ onf port time opening no experience neces­ lobs, your area. Immtdloto oponina. HDfOWonfBd...... 11 Homtvfof ...... StrvkM Wontttf ...... 815,000-868,000. Coll Moturo porton for busy Sftvoflon WOfftAtf...... 12 UorofOfnco iaoto...... for or.tniit mtntj fo bt pvWMfiM MtnMv. mid, Advarflaar Karabv for person to partorm a sary. Uniforms, voco- OPENINGS available. Ilw MoFMt W S:SS b.m. on PrMov. aaraaa ta pratact, Indamnlfy vorlefy of kitchen flon tlmo, medical in- (602) 838-8885. Exten­ phytlclon’i offico In ■uflMfi OpDGrtuflItiPt...... 12 ffotorf ProoorU...... MwrchomllM Full and part ffma. Wa Rockvillo. Mutt ba obit iMfrucflofl...... M Intfvtfrlol Proaorfr...... HoMdoy/Scotonol Automotive and bald barmlat* ItM Man- tosks. Oraot hours for suronce. Apply In sion 775. tmpfovm«f>f $«rvtc«f...... 15 OGTODM 0 0 4 ttG f «• # ...... MXa VOUM AO. CMHlfltd odvtrflttmMft Mt diaatar Harald, Hs afflcart are looking for dapan- fo daol wall with pao- AnflouM ond CoMdctibItt Cort lor Salt...... Mktn bv WltbWont at a etnvtnttnet. Tlw high school student. person: Tiros Interno- .. ftoommofM Wonttd...... C le th in M ...... Truckt/vont lor Salt...... and ammavaat aoalnat any Coll Manchester dabla help with flaxfbla pla. Hours Monday- Wonfpd to fl6nf...... Monctmftr twroM M rttoontlblt Mr only ana oifid all liability, la«* or flonal, 11*5 Tolland hours up fo 86.50 fo Real Istote P u rn lfu rt...... Comotrt/Trolltrt...... inctrrttt inttrtlan on* won tmv Str Wit Mi *> Manor at 646-0128. Tpke, Manchester. Frldoy, 12-6pm and ov- TV/$f«r«o/AbpM onc*9 .. Motercvcltt/MtotOi...... •nt ortolnal Initrllon. Srrtrs wMcb M not anaanM, Includina attar- start for those who orv ofhar Soturdoy 9-2. HOfiMt for Saw ...... 21 StrvICM Mochlnary ond Tools. Aulo Strvicn...... wtttn Itit voiut of flit ua.tftlitn>tnt wfN not naya' faat, arltlna from Pa r t Time sacr^ory. ACCOUn Ys Receivable $ •// Your Car auallfy. Looking for Plooto coll Donna of Ce«Memlnlum< for Salt.... 22 Lown ond Gordon ..... Ai/lot ftr Ktm/Ltatt...... bt earrtefta bv on oOdlflonal Inttruoii. dolmt of unfair troda proetl- and. billing. Manches­ Lott/Lonafor Salt...... 22 CRHOCOf*...... Good Thinos to Eot Mltctllonttut Aufomollvt . Hours 8-1pm. Excallant cooks, bus p top it dls- 071-1545 fo r fu rfha r 24j CI«or>ln« S«rvlCM Fuoi OlkCoot/Pirowood . Wofilta to Suv/Troot cat, Infrlnaamant of troda- ter doctor's office, 40 invttlmtm Prootrly ------martw, troda namaa or pot- benefits. General of­ hwoshsrs. Must bo Information. anta, violation of riobta of fice work, pleasant hour week. Benefits *15 anergeflc and sniov MAINTENANCE. Full privacy and Infrlnaamant ot working environment. Include medical Insu­ 4 Ling* — 10 Day* public contact. Bo- tlmo position ovallablo capyrlabt and propriatory Immediate opening. rance and life Insu­ 50* charge, each addi­ nanzo Family Restau­ I alon to aaalat with bathing and dreaaing. | rance, paid holidays rant, 240 Sponcar for Indopondont to ll rlplita, unfair compatitlon Vernon/Tollond line. tional line. You can stortor. Alfornoto wta- • t6a7byMA.lns * and llbal and alandar, wMch Coll Jan foranappolnt- and paid vacation. Coll Straat, Manchester. $ Soma ovarnight travel Involved. Apply g M0RTBA8E8 | K ] j 8 i s r * may raault from tha publica­ 646-4576.______oanoal at any tima. kondt roqulrod. Appli­ ment. 872-1200.______EOE. ______cants should hovt ox- I In writing to; tion of any advortlamont In f^ACTORY work ovallo- SORRY, HOUSdKEEpgR. Imma- DU8IN B> A l ERVICE DIRECTDRY tba Monchaatar Harald by SECRETARIAL. Part NO REFUNDS OR porlonco and ability In NO PAYMENTS mu: time permanent poal- ble. Full tlmo or dlofa full time position all atpoeft of molnto- dtoMMbHMMMbHMMISI pllonces, 3rd ftoer. odvartlaar, Includino odvar- ADJUSTMENTS DIvilion of Rihibllltitlon Services up to 2 years. Kiss your fl- Adults preferred. S«- tlaamanta In any fraa dlatrl- tlon International dls- summer help. Must be available for parson nanco Includino gon- P u zzle s B fiiiniA iiin nondal dlfflcvltles eeedbv*. butlon publlcotlona pub- trubutor/sales organi­ 18 or older. Sorting at CALL HERALD w ith sxpsriancs In oral rtpolrt, pointing, eoo Agylum Avanu* > Avoid feraclasura. Coteh up curfty and references. J llabad by tha Manchaatar 85 per hour. Contact houssktsplng. Excsl- 643-5I-S363,<, 6464113. zation. Looking for carptnfry, macbonl- pn lota peymants such es first Harald. Panny Slaffart, John Bonavlge, 647- Isnt starting rota and Hartford, CT 06108 dubllahar. ' experienced person. CLASSIFIED cal/tltcfrlcol tysfomt. 004** 00000004*00/ or sacend mortceea or avan 12-S, Monday through 1431.______benefits. Call Man- Compoftfivo salary K ATTN: Buraau Chlaf. BCS „ A ntw tr ta Prtvioiw PunW autstandin* cradlt Cdrd Mils. chssfsr Manor. 646- ACROSS 44 T in lh month D l U V l R I N e Kaap yavr hama fraa and Friday for general of­ 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 and bonefift Including (4bbi.) snnc] Gnn Goion m rmwwo^ MM ^ evv«4 a yUmrrfPj bvtidfne. Tha RMRBIT LOST fice duties Includino 0129. hoolfh Inturonco and 1 Can. prov. 41 kintr Iprtf.) Rica farm leaatr f yaris. doer without Hans. Rod THE 4 Evil slant SfDCICJ QQB QDOQ 6re- poanMima* AND FOUND phones, and word pro- pontlon plan. Apply In 4 3 ______87>e(us lex. gefiit aravsi. cradlt or lata povmant his­ S B tt tb t ll ::nDQ □□□ □□□!! ^ lass.------Caff erter VERNON. 1 bedroom, cesalng. Good typing BROWNSTONE Conttnictlon ptrson Mondoy- Luey tm wi^Wi tory Is not a proMam. Kindly 2nd floor. 8475. S*cur- NURSE Aides. Training gitvt 4 7 D tid olty (2 □nn □□□[!]□ □□□ weafcdevs. *434269. call; LOST on 6/7/87. Cantor skills are essential. Friday, 10am-4, Rock­ 12 M int Itv and rotoroncos., 521- class starting soon. w dt.) cionna GiDmDGDn 0 H m i M t O f l - Call JudI at 871-0401. Company w o fk ttr h ir s 443-9104 Tha Swiss Sprlnga Park. Gray DINER You w ill be paid while villo Mamorlol Nurs­ MANUFACTURING 40 0v4r|po4t) lUDI!] o n a D D D O A Coned. m nF 9533 or 6664637. union (tMir.) Consarvotlv# Group u floor cat, rod collar LPN-Fluoreaceln Anglo- you learn, plus receive Uoklag for paraga for ing Homo, 22 South 41 Arohittet □ o n GEID J F A IM T H ia wv¥wvi cone ihiq fv* block laoah. Burt. Vary grapher. Involves I.V. 937 Cmtir Striot free meals. Taking ap­ Stroat, Rockvillt. OPPORTUNITIES 13 A e to r____ GOO □ □ □ fdfrt. Tea euellfv 1-4S4-44B4 or much mlaaad. Contact dlvarilflgg datlas, (/ N ttl Osi^retea, W Infection and photo­ Minehoitir, CT plications for full or L06k in 6 for rasponsl- If you a rt looking for a friendly work envir­ 14 South S t n 4t4fln4n □ □ □ Btorifif «Md aSa im im a m m m ^ MS4-1SM FDR RENT Manchaatar PIra Da- graphy. Willing to part time Certified BNNt bav# gaad 4rfvlaf blo and doptndablo onment where you will be treated with res­ ttWiotl 42MMI04I !zcioGDnc] DGaai] MZIWf ▼WMTteffIMe' MPoi* PM*IOTPP> MHnMI MMHMPfli BMW Bortmtnt. train. Starting salary D6040 Nurse Aides for all person. Ganerol moln- 15 lincoln'i proph4t □an □□□□□ □□□ raeanl aaS ba rallaMg. pect these poeltlone will Interest you. We 43 Buddhitm erencea avaiieaie, ML •MNIlMii. CMUor COVENTRY. Chorming 4 816,000. 646-7704. (Und0r N0W shifts. Earn a high rate tononce man. Mutt nlchnim t □□□□ □□□ GGDG PMMfWd aetfvNfaa o m § 0 9 '4 4 9 1 room houso for rent on Exeallgat FalMbaa p*- have Immediate openings In an expanding IS At ountur of lyp * toiolMt. 4niek a oMmxv. bpportunity tor 2 of pay plus bonus work wtokendt, and 44 TtWvlilon OOIZIG OBQ □ □ □ □ lu i^ ifieiuaea. m - . FREiianiiATg IFOR RENT Cdvontry Loko. En-. GT] 6600 M0n0g0m0nt) sMaa far gaMaa baad manufacturing facility. VMitI MUffMI IQMMRQMt FfM) HELP WANTED students to work part hours. For more Infor­ floxiblo hours. Glas­ IS Orttk dititot •w ild □ □ □ □ CIIDD DQCaQ K M L iiin a closod porch. Corner- Waltrgsses wantedl mation please call Di­ ibahg latg^aal. tonbury Hills Country 20 ComWnutlon 45 Rtmain FEMALE Praforred^l time this summer with PROCESS EQUIPMENT OPERATORS 10 Plooi (prof.) 43 Dill aaad M A ew S kiforOaty lot. No pets. 8500 per OPeNINGS Avallobla. rector of Nurses, Mrs. Club 633-5253. Ask for 2 1 D It t r tu call umWoldtd OOmMlWIIOTI *Dr wlQmff prlvlltgos. On bus line. other women In print­ Breakfast - Lunch. Call 11 Soviot nows month plus utllltlos. Full time, bonaflta. A. Plante, Crestfleld John for Infervltw. 22 Law dtgrtt 44 Bbfort (po4t.| 46 Barral (abbr.) MnQ nMllwlwM^Ww* Cleaning In exchange ing shop. Hours flexl- lal A 2ad shift •Donoy 47 High up (2 EIBS e w Plsoss Coll 742-5911 of- Poultry farm workera. ble. Call Poulo 646-0338. Full & Part Tlmo. Convalescent Home- 643-4139 libbf.1 DOWN tor rent. 647-9813, even­ tor 5:30pm.______N BOOKKEEPER. F ull Weigh and load material Into proceee equip­ 24 Plait 17 Sip 8 4 7-718 1 wda.) Laundry room paraon, /Fenwood Manor at 19 Sort ««#*#< 0 4 0 0 4 ■ ings, weekends. FULL/Part time tete- Good working PART YlrnTRelpwontaa charge bookkooper. ment, unload and transfer to etorage area. 24 Tolltra 49 8-thapad lA T iir aorvica paraon, 2nd 643-5151. Monday M S c o fftd 23 Forohotd STONE AND phone operators to conditions. Earn 875 par night. Experience nccettory. Will run forklift. molding ahift woahlno vehicla. through Friday 9am to 33 SorrtI 26 TranigrtM BSuA ifKaealer APARTMENTS take and relay mes­ Please call Nancy after Porttlme. Coll 647-9700. 26 Konnoi lound 50 Chamlitry OFFICE SPACE Coll Arbor Acroa sages. Will train. Must 529*9326 or 3pm.______Your Butlnest Office. 34 A n d .___ r N M M M ^ I Forma 633-4681, John 5 pm of 429- 9610.______MATERIAL HANDLERS ^ bad 27 Eight (oomb. (abbr.) PATIO DOOR OLAtt FOR RENT be available 1 day of RN/LPN. Seeking moti­ form) 52 PraKfibad Otttcos tor ront. Roosono- Purcall. EOE. 649-4011 vated Individuals with SECRETAkY/Recepflon MANCHESTER oreo. 1st A 2iid shift 3 4 N tk td ftortaSB*. ewnssM S4X7S - the weekend. Please Port time cleaning per­ 37 Ot tht ttf 28 IhundM. amount MANCHE8TER"Tirand b lt rotos. Including all CLe Ai ^AL. Full tlmo of- good organizational 1st for medical office. Weigh and distribute materials. In showor CaH DA JofNMbn i t HoontMl G IfMiPiGi €Ml f96M4k. call Edwards Answer- CARPENTERS Helper Must hove typing skills sonnel. 10-15 hours per 34 PrtntttI 54 Silma new duplex. 3 bed­ utllltlos. 643-7175 or 647- flca pooltlon. 40 hour inaServJcj£tuy^S^ skills to loin our health keeping machinery and area clean. Will run homo 29 PKk iway 55 Changa 848-8180 m m avoir OuanmlM room, Vfy both, oil 9 2 2 3 . ______for kitchen and ba­ and 0 pleosont person­ week. Mondoy- 31 Songttroti waak, Monday through team. We are a 2 level forklift. Must have good basic math •kllle. 4 1 Fib diraetion appliances. Quiet dead Friday, 8am to 4:30pm. throom remodeling. care facility. The areas ality. For Interview Soturdoy. Dependable 42 Actrtu Jint Adtm t AOcmroLASScOt NEWLY Rtnovoiod. Telemarketing and experienced. Ex­ 56 Rivar In Oiva YOUR budget a end street. 8775/month. Closo to 1-84, 1st and Rollablllty and accu­ Must be ambitious, newest rehab center coll 647-7329. 32 Woodlind Iraland 847<0148 ■n- *.» Afc J k , ^dad racy Important. Expe- Part lim e hove transportotlon specializing In geriat­ ftAAVSiYTEk needed for cellent wages. 742-5633. SHIPPINQ/RECEIVINQ aERK 4 4 S o n ^ r d •nim tl OOM^R* fnOMv ^MV**' 2nd floor suites availa­ 44 Chln4M 3B Arab country 58 Chinaaa eoed But no langar used . 4 rooms, ble. Rent Includes u tili­ rlanca uaing adding Looking for people who and be mechanically rics and post acute July and August, DATA Entry/Clerlcol. lat shift •auoa like to talk on the Inclined. 649-5400. (comb, forml 38 401. Roman Henw In yeur hame for adults preterrod. No ties. Peterman Build­ machine, typing akllla care. We hove open­ Monday-Frldoy. Ideal Are you a person who Accept, Identify and weigh Incoming mate- 44 4ntteh 40 Whackad 59 Skin problom pets, no appliances, 1 phone; speak with a Se c r e t a r y wonted. 35 ings for supervisors for high school student. CORMVIAUUWN eeab. Caft64847ii toitoee ing Company. 649-9404. helpful. Apply In par­ eon work In o dynamic rlalt, run forklift. Muat be attentive to detail. veured. cor. Security and refer- aon: Prague Shoe Co., pleasant voice; who hours per week. 8210 and charge nurse. Coll Linda 649-5399 of- changing environ­ 1 2 3 ences. 649-iy5. 200 Pitkin St., Eaat can work from 4-0 p.m. salary to start. Coll Work Monday through ♦*'' Qpm. ment? Are you con­ We will train the right applicants In all ae- RESORT OuaMy Sfoomlng at ea^^MUF Mn BRAND new i bodroom Hartford, Ct. Monday through 646-5099 for Interview. Friday and have your FULL or port time. At­ scientious, flexible, ecte of our oparation. Attractive salary and 12 PROPERTY weekends free.... or tractive position. Neat self storting and accu­ affordable priaaal daisified ... and ]«*• townhouses. VA bofhs, SALES PERSON. Retail Thursday. RECEPTIONIST needed Cenafit package. Pleasant working anviron­ olr conditioning, mod­ aalea. Fullorpartttme. port time for busy work our Baylor plan appearance and good rate? If they answers IB fm upm m -ruurimimo COLUMBIA Lok* s*o- WE OFFER: Saturdays and Sundays character a must. vet contact Cindy mant. For your convenience we will be Inter­ W9amwj4 ern kitchen with with sonal cottoo*, 3 b*d- Commlaalon plus sa­ Hourly wage; com­ boarding kennel. Must viewing at'the; Quality Inn In Varnon on CaR 8484718 dll appliances. Wall to lary. Overtime availa­ hove good phone skills. and the weekdays are Steady work and no Breton of 646-1233 ex- 11 Pull Ifieured. room, asking 8*5,000. missions; Incentives; yours. Before you lay-offs. Eornlngt op­ tensleo w ______Wednesday, June 17 from 6am-4pm. Apply wall carpeting with full Offers Invlftd. 537-3446. ble. Senafits, pleasant paid vacations; cour­ Apply In person basement and laundry working conditions. Monday-Frldoy. 8-5. moke your final deci­ portunity 8300 per week PIZZA, grinder, clean up In person or call 646-5700 and ask for the Beazlsy Compony. tesy membership; sion check us out. For fo storf. Coll 646-3075. hookups. Private front sales training. Canine Holiday Inn, 20C person needed. Apply Corporate Recruiter. porch and bock patio. AtiSaL— Sheldon Road, more Information PART Time Telex opera­ within Aldo's Pizza, 133 RARABES please coll; Mrs. A. 8675 per month plus If Interested call Judy Manchester.______tor. Vernon office re­ Spruce Street.______Q tjH O iH S utllltlos and socurlty. ANDSTORABE SECRETARY 847-0300 Plante, Monday quires Individual with FOR SALE ASSISTANT Book- through Friday, 9am to No pets. 646-6082 or keeper. Accurate Indi­ Telex or word proctss- 646-8261. GARAO^orrsni/v!ci5r- Small sales of­ AAA Auto Club 3pm, Crestfleld Conva­ Ino experience to work ImmeSlMe^^mment vidual to perform lescent Home/Fen- Summer supplemental sduesv All real atlota advarlltad In GOVERNMENT Homes COLCHESTER. 4 rooms NEWER Duplex. Here'S MANCHESTER. 1 b*d- Ity Nianchsstsr High 301 Broad St. diversified general ac­ 2-3 evenings per week, tlon prognm. Tutoring In NsaO- the AAonchabtar Harald If School. 64*-62to. fice needs a take wood Manor. 643-5151. approximately 2 hours from 81.00 "U Repair". starter or retirement, your chance to own a room. Loose, no pets. Manchester, Ct counting duties In large Ing 6/or Matt). Muel be Caring, PART TIME fublact to tha Fair Hautlng Also fox delinquent aluminum sided home. newer home In excep- 8425. No utilities. 643- charge person. Bqwl OpportttsHx Bmptomr downtown Manchester per night. Coll JudI of: nssponelble, OsrtlSed. Exaellsn* Act of 1944, which makat It 899,900. 537-3446. 4792 or 528-0776. ILAWNANO IXTINMINATON Inter Trade Scientific. worxlng environmsni. lllaeal to odvartlta any praf- property. Call 805-644- tlonoltv good condi­ Heavy phone Insurance agency. Ceiiltr for Ltamlng 9533 extension 398 for Beozley.______tion. Each unit hos 1'/j DUPLEX. 4 rooms, GARDEN PART Time Receptionist Solid GL knowledge 871-0401.______CIRCUUTION AREA ADVISOR lB4 OB BO aranct, limitation or dticrlm- I contact invoic­ for very busy Man­ Experlanc* helpful or _____ M4-4848 Inotlon botad on roca, color, Information. BOZRAH. Newer 2 bed­ baths, 3 bedrooms, se­ adults preferred. No and detail oriented per­ wiil train. Growing VOCATIONAL Instuctor Housewives, mothers with young children, raligton, tax or notional parate basements and pets. References and i chester doctors office. son required. Compu­ Horticulture to work HAIR Dresser wanted. 00 GOVERNMENT Homes room Raised Ranch, ing. Self mo­ Mature reliable person company looking for students. Earn extra money with your own orlQln, or on Intantlon to . from 81 (U repair). good expansion possi­ heating systems. The security. 8500 per ROTOTILLING ter experience helpful tha right parson. Must with developmentollv Experience preferred. moka any such praftrtnet, bility. 899,900. 537-3446 owner side even has o month. Phllbrick tivated. Hours with pleasant personal­ for conversion. We disabled adults. Send Colt Mike. 647-8384. part-time job. Bring your children with you |62 limitation or dlicrlmlnotlon. Delinquent fox prop­ Home gardens, ity. Light typing, ap­ be reliable, have good erty. Repossessions. Beozley Company. fireplace. Make your Agency. 646-4200. offer pleasant working resume to; Hockonum and save on babysitting costa. 21 hours per Tha Harald will not know­ free estimates. 6 8:30 to 5:00. proxim ately 20-25 driving record, b* or­ AMBmOUa INDIVIDUAL 00 ingly accept any odvartlta- Coll 805-687-6000 exten­ GOVERNMENT Homes move today. S190's. 149 OAKLAND Street, 4 conditions In a conge­ Industries Green­ week, salary plus gas allowance. Supervise BLANCHARD a Ros- Good pay, Bene­ hours per week, after­ nial environment. Coll ganized and self mo­ house. Attention: needed who can learn our In­ mant which It In violation of sion GH 9965. from 81.00 ( U repair ) room, 1st floor, 8470 per Call Clyde and noons and 1 evening. tivated, must be willing our carrier boys and girls. If you like kids, tha low. setto. " W* Guarantee month plus uttitles. 2 fits, Glastonbury Dorothy ot 643-1155. Sarah Beardsley, Man­ dustry from ground up. Grow­ want a little Independence and your own BETTER than brand Foreclosures, Repos­ Our Houses "6^2482.0 Sons. 647-8987. For Interview call 646- and capable to laarn a ager, P.O. Box 136, ing companmy It looking for CDNVENIENCE. This 3 newlll Lydall Woods, sessions, and tax delin­ months security, no ap­ 5153.______AUDIT Deportmen- profession with a fu­ Income, call 647-W48 or 647-9947. quent properties. Now SPECTACULAR Ranch pliances. Weekdays 9- area. 659-3546. t/Household Mover. Mansfield Depot, CT. future management and otisra THAT SCRAMBLED WORD OAME bedroom, full dor- Manchester. Attrac­ MATURE Secretary/Re- ture. No formal educa­ 06251. EOE.______profit sharing and ownership mered Cape Cod It tive attached 5 plus selling In your oreo. with a gorgeous foyor 5, 646-2426.______T*a SsN fsrssRsd UsHk Entry level position In by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee leading through trench BABYSITTER wanted ^3 ceptlonlst. 2-3 days per tion required, just potential. 649-4863 located In an excellent room Nantucket Cajse Coll 1-315-736-7375 ext. 4 ROOM, no appliances. Any amount JaSvtiad. Alto. fMI, billing. Training avail­ TRUCK Driver. Heavy Im-ct-h for current list. doors to a sunken liv­ snwF. tiono and barti muleh. days per week for 2 week. Word processing able for computer In­ good common sens*. construction. Apply In Unbcremble these four Jumbles, area of East Hartford Cod, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 8570 a 8470. Security skills on IBM pc. Non one letter to eech square, to form near oil focMIflet. V/t baths, 1st floor 24 hours. ing room. 3 generous deposit. No pets. 2 Bobeal, basMwa 6 loadar lanW. small children. Wad­ put and ta rriff compre- person. The Andrew tour ordinary words. smoker. Coll Richard BUD8ET FE8T CONTROL baths, fireplace, re­ laundry, fully ap- bedrooms, Bov win­ months security. 646- dell school area. Refer- henslon. Accurate Ansoldl Company, 106 /' PART TIME MANCHESTER. Buckley dow and a private treed MmeoNtiRuemN ences. 647-8224. Lowrence ot 643-2161. typing necessary. 649-9001 Bldweol Street, IN8TRUCTIDN creation room, and a pltanced kitchen, 1 car School area. Well 2426 weekdoys 9 -5 . ED ENATE tpaclouf out building garage, tastefully dec­ backyard. This fine iTt-Moo/mmi FULL Time, Clerlcal- PERSONS to work In Phone 528-9551, Per­ Monchester. CIRCULATION CREW SUPERVISORS landscaped Ranch, property hos been 3 ROOMS. Portly tur- kitchen making sand­ sonnel Manager for ap­ ■■ Ideal for storage or orated. 8149,900. Jack- quiet street. Living ntshed. Heat. Working /Sales. 84.25 per hour. ASSEMBLER/Mechonl- playhouse I Coll and son a Jackson Real priced for Immediate Must be dependable. wiches and other kit­ pointment, or send re­ COSMETIC Merchan­ col. 85.50 per hour. TUTORING Excellent opportunity for retirees, students, room with Swedish salel Call In today. single mol* preferred. OOOOTHINOS chen duties. Call 649- moms. Approximatley 20 hours per week, te* this quality prop- Estate. 647-8400.O fireplace. Pine kit­ No pets. Leos*. 643-2880 Call 643-2171. sume to: Hartford diser/ Cashier. Full 8-4:30. Lance Valves, Improve reading, writ­ orty today. 8130't. Blanchard a Rossetto. TO EAT 0305.______Despatch, P.O. Box time M/F. 40 hours o 246 Prestige Fork ing, oomprshcnslon work with young adults ages 10 thru 15. MANCHESTER. 8143,900. chen, 3 bedrooms, 2 " We Guarantee Our STUDIO Type. Portly tur- Blanchard a Rosteffo. baths, large basement, S EC R ETA R Y PLUMBERS-llcensed 8271, East Hartford, week. 85.50-86 on hour. Rood, East Hortford. skills, during the sunt- Monday thru Thursday 4;30pm-B;30pm, DARRO " We Guarantee Our New listing. Seven Houses ” 646-2482. o nlshed. Working single verterans wanted by CT. 06108. EOE. Full benefits and voca­ 528-9155.______. mer. All lovsts, certi­ Saturday I0am-2pm. Reliable transporta­ room Cap* In great attached carport. mole preferred. No tion pockage. Expe­ Houses” 646-2482. □ family neighborhood. 8145,000. Principals STRAWBERRIES Unitid Bink mechanical contrac­ FAMILY that cares Is AMBITIOUS person. fied English ttschsr. tion a must. If you have the ability to moti­ pets. Loose. 643-2880. tor. Long term protects rience preferred In cos- GLASTONBURY. On Large master bed­ only. 643-8479.______Pick Your O wn haa naod of a aacrataiy needed. Financial sup­ Neat, good character. 84a-8807 vate young adults and have some sales COLUMBIA. 4 room du­ In Storrs and surround­ port and reimburse­ m e t I c lines, lovely private acre room, large living MANCHESTER. 8129,900. NEW LISTING plex. Washer, dryer In Ita Varnon CIrcIa of- merchandising and or­ Opportunity to earn experience, your earnings potential la with hillside views, 3 room, fenced yard, Chaponlt Brathart fioa. Excallant typing, ing oreos. Ground floor ment for expenses will 8250-8300 per week. Mo- Buyer meets seller In TENCED 'A DRIVER 16 A Lovely 3 bedroom star­ hookups. Near com­ opportunity. 828-9340. be paid to the qualified dering. If you hove ClosBltlad ... and It's unllmltad. Baaed on atraight commlaslona. 6UV WHO F0R6IT6 bedroom, 2 baths, bi­ garage plus carport, ter ranch with newly MovS**Tn Condition. muter parking. No 30 Clark 8t., So. Windsor atrong organlutlonal worked In a depart­ lor company. No expe­ level with country kit­ close to shopping and Owner's anxious. 6 SHE#T metoi workers family Interested In rience. Will train. Coll happy msstlng for both. Call Suaan, Circulation Department, 647- THAT HE U61P painted Interior, fire- pets. Coll 228-3673. ability, good varbal providing a home for ment store or drug 643-2711. chen, ftreploced family schools. This a a must placed living room, room. Asking 8125,9M. FfICff ConiBffMrs and writnn communi­ and helpers wanted by store ordering and In­ 646-3075. 9946. TO BBTHI6. room and fresh decor. AVAILABLE July 1. 4 Opanlng Ssturdsy Juno S. mechanicol contrac­ an affectionate, eager to seel Sentry Real dining room and re- Klorngn Reglty cation akills a muat. to please young woman ventory. You ore the See the rest at 1199,900. Estote. 643-4060.O_____ modled kitchen and 64M147 room apartment, 2b*d- Hours asm-Spm or until Candidate will ropot to tor. Longterm protects one we ore looking for. SPICHY Now arrange tha circled letiers to Barnett-Bowman, Tib­ room, centrally lo­ In Storrs and surround­ who uses wheelchair EDUCATIONAL AIDE NICELY Located. bath, lower level den, plokad out. No ohildrsn S commorclal londara. and works at a Man­ Coll or apply In person; tomn the surprise answer, es sug- bies, Better Homes a Fenced yard and fin­ aluminum siding, 1 car cated garage, applian­ undsr 14 years of ago al­ ing areas. Ground floor Arthur Drug, 190 Far­ Full tlmo. Qonorel dutlos; VI tlmo to sorvo ss sup- NE SPARER CARRIERS NEEDED... gested by the above cartoon. Gardens. 633-3361. Day ces, wosher/dryer A knowladgo of or ax- opportunity. 828-9340. chester Sheltered ished basement with detached garage with lowed In field. parlanco with tha land­ mington Avenue, Hart­ portlvo adult to child Inoludod In the ~ or niohti______ottoched shed. D. W. L0T8/LAND hook-up. Storage sand Workshop. Call Caro­ inontal health pro|sct, 14 tlmo to roinforoo instruc­ MANCHESTER AREA bor are only two fea­ bockyord. 8550 plus ing function a plus. .•lOME Health Aides. line Murray, 8;30am- ford, Ct. 522-3275 atten­ An$w0Th0r0: A 111 I X I I X DON'T Judge a book bv tures In this 6 room Fish. 643-1591 or 171- FOR SALE S28-S741 Homemakers, com­ tion M. Smith. tion of s spoolal education student and perform Its' cover! You must Cape with 2 bedrooms 1400.O______utilities. Coll until 9pm. For Maat intormaUon. Sand raauma to; 4:30pm. 871-6565. Instruction rolatad oltrical aotivltlos as aesignod. (Answers tomorrow) 643-1178.______panions. Immediate Mather St...... all see the Inside of this and a den, or 3 bed­ MANCHESTER 8289,900. 20 ACRES Prime farm­ Paraonnal Offica openings full or part High school diploma rsquirad, suooassful ox- Weetfleld St...... all Jumbles WHEEL lusty beaten defile land, rich loom, no MANCHESTER. Main Yesterday's property to truly ap­ rooms. 1'A baths, good 2,600 plus square feet. 4 FUEL OIL/COAL/ UnNid Dink time. Paid on the lob ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK parlonco with chlldran In a struoturod setting Answer What lunlor said about the game, after mom stones; over 3000 feet Street. 2 apartments EasHleld St...... all preciate all It offers I storage. 8127,900. bedroom Colonial with FIREWOOD 676 Main Straat training. Full benefit If you are Interested in a congenial working such as scouts, church, school, etc. Contact Centerfleld St...... all made him a new baseball unllorm— Separate In-law apart­ Strano Real Estate. extra large bedrooms, on clean river; on* for rent. Coll 529-7858or Wllllmantic, CT 06226 pockage paid. In- Northfleld St...... all IT'S ALL "SEWED " UP ment with kitchen and 647-7653. o ______15 X 24 sunken living block off rout* 6 near 563-4438.______service, competitive environment where you can use your initiative and Mr. Stophon Schsohnar, Parkar Mamortal School Andover/Bolton line. or call 42S-7721 organisational skills this position will interest you. Old Post Road, Toljand, CT 06064 / 676-0721 full both, plus 4 bed­ 30 LOCUST Street, 2 fom- room, dining room, BOLTON. Very nice 4 PIRBWGGD wages, mileage reim­ Spruce St...... all rooms, 2 full baths, two 859,900. Terms down. room oportmont. 1 bed­ We have an Immediate opening for a mature Application daadllna Juna 10. lly. 4 rooms each. Ex­ and 1st floor brick fire- sn o cord. S foal langlht, bursement. Coll 872- Hamlin St...... all fireplaces, 2 cor gor- cellent location. Nice placed family room. (416) 851-0178.______room, newer carpet, sraan, doll varad, f card mini­ SECRETARY. Electricol 9163 tor application and Individual capable of handling diversified duties Poaltlon to bagin Saptambar 1667. EOE Blsaall St...... all oge, deck built In 1975. yard. 8153,000. 646-2426, 7'/i baths, walk-up at­ ANDOVER. Lovely 1>/i baths, nice patio, mum. MASTBRAflSA CARD manufacturer's repre­ Interview. EOE. including accounts payable, processing production Situated on Vernon - 9-5 weekdays. tic, 2 cor garage. Set on wooded lot, high on hill stone wall and brook I Bolton Ian* on 3.5 rolling to 108' foot fron­ sentative seeks a self- TOWN OF MANCNR8Taa reports and medical claims, and maintaining Butternut Road ...... all VERNON. New listing. 2 beautifully landscaped Immediate occupancy. motivated, personable personnel records. Will also handle phone for plant wooded acres. 8249,900. lot In prestigious oreo. tage on pond. 2.2 acres. Only 8475/month. In­ MITRIMTORt 9 The Heuslna Authority ot the CELEBRITY CIPHER Jackson Jackson. family plus In-law Individual to organize Dale Road...... all a D. W. Fish. 643-1591 or 810,000. Klernan cludes heat and hot a714Clg and manage an active Town ot Monchostor seeks management and supervisory personnel. MANCHESTER HONDA Ctttbnty CIphar cryptogrtmt trt ortittd trom quotirtont by Itmout 647-8400.______oportment. Country Realty. 649-1147. water. 649-4000. Mds ter the exterior polntlne Garth Road...... 125-136 ptotM. pttr ml pitttnt. Etch Wntr m tht dphtr .land, tor setting. Priced to sell S71-1400.a sales office. Full time, et Freject Cenn-M-Z. SeelM Good typing skills required, ability to use personal AUTOMOBILES is seek­ Ludlow Road...... 25-107 anolhar Tofoy'o etua VttuaA fl FRIVACV Galorel a JT- with a positive cosh port time or shared Mds \idll be received until S computer a plus. Must be detail oriented and enjoy soldl built 8 room txec- flow. 8189,900. Klernan ADVERTISE YOUR time possible. Hours- en Tuesday, June 13, working with people in a factory environment. Arnott Rd...... ell ' K J M n T O A F A V C u flvt Raised Ranch on Reoltv. 649-1147. • flexible. Coll 646-96*3 at the etnee et the ing a Sales Driver for our Ferguson Road...... 15-112 Lookout Mountain In : for on Interview. Authority, M Blueheld Or„ Attractive salary and benefits package. For your MANCHESTER. West Manchester, Ct., at which convenience we will be Interviewing at the; E Middle Tpke. (even only)...... 666-676 e J F ' N JSSiZAFABAFX Monchester. Beautiful ASSISTANT Monoger'ex- Mma they will be aubUdy freed lot with complete Sid*. Newer 2 family. SUMMER VACATION SERVICES Quality Inn In Vernon on Wednesday June 17 from Parts Division ...... 8-91 privacy. 4 bodrooms, Move-In condition. 5/5. 8 ■ perlenced In Drug North Elm St...... OVTLE eZOA Only 8209,900. Klernon chain operations. The rlisht Is reesrvsd te re- 8 am to 4 pm. Apply In person or call 648-8700 and Wo^brldge St...... 16-230 Z N J 2.5 baths, patio with e lect any and all Mds. ask (or the Corporate Recruiter. garden house. Extra Realty. 649-1147. ; Storttng salary 811,000 NLVQVZNAE wo C a ll ♦ ♦. Skills must In- ADA SULLIVAN HO/M/r W e offer excellent salary, Jenaon St...... all J F E J storage. Fully op- iOV^NTRY. 8121,500. 643-2711 ; dude hiring and train- CHAIRMAN Jordt St...... ■■■.■•all pllanced kitchen. Price reduced. Large • Ing, merchandising. In- benefits and an incentive Parker St...... 266^1 eTXIAV-lF-DJt.' — 8249,900. Jackson a three bedroom home IRENE OR TRACEY ; voicing, bonking and Jackson. 647-8400. □ featuring a newly re­ ' emplovee supervision. INVITATION TO BID MAINTENANCE MECHANIC bonus. Eaat Middle Tpke. .294-373 KVTTBN IJCH. decorated kitchen, for­ v.F'^ OR JUST STOP BV Apply now. Send re- SooM will b* rocolyad Franklin St...... all PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "II Ih* general had known how MANCHESTER. New mal dining room, flre- D u b to BxpBnalon of our opBratIng facil­ ploc* and french doors. • sume to: P.O. Box ***, In m* Oenorol - - Parker St...... 104-242 bta a hmaral ha waa gome to have, ha would have died Contemporary Rolsod THE MANCHESTER HERALD, 16 BRAINARD PLACE Rocky H ill, CT 08067. flee, 41 CoMor ity. WB havB ImmadlatB opahlnga in our yoara ago." — Abraham Lincoln. Century 21 Epstein For an Interview, call Ranch. 8 rooms, 4 bod- Realfy. 647-8895.0 llrMa.m. tor malntanancB dapartmant for MECHAN­ Green Road.. .204-330 rooms, 3 bofhs, Birch 7 Henry St...... 201-316 MANCHESTER. 8249,WlO Mountain Road. Still MANCHESTER by O t1) FI COLLEGE, HIGH SCHOOL, JR. HIGH STUDENTS | ICS, with axparlancB In an Industrial at- James Forzono or Tom Prineelon St. . 167-160 Custom nine room Co- tlmo to make seltc- owner. Deslreobl* rol­ z lonlol In South Man­ tlons. 3200 squoro feat. ling pork area. 7 room moaphBra. Exparianpa In alBctrlcBl, hy­ Tenner tl. .124-166 chester close to the School will be out tooni Advertise your Summer m taCOLOMILUNO D ell a t Welteeleyai...... all Klernon Realty. 649- Cope, 3/4 bedrooms. X TOWN 8TRBBT8 draulic and or walding a plus. Olostonburv line. 1147. Call for dofolls. Wa will train tha right applicant in all aa- ...... all Newly built. Owner 8149,900.643-2954 or 273- Services with us. Let the Herald help to make youf J; The Tssm gl MswciwMar N Lawton Rd...... MANCHESTER. S134.866. transferred. MBR su­ < pacta of our oparation. Attractiva aalary Mlltord Rd...... an MANCHESTER. New llst- 0478.______"" waaffipnaBr 6 4 3 -1 6 0 6 ...... all Your aeorch Is overl ite. tVk baths, loro* Ing. Cozy 7 room Cop*. LOVELY 4 bedroom Co- services known throughout the Manchester area. 3 I acNsw asacy y e a at and banaflt pMkaga, plaaaant working Cerpentor Rd... Move In condition, bet­ country kitchen with Sanford Rd...... aH ter Ihon new. spodous wood Blldors to extra 3 btdrooms, dining lonlol with sunroom, I^MaaSdS- anvironmant. For your convanianca wa Hamilton Dr...... all room, pontlltd fomlly fireplace, 2 car gorage t t 4 lines, $15 (prepaid), 7 days. 2 Mss wNh Rio 2 bedroom, 1Vi both loro* deck, spacious room. Corptflng, 1 cor will ba intarviawing at tha: "Quality Inn home with attached closets and tils entry on private lot. Quiet < FM stal Order Watherall St...... 6-262 goroga, nice londs- location In East Hart­ u Mw iWffiiiiB. Btera* and •oroec and landscaped foyer. Fonoromlc coped yard, good loca­ Extra $$$ for your Summer Funll in Vamon, on Wadnasday, Juna 17th McCann Dr...... aN easy to cor* for lot. view. Call now tor your ford. 8149,900. Realty 0 from 9am to 4pm. Apply in parson or call BWwellSt...... 279-333 tion. Priced reallstl- World Benolt- Coll tor detolls. Osn- personal showtn*. Sen­ collv at 8119,000. U a R Frecheft* Auoclotlon. (This applies to Student* ONLY. You may canoal your ad at any Umal Sorry no rafunda.) 646-5700 and aak for tha Corporata ra- htry f t Epstein Reoltv. try Real Estate. 643- Reoltv. 6^26n.D 646-7709.D 647-8895J7 4060.O cruitar. CALL NOW 643-2711 / 647-9946 EEOM/F K ■ . / <»- MAlfCilEW EH H»HAU>. Tqwdw. June K. IW TAG SALE!!! PriM PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFOl : NOON. AND ALL SET FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOB TRACEY OB ilB Q L.

FUaOIL/COAL/ CAM :S/VANS Sm m l e FDR SALE I^SALE SALE I s i m ORD Von 198C.Just $3 JAYCO crank-up tent M GTOR cycle irtsuTdttde. FiBsrTSrtwooSTutr- PLYAAOUTH 1977 O ran PLYMOUTH Volore 70 O L^ Omega 03. Power coined white, in excei- trailer. Excellent con­ Competitive r t t t t . tplH.youh«ul.64»-4471 for parts onlyl Coll steering an d brakes, Some ddv covefdBd. erS4M M 9. Fury. 3 now tiros and i W A N f O N lent condition. dition. Sleeps i. f u r ­ oltornotor. Coll l-3pm offer 4pm. 040-0549. olr conditioning 4 cy­ $3l00/best offer. 568- n a ce , stove, and lee Many dons ovalldbW. o r S-7.649-7933. $300. 6 o d g E 1977 310 window linder, 4 door, t r e a t 0300 osk for Gory. Call box. Asking $3400 or Con Judy Of Ja n e t a t van. Runs good. Asking stereo. Excellent con­ AND HUiaT USCOOANe befroe 7am or otter best offer, can otter o. the Crockett M e n c 9 . Slil^Ki^ikybowkcus- dition. Coll 049-9504. SOkM *.«« nMANOlNO ON ISSSI tom. S04W0 mllos. Rod, $1050/best offer. 743- 7pm. 040-4109.______643-lSrt.______1751. $7 OOOOl CARAVAN 'ISASS J oxcollont condition. $7 DAKOTA PAi •11,1 $WOO. 043-1094. IS fo«t boot trollor. Noods CHEVY 1979 Mollbu. Au- e7L«OARON4dr. •10,4S8 M / v m work. ttS. MA-3290. FiTiTT5rT775“TqoTre tomotlc. Good condi­ Ci-YDE or ooooe caravan •14,886 R M i Wagon. Automatic, tion. $1000. I0am-5pm. C H^ROLBT-gUICirTNC. r DCOOe CARAVAN •1S,2S6 m m m m i?*** powor stoorlng. Runs 040-0439, 5:30 044-3033. R O U T E 83, V E R N O N S7L*gARCN44r. •11.SS6 MUSICAL good. SS9S. 043-1040 af- SeTHUNDeRBIRD •s.ei6 eeDcocorArLM*** •11,416 ITEMS tor 4pm. CAVALIER 1905. Low ml- 78 ChsvMt* 4 dr. •1095 Our List 67,Z n leoge. Excellent condi­ •7195 so PIPTH AVt. IP •12,866 BSAMD Mew d H t v V Novo 1074. 3 ssnegai Wsgen SeLdPARONTiM* •1 2 4 8 6 Stock PIANO. Knobo splnot. door, high porfor- tion. Must sell, taking 63 Skytark 4 dr. •4995 offers. 047-0033. ee Doooe r o y a l ru •10,686 /S676, Exeollont condition. monco 350. Bost offer. 'UUV9 •12,486 1987 53 Bulok nagal 4 dr. SeL*BARON4 0r.ni<*e IS642. U 040-101S. After 0:30. MUST Sell. 70 Volore 54 Sul«k LdOdbfs 4 dr. •5495 SOPLV. VOVAOCR •14,886 -J!22i£S!li£i2Z2:— ee NI88AN MAXIMA •12,286 #6641 p i a n 6. Storlino upriont. M ik e . wagon. 6 cylinder. Good condition only S4 Skytiswk 4 dr. W g . •5995 oecoLegRiTY •8,686 N IS S A N ^ A oood stortor. You MUSfANSvfTTTSoorTa 64 c«m>nty We. •7295 so PLY. HORIZON m •6,886 must provido pick-up. cylinder, Intorlor/ex- 00,500 miles. New MOHY. STS •1 0 4 8 6 STANDARD $300. Coll 643-7X37. torlor, good condition. brakes, tires, snows, S4 Olds Cldrs 4 dr. •7495 HORIZON •4,886 PICKUR Equipped With: nice dependable \cor. B4 QMC nokup •7995 8VOYAOCR •8,888 Needs some work. $000 •OTOY.TtRCeLM* •7,486 or best offer. Call 049- $000 or best offer. 88 ToyoU X-C4b PAJ •6995 W 5 Speed Transmission 6911. Dove.______/ ee COUGAR •8,486 MISCELLANEOUS 4305, Mellsso. 88 cnev. Cspnee 4 dr. •8495 so NISSAN MAXIMA •10.886 * Steel Belted Radials FOR SALE C am e ra 1905 Z20. O p t ll^ r •0795 $4 PLY. R O L I ^ •4,886 ^ H EVY Monza 1979. Runs Old* Cull*** 2 dr. • 6 4 8 6 ★ All Freight And Prep. good, needs hood, grill, great condltlon,30^ox> S3 TOYOTA S iW miles. $10,500. 643-7776. SStord LTD 4 dr. •11,495 S3 PONTIAC J2000 •2,886 Care Package N FR E E Crystal 11 For do- radlATOR. $450. Coll 81 HONDA ACCORD •2,186 88 C*v*tl*r Wg. •8795 Conn. Silas Tax, Titia and Oaaiar tollt plooM coll Nancy 043-3171. Steve______otter 5pm. 81 PLY RCUANT 8W •2,886 88 C«v*lll*r 4 dr. •8305 78 SUlOK SKYLAm •2,786 Offloa Faa Extra. > Pnt. o f 429-9610. MUSTANG 1907 with GT AMC Concord wagon. *699 B i6 Rod, 3 llvlnp room options. Excellent con­ 1970 automatic, power 872-9111 875-3311 cholrs< 3 lovoM ott, dition. By appoint­ steering, runs good. *LEER CAMPER CAP Iblo rocking cholr.4 ment. $5500. 033-0031. $095. 047-9066. tolovislont, dryor Of* (•ntoll oportmont « lxy. Coll 07$-635l. DURLINER BEDLINER 13 X is corpot. Aound oil Offer AppUat To around, light bluo llko now. Coll 647-8M6 bo- In Stock Unite Only... twoon 0-0. yOUR

AUTOMOTIVE o f f t n SUPER e x p in e s DE CORMIER 6 - tt- tr MOTOR S«m, IHC CARS FOR SALE 285 BROAWf!XlANWESTE^nrMOOFF l»84) 843-4165 CORDOBA 1979 for ports. 4 new Eagle ST's. Z- CLASSIFIEDS! bart, sunroof, 5 factory aluminum rims, 300 motor runs, body good REACH except rear quarters TOYOTA and passenger door. All leather Interior. BRAND NEW Console and buckets. Best offer. Also new 1987 snows mounted on 800,000 HOMES TOYOTA PICKUP rims. Coll Joe 043- 1798.0 ______FOR ONLY MUST Sell this week! 00 American Rambler from the land of no rust-Morylondl Runs- closslc ports. Worth SIOOO'sl R e a llyl 743- 6 7010.0 ______^90 I M t l A LOOK Selling or renting or looking 1986 LINCOLN for that special executive? TOWN CAR •6595 3 to choose from One little 25 word classified ad placed COULD ASK TO YO TA THIS IS A White, Blue, Brown roRjLNrrHiNa LIMITED TIME OFFER! Your Choice with the Manchester Herald will do it MOKB $18,700 all... -U N lfS S TN;S 8MSL8M SOO w. C8NT8R STN8RT 18 ON r o u t OAR, M A N O M 8 8 T 8 B 1977 CADILLAC YOU n o tABLY PAID TOO MUON..." LYNCH Sedan DeVllle MANCHESTF.R, CONN 646-4321 4 Door, Blue, Loaded, Your ad will appear in 75 participating Mint Condition newspapers and over 800,000 homes in >3,695 62 Caprioe 4 dr. •5495 Connecticut and Rhode Island. 81 Pelrmonl Wagon •2595 01 GLC 4 dr.. At, AC •3595 f f i 0W*D 0E s 1 84 Mazda Pickup •4595 It’s Easy! WE*LL BEAT ANY LEGITIMATE DEAL S3 Lynx Wg., At, AC •4695 66 Arles Wagon •6,495 , ON ANY NEW FORD CAR OR TRUCKI 86 Mazda 8E5 P/U •6300 One phone call does it all... ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 88 Colony Pork Wg. •I 0,400 ' NEW 1987 F-ISO STYLESIDE 88 Merkur XR4TI •12,800 PS, power brakes, sport wheel 85 Cutlass 2 dr. •7895 covers, sliding rear window, lo-mount 88 Datsun 2008X •4995 mirrors, AM/FM stereo, auxiliary fuel 83 GMC Jimmy 40K •7895 rJ ij tank. Stock # A0289 88 Lino. Town Car •11,400 643-2711 84 Gran. Marquis L8 'MOO 88 Isuzu DLX P/U •OOOS One payment • *8,751* 9 MORIARTY ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ NEW 1987 E-150 LORAIN CONVERSION BROTHERS One 25 word ad V-8, Automatic, Air, Montclair, Loidad, 301 Centar St. Aaro Dynamic Pkg., S B 0 S 4 0 ManehMter, CT 75 newspapers 643-S13S NOW

8 S m// Your Cor 643-2711 •21,299

4 Lin a s — 10 D ays NEW 1987 FORD RANGER STX P I C K r 808 ohsrgs, ssoh sddl- V-6, Auto, Sport Buckets, Air tionsi llns. You osn Conditioner, Power Windows & Door oanesi at any time. iHaurlu'iitrr Hrrali'i ) M.' .kM » C'l* V'l''.' I *•»"" Looks and much more. #C9264 SORRY. ^ NO REFUNDS OR 7 ADJUSTMENTS NOW *10,339* G A U HERALD f t ‘ Pricing Rallocta Caih Aaalstanca. Application In Ilou of ipoelal finanoa rats. C U S S in E D We Do It All For You! Thli otisr sxpirsa Juns 16, 1887. ★ ...... , ...... 643-2711 ALL VMfilOLtS SUSJSOr TO fSIOS I

HousohoM vinegar Is on SOUTHERN N.E. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ s f W iv s and Inexpensive to b ilc settner when added CLASSIFIEDS SIN CEl Provkl®d by NEPA IP Nis flnal laundry rinse. 1933 Claasmsd is the smetivt gnd inaxpsnUva way to A service of the New England Press Association find 0 cosh buyer for household Items you nc IWlBMruss.84M71l.

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alldM*. id fM t a f

223 tack M76, mim 2 .

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•TNIIT riN 121 p m

Cl i r k i t hMl 3unt fuel 1 * ★ ★ ★ H

b i Owwril FflUey u(i«r» rw p wi row#— CZLZBfkATE VEOrfCflRMffO ff^P r f ll^ O O COrrWfF rOOrOOffOff fffOfffOOrPfffO OOrOy dr# r#iii#r#d ## #wWd#d^ M ^ A^UamA ^ m M4AAm^ ^ a m a m m m m m m m A A K/ TWVif ifiPfniPifwiiPF orv wPrFP^P^P ^OO OW^Pf^Of/y MI^L^aL^A ^ai^y Am ma^ aa 4 d ^tAM ^^MMAAMM^^M^ APOMMidnAflA AAm NO PAIN. r#fVfVMRPivr O w w WOffW PIw Or Off i ROrOffOP WrfF DO OrPPrr Orffy rf rfM WPOrPOffOff IPOPOrffffOfff Miff^OfP fflO ^ r PffO fO ^OO^POr rO MNypy/ AAi Aa a a m m MMMddaAM m A M a m M m u a jM sm aM a ^ m M m m ' Fr#w#m»■ fff/# m##((M/ «M/y«af can at dan# (n aarfan al HfcMand Pari/ W Port§f ffraaf. Donations t m bt mack fin InatptndMU Ota Cekbmfton Qm tm u But... Can aa ntada# M/ aafna laa aaaya far do K.CAlvr, ScWif^ Bank of Manchtsttr M(# #f (yf(««M # #«fi#M (# i/MdflM #f o«#^«imMf ^PlPiP ^^VOOCP rOTOO^P f P« f v^ffr Or fflwffPffPPTPr spohiond bt)HuTimicfManchiitir in cooperation vfrm Mandustir Com M ry(«f d#d ##((dM. * * **’ ‘^ammsxis& mtair “* * ^ you may do further harm. Call us at Tbli fuffiflier, parllelpate In 646-7787 JUNIOR FRIENDSHIP DAYS! WELCOME for a free consultation with a specialist in FORDFESrm sports medicine. Evary Wadnaaday and Thuraday, from aiMtfML naan la 4 p.ni., during Juna, July and Au* umm<13Ut guat w ill ba a wbola let al fun far Junior bowlara. *4.00 providaa aaob bowlar witb •3 Qamaa

•Bowling Bbooa ^ «1.^Ullrfei»^•^jSl•ldlL«u^lOw■ • . HM iM WMn 9 M M •Soda II• MHlirKMniMi FNM tMiWtnilw plianMf ^Oflwi U M ^ i SKn 'O i tlMranteAMmi •Hot Oog irw mramim • MiiWindiM •Pluo a oboloo of pootoro^fNadonna, CONNECTICUT

mMA a PHYSICAL THERAPY/SPORTS MEDICINE ROOnOfny ■10 ( Bruoo Bpringatoon. Buokwboat Tba Boaa- •ilMi Rarli A AfTflM / mniM§ Itniii iVfllaMt. at tia Boya and Kirk Camoronl Bring afriondl ■CiuvCcnli't CAPITOL EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 263 West Middle Turnpike at the comer M Main Otraal / Manahaatar n Hf itrmwM 1' n»*f rr';ifion PARKADE UNES of Broad St., Manchetter SB 648-79M ( r*n|pt‘; 643-1B07 wijILLOn^Ita MAIN ati (AoroM troni Armoiyt^^OHaSYUN. OT M»-(14S ‘ U o h n s a n M a n e ln tto r ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

- r i THE FIRST DAY OF REOI8TRATION 18 SAT.. JUNE 20,1907 Swim Class Requirements Classss AND WILL BE FOR M ANCHB8TIR RESIDENTS ONLY. aaMPnarCi Wafar pnmaa. hradfh hafdinp (undar w i^ f / fluWar >!«>« Ptyw lallyflah Rant, aurvlypl Rapt»M aacanda, anfaty ahlllt, (rand nnfar. M aaeanda, anduranca amm w I faaf, haeh flaaf m/klen. luma In ahaHaw aafar. aadMHMT 01 Raylaw aeplnnar e. (Rhyfhmic/rafary hraaWilnal, arm Has your Summer Suit got Aquatics Oraaf far muaela fanf np and cardiayaaeufar candHlanlne. Why naf da If far yaur- 'szrs'jffiipsssxsx^ ^ aalft Paal baffar, laak batfar, hava funl inafruefari Jonlna Mawfan Swimming Sehsduls srs{iisr4«stg8sr«^^ tftl Tu .Th TiSM ilM m 7 SM MahanayRac. you bearing down on your Ju fM 90 ttm N ig h A119 . $ 0 ,1 0 0 7 IS minwfee af anarehlne a*areMa. Ja n danea*eiad rauhnaa Indudaa a « mfnefa oarobfe aapmanf. Yau will ineraaaa yaur haalbfllfy, muaela tana, afomlna, boL A^tfwMsR RstfflMF] llsvisw Ssstflusf OUfvfvsf ftsst ^ $ fliliwlst# tfSsd wstsf • 40 sscsRdt/ icfsty onea and eaardinaMan. inafraefari Karan Paalar twMrtMal WILv«allMrta( fSiJS Tu .Th 4iM-7iSSpm 7 Onpaind MahanayRac. Birthday Suit? •.•wofiMA foal 41 Marta Irtiaal atraat t2*i2! Painf ualns floffar kleh an haah. aamWnaflM awim • Tl yarda, (M ynrda email, ss yarda paeio, VaraMnckFoal moiaaMUraat “'‘52 undarwafar aarim IS fadf, alamanfary haakafraRa M yarda. Laorn ar Imprava yaur awina, afonea, drlva, and avaraii panM. laaaiana will ba WaMMI l>oal IM ira a a tfra a f 44741W held at Tansp'a (1. Wlndaari. inafruefari Tad Woenar ManMy.PrMav lartnidlanal ClatMt: M la.m . — llsW M ^ Oaaa Iwim : 1 iM a.m. • Ii4 l p.m. - S ill • 4i4l p.m. aaeh,baah,hraaa(andaraail. s/14 wad. 74om 4 SM Tanm 'a With the incredible new BODY DESIGN 4iMp.m. .T:4fp.m. dwlmmafai Raylaw intermadMae. Suiylual Rant IS »m m«^, 7vii .(Sla#aa«ly.Jarmaanly|,lhraaalapdlyaframhaard,andufpnaaaw(mS(iyprda,eraw(,lMlndividuai MawVarti Saa Maw Yark Ilka nauar bafam, faur if (ram a baaf i TWa eruiaaaraund Manhaf- •alurMvt, awatfavt OpanSwimi liSSp.m.‘ Sillp.m . CNvCmlaa fan la a wandarfm woy fa aaa (ha cHy. Saa Mw Ifafuc af Ubarfy, Warld Trade Taw- program, you can see results In just three weeksl aadHalMav* Si4Sp.m.>ii4lp.m. maSay * buffarfly, bnek, braaat, crawl. M afy akilla, diarablna, aldMiraka. ara, Hw brtdpa ayafama, and moral thaa of Mw taapart afaraii Advanaad •wlmniarai Ravlaw twimmara. burulyai MmfJS mlnuy . la anna ndy.Jd^ aniy, Reduce inches and increase muscle tone safely, O L M I HOLLOW POOL MlprtnsMraaf 44T4m aurfaaa dlyaa, alamanfary baak dlya, undarwafar awim. Mfaaf, SM indjuMuM m a ^ jf^ ^ 4/17 Saf. Laova Mfemond Pork SiNa.m. MaiWayPrIWw intfrucHanat OaMasi fiNa.m. • IliM Naaa braaaf, fraa. Ufaeaylnp Madlay.MyirMaaM.framardw(MMaartt,ajd^ ^ rfMRi^iwdlMl Mb/paraan baaf faur appranlmafafy li iM a.m. Opan Swim; 1 iM p m • 4i4lp.pt. aide, alamanfary bank alraka, b r ^ afraka appraaeh, anduranea swf m Mmlnufaa, aamMna awakaa. Ralam Hiphland Pork opprak. 7iM p.m. effectively and easily! «iM p.m .‘ 7i4lP.m. «i Saaalaa 11 ■ Varalnnek. bwanaan ■urapaanTaurtnaCeach.aneallanfylalbiiHyframailaaafalCaffaaanddanlihan (a»ur«av(, luaaavt Opan Swimi IliN a.m.. Ili4l p.m. laaalan III. waddali, SauHara baard.snld(ifaafLaOrandHafa(.(aeafadln(hahaartafManfraa(,fellhaa(mand tiMp.m..|i4lp.ffl. WE'RE MAKING BEAUTIFUL BODIES atWHaliPavi laaat faaafaa ff • SauWara. Waddaii ntnaaa aanfar, Indaer paal, and wami WdIWnp dIP pnea foi undarpraund mafra. laaalan ill - Vamlanak, Iwanaan ______Old Manfraal, mpht chiba, ahappina, aURfawiInd M afa. CHy faur. Sdinnara and l bradufops, PaNdoa fear Mwoadh (ha •artMMraa Ian mala (a Manfraail. IN MANCHESTER! Swim Rsgistratlon and Sahadulas Oaabla ocaaaancy MM par paraan MM neit; 0 «a to eanstriMtlandalavs, »wansa(i nool will iiaf Triafa aaeaponey MM par paraan If you want to lose inches, but you can’t or don’t Tha fatlawtnp la a acliaMla af rapltaafian anP lattan Nmat and dataa. Oaca aaaaiMjrtil ran far tan OulSd OR June M, INS. Tfia »aol will opan wRmi a u tP l^ y n ^ o c I •mala aeeuponcy MM par paraan (in canaacaMaa tvarWnp dava • waathar parmlWna. Maplatrany will faM placa af Wta daM M tm y • fha Tawn can assurd sofa aparaflan and usa af fha paal. Tha Raeraaflan Oapwimant win Minimam dapaaH a SMS, SM.M nan rafundaWa by lapf. i, want to put your body through the pain and ehaiea. Tha faa la M.M/alaia par paraan and raeraaflan earda maaf ha praaanfad af fha Mma at ra* bold m full by Prtdoy, lapfambar ssm. plafrattan. MaeraaWan earda adll Pa aaallaWa far aala af all paala^Chlldwi maaf ha fhraa jl ) yaara M annaunea fha paal apanlnp fhfauah fha madia. ana fa faka laaaana and maaf raalda In fha Tatm at Manehaalar. MaeraaMan earda ara MjMfw vaafh bother of hard running, dangerous weight-lifting (SndSrWandSIlM far aduiti. Carda ara aaad far 1 vaar tram day af purchaaa. NacraMen ear da ••Speelll Mfti! Tharp will bn na Sasslan I swim lapsans at Swanaan d t ^ a may ha parehaaad pfiar fa raplafraflan day af (ha main Maeraaflan Offlea, IW Partar Jfiart Mandav • eantfrvMlan dalavs which pravani (ha apanlnp af fha pa“ . 7 o .a y w f> | w ^ P Mamma Mar oav Comp far rasidanfs In (ha twaman Paal araa, fha Tawn will Ineraasa tm la n I swim Icssan pra- or inconvenient swimming, here’s howl P i ^ t iM A m ^ M P.ldlall yaar araf fha Mahanay MaeraaManCanlar,l1PCadarif.,Man ^ - P ri; taaalaa I June IPJuly t (4 day n a M P d fria ) dayTld " m.■iMPM.and4^ prammlna of Olatoa Hallaw (Manday fhrauph Pridav balwaan * a.m.-Unaan». SaaPanll Julva. July N taaaloalll July IS. July 17 AT/lIMMIPMPUPgilAlMQPI Vw.T r\/r.vr>T.T.TFT:i.TV'(r'f» lu -ri.! Mt w 1 SaaMan IV JulyM . July 14 . T i m:w P.’.UI id J.)!: 11IJ M.1 f.\ilH.T-fJ.MI ] I i:ii LIiri'Ailll.T L'lIlLIXir-.' Saaalan V July 17. July 11 hi.i 1 Swim Team laaalan VI Aupuaf 1. Aupuaf 7 Compafiflyp twlmmlnp wHI be affprad of aach paal. Plaaaa eanfaef Mw paal manopar fa r awim (aam M ANC Hlirtn M IID IN T I MAY IIIO IIT IR TMOIM IMMiOIATM PAMILY MOMtIRS AMO MOT 4>llyaaraafaaa MORR THAM T H R M MOM-PAMILY M IM M R I. warkauf Mmaa. Tha CammutUfy-Wlda twim Maaf w ill ba hald Wadnaaday, July fS af fiM a.m . unhl an Laaaana eamelanan, af varplonek Paal. Raindafa la July M. la ck awimmar may anfar fhraaavanlaaf fc» ear Laeotlani HlaMand Park Ichaal Issslsn RaflistraHon avanf anfry faa. 01 aba Hallaw will ba uaad (ar raeraaManai awimmlna anca a waak. •• 1 sot., Juna M JunaM* July! Adult Swim Poranfa must pravlda (mnaperfoflan (a and from (ha camp. TUHNf-HIK . f A.M. .IliM Haen Miralpp Mar Oov Came Rorly bird LoM bird WoNi w manginah tiofhach tNiiewf wui w yg II lot., July 11 July IS. July IS Prapmm Daya SOOT HACK NlMv (Nltcin tn FM tMIOCR WM I'M ttfytMWC^ SiM p.m . * 7i 4Sp.m. fiMam.JiMpm SiMam.tom atMpm.SiMprn eietmtof IM" loms lOOf-Mm. stu • taon d *9 i » 0 '» W vaaa down c «M «t M OA.M. . l l i M Hoen Mandoy Mirv Prtdoy Monday thru Priday Monday thru Prtdoy mocm. nwowa MdMMmU'WIMlMI gip0 fOUS hfan imooMMOnt 10 rouf MKI III le t., Aup. 1 AupuafS* Auauatil Manday • SouNara) Tuaaday * twanaant wadnaaday • Varplancki Thuraday • waddali f A .M .. I liM Naan Mandoy-Prlday tram lliW Maan (a l l i 4S p.m. a f Waddali. MamMa Mar Oov comp borty bird/Lola bim Manday-Prldoy l! 4S.Si IS o f SauHara. Swanaan, Varplanek b Waddali SfS.M(arnra( child AM Only — H.M/waak SM.M for oddHlanal cMldran PM Only— U.M/waak af aama family AM b PM — sto.M/waak S4S.Mforlac(lonl RaplafroHan baptna Juna itf. Compare may only alcn up for Iwo conaacuflva The John Deere team handles any mowing need waaka fha firaf month of raplafrotlan. A S1S.M nonrafundobla dapaaH la dua for oach waak In offandanca. balanca muat ba paid ana full waak prior to Hio waak of WAlST-TWfSTtil oHondahea. On July lif, raplafroflon It avollaMaforanyramolnlnewaaka. Amad- THIGH.CALF Gfntiy ito tf KO owtfi you' cgs «ur9l'<9lnt(Mn9 TH E SO D flan Mambarthip Cord la raaulrad. awm 9*^ 900 M0dN 0«9 OulW ttbqM muKWt «• ffw Ow«f MCA

^ U A D BODY SENDER _____ rz CmCUUTOR .. ifid "WFcto in the went on cmim tea, wnop. .. Parent-Tot Classes Mid •tam fttfuevq indwi m their m Unw tmek iwlocMUiooihtininuiroiiW'vr-m mubdes Ml «ien|iien«d md mens Se*»Uliy MtKtPwem d a ta Day Tima Caat LacoHoa B Y APPOBYTMeyr ONL Y... WORKS AT YOUR OWN PACE.. Poraaf/Tat ThIa prepram atrlvaa, (hrouph (ho medium af pymnaaflea and other phyalmllv You won’t have s w muscles at ralotad adlvItlM, to pravlda o warm, lavlnp ofmatphara In which younp children So there's never any waiting. con oohlava. It offara parent and child auolHy time rapalhar, free from dlatroe- BODY DESIGN ahd you'll be happy Ilona of homo. Verbal pmlaaondaneourapamantaraaffadlvatoolatacr^aopo- RELAXATION... with the progress that you'll make alllva and healthy aalfwataam. wear eamfortobla doHiaa and loin tha (uni Is a great part of the BODY and the results you'll see! Inatrudori lua lehlam DESIGN SALON. You'U feel great walklnp. 1 yaoi after each treatment. WEAR SIREET CLOTHES... lattlon I 7/4 M, Th Mi4Sam Hiphland Pork Saaalon II S/IO M, Th MiCSom Hlphlond Park We suggest that you wear loose, EASY... NO SHOCK NO STRAIN, NO comfbrtabic clothing. You must NASSIFF SPORTS Need a walk-behind mower? John Deere gives you a TarrIHc Twa'a Muttbalyaoraeld by April 1,IN7. Medical(armtmuatbaonniaby Ihafiratday of FATIGUE, NO SWEAT EXERCISEf wear socks or footles. NO HOSIERY 091 Main Stroot, Manchostor, C T choice —setf-propelled and push-type. (cMaa) data. Inatruclari Tarry Mounca Thia id the solution for the person AND N O SKIRTS! Got more than a quarter acre? Check the five models of 4/10/ Tu, P ai4S.10i4Som 1 111 Hiphland Pork who Is out of shape, or the one with 647-9126 hypertension, aitiultis or the pcisun the new RX and SX Riding Mowers, 9 and 12’/i hp. TarrfHc Twa'a Muat balyaora old by April 1,1M7. MadlealformaMUlTbaanniaby^tlratdoy wfw just hates conventional Looking at an acre or more? Look into the 100 Series (oompt of data. briM a bap ar bop lunch, bavaropa It pravidad. Hava your two yaar eld ready for IW hrt. of funl Intiruderi Tarry Mounca exercise. BODY DESIGN tnay also Lawn Ttactors. Bi^t modeia, 9 to 17 hp. be en|oyed by many senior citizens! _20% OFF Whatever you need in the way of mo' I equipment— 4/M Tu, P IM liM pm 1 111 Hiphland Park All Softball & Baseball Equipment including the attachments—can be re TarrtMcTvho lummar adIvIHaa In tenoa, pomaa, craatlva mevamant, piW TW O TREATMENTS PER WEEK... (oxoludlno balld) fix)m the Sod Squad. Stop in and see lopma) or bOR lunch, bavarapa It provided. Child muatba S yaora e l ^ M rll I, IM7. M ^ is all you need for great results! A Bv Mlzuno' Nika. Wllion col forma M OIT ba an nia by tha firat day af comp. Inatrudori lua Ichlom Simed, toned and conditioned laaalan I 7/4 M.W.Th tbllnaon 1 M4 HlphlotW Pork body! the equivalent of 14 hounof< Com o prtviaw tha araa'a moat oomplata aporting laaalanll 1/11 M.W.Th IlilS-lillpm I 04 hard ttrenuous. sweaty exercises! good! itora faaturing thia month • 200 Wm* CbNM Skbbl, Monchbsier, CT 06040 UWN A LEISURE TaoaiaLaas baplnnaf laval will cover tha boalca of footwork, court paaltlan, ferohand. mrvo, “Cyprtaa Qardona Wator Skla a AoeoaaorlM” and vallav. Adv. baolnnar will ravlaw, than amphoalta dapm, plaeamant, and (203) 64M990 (comer McKee & W. Center) (0alsda(aad/l»«/M) Sales, Service A Sharpening court cavorapa. Intarmadlotaa will work on atmtaptaa (at ainplat ond d ^ M compatHon while Improvlnp on porno plov. Rocauat, tnaokara, and cemtertaeia [First appointment - NO CHARGE NO MEMBERSHIP FEES. NO clelhaa am raadred. Inatrudor: Mlllv Koatiuk CONIRACIS. NO OBUGAnONtt 100 Models of Athletic A Casual Footwear Rt. 44, Coventry • 742-6103 IP-1 lam • •41 Mohenav Rac. Youth ■ baplnnor 7/4 M, W CompIimentB of Bill & Bonnie Card c v a r a n t b e d in c h l o s s o r In Stock —• Less/ 3 MIIss East of Bolton Notch Youth - Adv. baolnnar 7/4 M, W IMlnoon • S4I For 7/4 M, W $-7pm d •44 y o u r MONEY BACK Poront-Chlld baolnnar Hm n - 6J0 AM.| PM MN.Frl; BJO AMJImr M W a hav9 tha axpartlaa to tit your toot In tha right ahoa Hours. M-Sat. 9-4 / T. W. Th. 9- 5:30 / FrI. 9-7 Adult-Adv. baolnnor 7/7 Tu, Th Mpm 4 •44 at tha right prioal Intormadlala 7/7 Tu. Th 4.7pm •41 Camp Kannady Th« McmehMttr R«cr«0tlon Otoorfmcnf announce that Camp K«n< TH f MANCHSSTf a Nf CNf ATfON DEPT. 1987 8ummar Playgrounda nodv/ o Summor Comp for dovafopmanfoUv dltoblpd eftfxon* In Mom chostoT/ will b«0fn on Montfov/ Juno MtSSSHTS PtoyeroundD will hoouporytood Mondoyfhrougfi Prfdoy/beefnnlngon Comp will oporoto throo 2>w m I( MMlono. Each sooslon will bo offorod Tuesday/ Juooiifdaodonditidon Prtdoy.Auduttinh. Pfeyeroundswiii Playground 8pacial Evanta for o opocfflc 000 0TOUP. fomdio fggeryfsed ftiraugB tho lunch hour fhf$ year and will oporoto tfotwoohfiSloM. ond4i— < you can eatll Idflits will yfstt each ploygreund twice o week with speefdf pre­ Tueedayr July 14th rain dayo toaturtnp gym actlvHloo, porno roonto (pool, plnp oonp, foot lects having to do with that week’s theme. No fee. within tho City IlmItS/ for campors and yolunfoors. boll, ote.) ond fdbt# gomes, Playpround dcflyffles include doily arts Comp Konnpdy noods voluntoors/ ago IS and up. Exporlonco Is not 2-4 PM. ond croffs/ table games/ proup gcnyHles and oporto events. nocossory. Anyone Interested may contact tho Rocrootlon otfico for an *1.50 s appllcoflon for volunteers and compors. Many of tho events at comp ore mode possible by donotlons from privoto citlions and area businesses. Such donations are greatly approclotod and may bo sent to tho: Camp Kennedy Pund U P A COMING c/o Manchester Recreation Department SUMMER FUN 41 Center Street/ Manchester/ CT 06040. ^Graduation Balloons Biathlon - Triathlon Sarlaa , •Father’s Day Bouquets Biathlons at Globe Hollow - Event consists ot Vi'mlle swim ond o234.99 ONIAUI "Fnmth9§mk9 to UflmpoMlth to nnd, You Should Corn* MtnFInV •1449.00 •14.W BalMa SnlMirban Traelor WINDOW IMADE8 CUT ★ CUtTOW FRAIMNO ★ KEYS MAPI ~ • ltaMiOnM48MHMOMi-McM b«l» Only _ .a^l0db.0«TMk •SS99. Card*" Traelor AffaMabUIlf { a « Wm4 Naff IMf TimmMm Tree . ••Hr MSKariM M iim HUC m m k MI a OeU. .( Mr « M* M.<4m Imm. Newer . 4 S|m4 Cm Irw YVM..ilt FAIRWAY FOR SUMMER FUN tMMafOMr>aaMMNa . OmmmW SMI CMm rwl 1kak‘ otisetw a Mm. TUL Nm W . H.> • PiiibMB • WIffle Balls & Bats • JBlIy Ballis Wsteoms r I • Pool Toys • Badmlnton/Vollayball • Kttaa W. N. PREUSS a SONS ArrminoM oaaip oounulom a oaoup uaofaii Anh§ry, Ths LItstIms Sport for ths Whofs Fsmily tn lutsfl Tnpk. • liltin • 642-9401 Orttt SuppHii and Idaaa Alwtyt In stock Bummer Hours: Waskdayt 1-lOpm, SaturDay 10am-6pm, auniay Okwad. ' ,; 643-506S for Qroypa o( an aoBi. . thru W.6. KM /Thura.-m. M 269 West Middle Tpke. m, m s w •«. M / aun. KM (HMi t . W U|ra«/.| Ml ttw TMmiM. S w WM HnlHl ei isnv I M mm

F.B.I. CAUGHT IN Noadquartors T H E ACT ! ■M-- A shock to tho commuiiity! Upstanding local buslnoss- man, Al Sloffort, has boon CAUGHT printing his own nionoy. Howovor, as a rosuH of ploa-bargalning with tho antho- rltlos, ho has boon sot f roo on tho stlpnlatlon that ho lot his customers uso tho monoy toward Crimlnafi A l Sloffort purchasos of T.V.% VCR% ml* Cttmm Count«rf«ltlng S«nl«nM3 Money printed ueed crowavos and many other homo egelnet merohendlee at hie store. appliances at Al Sloffort’s Super Frevfotie neeordt Nonr, but sue* peoted of selling home appliances at Discount Center. Incredibly low prices. ____

Clip this $10 bill and use it toward your purchaso # *1 of any Itom at Al Siof- forfs Super Discount I Center priced between $100 and $250

Clip this $20 bill and use it toward your purchase of any Item at Al Sief- ferfs Super Discount Center priced over $250.