
Improved dielectric films for multilayer coatings and mirror protection J.T. Cox, H. Hass, J.B. Ramsey

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J.T. Cox, H. Hass, J.B. Ramsey. Improved dielectric films for multilayer coatings and mirror protec- tion. Journal de Physique, 1964, 25 (1-2), pp.250-254. ￿10.1051/jphys:01964002501-2025000￿. ￿jpa- 00205750￿

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By J. T. COX, H. HASS and J. B. RAMSEY, U. S. Engineer Army Research and Development Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, U. S. A.

Résumé. 2014 Ce mémoire contient des données sur les propriétés optiques de couches d’oxydes de silicium, d’, de et de préparées par evaporation. Le domaine de longueur d’onde s’étend de 0,2 03BC à 1,6 03BC. Les couches étaient préparées, soit par chauffage direct dans l’oxygène à faible pression, soit par bombardement électronique. On décrit quelques appli- cations : protection des miroirs, surfaces antiréfléchissantes, filtres par réflexion, et surfaces, servant au contrôle de la température des satellites.

Abstract. 2014 This paper presents data on the optical properties of evaporated films of , , thorium oxide, and zirconium oxide in the wavelength region from 0.2 03BC. to 1. 6 03BC. The films were prepared by direct heating both in vacuum and in the presence of , and by bombardment. Some of their more important applications such as: protected front surface mirrors, antireflection coatings, reflection filters, and coatings for controlling the temperature of satellites in outer space, are described.

1. Introduction. - For a long time, the designer gun capable of applying up to 20 kV and 250 ma of multilayer antireflection coatings and protected was used for evaporating Si02, A1203, Th02, and front surface mirrors was seriously hampered by Zr02. The to be evaporated by electron the fact that the number of dielectric materials bombardment were placed into a dimple of a heavy suitable for producing durable and nonabsorbing block. To assure high and rather cons- films by direct evaporation in high vacuum was tant evaporation rates, and to avoid overheating quite restricted. Only recently, new deposition and decomposing the oxides, an electron beam’of techniques and treatments, such as evaporation by at least 1.5 cm diameter was used. With this electron bombardment, deposition in the presence technique, films of Si02 and Al 03 produced at of oxygen, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, deposition rates of about 400 Å/min and at a have greatly increased the number of oxides that distance 45 cm from the evaporation source, can now be deposited in the form of nonabsorbing showed no absorptance in the visible and ultra- coatings. These new techniques have been espe- violet. This is not true for films produced with a cially suitable for producing durable optical coa- highly focussed electron beam. tings of Si203, Si02, A1203, Th02, and Zr02’ The reflectance and transmittance of films depo- It is the purpose of this paper to present data on sited under various conditions onto transparent the preparation and optical properties of these substrates and onto evaporated aluminum were oxide films and to discuss some of their appli- measured from 2 000 A to 15 pL with Perkin Elmer cations, such as the preparation of well protected and Beckman instruments. The refractive indices front surface mirrors with high reflectance in the of nonabsorbing films were computed from the ultraviolet, multilayer antireflection coatings, and measured reflectance values at the quarter-wave- surface films for controlling the temperature of length positions. Additional values for the film satellites in outer space. indices were determined from the true interfero- metrically determined film thicknesses and the II. Experimental techniques. - The evapora- wavelength positions of reflectance maxima and tions were performed in a 60 cm vacuum system in minima.. which film depositions could be monitored by reflectance measurements with monochromatic III. Results. - 1. FILMS PRODUCED BY EVAPO- light. Polished plates of , fused quartz and RATION OF SiO. - Thin films produced by high sapphire were used as substrates. They were vacuum evaporation of are, today, mounted about 45 cm above the evaporation the most frequently used protective layers for sources, and could be cleaned by a high-voltage dc evaporated aluminum mirrors. However the com- glow discharge using up to 5 kV and 100 ma, and position and optical properties of such protective could be heated up to 350°C. A removable films and the reflectance characteristics of pro- shutter was placed close to the substrate plates to tected aluminum mirrors depend strongly upon the avoid their contamination during the outgasing of conditions under which SiO is evaporated [1-3]. the evaporation sources and charges. Silicon High deposition rate at low pressure results in monoxide was evaporated from a con- films of true SiO which show rather strong absorp- tainer by direct heating. A high-powered electron tance in the ultraviolet and shorter wavelength

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01964002501-2025000 251 region of the visible. Coatings prepared at a low oxide represents, therefore, a new technique for deposition rate and rather high pressure of oxygen producing well-protected aluminum mirrors with are strongly oxidized and show a large shift of the high ultraviolet reflectance. absorption edge toward shorter wavelength, negli- Strongly oxidized films of silicon oxide have also gible absorptance in the visible and near ultra- been deposited on ultraviolet transparent fused violet, and lower index of retraction. Aluminum quartz and sapphire and measured in transmit- mirrors that are to be used in the visible and near tance and reflectance before and after ultraviolet ultraviolet should therefore be protected with a irradiation. Their initially rather high ultraviolet strongly oxidized film rather than with one of absorptance could be completely eliminated and true SiO. Below x = 300 mu, strongly oxidized their refractive indices were greatly decreased by silicon oxide films still show rather strong absorp- the ultraviolet treatment. Figure 2 shows the tance which increases with decreasing wavelength. of a silicon oxide film, produced by This has for a long period of time limited their usefulness as protective layers for aluminum mir- rors. Recently it has been shown that exposure to the ultraviolet radiation of a quartz burner completely eliminates the undesired ultra- violet absorptance of strongly oxidized silicon oxide films and thus makes it possible to produce well- protected aluminum mirrors with high reflectance throughout the far ultraviolet [7]. Figure 1 shows the effect of SiO evaporation conditions and ultra-

FIG. 2. - Refractive index of a silicon oxide film produced by evaporating SiO slowly in the presence of 02, before and after ultraviolet irradiation, from X : 0.2 to 1.6 y. Deposition rate 3 Å/sec at 8 X 10-5 torr.

evaporating SiO slowly in the presence of oxygen, before and after ultraviolet irradiation from 0. 2 p, to 1.6 u. A film prepared under the described

- consists FIG. 1. Effect of SiO evaporation conditions and ultra- conditions predominately of Si2O3 [4-6,8] violet irradiation on the visible and ultraviolet reflec- and shows an initial refractive index of 1.57 at tance of silicon oxide protected aluminum mirrors. Pro- A == 600 m,. After 5 hours of ultraviolet irradia- tective coatings effectively X/2 thick at 550 my. Irra- its refractive index is decreased to 1.48 at diation with 435 watt burner tion, performed quartz mercury it near to that at a distance of 20 cm. the same wavelength, which brings of fused quartz. However, measurements of the infrared absorption spectra of such films have led violet irradiation on the visible and ultraviolet to the conclusion that 5 hours of ultraviolet treat- reflectance of silicon oxide protected aluminum ment does not convert Si203 into Si02. mirrors. Both protective coatings are effectively xJ2 thick at x = 550 mu. The true SiO coating 2. S’02 FILMS PRODUCED BY ELECTRON BOM- deposited at a very low pressure shows strong BARDMENT. - Undecomposed films of Si02 can be absorptance in the shorter wavelength region of the visible, which gives the mirror a yellow appea- rance. The strongly oxidized film material pre- pared by evaporation at 9 X 10’5 torr of oxygen shows almost no absorptance in the visible and near ultraviolet. It can be seen that five hours of ultraviolet irradiation eliminates the far ultra- violet absorptance of the strongly oxidized film completely but has very little effect on the true SiO coating produced without oxygen. Additional made with more than experiments coatings 1 u FIG. 3. - Refractive index of evaporated Si02 produced thick gave the same results. Ultraviolet treatment by electron bombardment, in the wavelength region of aluminum coated with strongly oxidized silicon from 0.2 to 1.6 V.. 252

obtained by evaporating quartz glass with an elec- of aluminum oxide films evaporated by electron tron gun. If properly evaporated, such films show bombardment onto substrates at 40 OC and 300 OC no absorptance in the ultraviolet and visible, and are shown in figure 5 for the wavelength region have a refractive index which is identical to that from 0. 2 p. to 1.6 y. The refractive indices of the of fused quartz. Figure 3 shows the curve of S’02 films produced by electron bombard- ment in the wavelength region from 0. 2 V. to 1.6 y. The measurements were made on films of various thicknesses deposited at rates of 400 to 800 A/min at a distance of about 45 cm. They show no interference effects when evaporated onto quartz glass since they have the same index of refraction. Such films are especially suitable for producing chemically and mechanically, durable protective ayers for front surface mirrors. The ultraviolet and visible reflectance of aluminum with and without a 7 800 film of is Å ythick protective S’02 shown in figure 4. Even in the far ultraviolet the FIG. 5. - Refractive index of evaporated A1203 produced by electron bombardment, in the wavelength region from 0.2 to 1.6 u. Substrate temperature during depo- sition : 40 OC and 300 OC.

films produced at 300 °C are slightly higher than those of the films prepared at 40 °C. In the visible at x = 500 my an increase of the substrate temperature from 40 °C to 300 °C causes a rise in the refractive index from 1.60 to 1.63. These values are considerably smaller than those of crys- talline y - Al2O3 films produced by reactive sput- FIG. 4. - Reflectance of aluminum coated with an evapo- tering onto glass at higher substrate tempera- rated S’02 film (t = 7 800 A), as a function of wave- tures [9]. This is due to the fact that the evapo- from 200 to 700 length my. rated films condensed on substrates of 40 °C and 300 °C are amorphous. Their indices agree well therefore with those of films mirror at the interference maxi- amorphous Al2O3 pre- protected shows, anodic oxidation and reflectance values than the pared by [10], deposition ma, slightly higher from which that film organic solutions [11]. unprotected one, proves theS’02 Because of their hardness and excellent adhe- is free of in the absorptance wavelength region films are suitable as shown. Much thinner of rence, evaporated A’203 very protective layers Si0 2 for aluminum front surface should be used of course for the most protective layers producing mirrors. 6 shows the visible and ultra- efficient front surface mirrors for the visible and Figure ultraviolet. violet reflectance of evaporated aluminum with and without AlgO3 protective films of two diffe- rent thicknesses. To obtain highest reflectance 3. ALUMINUM OXIDE FILMS PRODUCED BY ELEC- TRON BOMBARDMENT. - Another material which should be useful for producing optical coatings is aluminum oxide because it is both extremely hard and transparent in the far ultraviolet. Aluminum oxide (A’203) can be evaporated from heaters but the resulting films are slightly decom- posed, due to reduction by tungsten, and show some absorptance. Decomposition, and therefore absorption, can be avoided by using electron bom- bardment for the evaporation of aluminum oxide. With this technique extremely hard and durable to micron in can several, - A1203 films, up thickness, FIG. 6. Reflectance of aluminum protected with evapo- which show no in easily be prepared absorptance rated A1203 films of two different thicknesses, as a func- the visible and ultraviolet. The refractive indices tion of wavelength from 200 to 700 mu. 253

in the ultraviolet, an oxide thickness of 740 A and have a rather high index of refraction. Th02 was used, and to produce highest reflectance in films have, therefore, been used in combination the visible the thickness of the oxide film applied with low-index films of Si02 for producing multi- was 1740 A. This makes the A120s films effec- layer interference filters, [13] and multilayer pola- tively one half wavelength thick at X = 250 mu rizers [14] for the ultraviolet region. The films for at X = 550 mu, respectively. It can be seen that these applications were prepared by deposition the A’20., films do not exhibit any noticeable from organic solutions. Using electron bombard- .absorptance in the wavelength region shown. ment, stable and nonabsorbing coatings of Th02 A1203-protected aluminum mirrors show very can also be prepared by high vacuum evaporation. good abrasion and scratch resistance. They Figure 8 shows the dispersion curve of Th02 films cannot be damaged by rubbing with rough linen evaporated onto fused quartz at close to room and can be repeatedly cleaned withwater and deter- gent without changing their reflectance. They are, however, more sensitive to salt spray and boiling water than silicon oxide protected mirrors. Figure 7 demonstrates the use of A1203 films in multilayer anti-reflection coatings for glass. It

FIG. 8. - Refractive index of evaporated Th02 produced by electron bombardment, in the wavelength region from 0.2 to 1.6 u.

temperature in the wavelength region from 0.2 V. to 1.6 (1.. The refractive indices of evaporated Th02 are considerably lower than those prepared FIG. 7. - Reflectance of glass (ng = 1.51) coated with a from organic solutions by Schroeder [11]. Their triple layer antireflection coating (X/4 - À/2 - X/4) index in the ultraviolet is high enough however to of Al20s + Zr02 + MgF2, from X : 400 to 700 my. use them in combination with evaporated low- index films of Si02 for enhancing the reflectance of aluminum in this The ultra- shows the visible reflectance of glass (ng = 1.51) spectral region. violet reflectance of aluminum coated with a reflec- with and without a three-layer antireflection coa- film of + shown ting which uses A12O3 as the inside layer. This tance-increasing pair S’02 Tho2’S in 9. Both dielectric films are coating provides a very broad region of low reflec- figure effectively tance and is extremely durable when deposited on a glass substrate at about 300°C. The middle layer of ZrO2 used in this film combination was also evaporated by electron bombardment and has an index of about 2.1 at X = 550 my. Evapor.ated A’20.3 can also be used in combi- nation with films of for producing mirror coatings with low visible and high infrared reflec- tance similar to the ones described by Hass et al. [12]. This new type of " dark mirror " consis- ting of Rh. (opaque) - A’2 0.3 - Rh (semi-trans- - is resistant and parent) A’20.3 very temperature FIG. 9. - Reflectance of aluminum coated with a reflec- suitable for use in solar is, therefore, especially tance increasing film pair of Si02 + Th02, as a function energy converters. The Rh films used in this of wavelength from 200 to 400 mu. combination should also be evaporated by electron bombardment. one quarter wavelength thick at À = 290 mu, and result in a maximum reflectance of more than 95 %. 4. THORIUM DIOXIDE FILMS PRODUCED BY ELEC- The region of high reflectance can be shifted to TRON BOMBARDMENT. - Films of thorium dioxide shorter and longer wavelengths and its maximum (Th02) are of special interest since they are trans- can be increased by adding additional film pairs of ’ parent throughout most of the ultraviolet region Si02 and Th02. 254

5. COATINGS FOR CONTROLLING THE TEMPERA- rated silicon oxide or aluminum oxide coatings of TURE OF SATELLITES. - Evaporated films of alumi- various thicknesses on top of opaque aluminum, num plus silicon oxide have played an important surfaces with any desired a/e ratio from about 5 to role as surface coatings for controlling the tempe- 0.25 can be prepared. Figure 10 shows the infra- rature of satellites in outer space [15]. The tempe- red reflectance of aluminum coated 0. 5, 1.0, and rature control of an orbiting satellite with small internal power dissipation is established by arran- ging for the solar energy absorbed to be balanced by the thermal radiant energy emitted by the sur- face at the temperature desired for the payload. For a given orbit, therefore, the crucial parameter is the ratio of the effective. solar absorptance, a, of the surface to its hemispherical emittance, e. For spherical satellites this ratio of a/e should be about 1. 2 for maintaining the satellite at close to room temperature. Highly polished metal surfaces have a/e values of 4 to 10 which would result in very hot satellites and failure of their instruments. By FIG. 10. - Infrared reflectance of aluminum coated with using aluminum in combination with surface films 0.5,1.0, and 1 .5 (J. thick films of A1203, from 5 to 15 y. that are nonabsorbing in the solar region but strongly absorbing in the far infrared, surfaces 1.5 u thick films of A1203- It can be seen that with a wide range of a/e values can easily prepared. increasing the A’203 thickness decreases greatly If evaporated aluminum is coated with a non- the infrared reflectance of Al 203 coated aluminum absorbing surface film with an index of 1. 5 to 1.6, and thus increases its thermal emittance without and a thickness greater than 0 .3 u, its solar absorp- changing its solar absorptance. Up to now, more tance becomes almost independent of the surface than thirty satellites of different shapes and sizes film thickness and assumes a value of 11.5 % to have been coated with aluminum and silicon oxide, 12.5 %. If the surface film has strong infrared and the coatings have been completely successtul absorption bands the thermal emittance of the in stabilizing their temperature to the desired range overcoated aluminum increases greatly with increa- ot 150 to 35 °C. The same results can be obtained sing thickness of the surface film. By using evapo- with coatings of Al + A12Û3.


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