


Minutes and report to Council of the virtual meeting of the Committee held on the 3rd September 2020 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Councillors Black (Chair), Bloore (Vice-Chair), Blackwell, Duck, Farr, Fitzgerald, Gray, Lockwood, Mansfield, Morrow and C.White

ALSO PRESENT: Councillors Davies, Mills and Ridge


The minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd July 2020 were confirmed as a correct record.

Committee Decisions (Under Powers delegated to the Committee)

89. 2020/1022 - 100 HARESTONE LANE, CR3 6AL

The Committee considered an application for the demolition of a conservatory and a single storey rear element of a building along with the erection of a part single storey, part two storey rear extension with internal alterations

The Officer recommendation was to permit, subject to conditions.

R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions.

90. 2020/741 - GREEN HEDGES, ROAD, , RH8 0EE

The Committee considered an application for the demolition of the existing building and the erection of a two and a half storey building containing 12 two-bedroom flats and 1 one bedroom flat along with associated parking and external works.

A recording of representations from Mr Martin Caxton, an objector, was replayed to the Committee.

A recording of representations from Mark Wilson of Limpsfield Parish Council speaking against the application, was replayed to the Committee.

A recording of representations from Hamish Watson, the agent acting on behalf of the applicant speaking in favour of the application, was replayed to the Committee.

The Officer recommendation was to permit, subject to conditions and a legal agreement.

Cllr Blackwell, on behalf of Cllr Davies, put forward a motion for refusal on the following grounds:

1. By virtue of the number of units proposed, the intensity of occupancy, prevalence in the street scene, the extent of hardscaping and increase in densities it is considered that the proposal would result in an overdevelopment of the site which would fail to respect the locality to the detriment of the character and appearance of the area. The proposal is contrary to Policy CSP 18 of the Council Core Strategy (2008), Policy DP7 of the Tandridge Local Plan Part 2 - Detailed Policies (2014) and Policy LNP3 of the Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan.

The motion was seconded by Councillor Farr. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was lost.

2. The proposed development, by reason of its intensity of occupancy and type of housing proposed and its proximity to neighbouring boundaries, would result in significant overlooking of neighbouring properties, resulting in detrimental harm to the residential amenities of the neighbouring occupiers, contrary to Policy LNP3 of the Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan (2019), Policy DP7 of the Tandridge Local Plan Part 2 Detailed Policies (2014) and Policy CSP 18 of the Tandridge Core Strategy (2008).

The motion was seconded by Councillor Farr. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was lost.

3. The proposal would increase parking pressures resulting in overflow on street parking in an area where there is currently none and which is not a feature of the surrounding area resulting in a potential conflict with the cycle lane contrary to the NPPF para 110 (c). Furthermore, the proposal would fail to provide sufficient parking for occupants of the development and therefore does not provide a satisfactory living environment. As such, the development fails to accord with the Tandridge Parking Standards supplementary planning document 2012 and is also contrary to Policy DP7 of the Tandridge Local Plan Part 2 Detailed Policies (2014).

The motion was seconded by Councillor Farr. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be refused.

COUNCIL DECISION (subject to ratification by Council)

91. 2020/269 - SCHOOL, 33 BLUEHOUSE LANE, OXTED, RH8 0AB

The committee considered an application for the removal of existing surface material and its replacement with a temporary hardstanding consisting of landscaping membrane and scalpings to allow its continued use as a temporary car park until August 2021 following the expiry of planning application 2018/1619. (The report to the Planning Committee is reproduced at Appendix A to facilitate consideration at Full Council).

R E S O L V E D – to grant temporary permission (subject to referral to Full Council).

Rising 9.05 pm


Application: 2020/269

Location: , 33 Bluehouse Lane, Oxted RH8 0AB Proposal: Removal of existing surface material and replacement with temporary hardstanding consisting of landscaping membrane and scalpings. Continued use of land as temporary car park until August 2021 following expiry of application 2018/1619.

Ward: Limpsfield

Constraints - Urb; Right of Way 75; D road


This application is reported to Committee as the applicant is Council.


1. No objection is raised to the temporary use the area of land in question for parking as set out in the application details. The use is considered acceptable in relation to highway safety, neighbour amenity and other considerations, subject to the imposition of conditions.

Site Description

2. The site comprises of an area of land within Oxted School which is accessed via the northern side of the Park Road entrance to the school. It consists of a grassed area which has been used recently for parking by existing holders of town centre business car parking permits and Tandridge District Council staff and is the subject of a previous temporary planning permission.

3. The grassed area is level, and currently fenced with a gated access to its eastern side. It was previously used as an additional Key Stage 3 (KS3) play area which, according to the previous planning application submission, was rarely used by students due to its condition.

Relevant History and Key Issues

4. 2018/1619 – Temporary change of use of land to provide parking for up to 96 cars for a period of 10 months – Permission granted on 09/11/2018 however this permission has since expired.

5. The key issues relate to the impact of traffic using the temporary car parking area, including on the safe operation of the school, and impact on neighbour amenities.


6. This application seeks permission to use a grassed area of land within Oxted School grounds for car parking on a temporary basis (until August 2021). The application site is currently covered in a grass matting and has been in use for temporary parking as approved under application 2018/1619. The proposal seeks to remove the grass matting and then cover the area in a temporary hardstanding consisting of porous landscaping membrane with a maximum 150mm deep scalpings placed on top of the membrane which will be crushed, rolled and compressed. Once the use of the temporary car park is discontinued, the land would be restored to its former condition.

7. The area of land, according to the previous submission, has space to accommodate up to 96 cars. Access to the temporary car parking area will continue to be via the Park Road entrance to the school. The temporary use is being sought in order to accommodate vehicles which will be temporarily displaced during the construction works taking place on the former Oxted Gas Holder site. The temporary car parking areas would be used by existing holders of town centre business car parking permits, Tandridge District Council staff and St William office staff. Permission is required for the temporary change of use as the car parking would not be ancillary to the use of the school.

Development Plan Policy

8. Tandridge District Core Strategy 2008 – Policies DP1, DP5 and DP7

9. Tandridge Local Plan: Part 2 – Detailed Policies 2014 – Policies CSP1, CSP12, CSP13, CSP18 and CSP23

10. Emerging Tandridge Local Plan 2033 – Policies TLP01, TLP06, TLP18, TLP23, TLP30, TLP31, TLP32, TLP35, TLP37, TLP38, TLP47

11. Limpsfield Neighbourhood Plan 2019 – Policies LNP1 and LNP5

12. Neighbourhood Plan 2016 – Not applicable

13. Caterham, and Neighbourhood Plan – submission version (Regulation 16) (2019) – Not applicable

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPGs) and non-statutory guidance

14. Tandridge Parking Standards SPD (2012)

15. Tandridge Trees and Soft Landscaping SPD (2017)

16. Design Guide (2002)

National Advice

17. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2019)

18. Planning Practice Guidance (PPG)

Statutory Consultation Responses

19. County Highway Authority – The application has been assessed on safety, capacity and policy grounds. No objection subject to the imposition of conditions.

20. Limpsfield Parish Council – No comments received

Non-statutory Advice Received

21. Surrey County Council Countryside Access Officer – No comments received

TDC advice

22. None sought

Other Representations

23. Third Party Comments – None received


Location and principle of development

24. The application site is located within the urban area of Limpsfield. Its temporary use as proposed broadly accords with the objectives of Core Strategy Policy CSP1, which directs new development towards the built up areas of the District. The temporary use would also support the objectives of Core Strategy Policy CSP23 (Town and other centres), as its use will facilitate the redevelopment of the former Oxted Gas Holder site. The temporary use of the land would not result in any loss of provision for the school, noting that the grassed area is referred to as an additional KS3 play area which is rarely used due to its condition and will be restored to its former use after the use has ceased. On this basis there is considered to be no conflict with Core Strategy Policy CSP13 in relation to community facilities.

Highway Issues

25. Survey work was carried out under application 2018/1619 to establish (1) the levels of traffic accessing the site via the Park Road entrance during the morning peak (2) the number of pupils arriving via this entrance on foot and the peak arrival time and (3) the current peak hours of arrival for business permit holders. As set out in the previously submitted Transport Statement, a survey was carried out in the morning of 28 September 2018 which recorded vehicular and pedestrian activity using the sports access from Park Road. A total of 109 traffic movements were recorded during this period, and 40 pupils were recorded as arriving on foot via this entrance (of these, 30 were dropped off by car in Park Road). The peak arrival time for school staff in cars was 08:10-08:20, and for pupils arriving on foot, 08:20-08:40.

26. Data was also collected for the levels of traffic activity generated by the 47 permit holders who were using the Ellice Road car park (using the car park ANPR data recording). This data, collected for the week commencing 10 September 2018, showed that the movements are ‘strongly tidal’, inbound during the morning and mainly before 09:00 and outbound in the evening, mainly after 16:00. The average number of vehicle movements between 08:00 and 09:00 was 27. As in total the number of car parking spaces available (on the grassed area) for non-school use as part of previous application reference 2018/1619 was 96, the data from the 47 permit holders was

doubled to represent the likely levels of traffic activity generated by the temporary car park. The total movements between 08:00 and 09:00 would likely be 54, with 22 of these being during the peak hours for pupils arriving by foot (08:20-08:40).

27. A safety appraisal was also carried out, which identified that access to the temporary car park would be taken off the school sports access road close to the gate (30m from Park Road). The access road is 5.5m at this point, allowing vehicles to pass pedestrians in safety. As set out in the Transport Statement submitted under 2018/1619, the access road is straight, with good visibility and pedestrians and staff traffic have the ability to share the space safely. The proposed activity generated by the permit holder use is estimated to add 22 vehicles to traffic during the peak pedestrian usage (it being noted that there are currently 45 staff car arrivals during this period, ie. double the level of activity likely to be generated by the temporary car park use). As the school day ends at 15:10, and majority of permit holders will not be leaving until after 16:00, there will be relatively little change to existing conditions at the end of the day. Any use of the staff car parking area will be limited to times when the school is not operational (ie. school holidays) as per the previous application. The safety appraisal under the previous application concluded that there is no reason for safety problems to arise.

28. The County Highway Authority (CHA) has assessed the proposed under this application and again raise no objection on highway safety, policy or capacity grounds. It is noted that there are parking restrictions on Park Road near to the entrance which limit the likelihood of school drop offs at this entrance, and the CHA concluded under application 2018/1619 that there was adequate visibility for vehicles entering the access of both users already on the highway and pedestrian within the area and that the intensification of use at the access was acceptable. The CHA consider this arrangement to remain acceptable under this submission and would continue to conform to Core Strategy Policy CSP12 and Local Plan Policy DP5, subject to the imposition of conditions.

Character and appearance

29. The proposed temporary use will result in the laying of a temporary landscaping membrane with scalpings over and would continue to have cars parked on it during the day (Monday to Friday). This would clearly result in change to the appearance and character of the land concerned and its character would also change given that it would be used for the parking of vehicles. However, this is a temporary permission with a clear purpose to alleviate the pressures placed on the community in light of the development of the Gas Holder site. It is short term and the change to the material is required to provide a more useable surface as this has become waterlogged previously and, in some cases, resulted in vehicles having difficulty accessing the site.

30. As this is a temporary permission until August 2021, it is not considered that the development would have a significant impact on the site or surrounding area that would justify refusal. When taking into account the overall character and appearance of the school which, in this part of it, includes the rear access road, buildings, and car parking areas, it is not considered that an additional temporary parking area would be incongruous with the immediate locality. As the temporary use as a car park would cease in August 2021 and a condition will be imposed requiring the restoration of the land to its original appearance once the use has ceased, it is considered that the development would conform to the provisions of Core Strategy Policy CSP18 and Local Plan Policy DP7.

Neighbour amenity

31. The Transport Statement submitted under application 2018/1619 addressed the issue of neighbour amenity, setting out that almost all of the permit holder traffic will approach the proposed car park via the short length of Park Road which runs northwards from the junction with Bluehouse Lane to the school access. As set out in the Statement, there are relatively few houses on this section of road and all are set back from the road in their own curtilages, with footways and verges along both sides of the road. Existing traffic was reported to be light, and predominantly that which is generated by the school. The increase in traffic was considered to be low, and the proposed movements combined with existing movements was considered to remain very low.

32. From a planning and amenity perspective, the proposal does not raise concerns that would amount to significant impact upon neighbouring amenity being identified. Given the specific users of the car park, employees of the Council, local business employees and staff of St Williams, most would park their vehicle at the beginning of the day and leave some while after. This would not be comparable to the comings and goings of a normal town centre car park and thus trip generation would be limited. Taking into account the number of houses on this section of Park Road and their relationship with the road, the provision of footways, and the existing highway conditions, it is considered that any additional traffic resulting from the temporary car park use can be accommodated without resulting in significant harm to residential amenity. The development would continue to conform to the provisions of Core Strategy Policy CSP18 and Local Plan Policy DP7.

Other issues

33. Public Footpath no.75 runs along the eastern boundary of the school site, and is accessed immediately next to the entrance to the school. For the reasons set out in relation to highway safety above, it is not considered that the temporary car park use will result in any conflict with the use of the footpath or its enjoyment as part of the rights of way network (Core Strategy Policy CSP13).

34. For the reasons set out above, it is considered that the temporary use is acceptable, subject to the imposition of conditions.

35. The development is not CIL liable.

36. The recommendation is made in light of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Government’s Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). It is considered that in respect of the assessment of this application significant weight has been given to policies within the Council’s Core Strategy 2008 and the Tandridge Local Plan: Part 2 – Detailed Policies 2014 in accordance with paragraph 213 of the NPPF. Due regard as a material consideration has been given to the NPPF and PPG in reaching this recommendation.

37. All other material considerations, including third party comments, have been considered but none are considered sufficient to change the recommendation.

RECOMMENDATION: GRANT TEMPORARY PERMISSION subject to the following conditions:

1. The use hereby permitted shall start not later than the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. This decision refers to the red edged site plan and application details scanned on 17 March 2020. The development shall be carried out in accordance with these approved documents and there shall be no variations from the approved documentation.

Reason: To ensure that the scheme proceeds as set out in the planning application and therefore remains in accordance with the Development Plan.

3. Prior notification shall be provided in writing to the Local Planning Authority at least 14 days before commencement of the use hereby permitted. The use shall be discontinued on or before the 31 August 2021 and the land restored to its former condition within three months of this date.

Reason: To comply with the applicant's request for a limited period permission and safeguard the future condition and use of the land in accordance with Policy CSP18 of the Tandridge District Core Strategy 2008 and Policy DP7 of the Tandridge Local Plan: Part 2 – Detailed Policies 2014.

4. The development hereby approved shall not be utilised until space has been laid out in accordance with the approved plans for vehicles/cycles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so they may enter and leave in forward gear. Thereafter the parking/turning areas shall be retained and maintained for their designated purposes for as long as the development remains in existence.

Reason: To ensure that the temporary use does not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and/or are required in recognition of Section 9 “Promoting Sustainable transport” in the National Planning Policy Framework 2018, and to accord with Policy CSP12 of the Tandridge Core Strategy 2008 and Policy DP5 of the Tandridge Local Plan: Part 2 – Detailed Policies 2014.

5. The use of the temporary parking area hereby approved shall only be utilised by Business Permit Holders, Tandridge District Council staff and staff of St. Williams, and not for any other purpose, including any associated with Oxted School and its operational usage, by staff members or visitors to the school grounds.

Reason: To ensure that the temporary use does not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and/or are required in recognition of Section 9 “Promoting Sustainable transport” in the National Planning Policy Framework 2018, and to accord with Policy CSP12 of the Tandridge Core Strategy 2008 and Policy DP5 of the Tandridge Local Plan: Part 2 – Detailed Policies 2014.


1. The developer is reminded that it is an offence to allow materials to be carried from the site and deposited on or damage the highway from uncleaned wheels or badly loaded vehicles. The Highway Authority will seek, wherever possible, to recover any expenses incurred in clearing, cleaning or repairing highway surfaces and prosecutes persistent offenders. (Highways Act 1980 Sections 131, 148, 149).

2. The developer is advised that Public Footpath Number 75 crosses the application site and it is an offence to obstruct or divert the route of a right of way unless carried out in complete accordance with appropriate legislation.

3. Section 59 of the Highways Act permits the Highway Authority to charge developers for damage caused by excessive weight and movements of vehicles to and from a site. The Highway Authority will pass on the cost of any excess repairs compared to normal maintenance costs to the applicant/organisation responsible for the damage.