Socialist Competition from Soviet Union to Yugoslavia
UDK: 321.74(497.1) 32.019.51 Received: March 24, 2017 Accepted: October 25, 2017 Izvorni znanstveni članak Socialist Competition from Soviet Union to Yugoslavia Tomislav ANIĆ* The author presents first year of rule of the Communist Party in the new Yugoslav state. This period was marked by efforts to establish the value and administrative order that has already been developed in the USSR. The single-party system, the planned economy, the control of public opinion were techniques taken from Soviet practice. It was important for the Yugoslav communists, to use those methods to achieve it. In the desire for the rapid development of the lack of industry, primarily of machinery, raw materials and labour, the socialist competition method was applied. Key words: socialist competition, Croatia, Yugoslavia, USSR Introduction1 The purpose of this paper is to explain the system of socialist competition in relation to the context in which it appeared, presenting at the same time * Tomislav Anić, Ph.D., Catholic University of Croatia, Department of History, Zagreb, Croatia 1 Most of data and the references from this article could be found in following bibliography: archives sources: Hrvatski državni arhiv (Croatian State Archive), Savez sindikata Jugoslavije, Vijeće Saveza sindikata Hrvatske (SSJ VSSH), periodicals: Borba, 1946, Glas rada, 1945, 1946, 1947, Naprijed, 1946, Rad, 1945, 1946; books: Gerl Friderik, Fran Podrbrežnik, Milan Vučo, Uvod u radne norme, (Beograd: Komisiona naklada Međunarodne knjižare, 1946), Zoran Bujas, Osnove psihofiziologije rada (Uvod u industrijsku psihologiju), (Zagreb: Izdavački zavod Jugo- slavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 1968), Frederick Winslow, Taylor, Naučno upravl- janje, (Beograd: Rad, 1967), Georgij Nikolaevič Evstaf ev, O socijalističkom takmičenju, (Zagreb: Naprijed, 1946), Lewis H.
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