ESTABLISHED 18 1 7 VOLUME 14 No. 17 FORTNIGHTLY 1/6d. WHAT A BLOODY NERVE Five free papers have been threatened by the police. OZ: Six thousand copies burned. IT: Office raided, private documents removed. Rolling Stone: galley proofs examined. Black Dimensions: office raided, charges pending. Black Dwarf: three visits by Scotland Yard, threats of criminal libel. Picture on the right: is this the notorious the PC. Last week (nine months later), frighteners all round? PC Pulley, well known to everyone in two Scotland Yard detectives paid visits If so, it hasn’t worked. This week we Notting Hill, especially to some of its to the Dwarf distributors, and to the give you our guide to Scotland Yard and black citizens? home of a member of the editorial to Special Branch activities in our Back in August, the Dwarf quoted Mr board. They spoke of criminal libel — a universities; the next Dwarf will be George Clark (director of the survey that serious offence. investigating the police in Notting Hill — has just exposed the appalling housing Are the police going to press this in particular the case of PC Pulley. there) who said something nasty about charge; or is it just a case of the FUZZFILE From Notting Hill to Victoria Street is but a shilling on an 88 bus. Our intrepid but suitably disguised blue dwarf found himself at the main entrance to the New Scotland Yard. Noting in passing the ramp and check-point leading to the very extensive underground vehicle dump beneath the pricey concrete anti glass structure, he went in (1). Fuzz most everywhere. They and staff have passes which are checked as they enter. Anybody else allowed to go in is supposed to fill in a voucher with his name and address. Old boy on door keeps a carbon copy and visitors return to him this authorisation as they leave. Being nothing if not unconventional, our dwarf decides not to avail himself of one of these grubby chits. Proceeds, undeterred, to the lift. Up: notices the lift doesn’t stop at the third floor. In fact, our dwarf later finds out that the whole of the third floor, through both blocks, contains the Criminal Records Office (2). Friendly words to scurrying personnel reveal that the only access to CRO is in the Victoria St block. (Habitues refer to the larger, 19-storey, block as ‘the tower’ and the other, eight-storey block as ‘Victoria St’. ) The tower is almost entirely devoted to administration, containing mainly civilian employees. Victoria St is the police block proper. However, he’s in the lift: fourth floor. This is the canteen (3). Unfortunately not much time to stay and sample the fare, for the food is excellent and the prices — most reasonable. Our dwarf changes to a faster lift and speeds to the upper floors of the tower. Here, in their well-carpeted and tastefully furnished accommodation, are the Commissioner himself, the Assistant Commissioners and the Official Receiver, with the architects just above them (4). Black leather and carpets abound. Here, he notes, the teeming menials to be found on lower storeys are kept well out of sight. With a select, far from canteenish, dining room, the premises are well equipped to serve and entertain visiting dignitaries - which include not infrequent groups of Japanese or Ghanaian fuzz, for example, eager to pick up a tip or two about good taste and other old English street customs. Strikes our dwarf that the Commissioner’s flat is well suited for the occasional over-night stay — the odd big demo, perhaps? Drink tastes good. Connecting the tower with the Victoria St block is a substantial bridge (5 — obscured in picture). Wandering through, our dwarf sees what looks like a cinema and briefing room. Main attraction, though, are the display cabinets containing, as well as the usual cop soccer cups and that sort of thing, silver whips presented by the Shah of Persia and gifts from other enlightened despots. Pride of place currently seems to be taken by a bizzare scroll thanking the fuzz for their fine bearing in the Great October Demo. Signed by sundry middle-aged ladies and Tory councillors, it purports to be representative of the feelings of hundreds of thousands more who sadly omitted to sign. This curious missive is now ensconced in a glass case. Continued Overleaf SPECIAL YOUTH ISSUE The Black Dwarf May 16 1969 Page 2


Your Ref. Continued from Page 1. In the first floor of the Victoria St block he comes across the Information Room, where 999 calls are taken - you can see this from the street (6). Bits of computer much in evidence and about 20 TV screens. The cameras are scattered all over the central metropolitan area and used for traffic purposes but can also be useful when D e a r undesirables such as yourself, dear reader, choose to dance in the streets. Just about this point the Commissioner’s excellent booze begins to get the better It has been suggested that you might like to of our dwarf's usually very-much-present faculties. (Anyway, as a result, he came assist this department in a current project we have in out not quite sure about some of the floors between here and the upper part of the mind. As I cannot explain what it is all about by letter Victoria St block. Please accept his apologies) He notices floors two to six embrace we should be grateful if you could find time to come to normal police work — general crime, gang-smashing, murder etc (7). Room 055 at the War 0ffice to discuss it. If you will On the same floor as the obscene publications department: the Drug Squad. It’s ring Whitehall 9400 Extension 393 or write to the above at the end of the building in the background of the picture. Legalise pot posters etc. address we can arrange a day and time convenient for you. grace the walls around these offices, obviously for informational purposes. Our dwarf leaves hurriedly. Meanwhile, please treat the contents of this letter Fifth floor: a monstrous map-room (8). Just about every map of every thing you as completely confidential and refrain from mentioning it to can imagine in London. If it’s any comfort, your house is one of these maps: maps anyone. We shall of course pay the expenses of your trip to London. showing spates of everything from armed robbery to handbag snatching, meticulously pin-pointed with smarty-like buttons and fancy tape. Yours faithfully, Dwarf then wanders to sixth floor: fingerprints dept. (9). Hundreds of ‘civvies’ working here, taking prints from butterfly-type trays. Suddenly dawns on him that there is something like a running feud in Scotland Yard between police and non-police personnel. Fuzz seem to be continually cursing ‘these bloody civvies’ and vice-versa. (Notes that curiously, fuzz trade mag is called The Job and civil servants’ R. Strickland. mag is called The Whip. ) Down the middle of this floor: glass cases with old murder weapons in them. Idea: ‘Watch out for dabs on the tin-opener. ’ Seventh floor: at the eastern end dwarf comes across photographic department CAMBRIDGE, SUSSEX which serves all sections (10). At the other end (at last! ) of same floor is ‘D’ squad of Special Branch (11) Seem to be lot of Welsh-speaking fuzz in here. One booking train ticket to Cardiff. Spy Networks Uncovered Celtic fringe probably much expanded since investiture hassle. If you’re a student and ‘they’ haven’t already faculties and personnel with the CIA, the US got you, be warned, they know who you are military, the Atomic Energy Commission, and and exactly what you’re up to. In a week which the State Department. Moreover, the Deans of has produced rumblings from the belly of the Harvard are shown to have approved contracts White House, to the effect that Dickie and and affiliations with the CIA: Amongst the Spiro want the students restrained, three documents seized and reprinted was a memo on remarkable pieces of information have come a CIA contract with Prof. Ivan Sutherland and a into the ‘Dwarf offices... the first from the letter from Prof. Arthur Smithies to Dean Ford Shilling Paper in Cambridge; the second from saying that the Professor had maintained Top floor of Victoria St block is all Special Branch (12). Here, dwarf discovers, Old Mole of Harvard, the third from our contact with the CIA during ten years. A are ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ squads. In open office at western end sees lots of plain-clothes reporters in Sussex University. telegram to Dean Ford, from the Director of cops (A on diagram). About 15-20 desks. Some women, but otherwise all types: The Shilling Paper’s article tells of a letter the Vietnam Working Group of the State proletarian London bobby, provincial and upper middle-class - ‘different colour sent by the War Office in London to about a Department, thanked Harvard for ‘making score of undergraduates in Cambridge. We collar from shirt’ sort. Dwarf says to himself: Outside you would never think some Professor Kissinger available for his extremely reprint this letter here. successful mission to Vietnam’. Prof. Kissinger of these were fuzz. In this room they are all detective constables and sergeants. They The War Office spider follows up this is now Nixon’s special advisor for national talk of ‘The Party’ and industrial disputes. Also: troublesome teachers and tenants’ intriguing invitation to its potential fly, moving security affairs. associations. Our dwarf gets the impression that all these obscure little tenants’ to a kill with a rendezvous in Room 055 of its Another document gave an official associations are unanimously considered irksome in the extreme. Impossible to keep Whitehall offices. description of MIT’s Centre for International Here are two men, one heavy and track of all of them. SB man’s secret dream: the Communist Party controlling all Studies and showed: unobtrusive, the other being Strickland himself, 1) that it was set up to ‘penetrate the Iron Left organisations. Would be far simpler that way to keep track. On noticeboard (B), front man for the MI5 and witness in several Curtain with ideas’ at the request of ‘the in addition to holiday rota etc., current samples o f some of more obscure political spy trials. Strickland doesn’t labour the point. civilian wing of the government.’ leaflets of undesirable nature. Theyneed, he says, a report from time to time 2) that ‘much of the initiative for the Along either side of corridor are offices for ranks above sergeant (C). Dwarf on the political actions and attitudes of some establishment of the Centre came from undergraduates and occasionally, a full report members of the Harvard faculty.’ notices these all kept firmly Chubb locked. He wanders past signing-on-book, by in reply to a specific enquiry — nothing like a 3) that one of its advisory boards included swing doors, to duty room (D). More political posters and leaflets on walls here. full-time job is involved. Allen Dulles, head of the CIA. Also photos of one or two Black Power leaders. Most interesting pic: a guy with a As it turned out, Mr. Strickland and his Should you be sitting in Exeter or York, white crash-helmet in his hand who is smashing windows of fuzz bus. Caption: ‘Do ‘heavy’ didn’t like the look of the man to making bombs and feeling secure, take notice, you recognise this man? ’ whom they sent the letter above. Maybe they the University of Sussex in Brighton has been could tell that he was liable to blow the beans discovered keeping files on the political SB seems to spend most time checking on people taking out naturalisation to the Shilling Paper. In any case they shrugged sympathies and actions of some of its students. papers: obsessively thorough. Though often inefficient (vide Dr Laurence of Purley him off with Whitehall aplomb. But he could The authorities let it slip that they had these cock-up recently) SB are definitely obsessively thorough. Lot of time also taken up, easily have joined the hundreds or thousands files during the course of a minor disciplinary dwarf notices, by ordinary citizens who send in newspaper pics of demos (usually (who knows? ) of agents and spies required by case involving a militant student. The proctors from Express or Telegraph) saying ‘This man is my next-door neighbour’ or (pic of the state to police our free academic described the student as ‘a hard-core communities. internationalist’. They knew that he had been Tariq Ali) ‘This man works in my local curry restaurant. ’ Often nuts, often Of course, this news comes as no surprise. It in Paris for the May Revolution and that he had malicious, but most have to be checked on, our dwarf discovers to his amazement. confirms the social analysis which points to a attended demonstrations in Essex university. At eastern end of top floor finds Special Branch library (E). Mainly not criminal necessary identification of interests between A meeting of the Student Disciplinary files but information got as result of surveillance, he guesses. Old files (cardboard) the universities and all other institutions of Council on April 23 deplored the keeping of are labelled but new ones are all coded. Musty files on Hunger Marches, the Fenians, bourgeois power. Such analysis is peculiarly such records, and demanded both that the files relevant to American affairs; and it was the be made open for inspection and that they be the Casement case, IRA. Equally musty custodians look after these (probably ex-cop discovery of CIA files on the Harvard campus burnt. The university replied by admitting that or ex-army). One intriguing old file on ‘ex-inspector Symes. ’ Notices another, which led to Old Mole printing this equation on they had records for the politics of eight uncompleted, file marked ‘Pulley’ — curious, thinks our dwarf, perhaps this is some one of their pages: undergraduates: they claimed that their new kind of secret weapon. . . He makes his excuses and leaves. HARVARD = CIA = STATE possession of this knowledge was the result of DEPARTMENT = MURDERERS=FORD a clerical error’. They seemed full of. 'square backlash is on the way. For some FOUNDATION=PENTAGON contrition, promising that it would never time now the middle classes have been The secret CIA files made available to Old happen again. The fact remains that the files Mole revealed connections of various Harvard watching in horror the way the young have not been destroyed. develop their struggle for identity: and MAY DAY 1969. Photo: Andrew Morland DWARF they haven’t liked it one little bit. Now, from their entrenched positions of power in the police and local councils COMMENT they are launching a counter attack. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better comrades. If you are attacked The police are getting active all round. A remember that you do have weapons. summer offensive is beginning. Black Publicity is one of them. If nobody Dimensions a cyclostyled magazine knows about it nobody can help you. which contained its own allegations of Tell us at least. But don’t ignore racialist behaviour by Notting Hill Gate bourgeois outlets for complaint - local police was raided recently and a great papers, MP’s even your local vicar. If the deal of literature taken away. No charge shit is flying and he’s willing to be used yet. IT’s offices were searched on a — use him like a shield. Never plead ridiculous pretext and letters seized. guilty: always fight back. Hire the best Again no charge. After a visit by local lawyer you can find and then don’t pay police, Sharmans, Peterborough printers, him: or at least take as long as you can burned six thousand copies of Oz and about it. Get on television or radio, put impossible conditions on both Oz whenever you can and shout out the and IT (which they also print) before it truth. If only one person hears it for the will continue to produce them. The first time it will be worthwhile. TENANTS FIGHT BACK Council Chamber Cleared On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 29th and 30, press were treating the incident. Every single council meetings of the GLC and Camden Camden Council meeting is interrupted by council were interrupted by demonstrators angry tenants. Every time the gallery is cleared protesting over the scandalous conditions in by the police. What should be a militant and Council Buildings, Poplar (referred to in Black democratic gesture is quickly and easily Dwarf no. 16). contained by the system. And what of the On Tuesday, the United Tenants Association theory that protesting tenants should go had organised a coach load of tenants from through the proper channels? A member of Releana Road, Poplar, to come and heckle from UTA told us that her organisation had done just the public gallery. They sat quietly while the this. The result? The housing officer had council dealt with minor local issues, such as referred them to welfare; and welfare had sent the conditions of pavements, road signs, and them back to housing. parking facilities. But when Councillor The police arrived after twenty minutes. Greengross was in the act of answering a They were immediately aggressive, making first question from Councillor Walker about the for the women, whom they attempted to depths to which bollards are buried in the remove by force. One woman lost her glasses in pavement, uproar broke out in the public a scuffle, and a policeman stamped on them gallery. ‘You fat slobs, where’s your humanity?’ and broke them. One policeman, on seeing Bill and ‘These are the homeless families. They are Woods, of St Pancras Tenants Association, said Photos: Homer Sykes your responsibility’. Leaflets were scattered to his mate: ‘Get that big man first’. A explaining fully the appalling housing policeman’s helmet was knocked off into the conditions in Releana Road, and saying what chamber below, and was picked up by one of action the tenants had now decided to take. the councillors, who clowned around, out of Stinkbombs were thrown. After only a minute sight of the furious tenants; other councillors of this, the mayor ordered the gallery to be clamoured to try it on. In the gallery, there was cleared. chaos and fighting for twenty minutes. We We were then treated to the spectacle of fat, heard from several sources that the King’s Cross besuited councillors strolling around drinking police are noted for their brutality. coffee and eating caviare canapes, saying such We waited after the gallery had been cleared things as: ‘Of course, they’re ruining their own to see what reference, if any, the mayor made case. If only they’d go through the proper to these disturbances: or, more important, channels. . . ’ ‘You fucking scum’, one woman whether this would evoke any response in him had called from the gallery; whereupon, ‘What or the other councillors. But his only reference did she say?' one Councillor asked his wife; ‘I to the incident was to apologise for their only heard “scum”’, she replied. interruption of the meeting, and to resume the Possibly most disturbing of all was the bored discussion of the vital question of bollards. and blase way in which both councillors and Janet Ree. Y our R igh t To Be Heard Our legal correspondent writes: hand is in a different position. They are a court, Protesting tenants who find themselves thrown anyway, and if you so much as cough in the out of council meetings for heckling should House of Commons public gallery you can remember the following facts. The police have theoretically be clapped in the tower. Anybody no right to remove people from the public interrupting a session of Parliament is galleries of council chambers by force. If they committing a contempt of court. The council do so, they are laying themselves open to chamber, here, like any other county council in possible charges for assault. the country, is in no different legal position Postscript: Poplar This became apparent last week when from any other public building. If people come Mr Beresford attempted to squat in Ilford but sporting knuckle-dusters. members of the United Tenants Action in and refuse to move, they are committing an ‘Where’s your fucking husband then? Hiding committee broke up a meeting of the GLC. offence of trespass, it is true. But that is a civil was forced back with his family to his prison-like flat in Poplar. (BD No. 16). He behind your skirts?’ One of them let go with a They were protesting about the council’s offence. The police have no power to arrest flyer and caught her 9 year old son on the outrageous rent increases, which came into anybody for trespassing.’ suffers from rheumatism and can get no regular work. In fact he is reduced to collecting scrap cheek. force last October. After heckling, showering Under the Local Government Act, all local She slammed the door in their faces, bolted the assembled councillors with leaflets, and, authorities are compelled to hold their meetings metal with his kids. His two sons were taking their bundles down it and shoved most of the furniture against it. throwing stink bombs, an order was given for in public. If they refuse members of the public Just as well. Some of them tried to break it the gallery to be cleared. The police were entry, they are themselves breaking the law. to the scrap merchant when a road-sweeper stopped them and asked them what they were down, others went round the back and threw called. Tenants, should, however, remember that if carrying. This sweeper pries into every aspect of stones at the window. The tenants, however, refused to move. This they interrupt council meetings they are taking Mrs B. sent her eldest son to try to get the posed a problem for the inspector in charge of the risk of being charged with disturbing the the lives of the people living in Releana Road Council Flats. Police. But the gang spotted him and nearly the removal squad. He was obviously, unlike peace, or something of that nature. Getting cornered him; luckily he shinned up a some of his predecessors, chary of taking a hard evidence to prove that this has happened is in The kids told their father about it on the way back from the merchant. He went up to drain-pipe and back inside before they could line. The demonstrators consequently held their fact very difficult, and such charges being get him. Mrs B., at her wits end now for fear ground and refused to move. Net result: the brought against people who have caused the sweeper and asked him what business it was of his. The sweeper replied by advancing on Mr that her husband might come back to be tenants in effect took the council chambers for disturbances in public galleries or council greeted by 20 thugs, yelled to a departing three-quarters of an hour. They eventually left chambers is unheard of. The GLC, whose Beresford and raising his shovel. Mr B. bopped him one. welfare officer to get through to the police for when boredom set in. meetings have been broken up for almost Christ’s sake. The council had meanwhile left the eighteen months now, realise this. They are He then went off to the docks in search of a job. ‘If we can’t you we’ll carve up you wife and chamber. Mr Roland Freeman, chairman of the Worried. They are now looking into the kids.’ GLC’s Finance Committee, explained in weary possibility of framing a bye-law which would Back home there was a knock on the Beresford’s door. Mrs B. opened up to face And then they were gone and the fuzz rolled tones: ‘You see the police have no power to give them greater powers for handling up too late. remove these people by force. That’s the troublesome tenants. Meanwhile remember; three thugs, each hiding a weapon behind his difficulty we’re in. Parliament, on the other stubbornness pays! back. Downstairs there was a further group John Weal


On May 5 a report on housing in Notting Hill building a fourth for $3 million). At the The much-publicised proposals for banding in demonstration was intended to draw the was published. Council’s request publication was delayed to the Highgate and Haringey comprehensive dockers’ attention to the implications of Its publication was prefaced by numerous give them time to prepare a defence. All schools (B.D. No. 16) were approved by the loading these arms - which are a part of press leaks, was followed by extensive press criticism of Council activity was subsequently Council two weeks ago. But the Tory racists of Britain’s imperialist action against Biafra. coverage and will certainly lead to vast droves removed from the report. the Education Committee didn’t have it all About 200 dockers have already refused to load of lords and ladies coming into the area with In fact, of course, Notting Hill merely their peaceful and anti-democratic way. IS one arms shipment and the movement is. their hand-outs, good advice and, above all, typifies the conditions which exist in many organised a march of 150 which passed through growing. requests for patience. urban areas. Since these conditions are integral the main shopping centre en route to the Civic Sheffield University Union has carried a The message of the report is simple: to a society ordered under monopoly capital, Centre while the proposals were being motion offerring Visiting Lectureships, to be conditions in Notting Hill are appalling but no remedy for them can be expected from the discussed. Later, about 400 people went into paid out of Union funds, to Nick Bateson and they are the result of a quite exceptional present councils and central Government. The the public gallery to disturb the councillors’ . Since the Union has massive circumstance - a high influx of immigrants into people of Notting Hill know this and they will cool by singing, heckling and booing. Basil funds (estimated at more than £60, 000) the an area especially attractive to speculative receive promises from the council and from Lewis, West Indian Conservative Councillor offer is valid and workable. The Sheffield builders. Like general poverty and balance of Westminster with a suitable contempt. voted against the proposals (West Indian voice Union is waiting to see what the University’s payment problems, one big push by local Along with general support for the work of from the gallery, ‘He had no choice, man.’) and Senate will make of the idea. council, GLC and Government and the problem Peoples’ Associations on rents and the creation Vic Butler, Labour Councillor, thanked the of housing can be solved — or so the report of play-spaces, there is an almost universal demonstrators for showing up the Edinburgh College of Commerce was says. sympathy for the actions of squatters. Many ineffectiveness of the Labour group in the occupied on Mayday by about 200 people in It is, of course, no accident, that the facts members of the community seem ready to go Council chamber. Following the passage of the protest against In Place o f Strife. Students of outlined in the report should be interpreted in beyond simple occupation of empty property banding proposals, plans are being made by the Commerce, University students and workers this way. The survey began as a project of and to say, ‘If we can’t have all these empty people of Haringey and Highgate to boycott stayed in occupation of the Assembly Hall hundreds of local people and students and it flats, then neither shall they’. the banded schools. It may happen that parents throughout the day. It is in this context that the Notting Hill will challenge in court the abolition of their was quickly taken over by a ‘director’, George Mayday in Kent University was an Squatters and Peoples’ Associations have called right to choose a school for their children. Clarke. For 18 months this man has withheld opportunity for supporting the LSE. The information on particular tenancies from the for a militant demonstration on bad housing on After the meeting, the notorious Chairman of May 17. Its aim is to bring together large the Education Committee, George Cathles, University Soc. Soc. organised a march into only people, two tenants organisations, who Canterbury with Bateson and Blackburn. were prepared to use the information to the numbers from inside and outside the area, recorded what may be his last, obligatory, advantage of the people in the community. A beginning the broadest possible discussion on ‘World in Action’ interview. Cathles has Leeds’ first May Day March for forty years hack from Sussex (who is now taking up a strategy (the place of squatting, and of resigned his position and he is splitting to the was convened by the ACTT Film Shop in planning job with the GLC) was employed to harrassment of empty luxury flats and their US where there is even more scope for racists Yorkshire TV. Other ACTT shops in Leeds analyse the data. Finally, a first draft was owners). Links will be joined with the struggles like him. supported the march, as did, the IS group, submitted to Kensington Council - who had in factories, schools and colleges and the streets • Anarchists, University Soc. Soc. and individual contributed nothing to the mounting of the will be taken over for the afternoon. It will A campaign among dockers at Tilbury to shop stewards. As a result of the march, a Joint survey and have one of the worst house building begin at 2. 30pm in Colville Gardens, London black the loading of arms destined for Nigeria is Action Committee of shop stewards was set up records in the country, but have an excellent W.ll. growing in strength. A demonstration was held to co-ordinate action against Trade Union town hall record (they’ve got three and are now Phil. Powell on Sunday May 4 in Grays and Tilbury. The legislation. admiration. I decided on the spot that one day I, too, would lead the class. Those without a start, those who took longer to learn than the others, and those who were absent-minded, felt privileged. They were cabbage water treated in the same way as you treat the top of your class. It was said that the school could not exist without them. As long as they did not understand, no one could go any further. cock-up ON THE PEASANTS As far back as I can remember people have been with the Ford Popular who wanted an Anglia You say that kids hate school and prefer telling me to do things that there seems to be will find himself back on a Lambretta. In this playing about. You never asked us peasants no reason for. Headmasters, when they aren’t world of harsh reality, the Fleet Street agencies about it. But we’re 1, 700 million strong. hitting you, tell you what job you will get if of misinformation are obliged to cheer us up Your entire culture is made just like that. As you do as badly as your teacher says you will. with Eurovision Song Contests, Resignation if you were the entire world. Cops tell you to halt and to stop hanging about Threats and Trans-Atlantic Air Races. and get your exhaust pipe fixed and cut your T orpor THE VILLAGE BOYS lip. Postgraduate lady social workers tell you Political change does not exist so social After they started the secondary school at that you are going down hill but it’s not too change must be invented; the manufacture of Vicchio other peasant boys came to Barbiana. late. They all tell you that you are irresponsible banality has to be transformed from a cottage SPECIAL YOUTH SECTION Only the failures, of course. and that you must get adjusted. industry to a national empire employing COMPILED AND DESIGNED To them the school teacher was on the other What they mean is this. School is where you thousands of over-educated graduates. They BY JOHN HOYLAND AND side of a barrier: hence some wanted to do him learn to hate books and long for a job. A job is must keep the clouds over our heads, whether and others to copy him. It took them time to where you learn to hate work and long for it’s the clouds of Jimmy Hendrix, the betting learn that here we don’t have marking books. money. Money is what you spend so you can shop or the freak-out university. That we About sex, too, they had their ways. They put up with work again the next Monday. In should get our heads out and look around us is thought you spoke about it in secret. As soon the one thing that worries the Public Relations THE as they saw a cock mount a hen they nudged addition they think school keeps kids off the Officers who work for the system; whether in each other as if they caught two people streets so their mothers can go out to work. Parliament, the editorial offices or the fucking. Work helps the Export Drive and will put classroom. Cathy can’t come home but PEOPLE However, at the beginning it was only part Britain back on her feet again. Money should be saved for your marriage or the Second Coming Twiggy’s in her heaven. There may be revolt in of the course that woke them up. We had an France, Italy, even Ireland, but here in Britain anatomy book. They locked themselves in the or the forthcoming economic collapse. we believe in the Queen, The Cenotaph and the bog to look at it and two pages were pretty well It’s not really extremely surprising that OF many people get fed up. You can show you are Referee. They know that cultural torpor ruined. guarantees political obedience and that for a Afterwards they learned that some other fed up by smashing up the Victoria Line after Arsenal lose. You gan get pissed and feel great few years more the candyfloss of the Permissive THE pages weren’t so bad either. Then they Society is more useful than the crowbar of the discovered that history, too, was worth the until old Lardbelly says “Time” and starts Police State. effort. emptying the ashtrays over your trousers. You can get a really good bike and spend a lot of Anyone who will put up with Lesley Now everything interests them. They help time on it until you get your bones sprayed Crowther, Bernard Braden and Robin Day MOUNTAIN teach the younger kids. They have become like across the North Circular or have to sell it to without an overwhelming need to kick the TV us. keep the baby in nappies. You can spend a lot screen in will have a brain too softened to vote of money on records, clothes and hairdo’s even for a strike, help a squat or read a leaflet. And LETTER TO A TEACHER THE EXAMINATIONS if it does take you 90 per cent, of your time to as the political crises becomes more and more ‘Letter to a Teacher’ is a book written by a In June during my third year at Barbiana, I was earn it. insoluble outside revolutionary politics, so the group o f boys aged between 12 & 14 from. a candidate for the leaving certificate. The essay fabric of society stretches and thins and the But then the gang breaks up, the people who Tuscany, Italy. They describe a school they ran topic was “Make a railway carriage speak”. need for social discipline becomes more vital were in the same class as you have babies; themselves and explain to the teacher how it If I had been honest, I would have turned in for them. The capitalist ice is getting so thin before you know it you are in the laundrette differs from the kind o f education she a blank copy. Or I would have criticised the that delegates at the Democratic Convention complaining about Jimmy Young and your understands. It has become a manifesto for the topic and the people who set it. weren’t even allowed ice cubes in their cocktails Italian schools movement. These are some But I was 14 and I came from the husband’s taste for huge plates of carbohydrates. Despite the exciting bits, the in case they threw them. extracts from it. mountains. To get into grammar school. I What is NOT wanted is liberal lizards in the pleasures of life tend to be capitalist cabbage needed that leaving certificate. And that little TV factories, cogs with the remains of Dear Miss, paper was in the hands of five or six people, water: the T. V., radio and odd film. And it’s consciences who whinny with radical delight then you stop to notice whether there is really You won’t remember my name. You’ve got total strangers to me and my life and almost when they slip a shot of into a sea of so many in your head. But I’ve often thought everything I knew and loved. Absent-minded all that much difference between the Old cabbage water. It doesn’t make the cop’s boot Alabammy Black and White Minstrels and of you and your colleagues in the institution men who held the knife over me. softer or the Strikes easier, and promises of zoomy Radio One Club. It gets quite tricky to which you call learning, and all the kids you’ve I tried to write the way you like. help from the Media above discourage the crammed. The French examination was a false test. tell the difference between and revolutionary movement’s reliance on itself — Kenneth Wolstenholme. It all comes from the Examinations must be abolished. They which is all it has. THE PEOPLE OF THE MOUNTAIN simply ensure loyalty to an unbearable system. Great Musack Machine of capitalism and it’s ON TIMIDNESS The difficulties should be put in proportion to designed to get you to like the present set up It’s for revolutionaries to assert that there is Two years ago when I was in my first year, you the difficulties of life. If you increase them and view any other social arrangement as more to Man than the nozzle end of a cathode frightened me. And the timidness I felt that’s because you love little traps and snares. ‘idealistic’ or ‘impossible’ or just not worth the tube and the late racing results. That there’s more to music than Mantovani and the Move, followed me everywhere I went. You make war on your students. bother. I stuck close to the walls so no one would Why do you do it? It’s for their own Now at present, alter tour years of belt more to love than truss adverts and fag see me. good. tightening to sustain Harold’s costly commercials, more to politics than the midget At first I thought I was sick or maybe it pantaloons, we are still in a major economic monsters in Whitehall. It’s just their system, came from my family. My mother is one of ON TWELVE YEARS OLD OPPORTUNISTS: crises. Things are getting worse rather than their apologies, their lies and it’s coming apart those women who is frightened of a telegram What are the aims of your pupils. That, too, is a better. Short of mass suicide or the dismantling at the seams. Next time the hand of capitalist form. My father observes and listens but hardly mystery. Perhaps they don’t exist. Perhaps of council flats and hospitals and their cabbage-water culture comes to feed you, don’t they’re common place. rebuilding into insurance companies, we are just bite it, but snap the fingers off. ever speaks. David Widgery Later I thought that timidness was a disease Day after day they study for the book test, likely to get slightly worse every year. The man of mountain people like us. The peasants from for their tri-monthly report, for their the lowlands, I thought, seemed so sure of certificate, for their finals. In between they themselves. Not to speak of-the workers don’t notice all the beautiful things they are But then I noticed that the workers allowed studying. Languages, history, sciences, are all the best jobs in factories, in the political reduced to marks and nothing more. parties, and all the seats in parliament, to go to Behind these little bits of paper there’s only ‘pap’s little darlings’. the small interests of each. The certificate is They’re just like us. And the timidness of worth money. None of you say so. But in the the poor is a mystery that goes back a long way end it boils down to that. in time. Why, I can't explain, because I’m so To study this way in your schools, you've much a part of it. Perhaps it’s just a lack of got to be an opportunist at the age of 12. presumption. The opportunists of 12. Count them. They number most of your pupils. They never get the ON THE MULTICLASS sense of a school. In my primary school, the State gave me a second-rate education. Five classes were held in THE NEWSPAPER: one room. I had a right to one-fifth of a school. I know the history of the last half century best I’ve learned that this system is used in America of all. The Russian revolution, Fascism, the to create differences between whites and War, the Resistance, the liberation of Africa blacks. An inferior school for the poor from the and Asia. It’s the history experienced by my time they’re toddlers. grand-father and my father. Once out of primary school I still had a right I also know the history of my world, thanks to three more years at school. The Constitution to the newspaper that we read at Barbiana even says I must go. But at Vicchio there is still every day, out loud from end to end. We must no secondary school. To go to Borgo is quite read it. It’s a way to wake up to the fact that something. The mistress told my parents that it your diplomas have not turned us into wasn’t worth their throwing away money like complete idiots. We endure them only because that. “Send him to the fields. He’s not good of our parents. But politics, that is the suffering enough for studies” . My father did not reply. of other peoples, is more important than you - But he said to himself: “If we lived in Barbiana, and us as well. he would be good enough”. ON THE CONSTITUTION: ON BARBIANA You stopped at the First World War, exactly at At Barbiana all the kids go to a school run by the point where pupils can begin to refer to the priest. their own lives. The whole year you never read But we were from another kind of people, a newspaper in class. and lived far away. My father almost let well The Doctor’s little Piero has the time to read alone. Then he foud out that a little lad from fables. Not Gianni. At 15 he slipped through San Martino went there. So he took his courage your fingers. Now he’s in a factory. He doesn’t between his hands, and went to find out about need to know if it’s Jupiter who delivered it. Minerva or vice versa. When I got there Barbiana didn’t seem like a Better that the work contract of the metal school. No chairs, no blackboard, no benches. workers were in its place in Italian classes. Have Nothing but large tables where we had our you read it Mme? You should be ashamed of classes and ate. yourself. It represents the very life of some half There was only one copy of each book. million families. Blokes gathered round it. I hardly noticed that You say to each other about each other that the bigger ones were teaching the others. The you are cultivated people. You have all read the oldest of the teachers was about 16. The same books. No one has ever asked you to do youngest about 12. He filled me with anything else. Page 5 The Black Dwarf May 16 1969 POT

IS POT HELPING THE REVOLUTION Smoking pot is a political act, and every smoker some rich and benevolent campaigners. The in a hot bath and others would claim the same helplessness, of being trapped. And for what? is an outlaw. The drug culture is a revolutionary message seems to be that if you could only turn for alcohol. ) It is just that in the friendly Just for what? A tiny piece of weed sap. And threat to plasticwasp9-5america... wrote all the world on all our troubles will be over. euphoric state of being high a lot of barriers fall this is where the young can begin to work out Jerry Rubin recently, the yippie leader who. led Oh yeah. Well, tell that to that half of the away and a zenlike thought can come winging things for themselves. They know they are the demonstrations at the Chicago Democratic world (N. Africa, , India, the Middle by. doing nothing wrong and what is amazing to convention. The idea that pot is a vital binding East, and most of S. America) which is already Festivals of the oppressed them is that the police don’t. If the police can element in the revolutionary movement is turned on and suffers under the most vicious be so blind and idiotic to defend the lie that and repressive governments imaginable and pot is harmful then what other lies are they catching on fast in America and is even One curious effect of the drug is the they’ll spit cannabis in your eye. But the defending? Whose law and order? Certainly not beginning to put down some grassy roots here. way it can amplify the slightest hint of argument can’t end there. It is a lot less simple his. Whose power and property? Well except for Sex and pot pomposity. Banal film dialogue becomes than that. Pot is new to Western Europe and its his dum/dee cross every five years he’s never ridiculously funny and a party political There are signs that although pot effects will be different from places where it going to have any of either. broadcast can send a group of (even) apolitical might not have much to do with the revolution has always been used. heads into hysterics. These effects do seem to Here to stay more and more revolutionaries are turning to Politically correct? pot. I know one dedicated hardworking undermine the status quo. They are certainly There is a temptation here to play The politically correct answer to the contributing to the generation gap. comrade who politically will only trust fellow with the idea that if the Rubin equation is even smokers. This is a common, and I think quite title is NO. Pot is essentially a middle class Take a young suburban dwelling boy or girl of eighteen. He’s strapped into his only partly true then there is a case for the left mistaken, part of the habit. Pot is now as freely activity and serves simply as a diversion away to argue that things should be left as they are available as brandy in many grand drawing from the main task of building the revolution. environment by a cobweb of lies, poverty and (giving up the 500 who are always in gaol for rooms; a groovy girl in the corner is de rigeur at Qu: And how do you do that? Ans: By carefully inculcated inferiority. The day he smoking). This thought has probably not many of the trendier upper-class parties but it spreading consciousness. Qu: Can’t pot help? discovers pot, can be a small revolution for him. escaped some minds on the right who are doesn’t seem to have made the slightest dent on Ans: Certainly not. Pot is just an opiate; all it Lenin wrote that “Revolutions are festivals of their solid notions of power and society and can spread is unconsciousness. End of the oppressed and the exploited. . . at such pressuring for reform. But of course it is an although our comrade might find them friendly discussion because any smoker can tell you that times the people are capable of performing unjust and idiotic law which must be repealed. enough I doubt whether his arguments would the last answer just isn’t true. miracles”. Something like this elation spreads Pot is here to stay. It will go on blowing minds impress them either. One of the largest claims for pot is through his mind & body, shyness and tension forever. It’s great to get high, just as it is to Hundreds of underground American that it heightens perception, that it is a begin to crumble. They would have gone make love, or climb a mountain, or argue with a newspapers are all built around the same three reality-seeking drug not one of escape. The anyway, in time, but pot does seem to be able friend or enemy and see the points go home, themes of student power, sex and pot. These trouble with saying anything about pot is that to speed up maturity and, some claim, dissolve or.. or.. or for the awful ageing truth about papers are a wild whoop of joy and anybody it is very difficult to say anything for certain. prejudice. pot is that it isn’t very important. Believe me, who smokes will recognise and remember that But we’ll try. It certainly won’t help you to Does Rubin have a point? Can as one head to another. Perhaps it might be feeling of Eureka the first time they got high read Marx, although there are bound to be pot=Crime=Revolution? There is no doubt that worth six drop-out months of anyone’s life but without fear, it’s like falling in love. You want irritating exceptions who will write and say I’m early confrontation with authority can have a once you’ve got yourself straight then just let it to rush out and tell everybody; which is exactly wrong. And for them I am. Most smokers I have politicising effect. Being put up against a wall become a small part of you and settle down to what these papers are doing. talked to agree with me that it doesn’t help any and searched is a symbolic setpiece for the way the real work of joining together to make the Busts are reported with all the gravity form of concentrated mental work. But pot can power works in this country. The dangerously revolution and being what Deutschker called of serious political events. Pot is lauded as the relax you enough to help your mind reach out polite request to hold up your arms. The the long march through the institutions. Let us great unifier: 30 thousand joints were sent around corners where it wouldn’t normally go. supercilious expression on the copper’s face just get under way before pot becomes one. through the post recently to New Yorkers by (Although I have achieved the same effect lying two inches away from yours. The feeling of Clive Goodwin THE GREAT GROUPIE HOAX This year, the word is underground. Journalists the human 'mind can scarcely conceive. The result in punitive action; the most favoured at music and doing very well thereby. the moment being a visit from the no longer have to reach for their Tom Thumb Great Groupie Hoax has been sprung, with the Even if one disregards the more painfully duly-authorized officers. dictionaries and dutifully spell out result that the ballrooms of this country are full obvious attempts at acheiving “integrity” by However, for the most part the mass media phyza. . . no, psycho. . . no, whatever the of French journalists anxiously searching for a repeating tired old jazz and blues licks ten years groupie who will reveal all; and Granada T. V. can congratulate both themselves and their word was. too late, there’s no denying that groups like public on the fact that even if the pop business Last year, we were told pop music was are no doubt preparing a high-powered Pete Brown’s Battered Ornaments are achieving documentary on the subject of the sex-mad doesn’t really act and feel the way they bringing in a mental revolution, but something a success that would have been unthinkable in girls of pop. describe it, there are many people doing their went wrong, so this year sights are set a little those far-off pre-pot days. A t the same time, the business affairs o f best to close the gap, and make it one non-stop lower (or is it higher? ) and pop is bringing in a So, back in the sweat-soaked ring, the social revolution. There will be fighting in the Apple and Northern Songs provide non-stop highly lucrative screw from beginning to end. copy for the financial columns, and make the Parallel with all this, there is another, less candy-striped superstars lie back in their streets, and if you sold a million LPs last year, limousines and mutter of the revolution while then you can have a machine gun, and if you activities o f Gore and Co. look well passé and tactile, but more insidious trend in pop. small time. Because pop has become so identified with the tender young groupies feed them grapes and sold two million, you can have a helicopter and stroke ‘their whatsits. Put all that sex and a machine gun. Of course, if something goes The effect of this, it might reasonably be long-haired middle-classes, it has been necessary money and all this artistic integrity together, wrong again, and the revolution doesn’t come, thought, would be to further intensify the to make pop an art form; and if you have an art and you get the makings of a heart-warmingly don’t worry, pop music will be right there efforts of all concerned to grab as much money form, then you need, not artistes, but artists. socking it to the bourgeoisie, like they’ve never and knicker as possible as quickly as possible, So there is now an enormous emphasis on psychotic situation. Maybe the anthem of the while the mass media help by making it all seem musicianship, and stars are increasingly being revolution will after all be a million-selling been socked before, and continually regirding smash hit. its loins to move on towards that final in some curious way a forward-thinking and made not by such crude measures as Armageddon when all the Superstars will come praiseworthy thing to do. If the system chooses emphasising their sexual organs, but by Meanwhile, things like the free concerts in face to face with all the Superstraights, blow to set up the pop business as a kind of Roman emphasizing their musical ability and artistry. Hyde Park crop up. They are of course totally the smoke of certain substances in their faces, circus of unprecedented splendour and Of course, in many cases, this means that ignored by the press, since no money is and all tune up for the Final Ultimate debauchery, it is safe to assume that the managers etc. just tell a different set of lies involved and last year at least there was not an SuperSession. performers may at times get a little muddled as about the same old faces; and it doesn’t mean orgy. In fact, they represent the first assertion Meanwhile, as the battered Ford Transits to whether they are merely acting or really that good looks are unimportant either. But it by the pop business that they are concerned race endlessly up and down the Ml, some living. Sometimes, of course, the performers does mean that many musicians who two years with music, like any art form, should be free. curious things are happening. More and more just insist that it is the circus that is real and the ago might have assumed that they would spend For the rest, its money and sex, or business as evidence is being brought forward to prove public that is being watched, and one or two of the rest of their days playing someone else’s usual. finally and conclusively that sex and money are them get away with this. But it does tend to music for a good fee or their own for Laurie Limb available in the pop business in quantities which annoy the public, and if carried t oo far, may practically nothing, are now playing their own.

POP The Black Dwarf May 16 1969 Page 6

Their minds are policed by discipline, patrolled by examinations. Their hearts frozen by authority. Their I AM YOUNG, state within the state mimes the society from which they are insulated. And yet, they do no own, and they do not belong. MY BROTHER Angelo Ouattrochi THIS Thou shalt not question authority. Thou shalt not ask where thou art going. IS BLACK, Thou shalt work fifty years for somebody else. Thou shalt worship the lord thy boss. Thou shalt love everybody except Communists, Buddhists' and Stokeley WE ARE Carmichael, with all my heart. Thou shalt respect Winston Churchill, the Queen, and British Democracy. IS ANGRY Thou shalt not think lest thou should be damned into sanity. “Bomb" Sorbonne KISS YOUR LOVE WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR GUN. God made the bees The bees make honey; I went down the lane to buy a penny whistle, We do the work A copper took o ff me, and gimme a lump o f gristle. YOUR The teacher gets the money. I asked him for it back, he said he hadn’t got it. young comrade. You fibber, you fibber, you got it in your pocket. young comrade THANKS TO TEACHERS AND EXAMS, COMPETITIVENESS STARTS AT NINE Sorbonne IT IS UNREASONABLE TO EXPECT A REPRESENTATIVE IN THE COMMONS TO DO ANYTHING FOR. YOU. OR YOUR UNION BOSS, OR GOD, OR ANYONE ELSE. R ed Paper. LIFE A teenaged gang called “The Wolf Pack” terrorised You pump your facts straight in Just as, to the bourgeois, the disappearance of frail, old people in a city’s slums. class property is the disappearance of you take your questions out To achieve man must govern himself; It’s latest victim was 63-year-old Francisco You take your young minds production itself so the disappearance of class Sanchez, found murdered outside his tenement home culture is to him identical with the but since he lives in society, and society lives by in Manhattan. and then you twist them all about and in its productive relations, this means that The gang followed him there and stole the five disappearance of all culture. That culture, the You give them competitions for men to achieve liberty, society must govern shillings he had in his pockets. so 'they'll all-hate each other loss of which he laments, is, for the enormous Then they stabbed him through the heart. . . and majority, a mere training to act as a machine. its productive relations. went off to spend the money on bags of chips. That’s what we’re all about - UGH! - communist manifesto. Christopher Caudwell. Yesterday, detectives probing the murder of Cambridge street-plav. Sanchez arrested five members of The Wolf Pack. The oldest was fifteen. The youngest was just twelve. The Unfree Press. REVOLUTION IS THE ECSTAGY OF HISTORY What then is the most profound meaning of bureaucracy in relation to the social destiny of men? It is the insertion of each DO YOU CHARGE US WITH individual into a little niche of the great productive machine where he is doomed to perform an alienated and alienating labour. WANTING TO STOP THE It is the destruction of the whole meaning of work and the whole meaning of collective life. It is the reduction of life to private EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN BY life, outside of labour and outside of all collective action. It is the reduction of even this private life to material consumption. THEIR PARENTS? TO THIS CRIME WE PLEAD GUILTY. And it is finally the alienation of consumption itself through the permanent manipulation of the individual as consumer. Communist Manifesto. Paul Cardan. He that works and does his best To-day love could prepare an appalling indictment of Gets the sack like all the rest. the wrongs and privations that bourgeois relations voung comrade. have inflicted upon it. The misery of the world is economic, but that does not mean that it is cash. That Some people who commute go for 15 to 20 years is a bourgeois error. Just because they are economic, travelling on the same train every morning, seeing the they involve the tenderest and most valued feelings of same people on the tram, and never, in all that time, social man. For the satisfaction of all the rich sneaking to anyone during then commuting. Well, emotional capabilities and social tenderness which says Mr. Hugh Bennett, a business-man who catches bourgeois relations have deprived him, man turns the 7. 21 from Esher daily, and has done so for 15 vainly to religion, hate, patriotism, fascism, and the years “you just don’t do it. Nobody bothers about sentimentality of films and novels which paint in anybody else. One doesn’t speak to people even imagination loves he cannot experience in real life. though one does become familiar with then faces. " Because of this he is neurotic, unhappy, sick, liable to Mr. Bennett’s train from Esher, he says, misses its the mass-hatreds of war and racism, to absurd and yet connection every single day at Wimbledon and has pathetic Royal Jubilees or Funeral enthusiasm and to done for almost as long as he can remember now. He mad impossible loyalties to Hitlers and Aryan has never complained; takes it for granted. grandmothers. Because of this life seems to him The Unfree Press empty, stale and unprofitable. Man delights him not, Society is a carnivorous flower. nore woman neither. Sorbonne Caudwell Naive minds think that the office of kingship lodges in the king himself, in his ermine cloak and his crown, in his bones and veins. As a matter of fact the office of kingship is an interrelation between people. The king is king only because the interests and prejudices of millions of people are refracted through his person. When the flood of developments sweeps away those interrelations, then the king appears to be only a washed-out male with a flabby underlip. Trotsky. The personality structure of man today is You’re daft, you’re potty, you’re barmy, characterised by an armouring against nature You ought to join the army. within himself and against social misery outside young comrade. himself. This amouring of the character is the basis of loneliness, helplessness, craving for Socialism is an integral vision of life. authority, fear of responsibility, mystical Gramsci longing, sexual misery, of impotent rebelliousness as well as of resignation of an Silence in the court unnatural and pathological type. Human beings While the judge blows his nose have taken a hostile attitude towards that in Stands on his head themselves which is living, and have alienated themselves from it. This alienation is not of And tickles his toes biological, but of social and economic origin. young comrade.

and violent, or in a countryside that every day gets more overrun with arterial roads and factories alienation n. Estrangement; and is gradually disappearing altogether. On the tenth day of the May Revolution, they wrote on the walls of the Sorbonne: transference of ownership; diver­ “TEN DAYS OF HAPPINESS ALREADY. ” sion to different purpose; insanity They were happy because of the comradeship, the shared experience. They were happy because they had taken their destinies into their own hands, because they were creating their own world. (also mental ~ ). Because, just for a bit, they were running their own lives. The revolution is about happiness, not just economic theory. The enemy is alienation just as much as it is poverty and injustice, it is not only the distribution of wealth that has to be changed - it is the quality of life under capitalism, the lack of purpose, the absurdity of most work, the pressures against social warmth and tenderness. It is the meanness and ugliness of this society that must be exposed and fought. We live in a society that almost inevitably makes people unhappy. It does so because it does not HAPPINESS IS exist for people in the first place. The great goals of our society - efficiency, modernisation, rationalisation - are not goals that by themselves make people happy. Efficiency for what? Moving towards what? We confront an enemy which is increasingly centralised and well-organised, which A small example: in the name of efficiency they have installed automatic ticket-collecting machines on the London Underground. They are “efficient” because people won’t be able to employs increasingly subtle and far-reaching methods of control, which every day fiddle them and travel free, and because they’ll mean London Transport can cut down on staff. invades more and more aspects of people’s lives and thoughts. Capitalism makes But instead of making travelling easier or more comfortable, these things make it more difficult. itself felt not only in people’s work, but also in their recreation in their They actually slow down the rush-hour. And you just try getting through them with a suitcase, or management of their homes, in their holidays, in their entertainment, in their a baby and a push-chair. . . There is another way which would make the Underground ten time more efficient, and which eating-habits, even in their sex-lives. Faced with such a total assault, only a similarly would cut down on staff almost completely - and that is, to make it free. There are a whole total reply will be effective. This is not just a battle for men s minds. It is a battle tor number of things like this that we pay for that we needn’t pay for at all - and that would work much better if we didn’t pay for them. But they’ll never do that, becauae what their efficiency is their souls. about is money. If a thing’s efficient, that means it makes more money. A bigger example: take the existence of buildings like Centre Point - huge skyscrapers kept deliberately empty because it is actually profitable to charge such impossibly high rents that Happiness is something in the future. Happiness is when you’ve got a car, or a nobody will move into them for years — but when they do the owners will make an absolute you’re married, or when you’ve got kids, or when the kids go to school, or bomb. Meanwhile twenty thousand people are homeless; hundreds of thousands on the housing home, or when you get a rise, or when you get promoted, or when you retire, or when. . . lists; millions live in slums. The liberal newspapers and the TV current affairs programmes tut-tut about these things daily. Happines is b ein g Paul McCartney, or Julie Christie, or David Bailey, or Mary Hopkin, or They never draw the inescapable conclusion: a society where you can have brand new empty almost anybody who’s rich and famous, almost anybody who s not you. someone buildings side by side with people who haven’t got anywhere to live is a cockeyed society — a It’s not true, Happiness is now. Happiness is here. Happiness, is being yourself, not someone society that is fundamentally sick. It is sick because it exists for money not people. It’s called capitalism because capital is money. O r at least it would be - supposing we lived in a perfect world. But the trouble is we live in a In this system people do things for money. Money’s what makes it tick. very sick world And no matter how hard we insist that life (every minute of it) is mysterious Not that a lot of people don’t deserve their money or should stop asking for more. The beautiful and worthwhile, we still have to live in cities that every day get more crowded and ugly The Black Dwarf May 16 1969 Page 7

RICHES ARE LIKE MUCK: WHEN THEY ARE IN A HEAP THEY GIVE BUT AN ILL ODOUR - BUT WHEN THEY ARE SPREAD OVER THE GROUND THEY ARE THE CAUSE OF MUCH FRONT Bacon No good thing has been or can be enjoyed by us without having first cost labour. And in as much as most good things are produced by labour, it follows that all such things of right belong to those who have produced them. But it has so happened, in all the ages of the world, that some ave laboured and others have without labour enjoyed a large proportion of the fruits. This is wrong and should not continue. Lincoln

We have coined too many expressions that are IT IS NOT THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF As the 20th Century technological explosion MEN THAT DETERMINES THEIR began, claimed Mr. Watson, so the art of advertising intelligible to nobody took off. Mao Tse-Tung EXISTENCE, BUT, ON THE In America it grew from a 50 million dollar The revolutionary movement must cease CONTRARY, IT IS THEIR business in 1867 to a 17 billion dollar business in EXISTENCE THAT DETERMINES 1967. appearing as a politcal movement in the It had done the same in the United Kingdom. traditional sense. Traditional politics are dead THIS CONSCIOUSNESS. “In these years also advertising has become a and for good reason. The population abandons Marx. sophisticated instrument of persuasion for such Why is it that you strive to speak in ready-made important national causes as education, better health them because it sees them for what they are: and exercising the right to vote - a trend which, I the activities of a group of professional formulas? Now do you know what the employment of ready-made phrases shows? It shows that your mind is believe will spread and grow in the decades ahead. ” mystifiers, buzzing around the machinery of not working, that only your tongue is at work. When Unfree Press. the state or its appendages with a view to you use ready-made phrases you make no impression penetrating them and “taking them over”. The on anybody, because everybody knows them without Comrades! Your meetings are unbearable! You revolutionary movement must appest as what it you. You are afraid to say things in your own way are riddled with inhibitions which you have to because it might not sound so elegant. You are really is: a total movement, concerned with mistaken. You will get a better hearing, and be better as aggression against comrades who say everything men do and undergo in society, and understood. something stupid or something you already above all with their real daily lives. M. I. Kalinin know. These aggressions are only partially the Paul Cardan result of insight into the stupidity of the other side. Why don’t you at least admit that you are SHOULD NOT BRING ASCETISM, BUT ENJOYMENT OF LIFE, exhausted from the strain of the last year, that AND VIGOUR IN LIFE THROUGH A FULFILLED LOVELIFE. you don’t know how to bear the stress any Lenin longer, that you consume your physical and energies without getting any pleasure from them? Why don’t you discuss, We have it in our power to before you plan your campaigns, how they can be carried out? Why do you all buy Reich? Why do you speak here about the class struggle and at home about the difficulties of orgasm? Is begin the world over again that not a subject for the SDS? Tom Paine - Helke Sanders (German Women’s Liberation. ) IT IS THE ASCENT OF MAN FROM THE KINGDOM OF NECESSITY TO THE KINGDOM OF FREEDOM. Marx & Engels Socialism means workers’ management The revolution which is beginning will call into question not only capitalist society but industrial of production and of society. It means society. The consumer society is bound for a violent death. Social alienation must vanish from history. We are inventing a new and original world. Imagination is seizing power. popular self-administration through Sorbonne. workers’ councils. This must be proclaimed and illustrated from I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall; and the historical experience. The real content of socialism is the restitution to men of clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is domination over their own lives and the transformation of labour from an absurd beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression means of breadwinning into the free and violence and enjoy it to the full. action of individuals and groups. Cardan Trotsky

distribution of money in this society remains as grotesquely unfair as ever. (You just read the Can a society based on the privelege of the few at the expense of the many ever to be a happy “Latest Wills” section of The Times if you think all that’s been evened out. ) Workers who demand one? We call this society a rat-race. Does anyone challenge that description? How can a society more money are demanding a right, not a privilege. that is admittedly a rat-race produce happy people? But suport for the fight for higher wages should not obscure the basic truth: because money is The fact is, it doesn’t. It produces neurosis, crime, violence, loneliness. Just watch the tele for a the main reason for doing tilings, we live in a dehumanised society. few evenings, and then say we live in a happy society. This society has been called The Lonely Capitalist morality is the morality o f the brothel. Crowd. Millions of people living together, yet being alone in the middle of it all, often passing days without really talking to another human being. Go home on the late-night tube and then say we live in a happy society. In every field people are bamboozled, pushed around, controlled, spoonfed, sucked dry of their energy and vitality and originality. Their education is a regimented exam-race where the main In order t o be fully happy, people need to be able to do things with other people - to work thing they are taught is to know their place. Their work is dehumanised and boring, and for the with them in a creative way, to play with them, to go on holiday with them, to make love to them, most part is merely a question of obeying orders. Their entertainment is spoonfed to them by to bring up a family with them. People also need to do things with a sense of meaning, to have a powerful business interests, and is designed largely to keep them in a state of sporific stupidity laced with a dash of envy and greed. sense of purpose in their lives. But it is virtually impossible in this society for people to be happy in this way. One of its And the future? - bigger, uglier cities suffocated by the filth and noise of traffic; machines noticeable features is that people’s social lives are increasingly empty and meaningless. The most more important than men; personal relationships and human emotional needs sacrificed to a important aspect of our social life is work. Yet how many people love their jobs? How many do “modernisation” that does not even work; the people made impotent, alienated, insignificant - their work because it really fulfills them? How many feel any real sense of loyalty to their firm? dwarfed by the power of the capitalists, their institutions and their beaucracy. Of course they don’t, haw could they? How could you feel loyal to ICI or Fords? And as for outside work - what are we living for? - to possess an electric toothbrush? To acquire expensive cars and expensive drinks and expensive women? To clutter up our lives with more and more gadgets? To play endless empty games of social one-upmanship? Is that what it’s all about? The thing about this society is its total meaninglessness. Where are we going? What’s the This is what young people are invited to look forward to. No wonder they reject it. No wonder point of it all? they are fighting for something better in almost every country in the world. Capitalism is doomed No wonder modern bourgeois culture is so barren, so utterly lacking in nobility and warmth. not only because of its economic contradictions and its injustice, not only because it cannot offer Never in the history of humanity has man presented himself with such self-hatred and cynicism as equal opportunity to its workers. It is doomed because it cannot promise its children a life that he has in his culture in the last fifty years - whether it be in the sense of futility of a Becket or worth growing up for. Kafka, or the emptiness of the Hollywood movie. The response to all that has to be a total one. We are out to create a new world, nothing les: People actually think of the war - so we are told - as a time when they were happy. There was This means our politics. has to be the living embodiment of that new world, that new way of life. It a point to their existence then. is something that has to show in every sphere of our lives, just as capitalism invades every sphere c People cannot have a sense of purpose in this society because they are not involved in it in a our lives. If politics makes you unhappy something’s wrong, because the revolutionary movement meaningfull way. They are merely cogs in a vast machine. They simply obey orders - not only in should be the new world in miniature, and the new world should make you happy their work but in more and more other spheres of life as well. Young people have glimpsed the new world in their imaginations. The generation that wrote How many people actually participate in the decisions that affect their lives? How many people "BE REALISTIC. DEMAND THE IMPOSSIBLE” will never submit to live below the level of what feel that they count? How many feel that things like parliament and local Councils (still less they know is possible. And, to quote Paul Cardan: Boards of Directors) really represent them? “The revolutionary movement will be able to give possible meaning to the immense revolt of Time and time again, the really important decisions are the result of the sordid manoeuvres of a contemporary youth and make it the ferment of social revolution if it can express what youth small group of business-men. And it will always be so as long as industry, properly and looking for and can show young people effective methods of struggle against a world they reject. communications remain in the hands of private individuals instead of the community as a whole. — John Hoyland The Black Dwarf May 16 1969 Page 8 WE SHALL FIGHT IN THE FACTORIES THE DAYLIGHT HOURS “Apprentices must demand no, not demand — they must take the right to strike. — Ernie Roberts, Workers Control Conference, March 1969 Young workers are steadily growing angry youths aren’t so lucky. Okay so we are the about their bad conditions and the way they lucky ones, but let’s make sure its worth being are being used. With the London Electricity the lucky ones and fight for a 35 hour week, 4 A hev gorra bairn weeks paid holiday, an agreed indenture, and board this is evident when they say that an a hev gorra wife Electrician’s mates will be gradually disposed of the abolition of night work. and apprentices will be used. Even now An Apprentice. an a cannit see me bairn or wife apprentices are being used. But they still get workin in the night, app ntice’s pay and they get treated like NOTE: apprentices. The electricians will not give you The young engineers, members o f the A.E.U., have decided upon the following So go way Mr Doleman one bag of tools to take to a job, they will give av got somethin else ti do you all of them. Then they will cycle easily to apprentices’ and youths’ charter, which the WE SHALL the job. 1968 National Committee approved: - than spen me daylight hours The L.E.B. apprentices are better off than (1) That the wages of apprentices should be workin for you. other young workers for pay and education. paid on the basis of a revised percentage But the L.E.B. play on this by saying they are from 60 per cent at 15 years to 90 per cent in the last year of the apprenticeship; these Yes aa am a song bird doing us a favour by sending us to college and an a song bird must sing FIGHT teaching us a trade. But do they realise we are percentages should be based on the skilled doing them a favour? We can’t strike while we rate. an you, oh Mr Doleman are apprentices so any greivances are rarely (2) A 35 hour working week; restrictions on you’ll not clip me wings. dealt with. We are split up into groups so that the working of P.B.R. systems until the last we are never all together at once to discuss our year of apprenticeship, with payment of So go way Mr Doleman IN THE greivances and try and sort them out by taking average piecework percentages, the abolition av got somethin else ti do action. Shop stewards encourage you to join of compulsory night work for apprentices, their union — why? If the union takes action boys and youths, and the payment of full than spen me daylight hours over something, we can’t. If we have a greivance wages during sickness. workin for you. the unions say “what can we do? You aren’t (3) The establishment of four weeks annual SCHOOLS allowed to strike. ” holiday at full holiday rates. Grab ya job an ram it (4) The establishment of a procedure We must unite ourselves into a fighting body in ya stupid gob As regular Dwarf readers will know, the Schools with other industrial firms supporting each agreement to cover all apprentices, and that Action Union was set up at the beginning of other. In this way we can take action and sort all apprentices be employed under an agreed ad ratha gan ti prison January. Since then it has undergone steady, out the problems that for many years have been indenture, with the extension of powers and than de ya stinkin job. nation-wide expansion and our own newspaper, disregarded with excuses like: You should be establishing district and factory training committees. Vanguard, sells about 4, 000 copies to teachers glad you are getting an apprenticeship other So go way Mr Doleman and secondary-school students. av got somethin else ti do So far so good, but with the start of the summer term and the proximity of the exams than spen me daylight hours some of our members and sympathisers are workin for you. beginning to feel the squeeze, both at home and at school. The inevitable pressure from parents is Apprentices An if a gan ti prison increasing and that of headmasters is reaching the world will git ti na an ominously high level. In fact it would seem the walls of a prison A Black Dwarf reporter went to interview four decent wage. After all you’re only training. ’ that headmasters in London have reached a apprentices on pay, unions, strikes, politics and isin strang enuff for wa. joint decision, possibly with the backing of the education. Three were engineers and one a EQUAL PAY FOR WOMEN Inner London Education Authority, to force General verdict: if a woman can do a man’s draughtsman. One was in the A.E.F., another in So grab ya job an ram it S.A.U. members to stop their activities and work she should have equal pay. A D. A. T. A. The other two were not in unions. in ya stupid gob leave the organisation. If they do not they are Pay varied considerably not only between first draughtswoman got the same. Why not other threatened with having their university or and second year apprentices but by firms. They women? ad rather gan ti prison college entrance forms ruined by vindictive were averaging about £5. a week. Overtime was than de ya stinkin job. comments from the headmaster. Even the GIRL APPRENTICES limited to 8 to ten hours a week. None o f them ‘I don’t want to be an engineer. I’m sure a teachers who support us are finding things usually did it. rather hot and the fear of dismissal is an girl don’t, ’ and ‘if they want to do it let them but it wouldn’t do much for their complexion. ’ uncomfortable thing to live with. UNIONS by Tom Pickard We need help to resist this pressure being put Two of the engineering apprentices were not STRIKES on us. It is the pressure of those who train in a union because ‘you don’t get nothing out The A.E.F. apprentice was a member of a young people to do the tricks the capitalist of it’. But the apprentice in the A.E.F. said if Junior Workers’ committee. It was alright but system requires and they are applying the you were injured on the way to work you got you went to a meeting every month and pressure because they are frightened. paid compensation. But he was critical of everyone said apprentices should go on strike We are not frightened, because we know we unions. He thought there were too many splits but no one knew how to go about it. It didn’t will win. But to bring the victory closer we in them. Like at Fords where the A.E.F. was publicise itself enough. He only heard about it must have the support of all progressive groups alright but not some of the other unions. Where through his shop steward who is left wing. If Tom Pickard was born in in each district. This means Trades Councils, all he worked, his shop-steward was a Chinese kind you had a right wing steward he would say Newcastle in 1946. His father was of communist and the convener was more militant trade-unionists, left-wing political anything. It was very difficult to organise a railwayman. As the bulge babies groups and all other sympathetic movements. If Russian and now they weren’t getting on too apprentices. In the strike in 1959 there were headmasters and boards of governors knew that well which didn’t do any good. He’d been to too many splits. The communists were saying grew up through what pass for their actions might result in industrial action' — union meetings. You could go but you couldn’t they did it all and the trotskyists saying they schools in the North East Tom take part as an apprentice. They were often like and remember that boards of governors are did it. was moved to the lowest stream of always made up of business-men - then they a comedy show. They’d be about whether Someone else felt in the strike they were will find themselves severely restricted in their brother so and so should eat his meals between telling all the apprentices they had to be , a secondary modern school. Since attempts at harrassment and intimidation. such and such an hour. If someone spoke up communists. h e received so little To move towards this situation we ask about something really important it was just encouragement in school it was anyone willing and able to help, to contact shoved aside. They forgot about legislation EDUCATION AND AUTHORITY their local branch of the S. A. V. If you do not against trade unions and remembered all the The old way of teaching apprentices was to not surprising that he left with his- know the address or if there is not yet one in little unimportant things. say it once and then a swift belt round the ear. friends at the age of fourteen. existence in your area and you want to help It was felt generally that the unions’ But the apprentice today wouldn’t stand for ‘Work was very scarce, but I opposition to grading of apprentices was a good this kind of thing. start one please contact, The Secretary, 2 enjoyed the dole, it gave me time Kiddepore Gardens, London NW3 thing. So was the fight they’d put up for better POLITICS to read and learn to see things to Richard Lugg conditions. Someone wondered if unions There was a lot of disagreement here. How deliberately kept apprentices on low wages so equal was Russia? In China they were equal but understand people better than if I they’d become really militant shop stewards it was all brainwashing. No it wasn’t. How do ‘But they are trodden on, the old familiar faces, when they finished. But it was pointed out had been doped by work. ’ so at the rising of the sun and the going down! you know you’ve never been there? The • Harassment unions didn’t always like militant shop stewards defender of China had to admit he hadn’t. He of the ditto, I remember, I remember, the; that much. house where I was taught to play up, play up knew a folk singer who’d been to Cuba though One of the non-union engineering and he really liked it. All the people came to and play the game though nobody ever told me apprentices thought unskilled men on the shop what the game was, BUT WE KNOW NOW,! listen to him play out in the open. Things had floor should get less and apprentices should get got much better there. There was brainwashing DON'T WE.’ more because they ‘knew more’. But the A.E.F. here too. ‘Nostalgia, Now 3d Off ’ Adrian Mitchelll member opposed this. ‘Everyone’s entitled to a


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Send this coupon to JACK OLIVER (ZAPPLE) APPLE RECORDS 3 SAVILE ROW, LONDON W.1. BD George Harrison Electronic Sound (Zapple 02) ‘ACTION COMMANDOS’ Spanish Tactics A month after the state of emergency (‘Estado Country, Catalonia, Madrid, and especially in against the ‘underlying interests’ which directly de excepcion’) was lifted in Spain, there is Valencia. affect the labour field. The students have been enough information to enable us to draw up a ‘The glass is now full’, declared General able to smash the Fascist SEU (Union of balance sheet; to determine its importance and, Cano Iniesta, military Governor of Madrid. The Spanish Students) and to create a democratic This letter was sent to Dwarf by several what is more interesting, to estimate the opposition, so far liberal, had now hardened one, illegal, but accepted ‘de facto’ by the comrades who prefer us not to print their influence which the state of emergency may and joined up with ‘fellow travellers’, authorities. names. They wish to avoid being connected have on the creation of a revolutionary anarchists, maoists, ‘guevaraites’ and such like. The workers have not been able to destroy with a resourceful individual who daubed an situation. It was not enough for Fascism to arrest and the vertical structure of the Spanish Trade anti-exams slogan on a Cambridge pub and is The state of emergency is important. It is torture the members of the revolutionary Unions (backbone of the regime). However, now being sought by the City police. the most violent repressive measure taken opposition. they have set up workers’ Commissions, which against the Spanish people since the end of the The state of emergency was directed in fact are the ones who have the real power in Comrades Civil War. The fact that it has been possible to against all opposition, from the ultra-right wing political and economic talks with the bosses. So far the exams campaign in Cambridge has declare it shows that, after thirty years, the real and monarchists, right through the Centre to Neither workers nor students agree with the consisted of thousands of copies of six fairly power remains in the hands of the military and the revolutionaries. purely economic aim. The revolutionary goal is. lengthy leaflets, mass distribution of posters, of the most conservative elements in the The revolutionary Left did not need a state the most important aim of the Workers’ slogan-painters, one mass meeting, meetings in Falange, and that ‘liberalization’ is merely a of emergency. They have always lived under it. Commissions. several colleges and faculties, and the ‘March of show-piece and not a real piece of Its members were savagely tortured, in In 1962, the students mobilised in solidarity the Academic Cripples’, complete with liberalization. particular around December 1968, and with with the heroic struggle of the Asturian miners bandaged heads, burning gowns, street theatre, On the other hand, the declaration of a state especial ferocity in Valencia. The murder of and, under the slogan ‘The University with the and a fire-hose employed by an unfriendly of emergency, one stage removed from an Ruano Casanova was prior to the state of People’, demonstrated shouting ‘Miners yes, porter (which burst the ear-drum of one outbreak of war, shows 'that there are forces in emergency; and the same applied to the Opus no’, ‘Asturias yes, Franco no’. This 1962 comrade). After two weeks, 250 attended the Spain capable of drawing her towards a occupation of churches, prison sentences, mass strike saw the birth of the Workers’ mass meeting, which, though fewer than revolutionary crisis. sackings or deportations that members of the Commissions and these established links, even expected, was not bad for an exam term, and The immediate causes impelling the army to Workers’ Commissions have always had to put though weak ones, with the student movement. we succeeded in putting over some fairly act centred on the troubles in the universities. up with, state of emergency or not. These links have a concrete purpose. For this complex political arguments. A fair number of These troubles are no more serious than at any The complete censorship of the Press has reason, representatives of the Workers’ students have boycotted prelims and a smaller point in the past two years but last January directly affected those groups which have Commissions attend the students assemblies number Part I and Part II of the Tripos, thus witnessed the murder, in front of the police, of access to the Press at national level, such as the regularly as observers. Leaders of the working facing degree-less expulsion. This small boycott the student Enrique Ruano Casanova. The Opus Dei, Christian Democrats, monarchists. class attended the Constituent Assembly of the is not visualised as the end product, however, Spanish Press lied or did not report fully this But it has hardly affected the revolutionary Democratic Union of Students in Madrid and but as a means of propaganda towards a mass death, and the European Press ignored it. Left groups which go on publishing their Barcelona. These unions are also the ones to boycott (perhaps 1000 of 9000 students) next According to the police, the only witness, clandestine leaflets with more virulence and launch the order of mobilisation every First of year or the year after, a boycott opposed to Ruano Casanova, committed suicide by justification than before the state of May, in which the students and the masses of assessment and throwing himself out of a window of his flat. emergency. The prison sentences and the people demonstrate against the oligarchy. 1) They illustrate and propagate the evils of Good sources have it that he was either pushed deportations have for the time being silenced The students take part in these in a massive university education — single, examinable by the police or threw himself out to avoid any the neo-capitalist liberal opposition. They are way. ‘disciplines’, teaching further tortures. This ‘suicide’ is explained after all only a part of the system. On the However, the link between workers and The campaign was begun because we saw it when we know that, a few days earlier, contrary, the prison sentences and deportations students has opened up new prospects with the as the most valid offensive political move we Barcelona students threw a statue of General have pushed the Asturian miners, the setting up of new mass organisations — could make. Examinations and assessment are Franco out of a window of the rector’s office. Catalonian textile workers and the metal Comisiones Obreras Juveniles (COJ, Young the key instruments of ruling class hegemony in The demonstrations organised after Ruano workers of the Basque Country to go on strike Workers’ Commissions) and Comisiones Obreras the university: Casanova’s death, carried out according to (without precedent in a regime of total de barrio (COB, Area Workers’ Commissions), 1 They illustrate and propagate the evils of urban guerrilla tactics, exasperated the police. suppression and fear) and have caused partial which, in the big cities, have played and play a university education — single, examinable The official car of Vice-Admiral Gonzalez Aller, strikes in the Madrid industries. Equally, the first-class revolutionary role during the state of ‘disciplines’, teaching principally what is with the ‘big fish’ inside, was surrounded by a agitation in the Universities, which was meant emergency. With an efficient organisation and assessable, education ostensibly for a critical ‘commando’ of students in the Calle de la to be wiped out, has been radicalized and has an iron discipline, the COJ and COB have approach to individual life, in fact for Princesa (in Madrid’s University quarter). ‘This extended to new masses of students that see played havoc with the whole of Madrid’s police capitalism, instead of education for a critical cannot go on any longer’, said the Admiral to direct action as the only possibility to force. They have abandoned the idea of big, approach to social life. Carrero Blanco, the Vice-President of the transform society. peaceful demonstrations decorated with Press 2) They act as the principal end of higher Government, also an Admiral. A few days later Censorship and repression have fragmented cameramen, TV, etc., as a product of the education, and judge the correct status for the in the so-called Spanish Parliament (Cortes), the the technocratic opposition and even some capitalist or consumer society, and have examinee with the attacking exams from within magic words of Fascism were uttered again by revisionist groups within the Workers’ organised ‘action commandos’ that not only the university and from outside it, and above all Carrero Blanco’s paternal mouth: — ‘There shall Commissions. However, the climate of demonstrate against Franco the man, or against it means breaking down the be no sport played in the Temple, no science in repression has strengthened the revolutionary a particular action of the dictatorship, but 3) They are a direct expression of class warfare the circus, no politics in the Universities. . . ’ groups who now find their actions more against the whole system and all the elements - ‘keeping the buggers down’ and ready for justified than ever. which support it. These commandos have held mastication in the jaws of the ruling class. CHALLENGES Today, it is possible to envisage in Spain a up the Yankees’ and the oligarchy’s Banks, Hence a campaign against assessment is a Outside the universities, the government has neo-capitalist and liberal successor taking over attacked the fascist newspapers, and distributed political offensive on a revolutionary stand: a been faced by a number of challenges. from Fascism. But large masses of workers and leaflets to everyone. They hold brief meetings total negation of the authorities’ position rather Churches were occupied, with the priests’ students would view with impatience such a in the streets, in the buses and even in the tube. than an opposition to its inconsistencies (the permission, by the wives and families of the succession — particularly those grouped in the They are also the catalysts of political agitation basis of the LSE struggle — clearly not to be leaders of the Workers’ Commissions. There was revolutionary mixed Commissions of students in every city area regarding local problems. The denigrated). But such a campaign, whose a joke which was not published in the Spanish and workers. COJ and COB maintain the revolutionary line strategic aim is to reveal that the strain of Press: ‘Spain 1969: Politics in the University, The link between the students’ and workers’ against the ‘civic commissions’ launched by the revision is class oppression at work, needs a Politics in the Church and Circus in Parliament’. struggles has always been a basic aspect of the revisionists, which have a demobilising and great deal of time, propaganda attacking exams The Madrid College of Lawyers, traditionally people’s struggle in Spain against the counter-revolutionary character. ffrom within the university and from outside it, fascist-inclined, passed a motion to modify the Yankee-Francoite oligarchy. The first enemy The COB and COJ are true mass and above all it means breaking down the- Penal Code on political matters. was the fascist structure of the Unions, both for organisations in which workers and students mistrust of the left elite and of its often 1500 demanded that the students and for workers. The struggle has fight the common enemy: the Spanish transparent (and hence incorrect) tactical Government should accept its responsibility for brought more successes to the students than it oligarchy. They form in some towns and manoevres, which is felt by the moderates, the tortures suffered by members of the has to the workers. To achieve partial reforms especially in Madrid, the base of the Spanish potential revolutionaries. Workers’ Commissions in Asturias, the Basque in universities does not involve an attempt people’s movement. Alvar Gonzalez The possibilities of such a campaign, and the importance of the strategy outlined above is, we think, illustrated by last term’s events in Manchester where, after a lot of publicity, a motion to occupy until the three-hour written paper was abolished was defeated by 2400 votes to 1600. The vote indicates considerable success, but by moving too soon, much of the POT POURRI impetus of the campaign was destroyed. We would also argue as to the correctness of Folkestone, recently Schools comrades were described by other parents as unnatural. In the last issue of Black Dwarf we printed a special the demands. A large and politically-led distributing Vanguard, the Schools Action Folkestone comrades are described by parents section on the Middle East, including abbreviated boycott against assessment would not give the Union paper, outside the Girls’ Grammar as being ‘undesirable 23-year-old men’. versions of the programmes of the Palestinian guerrilla groups with a political introduction. We omitted to authorities the opportunity to compromise School. They were given a lift in a car by some Ironically, in fact, ’the forces 0f mention that this introduction was written by the with committees or continuous assessment, and comrades who are not at school. Sex, male; age, Folkestonian law and order are providing a Committees for Solidarity with the Palestine thus drive the left to start all over again, but 23. They were seen by one member of the local beautiful object lesson in authoritarianism. For Revolution (CSPR) a group working within the leave them with two ‘impossible’ alternatives: police force whose wife is a teacher at the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. The CSPR have once they really are educating. And the lesson branches in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, to accept our demands or to send 1000 school. Symbolic relationship. The following isn’t being ignored. Not only has a schools Durham and Ipswich: their aim is to work for a students out into the world without degrees, week, parents of six of the girls received a letter action group been formed, but suddenly socialist revolutionary policy within the Palestinian either of which would mean a considerable from the headmistress of the grammar school. everyone is becoming undesirable, 23, and liberation movement as a whole and within the defeat for ruling class education. Because all She could not understand what interest Palestine Solidarity Campaign in this country. They VERY DETERMINED. will be publishing a Manifesto in the next Black Dwarf students are consciously fucked up to some 23-year-old men could have in 13-year-old girls. and a series of pamphlets including a bibliography on extent by exams, because the most unlikely It was clear to her that their daughters were Palestine and a summary of the main positions taken people have been working with the campaign, being used, and not just for political reasons. Patrick Wall meeting in Hull. Opens with by socialists on over the past fifty years, with such a mass boycott is clearly on the cards even She warned parents that the girls ‘may’ have, resounding chorus from revolutionaries of ‘God a critical account of Stalin’s policy twoards Israel. Would anyone interested in joining or setting up CSPR for next year - given that we can muster been taking drugs and that they were save the Queen.’ Streamers; balloons; confetti; groups or in obtaining our pamphlets please write to enough energy and commitment on the left to associating with people who did take drugs. No all the weapons of academic thuggery out in CSPR, c/o Black Dwarf, 7 Carlisle St. London W1A sustain the campaign. evidence, of course, for any of these force. Imperialist & racialist speech lost in the 4PZ. Yours fraternally, ■ ■ ■ accusations. But to the Folkestone authorities, rhythmic drumming of many feet. (name and address supplied) legal, educational and parental, it is self-evident Tom Fawthrop, revolutionary student The article on Northern Ireland in the last issue of banned from Hull after sit-in of last year, is Dwarf was marred by two errors: its headlines gave the that the demand for increased democracy impression that the author considered that the police within schools could only come from accused of assaulting Patrick Wall. He did. With had arrived too few and too late; and the whereabouts HELP! sex-maniacs, drug addicts, and communists. A confetti. of Derry police station was not marked on the map. It mother of one of the girls told one of the lies on Strand Road, north of Waterloo Place. Come to the Dwarf office and help us undesirables that her daughter was ‘one of the get the new issue out to our sheep’, and it was obvious nobody could be Endpiece: Cause for Concern the BBC subscribers and distributors. Volunteer interested in her except for sexual reasons. The programme which brilliantly covered the Published by the Black Dwarf, 7 Carlisle Street, help needed every issue, usually on girls involved have been kept under parental question of racialism in the police looks' like London, W.1A 4PZ Printed by APT, 16 house arrest, ‘undesirable’ literature is banned, becoming a cause for concern in itself. A Film Dufferin Street, London E.C.1. Distributed by alternate Wednesdays, Thurdays and which includes the Penguin on Risinghill and programme they shot on the question of Moore-Harness Ltd. 11 Lever Street, London, Fridays. Ring David Kendall or Ann Victor Serge’s memoirs. One girl was forced to appalling housing and civil rights in Derry has E.C.1. tear up a copy of Vanguard in front of her been abandoned. Over to Bernadette Devlin and Scott at 734 4827 for details. parents. Interest in the was we hope she’ll kick up a bloody great stink. The Black Dwarf May 16 1969 Page 11 ‘In the Western student troubles such names as ready to confront Red thuggery and bullying Cohn-Bendit, Krivine, Konarski, Triesman physically. Three hundred of us could cut Klein, Adelstein, and Words suggest through that rabble like a knife through hot disproportionately large Jewish element among butter. We can move in and out of that crowd the ringleaders. In general the powerful voice of. so they wet themselves’. In fact, last January Jewry among the world’s opinion media has outside Rhodesia House two NF members went welcomed the “new look”leftism’. into action. ‘Barry Bolton and Robert Taylor tried to fight off the vandals, but in the This is the voice, not, of an ‘old look confusion when police reinforcements turned Hitlerite conspiracy, but of the National Front, up, were themselves mistaken for Reds and a patriotic political organisation whose head bundled into a Black Maria.’ Webster explained office, manned by sweet old ladies, is decorated with a laugh: ‘As soon as the police realised with a portrait of the Queen. An organisation, their mistake, they released our two members’. •indeed, committed to gaining power within the Candour and Spearhead attack all liberal and constitution, and to carrying out in its policy, progressive measures with stupendously in a reasonable atmosphere, completely devoid ham-handed satire. ‘Children at Hightown of fanaticism and hysteria’. Junior School, Sholing, Hants, decided they did But how cute! What are we worried about? RUMBLINGS ON THE RIGHT not want to attend school. So they set fire to it. In fact, the National Front is fascist, straight up £5, 000 damage was caused. Let us hope that no and down. It will soon be very well funded — a one will discipline the little dears. That might £ 11/2 million legacy is about to arrive — and it is give them complexes, inhibitions, etc. They gaining new members at the rate of 150 a week. might even turn to violence. Let us instead pat It has groups all over Britain, two journals, and our' permissive leaders on the back and picks up the votes in South London local congratulate them on producing a generation of council elections as adeptly as does the neo-nazi up-and-coming students who will be worthy West German party. Its policy director, A.K. rivals to the present clear-eyed, open-minded, Chesterton (nephew of the late G.K. ), was a drug-ridden rioters’. leading spokesman for Mosley’s British Union The emphasis is on a ‘healthy and moral’ of Fascists — ‘a purifying force which would Britain, and consequently NF publications print cleanse democratic policies from corruption’ — attacks on the ‘liberal’ prison parole system, and was once offered a job by the Nazis. ‘communist’ magistrates, ‘inadequate’ prison Another director of the Front, Admiral Sir sentences, ‘the left wing prelates who run the Barry Domville, was a close friend of Himmler’s Church’, the BBC (‘in our last issue we drew and was confined in Brixton jail as a security attention to Curran’s self-confessed Marxist risk in 1939. And it is not just that the National background’), and the state of British culture Front has attracted many leading fascists to its (‘evidence of planned political manipulation ranks. Its publications are full of the irrational can be seen among the exponents and hysteria of racism and the desire to pin originators of modern “anarchist art’”). everything on to a gigantic world conspiracy. Two members of the National Directorate, A WARNING to whom your reporter spoke, vehemently The National Front is a movement of denied that they were in any way anti-semitic. frightened and self-righteous people. In an age We are opposed to international capitalism, when nationalism is declared redundant both Jewish or Gentile’, said Jo Short. Yet on just by the internationalism of the Left and the two pages of the March issue of Candour (‘read internationalism of the giant capitalist by all the South African cabinet ministers’ corporations, the NF has nothing to cling to Frontman Martin Webster told us) Rothschild is but Louis Mountbatten’s TV recollections. But attacked three times, Oppenheimer twice, its emotional appeal is strong. It reaps the Rufus Isaacs and Kuhn Loeb once each. Recent backlash to unrest in industry and the issues of Candour and Spearhead speak of the universities; and profits from the frustrations of ‘international financial (i. e. Jewish) workers, shopkeepers, and all those beset by revolutionary conspiracy which was behind the the problems of living under a declining •Communist Revolution in Russia. ’ In this Domestic economic policy is left equally Just in case any of the membership should imperialist power. twilight of political thought, communism and vague. Once Britain is racially pure and be disappointed by this mealy-mouthed stuff, Hitler wrote: ‘National Socialism undertakes Jewish finance presently rival each other for economically free, most problems will the literature is riddled with hysterical diatribes to defend people as a whole against the control of the world. evaporate. Industrial disputes will be referred to on the subject of race. ‘Anglo Saxon and Celtic individual, when and wherever his interests are For the National Front, the state of the ‘a labour court enjoying the same status as Her peoples must not be turned into a teeming not in harmony with the common weal’. The world is certainly shocking, and the pages of its Majesty’s other courts. Councils of management mulatto mob’. Spearhead specialises in National Front now proclaims: ‘New men and journals sound the alarm. ‘Developments of the and labour will ensure that no sectional interest reporting immigrant crimes — polygamy, rape, women, utterly dedicated to the British Cause, last six months have been quite fantastic. . . is able to operate to the harm of other sectional murder, and the mistakes made by ‘overseas are essential if the rot is to be stopped. That is Moral subversion, subversion among the youth interest or to the detriment of the nation as a doctors and nurses’. why we invite you to give your most serious and universities, the traffic in drugs, the whole’. It might all have been culled from All this is backed up with a farrago of attention to the National Front, a new political massively increasing pornographic literature Harold Wilson’s last speech. theory. Martin Webster told your reporter that movement which has only one overriding aimed at distorting the culture of people. . . we Will there then be no unemployment ‘there are congenital differences between black purpose — to put Britain first’. see evil mounting as never before in our lives. ’ problem when Britain is pure white and and white. It’s not just a paint job’. Statistics You have been warned. John Newbiggin To combat this evil, the Front has set out its unsullied? To this question, Martin Webster are culled from ‘research’ to show that black IQ ■ ■■■■■■ policy in different spheres. replied that ‘people of a civilisation should be ratings are lower than among comparable Of course, from the very nature of their prepared to do their own dirty work. There is a whites. And Spearhead, adding up the costs of material, the English Stage Society was ECONOMICS. hard core of white scum who should do these the immigrants to the national exchequer, expecting some kind of protest. Prior to There is no coherent economic analysis in the jobs, they should be pressed into work if they comes up with a £40 million pound bill. One opening night of the Enoch show, several National Front’s literature. It speaks only of refuse to get jobs (that is, are unemployed for item: £10 million ‘drained from our economy screaming letters were sent to the society establishing a British ‘world system’ which will more than three months). These people need a through illegal currency rackets’. Somehow, a include the United Kingdom, Australia, New good kick up the arse. We don’t intend to including one notable for its length and ferocity further £60 million appears, to give a grand if from the British Immigration Council. Zealand, Canada, and Rhodesia, and, if they so tolerate idlers of our own race. ’ meaningless total of £100 million. ‘It would be wish, the republics of South Africa and Eire. On opening night, ten men broke through possible in the space of two years to repatriate the front door, attacked the press officer and This world system will be quite self-sufficient; RACE two million immigrants from Britain for much and if at first it is not, a strong military force The National Front presents its racism in rushed up four flights of stairs into the theatre. less than the sum above’. Sweet dreams! But as On stage was Henry Wolf, described as a 5’2” will make sure it soon is. Activities director benevolent terms. ‘Many immigrants dislike the Martin Webster ruefully admitted, ‘I suppose Martin Webster claims that the present defence British climate’; ‘It is important for all races to Jewish intellectual. He was knocked off the you can’t send them back to Jamaica on the stage by a punch from the first NF man who budget is chicken feed. ‘If you are properly keep their unique contributions to civilisation’ first banana boat’. exploiting the opportunities of military (to be exercised only after being sent back to DECAY became known as ‘the bruiser’. In the audience were 10 or 12 further members of the NF and presence, the money is well spent’. He denies their homes). ‘The British people have a will to The policy of the National Front not only faces they stood up shouting ‘Take this degenerate that exploitation is really involved: ‘people ask rule which stamps them a superior nation’, up to the problems of Economics and Race, it muck off the stage’. Pamphlets were for protection and you get trade preferences in Webster suggests, hastily adding: ‘This is not deals also with the subject of national decay. distributed, a stink bomb was let off, and the return’. His ideas must be seen as part of the value judgment... black people have a Hand-in-hand with the great Communist-Jewish bruiser broke a chair. The arrival of about 20 reaction to the Great Conspiracy of which the beachcomber attitude to life. They need to be conspiracy and the floodtide of blacks, are the, uniformed police put a stop to the disturbance; Front is so fond. Since Yalta, Webster has put led by the hand’. Party policy would redirect ‘fanatical students’ organising ‘sit-ins and’ so efficiently did the police restore order that it it, the principal aim of America and Russia has the £200 millions now given in aid to ‘despotic protests’, ‘roving bands of bopping up looked as if they and the NF had worked out been the destruction of British world power. cannibal kingdoms’ to providing immigrants in and down’, ‘youthful drug addicts’ and ‘the some kind of modus vivendi. International finance — Jews, Russians, Britain with a one-way ticket for home: their newly licensed homosexuals bestriding the Europeans, and Wall Street - must be ‘humane and orderly repatriation’ - softened stage’. ‘The NF will deal sternly even ruthlessly The Enoch Show has been rewritten to destroyed, when the Anglo-Saxon race will be by a £100 resettlement handshake — would be to stamp out such wickedness’. By ruthlessness, contain the NF entertainment and it is hoped free to run its own system. taken in hand. Webster explained what they meant: ‘We are that the show in its new form will take the stage sometime this week.

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