
How the computes space - and how places invade memories

Ingvild Ulsaker Kruge PhD student Kavli Institute for Systems / Center for Neural Computation

Arkitektstudentene ntnu.edu/kavli 8. mars 2016 TODAY:

1) Amnesia, memory loss

2) The hippocampal formation and spatial navigation

3) How places invade our memories

ntnu.edu/kavli A whole field of research was born from the misfortunes of one man… ’Loss of recent memory after bilateral hippocampal lesions’ (Scoville & Milner 1957)

Human brain, bottom-up view

Human brain, coronal view H.M. (1926-2008) Henry Gustav Molaison

ntnu.edu/kavli ”…there has been one striking and totally unexpected behavioral result: a grave loss of recent memory.” ”After operation this young man could no longer recognize the hospital staff nor find his way to the bathroom, and he seemed to recall nothing of the day- to-day events of his hospital life.” For the next 55 years, each time he met a friend, each time he ate a meal, each time he walked in the woods, it was as if for the first time.

Scoville & Milner, 1957

W.B. Scoville B. Milner W.G. Penfield

ntnu.edu/kavli Clive Wearing pianist, composer, father and husband Suffered catastrophic amnesia after Herpes virus infection



The Man With The 7 Second Memory ITV1

«It’s been like death. I’ve never seen a human being before. Never had a dream or a thought. The brain’s been totally inactive. Day and night the same. No thought at all.» - Clive Wearing

ntnu.edu/kavli What can we learn from patients like Clive and HM? There are several forms of memory

Conscious Unconscious

Clive and HM

ntnu.edu/kavli What can we learn from patients like Clive and HM? The hippocampal formation is necessary to form new, episodic memories

ntnu.edu/kavli ntnu.edu/kavli http://www.brightstarcare.com/chattanooga/files/2013/11/alzheimers-scan.jpg Size doesn’t always matter

ntnu.edu/kavli Different , but a conserved cortical architecture

ntnu.edu/kavli in rodents is very similar to our hippocampus

ntnu.edu/kavli 150 years ago: Today: Drawing by Camillo Golgi of a hippocampus stained using the silver nitrate method

Otto Deiters' drawing of a , published in 1865.

Dentate gyrus, part of the hippocampus, in mice. Jeff Lichtman via Luis de la Torre-Ubieta, Geschwind Laboratory, UCLA, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Wellcome Images Center for Brain Science Camillo Golgi's drawing of a dog's , 1875. https://www.braindecoder.com/a-visual-history-of-neurons-1089282606.html In our lab, we see and hear how brain cells communicate


Micro electrodes can be used as a miniature microphone to listen to and register electrical activity/action potentials from brain cells.

ntnu.edu/kavli John O’Keefe

Target location in dorsal CA3

Laura Colgin, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, ntnu.edu/kavli now University of Texas at Austin REMAPPING = different brain maps for different places and experiences

Colgin, Moser & Moser, 2008 ntnu.edu/kavli Grid cells = a metric for space Based on calculations of neural networks deep within the brain, far from sensory cortices

ntnu.edu/kavli The tesselating grid fields may function as longitude and latitude in a map

ntnu.edu/kavli How can you know where you are?

Entorhinal cortex


ntnu.edu/kavli Hippocampus and EC = At the top of a hierarchi

Integrate information from all the senses (not only vision)

Felleman, D.J. and Van Essen, D.C. (1991) Distributed hierarchical processing in primate visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 1: 1-47 ntnu.edu/kavli

How spaces and places invade our memories?

ventral visual stream dorsal visual stream

perirhinal cortex parahippocampal cortex

lateral entorhinal cortex medial entorhinal cortex

hippocampus hippocampus

Eichenbaum et al 2007, Medial temporal lobes and recognition memory

ntnu.edu/kavli Build your own memory palace = improve your memory instantaneously! Associations






with Filmed

ntnu.edu/kavli ntnu.edu/kavli ntnu.edu/kavli Grid cell periodicity substantially reduced over several days

The data suggest that grid cells are sensitive to experience with environmental references and boundaries during the first postnatal weeks

Kruge et al.,unpublished ntnu.edu/kavli 1) Amnesia, memory loss

2) Hippocampal place cells, entorhinal grid cells

3) Our internal map of space is important for survival and memory!

4) Grid cells require experience with local boundaries during development ntnu.edu/kavli TAKK FOR MEG!

Bidrag fra: May-Britt og , John O’Keefe, Menno Witter, Laura Colgin, Marianne Fyhn, Torkel Hafting, Vegard Brun, Kirsten Kjelstrup, Trygve Solstad, Francesca Sargolini, Jonathan Whitlock, Hanne og Tor Stensola, + Sølvreven, Lasse og Geir, m.fl.

[email protected] Støtte fra: Kavli Foundation, Forskningsrådet, European Research Council, NTNU ntnu.edu/kavli