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Factory Cuts Push Jobless Rate Higher

Factory Cuts Push Jobless Rate Higher

O — HKAALiy. Hiiirgday. Oct. 2, iflW z-

I M A N C HF.STFR MORE THAN 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 QUALITY TIRES STOCK AT ALL TIMES FOCLS SPORTS } WomaBEIS ClNircti fatrs Taat on Saturday TOWN FAIR TIRE... THE BEST PUCE 6UANANTEED o M I n N n i t e araaR around for dom ena’ arm FOR TIRES IN CONNECTICUT! UW EST PRICES * H ug« Iwveiitory * f r » t SsnrfcM * G r«atG n r«iiM



iHaudTrfitrr) r i [,,] I 7 'iqp Ch.1 HrralJi ■ K W i m i V C H e' FR EE BALAlBCnVOlSi 30 Cents S ' F R E E HOTATMMR s b w .. a A L f O' FREE TSTCHAEOBOVERf FREE FROHT-ENrj Hoitages 4' ALIGMMEMT ____ [?FIIEEFLA‘tim >AlRf ; Wf pi jpr.MA Sf Factory cuts F Q ijF' Nf 7/ f IPF C Every tire sold by Town Fair is backed by our famous plead for Ml 'GUARANTEED LOWEST PlilCI POLICY' 'iRON-CLAD NO HASSU” QuarantM! WfTH thi •When you're ready (or tires, don’t sacrifice the quality.. PLUS!— — '■'P "O*** t o w n FAIR TIRE is guaranteed for derecfe PUACHASC is . prformance and guarantee you need. Town Fair Tires, 10 workmanship or materiale (or as long as you own the (ire — regardless^ veamm OP 2 NEW U.8 . lielp mileage received If a defect in workmanship or materials « to TOWN FAIR We push Jobless whom you can trust, has a store near you — and there will repair n at no charge or replace it. VfHI PAT O M V > (M Wlf/if VOU MAVE U M o T TIfYES HSJ*^-*!?***iy** **• ''S’** QUARAMTECD LOW EST C PRICES*. Don’t compromise. Town Fair Tires' experience r a W ? W P § •«»*clad fwaa QUARAMTeCD costs no more. R M in o t m m iRd haz* NO BEim nr, Lebanon (AP) — Tw o *“M yw find a lower price advertised in Connecticut L LI *!!*».? •« PURCHASE American bestages in a videotepe wirnm 30 days of purchase on the same merchandise 9 9 T d 9 , and H'a PACCr released tedey made an hnpaasi- rate higher bring us the advertisement and we will beat the price." ^necessary M 7 1 * AattMfiU RRtf ened plea to the Reaian aitoinis- fOMPARi U§ TO A ll OTHtA TlPt OtAUAS! Nol R>Cfifd«d OR AR AbOYd tratien to work as h a rd to r the T * MKNIlHf • UUUtYIAR * fflniTMM • MMia* . esMaa. release of V.S. captives In Lebanon -- MwnM.MmramStnimlT^ as H did for Nicbetas Danlleff. WASHINGTON (AP) - The ilaaadfirgs Islamic Jihad, irMch bol4 175/80013 HE( month on espionage charges in Herald Reporter loses this year. which had been rising by more than 500,000 17 5/S 0H 13...... *4 ' 18S/80B13 U ja g A ; Haven, yet refused to fund bills televised on four consecutive RADIAL WHITEWALLS 18S/80B13 185/80013 That means that, since New 200,000 monthly, rose only 87,000 3 Moscow before Intensive efforts by 1 8 5/S 0R 13...... *4 18S/78B14 that would hove allowed senior nights later this month In Manches­ iss/to n t3 19S 75R14 225 75RT5 *77 1 8 5 /7 5 H 1 4 ...... »4; 195/75014 . the U.8. government secured his The first debate between Repub­ Year’sDay, 28 percent of all oil and this year. Th« I6S/80R13 SATISFIED 1 9 S /7 S n i4 ...... <4I 19S/75B14 OuHlria WNHa LaMars citizens to pay less for prescription ter and Glastonbury. 205/7SR14 23S/75R1S *12 209/7SB14 205/75014 RADIAL T/A release Monday. lican Sen. Carl A. Zinsser and gas workers have lost their Jobs. Service Jobs rose 130,000, the 17S/I0R13 205'75R tS But n o w s a v e 20 S /7 S R 14...... <4I 215/75014 OOMP. T/A drugs and provided 8310,000 to help The debate wilt also be shown on The 1|$/e0Rl3 215/7SR15 CUSTOMERS 215/7S R 14 21S/78B14 RaltBd W hllB LBttBPB "How can any official Justify the Michael MeottI, his Democratic Moreover, noted the commissioner business survey showed, offsetting 2 0 5 /7 S n iS 20S/7SB1S 205/75015 1 7 B /T 0 R 1 3 ...... *•! g r * ...... train firefighters. United Cable Television, which the H 1 B S /T O R 1 3 ...... *23 ISSA;:;::: :l8? interest, attention and action given challenger In the Nov. 4 election, of labor statistics, Janet L. Nor­ a total loas of 48,000 manufacturing 21S /75B 1S . 21S/79B1S 215/75015 . a0S/70R14...... Moa fOVL "Those are not people priori­ reaches Bolton and Hebron, Cox been IN 20 YEARS 22 S /7 5B 15 22S/7SB1S 225/75015 1 B 8 /7 0 R 1 3 ...... ' t l wood, "since the March 1082 peak and and oll-fleld Jobs. 1 D B /B O R I3 ...... *T« In that case and the Inattention saw Its sharpest moments after the ties,” MeottI charged. officials said. Broth 23S /79B 1S . 23 5/7S B 15...... *8 7 235/75015 . 3 0 S8 / .7_____ 0 R 1 3 ...... *21 : i employment level (when oil prices Of the new service Jobs, more 1B 8 /T 0 R 1 4 given ours?" said Anderson, who television cameras were shut off. But Zinsser, a Manchester real The liveliest exchange of the as "E 1 f S /T 0 R 1 4 ...... like Jacobsen appeared pale but But during the half-hour forum topped $30 a barrel), the oil and gas than one-third were In computer 2 0 8 / 7 0 R 1 4 ...... 34S/I0R1S...... •Isa 0 V O 1 8 ...... estate broker seeking hts fourth evening centered on rules (or Up, L 2 1 8 /7 0 R 1 4 38S/tOMia...... *iaa T O T l i R S t physically fit. Thursday In Manchester, differen­ extraction Industry has lost nearly and other business services. 3 1 B /6 0 R 1 4 ...... two-year term, said he was the key future debates. It erupted after the half of Its Jobs,” Abe 3 2 B /7 0 R 1 4 Nalaee While kaHere "After 1 ^ years of empty talk ces In both style and substance Construction employment, 2 4 8 /B O R 1 4 ...... YOKOHAMA legislator In providing $12 million two candidates stepped out from rock and refusal to act on the part of the between the two 4th Senatorial Norwood, addressing the con­ which had risen 08,000 from June to •isia 2 1 B /7 0 R 1 B ...... 1 B B /0 0 H R 1 3 for Manchester to help the town behind the podlums. up foi 3 2 8 / 7 0 R 1 5 ...... tO B /tO H R l3 gressional Joint Economic Com­ August, held flat last month at Just 2 3 B /7 0 R 1 B ...... Reagan administration It hurts to District candidates came Into repair Its sewage treatment plant. During the debate, MeottI con­ ARRIVA 1 iB /§ O H R 1 4 mittee, said the 240,000 overall over 8 million. ■ n ulSSiS*®** DUNLOP 1 M /tO H N 1 4 MH M L l U M see the propaganda and bombast sharper focus. He said the GOP-controlled Legis­ tended Zinsser was afraid to field 2 0 B /0 O H R 1 J civilian Jobless figure may be The banking. Insurance and real been STEEL BELTED W.W. 20B .0O H R 13 a i B / i with which that administration Zlnsser‘8 voting record In the lature has also passed more than questions from the public. After­ 1 B B tO H R 1 4 •104 exaggerated. estate sectors created 20,000 Jobe music •sa' • 100 iSS/SOHSIl P|= aolved the problem of Mr. Danlloff. past two years and the actions of 1260 million In tax cuts the last two ward. he challenged Zinsser to 165/B0R13. •11D ..." Anderson said in his three- The number, she said, is "proba­ while retail trade employment rose monlf i2K2?’*..... ItS .B O H R lB •10D l » g { : ::::::::::iN the Republican-controlled General years, helping people throughout debate him Oct. 8, with questions 3O8.B0HR1B . . *111 aiB/savt$i8 ...... S e a bly somewhat overstated ’ ’ because by 43,000. Don 1B5/T0R14 M: minute address. Assemnly were the focus of most of the state. provided by the audience. 1I5/65B1B. OTHSO eiaae avaikaaLa a t ko w . l o w wucaa of changing employment patterns ... :.r:a Jacobsen, SS. In a statement the exchanges. MeottI charged that “There Is more money coming Zinsser declined, arguing that A separate, quarterly calcula­ the pc among married women. tion of "discouraged workers" 195/T5R14 iSaZ'* addressed to President Reagan, Zinsser and hts fellow Republicans back to the towns than in any time MeottI was only willing to debate “ Bye 195/75B15 P R I C E m swB H m iM iK i lEUdiiMniu m-n s k » u n o She explained that married said that the number of ( OOD/YEAR asked: “ Don't we also deserve the did little to help the people of the In the state." Zinsser said. on his terms. He said he was willing five y 205/75R15 B U S T E O •(.(. GOODRICH COMF.r/R women, who often leave the labor Americans who have given up S 4 V IN O S •lUNLOriTQURLIFItRH riRtuiri-r^s^NN recognition, the respect and the district, which comprises Man­ The debate, sponsored by the to arrange another format, but recon 215/75B15 CUSTOM • CONTINtHTRlCWl force at the end of the school year In looking for work tecause they T R i W.W. • S(MPtRITHI-mtD •YOROHRIU honorable treatment by the United chester, Glastonbury, Bolton, He­ Capitol Region East unit of the MeottI refused that offer. their POLYSTEEL ® 53. • GOODTURtAGUURGRTORMCU •UNIROTRlMUYt340 •FULMYtlOO States government? Don’t we bron and Columbia. June, did not do so this year. As a think they cannot find a Job rose 1 7 5 /8 0 R 1 3 . . . . *40 ‘ RIRELllffPfOO-rfr League of Women Voters, was held "The public is m y terms,” MeottI with ‘ •IRIMmONtrOTRNU >RIRtNRMMLM40-FI deserve the same attention end MeottI. a Glastonbury Town result, there were fewer women to by 68,000 to 1,169,000 over the last Radiol W.W. 1 9 S /7 S R 1 4 . . ..*88 S A V I N Q g ^ >I.F. GOODRICH tlROT/R In the television studio at Cox Cable responoed. After the two-mlnute TIEMPO 2 1 S /7 S R 1 B . . ..*84 •MICHtllNlOT •UNtUlirMNN protection that you gave Council member, said Zinsser return to the labor force last three months. SATIBFACnON ■ CONTIItNTRlCHRlI1-CHSl •riroTONiriyHRWKet •MICHtUNUn Greater Hartford headquarters on month. ALL-SEASON RADIAL 1B5/80R13 Danlloff?” backed a |2 million ”‘pork-barrel Porker Street. The forum was As for September’s Jobless pic­ Cha Please turn to page 3 "It Is possible that both the June WHITEWALLS 1T5/rSB14 MOM PIRPOMIMKI W 4 M MMSB WWVI U nR S ture, the department gave these increase and the September de­ specifics; Har 1 5 S / B 0 R 1 3 195/75R14 1 S 5 / S 0 R 1 3 cline ... were somewhat exagger­ • Adult men. 6.2 percent unem­ H arry 205/75R15 RADIAL cnoastntmmer 1 B 5 / 7 5 R 1 4 195/70R13. 24S/60R14. . ated," she said. ployment, up from 8.0. amoni 1 9 5 / 7 5 0 1 4 205/75R14 . muHCsrsnta 2 0 5 / 7 5 0 1 4 20S/60R13. . 22S/70R1S. oanmtsmmt Normally, employment drops • Adult women, 8.2, up from 6.1. millio 215/7SR15 . tPAAFO 195/70R14. . m m u t Reagan: sanctions not ‘final chapter’ sharply in September with the 2 0 5 / 7 5 0 1 5 WAMr 235/60R15.. • Blacks, 14.8, up from 14.8. rilirs famin 2 1 5 / 7 5 0 1 5 225/75R15 . 4r/OF7 205/70R14. . 215/BSR1S. . beginning of a new school year; the • Whites, 6.0, up from 8.8. 225/75015 . 215/70R14. . killed 235/75R1S . •H 4/VD 25S/70R15. . By W. Dolt Nelson department’s seasonal- • Hispanics, 11.1, up from 11.0. 235/75015 . 235/60R14.. 275/60R15. Republican leader Bob Dole of States of South African steel, iron, “ I t m s Tht Associated Press adjustment process is designed to • Teenagers, 18.7, up from 17.7. 225/70R14.. Kansas denounced It as "a feel­ perhai .. M other Town fa ir Tiro PEICEBUSTtm YOU SAVE MOREI coal, uranium, agricultural pro- remove the effect of such p i^ ic ta - good foreign policy." ducta, food, arms, ammunition and • Black teen-agers. 37.6, down hurric RV RADIALt IN OTOCR . ble occurrences. from 41.8. B IA S • WASHINGTON - President American civil rights leaders military vehiclea. It transfers the Thursi 185/70-13 •60R • 16.8 - 10R. 16.5-1 M > 11.5 < ION • IS This year, however, because BIAS PLY . *48 I 225/70-15 ____ *87 Reagan is pledging to enforce welcomed the Senate action, with South African sugar quota to the An alternate unemployment cal­ 9 York 205/70-14 11N<1B-tT8R»16.5» 000N»1M-HN.1B fewer women were re-entering the *87 235/60-15 ... .*88 tough new sanctions approved by Coretta Scott King, widow of Philippines. culation that takes Into account the by Chi POLYESTER W.W. 215/70-14 *88 275/60-15 ....*78 the Senate over his veto, while labor force, the seasonal adjust­ 1.7 million members of the armed 235/60 -14 assassinated leader Martin Luther •He 188/80-13. I COMPARE A SAVE! saying he hopes the measures will The measure puts an end to ment may have overstated the services stationed in the United King Jr., declaring that her hus­ pivota 185/75-14 not intensify the violence and direct air transportation between September Job loses. States rose 6.2 percent to 6.8 spaanoia band's "dream has been interpi 105/75-14 repression, at.which they’re aimed. advanced. South Africa and the United States, Indeed, the department’s survey percent. Raised White Letter Rodialsl SltE Sir MHCt MK KY m m abrogates U.S. landing rights for only 205/75-14. 185/70913. I 245/801114. Reagan said Thursdav’s 78-21 Reagan, suffering the sixth veto I 245/80915 . TW.14 s •as South African aircraft and termi­ perh 215/75-14. 2IS/80B13 225/70914 235/70915. seo.15.5 a •to override vote. In /which 31 override since he took office. » s /7 o n i* 235/70914 255/70915. TW.1S s •47 SY5.1S.B a •w nates the air services agreement inform 225/75-14., I 215/70HK.. I 225/70915 I 275/80915 members of the Senate’s 83- expressed "deep regret.” 215/75-15 'vinSxlB e •W sseiss a •os member Republican majority between the two countries. TODAY’S HERALD Chat 1111x75 s •TS "M y hope is that these punitive 225/75-15. 10.1S6 t •as voted against him, "should not to sanctionsloi do not lead to more songs LTSxIS s •5S 15.16.6 • •Si An administration source said 235/75-15...... MT ALL-SEASON RADIAL viewed as the final chapter in violence and more repression." he the legislation apparently super- Cradle He*d8oattm ter STYLE AND PERFORMANCE TOO. 16 e •as America’s efforts, along with our REYNEADS-GUARANYEED ssM in a statement. "O u r adminis­ aedea an executive order issued Polica SMk 3 man Every Twe ♦ Whitewalls * f. nni> ) i \R •nentuh xc» allies, to address the plight of the tration will, nevertheless. Imple­ earlier by Reagan, which bans Fugitlva doad B a c k e d ^ WHEELS! GREAT SELECTION! m m nmr m h ALL raiMAm T/A people of South Africa." ment the law. It must be recog- certain exports of petroleum, nu­ Norwalk police have asked the Residents of Wright City, Mo., Town Fair’s 1 S S 4 0 R 1 3 m M * lOw. lOw m e n o n a s t 1MIIAN8LBN RETREADS 17S /S 0 O 13 . amanm mcm • »m im € • m • toacm I m/i5Xi$ >iM 33iuin >ii» 806/75015...... He did not say what other efftorta nlted, however, that this will not clear m at^als and computers to public for help in finding three men haunted by the presence of fogitlve "IRON-CLAD NO HASSLE ” Ih issmoi4 • cRROi smay • ctatmm • c m a • ana 18IIMI5 >1M Sl iwm. >141 835/75015...... would be made, hut an aide solve the serious problems that South Africa. who were seen driving a car away Michael Wayne Jackson relaxed QUARANTEE 1S 8 /75 0 14 ; I 31185X15 reign pale. model year IMS or 1070, was on page 7. 16 “YTtE LIVE ONE" '^■■w...C88SiJ" ■ • u e iY i 078x14 *31.1 H78x1S *38.88 expected to visit the region this aancHons would prove most harm- Minister R.P. Botha in which he seen leaving the Ponus Avenue $ A O e S C M « .l e n .8 fallIII. fol to the Macks they are Intended said his country rroul^ cease area in Norwalk shortly after fiU «8 W *ShtXt8aiin Despite Intense lobbying by to benefit. purchases of U.S. grain if the Kathleen Flynn was last seen alive. Indtx mSTALLB>rOEE Reagan and his aides, the White Senate overrode the Reagan veto. # ------— ------kVMUIBLE TOO MOST CkOS, The new aanctfona atop short of Story on page 4. M S O TW vfIS IMTOOraDOMESTK Rouse fell IS votes short of the 34 ordering outright American disinv­ "This foreign minister phones needed to sustain his veto of the M ANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD V E R N O N estment or a complete trade here and atarta talking about a Advics. . 14 Lonsry I W H E E A r g I legislation that its Senate sponsors embargo, hut embrace atepe de­ bushel of wheat; it’s outrageous Chanca of rain Busli - 0 OhNusrIss 328 Mlddla Tpke. West ssM would force Pretoria’s white- signed to convince the Pretoria CWasHlsO -10-20 Opinion 467 E. Main Street 295 Hartford Tpke. K*l9*y N m m w . nonsense." Hollings said. "This is Rain and possibly a thunder­ AMCmCAtl-lM C m CA tl-ilM____ M_____ WWeWVl * minority government to abandon government to diamantie its apar­ Comtes______8 In frenl el FattaBs 8l8opplng Cir. Located In Ihe Warahouee Foods Plsss Located In Hie K-Mart Shopping cir AT OlSCOVNt not an intrusion Into South African storm tonight. Low around 00. WMCKLS POP N iO tT FQp ttB N apartheid. theid system of racial separation. affairs. This is an affirmation of Chance of rain Npercent. Becom­ Connaetteut_A-6 Sports •SloeK b e C * m 9 V A II.M I.K j2 7 1 4 W 4 r ^ Sen. Ernest Rollings. D-S.C.. The leglsIatloB bans new invest­ the American dream: 'We declare ing partly sunny and breety Entsrtskimsnt 12 T sisvit lon. ______872-2060569-8710 P.W. BOTHA called the Mil an "affirmation of ment and new bank loaSs. R bars theae tnitha to be aeir evideat, all Saturday with a high of 70 to 75. Focus______11 U.6.ANOi1d TOfll^s OPEN MON. « THUH5. 8:30-9 ■ TUES. W FP. AND FRI. 8:304 > SAT. 8:304 tstophons bscklssh the American dream ," but Senate 7.Y TH iiiii;> 4 :.['8 ii'' the importation into the United men are created equal.’" Details on page 2. Local narm .3.10 MsaWiai, —— ^^^CHKatTER h e r a l d . Friday. Oct. 3 ,19W MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Oct. 3, 1966 - 3 WEATHER % 1 Route 6 permit decision Connecffcut loreeMt Central: Rain and possibly a thunderstorm may spark suit by DOT tonight. Lows around M. Chance of rain M percent. Becoming partly sunny and breesy Saturday with highs 7» to 7S. By G eeroe L o yn o SEIS should be ordered. The DOT will dn i f the Corps requirM an 8 < H w estera hterlmr: Rain aiMf possibly a Herold Reporter thunderstorm tonight. Lows around Ob. Oiance of and federal highway officials are SEI8. He said any action would fCheOuMi to meet Thursday in depend on the basis o f the Corps’ rain 90 percent. Becoming partly sunny andbreesy If the New England branch of the Saturday with highs 70 to 75. hopes o f convincing the Corps that decision. U.S. Arm y Corps o f Engineers some supplemental data they ISesf Constaf: Showers and possibly a thunder- Roach said the federal Environ­ requires the state to c o i^ c t a supplied for the DOT’S original ofowb tonight. Lows 00 to 05. Chance of rain 00 mental Protection Agency can veto second in-depth study of the Environmental Impact Statement a Corps decision to issue a permit, ^rcent. Becoming partly sunny and breesy V A T h e Hungry Dragnn environmental effects of the pro­ is sufficient. tat It cannot veto a deeiaUm Saturdw with highs in the mid-TOs. A solar eclipse will be visible today in much of North posed Route 6 highway, the tfcel- denying a permit. sion could be reversed by the East Coastal: Rain and possiMy a thunderstorm America, as the Moon passes directly between the The information about the envir­ Roach said if the DOT does file a ^ight. Lows 00 to 05. Chance o f rain 90 percent. Corps’ Washington headquarters, onmental effects of the proposed Earth and the Sun. According to legend, a solar eclipse lawsuit to overrule a Corps’ Becoming partly sunny and breezy Saturday with a Corps official said this morning. 11.6-mlIe expressway, which would decision requiring an SEIS and highs 70 to 75. in 2136 6.C. caused pandemonium in China. The But Richard Roach, chief of extend from Bolton Notch to wins, it “ could get lost in the Northwest Hllb: Rain and possibly a thunder­ Chinese believed a hungry dragon was eating the Sun. enforcement for the Corps’ New Windham, will be used by the (Dorps shortcut and never get out of the storm tonight. Lows around 00. Chance of rain 90 England office, said such a rever­ to make a decision on issuing a woods” He explained that the Ever resourceful, the Chinese frightened the dragon sal would be very unlikely. percent. Becoming partly sunny and breezy permit to the DOT to fill wetlands highway’s opponents could also away by beating drums and banging gongs. However, SEN. CARL A. ZINSSER That permit is one of the last Saturday with highs around 70. CHALLENGER MICHAEL P. MEOTTI "It is rare — indeed almost bring suit claiming that the Corps FRONTS: the Emperor's Imperial Astronomers were beheaded for remaining hurdles before con- did not act properly. Cites sewer improvement funds . . . ‘people’ programs are needed unprecedented," Roach said. It Isa their failure to warn people of the dragon’s approach. struetion can begin. "The worst thing you can do is W arm .^^ Cold.^^ longstanding policy to allow the If the New England Corps Coastal forecast branch decision to stand and embroil yourself In these law­ D O Y O U K N O W — What configuration of the Earth, decides to require an SEIS and suits." he said. In a case decided Occluded Stationary ^ Sun and Moon causes a lunar eclipse? national officials are “ extremely national Corps officials in Wa­ Long Island Sound to Watch mn, R.I., and reluctant" to overrule, he said. last year in which the Corps Montank Point: Winds south 10 to 20 knots this shington decide to let that decision allowed the Maine DOT to build a THURSDAY'S ANSWER — Mohandas Qandhi was assas­ Debate refuses to end The Corps is expected to make its stand, the DOT can file a lawsuit in afternoon and tonight. Saturday, northwest 10 to 20 highway, opponents appealed and NATIONAL FORECAST — Showers are forecast from northern Texas sinated In 1S48. final decision Thursday on whether federal court, Roach said. The suit knots. to require a Supplemental Envir­ won, prompting the judge to - prevention efforts. “ If someone’s guaranteed the Eighth Utilities would have to be filed under the through the Midwest to western Pennsylvania on Saturday. Warm weather Seas around 2 feet this afternoon through 10 3-86 Knowledgp Unlimited, (no I9K6 Contlnned from page i invalidate the wetlands permit rights gets upset in doing K, that’s District fn Manchester the power to onmental Impact Statement for the Administrative Procedures Act on Is expected in the South and most of the East. Saturday. highway. If a new study is ord ers. until an SETS was done, Roach unfortunate,’’ Zinsser said. veto a proposal to consolidate its the grounds that the decision of the said. Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain late today It could delay the eventual building A Newspaper In Education Program exchange, both candidates shook Meotti said the best way to services with the town. Meotti said Corps was arbitrary or capricious, Roach said it might be best to Rain likely tonight. Considerable cloudiness Sponsored by of the highway by up to two years hands, but neither appeared combat drug abuse is by educating he would leave it to Manchester he said. conduct an SEIS Instead of appeal­ C Saturday. and. If opponents are correct, kill The Manchester Herald pleased. young people about the dangers of residents and officials to work out James F. Byrnes, the DOT’s the entire $170 million project. ing a decision by the Corpa Visibility lowering to 1 to 3 miles and locally less During the videotaped half-hour illegal substances. While stronger the current dispute over how and if director of environmental plan­ requiring one. “ It might get you than 1 mile in rain and fog late today and tonight. of questioning by reporters from enforcement measures are also the Eighth District should be Preliminary recommendations ning, said today no decision has by Corps staff members said an there quickly, or It might set you local newspapers, one thing needed, be said the demand for consolidated with the town of been made by the DOT as to what it back,” he said of a challenge. Zinsser and MeottI stressed differ­ drugs was the key to solving the Manchester. It is a local issue, he Across the nation ent approaches on was battling problem. said Almanac drug abuse. Meotti said he would favor giving Asked about taxes. Zinsser reit­ Heavy thunderstorms again drenched the Zinsser said greater police en­ state aid to towns to help them buy erated his opposition to a state Midwest and southern Plains today, promising to forcement is ne^ed. He pointed to land to preserve open space and Today is Friday. Oct. 3. the U S. troops cracked the Siegfried income tax. tat said changes will Cycle plates spur dispute T worsen floods In the nation’s soggy midsection. a bill he supported In the last recreational areas. Zinsser pointed be needed in light of the federal tax 276th day of 1996. There ore 69 Line north of Aachen. Germany o The storms extended from western Texas and session of the General Assembly to an amendment he sponsored In bill passed by Congress. He said days left in the year. The Jewish In 1955. “ Captain Kangaroo" Oklahoma, southeast Kansas and Missouri into that imposes the death penalty for the last legislative session that that for one thing, the governor New Year, Rosh Hashanah. central Illinois. and "The Mickey Mouse Club" those convicted of selling drugs to created a 19-mlle hiking trail on a must decide whether the tax on Hershberger wants one for each registration A tornado watch was posted for much of central begins at sunset. premiered on CBS and ABC. someone who dies from an railroad right of way from Man­ dividends and interest constitutes and southwest Missouri and parts of west central Today's highlight in history: respectively. overdose. chester to Columbia as an example a type of Income tax. In his latest battle against what mined to challenge that interpreta­ Illinois. Warnings or watches for floods were in On Oct. 3. 1663, President In 1961. "The Dick Yan Dyke If elected again, he said, he of his commitment to the Meotti said he does not think an tion of the law. a handicapped he says Is discrimination against tion, and is prepared to risk being license plate should be Issued for effect in sections of Texas. Oklahoma, Kansas, Lincoln declared the last Thurs­ Show," also starring Mary Tyler would support Increased funding environment. Income tax Is necessarily the motorcyclists, the Rev. Robert W. arrested to argue his case before a each bike that is registered. Missouri, Iowa, Illinois and New York. day In November Thanksgiving Moore, made its debut on CBS and expanded powers to help the Zinsser said he supported a bill answer and offered no proposal to Day. (The holiday would move to television. state police In their drug- earlier this year that would have change the state’s fax structure. "Kaiser” Hershberger charged judge. “ I know that I will win,” he On Thursday, he received only In Texas, more than 5 inches of rain fell in today that the state Department of said. the third Thursday of November In 1962. astronaut Wally one license plate. Hershberger said Wellington, causing widespread street flooding and Motor Yehicles is harrassing him Hershberger. 36, lost a leg In a In 1939 before Congress would Schirra blasted off from Cape he will put that on the motorcycle closing State Highway 203 between that city and by not giving him two special 1978 motorcycle accident at the he uses less frequently, and park m ove It to its present location: Canaveral aboard the Sigma 7on Quail. High water also shut down Highway 207 In handicapped license platesB for his intersection of Center and Main his other bike in handicapped Briscoe County. the fourth Thursday of a nine-hour flight Second forum on, but not third motorcycles. streets In Manchester. Since that November.) parking zones in hopes of getting In neighboring Oklahoma, floods closed many In 1974. Frank Robinson was “ Basically, this is all it Is — time, he has been at the forefront of ticketed. On this date: roads. Flooding was reported in Stillwater, and named ma.tor league baseball’s Republican Carl A. Zinsser and Meotti has pressed Zinsser to the candidates must take to give harrassment." Hershberger said efforts to guarantee equal rights Byers said the DMY Is waiting a In 1922, Rebecca L. Felton of serious floods were expected to continue along first black manager as he was Democrat Michael Meotti will hold a debate next Wednesday in the public the opportunity to ask this morning after trying unsuc­ for motorcyclists and handicapped ruling from the state attorney Georgia became the first woman several rivers. Five to 7 inches of rain fell overnight put in charge of the Cleveland square off again Oct. 29 In which all the questions are pro­ questions. cessfully on Thursday to obtain two motorcyclists. general’s office, and may change in western sections of the state, adding to weeklong to be seated In the U S. Senate. Indians. Glastonbury Like the 4fh Senator­ vided by the public. However. “ If they (the public) are not plates. He said that under a state He Is the head of the Manchester Its stand. He said he dM not know rains of more than 15 inches. Felton, a Democrat, was ap­ One year ago: In a speech to ial District debate held Thursday Zinsser has declined, preferring allowed to ask the questions (at a law that took effect Wednesday, a Mission Church of Bikers, a group when that ruling would be Issued. Instead to have reporters ask the In southeast Kansas, 2 to 4 Inches of rain fell on pointed to serve out the remain­ French lawmakers. Soviet In Manchester, the forum will be debate). when will they be allowed license plate should be provided to he formed that sees and advocates Hershberger does have a separ­ questions. saturated ground Thursday night in Cowley and ing term of Thomas E. Watson. leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev sponsored by the League of Women to ask the questions?" Paindiris handicapped motorcyclists for motorcycling as a religion. Hersh­ ate handicapped parking access Yoters and will feature a panel of Gray said this morning that if said. MORNINQ CLOUDS — Weather satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. shows the Sumner Counties, sending streams and rivers to In 1941, Adolf Hitler delivered a proposed separate talks with each bike they have registered. berger was instrumental In getting card that would allow him to park three questioners. voters did the querying, the debate remnants of Hurricane Paine over Central Texas. Strong flood-producing bankfull or above and closing many roads. speech in Berlin it)i,which he said France and Britain on arms Paindiris said Meotti is willing to The DMY sees If differently. the General Assembly to pass a Ipw any motorcycle in a space reserved Russia had been broken and Following the debate, an open might become a free-for-all in debate at any time, but only on Spokesman Donald Byers said earlier this year that allowed for the handicapped. Byers said. thunderstorms are visible over much of the Central Plains. Layered clouds Temperatures around the nation at 3 a.m. EDT control in Europe Paris and would “ never rise again.” questlon-and-answer session will which the candidates could those terms. Because Zinsser Is not ttaay that the law provides for one motorcyclists to obtain handi­ The problem 1s that those cards ranged from 25 degrees at Yellowtone Park, Wyo., London both rejected the "stack" the audience. extend eastward from the Plains to the Northeast. Patchy low and middle In 1942, President Franklin D proposal. allow members ot the public to quiz willing to agree to that format, handicapped" ndl • plate ■ per person. capped license plates. were meant to put on the wind­ clouds obscure much of the Rockies. to 84 degrees at Corpus Christ! Naval Air Station each candidate, according to However, Nicholas Paindiris, Paindiris said Meotti's side will no "Our legal people say only one," Hershberger said he needs two Texas. Roosevelt established the Office Today’s birthdays: Author shield of automobiles — something Zinsser’s campaign chairman Meottl’s campaign manager, said longer take the initiative to sche­ Byers said. plates because he has two motorcy­ of Economic Stabilization and Gore YIdal Is 61 Actress Madlyn impossible for motorcyclists, By­ Ralph Gray. this morning that that Is the chance dule a third debate Hershberger, however, is deter­ cles. According to his interpreta­ ers said. authorized controls on farm Rhue Is 52. Rock-and-roll star prices, rents, wages and Chubby Checker is 45 Sen. Jeff salaries. Bingaman, D-N M , is 43 All-star PEOPLE In 1944, during World War II, outfielder Dave Winfield is 35. Campaign Notes Low pay keeps town positions vacant By Oeoroe Layng 3 engineer has caused a delay in would increase from the current “ The burden on all the Inspectors, On the Light Side Tadic manages Tucers campaign Herald Reporter The Everly walk halfway back," Brlckner said. some projects. “ The longer It goes $20,659-to-$23,914 range to between Including the dhlef inspector, for the more we miss the person filling ‘T d like to be remembered as the M ary Tadlc has been named campaign manager and treasurer $25,143 and $30,172. field reviews is tremendous." The 1,834th star embedded in for the campaign of John Tucci, who is seeking election as state As the work continues to pile up the position." he said Wednesday. The position would be up living legend of Pittsburgh have to think of residents who The other position, currently a the Walk of Fam e has How much Dutch representative from the 12th Assembly District in Manchester. in the Manchester Public Works He said he and Acting Town to allow supervision of field inspec­ secretarial job, would be upgraded rivers.” trace their ancestries to other been dedicated to The Everly Tadic, Tuccl’s sister, is a certified public accountantemployed Department because there Is no Engineer William Camosci have tions and the processing of building to a legal secretary classification, I t really too much? countries. Brothers, who recorded such hits by United Technologies Corp. She town engineer, the Board of been taking up the slack, but their permit applications. “ The depart­ allowing the person to help process But Councilman Albert as “ Bye Bye L ove" and “ Wake HOLLAND, Mich. - Leaders lives on Fleming Road. Directors will consider a proposal efforts have not been enough to ment is In a real need of an building applications. The salary Books and power McGeehan pointed out that the to draw new applicants by offering Up, Little Susie.” in this southwest Michigan city, Tucci Is seeking to unseat Demo­ keep.every project on schedule. individual qualified to perform for the job would be Increased from city’s tourist trade is built to more money. About 1,000 people, including David Rockefeller urged which prides itself on its Dutch cratic incumbent Rep. James McCa- In particular. Kandra said the in-house plan review and general the current $17.047-to-$18,T75 range considerable degree on the city's rock singer Tom Petty, showed members of the power elite to heritage, are trying to decide vanagh, D-Manchester. McCava- department’s $1.5 million plan to office review,” Werbner said. to between M8.505 and $21,412. Dutch heritage. Personnel Officer Linda M. Improve storm drains around town up for Thursday’s dedication. chip In toward a $307 million how much Dutch is too much. nagh is seeking his third term. “ We trade around the nation on Parry Is proposing that the town has been shelved for three months "The Everly Brothers have fund-raising campaign for the Despite failing to carry the Increase the salary range from our Dutch culture,” said McGee­ and may not go out to bid this been an imporiant influence on New York Public Library. Dutch contigent, the Holland city between $33,525 and $40,230 to han, whose ancestry is Scottish December, as originally envisi­ music,” Petty said, "Their har­ The library already has raised council voted 5-4 to post signs at Zinsser to open between $35,133 and $44,356. The monies were ground-breaking” and Irish. oned. The project’s timetable $170 million toward its goal, the city limits that say “ Wel- position has been advertised twice, called for construction to begin FERRANkO ORCHARDS Don and Phil E verly first hit his headquarters according to its chairman, An­ kom” rather than “ Welcome.” but fewer than five candidates next spring. the pop music charts in 1957 with drew Helskell, who announc^ Six of the council members are state Sen. Carl Zinsser, R- were eligible In the first round, and Parry said increasing the salary iPPLES “ Bye Bye Love” During the next the campaign Thursday at a of Dutch origin, but only three Lottery Manchester, announced that the only three new applications were of the engineering position would Macintosll CortlBfida, Macouno five years, they produced a hit special meeting of the library’s wanted to engrave the signs with Zinsser Committee Headquarters received In the second. Parry said. put the job at the same salary level R«d ar record every three months and "Review of salaries paid for Golden Dallcloua board of trustees. the greeting as It would be will have an open house 'Tuesday, as the planning director and water their popularity peaked in 1960 similar work in other Connecticut Bose Ped Fraah Apple Cider spelled in the Netherlands. Oct. 7, starting at 7 p.m. Refresh­ and sewer administrator, “ which with “ Cathy’s Clown." Contemplating the value of Connecticut daily: municipalities indicates that the impklng Councilman Philip Tanis, who ments will be served. seems to be appropriate given the $307 million. Rockefeller, chair­ Thursday: 187 salary range for the position is not * OiastMbtiry man of the New York City voted against “ Welkom” despite The Zinsser headquarters is lo­ re^ n stb ility of the job” competitive,” she said in a memo ’rtte town engineer participates Partnership, quipped, “ In my his heritage, said city officials Play Four: 8511 cated in the Watkins building on Main Open 7 • wMk. Chapin recalled PHIL (LEFT) AND DON EVERLY to Assistant Town Manager Steven In and supervises the design of family, at least, that’s a lot of Street, Manchester, in rooms 3 and 4 R. Werbner. public works improvements, over­ 2 2 2 Birch M t R d \ t mfftt beyond YftoH) Harry Belafonte says singer 1,834th star in Hollywood Walk of Fame on level H. The Purnell Place money.” The town engineer’s position sees field surveys, reviews subdivi­ Harry Chapin would have been entrance is the one to use. Nonetheless, Rockefeller, who Mary Tadic became vacant In May when sion plans and supervises the c among the stars who raised w personally donated somewhere Manchester Herald Zinsser is seeking his fourth term Walter Senkow was fired for inspection of public projects done Hunger Project, an organization cl millions of dollars for African Brlckner, who climbed from the between $2 million and $5 million as state senator. His opponent in the 4th Senatorial District is alleged sexual harrassment of a by private contractors. famine relief had he not been fighting world hunger, before his murky Monongahela River in USPS 327-500 female co-worker. Senkow admit­ to the campaign, exhorted his VOL. CVI, No. 3 Democrat Michael Meotti of Glastonbury. The district comprises In a related matter up fPr killed in a traffic accident. death. ted to placing pornographic mate­ S| Charleroi, Pa., on Thursday colleagues from industry to Published dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rates are $1.50 Manchester, Glastonbury, Hebron, Bolton, and Columbia. consideration by the directors Chapin was 38 when he was and certain holidays by the Msn- rial on the desk of the female tr “ I think Harry Chapin would after his last for-the-record dip. exceed the library’s goal. weekly. $6 50 tor one month, $19.25 Tuesday night, Werbner is propos­ perhaps have been the eye of the killed in the 1981 collision involv­ chester Publishing Co.. tSBrsInard worker, but he said he did so only to n “That’s the last one of my The audience included au­ tor three months, $38.50 tor six Wilton would ond conveyance tax ing that two vacant positions in the ing his car and a truck owned by au- Pisca, Manchester. Conn. 06040 months and $77.00 for one year. cheer her up. hurricane,” Belafonte testified career for marking up miles. I ’ll thors, actors and top city officials Second class postage paid at Man­ town Building Department be Pi Thursday at a hearing in New Supermarkets General Co. His Mall rates are available on request. Edward J. Wilson, the independent candidate in Manchester’s Senkow challenged his dismis­ still swim for my own pleasure, alongside presidenu, chairmen chester, Conn. POSTMASTER upgraded and higher salaries be 9 widow filed suit in federal court Sand address changes to the Man­ 13th Assembly District, said that If he is elected he will seek to sal, and a settlement was reaped Cf York a negligence lawsuit filed but I ’m not going to count miles.’ ’ and chief executive ofRcersfrom paid for those hired to fill the Jobs. by Chapin's wife, Sandra. against the company. chester Herald, P.O. Box 591, Man­ eliminate the state’s real estate conveyance tax and return the with the town in August that Under the plan, the assistant Brlckner, who has been swim­ Fortune 500 corporations. chester. Conn. 06040 85 To place a classified or display money collected on it to the house sellers who have paid It. allowed Senkow to resign. ec "He would have been truly ming for 59 years through fog, building ofncial’s position would be Llbrary officials said the mo­ advertisement, or to report a news Public Works Director George reclasBlfied as “ assistant chief pivotal in being able to talk with, rain, snow, ice and floods on item, story or picture Idea, call 643- Wilson said he thinks the tax is unconstitutional brcause it WHY IS THE EIGHTH DISTRICT Long swim ends ney would be used during the GUARANTEED DELIVERY It taxes home sellers for money they did not receive. Kandra said the absence of a building Inspector” The salary interpret for artists who came Pittsburgh-area rivers, is recog­ you don’t receive your Herald by 2711 Office hours ere 8:30 a m. to 5 next five years to restore books p m Monday through Friday. only with passion but with From now on, swimming will nized by the Guinness Book of 5:30 p.m. weekdaya or 6 a m. Satur­ Wilson said that if someone sells a house for $60,060, the seller IN THE SEWER BUSINESS? and buildings, extend hours and must pay the tax on the full $60,000 even If there was a mortgage perhaps no basis in be just for fun, says 75-year-old World Records as logging the day, please telephone your carder information” to burrow beneath Bryant Park If you’re Onable to reach your car­ of $20,000 on the property and the seller received only $00,000. Gns Brlckner, who has recorded most swimming miles in a It does not hove o Sewer Treatment Plant. Chapin, who had hits with the — which adjoins the central rier, call subscriber service at 647- The Manchester Herald is a mem­ The tax is collected by town clerks and turned over to the state. 38,500 miles in the water, more lifetime. 9946 by 6:30 p.m, weekdays or 10 a A New Season o f A rt songs "T a x i” and "C at’s In The research library — to carve out ber of the Associated Press and a On Wednesday, the tax rate dropped from 0.05 percent to 0.045 than any living human being. “ I’ve swum the equivalent of m. Saturdays for guaranteed deliv­ member ot the Audit Bureau ol Cir­ It does not hove o long ronoe sewer Cradle,” was active in the new space for the library’s ery in Manchester. percent of the sale price. “ This is my grand finale,” said around the world and more than stacks. culations development plan. It haYe a M We It does not qualify for Stote or Federal v-a Yariety funds for sewer Improvements. I t of ST, NEW LAW OFFICE It does not even reod Its own sewer meters. paintings 6 }! TIMOTHY P. O ’NEIL priced just for Yet the "•th" continues to cause dispute and I t conflict over sewer plons of the town for the ClflSSIFIED ADS you. Bucklond oreo. Bet wishes to announce the opening of his office for It u Prove It to yourself by calling the classified department the general practice of law at Fettunng for Oct. 80< James Brennan Vote YES Question 4 — to place your ad today! Call 643-2711 for assistance. 229 East Center Street, Manchester End the needless ond expensive conflict I Attornay O ’Nail is a graduata of East Catholic High Distinctive Gallery THE CeMMITTEE FDR School, Tha UnIvarsIty of Connactlcut and Wastarn 280 Burnside Avenue CHARTER REVISIOR Naw England Cotfaga, School of Law. Ha can be Hours: S«t.-Sun. East Hartford, CT 06108 10 :00-6 :00pm reached for appointment by calling 646-8886. (across from Martin Park) P6M Ter by Hw CommlHM for OrarWr Rwvtalon. jflanrbpatTr Hrralh R. Oerlor. Troaeurer 528-9769 I 'I 4 — MANCHESTER HERALP. Friday. Oct. 3. 19W MANCHES'l'iiK HERALD. Friday. Oct. 3. 1988 — 5

CamtecHcmt h$ Britf 1 Nofwalk police seek Cardiologists son

SMET hfTM t•mpof8ry workm NORWALK (AF) - Police have does not take home, officials said. asked the public fbr help in finding testifies in court NEW HAVEN — Temporaiv workers for Southern New Later in the week, police bad three men who were seen drivinga England Telecommunications Coip. began work today as the school students reenact their ear away from the area where an IMlIVrOltD (AVy - The nine^ company attempted to improve telephone operator service that activities on the day of the murder Rusoen said he went t » ...his ll-year-old girl was murdered last in hopes of Jogging their memories yeoroM OM of Dr. Rhooell F. parents' bedroom to luveeUgate. has been curtailed because of the strike. week. amf getting some clues in die case. ManfredI hooteoUted ohootMioea SNET said it will hire a total of between 2M and SMtemporary “Dad shut the door real fast oe Lt. Bob Fabrinfo said witnesses Police said all three men being nC n^VTv nt VfrV USUff UUIII workers to fill in as operators during the course of the strike. have said that a green Chevrolet sought for questioning were white the Might Ms mother was Mud- me.” hesaM, addiigthathla father SNET spokeswoman Elisa Jenny said the striking workers impala. model year 1999 or 1970. and wearing sunglasses. One ap­ geoeedtodhadi. tokf hhn, "Mom Juot threw tm a would return to their Jobs alter the strike is settled. was seen leavingtbe Ponus Avenue peared tobe about 5-foot-3.35 years UtOe blood.’’ About 9,700 members of the Connecticut Union of Telephone area in Norwalk about 3; 45 p.m. on old, with dark brown hair and a The Beys agpearaweie Hartford Workers went on strike Sept. is. Since then. SNET has replaced Sept. 23. shortly after Kathleen Supertor Ceart Thursday as a Friwecntion evidence at the trial slight, upward turn to bis top lip. indicates that ManfredI wooed the striking employees with 4,000 management workers. Flynn was last seen alive. police said. proaecutfou wftiiess was the first body o f hie wife from die oecond- Management employees will be moved to installation and Witnesses also sakf the ear was They said he was wearing a light time that father and atm had seen itory bedroom window into the repair Jobs, Jenny said. SNET had curtailed installations that being driven erratically and bad blue shirt and Jeans. eaeh ethar sinee IfanfredFs arrest driveway. The evidence also indi­ U ft require service visits and person-to-person calls as a result of the b ^ spotted in the area around the PWice said the second suspect last year on charges of mimfering strike. Ponus Ridge Middle School earlier was 5-foot-9. about 18 years old, his wife Catherfaa. cates that he then moved her body Amei in the day. police said Thursday. onto the front seat of her ear.drore with short Mack hair and a medium A eonditioe of Manfredi’s fostei Flynn’s body was found a half- build. The man.was wearing a three Mocks and and left the car fI88,M8 bond prehibiu him from WA mile from her home in some woods long-sleeve, white shirt and jeans, smashed against a utility pole to Nln« Yal« protMtm tiftpafidad have any contract srtth the son, on the school grounds early on authorities said. give the appearance the death was n otbi NEW HAVEN — Nine Yale University students who occupied Sept. 24 after a nine-hour search They said the third man was Russell, or bis two younger caused by a traffic accident. Lack: the school’s investment office during a protest have been that started when she failed to brothers. 5-foot-8. about 17 years old, with ^ ^ Defense attorneys have con­ facul suspended by the university's Executive Committee. return home after classes. She had short brown hair and wearing a AApOoto# ManfredI. a West Hartford cardi- been sexually assaulted and ceded that Catherine ManfredI was grow Five of the students were suspended for a semester and four polo shirt. ologfst, openly wept as his strangled non killed in the bedroom of her home others were suspended for a day. The heavier penalty was given Sketches released t>y Norwalk police show two of three testified. hitelli Authorities said Flynn appar­ and her husband lowered the body to students who had been reprimanded last spring by the Police urged anyone with any men being sought as suspects in connection with the Sol Executive Committee. ently left the school building alone information about the car or the The hoy told Jurors he was from the bedroom window to avoid having the children see her. prosii The four students who were suspended for a day also were that day. Her body was found off a men to call the detective bureau at death of It-year-ofd Kathleen Marie Fiynn last week near awakened the n i ^ of March 8, placed on probation for the rest of the semester. ,h,f normally 854-3011. Ponus Ridge Middle School. 1855 hy a "noise” from his parents’ The boy and his two young Rtode The nine students had occupied Yale’s investment office on bedroom. Asked what kind of noise, brothers now live in Pennsylvania gayn Sept. 22 and were arrested by New Haven police and charged with he repHed, “ Mom.” with Ms mother’s sister. onFii disorderly conduct and first-degree criminal trespass. But They will be arraigned in Superior Court in New Haven on Oct. State files suit against famine charity Yale] Up to 50 students maintained a vigil outside the hall where the Dodd is assured b io fft HARTFORD (AP) -Thestateof northern Africa Executive Committee held its disciplinary hearing Thursday granted USA for Africa an exten­ cial disclosure law. Hwttd pttolo by Pinto c Dick, night. Connecticut has filed suit against In a separate development, the sion until Nov. 15 for filing 1985 "While it is important to say that the USA for Africa Foundation in Los Angeles Department of Social disclosure statements required we have no evidence that USA for frees Hartford Superior Court because Services chastized USA for Africa under California law. Those state­ Africa has misused any contribu­ sanctl the charity failed to file the proper on pipe hearings A total loss Paper argues for autopsy release last week for filing an incomplete ments are similar to the one tions. neither can we determine financial disclosure statement. Did statement of its expenses and required by Connecticut. whether the charity has used its H ARTFO RD — A dead person has no right to privacy and USA for Africa spokesman Dave receipts for the Hands Across This restored 1971 Porsche, valued at about $20,000, was Middle Turnpike when the car stalled and somehow after I Fulton said the USA for Africa donations properly without having WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Long Island, N.Y., is opposed by autopsy records must be made public unless there is "a Fulton said Thursday in Los America event last May. However, Foundation, formally known as a financial report.” Connecticut destroyed by fire at about 5 p.m. Thursday. The owner of caught fire. Wally Simon of Simon Sports Car Center in comnr compelling public interest against disclosure,” says a Angeles that the Century City. an amended statement filed on Christopher J. Dodd, D-Conn., said several environmental groups. T United Support of Artists for Africa Attorney General Joseph I Lieber- the car, Stanley McMIllen of 611 Qoose Lane, Coventry, Bolton said his repair garage had spent 18 months Calif-based foundation filed a copy the chairman-designate of the c o m ir newspaper’s lawyer in arguments before the state Supreme Sept. 25 was accepted by the city Foundation, was unable to obtain a man said in a prepared statement. Dodd and other members of the Court. of the charity’s 1985 audit with the was pulling out of the parking lot at Shady Qlen on East restoring the car. McMIllen was not injured in the fire. department. similar extension from the state of Federal Energy Regulatory Com­ Connecticut congressional delega­ distril A federal charitable organiza­ Norwich Bulletin attorney Steven Spellman told the Justices Connecticut attorney general’.^ of­ Connecticut. mission has assured him she will tion have opposed a proposal from The fice However, he added, the The foundation sponsored the tion disclosure statement, called Thursday that even if the deceased person’s family objects to Robert M Longer, an assistant hold a public meeting In Connecti­ the pipeline builders that the statement apparently doesn’t meet coast-to-coast human chain to an IRS Form 990. has taken longer placet releasing an autopsy report, the public's right to know outweighs raise money for the homeless and attorney general In Connecticut, cut about a controversial gas project be handled by FERC under that position. the state’s reporting requirements. than expected to prepare, partly Education bill boost for state students adver said USA for Africa failed to file the pipeline proposal. " I think what they were trying to hungry In the United States. because the foundation changed its an expedited review procedure. Last year, the state Appellate Court ruled that autopsy records required 1985 financial audit re­ Days tell us was that they wanted their The Sept, 25 statement reported accounting system, said executive Dodd said because of the promise Rep. Bruce Morrison, D-Conn., were public documents and rejected the regulations of the port. despite several letters and form, not the audit.” Fulton said. the foundation received 831.8 mil­ director Marty Rogol. from Martha 0. Hesse, he is has said that review procedure Bv Chris Rose loan limits and grant awards. The time students attending school at could tighten the belt on loan Gay ai medical examiner’s office that prohibited disclosure. The telephone calls from his office. USA for Africa, which vaulted to lion in Hands Across America withdrawing his objections to her would severely curtail how FERC Scripps Leapue Newspapers legislation allows Increases in Pell community colleges is increasing. amounts, said Rossi. on car The suit, which was filed earlier The Connecticut disclosure appeals court said that departmental regulations were International prominence with the donations. nomination, clearing the way for a would look at the proposal. grants to college students from This will enable those students to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., said this week, seeks to prevent USA for statement requires basically the listed I superseded by the state Freedom of Information laws. "W e Are the World” rock music WASHINGTON - Connecticut 82,100 this year to 83,100 in 1901. In get federal aid, he said. he is very pleased with the The Internal Revenue Service Africa from soliciting contribu­ same information as Form 990, and Senate confirmation vote., Dodd had originally said he The then-chief state medical examiner. Dr, Catherine A. video, has raised 848.75 million, college students who pay their addition the celling for guaranteed The bill does include some legislation. This bill ensures that includ and California's Office of Charita­ tions In Connecticut until the it will be forwarded to Connecticut Hesse now is assistant secretary would delay Ms. Hesse’s nomina­ Galvin, appealed the July 1985 ruling to the Supreme Court, mostly for famine relief victims in tuition with the aid of government student loans would increase from proposals backed by the adminis­ students will be able to choose a activh ble Trusts each reported they had foundation complies with the finan­ after it's completed. Rogol said. of energy for management and tion until he was assured FERC which could hand down its decision by the end of this year. loans and grants received good 82,500 per student annually to tration designed to prevent abuses college or university based on the administration. would not grant the pipeline’s One The case was sparked by a Norwich Bulletin reporter’s request news when Congress approved 82,825 for freshmen and sopho­ of financial aid programs by depth of the intellects, not on the Dodd said he received a letter request for the expedited review Dick a for the autopsy on a black man shot by a white police officer In legislation allowing individuals to mores, and 84,000 for Juniors and schools and students. depth of their pocketbooks, he said. 1981. from Hesse saying she would procedure. borrow more low-interest money to seniors. One provision mandates stu­ The five-year education bill Comm Effect of Trident competition unknown personally conduct a meeting in But he relented after it became pay their education bills. This Is good news for Connecti­ dents maintain a C average, or included seven proposals authored Dlcko The legislation is designed to Connecticut, no later than Oct. 30, apparent that he could not get that cut. said Jene Rossi, a spokesman comply with the school’s education by Dodd, one of which authorizes said ht Prosecutors seek limits on judges By Daniel Beeoan on the pipeline proposal from the assurance since the decision on permit talented students to attend for the state’s Washington office. standards after their sophomore 81.3 million for the construction of a (Va ) Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Until the Navy can Justify the The Associated Press all, but Its current five-year Iroquois Gas Transmission how to review the project requires the Institution of their choice by Currently Connecticut gets about year to be eligible for financial aid. blobehavioral research facility at chargf W ALLIN G FO R D — State prosecutors have said they intend to Co. to compete for Trident con­ move economically. Dodd said, he tracts because of a federal law defense plan, running from 1987 to System. a full vote of the commission after removing economic barriers, said 8150 to 8160 million in guaranteed Another provision requires all the University of Connecticut. In the rig ask the General Assembly to limit the power of Judges to dismiss will continue to oppose It. 1991. calls for 18 of the submarines. Sen. Lowell Welcker, a member of WASHINGTON - The Navy encouraging competition in de­ "I will issue notice of this hearing It reviews staff recommendations. student loans and Pell grant students to pass a financial needs addition, Dodd sponsored the col­ under criminal cases. "To disrupt this program In the the Senate Labor and Human assistance... Now more money will test designed to weed out individu­ doesn't know yet whether it would fense contracts and because of Electric Boat already has won as soon as possible after being Instead, he sought a public lege construction loan insurance The decision to seek the legislation was the result of a save any money by breaking the name of an abstract principle and Resources subcommittee on Edu­ be going to the state, he said. als who have no real monetary corporation act, which establishes 1975. potential cost savings contracts for 13 of the vessels, sworn In and will personally hearing In Connecticut. Bridgeport case in which charges against a man accused of monopoly on Trident submarine without any reasonable Justifica­ cation, Arts and the Humanities. In addition to the increase, Rossi need-for assistance. a corporation to guarantee and Schi which form part of the nation's conduct it,” she said. Hesse said the hearing would manslaughter were dismissed by a Superior Court Judge before construction held by the Electric Electric Boat now is the only tion Is Irresponsible and can only nuclear defense. Despite President Reagan’s said the bill allows Pell grant Because Connecticut residents insure bonds and loans for con­ shipyard In the nation building the The pipeline, which would run “ Identify (the) scope and signifi­ presid the Jurist was presented with any evidence, said Assistant State’ s Boat Division of General Dynam­ endanger the security of our According to the GAO. Newport proposals for deep cuts in higher recipients to be part-time students average a higher per capita struction and rennovatlon of aca­ ballistic-missile submarines and of th e' Attorney John M. Massameno. ics Corp.. the General Accounting nation.” Dodd said. News Is conducting its own study to from the Ontario border, through cance of environmental Impact education. Congress approved the carrying five credits or less. In income than those in many other demic facilities and research shares contracts for attack subma­ He said Wednesday that historically only prosecutors have had Office said. see If It wants to compete for New York State and Connecticut to assessment” for the pipeline. bill which increases maximum Connecticut, the number of part- states, the stiffened needs test equipment. profesi rines with Newport News. Welcker had no Immediate com­ the authority to launch and end prosecutions. Judges should only "The Navy has not yet prepared ment on the GAO letter. He has said Trident contracts, but already has The I be able to dismiss criminal charges when there is a lack of cost-benefit estimates for a Trident Dodd said he and Welcker had In the past that he supports indicated Interest to the Navy. historic evidence or a legal defect in the prosecution’s case, Massameno competition, ” the GAO said In a requested a full-scale economic competition for all major weapons The GAO said the Trident said. four-page letter sent to Sens feasibility study by the GAO on the systems, including the Trident, WE gulden Christopher J Dodd, D-Conn . and submarine and aircraft carriers The Supreme Court last summer upheld a decision by Superior plans to seek competition for EB on and that In the long run, Connecti­ are the only two major ships not unsays Lowell P. Welcker Jr.. R-Conn. the Trident. But. Dodd said, the HAVE Court Judge Hugh C. Curran to dismiss the manslaughter charge cut defense contractors will benefit being competed for by contractors. ble." against Juan Corchado, who fatally shot another Bridgeport man The letter, written by John GAO was unable to do It because from competing for contracts. 86*8 Landlcho, senior associate direc­ According to the congressional 3 Woot In 1979 during an argument. Both men were armed with handguns the Navy has not developed any The GAO letter said the Defense tor of the GAO. said the Navy is watchdog agency, no new aircraft IN and Corchado said the shooting was in self-defense. economic Justification for the Department has not decided yet carriers are planned In the next encour encouraging the Newport News move. how many Tridents will be built In five years. STOCK origin < Hartford Hotel to be demolished speech lake aLooE mutual HARTFORD — The Hartford Hotel, home to llOof the capital's poorest residents until last week, will be demolished because the Dodd beats challenger to a drug test he said cost of repairing structural damage is too high, a lawyer for the "Wh( owner says. By Judd Everhart % comes Mark Asmar, an attorney for hotel owner Leonard Ginsberg, officials that we’re looking for.” of his urinalysis from the congres­ The Associated Press other 8105.000. Annual % insultli said it would cost $1 million and take six months to rehabilitate Eddy said he had had a test sional atlending physician. David A. Narsavage of the Annual himself at Hartford Hospital and On another Issue. Eddy said the P ercentage said. the 87-year-old building, which Is on the National Register of HARTFORD - Republican U.S committee said ” we still hope tobe Percentage Historic Places. was found clean. Dr. Howard J. National Republican ^natorial able to free up our maximum Rate A tth Senate candidate Roger W Eddy Wetstone of Hartford Hospital " It is clear that both the time constraints and the costs make Committee had not yet come allowable contribution for Connec­ Rate challenged Democratic incumbent later confirmed Eddy's statement: through with 8220.000 he said It had 2.9 endorsi rehabilitation impractical,” Asmar said Wednesday. ticut.” He said there were never Christopher J. Dodd to undergo a "His drug screen was negative for promised him. inaugu Residents of the 103-unit hotel were ordered to leave last Friday any guarantees for the full 8220.000. Meet our new Dashing Stk. #6-6190 drug test, but Dodd had already everything tested, ” the doctor noisy a after numerous cracks appeared in the south wall, which had beat him to the punch said. "This has been a severe blow to although Eddy said It had been a me.” Eddy said at a state Capitol promise. moved about 2 inches from its foundation. Dodd had such a test a month Eddy said he was not Issuing the werebt news conference, and “ kind of a ago challenge because he believed “ He hasn’t been written off,” sports figure. figure. shock to me.” three p '1 had It done because I believed there was anything wrong with Narsavage said of Eddy's uphill He said the committee — which Thef State Issues meningitis warning it was the responsible step for a Dodd’s lifestyle. " I ’m making no battle against Dodd. “ But there agrees to pay candidates’ bills, not are. for the time being, a number of Stk.#e-1071 Yale's i WEST HAVEN — Nearly 100 children who attend a city day public official to take, not because statement about his lifestyle what­ the Republican National Commit­ make outright contributions — had very close races which must take care center may have been exposed to a bacteria strain that soever. 1 know nothing about his in the a tee or the Republican Senatorial spent 815.000 on him and promised a priority over Connecticut. We’ll causes a form of meningitis, although it is unlikely they will lifestyle,” entered Committee considers it an impor­ another 8100.000. But he said he continue discussion on the remain­ develop the illness, a health official said. “ I find It disheartening that my tant tactic,” Dodd said. " I did not can’t get a firm commitment on the ing money.” and uni City Health Director Leslie Balch said a girl who attends the opponent believes our campaign Issue a press release when I had the should be conducted so narrowly that rei Child Development Day Care Center at Noble Community Center test done, nor did I call on my around personal Issues,” Dodd was admitted to a hospital with meningitis earlier this week. The hardly opponent to take a test.” said, “ To date, he has demon­ child was last at the center on Sept. 25, she said. Ho Ur c l a s s e s was me "That’s terrific,” said Eddy strated no recognition that the IN EACH TWO WEEK Financing Meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes that cover the spokesman Andy McLeod when solution to the drug problem goes 3.8 V6 Engine Aspo spinal cord and the brain, can be serious if not diagnosed and told of Dodd’s test, “ That’s the beyond drug testing.” COURSE FOR THE Inter. Wipers whethe treated early after its onset, Balch said. She added that the show of leadership in our elected He released a copy of the results HOME COMPnTFP Automatic thegroi meningitis bacteria involved in the child’s illness is not usually Rate Steei Aii-Season Radials passed from person to person. 10 studt PUTER ____ Tiit Wheei Balch said Thursday that parents of children who attend the I f the center have been warned as a safeguard to be on the lookout for ISERVICES. Speed Control Financing 9 4 Cyl. commit symptoms, which include fever, inflammation of the throat or ANNOUNCES T ^^ 36 Months Rear Window Defroster ear, and a rash or a stiff neck. 1.9L Eng. Air Conditioning conside ICOURSES FOR APPLE surely! Ic o m Mo p o r f u s e r s ! Front Wheel Dr. Power Mirrors Rate l‘ ll)U I.I^..,^m illlllllt||B ,',;W|||||||||i||||||||||)|||||||,II,111,1,1— I defendc 4 Spd. Rebate Tinted Glass I- BASIC COMPUTING; Lamp Group mocker McPherson Struts ACURA iNtRODUCTIOriO: IWkb HROCESStnV OR 36 Months recogni HOME ACCOUNTING, GRAPHICS Radial Tires onbeha ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET, MODEMS the univ ^VARIETY OF HARD 5 SOFTWARi: Power Front Disc Financing SALE PRICE Financing IM B OMs CMInt IMXMwMttaMa whom 8 M M M k C • Or. AT. iL bATA M ANA^d L Price Thursdi AC. AM/rX r » « o 20 to choose from ADV. WORD PROCESSING; Includes 1MB Teytta Tercel PRICES STARTING AT. AC. 9t«r»e § 1M4 Wtwit f ratwia ADVANCED VORD PROCESSING MERCURY * Rebate at similar.savlngsl WEHENEW! 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MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Oct. 3, 1986 — 7 OPINION U .S./W arU in B r i^ Target of manhunt kills himself Dlpfomat kidnapped In Iran, freed Bv Tom Cohen The body was brought to St. time in years. The Assocloted Press Louis County Hospital for an "Michael Jackson has had mein Free speech DAMASCUS, Syria — Gunmen kidnapped a Syrian diplomat as autopsy, said Sgt. Walter Ryan of jail,” Maxine Schell, 54, of mral be drove home from work in the Iranian capital, and a top aide to WRIGHT CITY, Mo. - Resi­ the Missouri Highway Patrol. Wright City said Thursday night. k Syria s president said the envoy was freed today, a day after his dents haunted by the presence of Ryan said a preliminary investiga­ Ken Niemann, 26, described the J a c k . abduction. fugitive Michael Wayne Jackson tion indicated that Jackson had not atmosphere during the siege as one fo r some, . IP o N h r Syrian officials here identifed the diplomat abducted Thursday relaxed today aRer the suspect in a suffered an earlier gunshot wound, of "fear and chaos.” A n d e n o n night as consul lyad Mahmoud, the No. 2 man at the Syrian three-state crime spree killed as police had previously believed. But now, "It’s party time,” he KMOM ABOUT Embassy in Tehran. An embassy official earlier said Mahmoud himself when he was cornered by During the manhunt, police had said as he drank a beer at Chaps was charge d’affaires. police in an abandoned bam. speculated that Jackson had been Bar and Restaurant. Y)UeilW&,evT Official Tehran radio, monitored in London, said the armed ”We can finally unload our wounded in a gun battle with two Police focused on the bam about but not all? men in a BMW car and an ambulance stopped Mahmoud’s shotguns,” said resident Nelson Wright City police officers on the 6:20p.m. after officers found a blue vehicle at 10 p.m. It quoted witnesses as saying the kidnappers Paul, 28, as he stood in the rain night of Se^. 22 at a service station raincoat at a nearby vacant tm . fired six shots and hustled the diplomat Into the ambulance outside a police command center in the eastern Missouri city. But farmhouse and a check showed the Universities, perhaps more than any other which then left for an unknown destination. early today. "It’s like having a load Ryan said today that the head coat had been reported stolen, said of bricks lifted from your wound was the only one on the Highway Patrol CpI. Norbert American institution, have a responsibility to loeM N M b, Syrian presidential spokesman Jibrane Kourieh said today: CIA’s papers ■’The matter is over now and Mr. Mahmoud is no longer in the shoulder.” body. Weidenbenner. foster freedom of expression. usopH otesI hands of the kidnappers.” Jackson, a 41-year-old former The bam was less than a 'A-mile Four officers entered the bam Without such freedom, diverse ideas will mental patient, shot himself in the from where Jackson was last seen about 10 minutes later, Helterhoff 0 Kourieh declined to give any other details. head late Thui^ay urith the same after the shootout. Jackson was said. not be exchanged and learning is stifled. tell story of No immediate claim of responsibility for the kidnapping was shotgun he had used throughout the barefoot and apparently had been One of the officers hit the ground Lacking the resources to leam, students, reported. rampage that began Sept. 22 and trying to dry his shoes, indicating when he heard a muffled shotgun faculties and entire communities will fail to left three people dead, said Hal he recently had been in the rain, blast, and the others fled, he said. Helterhoff, head of the FBI office in said Ryan. Two shots were fired by police at grow, and the nation will eventually become Intimidation Three arrested In Idaho bombings St. Louis. “He hadn’t been in there that the bam |o cover the escape of the MICHAEL W. JACKSON intellectually and morally stagnant. COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho — An investigation into a triple "We’re pleased to bring peace long,” Ryan said early today. remaining officer. SI So it was only appropriate that the new and quiet back to Wright City,” "That bam had been checked and Unaware that Jackson had com­ . . . bullet ends hunt bombing has widened, according to authorities who have Helterhoff said at a news confer­ rechecked numerous times. ... president of Yale University encouraged a WASHINGTON — ’The CIA has learned that a arrested three people linked to a white supremacist group on mitted suicide, police used a Mexican cabinet member’s subordinate tried charges relating to counterfeiting. ence today. "You always get very There were a lot of cars patrolling bullhorn to try to coax him out. They brought in two helicopters student placed on probation for satirizing a pleased when you can bring a all the time, so he couldn’t stay in Reporters gathered near the barn with searchlights and discovered unsuccessfully to bribe the editors of a Mexican Police Chief Frank Premo said among those arrested menace to society to final justice.” one place very long" heard officers saying: "Come out, gay rights event to challenge his punishment news magazine to kill a critical story on the Thursday night was David Dorr, the former security chief for the the body in the loft. on First Amendment grounds. Jackson, still (warded and wear­ The crime spree terrorized Mike. Please talk to me. Mike. We Jackson was wanted for three cabinet official. group known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian (Aryan ing the same clothes he had on Wright City, a town of 1,200 people don't want to hurt you" slayings and a series of thefts and But given recent events, one has to question Informed CIA and Mexican law enforcement Nations). when last seen, was positively in eastern Missouri near St. Louis, Police then lobbed eight tear gas abductions that occurred Sept. 22 Yale President BennoC. Schmidt’s motives sources have told us they uncovered an attempt by Dorr was arrested at his home north of Coeur d’Alene, as were identified through fingerprints. and resident. armed themselves canisters inside and plotted their across Indiana. Illinois and Mis­ In offering encouragement to junior Wayne the former chief of the Federal Directorate of Edward and Olive Hawley, who have said they attend the Helterhoff said. and locked their doors for the first strategy about entering the barn. souri. Security. Jose Antonio Zorilla. to pay the editors of church’s services but are not members. c Dick. Were they based on a commitment to Proceso |2 million worth of pesos, with a promise The arrests were made three days after three bombs exploded free speech, or did they merely represent the of 12 million more if they agreed to spike a story in this resort town. In announcing the arrests, Premo would say sanctioning of gay-bashing? only that the probe into the bombings had expanded into possible they had obtained on 2!orilla’s boss. Interior weapons and counterfeiting violations. Minister Manuel Bartlett Diaz. Soviets set to b^gin troop withdrawal Dick, 20, was placed on probation in May He refused to elaborate on the bombing investigation, but was ON The story is currently unfolding for both after a leader of the university’s gay to hold a news conference today. OTTAWA (AP) — Soviet Foreign nary measures are not taken to Shevardnadze ended two days of the two countries guarantee an end community complained to a disciplinary Open Forum Mexican police and CIA agents with the Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze publication in Mexico City of an autobiographical rectify the situation, the situation talks in Canada, signed a five-year to the rebellion T committee that he was being harassed by the said the withdrawal of Soviet' in terms of international security grain agreement, and left later U.S. and Pakistani officals say book, "The Presidents.” by Proceso’s respected troops from Afghanistan, which could pass the point of no return,” Thursday for Mexico. distribution of material Dick had written. build a sewer plant. The district publisher. Julio Scherer. Reagan denies he OK’d He campaign the Soviets should withdraw before Public television residents and environmental im­ was first announced during the he said, speaking in Russian and Gorbachev first announced the reconciliation can be attempted. The complaint stemmed from posters Dick now pays the town per-gallon for pact on wildlife around the pond, As we reported recently, the book contains the WASHINGTON — President Reagan says he was shocked by a summer, will begin "in a few using an interpreter. Soviet troop withdrawal July 28 in a placed around the New Haven campus was not objective each infusion into the sewer which is a wetlands and game full story that Proceso never printed: the 1983 published report that he approved a disinformation program to days.” Shevardnadze claimed the Rea­ speech in the eastern Soviet city of Gorbachev did not give a specific "We would like to see our boys timetable or say how many of the advertising a fictional “Bestiality Awareness system. p re serv e sheltering much kidnapping of Bartlett’s teenage niece and nephew deceive Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and challenges "the gan administration is in "complete Vladivostok when he said the Throughout the years we have wildlife, from a religious commune in Venezuela, arranged veracity of that entire story.” back home as soon as possible.” isolation” by refusing to go along Soviets would pull out six regi­ Red Army's estimated 115,000 Days (BAD) Week,” a takeoff on the annual To the Editor: soldiers in Afghanistan were in­ maintained a Class A fire depart­ 8. The plan was developed with by the interior minister as a favor to his sister, the Asked to specify what was inaccurate about the story, Shevardnadze said at a news with the Soviets moratorium on ments by the end of the year to Gay and Lesbian Awareness Days observed ment. completely volunteer, and children’s mother. published Thursday in The Washington Post, Reagan disputed conference late Thursday. nuclear testing. He praised Cana­ stimulate talks aimed at ending the volved. but Western .sources have The recent public television very little study regarding safety Shevardnadze also reiterated da's "positive” stance favoring an estimated the six units include on campus and known as GLAD. The posters have maintained the sewers for wells and septic systems. only an anecdote quoting him as saying during a secret strategy fighting in Afghanistan. program on teenage pregnancy meeting on the plan, "Why not invite Gadhafi to San Francisco, Soviet positions on nuclear wea­ international test ban treaty. But he tempered the gesture with 5,900 to 10,000 soldiers. listed fictional lecturesr^nd speakers, throughout the district. Even at the town meeting they IN HIS BOOK, Scherer also tells how Bartlett’s pons issues, saying Soviet leader The Soviet envoy earlier dis­ a warning that Moscow did not plan was a great disappointment. At no time has the town minion. Zorilla, succeeded in intimidating he likes to dress up so much.” The Soviet Union sent troops in to including names similar to those of two gay Completely gone was the objec­ were changing their minds as to "I don’t want Gadhafi any place in the United States, and being Mikhail S. Gorbachev proposed cussed human rights with Cana­ to quit the 6'A-year-old war until Afghanistan in December 1979 and L activists on campus. contributed one dollar to the what they proposed, because the Proceso’s editors with threats of violence. next week's special meeting with dian officials and then asked a "outside interference” stops. replaced the existing communist U.S tivity and fair-mindedness we district, although the town col­ Mexican reporters and columnists have been Californian, it's the last place I’d send him,” Reagan said. President Reagan in Iceland be­ have come to expect of public TV. road was going over well and group of protesters to provide him The Soviets contend the United government with another. The One of the activists traced the posters to lected 100 percent of the real septic systems on some of the threatened often In the past by government cause of the nuclear arms race. with their list of Jews they say have States and Pakistan control the Soviet soldiers now are in the Dick and filed a complaint with the Executive Only one side of the issue was estate taxes. properties. officials, and some have been killed. "The serious danger has been refused permission to leave Islamic rebels fighting the Soviet- country to help the 40,000-man shown. If there was any mention Sikhs attempt to kill police chief Committee of Yale College, which placed The district has the finest 9. Most of the neighborhood is But Scherer did not relate the unsuccessful emerged that if urgent, extraordi­ the Soviet Union. backed government and demand Afghan army fight the insurgency. of the role of the Catholic Family firefighting equipment in the attempt at a bribe by Bartlett’s emissary NEW DELHI, India — Armed Sikhs disguised as policemen Dick on probation for two years. Dick, who Services in making the program. built on ledge, and the blasting to town, including a rescue vehicle widen the road would take place a Proceso’s editors would not comment on the penetrated a heavily guarded compound in Punjab today and said he believes homosexuality is immoral, I didn’t see it. and an aerial truck, completely matter — "especially to an American reporter,” opened fire with automatic weapons on the state police chief, The pregnant 16-year-old de­ few feet away from houses and charged that the committee had denied him financed by the District. would affect the wells which have one of them told us. wounding his wife and killing a guard, police said. Foreign policy occupies budget debate the right to free expression as guaranteed cided to ha ve her child and place it It seems that, like the 7-year However, our CIA and Mexican police sources The Punjab attack came the day after a failed attempt on the for adoption, with no real discus­ already been damaged from the under guidelines adopted by the university In Itch, the Board of Directors come blasting of the highway a mlle- said that Zorilla later bragged to fellow police life of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. sion of her options. The adoptive Police said the attackers escaped after the assault on chief WASHINGTON (AP) - Foreign ward Kennedy. D-Mass. The cow, and battle lines were drawn There was a road in Ohio, a flood 1975. back every 7or 8 years and tries to and-a-half away. We would be officials that he had gotten Proceso’s editors to kill policy rhetoric punctuated the amendment was held short of for debate over arms control. control project in Nebraska, and couple was shown In a very destroy the district. The time is the Bartlett story without paying them “a single Julius F. Ribeiro, the federally-appointed officer in charge of a Schmidt, who was installed as Yale’s sympathetic light and the whole forced to have city water and crackdown on secessionist militants in the Sikh heartland. mundane exercise of securing adoption following the procedural scientific research spending In here now, and we need the help of sewerage because of damaged peso” of the $2 million pesos he had In cash. It is money for pet projects as a weary test, as Kennedy withdrew it to But while procedural votes dur­ Mississippi. president last month, agreed. So did the dean thing ended with everyone living our friends throughout Manches­ not established whether Bartlett had authorized Senate worked nearly around the happily ever after. The finale wells and septic systems. avoid a filibuster by Sen. Jesse ing the marathon session kept most of the Yale Law School and a retired Yale ter, who believe In fair play, to According to our personal the bribe attempt. Budget woes slow clock toward completion of the Helms, R-N.C. national and foreign policy Issues There was even $200,000 for professor who helped draft the guidelines. made me feel as if it was come to our assistance. The Bartlett Is the "iron hand” of President Miguel major spending bill of the year. New aid to the Philippines was off the $556 billion spending pro­ encouraging teenagers to serve survey, four bicyclists and three Frederick, Md., to repay a loan the district is the best bargain Joggers used Tolland Turnpike in de la Madrid’s cabinet — and his possible NEW ORLEANS — The city, burdened by deficits and a The Senate early today indicated rejected Thursday, but senators gram, lawmakers were lined up as city made to the federal govern­ The professor, Pulitzer Prize-winning as surrogate mothers for those depressed economy linked to the oil slump, has cut 400 Jobs and support for democratic reform in said the fight wasn't over. They the Senate quietly approved pro­ historian C. Vann Woodward, said the around; you had better believe It. one month. Car travel is about 500 successor. In a secret profile, the CIA has this to ment In 1864. Unfortunately for unfortunate couples who are say about him: adopted a four-day work week, making today the last Friday that Chile, refusing 92-0 to kill a also voted to halt construction of ject after project in their home Frederick, the Senate decld^ not An example of the dedication of to 600 per weekday and less on resolution proposed by Sen. Ed­ the U.S. Embassy offices in Mos­ states. guidelines were meant to "permit saying the unable to have children our volunteers was when the little "A self-described political animal. Bartlett Is City Hall will be open for some time. to pay any Interest. themselves. weekends. The accidents that The City Council, at the urging of Mayor Sidney Barthelemy, on unsayable ahd challenging the unchallengea­ children were lost In Case have occurred on Tolland Tpke. probably one of de la Madrid’s closest advisers on ble.” No mention was made of the Thursday adopted the cutbacks that also include a 1.5 percent tax 3 Mountain. Our firefighters were have occurred only because of domestic political affairs. (He) has the ear of the on earnings made inside the city. 1 V trauma endured by the teenager there helping. And at the recent president on a wide range of issues.... 4 A Woodward said the guideliness do not as she lived through her preg­ drunken drivers ancj/or exces­ "We're going to lose a lot, " Police Sgt Paul Fricke said at the fire at Manchester Lumber sive speed, not because of the Childhood poverty on rise 9 Ri encourage slurs on the basis of race, ethnic nancy. or of the problems — council meeting. "But the citizens of the city are going to lose a lot S i Company, 60 of our volunteers condition of the road. “AS DE LA MADRID’S campaign manager and more. The citizens of the city are going to lose their lives" origin or sex. But they do hold that freedom of social, psychological and health answered the call for help and de facto head of the (ruling party) during 1981-82, Bv James Rowley "We are saddened that this — she experienced. No mention We are not opposed to improve­ using figures from 1984, the most 12 Is speech can take precedence over civility and worked shoulder to shoulder with ments within reasonable limits. Bartlett established control over many of the The Associated Press document should ever come forth recent Census Bureau data on 13 D mutual respect in the university community, was made of the painful process of the paid firefighters, without party mechanisms, and he directed the Longshoremen reject wage proposals from the Select Committee, for we poverty. It was not updated to birth. What if the baby had been But we also feel that this project |c he said. compensation. will have significant social, eco­ vote-rigging opertlon during de la Madrid’s WASHINGTON - A congres­ believe that it Injures the credibil­ reflect an Increased participation 14 Lt handicapped? Would the adop­ ALEXANDRIA — A walkout Idling most ports from Virginia to sional study charges that two ity of a body which should have In Head Start and WIC. “When there is a conflict, free speech If you dissolve the district, nomic and environmental Im­ election Bartlett is frequently described as a tive parents have been soeagerto where will you get the help need in survivor.” Maine stretched into Its third day today after longshoremen social programs served a sharply made a contribution to the debate But the panel noted that "even 1986 15 Fr pacts that should be studied and rejected wage cut proposals by cargo-handling companies in declining proportion of America's on welfare reform,” said one cc comes first, however shocking or angry or adopt it then? The possibility of an emergency? Here’s how the CIA report describes the police with these increases ... the vast terminating the pregnancy was not overlooked or excluded. In Virginia, Rhode Island. Pennsylvania and Maryland. poor children while the number of dissent signed by seven GOP majority of low-income children Moved From N.H. Collioum To 16 A insulting the speech maybe,” Woodward Vote "no” on the consolidation accordance with the proisions of force that allowed Zorilla (and Bartlett) to Sll dismissed without discussion of The International Longshoremen's Association, meanwhile, Impoverished youth actually rose members. continue to go unserved by these said. question Nov. 4. the Federal Highway Adminis- Intimidate Proceso’s editors: "The most effective by 30 percent. "By ignoring important facts two vital programs" 17 H; these vital questions. sought new talks today with port officials in the New York-New 16 St At the very moment Schmidt was tration/Urban Mass Transporta­ civilian internal security force is the Federal Jersey and Boston areas where union officials said agreements There were only minimal in­ and using faulty methodology (the The study, signed by the commit­ OAKDAL ~ Worst of all, no mention was Directorate of Security (DFS), subordinate to creases In the number of children report) disqualifies itself from MUSICAL THEA t E 20 Gi endorsing the guidelines during his Sept. 20 made of the pressing need for Evelyn W. Oregan tion Administration environmen­ on a new contract are "pretty close.” tee's 15 Democrats, concluded that 22 St S3 Schaller Road tal regulations, 23 CFR, Part Manuel Bartlett... The DFS fields about 1,300 Greg Storey, a spokesman for the New York Shipping receiving Aid to Families with serious consideration by those inaugural address at Woolsey Hall, about 200 family life education in the public Dependent Children, or AFDC, and the counties with the highest rates 24 W 771.115, we recommend that the agents at its Mexico City headquarters and at Association representing those ports, said late Thursday it was interested in improving our wel­ of child poverty did not have the Sat. Oct. 11 25 Gi noisy anti-apartheid demonstrators outside schools, education which has State of Connecticut Department branches in all of the states. eager to resume negotiations with the union. participating in the Head Start fare programs,” the dissent said. highest participation in the 26 Le were being shoved back by police. At least been proven to cut the teenage Tolland project “Better trained and armed than other civilian program between 1979 and 1984 Census Bureau poverty figures programs. 6:00 and 9:30 P.M. of Transportation and the Town of despite a 9.9 million to 12.9 million were compared with county-by­ 30 St three people were arrested. pregnancy rate. The charge that Manchester provide results of an security personnel, DFS teams ... have stepped up The report designated more than it encourages promiscuity is hurts residents jump in the number of children county statistics showing enrol­ 600 so-called child-poverty coun­ FROM ENGLAND 34 St environmental study. infiltration of opposition political groups. Debtor nations want more loans 35 C( The following day, a second protest against false. It is the innocent who get living in poverty, the report said. lment in the AFDC, Head Start and ties as having at least a 25.2 percent STARRING ■"The directorate’s main responsibility is to “The record growth in poverty the Supplemental Food Program 36 SI Yale’s investments in South Africa resulted caught, as was shown so elo­ WASHINGTON — Debtor nations say they have benefited little poverty rate — I'T times the 37 Ve To the Editor: Catherine H. Lankford, monitor suspected dissidents and opposition among children has not been for Women, Infants and Children, national average of 16 percent In in the arrest of 21 people, including 12 who quently in the TV program. groups with a view of discovering and from efforts by industrial nations to coordinate their economic accompanied by increased availa­ known as WIC. GERRY r sp ■’ Chairwoman 1980. 39 Te entered the university’s investment office Hopefully Channel 24 will go Tolland Turnpike Property investigating any possible subversive efforts. The policies, and they simply want more loans at less austere terms, bility of key safety net programs,” While the study showed there back to its past policy of covering This is in reference to opposi­ “Austerity for the sake of paying a few million dollars more according to the report by the By 1984, the poverty rate among PACEMAKERS and unfurled a banner outside the window Owners DFS does not hesitate to conduct searches and was a 22 percent increase in the children had climbed to 21 percent. 41 So both sides of an Issue. I’m waiting tion to the widening of Tolland makes no sense whatever for a country as poor as our own,” Democratic-run House Select "Ferry Aerot$ Th» U trtty ." “Don I that read, “Apartheid Kills.” That action was seizures and even to detain and interrogate rate of participation In WIC, the do for a program that explores all of Turnpike and installation of a Peruvian Finance Minister Luis Alva Castro said. "In truth, Committee on Children, Youth and report noted that only a third of Lai Wit Sun Cileh You Crying ' 42 Or hardly “shocking, angry or insulting,” yet it bicycle path, sidewalk and right- Individuals suspected of subversion.” there is nowhere to put the belt to tighten It, " Families. the options available to a preg­ Learning process Our CIA sources note that the DFS - which has eligible children benefited from the (P' was met with prompt police action. nant teenager. hand turn lanes onto Union and Castro railed against strings attached to International The panel's 10 Republican program in 1984. SEARCHERS 43 Gli been renamed the Federal Judicial Police - also Monetary Fund loans as the weeklong IMF-World Bank meeting 44 To A spokesman for Yale refused to say Slater Streets. The project is state members, however, wrote two There were no feeding programs "Ntadlat and Pint" lasts a lifetime taps phones and otherwise harasses and spies on wound to a close. Authorized ste Elizabeth K. Brown project No. 76-152 and federal sharply worded dissents to the in 332 counties in 19 states that "Loyt Pollon to whether Schmidt had ordered the arrest of project No. IXDM-22S2 (1) critics of the government. The agency is also study, "Safety Net Programs: Are year, the report said. 45 'P Glastonbury 47 La the group inside the building, which included To the Editor: legendary for the corruption that permeates Its They Reaching Poor Children?” The study was begun in 1985 and 10 students. ranks. NPW FREDDIE the 49 Sp Tolland ’Turnpike residents are Reiallar 9 52 Ce Footnote: Zorilla has disappeared and is If the president did order the arrests, his opposed to the proposed widening During the month of Sep­ 56 I tl Eighth District believed to be living in Spain. Stripper wells Scotts® Winterizar DREAMERS the commitment to free speech can only be of the street for the following tember the television industry reasons: "Do The Fradd/a" needs Its friends began to focus on the problem of have high costs The right Fertilizer 57 To considered hollow. And if he did not, then 1. The state has Just completed What’S to hIdB? *7'm Telling You Now” surely he and the others who so eloquently illiteracy in America through its for fall 61 Mi a six-lane highway one mile from Project Literacy U.S. (PLUS) In a disturbing decision, a Nuclear Regulatory SANTA FE, N M. (AP) - Some 62 Pri defended Dick’s right to make a public To the Editor: our homes that runs parallel to initiative. ABC and PBS are the Commission administrative Judge recently denied 450,000 stripper wells in the United CHAD& 63 Me Tolland Turnpike. States account for 15 percent of the X /U b o d ia n d 64 Bai mockery of a maligned group’s efforts to be Cindee VIrostek, of Apollo, Pa., permission to sponsors of this project. ’The fact nation's oil production or 1.3 JEREMY 65 Ac recognized as human have a duty to speak out When I came to town in 1934. 2. Depreciation of Property that 23 million adults lack the ^stlfy at an upcoming hearing on plans by there were only 19,000 people in million barrels a day. "Yeeterdey'e Gone” 66 No on behalf of those arrested while protesting Values. Some houses could be basic skills to ftinction in society Babcock k Wilcox Co. to build the nation’s first Stripper wells are marginal 67 55 Manchester. Now there are sitting as close as two feet from W W MUMS—Colorful Colorfu Fall ^ . A . no "Summer Sotyg" the university’s investment policies, five of may surprise many. What was commercial, Ipw-level incinerator for nuclear producing wells with high produc­ HOLLAND 50,000, so there must be many of the road. Between 10 and 15 highlighted and is encouraging is waste. The company filed a lengthy brief objecting tion costs, resulting in slim profit whom were suspended for the semester on our citizens who are confused by homes would be affected. CHRYSANTHEMUMS MINDBENDERS that by personal, public and to VIrostek’s request to testify: the commission margins. FLOWER 1 Me Thursday. the controversy between the Vibrant Colors for Autumn "Groovy Klrxi of Love” 3. All residents are opposed to private commitment, this bar­ hasn’t said why it agrees with the company. It Decoratinq - yellow, whlto, rust, purple Board of Directors and the 8th the bicycle path and sidewalk and rier to empowerment and im­ could be because VIrostek has compiled a thick file BULBS "The Gama of Lova" Utilities District. to this project as proposed. proved ftinctloning in society can of documents showing problems that have occured ONLY All Seats $18.50 Manchester is one town, com­ 4. The loss of trees;' some are be overcome. over the years with Babcock-Wilcox nuclear fuel CHARGELINE 1-265-1501 prising the properties south of over 150 years old. plants in Apollo. EXTRA EXTRA SPEQALi If those of you reading this CHAROIT 1-S00-22S4 I 10 6 Middle Turnpike serviced by the 5. Acting Town Engineer Ca- letter know of someone who Euonymous, 95 VI5A/MC ACCEPTED Town of Manchester paid fire For better greenup next mosci stated that "Tolland ’Turn­ needs a bit of encouragement to Rhododendron-all colors * spring BOX OFFICE OFCN U NOON-7:«0 F .M. department, and properties north pike was one of the streets the seek help, please assist them in Junipers, Boxwood, CLOSeO SUNDAY of Middle Turnpike serviced by town wanted to include in the Eastam Division • For a thicker, sturdier the process. Local adult educa­ AtaiBBB, Evargretn, lawn this tali lAT. M . 11. BAD MS 1:80 fM. the Manchester Fire Depart­ program under which federal H yitlatht, katmena, tion programs as well as the Champs T-Shirts Fonythia, Holly, Yawt 3/*28” • For stronger root ment, 8th Utilities District. interstate high way trade-in funds Literacy Volunteers organiza­ iW aitrlipatpr I’lrralh DtIfaAlt, taaMrapa SPONSORED BY For nearly a century the 8th are used to improve urban Founded ht 1 M1 Irit, EraaBai, ScHli development tion are leading the fight against RED SOX A mart • For "No-Quibble ‘‘F District has been active. We had roads.” Here he says Tolland illiteracy. AdulU need to be POINV M. SIEFFetT Ani.L. the railroad station located where ’Turnpike is an urban road, but OOUdLAS A. BEVINS ^THIS W EEK’S SPECIAL Guarantee" Protection U/DRf . Ei«eulN*eM«r reminded that learning is indeed JAMES P. SACKS Hlbicui - Andy’s Market now stands, M f u slng Edtor N.L. METS GC wants to make it into a highway. "lifelong” and that the educa­ ALEXANOEM aiBELLI Oliinder - FEED YOUR la w n ' ert6 AaaoctM n for (ha F w ie m ifie Arta. Inc. schools, water department and AMOOlMEdKer *Scotts Winterizar 6. The widening will only tional resources of a community S-M-L-XL Mevad Pram N.H. Ceflaaum To sewer department! Gradually service other towms for commer­ _____ I PL 3/4 H OPEN DAILY 5.000- only GI are not Just for children. They DENISE A. noBEnrs AOvotMng Dlftetor Also Avtillabla: WINTERGREEN over the years the town took over cial use. and the road will become belong to the adults as well. Vm a b k f , a b b a it is hogar Clamant 8 am - 6*.30 pm 15.000- only 2S*> PRE a ^ O O N COHEN 6,000 aq. ft. Rag. M io * 6 .BB riche the schools, then the water a speedway. Oompotlng M w iie* Wada Bogga 166 Woodland 8t. "I'm SANCTION MAN. Remember me and ROBENTH. HUBBARD 10.000 aq ft Reg *22« M 3 .B5 'no more than OAKDALE system. Then the district went PraMroem Man saw Libya? Now — let’s talk about South Africa. 7. No investigation was made Andrew TysMewIcz JEANNE Q mOMERTH Manchaatar MUSICAL THEATRE into partnership with the town to Clnwwion Man saw PERSONAL TEE 15.000 aq ft Rag <28* *1 8 .BS 168 Wetditaa St intoany environmental impact on 218 Parker St. W atllngford-Connectfcut OMBS ttS Main St. / 646-3339 ” l ^ 4 3 J B 4 7 4 l-aiEXlTi) VMbur Oeoa Bxrr at I t - _?___AfANCHESTER HERALD. Pridoy. Qct. 3. 1988 MANCrtESTER HElLALO. Friday, Oct. 3, l9flB HAOAR THE HORmSte by Dllr Browne SNAFU by Bn re Beattie PEANUTS byCtiOTfeeflr. Sebutr

AMP DIED IN 1799 THAT COMPLETES Growth s h o r t ly a f t e r a n MY REPORT ON THE EXHAUSTlNe HORSEBACR LIFE ANP t im e s OF n o RIPE IN THE COLD" 6E0R6E WA5HIN6T0N «O K 9 n O i!8 : fund. We’re talbfng aboot mighty in a nomber of 'That ebargeis an adHioaal biteoBt part o f the management organiza­ available at many newstands. It -7CH bi^ managnfWBt revemies. columns over o f fimd assets and cuts into Oie tion — pa3ra commissions up front gives the information you want, Although most mutual fund the past several value of shareholders’ to brokers who sell the fund’s and more, about all mutual funds 0 ){I £>'- percentage advisory fees are investawnts. years, you have h i v e e t a r s * shares with at least *5 million o f assets as advised your scaled down — a smidgen — as a SumBied up, a I2b-l plan is a of June 30. readers to steer fund grows in aire, management good deal fbr the management of a OlIESTfON: Ts there a publica­ /o-S clear o f mutual naturally makes more money from fimd widi such a plan. BBt it’s no tion which identifies mutual funds The directory is available by izX'. funds arith William A. Doyle a large fund than from a small good for sharholdm. Hite column with and without loads, redemption sending *2 to Department D. fund So. as sore as night fbll«»ws is written for the investigatfng THE PHAWTOWr by Lee Pent • Sy Berry "I3b-1 plans” fees and I2b-l plans? No-Load Mutual Fund Association, day, managements try to increase BACK UP TO and to choose public — not mntoal fond 11 Fenn Plaza. Suite 2204. New ¥ i funds’ total assets. management. ^YOU, M A 'A M . no-load mutual ANSWER: The two best sources York, N Y lOOOI. It lists all funds without Rowever, an increase in a f know are the Forbes magazine association members and has mutual fund’ s total size does not WUEWilON; fs it true that aome such plans. You seem to feel that with such plans. annual mutual fund survey and the footnotes identifying those with I such plans are rip-offs necessarily benefit shareholders. allegedly no-load mutual fiinds, No-Load Mutual Fund Association redemption fees and 12b-1 plans. Let’s get back to basics When such an increase results only A newsletter f receive says I2b-I which hav' neither commiaaimi directory. By using Department D, you can be A mutual fund is owned by its from the sale o f new shares, the plans can be very good and charges when shares are pur­ The excellent Forbes survey is in sure your name and address won’t shareholders, each of whom re­ value o f each ahare doesn’t rise. chased nor I2b plans but with do 1 0-3 explains that, by adopting a 12b-1 -1 that publication’s Sept. 8 issue, still end up on a mailing list. ceives a proportionate share of the Each shareholder’s investment have redemption fees, paycomis- plan, a small mutual fund can Research scientists pondering how long a fund’s dividends and sees the value remains unchanged. siom to brokers? become larger in size and much Slinky will travel down the stairs of of his or her shares rise or fall. Remember that the per-share more profitable Do you oppose a moving escalator Every mutual fund has a man­ value is arrived at by dividing a profitability? ANSWER: Yes. When a fund has Carbide seeks buyer agement. which collects an '‘advi­ mutual fund’s total net asets by the that arrangement, the investor sory fee” from the fund Typically, number of shares outstanding — DANBURY (AP) - Union Car­ ANSWER: Not for one minute pays no commission op front. But a designed to reduce debt and the advisory fee is one-half of I owned by investors. "rear-end load” can be levied bide Corp. said it is seeking a buyer CAPTAIN EASY ' by Crooks « Casale I’m a great believer in our free improve earnings percent of the fund’s assets A 12b-1 plan allows management when shares are cashed in. Typi­ for its electronic components busi­ enterprise system, which is fueled ’The electronic components busi­ BLONDIE by Dean Young A Sten Drake WITHOUTVOU r NEVER IT .Wl&HT HAVI calculated on an annual basis. to use up to 1.25 percent of the cally, that fee is 5 or 0 percent on ness and expects to make a deal WOULP'VE r e a l iz e d HOW by profits. But that newsletter ness manufatures and sells tanta­ HELLO, N Mi.JUMSTeAO JU^T TAKEN V With that fee, management gets fund’s assets each year for "distri­ shares redeemed within a year within six months. lum. ceramic and film capacitors. AREN MUCH I COULP HELP THE l o n g e r . writer either doesiYt understand HUBERT ) ER.BUAASTEAD >Out> NEVER *50,000 a year from a *10 million bution” — such things as advertis­ after purchase and declines by one The divestment is part of the MARRreo HUN&KY PEOPLE IN 12b-1 plans or is pla^ng patsy for Annual sales for electronic compo­ 0UMSTEAOS

!0 i - • O i s - . aj i a. ON THE FASTRACK by Bill Holbrook S4'j ARLO AND JANIS ' by Jimmy Johnson S'llSANO JK /lk^SC ATE 1 D.W.FISH^Ji- * n< I I I 1 »ir K ^WeVE PiOaD Up XX gOT 6PB.' lOg^ ART, we Cmi! OPEMCAglMET^ T 156 E CENTER ST . MANCHESTER. CT, (g j The N£u} SHiPMeuT. \ have a companv^ said We'D WHAT ALWAYS LOOK SO ART. LETS 'dO BVX ) CAR' LFT5 HAVE i HAV£ IT COOLD GOOD 110 THE . CALL TODAY - 647-“SOLD” [ f e To TH£ Of file. L s o u fM ' SAOf W PbSSlgL'i' AWGAZIME6' Z-30!

tL 'Ok [ | f ^ ^ U S. Acwes by JItn DsyIs ManehMtBr Qreel Starter t1 0 S ,9 0 0 ALLEY OOP • by Dave Qreue •t a battar prfoa. 3 badrooma, aat-ln aha kHehan, formal diningfining room. aluminum aiding, 1 car garaga, locatad on eornar lot. CLICK! NOW SUPPOSE YOU YOU'RE A Sev TELL ME WHAT IN BLUEBELLY DOES rr ( WELL, MEBBE THAT'S \YOUR OUTFIT SHO' Juver th u n d e r YOU WERE \ AIN'TCHAe, LOOK / UH, V BECAUSE I'M NOT ) DOESNT DO MUCH SHOOTIN' AT M E ------BLUE? ( NOSUH ) A BLUEBELLY';., / FO' YLIH IN TH' Mane ' I ’M A MOOWAN.' / WAY OF UNIFORMS MANCHCSTCR - Executive 10 room Raised Ranch, 4 of ms -V,, D O E S I T ' bedrooms, main floor family room, plus a lower level rac night room, 3 full bathe, formal dining room, deluxe In-ground Ave. pool. Asking $249,000. Mai OPEN HOUSE infon V WIndi Sunday, Oct. 5, 1986 / 2>4 PM ducte 128 Ragan Road, Vernon U&R REALTY CO. East Mam Com« and sea this Immaculate Raised Ranchi 3 bed­ ManehMtBr 4 Large Badrooma $17f,900 said rooms, 1’A baths. Vinyl sided and well Insulated. Oarage highlight thia baaullfulli ColonialCoibnn locatad on a _ privata woodad______lot._____ 13x18 643-2692 marfj living room, dining room and lat floor flrapiaced family room loading to cated and large private yard. Asking $115,900. tha dack. Slato antiy, aiding, flrat floor laundry, poggoO board floort Robert D. Murdock, Realtor t h e BOBNLOSEB byArf Sanaom CroS^sword OIr.: Rt. 83, Right on Regan Road, houae on right (look for aign). throughout, 2H baths, 2 oar garaga. ’The A stro graph PT Ing t HEY, THAT'5 T Gerre hot 6AP, EfTHEP, MY CEPEAL Hartfi ACROSS 2 Having an Answer to Previous Puzzle eOT 17'“=. A BIT C A P A TE M Y USvJr.., East I YDu'IEE "< ( IICLIOVJ, offensive odor CPUWCHY..." 3 Burnt Male swan c U L 3 Ice mass EATIue! Dale ] African land 4 Biblical angel L E E ^ \ju r Runner Descti 5 Charlemagne’s s O L D ^ i r t h d a ^ Sebastian domain (abbr.) East 1 6 Roman bronze A T E All 12 Island (Fr.) 7 Compass point O ct. 4, 1986 dateh 13 Do not exist 8 Perfume 0 H 0 s T E E N appea In the year ahead, you will be In a posi­ (cont.) 9 Municipality A E R o A N S E 14 Labor group 10 Bravos (Sp.) tive position to make some important } (abbr.) 11 Long times O M E R O O N A changes in your liteslyle lhal you have 15 French shooting 19 Type measure L 1 M 1 s E T been eager to Implement Ypur actions JtlSTUSTEOI JUST USTEDI In t contest 21 Antarctic will create benefits for your loved ones Real Estate inclde as well Super 7 room 1’A bath home. Fireplace Aluminum tided Cape In excellent condi­ 16 Attack on all explorer MancI |g H 0| 1 T s FRANK AND ERNEST ' by Bob Thavee 168 Main Sf., Manchesler rac room and fenced yardi Won't lasti tion. Qarage with patio and nice treed lot. sides 23 Stickier BRAND NEW LISTINGHI LIBRA (S ept. 23-O ct. 23) If you hope to "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOU8E8l‘‘...a4a-2482 "WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSE8r...e4e-2482 17 Half a score 24 Oriental ruler A N E T A B A s get others to do your bidding today, Bolton - A beautiful country lot comet with this 18 Squaring tool 25 Grafting twig S U E r\ DIRECT DEPOSIT 647-8400 A B s don t be too dictatorial Try to phrase expanded 9 room Ranch. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths with 20 Gulf 26 Earthenware Y O U W I T H E S P R u £ DEPT. SEE, C>lfSEc-T Donald Jarkson Rose Viola Jarkson Bunroom and jacuni. New vinyl aiding, 2 car garage, vessel your directives as suggestions instead BAHK 22 Soviet plane of commands Know where to took for new furnace. Lois of room!! 1148,900. 27 Small valley C >ef^^\T <=>F Y o u p 24 Weep romance and you'll find it The Astro- 29 Infirmities 46 Storage 55 Bridge on the BOl 25 Gear tooth Graph Matchmaker set instantly reveals 31 Box for alms building River have ( 26 Lamb's pen which signs are romantically perfect tor WE cZOMpLETBLX name 32 Mistake 48 tu, Brute 58 Flee (si.) Instea 33 Blemish 49 Sneer 59 Boxer you. Mail $2 to Matchmaker, c/o the a w a y w i t h code 0 30 Shabby clothing newspaper, PO Box 91428. Cleveland. p>a t h e 38 Tumbler's 50 Drag Muhammad 34 State abbr OH 44101-3428 own 1 35 Calm' exclamation 51 Biblical king I L L U i ' I O N T H A T y o u accon 40 Disagreeable 53 Sour 36 Slump 60 Actor SCORPIO (Ocl. 24-Nov, 22) It you be­ A'^TTJALUY E S / E P S E B clerk I sight 54 Loaf about 37 Vegetable Ferrer come unduly angered with someone, JUST USTEDI Oise spread ask yourself honestly if it's because of - — 7 - _ a n y o p plONEY- JUST LttTEDI becaui 39 Tennis player today's actions or something lhal has Quality 3 BR Ranch. 1H bath beautiful walk­ e huge i-ooms, 2 full bathe, apaotaoular have { Nastase happened In the past out rac rm. to privata lot with Inground pool. kitchen, Thermopana windowa, 2 car garagal "WE QUARAN-TEE OUR HOU8E8r...e4e-2482 same i 41 Sound of a SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) In WINTHROP - by Dick Cavalli "WE g u a r a n t e e o u r HOUSES!" . .64^2482 fusion dove your dealings with friends today, don't A changt 42 One-billionth be nice to them just because you're MY ^RAMPMOTHER's ] W H I C H past (pref.) hoping for something nice from them in t h e o n e w h o k e e p s eAYING OF INTEREST TO YOU... THE TIME IS RIGHT!!I WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES! ” 43 Glimpse return Relationships won't work on this CO/\AIN(5 TO VISiT /(GRANDMOTHER c h i l d r e n s h o u l d b e Interest rales are down again! New lisling in Bowers Invest in this great big 3-Family. Interest rates are 44 Toward the basis US NEXT WEEK. A IS SHE^ SEEN /AND NOT HE/ARD. i'eiTl School area, new furnace, new driveway, appliances, very favorable. 6-3-3 room unita. Many stern CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19) It som e­ Blanchard & Rossetto Soaitr firepace, storage outbuilding. Call today and check improvements, no leases, separate utilities, central 45 "P" in "MPH" one in authority gives you a specific or­ the rales. 647-8400 location in Manchesler. *169,500. ClllMM Migaairti 47 Laugh syllable der today, follow it through to the letter V REAL ESTATE 646-2482 49 Spook Don't make it a lest of wills between you 52 Celery portion and him or her 9 56 1 think, AQUARIUS (Jen. 20-Feb. 19) It s best therefore to keep your opinions to yourself today u 340 EAST CENTER ST. regarding a matter that does not involve Joyce G. Epstein MANCHESTBA WELL MAINTAINED you directly, but which could have an m REALTY W O R L D 57 Texas shrine ■A\iAuJ 61 Milk-producer Impact on an emotional friend Real Estate 647~8895 ^ ( 203) fidfi 7 7(iq 7.1 W osi O n io r Sltpof PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) If you are ripchpllp Assoriatp^ MRtii lip«;ipi ( i 0i>(T1(' 62 Prickly seed J U a 63 More pallid I S3 54 55 only looking out lor yourself today, you 64 Bantu language could have problems. In situations in­ WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL GETS ATTENTION WeOKTRESULTS volving others, do what's best lor the 65 Actor Wallach 61 A DIVISION OF THOMAS A. BENOIT ENTERPRISES 66 Novelist Zola greatest number 67 551. Roman ! 64 ARIES (March 21-April 19) W hat is B ridge good for you in a career situation today DOWN 67 might not be equally favorable for one with whom you are closely affiliated 1 Mention oooa Don't let the issue create dissension If West threw a spade, declarer (c)1986 by NEA Inc NORTH I6.s-i« Vision needed TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Be mindful could give up a spade and got to dum- of good work habits today, especially if ♦ 9 8 7 5 4 3 F 10 6 to set declarer '’ty "'ith tho club ace for the good you have to perform an unpleasant spades. If he threw a second diamond, task Don't try to hammer something ♦ K Q 5 declarer would play a diamond to into place where gentle techniques are ♦ A 7 By James Jacoby required dummy s king or queen and then ruff WEST EAST out the ace. That left only clubs, so 6 GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Try not to be New Yorli expert Ron CJerard liad a ♦ a k J 4>6 2 loo possessive today with someone Y 9 8 7 tough hand to play in last summer's West was forced to discard the club FQ jack. That was no help. Ron played a with whom you re emotionally involved ♦ A J 4 3 ♦ 9 8 7 6 2 Life Master Pairs, but he succeeded diamond, winning dummy's queen CELEBRITY CIPHER Restraints create complications and ♦ K J 3 4 Q 8 6 4 2 with a little help from the defense. By C«M>my CIptw cp.pt^r«m s aro craatad from quolalkma by tamous paopU. paal and t anger the way, East’s jump raise to three di­ when West ducked, and now estab- Eacb latlar In Ibe clphar atanda fo. anotha. Today'* chja f aquata Q CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) You can SOUTH amonds was pre-emptive after * 10th trick by playing ace and maintain harmony in your household to­ 4 Q 10 a club. East could win the queen, but IMMACULATE RANCH by CONNIE WIENER North’s interfering bid. day If you appreciate your mate s point Y A K J 5 4 3 2 declarer’s club 10 became a winner. Conveniently located, 5 room Ranch. Many improvemenU, ♦ 10 In four hearts, Ron took the opening “FTB FUMFT Gl JB DUB DVV OOMETF of view on a matter about which he or Is there a lesson for the defense" including new gutters, siding, large shed, front door and she feels strongly ♦ 10 9 5 trump lead with his ace When he Probably. West might have foreseen Thermo-pane windows, plus more! Asking *104,500. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) It w on't help your Vulnerable: Neither played the spade queen. West won and what was coming and realized that OC D EUBOF BOPCPHGO tSIFBH JTGOT image much today if you come down Dealer: West continued with a second trump instead l^ s t had to hold the club queen if too heavily on a subordinate who isn t m I ^"''^''*'•"8 to the king or jack of there was to be any chance of beating MANCHESTER NEW LISTINQin Gl TBDUFVBII.” — JPPWUPJ JGVIPC. a position to fight back Release your ire West '‘Putting You 1st is 2nd Nature To U s!” North East Soath That was the help declarer the contract. On that basis, it’s not too NMd 8p«c«7 Nice 6 room Ranch witb one car attached gerege. Beautiful yard. elsewhere I t PREVIOUS SOLUTION Sitence about bias foods to shroud whore the ! ♦ 3 * 4 Y needed. Ron now began running his difficult for West to find the lead of the Look no more — ThIa afiacloua 8 room. 3+ bedroom, 1H bath Fireplace In living room. Stove, refrtgeretor, alr-eondittoner, richest people live and frolic " llene Barth VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You're an in­ Pass Pass Pass trumps, and West comfortably pitched dividual who usually tends to be rather club jack after winning the first spad^ charming colonial featuraa 2 Bitting rooma off the living room, STRANO REAL ESTATE wether, dryer, tool ehed. and more to remain. Call tor an appoint- cautious in your financial affairs How­ tT.u u ^ iltamond on the fourth and an office, eewing room or nureery off the meater bedroom, end e menttll Opening lead: Y 9 fifth hearts But West was dead in the 156 E . CENTER ST., MANCHESTER. CT. - .y ever. impulses today could'urge you huge formel dining room. All thie plue e gerege. A tine temlly water when (Serard played another &m uel C .lohnson introduced take chances you shouldn't neighborhood end move-ln condition. Won’t last at $118,900. ■ r . t triim n .ooP*®'’ '' Wax in Racine, W is, in CALL TODAY - 647-“SOLD” iH S (203) 646-7709 1886 IS It - MAWCHESTIiR HERALD yriday. Oct. »■ I9W MANCHES’TER HERALD. Friday, Oct. 3. 1988 — il O bitm €niem King’s dream accompanied veto vole - FOCUS flobwtL. DiMrv Cfenreb in Hnrtfonf or to tlie By Lovrrvnc* L. Knutson symbolise the moment. the country. Wlndnor Volnnteer Ambnlanee Tho AsBoelototf Rross regardlen of Reagan’s objeetionn Robert L. Dwire, TV, of SCateoMB The ending of South Africa’s And while the Sooth African AaxMlntioB. apartheid system o f racial segre­ R waa, Mrs. King saM, a “ deatt R«mmI, (fled ThoTMlBy at a local foreign minister (mold threaten an blow” to apartheid. conv alcacem home. WASHINGTON — President gation and control over 29 millitm immediate end to Aimnlcan grain "Today, Martin Luther Khigfe He waa b o n in BHatol. Vt.. Aag. Reagan aras lobbying on the plione. Mack S(Hith Africans by that purchases if the Reagan veto was (bream has been advanced,” she 24. ims, and bad lived moat o f So aras South African Foreign nation’s white government has Ma not sustained. Mack leaders could said. ’The sanctions, she said, "can life in Bfanchcater. B eftm redraw Minister R.F. Botha. be<»me the premier foreign policy Harold Albert Eyler. 8t, o fM N . quietly remind senators that black bring the South AfHcan govern­ ment. he had been a (flapatcher Ibr But arben the Senate voted issue for America’s black School St., (fled today at bis bonie. ’Thursday to override Reagan's Americans vote in their elections. ment to the point where there will many yean for Pratt * WMtoey in community. He was the husband o f Stella So Mrs. King sat in the gallery, be demotjracy.” Eaat Hartford. He U.S. Arm y veto of legislation imposing eco­ ’Thousands of Mack leaders and waaa (Spak) Fyier. listening as Sen. Edward M. Aa the debate neared an endi veteran o f World War IT and nom ic sanctions against tbe arhite ordinary citisens have marched, Bom tat East Hartford. Dec. 29. Kennedy, D-Mass., invoked the many members o f tiie Congreg- received the Brome Star for minority government of South and hundreds have been arrested 1917. be bad lived in Manchester for name and memory of her husband. atonal Black Caucus stood in the service in the Pbilippinea Africa, it was the <|iiiet presence of at demonstrations outside the more than 45 years, previously rear of the chamber, their pres­ campaign. Coretta Scott Ring in the first row South AfHcan Embassy and at "W e are told to be patient, that Uving in Gilead. Before be retired of the gallery that seemed to reform is on the way,” Kennedy He is survived by a danghter, South African consulates around ence another symbol of the interest in 1979, he arorked at Fogarty Bros, said. “ Instead we should heed die of the American Mack communite U A 1 ' .' ,7 Joann R. Dwire. wifli whom he for more than 15 years. He eras a in the sanctions vote. iived. words o f one o f the greatest moral U.S. Navy veteran ofWorld War IT. leaders o f otnr coimtry, our time Sen. Larry Pressler, R-S.D., arito A private foneral will be held at a longtime member and a former and our generation. Dr. Martin had served as floor manager for f. A - »,* "'.T:-7’' the convenience o f his d aoi^ er. assistant secretary o f the Army Lather King Jr. those seeking to sustain the veto Burial with military honors will be Harvard sells stocks and Navy Club. He was active in "H e too was told to go slow,” noted their presence, and said Ms in East Cemetery. There are no the Manchester Senior Citisens’ Kennedy said. "H e too was told to enjoys a good civil rights record. tailing hours. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (A P ) — companies move forward’’ in Center, helping arith the building of be patient. He too was told to wait. "This is being taken as a civH Memorial donations may be Harvard is selling almost 9159 meeting anti-discrimination 0 s the center’s greenhouse. He was a million in stocks and bonds in eight demanont T Memorial dtmations may be today from 2 to 4 and 6 to S p.m. I f W?' made to the Second Congregational m i,). my. There will be a Panacbyda service Church, 385 N, Main St., or to in the foneral home tonight at 7; 90. Greenhouse Fund. Manchester Se­ m W ii M em orial donations may be nior Citizens’ Center. 549 E. Middle Churches offer all kinds m m made to St Michael Ukrainian ’Turnpike. ^ ------

Seven charged after SUPER SA VING DURING OUR of bazaar food, fun, frolic SUPER SALE,...NOW ONL Y AT police make drug raid AL SIEFFERT S APPLIANCE-TV. A sketch shows the Second Congregational Church on North Main Street. Seven people, two of them lice have charged Charles Moorer. By Nancy Pappas juvenile girls, were charged ^ 25. of Hartford, with first-degree INSTANT Ellington Congregational Church, 72 Main Manchester police with possession assault and third-degree criminal Herald Reporter of marijuana after a raid Thursday mischief. CREDIT St.. Ellington. Nov. 7, 7to 8:30p.m.; Nov. 8. 1500 ■FOUALinco. lOa.m. to2p.m. night on a house at 042 Burnside Moorer was extradited from It’s fair time! Time to poke among the Cake decorating demonstrations, hand-knit Ave. in East Hartford. Florida, police said. handcrafted items, from large stained glass FISHER goods. Christmas decorations, apples and Manchester police, working on When the inciclent occurred in SHARP FAMOUS panels to dolls small enough to fit into a July, a police officer chased a DUAL FISHER cheeses. Early American lunch dishes. 11:30 information supplied by the South walnut shell. And time to get your appetite Windsor Police Department, con­ suspect who disappeared Into the MAKE COMPACT] a.m. to l;30p.m. ducted the raid in cooperation with woods near the Parkade. ready for those apple pies, jams and jellies, The victim of the stabbing was and homemade soups. East Hartford polite. Gary Wood, Center Congregational Church, 11 Center Richard McCarthy of Middletown. This weekend the season of harvest and Manchester police spokesman, St. Nov. 8. 9a.m. to 2 p.m. said 10 to 12 ounces of suspected The dispute which led to the Christmas fairs at area churches begins with stabbing began In Capone’s, a 13" Country kitchen, handcrafts, antiques, marijuana and 92,000 were confis­ CASSETTE HALF d ia g . a bang. There are fairs at St. George’s cated in the raid. nightclub at the the Parkade. PINT DISC collectibles, silhouette portraits. Lunch with according to the police report. Episcopal Church in Bolton, Buckingham The five adults arrested, accord­ DECK AUTO­ hot entree, variety of sandwiches. PER FECT MICROWAVE COLOR COLOR TV ^ P L A Y E R ! Congregational Church in Glastonbury. All ing to Wood, were Retwcca L Saints’ Episcopal Church in East Hartford Gerrow, 19, of 325 Bidwell St., East FOR HOME Salvation Army, 661 Main St. Nov. 8. 9; 30 An accident at Center Street and m 6 9 OR OFFICE and at the Vernon United Methodist Church. Hartford: Harold Price HI, 25, of a m. to 1:30p.m. East Hampton: Jane Fiume of 842 Morse Road tied up traffic for a 1 3 9 You’d be hard pressed to sample all the 1491 Counted cross-stitch, stenciled items, pine period this morning. goodies offeree! in4he next two days! Burnside Ave., East Hartford: FAMOUS cone wreaths, smocking. Christmas Dale Fair of Hartford: and Steven No detailed information was EMERSON g e n e r a l ! Here Is a fair calendar to guide you through 3 available from the Manchester MAGIC decorations, white elephant, copper. Soup, Deschaine of 134 Jefferson Lane. ■MAKE the weekends ahead. Remember that these Herald pholoa by Roche East Hartford. Police Department or 4he Town 5" ELECTRIC sandwich, pie at luncheon. Fire Department this morning. DIAG. CHEF listings, particularly the menus and crafts All five were f r ^ oh bond. No 19 mentioned, are subject to last-minute Quilted pillows like this one will be spid Firefighters and paramedics DIAG. LARGE United Methodist Church of Bolton, 1041 date has been set yet for their court were called to the scene at 7:36. • FULL SIZE changes. at the St. Maurice Church fair in BbHon appearance. Boston Turnpike. Bolton. Nov. 8.9 a.m. to 3 A spokesman for Manchester • TOUCH c a p a c i t y ! on Nov. 15. This wreath Is to be at the St. Maurice SOLID CONTROL p.m. Church fair in Bolton Memorial Hospital said three STATE • AM/FM people were brought to the Emer­ • AC/DC ELECTRIC Knitted goods, baked foods, trash and In the aftermath of a stabbing gency Department with Injuries OCT. 3 and 4 Crafts booths, country store, farm ers’ incident In the parking lot at the COLOR TV MICROWAVE around 8 a m. and all three were COLOR TVl DRYER St. George’s Episcopal Church, 1150 Boston market, children’s corner with petting farm, Holly shop, country store, baby and Manchester Parkade July 10. po- released after treatment. Turnpike, Bolton. Saturday. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. bake sale. Soup and sandwich luncheon children’s booth, feminine boutique, and 23 Local craftsmen, tag sale, homemade 1 through the day. craftsmen. Clam chowder, hot dogs and 2491 apple pies and bread. Christmas decorations, hamburgers. Bolton letters need new zip fall wreaths. Luncheon served. South United Methodist Church, 1226 Main Brl( GENERAL WE 8 TINGHOU 8 E St. 10a.m. to2p.m. Mai BOLTON — Bolton residents now Despite being given its own zip Buckingham Congregational Church. Handcrafts, holiday booth, children’s ELECTRIC 16 CU.FT. NOV. 21 and 22 play I have different mailing addresses. code, the Bolton Post Office will Crickett Lane, Glastonbury. Tonight until 8 corner, knitted goods, homemacle candy. Instead of using the Manchester zip still be considered a branch of the POPULAR Unitarian Univeraallst Society—East, 153 Nor HOLDS Saturday. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1:30p.m. Linda code of 06040, the town will have Its Manchester Post Office, and letter GENERAL 560 Early American theme, potter, broom W. Vernon St. Nov. 21, 7 to 9 p.m.; Nov. 22, 9 Lucal own mailing number of 06043, carriers will work from the Man­ VIDEO ELECTRIC a.m. to3p.m. according to Shirley Olsen, the chester office, she said POUNDS maker, silhouette portraits, candles, print Eas clerk at the Bolton Post Office. I VIDEO RECORDERS QUALITY shop. Homemade root beer. Children’s OCT. 25 and 26 Country cupboard, folk wood, pottery, Dale I Olsen said the change was made UNDERCOUNTER CHEST games. Lunch Saturday. Christmas crafts, stitch and sew. Vinegars, and B because Manchester and Bolton *299. MSHWA8HER FREEZER United Congregational Church of Tolland, baked goods, jams and preserves. Lunch Res have a number of streets with the TO VOTE 45 Tolland Green, Tolland. Oct. 25,10a.m. to served Saturday. Nor Sign up by Oct, 14 R C A VH S All Saints* Episcopal Church, 44 Hills St.. 3p.m. first: same name, which prompted con­ .‘499. East Hartford. Tonight until 9; Saturday 9 fusion in sorting the mail. The Attic treasures, bake shop, Christmas and A R C A VHS h l j l 2 8 8 a.m. to3p.m. ’Trinity Covenant Church, 301 Hackmatack 3491 Eas change has been in effect for the 647-3025 R C A »399. room, carpentry shop, doll comer. White on Apple arts and crafts fair. Baked goods, St. Nov. 22, 9;30 a.m. to 2; 30 p.m. Ann I past two weeks. Olsen said. In Manchester white quilt to be auctioned. Soup, .WHIRLPOOL g e n e r a l crafts. Lunch Saturday. Christmas decorations, stained glass, McCa ELECTRIC sandwiches, pie. chili, all day. Scandinavian gifts and decorations, baked MITSUBISHI deluxe - 349. Perm. Press Vernon United Methodist Church. Route 30. goods, plants. Luncheon served. Assumption Church, 285 W. Center St Oct. Squ Nounum • SELF Vernon. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CLEAN 25,10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and after 5 p.m. mass. Mar HEAVY Apple Festival. Homemade apple pies, by American Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Oct. 26, after masses. club-li N EC 2 H d -• ‘ 33I 1 DUTY the slice or whole. Apple crisp, apple ice Church, 21 Garden St. Nov. 22,9 a.m. to 2 Verplj NEC 2j;d^deluxe_-— Handmade quilts, knitted items, p.m. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC cream. Crafts and attic treasures. Children’s 9 squan homemade goodies, plants, white elephant SANYO 2hd deluxe^ I gam es. Apples by the ba sket. Christmas decorations, baked goods, w ill pt WASHER RANGE table. Meatball grinders, hot dogs. ceramics, sterling-silver jewelry. Coffee and the roi TO SH IBA 2 hd deluxe j pastries served throughout. OCT. 18 A member of Buckingham Congrega­ TO SH IBA 4 hd. deluxe a tional Church prepares coffeecakes for Lut2 3 6 9 Andover First Congregational Church, NOV. land 2 St. Bridget Church, 80 Main St. Nov. 22.10 Lutz v e NITH 4 hd.cable ruy »» 1 Route 6, Andover. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Second Congregational Church, 385 N. the church fair, which is today and a m. to2p,m. Saturday in Qiastonbury, Conner f i s h e r wireless rm - - - ‘ 3 2 | jSAMPO RCA Main St. Nov 1,10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Knitting, baked goods, crafts, raffle items. Day O' 25" Professional craftsfpeople, home-baked new h( 25" goodies. Food all day, including grinders, H*fv H It... CsboTi Stains Autumn HITACHI 249.1 DIAG. DIAG. Instant ‘TtstMts’’ promoUon. Bseauss • WIRELESS chowders, pies baked while you wait. treasure tables. Vermont cheese. Chicken DEC. 6 Red bstwssn Sspt. IS and Oct. 18 with RCA camcorder I REMOTE XL-100 Stenciled quilt raffled. and biscuit luncheon. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. aytfy gallon of CaboTa sxtarlor housa Talcottville Congregational Church, 10 Elm Conn •tain you buy. you’ll not only gat • CABLE Hill Road. Talcottville section, Vernon. 9 READY Cross. Amatica’a Snaat stain. you’S kaao $1.60 - ELECTRONIC \ St. Isaac Jogues Tekakwitha, at East a.m.to2p.m. cardio) In your poekst. And thw Vt no Smit on MONITOR TUNER Catholic High School. Nov. 2,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. how many gallona you can buy. Just NOV. 13 Cheese booth, handcrafts, foods, tag sale. Wedne fHl out tho rabata coupon at AemhJ COLOR TV ^ /CCOLOR O L O R T TVl V Crafts, food. Sandwiches throughout the day. Toregl parttclpstlng atoivs and gtva H to your St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 41 Park St. offi(?e. daalar. VouK got your It.SO aavlnga Bolton Congregational Church, 228 Bolton 10;30a.m.to3p.m. 6 right on tha spot, ir* as aimpla aa that Ladies Guild Fair and Tea. Food, WHh Cabors Instant “Rabata" thara’a » 399W 4 4 Q Center Road, Bolton. Nov. 1,10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Llfei no WHng how nuich you con oovo Handcrafts, kitchen cupboard, hearty household items, knitwear, white elephant, Offer aooapMd at partlcIpaHng daalara SALE TODAYlTHR J SUTOAV: QCTOBlR^M only. old-fashioned luncheon, children’s activities. fancy goods. Tea, 11:30 a m. to 2 p.m. . OPKN SUNDAY 11 NOON • 8 PM NOV. 7 and 8 NOV. 15 St. John the Baptist Polish National Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 112 MANCHESTER WALLPAPER Catholic Church, 23 Golway St.. and Cooper St. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A PAINT CO.. INC. Lithuanian Hall, 24 Golway St. Nov. 7,5 to 9 Baked goods, plants, white elephant, DIICOUNT PRICE! p.m.; Nov. 8 ,10 a.m. to 3p.m. jewelry. Christmas decxirations. Luncheon IR5 MIMis THmpIkt. Wnt Christmas crafts, afghans and sweaters. from ll;30a.m. to l;30p.m. MmetNottr. Cana American and Polish baked goods and Wooden geeae and other folk wood nMm64Ml43 holiday foods. Sit-down Polish supper Friday, Church of St. Maurice, 32 Hebron Road. items ere psirt of the First Congrega­ lunches Saturday afternoon. Bolton, to a.m. to 3 p.m. tional Church of Andover fair. — — ^^^WCHES'i'isR HERALD. Priday. Oct. 3. 19W MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Oct. 3. 19B8- 18

IViMfrcfMfora -•'is?-:

A celesHal e*perleiice Rwnmags around On»-aet phqrs continue A star party, to observe Saturn. Mars, Jupiter Look around? You’re sure to find somethingyou aM cerMn star clusters, will be held on Saturday The TheaterWorks Company continues to mOUDEl •WOT at the rummage sale at St. Joseph’s Church present its evenings of one-act plays at Wadsworth ^ State Parir in Norfolk. It’s sponsored on Route 32 in Eagleville. The sale is Saturday Atheneum in nTartford. Two are by Tennessee ^ b e C oj^ican Planetarium and Space Science from 9 a.m to noon, and Sunday from 10 a m to 2 J ^ te r of Central Connecticut State University p.m. Williams, and two are by Lanford Wilson, p e party will be from 9 p m . to midnight, and renonnances are at 8p.m. in the Avery Theater W gudsts are requested to bring telescopes and of the museum. They continue through Oct. 12. wioculars. For information and directions call Tag sals for 8tti Tickets are $18 each. For reservations, call »7-T#iPor 827-7852 This event is free 527-7838. The Eighth Utilities District Auxiliary will hold a tag sale Saturday from 9 a m. to 3 p.m. at the Knights dance comer of Main and William streets to benefit VIviUige fhreacb return STEAL, or Stop'Tampering with the Eighth’s 8 rC.SfriU'rl r:‘ The Knights of Columbus will hold a dance American Liberties. For more information call Did you toss out the contents of your attic just ^turday from 9 p m. to midnight at the Knights of 848-3128. before the current rage for "retro-thHb?” ^ ’t Columbus Lodge. 138 Main St. There will be taped despair? On Sunday you’ll find piles of vintage music from 9 to lO p.m.. then the clothing for men. women and children at Avon 4j Shall we do Lunch? Manchester-based rock band. Traveler, will CreffyUemtatfalr High School. The sale features true antiques — perform original compositions. The cover charge such as parasols and beaded dresses frwn the turn Massaro’s West Side RestaiiEant is $4 at the door. Beverages may be brought or Spencer Village will hold a craft fair at the ^ the century - as well as funky clothes from a purchased at the dance. No one under 21 will be village community hall. 52 Pascal Lane, near decade back. There will be 48 dealers displaying is the perfect place for lunch engagements. admitted. K-Mart. Saturday from lOa.m. to4p.m. Beads, their wares The sale is sponsored by the Avon / dolls, afghans. baked goods, refreshments and ffistorical Society, which is charging $3 admission, Hsretd photo by ROehe Offering a wide variety of fine foods and tag-sale items will be sold Coffee and parking will ^oceeds go the society’s Living Museum and Pine Kicking It around be free. Proceeds from the fair will benefit the Grove Schoolhouse The sale is open from 18 a m beverages, Massaro’s makes each afternoon disabled to 5 pm . MR. AND MRS. JAM ES O LEESO H a special one. Athletes who are Special Olympians from in 1938 at right, SO yean later, above. statewide champion soccer teams will meet at Manchester Community College on Sunday for a Bringing In the sheaves .3.31 Center .Street soccer tournament Look for them at Cougar Pass the pancakes Party for artfat (Corner of Broad and O nfer. next to Carvels) Field near the comer of Wetherell Street and Pour syrup on pancakes at the Manchester It’s harvest weekend at Old Sturbridge Village, 617-999.3 Hillstown Road, from 9a.m. to3p.m The where farmers are getting in their crops and OisfInctIvB Oaltof/ will have a receiMion Grange 31 breakfast Sunday from 8am to noon at for artlaf James Brennan of East University of Connecticut women’s varsity soccer the Grange on Olcott Street. Tickets at 82 58 a women are storing vegetables in root cellars. Gleesons celebrate 50 years together C team will play demonstration matches between person may be purchased from members or at the There will be special hands-on activities at the Hartford from noon to 4 p. m. Saturday at play-off rounds. These games are free. Mr. and Mrs. James Gleeson of The party was given by the Enfield, and seven grandchildren. door. museum education building, relating to the drying the gallery, 280 Burnside Ave., East ISBSebool St., celebrated their Lady of Sorrows Church. Sept. 28.. and storing of foods for the winter. The museum couple’s sons and daughters-in- Guests also came from California. 1936. Hartford. There will be a raffle for a free wedding amriversary with a buffet law. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. /INGEUrS PIZZA will be open from 9 a m. to 5 p m. on Saturday and Michigan. Maine and Mr. Gleeson retired from Travel­ portrait of a person of the winner’s attended by 110 guests at the Army Gleeson of Hyde Park. N Y., and Pennsylvania. ers Insurance Cos after 46 years of Sunday Admission is $8.50 for adults and 84 for and Navy Club recently. Mrs. and Mrs Dennis J. Gleeson of REsr/UHiMrr children ages 6 to 15 The village is at Exit 3 of choice. Brennan’s work will be on The couple was married at Our employment. Interstate 84. display through Oct. 26 from 10 a m. to6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and by T appointment. Brennan, an East Hartford Big week for antiques resident, formerly lived in Manchester. Orford Parish, DAR, hosts annual Frost Fair One of the area’s largest antiques show will be at Orford Parish of the Daughters Novelties. Miss Jean Kelsey and Jumble Sale. Mrs Kibbe Willey Coffee and doughnuts until 11 the State Armory on Broad Street in Hartford this of the American Revolution will Mrs. Roland Weeks. and Miss Ruth Willey. a.m.. Mrs. Harold Maher. ^ ^ ^ ^ I) weekend. The 28th annual show attracts dealers Yodeling and stories hold its annual Frost Fair Saturday Food Sale. Miss Marlon Brook­ Luncheon, offering a selection of 8i who specialize in the I7th- through early from 9:30 a m until 3 p.m. at Knits. Mrs. Robert Lappen and fi Mrs Robert Pratt. ings. Miss Margaret Korngiebel. sandwiches, soup, desserts and I9th-centuries The show and sale benefits the Bill Staines, a local favorite who sings, tells Center, Congregational Church. and Mrs. James McKay. beverages, will be served by Mrs. (1 eight house-museums maintained by the stories and yodels, will be featured at The Sally Robb is general chairman. Country Store. Mrs Charles Candy. Mrs. Leslie Brookes and Chester Osborn. Mrs William 662 Center St., Manchester 647-9334 jl Antiquarian and Landmarks Society. Connecti­ Sounding Board on Saturday The weekly folk Booths and other chairmen are: Treat and Mrs Frank Sheldon. Mrs. O ^ g e Chapin. O’Neill, Mrs. Walter Senknow. II cut’s largest preservation agency. music concerts are at First Church of Christ Arts and Crafts. Mrs. Barry Books. Miss Ella Sumner and Parcel Post. Mrs. Richard Niese Mrs. Walter Holman. Mrs. Iver­ Smith and Mrs. George Thiirber Miss Jeanette Sumner. There will be 88 exhibitors this year and booths Congregational. I2South Main St . West Hartford and Mrs. 'Thomas Johnson. son. and Mrs. Roland Ouelette. will be arranged as miniature homes Room Doors open at 7 p m.: concerts begin at 8 For l^ 5 S A P O ;S < vignettes will allow visitors to see furnishings as reservations, call 563-3263 Admission is 87 V they might have been used. The show is open until 10 tonight; from 1 to 9 p m. Saturday and from 1 to 6 p m Sunday. Admission is 83. but parking is free. a restaurant SO yean later pre$enti our Gi umekend ipecialt ni Members and teachers of 8h MCC opens show Cannelloni Florentine w/Mougc...... *5.95 le the Class of 1936B, Man­ Baked Scrod ...... *6.95 di See Richard C. Harden’s paintings of Polish chester High School, reu­ Eggplant Romano ...... *6.95 sc industrial workers tonight in the Newspace nite at a 50th year party at Tenderloin Tips au Vino ...... *7.95 th Gallery of Manchester Community College after a Manchester Country Club sc performance at 8 by the Charles GigliottI Trio in Veal PIsciola n/tmungt a peppen ...... *8.95 hi MCC’s Lowe Program Center. The trio will feature last Saturday. The returning 331 Center Street dj Jeff Fuller on bass, Charles Gigliotti on piano and teachers and the subjects (Corner of Brood ind Onler, noil lo Cirreh) pi John Gigliotti on drums. A reception outside the they taught are, front row ______647-9995 ei Program Center will follow the performance. from left, Erna Westhaver- ai re Harden, a New Hartford resident, did the Loomis, English: Catherine he paintings after he made trips to Poland in 1983 and Hprfllfi rf^oto by Pinto E. Putnam, social studies; ur Have a bite 1984. The show, performance and reception are Mary McGuire-Davidson, re free and open to the public. The gallery is open math; and Elizabeth Olson, Friday A Saturday Spaclala do from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays and from 9 a.m. to m Walter Allen plays his electric steel noon Saturdays. math. Graduates of the class 3 m noon to 6 p.m. beside Taggart's home at guitar while he opens his mouth for a 119 Woodiand St. The menu wiil inciude and event organizers, in • Baked or Broiled Bay Scallops...... *6.50 ge chicken leg held by Ron Osella. Marion ciam chowder and beverages. Tickets back row from left, are Taggart holds another piece of chicken. Bargains ready Marjorie Mitchell-Bissell, • Fillet of Sole w/lemon & butter ...... *6o50 are $7.50 for aduits and $3.75 for qe • Broiled Fresh Swordfish ...... •B.QQ The three, aii Republican Town Com­ chiidren under 10 and may be reserved Pick up some bargains at the Democratic William Barrett and Mary CO mittee members, are getting ready for by cailing Oselia at 647-1159 or Donald Women's Club of Manchester tag sale Saturday QuIsh-McKeever. The 1936 • Broiled RIbeye Steak ...... *6.99 th< ho the chicken barbecue Saturday from Kuehl, 646-4698. Rain date is Sunday. from 9a.m. fo3p.m. at Democratic Headquarters. Somanhis yearbook was 200 Main St. The club is accepting Itmes for the dedicated to McGuire, who tet sale at its headquarters. LA STRADA Rtitauranf an Is now 69. 471 Hartford Road 643-6166 About Town Mon.-8«t. B:S0-10 / Sun. 'Ill S See Miller’s art HBrald photo by Rocha Bridge club gives scores The art work of Richard Miller will go on display Natural family planning taught today at the YWCA Gallery, 135 Broad St., Manchester AM Bridge Club results for the Sept 22 Couple to Couple League will present a series of four Hartford. There will be a party from 4 to 6 p.m. NIKKI’S play include: classes Oct. 19, Nov, 16, Dec. 7 and Jan. 4 at 2 p m at When actor Paul Sills plays games, I North-south: Jim Baker and Louise Kermode. first: St. James Church, 896 Main St. Miller, who painted for years until he lost most of PC his vision, is studying sculpture at Manchester IVe luet for fun Weekend Specials ha' Linda Simmons and Ellen Goldberg, second* Hal David and Libby Eddy, a league-certified couple Lucal and Carol Lucal, third Community College. of will present the course She is a registered nurse The Prime Rib ...... *8.95 a r East-west: Bev Saunders and Mary Willhide. first: sympto-thermal method taught Includes fertility This clown on a bike, created by Hal eager N.Y. theater audiences listen Dale Harned and Tom Regan, second: Phyllis Pierson Shrimp & Chicken Brocchette ho awareness by cross-checking several symptoms of Poth of Missouri, Is Just one of the ne' and Barbara Anderson, third female fertility and avoids the side effects of the Pill Don’t be a squarel (•lice of fresh Pineapple)...... *8.95 Results for Sept 25 Include: whimsical sculptures you'll see in the Bv NIIcboel Kuchwara interested In the theater would just fin and intra uterine devices Married and engaged The Assocloted Press North-south: Bette Martin and Loui.se Kermode. You don't have to be a square to enjoy square current exhibit at The Guilford Hand­ do It.” he says. Sills did, but Linguine with Red Clam Sauce ...... *6.95 I couples interested in being in the class may call the "My mother developeid these games while eventually left school when money No first: Carol Lucal and Hal Lucal. second: John Green Eddys at 742-8472 and round dancing at Verplanck School on crafts Center on Route 77 in Guilford. Alt oboiv lerveif ivilh Salad, Poiaio, FepelaMe A Broad. and Al Berggren, third. NEW YORK - Paul Sills plays working with the children of Immigrants," says from the G1 Bill ran out. pa Saturday evening from 8 to 11. Caller Ed Rutty and The exhibit opens with a public games, theater games that turn the With David Shepherd, he ke: East-west: Marge Warner and Terry Daigle, first; Pinochle scores announced the Country Spice Band will be on hand to be sure reception on Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. audience Into an Important part of Ann DeMartin and Phyllis Pierson, second* Marion the 58-year-old Sllla. "The laws and rules of the founded the Improvlsational F r o m ISikki With L o v e w I everyone has a good time. It is sponsored by The gallery is open weekdays. 10 a m. to his evenings of improvlsational Theater Club In Chicago, a small wh McCarthy and Ann McLauglin. third Pinochle scores for the Sept 25 play at the Army and theater were difficult to explain to people who VISA' 254 Broad Si. • Manchester Navy Club Include: Manchester Square Dance Club. The cost is $8 per entertainment. classical repertory company that sa^ couple. 4 p.m., and Sundays 1 to 4 p.m. The Sue Kerr 627, F Wilkinson 601. Edith Albert 660, whimsey show remains until Oct. 25. Sills has been playing them since didn't speak English. She would take aspects of attempted everything from Sha­ 646-3000 the Square dance club meets Tony DeMalo 599, Mary Hill 591, Richard Culbert 590, he was 10. He first learned them kespeare to Shaw to Wilde to the theater and turn them Into games." Brecht. Manchester Square Dance Club will hold a Gladys Thomnpson 589.. Harry Posplsil 580. Gert from his mother, a one-time McKay 578 Martin Rauchle 572, Martin Bakstan 570. actress named Viola Spolin who The club eventually closed when club-level dance Saturday from 8 to II p m at It was discovered to be In violation Verplanck School, Olcott Street Ed Rutty will call the and John Klein 569. taught at Hull House, the famous ^ jUHt. ,3 nit Cinema Chicago settlement center started In “Sills k Company," now ish,” performers carry on a very of building code regulations, and 9 squares and Gary Hass and his Country Spice Band by Jane Addams. playing off-Broadway at the Actors serious conversation in a nonsense Sills moved on to co-found Com­ will provide music Joan and Armand Daviau wili cue Belaga, Ludea speak at confab pass, a theater set up In a bar In the round dances. HARTFORD MANCHRSTRR “My mother developed these Playhouse. Sills puts his mother's language. In a third, actors tell a Beal Italian 1984-86 Jacob Ludes HI. principal of Manchester High Clnimo ClfV — Men,..Frl 7:20, 9:45; UA Theotors Rost — Bock to School DRtVR-INS games while working with the game-playing into practice. While story, each performer contributing Chicago’s Hyde Park area. It was. Voted Connectleot Mageirine School, will be on a four-member panel on education Sot and Sun 2, 4:20, 7:20,9:45. — De*erf Sills says now, the birth of r , ? - »»♦ o®** 7 ” 5, Monchester — Closed tor the season. children of immigrants." says the rules are set for each game by Sills, to it word by word, then phrase by Lutz offers pets for adopton and leadership and political reality Oct. 10 at a Bloom (PG ) FrI 7; Sot ond Sun 2:10, 7. — Tron»torm»r»: The improvlsational theater in the Preaenta A Sew Diversified Menu Movie IPO) Sot and Sun 2,3:35,5:15. — 88-year-old Sills. "The laws and the audience supplies what he calls phrase and finally, sentence by Connecticut Association of Secondary Schools fall 9:50; Sot and Sun 1:45, 3 :» , 7:30, 9:50 United States. Lutz Children's Museum at 247 S Main St will hold PHtf"?** fk) FrI and Sot 7:40, rules of the theater were difficult to "the whos, wheres and whats." sentence. • feoHon Cuiiinr • Seafood • Fowl • Sieaki • Ribt conference at Treadway-Cromwell Inn. Cromwell. — Su^irer (R1 FrI 7:10, 9:30; Sot and 9:45; Sun 7:40, 9:20. — The Karate Kid explain to people who didn’t speak The half-dozen or so actors take it Connecticut Animal Welfare League Pet Adoption Republican gubernatorial candidate Julie Belaga Sun 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30. — Nothing In AN EVENING’S entertainment So* ond Sun English. She would take aspects of from there. They work on a bare SILLS HAS HAD a lot of practice Day O ct.) I from noon to 4 p.m. Cats and dogs needing will speak on Projections for Public Education. For 4:30, 9:J0. LiL*' .J®' Rocky Horror at Compass usually included some­ O c t o b e r S p e c i a l s : wed.. Tt,«r.. oniy> new homes will be available ond Sotmldnlght. the theater and turn them into stage with no props. A pianist in improvisation over the past 36 thing called the Living Newspaper, more information call John T. Daly, executive — Pink Floyd: The Woll (R) Frt ond Sot games." provides minimal musical years, working with and creating Roast Ducklings U orange *9.95 director of the a.ssociation. 281-1611 RA$T HARTFORD which would dramatize the day’s Katiweod Fob * Clntmo — Bock to Sot midnight. — The Texas (fholntow accompaniment. such landmark theater companies events. School (PG-13) FrI and Sot 7:15, 9:20; Rib of Beef Princess *12.95 Red Cross teaches CPR class Sun 7:30. Massacre port 2 (R ) FrI and Sot ONE OP THOSE early games In a game called “Who Am I?” as Compass and Second City in The evening also included a short Second Battalion has brunch midnight. that Sills remembers was called an actor may be anyone, from the fSorvod oiOk lalad. >t 1:15 7:05, 9:15; Sot and Sun 1:06, 3:15, 7:05, suRicient evidence to convict a times since, most notably in 1971 on A MaiUc«»^R*atR«raRt Thursdays from 7 to 9:30 p.m , starting Oct 9 at Brain ln)ured support confab set 9:15. — Hothng In Common (P(3-13) )u(lges participate in plea bargain­ nent politician wrote a letter of person on a specific charge only to 429-1900 Manchester High School pool. 3:10, 5, 7:40, W, 11:50; Sun 1:15,3:10, 5, Frl-Sun 7, 9:10. — The (ireot Mouse Broadway with "Paul Sills’ Story Note Vernon Area Satellite Support Group ofjof ^h e Z*i2' !? »T t*** f'V <**> F'"' 1:10. 7:20, Detective (G ) Sot and Sun 1; 10,3:10. — ing, which has been proven to be commendation in hisbehail. If you have the case dismissed by a Judge. Theater” It combined fairy tales Fees for a recreation membership are; one-year for 2*22' .\'*25' pf* 7:30, 4:30, 7:20, crooked. A judge Is arrested twice know the right people and have the Connecticut Traumatic Brain Injury Asso^iatiojo i^ K 9:30, 11:25; Sun 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 7:20, Ruthless People (R ) Frt 7:10,9:10; Sot Criminal justice in our state? and fables with aspects of game­ residents under 18, 84; six months, non-residents iti*;pt Monday at 7:15 p.m. at Ellington Ambul . and Sun 1:10,3:10, 7:10,9:10. for driving a car under the right connections, don’t worry Nonsense? Think about it. under 18. $8: adult residents, one year, $12; playing. Building. Maple Street. Ellington. For more informa­ *-.^?*5'' 11:40; Sot 12:45, 2:50, 4:55, 7*25, WINDSOR influence of alcohol. He receives a a l ^ t going to jail. Sentencing by Now he’s back in New York and Rt. 32. Mansfield non-resident adults, six months. 824. tion. call John Clark. 749-9031 ” *^' ’ 7*^' 7:50, 4:S5, 7:25, . Ptoeo — Bock to School (PG-1S)Frl7, polite slap on the wrist. A restau- judges in our state is so inconsisv 9:30; Sot 7:15, 9:30; Son 7:15. Rev. Russell Camp has begun teaching classes in (Psnmcriy Chack*t Steak Haase) ranteur has been dealing in drugs ent as to he ridiculous. TTie police Prison Chnplnhi Ret. theater games. M - MANCHESTgR HERALD. Friday. Oct. 3.19 Ma n c h e s t e r h e r a l d , Friday, oct 3. i9w — is A A 4 c€ ■ -r ■■ SPORTS______Husband’s idea of charity flunks the test for fidelity Mattingly gets hits marlq Clemens ‘ready’

DEAR By Ben wolker Righetti not one but two more been a dear friend of many years, The Assoclofed Press saves if we can," Piniella saida* ASSY: We had came to my home and took my old Test on Saturday been married "Make that give him the chance to dog to the veterinarian and had Don Mattingly broke the New earn two more, not give him for 15 beautifol him "put out of his misery’’ — years when a York Yankees’ record for hits in a saves” that’s the way she put it. season all by himself. Dave Righ- Dave Winfield went 3-for-5 with a .young married JH m r Abby Granted, the dog was on his last w om an who for Clemens’ arm etti got a lot of help in his bid to set triple and double and drove in two works with my legs and he wouldn’t have lasted the major-league save mark. runs for the Yankees. Abigail Van Buren much longer, but I was devastated. Bruce Hurst, scheduled to start husband talked She explained that my dog would Mattingly doubled and singled this fine. Chris­ Bv Thp Afsoelotpd Fress Dr. PaMas wants me to restrain Thursday night as the Yankees Game 2 of the AL playoffs against have to be put to sleep soon anyway myself from myself.’’ California, extended his scoreless- tian family man and she knew I wouldn’t have the beat the Boston Red Sox 5-1. The Into com m it- ______BOSTON — The test comes on Clennens said he had been down two hits gave him 232 for the year, inning streak to 17 before New heart to do it. and she thought she Saturday for Roger Clemens, the before Thursday’s game but was York scored four times in the fifth ting adultery. was doing me a big favor. one more than the club record set She is very plain and doesn’t look mainstay of the Boston Red Sox anxious to begin pitching iigain. by Hall of Famer Earle Combs in wedding date. We set our wedding I just cannot get over the pitching staff who escaped a line "I was angry, sort of, over it. I RBngers 10, AngBfi 0 the type, but she kept after him. unmitigated gall of this woman to 1927. telling him what a poor lover her date four months ago — before we drive off the arm with a bruise. was mad at myself," he said. "It’s nice to be able to do Scott Fletcher, whose error knew how sick he was. have taken it upon herself to do "If be continues to improve as I husband was. so he felt sorry for such a thing. My daughter thinks I It was the latest in a string of something that no one else here has helped California take the lead in 0 her and that's how it happened. If he is called by God close to our expect he will, he’ll start throwing injuries to the Boston pitching done before," Mattingly said. He the top of the ninth inning, capped wedding date, what is the proper should take legal action against the In the bullpen on Saturday." team staff. The other most recent his first five-hit game in the majors 0 I am sure my husband didn’t lust neighbor for kidnapping my pet also hit his 52nd double of the year, after her; it was more like ai. act of etiquette with regard to our wed­ physician Dr. Arthur Pappas told a victim, Tom Seaver. is a playoff tying the team record established with a two-out RBI double in the ding? How can we handle the joy of and putting him to death, and also news conference Thursday. uncertainty because of a knee bottom of the ninth that led Texas. charity. He told her that ht had the veterinarian who performed IV Hall of Famer Lou Gehrig, also never broken his marriage vows our wedding with the sorrow of his Pappas said "a high degree of injury. Pappas did say Seaver in 1927 The visiting Angels had gone passing, which will be mourned by the job. What do you think? probably would see action this ahead 9-8 on Fletcher’s throwing before and he didn’t intend to break my fiance’s mother and the rest of STILL IN SHOCK probability” existed that Demens. "I just continue trying to get them again. so she shouldn’t expect who took the blow on his right weekend and be evaluated for the better and better.” Mattingly said. error from shortstop and Rick it to become a habit. his family? playoffs. Burleson’s RBI single Please answer soon as there Isn’t DEAR STILL: What happened elbow Wednesday night, will take Mattingly went 2-for-4 and his Abby. would you say it was the mound Tuesday In the Ameri­ In an interview with WBCN-FM average remained at .356 in his Tom Paciorek tied the score in much time. was presumptuous and outrage­ earlier in the day, Clemens said he the bottom of tbe ninth with an RBI C adultery even though it was done ous But a legal judgment will not can League best-of-seven Cham­ quest to overtake Boston’s Wade out of charity? HAPPY AND SAD pionship Series opener against the was putting a little something single and Fletcher blooped his C Boggs in the race for the American compensate for the pain of your extra on the ball he threw to winning hit. Fletcher went 5-for-6 Please don’t mention the name of DEAR HAPPY AND SAD: premature loss. Your neighbor California Angels. League batting title. Boggs, hitting this town. The population is a Ittle Clemens was not concerned with Stefero, and was out- of position .357, sat out Thursday night’s game as the Rangers had 21 hits. Should your future, father-in-law undoubtedly meant to do a kind­ when It was hit. Mike Witt, scheduled to start under 15.000. and you know how die on your wedding day. or a few ness for a dear friend. Forgive her. probabilities. He was certain he with a nagging right hamstring. folks talk in a town this size. will start. "I was trying to get the ball In other AL games. Texas beat Game 1 of the A L pi ay offs in Boston SINNED AGAINST days before, it would cast a down. I pushed off real hard and next Tuesday night, started for sorrowful shadow over the wed­ CONFIDENTIAL TO D.J. IN "I will not miss a start." California 16-9, Detroit defeated fell to the left, which really Isn’t Milwaukee 2-1 and Chicago downed California and gave up four runs on DEAR SINNED AGAINST: ding festivities. NASHVILLE: Your suggested llth Clemens said at Fenway Park. me." he said. "Usually I’m set up eight hits in three innings Adultery Is adultery, regardless of Why not change your wedding to Commandment. "Thou Shalt not "Ml be 100 percent on'Tuesday. No Minnesota 8-4 in 16 innings. perfectly to take any kind of ball hit Righetti got the final out of the Tlgwra 2, Brewer* 1 T the circumstances. That kind of an earlier date, so he can have the get caught.’’ is very catchy. But if one’s going to take that away from back to me” game at Fenway Park for his 44th T charity should not only begin at pleasure of knowing you are you obey the first 10. you won’t me," Jack Morris pitched a five-hitter need an llth When Stefero swung at what save, one shy of the major-league home, it should end there. married? If this is not possible, • Clemens, a 24-game winner who Clemens said was a "with-the- and won his sixth straight decision then I suggest postponing it until Heads the AL in earned run average record held by Dan Quisenberry as Detroit won in Milwaukee. seam fastball which will run away and Bruce Sutter. DEAR ABBY: I am to be after he answers God’s call. For Abby’s booklet. "What Ev­ and strikeouts, was struck by a from a left-handed hitter,” it came Morris. 21-8, leading the majors married soon and have a very ery Teen-Ager Ought to Know.” New York rookie Doug Drabek. with six shutouts, was within three AP photo sharply hit ball by Baltimore right back at him. serious problem to face My DEAR ABBY: Last year I was send a check or money o r ^ r for catcher John Stefero. Clemens said 7-8, took a one-hitter Into the ninth outs of his seventh before Ben "I wanted to take It In the back if Inning, but gave up a pair of hits fiance’s father is seriously ill. widowed, so my daughter and $2.50 and a long, stamped (39 his right arm was "reddish and a I could. But my arm was just right Oglivie led off the ninth inning with (He’s terminal.) The doctors have son-in-law took me on a little trip to cents), self-addressed envelope to: Slipping out the Qolden Gate little tender" but not a serious with one out. Reliever Bob Shirley his fifth home run. Morris struck there. And then, wouldn’t you struck out Rich Gedman but then Just given him a period of time to cheer me up. When I returned. I Dear Abby. Teen Booklet. P.O. Box Injury. know, it hit me smack on the out four and walked three In live, which comes very close to our learned that my neighbor, who had 35923. Hollywood. Calif. 90038. The USS Alaska, a Trident class nuclear the fog beneath the Qolden Gate Bridge "Today he has a little swelling in walked Tony Armas on four pitching his 15th complete game. elbow.” he said after losing his pitches, loading the bases and submarine, makes Its way out to sea In In San Francisco recently. the area struck by the batted ball, chance to become Boston’s first Alan Trammell put the ’Tigers but his motion continues to be very creating a save situation. ahead in the fifth with his 21st 25-game winner since Mel Parnell Righetti came in and threw two - normal.” Pappas said. in 1949. homer, a drive off the left-field foul pitches to retire light-hitting Ed pole against Pete Vuckovich. 2-4, tlntll Satiii^ay. Pappas said. Clemens said he was probably Romero. Surgery may cover scars Clemens will be on a conditioning out of position because he had to Lou Whitaker stole home In the program that includes ninning. AP photo "I didn’t know I had a save until I eighth for Detroit's other run. keep his pitches down because came off the field and someone told stretching and light workouts with umpires seem to be using a smaller New York’8 Don Mattingly watches one of his two hits White Box 8, Twin* 4 DEAR DR. recommend? : weights, but no throwing. me." Righetti said. ’’.I don’t make GOTT: At 39. strike zone late in the season. lan

F r i d a y T V l l f l VictinTs iHRPKINimED Wifwam [HELP WANTED Q w S le ERySig uHwBitBfiti or the ro«m ot 5;OOPM [H 80] MOVIE: Th*Avtafor' down an evil warford Jeffrey Byron, Tim ® 24 Koras ■onon ore tioroby noftflod M a le o r Pempfd - P ort A mail ptane pdot and his teenage passen­ Thomerson. Kelly Preston 1983 Pointers wanted. Exoe- WtmfM: Substitufg and Monchester chamung f Of interest to You... inter­ (0 SCTVNstvroric thdf: time I0artl-2pm compan­ All reol estote odvertlsed ger crashtand in a mountain wilderness rlenced pointers for tutl or/Parf time custodton. b e d ro o m Ranch, com- est rdfes are down again! [CNN] Prime News llli] Good TWnos As rfBotradbY losr oil oor- ion fo r elderlvoEntlemon. III the Monchester Herald Christopher Reeve. Rosanna Arquette m om told lons lldWe to ooy osrsonol time employment. Benef­ Possible S-lO hours per ptefefy renovofed. Just New Ifstlng in Bowers [DIS] Five Mile Creek Is sublect to the Foir Jack Warden 1985 Rated PG In Stereo [CNN] IWdnoyfino proodrtYtexw mtheTosmot its, vocations, holldovs ^ dov week. No specldf week. Must be hotd work- M dve in! LOW 90’s Xoent srtioof oreo, new fumoce, [ESPN] NFL's Greatest Momenta: core required. 64»-S5iraf­ Housing Act ot 1968, which [T M C ] M OVIE: V ic to r / Allied prisoners [DIS] Advonturas of Onto and Harriot SoNon o r* hordby nottflod and componv Insurance. ine ond responsible. A tA s a s . rtdw ,41) Reporter 41 [USA] Sanchez Of Bel Air (S i Chscli It Out! horrifying instant when a helicop^ roglftwdd motor vefiicios; work ot our restouront. per week or port time $1 fu repoir). Dellnouent vinyl siding, 2cor goroge, Vemon, by owner, lovely snowmobllos; trotlors; For detolls coll manager Street, Eost Hortford. fox property. Reposses­ MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour 8:30PM C D S B Mr. Belvedere (CCJ (S) Tonight Show Tonight's guest is ter rotor slashed into two children evenings and Soturdoys. new furrtdce. Lots of Ranch on Cul-de-sac. New Wesley forms a friendship with a woman Buddy Hackett (60 min ) In Stereo and actor Vic Morrow. mocninorv; horso*; mulos; of 633-2895. Friendiv Res­ Must hove prior expe­ sions. Coll On^-dOdOext room !! n a , W . Jdckson 1#1) Facts of Life asses; neat come; theeo; Port time homemokers corpet ond floors through­ FDNLEAIE stricken with Atzheimer'spisease (W Hogan's Heroes Shayah-Huei Chen also testified; touront Glostonburv. rience. Apply to Gorins 6 H 9985 for current repos­ A Jdckson R'eof Estate out, finished bosement, [ D I S ] Rafft (60 m in ) aoots; swtne; Fouffty; com- needed - ossist on eidertv session list. EXECUT1WWAN © Wall Street Week iS ) News at the manslaughter trial o f mercldl Ihrnlture, fixtures, Joguor, Route 83 Vernon, 847-840Ddr8484848.o screened porch, 2 cor [ESPN] Mazda SportsLook and equipment; form Experience carpenters person In remolnlno in Ct. [USA] Check It Out! lU One Day at a Time director John Landis and four goroge, oversized lot. [M AX] MOVIE: Maxie (CC| A prim and mocninery; form tools; wonted. Full time or port fheir own home. Daytime Secretory - Small re a l iftimoculote Ranch. Con­ associates that she was not told the; $132,900 875-1174 evenings Contemporary C«pe /z baths, 2 MOVIE: 'Where's Poppa?' A bache ing. "Lower, lower," through a fheir proof of dlsobimy. olde, 8; 30-3; 00, 5 doys i»er to deck, over looking car goroge $179,900. D.W. Am new featuring plush 2d' 3S1 M - A 'S 'H [DIS] MOVIE; Pinocchio' A story about lor schemes to eliminate his aging mother Farmers - must tile their Port tim e/Job shoring po­ bullhorn as the helicopter hovered week. Pleasant working large pork like yard. Fish Reolty 643-1591 or carpeting, buHt-ln vac- the adventures of a puppet boy who be­ George Segal. Tnsh Van Oevere RuthGor Making magic oppllcptlon tor exemption Bookkeeper - Expe­ sition. Busy engineering CM) 2? Wheel of Fortune over the actors. conditions. Pieose coll Pieose coll 647-8805. $i20's. 871-140O.D eyetem, attached garage. comes human and learns the dangers of don 1970 tor livestock, poultry and rienced, A c c u ra c y In us­ firm requires secretarial Entertainment Tonight lying 1982 Rated G machinery with the assessor 646-1610. 3 bedroom*. 2'A bath*, fi­ iDTONEAm Alfred Hitchcock Presents Erno Rubik, tho Hungarian architectureprofessorturnod “ Then f heard the loud sound of ing IBM XT essential. assistance possible 11 Jeffersons [ESPN] Top Rank Boxing from Atlantic durinethe month otOctober. growth to full time. Word Manchester Executive lO Monchester. Greot Stor- replace. formal llvlng/dln- iDfEtCE SPACE 46) Jimmy Breslin's People (60 mm ) inventor, posea in Now York this week with his now explosions, then the sparks,” Chen Mew Applicants tor Form Manchester. Coll John at lM) Carson's Comedy Classics City, NJ 12 hrs . 30 mm ) Live processing necessary, dic­ room Raised Ronch, 4 ter a t a better price. 3 Ing room, epaclou* 41) Novela: Amo y Senor (60 mm ) said in Chinese through an and Forest Clossltlcotlon • 643-9290 bedrooms, moln floor kitcheo, ^ fun basement, 24^ MacNeit-Lehrer Newshour [TMC] MOVIE; 'My Science Project' A puzzle, Rubik's Magic, which he hopes will recreate the interpreter. must tile bv the end at Oc­ taphone a plus, send re- bedrooms, eot-in size kit­ high school student's science project gets ,®l) Christian Children's Fund tober. Persons, who already sum eto: Fuss and O'Neill, fom lly room, plus a lower chen, formol dining room, private deck, swimming 30' $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Pyram id mania caused by his previous Rubik's Cube. "It seems East Horttord - Port time out of control John Stockwell. Dennis “ ft went very windy and gusty. hove land clossltled os farm Secretary/Receptlonlst - level rec. room. 3 full pool and paddle tennis T [CNN] Newsnight 210 Moln Street, Manches­ aluminum siding, i cor 4d' N ew N ew lyw e d Game impossible, but it's not," Rubik says of the new device. Then I saw the helicopter fall on top ond forest land, need not office help needed tor Full time position; duties boths, formal dining court. A beautiful condo. Hopper. Fisher Stevens 1985 Rated PG- Tennis: 1986 Davis Cup Cover­ ter. Attention Kothy g a ra g e locoted on corner 13 In Stereo [ESPN] (toplv annually unless there East Hartford distribu­ Office Space- on busy 41 Novela: Maria de Nadie Una pobre age of the semifinal round with USA ver of Renee. At that moment f was so Include answering Tower. EOE. M/F. room, d e lu xe Inground lot. $105,900 D.W . Fish No mowing lawns. (3all m uchacha cam pesm a se traslada a la gran Is a change In the land use. tors Afternoons, Perman- phones, correspondence, pool. Asking $249,000 U A Albert j. X deBiok at 643- ro u te 83. M an ch ester- [U SA] Robert Klein Show sus Australia in doubles matches (3 hrs I scared that something happened td Social Security Exemption Reolty 643-1591 or 871- Ciudad en busca de trabd)0 Inadvertida- ont position Coll 528-7123. setting up work orders. It Reolty 643-2692.G 2487 -24 Hours”. Yernon town line. For­ [MAX] MOVIE Mata Hari Recruited as Renee,” she said in tears. Other - Fereons wiehine fo file tor 140O.C mente se ve envueita en problemas y es 9:30PM I D '4® Sidekicks (CC) Jake Good typing skills re­ merly Insurance com- faces a dilemma when a major mvestiga a World War I secret agent, the seductive rriembers of her family, seated in Sl.OOOSoclal Security exemp­ eviada a la prision Al sahr de la carcel en- tion must file either their So- Receptionist - Good pov aulred. Apply In person at Just Listed. 6 huge rooms, pooy tenont. 646-5707. tion falls on the same evening as Ernie s Mata Hari uses unusual methods to gam Flavor sprays may Just Listed! Super 7 room cuentra iraba )0 como sirvienta domestica the courtroom, also began crying. clo4 Security Award Certifi­ ond benefits Apply Nom- H A S Tool an d Engineer­ 2 full baths, spectacular en donde es seducida y abandonada con imporiani school open house meeting information on her enemies Sylvia Knstel IV 7 both home. Fireploce Raifcl R “ I was yelling for my daughter. cate or their Report of Confi­ rok Industries Inc. 249 Monchester-prime office un nmo (60 mm ) )1$) Odd Couple dential Social Security Bene­ ing Co. 481 Sullivan Ave kltchen,''Thermopone rec room a n d fenced |(NVE8TINEfrT They told me to go. They told men Progress Drive. South Windsor Ct. Open House, Sunday Oc­ windows", 2 cor garage. spoce,800 so. ft. center o f 12:05AM ® t j Hooker SEASON fit Intormoflon with the yord! won't lost! "We I pnopehty 5 / S tate W e re In (41) Noche de Gala to run,” she said before her crying Monchester. tober 5 1986 2-4 128 Regan town. 688-1447. PREMiERE Hooker is out for revenge after curb food cravings oeseeeor on or before Jon- “We Guorantee Our Guarantee Our Houses" 61 M aude Road. Come see this Im- 10:00PM ® Falcon Crest SEASON an ex police officer and fnend is gunned overcame her and recess was uory 1$, l»»7. Stock Room/Messenger- Houses" Blanchord A B lanchord A Rossetto Aseessor maculote, raised Ronch! 3 The Time is Right! invest [CNN] Moneyline PREMIERE (CC) As Tuscany Valley digs down .luring a $3 million robbery (70 called. Full time. Fills supply Rossetto Real e s ta te . 646- Reol Estote. 646-2482D out from a massive earthquake Father mm J SYRACUSE, N Y. (AP) - A Dated at Bolton, Conn. Sept. b ed ro o m s , IV? b aths. In this g re a t big 3 family. j ^ T M A L [D IS] Rupert and the Frog Song for food or flavor gets too strong to In a film of the accident shown to reauests, maintolns stock 2482d Bob s church is converted mto a field hos­ 73, I9M. room, messenger re­ Vinyl sided A well Insu- Interest rotes a re ve ry [ESPN] SportsCenter, spray of apple-cinnamon Danish, a and Just Listed. Aluminum JPWPENTY pital and Maggie and Cole await word on a 1 2:30AM CD Solid Gold resist, a person simply squirts a ju rors on Wednesday, Chen can be 004-10 loted. Garage ond large fa v o ra b le . 6-3-3 room un­ spritz of pizza or a blast of few blasts of the flavor spray on Painters with Interior and cord retention. Requires Need Sooce? Look no sided Cope In excellent [H B O ] Inside the NFL Highlights of the wounded Chase s condition (60 mm ) CD Judge seen screaming as film w orker* exterior experience good driving record and prlvote yard. Asking its. M ony Improvements, NFL gam es, including com m entary by Len chocolate can give dieters relief more - this spacious 8 condition. Garage with Monchester 2000 square CD N ew s Entertainment Tonight their tongue. restrained her and forced her back $115,900 - Dir. Rt 83, right no leases, separate utili­ Dawson and Nick Buoniconti (60 min ) CD from cravings without adding needed. Own transporto- some lifting. Contact: room 3 plus bedroom, 1 Vi potio an d nice tre e d lot. “ These little increments of fla­ from the accident scene on Regan Rd. House on ties, centrol locotlon in feet Industrial space with CD 4 ^ Starman (CC) Starman and Scott i® CNN Headline News pounds, say researchers who have [HELP WANTED flon reaulred, start Imme­ Darrel Long, ot South both, charming Colonial “We Guarantee Our visibility reasonable. [TM C ] MOVIE The Opposite Sex' The encounter a lady pilot m the desert w ho is vor would leave them feeling Windsor Bonk 8, Trust right (Look tor Sign). Monchester. $169,500. 2^ 3® Friday Night Videos NBC stars Landis. Folsey, unit production diately 646-7760. feotures; 2 sitting rooms Houses" Blanchard A interference of friends drives a happily struggling to complete her father s airplane developed flavored, low-calorie Strono Real Estote 647- Jackson A Jackson Real Worren E. Howland Inc. married Broadway producer s wife to Richard Moll and ALF co host (90 rhm ) In satisfied, " she said, noting that manager Dan Allingham, special' Co., 289-6061. oft the living room, on 643-1108. design (60 mm ) mouth sprays. Airlines now hiring. Res- 7653.C’ Rossetto Reol Estote. 646- Estote 647-8400 or 646- Reno June Allyson Dolores Gray Jeff Ri­ Stereo most dieters face bland foods in effects coordinator Paul Stewart Receptlonist-Must be ex­ office, sewing room or 2482D Kiner's Korner ervotlonlsts, flight otjend- 8646.0 chards 1956 CD 3® Alfred Hitchcock Presents “ These sprays offer dieters a their low-calorie menus. perienced In handling tele- Port time evenings. Rock­ nurserry off the moster and helicopter pilot Dorcey Wingo ants, ond ground crew [USA] Riptide 11) Independent Network News great way to get the taste of food phones, full time, ville, Enfield, Manches­ bedroom, an d a huge 61 Gene Scott The sprays, which come In a are charged with involuntary' Dositlons available Call Just Listed! Ooollty 3 1® Cover Story without the calories," said Susan excellent working condi­ ter, areas. Openings now formal dining room. All bedroom Ranch. IV i both 7:30PM C3^ PM Magazine 1:00AM ® Telephone Auction small pump container similar to a manslaughter 1-619-565-1630 ext. A76CT 2(5) Star Trek Schiffman, who headed the tions and benefits. Coll 3-4/hours per night. Coll HELP WANTEO this plus a garage. A fine beoutiful walkout re c Rentals CD A Current Affair doe Franklin Show breath-spray, are available in Morrow, 53, Renee Chen and tor details. 24 hours Barbara 646-4683. 649-5334 '2 ^ m L A. Law PREMIERE Kuzak is CD research. family neighborhood and room to a prlvote lot with 'D 22 Jeopardy three flavors through Nutrl- Myca Le, 7. were killed when a smitten by an attractive deputy district at 1l) A t the M ovies The sprays developed by Duke move-ln condition. Won't Inground pool. “We Gua­ System Inc., which sponsored part helicopter crashed on them as • CD Major League Baseball New York lorney while McKenzie clashes with Kelsey '3® M aude University scientists were intro­ lost ert $119,900. Joyce G. rantee Our Houses" Blan­ Female roommate Mels at Pittsburgh (2 hrs 30 mm ) after she rejects a sizable insurance com­ of Schiffman's research and is Morrow carried the children ' PART TIME Epstein Real Estate, 647- M IR00IN8 [CNN] Crossfire duced by a weight-loss company POWER PRESS chard Si Rossetto Real wanted to share 10 room ii Major League Baseball New York pany settlement (60 mm ) In Stereo marketing the product. across a shallow stream The ■ 8895.0 Estate. 646-2482C > ' I fdr bent [TM C] MOVIE: 'Love Letters' A young here Thursday and will be availa­ house, tor November 1st. Yankees at Boston (2 hrs 30 mm ) 24) Great Performances: The Night of If the pizza, chocolate and woman discovers that her deceased explosions and helicopter were CLERICAL Set up person wanted On bus line $300 per Music: A Global Celebration Host Bev­ ble at centers in Buffalo next week 18' Best of Saturday Night mother had a long, illicit love affair Jamie apple-cinnamon Danish flavors do portraying an attack on a mock Part Time. for smell and medium Large Room tor rent, month. Everything In­ erly Sills brings together an mternafional Lee Curtis, James Keach, Amy Madiqan and nationwide later this year. well, additional flavors could be­ Hours 12:3(>-4:30 p m close fo buslines and 2? Major League Baseball Pittsburgh cast, including Pavarotti. Marsalis, and Ric- Vietnamese village on a set 35 ■ size power presses. cluded. Call 646-9827 osk (2 Mrs 30 mm ) 1983 Rated R Schiffman, a professor of medi­ downtown. $70 per week, for Debbie. at New York Mets ciarelh for this global extravaganza (2 come available. miles northwest of Los Angeles Monday thru Friday Earn Extra Cash! Must ha experienced In cal psychology and director of the utilities Included. Secur­ 30 N ew N ew lyw ed Game hrs ) 1 : 1 SAM ® MOVIE: Atlantic City' An Schiffman said her team had Deputy District Attorney I^a university's Obesity Clinic, has Typing skills or previous Progreasive Dies and ity an d references re­ 38 Major League Baseball; New York Sf' Capitol Jourhal elderly small-time numbers runner at­ developed about 40 other flavors. D'Agostino also elicited frorn Chen ;; Troubleshooting. Job tempts to fulfill his fantasies when he un­ found that overweight people may aulred. 643-2659. Mets at Boston Exhibition game (3 hrs ) 61 Kojak Including peanut and blueberry testimony about how Folsey appar- CRT experience helpful INSERTERS WANTED shop ex parlance pre­ wittingly becomes the owner of a large have a greater ability to determine Call Mr Whitney al 568- Merchandise 40 All New Dating Game [CNN ] CNN Evening News quantity of cocaine Burt Lancaster, Susan cheesecake. ently showed concern that officials ferred. Supervise^ ex­ Room tor non-smoking Sarandon, Kate Reid 1901 flavors than others. 2020 for more informa­ ei Carol Burnett and Friends [HBO] MOVIE: 'Volunteers' (CC) A Each spray contains about one- might discover children were •* Cal’ 647-9946 perience a plus. Exeal- gentleman. jKIfehen prlve- ne er do well playboy running from a gam­ But that also means they have a tion lent pay, fuRir paid medi­ [CNN] Crossfire 1 :30AM ® MOVIE: The Rose Tat tenth of a calorie, while a l-ounce working on the "Twilight Zone " set ledges, parking, washer, bling debt escapes to Thailand to serve in greater desire for flavorful foods. 3 to o ' An earthy widow puts aside her hus­ piece of fudge has about 120 without a perm it. '! cal, proRI aharing and dryer, etc. Available Oc­ [DIS] Zorro the Peace Corps Tom Hanks, John Candy, It is that need for flavo r that Is E O E Ask for Bob band's memory when a rambunctious calories, a 6-ounce piece of pizza At least one fire marshal on the parking. Call now for tober 14 643-5600. [ESPN] NFL Yearbook Rita W ilson 1985 Rated R In Stereo truck driver romances her Anna Magnani, partially responsible for an over­ ICLOTHIND 416 calories and a 4-ounce Danish set that night could have stopped Immediate Interview. [M A X ] MOVIE: The Gauntlet' (CC) An Burt Lancaster, Mansa Pavan 1955 weight person’s craving to eat, she 8:00PM (T) Scarecrow and Mrs King about 384 calories, Schiffman said. the filming if he discovered the Man<:hester-One room tor As Lee atlempis to learn more about his Arizona cop escorts a prostitute from Las 4i) Independent Network News said. rent. $45 per week. Park­ Four Royal Blue formal Vegas to Phoenix to testify against organ­ A one-third ounce container, Hin-Do8 parents f)asl, he uncovers an assassina­ children did not have permits ing, kitchen privelages, bridesmaids gowns. Worn izer! crime Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke, [CNN] Newsnight Update Schiffman said she and her team tion plot targeted for a visiting dignitary which contains approximately 150 Chen said Folsey visited her and NEEDED: Minuficturing once. Sizes 7-9. $75 each. Pat Hingle 1977 Rated R found a way to turn that craving PROOF bed furnished. 649-2850. 160 min ) 1 .35AIVI [HBO] Inside the NFL H igh­ sprays, costs »2,49. Daniel Le, father of the boy, as they ' 647-9144 or 643-2349.0 [USA] Airwolf lights of the NFL games, including com­ into a helpful dieting tool. Com piny (X) ThunderCats Ho! A nim ated (2 hrs ) Jay Satz, who coordinates the waited between scenes in a trailer. mentary by Len Dawson and Nick Buoni­ READER ^ apartimentS 1 0 : 3 0 P M CD i!) News Through a chemical process CD '4fij W ebster (CC) Webster's plans to conti (60 mm ) research and development of food “ He said, ‘If the Fire Depart- ; WAITRESSES OPEN HOUSE enter a kids racing derby are spoiled by 1® Hollywood Closeup called chromatography, the re­ products for Nutri-System, said the ment people come over and ask ■ Irnmedlate opening on 24®7474 B y FDR RENT George s competitive urges 1 :45AM [M AX] MOVIE: Heavenly searchers were able to separate I furniture 3® Odd Couple Bodies' The owner of a thriving health club company decided to sponsor the what you are doing, just say you second shift for experi­ 130 West C«nter St. ■iM Columbo the odorants from the non-odorous 4i No Empujen finds that the competition is muscling m on sprays because of their effective­ are friends. Don't mention any- ■ BUS BOYS enced proof reader Sunday, Oct. 8/1-4 3 and 4 room apartments, '2?! A Team Hannibal B A and Face- parts of foods. They then developed no oppllances.no pets,se- 6 toot contempory couch, 5 f Next Door Neighbors her Cynthia Dale, Richard Rebiere, Walter ness in laboratory testing. thing about money,’" she quoted ' with Graphic Arts man face a military court martial based on George Alton 1984 MANCHESTER *108.900 curltv.cod 646-2426. W eek­ m atchin g c h o ir, $300. sprays that nearly duplicated the “ We saw that this was not a fad Folsey as saying. background. Must be their alleged crimes during the Vietnam [DIS] To Be Announced flavors of foods. Contact Mrs. Barbara Smith - DELIVERY Charming Colonial with 6 apaclous rooms, formal days 9-5. Cherry tripple dresser War (60 mm ) Part 2 of 3 2:00AM ® MOVIE: Serenade A kind of thing, that it wasn’t phony. dependable and will­ 1 1 ; 0 0 P M ® ® (22) 13® (4® IXews Defense attorneys Insist the ■ dining room, eal-ln kllchan with pantry, very and mirror $200, cherry derelict singer is torn between the love of “ We found that a concentrated It was credible with the scientific chest on chest $200. King 2_4j 57 Washington Week In Review two women and his own ambition Mario crash was an unpreventable acci- ' 643-0511 ing to work ovartlme aa PERSON attractively decorated, aluminum aiding for easy Two bedroom apartment (CC) ® IV1-A-S-H blast of flavor would satisfy the Lanza. Joan Fontaine, Vincent Price research to back it up," he said. dent caused when the helicopter's required. For confi­ mainfenance, garage, fenced In yard. A lot of tor rent. Dishwasher, dis­ size mattress, box spring, ® Carol Burnett and Friends high flavo r set point in the obese Full timt, 1st thin 4l) Novela: Monte Calvario 1956 While the sprays are expected to tail rotor came too close to the last ! dential Interview, con­ house for the pricel posal, pool, tennis courts. fram e and sheets $150. and overweight, and in turn, they Dining room set 9 piece (61' MOVIE: Metatstorm: The Destruc : ii Odd Couple ' ii) Grizzly Adam s help keep dieters from straying two of five ground explosions that V tact for Printing Co. DIraellona; Prom l-M to Ball M lo Waal Near 84. Coll 282-7908 otter tion of Jared-Syn' A peacekeeping Han­ could control the craving forfood," $400. Call 646-0564. :i|) Fridays '22j Music City, U S A. from their diets, Schiffman cauti­ sent flames rushing as much as 100 • ?;00 pm. or (617) 864-5770 ger IS dispatched to the barren desert of a Schiffman said. Must be neat, de­ Cahler SIraal. x4204 doys. '20) Tates from the Darkside oned that users should not view feet skyward, briefly engulfing the'- Shady Glen THOMPSON distant planet where his mission is to strike 2:30AM [CNN] Sports Latenight Upholstered living room The Idea is that when the craving them as a food substitute. rear of the aircraft. pendable, have good W8 cut hilp you bseoins 1 ASSOCIATES Manchester - 2nd floor 2 Lawson type chair with 360 West Middle Turnpike driving record and --REALE" PROFESSIONAL! bedroom, heat and ap­ slipcover. Excellent con­ between 8:30-11:30a.m. over 18 years old. For Gill 0404B2S. ind Ilk lor Oin. pliances, no pets. $575 plus dition. $35. 649-9567. at the Parkade Shopping Center security 646-3979. 688-7281 confidential Intervelw D. F. REALE, INC. One Living room chair for contact Studio type apartment. sole. $30. Good Pool Esiata condltlon.649-565fc 175 Main St., Manchester. Ct Portly furnished. Work­ ing single mole preferred. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 THOMPSON Empire Antique Moho- 64S-4S2S Lease. Security, No pets. 643-2880. gany toble. Drop leaf top ASSOCIATES unopened, 16" x 18" In Windsor leaves 8” x 16". Good ANNOUNCEMENTS condition. $75 coll 649- ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP WANTEO HELP WANTEO HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED at 688-72S1 CDNDDMINIUM8 CDNDDMINIUMS 9947.n HELP WANTED FDR SALE I Uu FOR SALE Monchester 5 lorge rooms Fuel oil truck drtver.class P art tIm e/Job sharing po­ If you think 7-Eleven has HAVE YOU on busline. Carpeting, ap­ |Ty/8TERE0/ 11 license reaulred.depen- sition. Busy engineering great lob opportunities pliances. $550 per month APPLIANCES October 5, dable fuel oil delivery eost firm reouires secretorlol during the day, you should Design plus utilities. No pets, 9 of river. Experienced assistance possible Doto Processing Deport­ see us at night. The traffic adults preferred. 647-0179, Hairstylist. Port time tor S u p e m so r Dorm retrlgerotor. Like only. Full time. Insurance, growth to full time. Word ment - 2nd shift supervi­ Is a little slower, the pay Is Recreation Director Ex­ 522-9443 otter 5. 1 9 8 6 busy salon In Manchester HEARD THE new! $75 coll anytime processing necessary, dlc- and beneflts,call 647-9137. sor. Proofs and transit. a little higher and respon­ guaranteed salary, no fol­ cellent opportunity for: Responsible (or tophone a plus, send re­ Manchester 2 bedroom, 2 643-0491. Computer experience sibilities ore greater. As lowing necessorv. Expe­ certified recreation direc-' working with and Mechanics needed - Auto sume to: FussondO'NelM, helpful. Supervisorles du­ night manager tor the both condo ot Milihrldge 8 am to 12 noon rienced stylist only. Coll tor with supervisory expe­ Zenith Console color tv. and truck shop. Several 210 Moln Street, Monches- ties. Coll 646-5773. eupervising the draft­ Hollow. All appliances, worlds largest conven-.. .tor Interview, osk tor rience. Prefer TRPD with Like new. $175. 872-7243. openings. Good starting ter, Ct. 06040. Attention lence retoller, you’ll han­ degree, but will consider NEWS ing function. Check­ wall to woll corpetlng, *Corol. 643-8339. Manchester Grange Hall pay and benefits. Call Kathy Tower. EOE. M/F. Bobvsitter wanted - 2nd dle diverse duties such as others qualified by expe-' ing experience de­ pool. $540 monthly plus John 875-2941. shift hours. 4 year old girl. cashiering, customer ser­ rience. Very good storting;, neot. Lease, security. 646- IMACHMENY Security officers. Full or sired along with a 7693 days, 646-0618 eves. Olcott Street Live In possible. 649-1931. vice, cleaning and more. part time. All shifts avail­ rote Including fully pold* I aND TOOLS To apply, please coll 647- complete benefit pro-: wire and cable back­ able Monchester area. AT 3 large room oportment Student or retired person. Manchester High School 7580 or stop In at 513 grom. For additional In-’ ground. Documenta­ »2.50 247-6882. with heot ond utilities. Lothe-Wood turning 12 Port time flexible hours Produdlon Work In plos- has a 6 week temporary Center Street formation coll Manches­ pumping gas. Apply tion experiance criti­ $500 per month. Coll 643- Inch on bench, 37 Inch tlc monutadurlng com­ position. Individual to Manchester. Customer Service posi­ ter M anor 646-0129 Spruce Street Mobil 649- monitor study hoM 8, corri­ cal. Computer knowl­ 9804. copoclly. $175. 646-8302. pany to form & cut plastic tion avaMobte In our soles 3487 osk tor Steve or Ed. ports. Full tim e 7-3:30 8, dors etc. S38 per day. No Floral Designer with ex­ W oltress/Luncheon. THE MANCHESTER HERALD edge a plus. Wa are a department tor person East Hortford, Burnside port time 8:30-2:30, Mon­ benefits. Contoct Mrs. perience. Full time posi­ Tuesdov thru Friday: RECNEATIONAL with telemarketing skills growing company... Avenue-1 bedroom, heot, Employment Management Trainee. day through Friday. Coll McGee at 647-3528. tion. Should be ooualnted 10:30-2:30. Hourly wage Entry level position In who Is an accurate typist. and a good place to hot water, appliances, 1 EQUIPRIERT tor on appointment 646- with oil phases of design. plus gratuities. Apply . growing company that Pleasont Eost Hartford You can earn from ’5 to parking spoce, on bus 2920. Coll Brown's Flowers 643- office off 1-84, hours 8-5. Monchester Country work. Interested? A fcducatlon otters cosh profit shoring 8455 and ask for Ron or line. Leose ond references R sher Skis 195 cm. Great Monday through Fridov. Club. 646-0103. Give me a call and we This Ansaldl Cope is o 6 ond ownership potential. John. required. $350 per month. condition, used one sea­ Teochers/Port time tor Insurance ond pension be­ ’30/hr. or more... can discuss our son, without bindings. $45 649-4563. Roy Rogers on Spencer 282-0515. afternoon hours In befo- nefits. Phone 528-9551, Condo In soughf-oftor or best offer. 643-2831o Street has Immediate op- Painters - Experienced Area Advisors work approxim ately 21 opening and how you re/ofter school programs Personnel Manager, Hort- t o w n o f BOLTON Full ond Port time co- enlnos, port time 11-3 with spray equipment might fit Into It. Wothoroll Villogo 3 bedroom, I'/i baths, on IHELP WAHTEO In Manchester. High tord Despatch, 9am-12 LBOAL NO'nCB hours per week. Salary plus mileage. Salt woter-Rods and reelt shler/dell person. All Good Job Opportunities! $4.25. 7-12pm up to $4.75. need only apply. Prelect tree shaded lot. $600 plus Currently accepting opoM- school diploma and obll- noon for appointment or Eniov th* privacy of a sinole-famllv with mono ond wire. Also shirts ovolloble. Apply In Full training provided. In Manchester 649-4794. OoRon Plonnino Com­ If qualified, with additionai training, our Area Ad- holt heot monthly. Secur­ Corpet)ter- Experienced cotlons for our Nurse's Itv to work with grades send resume to; P. O. Box mission will hold a Public Prank Darlut person. Seasons Food Openings available otter situation without the maintenance. ity ond references re­ blus ond bass tackle. S3M Aide training doss thot K-6 o must. Solorv range 8271, East Hartford, Ct. •’ •orino on 'Wtdnosdov, Oc- vieors can becom e C rew Chiefs and earn an ad ­ Corporate Director In remodeling. Coll Ro­ Shop, 5 John Fitch Blvd., school and weekends too. '*',

CLASSIFIED ADVERTlfilNfi 643-2711 SPORTS F f KF NO Pll S 1 U n k N K S N E T IMHS nearing Oillee parly toohanMNwed H i a r anofher eroten sunfitfal guide AII0H Church Organ, ihdM T -IM . e>re«ll«nf coHdmon. RtfcOTtly^ »*r- vtiM. MS-auartar Sam. Brand now haagitat had and wnaat chair far sola fM. can ddr-nusX g^j^aUrrUta

Tv*t» grev klftwis to good ENDHOLLS home. 6 vteeks orcf, box rrhtM fh - 2se trofnod. ly n rddlh - 7 far 79€ MUST be picked up at the 3 kittens, 7 weeks old, box Manchester Herald Oftice troined. Coll 6mf-A Occupation to teoeh and years. pall J !lkA. i« • w»«8e \.i V99IB u riu VUPP SeoiiofavaTialso 1987 hos seeking approval for o sign. A precise estimate of how much CARS jg^CARS 4 . 9 % * 1987 Moi hounded on fhe North by property N/F of the Qi]FOR MLE Metals prices rise with threat of sanctions equipment made It to Iran has not Town of Andover, bounded on the South bv Route 6 FOR MLE MAZDA ANNUAL rCNCINTAQE RATE been offered. A mJIIf'l^*H®K» N/Fof the U.V Oovern- SPORTY OR NEW YORK (AP) - Prices of to near $600 an ounce on the spot month PInllnum had risen the The audit report says the carrier nea tTnVsSmmortl^o * * * * ’ ®' B2000 exports to South Africa of militar­ "This is really not a very rigid 8 Yfir Strategic metals have shot up on market from $350 as recently as dally limit of $25 an ounce on ily useful goods such as oil sanctions bill," Ms. Raptopoulos inventory system has been was iwrsons moy appear and be heorc* MAZDA fears that South Africa will retal­ January — is mainly a product of Thursday just before the Senate ond written communtcotToni will be received. 'lake a Look' 100.9M Mil* munitions and nuclear technology added "It won’t do anything strained by growth over the past "re iate apinst U S. economic sanc­ fear and the mob psychology of the joined Ihe House In overriding TRUCKS M a t ia Also banned are computer ship­ catastrophic to them and It won’t decade, with 14 carriers holding an ing tions by cutting off sales of the trading pits, some experts said. President Reagan's veto of the Extaadad Warraaty RX7 ments to the police and military have much Impact on us." Inventory worth more than 81.3 whe metals, which are used In every­ “ Markets go up on fear and down sanction bill. The bill prohibits Imports of South Africa Is not ranked among billion as of November 1988. Sep ConnSctlcuL'^’* October, 19M, ot Andover, 1985 LINCOLN thing from telephones to oil on reality." said Peter Cardlllo, a The threat of a metals embargo South African Iron, steel, arms, the nation's 20 largest trading A senior Navy supply officer, A rn Ovsr 50 Avsllsbls NOW fe fineries. metals analyst for Josephthal & overshadowed the immediate Im­ ammunition, military vehicles and partners. American exports to who briefed reporters on the X B Leftl ~ However, many experts said Co. Prices are so high that If South pact on the I'nited Stales of the farm products, and, after 90 days, South Africa totaled $1.21 billion In SUZANNE DOWER, VICE-CHAIRMAN TOWN CARS audit's findings on condition he not OOMO Friday that a strategic-metals Africa actually declared an em­ sanctions Imposed by Congress. uranium, coal and textiles 1985 and U S. imports totaled $2.18 be identified, said the on-going suri embargo might be more damaging bargo, he said, "platinum might go Several analysts said the imparl of "We don't need any of the stuff,” billion, according to the Commerce improvement program and secur­ 9 proi to South" l u t h Africa...... than to the United down." those sanctions In the United States said Bette Raptopoulos. a senior Department. ity changes prompted by the will States, and that South Africa Is Platinum did fall slightly Friday, should be slight INVITATION TO BID metals analyst for Prudential- Computer companies accounted discovery of the Iranian ring had wee therefore unlikely to declare one. down 17 an ounce fo $589.80 on the Among other things. Ihe bill Bache Securities Inc "The Con­ for the biggest chunk of U S sales TI ®t Monchester win re- ’The steep rise in metals prices — New York Mercantile Exchange sharply restricts new U S. Invest­ already produced greater accoun­ o ii .V. “J“* moyroirMuvtoir ooroensGardens unin6;oountil 6:00 gress made a point of banning to South Africa, with sales last year cele platinum, for example, has soared for contracts for delivery this ment in South Africa and bans tability within the inventory ®’ pt the office of Housing t 4 i things that we can get elsewhere. of $80 million. Guy AuthorityVs^ of the sT. town of Manchester orat wnicnwhich Tim(time ond system. place all bide will be publicly opened and read aloud. T PropoM forms of contract documents. Including plans and Bbbb, SE-5, Luxury, Luxury with Con­ Base, Luxury and Turbo Wai »9^thcatl®ns ore on file ot the otflce of Housing Authority T O D A Y ’ S HERALD mo\ £t of Monchester, 14 Bluefteld Drive, MonchestsV^ venience package. See the Cab Plus. all availablel Connecticut 06040. O’Neill camp fears quiz by Moffett in V SP-Pif* 9? the documents moy be obtained by depositing star f » . W the Housing A ^ o r ih ^ f the Town of Manchester LARGE INVENTORY MEANS GREAT DEALS Sunny and brggsy Worthwhile debate with fof *9ch M of documents so obMned. Such deposit win be R5912D R5913D Bv Judd Everhart said P ^ o n who returns the plans, specifica­ •Flnence Rate available to quelined BecomiriK partly sunny and Even though some of the The Associated Press In a letter to Ihe Belaga cam­ tions oM ofher documents In good condltlen within 10 days Caah Buyera; You gel e "Even if I could I wouldn’t." he arfei bid apenino* buyera. Finance Term up to 36 montha. breeey today with a high from Belaga suggests paign. Wade asked that she agree NADA Retail...... $15,200 Mezde Extanded Werrenty most telling exchanges came said, because of the recent Maximum Finance amout *6000. H A R TF O R D — A key strategist to three debates already a g re ^ to ^ ® ^ P V 0ble to the Housing for 60 montha / 100,000 milea at 7(1 to 78. Mostly clear and cooler after the official close of reorganizing DOT campaign. In lieu of any other promotlona. for Democratic Gov William A by O ’Neill and that they can Morlartv Discount...$ 3,200 tonight with a low in the 40s. ’Thursday’s 4th Senatorial Dis­ During debate negotiations with NO EXTRA CHARGE O'Neill's re-election campaign — story on p a g e 3 negotiate more debates if O'Neill's KloBtly sunny Sunday with a the Belaga campaign. Wade pro­ trict debate, the forum served said Friday that O'Neill wants to be schedule permits Belaga had ssaiTiiiffifta'arass" high in the BOs. its purpose well. Editorial on posed that each randidate be wanted seven debates. ' •"“ Wifulbldder will be required to furnish ond pay tor NO GIMMICKS — JUST A GREAT DEALI allowed to veto one reporter from 6 Selling Price $12,000 allowed to veto one reporter from The three O ’Neill wants to do, sotlstactory performance and payment bond or bonds. page 4 participating in debates with Re­ be a debate between Bill O ’Neill Price Indudea: 1. All Dealer Prep. 2. Unriereoating the list of reporters submitted by and which Belaga has already c o l^ ja jb e provUIOM for taual tmplovmtnt Excellent Condition - Loaded publican Julie D Belaga and Toby Moffett." the organization sponsoring the tentatively accepted, are: Oct. 16 opoortynl^, a i^ pavmMt M not ItitA than}btVnwn mo minimum $a-»o- 30-40,000 Miles Low-key eummlt The one they’re worried about, Moffett, now in training to »Ptclfleatlon» must bo 3. Clean s Wax 4. HandUng and Freight Chargee. debate In Mystic, sponsored by the Con­ said James A Wade of the O'Neill become an evening news anchor­ poia an mis praiocr. ' (Tax S Llic. axtra.) The United States, saying it Index Wade said that was the agree­ necticut Dally Newspapers Associ­ campaign, is Toby Moffett man with W V IT-TV . said Friday he wants private talk, not public ment four years ago when O'Neill ation; Oct. 28 in Stamford, spon­ ?t*e r i ^ [fe ®:!lr any or ®’’J ail ibids 'J i ror . ^to waive ony IntermalL«*®^ves IB pagoB, 2 atcMona, Moffett, a former congressman wouldn't accept an invitation to ask debated GOP challenger Lewis B. sored by the Southwest Area ties In the I rhetoric, has asked the i^viets WMkind PhiB MagazInB now working for a Hartford televi­ questions at a debate /MORIAWyV BWOTHERS Rome and that neither candidate Commerce and Industry Associa­ No N d sholl be withdrawn ter o period of lb days substauent to Join in a news blackout sion station, lost a bid this year to "I woulpi not do it, not only Advice. . 14 Lottery. had vetoed a reporter tion; and Oct. SI in Hartford, ***• “ "••at ef the Heuslnp MORIAR^Y BROTHER^ during summit talks next week wrest the Democratic nomination because ! ’m immersed in trying to Authority ot tho Town of Manchester. Exit 60 Off 1-84 Churches . __ 13 Obituaries. Terry Mariani. Belaga's cam­ sponsored by the League of Women from O'Neill. team this job but also because I HQUSINQ AUTHORITY OF THE 301-315 Center Street between President Reagan and Classifted . 14-18 Opinion__ paign press secretary, said that Voters. “ We do have a unique situation: think that credibility-wise, it’s TOWN OF MANCHESTER Soviet leader Mikhail Gorba­ Comtes__ Belaga would likely agree to the The two campaigns are still CAROL C. SHANLEV Manchester, Connecticut People___ we have a former opponent who’s really important for me to get in Exit 60 oft I-B4 HOURS: chev, a White House spokes­ proposal in order to pave the way to haggling about the length of EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Connecticut-3. 7 Sports now in the media," Wade said "It the trenches and do this job before I Hours; Open Open Evenings ’til 9 p.m. BBid setting up the debates, but vowed opening statements, if any. and the D A TE : October 3,1 301-31$ CtHnR STRtET man Friday. Story on page Focus______12 U S /World . wouldn’t be a debate between Bill try to be on any kind of panel asking Evtnings'til f p.m. dtA O d she would never veto the participa­ length of responses allowed for 00910 Fri. & Sat. ’til 5 p.m. 8 . Local news. . 3 Weather. O'Neill and Julie Belaga. it would FrI. A Sot. H I 5 pm______| WlNCNtSTa. CWINtCTICNT 643-5135 candidates questions." Moffett tion of any reporter each question.