Details of the Coming Seasons THREE NEW Manv Newcomers MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY musical in Miss ether, in Vienna Miisieailv 'among people Vienna if not the cast, was Morini was able to a '" for buy Guarnerius differ« 7 : parts Engaged Opera violin, which she will use A Dead the opera Season in City, Says :ert tour < net rt .- Chicago rr» g ¦. Erika Mo ri ni ing a perf01 tnnual New Y er«. visit of the ...... Opera Company *t'X begin on Although the c ;-7 -..* ton Chicago Jean de Reszke Once text, "it "¡: at the have improved a little 'is Vi Monday evening, January 23, Profited Brother'.- Criticism But to 1 six :. " by .-¦¦ :"- past moni was * ¦.» Opera Ho New :¦ * or.ce one of the centers < mi Vrr'i Beason will depend for its details brothers the t "O Roi :- pon ¦* or ot tr E irope now deserted by measure of s- E acquiri- j e var )na to ¦. individuals according the youthful istrai this year's personnel and violinist, Erika who Morini, ra uns n r, tio îf the l( various and returned to a a Ameri» after rr of th ... - en, r r» ". cago C< the pains to Mta naequéntly Vienna. Vhen eil tl 7 features tor the N< w fing, ka maj only be in- Miss Morini, who ;ame îere h r\g vivo to be spring for a series of concert 1 ¡77 Chicago. Íbeen engaged by w York Mary Garden has orchestras for this year, '-'-'- rs ngage In Eur« pe is amone the first artists to » '¦ -^o c» sop?an »s.Maria Ivo- this :ountry ai'ter a childhood ; OF IMPROVED MUSIC STUDY .,Bi f- Graziel'.a P tr< in the shadow of the great W3r. Last in ¦. from ltals appeaJ florid role:. r, after see ing t! cith ¦¦ FOR BEGINNERS .... ratios are two rf"- '¦¦ States, ¦¦ . rag c MRS. CARRE . LOUISE :o j -< laire Dux, of Berlin city of her birth. DUNNING, Originator, net one Non yeai in "v""w York City, to isd Jeanne Dus- "My first impr on > say-. geaU| ; Pan*9. Lina Cavaîieri, "wa3 that Vienna was like a li achievements are fa- läge, It was 3 >*\ York but new to Chi¬ were so dark and then were cago, will return '"-. lyric »tage in people. I do not think tl several j poor are muc bettei of) I Normal Teacher Aureliano Fertile, 1 enor .-.-.a \ irh Classes »,»¦.» YY JiiciusI it. ..'. '» f"r^ . ...' Harrr.7er 's oon were a [sept. und moult» teil , year ago. But the betwe tbereul id booklet address -Xr..S(J7,. si s w are IRNKGIK 1!\M. NEW -\<)KI\ CITY. ptny Wolf-Ferrai ¦. be revived in someh» getting also a - the Chi :ago eom- Itai-j Soi 1e if my friends, Ossij Gal n ior teaching i .-. Brooklyn Opera Company itrons of 1 The régulai répertorie will rhe tors of ur. ei to Brook!j ?, an led Mis Massenet's "Le m le \*otr seem to 1 Jongli ".. on :' ei ;¦' create I by B rt >k Dame," "Manon," "Thais," Charpen- ut the berr b are Tino »pera 1 a to go p?, tier's i'a "Lakrae," Imaggi, through, ¦¦¦.,'¦ am ; Patti* Bizet's "Carmen," Gounod's "Faust," director, 'ormance an er»»-. '. a - Rot "Tales "Rigoletto' ca and need -, at tho , oi »iusi to me is that t-1 of H fFmai n" and í "Monna ,Acad< .... ' t;. Tlie ..' ttie ba and Verdi's "," »oi oi the Brook- rr.usi life oi Vienna o grow For X " era is to -. ScSwa and '> ¡ce te Ballester, and % a .' "La Company give an oppor- [less IS XRRl VC Trovatore," Traviata," .; ; to ira lover James "Rigo'.ett Barber of Novelties and Revivals op ir orchestra, g away 8 West 40t Mark ..¦..¦ Wolf. at ic «o j çrand opera a ," ¦'.¦¦: praro. I for sian rôles; "La purpo th e B rooklyn ¦'.'... ayers .ding i Bohèi e," "," Montemezzi's Th',» Jeann» a 1 sop «ano, Season at of giv ing a¦. opp >rt u -, "L'Amore ':~i tre Re," Mascagni'a "Ca- the nity to Amt American i." Metropolitan tigers t apt \ is en th e lowlj Leon javallo'a ¦< e*7itlnnf grand opera. The performanc rth do îuch r tha jnnfcry, are Doi -. 's "Lucia acci," di Lämmer- asi this be 11 other r- - opera trian krone moor" and -. i this season rever* to n co'.v tun Mme. Selma :¦..¦¦' .» .- " Kurtz, Mari« Jeritza, An- Mari;» music ai val, a Chicago of th" Made nna. soprano or a barytone? '. ¦ boi 'he eorr.- nos Ayres Opera; tti, ii Itn whose ngartner the ' E Regarding personnel of the com¬ i.. R .' '¦ tic ... SCHOOL OF THI HE¦ It» IE irden Re -- sa, ial Opera, erica K t Vienna, but pany, Amelita Galll-Curci and Titta ¦- Raisa, Plorei and Repetitions in B .-. and Aurelian Perti-le, Italian will sing the rolo of Gilda. X Margery Ruffo, both of whom have .---,: NEW YORK Maxw ucien ter ung in the opera hous of the cas! w 11 include Enzo Sarafini THIRD YEAR Muratore, with the Opera are Chicago Company, A merica. [as Rigoletto, Filippo Culcasi -¦ »for ou it seemed t Forrest Farewell Week names to with from a by conjure box of¬ be« Duke, N'ino Ruisl es ..., Charles fice point of view, Sparafucile and OCTOBER, 1921, TO APRIL, 1922 :. are as f \ntonio Paganuccl, conductor. irable con San Carlo Forces Manuel Salazar, a Spanish tenor al¬ :ns, Mar- ready known to New York - ipranon Dramatic and Lyric interpretation. Pantomime. tmprovi»at.'»n. ' .¦.'¦¦in u- audiences, r fi i.-. and »ska and The San Carlo Grr-nd haï been, fi!; . Muslo 139S Folk-Seng» Dance», Vocal Instruction, Voice Culture. E'iryth- Opera Company engaged. llsl ESTABL1SHED mn at the Metropolitan. Telva PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN Secretary Majestic, Preach Rappold Frasear.'; Kath jperas OtheT conductors are and Messrs. I Should he return he will doubtiess be i' Pietro Cimin! end ini, Viviano and Tenors Knabe Adolfo Ferrari. De Biasi, with Tell und heard again % this par-' Misa added im¬ Sylvia ballet, B« n amlno ¦.7¡u-1.. Piano, Voice, Violin, Cello, given Barber of : ;. Organ i% Peroni Seville" and rrolfl portant .- "Boris '¦i -.- r- 7. r-;:-- Ciass Lesson* in t" will have its Godunoff." ,-am lai - first and this a» on ..: 1er * din tion of présenta¬ History, Harmony Al! Other Theoretical Branche* with Actual newcomer- to ;\%w Yorl Hoi lnlei ..- it, Dlaz a cast rig Anna Ada EDNA GOCKEL-GUS5EN, Director. New With tl two i rentiere danseurs will Fitziu, Write for York of Music^ -. Catalogue 18Î8 Second Avenue College B scaccI be se ncers.Miles Royer and have ; ited heir orchestra very well 43D YEAR Rome May Be . Birminefh?m, «A.ia. nducting. : ,. the war, -, '.' îovra, Lloyd M lar. ring 114-116 East 85th Street, New York N' ;ff am rra» will be sung at the rar .:". ring ;he Buenos A- res 5h nt Without -'.<. n\ N V. STATE ¦. EBL"< The repertoire, aside irorr nee, with the Misses Opera per I vhen the < lostar .>.'¦. was ITION DEPARTMBS1 "¦" ' . rised in X Lucchese 2nd Kraemer and Messrs. Hosed, ideration and po- rHOROUGH EDUCATION IN ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC D'Arriico This Year eras, will include thre» ar7d De B:a«l singing litenei have ¡.ecu accorded her. The Belgian Conservatory oí Music oí Kew Ycrk, !nc. By EMINENT INSTRUCTORS am e an FROM BEGINN ntmfcies . "La Fête à Robinson,' b. tti conducting. i deral lor is sued ulti- * OVIDE .- nigl ill be devr)t»d to not to Mm< Carelli MUSIN, President-Director TO HIGHEST PERFECTION Grovle ides," 7 Liszt, a: By Agnes R. Mackenzie person- ¦.-¦!.:¦Kmlnc ¦.-,:«> « tion of the but io PIANO "The of Proniethr is," bj Í:\r77;!i:;r doub ROME, Oct. 7..Rome mar be by j ublicat papei DEPARTMENT, AUGUST FRAEMCKE. DEAN v it Mmi :": iroj -. ar d Krai r^er and .. thi members of VOCAL DEPARTMENT, CARL HEIN. DEAN of "The Birt! out her opera season this yea FOI R FREP; SCHOLARSHIPS to be awarded '¦ i : v. M alf of thi VIOLIN KARL penter, anc to the stand taken by the Federal DEPARTMENT, KLEIN, DEAN B n Borow s-X and Miss Keltic and I. Ayres with OVTDK Ml'SiX, Violin; 11-111 HODGSON mil !¦,1) 1 ¡I ÜOXOM GRAY. I'iano THEORY RUBIN GOLDMARK. .-.nd CHKVAIJEK ! 1)1 KM > MAH'/O Voleo DEPARTMENT, DEAN. The j^g two jjua Tommasi and Viviano in ;ors Every mar Val Mocchi Aa matters annot h date fixed PUBLIC SIC an i Love for the Th ret icci." Edward Lebjott will orchestra in Italj a former and of 1117.7«"::' a ! seasor operagoers Just Out I ! Ovide ¡Víasiu Records I Mr, Peroni ( calling prof X ( lance oi hea ¦:.: M./,i.l( «lo 'incf ri Vightln/rnl«" Berceuse ..! l'~i.-->- :.. -, \ .1-" l.ente rrainin % free stude '..'.<>'- ¦:. who hasmade latter opera. management ai Costanzi, g opera 'Andre "De Concerl Led re > and Recita rican a tdier ce For its first hearing of the seasor-. by th impresario XX''..- Moc» orelj Chenier," "El Guaran % and WEST ÎBTM 1 V f. M \1 VUKK til V j >ka" ("Th« on Thursday night "T; * Barber of dfe, Emma Carell., decid Certificat ¦-. have never >ecn produced award piel Bat« M Iden" by Rim -.-_. - Korsakoff ." will have the Misses Lu?-, Julj that the present I paid are« chese ard Mackie, Messrs. Boscaccl, besides the salaries, but which almost In Ita y s will be a great, Terms Reasonable. Send for the Roman who are Catalogue. the original language. These are "Di< in and De Biasi in the cast, co:;- equals them, should be reduced. The for public, ki en and *o pay foi..». Xeirtera nger," "Tar.r.rä»j3er" anc ducted by Mr. Peroni. This will be a ans placed the matter in the operagoers willing well for their amusement. -irrTlir1tr¦-,-,.-, nmmn M iw itt tttti Revivals i: benefit performance for the Italian hands of their secretary, General Ilon- iiMimiimn1i>imi||jW|Li_i.w< ttitt" French »..' Include Ma« .- - et'a "La Na Hospital. ":, who before his election nriîie" ar.d 'Werther," Ravel'1 Friday night "I.e. Bohème" wi'.l be as Deputy to Parliament was a bar¬ New York American ' .- -strattss's "Sa Bung by the Misses Fi'ziu and Keltie ber, but who has now turned his atten¬ JACQUES L. -c'a tion to an this lone,* "Samson et Da M< isrs Bo?cac?i, Royer, De Bias;, music, job of diatoi Conservatorya) of Music "»" -. aa et Méli :o and Cervi, conducted by Mr. Signor Monlcl refu lande." e Secret of Suzanne," b; either the bonus oi anj of tl a Sf>:; West Seventy-second Street, near Broadway presar ESTABLISHED 31 YEARS co accept last yeai 120 West 72.i Street. New York Thorough instruc.1 ¡oi h mei tiers of '.he musical federation Institute of Music MRS A. M. VIRGIL, Director Piano, Violin, 'Cello, Organ and al! Orchestral Instrument» oi Hti ke. In cor this 12S E. 76ih St. Rhinelander 4345 of the C< stan ¦: ha re Graduate» have been engaged at the Metropolitan Opera, Philharmonie Society, New York better times A Tli'ough on -<. . Il fl'-rt- I...-..,. PAUL WUESTHOF MUSIC INSTITUTE Symphony uùxjn prevail. I Gottlieb, Violin Ensemble, Uli fncquen VltlUKí .- -, :. :' 1.1 111 '¦¦.¦ ,. »1)11" 74 W. 127th Street Ivantages For -Haï Count» Com- I.Mii'lte t...t tlleb. Piano Repertoire. rpoint, year amounted t 3,000 0O0 tai Ail Branches of Music Taught. ->igl Rea ling stra Lectures, seasoi closed with a well Course by tl ing .':. ull y as "Tristan," "Parsifal,1 "B ris" and Singing PIANO.S. Abramsky, P. Wuesthof, O. Ziegler DIPLOMAS, CERTIFICATES. DEGREES ISSUED Based on VOCAL.EHie Ebe!.ni.-S«:,Sr:77'%: So much i« th< í'..:''cirX old favorites, "La Tosca" r,a:d.and favor of and "Manon," besides the Russian bal- Feeling of 1 ones in VIOLIN.S. Culp, J. Inçram, M. Schmidt. TERMS $15 PER QUARTER UP Victrola and in favor of the New Edison! CELLO.John were Chords, and the Re- Mundy. on How can one form a sensible opinion? gorgeo.sly pr HARMONY COUNTERPOINT.O. Zie % talogfue Application. Open from 9 tc 6. M >n. Si Thurs. until 9 The intelligent way is to hear 'cm both. One .: rvelou icer call and Fore-Feeling ORCHESTRA. M. Schmidt. right after the ether, to make a fair compari¬ turnes. oí Sequences. LAR TRAINING & SIGHT READING.P. Wu »¦¦!!.Ill..'lililí'I. HI» I» r I »III son. Your car can't carry impressions fron; rche '. ra pay roll ale i e Six Other Courses. ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS, IHIII1M.¦¦..... Il», one to another. But ¦- shop here, m the Costan s repn lents Address : By Member» of the Philharmonic Orchestra Rooncy store, you can hear the Victrola and the Mtw Edison in chorus and supers ai d attt ridant Wn. EFFA ELLIS PERF1ELD the same room, and urde: '- 4! . I "Hi low up another ¦. iVi-Hl Street, the name conditions. \. .» -\ hrk AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF company's salarie amount '.. 7'. I'hone Bryant 7 733 CONSERVATORY OF MÚhiCAL ART both ifters and ry t nearl y APPLIED MUSIC They're good v o,»»» o Ail th»""» expei s» do not in 214 LE»'0X AVE. (Near 121st St.) B. VAN bc$t in Vîctrolai have a wide and de- alariea paid to prima Learn Jazz VALKENBURGH, Director -- popularity, Ragtime METROPOLITAN '-."¦ :' COLLEGE ervedly, for the quality of workmanship that donnas and prominei Branch: 1562 Bath Avenue, Bath Beach, Brooklyn OF rr.aKc-s these machines remarkable. And the tries ba ¦.¦ used a Saxophone ROSE LIZZI, Manager MUSIC New Bdi on Re-Crc I tound critics four tit i i. mbone- Clarín el -Cornet- Piano Incorporated ur.di-r Charter granted by the Board of for their of tone. Come .' of the of the State New KATE S. everywhere reality din on .The h hi Repent', University of York. CH1TTENDEN, Dean in.any time. nd heai 'em both. Then your r> .... . Diploma», Certificates. Medals Awarded choice will be tary ts, ar to retain Annually. satisfying. their salaries at the pre Catalogues upon application Phone Harlem 3035 ,: tl »¦ coi of living A High Grnde Inttrunirnr Free A FACULTY OF SPECIALISTS Our »guaro budget plan d " deal »f coui great se, they V, »lin. T' nor Individual instruction in Voice, Piano, did for one thirl lianjo, Banjo Our convenient budget plan enables you to not, Instant, \ lolln, G nitur, 1 Luirle Stringed instruments, Pu! S ; Mme, Carell 1, who la In would r-tn¡fe (riarli ni!. \ .unir » III«. Training. 0F Organ, Mu rr.j'. »in-: ut on» for a churgo, iöSsOHL m buy e, sm 'Il Initi il Mas! ",¦ Class ¡n \ iolin. deposit The re«t ¡a distributed in small dare to close the »»p'-ih house. Hit, is Dentón Scheel of Music over an extended }.». connected Z-I1Í W. Ill'lr -1«, 329 West 36th Street Interpretation and N rmal Ci», se in Piano monthly payments period udm'ita, everything with llr.iui'l O I'll opera production has reached such n «<»* DEPARTMENTS HEADED BY i' |v« a. »1 exorbitant poinl IE. ROSE W3LFF ».an but close down the Cost SERGE! KLÏBANSKY.THEODORE SPÎERÏNG Rooney Company hea to mone; ". X Harlem pupa of îiATE S. CHITTENDEN-R. HUNTINGTON WOODMAN ». probably the ot Conservatory UUII, JOSEFFY Í45I St. Nichoíñs Ave. nf Music A rounde i curriculum lead .d : the theatric« pr fe oi ALT. OTHER BRANCHES OF MUSIC ;re< ltiKtñ i**rf-> l.'«il»«t v. W\ to .'.' ,»,,, .i'Ub>.^«v »..If by Iir.,r0vuy attbwHf U. IH1 *t Ktl-*H From not likol to run a 202 Lenox A ( 120th St.) and rci h) )ixi « trit'ihtrrrU.ic u, 1,7th i.r Dem. *!/e