
Fortnightly 2s. Est. 1817 Vol. 13 Number 5 22 September, 1968 INSIDE: SMASH THE RENT RISES Police training/Teachers/Dwarf raided /Adrian Mitchell Chicago/Biafra/Repression in Wales/Mozambique

The Black Dwarf’s State of the Unions Message Stalinism in Crisis Peter Fryer//Roger Smith/Fred. Halliday

New Issue CCCP/USSR Stamp Commemorating the Re-affirmation and Revitalisation of Stalinism in- Czechoslovakia with the Kremlin's Blessing. An open letter to Fidel Castro on Czechoslovakia 2 THE BLACK DWARF 13-5 Labour Councillor: “ IF you have a rent strike. . ." MORAL VICTORY Tenant Activist: “W hat do you mean IF? ” onservative . . . Socialists usually meet policemen on the wrong side of the barricades. But Union what are trainee policemen really like? W hy do they want to be policemen? FOR HORNSEY TENANTS C I have spent a fair amount of time teaching police cadets. Teaching them in Radical itself is a unique experience. Teaching them ‘politics’ arouses one’s latent GUERILLAS masochism. CONTROL Teachers Our Crime Correspondent leapt onto his “shoulders” and C. Rosenberg (N.U.T. ) The 6 comrades who were arrested pounded his head with her handbag. Valerie Deacon, Keith Veness in Hornsey before July 21st demon­ This particular defendant is now in The recent rent rises imposed by the Tories have had a galvanising Teachers in Britain, at least at the stration as reported in our last the running for a chance to display effect on tenants throughout including militant tenants living in lower end of the scale, are more number defended their case in High- her athletic abilities in Mexico City the Borough of Brent. The Brent Federation of Council Tenants representing badly paid than those of most gate Magistrates Court on 29th later this year. nearly 10, 000 tenants, has always been bitterly opposed to further rises in European countries. Women primary August rents or any attacks on tenants’ amenities or conditions. school starters in urban areas (as an In his uproarious summing up, the In view of this the newly-returned have to find another pound extra example) getting 47 % of their magistrate accepted that one of the for these places. Swedish counterparts, 67 % of their defence witnesses had to arise from Tory majority on the Council The Labour Party Y. S. swung German. At the same time the NUT, his sick bed to witness the incident decided to adopt a “steam-roller" into action to help the tenants and by far the biggest union, having and therefore the accused were “in­ tactic to get the rise through the the Federation almost as soon as more than a quarter million mem­ considerate” people. He refused to Council as swiftly as possible, to the rents were increased. Besides bers (about seven times bigger than accept any other parts of the wit­ avoid any action by tenants to aiding the Federation in its activities its nearest rival, the male NAS) is The case lasted from 10 a. m. until ness’s evidence which included oppose it. Without consulting the the Y.S. branch sent a resolution to one of the most backward and con­ 8 p.m., mainly because the proceed­ detailed descriptions of policemen Housing Committee or Finance the Constituency Party (East servative unions. Cause—the union ings were held up frequently by the losing control of their tempers, etc. Committee of the Council, the Willesden) calling on it to pledge —and effect—low pay—are plain to uncontrollable laughter of the de­ The magistrate accepted that the Finance Chairman, Alderman V. all the support it could to the see. fendants and members of the public accused were “happy people” which Sklar, introduced a motion at the tenants including a financial contri­ while the police were giving their was indeed a good thing, but sug­ council meeting to increase all rents Docility, however, is certainly bution and other material aid. This evidence. Probably the star turn was gested that on this occasion they by 7/6 per week immediately, not inherent in the profession. P. C. F. P. Phillips who wrongly were “slap happy” people which was followed by another 7/6 per week was passed unanimously and the Within the last year alone we have Labour Party undertook to circulate identified the person he was sup­ indeed a bad thing. He imposed fines next year and the year after. This seen the protracted and militant posed to have arrested, completely and costs totalling £90, but was con­ makes a total rise of over a pound the appeal to all wards and union strike of American teachers; in the forgot where the incident took place vinced this was an isolated lapse on a week by 1970. Despite the absence branches affiliated to lend support May-June events in France the and could not remember the name behalf of the defendants and that of many officers from the Federa­ and encouragement to the relevant teachers were among the first out, of his “very close colleague”, until they would never be involved with tion due to holidays or lack of Associations. among the last in, and in many in­ he was ordered to the cells by the the law again. notice, over 50 tenants turned up at The Federation E.C. decided to stances collaborated wholeheartedly magistrate and instructed not to the council meeting to lobby coun­ try each of the items listed below w ith their pupils in their struggle speak to anyone who may have Sanity was restored to the pro­ cillors, and the Tories were booed in the following order: — against the authoritarian school; a been able to refresh his memory. ceedings when the public gallery and jeered every time they spoke. a) Write to Ministry to try to get Japanese comrade remarks that the An identity parade was arranged. unanimously declared the accused Finally the Mayor threatened to the rise annulled. teachers’ union is the most militant Fortunately his spell in custody innocent, and instructed Police Dog clear the council chamber and the b) Refuse co-operation in rent in the Japanese equipment of the refreshed his memory sufficiently to “Earl” of Highgate police station police were needed to keep order. collection. The council would TUC (our DATA counterpart, no (The author of this article is a supply teacher who taught enable him to instantly quote name to keep his handler in better control Following this meeting the like to cut collectiohs to once doubt). This story can be repeated a fortnight, but this should be police cadets for a few months. For obvious reasons she and number. A proud moment for in future or else both would have to Tenants’ Federation organised in many countries. British Justice. be put down. The magistrate, how­ meetings to discuss further action refused. would like to remain anonymous. ) Which just goes to show that there Other memorable moments were ever, passed a different verdict and in view of the attitude of the c) To withhold the increase and is much leeway that can be made up immigrants aggravate the in­ provided in the evidence of Special the defendants were heavily fined. council. Each member association pay the money to the Federa­ if the potential is stimulated to Constable (5' 11/2" trying to make attempted to hold a public meeting tion, which will it when action. An inkling of this can be ternal situation by depriving eviction is threatened but not the British of houses and jobs 5' 8") F. P. Jones who found a to discover the views of the seen in the strong support given the “defendant’s person at the end of tenants. At the meeting in South before. feeble union effort over dinner while living off the welfare the defendant’s arm”, and P.C. F. P. Kilburn of the Alpha-Gorefield, d) An all-out rent strike as a last supervision sanctions recently. state. They talked of crushing Raymond La Pointe, C. G.T., who Tollgate and Carlton Associations resort, failing success in any of In the distant past it was the the Unions, even “putting claimed that the lady defendant over 350 tenants and their families the above. Com- turned up to hear the local tenants’ At the time of going to press a them in camps”, “Gassing un­ Ministry the rises appears to be in official strikers”. Despite this a leader, Bill Deacon, and three Labour councillors, Councillors the offing, though how much hope minority also maintained the Dunbar, Lebor and Hartley, speak can be attached to this is debatable. need for independent police against the increases. A resolution A court injunction is being consi­ trade-unions though the same was passed calling on the Federa­ dered by the Federation if this is tion to oppose the rent rises by every unsuccessful. minority, combined with the The lessons are becoming obvious majority, constantly main­ means possible including an all-out rent strike. When one Labour coun­ to most tenants. The Tories are their tained that the immigrants had cillor said “If you have a rent enemies and must be fought. This to be got rid of. They com­ strike”, one of the tenants heckled is, however, only one of the lessons. pared them to the Jews: “If it “What do you mean ‘if’? ” What they have also realised is that: a) The local Labour Party bears A similar story was repeated all had been 6 million nig-nogs little resemblance to the antics over Brent borough; large meetings everyone w o u ld have of Parliamentary cretins at at Kinghaven (Wembley), Preston applauded”; this while main­ Westminster, and is in fact their and Mall (Kenton), Explorers only political expression. This taining that few Jews were in (Stonebridge) and Curson Crescent fact killed. Nevertheless, a was realised in South Kilburn, (Harlesden) Associations all where the. Carlton Ward re­ social conscience remains and approved of an all-out rent strike if turned Labour Councillors with munist Party which led some suggest unionising the the council did not capitulate. a bigger majority than pre­ Letters were sent to the Housing the left both as regards militancy immigrants. They deny un­ A mini-cause for concern viously, mainly due to the over salaries and socialist educa­ Minister to show that the council Tenants’ Association. usual brutality or victimisation meeting was unconstitutional and a tional ideas. Till the Hungarian Most of them leave Second­ eager to discuss political of immigrants. b) Only their own militancy will events, indeed, they constituted one large petition covering the whole get them anywhere. M.P. s, of the C. P’s biggest “industrial” ary Moderns, some of them power. They equate ‘politics’ They view demonstrations T h e Black Dwarf borough has been circulated to all Councillors and other officials Associations at the time of writing factions, with hundreds of members. Grammar Schools between the with two-party structure and as opportunities to exercise 7 Carlisle Street London W1 Editorial: 437 5396 Circulation: REG 4837 are useless even in the defence But since then their numbers have ages of 16—18 and become find it boring as they see the control and have a justifiable In the Alpha-Gorefield Associa­ of the tenants, and only their H igh ly C onfidential dropped catastrophically, and both police cadets. Their main two parties as being almost ‘punch-up’, as was evident on tion a collection was taken among Associations can represent Black Dwarf M emorandum tenants and over £25 was collected them. This is not meant as a politically and industrially (they identical, as indeed they are. July 21st, when a large num­ ably assisted the sell out of teachers motives seem to be the desire Tot in a fortnight. This example, plus slight to Labour Councillors to escape boredom or to Corruption, the old-boy-net­ ber of policemen not involved Comrade chief inspector Elwyn Kenneth Jones: SpecialBranch (Black Dwarf Agent No. 666999) the effect of the public meeting, John Lebor and Louise Dunbar, in the 1961 near-strike — the high exercise power. For most of work, privilege, the Queen and in the punch-up stood and Subject: Raid on Black Dwarf Offices, 7 Carlisle Street, W1, Tuesday September 10th. spurred tenants on the nearby who have fought a principled point of teachers militancy in recent years) they have become effete them, the exercise of power, the House of Lords are ALL clapped whenever a demon­ Queens Estate at Queens Park to and exemplary campaign in Well Done, A magnificient effort. You will be glad to learn force their Association to affiliate support of the tenants. among teachers, as elsewhere. however limited, holds a fatal condemned. They longed to strator was ‘downed’. They that subscriptions, offers of help and money poured in and the with the Federation and abandon its As Socialists we should realise This leaves a wide-open field for fascination. They seemed a book Prince Charles’ red mini, also maintained that there was issue sold out. Please pass on our congratulations to your superb team: Inspector John Bretnall Varwioker, Deteotive Sgt* previous policy of avoiding agitation that tenants’ struggles help to the left, which must start again little sheepish when I tried to and believed that “no-one in­ never any police violence. Maurice Anthony Bracken Detective COnstable Edward Mather. and undertaking only social reverse the non-political attitude almost from scratch. Conditions are question them in detail. For cluding the Queen, should be Are the police fascists? Woman P . C. MoGeorge and P . C. Kenneth Larter. activties. many workers have lapsed into since not easy to work in, as schools are them to be accepted involves more equal than others” . Dis­ Certainly all the essential The Molotov Cocktail wall diagram was a first class idea The Association with the most the coming to power of Wilson and small, primary schools having nearer if rather smudgily drawn. This did make it a little difficult to complain about, however, was his gang. As Socialists also we can­ 10 than 20 teachers and frequently doing well in tests involving illusionment with the system ingredients are present. Petit- for the evening television audience of twenty million to read Curson Crescent. Built-pre-war in not ignore any struggle of the work­ less than 10; secondary schools with led to a search for the scape­ bourgeois backgrounds; in­ but I think the basio idea of the design got through. both ‘intelligence’ and aggres­ ing class to defend its rights, and as many as 150 teachers being very That said, there were some features of the raid that Harlesden, this estate is a public sion. Though their training in goat and, to quote the more tense nationalism; total con­ rare and even these fragmented. The disturbed me. Could you have not shown a little more disgrace. Repairs are rarely under­ so-called Marxists who argue that acute, for an ideology. tempt of ‘democracy’ as hierarchical capitalist institution of cludes courses at their local initiative and imagination in the selection of the seized items? taken until it is too late. The “Tenants’ struggles are irrelevant” a school encourages a drift into a technical college, Law and Many believed in dictator­ practised in the West and A letter enquiring where to buy a helmet is all very well in houses are old, cramped, and poorly or “We can’t spare the time or the groove of careerism and conformism; British Constitution, for ship, a few in a police state. antagonism towards working- itself but by itself the effect did seem (and forgive me if designed. Tenants have discovered people for that sort of thing” are, conditions of overcrowding a n d I sound harsh) a bit subtle. True you did seise two posters rats, mice and cockroaches in their in reality, abdicating a role they understaffing encourage any latent example, they treat this essen- As they hated disorganisation class organisations. But only a and the one advertizing a benefit concert for Obi Egbuna on August baths, larders, and on one occasion should be playing. If you won’t sup­ tendency towards a prison-warden’s ially as an irrelevant time- and chaos they thought dic­ few of them are explicitly 24th may yet prove invaluable. But that was all. Apart, of even in their bed. To expect to pay port a tenant in keeping his rent attitude to discipline and a reaction­ filler. Independent enquiry is tatorship would bring discip­ fascist. The rest would need a course, from the wall which certainly did its job. But just down, you can hardly expect him imagine Elwyn, a few old lemonade bottles and a cannister of over a pound a week more for these ary social outlook. discouraged by their officers. line and efficiency. A few fascist movement to which slums seemed beyond all toleration. to support you when you wish to lighter fuel and we might have been able to recall Parliament. But this can change, as other Another estate which could feel go much further! We should say Most of the cadets showed an openly admired Nazi methods they could respond. But we But these are minor criticisms. Thanks to you and your countries show, and the current men all of Gt. Britain now knows about the Black Dwarf and thanks justifiably angered is Chalkhill/ firmly: astonishing and perhaps en­ as wed as policies. should remember one import­ political scene inspires the hope of to the enthusiastic response by our other agents in The Evening Barnhill at Wembley. The houses NOT A PENNY ON THE RENT!! Their analysis in some ant thing: NEVER CALL A speedy change. Bursting in optimisti- couraging failure to grasp the News and all of Gt. Britain now knows about the here pay a so-called “Economic SMASH THE RENT RISES!! c a l l y upon this scene is “RANK & simplest general idea and could ways echoed Naziism: Trade POLICEMAN A FASCIST. Vietnam Demonstration planned for October 26/27. Once again... rent, " which means they are ex­ TENANTS’ CONTROL!! MAKE FILE, an Organ of Progressive only take notes if dictated so Unionism is responsible for A FEW OF THEM MIGHT Well Done Elwyn and many thanks. cluded from government reliefs or THE COUNCIL OPEN ITS Teachers”, whose third issue is out slowly that the average witness economic degeneration and a TAKE IT AS A COMPLI­ signed local rebate schemes and as a BOOKS AND SHOW THE AMOUNT IT PAYS TO THE in mid-September. Its advent in must leave them far behind. failure in the world com­ MENT. result pay between £9 and £12 a April this year struck an immediate week in rents. Now the tenants will MONEYLENDERS!!! Nevertheless they were petitive system. The blacks/ A Teacher. chord, largely among younger socialists who are teachers, but also Compared with human labourers real machines are far more obedient. THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT biggest wave of student demonstrations history has seen. In the same among older militants who have month came the sudden liberation of the Czechoslovakia press, television Unlike labourers, they don’t object to beingfought exploitedsalary and at educational all! Computerized battles and Communist party, In May came the world labour movement’s biggest machines never rebel against their in masters the union and for can years. do mechanical, RANK & The Labour Government is the only democratically-elected ADVERTISEMENT demonstration of workers' power to date: ten million workers spon­ routine jobs far more efficiently thanFILE humans. straddles Under the free two aspects of sovereign authority in Britain. Yet, despite Labour's four-year period in taneously took over the factories of France for nearly a month. Now the the working people themselves will becomethe union the strugglemanagers covered and exploiters, by these office, the employers and bankers still hold the lion’s share of the state same breath of freedom is spreading and battling against conservative managing far more powerfully than somewhat today’s bosses different because sources they of sup­ will power, and are able to use it against the Government. We see this in bureaucracy throughout Eastern Europe, even entering into the Soviet employ mechanical limbs and electronicport—for brains a especially reformed made content by man and the capitalist economic crisis, the wage-freeze obtained by the em­ Union itself. The world’s conservatives — especially the two "Great to be obedient and serve his interestsform unquestionlngly. of education for Trying pupils, to treat and TO ALL LABOUR PARTY COMRADES! ployers, the speculators' attacks and the price and rent rises. On every Powers” — are afraid. They are afraid of their own young and restless people as machines — as units of for ’labour” improved and Instruments teachers’ conditions. for pro­ The Czechoslovak communists are opposed to con­ economic issue, the Labour Government has yielded to the superior force ducing wealth — Is not only a barbarousAn important survival from London the RANK past. It & is of the ruling class. To defeat our rulers nationally, we wil need a revolu­ people much more than of each other. servatism and reaction in the West as much as to con­ also inefficient, and, in the long run FILE Impossible. meeting The will peoplebe held willon Friday, always tion. This should be bloodless and constitutional, provided the employers The revolution's aim is this: workers’ control. Victory will make rebel, 27th September, at Conway Hall, servatism and reaction in the East. They can receive no don’t use violence. workers free not only in streets and at meetings, but in their own places Under free Communism, GovernmentRed will Lion become Square, omnipotent. at 7-30 p. m.There to “ support” from any capitalist government, or from NATO, of work. Workers will hire and fire their own managements, as was By a Government Enabling Act if need be, all remaining industries will be no people, only machines anddiscuss things, the way to govern. ahead to The building Labour a or from any opponent of world communism. Even Britain’s beginning to happen in Czechoslovakia before the Kremlin bureacrats and political power must be taken from the capitalist class. Without this Government In this country will, throughstrong a revolution, left wing becomeamong teachers, all-powerful and moved in their tanks — afraid that such freedom would spread into Labour government cannot support them, if it remains a power, the Government can do litte to freeze rents or prices, raise wages — because “ Labour” , i. e. the workingto people elect aas representative a whole, wil themselves committee. government dominated by capitalism. BEFORE OUR through a fair incomes policy, or impose order and security on the Russia. all join the Government, and become All the Government. teachers who Through read machines this are LABOUR GOVERNMENT CAN SUPPORT THE FREE COM­ economy. Given the state power, the Government could, at the very “ Trotskyists” — mainly young people in Eastern and Western for communicating, like television, satellitesinvited to and come. London’s G.P.O. tower, MUNISTS OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, IT MUST JOIN THEM IN least, do all it has promised for the working class. Europe_are the inspiration behind events in both France and Czecho­ Government everywhere will become world-wide and all-powerful, since THEIR STRUGGLE FOR COMMUNIST FREEDOM. It must In a month’s time we could be beginning to plan production scien­ slovakia. Their ideal is free and word-wide Communism. Their enemies the only things to be governed will be the unresisting machines. are both United States Imperialism and the Kremlin bureaucrats. disarm the bosses, ARM THE WORKERS FOR SELF- tifically, without waste. This would produce an immediate doubling of exports and a doubling of living standards, on the basis of a working WORKERS! STUDENTS! HOUSEWIVES! DEFENCE, strengthen itself against the establishment and The United Slates Imperialists fear revolution because it would week of thirty hours or less. We would all have time to educate ourselves deprive them of their multi-million-dollar investments all over the world. capitalism in every way necessary, and NATIONALIZE THE in management, distribution, design, etc. This advertisement has been paid for by the "Lenin The Kremlin bureaucrats were afraid of the French revolution because Club’s” Campaign for a Stronger Labour Government. We 200 MONOPOLIES UNDER WORKERS’ CONTROL In other they knew that if it succeeded, it could not be controlled from Moscow All tenants would be given the houses they are living in as their own are trying to raise £10,000 for a series of advertisements in words, it must become in practice what it is in name: i.e. a — without further rent or other payments to make. They have a right to and would spread the torch of workers’ control into East Europe and real Labour Government. It Is true that this will mean civil own their houses since most tenants have paid for them already in rents. Russia. So they helped De Gaulle stamp it out. the National Press. If you would like to help trade unionists provide the TUC and the Labour Party with an alternative war. As TROTSKY wrote (in “Where is Britain Going? ”) “ it Present owner-occupiers (subject to the agreement of Tenants’ Associa­ Workers’ control does not mean that management and managers s necessary to understand clearly that if a real Labour tions would be left with their own houses, with mortgages annulled. The will be abolished. On the contrary. Under a free Communist system, all and more powerful government, please send 10/- to John Government came to power in Britain even in the most untra- funds of loan sharks would be confiscated without compensation. In­ workers will become managerial workers. Growing automation and Crook (treasurer of the Lenin Club), 47 Quarry Rd., Tun­ surance companies like the Prudential would be taken over. Under­ “ computerization” demands that work itself should become PRIMARILY bridge Wells, Kent. BRING ALL POWER TO THE WORKING democratic manner, a civil war would be revealed as utilized buildings such as Buckingham Palace, country mansions, etc. vitable. The Labour Government would be compelled to the enjoyable work of controlling and managing production. The job of CLASS, THE TRADES UNION CONGRESS AND THE would be wholly or partially taken over and utilized, after consultation management will be much easier after the revolution because only oppress the opposition of the privileged classes. ” But we with their present occupants on a comradely basis. LABOUR GOVERNMENT, TO UNITE BRITAIN WITH machines, not people, will have to be managed. All people will be on the FRANCE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES IN have no need to fear class war: throughout the world, ours THIS YEAR HAS SEEN THE OUTBREAK OF REVOLUTION ALL OVER the management side. Managers, instead of having to treat people as the winning side. THE WORLD. In March was the unprecedented gold crisis and the if they were machines, will only have to deal with real real machines. A SOCIALIST UNITED STATES OF EUROPE! THE BLACK DWARF 13. 5 3 Comrades: Cast away your soiled shirts

In one of J. B. Priestley’s time- pre-1920 British Marxist groups, and BY fellow-Marxists and, in due course, plays, the characters pull themselves replacing them with a good deal of help build a new revolutionary I’m a French student and I If they agree with the sentiments wherever we can. it’s difficult to out of the rut of their previous exis­ made-in-Moscow nonsense, such as . listened to you when you talked we express we ask them to write tell the results of this — doubtless tences by a supreme act of will. They the, theory of ‘social-fascism’ to ex­ The British CP, it is now glaringly between the lions of Trafalgar something on the paper, so that the leaflets are read and sink into change their lives for the better— plain the Labour Party, and the PETER FRYER apparent, should never have been Square; i bought your Black Dwarf. in a short time we have built up a the consciousness, but it’s difficult but they feel ‘rather cold, small, remarkable programme For Soviet formed in the first place. Its histori­ And I read at the chapter wall magazine of passers by’s to assess the feedback in any lonely’, like men ‘suddenly bom into Britain (1935). cal role has been to divert two “ Letters” a letter of Mr. Rubinstein comments about the war and its positive way. With this method of a strange new world’. Following the 7th and last World generations of British would-be with “ orthodoxy” as a title. wider implications. In a very short getting out where the public Similar feelings are currently grip­ Congress of the Communist Inter­ revolutionaries into a political fron­ I wish this Mr. Rubinstein could time, we have built up a living goes, we do have some positive ping the British Communist Party, national in 1935, and the turn to a tier guard—pathetically incompetent have been with the groups of stu­ newspaper that might say some­ indication of people’s feeling about whose condemnation of the Soviet ‘popular front' policy, the party and ineffective—on behalf of the dents who met the workers thing like this: the war, and also about ourselves. invasion of Czechoslovakia is its first gradually cast aside, not only the Soviet leaders. occupying their factory (And I We also hope to run folk serious public disagreement with the nonsense, but also everything that “ The Vietcong are still fighting. We can’t, of course, turn the clock don’t talk about Paris where it was nights on overspil estates where CPSU. After 48 years, the world is “ The Americans ought to go had ever made it a revolutionary back to 1920. What we can do is the most spectacular). kids have nowhere to go in the suddenly strange and new for the party. home and leave them alone. set our hands to the job that should A lot of workers weren’t on strike evening. This has not been done British communists. Some things, to be sure, it cast “ If they want Communism let have been done in 1920, but wasn’t. for an importance of wages. The yet (mainly due to my own incom­ The party has violated its deepest aside temporarily — but just long them have it. It’s no business of And do this, perhaps, as sadder but syndicates said that, but the syndi­ petence! ) but should yet yield taboo. It is in a state of shock. But: enough, and firmly enough, to the Yanks” . wiser men. cates had never called for a strike. useful results when we do get to realize just how big a shock it damage its standing in the eyes of its In due course a revolutionary When they were on their own “ Good luck to them, I say. around to it. has given itself, we must study its allies on the Left. Thus, anti-fascism socialist party will take shape in factory and kept it working We are convinced in Manchester history. went into cold storage between “ I don’t like them burning Britain. Communists, along with (because for reasons of security a babies” . that the only way to build a strong This is something the party itself October 1939 and June 1941 (i.e., other Marxists, could and should lot of factories can’t be stopped .... and so on. political movement of support for has never been willing to do. Tom before Hitler’s attack on the USSR); now be discussing its programme, the Vietcong, with the overtones of like Electricity-controls, Petrol The political comment is often Bell’s short history, published in and anti-conservatism was tem­ principles, a n d organisational in this country that that refineries, and so on), they realised at a fairly low level — but what 1937, was bitterly attacked for its porarily in cold storage for several methods—and how it can be built. position must imply, is to get work­ they could easily go without bosses the hell, it’s not a Marxist discus­ sectarianism by Allen Hutt, who months before the 1945 general If the British CP tries to stand ing-class support for the political and all the factory-police system. sion group, it's a newspaper made questioned the wisdom of any election, when the party was calling, in the Way of this necessary re­ position of the VSC. No-one seems The factories have never been so up by the people themselves. ‘separate History of the Communist not for a Labour victory over the groupment and reorientation of the to have any clear idea of how best clean and so well-kept. And there If people disagree with the paper, Party at this stage’. Tories, but for a ‘new National Gov­ Left and (if I may so express it) we do this, but I think that in Man­ was a lot of problems especially of well then we talk to them and try That was 31 years ago. Since ernment’. this reawakening of the revolution­ chester we might have hit on a stockage (There was no traffic and show them why we’re cam­ then, the zigs and zags in party Other fundamentals were cast aside ary conscience in Britain—then it fairly good idea. If people in other any more). They realised they paigning. Occasionally, you get a policy have been still more for good. ‘Unofficial’ industrial will speedily join the ILP in the parts of the country have comment could control the factories. really stroppy bugger who’s just numerous, and more embarrassing, activity was curbed in the late ranks of the political fossils. on how they’re going about it, we A lot of workers and particularly out to wreck what you’re trying to than before. For new recruits, de­ thirties, and the party has never If, on the other hand, it makes should be very pleased to hear tailed party history always begins at taken kindly to it since. Workers’ in Renault thought about more do, but in general people who do its first truly independent political than a rise in wages or a change from them. the last big turn, and what hap­ councils, proletarian revolution, and HARRY POLLITT act its last, it will have done some­ stop are willing to chat. of President of the Republic. Of David A. Clark. pened before that is fed to them in the dictatorship of the proletariat thing to atone for half a century If people seem genuinely the form of myths about heroes. All were abandoned in The British Road course because of the propaganda interested, we give them a leaflet of theoretical decay and practical they were often talking about MAO ON THE UNITED FRONT great. All, alas, dead. to Socialism (adopted in January been. If King Street and the Daily a bit further, and study its appalling misleadership. about Vietnam and ask them if we "Adventurists” and “ pro-Chinese” ; Historical documents are grossly 1951). Worker (as it then was) had taken history (and I mean appalling: only can send someone to their Trade Dear Comrades, On the eve of the Russian revolu­ but it doesn’t matter when it’s just tampered with—as the two volumes But one thing the party had an independent line 12 years ago, at study its history, Comrades, and you Union, Youth Cub, school or what­ I think the greatest lesson to be tion Lenin called on social-democrats a question of words, they had al­ of Harry Pollitt’s Selected Articles always held firm to: its unswerving the time of the Hungarian revolu­ will be appalled, outraged, sickened) (as Marxists then styled themselves) ever to speak to them. We sell learnt from July 21st is that an­ most the same purposes (without and Speeches (1953-54) were silently loyalty to the Soviet Union. And tion, the British CP might, just pos­ may well ask: Since the CP has booklets, NLF bags, papers and other one or two demos such as to ‘cast off the soiled shirt’ of their knowing it). ‘corrected’ in many places by their this, as King Street interpreted it, sibly, have developed into a serious junked its last remaining shibboleth, anything that we think people that one, which was pointlessly hopelessly compromised, pro- In Renault they said they wanted editor Emile Burns—to conform to meant supporting (in public, at any force on the Left. why shouldn't it take the logical imperialist - war, social - democratic might be interested in. Occasion­ violent, will lose any support our a 1, 000Fr. wage because they knew the current line. rate) everything said and done by But they have left it too late, these next step, and dissolve the party ally people join VSC — we had cause may have among the label. Let real revolutionaries that the capitalist system couldn’t Thus members are denied the whoever happened to be in power in aging leaders of an aging party. The altogether? five join yesterday and some masses. proudly acknowledge themselves as give it to them. Some workers data on which they might profitably the Kremlin at any given moment. young people who have been coming With the CP dissolved, its mem­ communists, Lenin wrote. financial donations from sympa­ Therefore I think it important would have been ready to defend question their leaders’ past wisdom, Now this last bastion has been into Left-wing politics in the past bers would be free as individuals to Fifty years later, the British CP thisers. Above all, we meet some that the whole Vietnam movement their factory with weapons in case infallibility, and devotion to the abandoned. Of the aims and prin­ few years regard the CP as a bit of go Rightwards or Leftwards, as is such another soiled shirt. So great blokes — shop stewards, old moves its emphasis from demon­ British working class. ciples that brought the party into a joke, a bit of a nuisance, and a they chose. No doubt a lot of them of fascist or CRS attacks, all over time socialists from the days of strations to canvassing more sup­ soiled, that no amount of washing the country. Now, the British CP spent its first being in 1920, not one remains in bit of a bore. Neither what it says would feel at home in the Labour will restore it to its original shade the ILP, student activists, port so that it goes from strength Everywhere there were workers, 15 years ‘bolshevizing’ itself. This anything resembling its original nor the way it says it seem to have Party. Others, freed from hatchet- of red. apprentices and young workers. to strength. We have shown that strikes appeared (Post-office, fac­ entailed, among other things, ex­ shape. much relevance.. . . men breathing down their necks Better, dear Comrades of the We take their names and addresses power lies in the street but this tories, university-kitchen, and even punging all the traditions carried It’s easy, and generally pointless, Young Marxists who carry this with warnings about ‘disruptive ele­ Communist Party, to cast it away. and intend to follow them up with is USELESS without the support of the Folies-Bergeres). You can be over into the new party from the to dream about what might have reasonably sceptical view of the CP ments’, would join forces with their And get on with the real work. regular notification of VSC activity. the masses. sure that for a lot of people there In doing this, we’ve learnt quite To those who were involved in was the desire for social change. a few things that people elsewhere battles on July 21st, I quote Chair­ For students it was quite cer­ might like to know. I know that a man Mao on the United Front in tain; and a lot have discovered and ot of VSC groups wonder what on Cultural Work:— approved of the policy of Chair­ earth to do to build up grass roots "All work done for the masses Sabotage the Mexico Olympics man Mao. More than 30,000 copies support and reject so many plans must start from their needs and of the Red Book have been sold that they end up doing nothing at not from the desire of any indi­ Gordon Peters in the Sorbonne. Now there is an all. The first point is, strangely vidual, HOWEVER WELL-INTEN­ army of real revolutionary students, enough — do it. A time comes just TIONED. It often happens that ob­ Few self-perpetuating maxims the proper alternative to wanking lads who have "made it” . In the Open brimmed with the joys of youth in attempts to hit the big even if they’ve got to improve them­ before you go out, when you don’t jectively the masses need a certain have received as little criticism as are familiar to all readers of boys’ old days, those who made it got a rags to riches. Most subtly time. And many hundreds of selves. want to do it, you find any excuse change but subjectively they are the notion that sport is a non­ magazines of the turn of the pub or a sports outfitters. A step corrupting, but affecting directly thousands, by associating them­ But if there wasn't a revoutionary for staying in the pub at lunchtime not yet willing or determined to political activity. It has, so far as century. But sport is not only a up, anyway. George Best’s many more people, is the same selves with black stars, castrate situation as Mr. Rubinstein says, and not getting out. But, once make the change. In such cases I know, never been mooted that prophylactic to such upper class boutique is only a change in style, promise provided by the gambling themselves politically. it was for subjective ones. Workers you’ve started, the nerves go we should wait patiently. We the whole business might be totally obsessions: a couple of years ago not kind. industry. It’s no longer that the It will be a courageous act for have been lacking a real leadership pretty quickly and if you find that should not make the change until, undesirable. the revival of Sunderland’s football There were, of course, a very family is likely to be directly ruined a black runner to face the storm for over 15 years; and that was the it’s fairly easy after all, even if you through our work, most of the There are at least four grounds team was seriously reported as a large number who didn’t make it. through gambling, just that its of execration which will greet him reason of their being asleep. It are a bit shy. People are generally masses have become conscious in which sport is generally major factor in the ‘high morale” They are, perhaps, fewer now, but whole attitude to life — and to if he stays out of the Olympic was more easy for students to dis­ surprised that you actually want to of the need and are willing and objectionable. of Tyneside when that area’s un­ still around; punchy boxers, leisure — is perverted by the cover the real nature of the PCF team, or otherwise disrupts the talk to them about politics and determined to carry it out. Other­ 1) It encourages the “ competi­ employment rate was around ten cricketers picking up a bit of illusion of wealth at the end of the Mexican Games. It may turn out (Parti “ Communiste” Francais) that you’re not trying to sell them wise we shall isolate ourselves tive spirit’. per cent. coaching work, footballers mixing rainbow. because they are young and too much to ask — and the white something. A lot of them just walk from the masses. Unless they are 2) As at present organised, it You might argue that this effect part-time play in a minor league Another area where sports are haven’t known it when it was a press will claim the movement is on and won’t stay — there’s no conscious and willing, any kind of encourages the crudest forms of sport is beneficial if the end with labouring. Brian Statham, used to suggest that all is well great party. They had no loyalty a paper tiger. point in chasing them because work that requires their partici­ of nationalism. results are desirabe, for instance the "-model” cricketer, found him­ with the system, the Olympics, has to it, and above all they were not But they will be wrong: the im­ there’s always someone else pation will turn out to be a mere 3) The emphasis of physical fit­ that the application of Maoist self on the dole during the winter. just at last come under attack. The much influenced by its pacifist and pact of the proposals has already coming by who might be interested. formality and will fail. ” ness is essentially militarist. principles and enthusiasm to table Albert Scanlon, of Manchester Project for Human Rights, most surrendering ideas. It wasn’t quite reached far beyond the surface Also, we found it best not to shout This is why I think that although 4) The idea of “ mens Sana in tennis is positively beneficial. United after Munich, forced to the associated with the proposed boy­ the same among workers; we must ripples; not only the American at people and create a song and demos are useful, we must mount I corpore sano” (with its over­ However, particularly in profes­ top before he was ready for it, cott of the U.S. Olympic team by know that the real revolutionary sporting establishment, but the dance — you get much further a massive campaign to inform the tones that the beautiful are sional sport in the western world, works in a steel mill. Randolph black athletes, but with other workers were a minority: but a lot whole caboodle coud come crash­ by just generally chatting about masses of the struggle of the good) is Fascist. the end results are highly un­ Turpin lost a fortune and killed strings to its bow including the re- were in advance of the revisionist ing if the message isn’t heeded this and that. Also, a lot of people Vietnamese and to link it to that But, in society now, there is a desirable. At best, it offers the himself. Not everybody gets on the instatement of Mohammad Ali, theories. For example, when that the people can’t be fooled all are genuinely concerned and of the British Working Class. This more important objection: sport working class a spurious “ escape gravy train by attachment to the points out that the alleged and the time. thousands and thousands of pleased to see you — a good indi­ could be done by local groups now serves as a major opiate of route” from its toils. The com­ monopolistic Bagenal Harvey. vaunted "integration” in the sports workers were asking for wages to It would be ironic, but should cation of this came last week (VSC, IS, YCL, etc. ) holding the people. placence and general reactionari- Yet the few successes are used arena is phoney. correspond to the rising price of not be surprising, if “ non-political” when a silly old woman tried to street meetings with speakers There are, of course, strong ness of top sportsmen is hardly to justify the system. At its crudest, For a black athlete, there are living, they were asking for the sports, because they have been so tear down the newspapers and the putting our case coherently and links between sport and religion. surprising when it is remembered the headlines when Lee Trevino even few who make it. But many negation of capitalism, which gives little considered, turn out to be­ people standing around said “No, also by greatly stepping up The cold tub and a brisk run as that they are mostly working cass won this year’s American Golf thousands waste their precious something with one hand and takes come revolutionary flashpoint. let them alone: We agree with propaganda. it back with the other. them: It’s a free country and so Bruce Robinson. No there wasn’t a revolutionary on”. 55 Chitern Court, Baker Street. situation: Mr. Rubinstein is right. We haven’t had any trouble ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED But he is quite wrong when he des­ from the police at all. We try not to WESTERN FALLACY First Aid for October. October cribes the people as a flock of create an obstruction, we stick the “LABOUR’S POWER” SAYS — Just Published As a regular reader of this paper 26th may be somewhat violent. reformists. It’s a revisionist idea paper on the wall with drafting BACK THE ENGINEERS WITH EVERYTHING! CONTEMPORARY ISSUES I feel I must write this letter so For those who might be injured or not to trust the masses. tape so that we can take it off if Vol. 13, No. 51, September, 1968 that the whole of the next issue crushed by the mob or whatever, I support your movement and I need be, and one is allowed to OUR PROGRAMME FOR THE LABOUR PARTY: will not be devoted to propagating a group is organising a first-aid set wish you’ll get lots of success. take collections within earshot of a DISARM THE BOSSES! an already near-universal Western Boycott the Invaders of Czechoslovakia! up which will involve on the spot Fraternally, public meeting, though even here, 2 , 000 Words. fallacy. This concerns the Russian ALL ARMS, INDUSTRIES AND POWER TO first-aid and removal to field A Student Under Restraint. one has to be careful. I suspect motivations for entering Czechos­ THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT! hospitals. We need: Sympathetic that if a constable did tell us to lovakia. First I would like to say Foreshadowings of a New World—Reflections Suggested doctors and nurses, anyone who move on, we would, having first by the Students’ Movement and the Events in France... Andrew Maxwell that the Czech politicians and 1. End the wage-freeze—make the bosses pay. has a van and will drive for us, and WHAT IS AND CAN BE DONE! asked the crowd that gathers to people are genuine in their desire 2. IMMEDIATE RENT-FREEZE. bread possible from £5 to 1/6 We spend an immense amount come with us and made a general Black Panther Party for Self-Defense Documents ...... Eldridge Cleaver for a more liberal system of Disarm the bosses and arm the workers for self-defence. P.O’s., information about possible of time talking to each other — appeal to them. I don’t think that 3. Kathleen Cleaver, etc. Marxist socialism. However, since halls, pads, etc. for use as field International Socialists go to Com­ the police would have a leg to 4. STRIP THE LORDS AND THE CROWN OF POWER, January, through no real fault of hospitals, and anything else you munist Party meetings, the stand on if they did try and nick AND BRING ALL POWER IN THE STATE TO THE Release Cleaver Campaign—A Report the Czech government’s consider­ On The Greek Coup ...... a Student of Greek Society can think of yourself. If you can Anarchists and the International us, but as they haven’t tried at all WORKING CLASS, THE TRADES UNION CONGRESS help in any way, pease write to Marxist Group work together with I don’t expect they bother very able numbers of CIA agents and West German reactionary forces of AND THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT. Comment on “On The Greek Coup” ...... Lionel Robertson Cindy Scott, c/o IT, 22 Betterton the Maoists and IS, the YCL goes much. a similar nature have been Infil­ 5. New elections throughout the Labour movement to change Street, WC2. to VSC meetings and so on. This As the mobilisation for the is all to the good and helps us all trating Czechoslovakia in an leaders where necessary. Monkey Number Nine ...... Basil Druittt October demonstration gets under to find new ways of working way, we intend to have these wall attempt to pervert the people’s NATIONALIZE THE 200 MONOPOLIES UNDER Rehearsal for the Referendum. 6. Come and record your vote against together, find common ground for magazines all over the show, desire for reform. This situation WORKERS’ CONTROL. the Greek dictatorship outside the discussion and helps to clear up building up support at grass roots the Russians pointed out to the 7. End unemployment by sharing out the work. (Insert: Leaflet on Biafra) Greek Embassy, 51 Upper Brook points of difference. But, too often level. We can go to the markets Czechs at Cierna and asked the we find that this becomes the and make them, the shopping Czechs to expel or eliminate these 8. NO PAY BELOW £30 OR ABOVE £60 PER WEEK. 3/6 Post Free from 81 Old Park Ridings, London, N.21 Street, W1, on Sunday, September totality of our activity. centres outside the libraries and Western agents. The Czechs pre­ 9. Automate, computerize and plan all production. 22nd, at 3 p. m. LONDON GROUP FOR THE RESTORATION OF In an attempt to find new ways anywhere where people congre­ sumably undertook this but the 10. EXTEND REVOLUTION TO EAST AND WEST DEMOCRACY IN GREECE. of putting across our ideas to a gate. Our feeling is that we pro­ Russian invasion indicates that the EUROPE. larger society, Manchester VSC bably do more with the two or Czechs were either unsuccessful, has been trying out the technique three hundred people that we can or, more likely, made no serious attempt to stamp out this menace PIONEER Book Service of going to a street market and speak to in one afternoon than any WORKERS! number of crazy advantures down to their country. This is the main THIS IS OUR PROGRAMME. IF YOU AGREE WITH IT, “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung”. In most languages Sells Marxist Literature; finding a quiet spot where we stick Now only 2/6 per copy Post paid. Early and late Trotsky pam­ a large sheet of paper on to a Park Lane. We also feel that when reason for the Russian invasion. ATTEND YOUR TRADE UNION AND LABOUR PARTY phlets, Cuban literature, wall. We then write on the top of the only opinions that people Perhaps if we could see all the | MEETINGS AND HELP US TO PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. Intercontinental Press, Vive the paper "The Vietcong are still receive are those from the ditches in Czechoslovakia we 20 or more copies—10% discount. “Inside story of Tibet”’ by Che badges, etc. For Free IF YOU ARE A UNIVERSITY STUDENT, SUPPORT THE fighting” . Then, about three or four Bourgeois press (The “ Daily would see a couple of hundred CIA R. D. Senanayake 3/- per copy post paid. Catalogue write to: Pioneer UNIVERSITIES’ CAMPAIGN FOR A STRONGER LABOUR Book Service, 8 Toynbee St., of us stop people as they walk Express” sells 5 million, the men lying in a grave they hardly London, E.1. past and say, “ Excuse me, what do “ Morning Star” 60, 000) then it is deserve. They deserve a sewer for GOVERNMENT. Selections of Afro-Asian Caricatures, anti-imperialism. 6/- per you think of that? ” If they stop and a good thing if we can get and it is they by the provocation of PLEASE SEND ME “LABOUR’S POWER” WEEKLY copy post paid. chat — and a lot do — we just talk about and push our line to at least their attempted exploitation of the FOR THE NEXT 6 (OR 3) MONTHS. I ENCLOSE to them about Vietnam, about a section of the public. situation who may have endan­ We specialise in the printing We have tried other methods of gered Czech . The United £1 (OR 10/-). of underground and other news- Imperialism and the wage freeze, BAILEY CHINA CULTURAL CO., LTD, papers. (We are proud to print about the situation generally. We getting support in the past: Leaflets States have done it again! Long Name ...... “The Black Dwarf”. ) Most econo­ don't talk at them or shout or hold at the factory gate, outside the live Dubcek and the Czech people! Address ...... ;...... 54 MILL ROAD, CAMBRIDGE. mical price in Britain. Broad a public meeting, we merely chat branch meetings of the Unions and John Macdonald. sheets — letterpress; litho — with the passers by in the market. also speaking to organisations The Chase, Chigwell Row, Essex. tabloids, including German at no To: P. O. Box 12, Black Dwarf, 7 Carlisle Street, W. l. ( extra cot. —Chappie Ltd., Bala. N. Wales. Tel: Bala 429. 4 THE BLACK DWARF 13-5

Havana and Prague PRAGUE By Fred Halliday about to be overthrown? Fidel’s 21 AUGUST 1968 Fidel’s support for the invasion of arguments do not prove it, because Brian Laver Czechoslovakia has dismayed many much of what he mentions as hap­ supporters of the Cuban revolution. pening in Czechoslovakia has been When the Russians began firing from heavy calibre machine guns and The Cubans have openly criticised happening, more or less, in the other light automatic weapons at the National Museum about 11 a. m. on the Russians on previous occasions countries of the Warsaw Pact. Wednesday the 21st August, the first day of occupation, there were only —over the withdrawal of missiles in Novdia Dubcek’s reforms amount ten of us in the rooms of the Union of the Czechoslovak Students. 1962, over the policy of Communist to a drift towards imperialism. The I had met some of them a cations of this occupation for Parties in Latin America and and on Soviet Union is also prepared to month before and had helped them socialism and especially how it the nature of economic relations trade with the West. Revolutionaries explain the development of socialist could be solved with the regaining between Cuba and the rest of the in the West may disagree with the humanism in their country, to the of independence. Most were very socialist camp. In addition, the policies of the Dubcek government; students and young workers from pessimistic of the outcome. They Cubans were well informed on the but there is no evidence that they the other established European knew that no demonstrations in the nature of events in Czechoslovakia. were moving towards capitalism! socialist countries in Sofia, Bulgaria. West could help. They were pleased Granina published the reports of And even though there were anti­ At the Youth Festival the Russians, however when reports came in that both Eastern and Western news- socialist and anti-Soviet tendencies the East Germans and the Bul­ such manifestations were taking agencies before and after the inva­ these will only have been strength­ garia had been especially uncom­ place. They were even more pleased sion; the Czech government de­ ened by the re-imposition of Soviet municative. Only isolated revolu­ to see that they were being led by nunciation of the invasion was also control. tionary Marxist students had been socialist revolutionaries under the published and the Czech technicians What is even more fundamental receptive to the Czech experiment slogan “Socialism yes — Stalinism in Havana were allowed to hold a is whether the Russian action had of socialist democratisation. We no”. At Sofia they had expressed public demonstration to condemn it. anything to do with socialism at all. went to the conference together. I to me that the Western revolution­ There is no point in saying that The Russians have not got a con­ helped them formulate and paint in ary socialist forces well understood the Cubans were forced to support sistently socialist foreign policy. huge bulk letters on the side of their what they were doing. Some outside the Russians because economic pres­ They are fixated by the—largely festive train MARX IS ALIVE IN the Communist Party, or “unaligned” sure was brought to bear on them. nonexistent danger of West Ger­ PRAHA. When we left Sofia for as they say, saw their possibility of This has not prevented them from many. As Fidel points out the num­ Prague, they were concerned with a new socialist-freedom orientated denouncing the Soviets in the past; ber one enemy is US imperialism, the lack of understanding from party destroyed. Most agreed that and it did not prevent them from and yet the countries of Eastern their socialist brothers but all of to protect their socialist experiment doing So now either. Fidel quite cor­ Europe are trying to conciliate it. them were certain that Russia would they had to extend their political rectly drew a series of important Nor are the Russians interested in not interfere with their independent ideas into the other member states conclusions from the Soviet inter­ developing socialism at home. Their experiment. of the Warsaw Bloc. Only a political vention in Czechoslovakia necessary. position, domestically and inter­ revolutionizing process in these A sense of disbelief penetrated totalitarian systems could lead to a Dubcek was correcting real mistakes nationally, is defensive. the room that morning, more this, and c r im e s committed by his permanent position of safety. They The lesson is clear: the rulers of than anger, even when the bullets Stalinist predecessors. Fidel de­ had begun this before the occupa­ the Soviet Union are always willing tore into their national monument nounced in particular the loss of tion — in fact they believe, and so to act when their own interests are at the top of Wenceslas Square. contact between the masses and the do I, that this is the main reason for threatened, but not in order to ad­ They had been in action already leadership and the disapearance of the Soviet occupation. What was vance socialism. The amount they that morning distributing leaflets in socialist ideals after twenty years of certain was that before the occupa­ are prepared to give the Cubans and Russian to the troops asking them bureaucratic rule. tion this radicalization of their Vietnamese is nothing compared to sadly “why they had come”. Many For the Cubans it is the deformed society, by a dispersal of power, did what they are prepared to spend in knew the answer, but they were sure external policies of the socialist not mean a split in the Warsaw sending 650, 000 troops into Czecho­ the Russian soldiers did not. The countries which they feel most military alliance. Now many thought slovakia. Russian replies revealed th e ir intensely: the countries of Eastern that only a split led by a withdrawal We could support Fidel if we stupidity and rationalization. They of Polish forces, and the attempt Europe, including the Soviet Union, were there to defend the Czecho­ are too conciliatory to imperialism accepted the political argument that finally to isolate Russia, would lead socialism was threatened in Czecho­ slovak country from West German to their continued independence. and too selfish to the under­ imperialism and counter-revolution­ slovakia, and that the Russian inter­ The students had hoped that this developed socialist states. They aries. The students argued that the vention protected it. We could liberation of man Within a socialist openly attacked the Russians for this Czech army was capable of that. The in 1965, and Fidel reiterates this support the Russians if this were so concept of society could have been students explained that almost no­ achieved without fighting. They con­ point. He shows that if the Russians and if they drew the socialist con­ body wanted a return to capitalism get thee behind me, Stalin stantly called for talks. But now the are prepared to suppress counter­ sequences of it: if they gave massive, — that what had happened since easy willingness of the Russians to revolution in Czechoslovakia they free, aid to Cuba, Vietnam and January was a return to fundamental commit such an overt act of op­ should stop trading with the puppet China; if they adopted a more Marxist-humanist principles, dis­ pression, was seen by many, regret­ regimes of Latin America and sup­ militant stand towards US im­ torted for 20 years by conservative fully, that they would have to fight port armed struggle in those coun­ perialism; and if they developed a Communists. To this there was in­ militarily for their freedom. Thus tries. He also points out that there democratic system at home. But evitably no reply. Maybe a paternal Roger Smith slogans like “Vietnam — USA — | is no genuine internationalism in these are largely dreams at the WHAT IS STALINISM? smile and a “one day you will CCCP" b e g a n appearing. The Eastern Europe. Although he does present moment. appreciate why we came” or just an invasion of Czechoslovakia. message was clear — now two not mention this explicitly, the The Cubans are clearly in a diffi­ The recent intervention of Soviet De-Stalinisation and Peaceful co­ The rise of the bureaucracy and order from an officer to his men to its embodiment in Stalin must be The Czech ruling beureaucracy imperialisms would have to be con­ Cubans have known for some years cult position. Russia is the only troops into Czechoslovakia poses existence were heralded by Party move on. moves towards liberalising policies fronted at the same time — perhaps of the way in which Czechs have hope they have. They represent the critical questions for the inter­ Members who saw no contradiction seen in the context of the historical which undoubtedly veered towards This propaganda work by the soon by the same methods. Some wanted to cut their aid to Cuba. brightest hope for socialism through­ national workers’ movement. The in their previous silence over the processes of the Soviet revolution. the capitalist road yet at the same students were consciously planned wanted to fight immediately but Much of the material supplied to out the world and are more con­ bourgeois press have had a field day decades. Several factors lead to this expres­ time opened up the possibility of from the beginning in an attempt to were won by the logic of playing all Cuba has been bad: and he reveals scious than any of us of the dangers of aligning themselves with the Such analyses are crude, reflect­ sion; the inheritance of an indus­ opposition and dissent. The Stalin­ undermine the morale of the their political cards — by now most for the first time that Yugoslavia of imerialism. Our reaction should “heroic struggles of the Dubcek ing a good man-bad man theory of trially backward state posed serious ists in the Kremlin responded with soldiers. They were not optimistic of them have been exhausted. Most was prepared to sell arms to Batista not be to disassociate ourselves from regime” . The discredited British history. problems; the failure of the German tanks and the liberal Stalinists of that they would achieve their results were firm that they would accept no in 1958 but refused to sell arms to them. They have not “sold out”, nor Labour Party miraculously found a By Stalinism we mean the bureau­ revolution of T9 intensified these the Czech regime were forced to but they argued that resistance compromise and in this sense would the Revolutionary Government in do they support the justificatory lies conscience after years of silence cratic state, a deformation of the problems; and isolated the first workers’ state; internally the con­ compromise. They cannot shift from action was necessary to maintain be to the left of Dubcek should he 1959. put out by Tass. The task is, as over Vietnam and even paraded workers’ state, a dictatorship of the tradictions between the peasantry the axis of repression. Now Dubcek the morale of young people. They do so. In fact most young people There is much in Fidel’s speech Fidel does, to withdraw the political their cynicism in Hyde Park. The bureaucracy rather than the dictator­ and the proletariat brought to the for all his tears is forced to confront had by no means a monopoly of in Czechoslovakia are inspired by T h a t revolutionary socialists in lessons of the Czech events. His sup­ British Communist Party, still silent ship of the proletariat, a degenera­ forefront economic contradictions the people with an unsatisfactory this work. The citizens of Prague Cisar, who they ran as a candidate Western Europe can support. He port for the Russians, far from over the arrests of Left Wing Stu­ tion of the principles of Bolshevik at their sharpest. In the cities the compromise. With a whole people spontaneously massed around tanks for president against Svoboda. They draws the correct lessons from the representing the abandonment by dent leaders in France, found them­ Leninism. proletariat strove to consolidate and mobilised decisions were still taken and armoured cars sometimes using were heartened to hear he had intervention; he makes a thorough Cuba of its revolutionary position, selves unable to align themselves What we saw in the Soviet Union develop their gains, while in the behind closed doors by the leading the language of harassment, some­ escaped from his Russian captors critique of the bureaucratic state. is in his opinion a consistent and with their old scoutmasters, while under Stalin was the rise of the countryside the kulaks and back­ bureaucrats. And Dubcek could times using language designed to and was underground. It is necessary But the central issue is less clear: militant reaffirmation of it. We can, their French counterparts, who in bureaucracy, the turn away from ward elements of the peasantry only offer the people the advice, find an entry through the well- to say that many are to the left of was socialism in Czechoslovakia nevertheless, disagree. May betrayed a revolution and internationalism to nationalism, handed back occupied factories to from the world revolutionary move­ turned towards counter-revolution “Avoid trouble and leave the job instilled Pravda cliches. The unique­ Cisar. the bourgeoisie, voiced their inde­ ment. and capitalist enterprise. Such con­ of government to us.” ness of the student effort was that they were well aware of the fact that This experience for the students pendent disapproval. It’s been many What characterises the bureau­ tradictions were reflected in the “The job of Government. ” How and youth will have many effects. years since such a disreputable band cratic section of Soviet society is its Bolshevik party. The left urged for far from Lenin to this! provocation could lead to volatile incidents and shootings, and they For the previously uncommitted, found such a common unity. social parasitism. It lives off the collectivisation of the land while How far from “A developed and unconcerned, of which there were Don’t invade Rumania But it is in precisely this unity workers in the way that a trade the right moved towards the con­ stable dictatorship of the proletariat used language designed specifically for soldiers. “In 1917 Russian they would call upon their Socialist that the real lack of analysis of the union official in western countries solation of the peasantry. Finally presupposes that the party func­ they will give them first allegiance crisis reveals itself. What brings lives off the workers. It is not in­ the constant threat of intervention tions in the leading role as a self­ soldiers went home from the trenches to make a revolution. How do you to a “nationalist” politic rather than Peking warns Moscow these odd bedfellows together is not volved in the processes of produc­ from the capitalist countries enabled acting vanguard; that the proletariat a socialist ideal. However Dubcek’s their solidarity but their confusion. tion but functions as a political the bureaucratic elements of the is welded together by means of explain your actions in 1968. " How effective this work was it is difficult strength and popularity in this dis­ Dwarf Foreign Correspondents Never before has the absence of intermediary. As mediator it must party to manipulate and come to trade unions; that the toilers are pute may lead them to Czecho­ Marxist theory been so keenly felt choose the middle road of com­ power. indissolubly bound up with state to say. In the North, Polish soldiers refused to enter some towns when slovakia’s particular socialist posi­ Evidence is beginning to mount of a secret Chinese Note and never before has there been promise to straddle opposing forces. In the last analysis bureaucracy through the system of soviets (wor­ tion. To those university students is a compromise between counter­ kers’ councils) and finally that the they realised what was happening. such a vital need for the Left Oppo­ To preserve its own existence it who understand the problem of which was sent to the Soviet Union soon after the invasion of revolution and left opposition. What In Prague a Russian soldier shot sition. must be hostile to change, it must worker’s state is aligned through the power, and the distortions of revolu­ Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact countries. In this the Chinese it fears mostly is left opposition, for International into a fighting unit himself at the C.P. H.Q, in protest What is this crisis? It is the crisis seek to sustain the status quo, to tionary Marxist idealism in Eastern are said to have issued an extremely serious warning to the Soviet it is the left opposition that can against the occupation. of the Stalinist bureaucracy. retain the privileges that a bureau­ with the world proletariat. ”* Europe, this will only strengthen wrest power from the bureaucracy bureaucracy regarding Rumania. The latter is the only Communist What is Stalinism? It was a word cratic hierarchy affords. What is the cure for the deforma­ The activities of the students over their urgency in fighting Russian back into the hands of the prole­ country in Europe barring Albania with whom the Chinese have found on the lips of many a demon­ To exist it can brook no opposi­ tion of the workers’ state that we the first few days were seriously internal and external totalitarianism. tariat, thus making the apparatus now see in Eastern Europe and the hapered by the fact that several of maintained friendly relations. The message seems to have been strator at Hyde Park and the tion from left or right. To assert its Whether they win or not will depend redundant. Yet the bureaucracy Soviet Union? The cure is through their official representatives were Russian Embassy. influence it must resort to oppres­ on many factors, one of which will simple: if the Soviet Union invaded Rumania then the Chinese manipulates fears of counter-revolu­ out of the country explaining Czech To the liberal, the social demo­ sion, tyranny, the apparatus of the struggle, under the banner of be the latent revolution­ would come to their aid even if it meant opening a second front tion, based on a historical reality to government policy in continuing the crat, it spells repression, censorship, police state. These are the inevit­ . Through the creation of ary forces in other established in Mongolia. Certainly Chinese troops on the Mongolian border justify oppression of all forms of international revolutionary parties “unfinished revolution”. Also the the police state. able expressions of domination. But countries. What is certain to them dissent. So it was that most of the of the world’s proletariat, through student body as a whole was on were placed on alert and more troops were massed after a 4-hour To the capitalist it is a weapon they are merely symptoms. To prune is that victory will not depend on leaders of the Bolshevik revolution the ruthless criticism of the Stalinist holidays. Thus as a catalyst they meeting in Peking between the Chinese Prime Minister, Chou- used to discredit Communism, to them as in the much-vaunted de­ the rhetoric and sanctions of oppose bourgeois freedom with red were arrested and executed for bureaucracy and its parties. This is were somewhat impotent. en-Lai, and the Rumanian Ambassador in Peking. It was also the stalinisation programme of Western statesmen. Neanderthal man enslavement. Kruschev, was to ignore the root couner-revolution by Stalin. the only way to the true proletarian However over the three days Rumanians who gave Peking details of the invasion of Czecho­ must give way to liberated socialist To the British Communist Party cause. The bureaucratic state still Thus the action of the bureau­ revolution, to the overthrow of there was a debate about the impli- man. slovakia. it was some historical period in the remained intact, and still does. It cracy is limited to the contradiction capitalism and its twin conniver, between left opposition and counter­ If past behaviour is any guide the Chinese threat is fairly development of Soviet socialism is still the model for the Soviet Stadinism. which officially and miraculously Union and the Eastern European revolution. It has no alternative credible. At the time of the Indo- conflict in 1965 a came to an end after Kruschev’s bloc, still the model for the Western possibility. Nowhere is this more * Trotsky: “The Class Nature request from Pakistan for help was answered within three days by speech at the 20th Party Congress. Communist parties. clearly demonstrated than the of the Soviet State. ” The Chinese who massed their troops on the Indian border and let (Organisation for American Victims of moral and political persecution) \ be known that if the Indian troops harassed East Pakistan It is obvious from recent events in that an organisation be ready to which is separated from the rest of Pakistan by 1000 miles of America culminating in the happen­ NOTE help in the events of these people Indian territory) China would intervene. The warning was enough. 's Bolivian Diaries ings in Chicago at the Democratic having to leave their homeland Also the ferocity of the Chinese reaction to the occupation Cape/Lorimer are printing a different Convention and also from state­ temporarily or permanently. of Czechoslovakia — by far the strongest denunciation of the translation to ours of Che’s Bolivian ments made by both presidential We hope to be able to offer Diaries on Oct. 7th, 1968. The price candidates that a return to the Russian action — does indicate that any attempt to occupy accommodation, help in arranging INTRODUCTORY ESSAY BY FIDEL CASTRO will be: Paperback 12s. 6d. McCarthy (Joe)-type environment is work permits, etc. Rumania would provoke a physical confrontation between China Hardback 25s. very probable. A BLACK DWARF PUBLICATION at 5/. post free Anyone wishing to help in our and the Soviet Union. A confrontation which would lead to a And, incidentally, the publishers re­ As everyone knows this involves organisation or who knows of any complete break between Moscow and Peking and almost certainly AVAILALE NOW ferred to in Tariq All’s introductory direct harassing and persecution of person in the USA in need of assist­ result in serious pressure being put on Hanoi by Moscow to accept From Black Dwarf, 7, Carlisle Street, W.1. Or from Collets, , Indica, and other left- note on our version of the Diaries any form of left-wing thought and ance please contact “ Pipeline ” the silencing of progressive intel­ 2 Vietnams ‘temporarily’ and reach some sort of an agreement wing bookshops. are NOT Cape/Lorimer. through the “ Black Dwarf” or lectuals. Therefore it is necessary telephone 01-348-2781. with U. S. Imperialism, (copyright B.D. ) THE BLACK DWARF 13. 5 5 “You can only be pissed on for so long before you realise it's not rain” McCarthy delegate at Chicago (REPRESSION OUTSIDE CHICAGO

Causing more alarm among the which exists in several southern The money has come from liberal GANGSTERISM ’68 American radicals than Mayor states. The entire group was indicted benefactors in New York, but it is Daley’s lunacy in Chicago is the and tried within a period of a fort­ becoming clear that this type of By Peter Buckman general political repression settling night, and t he sentences vary be­ financial pressure, apart from the (Our U.S. Correspondent) on the movement. The political tween five and thirty years. SNCC continual police harrassment will be flower children and the McCarthy has been smashed in Texas. used more frequently, and become boy scouts brigade learned several This is not the only example of more difficult to evade. lessons in Chicago, only one of repression in the same state. It will Money and brutality: the watch­ Chicago saw the politics of gesture rather than confrontation. In no sense was the dominant which was that they now had some be remembered that over forty sol­ words of the American police force. idea of the treatment which Ameri­ diers were arrested and are still in It’s not the corruption that should can blacks suffer day by day, year the stockade at Fort Hood, Texas, be our primary concern (though mood hopeful: both inside and outside the International Amphitheatre everyone knew what in year out. The other lessons re­ for refusing to go to Chicago to Dick Gregory points out that there volve round one central point. The “deal with” the demonstrators there. is more money made by the crime would happen. Humphrey was over-nominated the first ballot, the Vietnam peace plank was American establishment will use Close to Fort Hood, members of syndicates in Chicago, from prostitu­ whatever agencies it considers neces­ the Mobilization Against The War tion, drug peddling, illegal gambling, defeated, and the police, as much under the direct control, of Mayor Daley, that Hitler of sary, allowing them to use whatever group had been running a coffee bar, large scale robbery, in the course of violence it considers necessary, in the only “non-Army” establishment a week, than the cost of all the order to protect what it sees as its within 50 miles, where, apart from race riots in a year), but rather we the stockyards, as the Convention itself, beat the demonstrators bloody. interest. coffee, the soldiers were introduced should watch the revealed pattern of Naturally, the radicals of the SDS, to anti-War, socialist ideas in an suppression. Apparently the Ameri­ of SNCC and of the Panthers have atmosphere dialectically opposite to can establishment rates its dissidents known this for some time. They life at Fort Hood. Three weeks ago sufficiently highly to choose the have not only known that repres­ the police raided the coffee shop degree of repression they do. The sion would be applied in their and “found” about a pound of grass British establishment is so much intellectual analysis; they have been on the premises. Bail on the owners more subtle, appreciates that we experiencing severe repression for was fixed at 65, 000 dollars; the shop haven’t yet taxed their restraint. But some time. Earlier this summer, has been closed. let’s watch the weeks up to October LBJ’s closest buddy, Governor Con­ The situation in Texas is, in fact, 26th, and directly afterward. Per­ nelly of Texas, the one who got typical of the overall situation across haps we will begin to see the bogus away in Dallas, decided that SNCC America. The SDS students from charges, conspiracy raps, the heavy would be smashed in the State. Columbia, New York, who fought a bails and fines that are now faced Every senior SNCC committee mem­ particularly heroic action in the Uni­ continually by our American Com­ ber in Texas was arrested within versity in the Spring, have been rades. We must be prepared to meet the last month, and almost all mys­ fighting throughout this summer to the problem at a sophisticated politi­ teriously found with cannibis in stay out of jail. It has cost them, so cal level if RSSF is not to operate various forms. One or two were held far, over 100, 000 dollars to stay out of Brixton Prison. Venceremos! under laws which forbid the disrup­ free this summer, money spent in tion of work, anti-Union legislation bail, fines, bribes and lawyers’ fee. DAVID TRIESMAN.

Yet where will the rage engen­ thing was obviously and crudely frustration or, worse, depoliticisa­ socialisation of the system. Un­ the splashing-on of water, the usual dered by these events be channelled? rigged and everyone knew it, what tion. A policeman will no longer be doubtedly this will involve violence, treatment for tear gas. Troops with fixed bayonets and rifles cocked, GREEN The most depressing thing is that kind of choice was there, Even the thought of as the kindly officer who but if there is something more than from all this blood and disillusion gesture of Allard Lowenstein, the gives directions, any more than the rhetoric to fight for, if there is a merciless, unprovoked, and ap­ little constructive policy has man held responsible for McCarthy’s City Council can be thought of as chance of success, if it is clear that parently random baton charges — emerged. entrance into the campaign and having any credibility when it talks this action will have a meaningful these are becoming common repres­ BERET effect, violence is easier to take, and sive tactics to use against demon­ On the plus side, there was the widely regarded as a CIA fink, who of making the streets safe for tried to redeem himself by an democracy. This change is by no faith has more meaning. strators. The reaction, too, is tremendously pro-demonstrator re­ common: by the demonstrators, who action of the media to Mayor attempt to adjourn the Convention means insignificant, but by leading Ho Thien of the Fourth Plains Unit wrote this down people time and again to have their The “confrontation” was planned attack as best they are able with SUNDAY Daley’s Gestapo — and these words while police were beating up pro­ sixty days after New Year, testers in the streets was totally heads broken, any movement which before Johnson retired from the rocks and bottles, by the police, who taken from Nazi Germany are not race. After he made his speech on fully live up to the now universal After hearing the story from a woman of Dalat, over-reaction but were seriously without effect. At least the liberals cannot offer more than a gesture intent on working with the system will wind up with its ranks filled March 31st, a big meeting of the American epithet of “pigs”, and by on the High Plateau. 22 September applied by Pressmen and delegates— groups concerned, which included the administration, who praise the both because of the unparalleled proved what socialists have always only by those who have had their held: that they are not only power­ sense dubbed out of them. SDS and Dellinger’s Mobili­ police for their restraint. What was TENANTS DEMONSTRATION brutality, at least in front of the zation forces who had taken uncommon about Chicago was the He was twelve years old, Press and TV cameras, used by less but dangerous because of the f a l s e promises they offer. Few The National Mobilization Com­ overall responsibility for the Penta­ reaction of delegates: there has and I do not know h is name. Meet WEST SMITHFIELD, cor- police on protestors and reporters, gon demonstration, and other New never been such an endorsement of and because of the police-state believe that McCarthy would be less mittee bears most of the blame for The mercenaries took him and h is fath er, ner Giltspur Street & Long of a hyocrite inside the White this situation. While they are con­ Left groups, decided not to go the demonstrators in the streets and atmosphere of the city itself. Security whose name I do not know, Lane, E.C.l (nearest tube House than out, but when it comes gratulating themselves on their ahead. But three men — Rennie such an attack on the city adminis­ precautions bordered on the in­ Davis, Tom Hayden, and Dave tration by a series of major political one morning upon the High Plateau. Aldersgate), a t 2.45 p. m. March credible. There were more than to pinning faith on a Lowenstein or, legitimate successes — that the City sad to say, a Julian Bond, the black overreacted to such an extent, that Dellinger — decided a confrontation figures as occurred before and after Green Beret looked down on the frail boy off at about 3.30 p. m. to 25, 000 police, National Guardsmen, should take place. Their somewhat the nomination. That some delegates and soldiers available, and the leader of the Georgia challenging it was expensively tied up for a with the eyes of a hurt animal and thought, delegation which accepted the com­ time, that delegates sided with them, arbitrary action deterred many joined the demonstrators in the a good frig h t w ill make him ta lk . . Amphitheatre, as an NBC commen­ groups from taking part, notably streets may be unprecedented, but tator put it, was shrouded by boards promise of the Credentials Com­ that the coverage was so great—they He commanded, and the father was taken away mittee when it was passed by the carry a heavy responsibility for all SDS. The black groups had already being English I remember the num­ Rally Trafalgar Square 4 p. m. the length of its approach “to stop said they weren’t joining in. This bers of Members of Parliament who behind the forest’s green wall. the delegates seeing the ghettoes, Humphrey forces, then we know that happened. Confrontation is a After the rally in Trafalgar Square fragmentation goes far towards ex­ joined the Aldermaston marches and and topped with barbed wire to stop times are not a’changing. perfectly legitimate a n d indeed 'Right kid tell us where they are, plaining the great disparity between who are as silent as nuns on dis­ we’re marching down those who lived behind those boards necessary action. But leading people tell us where or your father — dead. ' the numbers prophesied, which armament, dissent, and defence from getting at the delegates. No “A new polarisation” was how the without strategy, coordination, or With eyes now bright and f ille d with te rro r to DOWNING STREET. events of this week were hopefully any form of protection or retaliation varied between 100, 000 and a policy. one has tried to climb the wire, but million, and those who showed up, the slight boy said nothing. the ideals of American democracy described by the previously apoli­ to certain slaughter is unforgiveable. Organised by GLC Tenant tical. The Democratic Party tore The National Mobilization say that about 5, 000. Nevertheless, consider­ The escalation of atrocity remains of 'You've got one minute kid', said Green Beret, lie bleeding on its barbs. ” To get ing that the government’s intelli­ Action Committee. into the Amphitheatre required a itself publicly apart — no one, even everyone was free to do their own minimal political importance unless 'tell us where or we kill father', gence forces knew all this, their series of passes, gaily colour-coded, in Humphrey’s own camp, regards thinking, that by forcing Mayor it allows the participants to engage and thrust his wrist-watch against a face all eyes, him as capable of winning against Daley to reveal the true nature of hysterical reaction — the troops, in something more constructive, as the second-hand turning, jerking on its way. which had to be stuck into a police, and literally countless FBI machine permitting entrance only if Nixon in November — and ideas his system they have had a dramatic the events in Berkeley’s Telegraph 'OK boy ten seconds to tell us where they are. ' MONDAY about a new, radical party were propagandising effect. But not only men, who were often seen indulging Avenue, or the campuses of Colum­ a green light flashed. One security in the most blatant savagery, such In the last instant the silver hand shattered the guard demonstrated how an ordinary once more being bandied about. are they so bereft of ideas—sitting bia, Nanterre, Essex, Berlin, or That in full view of the nation down and singing “ God Bless as beating men held down by police Turin did. There, alternative forms sky and the fo rest of tre e s . cerdit card would give a green light. over the face and head with revolvers 23 September Yet the ticket machines were only “democracy” revealed itself to mean America” in front of the police was of political and social organisation 'Kill the old guy', roared Green Beret a closed and blatantly repressive one of them—that nobody, suppos­ —was surprising. were posited and defeated. The and shots hammered out part of it. The delegates were herded HORNSEY RE-OPENS? like sheep. No one was allowed to Convention and the cracking of ing he were “radicalised”, could National Mobilization Committee behind the forest's green wall heads in the streets is supposed by look to them for guidance: they are About the brutality: it proves how would not and could not provide move from one level of the hall to and sky and trees and soldiers stood Students from Hornsey College of another, and security guards roamed many liberals to have a radicalising fatally hung-up on the power of dangerous it is to be deceived into this. The yippies, the admirable everywhere making spot-checks: one effect. But considering the inefficacy faith. In common with many non­ believing that the police are re- adherents of a movement to bring in silen ce, and the boy cried out. Art want as many supporters and delegate from New York was of those who organised this so-called violent movements they rely on srained in front of the Press and revolution through ridicule, are not Green Beret stood sympathisers to commemorate the confrontation, I see no way in which sacrifice, not directly to change a TV cameras. I have never before inclined to. For some demonstrators punched by a policeman when he in silence, as the boy crouched down tart of their new term! 9 a. m. at refused to submit to yet another this radicalisation can materialise in situation, but to build a faith that seen a uniformed policeman ride the possibility of a third or fourth and shook with te a rs, will in some mystical way erode it. his official motorcycle deliberately, Hornsey (nearest tube Archway verification, an incident that brought effective political terms. Moreover I political party would provide this as children do when their father dies. do not believe that radicalisation This faith is worthless unless it is repeatedly, and at speed into a possibility, but the history of such and then 41 bus). helmeted cops onto the floor, 'Christ', said one mercenary to Green Beret, itself unprecedented in Convention grows from the end of a policeman’s allied, not necessarily to a pro­ crowd with no escape route, even parties is universally dismal. The pursuing them down a pedestrian politics. truncheon. It is frightening, sicken­ gramme, but to political objectives political mobilization of those who 'he didn't know a damn thing Yet what was going on inside ing, horrifying, and a great surprise that are realistic—those that involve subway. Tear gas is common in came to Chicago and got what they we killed the old guy for nothing', the hall was irrelevant to political to many people, but by itself all that the occupation, liberation, or de­ Europe, but not MACE, or chlorin­ expected, combined with those who so they a ll went away, SUNDAY struction, of some institutional ated gasses which cause extreme reality. The deals and the rhetoric it achieves, this revelation of the were amazed by it, was and is pos­ Green Beret and his mercenaries. and the empty challenges were all fascistic aspects of the system, is an adjunct of the system in such a pain, nausea, temporary blindness, sible. Nobody, however, seems to be without force. When the whole alteration in attitude that leads to way that this action advances the and whose effects are aggravated by around to undertake it. 29 September

And the boy knew everything. m a y d a y m a n if e s t o He knew everything about them, the caves Meeting of prepartory Commission the trails the hidden places and the names, and in the moment that he cried out, to discuss proposed National Con­ in that same instant, vention, Interested organisations protected by frail tears contact May Day Manifesto, 11, Extracted from Fidel’s Fitzroy Sq., London, W .l. far stronger than any wall of steel, they passed everywhere speech on Czechoslovakia like tigers across the High Plateau. MONDAY situation which would lead to the plexes of a very backward tech­ their troops into Czechoslovakia, we Fidel begins by analysing the There was a process of seizure of detachment of a socialist country nological level. also have a disagreement with them situation in Czechoslovakia since power of the main means of com­ 7 October and its falling into the arms of concerning their relations of an Ho Thien the January changes, mentioning munication and they fell into the There was also an abandonment imperialism. that the Czech Government was hands of reactionary elements. In of communist ideals — of inter­ economic and cultural and political (Vietcong g u e rilla ) h is body was recovered nature with the oligarchies of Latin CHE MEMORIAL MEETING trying to get loans from the U.S. foreign policy there was a series of One cannot claim that there was nationalism, of revolutionary vigil­ with this poem on it some time in 1966, near and West German governments. developments involving a clear not a Violation of the sovereignty of ance and of all those beautiful America. And these puppet govern­ Meeting to commemorate 1st an­ ments have begun to say that now the Cambodian border, by a Sergeant Sainer. "The reaction of the imperialist movement towards capitalist concep­ the Czech state. That would be a aspirations which go to make up the niversary of Che’s assasination. is the time to invade Cuba. The A story written for United Press by the press to the changes in Czecho­ tions and theses, and involving a fiction and a lie. Moreover, the communist ideal of a society without Being organised by M.C.F., 315 ‘Journal do Brasil’ writes to-day: rep o rter Sean Flynn, and published by an slovakia was very favourable; and movement towards the West. violation was a flagrant one. From classes and without egoisms, and in Caledonian Road, Nil. Time and “The Soviet agression in Europe everything which in our mind We for our part have no doubt at a legal point of view it cannot be which man ceases to be a miserable American newspaper chain, also mentioned this place later. all that the Czechoslovak regime justified. That is perfectly clear. For slave of poverty. opens its flank in Latin America to story about a boy who refused to talk. It was begins to receive the praise and an inevitable re-examination”. I ask help of the imperialist press was moving towards capitalism and us, the decision about Czechoslo­ supposed to have occurred on the Due Phong Plateau, Together with all this came the myself whether in the light of the naturally begins to arouse suspi­ inexorably towards imperialism. The vakia can only be explained from a sermons in favour of peace, but it is about seventy-five miles north of Saigon; but the SUNDAY imperialist world received this situa­ political point of view and not from bitter reality which forced the coun­ cions in us. the imperialists who are the incen­ tries of the Warsaw Pact to send fath er and son were never id e n tifie d ). tion with extraordinary satisfaction. legal one. ” diaries of war, and up to now there At the same time a series of their forces to smash counter­ It encouraged it by all means and II. Socialism in Eastern Europe is no mention in any of the state­ revolution in Czechoslovakia, if 27 October political events took place. There there is no doubt that it was rubbing “What were the circumstances ments of the governments that have were demands in favour of the they will cease to support in Latin its hands thinking of the disaster that made a remedy of this nature sent troops into Czechoslovakia of America the rightists, reformists and ADVERTISE in THE DWARF ALSO REMEMBER THAT THE formation of opposition parties, in which this would constitute for the necessary? We all know that the Yankee imperialism. They have concilators who arc opposed to favour to theses that were openly socialist world. leadership that ruled Czechoslovakia made some vague remarks about VIETNAM SOLIDARITY CAM­ anti-Marxist and anti-Leninist, such armed struggle. Classified Rates: Personal 8d. a word This defines our first position in for twenty years was a leadership world imperialism and some con­ PAIGN NEEDS: MONEY, as the thesis that a party should (Minimum 8s. ) relation to the concrete fact of the saturated in many errors — dog­ crete ones about imperialist circles If the imperialists do invade, we cease to exercise the function which VOLUNTEERS, OFFERS OF action taken by a group of socialist matism, bureaucratism and many in West Germany. But who does not are ready to fight like the Vietnamese a political party should play in a Display: £2 per column inch ACCOMMODATION FOR THE countries. We think that it was things that cannot be put forward as know that West Germany is simply for a hundred years against the best , that it should absolutely necessary to prevent at a model of really revolutionary a tool of Yankee imperialism in imparialist divisions, if that is Semi-Display: £1 5s. per column inch WEEK END, ETC. RING merely play the role of a guide, that any cost that that event should leadership. They sold us for a Europe, the most agressive and the necessary. ” 01-480-6789 OR VISIT VSC, should exercise a kind of spiritual Half Page £75 occur. The essential thing is whether high price arms they had taken as best known? leadership. In short: that power 120 COMMERCIAL ROAD, E.1. the socialist camp could or could not war booty from the Nazis. In many Although it is correct that the PATRIA O MUERTE Quarter Page £50 should cease to be the prerogative of permit the development of a political cases they sold us industrial com­ countries of the Warsaw Pact sent VENCEREMOS! file Communist Party. 6 THE BLACK DWARF 13 5 BRITAIN’S PARLIAMENTARY HYPOCRISY REVENGE GUERNICA Ray Challinor The most telling argument used against student demonstra­ Short, and his predecessors at Wilson with a large 97-seat This is what has happened to the Department of Education majority? the students. Most of them tions is that they should limit themselves to making protests through Anti-Fascist Guerillas in The Basque and Science, have gained no But the matter goes deeper started with minor misgivings By Anton Achalandabaso the proper constitutional channels. The parliamentary tradition in marks out of ten. None of the than this. It is not simply that over parts of the educational Britain appears to be extremely powerful. It is to this that press ten points have been carried out the Labour government has system which they directly ex­ and politicians hypocritically refer when they want to discredit the in their entirety. The Minister’s violated its election mandate perienced. But an analysis of aducational progress is lament­ and countless annual conference the sickness of the classroom student movement. able—indeed, non-existent. Yet, resolutions. By its conduct, the led them to discover what a So why not confine ourselves 5. Adequate teachers’ pay and this programme was essential, Labour Government has shown sham bourgeois democracy was to the traditional methods? The an expansion of teachers’ as the Transport House pam­ that whenever democracy con­ and then, a stage further, to see short answer is that Britain can training colleges.—Training phlet says (p. 18), “to build a flicts with the needs of how utterly corrupt and de- no longer be considered, in any colleges expanded, but just society, free of class capitalism, it is the former that praved is capitalism. meaningful sense, to be a demo­ teachers’ pay still inade­ divisions. . . (and) tap the vast is sacrificed, not the latter. To The student movement is, at quate. Last award equiva­ cracy. The old methods are con­ reserves of talent that now lie represent large numbers of a fundamental level, a re­ lent to the cost of half a sequently futile. unused. ” pound notes is more important, affirmation of the democratic To prove my point, let me Polaris submarine. The frustration at present felt under the existing set-up, than principle. First, because it is a examine the Government’s edu­ 6. An end to the 11-plus, and in universities, colleges and to represent large numbers of protest against the manipulation cational policy. In 1964, Labour a reorganisation of State schools is a direct consequence people. of the people in the interests of was returned with a modest pro­ secondary schools on com­ of the Labour Government. In Basic human needs go un­ the few. Second, because it gramme of reforms. Surely now, prehensive lines — Vast 1964, it painted a picture of a satisfied because the Govern­ believes the people should deter­ after almost four years in power, majority of schemes not rosy future; it has produced a ment must always place the mine their own destiny, making it is reasonable to expect that truly comprehensive since most dismal present. We are interests of big business first. their own decisions on matters the Government will be fulfilling leave areas of privilege un­ experiencing the feeling of going Families are allowed to live in that vitally concern them. And, its promises. So let me detail scathed. backwards educationally: ex­ poverty, young and old can third, because, among many these election pledges, as con­ 7. A greatly expanded pro­ penditure is cut, building pro­ suffer from malnutrition since it other things, it wants the intro­ tained in the Transport House vision of technical education is important for money to go on duction of the reforms — im­ pamphlet, “Education”, pub­ and sufficient university grammes reduced, unemploy­ the form of higher profits and provements to education, health lished in February 1964:— places to ensure that no ment among teachers is likely capital gains rather than higher and the social services — for 1. More of the nation’s re­ qualified person is refused this winter. welfare benefits. Similarly, the which Labour in 1964 gained a sources devoted to educa­ a place. —Technical educa­ All this, of course, must have hospital service is being allowed mandate and has failed to | tion—a broken promise. tion expanded to meet the repercussions on the general to deteriorate and, alarmingly, implement. 2. A reduction in the size of needs of capitalist industry, attitude of people most vitally the death rate is rising for the primary and secondary but the inadequacy of uni­ affected by the erosion of The government’s failure to I first time this century. Yet, the classes to a maximum of 30 versity provisions greater educational standards. How, for carry out the wishes of the finance for a much unproved —a broken promise. than ever. instance, can students have faith unpopularity with the electorate Land health service could easily be 3. The raising of the school 8. Free university education in traditional methods of bour­ and with the students. Really it found — if the Government leaving age to 16—a broken for all those accepted by a geois democracy? How could is two voices with the same would seriously tackle the prob­ of promise. university. — A broken they ever hope to demonstrate majority is the cause for its I lem of taxing the rich. 4. The reorganisation of family pledge. their feelings more powerfully grievance. Together they have allowances so that they rise 9. The abolition of the college than the electorate has already The point to stress is the helped to give Harold Wilson the the distinction of being the most with age, and particularly entrance system at Oxford done, to no avail—voting for universality of the current crisis for children staying on at and Cambridge. —A broken Labour’s programme of modest of capitalism: to criticise a par­ hated and disreputable prime school after the school leav­ promise. reforms at two general elections, ticular aspect naturally leads to minister of the century. It is we BASQUES a more thorough-going critique. who are the democrats, not him. ing age—a broken promise. On examination, Edward on the second occasion returning

On Friday, August 2nd, the Chief of the Political Police of the Basque this is the force which Franco and province of Guipuzcoa was shot dead. It was a daring political act which his backers in the State Department fear the most! astonished the Spanish people. Workers Control: Not Participation ETA knows all this and their poli­ The Political Police Chief, Meliton The Basque proletariat is old and tical line as well as their strategy The May wind from France shook (presumably on the Steel Board “participation” proposals step s Real workers’ control is possible tion which consistently pushes the Manzanas, was an expert “Gestapo it is by no means of exclusively are based on these historical facts. the Labour leaders. Now the pro­ model, of worker-directors who towards workers’ control — or a only as the local concomitant of Marxist understanding of the State, man”; he joined the special political Basque origin, because throughout The ETA leaders have understood: posals of the L. P. N. E.C. (“INDUS­ immediately ceased to be workers in deliberate side-tracking of the cam­ workers’ state power, or as a transi­ the scab nature of the Labour and police at a time when it was being this century Vizcaya has been one (a) That not all inhabitants of the TRIAL DEMOCRACY”) for more any sense! ). Clearly they want to paign for workers’ control? And tional regime in the revolutionary trade union bureaucracy, and which organised by Himmler in Spain, that of the main centres of immigration. Basque country are Basque. workers’ participation in running draw the union bureaucrats into new this attempt by the Labour leader­ upsurge (which, if not consolidated, fights both. Reformists and union is, in the early 40s. Meliton Man­ The political traditions of this pro­ Those of Basque origin may industry, look like an attempt to responsibilities and closer collabora­ ship to steal the steam laboriously will be followed by defeat). Militant bureaucracy (who have a Fabian zanas was a vital part of the re­ letariat are historically well defined; even be a minority. steal de Gaulle’s new clothes before tion with the management—as junior built up by the WORKERS’ CON­ shop floor organisations are, of theory and practice on the state and pressive apparatus in the Basque it was the founding ground of the (b) The industrial proletariat, which he even has a chance to wear them! partners, powerless against th e TROL CAMPAIGN, raises other course, permanently fighting for an class struggle) assembling behind country; not so much as a perverted PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero has the most militant tradition That the NEC now acts on the 1967 dominant capitalists, their state and questions which TRIBUNE doesn’t extension of controls on the un­ such a slogan, create confusion and torturer of political prisoners but Espanol) and in a way also of the in the whole of the peninsula, report of the Committee it set up the laws of their economy: i.e. to ask: about the nature of that bridled powers of management. An a verbal, literary — i. e. false — syn­ will attach more importance to because he was a sort of living Communist Party. The current presi­ under Jack Jones, is part of the Institutionalise class collaboration by campaign. These questions must be eruption and qualitative deepening thesis between Fabian socialism the class struggle than to of this presupposes a real shake-up (with its cold nationalisation by the archive. He had always lived near dent of the Spanish C. P., the famous post-May reckonings of the bosses way of a con-trick. The proposals asked if the NEC is to be exposed. nationalist. bourgeois state with or without the French border, a strategic point “Pasionaria”, was born in the min­ and their servants: the system needs are designed to strengthen the em­ Workers’ control is the essence of for the whole system. But under a (c) Given its present stage of de­ Inorganic workers’ “participation”) for watching the travels of under­ ing area of the Encartaciones, only more safety valves. The NEC pro­ ployers, the state and the Union socialism, but the general phrase is more or less stable bourgeois state velopment, Basque industry will “workers’ control” in any institu­ and the working class. That Wilson h ground activists. In the early after­ a few miles from Bilbao. The work­ posals are also meant as a safety machines — against the workers’ open to myriad interpretations. The require more and more immi­ tionalised form becomes participa­ opes to thrive on the current noon of August 2nd he was shot on ing class of Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa, valve for the anger of the Party interests. Thus the proposals on in­ slogan is useful if it aims at develop­ gration from poorer areas of the tion, a sham to reconcile the workers amorphous state of the workers’ the staircase of his house. The house and now that of Vitoria as well, are Conference in September—as a sop, formation are irrelevant. Posed to ing workers’ assertiveness — though peninsula. in practice this develops not from to the system. control campaign indicates the need was only four minutes from the the human and political base of the “a little bit of socialism.” workers in struggle, the slogan border and rain had emptied the Basque country. In the industrial (d) Any fight for national liberation OPEN THE BOOKS can lead them generalised propaganda but as part To demand permanent workers’ —taking the current Campaign level which takes contemporary con­ streets of Irun. During the summer, areas Basques and Spaniards are Legislation is proposed on the forward. But accessibility of infor­ of a struggle. To mount a one-issue control is to demand workers’ and the NEC proposals as starting | ditions into account must be the road to the border is packed difficult to tell apart, and this is even right of the workers (i. e. Union mation to tame union leaders under campaign around workers’ control, power. And for the slogan as such point — to campaign for a revolu­ Marxist in nature. with cars. It seems that the ‘killer’ more noticeable where immigration leaders) to: — (1) information on the patronage of the bosses’ state under which all sorts of confusion to be positive it depends on who tionary Marxist understanding of It would be very simple but very left no trace. has been heaviest—near the Bilbao Company affairs; (2) consultation; is a different matter entirely. and political gradation gather, is makes the propaganda: the slogan what is involved. — WORKERS’ | false to think that the ETA leaders Background estauary, for example. Here work is (3) representation on the Boards TRIBUNE has asked: are the pointless if not harmful. must be in the hands of an organisa- FIGHT. People are now asking themselves hardest and most impersonal; there have embraced revolutionary vio­ the meaning and the possible conse­ is little room for national myths. By lence because they read Ho, Giap, quences of this assassination. After and large, the workers of Vizcaya Che, etc. The strategy of ETA every major act of terrorism the im­ are simply workers exploited by the results from an unavaidable choice. It portant question is, where are we Basque-Spanish industrialists. The results from operating in the Basque Mozambique: Guerillas continue struggle going? Basque oligarchy doesn’t side with country, whose working class has The assassination was surprising. the Basque workers when it comes not been decisively influenced by Dwarf Correspondent The public could not believe that to economic interests. Basque patrio­ the traditional nationalist organisa­ ETA, the young nationalist-revolu­ tism avoids the basic problems. tions, which were bourgeois com­ 25th September this year will be the fourth anniversary of the declara­ colonial policies, has always at­ thrown by peaceful means. illiterate). These schools, though tionary opposition group, would be The Popular Basis of Basque mittees financed by Basque capital. tempted to project an image of hampered for lack of personnel I capable of, or prepared to put their Nationalism ETA today, while practising a ter­ tion of armed struggle in Mozambique. It was in 1964 that the Mozam­ herself as the builder of a multi­ FRELIMO was formed in 1962 and equipment, teach a new syl­ rorism more or less propagandistic threats into practice. However, the Where then is the popular basis bican people, under the leadership of the Mozambique Liberation Front racial, ‘colour-blind’ society—a new with the fusion of three existing labus prepared to fit the needs of | of Basque nationalism. Above all in is represented on the Workers’ Com­ build-up has been continuous; re­ (FRELIMO) struck the first blows for freedom with a series of small racial, 'colour-blind' society — a movements into a single front. the new Mozambique. peated bank robberies to get funds, rural and fishing areas, where the missions, the genuine and semi- 'new Brazil’ in Africa. Her show­ The three priorities set out at its thefts of arms and dynamite, explo­ Basque language, the traditions and claridestine trade union or working military actions. piece is the ‘assimilado’ system first Congress were: political ogani- Another aspect of social welfare class in the Basque country and in sions.. . . At the end of April a the Basque origin of the population Since that day military strength by which the Portuguese adminis­ whereby when an African has sation within Mozambique, a mili­ is health, and medical centres now Civil Guard died on the road to San have been preserved. Their con­ the rest of Spain. tration received £2/6/6 per head, abandoned his home, his culture tary training programme and an exist throughout the liberated In its fight against the regime, the has grown from a force of 250 to Sebastian. The press said that he sciousness of having a way of life was able to deduct its own taxes, and his traditions and his lan­ educational programme. As the areas, ranging from simple first-aid terrorism of ETA seems to aim at an army of over 8, 000 men and had been assassinated by two acti­ different from the rest of Spain and made further profit of the sale guage, and his considered by the struggle has developed, and more posts to relatively well-equipped provoking a ferocious repression women, trained and equipped. vists. Four or five hours after this became stronger during the Civil of human labour by receiving the local administrator to have reached territory has been liberated, these clinics. These cater for the local which will antagonise the people Approximately one fifth of the death, the Civil Guard shot the ETA War, when the Basques, for the first wages in international currency a sufficient degree of ‘civilisation’, programmes have expanded. population and the wounded, and and drive them to violent struggle. countryside is now under the leader Txabi Echevarrieta. A mili­ time in their history, had to defend and paying the worker in escudos. i.e. of education, of proficiency in also conduct campaigns of preven­ But there is a more subtle and more virtual control of FRELIMO, and tary tribunal sentenced his com­ their “nation”. The republican gov­ Economic exploitation of this Portuguese, and has the outlook tive medicine. Medical statistics logical justification. Given that the the army is pushing south. In Responsibility for the wellbeing panion to death after a summary ernment had given the Basque kind was, and is carried on by of a Portuguese he can become are being collected, the Portuguese Workers’ Commissions and the poli­ March this year a new military of over 800, 000 people now rests trial. Later, this man, Sarasqueta, country an Estatute of Autonomy. largely foreign - owned companies 'assimilated'. He then receives a ones having been found to be in­ tical parties with some working-class front was opened in the western with FRELIMO, and this involves was pardoned, undoubtedly due to The Basques fought for the Spanish province of Tete, a rich and fertile working in close conjunction with different type of identity card from more than regaining their land. accurate. pressure of public opinion and also Republic but they did so through basis do not seem to be planning to the Portuguese administration. that of the ordinary ‘non-civilised’ use revolutionary violence, the area where Portugal plans to settle Social reconstruction cannot wait perhaps “compensated” for that of Basque “nationality”. The repressive When workers were required for a or ‘indigenous’ African and is sup­ until total liberation but must be While the first priority must be actions of the ETA terrorists may one million white immigrants and the Civil Guard and an “armed policies used by Franco’s govern­ company’s plantations the labour posedly on equal terms with the the extension of the armed well aim at radicalising the fight in where the Cabora Bassa dam, begun with such resources as are Peace” could thus be preserved. I ment to combat nationalism aggra­ force would be organised by the white man. Even if this system available; the people must be struggle, rudimentary though they all quarters, or alternatively, make which will supply south Africa with won’t forget what a Basque small vated the Basque question, In the local chefe do posto —the Portu­ could be considered beneficial to are FRELIMO's social programmes the old Marxist parties lose their hydro-electricity, will be built. South helped to take advantage of their businessman told me in a voice that past, Basque nationalism as a poli­ guese in charge of day to day deal­ the African, as operated by Portu­ new freedom. Thus since the re­ represent a real advance over the youth branches. Africa, has already sent several sounded very sincere: “We had tical ideology had been pushed by ings with the African population. gal it is a failure. In the first as treat of the Portuguese administra­ days of Portuguese administration. On another level, ETA, by making companies of troops to guard the promised that if they killed Saras­ some sectors of Basque capitalism similados do not get equal treat­ tion and the concession companies They too are a part of the war for its presence constantly felt in the dam site and fight alongside the queta we too would take to the to counter the-rise of the working- ment, economically or socially, land has been redistributed and is liberation, for they are the founda­ life of the Basque country through Portuguese army in the region. Africans under Portuguese rule class movement. Franco's victory, though their position is slightly being organised on a co-operative tions on which a new society can hills”. daring actions, widely distributed have little control of their own But there won’t be an armed which was thé victory of the most When FRELIMO was formed in better than that of the indigena; system. Instead of cotton, to be be built and once these are laid propaganda, demonstrations, assas­ situation. The vast majority of them peace. The ETA continues what reactionary section of capitalism, secondly a total of 4, 554 ‘assimi­ sold at a fixed price to the com­ there can be no retreat. Mozam­ sination of hated policemen, etc., 1962 it was as the result of decades have no political rights at all, nor looks like an orderly plan of sub­ drove the nationalists into opposi­ lated’ Africans out of an African pany, food is grown, and a surplus bique’s struggle, ike that of wants to become the only represen­ of attempts at political organisa­ do they have the opportunity of version in the Basque country, a tion. Those who did not follow that population of around 6 million produced to supply the needs of Angola, is a part of the struggle tative of the Basque people in the tion, and decades of oppression receiving any education. Responsi­ country which the nationalists do road of radicalization signed their (1955 census figures), cannot be the sections of the army which which is taking place everywhere and repression by the Portuguese bility for schooling for the Africans own death sentence as a political future. considered anything more than a cannot produce for themselves, and in southern Africa today. A blow not consider to be part of Spain. State of Emergency in Guipuzcoa colonial administration. It was after was handed over to the Catholic force. To the Basques, Franco’s red herring, to draw attention of those who have been forced to against Portugal is a blow against A New Nationalism The regime has fallen into the the 1884 Treaty of Berlin that Church in a Concordat signed with government appeared clearly as a re­ away from the oppressed con­ leave their homes as a result of racialism and minority rule. Positive Nationalism has a popular base in trap. Due to the assassination of Portugal began a systematic cam­ the Vatican in 194, and the few pressive government. Franco s Civil ditions of the bulk of the popula­ the war. Some cash crops are still support for FRELIMO is suport for the Basque country but it does not paign of conquest, and though she mission schools that exist offer a Governors are really helping ETA Meliton Manzanas a s t a t e of grown, however, and these are ex­ the oppressed who are now stand­ have a working-class base. At least emergency has been declared in won her last major battle in 1898 low standard of inadequate educa­ tion. with their grossly exaggerated stories ported to cover the cost of import­ ing up to fight. not yet. Guipuzcoa, which means the aboli­ isolated uprisings continued until tion. All schools are fee-paying, Resistance to Portuguese rule about “audacious and dangerous ing essential manufactured goods Looked at from Spain, the four tion of all constitutional guarantees. the early 1920s. Portugal was, how­ and many mission pupils also pay grew throughout the 1950s, taking Footnote 1: FRELIMO has just terrorists”. such as textiles, farming tools, Basque provinces (Vizcaya, Guipuz­ The regime, which has little hope of ever, able to impose her rule on with manual labour on mission the form of strikes on the docks held its second National Congress Who constitutes a threat to the shoes, and so on. Local domestic coa, Alava and Navarra) are an catching the author, tries to dis­ Mozambique, a rule of authori­ land. Another barrier to advance­ and in the plantations, and of non­ inside Mozambique, attended by Regime industry is also being set up on a area of comparatively high living mantle a ghost organisation that tarianism and near-slavery, though ment is the age limit imposed on violent demonstrations. All African 160 delegates from every part of A town like Bilbao, which accord­ small scale to produce salt and standards and heavy industry. operates through comandos in only it was largely after Salazar came entry to the various educational organisations were banned or in­ the country. A full report of pro­ ing to its City Council has some soap, and marketing co-operatives Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa have the one of the provinces. With their to power in 1926 that the legisla­ levels. By 1960 there were not more filtrated. This phase of the struggle ceedings is not yet available. 300. 000 inhabitants, is surrounded deal with internal as well as highest population density in Spain. massive arrests of suspects, some tion with which to enforce it was than 10 Mozambican Africans who culminated in 1960 in a demonstra­ by industrial centres of 20, 000, Footnote 2: Anyone wishing to They were industrialized relatively relevant but also many priests and created. had been able to complete their tion at Mueda, in northern Mozam­ external trade. 30, 000 and 120, 000 inhabitants, over­ contribute towards FRELIMO’s early! Heavy industry established ex-militants of nationalist organisa­ secondary education within bique, which was asking for elec­ whelmingly working-class; they are A structure developed in which programmes, or who would like itself in Vizcaya during the last tions now totally inactive, the regime Mozambique, though a handful of tions to be held. Police opened Bush primary schools have now proletarian towns. This is the gigan­ forced labour was common; forced more information about Mozam­ third of the 19th Century. Light is doing precisely what ETA wants: others had managed to do so in fire on the unarmed crowd, and been established for 11, 000 child­ tic octopus which for over half a cultivation, under the concession bique, should contact: The Com­ engineering followed in the neigh­ to create favourable ground for its over 500 people were killed. It ren, in accordance with the priority century has threatened the power of company system, equally so; a South Africa. mittee for Freedom in Mozambique, bouring province of Guipuzcoa. future activity and to show the finally became clear that a regime for education laid down by the capital, whether it was dressed up as | fixed quota of Mozambicans went 1 Antrim Road, London NW3. Nowadays even Vitoria, Alava s weakness of a political system that It must not be forgotten that which maintained itself by violence first Congress (97% of Mozam­ monarchic restoration, fascism, or each year to work in the mines of bique’s African population is 01-722 9030 capital, is an expanding industrial governs through police terror. Portugal, in spite of her actual would never allow itself to be over- centre. neo-capitalism in the making and South Africa under an agreement THE BLACK DWARF 13. 5 7


“Of course, it would be millions of times better ‘for the country’ if our youth could study and develop in peace! Who will dispute that? But unfortunately they will not be able to do so until the political system which is now ruining their young energies is finally abolished. The government will never forgive the youth their ‘interference in politics’ and the youth will never refrain from such interference. The student youth everywhere have taken a most active part in the fight for political freedom. George Sand long ago gave the right answer to the philistines who condemn them for this: if everything that is good and noble in youth is directed against the existing system, that is the best proof that By Fitch and Oppenheimer Let them eat oil the system is worthless.” owned French oil company G. Plekhanov, Selected Philosophical Works. Volume 1, p. 431 Appalled by the magnitude of finally done in by British diplo­ —the main producers—to give the British section of the House court. “Effective sovereignty” SAFRAP, a subsidiary of the Nigerian tragedy, Western macy. After negotiating a treaty Nigeria “most favoured African of Morgan, is also a special for Biafra seemed a lost cause. ERAP. For a bargain price of readers search uncomprehend- with Queen Victoria, Ja Ja was nation” treatment. In other advisor to the U.S. Morgan And secession was becoming 15 million dollars, SAFRAP ingly for its cause. What lured into further negotiations, words, Nigeria would get at Guaranty Bank. Lord McFad- extremely costly for the oil com­ won from the Biafrans the oil happened to the country with shanghaied by the British least as large a cut of revenues zean is a government-appointed panies. As the war dragged on, rights to an area capable of pro­ one quarter of the entire black consul, and deported to the as that which the oil companies head of the British National their petroleum investments lay ducing two million tons of population of Africa; the West Indies; he never returned. had recently granted Libya. Export Council. fallow. Each day of war also increased the possibility of dam­ petroleum a year. And in The Pope country that Newsweek once While British justice was Gulf, producing 50, 000 barrels These luminaries of Shell and age to those investments—to the August, 1967, Biafra entered described as endowed with “so being brought to the peoples of a day, refused outright; Shell BP may not run Great Britain, pipelines, the refinery at Port into negotiations with the many of the qualities that seem the south, the system of “in­ and British Petroleum, produc­ but when it comes to oil, their Harcourt, and the terminal at French branch of the House of to be missing in other emerging direct rule” was being installed ing 350, 000 barrels a day, mainly counsel is heeded with scrupu­ goes west Bonny. Although advancing Rothschild for the rights to ex­ states—a working democracy, in the Moslem north to preserve around Port Harcourt in the lous attention in the Foreign Federal troops had proclaimed ploit columbite, uranium, coal, a sound economy, a free press, the feudal way of life of the Eastern Region, stalled for time. Office. By in hopeless poverty and 5 % are tin, gold and mineral oil re­ a moderate pro-Western govern­ Hausa and Fulani peoples. No The oil companies began to toy that they intended to handle It’s been an interesting month. The what the Daily Mirror calls “dis­ Moreover, from their perspec­ sources. Again, it was a buyers’ Chicago police have revived The gustingly rich". ment. . . ”; the country Time missionaries or missionary with the idea that if the Nigerian tht installations with kid gloves, tive it must seem that, as with the Port Harcourt refinery still market: ten years’ rights for 15 Theatre of Cruelty and the Pope has Referring to the events in Czecho­ called Africa’s “counterweight schools were allowed, and government in Lagos persisted returned from Colombia. slovakia the Pope declared he would General Motors and the U. S. A., suffered 15 million dollars’ million dollars. to chaos”? slavery was tacitly encouraged. in making things difficult for what is good for the oil com­ While he was there he made two renounce his trip instantly if that worth of damage. Also contributing to the The somewhat racist answer The rule of the sultans and them, perhaps the Ibos might be panies is good for the country. suggestions—that the big landowners would help to prevent the worsen­ As the prospect of a Biafran French presence in Biafra are should be more heavily taxed and ing of evils that oppress that nation. offered by the American and emirs, replete with their systems a better lot to do business with General Gowon’s demands for victory receded, the oil policies CSOA, the French version of that the government should seek However, as his staying or going English press is that the whole of private courts, retainers and after all. increased revenue, the moguls of the Federal government re­ Montgomery Ward; Michelin, more foreign aid. would make absolutely no difference disaster is the consequence of harems, was bolstered by British To all intents and purposes, probably reasoned, would cost He had a bad word for contra­ at all he, and 18 chosen Cardinals, verted to their pre-1966 humil­ which has received rights to ex­ “tribalism”. White Anglo- guns. The south, carved into a an Ibo secession plan had been them hundreds of millions of ception, which was a pity, since hopped on their private Boeing 707. ity. Lagos was behaving with ploit the rubber resources; and America, with its distruct of all string of protectorates under in progress ever since the mas­ pounds in the long run. Why not Colombia, because of poor medical The flight cost $80,000—a sum that admirable circumspection, a vir­ Air Liquide, which hopes to get services, has an infant mortality would take the average Colombian things black, can comprehend direct British rule, remained sacres of the 1966 counter-coup. take a flyer on Colonel Ojukwu’s tue that was not lost on the deeper into the Biafran chemical rate seven times higher than Great 200 years to earn. the situation only as an exercise artificially cut off from contact And the eastern province was little Biafran state? Its small size companies. Despite its blockade, business. Britain. While the people died of starva­ in atavism and ritualistic blood­ with the north. In this way, the already withholding a sizable and population were a positive the Federal government never The Pope also remarked on living tion and hungry kids were driven letting. “There are forces let British kept the palm oil flowing portion of the oil tax revenues advantage from the oligarchs’ Actually, the French were conditions. He said that they should off the street, the Cathedral was re­ went so far as to nationalise the loose in Biafra”, says ­ unchecked to the sea. which it received from the com­ point of view. The ideal oil betting less on a Biafran mili­ be improved. Nobody would dis­ decorated in cream and gold for the oil fields under its control. Nor agree with him — especially the day Times Magazine, one of the Nigeria’s second oil age dates panies and was supposed to pass Hate, of course, would be one tary victory than they were on visit; in addition the Church of Our did it take the usual wartime people whose ceilings fell in when Lady of Lourdes had a new statue. publications most sympathetic on to the central government. It with just enough land on which a collapse of the Federal gov­ from 1953, when Western petro­ measures to control banks, cur­ the US Government helicopter he The priest who runs that church, to the Biafrans, “that white men leum companies finally struck had also taken the sale of farm to place oil rigs and just enough ernment’s war effort through in­ rency and foreign exchange. The borrowed flew overhead. Monsignor Bemado Ortega said: cannot understand. ” This is pure oil after some 20 years of produce into its own hands, in­ people to guard the pipelines— ternal dissension and lack of Five thousand starving children, “It has a simple crown of solid banks and trading companies— white chauvinism talking, for exploration and drilling. The stead of routing it through the a combination which is closely organisational capacity. Nor was known to the wits of Bogota as gold set with precious stones given Barclays (Britain’s largest bank, Westerners can easily under­ Suez crisis in 1956—although it Nigerian Produce Marketing approximated by the sheikdoms the French government eager to “stray dogs” were cleared off the voluntarily by the people of the with several hundred Nigerian street during the Holy Father’s visit. parish. ” stand the forces let loose in didn’t cut off any of the West’s Company in Lagos. of South Arabia. come down firmly on the side branches), Standard Bank (con­ A student demonstrating against But another Bolivian priest, Father Nigeria — one of the most lucrative Near Eastern oil which might prove to be a big With oil the Federal govern­ Following the secession of trolled by Chase Manhattan) His Holiness was shot to death by Mossett, who lives with his hungry important of them is oil. sources — frightened the major loser. Thus, despite the French a group of devout policemen. ment’s largest source of foreign May 30, 1967, both sides moved and the United Africa Company flock in the countryside was accused producers into reconsidering the commercial activity in Biafra, During one of his speeches he of being a Communist and given a The large European and exchange earnings—and with 75 cautiously on the oil question. (subsidiary of Unilever, the merits of Nigerian oil, despite recognition was not immediately told the peasants that poverty was severe reprimand. American oil companies have a per cent of the oil located in the Lagos immediately blockaded world’s second largest non-U. S. a virtue which should be patiently its relatively high production forthcoming. Instead, De Gaulle Though the Pope left no practical total investment in Nigeria of Eastern Region—the future of Biafra’s coast—but let the tan­ corporation) — were pleasantly borne. This must have delighted aid behind him, he did leave spiritual cost. If Nigeria could be deve­ left the formalities of official over a billion dollars. And even the Federal government looked kers through. The oil companies surprised by the freedom with them—over a hundred peasants die aid in the form of the texts of the loped as an alternative to recognition to his two most every day from starvation. more important, Nigerian oil very bleak indeed. Worse still, scrambled to pump out all the which they were allowed to go 23 speeches he made during his trip. production was the fastest Middle Eastern oil, the Western trustworthy African retainers— Naturally the Vicar of Christ spoke Exactly how much comfort these on May 30, 1967, the Eastern oil they could to fill the gap about their business. growing in the world—in 1966 petroleum industry might be Region formally seceded, declar­ President Bongo of Gabon and out against the Revolution. And very will bring to the 60 % of the popu­ caused by the Arab-Israeli War. Ordinary Nigerians, however, sensible of him, too, in a country alone it increased an incredible able to weather the vagaries of ing itself Re­ Felix houphouet-Boigny of the lation who can’t read is question­ The major question for the did not escape the costs of war. where 80 % of the population live able. 53 per cent. Arab nationalism. Ivory Coast. As for the real public of Biafra, headed by companies was whether or not Compulsory saving was intro­ The only problem was that Lieutenant Colonel Odumegwu thing — formal French recogni­ Today, the United States is Biafra could display “effective duced; strikebreaking laws and three-fourths of the Nigerian oil tion—De Gaulle would wait and represented in Nigeria and Ojukwu. sovereignty. ” June negotiations compulsory arbitration were en­ seemed to be located in the The question now was this: see. Biafra by Gulf, Mobil, Texaco, with Biafran envoys in New forced; the cost of living rose. Eastern Region—now Biafra— Standard Oil of California and who was to get the oil revenues? York saw the companies in their As Federal troops advanced into For the moment, however, all an area inhabited not by the In the complex diplomatic nego­ Phillips; the French by ERAP; most pro-Biafran mood. A Biafra, the oil companies re­ these commercial and diplo­ the Italians by ENI; the British Moslem, largely pastoral Hausa- tiations, the posture of the oil “compromise” was suggested on Anarchists treated from their earlier posi­ matic negotiations, both French Fulani, but by the ambitious, companies would be decisive in by Royal Dutch Shell and the revenue payments: 57.5 per tions. The “token payment, ” and British, are merely specula­ business-minded and democratic determining who would eat and British Petroleum (BP). The cent paid to Biafra, cash-on-the- they lied, had never been made. tion about Biafra’s future. As latter two, operating as a con­ lbos, who had given Sir George who would starve, who would barrelhead, the rest to be placed long as the war continues, oil in conference In August, 1967, just after Goldie so much trouble back in get guns and who would go sortium, are the biggest pro­ in an escrow account in the the Biafran defeat at Bonny, production remains at a stand­ the palm oil age. defenceless. Behind the oil com­ (A Dwarf Correspondent) ducers. name of Biafra. If Ojukwu Shell-BP “discovered” a clause still. The companies have not panies’ diplomacy lay not only Curiously enough, Nigeria has Still, the Ibos were not a could “maintain order” in in its contract with Nigeria earned a cent since the conflict billions of dollars in assets and The International Anarchist Con­ ministers such as Montseny, and gone through two “oil ages’ major obstacle to the oilmen as Biafra, the balance would be his. enabling the oil companies to began. And they know they hundreds of millions of dollars gress was held in the marble quarry­ pro-American Cubans, to be invited; the modern Petroleum Age was long as northern sultans and On July 3rd, Shell-BP revealed postpone royalty payments from must get back into full produc­ ing town of Massa Carrara (Italy). in liquid capital in company and when the former attacked Cohn- preceded by the Age of Palm emirs ran Nigeria. After the an agreement to make a “token the customary July 1st until tion before another Middle It was attended by delegates from a Bendit for associating with revolu­ treasuries, but, also the combined Oil. For in the 19th century it military coup of January 15, payment” of 700, 000 dollars to March 31st, 1968, the end of Eastern blowup. large number of countries, but tionary Marxists, he pointed out that power of the Dutch and British resolved itself into a conflict between was palm oil—the main ingre­ 1966, however, Sir Abubakar Biafra. fiscal 1967. The Lagos govern­ So the companies want the this was a curious case of “purity”; governments, who, with their two opposite points of view. On the after all, Cohn-Bendit associated, as dient in soap—that drew Euro­ Tafawa Balewa, the Prime But Shell-BP was hedging its ment declared its willingness to war to end, and except for the substantial stock in Shell and one hand was the fossilised bureau­ we would do, with those revolu­ pean traders to the Niger River Minister, and his mentor, the bets. It didn’t come out openly wait. And, with great fanfare, French- they want the Federal cracy that had decided to preate an British Petroleum, sustained a tionary Marxists interested in and led to the British conquest Sardauna of Sokoto, were mur­ for Biafra. To placate the General Gowon announced to government to win. And so they International Federation solely in abolishing capitalism; not, as Mont­ lively and intimate interest in of the “Nigerian Protectorate”. dered. Federal government, it pleaded the press that the goal of the must enthusiastically second ex- order to give itself some vestige of seny had done, with the CP and Nigerian affairs. support in its national federations. The richness of the palm oil The coup was led by Major that the payment had been made Federal government was to win FBI agent Joseph Palmer, the others who had an interest in It wished the congress to devote time preserving it. resources in the Northern Re­ General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi, Shell and British Petroleum “under duress. ” After all, some the war before April 1st, 1968, American assistant secretary of an lbo, and backed by a group to parliamentary-type motions and He condemned the idea of merely gion was a 19th century com­ are the world’s largest and third of the oil wells were within when Biafra was due to receive State for African Affairs, who reports from non-existent organisa­ of young officers, most of whom putting forward motions condemning mercial legend. But European largest corporations outside the Federal territory, and Lagos its payment. asks the Biafrans to “com­ tions stating, from the point of view aggression in the manner of political were also Ibo. The young offi­ merchants could never really U.S., with combined sales of might recapture the refinery. As the deadline approached, promise” and save themselves. of exiles, how revolutionary the parties. Cohn-Bendit attacked the so- countries they had not seen for a make a killing on the oil, cers specifically wanted to end over ten billion dollars—more This was essentially the line Biafran victory seemed even But Biafra can’t simply give called anarchists from Miami—they the feudalistic private courts and lifetime really were. On the other were not the Cuban anarchists at all, because of the bargaining power than three times the GNP of taken by Britain Commonwealth more unlikely—but Biafra still up. As the Federal troops ad­ personal favouritism with a Nigeria. Their corporate direc­ hand was a militant core that he said, they were just an exile group of the Ibo merchant chiefs who Secretary Bowdon, who ex­ controlled the pipelines. If the vance, Colonel Ojukwu speaks insisted that such a state of affairs representative government. They tors tend to be very well con­ living on CIA handouts. The real acted as middlemen between the plained to the House of Com­ war dragged on, Shell-BP would of a second phase of combat; a could no longer be tolerated within Cuban anarchists were in Cuba also wanted the oil companies Europeans and the palm oil nected indeed in the circles mons how the government was be in trouble. British Petroleum people’s war behind enemy the anarchist movement. “fighting the dictatorship”. to pay more taxes. This was not a clash of age as producers. This drain provided where British diplomacy is for­ betting on both horses: “At this had lost 280 million dollars in lines. This is no mere militaristic On these lines the congress the vehicle for the entry of Sir Within a little more than six mulated. stage there can be no recogni­ stated in most of the world’s press; divided; on the one hand, those who 1967, and it couldn’t stand bravado; there is genuine fear people such as Federica Montseny George Goldie, the piratical months, however, on July 29, British Petroleum’s directors tion of the Eastern Region (our another year like that. The Shell- wanted an institution of revolution; of renewed massacres. More­ had been real bureaucrats a third of on the other hand, those like the “father of Nigeria”. Goldie saw emphasis)”—implying, as The 1966, a counter-coup led by include Lord Cobbold, also BP response was twofold. In over, for the Ibos, surrender a century before and were mythical Swiss and British delegations — and that the key to obtaining the oil Major General Yakubu Gowon governor of the Bank of Eng­ Economist pointed out, that March, 1968, they announced a under the newly promulgated ones now. It had been hoped by the many other groups from around wealth lay in breaking the put the northerners back in con­ land—Britain’s equivalent of the recognition might be on its way. 42-million-dollar “crash pro­ Nigerian Federal structure those controlling the congress to the Continent who came in on a monopoly of the Ibo chiefs by trol of the Federation — and U. S. Federal Reserve Bank; W. This would save face all around. gramme” to build pipelines and keep out what they called disruptive “British” ticket — who pointed the would mean accepting the divi­ elements; this was prevented by the dealing directly with the wiped out 400 Ibo Army officers J. Kewswick, an ordinary direc­ With luck, Biafra would be terminal and storage facilities way for a spontaneous revolutionary sion of Biafra into three parts— British delegation, which had de­ movement. An enormous discussion northerners. Armed with a royal and enlisted men in the process. tor of the Bank of England; and happy, and Lagos “realistic” within Federal territory. And in with the Ibos crowded into a cided to give out British delegate’s enough not to blockade the oil. went on o u t s i d e the congress charter from Queen Victoria Throughout the months of Sep­ Sir Humphrey Trevelyan, the April, 1968, Shell-BP signed a single section containing almost papers to anyone from any country amongst the large numbers who had which gave him a “legal” mono­ tember and October, pogroms British Foreign Office’s premier Lagos, however, did extend new agreement with the Federal no oil lands whatsoever. As in prevented from speaking. been attracted to it. As summed up Stuart Christie, for the AFB poly on all trade in the region, were launched by northern oil diplomat (whose experience the blockade to oil. Production government. the years before oil production by Noir & Rouge, the revolu­ Goldie used river gunboats to includes serving as ambassador stopped in the midwest and in (Anarchists Federation of Britain) tionaries were against an soldiers and local police against The British government is began, they would have to emi­ made it clear he was speaking not blast away his Ibo competitors. Ibos living in the north, By some to Egypt during the Suez crisis Biafra. Only Gulf’s offshore harking back to Proudhon, with now irrevocably committed to grate from their homelands to merely for British Anarchists but for bureaucrats reproducing old heir- He then had the British colonial estimates, over 30, 000 were in 1956, ambassador to Iraq waiting tankers. And the war the Federal government. But the earn their living as clerks, farm revolutionary anarchists generally, archical structures. Our aim was not secretary threaten his French killed, and nearly two million during the 1958 upheaval, and fields continued to pump their French, heretofore holding none labourers and itinerant mer­ when he asked why the most militant the struggle for anarchism as an competition with war if they refugees streamed back into the South Arabian high commis­ 50,000 barrels per day into wait­ of the Nigerian franchises, have groups such as the 22nd March, abstract ideal but a revolutionary chants. After the massacres in FIJL, Noir & Rouge, etc., were tried to encroach on Goldie’s Eastern Region. sioner in 1967). ing tankers. And the war went little to lose by giving a bit of struggle with the most libertarian the north and atrocities of the excluded. It was absurd for ex- character possible section of the Niger. At the same time, in order to Shell’s board of directors, on. encouragement to the Biafrans. present civil war, such a Dias­ Ibos still remember Sir maintain its credibility in the while equally well connected in Gradually, the oil companies And, purely diplomatic con­ pora represents to the Ibos the the British government, has a found they’d been wise to hedge CARtoon Archetypal Slogan NEWSREEL: filmed reports from George’s handling of their north, the Gowon government siderations aside, the French, end of their people. Theatre, revolutionary socialist greatest historical figure, Ja Ja, had been pressured into taking somewhat more American their bets on Biafra. The oil who were forced out of Nigeria theatre group needs rehearsal the radical Americal left. Twelve as hard a line in negotiations flavour; Eugene Black is a direc­ blockade was not broken, and by Sir George Goldie in the days space. At present working on play 10-12 minute films have been re­ King of Opobo. Ja Ja had built Bob Fitch and Mary Oppen­ for GLC tenants. Please ring KIL leased, including: October ’67 Pen­ tor of the Chase Manhattan Ojukwu's troops were disap- 2409 if you can help. a thriving commercial empire in with the oil companies as had of palm oil, just might start heimer are the authors of tagon Confrontation; Up-Against- pointing on the battlefield. By palm oil and was strong enough its Ibo predecessors under Bank and until recently, head petroleum flowing their way. “Ghana: End of an Illusion” the-Wall Mother-Fuckers' Garbage General Ironsi. Mr. Abdul of the World Bank. Lord Shaw- late July, Bonny had fallen, fol­ The largest French entrepren­ VSC POSTER in shape of NLF Protest; Riot Control Weapons. to withstand the European ( Press flag in three colours with relevant traders’ attempts to run him out Attah, a Finance Ministry offi­ cross, an ex-Labour member of lowed by Enugu, the Biafran eurial efforts in Biafra centre 1966); they were married on slogans. Priced 6d. For information Further information, and bookings cial, asked Shell-BP and Gulf Parliament turned director of capital, and finally Port Har- around the activities of the state- ring 01-480-6789 or write to Vietnam from: Angry Arts Film Society, 10 of the Oil Rivers region. He was July 26th. 1968. Solidarity Campaign, 120 Com­ Downside Crescent, London, N.W. 3 mercial Road, London E.1. SWI-3228. 8 THE BLACK DWARF 13. 5 DWARF DIARY FREE GRANTS FOR ALL! ing ground in Prague, particularly constrasts the Labour Party speaker course a loyal defender of American under the command of Jock Wilson It comes as a surprise therefore, John Heartfield- amongst th e students. Various Are you an African student? Are with the ‘mob’ i.e. us! The com­ Imperialism in Vietnam and usually well-known as the scourge of the to learn that the BBC is filming an An example student journals had been publishing you ‘leftish’ or e v e n vaguely mentator remarks: “Present was the defends the US position and the London Left not too long ago. It is hour long profile/interview with Sir of his work Trotskyite literature. Isaac Deuts- ‘leftish’? Are you poor and do you trouble-making element which Lon­ Labour Government’s support of it their duty to ‘root out extremists’ Oswald Mosley to be shown in the cher’s Stalin and The Unfinished need a free scholarship to the don has come to know and despise quite shamelessly. But even if he and prevent incidents when Bonnie near future. Wake up Paul Fox. United States? If you are all this Revolution were being serialised in the past few months. ” End of didn’t would the TUC have passed Prince Charlie is investitured. What and more then don’t hesitate to and photographs of Trotsky had unbiased, objective commentary! a motion saying that all links with is amusing is that all the Special NO COMMENT ring Mr Michael Pistor, the kind, been published—Tor the first time What rights do these cunts have to American trade unions should be cut Branches including their gallant VANCOUVER, Monday. Sir warm-hearted Education Officer at in any Communist State apart from speak on behalf of Londoners in off. Not on your life. AFL-CIO leader are all Scotsmen. Which Ronald Howe, former Chief the American Embassy in Grosvenor Cuba. It is not surprising, therefore, their smooth, specially-cultivated delegates are still permitted to brings back memories of the Constable of the CID at Scotland Square. For some years now Mr that a few days after the Russian Tory accents? Surely Pathetic News defend their government’s butchery troubles in Merthyr in the 30’s when Yard, says violence is increasing Pistor, formerly stationed in the tanks rolled into Prague the Czech is a thing of the past. It has been in Vietnam. The brothers at the it was a Scots battalion which dealt in Britain because “we are letting Cameroons, has been playing host to CP sent out a top priority to all made completely irrelevant by tele­ TUC of course ‘understand the diffi­ with the ‘troublemakers’. in too many coloured people. ” leftish African students in close touch activists: BURN ALL PROVOCA­ vision. The soporofic reactionary culties the Americans face. ’ And Sir Ronald, who arrived in Van­ with certain national liberation TIVE MATERIAL. What were they trash they produce is a disgrace even anyway if they broke off links they THIS ENGLAND couver on a pleasure cruise, said in movements. They are wined a n d referring to? Books by Galbraith. to bourgeios ‘democracy’. Their would forfeit all the free trips to an interview yesterday: TIME magazine. Not at all. What “It has always been an axiom of dined and offered free scholarships coverage of second-rate sport, America — a favour which some of British foreign policy that we stand “England has existed for thou­ at American Universities or free was burnt was copies of magazines royalty and animals in zoos is of the members of the General Council sands of years without them containing Deutscher’s work. The up for smaller nations. ” — New jaunts on a somewhat spurious interest to no one and should be would not be able to do without. Statesman, Editorial, 6th September (coloured people) and why should project known as ‘Leadership Ex­ instruction was duly obeyed and flushed down the lavatory as scon we have them now. ” most of the copies burnt! Comrade 1968. change’. Little wonder then that Mr as possible. REPRESSION IN WALES He had no patience with “sickly Deutscher would have been flattered. It is rapidly becoming an axiom of Pistor is an undoubted expert on The recent bomb attacks on a the to print crap sentimentalists” who, in his words, the various struggles in Africa and CANNON’S LAW RAF centre in South Wales are by like this in its editorial columns. would “leave police powerless to PATHETIC NEWS is probably better informed than One of the more nauseating sights no means isolated attacks. There protect 95 per cent of the population from the other five per cent criminal most commentators stationed in One of the more noxious aspects at the centenary congress of the have been bomb incidents in Wales BBC CHARADES element.” Africa itself. Small wonder also of the cinema today is that in many TUC was the sight of Mr Les for the last few years and there is theatres one is sometimes unfortu­ A few days ago the BBC Sir Ronald is in favour of using that when the Nigerian war Cannon of the Electrical Trades at least one bomb incident a week showed a film on Ramsay Mac- nate enough to sit through Pathe tear-gas chemical to control riots, against Biafra began to assume Union mouthing in that nasty style in Wales. Cardiff after 10 p. m. is Donald which should have been News. We usually tend to laugh at and restoring capital punishment. genocidal proportions there was a he has developed the old cold-war like a city under Martial Law with seen by viewers some weeks ago but meeting of Biafran and Nigerian the nauseous tones of the com­ British prisons, he said, were build­ cliches against the Soviet interven­ police patrols guarding government was postponed owing to the Czech studets to discuss the matter. The mentator teiiing us coyly that the ing up a hard core of criminals who tion in Czechoslovakia. He was most buildings and Labour Party offices. crisis. In the film there is an inter­ meeting was held under Mr scratch on Prince Charles’ cheek was had nothing to lose by shooting a concerned that the TUC cut off the To attribute the unrest as the Secre­ view with Sir Oswald Mosley as Pistor’s auspices and was the first not a shaving cut but had been warder. —Associated Press. few links it does have with its tary for Wales has done to ‘a indeed there should be. Mosley was and last of its kind. Mr Pistor caused by a ‘lady friend’. What is Rusian counterpart. We cannot talk cowardly bunch of thugs’ is to avoid a Minister in MacDonald’s Govern­ told the Dwarf that he was defi­ encouraging is that the derisive if with one excuse after another— have presented a powerful arsenal of to aggressors seemed to be the facing the problem. The unrest ex­ ment and a potential Labour Prime nitely not working for the CIA hoots of laughter which greet Another victim of the invasion of the latest being that the letters DDR revolutionary graphic weaponry message. We will never condone the tends deep into the soul of Wales. Minister. The bureaucrat in charge, Pathetic News seem to grow louder. Czechoslovakia is the John Heartfield mustn’t appear on the catalogue. So, which is of much more use to our use of force. Union meetings are attracting 2000- however, objected to the Mosley BURN DEUTSCHER, BURN Despite this, however, why is it that exhibition. The work of the great come August 21 and the Tory leader Czech comrades in their struggle, It is reported that a few trade 3000 members and the youth in interview and ordered the deletion of One of the things which worried such drivel is churned out regularly German communist propaganda- on Camden bravely answers the than all the odious hypocrisies of unionists had to leave the hall particular are developing a socialist some relevant comments on un­ the Russian enormously about pre­ to mislead the average viewer. A designer was to have opened in appeal from Literani Listy for a cul­ Douglas-Home or Crossman; while during Mr Cannon's speech as they consciousness. employment in the 30’s spoken by invasion Czechoslovakia was the recent newsreel, showing the Anti- Camden next month under Arts tural boycott, and claims credit for the content of Heatfield’s work is were literally feeling sick! We sym­ Four hundred Branch constables Mosley. The producer was outraged ‘subversive’ ideas which were gain­ Russian demo on Czechoslovakia, Council auspices, but for months the the cancellation. quite as vicious of Ulbricht’s as it pathise with them. Mr Cannon is of and officers are based in Cardiff but suffered the philistinism. F. O. was doing its best to sabotage Fuck him. The exhibition would was of Hitler.

MISSING BARMAN? Janet Daley Some months ago a new barman as ‘ordinary constables’. They had tense, alarmed atmosphere came a seem the epitome of judicious and GUNS Adrian Mitchell in our local pub treated my husband no plans for any para-military riot small news item from Scotland Yard: An open letter unhysterical forethought. They care­ and a friend of ours to a most in­ control corps. I phoned the Home almost as an after-thought they men­ fully leak, not only to the highly They seem to have all the guns. triguing bit of information about his Office. They were similarly aghast. tioned that due to the possibility of questionable gossip-mongering press plans: he was, he said, only working Most of the guns in Britain are “You are willing to give me a cate­ mob violence, they were sending but to those pillars of respectability Fidel British/American government property, in the pub for a short interval be­ to Castro gorical denial then, that such a squad many of their ordinary policemen among newspapers, hair-raising dis­ Police property tween and the DEAR FIDEL: is being formed? ”. Yes, they were. (it was stressed) for brief training coveries of imminent blood-baths and beginning of his new career with the We are writing to you in connection with the invasion of Czechoslovakia Or the property of gentry-gangsters Our barman was now long gone My sojourns in crowd control at a Hen­ planned revolutionary carry-ons while police force. He bad only recently by the armed forces of the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and Who are British/American government property. information was too thin for me to don training centre. But this training at the same, time arranging for their completed his army service, a part East Germany. An invasion which you have described as a ‘flagrant viola­ continue much further consisted only, they assured us, of official spokesman to deny the pro­ Nobody I love has a gun. Not in Britain. of which had been spent in Hong tion of Czech sovereignty’, but which nevertheless you have gone on to Then came that spate of headlines ‘refresher courses’. ceeding of such investigations justify in political terms. The rich are rich because they fuck people about. Kong. He recounted how having left about planned extremist violence at (thereby sparing themselves the bur­ Having read your speech on the subject we gather that your main They call it the Quality of Leadership the army, HE HAD BEEN AP­ the October rally. The Times, in Admittedly indulging in specula­ den of proof). excuse for supporting Czech intervention was your belief that the new And they have special school-machines producing PROACHED BY THE POLICE who an uncharacteristically contradictory tion, let us -imagine a mythological And what is the image left in the regime was: “marching towards capitalism and inexorably towards Leaders to fuck people about, internationally. were interested in recruiting him, account claimed both that it was a police force, panic-stricken by revolu­ public mind? An eminently reason­ imperialism—we did not have the slightest doubt about that”. they said, for their new riot control fact that police secret agents had dis­ tionary activity in neighbouring able police force harassed in the We disagree with you Comrade. There was not the slightest evidence People with guns squad. They were particularly in­ covered an arms cache, etc., and countries, deciding that they must carrying out of its duty by irrespon­ to suggest that the socialised property relations which prevail inside Czecho­ Tend to fuck other people about. terested in him, they explained, that Scotland Yard had officially create, their own effective force for The people they tend to fuck about because of his riot control experience sible, rumour-flogging journalists. slovakia were in danger. Does this mean that we justify the economic denied having held secret investiga­ suppression lest ‘fanatically’ idealistic policies of the Dubcek regime. No! A hundred times no! But then there Are people who don’t have guns. in Hong Kong. They were especially tions with such findings. Who else youths in their land take hope from And what is the public image of left-wing demonstrators and activists is very little difference between the economic trends in Czechoslovakia and anxious to recruit as many former but the police, of course, could have foreign uprisings. Inconveniently, None of my friends has a machine-gun ready, (none of whom have been arrested other East European countries including the Soviet Union. If the Czechs military personnel as possible. Our led the eminently responsible Times however, our imaginary police force Let alone a tank. or charged, and whose alleged arms were moving “inexorably towards capitalism” then so are the Russians, so barman, attracted by the job secur­ to print the first claim? Surely The resides in a nation with a long tradi­ accumulation and bomb-making is are the Poles, the Bulgarians and the Rumanians. Surely you know of the A few yards ahead of us. a row of truncheons. ity, had signed up. He was shortly, Times would not have printed hearsay tion of civilized tolerance for dissent still unproved? ) financial deals the Soviet bureaucracy has contracted with capitalism. Behind the truncheons, rifles, he told us, to go off to a police centre ■— only an authoritative statement and a consequent distaste for militar­ Behind the rifles, grenades, in Hendon for training. Shortly after, Surely you know the deal made with Italian capital to produce Fiat cars from somewhere in the police force ism and repression on the part of its And what is the public response in the Soviet Union—to name but one firm! Behind the grenades, machine-guns, he vanished as he had predicted, would have led to their printing the police. Alas! In order to make their when, softened up by this compaign, Behind the machine-guns, tanks, apparently to take up his new career. There is also talk of ‘imperialist elements’ in Czechoslovakia. What account at all even though they new militant steps palatable, the they hear the Big Daddy of police elements are these? West German tourists? There are more of them in Behind the tanks, bombs. ' I phoned Scotland Yard for a pointed out that the official spokes­ police authorities must whip up announcements: that the police have, Bulgaria! Americans? There are more of them in the Soviet Union itself! And behind the bombs — the rich. statement. They reacted with shocked man of Scotland Yard had made a public terror and outrage at would- in fact, created a militaristic, riot- Capitalist propaganda? It flourishes throughout Eastern Europe. horror: they knew nothing of such denial. Ibe violence-mongers to a sufficient control branch so that their land can The rich are as stupid as guns. No Fidel! What the leadership of the CPSU feared most was the pene­ They will be killed by their own guns. a squad. They recruited men only In the midst of wild stories and a degree, to make their own action have a CRS of its very own? tration of critical COMMUNIST ideas inside a communist state. They are frightened that the example might spread as indeed it will. What they fear In every capital is NOT the penetration of capital but the penetration of ideas. What they The fuckedabout of the world are linking arms. SUBCULTURE Roland Muldoon fear is that soon the new generation inside the Soviet Union itself will The people of the world begin to demand that the platform of the Left Opposition be published! Want the world. Following in the wake of the rise Therefore, what remains is a lot of constitute what is now referred to as We do, however, feel it essential that That the butchery, both physical and intellectual, perpetrated by Stalinism We are going to take it. devoted people who, when all is said the, extra-parliamentary opposition. we create an ambiance with all those of revolutionary consciousness has be exposed for once and for all and that the present bureaucratic regime and done, amount to a couple of concerned in creating a sub-culture come the demand for a socialist sub­ in the Soviet Union be exposed as having betrayed the fundamental tenets drama groups, folk singers, and a (and not requiring recognition for culture. But so far all that has So as we have developed we are of Leninism. few good poets. There is also the presented with the problem of ap­ its own sake). We should get together arrived is a conglomeration of half- Fidel you imply that a few ‘honest revolutionaries’ asked for Soviet emergence of art design as a recog­ proaching three types of audiences. because it simply isn’t good enough intervention. The Koldar clique—all three of them—are neither honest nor baked often misapplied ideas that nised weapon, the beginnings of a First the progressive left and here just to feel that you are trying to revolutionaries. They are the most backward and Stalinist elements inside unfortunately reflect the uncertainty left-wing press, and Unity, a run­ we have tried to avoid the obvious do something and not reaching the the bureaucracy who want to preserve the status quo. They are the of general schizophrenia of the Move­ down old theatre of the orthodox pitfalls of preaching to the converted widest audience possible. It tends to Escalantes of Eastern Europe!! ment.... in the wrong way. It is left (which often seems more inter­ by trying to reflect its own schizo­ become a nightmare; you have to Of course there are bourgeois forces present in Czechoslovakia as there not easy to come up with a widely ested in West End recognition than phrenia. . . in, we hope, the correct sort out what’s happening and, when are in most communist countries but they had been politically sterilised by known example of this, so Centre the sub-culture). way. The, second audience is the doing this, you begrudgingly realise the actions of the Czech communists. If anything has revived them it is the 42 will have to suffice. Although this youth, who are generally much more that the ICA and imitators in the Soviet intervention. The Dubcek regime had laid the basis for a genuine movement never claimed to he re­ What then are we to do? It is aware than their elders because of hippy underground generally have political revolution which would have progressed with the growth of a volutionary, it expressed a desire to important for our embryonic move­ the pop-explosion and therefore we more effect. They present, at least genuine revolutionary movement in the whole of Europe. The Stalinists in take culture to the workers. It had have set out plays somewhere in that to the, youth of this country, a rival ment to be backed up (in this age the Kremlin have tried to crush this, but in the long run they will not a provincial tour, which was an abys­ of mass media) with an art move­ media. The third is the most difficult culture. Ultimately, however, those succeed. How can they. History is beginning to catch up with them. mal failure, and then retreated to ment that reflects the classical and —and that is the workers. This is a with genuine intention will emerge Fidel you know better than us that cannot be the Roundhouse. There it attempted hard market to define and very often as a strong minority. In the short modem alienations of the workers, forced down people’s throats at bayonet point. If it is politically justifiable to collect money to convert that they dislike the material which term we are expecting people attract­ students and . for a Communist country to intervene in order to remove a regime it building into a mausoleum ‘worthy’ appeals to the other two. As yet we ed away from bourgeoise society to dislikes, how can we argue that it is wrong for Yankee Imperialism to try of Stalin himself. When unable to When we started three years ago have, not come up with a satisfactory sort out where they are for them­ and preserve its client states by military force? The moral base of Marx­ get working class support, it attempt­ we presented material about the answer in any way to their particular selves or at the worst and in the ed to borrow money from the classical alienation facing the young type of demand and so we are cur­ absence of other alternatives to let ism must not be debased. Establishment. Caught between the everyman in the western world. This rently trying to develop a play which the and the Stalinism has converted the ideas of Marx and Lenin into a sterile crossfire of the two, it produced was well received by all types of will interest them but will not be Melody Maker and the to dogma in much the same way as a Roman Catholic catechism. Stalinism has made Eastern Europe completely apolitical so that it cannot understand nothing. audiences but generally those which covered by bourgeoise culture. do it for them. the nature of the struggles taking place in Vietnam, Latin America and Africa. It will take time for revolutionary politics to flower inside Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union again but flower they will and when they begin to bloom it will sound the death-knell of neo-capitalism in Western Europe. The Soviet Union refuses to recognise that the main enemy is U.S. Imperialism. How can it with its declared aim of ‘peaceful co-existence’. The Soviet Union prefers to concentrate its wrath on ‘German re­ vanchism’ which it knows full well is merely an off-shoot of a larger monster. NEW REDUCED SUBSCRIPTION Soviet intervention has come as a blow to the anti-imperialist move­ ment in the West. RATES It is for all these reasons that we are saddened by your support of 6 months (13 issues) £1 post free the Russian intervention because we, Fidel, never thought that you could ever be on the same side, albiet objectively, as men like Monje and others 12 months (26 issues) £2 post free of his ilk in Latin America. Men who have dishonoured Marxism and are New subscribers completing this form will receive the big CHE betraying the Revolution. All of us have supported the achievements of the poster (20" x 30") free. Cuban Revolution! Most of us have visited Cuba since its liberation! We still do! We are in complete solidarity with the struggle begun by Che in the jungles of and we shall continue to help in the struggle against Please send me the BLACK DWARF for the next 6/12 U.S. Imperialism. But it is precisely because of our political position on months. I enclose p.o. /cheque for £l/£2. these questions that we ask you Fidel: WHY??? Tariq Ali, Roger Smith, Name ...... Clive Goodwin, Irving Teitlebaum, David Mercer, 7 Carlisle St., London, W. l. Address ...... EDITORIAL AND PRODUCTION GROUP: Tariq Ali, Olive Goodwin, Adrian Mitchell, Robin Fior, David Mercer, Mo Teitelbaum, Fred Halliday, Barney Fulcher, Roger Tyrrell, Warren Sharpe. Published by The Black Dwarf, 7, Carlisle St., London W. l. Printed by A. J. Chappie Ltd., Bala, N. Wales. Distributed by Moore Harness Ltd., The BLACK DWARF, 7 Carlisle Street, W . 1. 11 Lever St., E d . 01-253 4286. FOREIGN SUBS PER ANNUM: Telephone: 01-734 4827 U.S.A-/Canada/India/Pakistan: £5 16s. 6d. (By Air); £3 16s. (Ordinary); Cuba/N orth Vietnam,/China/New Zealand/ Australia: £6 8s (By Air); Trade terms on application. £3 18s. (Ordinary); Czechoslovakia/Yugoslavia/W . Europe: £4 (By Air).