Knowledge Dynamics in Moving Media in Skåne
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Margareta Dahlström, Sigrid Hedin and Lise Smed Olsen with contributions from Sara Östberg, Christian Dymén and Anu Henriksson Knowledge dynamics in moving media in Skåne — and in game development innovations media in Skåne — Cross-sectoral Knowledge dynamics in moving Knowledge dynamics in moving Cross-sectoral innovations in game development and fi lm tourism media in Skåne — Cross-sectoral This report is a result of the project Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: A Dynamic Model (EURODITE). The main objective of the EURODITE project was to investigate knowledge innovations in game development dynamics; that is, how knowledge is generated, developed and transferred within and among fi rms or organisations, and their regional contexts. and fi lm tourism Empirical research on knowledge dynamics has been based on the building blocks of region, sector, and both territorial and fi rm-level knowledge. Territorial knowledge dynamics concern knowledge exchange, networks and interactions among actors across territories, both internal and extra- Margareta Dahlström, Sigrid Hedin and Lise Smed Olsen with regional. Firm-level knowledge dynamics contributes a deeper understanding of knowledge dynamics contributions from Sara Östberg, Christian Dymén and Anu by studying the interactions within a fi rm or organisation and between fi rms or organisations that result in an innovation; for instance, a new or improved product. Henriksson This report includes the description and analysis of two sets of territorial knowledge dynamics with accompanying fi rm-level knowledge dynamics in the moving media sector in the Skåne region of Sweden. The fi rst case study looks at knowledge dynamics within computer game development NORDREGIO REPORT 2010:1 and a micro-level study of the development of the serious game ‘Agent O’. The second case study elaborates on the knowledge dynamics related to fi lm production and tourism with a micro-level study of the marketing collaboration ‘The Film Track’. In addition, these case studies have been placed in a wider European perspective by comparing them with the other case studies performed within the project. It is clear from the project’s case studies that knowledge dynamics are multiscalar and include important interactions at great distances. We conclude that cross-sectoral knowledge interactions are seed-beds for innovation and drive product development. Finally, knowledge interactions include many types of actors conducting a variety of knowledge interactions. In any region, there is a vast amount of intertwined evolution of knowledge dynamics. A multitude of strategies and actions is utilised by fi rms, higher education institutions and other actors to seek fi out and to utilise the knowledge needed wherever it is located. Tailor-made and progressive policy lm tourism 2010:1 NORDREGIO REPORT support of such processes is needed to avoid lock-ins and promote innovative regional development The report aims at policymakers and practitioners within economic development work, business organisations, chambers of commerce, the higher education sector, and researchers of knowledge dynamics, innovation, regional development and policy. Nordregio P.O. Box 1658 SE–111 86 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] ISSN 1403-2503 Nordic Council of Ministers ISBN 978-91-89332-73-7 Knowledge dynamics in moving media in Skåne - Cross-sectoral innovations in game development and fi lm tourism Knowledge dynamics in moving media in Skåne - Cross-sectoral innovations in game development and fi lm tourism Margareta Dahlström, Sigrid Hedin and Lise Smed Olsen with contributions from Sara Östberg, Christian Dymén and Anu Henriksson Nordregio Report 2010:1 ISSN 1403-2503 ISBN 978-91-89332-73-7 © Nordregio 2010 Nordregio P.O. Box 1658 SE-111 86 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] Dtp: Allduplo, Stockholm, Sweden Linguistic editing: OnLine English Repro and print: Allduplo, Stockholm, Sweden Nordic co-operation Photo on cover from the conference Nordic Game 2009 in Malmö: Morten Skovgaard Nordic co-operation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, as well as the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The Nordic Council is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians form the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic co-operation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum of co-operation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic co-operation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are co-ordinated by the Nordic ministers for co-operation, the Nordic Committee for co-operation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971. Nordregio – Nordic Centre for Spatial Development works in the f ield of spatial development, which includes physical planning and regional policies, in particular with a Nordic and European comparative perspective. Nordregio is active in research, education and knowledge dissemination and provides policy-relevant data. Nordregio was established in 1997 by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The centre is owned by the f ive Nordic countries and builds upon more than 30 years of Nordic cooperation in its f ield. Stockholm, Sweden, 2010 Contents Preface 7 Executive summary 9 Objective and framework of the EURODITE project 9 Preface 7 Knowledge anchoring 9 Policies infl uencing new media at the regional level 10 Executive summary 9 Conclusions and main fi ndings 11 Objective and framework of the EURODITE project 9 Policy implications 11 Knowledge anchoring 9 Policies infl uencing new media at the regional level 11 1. Regional trajectories to the knowledge economy—the project 13 Conclusions and main fi ndings 11 1.1 Understanding knowledge dynamics 13 Policy implications 12 1.1.1 The regional context and knowledge dynamics 14 Regional trajectories to the knowledge economy—the project 13 1.1.2 The sectors and knowledge dynamics 14 Understanding knowledge dynamic 13 1.1.3 Territorial and fi rm-level knowledge dynamics 14 The regional context and knowledge dynamics 14 1.2 Territorial and fi rm-level knowledge dynamics studied in the Skåne region 15 The sectors and knowledge dynamics 14 1.3 How the study was conducted 16 Territorial and fi rm-level knowledge dynamics 14 1.4 Disposition of report 17 Territorial and fi rm-level knowledge dynamics studied in the Skåne region 15 2. KeyHow concepts the study and wasissues conducted in know-ledge dynamics from a territorial perspective 1619 2.1Disposition Key concepts of report used in the EURODITE project 1719 2.1.1Key concepts Knowledge and dynamics issues in know-ledgeand knowledge dynamics types from a territorial perspective 19 2.1.2Key concepts Knowledge used dynamics in the EURODITE and knowledge project phases 1920 2.1.3Knowledge Knowledge dynamics dynamics and knowledge and knowledge types processes 1920 2.2Knowledge Key debates dynamics for understanding and knowledge knowledge phases dynamics from a territorial 20 Knowledgeperspective dynamics and knowledge processes 2120 2.2.1Key debates Local buzz for understandingand global pipelines—a knowledge way dynamics of understanding from a territorial territorial perspective 21 knowledge interactions 21 2.2.2Local buzzPath dependencyand global pipelines—a and knowledge way ofdynamics understanding territorial knowledge 22 2.2.3interactions Regional innovation systems, clusters and triple helix 2122 2.3Path Concluding dependency comments and knowledge dynamics 2322 Regional innovation systems, clusters and triple helix 22 3. KnowledgeConcluding dynamics comments in moving media in Skåne 2325 3.1Knowledge The Skåne dynamics region in moving media in Skåne 25 3.1.1The Skåne Regional region development and cross-border collaboration 2526 3.2Regional The new development media ‘sector’ and cross-border collaboration 2628 3.2.1The new Moving media media ‘sector’ in Skåne 2728 3.3Moving Knowledge media in dynamics Skåne in game development in Skåne 2729 3.3.1Knowledge Territorial dynamics knowledge in game dynamics development in game in developmentSkåne 2829 3.3.2Territorial Firm-level knowledge knowledge dynamics dynamics: in game development development of the ‘Agent O’ game 2831 3.4Firm-level Knowledge knowledge dynamics dynamics: in fi lm tourismdevelopment in Skåne of the ‘Agent O’ game 3330 3.4.1Knowledge Territorial dynamics knowledge in fi lm dynamics tourism in in Skåne fi lm tourism 3332 3.4.2Territorial Firm-level knowledge knowledge dynamics dynamics: in fi lm tourismThe Film Track 3235 Firm-level3.5 Concluding knowledge comments dynamics: The Film Track 3734 Concluding comments 36 4. AnchoringAnchoring knowledge knowledge in inSkåne Skåne from from a widera wider European European perspective perspective 3739 Knowledge4.1 Knowledge anchoring anchoring and andterritorial territorial knowledge knowledge dynamics—in dynamics—infl owfl andow and recirculation recirculation of knowledge of knowledge 3840 Channels4.2 Channels for inforfl ow infl andow andrecirculation recirculation of knowledge of knowledge 3941 Knowledge4.3 Knowledge anchoring anchoring through through fi rm-level fi rm-level interactions interactions 3941 The4.3.1 role The of role networks of networks and direct and directinteractions interactions between between fi rms fi rms 4042 The4.3.2 role The of role higher of higher education education institutions