
105.722 boat ”Surprise”

 Please Note The OPITEC range of projects is not intended as play toys for young children.They are teaching aids for young people learning the skills of Craft, Design and Tech- nolo- gy.These projects should only be undertaken and tested with the guidance of a fully qualified adult. The finished projects are not suitable to give to children under 3 years old. Some parts can be swallowed. Dan- ger of suffocation!

E105722#1 1 1. Product information:

Article: A simple functioning sailing boat , or display model.

For use: Sailing on water in light wind conditions

2. Material information:

2.1 Made from: Pine, Balsa, Beech

Working: By sawing, planing , drilling, sanding and rasping

Joining: Glue

Finish: Paint or varnish

3. Tools:

Fretsaw: for sawing out slots and curved shapes.

Note: Fretsaw blades are inserted with the teeth facing forward (Seen from undernearth). Use a fretsaw board to hold the work whilst working.

PUKor junior hacksaw: for cutting small pine strips and dowel.

Craft knife: For clean cuts in thin soft materials

Note: Craft knives are sharp, never cut towards yourself, always use a steel safety ruler as a guide.

Sanding : Use a block and glass paper for shaping and finishing flat surfaces and sawn edges etc

If you should find this model please return it to:


2 E105722#1 4. Partlist Part. Quantity Description Material / Size

1 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 2 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 3 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 4 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 5 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 6 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 7 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 8 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 9 1 Bulkheads Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 10 1 Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 11 1 Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 12 2 Planking Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 13 1 edging Poplar plywood 3x 12 x length to fit 14 1 Decking Poplar plywood 3x 12 x length to fit 15 1 Cockpit cover Poplar plywood 3x 300 x 600 mm see plan 16 1 blad Modelling plywood 1,5 mm see plan 17 1 Rudder shaft Threaded rod M3 x 150 mm Stahl 18 1 Stand front Gabun plywood 8 x 120 x 200 mm 19 1 Stand rear Gabun plywood 8 x 120 x 200 mm 20 2 Dowel Pine dowel ø10 x 250 mm 21 1 Padding Foam 2 mm 14,5 x 20 cm 22 1 Tube Messing- tube ø4 x 0,5 x 50 mm 23 1 Rudder guide Modelling ply 1,5 mm see plan 24 2 M3 nuts Stock item 25 2 guide Welding rod ø2 x 250 mm bend to plan 26 1 Beech dowel ø8 x 500 mm 27 1 Beech dowel ø6 x 500 mm ablängen 28 1 Beech dowel ø6 x 500 mm ablängen 29 1 Main sail Plastic sheet (Not included in the pack) 30 1 Jib sail Plastic sheet (Not included in the pack) 31 1 Bead thread 3 m 32 7 Screw eyes Stock item 10 mm 33 1 Balast tube Aluminium ø25 x 200 mm 34 2 Threaded rod M3 x 100 mm 35 1 Push rod Welding rod ø2 mm 36 1 Fixing Connector block

5. Planning overview:

5.1 Constructing the parts of the hull

5.2 Making the individual parts and rigging

5.3 Final assembly

5.4 Finishing

E105722#1 3 5.1 Constructing the parts of the hull 5.1.1 Join the plans B,C and D ( pages 9-25 ) along the lies shown.



(5) (4) (7) (2) (6) (3)



Joining lines Joining lines


13 14

16 Ø 8 10 Trennlinie 16



3 4 2 9 17 7 II

Joining lines Joining lines


13 14 25

35 10

6 5 4 I 15 12


2 3 Joining lines Joining lines 4 E105722#1 5.1.2 Trace the patterns from plans B,C and D on the plywood sheets 3 x 300 x 600mm. Trace outline of the and bulkheads 1 and 2-8 and the outline of the deck 10 on to the plywood sheets The bulkheads 1 and 2-8 and the keel 9 and the deck 10 should be cut out carefully using a fine bladed fret- saw. All should the parts will need to be sanded to a finish, the deck must drilled with an 8mm diameter hole for the mast. Carefully finish the above parts.

5.1.3 Lay all the bulkheads 2-7 along the keel ( Making sure that they sit properly, adjusting them as necessary – (See plan A) but do not glue them at this stage. Place this arrangement on the deck so that bulkhead 8 is in line with the end and that the end –a nd that the remainder of the bulkheads are placed centrally and that they all line up. Now glue all the pieces in position and leave under weights to dry (See plan A)

5.1.4 Place the (keel) blade 9 in the slot in the keel and glue in place (see plan A)

5.1.5 Saw out the base planking 11 and the upper planking 12 .

51.6 Glue the base planking on to the bulkheads around the keel Use a block and glass paper to sand them into shape. Make sure that they fit tightly next to each other and that there are no gaps between them

5.1.7 Finally plank one of the sides. Once dry finish sand them into shape watching how it joins at the and . (see plan D diagram 1) Then place the planking on the other side - leave to dry and sand with a block and glass paper.

5.1.8 Cut out the strips 13 and 14 at 12mm wide (With a craft knife and steel ruler) Use the strips to make the sides and edging around the cockpit-shape and glue them in position (See dra- wing on page 30)

5.1.9 The edging around the lid is built up around the sides of the cockpit. When fitting take care that the lid fit is snug but not too tight. In order the parts do not stick whilst the glue is drying is better to take them away form the deck.

5.1.10 Cut out the cover 15 for the cockpit (see plan C) and place it on the cockpit as a lid

5.1.11 Trace the pattern for the rudder !6 ( see plan C ) on to the plywood sheet 1.5 x 60 x 300mm plywood and saw out the shapes laying the pieces diagram 11 ( see plan C ) Clean up the rudder shaft 17 with methylated spirit with 2 part glue ( Endfast 300 ) to the ruder blade Then glue the second rudder blade in place and clamp them together with clothes pegs or clamps This the needs to be sanded to a stream line shape. See the diagram on plan C for the shape.

5.1.12 To make the remaining construction easier make the boat stand. Start by sawing the sides 18 and 20 out of the plywood sheet 8 x 120 x 200mm and drill the 10mm hole . Use the two dowels 20 to complete the stand Cut the foam sheet 21 in 10mm wide strips and glue them in place as a rest for the boat hull

5.1.13 As shown on plan A glue the rudder tube 22 at the rear ( part 8) and glue it in place with a component glue so that it protrudes equally above and below.

5.1.14 Trace the ruder horn 23 (see plan D) on to the 1.5mm plywood saw out and drill the holes 2 and 3mm dia- meter holes Set the ruder shaft in the tube 22. Screw a nut on from above thread the rudder horn over and add a se- cond nut (see plan A)

E105722#1 5 5.2 Constructing the , rigging and keel etc

5.2.1 From the welding rod 2 dia x 250mm (See plan D) bend the two sail guides (25) and fit them on the deck in the shown position (see plan A and sketch V page 30) Drill the 2mm holes in the deck and fix them with 2 compo- nent glue.

5.2.2 Insert the 3 screw eyes into the mast as shown in the plan. It is necessary to use a hole maker first. Make the main boom 27 (dia 6 x 250mm) and the jib boom 28 (6dia x 150mm) from the dowel 6 dia x 500mm. Insert a screw eye in the end of each boom ( Use a hole maker first )

5.2.3 Cut out the 29 and the jib 32 (see diagram 111 page 29) from a plastic bag (Use a plastic carrier bag or waste bag, not included in the material pack) To fit the sails to the mast use the thread 31, see the sketch ( see page 29 ) Cut the tread about 50mm longer than needed.(The exception is the thread at the end of the jib here it will need to be 200mm longer) Use UHU kraft glue making sure that at least 5mm is glued to the sail.

5.2.4 Open the screw eyes on the boom and jib spar a little and hang them on to the mast and closing the screw eyes again. Tie the large sail 29 lightly on to the screw eye of the mast. Do not cut off the excess thread at this stage. Tie the lower thread on to the screw eyes on the mast. Tie the rear thread of the main sail lightly to the back of the boat. On the jib sail 30 wind the thread 3 x around the jib boom and leave the remaining thread to fix the front screw eye on the deck at a later stage.. Fasten the jib sail to the screw eye on the mast. Do not cut off the excess thread at this stage as it may need to be adjusted later.

5.2.5 Screw the 3 screw eyes into the deck as shown (diagramV page 30)

5.2.6 Let the mast into the hole in the deck and adjust it so that it is vertical

5.3 End assembly

5.3.1 Fix the front thread of the jib sail on the screw eye as shown in plan A . Loop the other end through the deck sail guide and back to the sail Adjust this so that the jib sail can swing 10 either side and main sail can swing 15 cm.

5.3.2 General

The following construction is only necessary if you are intending to sail the boat

Glue the threaded rod into the keel with two component glue

Drill the ballast tube so that it can be slotted over the threaded rod on to the keel.

Apply two component glue the bottom of the keel, slide on the tube and fasten with the nuts to the threaded rod

Tape over one end of the tube and fill it full of cement mixture as ballast. Once set remove the tape

6 E105722#1 5.4 Final assembly

5.4.1 If you want to sail the boat shape cut the metal welding rod and shape it as shown. In the RC version both of the Z bends are necessary. Also the metal rod will need to be about 10mm longer as shown The connector block allows adjustment of the ruder so that it is set central for a straight . On the RC version the metal guide will be slotted into the servo and ruder horn Glue the servo onto a bulkhead use double sided tape) the remainder of the RC equipment can be laid the opening. The aerial can be guided outside the cabin and up the main mast.

5.4.2 Painting and varnishing The finish can be either Acrylic or Cellulose paint. Firstly coat the hull with a pore filler to close the grain. Apply at least two coats – rubbing them down and then coat them with the colour of your choice (Apply two coats) again two cats. The boat must be waterproof.

We wish you fun and success whilst sailing the ”Surprise”!

Legende Kiel: bei Segelschiffen der Teil der nach unten aus dem Rumpf ragt. Dient der Richtungsstabilisierung. Kielspant: der Spant der in der Seitenansicht dem Schiff seine Form verleiht und an dem die anderen Spanten befestigt sind Spiegel: hinterer Abschluß eines Schiffs oder Bootes Süllrand: erhöhte Umrandung einer Decksöffnung um das Eindringen von Wasser zu verhindern. Schot: Seil mit dem die Segelstellung verändert wird. Baum: waagrecht verlaufende Stange an dem die Segelunterseite befestigt ist Groß: Kurzform für Haupt- bzw. Großsegel. Fock: Kurzform für Focksegel. Das Segel, das ganz vorne befestigt ist.

E105722#1 7 Plan A 8,5

58 32




17 31 27 26 24 25 15 10 23 14 25 28

23 22 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 12

16 11

9 34



8 E105722#1 1



Plan B I/III joining line E105722#1 9 10 E105722#1 1



Plan B II/III joining line joining line E105722#1 11 12 E105722#1 1



Plan BIII/III joining line E105722#1 13 14 E105722#1 13 14

16 Ø 8 10 16


8 3 4 2 9 17 7 II

Plan C I/III joining line E105722#1 15 16 E105722#1 13 14

16 Ø 8 10 16


8 3 4 2 9 17 7 II

joining line Plan C II/III joining line E105722#1 17 18 E105722#1 13 14

16 Ø 8 10 16


8 3 4 2 9 17 7 II

Plan C III/III joining line E105722#1 19 20 E105722#1 13 14 25

35 10

6 5 4 I 15 12


2 3 Plan D I/III joining line E105722#1 21 22 E105722#1 2x 13 14 25

35 10

6 5 4 I 15 12


2 3 Plan D II/III joining line joining line E105722#1 23 24 E105722#1 13 14 25

35 10

6 5 4 I 15 12


3 Plan D III/III 2 ajoining line E105722#1 25 26 E105722#1 18


E105722#1 27 28 E105722#1 50 mm Zugabe


405 375 50 mm Zugabe

250 50 mm Zugabe 200 mm Zugabe 150 200 mm Zugabe


5 5 5 5

E105722#1 29 5 30

35 192 selbststeuerndeManual steering version Version 36

RC-VersionRC version 30 13 23 A 220 Süllrand V 13 13 Schnitt A-B 15 15 E105722#1 14 14 B