I a - 1 a , — J w D ‘S. T I • ' 1 — T ^ i -



LOUISVILLE JOURNAL miscellaneous. jVIKDICAL. LOrLSVlLLK JOURiNALk JTKMS. W. lii. STOKES, ciTYORDiM.kiMCEs.Ac E. "W. H. Stokes, , !TH(*S.S.LE.N\EmJcB rUWTU'E. 0«^B0KNk„ lCanha]'a Bala SuoctfbaoT to A P.iTK-rr Kobkkitri. -The X:.tioo.l Utellig-nrar ; oT tha grteUrtt TArtH.AlWT*fil brlnaton- oi,an rie. i, ,h, w„rM, mwrmn* w»bmaii B. Maaio#, Ac id i NoUce to ContXHCtoim. IQ mnmi AMb^mnm. MJttelhU Jud^a Jloxrck, oua tt« Rwawiate that ha U lihalv to f.J ua( I KFFKBVESCE.Vr !>,’ , ; la Ckaaaarr, Ko. TMRORTER ^-ND DK^VDKR U nloa. in Hi. ur 1 l ii i>u. .lu w; i u n a . OEJSTER-A-Irt J. a aaiaart. ai Jud^a, of tbr nrcolt V urt for that UUtiict. Ua ,Ud,. !» fi-T&Brm.— JoarMl ! • '» if mM. •*' It ia a4«*ai». ar attif a.>t mu V aina» af a 4« tia> af tka Laaiaaflla Chanaarr Coiira, | SADDLERY dacul docioioD uf ; ri HARDWARE jn,t d, oa on »pf*al fram a tU ryaK»-4 '>»«>• 'JS 1859. AND —Th- h. ’o >»f- .Sawgr at li COACH Jury iniU d lU touk-b aiiMa tbrw t r. <>M>aUr ftau, afc Tii WMklr B t*a4ar>4 la tka aboa. aaaaa lha ua Mra.#naa ar oaa cm- of .Stok.,i .- h tU a&- Nawinao, , M >i0€ af aa vOl coaritad ' «t aa Wadaniir Jana i>, \»j». about tba ori.tb ibe M-arurk.a W«»« » • r«r ar ItK I af a'rlnok A. M.. at paMir aaatlaa. to Ur hlahaac *• •» '"lof ' bl44ar. na prMalaaaaa nal Invrntor to «ppW for a p,it*r,t within two jeors P"’*"' *'"« of' “>P»- Oifck waoR XarR * Itowoa. South Mk iMim Paanaa—la Aaraaaa Waaklp Ur a ofariH af aaa. two. aa1 tkrar Thia Talaabir nod po;mlnr kfetotoior, prr|*pred in Fifth kiid hlxlb, i-r i~ , ?i:rV'*n'’,r;r ooa I — aaar M la I .blklk airrrL. becwrrk l.kkiavlllr, Ky. lb- 4..IUiin f.i,-.,lt rt..-., ... a . *• an br Nk. 4;iS »i«onof tUCity t tinoar, kodirikcoortUkCkkiai Mlaa ar iMrr tl aaah . rrata aacb a. bmt aaaoaar. to aatlafr tba draw formity wHb iHb a^yia* of tbr water* ef tbr cetabrai- 4 SftkkL bktwkkx Kkrib okd Fifth i>f «r h* liaromaa aware that anotbar ia pubi.ely ’ toaSarr * •< tba la plaari Manufacturar. wnnld «“•* l.' for. mak i-r thrtr nud.y. The niurde ‘P^'drollona file Paarnaaat b, papaMaiaariTaiHa. i M|>ny iini atontiourf, vU: A ed «krl?S4*r dpring*. In (Irmijiiiy, in a most coovr- 9~Marrhaato aad | IL,- on io E iHicror'i cHHe. “ oill b- attondod to a . it mad. In nfroon. H Biarittoan i by laall. t ' ' Tract of Uaari la caantr. Er.. aal aba. ord«r. from a dutouc. »*». •" *bia cjimty. an- l-'-noJ la afb atot r Uatora.al aorrlA. JcCm« apan aari airat aud |*orurlr form, bas a^rrrmU( re- and asiuK and claiming bia invaniioo, he meantinia aa nut of which boa iT. •oranty reqairMl. ^ altotlari tttrwart. af I to Jaa H wkich a pUi wiU tr rrbll) eeivrd tbr most farombir rrcdaurornda* *Ne lA>UlSVIlJrtE, KY. EATEa OF AnVP;BriSlK« IN THF. ' tb- pei(H-trat< r>, it T. H. unisviix*: tmri oa ua ter af aalr, wMcb aJl br aoM la paroate aa tlooi pf tbr Mrdi al Frofaasiott aisd a iaUrjNrtiiiri ro wa'OinR or objactioo whateTe'-, abuta 0«AWW)Rr\ Mayar. ' ^ ^ >f tb* aaa. vSEJldflOe TRO. A. MOlUiAaSj iirtDy Minaral Spriac a.Mri, Haldlitx Ktorian. and othar llmeb with reefy /\betweeu Tjalaut Ch.-tmi*. ovK*ed tbal ,, y r-f ostabtiahed bouse wi\t. A •W b i^dlfo lu pa^^Wfow Mfo and fivater of. variety 'if ('«bioet Furoiture and Chairs of* ver* style and any iiirchiierml biidne--. Yaai4pa4aartlaarrpa; gaarirrljr. all otbiri la acraana. kroc,-. It may be umi altb tba btot aS-at la A';p'r to me up.ialhtuibe conlinued by biwleaa frunueramen. aSvni-d ia l*riiiU ia tbr mulal tf thegreafoat dufidarr, hMiiUy of aueb / ewm-'-a.iUv, wr da •< oU riaae. either at retail. The suh-criher, from MJ^Cheetnut, b'*twete M TIMER SEkSONS. a. a.BBHnv eomfortaUe DirsUInf Ilotie*, with loe acta of liaod, Friaortol aoMoor aari raMtouairartnai. iaoartrri la rrilto fur ibeui w moutha sicce. The tha canac, l«iag a remiitacce of live thou acd dolUr-, I i« u, Rill, luaad kata: -ii- • i(.et fmnt. on First Ftr«Ht, befwecu Hlo* acaaadiirt to GBACMiJ. rt'.latoun.araari latmrirri pruiootr la . ,to aagurti.. to pritaalotmato, Bu lb H, It pofticitlarly adapted to tbr want* of Trnrelors by S. O. feCeury & Co., and Ch-«tuQt straet*. Wbaf rwa.ded loCauot Cavtur. The Ita.iai,. .W W/^tefa. Raateh Pw. act oM cral broitteof Apply t . VV<*rthiiu:. cf law Urt n Litee i, cony iiovarsment ofB 1 Tb® Aomgmd iBrlfoipBM im tK® Fnsfli®. llta riiacraali*a . mala t«i tiaa, ritoor aatp tanraori at of Ur -o Spp and lan-T. Rctodebt- in Hot C'Umalre. Fi>raoasof ton, Joluut.m. 4 ihincao A l -^n irtT. ao( moA. Ih. rt . Y irkWIiito Laari, Rivuari la birackrri o4l. A rC'TIONEKKs^AND COMMISSION M KRCHANTB stmt. o. on ihe prentisrs Sew Orleaoa have oiteady aaac on ihtaa tbouaacd too, of ^ •4*lajr«. apdt-uUry Ilabito, JoraUds, and ranvakaoi nti. to c ols oa well aa l.y the "uhstintul eitiaansot rexaa. 1«H Ihrtr tort .tkirat. lukrt te i«- EINC WHITK- J\ r<>rnrr Mam and WalUtreeU. L«>iiisNille- ky. ^S. F. uiiRISTV. , bv,"huudrad .'i*lur7‘ » Iteon CONTTNF.NTATa IN4»TLANCK Ca. Nbi Rl W- wiU mImp BTCAsraaM taios of t 'Or,.* ,t_ Cm Vaa^h and Pfon:«rs wl.l find it ( M Af .f ih.i tiuo* a wa IrtT. ' I'ui* Krracb, pnaari la Oil la Faria: asii admiicesiiiade on guods eotisigtipd t«> ua to any oo riUcf-trtk S9W Turk. 4:®*B a»ittai ) ckf rv«l MMBT tti ttK VMduabIfl additfoa to tbelr ktcdicior Ctimta. Dii dn, •mount. WTGuinR Inh* huMie l»f raili«Ku®o^ tha ]*ecQ ^ if rrfo^aed. TF**. the !**•*# aod sa«eog •Ufcr i fro lad ia INtfiAC Nneri till. n-rn.ers w%t a errnt cuuiat and aivo a praat TIB- uw p*w Th® Aiii»fl perforH*®!® m ifo* rveffte. noi I **ar g^^Wrarf-at alttlmrs^wdy toattend tn*atraof Kea SE FOR SALUr Frtawa Ziar to ararraatorito brttamivad oicb Aator, ‘ t«H BMi'* mbcIi chwapf » b V It'H. HE ua Cbi-olLUt .trrat ' 1*^' “ P;'- irao l^tat* MarstiaVs or ( unstable's Fates, lloevehold Furr* U lor MJr. 1 U,-- in IHII, a. U D.a R««U i war took place la 1815, fte mi Z tor or bao tc, and oorbo a. rartlr attriar litr ttruM , — aTJ I .—mVrnZ'L Motm AM imfo AN niiK iN9rRA44.ee 84*aa htir Lrtori urr.Ac., on termssatisfactury t04«l1err. i. -U Wm. -a- _ m N^®L*6w,>- IbMP for »•«•••« nf »n« otr«r«B i—tiw. f«T 0»r W IN A TOHFID fiTATK OF 1HE LI?F.R~It nndrn lo of Nipoleon I. TLeru K 44 rtsB. i.®4BOi®H®l®ifefl nurpfol® #U M‘*•1 tbe rhla a gri.alc uiat * II. tbe Da<1 cf li-c* •* A WALLACE. , r*t i Lv aiKv e iti igai.ia d ..*im u a. Mohw lurrw Fritor Wi Vniitiaa Rod; givat rsicf ta mstoriog ! Ua«o4 aMitioaal hcml. EaR w b««ltby ac job. irnmomimti im I C ' 1«> aacb hrirgiigopa ***** Fraaob Vallao uebrr; ia 1 k au«l the viuta^e wab ms^.itkant, ami tou t hrigmle. fie ani •• s Ai^mrnmmmu mmkf la Urr r>a*iar Eallatixi IN GOl'TA.ND KHKUMATlbM^ltcIrrstbr brstmt- 58, sc’earn tf the msst- 1 arbrr Itebrr, w aari Hurat; aill l» akAr«M* l»M llir afotrr prirw. if to DaiD K iafaction, alla>'ii-t all Infi mauitor>' syaiptoBM, •“kine whiMlw DiUst tav^e oiiil:Ipi1 nddiv wiih *ba liUYSZSi.R to or THE TALLEY or Y Hb-lioa, an; aad m COUNTRY SEAT WANTeD.' wa hav® lb® luillkn war, wLich Bonn* confldrntiT *Vif -^Jliw.iJer* and erMtoori bT do | iff •BlfocX. 4^y-La| jBBraal a*4 anaua«*«4. rr Bn« to^rtY.b«. aa tkr I'ws many cases e&Ktually cut tag those aftbe -xd. SHINE. • CiBh | LET LIGHT . raUi® of mu keir> ard Hm iru' c cafihi THE , n. fowaumpan. <4 eMtLI. -a -IS A v> I itT oa I (Utaabag.* th-< wrrfrtrv ri;af ittort. bhraaii' Ofara; A PLaCE, *itna'> within f» nr or ItoUriUi. om» foufUi tto atotw i a«fert will prove ruinous to N.pcU^m III. SbouM . •m . < 1T8 KUtX'lIiSM IN CAJiKd fire j , ^ ,, “*r! 6 r .i!i 1 farator Yalinvt OF GKAVKL INDIGFSo “ie cit» or on l ie !.• uijnll. and It is CITV AiBarriBi oa th* laailr of Uir J«Hir«al I announced that the H. ^o® a Bay I FUKlSriL'iLEM.KLA)IIKy. mmt» ar» liOSA, a k* A to Co are ,, S^^lto** l?L*.f^***‘**.“^ V Kte Ha Vi-raaiiHaa. Chlaaor, Eaciirb, aari Atocrlraa’ TDi.h, IjRAitTHUdN. AND C«.HTI VK.Nkd^Fruresit MADAMK l.A |a'((i I raukfiArt iraUroad ithln twenty milea u£ uk heUil, a»id fail, rrmwmiiM that "• pointed out Ibe elMpa4aa r«.ua tmem. - p-eparinK lo ahtudeo the I-Ji : I.atopMacb; fo be a UtdkciiMr wf tbr gipotrel iitlbty. fiv. Addre:tf Boa i?7 TemuHy lu ita fo s, la tm* ludgwaus FaiOoUic , * a’lioK l'*cat!oD wf Ihe Paid Im At»«itonaa»« la J«»ra»4<..^ KaUi> tfo cuufipuuy w4m> (to t'o^rBr ftr«« idomiva. hTUMACHa AND TIIR DI8- Maar« toay, — #1 I hra Marior Hlar; *"*^** *’*^ **^**^ A M. IM ^' . W. KKH.tKDr, '^2'' Tbfe^rlNG 81cbM->8 bO UiiUAL DUIHNU PltLU- cecd Lu rttn .rk* ib*'i>oQ areexpcct* d. They uould ^' i= r*c?i p< r f . R^I-KF.R r««*t} rtiociaaaaer !!* Parto Urora. ma. •fheukw'f uf« IK.iCKASce A«.. Ar Y’m-Yield* speedily, aui wiob For Reut, ' Agent*, Lmhaaltte. Ky. Jl® WRifoia air*®L %tuw NANi marked inrrim under II *** Yoi h i m® IM'rBnaa a nUer waal ptooa to lakr omt %m4 alo|> b4 Itoy b mnsti't^d ^ *"*‘*''' W ^JFhraborr iMlan aari U Oil la taa. of from I to ( tu healthful iafludnhce. ILcq U cuoiudrr.d eff-mive. inn>4w in the abtivr Fciem on all ttit eff-Riis of life, FRO? T la'tOYf.s ] Its r/”"' T*'* il t i delighUul ound tlour prairi* fureaia, niiL#*, atd eiM*. rar B mm wt >BiBrtr a4vartri*aar «L^ riRR laat-RAMtS TlDipE Al* FLltrTED YY Jill erty, gain, lo4rieH, thieve*. Journey*. puicNaf***, rale*, lair, How CiB< rM^TANOct AlTfR CA5%rfl.~K(i®mth . A m t'cb baa l«e-u iawntsd in CO., .'4a. rt‘ >«. t tjairacf b« >M«ir a4rtftoBato«>l» wiU br Alaenatia i» ria Lnharpr oK bCIUErT To THK tmiai',e for ao offior. 116 .nr eneiiit***, LUNAR k *4k. V^*B l*lLfr>—ACTlNts gently on the boweU, oemratiaiug suits, iiwitnerHlilpA, tnmsiiiw, ah*ent tru'uile, ra* ' LIGHT aoB aito Btn prr\{i»«*B a>*4arr u> ar. aor viil aap cbarpi br H-artoa. Tarp-tolltor. aU »«'• Uj.e. Unaaari OR. Vanti.lirr. Ac., A.v left for I.al> «r^ tbaa oar year ai U»r rator. AU af abi.4i Itor inflamma- • • ‘Hniihusitoo »iT oauHrrab looral torau. • w cn C.u-e.l by trknuo, cot hv tory Imidt'iicISri briugM ibe »ep«rate together, caiiieti S|H‘e«ly luarriages, de- ... •.to .to L W A I ^A r y^ ^ ’ rARHCRri' l.'tsir.A'ICBCO. or Irll OArraa ^W| aa murview vtpta ibe irerch Ainiitgaudur 10 Loa> blowkio...... 1. Aiheo*, LSOX A STAR BIRtl * ail of di*eases. 8stiidac'lo't given or mote-y* Jr*.*j JAb or at.wck. fiMf'i fvnn. l.'**a Corrtai auri oafplM.... IN FACT, IT IX IXVAM’ABLK enbe raaiiD<*r 1. IMPki-arttei*® w p Are whue hruuKUt huhi IN ALL CASES It ii imt few r»tiim«*d. |*rfre dl earli. A l»ereTn will r.iuduct vUiPirs don. Time works wof.dersa a vear* 1 t - *Gi w awicKriiHewpe' toHERF: A DEMLE AFb»aENT Ob FUK- lOIIN KI1T.< Mfa C. baa Broken ilt of you," said a ffr>v>ip «o • Ta»« g*i Tze foi- MAST’RY A YVUITON, to the Madanie'F n»oms. J. ,Vth Af I r >t »» tu I'SSCZIMCZ CO !4e 4k Welt » nr A , UAnVE IS UlQCInED. that rreLch fiovrrcmaat bta ffidttfi, preiwi-iwi wt imf lmH Wc-mawicir bilb*. j(*lK.dii* the would tot ao luuca n luan wbo Iburowtitily sfoloio al ibe b loiKtai aal u a rpl WEST shc sma'l , te. BADEN $W" Fvr furtbi^ t^rUcular* ••r iu .»f» vi.|«. j L On*' worth 4Yf nSl It ia in tha form of JOHN KI*rTS Laaac 0*1 giw 111 raltoto a powder, car«fu:ly put up in bot- & CO., ‘*T'ial,4fiS'u • Bt, aal SO Aun Bt., ai ptiiiiit tbe ^rest Mir\ ar to set bit fjot oa itt ii^bei* m-, wai hia rapiy; ei Iwi.f Lat! h1 tles. to korp in any diomle, and merely B« >•! Wksfo iNt; #?• ® r« (luirea water INVITE * u* f A* tb* holy oaihariteri Zorn-* af T"LK ATTLMTiON TO A LAKUE “I bava never reuutrvU tun aty larvice.” me .al i; gl4 -.f *o1>« 1L*|: « p«ut Um WE ^ bnw poured upon it to prududw ‘ a drligbUol eff«snreaoeat brrpr- V T nud Im auuliil seIrctOMi Now ba may not only go to Franc*, but b* i* re •«r«,e»».tM»g soraaia ».-a«.pa-o-s *a or» tir>rar>ri ka of a umt aeu.*. v»vfi»^ a llg'it *4mi NFAV YOliK, ' It is mi fo** reported tint Mr. Ferry Ki^lev, ( i •'< eniuy-a id lasurwor- a asart ^ BUSINKSS CARDS. formcrir «ur ’ «a Ca«M«ate ORANGK fMLNTV, INDIANA. a I.U'iariit’* a 4w»f u Taken in the it be guoA be is tba rer*p«ect of dipt malic courten es j ha* ua ®t*t 4Mrr4« n.acAB ur morning, nevw interferM with tbr tro- citimm uf .Maeain, Hated, rw.prtse. Men-kaarite vd Lite. ',arlrt4>ua G*crrf»ta. ba* la»e|v an 1 1* * *-n - I catians of getitly K*fTo'«d I >k^ LaiUcS itfo lll>>r. bfriiips for cumber bp4 inediriwU iiapil- the day, anina on tbr syriem. leptormg WATCHES tu erc’t u« '*** i ie- ktod *r to tb® city uf . for ywtirwMve« (he digeidiye flArura, tn a e'larifw of c*re!e**Bew* I > at No. a kf oof noonr*. rsauny a healiby a d rigoron* tout* * rti T •«nMk’«e4 pf •«> VBtLTittr ifoee lii Uie H.TDTVI<3VrtiX.ILri. ' oufoi s;nte »—* A Hu r*,rtsay aad uOaroby s4 artad WHI FE LEADtZIXC PAIM SACOLOK.<, »*^»f)ibarrod, I3I.A.]yE01SriDS, w. P. HEN EDICT, tlir iKh pf Jaar till tbr 1-1 oT oi and without •aroct aa epT wte. IWmiiib will pro. PtoTLSS, CRaGO 4k CO.. r^ tfociir Bi tfo* Alt«*ap pad SuWw lUilfoad which life is irksume and iHr -iwint and Auitriaoa tuck lace, It a v illaga on the Po, ii Socw foil on Thuf day werk at M-rr WNoLBSALR ZKD R-.TalL MuipitrlrrH of i'attrif 4mooils, \ ®, Frenklln PI DeaLRR r ffMrc.SA Maia B*r»rt, b<nal and other g«a- county, AM). For rk M a s l r z c T U H E R s. CWCUSl, FBCfUCR, k\% 6UHAK ABTtKTS^ Tbud l.'dlO sLU ilrgtoutd WA-afitzen fulM on LpaieriU** liiA«d. ppd tbr *Ma.B tlriueu uf the lugheet «fon«Ung ibrougboat the countr> MY THE FAl'-KAtifc ONLY. Au-'fiian Italy, uf inbabitaots, and 10 md®« will fer them io PL^VXKJL) 3 SK, Friday morLl: IliTta* ueraawd aor r*nli.le*, a* **• XV.A.TaT» I* aad i>a atmuily increaidag OOOI x- i •*%»» par pprt Pf tbs> ciir ppd rp- n-r ikrai tp th« popaUftty for a serios uf > ears, • m ^ Kpilropd, Have removed to No. H*^i a . New York. dtataat fr« m Milan. eo-MM w, >a aootfr te a x ta twetre s ruiifiy rwaiantee its effica^ which Lave lavn |»o iWatr tp iifWa>. frpip wMrb and v^oaUr character, and c lased direct from the tuamifae.ijrer* ^ ctairt, fitet p dpilf 1 pr of llarkF _ Ibe M'touoer iUiie ari!v<>d at New L m.iuD on the I }J" p a », to W«—w..frareq felle Pirr .HaBitl,aMlUTftlLortkiB<(.. comuiead it to tbr favorable nutiecof ao iutriUgculimtMie. aving rvnX'Vc-d to the lurge tuiljing. No 9»3 H''uad- aud i(LiH»rter* at the Piwesl J Y 7 C'toltor* Oil aiU CParry tbrai l« the SfKii p*, p brrr will arrhrr at ca*»h | r»c»s. All tjn e4znrt<4i4> <'!*// B_nrwioiirwl>.tb**le>ialrHAlMr>e,rtr- Ftee im mm^ Water, wsr, eeir heg to call t je at ent>on of tue Lavir,; msde Freparid auld. YVbuhMale H fultou, ae kMK*i t-U : what u „,-urVft4 l* and and Retail, by * loan evauiiuauoo ut our * Riv. Air, N ‘viiis haa tesigr*d tha chaviire of ifo..1 do*«luck r. M a tptipc d*ao«r pt pppti. Upir tkraacli *Hk. yaLh C-jT ^ w-hnrttoc ito taioto Ldtoking UImk ti-adc i*f Lnni-villr lo our reoeni hupoiladoii of nTAI'LIa bava to.tMtasaeatr Ite I rtswoie riau ato Prr*cli : l.een tha lurt fist whrt!lc,r lb. fa>cfarr JuH.Y A. TAKKANT 4 CX>., DwiMiaTa. Dt to- t- .-. • . 1 T.iiatfe r*c *rto* -Iri-tesfikud n-r di For pprtiraUrv. ibi|>iltr p< janpip I. 11 .1 on Br >•(( . I^m- lull Vriri>*d **«» t».e hiniale I iMitu'e at ac- W ImsM- k .\r« tM’RTakf ( skf IbIbts No. fi* uiv-pnTriaY it., eor. FANCY G<»0 S, embraciig a ard k. to- aSiwa LeaingUm, ard ! At* k «® y. ri m94t SmAm. I>»y gt HI pprTwp WepkB ill RR. HH. PRHE We have also tak*D ibe agency of renrsl Paris Arm* Tuet^hiid of Waterloo, by CL W. M. Krynuld*, cum- '««. *: THIRD STnRET. BStifiiical mild SranEhUseo’* UiitraafEta. In rlfobire, T'**^a ^ ^ I U county, N Y., ic* was ^ ^ Fur Week r Pv| Her Fpar Warkr 14 and would be i4«a«i d to ex e.i e urJ-'m ou eouiiiioti. plesa iu uo«f vuiuiue. pri^ lU cents. made 'isT f-rtrirtasrtr rtwfe utt V AM B— id lb* *SaaaO*«4s 1 owiiiiik'<* n. Clay Pate has been tried at lodefendacca I Sunday, the h inst i»o T. If. iVrpoar Fall *took now opeu and the atteLtluDof I-oui vJm* mer- Jack Letter*, hg .Maiur Jack l>c«rning. SV (•fT , thesurfsceu' waier IMTk'tf'.-.zy 1 (IMB .W« ®, Atsa Oniwiag aaB TrariMg PmBrr^, wUI have tbr bcpi-ftt af a daily oiail by m torwa Kil F»«'9Mn|h abJ Ma:b «i*«Bl. ^ k FBuAk.®* Bto ®®4 fovia® ^antr rv^ie'etfally roli.'lted. Lord M“Uia ju** F«gc.Mta liMUM* cai Ui>iu4uc< (• vrn-eis, i diraruar pB loDovK W*bi Badea , hy ball a i-ch thkh, wbhb In b^.irvtd UcL.(«u ®b4 rt .twtf ifo-a. di»ribcs lod^oa. 52 fur str ibnK a Peicru and lieen triuaiibauuy atquit- FUTERsl. « R6 G«z. * CO, rWrtLg I KST- hci«*fu1a,, lAnerr, I*i r*, 8ore Ei cs, JegU dlmlstp & F.VhRlXUETrF 2»,.lr. F. K. alaiue*. I'face gl. ‘ to aib rari*. BMCNAKD to Im WI himt pr‘C«deM. fbe ssine murwin/. luw m to® tmmm g»iM« «®b B® Q®4Biht fm iBto Btezaoboopea, St«:eoacopic Views, < lulls, Ciu./Uic Dfaurhea, KypliUi* in all of iu stages, Fb- Hi Me of i a*NBirrianor, hg Walter Frott. I,. llr. JiMIV A. LANE Proprirtor. Wr Price 9ic. d. Mr. 1‘. de.iyartd tnm.tlf up. rir«rtm.roUna UiU, wItboQt u4i the knife or other painful rvmetlm. Auue of iteu'ibfom, h> Mr cnnij. in rig tauih-atoiiU.. ’ g Waller Kcott. F Ire Vah:. J- SBiiLrifo sEiziaiito ' oar Aud I 04 remove the horrid ronaeuurDce* ol Uunniaoi, or Ul K^VKKOW, I lie Moiiactoiy, by Mr Walter rcou. ITicH 26»*. Pant»> ib- Itaiiuomaur wo* down tu 20 ^JrUrr. Aclf>F(4tutK»n. 3r»ITX I can cure tbeae diseases, and 1 have |M^f K» Voittiteesul the Ciiesp Kdl;ion ot Sr<.lt’i« Suielzoow Thr Saw York Stcahts ant. Stkwart. — ho d*|{roa;, or 15 l>«:u» tba i.mz 3BXmGH to *us(aiD thl*. LiTcry, Aurtiuu, and Knits Klablr, dk ; AT COST! The statrmeut of Mu*b •• reaaly. Filce gftceutr p. r voiuiist AT COST! men Dr. Wu. , uf S'l f*.r in- lull set of A.. Saw York c'urtaapiicdaat bf tba U'Chmund Kuujirer ,i • I^OJVtE AVlLlCI'iS’sS inridge. I , .•* j- E.O'Yl L. jdrwk volunuHi. ^ ' r.kwii Judge Graham, Judge Loving, Judge Market it, south tide, between Second aoi Third *iA M’m Harriat .V t'libi i, la ffesM Ml , a Cisbuwiair a tuzcaf.- Cndarwood. and maur otHrm too nuBUf'ons to mentiuD. For -4ilf by wn 8I| A CO., makaa th.. nul.joinrd aulemrnt r-.pMti iR lha m-io- S VTING 'GMPaBt >f p*. a* n.icB® *BtfT® I |i„a „;d t> hava b.rn lu < e Hr. ( | Ly otolao.T? YEAGXJSEi We have raad the an >ve card IvOri.^KVlLlrife, K V. St., tta patl'.f ap LKAK aari EINi' FAINTu ta M ATA I.Alf' of Or. Frias, and Bomr of jnadidt* Main adjuinhig laOU*»vLle liulei. B I' Ail ••kl®, wm hff*: Of m*mmk torga mm4 have known ’ liiiti-b Parll.iiirnt, ibit p at vbieli A WlliroX arr tbr ttoir ^ him lung, a' d all of us have uoticvd Ute itAlLY SALKA of IIOKSK.A liaraor oa» uf tb* Urce.rt cumm'-ruml lirms io Sow Mr. ItuckaDW abould ai-i P 'll'-.- r'tm CaVA. E\,i aV Pistol Gallery, 'M C rt C’OAlrt! C’OATrt’ .it Wr* «t e •» for : succt-s« wliich ba* attended kis ruling r aiobtoTr eAirts iu the above- ^ii^aud ( AkKiAiriMlat AUCTIONAV. ** ‘ Powrra of l.u S a, rii lion. ql-ALlrVASD At iaKL..rtTT,* M>4h*® BMHB. M®w k* tost ki^fo®** B*r— ib* natned dim-a-aA, and NEW BOOKS. Y’ofk, naiiialr, R .hart L. and .Al*x. .Stuarl: ^ Tutor oaa. arr latoatri*ri b, tba InirWr to obnato tbr Wrttototo Bto MHaort-rtn-H^ w* dn uoi hedtofo to add this teati. alPu'cltck A. M. V f ,r »iv • Ufvgairsisf L®4>®*' .'*1 . rope, sayr: *M! tv imprac a; ttiU, h«c k wtateh «• ®t te. - / , .. • a I ^ t? a, iUm ins uisr riWtoaritp br r< (onr ciUiap at :b« potttiu ap af Laari aari Uu*4uwlifl«*d approval of what l*a* baru aahl - ProfcMbio tfKLKW dc PRAn IXGSLL\*’S kevullecUoai* o( Gea tfry H>«uiy a. si Tjw.r f.tbar and m-.lhar -nuCT.trd from .V-.- 4X1 rTENGEN A GANTT. L«»,® < •I'kg. . Ab maoiaian it paiot ato amta Uw BETWEEN HABKET AMD HUM RTRUETa n s|ieefoblc geatlcusen above refvrrwd to. ill oouuuu I'lacbirg. I'raiuing. and Ma^ atiug Horses. K I iiiioc, l**w«eis, aud I'a.iumg, by Li v. iicaiy \«a2 u j ^ ** *I rh»n • r-ig, |®4 B®l« kBqBBOVg ®b4 |M«* land many jaars .icc*. in Fo..r circu.ii-laicaa, l«it , rt-.- o aoriaa pack. (ico. W. Jobustoo. City Judge; J. I. Dochr; Tbo*. Ttie cUss Will meet at E. Ha«tow's htahle tfrery oilier d ty Ifoeche »1 tt. ; Jj j, ,,, „,,.u..>,r.latd »» 4 jAh.f rwlR t « too oa Loari aari Ziac, pul up U wall H. vg. U •« tot , *14 MaI® *• I M®ig**t. 4\Mt'KL Lw < Crawtriird. w,tbtb**»*r!n|rSo.lrhh.btsof.nel % V'acation \u/age fo Ibuk, by a(m. b fr aa rirr tu toa par m«t..aari la wni, raana aiaob Mfooi; Mrgowau, L. For- p dSm Cuba and K II. D«ut. 7K . cite of IcUr, r.?a inn cf Ira.t . to, a 4foM 1 warraut to cure Fifoaand FiatuU In IVom thirty to M Meid. St. rubU ilobi/M i'oai MMeuotm, focuim o.' bUgar ca;dy. th* tu bond J it* I *1 f*M fsr - nlnHy days. pay aftor Frrcu>it« Toer* no grrued f r *x, l.iaaii..a. IwrlTc Hays -r tr af *r oririMnaal tobnr woialrari la at s paint fOLMAX’8 LO.\IN>\ MrSTIRI). 1 board thattima until rared, frwe The Stone* of the Heavenly FouodaU »ot. fli. D to im f.^ da Iff“ J UI N'.l U %L ('.ITItorfo ^teci II)’ acu auJ urn-uiit- p tHU ®i rBlv4 aUWfo strieU. ili#® my * of charge. piari'tns, about tba .* by Abue Wnitury. 7&c. c.sio* j-?IiJ 4 f* >s.;j I Hrttrartrt. aftor It tor bara la tor baa. Tbo HKPttrottiicofdBplfrEpad tmrticalpi gtf . no 1 for art-itra /*•!, * ? i*|« \J.*r4-t. rt.ta«. rwrirlar mr bar w fapBamm ! Ip , , Tae caus li-v il®* per M T”**^-** tert Iw. ^ far ,M tor aaaa aramtt aa vbirb ibooM aal to- aa led tP tbr aap«ii«r qualitar prIrpB Memuirs of « sUiariue the 8ecuud, wri ten by Haese lf.fll. lOK tmproveJ, so Or*l IL\\» II frll JCA.fh d" 'ba Kr-- L te is i .artd, bop, taa. o a T and low of Um ^ „ b gher than interven-i-o c .n rasch ICIV*-- ®J® fow«®®9 *V aertia Hsu. 1 (.taa aa<>' atmator taoor 4tf- atpvr aiasterd, &: A liUiory ol titc Dheuvery ot tbe t.'i lUiatiau ut tue .U(«'-( • cKaU mm tzi At cWvk® t F..!'4fb Flu>4 out Gfo fog mi Jm» H«04»«),b> Flourens. tiwn^ted thfcR to ba prov. in taliita ••«®*iBfo«7. ave cosrtastly on hand au. thl new buiuna-a. Ibaboya U fo 1'- I polat-pot. aal af wairb to britaii. price 4$ erU^<. „,h.y pi„ , or on’Ii-na lo l.a Tlu* m* hi th Iff. M 1 iBtMg tafo ariU a air tot aari aaar ilial AND AFFI.OVLD ovarroVJ ba a Fr’T’^BUlM; mmti \ Ot foil l dttrrrot qaalitfoi are H» Ward Keecher's New Star du.lry " > At, II,- lor i. %• if MattrwB t® UI*®*. ao* rito palai. ohriea I. atoor ototb Mbaa Four aiacaforturad, wbM*h arr my Par^- fll 26. ie - abb w . from a candy a men ar* famoua fiw tccir CI.A.Y rOR’S v Rzr La4 dar.s*te--a rail — GA&DNFg G. Y'V* ELIS'. tl7 Fultoa atniat B •'roaoad a ortsaitori, II trcly ihr t)a- briva < Ote ua*i*aL I’XITED STATES AXD ElROfEA.V THE C'AltFET IVAKEHOrSE. fiaary, wan conducted txcln on cjah I appeiiUa, ac«l a couple ( hundred than acd J. HoilaEVSifJNaet IUld«e Laaa; tlwe te*t sart ioet dluru -e.r lot*-. iga.Z Fa.rtUs tern.' Stuari'a candies b.camg ce!abrntad os tbe I o( tbam cm eat (paamall Htote 1 ka riadmuot m dAvdm VhLVtT, in L U. , . a»S,FIEL BKCSSEI.a, country. ! * f«w weaka. MAIIriLARD^S t—«t in tba PREMIUM Jari rec l?*d It rioa.a Fiat rilkru. amm art Is, arw PHARMACOPEAS. TlIKEfNPLY, mafisgem.nt of tba ro's, Iba oogar •tesotert tl.\Ns)lwL L'sdar the Tbe L-itdon Oa»a*ee of May .11 anoonticta IMiKAlN, tba r toT d t di'iOB Eotra BMparfor rninary h»H b>c me ihe la-ge.l in lha I oiled Sutas, JM Ex;ra Flat Lomu mrTON CHAIV, ,p 5<,i( ,„.nt of Hacrv Wahar O.erdoo, biiharlc a* ^ •’die* Borfo 4 *uib k»><.4*t.-4 fon®.aM,oXi COKFECTIONF.IV • If not the world. the hnnee bos van up tbe KAIi | AND HEMP m g Britirh locsa! at Ma-anh im, in Br.iil, to Ih* KriL teriiiiat sa-a . aauuseaasarsrtrt. lor art u t tt K »' E C T I O K E E V of emndie* to ftniao'd emrluyte,. who IMPOKTANT F«U .MAN. of Drug* ar>d ih» LViu|MiUDdiug manufacture i i,n p^,ul,„ ,t IlH imorr, auide vacant by . MZVdFIZ _ way of LM. Ue C u K F C C T 1 O K K R V OAFtFETS. pl-cs Tb* wealih of the TOBACCO. Jwrt roor.aed sea rioaea tea* Canoiw, Syiaa, fJ^l'RF OIL curws old Korea. Fre.criptions accurately and faithfully atteuded to. carry It on at anotber .lea h i.fMr Moron Drer. White and Colored CauWu Matting, Hugo, Mats, Ac. * tri rt n n. «ad othar U) rt.. toe mm a, A liTB it est^aietl at not l**^s thao i^d,OCKI OUOa Alsx* fail aipply of Tnrf uH curas fraah Wuomd*. SCHSrFBR & FAGAN, latae Ht-ck on hand aud win he sold luw by V HAN.-tFI-.L ii tbe out door ar.d loanaaiuK man. Their Jaaiaratseda(»w ri i SWrt . CHOCOLATE. Turf OU taro* Hcald ai.d*r FAcra ah cr I.iuiirM.to — Mr. M-ritm tb* aag R iimi Uoad. MAM* FA CTU RI N G C 1 1 1 .M I Si K, C. IH’VaLL a CO . nian«n 11 UbL-, in a r.C'nl ictle*. .Murket alit^et, ( tea a Uara -aU i-.iu SKLrt lar CHOCOLATE, gtaat a* tnay wer* whan Ibeir oosi- M Msht rta a( banrwrd for wbiefa uen ar» a. now | „y,. aitce eztMly FALL AND WINTER Ub£ Turf OH curas Sprains. JalO JAbdtf Between Ftaaton aud Ffoyd. data a »tra-R*r ictt*! d iii, m .JOHN' WARD, i i aA.A.,kl II to wr arw aMr tdi diapoaa of at prieaa to auit tbr tiaMw ia liar, lit infuLcya Uat^a RUII FA\(Y \m D®?g was ID i 1^ l-ed temla ware dan- reia, Uatf ftorreb, abd Eopa, or for Fanily aar. Tuff carvfuliy preserved, lo uvU AC \xis FMHRfiiDE :r»'i -I mn*t --v ••* luipMtiss Dniggl^ts, , niujj ® restPi* on an irtn Iscdatvad, but uc I u ^ I* s n >u i« i. fr .'fata tw Uw m- u->*t >Mtir ®P JelU Jdtf Market Kreet. ovrr tgdir, alJ Lo'hi'R i have rscTded d-fsihs i*v li^htciair of pstsoos rsptfo RHUUE8 C VER.XEB, A.M> A. H OOD, L.\CL MANTLE ' I b' N. T f^UilUARr. ti4 Ibr »art roaanaalri. tort ArrIp ar airinat Tarf 06 ciuvs idd Strains. count IS waMed. K Urt s teode to Ihv iLduoM!i.»a* SLMMF.h DUSTFRf*: jnj, on f -atTer beda tn •c.*li!o b..Us :dL F.-.nh«Cfwt ofptHiu^fo®-4Rpt MasI If- AA-. )l • OF PITTriBL'RO, i>U H. MAILLAEII. Tnrf carae Swelled L*^. KMUU*»lDEKir«; dal drparim-nt, back t« inrfo, e c. Va f*»'in • steri L*ee®, M iBt a. ,4 . fl. oil, lari>enuue. f.•*.d-ville rto.-. . “No cs.® of d alh his yet orcurr* d *o a telearapb I wt aaa aaaidaaCly iwraoimaad alork • • oar of I apir riRai RH Itoaaioap. Srw YorR. aaf Tnrf curat Stiff in tbe acd vtifor r .••I- r H« Ml-Ctee t* t If uU Joints. naii W'aiu* Lead, Falut Colms, aud rni hr« for rsL br with ev-rg other aritiie of the seajion for loadlc**\V*rd- The ;wu brAiibers are jet pun® op^r.tlrr—to persrni .if , to tbr atrsiab ati rr ir ' •-* PORTFJt pwbMr patro^fi !**r* : l,,d *•' I M' •« K»-l Grti*'a. .1*4*. Taif 4>U e'lfva Sweane>. jeluJdU ht.lli:PFKK4 F.VGaN. rob*‘, whu h Lavs tifiM-u mark« PBiM. ficec, •*«-r>Th %tlA6 1 H jegj >Ab Opposite Bank of Kehtneky. r«®srls turri ted wiih »i.'JAb I ;4 F-'«rth ctfrcl'' Tr® tj*Arst etraet, mar F.fth avenue, suppacd it GRAYSON SPRU^GS, For Bale by WILSON A STARBIRD, niDg whi!® .stacdicir on tbe oatsiUe plstfij»Hi of raii- X»-i.hr**»l wiib every c.inTrl acd tbe best attcndobiKa, she ORAYdON 1H>LXTY, KY. CARY A TALBOr, day can be found ac ,^,,1 LAaTTEMDKN ff C4X. W AOM ria rin b aora rie « >r|t CaI., 41* Mala aC she lived on® ; JAM !> LOW * and all DrnnteU and Cnunlrr H-rcbant. in die State THAYSR. BRIGHAM, Sc FICLD, Mfiit-h bav® come to fur kccw^®df^®, pro- af ttkto opaatry, I Iborvdorv aaaoBber to i^l ioval>d«, ai>d ic the wetk if te- «P'» dir every SuLdiy. atd via.tol Ur Octtb. It will he GNOvr ^ tb'iar arakiop to iaiptwa tbair r.*>odltlja by wa^ of mibi a cemfort tu snrb lo » hff c«9sary. Iccy tbems-lvf.j liv® i.i plain and sub |s>0 ION ff GLn aad uitmaaai maria* Ibat tbr Hotel at Ura>aoa ia iwady Vomuiikxit' n mflerehatitSf ktuv Ue afrly which railrrvd ra *, *t®am‘*a'ii*, PRIVATE MEDICAL TRElTISE V. fi OS THE will arranp* d atd furnUh-r*l bouses la 3® Fnm-XA for OMir eapGoo aad ratcrtaiMbrat. s aiiiialand ; v® a*N. ard fnr-i‘.h-d Ha4lcr iolto .Yk'rtk. mrtrt«**»rt M«., ve**eis ard bnib Aad tba aadmfoaod. foHlap ormtafal for fonorr patroo- PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OP MARRIAGE. Cbaiuls rs ii3 order to b® coavfiieQt lo tbcir Jart loaiiirr 4 aari tor toIr br aff nd (tu*i ff tboi.clrr ®rcT!ng. I* r-ons / |> TANDY ®r BB® mk b**R« Rr® -®fo>- bb«I t ogr. pjpdfM bb beto ebdoarprs to makr bis aatrHaiamrat j >ri; JaMET UIW a UO.. «I4 MalaaC Hu pm«e. and I-O l ine Plain and I'olorel Liiborrantiaanri CIIAKLI-M U THAYEMv ^•at sugar rtfm»ry. kM B BBd>, Buw IB L’*k4li*a tor «a® fo® Bff eaeb oa to flrr piaaral aubdarfliia. ant oaly to tbo«« la CALL AUD KEE T II E :W AT !^tlu.*kduwn uy ligtfji'g *hi>uH be tb'naHi.’bU ZifPrice aal, 7Vc»ccmd with riiM water W® hive tb® rvco d basrr Iter OaariHA BAkM'M W. FIEU>, ) Tbs , Fartri- Pbtobfiabmi af at thepr ttprlaps wilt to tf~Sent fn-e of puortce to oU port, of tbe I nii.n mt ’ ’• 17 71 atvri br W*. P. CO.’S, PEt ^N-*. J® egtTB f—PTi a. ao aoapa Rcsbbrmce— A. RiLbards<»o. LouUvUlo, Kr. D PAULDS & T. Scwaii, the g,c Cice.ui of ‘'f j” after h.u.r. of .IrmcliiK; PdCBIM 4 ! Eab'rltetab; raadtarB* for a fad badam by ihr iral of Jodp. at wbi^ ciuatofMr. A. •7 S f i Bt-aaBr R. J. %6a®4 bmB U*e ^1® •> Ja4 dSm* thrrfor* iiono* le* ili»coura.:,a, l.ut i-ii 1 iliencb- time tb ar ia arareb plrpaarB begin , 'ua af to arrirr. A MEW AMD KEYIHED ::ar] L ff t la rtaaaaari (or toir br HIhkITT a SOM. EDI- ASS* wm M ^ » teJ g00''-i u_ Mmi V l». G %LTAN«» ff TIOM of tu poyea and !« plabo. ! (o(r -ill aniruaii ii i< r***o-»d. Morkra aUrtt OUR r. OAUPRELL. T M'RBB. ikk rAUPaai irt m»n a. JAMA art. Iktwern fo^cond and Tklr^. yp burn in the n.iRfalmrbooJ of U-lfoat, cf Scotch- **Tb* --a-* n *4 the **ar f r lb* fr-qi* t occur ivr. o. n.A.'Msiirsr, • jmT* PiBBa* and couprebenHve ' Slota* —ban CAMPBELL, McKEC, & CO., [ri-ti purar.tig*, ba eaui .otbe Uuiud | rarca < t thu dar rtutm* is at ha'd, a •! tin u iic* duties uiid caaialrlas af sia^* aud ” TVl£\lXl Stz-oot. *A( Tang ff quii*}(innp, and *xti>ite4 an aptiluda ft r > lie d. Biair ed llfr^huapy and fretful al- mlv may tb* in -ar, of I-c w m «oud tS''ir> •;: • ' M/ ateLh ->f a«w »®4 .'•Aathl lUuccA, mode of securing cuiti.T*nLit puiauita. In hi* \uulh be had rtcti.* 1 tlicm^is Ckpiulutsiiou tJMerchaifts^ I THE LOLISVILLC Midtoui BlneLickWater aud infertile oiiee—their acubd educaiius, «iih ctieful nartnljl di ciptLa. i Tho Mni-rii*t ia ,S*w Jr**v ;.eid a ire*lio^ Jure obvia'i'Mi nod removal natvou* • at in r.!oi* wlih .*ob ut-«r nj:iv <>ui.ea.\s, i.a. KEI ) I PllK’l^S With unrunittad ii dostry ai 4 skill in bis pur ui-, 12io S-aark, c uu ito J-El^WJElXaTin^. CITRE, debility: Hs oao*e* and enra, bg a J QTl ON OF WATKH 1 uf rt-.auc i •: nf tin wurlil. r.e t of p'i«ra s end i wtpt-mnio- the 1 ®®f1 *-lte,-ar|; te 1* *« AYf.il RAlTifNA^Rfo UoXr* LtaU*|.>a LBTrfBfo MUfiR BREST A UOna prneewi at oues »« aiiop*e. safe, and )aoA dAwly IN THE FoLLuWINI.: be snoa Iwg in to avicc, s\ niptom. p ftkh J if f t:. aH, .k, rt ON ilXXJND, BETWEEN WALNUT A CHKbTNUT, Ate4 for B4B .If effoctual, that .'»*w» t Mcruury »ay ; “.»» th* i>:*-iiiu • f L failttreM imp nwible— prosparil. He *srlv introduc-d tbe C’lAtg/lrm in i m3S V. T» CtS--l \NO A I mi«w tor daily maoagemeut—ao ea- R A. Hell, Louisville. Wm. Mi:aiKK'Xa .N*-v York. d-liulaU at fctoil in tb* • liAih bnvicK *a-t j—i-Idi;, ar.d wa, thnsvaato.d t— i taupe LTuicn ra rni -if. ct say on 8permaU»rihd iru-. i. b <». snco... \vi-\r tola. 1 D'W OA'iFARl. JritfBua Btrrot, bnt«r n Foot Ji cal ItClrtlrt dk mLKDOl Ik, sell *t Jorntwralivtly luw prk- -s, which atin cted tb« d n c-d i» g T ohau^'anumi on a sa'er | and a 1 Vtte* •iBrrt Whw: uiP>«Atr lap NaiiuaaL aad t''iftb. ar to tbr Frupn for at tbr 11-, I th* iew,pa.*r. Ihit if il i i lUv oi 1 nut wi.na*. ih* WATER UCRE more snoranful mode of WatiiiettU.BrecauUoiiarr M At their old staud, bi^ Maiu street, LouUviile, Ky. lb- Iwst cash cbWi m of the town. limune-* • i**, - hints KILks .l\D nOUES! Sv A-’ . G’*» -r at dlB*w« JOtlN ENOEL.S, Fropftotor. MLK -7 ~9*h* •>* ; Ray yaar Rajs tiotblag mU the evil* n.wult’ug empiiHeal t «. up * on fmm ptacth'ta i ai lha w. rl tb-y eld giv* ; to whiefa i* tn prixp.r, and a, h* iKuqbt and sold d af ih-ir t.ik-l io 4;»«* I . NQii Al iirtr®; Ih st cAnBO* 1 as • s ensli D*d 4 mH B«z*®f Bfo®B 6L r»t l*S®. '*r Nth!® i [. M. ARMSTROaSG'A a<«dMl commenta ka on tbe diseases of fcmalce MURFMJCK, JiELlu, & CO., from in- -.bd cex»- In hold tlwir m-w- i-. '• 1 ti* *a, » ; .r-nr. at Baro :<* and Ur;;aiktli<* ICobeM! almuat txcluaiveiy for ct*h no tevuisio' s, l»*nk rua I I Far i®:®v®rr low fo AMlU>'*Yff%N. Iba/ > aat bbirtB f*ncr to uld Mge^uach case graphically 1 4 luHriated by beau- 4;i Rruad Kireet, New \ ork* ' ARMBTRtlvG'i time*, tiuira cO uued tu make fiay ikt i.d-d naxiinu' ft tb* k'cd. If t-e world BirtJ 1 i t*. 't i«w Jte r« •>«»« J M ur ip-td I BEDFORDSPRINGS, liful {dsuu. li iruluts oat th^ remedies forth'-w* aut-in- prn-iuus, bald OIrtOCKS. aaoy roar I adrrwfar, Hoofory, Gtovaa, lisni karabii fljctod mfodie* aad disappointed ComiiissHiu Forwardiiig .Mvrr Ira tils. ol nut cunm lu an end no*, ard he d. ii l- d seme- *o imfortniuitely k Lunds, Jaconets, aud .llu Hun! anv material dilf trnce in hi* licnc-s. i WiilTK WlNEa-rt nn AcaU -t t I ir.ai J. M AKMTTICONO'A TRlMlUaE COUNTY. KY. prwvafout in the young. It D truthful Ten '»®nMr i®th# .-f*g a advUrio ttm tb«- it w. eld. itwiHi d ci.m* “si inst m-,’ ard I 9 9 IBB A®a*-4 16 .nfoTBf*; louse at pre-wnt, t:.k*3 in oil its bronchrs of i wna* fo«® W,F®, BT n%nt 9 •E to f urarr af Faartb aai Mata rtraato. married and tbnse conteroplatong marriage. Hi* Ju luerosal U I*, outii-u*.! ti * >) hBU 4k4, *«Y Am I -o d, that RICH 0RGA.N01E DRESSES! wbulroal* ki d r.-i.-il, i» p-u‘>.b.v tne Urt;asi eat*!)- lb* in-etins* wuo.d n J'l.VE SPEC rACLE.-i. j pardculari* r« commended to lanuns enierteimug secret Tyr wdt e^rj chB®B by toaolatr. Ciaaa.War^ th« ; doutits af their ph>'aioal coodltion, and of kind lU It* wur.d. Th* capital am- i tte; m » hi ail be pr-piivd *h«n i.«u .x^-cted It 'uc I oiiAi.\ «tK VA'HRT*-*. AOJ pcwTPriaratr hart broa aipdr *iaoe laat arason. Peraoiip whu are couMcioiis liibment the . . _ Wa:aat arid Mafhdoato Oatobup, Lave TIaull# M aii4l Poiiils! ^ : ' haaaraed Ui .1 >,l IQ. 1- •- ; at having tha beolt*>, hauphaew-. and privileges I si ii.ODil.uOO, acd *vrnt thuuld isk* pl,i *. H* coarse ii-d t.ii near. r* *ar>. V«aat c:«br» aad F^wdorB Ac., foimg by tbr LtiftimriUe aad Fmukfott Kailropd wOi dad ployed in the hourt ia ss'imit- Pt4dm. Itordtiw* t# ta whiefa every human being UentitM fo FilceSSeeut* MUJiREI.Iu & CO., r*,r,^ r.-.ivr. r.-a.; --'-If.l -B »-«.a.NDY.«- opBvryaare» alwa> • rvaJ> at detiebo to roafor.r ttii ai to «r,0n0,000 litewurt's to ba in ro wise cast d )*a, la: to told up tt»i: formfear l>r|r) UIBBITT A »ON. the .nouil sale, at abonl Mr I per ropy or five euviaa for one dollar. MaUej free ff® fHi-te \ I b tbr dpiiaoi, FARKEK A dONb, Rueeensrw to Marrell, TiVgf, A Co., -tjaara in m ^ bead, acd loc k tbs world ito *,*i IL age to any (lart ui thetfo United Males, w*al:h i* eslimat.d at Imtween 47,llOU,Ut*» ard I Ju >r4 dlaiA»4 Fropriafora. ov addreadoG Dr. Lock! UhM paid), Albany, New York, i, oi>iri.d hut, liiBily UI #v,d that, kco wliri; lo Ih* S--rip'ur->, -JO.- - Y - *1 ffi ff encleema t* tl'2, 000,0110 Mr. Suwart a mar, I eeBts. JfVtoleiale ijirocerk BBiiieB X kauw u» h® gf-vii mfMorocco Sntcltclsf uiilurtuealeW, witbuu; cbtldi>i!. Mr. S.-wart i* a “tuna was up.” Ha bad nit proptolU- via:--;, a -.U Tho^who prefer mar cooeult Dr. L4>CKRoW | RSYOVAL. S1,000 plain.lockieg, wrll drsM*-d man, alwaj * neat, aU-ni 'hrra miphl ba n-ma err -r in tbe ci calfiur, but a> REWARD. upon anv of the dissave* upon wkicfi | hi* book tiva s. either TRAVFI INO BA-^KETS; fMi- * Tter-nr. • Qp nNHUTNO ®Bf) per-anafly or hg biaU M>-olciBs Mont gl.t, of light a»no v-c-ilored far a. be CuU d ue it waa bign lime for the cuomiu to ang )>art of the ! !;.-« dve feet len iccbea io h Slatnl slat*'! NEW MT\ FANS; riAN*» V. mV • toOM-% to e *te ri-ftniBT w Booast Booa** Union, according *o directiou*. safely al. in per.rr.1 *v*r> Ihirg i,-. WK'kB. A CO. packed and carotally eOHilSSiOM^ MERCHANtS> I*ORT MtiNA Ki=; bair aud wbiskar*, aou iiieilium ti'bl, quark ax- malion uf thinif, sod mud aiBlh **f®«l*, U«*>BOI«U'* w V'f V k A- iL'-.ai*a..d S Iw •*-rtart>- 4 L duel. No! Not oar ba« rear bo^ board of. NotwitbBlaDd- B Secured from all obficrvation. a,-e- t uy Ctr.Mi.S*; uld.-r, looks uoi over -lo par.icmar. The spsaxtr wmI that pr.dwbi.v 'be . ext M woes aad edort -a m:, tbr Iwrrator of woadrrfbl Itobt ka« proa-iva Idua eve- ; tbungb tog tbb bad a Bfoad. Addres* iw. M. tf. IjOCKK'IW, No. | frt rtto SI Maiden laJhiBaOr Ko. 465 Hail, b«twe«Q Fifth aBd Sizth otii., ami - a. )k iuOrt.Vs teM.K,lh> hr staamer fiuni Kurupe wouiil kwitg soma ioulli,;. act rjr-K*iti*n- -u J. I hitth, iB rvBT bI .U IlIHBITT A SOM. iac kraord af dbtod for tbr proof pf aa ripiuitop, ao post offfoe b<-z 67y, Albany, N. Y. PllRFUMUKY or SO year* of iuca. I oar bos rrer coon* forward fo R. ad all doobt at — daba To I SW** (flfos upm daily from 9 A. M. to9 P. M., and oa Sun- loBl riAwly I.Ol'iriVII.LK. K % . — favunlds lo tbeir views. nut ia Rratu'Ay, wbrir tMs Ufbt bar bara ia aar for oaly Rerelred by Fx|>re*s and for sale very !>>w by day from t until 6 F. M Xkxas —We have GulveaUn advices of tb Tlth a, ^ Ica PitcJkz < far ulr a or a BMiatbB. as to Its aaUrr salbty, tbr uaderAcnad removed from No. Beuver street fraohmt ORor uaa br to No. SI A PAiii paper puhliah-s a carious account af a 1. I.AKHAH A (X}.. aaarby aAa'- a reward af oaa tbousaud dollar*, to be paid MriUdeo Lanar, Alb«ny, N. Y. augSSdAwif CHAS. M. ^M’CUAW, W. W. TALIPOT, , lovantad bv a M. Mecdt for 'ha dec. m r7 aa yroof af aa rTybaioo of tbr Vrapor Futores a boo ( cjo'rivance VO:3T A RLINK, Itaiana Toaa. Ar . Ttotori oC m 1 JMK jAb te TIIIRD STREET. , ays: Boi oa ordinarily. DEALER IN UENTLE.TIEll'K Th* Saws poai.ion of wiuer, nid the c mUo.-ioa if tea ty dro ^ |W MANUFA*Ti RlNGJKWi:LtR4A»i V ff Eatwe miisfaifoNi gaaraatied to all wbo may bny tbr Mald nearly all of rb»id ar>r ^ -p «•*- •• • for «•(•*». ; wi .wu linpiiOtrr af T«a«. A;„ af Thirri rt. fo reaarabio tbr altie*#. XOO ‘WlliOTTCr CevTsS place lu.t that , p abieb b,-sastn;u a t«iila n n.ck. r A'l arr ioedrd fo aali at No. < Mooonic Trmpir aad boy ate now only mrny^tjmk uWbN ff Wim >. ibem to Alabama pUr.ler*. There pieced near lb* i*i er. F-..m Iba MCjod 'abuUture . O.NLV , X^G:i--t ewr® t^knn Ib «®niii:; Di«»ua*d* Im bII Jean i oa tbra- conditioaa. um AT S p AND twenty or thirty mnair ijg lo ba sold At what tab- pisrts under the wwl r. A wut two tK-B«oiJ AHTF. B3 ! 0to fi-Lod. ifag lociar, and about half a liirs of weak ter-sie- m> jffn J.tMR'i LOW ff rO . Far ChllSren TerthiiiK. | Fine Clothing!! lliau the Iheupcsi! seen, the csic'u-iuo ii rile* ifo f«i Bat theaprr Fn-m the wceounts we have ,mo ibe tubulul.d lioltle. A spiii Um;> h i;'g ap UR l« of n QaU Ib RBvtfa M**- which frtoUy fadlitatea the pmeeiu ^ New of forthlog bg softening o I r* ftr# mhk^ « ca LbimI Bf*(l m*4 t® IioiL HrUa, Btecl, &c. mmrn mm. «)WES A WOOP-^'- that full ard l»ir experiment ha, jnmd tbe cini.l ,j to the li ihr the sksm peratraus ioloioe lo - red all pq, r- the guma, udud iuAanimaUun—wtli allay ALL FAIN !4;&b rih. CKvlGa I TDRT OP TH RErU.i*. U OF THR UNI ot the largest TB ... m:rwELN foukth sthlets, have one prefirahi. lo the bur**, th* mule, ti,^ it l.l, i , I.. tba lur, which and spunofidic acoon. and Is a.nd fifth lo ba tecideJiy | wtere >i oxyir.o y «>F i ^*ii L.to ib th* r* rt sl4.ck H bTa kU A ymmA A aud beet ta»l i of ^ W ol on select *t'»rk of « lor iiiii't pla-ia'lun n a,, oo ac.-uuDt cl estl—'l is icana.-A.cd. The bylm.-en of Ite -f .%'t-XABkWr IIa-u>1 ->b ••* 1 r b.« i.'otasutsk TMxiKmt hr REGELATE as hand a G'‘NTLF.MKN*il FUR. «ioDS and CLtiTlllNU lu whirb the tbe very flmvt down fo tb® lowest, bia docili ai.d tbe c nif arallvely ouiall co,t of .team being set at lilrtrly occumuG es id ih. bottle muM ex lui^t®- tr m Bd^iBM r»«kJvc*l p-r R>y»® 9 L. tob ria ria Mnhrltoal; y ^ attention of buym* fo Inviied. stock ol ih* cehbts’ed Ltf® »f .'bidp* W*:\ h I vea er ot th® ffoff M- A iwhkhtbe> bava bought tor rash from eut, sii.l thriia* oa almost any. tu'— to tha boitom [»t4:A!J Am CKAJU. IN 4u ria Baitor Flrtar *‘(^jLDKN always bis kaep'CK. tt ,||q purtea through the seco.d hfoBiB Vmimkt hr J. P M. A MACH! hill** bUlKTfl on band. leJ the n aeUtrer aud will •«ll at very io« price* m([ kAStorn auu m ria cart Htooi. aoKtrurt; tbirg that grows of Its Gdlir*, wuer- it usat . the d .us of (br ,p:n-. Pn® RELIEF ASD HEALTH TO YOL'B forc*sb. Th®> hav- I rHOiH. HOVH* ^UMMkR UkTi^verr ch®B® kmd 4 & SI ria Aorti-aa SHrtrr ato4 SrrtoR Stool; ISFAXTS. l'l a lrft*r dated from u c M®m hv N pU ®b~L- Bit Hbbb] ba, . lor N aa 75 cent* pair; Th* \a iin lit 5enc«r ijmp ao axtrooid nary ,tf b® ttAJ ®f ^CR^IO emr>. J. B. WALKER. Ladie*' I aet ng Hrel Gaiters as low a 0*4j M ria Mab HEYEE BEFUIE OFFEEED AT BETAIL. have pot up aad sold this artkia far ifoBuW rfBBffBMff r J A D rr. prfo»d Wa ever teti no Kid slipper* «*o W *!•’ do; of tt.e Boui d. ry Comiiiisaiocora on the Lejtg tokec away tb- bid ogen guiura. Rftori k«w aaoiciod NaUa; i« oppuaiie Hank of Kentucky’, tbe cump ,p,tn |,mp pTAtrw FATot B4. >Vah Nfv«« my iB* bb years, aaa csR a*T. coMriDERcB srd TBTTa d*» do do; ri^Kf NClI *t>Vuf M>W-»kiti IlAfo Ar®alwgF9 *®UhBd Wa# ria D*» tiu® I r. Morocco IfooUe* #1 siaiing tba-. ite lu. iber progrses < f ite aur- il< owe fli. .a oi.d make, th- »*t.r ritera; a. . with ®tiLh 1 4M Aa of k, whsi we have never • been able to say of auy MALN 8TKUKT, Prc< t,d bums I ol I_w4) A. «‘RAH». Af* « tffB rmofoff «. By J'sa®« L’ffrd, « f. i Child's do d » lleH H- Olee* 7i do do; Aa BoHor mTrtii; by a difficul'y beiwoea the J< CeAlK MUHtP ®l BPBtB SM fitlmr fuadirlBe— NEVER ft HAS IT FAILED, IN d4) vey ho., lertn srr.sttd bill; tut* •: ga: data fra.,0 siritn, wU’Ch m c -m- A / k FR8 to tbe pubUc one of the largeal and be^ selerU Ifo d » do Ikiott-es gi do Aa caotaoa' te. FF FF.f.T iwr^oi ffourrii^tfoiB fer Men bbJ Fr»ff FrnefoB-l. or tb* 4 'Kub eFUlr«a« Ibbbp*; • BIMGLKIS8TANCE.TO tJFtl T A when V./ sell at bat will st‘ll very* low and the U. Ti. Ci.mmis,ium m before, *i.d f-arci .hes a new *upj ly of hy. . ^ tasi W a BELEMAP A CO. tiuMd)' used. Never did w« know au instance of tf-'X' Bi«Bi • W W hmd mt 4»r «r>'B BBk! Ghn® Pi fo 7A •®>4i® g^ slidiag of (*lotbs, lAieiDeU, and YeetiugSi indueiL everyw for cash. iP'i'ure piirrbajdng d»'U*l tail t ) onr io- wbichfardslbe dune, and so on. **’ drugan, A- CRAIG* T*i»rB^ V. <> I tf L raflto A tN®B- JiiuatWictooo by anyone • who used it. ^ The Ssw, lays: . OttfBiUBVs kg OothreoB- imagthing a geogentleuiao wears. lereet bk calling. irwry. all are delightad with Hr oMrattons, end •I •*Atn®»w»J4.** » Pfo* tel SI. ^ WiWith the beet uf WORKMEN )> bAj bava a (rivat* letrrr, direct from Ih* same mi We Ib.. jBff n«BlV*4 B»®4 *®4Bth dUWBi. fiadaB. arforfod I ram aacra t iiii| nitotinas. tar speak la tonus of higher S*^<^prTATio» pnm •’'* »»'»“* of the mtrebant mar n*, from wtk-h .4j.kb i;am*c of Uam wai Fonrth art. tub rZ^IlK IjraaacI tel lima, of mit. I>ankl Bak.r, |i. D— probably 1j* re-UDied ft r itnisiime, altbcugn .Mu- 4 PCLTILLUakT UP BUST W 1 BCBJC DBCLABK. iBal. •»»» '* *«*i«*»J 'h'. Q( M. vyl*. ®S :rv. «a, at KI Pam, ba,’ b.en Jnt for, ]'• ever/ iiuftanoe where the iala>it Is Peruvian Sirup. ior Scurev, who W C UiTE .G W SMALL.. .J. P MAKSHaLL most uffering f«om Lerinreson the Hook of Dsiilel, hy lUv Wm. Newteu. tonirtp* ofthe worM is "J l.-iio I ton,, tb* Lo Ud orro.N V tFN —it* i pain exhaartiuo,reU«‘f Sfo will be found In ,urTey ha, raacbed tt* point of intor.rtcti.m of and jnst , tffi hw; filled ur LARGEeopnlg recetred. Tliu* In waiting ran price 76 cents rhe s-ewd. traLC. C’ fokha twenty minutes afitf the Syniu is admiaisteivd BOW be sui plicd. tb* load meridian, or the d,> I andfowiek.' HITE A- SMAIJn. A looadon l.ecteresto Young M^efor 1*^9 biA IcquirBr BBjrt: to a trids ovar th-t of tbe tirea'. K public, lois is ADDRESS OFFICES. RgTsa-raiLiRu Biccsaa ^ la l®itrr to tb® Q Anna t:ia?fon, or th*' Inquirer After TniJi, by Rt v. F. from when ail tbs European CCXilo. IIhsmc futura p* ra- a Old eba-ffe 1813, VEliY fartaiBK. ri*»r eilcMliM. ao4 J. W. BABTLETT, Foiaatac. 4SI Bmariaor. Mao York. thousands 6 OF CASKS. M Diiiimi k, A. U. dt 4*. It w®r® idl« to rtfpr fjfocula-iun^ on < J. p.7ils ware bkck.d d by u,, col *n eo' mi’s thip ap- W . BAETLETr. 7M Uwrtaoi lit., I*faiJa. SEASONABLE DRY EODDS, Air* rd*s Greek TeetawieaU-vol. 1st containing the l our i4 on® poiat wbjc!i lo BOt ralievee the child from tiuDB cf tbe Bmi’e ; but »h®»® FsmiNhitr ii«*4$, L. F. HtGGlMri. Aritet, 41 iReUi It oBly pals, hot iDvlg- ocean, *xcept tb •* at oar rousus, He, I'la^Dan. ffospels. ft . poarii.,; uu th> oratas the stotBi', ft eai ft'rBLd^e, ®nd ttmt !•, bow is it ier-a CakauaUjit. II Ht'..talN& “ Sank 4lk HA, HI. Looi.. vola. gl 9i. Ain«ricBus mBV ^ A*twto^r**mrw Hermaft atrff M lafo. N®. 9 »»« RL, Third aad Vdanh. M energy ll••mool4lt*s fTo*mo«—compute in 6 *>’•»-•hwO'iu, as• well a, tbe lireat SaP<>LEt>.a, we L. ff OX, 4W betwnw and give* ton® and & DOWNS lif® #v®r b®®n th® . R. TMBOT MARK Iff-. GBU.F. LkXiUETT,- 17 ^ ot l>r. Ib-tm®. Na^Wi-Hp who-® h®» UymBftBBff r«us a WaoribrUfr SC, iKtrob. 'I Ime Hcftrama— * \ov*l—hy the Aothoi tuat LouU J*®' ®*v-Bth ffitflB ® wiU almuet iaslanUi iv- war. Our mcr-hont mirina tar r,c**d- Ap®4foeafi»*a ab4 Waiam attowa towafl w»iB«® wttRfojffkBrto IS ^ ; NOV come* tff b® tb«lr librfft- The htuae Prlc* lUliAiJs DOW | *7 Ariaocirt ora botoc artoMMiari Bt. ol.j ct of tb® la aaory l^Hiaty throack- IN did stock « tbe wurid. Sow we only »rand a, 1 aoMP® eaffow ffU p®* ' GRIPINU THE ^ BOWELS, AND lasnu and tb® Book -fww edition—$l W. ft®iuUuo loi lAof, but for wLich 1 i:\Njr-i and LtMoNi- Atoiwote. for asaticMui viU oriri. Mrt toi? Her® i» oub *r* .vrfoffi Re'i—B B®W ftBRaaifoa mt i SUMMER DRESS GOOD.4; It aven** Aiul oie. Each 9U eeuta. ! Par’i»m«nt meats British KbipiinR T WIND COLIC, Paailof Day* and . to 3 When O"' ih-a f *; w Urt coouBoa kaa aart Houir a< Ibr ateaa aBem wkioh ara ptvR.rari to SU VAkiOUS materials for Traveling Itreswv; g6centi. I flT«B*aBff Tbbm, art®*, al affl WBiwforC g Gerald FuigvraJd, oy IdertT. res «> a" aft ti*» L*na® sAs aadovareomeooDvuklons. which, tf not epeadily rem- poet In »U ’**:'? *« DawI -4 Ukkg®e« ttAim. ptiBviJa. »e pw- )«ff Cl KTAlKE ^ EMHKUIDKKILS AND LACEtfof newest *t> W; Jns'rtkcivvd by A. D.\\TD'*ON, b!JLVl ui, Sspi.lrtm reenpi-d hi, pr’^ot o®d*r aaJ for tafo fow hf Ib death. betleve It the the of Ja® rrceivkff la^wd •%. tfUfod. end W« bb®t and Gloves, iiosiEhv, and f.ibhon®: street, near Market. f'jremn by ractyrc.ay. .Si-ce chiuice tte fnt «alw at the Vop mAoif, foff Fe«ivtR tol o ta aN-. the •< all. iai«» iAb Third a devoied fr.eud to Laly, ai d is eatd lo 1 M'MrLlrtT.x * M.%i«>NFY, hath a Nil aad M d . '.oRb ^ tion b^Ls fofo. fo LKL heal Tbr* ad and Freucii laa<*« .M«i.M'LkJi»: '« t.ct*..*! wBiimk M tcoetv of the C^fo- Na-'HI-iI*'- »»’. - '»«'!-• m Nu Mi M la A aat. FIJloB ilILCLOTHd. well assuiled. bsve IrtU.URed to Ite s*. ret ! HTAPLE STOJK, «">•“« wde a*4 to 1. I, t ns^Ih-n have jus- >1 Adi-diHfl® tb® fokuk .1 Li>ut*viJwtrurk to devor. Ihemselve. to free Of olland j ILUru&t, th® uBftBXy lBi hrBfffl; ^ „ d »D« to tiU BBHoObI H to pip*B ItoBBto P M Pfo MARK A DOWNS. RYOVSO Vul.KS ON THE 81'XDiY SCHOOL ftocifty WBft Of'lai, who p«id with hit iif® but INDIA MATTIMG. any of the fuivguing oom- |iaintfw4lO ROT LBT Ta ti it 1 4>* CWW Ltb/ 4b, Foe Hire. je52 471 Main eUVwL I'I.ATK /mi< KB or uTaKBe Stoud O A ^®ar hiB Biictnpt to kill I Srbo, 1 |-rlebra loua aud Ann'T'-narto-. bela« a coilectan MitflKFrt MritR.4Ta * llADYN, 4-1, krt. oo4 art I hoM ria ria; aoitoUa (or Iba to beiw««n your saflef tug cBild the nsluff 8EETAKT GIEL. boow. Apply aud that of siidreirts, atm oyu- recitation*. Infant e.as. exercise*, b*r®. IXiNDENTS C»K TMB J-ATK E^KiUUl ElICHOXS — Mam *wwrt, ahuvw Gayara AB- euLUTILV HEOAN & ESCOTT, e. ... 4 A HI HMKtH. hLKE.to. ue* Just of sworn patnota tboiiM.KMIaii>MG i.*l4iffb >VM. If. liULKLEY. twu Ma*iard fut aaV ADVANCEH. ' on bim for I . to . i-ffurt* reveru® Rrhoa. None» ganntnegaantn® uaiemuni cm Umtlm dBIB fac foaule of CCRT18 A C3tIIjT 'V^T’OH^to there w®re icceBMiut Mveral olhtr plBccft, have alreadjr ff TDRBITT- AU ol Ih. Mr, Icaul IBERAL CAHH ADTaK'CBH aiaria aa CoaHcniDauU *nd ^JUTI.KMAN Ihnr Books. FERKINR,kINR, hehew York, fo the outfode I OB wrapper. ITri VAlUuL'8 Napcleon 111 kJiew, how t Irt to Mao iMiaaaa. b> ^ l.N ALI. UkANcHKK. hii iujtfrootd r»c'ffBii®v. collced. kSooi® other i' vi'.euts bav®>Bt cuxfo PALMLCE A UkO.. FrtcefUceat*. S IftCUvROW^r LtlXlNGT >N MVdf.VRD.-Ai CADI\.®rB HoB-h wrlb ttfo B*®® No®**, BELL A MCKDOCE. JIPOKTKK8 auri d-okn in PAPER IlANGINCiF, ®v*r, lOAi hi® hour had not cuia»! AuMruwas eltclk.n district, a vcl».r i*i tb*- -r uf '*2-pitervww®ffto» tfnldd by , to light. In oo® V e IB Bw CsaB«®b«, »b h Foiortra TMIrri aari I uorth. ohmIi i Drnggists • Ik ptjux%. hO 1 French Window Gla**, French Mirror Plsur.Oil 1**1 it- Principal uAl«« Ni to heap on th® bur l®n rf Italv** wr^gft, ***# was Budd^cly ft®:z«.d by agents uf Pr«^ flL 1 L.bTral inUrcft- J-X WYUak.—te bbria la rtaicoari fer aoia by ing* and Eugravlugi*. Photugrathic MsieiiAfo, Grerisu for TBStoiP®; wkh aprtidAwly i hu-efaining tivatieft nke inxi cf HrtB-fT Cfoafli® XIL Ot talked cf . coB»®>*d to a fl pilirt Irth.-rlO'llr marix; t*li «Ao UU.L A MUKDOCE.I paiuting Material)*, Ac. tii>os who m^opporing party, ftretd ih!o • cab, I tu j^utfHBkUABdcriitCBiawiar^fo' 1 HAU i VtMfolrv bx L-*r4 MS Sim of patfos, |;*>k®d aghas* WhiHUz ria Ooroor aw they wvf® . id- Sick ria which , pollia<-t>oBih, 1(1 4 1 lea 475 MAIN ST KELT. 1815, to ^ dUuoi from thu whara ao Mbzbu b^ Tb -SB® 1 Bki. to ESlh-4 fo fU W 4a utoro. Dapa, , A Co. Hioorir; AKD.-a« kte> Loaf Lairila Ma-a oori foriola by fa® altunce ' aa 4a DR. EOFES Napoiojo 111 gav® a p'td ;• hy tba to fore* a q’^.in Ity uf Ardent piri , -OMPLETi; salaal Ibaabay. trtrs. te>bU>4<-> in lb* bairarUa A-; L toU zAo BALL HUKDUl.E m»de * tol. HiaartvA. A Received vickly. by u.-. J. IL n-biusoo. r»io» i.^tter- i>f Ti»w P»®r®l A new 4a; cau ed io having Re Pririe J«runi4 Napt Icon m^r- Liv threu*. Suddenly tbe captiv® dmahrU hi* N w Yaik ^ MhN.K . | cau a k.rf •%!* ay touwB. wito»>®-«h* foWs ilto* eCnw 9fo- fll TAR CANDLFA-rtu* buioa for aala law to Heaa eea TONIC ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. ride OF IriAMMKRMOOK. by Sir Waller bcoit. Emanuel** danj;ht®r, a. d tken with a o%»ul ftccceadad \u ol*U,ii- & imiiLS, ry Victor | threogb a wUd«>w, aid RiM-HCSTTlRr. ftrBrtoB. BB tLL-« ^ v. of AuHlru blD jji, capiurA iu ft®Lftuo tu^-p»'.it tl< In SODA, -tea kaR» Krw Anne of ^L,L, RRlCES, : b®i»w fr a I tow e. rriiabh' lauitly medieiar. to It* ®wJ®Wrt l.t r>, WB® » J br 4A-] They o|»erate lenlly a* a purga- ngi®^*. He eecured g* ' Receivetl Il»79 (ar oaic laa la iha lro4c N' twu BI^L A Mi;jUA>CK._ ' Tbe LavaUer, by G. P. U. Janie*. i*riee lu cloth gl 3^ up lulv’ft wronaft *n a O diatix*, IL® ri urcug iu.’gi*trat® ba-* ba*u B .oaataaaou• Raoi oori tiva. deaosiug tbe vtoiuacb and intestines uf all imtalTng «. htotoBg Tl LEE * MAkTIM. Do do do do do iu pater®!. Rusaia pa®^ veraw, held G^nnanv ifol KERRuoKEk Mag * 7.t>K lar J. o* pre- *«a I him lirat • q au»i-*»t *t* M t Vi IIAUGIMO AMD larva etock toatter.w tbout prudneiug sirkiuisi urdebUitaUng the dig«a* I ^ U®al«u. 4 BOPF— A olwaya oa Jack Dowuiur’s Latter,*, by Mshat Jack iKowumg. s c. FOI! ALI, PrUPOSES! IV MADl»a.K'a B*>i>K-rTi»nL, I .\M) i elf aa ihf ally of l i-d- At *. % tt band aari lor rtk by f, r th® tlo.e, acnoumed im ib« dun*® of hi® * fli .w. N a * a d- pBT VbIw WT ITFU'U company RPKMTIKE ol t\ateiiou, by George W. M. Key&oldr. e* uf » -bt T hW *m tft. T 'AE. EOi-TK. AMD TL I The Chid ’*^-'“* ** iffff rtse Bfljwufi-Bg Lmmm It* *AW bell a muuhock Far 2>f^psla and all the dlstreailiig ^mpttMns attend- AUt; TO BE HAD C HEAP OF ineo *®t f*»rih biinw-lf to **' ubj .*.i, th» r»* JbM Mmb '1 I luouf, ai d , iha® up*m t?** hhi. «( lorauu'i or, taxto Fries foi cents. ia# |L Uu-, 1 Ma lug this disease, Mich as costiveaess, aridity uf tbe stum- j ihkU ledoeia Haoto; to ili® Adru;k: .tod I .-rtOR Makrti' F. MADDLN*tf BOOK-TOKK, 1 ID® Alp® . o' b ~Tu at.d 4a Koa. I aaril At 4 SMITH, 1 Italy ‘rom Jq tba ti>iur> Eui{.A..d wb*o tm U AHn—> Jrta Gaaaur Hocar-canrt Coavaaari llanu arn. flatfilenee, low of appetlir, Oervuos affect tons. Ac., PRATHER ^ jeSi V7 Thbd street. i 4a ria riRirri. Tan-rtOow rtart okri tar ifth. and b* will do ! ' itkmilHEE'l. -VkVaimn Ke>*ra* ch-rwm an conriewMak WbJfoBBfl r»h If a p*r«in awallnw i> «t;^». N v Bmwrni of tbe system, they wdl prow an Inva u^le medlrine. UoKFi-L Medu-au Hist, — ( „ *«u«l for *b1« uy 1 DN ff '^T* *L 1. fttottlffrt UB«i lViJU-.KlL BLOWM salt ^ZLT. I.wa bbb kookorba bob Ik loimc eeapata#e la 9* •irwet. |ICB» > 1.' • r '‘•'W > ri® For sale by J. S. Horrfo A buns, sole agmu, Luuisvule, tavir, * r oa* la.lan into coavniaiuca Ms’it WbiI trBVrUtto «, l A MAbTIN. r anv poi-oo »h (laoTir* L for ator fo T LER 7 otorw ana lar oola b/ /k P'Racbi-LANT Cranp ilosTiR — Mr. )wrt rwcw ®«4. With MteBv ®ftfti-r Nww bu4 Ib*«- Kentucky. may.4 dimAws ovarlr.i did tba Momacb, an ica'anln- ata UAW ffi'in huviOK ll*uw*« 8: - -4 l BELL A M C«DO<-K or Leads, K KiaiJ. »ho III lKd9, Uc-m, ' LlTtl.^U«*E -*ff rwisto to a. Of aa*. Earta'a *4 par oariC rtraaRth ra- PRICES! aiRciant at.d applicuM, in a Terr*, o A ASU.—MR doarn In store bi ram*d,,more I »*nc* ftBtl foi MkJo for RSDOm UH H.a lul l F*llo«f*aB Tran ur.no tf itoil lar loja »f laa la t rt Ik (Ira >1 Ma i«r H cN>o4 Rar Hat OM ^WIME— rtorv aari fwrrtl. by if ca»*. rha-i any tail a duoan lu*- lkH UANa> ff KAk, TI LkiE A MAETIM. riAw liirict t umber lha la-ds Distr-ct, and Cu.«i:maa and C- IDXJ'V'uAJLX. BK8KKVIK0 SL'GAB M bbb ITMerrikC 8u«ar at tall and a. n uch piound ” *vuwu>«*M. ttmtM>»*t \»®®ttmi>» * r- bo- pi®par»'U, with Superior Marhincix, c. inmon I ai.-ni* n di f oilier U* the ax:a; t N :^kUa abU liBWB IBBBWffi LB aMBfa o' Ifo/ a tow ftfaiwo by W^Ear® Hfftl <;Um PENTON’S lud lately, baviUR WK bJIBMB* & cold, and III *•* ad»makBR^,taafo«. aadtoDfo^JpraOoRsr; iMAUTIN i-f water, -arm or •* « i-pi-i-r Still- -I \\ k) fr-D® I to ftytm.® <*«4 bb4 G TaAST r « i CHAKCK! * laacnp 9 mt 9 9 1‘apvr, aoi ihutfor*' Mo^, *tid thoro yblv euui|»--. ruuidlv in laa tiv« tiou-aid dulisif — 9 wh k'h. • .Us m BBf I BBt B hAfffflto ffri* bfo* liad. Gtaanislrd, aad hoft jrtl W. A H. UCkkUZHDT, 417 Morkttat, %\’JNLmiW ellADhJj, hprui® auO other MaUTYaw**, uf from iwsnly to } b Dd Ln Fovdaswd. ly It i, ai-arcuy down befure it 1 Buh gteal «4ir mmd for mur tow -Biiwff 4 iwkwte. ^wehaflriwfffffo 9 9 Uito lUT'a Cauoi'ie®. feather PUluw4, ELEltlX r OROANtilES. swalloweil iukl-n r aid ri Mo*4 Comforte, » an ax'ravupa mao, pc»- SaAaa tmmr: Jlr. iarr.v n-d J wohCii. ffto • •• rt ot-YV*- eo®t caafa l.riu^ing w.m it tba ramainiOK ,,*i gAla- IB t’:- U—1 witeA W *4® Wte* »l<» WB i tim baaw «ir4lgn. hart bcoate; aua ny uatirvAUsok at for thG wnek «o y. OliOANDIE KllOES; l.cRins to o-in* up tlx 0 iK0v»r. H otelt saMid a tl.'uriat-inR but i a!»; a** that BwertiBUt, ^y?3yff ’ C. ArtsYALuff in van* uf baiffaiu* uiu*i cudw l»ef>*r« Saturday lo,- ihora b« auy r*m- ^ Cbbvb®®® Mu kort Hi CaitowA .-ate. Moo Cortlr AU tto rt. ir c ; »ml % ^\V.\<4 \ ^ 79® c.Butty-Cair®4 ROlli:.'"; c .n-en'k cf a. .-Soul* yaa-a - BLAIS was b. 1*1 to sucD hq(b aalaam that hi* nos 4' -.IT I ® xDvN ff GO. WbU rt. Rartrtor ITMoal IkrtAlm; ff-*, *aallowf a* i.-l -ill Ptfr-rmils sf IwericaaMi' CilkiHT.I—rti baae. a< (a- 7® Fourth tUeet. MAXWDLL UO., * 1 * cupful of atroiqt c. ba d Mb boort Bar SooRi Cul'b'T OF MObTk Ute & ELEOANT lace MANTLES: aw or a a: the txptUaa of tbsonlcr, and n w ma-y | aoarav.d tarokri of Lbfbt Prrrt.-ri IWkaccu. i atoiiiach Is qji*'; urtiuu e lb* * very Bf WiBa fo ltr»ri*iLiaihl4fts 0^1 14. Rg rtruig rto'r Q. P aari Mock Tooa; fwito KTATIONEU8, n.> S ANH SHAWLS: nan as th* ara dialribu ad to tba pul.u* ai Superior Liquor for Summer O ink* '^ETKAlT* loraoJe I JIAKKIE MAS of tbe-a e lyratida, l>. Aa J krt Mortveri okri bp POUND?! POUND! I 1 aumlwr ol vknleut Ktrau f». I>, mtad W ® fooM, U IS hn tert oori Taka; FOUND! Jsril Main str*ri. near kuth. o.minon ortic *, nullify a .*rg,r P MOCK. WU kS. A CO. STVLk-S MITT-«; lu biS apynba-u.*.a. I I'lsooi CbamrtcBa; i*v la riaaaa Waakkaatew VrtI I IKHCE a Kiida • 07 lai-LS I ***«hsrt* 'IgAffli BB rt BB. or u. imil cin*, m tb* -Hop,. i than * iv t autavt 1i bokrt Mo. I Far. urtrek; all ki.-il-; poimc* X te d, l: lunr; UffBu PkwBffX l'>r®toi&g 81‘AKKk:. JNIJ. EMBKOlUELIE.-'— I -W. U. T. (jALI.AfiHI.I'. i-gt-ia body, immers- **' I ssaofsciid.nE i r our: ! tfi* Jv toUktg ff Co C-hiAait; WIMKR. Ac. Uourauuva FofiirUi A^rzet. The people ol LouuvUie In c > fo A* ueoud » » a v®* toe ftteWtow #n mik«G.im...,* . rs « i- (IRENADISES; SILVE ™ ^^**‘ ***'"*^ *'**' k'lGUUtU Id ui*r piv** eatir* rulwl os aJM.VLRW.VKE! •- tM ‘»to \--T imr; Third Womit mm IR ao*a Toaaaix AAX. Laarioa kkavebtwu huailNuciccd long eoungo with flamiuff advur- ^ tu* pirt in c ,. L.a ft N.M TT:=. ly Falter; oa Sh-rry 1 * altenii# our eatirc Btoea of ktooio, kIANTl.E->. S. Virirt M Akarrt^ yoorsrlTrt UiaC v* * MOUKM.NG flour, ai.d sp -ly H *.t kch or two t LFTCULi: ff BE.NNL1T 8, •uu do fo-on*rt X£W lood No. t raviiR abova Good, iijured part iho m. in-ot it *iiiari{», bi.yrr 1* rtcr® ®nr»ol*^. thick oo tho ff Bi NNLTTa. oaalllr- I ran rely upon FLEfCtlLK 10 rank* (9u per rent, strenftli) fieda Ash; 1 *|.orah»scrs aprirkliOR floor tla*B aB4 M®rk**l Uf JL',T I.IXKIVKOAT TUC jrthrta.4 FAMl'EL L. LEE 4 CO.. stacx *-> io» ** iswalblc, »nd water, and k-*p ou tbo r dnoa our iroiu th* | Slly>-T ?po-ios at « 100 hbls No. 1 W’ilmiiictuu Tar; 1 divl a to T-a S Ws Ui J F. THOMP ON I 4^^ RecelTbd— art south Maikrt, k**pepp«r box cover, aoaa to T«:MKR ff BLNNETT4, • WAKEllikL'-aK, ^ ®i ra-e* (qiisrter® and haivei) tharefoieoflei Indoccmant'. tbiouKh*uvUdn«l tZMEKT S^wkClaMIMtllaa. fttfuct. 8ardioa*; jcil BecoBd door atova Foufth }»tteer Forks BUtl il>-r Ku •« ft •» for Jaly. rrieaSIc, 1ft bag* hui Aimunda: ovoniv. DoootbiiiK *um, dnsk nothiug bui . .««« .>• r.lll N t.A' KUda »a4foe% B« w erop,. joff rwel.id Farrtlr br oiMrv'ri LADV'ri BOOK pat on ff it i Iwi:i4 liLK KK.\.\LTrSw i DUV'-ALala CO. G Niek Nazrm Jaly Frmr lie. UU bale*rxuw bcAvy Guuuy Bag*; nothirg n-til itepreramaot ruuim.:ace*, s4*> .wr wpBiBB/ ifoh.® blJ i<*r m*n br C. PENTOX, water oat i ff/tor® mI I eotlc citowe Mackiue-iDaiic . hivrr Du*t"r Fa MADDroN’'al IKKJCffToiCK, TUANSPOKTATION. toJ hope; MAIITIN & verv wr tea tta-6 rt > ri »N ff OT oar, tert aisrista.0* te ate i komo dry bnad sofliDO*l m k n.r.Tl UFPb M Ili A SETTS* ^yiTM iuu bair* (varWkUf brao<7») Jean* except I -rtW IR rtacc >®W f7 Third aCrwak i, aud Linaev: auw* BOrUD ALl'H MLT aal (or I Rnd £riff, Littla MiRin C. C. •-'OU m*4 — M*-rt Tb’'** ice lot TuftCfti. Ptchl* ri-yar, YoiM S»4E of frtehtfal burniaia huv* Oliver A'b®r*r^ UitefiaoBi Nffw • . . Ffttoif lOU bale® eh( kic •» Kahtiir Twtue; of soin* kiid Cii»** » Bl > Srtr^r 1. lr®bi Cma F «• set.-*" -» * rtir CM4U1 Tk l*M A Wri* ,1 j 10 oaTw*'^ rrrwd- kr HAKTIM Ageat for FraBcfa*! ModarB and Mradard Drama. , Al * G i BAoriUl To'rt®. bag* pfinse h\o (>ifoe: Tong -r foel IQUrl®, C., aud l*ake Shore Roada iuu NkLVR MARKET. io 11. 1 , way, aa wond-ufol as tb«y -wA# iTBrtved bb4 forMsc y-rsat* te bad "w & be-a petforiu.d * ff Krtia, ao4t a aud kiagi IsU JZbSwaow FLf'fN »t^K BFNNUrr?*. GLOXE. I- « ' luu prime i#bl iioverninant Java Coffee: FK-NTUk 4 kruta. or ALL_4' 8.- A Sto aaaatrtcnt jort raarttel lor the above iwUaU* Lioes wa ar® gMud w* ooua -avid tha life of an infant .'fc54-r-. Iv*t tewou aari teat monXD ME aal A 8 AgeuU •u t»M® MO. 1 Lajd 4>U; or, pa^W„. hilvsw Pueher®, WW T iOs ikaa* . kio-i» ot Produce aud M®r- ' jan :«» nyrtk aal. J. T La.nHAH a CO- uTuksah rcceipu fur all lT;.dviri«niiy druyg'd with lau-1. , «•- ITMIIILKA HLN-ki.ri .>. Bnsfcai.; A tor by A M bblc No • small Ma-Aerel; A.TEST ST^IaES wbi^hsd h**w Cbje. \®.. ikidl:; xva;-.' _*M itao- a a—wiari of Tag Ac., t afl poittU ea«t uf GiodAiiaii at aa low Xd IrtRaitom TMrl rt. i rhaBdw^ ftolug t® tbe airep I'lM- toftort Bat hwit ®«x>ibwai ®f «iiv«r«nri-tesrya(tkta Line® Ponehnag Tea* anura, B.iOK-1.--- mtesa* hi/ auy/ other retouffftlhiete-.^ freeb iu«i>ortation. cljuuaBi Li*T* HbKff HiNNEi ^t'.S. sw Ortta Takas VEIY kbfo Wa. 1 foffp® Ma«k^; ff htgUT, kn.iw, rw waking, by g.vuqtit atrirK *> ff *, J. W U-e -art MaH.^ffi do kic ooi-»roN wbicB i-A W M'tio -t « bBkWOS-B Futinh aBJ r.’tH. a Waahiwasdm a> aatasvkr )oU aPAUKE | L. ..arae Zu ff ' tea ten 4U W ail street. gallAG II EU. win'* of an agg. * r*a,)rt,ntnl *v ^ acuaia,*ra Munsbais* F icfowbr LADIES’ IIE*(d dresses cleared with tlw — la o«-»t. D'Wi-; IS-riT’K.lEriui'iu^ MARRHALid ff diu«ST. il.iaau rkoiww UALKCST CO. Portabls Forge*, and ary fl*e btus unld it cuosod to b* —JfuL PlRaT RBCBIVED J* ‘ MO-Y rt TOiHUrT. For .Icwrlcrv. cAsru !^Bwh''rt-iB, h» NT K^BB 71®. fe ^MOKT KAIUL—IZW ka«s Balrtoet Malta, assort AV. H. hk:n i:i)icT, ,_"7) t.-oi]|>ar..iuUha tealJo4irmut. llte Summer Siriuioii at rtUtehrtfw 41* I Millais, Fteuten, Ha.hr aPlxxs For forti^ rtfWBft, •s bote Ko. I Ms»a«a> . B ed rises, la mart aad for mb- br MAIN ZNU MALKET. JaUraad. ja'£txxoy .>B«t ’90IVB4 B» ^ THIKlk STKEiST, BliTWKE.N . kuilldi.iH, and ta r»T®lv«a at THEDooMorTiiKWoBLi.-lheXorth Urltiiih sdEY ». A. I 4e Ka. I kala—; KOOK. WICKS. T, Mvi bouio Jnvt I III-"-' •: ,frll iffh m _>* 4 tX). who Hard- ^-l*, n|\RU,.K RKSTAMM^r, 1 jrareard Jlo. aaasa rtssrio a .SaiRb»b.,i. of the - -a . anri lur aria k * Ua bosas I ri. -%PV AT.T. FAFBXtrt lu SEES- VARIgriEH._ Kav.«», Oircouraii K oil lh« omun wurW, luu _ la Ml* **** «a»«. cumrlvlr order. j.„ i*b , STRKlt,aniFi.T hihk TWEEtrwtt, MssaisUN A>Da>u market,MAEKET ( si lawk. te.wari.br a soiwrior or. .ort satlliif aari baufinri It a FI^” j onlTlk -iDuN rt LOL, Wan y a I, karfr. end 1 am fol.owmg r*raiL : “Wib.it Uischaap* i, w* NEW BOOKS MZKTIK. Paroias cractluf Alao, a fanaral trt-rriurn the as It ta rioae in tbls city. table ware. 4. M eh^y of MaaliauiUi' 'luul* plated not even cncjictaic; but *• s*« m tb* lieaveD, AT DZTiOauK’S. yk_4JI._BCRKHARI>T would do wall to eoM and rxSLaiiur my rioc. whoUrtlw “silver liar* waw boow and reioil by iracn of da.tiuu-tiv* a'amaot* and Lterissri Sirip s us Tkioik t (HsaaSsri at bajintabwwbare. Mr stack of Luokiuf Ulown ta t^AR^a tbriuselvou MUM sRHir. HURIEri soRastar Rootey laoriaori enri baf^ A. Ma'.RIDr, PICKLE 1^1 all bte D'gfiili msomtari. oori eba^ _ ltd catioi* if thilr po»»f- Tbo frasmenu of Kiiw 1* SK I* **d Ite •— 1 by4tey^l-_u*r,'L»_P^*Jfo.p,». Cigars. — 1.^ wril Ho. a* Tbi.d*u*-.t, BRSlKKASr ASD OTHER CASTFR*: a..m* M ^Mt'LT.I X 4 SliUlXEY. i,«wcBrewB tff® Bavana Ite. tb* dmu-ot uf matoork ttocc* upon pift^ r®crt«ffd B rt'pptr of frff h pxkied, bolus Ataboma Ordixuiry fer sate by Baiaaan orketabd M*lit. BFOoN HiiLDEiL'*; iirokeu planet*, n B VK r-OTTiJ.N. f iu> ewu nff-, mock, WICKa. Sk CO. wbareavcrjiliuiAluiha rut IT sTa.VD“: whi lir- cotnal* wicldi-jg their lco*o I Uld CriftVB «»>«l®r», «aWb, pBk IU- r rti’* amGUsH dairy CHeto* WtHnleuAto*, auJ Vouug '*• id^emte-riorari^di** Dracos^ be J. P T Wrtosea 7m. PEARL STARCH.-lkbaaaaaaiMtiar taU lAO '^“•"EliL‘'^;ASIl8; A*id lb® di*BW»ffftr , ®, i »a«GIX U i TtdU® •i>to, ! te duotoad. uueHUAalrd ; I1KKRI.\0 of Z»*teL% bp ““ as, ana nnauia jia aala I I'ITCHER«; or Ho eu m j^m tto rtatetefioa: . ^ flriai'^^' I ' I Pr*s-rir-or. Firtrtb atroot. h«av*u* to «- stEFU. , Ko. M jo,; ^ ucdsr wbehar* pt<« f. tteiiiili I MrURiHE. ti third WAITERS; burned up old °mtP]«b ir eoi rtrisa bPICEM 9Y8TEK8. ri.latea — KllAU)T.«i:M-.kctte. -ite eaam ’ U. M. R d^OVE ASD ' J rta. it were, tn tba sta«k ari winaaand Liuinra. ZLa by T. T tSaoso, D TkJl SETS. i oeiDfltkries serii.l , t*»id “ , ay Satart oiasteS teas •Xi k* SIM rar V/ Fr—h Caaa a»4 BBLS Lstra F-andly ktour la atari* *Bd far —la TOO awav- Ibu* k ki. I has* * ’ stack of baantiful Mlvar Elatad W aiA UackKte kSRbd- Vo. -M- all bsat ImiirurainuntB. lor sale UP. liavsbays »a lorsa»• tta mt^teunianf foimkf wotld^ ' .-w-w rHtLDItkyi-Stoa.Reri.awri laakaaaaaridrtetabf ELteTpCYNZM, br tHBI by F*NttJ.N 4 GLOKE tlia by W. — — ,Bd dw.mnguion ;?»»*:• Hart* E -yr, es I LEjsojj * c’O., | * easy oete ^.teTwrtuvari b, tea. a Maia at„ oarisr tea IrtOteaflUBab te Funrai rtsaat. It.Y )*b I> A. McBuluE tt TLIfJ st. ‘ J-J Booteteartltarttateau* baotai Ite* irn Third. Item iba lessoj of humanity and witJim, if I ^ COCKTT -CBtZM- CBEKSE.BE —- Sk mSl 14b MainsL, batwaaa Second aad let a* TbUri i f^ RICKLAYERS' Trowata, numb Rotes. s»d Ham. w* hav* aot olrudy U*n Uugbt lu th* ichool of *’^A!i*,p^J. En*drii P»»* dk .. 4~ol;«. oW» * WOOD-K iteAb ,•«*», WafoHB two to afear® fl arKckOast la. IKtanaTaMa Batter ^jwoter^ a^ J.^]^^“aiayaj*b BWStlS^u-tM wMba Bm ato Dram Hau alao, a on baml and ' taC. RlEFkR. rtte OMn. Daw and suBarior aril 4—. larante by YORK rtyirtof kr oQuiroR 4 hTorr; cteaori obri (or ST B X'EW latjffkj CKAKS rayolalkte.” C ^ JAb A. McBKIHF tt Thted at. In ciu^e to ordaf hf Mi • W«R ffftsaL HOCK, WICU, * OO. Jett A — —a . ! H ; — M h n. g o n . aaA^•4

to Aid and punishad aa a ta liabla. If captarad, A A Sprightly Boy for Sale. t pro* I Ha tar Ortioa.—Tbt LooliriUr DoBacta a pnaoaar of war, LOUISVILLE DENTAL OLPOT. j KkTOTIOTIl. falsa aad a traitor, and cA m ^PRIHHTLY rjlHJI 8VlLLE JOURNAL, tatorren- obligatba of A Voud^ Mao, arcaetoiuotl to dri%1nt fiatB to baaUt to rB tba dootriM of bb gioaod AA A owb a bighvr a dtnli IIRWMENTAL liAlX LITHCiOW, CO., aa Aa f'od c^rtKiia aetranr. WALLACE, A Rad can be iiur. M AMIFACTORY. PftHitf Uruf Frescriptkn 8tor«, cn»aFdmfa Oppuaitiaa Alagbaca and Brvioe to hit nativa country th m to by applying ut the Cuitod ^uu a j ttoa to tbr foUewiac laaolation af the dm* WOUI.D ma*C r«*«iiertfully Inform luFfr-euda and toe framera of oar | Z*x-oi7Z*lotox*ai of ,1X0 at adoptkm, and Aat tha Mosart Hall, comer k ocrA end JeOersoa. I thA hu MKt SB0 ! imblir in general that mv K Ubll«hiDen| ha* no ronoe«. I •TB. HBMDBlMtll. MMUIB. and mAeri of oar lawa Ava been 'iou wnatever withaoj utuer bouw* of the A ooukitAioo tA *ame uame aud I * 8. F. UAWim. Fioprtotnr. ICE! btistm 4 lu the Hty. 1 thi« ' wr do, jL ix, ICEir mace uo’iee *o tliat friends raonuETOM. la eaadaBM, (toamisp, b guilty of tA groM and vtupid aAurdity A main- 4 . my oacaa^, 1^-^* ** *4 looli-s thick. f.,r ,Je aud cu*l*jm* rs may nut be d->e>dved. tha DaBociatic party a pablic wa can legitimatoly, oooaiataotly, and laa tdlsiorl emtf *I ^ taining tbA b> the Ton at Tory reasHjnahl* pricce. 1 am *(111 the proprieireiw I.Ol'IMVILLC, KV. (cumoil of the oldoat eetabHahment la PUCH—IN ADTANCK. toaaoB Mnidr atotod. btalligibly reoopLiia tA rtounciatioa of aUegumot, tha city. No *6 Fourth etreet, A. lo.*. sd.mta. IH»MlNlOK A HR.*.. near Market wbz^re may ^* yiNifct hM «l It la FOR BALE jan dlkb* SS 27 Water •Cruet, iluciuiMOi. be found ibe largeai amu'tuieni of I’OOKI.NT. and t A obligatioa to oAarve U A As bom momant Omaiueot^ Hair W'^rk M.U I-'ICTUREIIS OF STOV ES, GIHTES, RtXfiES MAKBIF/ -IkttJtM* ^ wma: Bwlte Oaaalty DaNr ni KBTQrAMTY UK PITT6BL KO tXIAL at At low. of everr 4te*criptlon and at pilras of to eult the t*mee And 1 aava*"** Ifeaa vaar taak • Uma. eel Markol prteo, also BKet;U BOTTUM at would further *aYt » a-aarMi a r laa aa* W B UUAL NcynGjEi. Should any arttaie la tha Hairilaa IRO.N .MANTKLS,g«, .L\D I.VIPOKTERS LYI) OEVLERS lY TIN' PL.Vi it bring bii mind made aaatfeiffaak IrN*. EW aNw ***** —Mi*. It- How b poakbb tor aar man to much lowwr rates by at my aatablbhmeot. not eotlre *art*faetkin H J. N. KKLLUGO. Araat, Oaoh may ba retarw*-d. S wall dvanee ov-r cost. My TINNERS’ TOOLS, MWHINES, Ac. ao BllagiM.ca lAt it knowa and Aknowladgaa to ttTAl.F.D Bll>9 will be recuivnd at bli Oflev for two w ck of ran* *n 1 Aivmm»ni»-iM dailt joobha.* Head ornamenta I now tiffcr %t prim# vueka from thia date for a&Y' part or tba vhola af tbe cod ttutU the first ^ " .If I *• I coBlbua 1b azUtanca, and thA it baa do will or of Augual. W A ItK t tOiaTANTLY A N I P A t T N *—** •** ^ ; - - folio ^ : — vine tract* af land, belon^D* to thl* t’t'mpany, — ' or lo-w g reXfing, in MRS O. NIOHOIoA^. — : T" o.Mi NPK.'VLDKirtlli.>BA><.t..-,*i'>l>b.-i’ adablkaraJ *• power to ravik, Ad whan by tA oath vhat la knovn ae Peter*’ i olonj .** tkna. ^ 8tata of Ivsna, be* No. Fooitii dieet, ueai Ma»k<-t. aw r'.'dth' EIK.-T I'l.A-Ha I BIIIll d o.rr od rawp*iuk.a LT j L'Kii^ rXJ!S%ZiZ!^. 9 pow- antire - , . WKa o Aay nA only ren. unce allagiuA to all otAr reaidue left l«i to** haniU of tba Truateaa pi- dlmls D. Uto KE\ri I KY MM H I'D* < I'. Till TF ood w B i. tutamut af dmarf. ^H^r F IKVtAN. Agent. II toUi lenounca alla- dt^ dlrMtou aictui tb»* 8t4 ckholdeta. and nuv tn **4r c-mpM# aad -arravlMl aaaltoaaay -r.r Atmd ara, bA ara particularly raqulred to M. B A heavy dMrouut made to Ibe eountry tiale for raaa* tSSEJR-SCr S tbitki, aaarrU tbt doctrlca M aold for tba pu'poaa of vlndiud ^tp Raid Compan. vuu Fapaklw ha.ta* ftot tba Daatocrat which Aay ware THREMHl.'YiCl IHRCHIi'YIEtl, dke. . cash or rina trad«*. WrwwaM Ii»a uwpwo. tetAua* »a*aa.A VFat tiNlaanira lia aatal—irfraai»ra4 NNig , Tbit gbcca to tbw govarnmanta uf Survey No. i.afr* in H4tri«>r cotinty uf IMU acre*; m al-w At orbwcai, Ac. a.AaatmaJaaa»aaNaaiaaa. LapwlatarB, tba apacU of tubjacta. TarrItorUl f«mar ARE i>u do Th. .WIBW .Of. a- bora la a i i i i^til awraU. ,b- iM WE NOW PREPAUED TO El kNlSB FoR I.MPy 10 Caliatkaii do All 1 d- . M rar laBan Ibia of ou bwa of nat- V V ilRTVAft of ihU itM moMi lK>1K> 8,it4K Jt*MN lAAT tlS. to,. K«lltl>8*-N dapartmaat af tha Kadaral UoramaMat, map If A Aa t:ua conUructioo Um pMttsrnd uf do A,it#t do do ‘tM'tMi do; K A. aB lawa Aa rapaAad I>u do i,ik4i.ig4 tnta Y'ounfY'oung do bcukxu d«);do; HYDE “PARK HOTEL *taIL, »»i.. KUHtKDAIK >*. <« to, aralizatioe, t An tA auaoA Acb iaatitotine of oUrary to far to REAPIMl, MOWINtt, k TUBESUi.Ml MACBINES, >*«> N HAi-IEMlN Eaq., E. IBoibri with tha M for far- do 1 ,MPy do do killgill do; JJ H»a .1 A « FS lit Tf Bl tXIUISVILLE. Aa bettor for all partiaa, rad aaptclally tA undarylrnad. hav.ug leaakd the above House, ra* WULAT KAN8, HUK8K HAY UAkLS, IIKAIN C8A- D > do 1^ do di> g U do; iJ'* GF PtHTLI. fllA.* I. HAh-.k.,. la dahanoo of tba ackDowtodpad oblipa- bAoma^ vntongbd b I sp-cUiiliy auouuuee to their frl-udd aud tbe puhitc Mfo. W. J UBAVI.A. CBtroy k, aigner, and tAu who Ava DLK8, 8NATM8, 8CITHK0, ac.. die. Do do l.iiU do do kiu do: Mr. M. PEKuttO.h. ranuuucing all c.Ami to UN pro- Jb> fu |,t7i do do gwU do; ganersliy that th.-y will b* ready ta reaaive guests uaor A t- AHOTWPI.L. Fa.. ttoa af tbair prtoclpal aot to dMtrop It. lo othrr Aatr btricacNS by without Aquiring a right Do do 8 4i>l do do Sgk'M do about the 83tb ln*t ••••k «adkaAra*aa« TICKET Ucibn uf uaa govarnmaol PETEU& BUCHAJNAIN, A POKTION OF to whom OPPOSITION STATE tio OUR W. would fa.p.«twftp varda, tba PaBOcrat parcairet ia tha aBii mp n Du do g,4uk do do 77 do; lofhr ptoteciiiia uf anotbA are, upon t A ground of The a4lvautR*e* ot thia l.ake Shore Retreat, as a .dim- to tA tuaylt dtewtsdia lAllTdVILl.E, kY. Do do 4 4(>g du do biig do; that Coapiaaa hB aa lipht to daalrop alarary the gaoaral retoOM ftum tba obliga- Ih) do mer resort, are nnaurt aswd, it b«ing of ro do 8 4nu do do copBNBttB that CaapraB hat ao ripfat to ialrrraor ti^y Ava saanmad, aa lA lawa Aeatolvaa tratio im attpU.aftom. do; tbe City by Kallrual, laniaKa. ur Lake. F. HIJ., of mof)» Ca du |,4utl do gig JOWnJA pr-iciaaly wAt Ddoaocracy ia and do do; would prove to A l>o do I'ba hoase wUl be lighted wltb ga* an«l ctmtaln all other LARGE&.SPLENDID Ma apBU oodBUka to daatrvr k. Hatt paupb *,*u7 do All 1,43d do; un- ANT -OOVKBNOA. U itoalf to ba attain m boa of lata ysara sAwn —a and l>o do m;« modern liuprovements. grounds arw 8,4 do do 1,^ do. The bi«uUfuUy dl* AT.N^Nm AI.l.Mf ct BlNOklMMCA at ordiaarp aKirml caltivatioo parcaira Jaat tba ttp- BOARl> WANTED. IMY do »fo. SOO. impo-iiioo, a delauoa and a cAA. g4|i> do d» le,*lH do; versitind with walke, traea, shrubbrry, 4kc. Suitable build- HG MdrertWr viRhet boRrd for biuMFll ood hU« ta a To .xohTIIU KriT f'OKNKK tfP THIMU I* cartaialp do. that gaa- do g.4 1 do do l.MU do; «>|» .|> VTKKk I ATTONN EV-«ia»**AU paaito. Tha Oppaakiua of KBtuckp We all know Ae Kuropau governmeau Ffirate laiuilj ur HlMire ttM»r« are but frw boarders. ing* are being erected to be appropriated for the T l>o do MU do do k.klW do; amuse erally deny Ae right of axpatriatiun. At wa know He prelard a lucaiUf es o«ar tbe miler o( bueiue^ as uosw UAMLUAM.ol FnakMxi. Tbt word “iatarfora" ia tbr abovo-qaaUd rtao- Do do S,«U do do I.4JS do; ment and bi*iiefit of ll»e guaeis of the Uousa. Insbtirt, JAMBS ubia. Pur liberal piictt be ot tA aamv tiioa tbA thb eovarnmsnt baa never food accouoiodaUuos a wUl Bid* to be made parable in caah or It* equivalent, aud b) uothlog sliall be wanting It I ai’imton. aaad obrioaalp ia the tachaical aeoie it ac- paid. tu make a roost delightful FORSAUFa OR RKM . ^ArS'lED. I lattoa b tecugaizvd Ae tyraitical aad daapolic asauiaptluo. be dete mint'd within three tbs)* after tu* time up to _A^r«M Hraw er I9b PoetolB dtf Summ«fr re*i>rt to «4 hex iraiulent or sujoaru* S. PAOE. at PnokllB. Drad Scott abkhtbei will be received purmaneut THOMAS | qatrad to Bf paliticr prarioaa to tba TBEASrUES, By order of tbe FruateU. ers. Wanted to Bite. applicalioa to tba iaatitatioo of frealy extandeJ ito aruii ia ganeroua bvitatbo to dactotoa. la Ita A. n. FONTAINE, .See*r. Part.e* desirous of maklug arrangements for board fur RAI LROAD LAN DS of paupla of all fouatrbi to leave tAir native LOUISVILLE GYMNASIUM, dauohbktt white, CUp. ar prviAli. lA N. B. Stuckbiklden aipaitiaa, anilunBly, lo emtbUak vbo have not yet roreive«l lh«iir the seNSMU can do a> uow by appl)*tng at the '< a h* hioioewot h alararr k bouiae and cume auiuiig na, and avail tAm-elvaaof la CONCERT HALLa, Plfib be(»c>«a Market aad RICHMOND For Skic on Iaiu f rrSil snS al M bauutcs of land urncE, P^euU are earueatly requ**«4>*d to rail futttivUh at tbi* J>m di HaMILTi»N To pratoct baaithortoeatoUiobDor J«*8t*tauD. upea OaU>' ihuuda> • escN*ptad> frutu OfBra aiid House, luicago. SBbi^Baia. tA bisaidaga uf trsa goveromeot; and if we had gettueni.a* the t»l)li*e D to be riiMeul. OF S. HBUnDOH, at M—on. S UU d aud fruni lal Iv u’ cluck P. j«. jegl otzk LOW UATE IVTFKFriT. JOBH ooiaa«juaatly to protect u aot to “iuter- ever Akaoaledgsd tA claima and pratenaiuaa of A. B. FdNTAINE, Sac*y TABER, HAWK & CO, >— to prabibit; kibw i WANTF:I ONK1.S. Ai nwaoiap of tba tarm deapota* rubra tu bud and ebaiu down tA will of MBJIniU FKDPKlFIuRq. I Ibg over MM.IgM aervw of lA»*d lying fcia”, ia tba wall-ai deratood A a firel clads OFUiciaaluni uu a penuaoeiit aud rrUabI** FAST TIME TO NEW YORK! fBIlE in Idas !*inh> r. ETAjrS. at Bwran. I Air Mbjecto after t bad pataed Ayund con wa>wrt. which waMsmutoil by art of < otigiess WM Ay tAir baeki. bavM Beared neiUkor paiut Dor osmum! iu titiiod up M In n*4 in to prutret ia adaty woich proaa nUMDCNT BOAKD IXTEKNAL lHi*njVEllENT. Oa tha coatiary, juriadiettun, than we Aould Ave iNen without ex tbe liail IU a luanaer Uial wilieomitare favurably wltb any FRUM CINCINNATI VIA CULCMUl'S. SUMMER SESSION tbe eunsimciion of tnvir Ri«nd, off r lor snir .*« the miM4 laetituiiou uf tike kiud ItbemI terms, on and after Tn*^lay, Jtalv IjHk iqin. nil partly rat of tba oldipatioa not to “intarferr;’' for cuae or juatilicatioo b oftvring Aa benatila of nAu- iu the cuuatry. or D. B- HAOOARO. at Caakbarland. Haviu^ ea«ad<*d a c«»iupeu>ul Teadier, they are auw that iM»rtii»n iriag on the instara 4xtv nul^ *nd the mw. to any, aad it praciaely caaa, the Territorial l.epialature rAizatiou U btcxoie we em «vht/ miles uf their kued, sMuprMngall <>f tbrir t PON ir ia a particabr prepared to roeaive a Uuiium utimbcr of Meuib**rs. i.rriT.E lYiiAJii FOIIEST ACADKMY an I CONG108. In th- rich rcluaed to rerugnize each absurd demands that Claas liae ai«o lor tueet the and fertile ronntie- of MAklwN, |>w S laHicd to arreat our A beeu apeuod iWys— lu ' 1 Lla oumiaeuce tlia bib of July close of •t^Bariaiaa’' to prabibit, Coaprara ia AND aud the iSth Itl tllANAN DkKALU. PIKFo. KNOX. ANDRRW ROBERT MAIXORT. of Oldkam. naturalization lawa Ave been enrolled upon our afuv’tMAou. U Angust. DAVIKHw taYLM. t f or airt alacd rBpooaibla far ita Pur Meiabemhip, T»ckeU« aud all Infonuatioo, apply to MONRoe, I INTo>. AM» Al.lK tha of ka apBt atatutc booka. 1 pr«i|NMie t» take twenty puplU aud promise them spe- the COIuUMlUTS AND XENIA taFI L. aud marly all in LI V I N«in 1 uN, CARUiiLL. UirecU>r«. cial ailvaidaifts DHIO TBURSDAT, Jl'KE ISM. vark. Aad to Ab mtarroM b to far forth to pre- W An n foreigner A? complied wi A t A prov Aooa AMtSHFLHY WHITE SMDR SPRINSS. ». uikn Toka. Txaus-Hoardlug and Tuition The will be nsatket out his 1 H51) 1 S.lli n maioing Lands In ns vyow n-* the iatarraaiioa for protccthia fol- of oar laws, ud taken naluralizAiun papara, H. II. .Me<.t»VA t—e Tha dalv af S. Oec*-snr>- exnoimniteins nnd apprni*nls ssw i J. C. VAN PELT, litU). I. VAIIo, rumpletrd, f Aunouncemeut of U*e Prop, tetoc for which empUAicAly declare him to A a “citizeu uf jeW idil-eodii 0*l;ann4»u*s Station, .leffer*oa «'a. which dee nt>Mr«i wiM be given. th* Fba ^liAid aa4 ala^aaat latiar 4l tAa Baa. lawi aacaaaarilr Iruai a daoial of tha riphl to “in. b. in.Po.>T, u. p. rahoek, tA C. S uf Amarica,” A U aa much entitled to lA K FELTON. * rLAIXzH.C>AX>! Ttte givnier }d aod opon for nseihrwiighiFnlii^entirv length CMM milesi. 'llK i> tin •-4 aS aary (aattal attaatiia Uw atbaat tba caaMfT. aatbii4: BMira nor leaa than bora u|Kin American soil and wiAb territory H. U. COWUNU. V. ProMUent. whitb. i.rill u KBdatorraatiB b IA FlttlJI I'l.M'lNNATI TO and tune through n cwuwirr whi h m wnsterpateied bv any 1 of* Mi .l«*4 Ib Uto4.arott.awty, E. Fl'LTON, Secretary. >uki dl^M* his exAmination will be beld ooTHUR'DAY’ Morn- t* toliro Biato Irrott acaaaa taparaatUd and jurisdictioii of tA I'nited States; tAra is no in the snhibritv of He cMmnte, Ibe ferbhly ef 4s s tl, aud Ctonoi^ or ul Ami 4aaarra4W m. It B bp aa aaBftina of tha ebiication of ConproB to aafTar ItoSTON in uSM hours. Nr W YORK in II hours. Inst., lartol tihw,, ub wtulg ntor. to tha T ing, the .3d at the Female llq^ Sehii I buihl Al t'*Nt for KO Days Only nt €*nI! ex*«nt it* — the of udiM'rs' re«Mi-ce* toOro > toa — frniB - auch Aing known to or cuatcmplated ait PIIII.AItr.I.PlilA I wap.. % oailro fr.iM Uto t* tuor .tolyfa* SBt- ~~ Sacratair Caaa la Mr. Ar by tA iu»ih. UALTIMOKK in ZB bouts. log. A p icaiiU must enter th*lr naiue* wiib the Sec eun*)' bp tka r‘ t*Bar af apont to do aithoot raolrmiat «bat CooprBa baa J. B. VALENTINE CO, Farh perwon purcha* ng I and wMI rrcehr* a tkheg ftdr om> liito.au IB* lUiBoStt*. Vtto-a. u4 T ka cuc stiiutiun or lav as a half & HCFFAlJt iu IB liunr.. DL.NhlKK in MS, huurs. or bi'lore the Ml a FUMOon . oB- way made citizen— on luumiug of tbe exauiioaiiou. trip birtwW'n Hsuaibnl and the are»4 *te:lua tlie aariy aeca- PI I'TSKl Itii lu hours. a on Han- ntoa.oB.ito a..toarmw H-wroal Voilry HaSa. af ClariaaaH, aa ara abaU lafca aa itaalf. Koa-iBlervetiUoo bp Conprraa isq CLt VMut.VO iu hours. T«*acher* of the Female (arammar eebuol* will neod ll»e ...riM ma. aa riphl to da mare puliticA machiua fur Alping certain partiea nibal and St. J'Msph HsN«oed to ihe pru;awt> p4*rhn ivl. li-ia, ua te. mwotettt. DEALERS IN WOUir STKI HK^MU.I.iii |u,Sh. lUD.STI.IM: in Bk buuro. Siiperiuteudeut ali*luf FSua. aw4 loAntm tuSh-md. applU'aiits trout their reitpectivr furthe • It ia apaally partiaaat aad pamaat. bto power, and lAo Aing caA oflT aa ao drift F«»r r iniora ntiu api4> al toe Lsad i Aco of the Thoaa SBiia,- > in .^-a far te.. rooito tiuB aBalaakea. mterferrmce bp the crentorm ct Coopreaa. much AMI wheeling iu III, hours. CDl.l Mltl's iu sk hum.. rielioole. Every to rataoro applicant will be expected tu bring a idata, Cumpnuy, or teJdrtss h/ lot er iaparL wood vu the ahore, aueb ot tA letter uf tA Secra- tM*ncil, and |ta*u. 0.> The KIK-T U.tt 4**r Tha rT~* t~ Maalaad m aaa af tba b«baat Nathiap Iob. GLO. W. ANDEKMAiN, Jo«l UI HUNT, JI .>K. Three ’lhruuj(h ICxpreNS Trains, >el4 4l>e‘J&is SttcieUr> urv uf Slate would make Aem. iJouuitittsioM •fterrhantx, H T. P. S. C(*mmkwM*if*r II. h J». K. R. Ttto toamuy'toutt-.to ItoB kun- Kwa larr-. .atoMra tBa aaea aad o^bt aat la ba paraJttad to laat oatii it Twenty. WhB, thrrefora, the CoaeBtioa of tba eit A uew feature, and |»eculUir to tbe Ilaniiibnl. Mo Jwue II. \<*Ssk jsCM diwAwJni pruyritoa>r lu graow. iigu l at. iruto Br. k. uz uttiro* gttto., lAy are Ar cUizjua or I Ay ara nut citizens. No. M COMMON STREET. , c na wkb aa itoat raaa n a aad VIELLE MONXAONE CO 'S AiBoor ito'w iBiproyutorai. aar fa- atokb-arq ia aaHM ia a earSaa n SaBad of Fabraarp raaolvad that “enoperatioa or If tAy are cilizaas, tAu tA arm of thia govern- IsITTIaK Ml.l.MI KAIIsK4f.\D ONLY, a l«rw <>4 NEW OULKANH. ...Boat faa I, fa B rutio,. n W-. ilitoiB.I *— iwr uient lung enough and atroog Jaahai. ia new aad b enough tu reach At tt A. AI., ~T I ALI (BLK FARM FOR S.ILE. ra i uy.B'gg^ '*”** “**•****— aaba, bp tha Uppoaitba of Kantackp, t^8|*eclal atleutiuu kIvbu W HhovIvIoc aod Fotwaid- 8. JO A. M., aud 11.30 P. 11. \V1II/J*K ZI Ts' C. **‘^teMttro.aat. mb aud protect tbem b Ai tAir lawfA travAa and lu# Merebaodint. aadaairabla acd iBpoaailda with aap JuueSi dtytil The LITTLE MIAUl is th. only RAILROAD to the By Farm, io— h’d en Ihe kT**'a Maa abaarrad, ia aaa ar batb af tba Uaa- fotarB Bttorlp . HMTI, & CO.. Ltttote. 'aoM teroa aro Or. tgri^. oM vuhis to undrrukbga, wherevar tAy may chtow to go. If East. um t iuciuua i, runniuz a Mt.lir EAPKes.-> ' lawa. l-tor ( wkttoi l *. W ko* .-airB.. te. action of the Wm. A. PUchar'd adni*r j Him Denver t reex, three north at (.ln»gN*w . Ckoi. faa aamti^ aitaMpla to fat ap a haliin party m paraBa who raak, by tha tAy Ae not ciiixcoe, tAn tAy are exerciuog pri- Train, and i. the It.M.Y kDAD upuu aliich mdes XT >8* V*. Maaarotoa. oaS IB. Saiu— , Koi> kroto— te.-tott>: > t LouUY'tlU Cbancery Court. .ffim^and dx Miiles *uwihen** uf Prewett** hi»**h wa vil^as to which they ara not entitled, for toaUkiaol. .ua-t ter Bite agaiaat Babatt. Maltory, baeaata, aa a Salagala froa Vadaral tioaonoiBt, thruaph any of Ka depart- and Wm. S. Pikber'i boLr«, Ae i Bleeping Cara are i un fromCiuemnati Bast- iH'fui.un Ihe Looiwvuhi ond Norhv4‘v Kn«fr<*nd.' In pm-knye* of 23l)H pounds: its water wbbh lA Democracy Ava nndar very many ^pHE creditor* of Wni. 8. PUeber, 4ec*d, are aotlfiod of lour heitdivd and ten ^re» uf lend, one-hnlf >4 which if Kaalaoky to tba Wbic Matiaaal Caaaaariaa ia 184S, BONta, to nrrwraaa with tba inatitatieo of rUr- SQt>w White 1 Dry du du do, end mixed THK folilTK ^I'LPIIFR t A that thia a prueoudiDK to *>ntle TbrouKh all ilirs: I n a high state uf eulUvnUun; une hundred nrrvo ml in obligationa. La At eame Oemocracy now dstor- W bb estate. T^y will TjcJktLsIo ba*trrnl lo Oil iu Kisnee In lueUllic pucksg'S; faaar aaniaaliaa a( Qae. orp,” k cat cf the paftbana of DoopUa aad all other thtareJikTr produce ttielr claims b«*fore lua lauuMiatsily aud e>uver nnd (dh^r gmssn*. The Farm M writ improvod with unfosuLfitl .Yr’es—a foutiain. pfo—td n—r ibe r*rky baaaabiaaalaiB aftba mine which Am of tbe dilemma they will mlecT. Fiom Ciueiuoa i y a Culumbiu, bdUir (W beeiiugj, and No. 1 Slid Suow VYbite hi LiusoM oil, auth**utic«te the aame arvordlug tu lav. n goo*l franm dwrlllnn. her—. dnblr». nad urgro hi —w* b«nk«»i ibe hi itebi r.ver At foo dvpA l*ia leet ban** Baltimore auJ Ohio kaiiioau; via Suuw While In Foppy Seed O I. aa claarlp and utallp b it Sj for tt tAir trnAeil chbfa aod rerpmubla agaiiui Coiumbu*, Steula-uvUle the for»-l tof i>, Ibat laatinabti b Ibe fil-w* t- T^iar aaS aal Mr. Ctop. Mr. Mallary, to ana ia'B 1 HO. SMITH, Sue men *iuw*. <*rchnrd he , w4h an shttudnnre uf an* ^ a »b** re» nrk«fo* unam of — P or Cieetilue, I'lilebu g aud Peuu«Y Ivauw Katlroad. \u are ranoerwed, tA quaiUoa is alreadv aettlad. Joti dSAwi ComaMoner of I^ou. Chaocerr Couit. LLof inewbove PAiots we nre pr^pfirt-d to s*ll nt n •priagM of tiever fm mg water (fo»»t ant»r wb-ob Mippms tbi* hvifos Tbw —ram K>pabliciaa. It jaarlp placed both I levtHaitd, wm aato.Saliy ti|iiiialil bb eaaHaaato. Tha vbab did tha Black Columiiu*. Duuklrk or Butlalu and New iork r|t \ %eiy siiiail Atlvnoav u,miu Uh» N* w Y'urk |»i iei s, sn'l lor ittftber pnrticul^TM wi»ply Jss P Gnrnegl nl Gin*, — v«r»4 fo—r sn year* am* for n renttemau who Hut if lAp are still citiaena or eubj'cui or France, aud ktle or iSea \utk Central Kailiood nr r w— cataporj Ar abilat tha liUck Kepobli. Matiuah Williams** adm*n iiivitu t«i uu eiwiuiuwlMiD of «mr s(o«k l*n’Uleni and gitw, <»r te aat* at the I uild^ hUle* |l*drl. lA*Mte*»il«e^y. Uttrtugf'zr mil. 1 be o«l r, obeB r«—bed, at »nre niuou Wbic tmmmdkj. abb aarp Sw ascap M tba aoBO ; lintoin, Austria, Great Frumia, Itoly, Spab, Mrx- ulbi-r* wIk# iiiuv went tbi* srtk'l*'. obtain***! under fo in*' surfaev *. > LuuisvUla Chancery Court. FARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST clirum- marlil de*>whw«!UWtem* J. R. GAiLNLTT. and h— » vor mutp —utfwed W fo w duf ag il- hare agreai “iaterfara” lo prohibit R'U, lureiga Suiaa, owing whia giv*- the s«i>u it* iie •*eAMvn^, tiaaa, aoaM haaa paadanad Mr. Clap aa tba aia oaaa woald C or uAer Abguoce and Haonah Williams** hair*,) dtsncte* h fulhwt soce of fettpurU «.l aitbtout t hnngi .*r sbaismoet, wsibor »n qifbHr mrvica powers cf their ty. jeli dactivc nativiuai. ^pllE cfiditom of Haonah WihUm*. dec*d, are ootidod RACiCiAOE C^ll^^-'EEIY can citizemq owing 1 thatihiiba prooaedincto aetileberealate. They a 111 MKDK INAL apeota to do tba Aw Aay A Alagionca and From t.iuc'nuaU to New ^ork, lUtiUiu, PbUadelpbla, BOKKu AV fei’a PROPKICriCdw bat tbay 4U aat baiiava thia. Wa Sid aat babava voald hare Coopraaa permit ita therefure produce their claima tu me louuadiataly and au* NOTICE. mrvice to our governmenif Mo man can scree G.ralarfv nftrmi d. (of masters ooct coiiiprislog tbe entire stock ut Huiusn wb!ch is Iw'ge — atoiiily far aiarti adaaaatod Qaa. Taplar'a aaau- W'ilaat Prarbo and i<)atttor aororaiptitp ahat* mrre two A f PaaM'iiKei'bai ike Soulliand YR'eql, HAi^ HOLLAM) imiEUS They wvrtv n4u.i> ered — by a ybydnn *, a«a4> -ri well Mworte*! in every shfei —Mt no fo are nb ualy granted pamporta to bavs tbeir wud rt^ivcC, *ud every wiiicle timv of drfokiag, aa- ia abborraaca; and the oaocladiap TAy Who C«mifort cuiablued ALL, OL' LA.TK raatiauaom , mmtX. nnder aafiaa, aad tba BaaiariUa Caaitor, vhieb tbaa arar akapa) aqBl vUh aud Speed a 1 b Saf> t>'* <«f prrlunMry, Toilet wid Fauey Gwii in LottUvilie Pint**! D:‘4. Is p—nh—ly mrviaKnUo In tbuor dfaords— an mzay cases lAy ara encouraged to coma; loci 11- of tbo Liver nnd ibaa va had daaa. Mr. Criftoa rl ia aad ticb af BB-Bterveatioaiaa) ia IL Than iaa'C b nee«ls uo coMimendalloo. toatip and all Informailoa at i.'lncinuatl, pleaae apply at the l.ver>U»dy ku>>w*. m<*ive*pe- Importations. fibouacn abwb fo fUa sffiirt gvnyvuun wba te— bo— Ibt us aSdrded Atm, or tAy ara mat amongU Cially bU old cudiuiueri*. that Ite will do all tlust w 111 b«t tua cfo— nfined fo na-s, aaaaip aU af tba atbar |irnwiaaat aMtiriaaa cdB af tha dirty barBy abBt ll. Ticket Dflloe No. 1 tmiuet lUiu*^ curaer of Third and ty — fo— and t*or— of md—forv WWc p evsaary tu please (h^m every resp> ct ua B a punion of a reduEdont popablion for wAm MAGNETIC Vine; Walnut 9t. Ilouee; ar uid Fforv ^outiica*t roroer ut U4 In tebas Thnuklul tu all for past Invurs, 1 remain, with redpect, ia tMa Saato, tbeacb af caaraa raaairad to aapport tAy can Ad A ensploymant, and of whom tAy are PLASTER Broadway anl Front, oppualte tbe rpeucer Hou*e, aud at TlIBCIl VLYBKATK t«PRJaNG8 Tlik: tbe EaaCein Depot La«t Front sueet. 1^ D. Mcnt>LA^ a hia call attBtioa to glad to rid tAmaelrer; and would it nut OKllaT 8THENOTHF.NEK AND FAIN DF. abb ail tbair to tha araat af Sim olab IXADraarctK-a. —We A a ba- I aro perw—aeat P>ntr«. Tbeir efftets Mr. Clap aacht HTkuYER. Lonisvilbs JuoeU, liMU. og— bsaben dawn stroua prupoaiuoD, tAi, after tAy Ava bacoma P. W. STRADER, vad debidinfol #on*tituttnns tera fo— nat t—font bnt aaBiaataaa, e aa cana d aa to tba iaawpailiaarp af tha Bate from Fraakfort ia aaotkar colamn. It du- f jj'IlE bast and cb«a|Mwt Uuuwiiold to Y' th* above It v.U be p«h*o tbnl 1 am now not only the inoUng. V ng to tbe fooad a new vttelitr, AoMricao citissna, and Ava improved Aair condi- Kcmcdy tk« world. G |> g nnd fo tba par ENERAL TICKET A^F.NT. |g tnaosger but the pr »prietur of the 4»ld bsir •‘stablidh* LADIES \V!LL FIND RARE a— —w ttto aud vigwr. fafi^^ Uto a«ato bafara tha caaatrp. Wa aatar- el WB a rathar aarpriainp omi»iie oo ibo part of himiile and pleasant In its opplhaYon - certa'n and tion, ud tAir Aabaoa engaramenla tAuld taka mrnt aud fancy fIut**, No. ns Fourih street, wbicb fi^ allactual In lu results. TaKMAGNEfilAN WATKR tato aa da aht, that, It ha bad faaaa taa Wbic oaa the ooAb of tha aapa ithiai of ika allepad ex- t Am alfToad, or lAy sbooid uasire to mAs a laat A beantUol •cientiHc external I'o- STRAYED. man.v ysara b»s been sy v*ry tiberallj p«irouix«ai. r.t ve, applicable ~ With a det* rmmatlon now uf iuert'aMug the bag—tia Miiniint. adaiioiatratioo visit to their lalArlasd, tAy should liabla to lor tbo rUief uf Pein at any lime. In any 7a FROM ll.e *ub<*ertber, un tb<* l*rth iii«t, a businedH of didala to 1S4S, ba vcaU haaa baaa Uad Aawa bp UaragaaB aftba praaent State nbkb A A — larabdo may raty npan s—wy focabty being for—fond pioca. red aud white epoiiet CuW;apart of her seized npan acd forced iotolA ranksof lA Lugliah, In any part of the ^bumao syKem, and under all Item abfon can r intTfonm fo bsnitn nad r mfsri f — Tfr-Tl tbaa aa ba bad baaa ia ISIS aad to hara appaarad racandp ia tha Yeoaun aad other right bom ban been brokcu uff, abe I* bne — Fraccb, Autiioa, or Frossion armies for dva years clrraotstenere. If yoa pat this pioeter anywhere, AS a deiifbtfnf r—oft dnetng the —fotbo, tf Pain okiog; left a young calf. every other snide kep' by mo at the very lowevt pries. —or Iba OBiaaina ratbar aarpriainp, bat aot iduu Wluui faipbwr ?ijrlaai — au *»vni fo foe UM. papan. Tha b military servic ? And if Aia aervica due, le there, the Fleeter wUI stick there until the reward will Iw *.:ch Information a* girCailaiid si*«. N. MU HUL.YS, RBMBDT VOf — Wofoa b ud u Pein hes tan- A Mutmi paid lor BARGAINS CBUU&ATKD BOLLAND nad but lew fo tbo I'abcd Ststsi. n> fU loaatfon Is SI Fourth *t. Fbo ye— la aa tadlp tabaa rscogoized our own daa, Nhed. wUl euable me to recover her. Tba Laatoailb llfinat baa p BoU nBataral. by guvarnmaot as why The Pieeter luoanetisee tbe Pain eway, end the art* boaftby; Iba ficsofo tero Is n r«ytd, rar^ afoonm; tba R. K WHITE. N. B. t!uuutry merchants will bear in mind that uiy Ava tAy not a ri^t to miss upon Asm wbisrsver rata **Cliff l.imiwt no,” a f»— isbi n teafisofit ef bet In fo*tb- aaaatoaa to aaaar at aad iia iaa n tha Wh^ party oaanoT ixiar wnznt me pi savu la Aan.tai>. )e21 dj Hr »adway, bi-tweMi TiAird and Fourth. whoUwnle piinw nr* sodi »• U> leave a uretty fair margin BTSi^SPSlA, noaa tbf ungb wb«ab iba n—r o—o a way . W ovory Ary may A foomT—for, if lA dab ia still binding, kheamattem. f4>r tbeir lrt»ul4e uf calling ou aod pmebasing uf mw. or- « ls— Lameness, SiUriusi, Weakness, DebUity, oitbor at or tba rfoni, w banaaaa thtp did aat analaala Mr. Clap tm tba OL'R NATVRALIZED CITIZIINS. ders from all parts of Ui* couulry will be carefullv aod n—r — tte roandt af foa *«—# mw tAra b naitAr juitica nor morality in u attempt NerToiisnem, MarahaTa Sale. Neurelcle, DyspspeU, (Jonahs end tjulds, promptly attaiid4*d to. )elu dliis ta—utbnlly undumi**^ and Ini r m— d a>tb nMoou— Patoidaary to IMS. Thia, iiadar all tba aircaa- on onr part to dopriva tAae govsnimaDtt of what Rich Fancy Siiks; BISE-tSK OF THE klMET*, ravtnoa «biab carry mtt ai* iba THi: BUN. NINUk BUTTS. . Msyovdnu— aaia , LkTTEB FHOM JUHN Pains end Aches of every kind, down even to Corns, ere Abel Brown fo— roa- dcrlug tba auil dry and foo at— pbocw ft— fiam atoaeaa, ia aaat mmuia^y aaaL All aba brad lAy are Justly eniilJad to. If Aera b souAar Rgainet \ lo Lbanoery— Mo. 14,7KY KDfD — M— taaaatoBtip tba adkar af tka Di Bocrat aad all tba tba bB boB caliad to tbe totlowiap aeUtuodinp to heu of Ae disbunorbg and disgraceful ockouwl- hrenadiue, Mortlle, Bare;;e, WEAKNESS fro— mninrhf— lad— nc— — an auntmn ngng_ efeet, of ua will, on Monday, June 27. about tbe hoar of tl Caae, of Stato, io pleemntoet. and ebeapeot remedy In existence. Its City Clerk'll Office, Tbo hpemg piugony aunofo « » art— .J land, laat af tha Laaaiaea aditan att iB tail to ridieala iottor froa Ub. Sacrotary edgment. Thu may A, aa it seams it is, tA doe- o*cluck A. M.,*ell at public aucUun. tu tbe h ghe*c bidder, a— bn— p «. ln4». aud .MNsiiii Rohes: dred 4jf which aro rad aa** ilfo epphcalhiD ie aoivecsol—miuolly to the stroua tuourt JUNK — by af mast boaateal tafaraaB to oa inqairv upB iLc aatjoctof aaturali Iriaa af tba leadera uf Daaaocratic bat it man, tbe at Ibe Houae door, lu tbe city of Limiavlile, on a AND ACUE« **tbriBa tA party, FEVFR groveo In Gbm. n*fo aaudlnn J b bandsumoty tba Whip far raaal^ a baataa laadiiata delicah! credit of A and 13 iiioatiw, tb« property lu NHF COMMON COUNCIL of the CUr of RvausvUle, fo— i*d — fhom aa adopuM American citiuo of woman, and tha feeble Infant. Te each and all it pbadiugmeu* Bucale«ldsriog .Main street of said <1i> from ALSO. DYS1>KPS1 ^V. wilboat tbe north ride of kirst ptreet lu tbe (!anal, a distAOceui tbap toaatod at aad to^blad at at fcr harlac a UrraRTMarr or Statb. > parly which has bmo aspecially Aid ap by As ennoyeuce or trouble. Ib price b within reach uf IGginniuc at a ttoue corner in tbe hue of a tract told Ur. Tbis wont f— wf kwiMBity m — wrgll known tbnl wv BA1I1& and the north tide of tbe ab >ut l.MiU feet, tbe wlllb uf this street being M lewt 4 WaaKlMruii, May 17, 1869 oil—rich or poor; all it, Wm. Fry. on turnpike leading Botidii, ('overs; bnntly f—l d^posud tn oeewgv tin— wr spnev In it« vxpnM- BntWnc bo— by tbo yian sdigtod Is raadidatt, arha, tbap aaU, had bate raaal^ for > Democrat aa lA enemy of fareignara b every may hare end oil should hate It inches from eurb to curb ( urlain Table b—f—bt fofo foM from Loul*ville to SbeibyvUle nionlng th«‘uce N. YV. tinn. Few bnw —cn^ toffknng fro— •*— or anutb— *4 — mpukjiion with that al aa uraUy foarm aad itotfigs^^ totter of tba ISth inaL ba boB lacaivtd. aapcc'. TAy may Ihbk it Jadicbni and wbs to who are Kck, and sukeriitf In oni way. il Yow I4.W polo* tu a atone in the Henry road, uear a branch, Quills, 12-1 Clolhs; is her enuav or •- ibt Piab aaep dartoc hit trbaia bfa-ttoto, aad ana Linen Table im vhftwd forms. In inct, 4 el n n son Tbo wator Is bratnd te tbo faafo tub by «n—m ^4—• tte It ia uedaratood that raairaiu to ooma axiaut too free sxtanaion PLANTEZS eboold.be alwa>i eupplicd this aud curuer tu **14 Fry tract, Uieooe S. tdH, 1 pulwt, dk* tnkrn in tbi* In irpto I bare to ala’o that Aa with involn- W. 1 •IMS— of ntamM ev—T otbnr nnd, teal nui hofog rated Mgb —uagb la —wgUsn f te mlfo, alaapa Aaftaitd. Tbap Bod t tbaBtalraa Barry lo a *tuo« in au alley ot Middiek>wa. th'^ucc wltb *ame S. kc,, kc,, kCt, kc., kc. cla Bilitary aarrica from uf citiaenaltip tu nil may Araaftar seek our eble II will •fo— , wwbeffwpons imnvdv—lUSKHAVfTh H(»LLAND 4 to by tbio sv ptom npyfi fo ibo mrla— of tte tbe Froach poraraaMiit ma wA PLA8TER. be the Good Physician on any of the hidd*rH uiudi lo all casuM accompany the bid* — hniteg 22jWv J'to 34 s p4ii«* tu a atone in «ald alley, un tbe nurib Ride Hl1*TER.’+- will teiwnr* mfogafo. if nw4 «4foet o pwnw nwnt wnbuut Ibo bi— uf us mlino ta^rdlrnfo at aar rrpBii thae far raaniac a aua to ail aalirai of franca wm mtp ba fbuod aiibia ita sArer, but they Ave nuwbers nor at nay tima plantation, ready at all ilmee at tnstaul klv dtiothjr* PATUlCK UL RKK, City Clerk. and uotico. of tuiUtdke road, and in a line of wcu»t tieit’', thence curs. W* mighl n*v vCronmar Mngwngs bwt, — wenrvnd* pear ani uraJixitioo ia tbit coantrp p.upowsd, nor will Aay now cunnlonaoce, tbs lAa with raia hu« 6t>M. E. lu d pule*, to v, TKLKGRAFII OVricK. mmtf d^ttm. pat tbap daaaaaaad at to 1S48, aad )oriad etton— Put ap In olr-liabt tin huzas. Each box will moke six to N tbe beginning, CuU- dr—sing n r—sonlng ns wHi n* n r» n »i— i e su—nb Uiuiltg g acre* and *i> puha*. DR. HENRY MELVILEE, nttann fo A Tnfomagb ofifoe, nirnmnnimfoig w*ib ad tte will not oxampt poo irom that claim aboald yoo tbai any of onr adopted citixaaa aAU A Aprivad etzkl plasters, and any child desliv to nvoH the p'vyndi— which wuwid wb— —nsaf thtp daataaaa at atU. at hari^ baaa ab)aat, aa- can spread them. PilceZi cunntry, teo boon rouabtebed at foe uf aay one of lights already Tbe purchaaer wltl be required to give bund, wltb ap* would mntm naerv blasting —rfofok 'lateibno rvlonlarilp repair tbiibar, LEWIS CASS. Aa Aey may Ave cents a with fall and ft4 Wt:^T TWENTY-KIGHTH STRKKT, boz, plain directions. proved eecuiiiy. bearing tulereat Irom date uusU iiatd, and Indigptat'oa, II—rtbnm, U—dnebs ffb k nnd Nr rvo— in siin— I Uun wttb dtetei pofom. w*b bo a grant swa—n- CBiafaL, aad ftaHah, far aat raaaiac biB aftar acquired. TAy Ave a perfect right, as all oAsrs a lien will be retained aa addiUuiial a«.<'unt>. The abova Gkx>ds we deaire to cloee oat t i n foteo fo g—Ibm— wte bonr Tbb explicit al^nrot-oa B tha ^lort of tba praorat U. V. iNUMKilEAU, M. in fort, nllthnr hnvv their origin in Un;«lr»l dig— n fo , —n trmm and b— ii tba*r atfJ aaalhtr itiaat la U44. tbair parpataal erp vaa Ave, b casting Aair iodivbunl vuus b t mbe- W. t'. D. WHIPS, M. L. C. C. which nr* tndudvd HlLlOl'8 D1.'M»KDFK8 nnd LlVKff b—Anom adbir* da>ly. Daaaccratir adauautratioa at Waahiaptoa of ita A Invautor and Proprietor, for Caali witbio tire time specified and 10 Walker eL, hew York. JA.««. U. be coneulted personally or letter I8*wnforv. Irrllnbility, ab tbo acor— .rfo* gmwnnry fo Ub, plstema. tioii uf tAir ranraaentativaa, toexprass preference BALEE ( iwtiniito* AN by on DISE.kSKS CGMPLA1.NT8, Mwotnl IndktpuM b— and that Mr. Clap, bp tha aaarctot af Ma tjiaaaital aad af protactioa ia Iba piamiau baa folbn u|ion a *>**W»*^* preparatory to our Fall Importabona, dBp MUREIIEAD'8 MAGNETIC PLASTEB it sold by all ieai did TUCC A. MORGAN, j ^ AFFKf ll.NG Tllfc KLSPIKATmkY ORGANS. Uun tu Think. Im—h— rr, D r— n n mt Hgirim, .N*rvo— snuimmoat vWims may esyoot lu find at tte ubfo Wbf— fur whom or wWaoaver party tAy plaaae; At tAy vf the adoplad ckiOBa cf thu country “like a tbun Refers lo G. L. IhiUmLAS, Luuuvhh*. wtuch we trust will be a sufficient reaaon Fenr* nnd Trembling. DmIiv fmr jSwhindc. nnd n numb— .Hnlpbur hyrtngs. oo tte nviyngfor fo Jomfood fo mate daapattaal toSatatr, hapt daaa aratp atbar praaa- pretended Dni«(bu in every dty. Town, end VUloae of tbr I'uilrd clear have never to daim for tAmavIvB any HESLEP & MERRILL. T. U UAKI FR. l->q., do. • f i»ib*r affhetiun* of Ibw elnw*, rendering n mnn unfit lor it, fo ovory parti— for, a first -efo w wat stag pfoon. Ornfo- darbok froaa t Ay." Btotoe. nuvXu for tbe inducemeut offered without refer- total Wbic > iBt Waatara oaaattp, aapaetollp to degraa of prolecAo from Aeir government that dAwlyb H. M. DoRsKY, New Alban/. mtvrronmr with tbo world nnd tbo tnefoty of bk* fnmilr. fiod witb Ibo •*b—ni paUuna— oxtendod fo*t y—r, te effort It U Ab Boaifoot Aat ior Ibat aqaal pnKectkm ‘ )e9 ence to the old woru-out etory of at will nil. moot ImHnncew, bo found tu hnw* roci odsd WUl bo -pared fo morn ilsoitiafoaanc* d2aw3roThhM ia p I Kaaaatop. aba toat, tAy do not fnllv accord to tbs oalopud chizana. Foraardinr k < sinini^siou .MrrehaDts, Tbap read, thrat^ bit la- nndar Aa lawa at buma and abrBd to which Aa SUTCLIFFE & HUGHES, frwoi tbnt di*—sod *cnt« of Ihc d«gwortv4* orgn— wbiob tbi* A ilv—y. wnb Kuobed wbb bus—• and enrrfogm, fo te coet” BO often exhibited lo the public. I ItbW many uf Au class uf our citizens may at T nr bed .'sgrfog*. aaatatiaaa away, kit datirBtoatiB to At aa| laBo, adaptad ettiaana ct tba Ui-ilad Stataa bold Aam- \% hurl Bout Proprieloi'ki, moittrlno tssocuunraU/ cmlrulnfod fo ruUvvo. fo Ufo traveling or Fur further infurmafoun, arrang—i nis for rao— oalraa aMitbd, the neanat hope of radram matf Ab moment A vojeurning b Fbrope, ^ te. aaarp atber Wbic ** daaatod to kapalaB abacari- A WSOLESUE DBUGGISIS, A.MI .tOl.K FUKIGIIT AGENTS GOOCH & NOBLE, Feuales Suffierisg vilh .Naasea a*d addivui ANtaalUW WlUfoiN, J«o, wtiK-h Avbg bft tAir families, tAir bnsineie, aod for- to the adoaiaiatratioa will ioiintdiataly Lot liS VHalaK. KV. fo bifo —ipbte F. Dra tunes at Amc, ailAr on a visit to FOR THE MOBILE A.YD OHIO RAILUOAU .AT L'OKNEK oE JEEtEKSON AM* IIIIKD kTKEE:T:‘, tp. Tbap atBBptid to abtBt tba Whica far aa aocoaad Aa prooBt ana. tAir frbAs or Behility. ^14 dbda* Uvfowarv 1^, lib’ll. ou a tour of pleaante, or for Ae tranazetioa of their SUoW GI.A8 »t,uu> bovr* afaoned from x by lu )«S1 dBm KP:NT|:( . l.uri.<«Vll.LE:. X Tonie Stirnuinai, —itnbio fo ibo— p—nlinr pormfo fo aBacad aabatiatiaa to tba aatbaritpafa aaUth aad BaAriac, toa, Aat At p ditical furcta of tha * KY CITY KY., Nil, V tu Jt by 4u jUMt ruc«!iv4*4 aud fur aai« by 500 riElKS BL.UTIPI L LVU Ibo life of evory Feuiolo, une— purttrul— ly wory naolfoir lo axiatuip adiniaialraiioa ordinary pursuits, who may, nmlar Au must extra- B.iKEirS PKE.Mli .y baartitM dictaaar. Tbap callad apaa tha Whica to eenmrp appated Aa and bUTLLlPPL ^ IIUUUER. bus lung been n deoiderntum in ibo modicnl woHd: soewo- I'HOl'OUTIL ordinary Uiclaratiua of our govarnmeut, t At it may TO LOLISVILLE .MERCH.\.NTS! the Datoocratb party will b Ml pruAMlitv carry MAzNlFACTUUERS Juki llereivcS, at Itl 1-4 Obia. tbing u> bo rotniord — n noreoaurr eu—goneot ut evorf V%. BVUKK a 1'0.’S rtoa ap aad aatart t hab todtpaodaaaa. Tbap taid A dona with impunity, A dragged into lA war LAHkWARE.—l,Olh bote* a*ai>itaCU lloMtXrip.lTHIC. AMD YA- now ragiug in Earope, ia a jssuua must b- ibg 8bop Purulture, Jara, PruU RutUo*. PUska. Vur1«, rfsr-rn- rucourfo mny bo bnd, wKb tbe —nfidrn— of find* Ibata aaaa Baap Baa to tha Whip taaka vho trara that >aa, air, an a repnaeataliva of tboae oBaer*. q Umt MILL. FKEMK M CI«n;o,.ATR. PR>.pBkaO Ac. , la atore aud fur aale by lug mlhsf from tbo nnusen, nnd r—tofutk»n of atrongtb, tereat and staitla tbe nation, aod colls for a prompt CA, ttKUMA CIM.I>« PssTr, l«N.D DIETETIC >«IC'>A. UUC»A with all psrsoual respect for lA veoerabU 8«crs- to npfos, lo roodor dnngvfon* nnotbor modkioo. abouM it bo arail aanalvaa of poor praaaoce ia thia city la ad* Di** public our stock of LarTiages.w h>ch « DUUKFE, HEATH, i CO., rvumrod by ibe p«cn8*my o< tbo dioensn. SHELLS. * CRACKED <>C.>A, far tha atBctaaa tory, 1 must say woald go far to ealabliab pus;l are all of < ur own •uharqueatly tyraaap ha waa aa diacTaotfallp dioB pB opB Aa iaportaat bob iavolrad in Aia a luu tHiuuda calonoal; mauufattare and war* ef H** bcft material and wont* All Uieoe rondkiuns wo boRrvo fo bo porleetfy fulfilmd la Ummuiu and Ataalahb doctrine, unworthy of tA luv do Blue HU, ft'^ag. A Aaier. and Shirts, panaattod to aaarciB arar tbaa. taid, latter tha Acrata r of Suite; White Fancy ffi. Ibap aad afaraawid ftom y we maiifthip. e intend that our work shall be neat aod Lastr. A Ma American clmractar, now-urlby of lA American peo- Foraaklovhy U«S] SlTGl.lFPE A HLGUEh. foarlte uf a eentury are a*aaufaet«Mvd o# Coomo of tbw tAid Bpaatodip, that Mr. Ciittoadaa, far toataari, Ara, eccordioclr, to aak t A faror of on early n- ful au 1 for durability fulm wwnknt— of nbv unittcnfnr <»rgna, Fur ante by tfodr t^nfo. U. C. Mnr—v, N— Tfok; hit riacaat iia af hit aaat to tha gaaat t Ibr tha tration dbpbyvd its valor at Grayiowo P brlgui pouudi, ja*i i\c«uved aad fur aale by OPPONlTE t'OLLELK PJaATK. Insuranc-o Aa apifk af aaAralixatioo iarolra in tA Bine ab- —wA, Aat t'.tPE ISLAND. Choice First Class orgcnoinl dobffity ol Uk* system. Ils omvt« nrv n mat Wsa. U. tirant, Pb^fo—fobta; T. V. tenndi^ Bate- jets NguKJE, VViCMs, A CO., oil Main at. U fauiilbr wuh Ae late damooatratioa agaiaat Far- mngtrnl. yot Uh* enrv rudteni. It aient— na viafoat murer; K—nett, DwdWy,— i fteafoaaut; and by foop. haaMt af tbt aatvllad tpraaC Aad pat tba Tory aalnia dapna Aa reciprocal oepapeBante of alb. NKW'YORK. CaVPF MAY, N. J. commu )e3l di’ml* shock tu tbo srstom, bat, goatly i non— ting Roelf tbrowgb oofo foworaliy. WALrbd H.VkFB fo C«»., protactiuc? agua} —wA, Ibat has aot furgotten with nbat b- ES8E llABa.^ks baiU Jean; Hara Gold Leaf Tubacco; Baatattt tba Sfhica, vha vara aa appaaitd to apaa ebaoa aM wbolo fmau*, ro Uie riiiU ouergy fo narmal astkfo, dJmfo Umsbidir. Amilabla Mexico J in du 4u du 11 Uar>ey du; wHI ku wn FIRST CLASS flOTFL win bs ibe u— — M— that fonian energy was pnrsmd—aod wA, a" sMONTII ANU ~a'i7l Ea\PENMKt!l i Bntartaininc Ac oaiabn born ddxeai Jaat reoelved and lur aaia by K opened fur the reception of GUK4TS on Wednesday* nad. whilo enabling nntofo fo throw Ibo —nso. It tbar- aaarp oaaatdataltaa af prUa aad Bdapaadtact aad Aat undaratands tA eager and Apationt noxioty PaI u. a local agent is waiiteU In avery coanty eanotry, of all natiritier, will Aacaforth tbe 15ih of ottgbly erndicmleo (be effo t* of d tsras* . af An A NOCK., W1CE8. A CO.. Ml Malu aU lu ihe L tuted State'! aad Canada, lu engage lu a reapreta* day June. ! DICKSON A OH.MORE. Baahaad aat to tot tbaBailrai lad nkh which tbb AdmiDistratiao NAtntUTKD IN KARLY MoRNlNO- ba toaaaar aad a Bait apaa tlA iaaoa batwaoa allapbsca ood pro- now awaits a prs- ble and boDorable hualueiv, by which tbo above pruSw i63 dImG WF:ST tk THOMPSON. Proprietura. ARK Y<»C 1NDISP08KD T«# KlHK?^WoramooUy r«q—sg von fo InysrUrs *r tss^ *s4 uxt for “pilebbg bto” Cuba will for reabaed. ; Ftehisf Tsekte, tpiBaaiaad aaar bp Mr. Ctop, pra t r to Melioa, wa Ara tA baror to aubtonA oarmiraa — Albva a loav oertainly be For full partirng two auuup* tu pr>*pay poxi* ItdlllLES’ I WUoLKSALE A.NO kKTAlL, poor aAdbat Brranta: jnai r«ca«*ad aud lur aata by R. E. Y«*t we noohivwiy gfinrnnfoo nvw ncr*— of »nergr and a aappart aa at b ar ttoe far Ibt Praaidaary, tbap vaia age). Net^Yo£kciG^ J«*2U dlii** Aat luu haan Aid lacrad from tA foriuaUun of onr ictJ Nock. WICK8, A WHOLESALE RETAIL ebeerf if, hopeful lo«,klug forward U* tW dMlio* of tbo day. bird Wb. B BarAr, native of £af;laad. CO. AND No. id f dr—4. n—r Main, D nm>a*a, Ky . daaaaaaad bp tba DaBtaaaep m aajaat, taBcbarcai, Conatiialiuo, would Ava been matte to uoc of tAaa ARK Vol* fiCBJkXT To NAt 8FA bFkORK 4»K Ob. Milae, aauro of Ecotland. THE MOST RELIABLE UOrTE~ aad aad weak and feobte pzwari, Aat have no means of ra- 8AI)DI.E, HAKNK!lS, AND TRI.NK baB; tha varb af daaaaciatiaa b kapt ap notirc ct fjielaad. Jb. U. aa, dreaeing donbfo du a wrung r And why Aould it mode lo tbuwybi , dwn^ aadand to thia A MOCK, W1CK8. A CO. you of relief from tb«l 4b4*—itag luwlbing at tte i dap by tba aid larilara af Mr. Ctop aad Cdw. Owop, aatira of IreUnd. fi fi gle terrd Gwn*Gon* £4 a so iron* tbe di*v<»d*iua fo vumit after par- ; Franca, or any otAr power un Ae gloA, or to all .M^^sTU F-A.CTORY, of fo<^,aod i tba Somaai Botalioc, natira of Uci'cd .Statee. rchie Pleasants. ca*M iioiiatMi'a Archie TO NA'illVILLK. MAM.qOril CAVF, AND OKAY- pru—Mt dig—lion of wbat bns bn— ‘ foUsaadfoils and .Ufon * Wbic pmnj. comAned ? n UI SOl'TII SIDE MAIN STREET, Ink U4. foo twrfoct Fred. BaarlifaB, pabliaAr of N. Y. Abend Zb- A PleaRaata TaUt lubaocu, very bo«. Id lo the yuuud, SO.N SPRINGS, VIA Ltil'lSVl LIE AN D N.VSH* Fm-ofo, Rifow af ovory d—fi—suiption,i lytion, o—m vvory arifofo n'ed prufeaa to of '- 1 A a man peace aa long aa peace )aai rac«tve4 aud lur aal« by VILLK KAILUUaD AND bTAGE LINES. J4C3 d4uii* Between riecuuU aod Third. If yon iod Umt tbo do— pi—erited b— bo— foo gr— bv «Ynnw—««w»wers• and dpurts—m— ; at— FfontegFfo Torbfo sf ov< ry it t, WaAT Boat Maan ? Htaatar Da^tot'a ap> | dr*cnyfooti; odad of wb—bwbiob iteyItey wglwg| hJseM r— can maintained wiA Amur, but 1 for >aSS MOCK. WICKS, A diiiiiuish tbo quooUly to yonr ro—ntotiun. I c—b — fo ywns- A am war CO. —U [ native ef aving disposed ot asUr* stock of I>ruga ' OroA, Genainp. my and ! teal r—b»m—r—foim— ttivo •* oa cnB.ewfo. afl of who are paaaeh to riariaaati tba without RKAD t:AKKFl'LLY.~Tte grnmne highly —nernt—U j A — t— m atbar dap taaat to hart wAn Aa necwaiiy arima stopping to weigh SIX DAILY LINES OF STAGES! .ModiciueflU» Mr. (^. Schmidt, Ueetpa Keaaer, aetive af GarnMap. H A. 1 can with perfect od BurlmveS liolfood Biturs b put op in half pint fo4 foo want. ongap fib fonts atf ur maaonra As sixe or strangA of the advarury, '«mfideoce rec.>ioinend llmaso&e I baaa tba aicaal far tba Saeddae thkhar af Bart af hit ^ grvn MEsSKC CARTER A TllttMYS worthy of thw patron- only, aud ivtailount oNK DOLLAR per bottle. Tte gr— Heoicab Fo t, aatire of GatBany. age of luy friends aod the public, t . and lA mo-a powerful Aat ibveraary may A the ruoaluginrunDec Ion with the deiiioud fur tbio liulv eel—ted MeOicioe b— inr»^r f* TWO LlNKa OF purrtesing. a ebda af a My views on Au qneotiou may A Ana summad oeiv«d per U. SL'il.VIIDT, j A M F C Kalirvadaud for Rale by t it%cllr.'' u> .Na«h\iUM, i*onnecttng *t Franklin, A. Vifo 8» C R. I bArBOB, aativa of Garmany. Kr., HKWARK OF lMFt*81TlON!—8en tbnl onr namo fo AGUEW CURE.W haadto d np. WAn uoe pteais himmlf uadar protactioa JSUo P. UOWAHl>, Cuacae* for UmMrllHile, Clark«ville, HopklnavUle, CAPITAL I aad aiatp bOb ar Boaa aaatBbitd aa tka As with CASH fl,000,000 tbe label ut every boUfoyon bay. e KeRper und Mswer. 11 kumof Mr. I h iiuvs Schoith. and hav-iiig recstved (4ii Mark., tonu.. boot Wb Aii B aat tha iBatrr ItiBallj Bvvaatd hit travel tn tho*e Utl* TIjd iapitbl fik(d« btfiog iotiblis ttut uf buy Flrd PourthE C.XRY A TALBOTT | or V. W. rA, Wiaconaia. modiation of pUce*. Ry arraavemeul the Cast a fine lot of ' l^DMKVIRDRHO,.noui, FORtuo TMMTHRru r WUOLMWHOLRmum DIA- aje of Ibaleagte watcAa over fau 'every atop, that rnm Drugs, (Jhemlcal*. aod Fancy r>urth) .b4 UruaflaUf -BaaBllY. CLAM OF i«* eoger* caodCdiib Ui* A aw the Htme day to dinner. Idgurikd«N( Cooipany in ti»« UbUimI Stblte. StCaBaa af Ohta aad KaBaAp to Btathtoi at tMt C. E. Maamoai' Wbeuakia. Buckeye IHowcr. Vrti(‘h*ri. i iasi>ecttuUy *oUcit the patiooagi of the foriuer monhst iAbtotoAwtaowlr MARMSRARRS URfOf.VATl.mORfOt.7ATlXO IX1.1 MIL! OR- , ARY tug waves proudly over bis bead, wAlAr b The GrwywkO SpriugitUne ounmet* at L'piuu with the Name , C. D. Fiach, Cjboal Govetwor'r SidcUu>* Pr««criptioas promptly altcmlod II x’z V D !I latfa York. tiian by the Etlxaoethiown n*ute. Psiweuger* by thl* lia* Daabl C. Gallacer, New be ill hour# of the day or uight. j«l difiin Cash in iraosfo and in Agoou* hands 181.’*18 te Tba iiaiiMii sonal liharty, wbilk b engaged b lawful enter- can dine either at MUleraiuwu or the Spring* a* they nia> No Mto rotooSt fa UbAw rolfaS far kr tka MtooriUto to VB laallp Ntrita azkaardiBrp. Tboapoon, New York. 1.'. 8. Trea-ury .Moms per oguL hTtomd)..^. iMUS U Amael C. prefer G the Americaa poop o than a suiw and —ffO priae, and nut otfandb^ against t A criminal or penal NEED buckwheat. A. pgeuos«»N. TUcMi. auKEaxm. m. w. rxmuhsoM. Hondri flM.OTa —Is Kr F— 8:81 Stale n Tha Set rarp aataiallp E. L. Snow, New Y'uA. hoe* are eiocked lil A I I A D C D C hB ataaaid the above In atyle . .Ygno. finob are **nnblrd uflhr, pabke aaapi- | All of a un*unNR**ed and we now fo wdh a per* oode of Aat power, dubooors that eagle and dia- . 818 18 t RUSUELssS t*ruaa (New York) fur aale by country Mudc> duo tbe Co., socurod by murtgageo. . 4 Ka^, Garmanp. by any Hue* lu the aod lu charge of caroful aud : feet certainty that d will emiicale tte dtenm, and wite aita. Tba papan wa tB art dliad vkh featip aad grncas Aat dsg to which A appeals for bis deliver- jests Pll'RlN BKtiTUERS. A. FEltOUSON CO., Real t>Ule tiotecumbored 4M^ 44 IfW W m . ^U ^m I m B ^m m rnm driver*. Al i L L L i aroommudaUng & A no ..oorooco,aesornnee, utmindodw BAoi uaun p—,ro«a', tbntthat nnau bnrm can arte be— Vabatiae Baancr, Gannaap. bUU Koeoivable fo.’dfi 47 ^, uca, if duB cot aflhrd him gRTpaeaeuger* will Sod It to their Intureot *»te Bto toIn qanneky.rit y. at')ac«aB t iAi T ia k. It k pivmpt relief aod to prceiire I a— BB.anv ,a«B c b daarlp aat vkbaB Pator OoA, Garmanp. ice.— la tlarca* K^me landing frum mail-buat aad fur Market Vabio. Cl'T'TTA. A. LjTL t ladrosa ticket* at the .stage Office, on Main 0trM»c, directly oppo* • XKotThat watchwbicb pfbircu).faircta (nsBfrom —tt uy rorairiesnti tfon ffo* rim mma R aoa« by 14^ bonis (*{, 7, aod 10 per ct. lot aoimaUjr) 147,110 oo aicaAcaaB. What daB k ataaa t JoBph Blanck, Ganniaop. die tbe Galt H >u*e. F. MeNJ-ULL, JEFFERSON SAW MILL ' bo uf unnvn— o*rvfoo In tte e**mmnndfte wb—w U gse- 1 Ava Ans, gantbman, wltbont cMdning myBlf >«SS RAW80N, COOD. A TODD. Ota* shares Railruad 8took M.iTf ou Ticket Agviit. I vaBe. Piovonuun fo botbtr Ibnn caso, lor tte —tent «o- Wb taa B itW htU to priaati tba totirtati JaA S. SchoaAld, Garmanp. a4 ** Connecticiit River Co. stock AiMoo ac af to As partbalar form b wbbh your quaatiooa are By leaving order* at the above olHce paa*vugei* will be AND JaA C. Tlaman, Garmanp. \K*UEAT.—S.WM buabeU Wbuat ut supeiiur quabty— ** fiudford bank Stock b,teo 04 pat, gfunped all one, called fur la any part of the city. Itoactoa to Kaataobyl If aa, b b aat iBprabahU, lAm b rad have abown Aat vv o«au tuira abbe, bajaUFF red, to ba aalivateaiu ibe iU ** Waterbary Bank Stock KsSSt 00 Frnacb Hael, M. O., Garmanp. Capi. H. U. BTCHANAN. AT COST FORM Buntb uf AUguat—fur aale. A|>|d> to ** •bat atopt • LUMHKTi Y^RD, 94 Frovideiice Hank Stuck 1.g78 ou waB ar what tBulaaiaM General Pan* uger Agent. et tte L if UbM vara M. Carroil, Irobnd. Je;:* iiUdRN.NlN )«17 dlml* ARE COMPELLED T<» BEDl'CEiit'R STOCM devofopm—i an— , t^n trba bid down by AU ndmmiai ration na tA rate A SUMMERS. Fnituu. between ASM ^ Hartford Bank 8U»ca tte.890 04 W’^C i Wenxel and Campbell streets, TV iplyef tte of rt prwmuaHoryprwmuai^y sympiui—sympimna.. It fo not only tte b—t rs—. arritad at, wkb laaprct to tha caarBt to Loob KapawAi, Poland. 0,470 ** Now Y ork Bank Stuck IP7,4M 00 inurd— fomaboioomforenr Fail— pBdIac by wbbh it 1s ta A governed towards our adopted r. T. FORD, M. n J. U. ('AU>WiI.L. edy »v— yet dfoeoe—ml lur tbfo rlmn of mwpfofsi». uwt USUKIK8.- IV*' E have purcitased a large lot of 184 ** Jersey City Stuck .. l>fo 8. Rwataebi, Garmanp. Dry Pine Beards, bank W afoo ibe ebi oposi. forge quantity we ssggty o Am Siala? What Baaaam vara tttalrad ar citiaaoi a doctrlM Aat, uoA 1 raod tetter of S Nev urltMRua Sugar—Cruahed and QraauUted; vv ** ** VEKV LATC9T PATTEU.1I9 Tte 9m dab aa An aud iuteud keepiuc a full aeaortment of Flouring, fou Mteouri 80 , teo uo CharA Woncl, Gatmaay. Bagging, Kutw:, aud Tahut*; for br ags k wUbintte rente ef eeery body; and fo fofooen aBaBBiidi i tbb lA Secretary, I did nut auppom tAra could A FOBII k CUUHKI.L, Shingles, Ac., lo coouectiun with our Saw M Us. Ulbur MfoooUaueousBankfitucks to be found ia tte Kaefora market, unr slock of bp Saato( Baator af tha toUav- Loou FlaxArp, trarmany. CuOua— Ritf, Laguayra, aau Java; ill tricto, wbore Feveraml AdW* prevmls, —rybady te—Id found uoa this We are now able to lurniih every thing in ibe building man b anlira naiion to asBit. Mulaaaea in bbU aud hi bbU; teve k aad nro k froely both fur eulo and protooilem. It aaaf Daactoa, wkb a rtov to adraaM tba atoottoa JooaAaa Juoaa, F^tcUod. line at the iih«irt«»*t nolieu. dl.04.,K» fo FRESH GOOJ3S, NEW & tbfo prfoe Old bring wiiban 'foe mnob ef afl tte M. Cand i ea -Biar aud Mould; w buped d JOHN BUTTS. ni3J dltuU* A. aftba Draataalic d kmil Ptoot'nar. E^laad. CRAB ORCHARD SPRINGS, KY. FKROUSON A CO TOTAL LIABILITIES. of aU qnalitfos and prieos, fo tte largoM in tte market and pour weU as tbo ikb. Agr«nl»nporionir ottbw aaa idataa hart, B tba Boat di> Ta Willbm B. Barber, George Milne, JuBpb 11. Suay of diSereut ktuda, ; a^ OTOrdera addressed to ns. Uu—tiled Claims ttot 4no illo,0'7i well worthy uf inspection Frank Wortte, Enelaad. Starch, Peypar, aud Puuento; Box 475 Postoffke. will be . u—r any otter ev— dwrweertd for tte ip—dy and essfoin aadaSbetaal Aab, Edward Uwant, and otArs. N PREPARINO thl* adverti«emeot one of ilte principal MB Baaataf raaBatto| tha aapita- Mall*- a—uned aia«a; filled with dlsfsitch. —eculcd in swpe- ewTv ef Inicrmm—la fo, tbnt H eoninl— n* M"**>d* ** Chakor Inw York. tu tjemSt tbe afflicted. Tbi* PAPER HAM;KM.H> \V0UH , Dricgi, I ohfect* I* fainuti* waieiiOd. ote— plough isUMa, cigam, at very n»oderate pricec 1 uftitemL Cun—qii—tty k g— finim no qamfom fo> taaBtf tbair Chlaf aa tba tbaator af tha aattoal Tubaeca CoUnn BaUing. Cotton place, wtilcb la riMug *0 fa*t In public e*timaU«>n on account Fire and Inland NaTlgatlon RUka riur st>*W — Yarn*, Pap«r, Jnra>»* rtecis wbntr—r npon ite a —tit— i—. Tnu— TA foLowiog from Aa Bjatoo Commarcinl Wrayyiug Tea, Ac. of tbe wondertul curative properties of lU water, ia open at , What did Mr. Battr' Srplg. at fair boaltby If now— bnd Daactoa htowaifoSrr to datoaid af hb f or aalr uu accomiuodaiing term* by for Invalid*, but ba* a general o|>eaing COMPENSATING SASH BALANCE! Aoeopfod terms eoosifooDt with salvoney and pr — rvd by a —V left — — ttey ted dm Bnlblb, by tA way ably conducted ond axcal- all tiiuew on tbe first \V. K. AV'OOIY, a >eU ] dfo— aMto to Kavtaekyf Aaron Hoobb, New Yobb, Jana It, 1869. DAVia A 8PEED, Mala at. uf June annually tor the recepti-io u( vialtsni To tbo«e N IMPRoVKD method of hanging How Bach af a balptac window sash con- fon btffodjJ THIRD 8TREKT, NEAR MAlN-_ . a«to aad .fana fa aat ahroa iha «» qMtoto to the tot- teat coramarclal paper, te well-timsd: tn Msarch uf health tht-ae wau*r* are lee mmended by th» V taiuiug the greatest couveuieuce and eeunomy ANaW Ha 4UU bbla Mo. 1 for Ktther acaaoBB guottB. (not ranotr to i lfa . nitoianto rioto ito hN«* did ha OnarLUtBii: I Ava boaor to Bcknowladira SALT.— aal« by , A Bp B awa* ha VB laadp to toad Ma Aa moat dUtitiguMied medical men In the Union; the depura- •4wb mar he put in auy u»aitiuu required by haudllng FKOMFTLT FAlU. Tneto ot 6'pacwtetors — Ne sooner does lA news come K jets DaVIS speed. at. lim IzrilalfaB. oatoBW wtorit tow NMMBtoiB. KhwaatotoBB. (Mttl, Aa receipt of paor loltai of lA llA, m which yon a Main tiveaud cura ive effi lower ri—h alone, tbe ^Uiou of CaAa aad bb anlbacaai aa tba Stato ttokatf from ditCcrvut iccUoim ot lA oouoxry IndlcaDOf a ptospt.| both being c(»atrull«^ by “Tvindow SH.YDES. HttUiarfa-. BHOcttW. 'fttoikarfa-. hOfBrh.. LoMfrh. Atofa doubt; they act like a cliarmeu d i*i«a*iw of the Liver. S*um- ihc moveuient uf tiie Ma*h. ore piB iiad to oA mp vbwa on one of Ao moK im. lower AU the conveuiet*ceM of liCaafoa ihw Swfaott. ooa AiveK, tAe a svarm of cioakibt svccuUtors tollow < 'anal, \ervou* Upward of 91 1,000,000 of too. Pofatoauuu, Pb-b to AktofaM -t Hrto«- Th^ i atoraat i patattoB, acb, Alimemary amt Syeteiu. One of. tbe box ftameH a<« had hr hatUilng window* H to ralattoa pcatant qnoationa that coo praaaolod to coo -id- la lA track; and perAiw te luokioa over oar doily ooij on this plan fa.. la ih. iiWtoo, Euho. rBrol>-ik. aad Daraartowad A tA these spriiig* 1* almuat an Infallible remedy f4*r Steillityf UAVK UKKM FAID BY TUK .d£TNA INSURANC Paia B to bhis Wibuliixtuu Tar; for sole and convenience* which the box frame* canmd afford It IS thta to wtoA tba pafalic waaid weekly iiapers we see in uae cotunia a lavorahle uetioc of by I ul Ihw StoMorh. oil ul woiok. wBra totaMB’tog U ctod to Boaira Itobt aratbo of b AmonoBO oUtaeman; bat in rapudiup Urethral, I r«Y*tatic, aod OvdriaoC«»iupbunU. aud revture* (*aa never get out order, l«ai 4b of no weighli getting (a«teued and COMFAaNY in TUK FAST JO YEARS. roti dint eroiw. Ac,, Ad in aooi Ar coiumo some extravasaot oc. UAY’ls SPEED, Mala street. . rat ra *hw toitowMiVBi trr» m horMc tapraBBtatira of prool catuervaiiva Ibupv fuiH-Uuii* to their natural heaJtfiy tuue For Mllform- won*lwork; n*» cu d* breaking Who wiUcirtkr ma Ac U» require i BtA eowat by a special corteoMndent lo eoaie indefiniie locoii. a mechanic to nag "Caro" wzrafa IhaguatoB lro« thr MwuO. aad . i ato of Dwp‘y, Paraly*!*, Chrome Sons F.ve*, aud Cota* u^ar teUt a part of the frame and nutke "V\7"003Z>’S eloBBt of Ac Upiaabtioo party ia thu cunntrp in If, aenounctiid tAt tA k lods bod oltberswect everyttunx IG IRON -.to tons Hut Hieat for sole by repair*. Window* orgaalacd on a navtonaL teds, with agoneies in tbp uaratlr TBriM tfa BI tot oitka. It oa lawtoaahfa >roia«. Wa kaaar vba cira k. neon* Affectb>n* they have no parallel. Thev al^o »|>eedi* ild* P.YPKK 8T«>KR, Ba P JekS DAVIS A Main et. hung in way may he — Uy Uk* n out for wash WALL coanartioB w Aa next Preridenep yon attach to away or that tlu droodbt hod bean si severe that veaeia. SPEED, of Clrrunic ng or principal ciMet and fowno. cash trausaetfons li— from ifaa to MBignafa and to grttoaa uaroBaa to i.totiiaokr A ly cure the wor*t rase* Dyaeuturv aud Dlar* • itherwisc; but It cannot be done Third strsei. n—r M—n, ri rl with Uie Iwx frame win- tbe Objections II takes . rro da iidy Tba Cia aai paparaaf toat Maadar, iMio, frwiL OM fiaia hod beooau parched ud wiibered illatsaee ol tbe crvulit System. Applieatiua made te naktioz to lha u.o:ariato dhtifafa. waabaarr- ap peait iB a daprae of iaputtar.<.a which pcrbtpa ANVAUED HAMS—MU Sn«ar-cured for mie rhea; to fart, almost every that b cunlfdble i- efiu* dow*. Wiuduw* buoc tu thl* mauiier lebdS bt# idJ f3 Oypwdfo fowter odfofo (iateisterved bow oA Iheu vib a Lenbc boil siorm, by eu*t hut *b ml one- any duly anthonaed Agrtil prumpiiy attended to. Iiy ot dmUr whifa nio-ord to Ihw iafatot .a. ikto wdl ha • aoro- ad, aaaaaa iwd the arriral iezs et lua(e*the<*da. There ia ti«> wa er known (hath** alteration ul tbe frame. Any one wishing -I com croe. to teat the mer. •udsacurfty for tne future. FuUcles nwuud without delnv aoBfa lur iwwrotfaa ihoa ewar. aad faw wto roar rokto oeaadaaUp iaportaat coaeidaratiuo of IA relative ivl bn's unpruved Mochuie. rocetvaa and lor ta e by the same cuuibiuatiou of ingredienU that act with «uch i f- iW of tb*H improvement ran have window* i aditor af huug aud ' a%bt ; tha tbt PaBirtat taiirad tha faL Wbea Ae appropriets saaaon cemea rouA, we eheii hear pay bf trwto la toBWIluBIa. ll Ihry g.oto thaatotHto to tha ratoto- and raciptocol datiaa of tA citizen hit PUB C. OkMSuY'. hc«cy io eradiratiog direa e* frum tbe *yMtem. Tbo«w in nothing f4«r theio if they do not fulh cou>e to povarn up lu iheee reu- I that Ae holt worm hoa attacked Ae couoii ptaal, or ihioa amu*euieut aud ^lea*u e cariuot find a more de. W. Agent. triNVALIDS, (MB thu iwatttly oiltoda eearrh of VERNON, iowiac Baniac. M'Nvtoc biBatIf, aa tbb B B aU toeB awd af Aa pororaaMot to citixac; than reseutatiou*. .\ window bung on this plau may be *r*a at a tA has been too moch wet or too nneh dry weather, becked *‘Crab (ir> hard Soring*.*' ^ \|ILL AND CKOS.H-CUT SAWS— liglitfui resort than They are in tne *t> re* uf J. G. lK>dgc A C«., McBride, or t^offi— In LoaisvUU No. 404 Malu sir— betwoon UFFFIRING with fuDciniptiMtt, Ifoonchitfo. I> o athB aaBaiaaa, a ctoB foliowB af which A hipAr, oaure iotematinp, or impuriaat up oolamiie of extracts, frooi Ae moat lelUble aA ald- ivl Hoe's Saws; JauMs i, raagtoi A MUI full view of Uie muun aius whkb alHumd in -tcer. foxes Deally. .lefliTaou ufto motMf,Blwul, ll.toriwB.to,l|oare*n<— i brunichroaic t'ooahfungi i Ob on street, abo « Third, wlier. any io- Wall aud Bullitt streets. SO Vtki—V^ W. D. Ageat, t, \ V'DP’C 1 .'itll'irtll'* rlll<5 oh tudcuu from Ae cation Woodiuush Mcporltn's Mill Saws; BKACU, Jefo*rsonvilfo, aad t**t.* l AoUm not Arihk fnmi Aa Albalo tvaponaibilitp A only by .Y. H. l>eau at .Nock, Wicks, A C'u.*s. No uu« else nectediMctwd with or predfopueing(.rudfapu.iB< Cun—iniEuarauMi vova dMdifli ultg, d v/U lllcll Ilv 1 IllO, crop Aa preaeat aeoeoo moot A luUy otte-Aird leos Aau DiKttn'a at, BaB eafiaec>p, a w aBbar af tba Badara, aad, du do; ha* power or right to make i«ie of teriitory in this WM. M. LKW18. New Albany. augO deodfowoowly Aitt, thoto adHetod with Ptoal>«. ur pal-v. Aiaaari ra. w yarn Ava iapoaad epB in«, but pruooad frankly loot stale j Spear A Jackson's Crosscut do; as Mr. Ih'an controls the entire Stale. orders tot o aad wkhuat It la ttme toeh ptaeUcol jokea wera AU fur haug* kPO?ESOr family physic fraa Btoi topakp to Doaptoa. dBhtbat raaorva to aaiwar your lataiTupatoriB played out; Aey are kowlond's du l rt>kALLTUKPl a — do; ing window* promptly atWuded tu by' To A T.Vr* dt. lM i woei eefa'iu-a, But Up by ditliooaac opeeulatora. to Aa boat af ap jadpmaat and capacity. Toe Hue A Cu.'s du do; iuay> dislm__^ G. tern are informed ib*t Dk. FLOWER, of N— York, b— —o — cwmpu-d Ufotdfo— wkbln tte mogs ef tiMfo nr- a MsMp toraaad aaa. Ha to to At heart af tha tricks ut Ae stuck leiord ate Atrudooed W. IMIANK, AgeuC | mto lA nw- Patent Tooth du do; ANI> stiwi t. between Woi- rurely wHberoud ur evads tte—. Tfodr pe—uni Whan I drk road Oa bttar of tA token on «< MB— un Fifth str— G—Gro— ond t—nt—n enn ^ralary of uiar Aoliche* of Uode ; aud ju t as the Watt street ur 8tole aaBBt. Oo band and fur sale low by DeSt] C. uKM.SBY. cuim of people w hu vmlt these Spring* U the elite of D uk 1H59. west *idr, wboro te moy te »>n—lied doky oo tbo Ing preyprepeiU— —nreb, ondefonn—. ond fovigs—br —*ry Summer Arraugfueut not, we*l j State, BBC tan dipt aince, I wb inhnitelv iiur- street Aar cf4**s duwo certatu stock, Aat may at a IH59. A Ay iaua. MusisMppi, ArkamutM, and Keutucky.and compare ob>»voobtivooiftdoi^ oU inuiorinuinr dfo—dfoeneeesee tkl tte SMb dn/do/ uf July, yurt—port—n ef tte bumnn or— iiani. serr i a ing tl* dtmnsod oo> POK | a bi i pira all ptbod low tteure, end Aeu plays Ae peri of Ae to reolioe Ob aic w cm tha bebt tha pabbe da- that a doetrioa ao fall of icjooUce aud ouUape AU e Ctutlagea favorably with any In the world lur inteliertual endow Info. bun, o*ond reebufoig us fookbv vifolkfo-. A* o eon—qnswnn blah Bare, so do outtoa, I Ae Aur, and sudar speciiteturs uionte, wit. te’auty, snii fashion. complete analvd-* ut mvolid fo b*w«d duon oilb tbaa. if ha vBI faB wo hara (B k Bpaaarad to me) abouid now for tA firat time, A QRA.TSON SPRING TRAVEL. FAC f:N KS. Dr. F. enrteldrr* fonsnniptlon o rnrnblo dfo— ond uf tai*c‘ prupk*rt‘—g tbe who ; aa CHAM Mb Aat ha wil. turuiidi mauy iMiyrrv Uiruugbout i1m» euuo ry with tb**lr oil wOrre there iwwinu *i>iu* cbonee ifovwrei debkky m tttiim bed lo find bfo bsnitb ur trvnt* it io ynin or | Biar B 1 aaadviiod, A oat forth bp tA rapreeanu- •iaU-uMiuu ul Uie yro«y'rg>’ i iwd by o idB that he vbT, if ha euntrol ^’HE I'NDKICSItINl D II.WK REE-N APPOINTED uf remedy; wbore tboro a OvzOO, polfokv— only ore odnun- «—in* r o f——dy on— — tira Ban af that party abiefa hae Atatofura baldto- may matterv fur an exorbttaut advaure. aacb Stale Geoiu^i; and Robt. peier, hv D. D.uwen, M- l> , . ^*LE AUK.NTS lur Ibu L'llit—l stato. fotffed. halp i r:, oBd t;aBB«lB dB k. Tbit Bfriadia b atn^tbiaid bp ally bBatod of t-oicp 't rausylvauia Uuiversit)'; cau be Heeu tbe ffoinSi of every tA uolp irieoda to tA b>ra M. lb, of and at fur to« tola ut Ui« TiM* Tl—tn*— t smplAvod for 18—ooee of Ite Ifore* fo by '^vlfuniyNut ot do ttey — Iteoeory dnjcu— on Louisville Nashville •Ml., N..M.M A uutir turaklFcbenp. Bugg*c««je i X and KaUruad; lm-ak*a*t My phyaieiaus' Drug S ore In Naicbex. Mice . aud at the »iibrr porb* e«bOi>»> sfoe foimiJibis nml ten^*^ atoeaBaiaaeM. dicect nppltro:ten to tte —bfo—4 I body, bwl | mony wiiii pn»—b> ond wvbnkl U— syr i »— The og—t brfow — d W — BlU B^rbMl to Ad that a docirioe ao up In » BMCuud. All perauue lu wnut would du well tu cnil Halt A Sinckler. pruurieioi>: (>r at llhT* llutel, John y* taar atoB aar aaichbar'a aato ro Aob tba DtB> More Gold Pi.acKRa-GoLu ix Eovrr.— 6, t* 7. aud tem. AUof »bFborepmmpt.r#*cttve. ond— ft*. my A—«rfona Almnnsc. ms ts iiiing serbb—leoeftbam ^ TA befwTe purebduriug. HiU, pro|*rietur, at efihur one of which laid | fall «f aovaliy and •rror should ha%* tMMm nnaane Juet Auubed tvu vrry Sue l*arties visiting gn from LouHnrille naiucd hons— CU.VMl’AGNE ttekT w*o In Ibo Mbimg > nor* a>i tn the Sprtnn can to WINES No cboigv for —II—itetbios — loU* r or pmi—Uy, or o r enr—sod dtr—tiu— for SAanaetown IlliDotaaa aaya : Ruekavey*. Uh* must sumptuous laie will always be foii^. C. BRADLEY, Danville by Imilroad. aud DauvUlc. twenty milce, tu ol If form, funt—cted Mmeleo, . JforbW in—F—n u/ f 0/ proat comAr af polilictaaa and eommunity by tA anooaoceniant of actual dia- wiU be lu waiting to miive off wltb them lo tbe namely: atatesmen wA Aa pioprietois Will have one of the moi>t p4>puUr men iu the Spring* to ond > **^1^..***^ they Olid kindred dforooss. d frMdtfov J—dms, o—y rtlMd oarery ofpoklm adjuinlDg PRIZE MEDAL PIANOS. dinner, or ran dine at their pleasure at t 'uahiuan** a ite or otefirnot—o^ im fonw- AA olwera spun aad laceived Aa aid of tA county of Wh ia. cunntry, who is well known Lo Kentucky, Arkansas, and ' rW'uffice hours fro— »UU 13 ond from IbUSdoky. * ing fiw o lew mote ef tedy A k to bb pafar. Ba ipwatad good Hotel Id mile* distant km k wkb a ggemi LAKGlJiTSOL’THEIlN LriJuUtana, to the Sprtugd and give tbe vii»iu*i> ken l . oilrto.^ I— tbo fwnuv— faeaipn alOBBt da to t truth or falaity of tA report wa will not FIANO FACTOKY. euperlateod LA FKIILL AM) ng; dMbfowfoufo . ib*no. They mrv on nro thu , b mach cooried Ad ca- A R£Tl R.MNG—pa—riigiTs will leave the Springe KUBIS. every aUeuilou that the/ need. in the , Ite resiurnk— ef w«n ond for—gtfo •mertc. Ba haB’l area i l »i may tl— ef tbe Wood ond rhnaw adc that be mm iBOBd shoot tA liou of a ,opular alectitja, luK pnteLd to aerify, At genUamen from that AAtp IV’M.KNABE A CO.. UalUmore, Md.,bxveb*euavnrd* moruing, reach Riisahethtown lu lime to diue at that l•lc• "* <>» KAMUSITE EIJtVOK There is ampie ruoui for ^ visitors, lieeides all Ihe u-ual and iruity te V V ed guld inedaU in four lucomrivF t— and i* gnaranteed ttooptoa stapiaed ^ wbuta word ralmaca can placed mr« yenra, nt tbr Mary. %ud take tbe tlxpie • Train at 3r.i5 lor LmiUvUle, at which to vumparo layurably COSTI nl C T itoniti . arha OA ahBid Ara forward to delbud A Aa atorp sourt*e« ot amusemL'Ut found al such establUluui'Ut*. AT COSTl AT Ob dtA*! Bad tha Ad with auy in** j Inud InctituU*, BnJtlmore, for cununued suurriurity: n* place thrty wdl arrive at PM \Y In llie Aiuerbrnn market. peritoct Aa riphU if tbair fallow-atixaA, to ctedante aa a udeniable fact. It u atatad Aat _k! 7 dlfilS *‘RL' III.**” elan tbr liigbrat avnrd* at pbUndrlpbln, Rkbiuoiid, Vn., Fare through frum D*uhvilie to Spring*, 4i4. U a Hue CaUuet Clu*nii*agne, of a b— a* apecimena have Aon taated sii4 pruoouDcad WeMiiugbin, nuJ ttful Riibv color ahtch uatuial wboB Aap owa so haarp a weight of ooligatiun genuiA D. C.. Moutguiuery, AU. Teetimumnk BEWARE OP BURaLARSIl! Ag* uUat DMusviUe,J«iS t' >M BS, llxchauge Hotel.and u tu tbe Wine. This Wine iPN » u had baB BbaBt w uud«»ubu*dl> uoe ut th«* — Cbb At toipad arbicb aad praliUMb far tA ptaM of dbliA ^7 competent judgea of tA metal. We ahall of excellence giveti by Tbelbtog, Strnkorch, O. SntUjr.nnd «t Fagie House and llili** H>>lel, liUixabt-thtowu. fiueui Cabicu'tCtempagnos pro bn AA lAp di^ in k iwe, and ha a large uumber of tbe beat muMclaus and amateur* In tbe DiAai oefrum LuuisviUeCu KlixabcUiluwu, 41 mile*; k MaDu F RuM GRaPF:8 OF TMK At Ito FuBrih Mrort, kwtwrwB Mukot and Jrlfcnoa. B waiAtly bta. It b ctoar AB Aa tojonotba, boM bp As Bdragaa Ad rupport ot tA nAarai- Axicurlr awAt tur.Ar AvelupoicBta, wAb oa from Cllul. KriT yiUfonun, Urme country. KMxabethtuwo to (iraymju SpringH, 27 mileft; total distance aKLfcA-TlO.NH Cmmte, CUkt mmm, Cfmr^ readera AAl A fallp adviBd of Aa facto. * F rvui tlM» lung experleue**, .HAUA.tlK A. JONKfa, “Moii'a tan womMit” hB daliraBd bad valara af Ae oooatrp. I do bA rrgTA, tAra- Win. Kaabc A Co. revpeetfully Invite tbe aiteutiun of t»H miler. exh-ndvo possessions and vfogfo, /nrvs—I rowmnffogn, mtd (te rotfr/ baB to bis to large means kCSINfatS fm fata, AB Arooph Aa kiuduom and etpabdenoa im tbe paMte, and enpecUlly uf mu b a* are In want of really Ri«d from Klixabetbtuwn to th« Spring* good, smooth uf the ueil known buum «4 JAM4UF8 N (N)NSEUl KNC'E t»F DFA'UNIND Aa a * CurnMmftim /W—fo m ifo—pvif ibiyrs Bok iBpaatoc Wyia. Aad ba b afaaarriap k flret cla*e Piano, tu tbeir well ainorted atuckot um^oui* ut*, diady r««ad, free fiom Muuipe. ***/ERG fo t o., aud tbeir dete* miaatiun lu furuisb I wiH ok. r ^ pibd paor opportuBtlp TA calcIwAad CAmp care, removed from A taki’” pleasure asninng the I'ublic that bp Mb Ae baa bees a<> Uour- C. IIAIHG in YV INFoB which shall meet wiui of* fUwmsm. ‘•y- vbirk have been, by judges, prououuct^d UBrivalk-d, lu Nu exti a charge for ounveylng pa sengerNor their tbe approval uf mu—mers, I ^ Ba k platoly baBB k aipii liaA to ibia county by change of vaow, J\a hpfpATF.NT SW IVr.L-MimH> KFY** isaiwr. bag* rtafl ^ At BwaxpaVtadly adiifdad ma—whu owe aotbiap tu b now on puiat of rolatue •weetacMi. aud equality ut tour.aud agi Tri»m the iwi^oiat w«* that a trial will luJIy ee abltah Bu.\!lirrs, RIRBU^H, FLOWERS, ^ , ac- gag** Llixahelhtuwu tu Uie botcb, «ir Inwu all we ko wide l* tbo field of ifo mofnlnom ond — nwma— n* ofw oaeral and tAat alaamat of >^01 N> tA FayAte Circuit Coart. Thia abl* aud easy touch, combined with tbe be«k btiiah. lu ilie claim for ibe excellenc*- of the— Wine*. At pahib to At darh. AA ipfaiAfaraipa g Un nt whichvRicb I1 Avehave rpoAn,rpokao, andaod b s pruB- ol h(4«le Dep<»t. M. AKTllUK. AMP TO! tte — s ef ke cnrws. tbol olmeei every —rfow «f isenliy entioo bp lA Commonwealth of Kbrcrt Every Jnetruiueut guarautdted fur five yean, aud a prlv Uixabi'ihtowu, Ky'., June 1, 1H5P. mdsdieim pnbltey bbofantftn wMcb,arhlA, bao oaaoao of AetRe AowriuAAsertcao orgAizAiua,orgaoixatiijg, CAmp lor «»r oj*eu It, time making it purfsvilr secure. This Key caL I si —nds In in*v—no known who bnve bo— veMo—fo vcoBtoO aB tmtimm ampbber Aat tba Uege of exchange given at any time wltliiu mx luuntlw, t’RAAlEK, CiooUfa iitoW ie Sisrr, 'k* commiari‘>a cf a rape ufKto bU be at a voF* siuad ex;>en-e liitiM to almost a*iy kind of \BEli(J, & .M’CLOSKEY, fto— alarnimM ond ev— lai Mreis d—r— ef tbo Innfoi te 1I AvaRavo baeaboeA Aidbald «f»op asaa anao lovaleia'ctovaieta'c enemyeoeeny loto Alall aitier-in-law, luiirutneut entirely na l buuld an not pruve MObdak’iury. A tih d. lis >rlly utter RAM bB ABPb af atapi^ to Aa dark Ifk Rcs- Sally Champ, and exettoa door htcks In itre. I'heCUT repivoeLGati **UUTSII*KK*' IK IIROAD STREET, .NEW VuitK. At Nrw 1 ufk ariew. to efato ual tho wholo Aoak. Afo w—. W ten on— —pe— over r—rv hiaitoroigMA—aara ofaf Aba ceoAiiogamiog anaa aatWearl/ and aarseataaraeat advo H great iotorast. eaU k* rMiNfCttally aiUcited. WM. K.SAHK A i O. p liisert«*‘ible tiiro It from tbe outside, 0EFER Btr a for the imrchaw aud ieto wtei ontldut* L> «—nfoy for tte tee ond dno. • •*** aowcatB k aaaaip. prioaipb Davb, from tu avot I d— B The InA a few day*, to wbicb tbe attriitlun of tb* prufemlon aud 1 oolm ut J. P. THOMPSON'S, Oflii lAbwfAtn A UaOA aiwinobfow tzeo. or tn any way force it out of the lock. I gfrpo— sflecth>n**f tte pnsmonnry nrgn— Itae oaakkotaoaonaititwtsua ofct tAthe L'cAdUiited StoteaHtote* it te and W. W illiama, E»| , of B iorbon, and Han- to to ha diaatoaad; BpBy Aa u amateurv i* rv*pect/uUy iaritad. aiAdUam IMFgH’IKK INK I ap awd wa call |7*Pb'a'M' call aud examine It. OM PosNiffio* BuHdlor. OF 8, lo onr ci.molo. W b«fo mnny lofor>— . — ndfo* tbrws* ^on b ob aaiphbar that “Coagraaa“Coagroae oAUMmtl have power lato ° to all pmoa.ptraoB bora hapBilbtyoad tbeA Ae S'aUaS'ziUe Obocrvtr. attend k«ud» den A Co. K«*p4*ctfully, PrN. T. Sl GsIvasizpS ln>a Rrh-igrralsn, Icc- ~ of Houms, fthgu, and Fancy Paiuilug, Glaalug. Graiulug, KWART. mlall Aatbe licteright, and pnvilapBptivilggaa aftf aaMmlDBtaral bora duxeut,diixeue, _ Co., CO.. Marbliug. Ac., In tbr vary b^ «u*uner, at ebvrt notl^ Rxncxxm Eh.>>M«nin A B. J. Adams, R. Atki—y>b 8ter>l'—lrrs, 1>R. J. C. AYER & Oar aaiphbar hB Aa pawtr B ptoo tbaa tbo LmiiiUmitt of lk« L’aitiudL’Bitiud Stataa,Stetoe, Ov«»rix>w.—TA VicAburg Whig, of wsley ihCNts *b4 W and k •rar thoBtbooa boratwra wilhmwilbia As lA Aa aud at prioi-* to eott tbe tliua*. O A Cu., Louisville, Ky.; .Mania, t!ubn, A t'o. Hew* UtWRLX. MANN. n - 16tb inaL, aayai tu. ~ b bia dw^ to an iiabi the pawar. OBotal awckMseb ae by Aetbe oetwtilationertuti *r*b. Aaythey araare rxex- Mixed Paint ot al le« Bto aBS.. WBl ba da bk B A hMaM M Bi a..tow IMtofa hr AWBdoraad JalilKT water it recadiog alowly at thb •laoUy on hand aud for MRie. Co., New Urleans: Cobb, Mar.io, Co., Hewiit A Co., ^ew or arlU ha, Mka Mr. pcaauyneaeely azcladadezcladed from.frooi. Inlo porroarueparraorue ofAitIbitoiitburityauthority .,?’*? poiaL BETWEEN MAIN AND THE klVRK. A Moobro, Itotoaiitfa; Sabo. Kcktoria, * .to., ctotoBaafa; dBv, MapoSa to i^aid idiaxlng to order. York; Brooks, Johnsuu, A k^., J. S. Cheiiuwetb ti toin. “ “**• viaibla on Aa done Je18 jAMf Cu Laafat and Mali I ili n rowr, w«toa. bee paoaadpaoead bwatews ofuf aaArtluAion,BetortlUBtioa, withoutwitbtoit Lonitiana ahb, aad . Baraord A to.. Sk OoBgroMOoagraaa hB Cincinnati. may 34 diiAiu LOl'lfaVII.I.R. KV. *'*** A, tAra ttyto shbriidhtti o toto • B tha oeatt tf lagAdlagBid tola Aathe utogaa,usagee, ragalathmo,ragabtiuoa, or reqoiremrn'arcqoirenicn's baa bBB BA-fa damage dona Aa PRI\li: iMPERItL j8*ddinga,, aM druwaiog M.lCD0\UI)’S I.MPR0VED RErRIliER.ITOR. paiiepr Wa oMU aaa. afatharof ethar gorarcBBtagawareflseata from which thorntbooa ddABingmming lAtba of stock, yat Aert hB XOO Tlxlx-ca. Stxroot. *** many fanna made rich by THE FRl.'*KLI.V KEI'RIEERiT .R. WASlII.^OTOt I.^SI KLtlE C—PUf baaadiafaeaelto afof aaAimluattoaaatnimlunttoa Avahave SBpatriatedeBpotriated Aem-tbem- tA depuait, and b I plsoa* Steasboala, kc. KT. “**"• Aa land b BAly ICE CUEifTN br PUauDoka, ! UF LuiTSTILLB. talras,ealvas, andaad wMAwtwitbowl l•fttonoarofaroaea tola any btoraAionalintoraBtiosiel a foA bighar than It CHAMPAGNE, Aturs DOXALY STRAIIEIL tewlaw BOB tbaAa BBbJect;arAiact; aadand imderimdar theaethorn UwtUtti tbat»tbote oraara As ovarfiow. VBOU THE liLOBE W.4TER-C OLER. CtiaTtarad Capital SfiOUOOO. I WATER-COOLER. I aavoral baedrod tbotieend parar«s of foreign Urtb PM MBEKS A\» <;IS.,'ITTKUS l)E \ ENOGE fo Cu., OggN&T, Fbonen, THE ARCTIC Paid lu and atociu ad 0180,0001 who have, anoB the tevUntsaa of cur Guvaramont, Ari WATER-COOLERS tar OOce I'ae, fee., Me. Mart, arar kaaaad. ooa, Ik* AT COST! UA8 EIXTL'KES; HATH TIBS; used Ot the . (jtoao. Borih fada to Maia BMOBBead all eltegteni-e lo tbair native ooBotriaa ' touro to B. P. scakx. F COURSE I SHOULD LIKE TO CLOSE OUT SHUWF.K KAT118: V»ATP;k CLOsCTS; luiperial Tables .WACUONALU'M on tbe Coatioeet of Europe. sliiatorafahY aad to all other faraign frinoaa, poteotaina, vtoiaa, extensive stuck WASH BASINS; ! RISKrtoara ra I tpa danaad wkb O my pieseut very uf Buggies, butsUU SHEL'T LEsD: Aa powBai aaMBBBa of FLKF'F.i'TLY* pun* and delicele wino ot mualoroto InproTed Ok vanised bon Rafriserator, ra. hr XtMtLLd A^mBjK or Bovare^ttee whatever, and baviog token Ihe thsrw nr* more euming. LKADA.SD IRO.N I lFE; FORCE* LIFT o STEAMBUA ttoa Aat Aon wb n URA-8 FAL'OETS: A price, od—irubly od«pt*'d lo feniily use ond ropldly UB •‘ratofaal and SotoaHSr Pria rigto. lha hato and ttoto ^^2vtodra.aBd hr Uto araal BMdM«n^S TiaBirraA pni^to STEAM V’ALVEJt: I BOtb of feUlity aad alhtotecce to tba Usilad StaleB, bo—ming csioblfobd Mooia, I UBBtotortoUua; Boif'dUi' J- SUES. KEISTTXTOIC'S' STEAM WHISTLES; OIL OLOBE* ou fsvu*ite in the tmy of .now Y urk, euavBBfaol oriiefa ia ooa for ttiuIlBC and frw«rvta« —^KTto lala.'d afaa. they have teto the Aasoiicaa foaiily horiug elirUeii tte u»-.M tet—riMg tentimouiol* from the Honor. Pruito. WiB«, Ac. aitt aittito ktoBaifatofa. baaa adasitud Milk ^ M 11 .1.- aad at ian propri«u>riiut art i tiu a to IM oa BdofB«d ouiiaa*; hara .ohjzcted itMiaMlvw to Amanoiui luanraxic* Company, UWEDLINtlN AND FAl'TUKlEri ike H«^ HoTLL, .Hr. NlCtloLAd t»~CitrMlan and Cordo, rfatoc faR da i uiaMirruks. RY. t^EsiTFwKN 1 will orot to oaz addrvto ott arafa OF LOL'IHVILLIC, KY. LOCK AND Safe M>NDFACT0 PITTXD WlTtf HoTbU lltrTElra M PTilupoLl AN HO. IT' Tran—* ariiefa, ha sraar. J- F lirotod. Ita* |ldalll ^ tl mliktry mroiet in tim, af war; UP I P ChorlMwd Capital TKIto A8TOK HutoK. JONF.F llOl'fiK ond oil tte cmlhiB. tog>a di daidw. .w< a ttOMM A. V. HAUIU. Acaat, w II. P»ra. M- 'S-JfAho. BTO IteU* to ha oolted opoa to Mcridca thair tiiito, Fold la ou4 BacBTod iluu^ looding purcliose rs uf fhompngiie in thot city, W. towkhardt, No. IW Third rtrrat, batweaa Marhrt ood JrffrrKO, STEAM, GAS, I h-roaktartor. oraraotaae*, OMifort, haolth, aad attote to Dogtact & WATEIl buhl by kb(* priucipol d* otora tbrooiihout tte oonatry. HDNRY A. DDMESlfn. * CO.. UBd-akarta*, W. , Thli CoDpoBy U BOW orfoa- -r-\ J. IL K Ward. OU tha most reasonable terms. I th*ir faiiiltai LOUI8V1I.LF., KY.. mayl4 dimis aad xo hazoid tbair liab aad o^^MP^Ioad aud rood/ to •B.ac.lu o W~?ite NEW OkLIANZ I WM. JAlTTk PrMditoL E. V. Il.tI tillH UlT, !!tole Inportrr, , life te pBitenim thz caaaiitattea aad teig tf tha osJEha auarol tiariB)) aud Fb* law- lM|SarX EEPS roartantly oa hand THE PATENT COMRI- mtti dMfa WM. kOdd, fatotoorr. ruuM kuriun* oa itoaral toratt. -M— K NATIUN and PATENT HKVuLVl.NG l.’YLIN. DUMESHiL a ifcn.VAnni I 0.MII7 at hoto* mti aB3li^ Ut ahroad, oa th* high mm ar te NEW DRUG DEK AND LF.VEK BANK l.tK'KS that bid d-aanro I. SPRING GARDEN! NEW YOkK. th* mmtmy'o oaoKry; aad anw, far the aral ti*M, tha STORE. Ilurclanand Pnwdrr. AND F1KE-PK(M)F bBteBr IL'KOLAK Two aiui k half Mika from Ibe City, Th. iBlto had teto> obI ta. rao. Th* rljr of oit Ibe PRES- — tooamaa* dorirte* hoa baaa aaataooad froa tha Mateaw. JESSE K. BELL, Fradl,ut SAE ES for Kanka. M.rchanti, Ac —enti Ifordrnct Fire Insurance! SUAI and Wrought Irra. IRON BANK VACLI'S and TOSi STREET RO.ID. “Miaki” ii to Ww ifaie cMt or ‘teftea,*’ k bm^ Wfhaot aathorky kaowa to nor iraaatitattea aad UxBBt Daa* Sarrwtory. Nrw IJafaaaa, ar New York, poiurulor toia tfan raid IpoNImmikS. AIoo. a. (,'. Uaria'acpb-brmMd PaTiN I FIRE " 'PIIE b^UTIFUL CHLROHILL REHOLIVI nHlRAACt C«.,W .1«w Vm*. Bta tew* that thor* ta a* raciproeity BIBBOTOBai PROPERTY HAS j hmb* UtoHq to tan te ki aim. te thta ooepaet; KEY—aperfert aacurtty ac*in*t Borrian and "Uutoldara fl been fitiod up by L!FE S!ZE PHOTOGRAPHS, ' Jawa Wm. Stoko*. tbe suboeribor o* o DtTMKBNI LattK fatotol PaM to aad !tor,toa that tha aW arina* aad tacridoaa or* oatiraly oa tha K. B.IL U. kAILKUAD SWITi:II and CAK IAMJKS. Hotel and WtoAfa kk g tJritNKY E. L- Hudmao, Joha Eoitaw, part tha farriga ,, BAKUKNT, ilouae itoUa buna in tba beat maaBcr, and a'l wrrfc war M ar, aad that tha rmaiiitoaiil will Draataa aud Morob." Uothwl, Soot'l Vorr, SUMMER KESOllTl Mrlaissljpfs, Usrurrnslypes, kt LORILLARR FIRE IMI RA-KC CO, U Sra Tai*. SrCil. Mb O. Wante to te te> fteMantic caa- Fhamaroattat. , toBtod. |.17 dtoi _Il o Short drive iron* PHEISSLER S aA*d htei proMcUoa oaly whitet a* naaia* aaoa Boh't baU. Wa*. £. Oi^ U ibe city, over o ufon— at ro—L H. Carnal Paid to and Sar,laa. arro w. -*‘^— *-•*" *-**-*-^— Phyrietea.' PnMrlpttoaa paidcBlartr ottoadod to >iu gtunnd* hove been ST.. BETWEEN FOl'KTH A FIFTIL *- I-.TJ G arir aa aoU, whan par oa 1* daiuAwtlyl Railroad Stock Certificate Luac. 1^ out wttn gr—t MAiS I>EI»OX: Utm a ha Koad* ia ao aaad ef tU oaoUr. loM witli Bumuiar Uoueee, I>EIsrXuA.Xj 'da* Artere. Areterv Ttot omoiwU I* praaacftea. aad wharo th* tew* woald hara fur- i4bAH.>.,*«. Th* Hoaii bto iSb Aiobo SCHROOT & LAVAL, LUSdM |roto,Mr i tahad pta pratewiaa to hi* parMB wkhaat tmooo- TAXBSI TAZBSII TAXB8III HARRIS’S GALLERY. mOrSiMBto to-d £ MAttLFACTL'KEIU UF ALCOHOL. CO- Drugs and .Hcdicincs, toiatotoattto oa oky far to* roaaaatarina af Sbartr.Otho* oa Fifth othfa tU tead of hi* aotlrtey. all at tu ram, ooa dda ffTXlL»)GNE.aad FL'KE 8PIKIT8. aad doolw. la trutoa. hr LOcUVlUJI lEFkJUUa. s d ii I TV* aad trticiM, ^ rWteia whaa he gaa* ahraail ara at C batwoMi JtAawua aad UiM, far jrour Stato Tax KAglutd itoafboo aad It.auatohaU WbUhlta, for a cwrtiflcala TsUH Ac., Ac. Ba , w*M laodo bow fur ooid otucX la tba Perftusenr, th* coll M tea LuuUvIlfa j foe UM. meggwaw. af Saoaad, ttotawHi Putftk ^a naa aal te dafeaa of tt* hoaor or Haia aad WoUr oiraat*, oa4 Frankfurt RoUruad Coaipur ofur dM Isaal uokea. Morkoi, botv—n ond Pifib effib OSaa. sank dda ok Maia. Boor taaaai^nar^L' k* ri(hcs, h* lh.rMf of JMhnoo ^ | a dia CuiuMf. Leatarilia. K>. y*u dtiwitor nda djBwawv A. B. REES Ex. a P. Saakr. mori I Mr p — - U * I 2 • ^ p . U .. - ® ' Y 1 ; 1 • . . . F vJ 1 1 ,

EITKA AKD KT£AX&OAT E. Tli« TiocluiiJiti CommexcUl.ef I E SS, 1AM, 1 A. K. ilATTKIU. Col:lU:iPoNDi:NA Tii«Tint Pobti-a^pCanal.—PoaTt.A^PCAMAL.— 'no^ I* AK S ALKS^ C^y»l )*v«(«rdBjr, *’*>'*^ . >'*^**'‘**J^* n^y-K 1A4P. TfJ LEijRAPil e .* I CvaruiA>A« Jut 11. . ... - INSURANCE. tbd Vallaay > ll|i>aakllMDt. A ia«vUng oi ttiu **«ulld mai*” of tht cltr f»\ur*b> tw J^ RIVER Lt tvuJ. *?!’**'*”*. j y NEWS. TkR »tttl 1 reftMt-j.01: luyscii lu rii St nwvB# lUw raa*rdAr AuJ Ub* BOV obtAinod *'*'^>*w U«f •‘f* u w *i f By C. C. ,V *•<**1 I Speiicet. ara . R****!:!'" tUer M eoUrcHiueui *»f U»«* i-vi' lit* cauaI wu* Im*JJ >Iav At thia hour, ur. tolil, cha Autriaaa — - Vi die’* Allilr, y%#i*!rU»> Bill UAIUV kutue L-> } witbilnw r—i iBBllfa k i4A^ t 1 a^ t , > OU ^ a^t. La4 mBinem^mkwiw A»rf> verr Cmm a *1At tbf MercliAtib-* Kjtcmiiip*. L**vi* Whit nt*u ll.i v. ol SI WM. S. VERNON & SONS. riom the thrTOipp BnllaHn fivt ia- ^hro .od vken. lij adjoAt Uii* luaUAr triUKHit .auv- *^‘*'A*^ CI.IISIS’'’: HK^U»>: K“-K\Vi>liD 7 UavirR In iha biLU. uf Ui. viaiori Aiir RWa aaJ MaiBuaaaa.a SMaa^v a. 1!!T comioitw*'* VMA AllM>tu’«Ml to pri*e***Ht to laOUifVll «- <«: PIANO! aNI« KTIIIJK Um. wt ‘ mwl and 4 f«w t iadiua in pmm m*4a>a A TAVE PIXTl KKS two at lacilarata Irrphiia ••b. r . TBAINS.TKAI^S. Um — tUR. of thii abaUBaUly BaaM la iH PAl. OF niAke, a« icactiCAl iiivn.An exAUiiUAtM>n • f th«- f.-Ul* a AT fCttTHER pan 1m L-TtrrUla «h. faita. TV U. Fiuhu,b AL’CTIOX. UV lUE PERSIA. m4 J.b. o«i. dowo • ijitoimt k'”yn^uod, viUi A r*ev id fr « !•«! > (JENEIIAL INSEKANCE V i i.l.8 »AIl*ROAD. JJ I.k, J£‘FtXR*OK ' . omrttefalk. Im*In* don.doiM! U»ar»*UiMi* forlor 'h«*'hi* ueorntbeiMtit of our cmuni^rc-,c4MUT»i»rC'-. I - I** rocroni- 7‘ >*wlobK,Jun#w Thhk, Jana 225.?. TbnnlllwwprPordfmMpdr I 7H> V«.,r.. I I i' nil),,i .* ill-ih- \lono Mlot .|.o. ot w’ t, u Bictwt,foflhtyUld Iml. w»i g. .. UARKtTT liAVlb. at Munr ot»' N. «:> VA* l>l>. MuimMot«. i.ll iMjfm, i- h. llooi-r, clminuall. Vt . W, -to- r- lulf«,eoluiiU..f Win J i*2' rv /Xc-M.-Tb. .1^ 4 «(«Mr IVtlMU Wm. U 411111 .. " Ilf*—Iha aUanaaneb alia pOMthe, and aiw bad tabm mo«b «>« - ‘ i«bt viib a Aar irith Mm viH i«Mni la bv* tiH^a. •«•.|l^ J T. WUIouii-on. Wai. UI. UU .<. Il-vi- Ir . E »!; o™ir«tw lo iU». ly thnuiaad pnviKr*; but u hmim ot Ubv. wwa taktn ti«a Pft. ludiad M , — . ^ J^.iT V t"'" r u.ii.«yM iw INo.IM„ 1 “ Mnad. 1 * M. to . m..dniaad Ilexiar.iuidl>i!XUtf, and lOrliardHirli.r.l MU'th.Mii'th. A.\ ai*i .1 ' 8 usin' Whitf St Voiinp’i BAnkiai; Oftcti. nurti iv 1'lilr.winldr.., iain '•« r.^m-iite »bil tvy .r. fOTtb. part Cte^wit U M BMnoa maiac. W.rw.iT.4 spaebao- of vaiNfn ao4 H pMli fromf thif ih*^ reply toto' tt.It. u mat iln- ^-k*i**dToB,Laainaroa, Kt..Kt., JuwJun. U.IS, iW.1040. {TMi^himbcr( of ComiuaicComiuoir. U to bb*c.lliolia*c.Ui**1 hio r'iir r.* 1 “ ...i.T,!! , w *u In. I’haaitan*haaibcr i would ba ^iria-t ait<9 Salem Railioad. Wr BMiirMt laa uiflii kjr mb: Yoar aotcaot. ofor UmUaa ilutllUi ui.t.uiai. oajaai d«.ivA.«dde.lra.ad %oto luauie by Idr-lhaiora aod otl*^ oauUuir au.ftfior Ptaitoa can b«f I ul Main, btflwwu Evurtb aud BiilUlt iir.itU, amaudud agreed ig .. B'd Iiuliao., it may pvbau b. duiiUtad P3BT OP LOBiaTILt,] Albany ralimad i|,^. cmmiUti*., Tlila •.luu l. a. 1 Th. ii Hew ^p fah‘Af pri.'e* Biiypliod at th'< Ur b«4< w raa>ru ro»t. Tbo tb. y.' bK^tnH* tak. wh'ikerwti iker t . Imikliaik of Ik.ifc. AvWMBA vtfi*a wUhnvldi»n naw inIB tb«Ibo i.l.A < i M WH AUMAPaAUiaKV TV E. H Pair AIM pa«M Viakibarc r-ur4ar •»* •**»*. ip..:*h i-nn^i S2^ atore U reuted aad I'OoaH | mu«i U* aheu inimedi b*iv vatioo OB PriiUy, baadi l!.«pr»'-*al A. M will jonmeil till and ad- of itM allio* eboa d b. vifB conBcUy ckai- MaU - w«Wda.aB*aadar.WBlii«. Mr. Timboe. Aud mat f. Ac Uip^ Thoae who |.um»a o havo to that a.a.M J-Jf A my ouucitMion ot ih« uMcu viil (irr it# rrpurt cruot wriirhi rnuiove tbrir Pianoa Im- IvY. At P. M liateljr leOUlSVTI^IJi. vuriaed 4 IIA kVK— IM Ilatliiar of tha »MdU. I UAl<>ruAed Ml'. cVard UcAt i vuuli moA jruu au eu uie after the m’.- iTtmiro, Joor lit v prinoav* w d in.tk.ri. Mr. Jifdfa af IV HallW aal Mr. ' Telearmpk HJft P. Paur • Tb« PtUamrir Pu#t of MoudAy 1 im« ad able articl# on L are propartsS to kaau« Pulkcoaio tb* v«* I.Xpr*'^ P M AAA. b/ Tuu adA> arzi. vhkb be sAid voiud Ov itiAc Teiinatlte aafbo aa the lAtior mid. w.r« Tb. .Miioat. of lat-lot- 4 Ar-Ac* m -oiDi-niim. eeverally ber. y.i tjitlay kilbd aul woaaiUii cam haitUy M**u»nckyha»-forwa*S.dia«*otucky bAAr' forvA^dodlA MaiCniiBiVfoUotB cTaIto p.panp«n tt‘*r 1«1* liic erul t aiUu'nied ui trmuMMi I rnpotiatiBa ^ijry. I tbro aupikmou Jiai uiy yol»uc«l and uUior tbU«Ab>ct.tbU«Ab>#ct. Tbo pith of th#th** uiaU'Tui4 iu foil jwiut; *. C. SI»KNt lif, l-y railway In iee«'T. iiaiiMdp iA>aiavlUc Ptiat laioud cumb# ituu to io>rtrct «MiD b> Um diu.ic of cousiderunla tmd'ae or P wVn mad. TW a. J. Wb<^ kuM bMa brwfbt «p luonu voioa Uuictb of limte Bc««A ursoiy AtAtr 1 taelr Au>'Uoy>eer. N> I 01 dtR A. .I.TN* I.Mit KA.VKiOMPA.Nir OP HAIIT. lacorv rtwl w»i ?" " ‘*n 'n**!.; b »« -vny w«. W^a^r>Ma M aad ha. laid IMU.,d.««rt o-iUinwlii wit^uVw“ b*;uV^!SL....tI ^ i. . V' **r Vm ap M I . I- br"b d;..nonnn.i1 by a ,.,«r 1 ** I'rmiti Sat P. I'Ti.r’llSit.r I'^raTTy By C. EOKO.CON.1 «hCi..tai ,„-«.n Uava at Par a u»o*uof. witb . jL _ AM P M ^ PIIIKNIX I.NwLKAM Kt It.tIPA.N 1 . I IIAlIT- .unUar Inin but kijVsinStaSd. Udco,ainco, Ihatha at a ce imparaiij^lyimparaiirKly triftiuf cucimic tier pruaeute - A.\Ut>N SHAW KIGklTIl olih«. luhJ. arreod;• (ur oel/ 14. WM i 1 AC'ctuiUB. A trtotid abu wilJ br prriiorrd to uauir Um»* SAIF. t»F KLEttANT MrndefAo* r«v F0 KU,C‘«»NN . . . Ca»h CapitaJ nduU.OU >>Pa>TGBas. IxHuaYille aud MaidiTQle Railroad. »:uue^.o ual arouud tbo faica cab b~ wulouod to otio huitdr- d fert, UoSKWiMtl) AM» iMAfhHi.WY KAKlolt \si# -WI IS. af la. . *“ U.-iiin. .Sckumin Tn. - TV 4.0 cat. DPtuMw. Vr IMP., with iud«iMd« baoioabMAiaii for bua a to poa*poaa *^ehi^eh nothor. aud by rou> ClIAnhKK FL k.MTl ^ON Ft ( O.VIP lu. “-h"!’! T lnr..k X CiB. Aaaln Vaia. » f \.< I ^, £^!::2Siir,“i:::“^ H’irMoNTliy ilTV FIKK b [rY.Tnc‘n"' M. VaMitiUr o( br*eli apDuiQ'rd^** . I . acc uotui 0 rbd CKA.V a Muflr lock, four bundrrd or four liuudrisl and CkKltlT ' ^ *“*•'coiaf '^'*"‘»»nd*refoninon.ivo at.* rT* ^ bmWnd M»- Mudwitt.. mVpt« eVr«t.tba L l for tiVctaaa M. alruriiUK AI^lCTIO.N.lo.N. nAKTFtiKii.CiNN I.UW 1UI tv cauip at » j rn Pk»b«ak «.» A. kUoalarta, tatVa i i O.i Cb a»«.wa d ia »a I ”i..iIZ ifc^ai U. width tb** ~7 tthy foot In louirth. and of a to acmmuiiolato I»NKsua\ of cavalry > * kaa tbo ro«owtDtit.iB;itom: Hoa.Hob. OaOakkiTT Uavia. I XW Mors'ino mie*ii..tlCo'rlet E » II H PA N 1 OP t t»N. ar. t. U V m da co„,^ t'? TaTu!!!!loi>i.Momphb AppettiAMMlorTaMdarkaatVof Tooaday foRuvioc ^.?i^ liT.JSpai-aad , W Tbo lartfoat Utata. the lapid* tail bo wttb a* hltle deiar will l>e gold, in th<* Stmih Nwh. O Hall iu Yf.W..^.MASS. M.V9S C'udiC.;BpiUtfaab t.;ap»la! Ma4,..Ma-..' iolo IVuiple.i.Ti.i n-*7vdCB-‘7v bo cooUdi botvoo* Uio auJ a# aocurvly a» auy uUior point of Utr livor. Tbo proa. H. BrifdBo; Bwovvd Gw. lUp f the Uryejit autl mot*t -pieud’d !• I f.f Ki*. tVu.ard Wm. Hmbw^ Furniture rr l An.triin ii-itovn "'»« «*“ Em ock^f K ANCP.4 O UPAN \ I have arrivaiial S*™; I.ABiartiir 11 ..,. »Vn |««d ,„n. ,.flr red la ihU . Ity, e...o|.rt lu O I jgu, i ( 0 »t avait tbo ^*;*’ *“./"** the iovorumijul euBinetwo, Will be obi»ui two luileo iu Of Nr.w \MKfh\'*Kn luuloi.ouloi. *op*pior.oneria- en ..il.;: s J a» cutaaC w ar^tw VK for city Bd> Mi U A_i a .. I ^ tk rk kj* a'. I by uf the I ite«t And inoet » iirori-d * 1 .1 . tuoibor* p.^ vtiMv.v.. trte«J, Cddonol D. D. *. .-thurtBod to FriAo# foooi VHUburo Monday orru. Sib:S..: Mym, iide luu t bo bve or $\% Diobb frwB Mew « 1 J Biilaol oftbo Kab- thjothor miUw 1 « thet»ie lf»tlot wWillll be romi'i I*e*.1^. Mb. 1 pmuiwei l«r um iB Ui« d>mcaU> axMtmt betweeu lu l:P ^ v oernind the KeBtucky Uxjkl«Hik **«Mp*‘»re«)ver. be at 1110 Be4kMp; 1 bee U«^tt-«Biv I 4 rich Ko^wimkI ibTtVu I »V? 00 Ue h.h, 4Dd, A CocT "bwi d#wB ia the bed aad ib« tiuu. Uair«tt iMvceaud uAyfcfil. imvinjc leumeil tbot i:sM> An*- Tfut ic er«l cTOBBio*. tb# p |iad. Iphla. droPidBp oealuf lea#i three lime# a# »eaiM>d I "wwBwnoi cr<*.r ar. amlly i. .iikakjj d'heTnVr HeU Oak and Mah'a#aul- ctun triBiio wer»eimiai.a •cake J . k. . fa w I milMi»ui«i 5i W. K-alMMU. a.uwveiv »jj£l^ kj?^ .„d bidua U.o,iw. .1 -Ui riiguln: a Ury« tw-- mr oiBiwt. bo*. 4w™wHi Vnd^ H V which (elaMriaB* re^aipt, aad M tha IBla chl*ihi* mae»»« ntioBlBl»oB wtV beaturkyKeaturky recKeadrwcolired aVuiabout tflyBfiy iwa-la.. A. H. M’w oBl>, lay k> keep it lo repair. Every A-oocoivable ary:i uent U, . leirenL kiMind.end Ku-ew«H d Mah. .rikif oik a d Waf. fr#« rbe F'tMm,h-F**OB. aadand pfproocooAcw didad oban apnp IVtbe rioerr1»er I r-r-feviper. 'V I thetlio eularyeuieul,eulwryeuieut, 1 that. I# *p • 1 ... w tbemtore.Iberefore, inIn farorfuror of ao U h-. Sld.^-rd. n. l Ve aiiUf «l ii.y. iwijcra.a .-I- vi«Vv. Viiwii-k.-.. What_k.i Ik.. caa doA. IBi. tveV nut Maihb -t w ^ > anJ h M IVy w- dia* hore. ' atri.oB^-dlyJyv. CoBf.lCopf.lCo»r.l l.So, A^ Ue»ed.Ueved. vUlwill abuudauUyobuudBuUy aecommodateoecommodote tbetbo trade of tbe riv. Exteualon 1 ar.hi-. Sofa U.u’nr« a, II *ifi Ainniy au.l 1-Tei.ch I*1i'i.deii*ki. rcoa'—V .b.at kflM. ^ ^ wai of TW. iWMeamn 'rom CTNTOtAMA.Kr.. Juue 16, ifAii. fori>r >«*n>eon toto come. «r mony I , iaiiwuvciiiMit-KwwT-aunt b—Iiy Mwci^UMBaiMTonwctiaa tV aaavb aa«[Kw«daAPiitf ; Itmlwleiui#. Turkirh t Iibu 4, Sleepy Hollow c h .in', tV«crd- ,,„k.u , .WiV. V'.—enlai: nad • ...atKy «f freiaht. U. M'obu, Eot^.—Sir A* cho ookborixed isMudof - AUWA. ^ ... , . IV cdroar of i-oarth aad Jeffema tUooU w. The S«wNew York\ork Jou'^nalJaurnBi of it oiuiucn-coiuiueri'e of Tm-Uy evnn- BallV —TV foUawiaR dUpalch wv Cmhmi.Copioui WWm. . ntuiOM, I out here in Boouroouco witli on TV f'nru"biV» >«mi oc fhkrM, I'uowliky, the 14U> kap. tVy will cuatiav w«k aad vpply uBavi r»coirer»coir# Buy tothietothi» tVy VaoM wid-r. M . cu iM vava why w.lbWith hoB giren DOBceDotkenotice imtbolthat moio v BTimuBe iu“ 1 rMilT IV rwkcive tbo «BiBtt BBd Ud« tho Im iiwhi.led tl»«* V .j.^ Uc>« BBd^BUg^ lU i et) Iceh w.il lu , Bnllitt wUI arripa Tbaraday U doob. '—'ii *«M coutrBct.coutroct,contract,^ BltboucbBitboucbBilbou«h^!r ho proin*pro|H*Bee,pro|H>«eii, •» wo uoder-under-T** b- ni»ny new — — - r— - i>ia IU or wAtowwu avc’B I potbk up«>oup«>n Kutai an naiuaa aa i» iV Mi'T. iiri I IhAMB i.f detBlU'*’'*"* Ol tbo' UMOtliagkilllL U.O U.o MlMITkTi?iICIIiciiCoiaia.Alala.I "rticio w ll ^ uruiture — Aa^ IV te caaunodawa *• a Ia. liAk kki.1> of 111* buMlneiM {loper.{lOper.llBlier. BHiibbii l«l«i daRped cmaavRa akaald aot v AJvrriiM Vr U Ua.a v Vturdav. Htaiid,id, Idi 14> b of 111* buelneoibuBlneoi He houudbouud •V.‘*v .r**?*^**^**^ exoniii wUwU the do) t'c lb-» -Bio 1 . i 4 ft |*MI«a, f-iuii foctdreoudre ou SotordBy.USotBrday.U UUaBld.Mtid. ba Uiyel«iye 4UMU'ity4UMU*ity of pork, wMl be open f-.r I X>U S VU ol K ACi CN< : Y cZTo Tlor ""‘“f •"“« Tn aHMl Mmt—kk —ek. wlmt.. |iaai ctawd & '* un i' »>»<> .'•* a< ntiamiala iafr L. B Dl'NIIAM. I *• under, roob; over im.iithe cred- •K'koa, a fx^^itiv**!, tV aMlewalki t»a.< tV Copy.] Tero»»- pJUUBod . 4 and Hmt ar. VVIa-. lliruwia- * " y. c prime, otat ab^mtabimt per bbl oboroaboro euntoteurioot lote*.late-. hU or Tha iMioin., 1 awartkau I 1- aVa ywh. TiaBuB A L. . — IV I ..iv.AVdkv Cv fukkA 10 ciiieiy'Sy ti M I laBiiNuTOK,laBXINUTOM, Ky.,AY., JudoJUDO 1«. 1>P. ei'cu/itt » e K. mv..J. lie o nkkmitvH -h.iWA - -uroliia iiuimvisdleot -Joiul t»o **‘b Btprotei , p»>l »n H^itk. ''‘^•'“**»Val, lJi..o-M»» i«a..M*». if lw„ ladiTidMl. Haw BM.t ia Bid.ativt wkarr 'ti, B« geuefolly c imputed, #h.iW4 b «urpiu« iudopetidcot TT i*iba Hodi. OaEBbtt Dayib—rh a* tbo BUtburiced fneud j divkhBBd BBtbeeteoiBer liBultBomod lUr- I contracto of about A’oi.iM'. YOIECISL '“-0 «r I »l tUoM V Tcng,f ,1 l*ru»-iaii. It iaacial— aVra Ibar- a. id, iaV k I^IW. a , M mad, au aimd ^ *'•** "?" of tbii wook “ *f*'H'*'»Vln*'UtlllBidk«, aadikaor-lwtlr i—vVa.a Tar. C'Bora.-w Tbo iUuciunaU Piico Curreut z>uav.. w-ranu’t ii .V*'* yl.et Vva apaciaaa foot- iuoi.. aanouucwd ' T ifo TnonTOnPO FomTlOIITf imaufcr f— aiVt. v iutoxxU*!. «dl tho lltn aud uiyaUf, per .Twl/liia ih« IV lawanl wa:htVa.lVKaa.,x.a.Und,r...,,a4ukia*.p lidc detaiU of the mootiug egreod upoii between Cd^»t. Tbo wmllvrwoallvr iuriuf tbe paH week ha# been milte far-^r- TKU.HTI* K’8 ME I.K MAIN, FtU UTH, FkEST* *X him | foaddi*rabl* —ai. .UnuiJay t> \V ATFK STREET ) PK« 1) tt,ott^otU.,..ronZ:^r.^.,o, ao irawiaca. tiai— the m thuidu* and >vuiwlt. Mr. Ward lufenuod me he bad urv- 1 able»le to the growiug crop# goTaTK rr regarded bUBBeit Beyour aud pereuiptorily de. , were uf { frost ! Biiay in uar oBc raak > ia w a:.r U*a , u (V~A raw lavalati— a Urn* aaiuai -a, arcu-dargued yrwd«r-Aer- eiiacd to confer wtlk me aoy euch capacity lAMamiug rlo«r, aud in« T A IM'T I a A ON VJI IV IjIlV/ ‘'L" ^ root late crop*; but yt«t>-rday wa# il«air a id plead livtl York1 Lile Insurancellli3UIUUv-v \J\J, moment of >our Kewnce in UiM city, I bare now to of upon New Co pri* Ihi* I wu grodo for it day before C*haBeeni>r !>>gaa. Somo rr«ddilora of tho rz. Ut w .lime 24ih w*n> mrrouu.1. -hii Uar.ittd, awd c'tf’kPMW ao B fruf; poiM. tWiw M \ riHHAY AFTLUN'*U\, commcnditg i | fltwte that I am auihonxod by CApi. Siaiiiv to arrauge with I ant. **>* j ' ' 4 oViiM k.wUllK* ai>ld ht order fitjka EI.Ii .1 tl.. urtlcii of t^m. !» Vorii-a, In Uio tUy ul Tim«i cbrra .ckhiUilI ofuf CdO^oiVl,r.di^kurt, lod.,iBd., aUaeJmdaUochod propertyproporty Intn thUthiB rM*ovrr*id 0 ai nr*cia ly l|a - , at Vu una aav-i ^'dodhb>dod Hank 1 di* it to .lni*i.t the gouUem*-** yoe ma» diwiguafa?.to oa your iri.ua.irmau,ibvI Im mtummrna- A. ngc— corn mar be mid h.v. j of- V) run r«, aad k uever .irie* Bp BBtil it id czbalad any M *'“> ru«tt*e o( >lm. .Mar> 1. laid lie, the folluwtug I f»ll*'.lu« Iicial j the in*t., m-mU.* i'"U. 1Tru«h*e valti- U W. wa. Au-trias l•ul!alia ol fru«i uf aud it grate hrl'khciBg b^the ladWtdoal Bt«rkhoUer« of that iiw I- ol the mtobiig agreed upon, audlvadZid tv BdZ luai you wiHpleawwill pleuac onurol* from the Hfeclt tbe 5 b .in,iiuaci-ic tba' l.atil- u ID iwaUlut Bmima. » b ck *. rrfy Uiv oar powar. , growing rapidly, pro^otlug a mo#i vtguroiH «pi-«armiice. able probity ^ u- wioi- a genUemau. h p oducej an iiiil, cri.ialHi. iiF c; at UMlrH.iBw tot h-et rill- IHrvctori ol tbe l«VatoWiR7 TV ,-moo lanw oa ^IV I P.iUl*.iU k StoreStoi H'Mi#a and io fr id hr IJii feet .tcep. iiu-lcr'iKui-V Fremdeut and ^ , n»»»pect preeuni that Ibl# crop will bu utiuaially ^ It. i at D. MITCHELL. Tue U ^ptiAl, BLu tv«ry 4 f dMimwio d -wpile B tery Ikhrml PB|>p*y «>f cb&d weairweki* -iJe-it of r oiirtk or Wall alreet, be weeu pauy, biAve c^ukoiibed the rc|K*rt and exhibit vl Um N* w utia for A lUoiiieir w^whty of the alt'kdimewt. Judge 'ullook and Mr. Si>eed a . >U>u the(he Main app ared to im } large i»ire«-lilre«-i thetb»- river. •! t »> whCAtwheat fiM*ufrii«u the fr«Htfrodt tunttiroA out hi h>»ve and r>4r Iibm k> 1*1. .;«tlrn Tba citf ii auparMf •«- mMitar- Jad,* PirUc <'*|uill Coiiy.]4jopy.] IN'o. ti. TT.idni d liuigoi;utge For Mound City, Caiio. aH-wn^ iV *V aad Thn*toi Heiiargnd l.i»t feet front by 1»5 deep, Columboat Hick Mb Hum AW'fi, June t?,I?, i«^.inke. been cuiuparailcuiiiparail ely trilling in the a*:greyMla*:greirwte. FI -ld'« that I »t»ckk.4diw« M.iin aireei, Ukuir tim coruey i.f artaakad tor draiiiaRa, ac4 if i l rtaiM aad Hoao-wafor tV tv have bevubeeu ruined ovaOva pnproiiiba* a twr a. • *m»n v«uthv'utli *14e'Ide of |*re^ton nan. and Afemptiia. yn py y 4 'ou. I>-jj pH MiTkWBl-L—Miti-hbi, an; Ba'loreyouBk'lore you haad>haad>-dd me yvur wcieweie aiipi*v»adMip|*i'-ad U* | Irek-t* ^-ad'.l *a with the eucuMuiVB,eUCUMUiea. I had pre. erageermge ft*:**!.yield, while'rblle the injury aiai-|*egr#j»egr# loto harehari been outlued __ TV row vtr iHl.vt.il Dole vf >'ealerda> uaM, - a ,« ou V k*|M r,ry dva wVa IV watar I.A>tl.d»t lete-fe.-t-tt fr>>ig1 hr 1c6 d-ep.on the we#t aide - I l.ot AiAAO„:o W< UtV aU-wUm u tti. cramaAon. ! pariel and addreaaed a aacoiid u *te to Capi. Simma,Simula, aud to a few loc^iUwd,lijcaliUw#, rbietly in NortbeaeUTuNortbeaaU’ru OhioOlibi aud Wert- Tn * MaXLiwaw, #'rei*t.a’rei't. befwe-tt Main aiol Market *ire«**#. —Ji r*? |VtiD«> Ivauia. liar\’eeUug tuwtlread/ coiuuioiicd iu l'•n1.0 ^tw h av d uut i >• rk. bin mV- ;m akor. .a4 wolli* VC coai|ilcUmm*^ ^r n and r .-£ as Prl ar. Up. iaitoaa. Ward, to deliver it- niuce hb arrtbal 1 hare added u* it Eenlucay.aud by 1 7 Jaa at « o’ cm k tiMtHatioa* lo the riAii« (Mirratioa l> ti'el < deep, oil (lie wd WMk Wb( r 1 lot. *1:1^ f'onioA Id Cot iier of Sh<-|. W puMii . ;i -111 v one or taot’^d'jllAaki'iipuiab* ol fbfact, and nare handed it to lam lor tbe cnn»« in M*utberu Ohio an 1 ludiaiia. IbOlii*, loli- P p-nrowk gi llliu«*b> by«iii1»acr-ty avd \N a er *tr --i#. |>*a-«-d uuUl Hitviulmr, laHl. at an Fm fr«-^ *T :-!««<. .ppi.- ..a A rcaiJt Ki All k'. Rtkitt plaaa- tiA**kio*J. Tb- r*atic u ii wko bact* loBaABai la ezpk"«*t . note from Capt. aoa, Kentucky, iVumsMee, and routhern Um baard or to —M'c take RTcal 4 M tV deliveridotiicr, . 1i cxin-ct *a rrepi to Ua# Simma • the yield lie tv a lairao rage. ‘‘‘/*"iitmi 1 ^'n * *t of B-vi' a d taz* #. t -.tl befafV'!<*f;wi- 1I aodori^aodktrtake loreplylo r turth.r to >our note to m**. I pfoe|*e« are luat wiU up * "1 Jta MA A M. AreaC la Waits. rkar,* ai- a awaiwvr.* i M will praiirrt>- eoadiictad. - Bia•fd aadmaiaeBAdgriiag tbe ii cormpuwdaBt,i-onwaBuadast. vt v . M.tle »»f ill alnive pro|»erty will m« tV aaeswii—gaggCBbigat af«f a to-day to put you lu comiuuuicaUou • ith OaU aud hay will be «hoii. Itiraiy will bIao b«* «iiort Ih^The Coimueoce had aieo hoped . , '_iit. .Vv iiiiirtoallv at 4 o’che-K with (he brick utore hou#e am| |.i| wito will act aa tii> trieud aud aec-kod but like quality whi la* g<*oil. For Whaelinc a—d Mt argiog iif*>4i (ha aM.rrhBaU, ateibnnica, nod the grulletuBB wbeu llOMHtI ia qUiAail 'Jll-KiJlhC I. lull n»*i, .ict PWtabiug. I liavc the OilII Ftri*et, the rther lot# will he ll< moo- HieMc iu jejiuivaie lu #* j reach the kicatity ooutempmt«d in my notea Capialu b'm I gtrriiCBBd* ••* aau w*agaiae#at vMragvr «af«Ba^ > ^ ro— WBwqg tmm *4 ezpediancw «f bmaL for a large crop. der bIhivc tii<*n Iv e-d. H» a dk-i'n-e of the t:inkU«*ery k wrk i<*cl>ol tviv j PBcMi siouea.louea. ai^aud 1 ragret my luatmity do m, but hope tv pur«uiBi( ibe.r BKmisuil bCitNuMY . BakTzaika.vim muBiOT, >fi orderiHj Jepoafletl Ibc Slate (4>n»i I I'oiirt, ilieTroktek* to wdl thi# i«rv|HO(>' wlUi auy lawful 22. nepouila e*C4iii«J Fruit, aocti a# apiJer, poacher and pear<« wl'l Im ah >rt aud ctforw, ar.l will * it* twa«# i:,f aTs-sv I ao the Captain Simma my I kUii 1 by ume W pttdiablj text be ha.fra from mirruMBiat« yagm Bm dhi-g a K-fOin warthp ibt < fail i«» ia the Kmdtcg « a araU gf woiil 1 e-tiiuat * f< a ifeiieral warranty dt d. Tbe «ale I Ik* thereiuTe demand.* wiiub thB(oOm|4U> amj pay. vue-half an Average crop Be au out dde 1 rivete letlvra^n c (1 jle tv him. here frun Kl PaH* and I had. htHir*HMal t>l I'a'c^iara. " al MaUoaa. A.M wilt Iw* a worthy tribete the BH»rf of thi# gifted and ci •eiiik'u ki the uauire, ohjt^'b*, .ad advaB' p^rfro. I m pequ<^td frk»nd. Mr. tbe ulriil Weat. fr*ttcMaB pr* c V and iu i-jcreafiog tnaiowM aad popBUtioB. la I hare authorigdkd and my Ward, Arizona, t«i the 7rh of June, »ta!a tfiat iht ar bm iw.arg mr ,Noct4*erti lIHuol# the acentitiN regarding fvll Trnim i»m -lhlrd ca-HTtialance in I y* ar- with luU r- kNr* viraure a# -jt forth by tin# ln#tii«ttnfn. late atal L ,.*11 ite wttolo, tiM baiUa of i^wiita etrty loot perUea Hot awrei at aeaira reemed a pc«4ud«' to liaud my recuud uute lo aM|A. Simm# iv you, UigeUier M kaa aot ^ M«-u»*IUAI> aTfU., .(#,at.. cat Ii 1* will be Mt-n by thr .iBo%e aUiU*(u«ul ibat tbi# revo ui H*«i*Z9 i.' A goriai ab . t u ioena pamt «f wirw, it ia Iha great, >a. wh«mtare unlavitraMe, I Jield aud any iibuahua bv Jo-* nil irea’I' .vlte'ed tb. •karM’t.r with thM commumcaU I of tba otmaxi^a, an4, aw the I iraleB -he m*m deg* la a hi dhtwr and better world. iaiu a lluun.*htui| (#*e*l>UOB. Tlu>*e d« Zuloajc*. reoperiiulljr, your vbedtent of f*priur wheat are u »t i*t»eouragiug. while in Smih* t>r..'Vr ol iV Uto I'ru bl-'o: I adt 4 brteocw us. which laliAr W« waat, awd Very aarvanL of’llif if .Mexi.-,.,i.-o, T.i .11all p-^ul„,.ilit,,p.-t,l>,.iilitT, if h h..lb..l tev.r i>aea Fot Owenaboio and Ewasarrille. Ur «t Thevulem*- wHI he lwe#d from tbe bckuae of Hall llliuuiathe yietdine UandmmeU* Le<*rj wheri* Ik ii m regal 4 lu tb*< lulgoct of Ilia io '(.•u,;hl, the A On., uauklt ha\ is. crop M *'««b *n(ir-ly il, rIasaM | up,..-*., fV rouwa.M- thetbH »lMi ami Zu m I llhuoiB, IM lu Ulibi and ludiaoa.coni hM»k# well. By C. Spencer. w ll Uf rail on the h^-ai tgpnt •I >1-...' u'.iiipri'i’y''who b enon on the otbtr aHla uf iv c«t ai gA Ui a a|U('is«g aad well lighted ball, Ihia city, in otylr not publtaltiug * C ilf , af a Htrpa^d bf any l.itHo, I.- -ill g»\e them auv infurmalt >uu thatIh.i m-|,|»> b. .1. -.i-d. orlor a acd ioc yt/.l. prl 11l..r...r.. .V lilt, jxjt a., tbry now aiw, aiui tka i-i>r «r Copy I*'’"- ’• < I'.c 4 woabl aX^wNiwW k»a r hi AnMftaa. Mm. WUhib. IV ao4Vr af tV 1 VAM AliLF. MAEKI.T STkEET AM> IIAPEI, ST. U> ellh< r meiuher the •wwmintama ^icie #m Mkaraiwciii br MStpapatkfruai ol Ivm wI iM.ird, all I *^obb .S Ho#lp»*, «if .Mi.-ji Mra MafaxivaatA IP, laup. U’t, of hav* i.irti aVra laLXisuTON,...Jutm TIuN. , ihxy at. tow. at MUxo. ' •• « i,l_\L ESTATE AT AL* wroro# b..*'*'*'^* *‘etoeArM. _.i — a ^ - a- 1 aiHwin cancall oa Bar rhiarn.rtuara* forivr siVmpttaa*.Bubampuoa*. All ba*. Arx >na, — dko. I'vL— all-11 , AUwhoharBawko a SihmbSiUMH-Sir:ir MyLieud,MyLieud. A.a. it. d.k^Mj«l,h«q... . are ihe au-sttoi .lull .a 11 rl. ' Far f*>. ht >r paw>aas> ap, -1 t>i 1 I..O id aad.,d tSo,* eMB. wr Carr.c-pr Wu.Wa. K. -S Wa ul El 4-— iu fa-wi xliai— iV Thh— * Pam.> ^*7^* * *“*** named Krecker ha# reieoUy return* d lo Ihi* KllA> AT TMt.N* .» i{lory to tho • gave iulurmaliou imm>*diaiely iiairwalter ol hi* dehv- 1 i I fc KxtP'i.iv. X a a lore for gOTHiM wl'l, cf coarw. aid thM m>bU caaae to Um au* P'''P«'4"vipivparxiiui.a» w.r.«<•.. bal'dlu-i.t,; '••le b.t,. Kiv.oiv. Fr-U'S .rinv, bat ^ooKlliLAi>AC«x, imaii alll !#• i*er»*iiiptori|v *i>*d. i to kaM *>uca >cob lAal ’ ^ity ln»m ITu-wia,|*ru*wui, wlterewliere during the la-t thrwthi^ >e«n he ha* on a I'.Utlr, a&4 yol voa- U RBpara fr«M |4 manmlij traAo with Lorn- •ry to you olat my a<»tenote ofvf dale IlUjlltu ia*t.laet. at i'yotUiaua,i yuiUiaua, t >/*r* | . MaM.roBa. 7 . •Mr. I h -Ip. bBrt of thrtr abM^. ' > . draiiU rreep' -..u in N.-w .(l-xii ... military autvice lu Uie army of l-rideri' k VM. lug vahuhle and de Irai I# fruifertv . t tl.ifir * * I be >;ovl..Ovi .noi V rnr-atofr-ir-at of ^ fl. <1 llf'iry. All* r and vmiul*i4ao Merchaul. torrrattoorraC ai^ oavu konaayhouday uunilixm«fnaug followingfollowiat: 1I wa.aa* ialuruMdialorimrd by himhiui aa army «rsr »o dfAcul;difncol: For WbeeUiig and i.Ul. ..O- lo^m, Ik.i .owbi.:. i. ^ , aV Pittnimrc. ' X.TW7r—.. wM-KBoirawai uouiaa M—oiw Bi __ pxiple lit A.'X ______SalordaySatuniay rr-BiBXevening prHTioaaf,prevmuBlf, yooDO bad MiggeBUMl Wu) lialli*., .*sri*> I.Mi vil..‘ liUiirauCeCo. aitSare l» th« ir >1* crmii aiiua :• > *.» u ilry Ul *U.Unl ttMf,«athat, oa > uaurMb-d , m xliI The .a.#r I i i rt i ( i aaparnir.i, ta a i r-4it to - ' awt^JhrtMjriX'imiy ManhaiManaai Faytomraytoa. ofot NowNoa Alhaay,Albany, wa*aa* dap-dar* • re«iaire tv ;k-*b‘l WoMi- VU-. ncy at I-aw. lake no part o, CB|Ahbio |i» a *rrcha''.L, aba ii BuamdiBA a u>p, kn^him that yoar eoaveuieuce would reuaire >ou delay V w Mexi.- 4ii rl,n:’ : >: a uo ihr tfri.uit'l ib- .V .,tri.u4,uiy, .> P.L nk. mn- ustoier. to timiuaati, wh'iie he l«K-al*-d, aud BiMin, b> li owiyce-tod t.. tV olofy of came . vic- _JT 'w > arriMMlyourt your anaweran.wer auUlaoUl theikr euiulug«iuuU*« TburedaV,Tburrf.y, l—hWih. ahicb»hicb i«)«- A O Muuu. Vr-tur.ire -UT- 1 ., a nav k — - . OTr y wooadtdwoaadtd Von TawdayTareday .waiasowpalagpobIbz by be«llsto patto ” '*!) to >1 b.ry. two liairViiec “> “•''“kb vy M p. raJ*.aw fume I I |git ZS fe*-t fr«iut by d ep. w< «t #idu of Cha|M*l rtrirt. •Vk V VfW U R»Ma, tkaa tV -^111 JoarUH-nipoarUH-ni wa. -u4aetory*u4ae««ry u n«, ua iVIV crouladcTuuiad Mwl Mwi-Mou- *“<; lietaj (>. Ihbbisi.vmmiMiioii M«nliauL day, 94 H: a« 4 -'rlwra f ti-T .I- i “'‘if ! a> i Du loir repr-i^iiUii P. B. ^by a vioiloa.aotorioa# rbarmcierrVraeVrVracVr namedn>m.d WWm.Wmm.ai. Fndrwrr.FradOTcy.F iwdrL wrr. |Toi»-rty wV-b V Alti-r . n,Wi-nc. ol a Milt-fU ia#bier oi **«jrth> Hank. J,; I'in r x’ula. N-» I'l.inii rail fromtroui JoUu ro . : : a vwtaavr fiOw ki. localitT. . pMj*pn—a* to ML IVrtui*,ivrtuid, wl»u>r.Imiki- I r-fr : .r.ofia — TV la-rhanu I Siacet C-Hirt a-, I .ateiMe th** atmroooaatMsroooa yooier.iay.yoBter-iar. 'Till#Till# Will ba bald a: .^lc-illa 'i«f returu^m-mui lalu of moru- wrifi* at ZiZMiKcaa. iljriai; tbi, U ;*/ /,**i,o._Tha Vicaabari, Saa ]ltofOUll..Vi A CO., A^BBt*. KxprtwExpnw. andaad liowcll, r.lizeti of tU« I uit4*d on th** tir*i itam d I o's fruutiug uu U< v< nth #(r<«*r, will aoJ S. atk. _ af Oi* F^Tbfe“T. Adam*Adam. Mr. Uowril, auawn-manager of iu«.iu*. iu pur#u*boppureuamir of a aotrBote 1 louad in vfKo*vlfto* Irum Mr. year. cMWati aodcr—aad (Lt bspottaae* af a good my (.ewiB Roger*, M. H., K. Hewitt, and li. aratdtly, iv be removed aiUno Ihi ua) « truiu ttu) C. M. D., K r.in, of the Um* v*elvck lou» 13.b inat aaya : I -i : Ca«aKoaB A O*O'BaaaoB'BjtfAerBoavUleIbiaaoB’B JoAeTBoavUie RailroadRailruad Omuibo*Omolho* Ua#,Lioe, Aard, i weuidvwuhtweuiduwulu Az tram Cjatnlaua, •, -a ; .. a^.,000^^, 0 | Palmer, V H Ar.x.ma will aenJ ber own •Irl«,{a'a For Bdemphf and IVaw OvIaaua paUic iwadi ruoBi v— v— atttac ua V oosatr;^ avr- ’ At Ihi* time he deterniiued to return to Ih-uxela, partly day «f #al lo I’w.re*- *** ' '•* yvur* dated''•*»* •*at Eoxfud^n.Lextugtva M..udayM>»uda% I «• are I,^iaili ||„i far Si. F-"* * A M. S Vi;.UNON A SONS, Local Ageata. ll bui D Tn* MU' aud M.—totito at ^ ^ hmd f„ g, Lo«h paaor*payerB aad akoalio lu.tur parxw«wparkaatwparkageB .1 i. - .r 1 uiM.u buduocfwbuaUiM«Ae aadand iNtrilyiNkrtlb* ivtv »\ Mti*it hi*kt« .elaUve#,lelatlv**# wlmwIh* wotewat»* l Ala.*,Akbi. onenii two-v^ory !>>ame IIouot, and L"t 2> !#* froul If I.'cu^ 51uwry cucaenta lo ruaa.ain, U many yaan .smo tbia rictaitr .y— ,w*waowr wi'amm IX; aad, Voruy*hvruy afurafter rvemviugrre«!i»lii« U.U, I1 (ooklook tortue up-iruiiup-iraiii to will b- baa 1i . i jgn*Juuc U; Md. So. r*4 MaiueiCe^'t. LV.N cVsIA aa4 Vva• w—natahli.hfaouaa. umtV oombaal osa,ooa. lacj—iacj— “'Cra liuiuudlalaly upou arrival wrvicr |.4l d-..p «,ulli w.l • of JNtk. t, bil—. 1-u.h aud tVOIBco, *h*(**tad *u K PikK LkVbV i«*aBB. maa*-/. from Cairo caato tolo ihaIhw a«v wUoou'.witltoU'. .topping..toppillg. but Itaviualeaviua a bw b» wa« bv n vUcted aithout op|Mjait'oa. Ilua .\ ero muca aoU to aa#l> from tb« want ol aud uu Vt M O will a ' p ocl? di#ly K v' 1 li'iTTKR, O^uoral Agent. * ««••«•* K*i wwevT fkB4 -alw* u.i dtuli =*» «••<» by I'ov. ruuo'ui wa. iiupri. tu-l. au.l roui- l-J;- -I ' l ri b 1. a bivt rale b . m. w ;«-ud r-fto Oto #araMT, tVi caa foaad froia ISjatoa uiumm-«»- lor you or y. orar frbtuJfrbtud at H.naH.n*. with it. II ll.u-ll.o- V .. 1)« mturr.fil '^**'** s'Mk.is^ raic. Id tbe c V to Saw Ul— r- ^ lo Coritresa BH (leley «le iMiii New iivz ni(ue;.cgix.aiii of the ra»»ab. jBto a< 4 '•'eiMS, pcllcd W» i*erlorni millur> duty lor ilie #| eitc »• tn beU* wold wholl-wholl. willMiitwiih>a, FaiE.|.. UialUkBt I1 bodhad coomcoom; vuod. Mr Ward iafurmedlofuroo-d meni'' „ rvxwjgBt I i ico c trn cro^ wtr# aau^ualiy Far er fmmmrrr apo4* a« ia. a O X. oaoaar da.. • .-Mior-. all ihl* time haviug a fauiRy real amt,aud. it- hfcalic.nhkcalntit initi ••n •* ofuf th# I#*#!l#*#i reUilreUii hu-imhu'*in>'^n# *r- witbcB’ g-risHiaopfi <9itioa. il>» (LtcIcv proucaiotf, kBerd »r to cosatpy -ar. that you M*at*•••* roar “*"'aa*ver "Lof *»“the ““>Ulh •"to him>*•“ U*«daythedav .Itor-aftetr- aam«d, and (Brniag from 'm p wbb -w .. .. ^>^.. 1 .. ***'* «mpm-w dad«a attcadtnf tV c-kkratioo at tV ' v*t«te Ua Ihi# cuunlry. tmuN «ff oiir chy, otfet* in4iic*‘Ui -ut-* lor iuv***(uieut rarely ^ #affic.«Lt aictMura fuvceil MOC-kllL-tH A CO.. , I Iv expacteU to arrive at Kl haa ^ corr«^«.deat tha. .M’Lt lAl. NO ICL»1*0 FumiaPam ia July.Julv. im V B.,g. lb. « b. will Thi* caae came to onr knowledge Name tinu* ago, but we tdf le met wMh tirat pUtfiORS ID o a «Baall TVy V« [ auniri*wd to dalda-1 from your ...waramiwer to aoto.auto. iatuaiam we# „ypri-d * .. , my )?^wth, aad For . refrained trom publwhing it then, Uiat we aught become Term*- ll H4 -anl >t hUf ca b; balanc** in «f aud WahHMCTipS, Judk Tl, Arkutoan Brtmx. lh< L , 14 aiaJIbBd !• Cbe madiag raoM, intrudACid ta the heg«oa the aidbt of tho bd The CRtzea#' unard* will go that >*«>u oouAdered it to he a chiUleuge. It wa# not bo in- du'ir;; the beat of the day, thg ! Pilift ai94l corn bladoe arateiM* bettor acquaiuicd wiUi tike tact*, which w# have ^keDatMiVo Ta* nviiith* with iiilcie#t and lieu. Tiic |lollo»«uy*a UlniiMrnt. — Perannw . r ^ .i . p . • •tornM .•.Bi drwttato »«-aeMrr *toam«v '‘j*' •' «..ui of aJvrrtH. trd Blri:ii?9. »• IV J.« -HMOodb- rndmad awl IV Kkto. amt Huo. by a« uaarly could be i ’,aiii*d balance ear* liii*'r>‘»t liec , IL - P*»RTAi4 In, mu*«#r, K4IM.it.too4.sl, prwaMtl. d w.lb wf fra. a* they — (Nrt. Afi(/. third tan 1 aud whli and , , LM'wra. .04 a ticVl V ; m g > I.V.. .11. bud ,u ilultow.,'. > , Mm to £‘^*“v?i*aVtto?t"od“‘: eJuUM, P.V iV «>n , «\ri i ' >i’ifainl(lelirerln(;l*iiorjbeicm ^ Alhaay Maudiugetaudiug Umtthat it wa* aviDot a challeuge, but a prehmluary . «.p,*l, Th* OprluUois(lA Pa-'riut .jf •dmiB#MA for thirtt tiav*- ai.d lilirarT b*rt.ub ttuiafur xarc- abwh sr- ure cao . au. Its lllb, says: .iuJto. Iba pBcicthl I ) .Aj liw • * * ' ' }edl did Aaclivooer. 1 » .11 .pecU.ly a.lopl jMh tu#4.. at 4a'ctoca p. M. I Bute. Mr. Ward alBO iulormediulvrmod um; (hatihat the flam**aaiu«* eveuing.ereiiing. .Jcb as a,:.y ly fur all uWwraU*di«a*e-. Ssdd Far f?rFsh= 9 f-awwgw 0*9*9 wu BMh*a e* to ' fV ilr M 'bt yot reiK’’* L Ymm, tkdl ii^BikS^ c^BiThUd. h-d dto^jratad vritli Mvf*»»%a ‘n^tna* nllBTia la*^**^ . alteraltar be dolidalivotadvet od y*»u my note, >ooyou ooa*uUedoon*ul(ed with j j.J (TujkicahU *ud elh.iaal.ai d will it^clh lu—phsal hi our parish, t^Capt. >V a.to boe^i Ibc llulla: u prIWtoK fur pubu b- hoM ',ip MUURHtuAHK CU-, ABBBti._ (iTm TSuiruTI Uto’blJ^SJJSSJi. altoiVui^h P^ at ««i«ti MaUleiiMauieii laBUe,loam-, N. V H'li «» tNii.-b .lurinif*iunuj( tbatbs pu-lps-t -A.XJOTIoirktK>le.Bri|{b(jurhiK>la. For IfAAkrlUo. ‘ * ^ ' *** raliow. thamIbawi at U.hi# oMcrofbr. aaan FlAhFfflb Srwpt.bKWMWMrart, bito By Tlioa. Andeison & Co. |Mtta U (be world, Mwwwry woaatE^ crowd 4 whk uuie,uoie, ,udaud Umt IVo H.»yd wy you ih.i(hat wide rt*puU;nnrt‘puU;it») which Hr. J. Uoutvtler**U(*iitvtl«rB Wii.waikkk, The prewident ot the Ptac(*rvU*# and Humb'ldt T#!#- dJTTbedjTTbe Jane tTJ.!. Tbee.rlyTtira.rly plaoii:pl:uLi; ^4g, ofot ci- ro oraare aluiwwtalsiuet ksyosdhayoi ____ Tha iue -Bd n.Aan.Bnmt pmMBdBV fltoMav I atathor he uor myo* tt regard«al ila* a chal>eitge, tml uMsre- ^ infoiiu^ U* that arraugomeut* have i.eeti I HA.'r.L Hv Li., Kbbb, wsawer. atrasA^'t <4ari.«, awu-haat asd a isrittItliBA ls.19, hav*ildn»*il thfth>* )>a t year be- r—irinpt'ua, whilewbito lata _ to A*ad ly a* a preliminary Bole; aod Mr. Ward lucther lUforuttMl I 5 ****t^f 0\ Till KSDVY, .11 AK 2!, "Siumach BAter***Batter*** aTa daring A 6ie hrcLa oat ia YvOO^'a Mock, adj uuing tbethe theina Ute pUclirgxpU£lir|(a mayaany VsavsJl*w mv lmiued»v« umidmu of the work ou Uie will toave r . at*.*rr -ml mirrmedla:# paetoam me that Mr. Iloydafterw to him t^ lie liad dl*. I exceUcLcec\cr*UcLCf; hirtitolrtffirtitoltt ihau aoy bx a Kio.1 er* wera .'^g *00 ftem KeBtacky, whoee naaMi ie not given and ! romato. ^ m ,-M.tol _ £.. A-»- airaw- st«fk or >ummfr l»n Goods, im^ortaai-e «f a food raadiaf ID fe» day* ktroe (Fram[Fram ih#the Kva»vll»#KvatovilM* ^ elerA ar hookkee^r ia a large coaiBii*wua hvuBe, funuanc# ot it* IuolUvh*. It ii rcKardvd uu ail *iJe# »* a —IWin-irA Kivmoud, « r'j Mx.'lun A Kiwl«v, J*»anuJ,J*»araal, Jua#June tutjtUL} For Sc Loof rob«rb*^^MT-i|*r.u^^“^^^ .u.',ran.aiu.au>-« .H l,r«. -b .M* bai. iac-^w-roto,' ia lodi- U.K.dM;:,rl IN. .B'Crilirr^. Hl.baHMivhaatlrotoaMws ~ rosb*., aJ.«to l» '»a« d»U»rN aud alu,o.u in quaner dol. .pMillc, Ur’IvI. re, lu prururr il iu the Im-uI dru^^ial>; luLix A Co , L i«», iLcluit. HiBTaawaiwa A#vvib— ergwrg—Arfemplaf hue and •nacBkdeeut mmI hi-artf to is- p^tor af . Vus* u LuAou. Howl bSIf “VJos iruS m sT-^aUJZi';’^ •urr. Our r*ia>u, who had h eu for l«»«rtBaB Cup. wt.. did kll I-an* MauUc* aud Faiu-*; Print#, widw it ihe IDR and luaurawce ii'H) iMiu. i CABBRllMilL imaa, to fuTHMriy bM trMiiag with this cily, .mm,, to tV ,«.««, of a uoMbar ct V lusMie.. by 4«- of Mlk.and fancy |MMuible way, *huutd ba the vbj of i»ihlic. Wecnr . Faneoutor Jfi«» Oot .D..II party yN«r- k*g irwpeeiabto i Crisp -A ,,, , ' a dy '"res-bh. aadand MreerolalmcBw l ul pkjAetansbxde»a iain IVthe wiM laawk* fur above aad lutermadato parto «Jw 7xVMurLJMTJSiI , ChlntZOT,*«*• Ac.,^ Ac, Cu,loui Uuuse .'amuged to Ite extent of ilJ.nUO. but aihog the ibf UhOTalefr pMciag the mazale ef a pfrlol to hh Ntstii- mii^r* ar.lvuJ m.towu a day vr two a.jii Horn the gold mend it with more thau udual ical ani evutid* n*e, belw eMy of llenrSerBou, rvmov- d irnm UsOTt taac o^Mid^ of 4»aia Md hMd. glJSlhty we would bith be geurtmlVy *2ikii^^ . wutuma tu thu day, Art IU*T1 aI, at tz (*‘rlvck M-, , thiuote. bi. Wto> and kimwiuw, a* we do, tual it suiad* loreiuoBt amuog d^mrdeld. Ia (hr adjnarBMrBC of hh gfufeudon. iBwm elt. wharf. i:...r,-d.ikro.fuurtlu of itlMSgusUCiociaasdi, .to rxV«» riMr-tosr to. Meouu were ^4 » I allOfSttllOrS GOOds.9sOf]l1>* ing Ai-uaxt, N. Y., June TJ. | al a» C'fuBla ha took BosaB f> am wnnuiWB* veraun-; aamtkg For ll ar appiF ac Hoard er to the many preparation* of the dar f*^r i,u..ar.lu« «trengU., Mchalr Cvat ng#. vtuk^B'j Clulli*. Hrap d*EUt, Fancy ulurm fthrr«oBB from a man tor iw.» dultora whigh, w*.#b *rr. .N. *-oN\#A BK»( at, Wall H bolo*^ lo lAraigtrilla. Af- yoornelf. A violent hail pr#v-tl>d ii thie vkinity j9 . Ad* 9 m. . .— F***''**^- . WArUtrRdrh'kr /VepamrivH*i^eparmtivHsinin fA*the JiriiukColAtiitA.^Adu-//ri/uA rulonfri.— di#- — 1 1 ,4 I• a. A — - Mtottokto a KtbMto —-ssw.Ms.u9ium.aM mMu.9m-.* w«*.(.... i# i.u -*-* i Ca**imcreB, •'^tluvt#. Liuon*. p.Bkd*. ta po**i'<*ii.g curatlrecnrallrt **»»tod w,me moolr* |„r . MsIt— a. nwpSiAt—l iw. SB spptwuSw* Uaarr, ab<8 # ^ Ac. vi«ur,vi««ir, ur love ttictlie *>*u*m.«>*(4*m. an-i poeM'adi.f the atW# imymrut, had grwwa to I — bin - W luj u uccordaDceaccordaDcr wlUiwitb mfmy o^i^aadoflglual KDd only imrpMe^aad,imriiew—aud. natcu Uei-u .roeivud .x. vewlerd-v extoiMlic*/ over w auat.- - nsd m wLn h owe ba, at »t. Joliu., F . cutiuirnuaud- tv cwrea, eB4«Bl ko4 (faJiea ot ibe todsousMoU - a*aa thoimht,tbousbt. afbciruUiaaflcienUy ludiratodtpdiratod iu m>u> ar.ltir*« Doleaoue tvto you.you, power*yowor. I.H'allMmllart«»r ait #lmllar dw*a*.di#ea#(* arroiwarl-imr Humf.om a dltord.dlBurdcnMlr»l “*“***^' ^Xa-BA- ^al M- ubiNI,s—tN Is aa Sudsyfl iu , is a —sNar SMuarr. 1 [u, tu. urdeiius to F^islaud of tlir loeut tiov* rn.H* ul the SlOCii of Job Dry Goods* b.Ul rii^fcour. A‘^u.Ti;Mr of «i d..wl Milcularlya, l S'Ve to Mr Ward my uude. rfaudtos ol a*era4 by not li.y to owa.r}' siufrkbBto, ia it. l.'aud, i-ot. Law, abo u commander of lb.- fircr, bu on- rluiuakh.flviuBkh. luIn the meetiuc*t M'Vu#*-vu e cawca*( as of ryaiupa,r/*iupa, diarrheadiarrhea, Riwar Direct. h*jb brukou, aud Uoaurs BLil plant* cat t«> LiecM, >f d3i*i t<»r hi«a prara'ic# al the i#e ul n rm of mraiituf— 1 BOW reaew to yon tV urerturs tVrelu [ Ol hr viow Vlug uecemary uo tbe l.Uud. Thutoop, uu Uie Tbe fine aai okaguiDrent peBtorpr tommer HSCT8IOS8IIGCT8IOY8 UF TIIECUI.-KT OF AI*PFAL8. * and weukue-'#*weukm*-'#* iu tlietil# HommHomathh Uh»llMJ **l4tlcf»’**'f4ttcr«’* have beeubeen rl*rl. th -c«airt Tu«- rhurg**. th itk'h •rt«rt m th>* (et*4*moBy koBWy otweks «f craoBriae, 4ry focKik, bats, baoU, . ' Btalioo KTe to b* coa*idetauly augmented and th# fort# a 1 * s— ^ .» 1 A as »ar ^ a . ak luRfsM ill. cap* A.Lo»wi«n, St. Lotto.L..ito, I , '[KeiairtodritewrtoBiwMe btor the LMWvUto Jownml ] tu jbbUm to my filand. Ml Ward, and nil the pmtuM A Large Lot of Sux Ic Qooos, IVOtioUB,&C. with tb# free t*t •ucecwi. June 22. M. JjrSlro.^ *bl.>u..todaml.I-.y.w.lbth,rro«.™.U'.wdt**#u.d aud.alway*l-.y. thfrro«.t.ur*r«. I BkcMe, qBBeasware, Badllwry, sasdemwaro, We., he fvrUded witli heavier m -tal. Kugiaud, wldivir f«-Miug I^uijsbllj aud wdl hmve fur AUm- -ed toMwmwdaeto ihotts am FBAKkrOBT, JUBS 11, |h6B. coMOTMrt, I oli^toi^nrrt nvW U^i^ porvened from her nrutraliiy, ecetu* tv be getting r.alyalalJ tmiuUf* Al*:4(», OKili to the iQB ridBrldB rrtda>* . laaiBa*, a* e’ctoch, ll.. river OKiU .U39 at rate ; 34ia It^FurItT’Fur •ah*»ah‘ by ItruygLUitruygbU thd dcakndealer* geuerally,gL-uerally, every* Hm nver Iho of half an rr#p-rr#p-«-l,«-l, eauhdei»ee.ewuhdei»ee. I 4 Y iatetiltoa aa»d underatonding wbeu by aud we no*iimirr**«ts«i,i»f u»# whrte earn- re lie* “ II Mwy stuck, of goods BSd low prioBsara my 1*^1^ -* if ah« IumI uu fatih in themvderatiou of the French from c^t> wh^. p , Matttogi, CmUrvlla*, I'araaol*, iura*iiura*l . IlwIl** wa>wa* rtii^i liul ir tzenag MriDxn. Carpet*, Ac. wbire jelU dim per hour Tbe Il'iaoii aod MuavUri are alim a pbtf w B. Imi w-air*** aa l Rcepeaifnlly, UAKULTT HAVIB. butperor. ar prt •ti;>t in aN Nh d*oiiir r*. and aa inr-tl utand For fridgh* er pemage apvL' to to*rd to VM tkt oslr iadaceoMurs Breesaary to attract trod* FletyFlaty es.Mcvv.Me Dm',Dye»*# adm'r. Lawrenee; revOTaad.*' AT O'CLOCK I*. M. ririDK; riM L'pfMf Mitoiuaippi rrn^ns mhdlBc. *H .N. Killluai *9*tslb maa. Morvnver. bw bad br^w emlfwwwy I jm A Lung a rru., am*^ Turmand v*. g'iilkBm*u, Isawreaer; alftimed. Hpxiai *alr vf li, nt#. &1i*hW, aud Brogan*: me- ^ xLdu,iow K.usuk. Wbaa ore csns to Wa to Sfadl a fsw days ia ss- rv-wiul. aat had necaaui a*«rt a lurtune vl wb.4.b« wamI 8pi*’ey rt. al.<4 xal'o'va. i oggvweir* adm*r, Ftcmiug; mMrmtoi nil kinda of lumber; dreaica UDdmi-B HaO, Carpet lUg<*. Ac LaziwttToa, June 17, i2£*/* Atf"Kor and TRllll8 Tim'I)EI’VC 0.MK\llir.Tl 0 .\. aVd* CtarfrawtUa ITaahvillR. Itiggk. twv7d«, w.«*. ih#iviviv,»bNVk' #wptow>a. For and •(. uL vB. FMuiag; aAiramd. ca#h. CO., I Beticg gwuda, ws ex pact to rrliswa tka tousotssy af I iVtocW Huh. Oaaurr HaTia-«^ Y vur tottor of ytwbrday** Term* i'iluS. A.NHER.SON A f nd, Baab, doon, bUfidt, mouldiok's, boxos, Ac., uiil K..ltVfuUo«l.wf«uiurvU..,.,.to.;ul8r.\^K' kJ the fuUoelh,; fact* lu relatiaii U> kJRlSTstLHjRO'S lo « ontphaoew w tb tbe artltoBB rt b'*bo«i he leal . The iww aod amgfcrte«at pwewwgvr rtaamer a^,,. ,, I fan l^aw and Nichi Turu|4k* Co., w. Stouart, J«rJOdhi AocUuucert. CIX.1.XX.UI, dated^Uaiituwuightbaetuwuight beenborn delivered to me. laccBtdad1 aocepied yourydor note . Juoa 22, M. * . „ s, . . ... v oiXw#rZ -vpe red iw eourt f<»# t Ui. H«* twwk lodstmg# the to H.\Ar L HELL. 1 a|4 R. hana. •jr CdttMry I f? sy kaviAig a fnad uaaa. il>« c*a UarIboiiIb:ia- amm^.^ IJAiR HYll. ana thru my il it ba* an m nT^ .. of the WthHfUi li^.ln*t. a* a ehalleaae.challeaae, boeauwfitb«oau*elt did nutnot «n*man tu ^ Alaxandnr, lulia, A Co. g planing mill, aaih, EXiTL:^l0R . o. a m «iNM« h*f'ol with Nr. arwurt. the pruwnraii«M .%l(r»#Bwr. I P*r above totarmivdtotr %•- cudtj'*Cvfitj • ra, CAwy; Uiver 8 fret to Louitvilla ubd tiaiug aiuwly. la bwvB and pertorm MMWfd»“».d va Exi aflMmed. cs-iieblr oi bvartne otb«r coBeu-uettou. 1 we |Mai Ike eveahigs ia IxtaisTiUs:' Yoa haee bat any nor had e>|Ual lu tbe wurUl. tBr hi •miag il# erthrt oi tm* mwea waliwr* de/, the sSd iiwtaBt. el 4o'ctock ivbi' ruwm I I'.M >^“-d *.cu>r, ^.d lan.b.r yard, uo Fultoa Weal her cl# .if uiiU cool. !Cli;t.1^.' and #»v# him whet appr«*w4 -amli ptocu fr.>m city wberf. A HOHLEV, n.-ither lb# hair a rt m*ltoM< I LANK It baru« kin cor few ou* eaeasd rau aasae—ssu, asd os fw edfs p.ro. affair j — |o.„u v*. bho;t, osaixiud, Vwavor. la ao uf Uib. kiad. ibr ri»bt of a street just aUive Prestun, fruntiui; lbs nver ur d.k', h-lllna *o UuiRiiftoB, ^A bUakeiuAip lAfryenc*;Tviic-’' sppmlappeal ; at M tNL'FAt'TL’ItEHit oF kM him tw «lr 'p U b.to arat'ki'B Wtp > %* For fndgbi «r peamga apply ea bwerd -r to drU-nn.w hia uwu uoauins. I auw aetoyt it cului* every bwlr ».ikc. StswiMa-s.ommrA. s-ulb-maa . . . u, V . b«* ua d* d it tu h>m at th# tab-#. 1 h# nrgr«» iiestHiwd J3i .S.e.U».Noa Rl>, AgrBto. ruwi whiie ia Ci m- i nas l i Itiero are always two Ikes m B * your aou- of tv lltb iaot. aa aa invitaUuu lo auvi you tkeir iunilMr yard, curoer of Walnut and Prrxlun Rapoittd for tbe Louiaville Journal. Whhr’aadai'rWhiKr**adai'r wa. OwerBtrort,( HendereoB:• prtilioopriiiioo for H*orkidig ofiarhinerff lu b ack* BU>1 browu- are nUnre’* JapUrH-.**. af#eut t > the rx^iBBBt. bal w«mt to Ar**wl4 wad tnld htm Ian a bsa ati fal tp-n huase, sod Ihr liaa—iesdit-g n*.heards« oecnaled what^al earirl. Bivtiu' thw •nhBt-BOT. >r stroats, or Uava your order, at tVir w.rwroom. on It w applu.«l ill a frw Udiuub**. tom FV For Mound City, Cairo^ Coiomboa, Hlcto- • Al«Uai*u ei -* **" *’ 'a..todirofor^*l«dlOT for V^-^“v York Junu w^>glo-* * upon UicUi# Imir.imir. man, and Mempkiw batoTTi^b« mT7u* A^inwABwIcmM Wwammr ill I g-j l i ' s M''. A., aud Bi''a#urv> wer# token id ito^t him rb« n#- TTld JciirJxn, - and tnegnaiceL: immmamor W. t. SIMMS. 1ft 0#s^ Ih# ourmgt Kf > (n lu#t'new-i Tb« Bna m#wmow N I» e>c•>* vsacan 4daaim^ (mIm fotetforoa efnf bistin Brntunai.arnaisttt. MtdWaaMetrtMran n.vi. I:eharto.m**I:< adm*#, Ktomiac:i-aiiac: ,Mwalappeal 4Uro K- iunl t/ Circularto-.^'irO'U ^ft\% Itll iiif mare iwrm4Uru*p**rm4Uru* >bAU utuer dye*. w le take a part H# wwfii a4rk to Hucrt- “y- J«“»* « ^ KkN L I < Rk , Ca^'t Laa-.. - l«toJ'ed,appeara»ct.- entered aud hawid by coBBcutealwiibUiewiih the ’ on Ibo liuL ij xtill in (laCLer of IvnchiD^ by • •amf'LT br*^kta--" -itb w id *hal Aiw^.d bad rejBrhrt ^ ^ — CORNER OF .HillNsHlIlaS ANH WATLKWATf.R HTI.EVTS,HTi.EVTS, It ronuiu*rontaius.nono eo(ro*{veco(rt»*ive ingndbingn-dt* nt. 4x%ATl.INCI>%-%TI. tte neiKahorbuoU wU#rw the crime waB i.vu. |MS>ed, Mb. HuMt am'b, June Ifl, KA9. RMftiltfRftft toO'nr?*!a H And,And. U«tly.U*tly. it* Inventorluveutsir (hHhnrmK(hMlh-GewiK Uialtrial U*twr#nbetween tbU f ifH# fwrwnd iIm; Uudiu.- u rndar. *Be MUi uMi.,a* • . »— -— -x if u -ddard to. aaa> ; arosd afiMrsan- ratond OUOiiXADO PIL/AlUtoO. A drug wa* gHt-n negru t« pwt Into • —aaslatV LiMwii—t-T—SWUM, s wawo ngatijriwhiU lUltUd. 1 U4 i wwOt>oinH*oild VV anl StKU >o II jU#e rtvny. f. • a ’^toud. witb CanCaPraiM Wu. K SuaMa—8(r: Vour reply, of date .s s .v r . # gi-TC* uf lx. eM(«k F. M . H ,,4 board by ooaroui IV ca»ol«oyS vs hobsttsua's aud any otherOther in « xl teiicc.teitcf. wtH'ihar of isKtive or f >r- i • U 1isifiiil'I^VKli.-av iiuisI di#» i ,i * „ „ . . a i 17 ih, to my note of the Irtb, ba* been bunded to me b/ my —_ W43 bfcs.e »id ml day yealeri.'BV bv hh »nid vae*eea (ri— <— —Us caick tko iMsaiOK brai —. Tks as. _ '11^*'^* _ u Dudley. rim o^'pu «"l‘l •'.r^wl. ru »na syplkkl by rii llrir N <4. LONU * MMl.^AMto, liieud Dr. VL L. Uaisuno oi Uujoir.—ThU alarniirg syuiploin PRIVATE MEEICAL DISPEIfBARY ,,gt wxs ,.r»,«vsd l;..u «u .iistL by tbi iigiW. after rei-ar^ed to he -tck. Ihulww the (toy. Bwwever, he tm «OUdK> B 'Xt I will be Ib CmrlBnnM, In eonveuieut Ih-cOTer*. LM> # d*s«ti»r C Ri dTA KO, of tbe police. Tbe culprit Jvurdou wuukl app«wr#d to bet r#er»v#r#d, and the we* brt to «ap- poBittoii to reeumr uwr cofiwe oudence. may ariw. from cucKesliuo uf the laugs, fiom impiw- AJ«fctur tbwotb«n hrfVtrfV li#nd«r#rfB,lleiuleriMsB, «ame<-amr up tuthl#tv tbi# #Uy and Expisoa lane fot Msw Orleau— aruhiuent of tlit blood, or from incipisut |.oliuonxry kat> thr mffti$ eerta loath otav lU-MIdW', n 04 a n Eow ABU Wiu»KB, 44 Mk!u Btrvet. and Mr*. O. Nu h ptiri imrg(*largi* Cae aad Mk^auiBrwWt paiM ewer «teamaa ta Br—pkir . » ill tkruv a alaady avaioseka of L—wol qaaraani- eaiwnd a^ aearfrd h> eu Bmi Ul witb the cner of Ixiit evenioK* Juntici Connelly held an examiiiu* pttr< ha#> d two do*e# ofoi'c(c«rr*wvf4T*wvf mbliUMUembliuMUe <4 a dm#*dreg* The tdf,yrutN KM Btaoe of ahator. «/r?Frrr«C/ri'M Nu. III. disaase. is excelleul : .;iLteE r Kk>.N« k'o, « aet The i’KKUVlAN .SYULT' au OLAB, to Fourth aUeoa, hJOuiOo jeJl dAwlm tivUAttke Skauon llou#e, .(Lot teiCR um»id' red and rrtur»*-a immedUlrly to llrnder-in. Itortoa Hb % Wadb, asd trade ks tkis rily that r— Im attroCad asd WL^Twoom- opoLL fv u j'bpinWan irAfr*# ^nouleiiye and ijvpo rsniady for all such cuuditiuas, as it equalises the rutacr ran ^>‘00 bktrimd hitn in (//«;r#TBe M l.issbls lu Mm.v. h.m lu ibs leu.'..; «a V‘U albud- day . ?h: wxl iw4aet, a4 4u\k., a F.M.* Mtaicad if list, **** ktiw, iroiC.Ufus—lad; if seffigetad^ out for imi atioiia of loia A IVrrioj - s **- >•'1 t^Look the prtsoivrprtsoier loto hail la cd,!)**) lh«I'he IulbIULb L*Lana9isa iMevefis*-uU iw frem city wba/L IS?.*i13m'S^ ^ IN 5C O N KQ ri K .\C'EK ttK a* d •vr4*auwM and hnird bv TitainT fOUTH iuilHirt uit i>u#iu. »« n'« iiirti iu> !*? wr»o t - freight of pe#mgf ap^ h* >a bwerd ar to It will n-ll tblus^k IkiscifT Is to. oddard; sraywd, 4 g tVorceatemiiljv dauect See advetti*«imbut of John Huu- I'lcaett^ a i*? criisculcriiscal Ck.iidi'ion. were to w«*ch b m ;rweb»ng ih* haU’lM w>-at t Fur Ci< liASoti, and 1—we Maw U sss— I ^ Utalit a m

tbe I I " •4 va. ltobwrtoaw*s I ye«r*rlf. puhtiahed la the prvviou* number of Wo*tom Ua ionic nnd alteralive power*, arreaU tbe dueto e N. 9. L«#NG A HkO., Wwwto “““ Hoyd can Skju*. a.isiadUwly la lb«tb. esMcsss iJ ile^iil.,. r t;.n.|su.i.ti....lso.l, tbstb, u fortilixiac ««« bab-d'. Otmra. iuJJj7Se‘I.hl£MfJ'.!m'ouUvil^^ S u mia bb-uu«h.ouithl >u. Je kV -aI atwe* ia ibe luitK* when i«ui beyond tbe rcAcfa of medicttie. here frcinfti.in Nt. Huiii ii\ rt u :i-*ifior',.i.'itior'.l.llio-, a writ uf h-li-iAx, rv«4Btot yen to inform ma wbrthBr at tke ttaow tv of JIIDC until U.« a II. «| here Nt. Hmi* (•> "n 'I»j a writ of Iwl.rx-.hal»Ja.^ .»# «s,. t.i| hiai H'»w »o n» is y-rjlItoyd wsve. katoriMuRwhertwee. FN—pVmmr: argn#d. 1 — ...rTha rulluwinu i, a T.rw v.luslils esrtinexv admtu'atrr lurm .irmuld The in- Tnan aa obuidas— of libaralstT, aaerew sad lutluwirg IX s Tsr> vsluabls certiDcsla the writer of that ,l..ly ff-tTIoa Lytle V* L>lte. Ftmeing; ergeed knew that I «ra* commummaCmB, atrt Sold io Lonuville by Caxy A XAlbot, FstVitc wUu will rA|uirp corpu* wag vraterday i-teu«di-uu-J byb, JagticJucic.t Clerke,ri.rt. re« teivcwtoi VfW wiUiwith tbe cevranevra wa* #enren by pi*#waw to tha odjuiu- Par aemphia and New Orleana t i mtouded vhat yon thea said of the wrltwr a* a pamonal In- Miuie I (Hiii-me duriue (uy ah-**ure. sfas is Loat'vUla la rttsblisk aad — daia a knt Ul—Glto#njek Rwert ve. Flsmmg; argwi'd. ”*lLm*SuUy, GARRETT HAVId. thriBi*f|v«* um'er my irwatmeiit,•ut. .-uii.hiiiuTi ',! u F^ay jail. Derbui Ihe aight h# willlroroleave PSpt .Ou.g ..d iiUr u RMrt*e«. I MSm . ro^ *S ' r»‘ jiifwiiHi tu JfcBsr*. ftaymomd th Kec*i.>ru:>J iu prrmoal aci-'ajaao# ma* sc-reriysc.reriy V*t»* r.rwawdar.M Mr. »** M..S, « * •'w.A F M. * Uambiil vs. l*ooL k'lemiug, argued. Copy.] No. 11. hv Haaa Biaa; I #eud > «u >our monry. Uu have artttaie l(Ar-risff.sAs- h- D(N«tiut»'«l by bi# ac(|iuUnla«ww wf fearwvw y#wr Fob ftrY^bt ,-g t-M^i- ay-,*'-’' -..ti - >t to *mvsd Horn dea^ reBOrtio« Uj BAl.TlMiNUc, Ju(.e . . CiWf'taiiaTL to. ItoU. sf^mHng. I bia ABd edprkg glBft B Btthhcripl&M llAi wtll Mat a rr>'*# MB*r«ifr*r« va. UzmgiLrzmgtow wud ftdg Hendy Railrond, Juaeao.^Sp"*June m> tv »i1tr pa touiara at# ut the brmdiVi rt >w ; frmturw* bwnaard N. LOSU a HRO , .kgae ; Fn**# rt»> Garditorg Indian ILotoam U Liverwort und Davt*— Vour uvirHr rt tbi* daL-dats dnsarturr. l#aeto»ei»amM urrauiieNy at wv otti «> up 1# >(« ***.1 •uutea. iw wa# in aieui v u»r^ e*Aie ] «iue ®'*^**''Grwaaap; "f«Kdarfwad byb>‘ Jud^Jwdgr Farrow fur appwii*— Hoe. Oamnarv u| Hope, mtittca il t«# #«> , -arlh bund, rd tim#« Wineua* rxperiiaenUl gtceuiihip hi** bo.*o sank aud a aen^. rJA Sv. -i HaU auee*.^ bartv mtpmdm irjm dfe* «Mar mmd mmm ynBlIhiir ha* bfeB rwtowved. le reply I here to myy Umltbal yenyea w«wmw*we HoarbiMUtd. It w *R«Ctia|; reiaarkalda cum*, wad to llH v*rtt#^ A .M. «d :.'*>>h iti't. IVreiwN wHiim'(Ug Wfi»,bl in I yavr Uic inu#t ul il a* pie#rnt#. and teel Fnaanpimt, Jeae 9. ^ #v(d. at Ua wharf, in caa '«*4 *04c* ar « wurkm .a ueK(oct- gf BBt BT ReRdto'* MBto. to Raerh iB eDweirtaalF, wadheaidwadheeid HlUvr priwiler*; ftnri« g my atwenre can ubtam them h> well aUalifd. - viaT*, fcapi-i- •-«- Uuil> ':r5.r..r!tor%i;to RkGCLAJi Y d t h XT | |g•J tuf galesale oXail(it all Umthe uruRRiet*urttdBtot**., k . . , mv epwk'eb. U>' deuauriaUan* vf the wnler ol thw articK ••rl ' tn^f to close a supply pipe. Ntueui lire eogiuei are '»irtieot'ei(ti# or liinor. It «a*aa* giv* a him.i «»• >BBdar Bwimlng For «il. by i IrilMHt, -ILVIsLCHU-tLlLii AL^T.N.mLmT-N. FOf £«khtL>ofU TUBCylublM, AUQ FIOfCnCfrL Csry No. 453 Msikxt :.(• the <.Misen, were made, a* I di«- L, I. I with. lm.s> t . VB lederred to 4b WrBtoru '-.w.w*. wU 0 »m 1 .uJU...... engsgea in h.r will |u»tusl.ly wa* a enrto# IB kw (vl4 11# hod hr<*k#B thw but - ' Ttmtey JohnaeB. itoldweU; wAnaod. The u.,^II.'IM Ub .•. ut lu n«llmmli fir-fire oiol p... ».e uih.u r- r. ii-t ul pumping outand ;uc ^ ,„t .-nk-J « • a*w frinad , wko kxi jart retarsBd frJBi an ex tlarily Mated la aiy #Mrrh,h. wlthuulwitliuul any ktiowlrdacktiawlrduc ut I st«.t,sUwwt, bslwesubetweau inirdluirdsodaod Kvunh.Eoutlh. jc22dl2ii»2 tie, and With th# pMceart ftom bad Bttomptod to warn aa fiembrti vi Fool. Lrwir; attnued. dl** bu. h'91.^ wlrouiwiiauu -mar-sror it17 .uro.uu.4iw'sm ue«il to lucrruw. fT^’ M p\T|.*»% n. al 'Ua.-»*aa. mm»av l...I..lri..< *“• rt va rt el., Madtoww; who writer wa*. W lien you avawfd yourself ihe auUi L V.ll NIi MIN.rh... hr in roUUry hsHU, art#r In bl# aerk; tailing thmw, h# #v«vr#d wu« in toB l#«. ti- leadBC vMf to the RcMUhagB Uar of coRatiag ia tkia Inim- eL B mm aArmwd. ~ triT. r air t:. : pera ur of the commoBMmtiaB, ih^ my lancnanc bt«ame per- JdCe and bled lu deal'. OleBCack. « Marvlubll. tl leiitr; aRtimwd. llAa NoN<* ll • -ro4h lA*U. i, at 4«'< to,Jt A NkwNkW ssiKTSRIHT THATniAT HAS LxtAiKi^CAL.——J. M. Kjb*Kuh- •'<««>»lIUdHLT Iuvmktanti>.r..«T*>T «TO MoiKZBH.—Mu-iHtsH._MrsM Hi. wm,-.,Wlun'ow, ..BB , P M., Blatod. :“‘:'ii'„!:;;'Vb"r. *** h a&B aao tkr ooaugRoai Ib inlornii VB Betr- I'lemie#; alfi'toed. •onally appUemideto yva, a* I bed _ .M'mU. muruii«gihe Ptmain#of thw nnhapyr man ‘ obm TmoMee, Itopkiw* . .SaMkXth Scbo(>l CuOveQtiun U in uro- l>»oi rtt/ wharf. \ Rw*pcct/ully, W. E. SIMMS. inauu Cu, have just iolruducel a article. at^~i4iu -• I1 tai il r>>tir*i|(i iK***,#hr>ul(l api.lf tiuiMftti-trr expvru'uced#xperu'nc**d uisTm; amiaud femalwfvmaiw pbjaician,pbjMxciao, ha*baa a SuulMitoSuulhine «' ^ ;ia##u il thrnugb here uu their oar to hM bwriavod famn « I ,> Ue V# LyUe, Flemihg; ^rimd. A new # 4 - i k - u F r irvi. r i^wwage •. s ia hward r to B« tkat tkr wknal crop kaa prarod a fall avoraga. ({»«• U-duy >n North.mpUM. tx Iwv.fuor Hr:ggt ll. A, hi- I M ver VB *JBvCt. Ftomlag; aft*mft'rt- 8'* rut.'»!’ fur children briluus,lerthm,. wUi.huhi.h sremUr»rc»UT fMUIUlrofs.uiutro Uu-the «in-- iMewdaoee-. —rVh. i Agrrt. rt- WovsnWoven ExlensiouKxlcogioD SkeUtonSkeleton Skirt,£>kirt, with sdjusl-xdjugi- * T£S 9 WaR edtu'r, TmTo, uV"i'‘'.u-wm a "lllj rojiiiuh. »1 hK: tfl ro'uu* U.'L” * H Preudani. fcu m icticg 1 * Very fully BttBt.da«l. train, bi* wii# and Jaughtar, w«rimd for totogrwph Urn* h# lobaec*' rtaeda mBtoikaldy wcl tk* veatkor wag Ward rt el. r* Uopkin*'* Cembetlead; reversed ooaaaaeop BXaiOK avi* naciaiov or zzrzxcz*. , . k. V ft .( Id It I ; of b, s,f.. nine the (Uiro, reduclu, ril lu. ... able walcb-gpring bustle, made wilb(iul a rtiich i. trouu., k«. loroel ri Um. wm-M cri.nu.. oaaaaa. (No. 1* or For Cahtpoit, Tancrmbia, and Fk)iraDC«. rwrf pPofietkiBB fer evtUng emt, and Ike qaaatHy Off-) HaiuiiisUun— » ill riUr slli'Xin Slid is sure lu recol.le the uw-d ou Ihetr e«> to llend.-r-eoi. TkefridaulFrelMMi *>*1*“ *c di«o«ic»> iai»this moroini;moroino purportingnuriewiim/ Ioin TOm-coin- V#rt v» Vert** edm*r. Weabingtoa croai aiJpaal granted. CIVMVBXTI,ClMcivvATi, Mondar, JaneJiUie 9.frl. l*dP.I«ap. clxgp of any kind. They will be fonod lu obviate diilg* ue»* In liu»ir la* h-n-, li*v.* i-rutlaiwl a deUlily m mi- t-mia U«lr k.M.-renduw ber..e.n«mt lUl Ikcr re.—.- , o 91 bvwei*.hu.els*,^,*,. 1 - ItopeHdiM>peNaIM-ueeduDonltuponUponut»o& u,It,It moWaU...U.ISuiiiUsinustlct*i*,t*, HitsiUei,«r.-ttloTMir.itii wtowiugivawill rivogive rkrtrealPk-at to*o youryour-vour. loelue** % letter addruMedaddrtiMcd lo R.YTTipV \ Bated bag krea greatly iacroaoBd. Cora Ueks ItoAB f^ia:»^ib: I loeluw %uaauu a Memn.MewBn. • ihrii whli th** fnlUrt fioui Ui« I rwBiduat rwapectirig i lumvr, tuw rioglawd* >ic m" xTnaaaaUs p Cvdioea vt WUson A H ydon, Ueirben; andtoB to ef- , sr ’'.is- ^ ^ v«n% uf y*«^#. e»u ciduU Hr. oal-* thrlr former hcim wbteh i« RgDtrt br a number the greet ubjectioti* to metalLc fastened or eewed Beivteaod•elvro.od reU.f»ndrvUifaiid b«mlthhrolth to your luUuu.infante. IN;riecUyls.ri.cUy :ras- . 4 »( »k ttuu :-!*-r:A.e4jAte arms# a drtey eeac. Hart# aud 6unm*, ef lb# mu- a##iiraue<* oi a#aiu rwtond to that •toeufbtahh i f j^£i^^9XwU. ; *^WR wail., tbe rtelkg boihg etroBg and ri^otoan, and, ia Wmg „ „f ih, inuliorors Ihe whale shio SunlB. IMuiiier fii#M*jMt^Drt|^te^rt Ibe pertie#, czpm*lBg law 34Ui lOBlaat, at 4 • U k Jeae# w R«e, Balk; ewtipaed. tnrt their j||^t«bUiey would Icavc enyiycd bad they uwer cunimiL *at#•at# in all casra.ca*ra. Re#itee advrrUjiiuouta-vcrUjiJUBUt iutu auotheranuthar culumn.cuhuun. KM • ^irig^ Babich are continually cutting iLe tape* or ibba to im burg oD iriday. Tba .M-r*hal bag tola- city wnaH. thO, tke prgrpeuaof Lkimm V# Hum, lUUi: cwa(iou#d, J from tke agncaicarirt an af tkc ntor. apr?7apri7 dikwiy ’’t r,K( ' graphed hack to f>r C Ol'. Al ighi pawMB# ay hwBSd or la WeftT V*¥i FirutingI'ii lainf C4uat%'1 iiib'tt i'4>urt,Cniirt naaiiiifFleming; I I have been retjeeatod by Mi# g atlemen who have eigoed F«*»#i*h# e; ntciwjdaHiig luarrUr# and bavlnir any doubt Waibiegtua a wri-wa urdar For Iw ur ua Wi*r , . ripping’-*tke kuop*, by thtir new luelkud, btinu *. Eotti; communhtottoB to dchyor a copy u> yuuPBrtf, and *. t<» their into Ut..l N I.e^Nu h BMUk, AgaaUk HamIMerHamIMep vbVB Mewkias.Mewkia*. were argaarge 4. M , a# phypl^l ahUity tv outer •*l#mu ovu- —— -m— ' a whicb will prtba'jiy r«acb here to morrow. j9 tThtondeii, fur the parpoa# wovan in w ball tbe tapes art made. Iney will no * R wr Fr> '* ez'rv va 1^1 A Big bendy Railroad. Greanai*; ar> aa-ither to C. J. rt drtivery to tract. *r*cul«5 api ly at < 11(0 w Hr. Oat**'. rlM*l that uauir# b caiN»bcapab # u* r# muhigniuing aithautaltiiaut a*vuuiicea-*uLaii ThvOu. -aS ur paw 1 uc#f Ibot oa Mitoda wa#4, at BmvtJip, wbaa Alfnd nmi hy b. m. hindmy, Attortuy af Lmuo Frmnkforl u> bg thathe lootilOOSl durable kkiit ever yet ullered,ulfered, and aa llEDiGiVL IMOljVJ1 ilSGU VERY!f FjIY 1 1 w— lart y Wheat -u \V** uailer#(aB«l t^iat awmo of thw art- ' JohnauB aad HrecAiuridg* wuald^have been ttx* dl Srt^l • -s Reaar*. prv. pawrr#. that i.i . - 1 i . f . htr lust To hhH I tan vbi> my c r L w. 3 , ^ |i Ljf ttr far B*# rt Uane— vb Isytte. Prom Pimikig Clr- thi* at thi* (•laee, and the letter low A* any made wiU the Oett Umptixd watfk Int; I cured OB day to the par- ^ wuatod iu thi* recto # irreUi>-vali T OT. I AHoa mm proreMi from diMag big I 4 ^ de a> u i ami l>*r* dteUned makittg wiatrarte far LkZLA-f. t Ii. Hoar aa, rtBVa« appoiatBMBt haw aew atdlp«-r !! w#-*^ cait Cvoit. Nkw Orlk.\nh, June 22. i 5- aV( (.«# •• '%itd irtermadtotr #t*rte wii tfran, «B ooM^acoee of a rictoertk bAjcUbb, Cal. A -U« . f Im. tu-. !-. . .r «-ru w . drolM - -c ri The idntatBr*# peUttoa aUeg#B that the drtaudaot I* la« TbsTb. sUstisinerminer CuhswU,Cubawlia, fromf„..u HavanaItsvui. onoo tb« l»lii b,h, I : Tb trf iay, the XVl iinmat. rt 4 (« rUrk P.M., porttivaty, midrd. .nd exarwrinx th. .wh ^i M**n. J -huMD roHr tor C'rouz** LNFALLIBLK REMEDY ***** “**^*’' | Dongkerty M Oer oldu, the Mk. .j . laud wrui .hick br'- .ud uasoDti— their c.lubrsted double exieneion psteot Tu THE LA HIM C i* areut M Ia fo*m purilaa I wbarf. White, mmr Inr Lag arrived, Sa^ar dul» at Muliart* 1 I mufUtM Treiamrer, I br el Uii. pUer thb forenoon 7^'ntTS. —.end irtuch th. defrodsut hed nld fio bM M that Ureefcioridrr —Mild with s , . ..u l .1 French |Teve:U\«; by wbuli toa-e -Im fiaiu F.sr iPMgM ur ym —gr, harm wiprftog WBBammodahoaB ,. for there been such great de- liriu.tirni. Liid 6firm;rtn; siockstock dUUtiOO bUUhbls uBdand lTm»ITiei keRt.kegs. In th. gewrery maikrt oaly re*ail mica. I t|Mkt la his riew to •»"«>i(«»d. uxUn. Thi. h-u<», iuci«.n« ih. «"«>»»•orifiasl. bu.Ue skirl which hut any catiae, dl it n«*CK#rk d'^3,(WB caavamd bams N. -L sriONi* fr RfrUro Agaali. ““•i-inanu. I J I •[ a FVM-. h- uk- Vi Mr. Aius-s s^ e-roM-rosI -.TO Ker i*-l.sr S.SIfkA-n J!^i'tK-t ft»k- ts-.,twXrorol ro./ I fur Female V-) LJ ^ t"/ . acl. Al#u agent Maslajue ChpiHital*# Mautlily „ .mtou. lUt>; 04 UuBlvu lUo. Id# kH/«e, and a frw kega lard at r*r. 4 bj«sjri^^ pillr, aife and clTt'ctnal nUritn**, u:. W U « Vd. dVMM, (toU iMttsd h.’^A *•“' brothsr. a leniedy for Irie. For Wkeeliog and PltiobviK. Um M*.Mi.sb.-4Julh,i. V>baOTa-3iat I - La^« & F.llV'rhJ.; W.tHHiNUTnN, '22. Skiew^ibhdB dt IFwtdfoil fr I TLXio Si-t',**triict‘uu#. Ac,; i rice gt. I'acticn! ThroI'hi*#* ’’ I'dH ^huiud June Tb- li«bi-4rsssk; poMu»rri— ill lMs«*sfs arl'OR frow an I M— pRfUci rt tfra day, aad frit apanchB* Uil wkarBVBr tmtoediuie a^odanoe •( the rrteiw of lace poinCs »»rt be taken duiiiK 1V--.:*ScVr«.h^iTernaucy. -# *h. y are .ure to i.r Inpure at d&.aX 9. n at d*t.fol SB, 3 «t d? 3>^A7 *A. and 1 hh.1 I atomdtf Ldd him art to pay Mt emouat to Uarmtau aa in rBceipt of a cboiCB aoaortmeut ta U •• i L.ViLV l.t»-\ I nu»... iri w. further to a*v ib Jud|;e Merrk'k today LMnandjd llai*cratawr, I sfc. A- I am anlhuriaed , hehaU of the aigner# . r*.. due# udwAPT are. 'rh.- Rlli* -u I Fuw*er« sen* by mail in Iff Brnniiil lar rhirh rtio awdrtiwirai , . , • . . * of Miwtouri /^.wlb al **'3, which wa* mM al tbo Niaih I ^:^will hwv# hw taw a^w%«* wai ta'at modlasa they on WBmB.oiaAs. iMvi# liimiuM, thit stock of swte «r ui# bio#*, wi... tn»oa I the lettOT to M«*Mr*. aud they beiiow rt tbe latast Kufopeno imporlativD. Their muj iMirt uf Uu c*>iietr> . Md.,iM.,.c,i«r«ia Cslorad wmusn».-»*„ who hash..hu,a rsungr-tid ni* h.r.here tl \ ' irktoy. at . ^ u.ade. 4 Ihwjfri. 4 a# X F M. " tlie general aud oaruealdeai*# of ail tueir frWud* .,.»iu-.«tiidl.uiir.-iiisrreisan-* at a dUuuc*‘ hohe at•< houi#liouie ..Idre^adilrr **•'•''* tr*'< t wari b«n>e asd purrhawd br (’apt llAbcook, a city I thfr anawOT ptoioltf eatOTBd demurer whieb It U that usssk.!- i* s.f th# I.A#t B may niredHired hrby *ur Iwelv. . e irs .hit *h.i ws. clsimed oedvr the f#v~«ut »e u thwrtwrto Tw hrtne »u>uiusr dross jjuoJs u wui(>-j—a of the best fxbriLSf*hru i? s- vi*?*. * I Fot pw-mw- ati**- lh**'«n • • l(|, .q,sda (eiirih <»( KAiaO.^Hh ri LL&, g. • i s. i--.. t- .fc- r. I ..— — the dUhcullr .Mould W.mksklj- sod booorsbly m,Inr .a m.r,ttor. ii.«ill* ,-.ro.r-jie si.iutAiiu*i..i.tooi3, leuq.h m time thei -r nMaitfrcturw". iriTisTnl irrtj-^snrin r—uero. lorf rr?rr9ri„i?kmum gMMM«.t liTtaTu./ M»aib piecw* * * * and hBRrtag ami \ " ' M — — li ' estiwf* of frortlrtil, u il.'kjuC'i ' Irom (latuNe* ur cur»o.-Uj to j/arl -.1 Uie ouiiuiry, with — Upi» e her doUU fer tks Cotonrt MnvRBLL. , auy 4 orHoa* 1-gwluaie — Rb Da— Tito (XNm p#r Duvalt. Judge, h# d^ I to«Mwrdi# mmd \rw Lmhhumd L*mv Ymvhti aatiafacsory. IHioi'*Iltial'* p*w.rpiwcr foouikiutii at Ite,ite, rr«nl« lloai'*llort'* mwcblBeMBWcbine oe oibor Lbau fi.lldit.cii...isi„rn.u. lai d 1 use-uar« wsswas sa Urgelargo uujilsiruuj)t>«r ufof Ikdie*l.ais. I ropo It la art Bewwaaary to 4#crtr ih« quertton andne WB th# A CARO TO THE LADIBa. inMsiyisid10 Mary J OfieaiiB, #• rs'.k adTCT—ry is Y( . _ , , ,, Foi New Cogai, hot —a ka,o tke fri Her* a#kluv: advice m«Md enu*alii ’'Y no imllce will toB ei4»- rape aal 7r. dwmnrcr, a# v« the whol# ca*r th# iud#.tiMgit la rigtat. »pr.J bmIb Fourih sirert. dL ga bored ab ul tbo Ju.^ge's chatiihwr who ui tniloBCed I at 7 ^b and d«x M-w wf a f*w sia«avad#v rtaaoaa I F^t OTW •al , he takeu of them, fur hi* time i# Uni much uccui'ied Iv HK. J. HURtiNCO'H TW I C-*de, kwe la, **wv«ry ucltoB Ik, I umst JUD# >—Urf tks MS— Iftil flri—r esMty tkis saowoMr U*’ w*d b# brvagbt lo , imerestimerert tbo proiu m. m IM'A) t.‘.' • tora. •nafdinav, truBtem cf an eziwaw> ira*t, and pervun* twuea yon which may lead to furihcr uofurtunatr waul a chtltTg carriaga or cab lo iba advcrtia#iii6Dt furoubtd by tte ^ontherD mail, mb'o that New Vurk dgbt #zcbam|o ta . AYettg Ike Imrely harden tt Hick—so crook far frofohl or pawmsC' at. Av tamra ar •ilb ODBtracif Btay he made for ihr ODleto amicably adturted. we, ... - , • whom beBBdtrtan- aoaarvuenea* a* mutual ...... , , ..it U 4. t(fe \».HIt Tfr .Ml.N^Bg ao4 wr (By arthwriacd bv awo*e of duty to Inierpuae. ^ »* • ”• lalljol, oy 1 Lira streat, l«etwoeii AlaUi Um v-rdM hocks (ff tbe liaotucky rie— s— uthBT. persuBa vzprw by Ktetutr to do ao, fnood#, araimpodrt a and Ul-I lM-4^. Ra.'vMAM.Rto-kMA*. As^msaimam. Civ. i:< 9(aTt, P M. 1 luaybi^acaBar-toB anihoatjoiBlBfiCthr perwvBfur whoM* warnw(>ar rwqn*flt a BO#p#nMoB of all further procuedinii* ia cash to _ fcsud—*1 of gs'is— rpirits, vks, tskiog Iks >And MarkuL 11# aallicir^ them at cost fur swosl bvniAt (he art! fr prowertid. Hem it appear* llarwiaB i# aatil ao oppuruioHy i# aMurded for oodeavoring to afIWi Ftoar te vavy duU to- lay wUhU bt mlwsat gg I# I f BWiBniHs nod Twm L*mkim my Lias / ihv ai(«iiaMe owner rt Che debt, aod i* ihervfare Mm ao amkahl# aod mutually honorabte aettlomont rgduca his largw kHick. >V a can vouch for tba qual* c4i—hisff skroa fro— whtek lassr cm—ty is ns—ed '‘or fovunt br«aa« of saperioc, aad #• «.• for eX- I FocFor N«NgvrW Orinnan raal party ta toiertrt. Miw. Lytle, acoiRding to aecllna tl with a view to *ucn arttleineDt we would b^g leave And .. i , i ^ i .i « i ^..p <1 1 ... ligat. mayMbdluiuu d Udi.w rewMliUg in thJ city of etabilog the Cirapany t«> c » ry out its a.iT c* n- I dull, Tb- ias aad aids* it paamnaOT rnmmi fur Ikair gol-le wdr.wwBa aaer Bory party cither a* pUlntUf or dafon- to rkcomoMad that If Uiot* he any imneoding chaw#r grm^es, w*tb a better demaad al ih# |.•.l.li< wi:; Wave fur ahov* aad iawnawSrtt# po#m e iHlls lur Ihe .lu-vi»ti....oi thi.ro ...fcilue i.uu. .uy | ."‘TZj T. rerir l.uuA ..f —riser, lie ri hrorl. ead 4*4 wot invert Ihe aairaw# wRh legal lUir. b# withdiawa or #urt*vndod by tbe party who made „jn gecuroins saecsri uf the eiiio pc— nmy rtrt-The^ hart of'** inaUrialsujatanaiB andanu mof tholuc Utosi e1>lo ^ red, tti«' tkth H rtaa*. rt 1 .1 trrt-gulariUt** dtcitb#: faU*3Bfr bu Inis at g1 31 for and | h w*«la^ wha(**«ef, •# -eil •# a vrwenliv# W tbvwe I And, UXe a daiiuB d44mb, BBate 3 bo onj ia which the name rt was it. the whole dUBcolty •ubmltted for the adjustiuent ^ Ih# walla. Uarmao Btoattonod and ladt«*# aiiuOT be-lu> will u<>( iM-Hult -.^rjf krtwag#yt • board or -® th# e io (' procurod at an lucrtace ul lamitj . al Ifrwil 33 for Nir wh (», gl rsi^l 4S for d whit*, aa*t P*rFbt frefohtfrsfobt a^r . ^ ^ ia apt a and body rt the pettUoa did not maXe him to Mows. M- JoIiubub aod J. (J. Ureckiuridge, or If of goods for geuliainwu a wear coo he V ^he ouiuiriiMiUua ut Hu «- ill* fai iu*d« known u> ev«r> Lu>tM».N IimkA tiik Hvitlic j lA V BK Riac r 4 AuN, part>'. act, other two geotWmeo | Thr on of M iorn* • theyeaonot Bom# wBv shall h# . gl 4V4i So for prtosf white; tb# rrerrpu dmiBg ih# urtt 1 ^ u v., * Um s-iroTss.xsJ- m.hrxU prB-viot. M'Uuig thciu, tell • M, . am. lIsrrioM Tko—is a rrfiiTT ^boThe M. B. Swain », No. 4 MxaoOtc Ttiuple, who Is Sacbl and luvy will > uu the pills lUV per* jii ^ •W , £04 has —osirod tk* eod#rodr rt pCBftim.pfartV* thethr partyparlr ha^dagha-tlag th# legal I aooep«able to yva. ' , aeo^able \ f : at#; t«*-Uy bunuiiw* Id! UradU),>eta- tb# *anje tiiuw will do ail TA ^Tha 'limes' UaJtr JuH-» Uta J4 hour* hav# b##B l-5d btc»h«d#; eiparta the past'bTVi- 8IM rtene oynid at law; 8.ft. Breol,Brent, | for mb and ia Basai where another K. Ilawe#,Ilawe*. C. parauiMrad to auDiilv the wants of nanLiotncD at the Op^rJom oo-icslM. (ks LsgidsUic io Claiks “ PP J firm rte. ;>»»#d foe tSuoIKeeailable Iwtefert1 k wa* osual to bring the Bait B. ft. UCton.Litton, A. M. Bruwo, 6 The letter frt.in tim Austrian camp ^n•l tbe Krenc* la< * 4'V: MubeH. Cura steady and at Rvefirm „ ‘‘iume panud vf hei hie iheui, #»prcuUiy for | l!H.jV»l 1. frt ua» of mthmrti onaBafateanaiiafate ^ dtf Third ‘““’y that ISoD!* Cfrtaty. The xiagInB O marvar aaks tbana gBRtla> m M wwaer.owner. The cuds ba«lm« chaag-chang- M«o.m«o. W. Wtttlataa, H. Hop*un, sborlMt DotlOB. mj report uf ihe ImtUe of Magenta, forth of a* with B ^>od •'cmaBd at P'c. Hate dull aad usMrttted at * ^ UVi-ri I common > el deUilitaUng cuuiplaini known a* L#u#t>rrb wbKM TO . ™fr- ^bkOT V*. Murehawd. IrttL PiX#, N. P. gen, k.^A s_ A . A MM « ^ Mm. Ooumob. W. W. R iTii-c k-l ur WhiUu gl pwr box. u >lisb today, are document* for which wa n##d K%vy»3dB o . aiiival. Wbl kv Mrady aod firm rt 1 Gffw- — lM« —M—ff - CSLd—SS-IU-.. C. •*i?lwtiu:ii 4^^ its I'S^OO. Hanial Hibier, Joo. CuDuiagbam. \ \ / / 1 fot. II.I1B l>YK->-U.HK (l.tm DIE! wriL'^tN fr dTARRlRH. Jao. R. Thoratoo, tddnev riay, UIK— ool a*k BUenuun. lb# hrst, *• niewbat i»nt of dst# I'srl?* unctiaoBvd. ITuvUioO’* firm## with Imprwvad de- Steamer Diana A Pro—.js-.,9Y.«ga«,..diu,ri-.Tko-p. Gwueral !>t*to Ageuu, 4*,: Mmn *t Lou.«viite, Charfo* Talbott, , hy. R. H. Ua way, ^ Huporlaril as showing how enlirel^ tb^ Austrians I I, but pil-**H are t i^tirtahly hhtb#r. To whuuraii uiJer* mu*t fo- »ddr*-aH#4. ^he> »tU tur^*b I man u Pul . Iksf to Js ti—roi, lArauri. Mitchell, s^ Off—* raUsk tkt if— stiaa of s J. B Aodarauu, W. W haen h< cuiaia, aud pUU At ppupnetori' prWv* had deceived hv the Fretcb, w Completely 4i«ia foisk deiaaal rtSte, and all oa Jo. MOchell. IMarard logUw, Will. A. Batchelor’s Hair Dye! wK %W4»Ht . Uets- (OS ,o-, ,* tkr Opf-iU- tk. U —7 «iee.f'.u.u. mia.; b-u ..1- ri. <4 iTEtaf* .*/• J Wn# 7. VViiKi.18 .JAMKS J.'i. SMITH, »\#(t a# day. Vi THE OUIUI.N AL AMI ULST IN Tlib the at ' and t.:ai>t E. Simms. eavmy tbe inument they came apoQ lb#ii>;‘ or nn BMnrday, nod tha was • iwgotirtdr not# ezac«M**oy'Xvmian^ T® Garrett iMvw Wm. wanh'ti. l.ivw l!>4. at futw#; •• 3 tu?r a- , July manU tWi Ur. TVshtiB 1 I and w#r# anid '‘\c «alr« 01 ^rst*ndAY . (Say I— Tho Ual]. IlniMlrM who Hellshlr Ilsir Ityr prepared for the Krecch vQtei pria# uf follow ii.g wa-n»*. J uy M —nw. ss4 isAorMS iwVeu FouithauVi Vdu»,' \|uBdw» . Wa* sr»-irid b> his. o'r^ C :cti tMtaiwl’. ( ••alat te Hdoat, au adVAt.## rt Mcie tkt oiwii—olMio. Tkt utkor goal somo will. (So. I. Kuuwu!Kbuws: M# sr l> t rt»N* o—el—Bk COTT-I Chertuiit, \aud*r*k|4 ic Husa(UJk* lAyrour vl Lalajett# them Bcr>iMl the Ttetuo. luerto*. -^uu' P. i. C n it.e ri* U't arriv-J. M.>nrr m btu are acLvt ; giK*d demand w. \e#w^ iiuitstiuns, sand sbould b. aud I'levtou; .L .l(ylu.*>>ii. JetT* i*.u*.U« ; ruiibuer da- ael d*f H.wt^C.S.ftos*T.«."1Ji;iirY*^ AUau -iMrslAbars sr«ore iiwrsiiiri. A | n# kreOch t-CcuuH tuhllj»l:#d in the MvOl BCr “ “ Huu.R ' t' ftiuuiOT Nl w Aih-U> , Itiil. tjvlie*. by eUsU(*iuc Bllvel- .s. . s_ ^ .s. . frtf #a#t« #p celtsiifr# al ’* i-r# f ium »u .djurimrut of tke difll- eolire c mliriitw View li . I--.— ri the IMh IDM.DI. rropoidiM .voidod if VOB wish tu sicAiie ridicule lbe( H>e abu>e a^’eiiU cao iia> c tlir y lb# W« >k rt the tac IK'S ( t*Ul# W ut (WiiddruUaily Nr.w Voax. Jua#3;L 1*. eullr le.tveeo lioo. Gurrett Deris sud urrilf, bro beeu ,\o.7l 'I'liirtl bU, (*it<,l sitli*, M ‘ f , ,, , , Uctf.ih.ra, I. ,, iostuiiL- wbK'h l#d h» the hattle Bt and c*a*fus tb* Wl: . ire l.i«i t.4T- LLE reertved c<*u^dOTed.Cf»u-»dOT»*d. Tbe ifrovuwitivn|>rovu*itivn setOD# juatjurt fjlCAY| KKli, OKOli LLhlUL'hl)• ilAlKJiAlK dveil c.h: >f» Haivv -‘A s. F'w.irl«»o.-f —«ate* N.an reoHved aad and OlCAli llETWLEN U.U.N l eu-'W-^. fo ifafowtoa AMi MAi:kl.'T 'TKElTb credit which we hod alieat' v acc jrded tu the Kr#ocb N t W uxLi i aa- I . . • o.l.villo, K, uguatule I* u|-b for U>c wih lUefi g«»t apltl at .- u>u. w.Ki. W\V >» a* bk ivr tfo>lwj » »*utf hmhefr rt you * 9s ^ p„,, f. uavfoui,rovimf a*cs ivediv^d hi*hii #n#mveneuiv h.h - rii ut t ’arit* neatly U#u a rsM'l Virtlur Kogrart tland Iriut d. ji'tLitaiy• jo.*, urvruduwu k#uoUfr.,i. too,ia#vtmr i.lharein V* **•*»»*»X(fu#r-l4uli Ii -l-ViOl*l ^ .pi .1. I lu.fo.* wwilr#.iir#. Coro 4>r4iaoLro l^wertag apfd ‘X T* "»fo# • - #aBB M. grall<*turu setortMaetorted by thothe parti#*, shall act Into fo#tb# itreinwiwitreiniBiw c,*l !(«!#- a wHrt tiUrtiH raUtOTinauuuao. ceLira*CrLlrs- ion ufur lalu c#C# onun in#lb# rriocul>riOch kii.kfi. k -jwa* bona 7^ J ."• Fnday A#ik aa. • 1 *» ar«d*> a U—I bri—r wtthcMi aotiee. tt. t. 8ISIM8. Ol J-.tf e wii -L *t ? •‘••r••r tuixe I andi M #MH* fo# twarr HI. . t^hat Hood l''Or < I ukiiuC ^Uij wUru OU a iM *n #crii*#scril*#a also ihs dataileta 1* vfof the etn1arra*^4m«etnlurra^sme its wbu,(« I |#o^ot orpt ... LilPLOMAS have I Y A»tar-ay *) la ^iwtor. y||* A. Um of p .Isicsl mCsir. tkst tks oosirs .4 parta. Rciiy te Lw. v* BmU *H.J£KS — LUAL.6 AND h ahutwwU,, mAb wiwiu»h•rtaton THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY Ifrvf ai giiK4G 3j. Pj k «t gl3 7# OTlurwa* ta*T Ifr 4 uui«l Lot hut orcar ia the luuVt uisQt rt tbe prrYonal I M^tida> M*> rt «wa.BMr leramiLs IMrtcaif.Si; ChPT l s'rrOg*h of tW ( l,ip<'>i(Ma kt folly cw VY ni. A. lUtchelor .inte 1858, sud (Ortici •>].) Main Btreet, lamiaville) ' %peB*.roV WaM «X apold ot—coo- i**" W ; i s outl uvir a twollen river, ar.d re-p’o I W‘'v >- A 1 ik OuMMt.WLJAm acrwpUug tb*> propu «»f your Toil drolletnitic \M*iaLAMrACt.M. foeUrtItod#. ,^.viugy>rk'%o< dlhe, tVaiif— s# . | | VI N.' I 1 L' f ’'Pf » I icripiUKi rt iL# • untry wni.'h Vil iS'* -a *. -tic • ClnCUI'.stL imanl rt Ih# providwiM 0 How GarreU l*avl# to foe gwuUeweB proi-aart a* n for»^ ivA/v-NA C. 1 i'W.yA A v 7 1 c VX chaacter of lbs in V itoo-l/- mia* |,«m ha*;« rt Ik r«fof to ^ ANH2R«»rt ALL FAUTSoFl’HEfMTFHi'TAThJt. 314 t.’l'OWtsy Nirt*e|, | omL mato _ . J 1 Nfo. % Orld. • ”»• ilAK'l .»«• H.ilUS*,,. MSriH. tkol ike if o-OiMm luu Imw s— -4 ia oathontatiwe liave aim> lb# ‘® acevpu to he distinguiabed from nature, and U , ri.Lk.. A — 4 color DOt HaightFreight ofuf adsil kiudkidd' .. l^ackaye*,inu'kage*, Moue>Mouey, and VaJiiabiea.VaJiiable*. 1 UB curre- |viideut ftum tbe allied camp iu lh« letter . sUock* finwOT— • jh cog > aud lock Idaad SMrisr. Iltlwots [ . 4 . O'' .TK«I>Cff, Uirta—. siMoaiMf (b]. the e c ls tbsoi—Ir— tol—rs no hotLot tntx) injure in the least, however long i:\ |»ir KS: which we puldian*'*! >e-Ut-rd ir. V—iWri -I-*— rieroriri, a V—«•—. tOS y f ) — IS-#- -i—c Lom^ Aitort^^r.mrailiird to yunr Irleudifriend* and iwiglibowneighbor* the wamrantxuwahra.ntru I.KAt r-n'rd !U Irood ^v.'HicrtaaB ^toathfCBiH; V V Ceatrwl ^ tSr — ] •" V.,- M.. fri,,-,v^';"sr,r,v..rC iirinuri^ri^ joiin j. ciiooke a co. lo# strategic character nf Ike battle rt MigentJ to ' rue— ft diiss tisfscti a. U. c«nUDued, ..d tL* m .H-cU ^ l«ul Uy.. V #; K-^ling r.V d m,rn 1 C* oU* iuauutac(urloii under tlaeir iT:?. ro ro— M M Gwde, hy it* v.wy term#, Al A Ar« Fauat i*, liuwever, nuw for the fir#t nine lM»rure os iii ao 1 l?f 4oo**not ap- AUd Chicago (ci'c. * ??^ k?i? FABcoia lUilr •%! 117; .a. i i.K.'rlXAS Artak ly to folfrrt tzdfeaagc. »»n*r to 'u. 1 hav*have nowiHiw to pmpoprwi*o #e to yon that, a* the gendemon *#- remedied;reOM.died; tbatbe hair invigoratedibVigorated fur life h>hy this splen-spleA- aud Teire hau.* Mod Iji (usro— SUM. au heotic ueBcription. Wa already k ew that 2 . MO -Jri cilrettr, Kv)iii«vlUe, G# Co.i;- IMfrs el Ubb wharf hart I oet Thw# a tert. l apaa fo# fww44^ rt•* rrterwe*rrterwB* arrootarrikot toia Uu*foi* , that you vrur y»ury«»ur . . AlllAAl 11 A M. and Sy I*I*.IV M.U. furfor Vlueepne#,Viuceone#,ViucenneM, KvamviUe,Kvaii«viUe, CabCairo Koatiu'k/a** Uariwwsit iiats A. S—itk, a iaiog t— ot hdi*^**** rt*f fx——s lactod a* s M IB.'V rotted jtta’.*# r#g. i 9— *1*1^*'^ ezchaa^uto“b“.nsi . wotSue mt® SUBIMOUauiuakuu or- ROLLED TIN FOlL| hoAl |teB-»d tha y*rt HTg McMaUou river at Turt»igo, mner ehOTha. friewd* vr both. shaD pruc,^proceed to Isezington by the morningnioniing didHid d>e.Q}e. *udatid .'^i. Luu.#; aod re i#ter#d. lai. I kir. Wa. J. SouUi, ot Itock lUroo, K;., for-sHy 0.1 ttMla Tkri Ihr u. Juhuron sod tlrrokiu^. Ih- At < l>IV . fur FrankfortFn.nkf..rt .an.1 Lriluxtuu;Lexington; M pulmd a fevMa attack there ida upen biiu th# aud WaaS OM' 4uuIM'UU hv #|**V#i**w Aihauv and»it(l haieothaie'it Raiuuad.Ralbuad. *uaani# lor wr*;f|>.ae Austrians, acd w# learn l-vwOT --aewipt# 3.^-«hcad; swIot rtllS'i’lV l**ro>>.-k.a 8(ff'k ** of (kis ciCT, woo divoaod ia too riocr op^Msi's tk— ** hr spiroUro rilrr hril a> now tba* the tmcrrai bad [ UUaLLAi. 8^ K ' atoly antect viher ftieud* an thi* cRy vr euuoty, « bv ahall Wig Ksetory, Broadway, New lork. For rai#«,rai#*, iia|*ilre uirt t % KNUliwII 4 >:w a:>HW|oe. nuteodi 'kM Uabt .. BINIit'HT ANH A T«Ml %Kf huca streugltmaed in bi* p>#itioo hy tb# gr#na«li#r> av#rte’*pri#« :' a('a# rtiOTp fir w—meaipi* p.uBB TW iiONM.JONI'IS. Ageui.Ageut. i pUco 00 figgiliy. lit wm *-*-Tff Us fstksr ia a “«"*uu .ill (.'KIT K.R. II. CRITlLlilTlCKI*ri7..NHh.SKNHhNE.NIiS Canndafrt'a Cf*rp.^ U'urmre Uy lb# t>#:d.;e a: Half .!ura b#wd. ssd >sncy liouds Ifcslora. T. L. f.KlTrK.NHFN.t’RlT rKNHLN.I'EMiEN. •' liriUKisU alid BfrewytA U> the idipofied arllclo. rwadilf eoacur la oae or tbaother. or agree Upon #obh; vih- *' 1. - -j ...y^Oho, i^i^.rrowmoOo/oo "« nMU—r. , op ta tks Isl—r tkt c —rasoi oa srst so kord — lo i k * r timw vt t vT^'Vt v 0 \ wae arranged to curreap>>i.d witb (hi lateral move .Stw I—Lssao, iono II, r M. Hsrr OT wiurt fora prompt and c«»rdlai adlu*toMMit of the refer. NuTii R.— The geuuine baa the name and address CIUTTKXIC.>Xvi. J. J. .N J )EN &oC CO..CO.,v-/VXaB .l':r— fco Tlw '• a- itjijiC V.M i^.S^ iiteBt wbicu wai iuUfidcd tu lot made hv ti*:.er.ai .driro ri edtiu tarisy wu hst—. EWs.- dsU ri TJroA ».s«„ tkruw rooeg S—itk oot. lie wot osljr 17 yoooa o> sA ..--'- 4 c ix:? a —» —sSil— *** cuKOving uu four si.letuf Uwliux Ero-. -F^r.—4, It luako# no eMfrrwwr# foot th# Y-our. truly, R. HAWES. “P*® » P'-t* 'oni tt! i%StOiias McMahon, to *upp«»rt tbii piBtog#, while Sil Vlahoa Com tteDily. foU 4ooeri|itiua of Li note w f*rJPrOrini(fUor is ioi« A'*V tVotH tn ion ogoomi mo foot Mgk. A ri^ Utmi— Ihu4 ri LritwriOr, de*teu required Alrt alieuly uo tha L/jiiiltardv kido, invVBd tw iJj ’-sser- t«»»a W *8 —• t. „ uf WILLIAM A. DATCI1P.LOK, 20 Bros.lw.y, ______a(t*k.klh# CiM iw^cATi, Job# 33, M. ''ji' ; weMSan. aupva. ' exumMlv #fikhr—s— —«•. -TVT»T»«Sa : Ihl*. (i«'-r kl c— ' »*ri~kri rale*. |MOS— aod dr—• —c givoa io oar ad,ccti.iag esl> MEH.OnOXJN’TS,^ **’ Ddanio PlulM, bOldei:, Typ«,frad BlltgOllla Auaui.«n* pu^td at Mageou aad Haff lura, hu heat dull «•« Vurk, sud *Jd Ly V, ili«u A Surl ird, Uuu^ H and unmUled aw4 p , iibefoi tor WAi.L STKK.KT, MtttaiB. wbuM a r«ogtn and po*itu»n pceiii tu have liBea ua* (*h-'lc** fv<| a—os. Uis itlstiro, a*— o rcttsnl tko var note of to*«lay, dated I rt dt a-d while at gl 4S. Corn sl«eMly; mka .'U-.»-...L».u-CT;;y^ aoB'ii dwl derrat«Hl fttwuorr llou*#, 1 l»av# to «ay that foe g#nU#meu meutlou- LOUlBVlLL£. Ky. -.<«« bndi In oirtv# *1 wic. .UiJ Ilf Us bo.*Y. I ' fr> # dad and iiticaB aBChBBgtd. »y Ihvcummauioaiiwo of yvura#lf aud vth#r», dated th# '. The Kinjieror witb tbe Z 'uaveg of biagnard, — Id ^ . . I ^ w*' H 7 ^ |>arti.lYARTII UI.AKi .lU-utioii flviJ Ul SlUtt. Hl.ntfiY Or. — 77 oai« Jull: l.iirt eu#b *t foe. tebfrky m#wdy awd firm; IsUt luai.. Dot bHug |fr#«ent in foe city, it may b# mur#muro VVlCiS— WTCKl WICiS— Lri.1 lUkkiuS, .l-riia to force a pu^Aage at Hatfdora, Bupp .r «d hv the hav# Uu# matter refenvd wlthoairiUpi 1 tin. fur Rurk, iMcuu, Kuro. 11 . XN llkaM 2V:N" b(M- *vU at PsotiOK PttiMXiuriSiM. WadriH—IS, Jome tt. I foe i«rt ua to C. 25*a<^‘ac. Fleer very dwll ewd uaerUied; — — Auwrt. whic h Bform*< gjrr ahl to UAlLUtLUK’S WILS ANU lOLl'KLJ sur- corps (TarMer vf and WHEELEi; t Wll, JON’S th« crier rt tbal event, f#ut««m«u now pmw ut iu CmroharC hvrth'r «rv’i»fou* lurther delay. In ^ — ruH* tiwvtf iha-iioi a obvut i'rtBth vp. Ifryna KlixobBtfr I fo#a ap wted u tn pRkrtte xll. 'i'hay are alagant, light, co^, and dn- foimtoc per bbL 3jehbfr extra at fry J. Jo AntUn md f aelarted by the partlo#. 1 will urgi* noDO ot-ofo Vonunission oflercltant^ whicn w#n» to follow io C\DtiniKU« cduin::B I':# ^ the city caa h# TO; a. RA I RMteevB.Ch.Jn* e'i ten bbl* du rt bC In. Tberw I* aa kmgBnvod jaettuB to either pnoifrtUuB. .'‘ r.KiUTU, force which waa to have etfec.uMi 4»pera:ion# at deumud Uwavy, Bhd \*aa vwna, ^bbob W'sirmnu. Bryna That h> fo# tta ate foe lafocr •' ;|UI MaI.N KEI.T IIEUIW Huf U en'IUed u th* i.r#te# Bnaprtuully, IMS. >'ward «lrval tamacrav. •« apweaivd fort (ffaaibrUl sn sD- talilisbuient wbsrv the— tbiugs piupsriy l' I i* futhinooide rt their purtUon, tbe Km;orrvr h u .d U rkmed et pA A* had on *#v«ral -mTa,,,,,- from the Hon. Garrett Hari* to my letter addrr###d I ^ x biiu'i at.1 theIbe bradb-rol there were m- iv*le* «>( « lUiv. infra Hfranr, <1 ifi Biwafi iMtag father of twa rhiU. had Protoxide of Iron, HLiICOKIICE. haUM HK rtuf as alurtlerskiriter OuinliOTDumliar vfuf uieiuici The mtstd/ ef wheat i« varraat for fhr xaUag taa caatf rt Vvwllirt to hW*®® mxua. Solution ol‘ I >h*# Mate awd hw nmdi Bin, to kiln, of ahich a dupllraie wa# addra*^ you, meg##- rum wm I | Oi.ud.ol nrridu-llly STASlbll hsil iintK'ip.t m>w rt-ewlo;#.- i. «v K«ndtdrd'« sud oUux ibsn ue .d. and tbe qtHitatioiMi ore aviiouai. wbiwr gl *6, tang that both psithn had agreed to a reft-reaoa of their I wd artUad Bailroad. INirhafpril •WB thi# child ariUi th# ortthar wh • a* 23,*! Uroadway, Y^rk. F aahl It wa# ma lii« I fphlGfehlG dt>m New Thi* Ouly Urlisblr sod PrrmanrDI mass. Caun'(» en delaved,doixve.l, sodand ih-ith*( I eiaii^o v. -lmd taheo th# otti#r rhttdrra anfurtuuai# dilhrulty. that they or their friend*, tw both, r AusIiUd.AuBtrUn# t'ornduR at tor whit# and yrlWw ty ewM w fo him wh> n h# Irtt •fobcxrtlag ^1 IS rt Fortlxad naallirting •• wttBVirt in th# wrt larv •****«MBionld reirtrre|rtr to Ijezingtoo m>bi> tlmttliat Memr*.M#a#r*. Jvhu*»ii auda ' I C ^ C~^ bud,bad, rocurdiugoccurJiug luto tbe FroiKrei ulcb .ti-uarf,acc'uunt, foundf.*uud lossoaiitoana I aeightau'l #en«'dr by ateasure. j ut irt* ^.u ritli' I liu. Kiinx'a hlKHii i.Nhii are atiil gold hy UayuiunJ ( UKK KOll Ita#«.a b la tetter dr- euWirm-OTh'y. awd wa# again aboutnt te #huoM a**t, or that geuttem* o of thb city c.uc-rtidle l'2u,lli»itB u* S'ri—'’'*. lN»k dril ri *17 -A. drt right iu art aiip, and & Tyler, No. kourth atTiet, the National the conrt UUog him guardian. and Other grodi-*. where Mc.Mabcn w*a now aUacXint*. The Ktnp«.r> mtoffaeLwy umde of adju tmeul should be proiHWod, aud ..uk> wkUky 1 / h-kl ri Usrt— DoDOta, Mtpaelaff Msa. Boil ia *J00 i BT.her. If he had hnnu av}»»uited and then left I n ^ i I fo# PS TV, j I h«ve B*w H«vt» i# HhteL I)YSl^K cr, with the Zouave*, tu hive ward hove had to commuDhcate to you that Mr. wll- Menu cruumd to Wtoto, bw mWht hba Kauu>ed on I tor than -oaths. Wsrkhson. that Salt OIQ-A.KIS Nkv Voss. Ja— »i. M. grwBWd and* (he tHrtute. Ur. Uoee la snan old SDdand respecUMere(pocUl.le phyiicUuphyaieixa of Droii.ir.,Hrupalca, Neuralgia,»orsl«ls, HolU.lIolU, Hhram.iIthrum. ( an-on- s-'O.lanou. s.a .a ua«.|UAl ouoil.it o« ••• T* *ro |!r"5l’ .'V Uom U ‘ ^ Ad Sriortm-'.tof HAVANA. OEi;«A.V.nJ UOME.S. that *haJ| aufoet gentle- - • ‘ - - ‘ FVair afonwod. ®*T***”dfe, each imrty other ^ MrAneklii- I•iis.- * ' •• » srain dm-lia d '.,,iur. ailb roku. bOriri I — Judgment Trn«#nTrudeud##*• Brenchlile,• ilcn«* fuur Luur. Jur».r— va<*u-il. .\i III. .Dd uf tb.‘ rio— mati who ar# ID the oKy. or eonveuieut to It, to deride nuiaiiiUceumiilltc T.c, and sn iarjrs—a that ths the thets cUvchv of Hhiludeluhia,Phihideluhia. and hUhie familyfamilv liiediciLei '^^ CV*^« PmI4 Trial of iWrtW. lU my AS- lary fur *a 4xciro*¥o CJiiAh I U:rrtl'la ’ll, Canruli^rt '*#**** *'"^ ^***"’ t»h»u,aud 3S ' Mr. Havb prefer* fort two *hoitld be l*»‘Ce# ituousl. lari lame uu, sad tha mb. r I ^ sTril named by * No 121 —Held e bud Bucc«#Utdiu di* ^vaiheru. Wheat ha* a deetiDlng hNHtoBci * Sbkl tf aodOamplwllBlreBU, over the body of JaaMt th* fu# nfaYikiirt I Agrtcall oral owi ** pr«=“«=a from linpoverislird aiul from c ibe cti4*k''«d. I. proporiUun Aoit all llisordcrs Arisinff »r. . • sev-i-a, sW 40 y^of'sgs. Vridi/t-“C« U» 13 lor Sro—Mri. re ir. #14 to mu=?', oimI gU ~-^^vl4 for pnm#. Lm'd dnlt, la rr rbanffsr sad .. u:TTr^.V _ - .T” I Boa .rorost I Ur -JroUri .nrf V..U Iroro I * ( V. >. . I.,. ...I.l I.r 11 tkA I' « (a—ap — FriJsy (ax', at tLs death, sa thr jury belitre, ea Ihe aight of tbe l-mdun & Co.’s niedicines are al- -Id by U. T. --2!- iWio-i^rir*^ BlaOOID, AdYUitceti .(U'le on < uiiNinuoicntfi to Xu Mahon, wb.rt* attack fr >m ih** Tur)*i.;o nufr tebtekr dull. b*.|., 21 Mt., IZNIFXJI^E tona of toko Uurk—, oaor (Us city. fto— a*o|Jss y of tbe braia.” proH iitod the nauMM je” deud&weuw eun luierruptitl -r uni j.i* dlo, at dull oa ! wsoX. i Mr^fo end Itork l#toa tell rup doe* not 4 J IT BUCHANAN, CoruDer. '*• ^ Thf* l*rru% pf(>> dc 1 1. WIltOMAN. :: .. C. . . H. I i* revUrmtl *. ‘ coluiua*, ( reqne^ TT cure-eh, bui lU tbe chargee wU«u be teuK iimbt rteud < cmI s7H, I - 1 lllioei* t'eatral tnnifr mncsni! ^ foal yvB BUte to me if NoTiirg.—Lxdiek wbo have not yet fuppliid ft#** to h# a rMuge m rtlk* SI* sotkni—d to saooaaoa b#c*ii*e i.riAP FACTORS*, ibss lu illade Lpo th# Uufiilora > «r»« tbat PYt— eitendA*#, many diauMae*. TOBACCO 4 Bide af th Au dn n .M. !«. BJA’ hBi -.-d \i.rk IXMOPKhSdTLAUKMUrOAkSaytLTO AlUUVt 5^2 «,pect- CoBUBl 7XM, Kaedtog N0.I M.XSONIC TEMPI £, tbem-lv- with good, fur th. .un.DMr are ftpiion-ntly unlike, are intimately puit'.ioa. Tbe Au'*trtau!i, wh.» boil iieen V rigU is s fsortUat* tor (hs Igglslstaro to Irtfl For tbe rt ,C\ tor *oui. 43J4. Md eaukee and Aliffeimli p< 4 ikai the 'r\ rrUivd, and preceediag irvm. one , tuB Cb. IB, VlrxlB.VlfflB a laOUlSVlIaU: KT. Ortas QuaeB.QuB#B. ... 8 L'ouith y ...8eafoeaipWmn—sevSna SrvTrifcSew Yerk _JsiM..Jbjm k# »»rifatoly e*i——ar —bar ““ ii'OU.'D.as Lully raminded that O. B. Tsbb, lotoer of •iiff*W\. Miiw-uft lx#* dirirtete—a#»*iaf Iks TUrdood >*oftb Wsrds. m’’. 'S?;' DaOMd by Mrror. uo.im|—vd MEliL’H.\NTS ^S. tiobvim and ilkwogo•S® r which gun*rnVfrZu‘i;from their Ae-ailaut', drivirg tbam bock^wr and Market atreets, hxB a large Block of every Miehl,'mu « eatr.J 13%, .1 ve aod Twlf il» ttti.filMt. AT yusM. T«ry nuiiridfoUr, . prikVideB 16.^. (Ft-T.laad.feed, » IKProVEI* arwiNii U AWES I ihe 8 rup a cure U ptr- of# not told how lar— *rer« nuw in ibnir . . ^ Yox*1sl., turn ortaii' ^eve-neu i ie B . Uvurpeul KToxv coJIrL Qtabee rtanv 13 ^ goodi of belt fabricn and latekt ( ••lumou^ end limiiauatl 1h>\ -u 1 kELLMtAt rklt-E*. WJTII IN* KEA-^D *gTJr. Cstot win Usro tW city «a Ukt 2toii cription of dreu ftaely that wtUi'U *o ulteu lielBed th# PvBrtylvMm nic-itru-t iasL til .iu;wriA>r, • AroMs UwTori.. .|<.riM ir— li^Utox.Juac I- i-... by B ur at le.ist an eiiu.il lore#, and (IrBce tn It* BBcriT* ms foe b-OT oa*m>* ‘B X' obwbbMprt^Mp MkioU lluess, r.ar.aa.T, fort* ar# Unkible,unslUl.'. tbeibe wltue**#*aitiroro, «or- left, bu*! 7 foirX#Bi and lBiB« ## fobnr*, mek» • Uu toX-fofoh.ifortm rood H”"-_ mautiUsi, lace poiatl, rich greusdiue certihle,rro-ihla,cro'ibla, aud Uu.Ua.Ute *aletjariety andaud effkujeflicacyeflicriy coropebed to eva*- ante Huff tUirx in (wder to tke hit sdvsrUac—eat ia soatbr nls—g "“** ‘•day. dated “Lkt O®* m •ibw to ui ra«>L wkfo fr# eiBti*l advfort |Yinir**^ t r^MCYCniC-^ zirLB Mabxbt, *nrt ll. head agrtLal McMatoo, wbu wa* Btt-ckibg tkeia brtBffHl^ fucimua b*» nda# »••# rertaeBfoB^te Is My ludsuiaa. ra—rae OB aacb «>•<•*. c*>«clt«d illk, JscoDet sad orgsudis ii.ualic, tbe... I.War,-. cen»a»tloD eD l»l • «i»B* *(M w rid. wtu rriiere tba ,%.-»s:r:iK."r. ' U- ~ r^ar” t t n o Ur. isoMs W . Moss, ths tothor of 7 OT Mn. Jota U.Sj;/..U^tjdr^u^tjkl. aada»dUro.Bub..roiU^^^^Urol B.^. ’ lr.v.li.gdro-K«ril., bori.ry.gl«v... D.itu,lri.x MIKACCI lU S VKRMIN ULJiTKOY’KKl J. C hi sad— disd at hto Thi. , roato—» osar St. Loois IIria.is iro-arsor MMabasA Ua' ortisaa of •^“•'kyKrBiuckyVduaud i< wHi *••*, ttc., 4c. Ladies visiting our city will find it liin*d''b!rririSTj; ‘bh^^ Kt'bLlT Lo Lbeir iutersst to exsiuins tbe gorolt st with rfoct ro I . wsr, ihst large .—*«liudMa ufw, tu.il^’ariaDllu.,gHrisa rtro A A- ri... ~~1 Ob TBeaday nlgfrl, foc filM IbbL, Eloibb J. <**^ MvreU^ iwrfecl aatirfaetlo^ioaaiteCBedon to myiwlf. bCHA TO JiXTtJiJf y A TK -••, •-a- trsuptvreu[>t isuiUijri.r, no Terv toa Thi. haD, of tho Weal, * to« eged twe year* BBd mvnfo# BBd two days. tuDtbeset coroar of and Market striets. ( P'BAwvMOTettAWKrottr, MI,Ww Jbm T1, ifiga Fuunb lanvaTOMmi'tioD,eonaamptioD, la-ldoliiia'ldoiiifsil'‘toalUrktboaeaUhdifcfail" W alUrkthuae ailh die. 0OLITOt>l.L'IT 01->I. ELKAS.rLKAS. M.M< •TllH.TllH. Mtil.K.-.,Mtll.K.i, (11 KAINKAI N I grossingprosting Decsuiiy.Deceuilv. W bile tbe .V^ttiisos.Vjttiiriis wera tbua INv. TwefwBerai # Hi take plec# Bt i u iirt nisDV a r fo# reM ef Dr. Fa . L'iwcimzati. • ^ ,, Jaac fo ThtithL Undem-yUndeiiry le1» 'ffertuallyffeetually ^vrut«iiwvruU'd hy WOKMS.AMsWOKMS, A N U UAKUI..1 I.SeEC-iAAe.I .NcEC-i O, *e. viguiuu'ly stt..i.k' d on bulb sidea, U M 0Mfrnllw t foc nlmfoouw'. nt o'cleck ortefroimri^“redm^ acd who ox Bifoew d that Cfrt nooattBU mm, nt M today. The friBada Om»rm:(iSBTa: TbtThe dMteuUyffMtoalty cztetingexietius Uottrou^'Hji.**’!^??;...bu(w««a Hon 5 sc v tfo tomgy are foritod tt and. psrieBcing t-.'Utelbing wary lilc, dai*c foifoy pBhlifo>4 fo the -t-— M to B 41« UavbI>swl> awdeiri tte;ft.I rii»t. VV*( . M.H. fomm*OiMMS heabsa herebeoe uid ia their 1 , ti boxesuv.»s-w sold4-v/ris. i.n oxe.mu.nth.S ... Ueoersj Augeo bad iuvoMd.d «r BvpMd—Prt gf foe r-i,n\ At bfr retodeart Ib Newport. My., ed fo# flat latt.. to bit io eei'i w 4U - Ecote AdmiBMtnST kBV*foervfvre regnert E-m4d.ro hav. bevD exu-Bri.riy UTOid • 1-^ K * ro Mfo yeer. mt erbM. Dr. W. Kiibbbthub. furmeily ef ^ « to ttmt loa wUl pn Thro* t>l. bra»d ^ubs in po-i tou, uu the rsilwsv *iah».k... *. fwr fuitw'*'** *^ fur vmpmrt Btfrar eanteBt CAKlUAGES,^ROCKAffAYS, all paittol Ear.. p*. Slid tb-ir B.l »«no»skiu.4,ts, DM MbUc brtbl* MeBrv eeBBir Mr. Hw dortrt wa* -grp-a end ernnMrt year oeBveaienrt to uiveattgate foe Bmttei suo far iwirotr-'a. yaat. Ib t . 5 ^ r ^ ^ i*. mvl and golii BC. which tto' ktd Ibe AustTiBDID j4iftiiioa.Maition. OT*' **** ff— tea w|' Mr. Gofrorff, th* Sts— by go ab*riwllr ii— at— part year Oeririoa ia the eaae. —AND— tBcBHu*tBeBpJUajouwrf*'ipiwpfv hb vtV# i>*wDitowD rttrttffwtedi ated b> th# 1\ «>nrtjaf«*nrtjaf Kua#4aKua#ia K.oniK om tbiH,Ibis, 1 ro •* ^ Proprletoib, tiiio V IrrasoNr. i* Vear (neuto sod ubedlesl laresDta, ff-ffXT f*5t. ff^TT7lgl - N. Ia. CLARK & CO, Erseer ftislsod. sn'trta. Pnoros. It.vsrui.llavorui. SoxoBy,troj..ay, R#l-Ih-I- be |x)urwd tbeir ttioeeee Bs deatruciiws lira ffreffartoff Ha wbicl. • ha-s far ffohNcsIi— — t .NspUa, Ai». ibvir i^iuioslj.i I'l^nka • » 2 a U. II. Slum, llolroau, Md bsve tolil he —advartaoUy, — ri herw—e, MITCHELL. NO. . WATEk 8TMEET. BUSTttN. ^ must wiibfcsrfal elfeif-e*,e*, and distnisy scuouatscuou-it • "C ro ro e—kii* oa uriMl St-eruvaa by tto Mort'4 dtedsffiii ri .. d Modi. A l>HOTO essis)^ srd » .^i PHOTOOllAPHS lur ine leanuifearful carnsgaesrnaro wbu-h-tL h tiro whM*ht*oMOT-ff|Msffa#wttothsaaUic-^ Ti Gee. C. 8. Mriwheeff. B. M. crical t'aeoltUsfseuitUsall...*'all «** Ih.111 . a. rid. AurirUna ar CL Joh^LI?'*'”*"*^- BURR, IIAIOHT,* W HEELER, have ll d-alnK'tK*u>«l*w(riK*tK«u* —«# tvto oliall kladtkiad, rtuf \ermlntarailn andaitd InaccBlasack *rtd lu anttoK^a, RETAILEDIILiniLLU BYUl ALLrtbfc DRUGGiSTSiVl “T»»**'’d^tro'U»«e--Th.Tkto ll hssbro-uivrt»«'diBUilar..jDtr>,.,rt»a,U ,n U,(ar,,jDtr> b. Ul,Ul* l.iraelorsl.ireetors ulol thetb* I M*anwLil«, JMc.Vlsbr,n T-Xr-> ManufXcinrerN Dealers, I bad natbeil bis stU. k sue I . aud ONlEi T,T. AT# . . . JCNB to, 18M. Ihriuiii oua, Ftautei*. Kai m-i a Pn.prt, J. rt. IIAKltlttO.N. t'lbclauall, wariuaa pubtir ““ >\a(#l oii#OT, M aniiUeterwao, and by vart ttJBro'tsSKrlv'r^ _ . ^ ro wr^ro- ffTta. s. tssr# e.f RotelOa the Western States. t lusras.itiBrna. Hufi uiucB ib*n 10,u00 Anstniuie bora ot>uil*Bt, ^ Oeuetal Agent for oo*gu^dutiDywA'dtffUcfBWlu d pr va>eva*# | de erd | " * WEBHTEK'S OALLEKV. •* Uie pi. .sure of sauoBDclo* M their TrrtmTroriin • ’lals‘tala sadand ewUrte—UerUrtBBt of tb#tbe eMcaei#Ace#j !]y iSHB V ^ llswe Sold Id IsiuUrllle by Ntimvrvu#N'luirroua tr^oo, thotuLOcmruo^y.UiMthoy ih-ai- kelB.-dWa I« SBaa USbe .TOB#OTB StBt fo*th. U-#Uv, [Baaiat nb—isiri —it —M r y rs "—. we ar* iw*,*—* to ShTh-irttoVtWBl^^ esd _ . w rororo of#f ibwa* KvmrdUw Tacaoh ffoid torWa— to riuoniDem < v#nh.y wiaSow, U..W ib -o™ e eoiupl«le TALBOT. # «iud krlall.by, b> iab# I n and Fi e wake ebaaf HMitu—ria far aiHb aa Osairw toaiu, aiad etU g?y,.Vg..".!rr."rr^ -}r!r.r.*^ b.we CART & Pp,.,Umt nolu,4lc. XUulMr'.udUvtow “ tooBS nveltriiM Ooir, - . Jti8e.Fll118EFII 'dtttK,'dttfK, jssiaasswiylulbdaswlr prtetor,prletor, J Pssexust.FSSCXUSI. CllUIST,t;tuj(isT, tbe eIH#d triK»p9 eo^tiounlly a^riviag npua ilied«M, I m that wstesldlid ri auddir-iKudAir'i Mu.Muia -af «sa ttaattl^tuaulUb, eod' ooA pSto«“paraos. sad rixroaat Rorkswsyj, Brot'lesy, eoreer H.siaioDsasri.H.s:siod t:nal, ff. ' ^ rN I » 1 a**y* HspotiMpot No. *13 Btoslesy. Y. XL d, rt U wbu:d apbenr, forming at nat « ewcUeu rtul iure *et lo., A 12 W H 'PI Mfl Mrwtu, hh#l' ten tubed t. 1 RCIXaiOE I HOTOGRAl'dff. otasUy aori riMiilniaaiaslr wlihSrses. OSBirriUeatrri AssuAssut leiloi ibatba t1. mWd tiUUrioJblaUsaud i sasds,*-EEDsasds,>'E£D Uis# tbe Loaiharly boi.k ufibe rHinv. ex TW shews is oott OCX. ha — 1‘baBtoBB, gnitiliigetop Bud opvn Buggte*, Vl’ ELti^U Y -UdV iri KTc^uoI. cA-d. ttmta s. out xbiog CULOkEb KBUTOOKAniii. M. t-klOKkklc'K V. l.lieUM'IblirUii N.N, I.ru*#sLIirii«lsL So.No. W Arioi UuimHub.* A JuHNSUff. l^alktrt. alMr Boat Bugj^, frc. \\ ala. iisudkrichroia, Nspkiua, aad LiiMUi Mars a ^01 Tbe battle Imefod (ill b*ir |>«Bt 8 F M., and, pa J. B. UABZARD." ti.t' a I 417 broataay. N.a Yurk. • | AMhBUTYPES, A MuhfcaitAilMOMEfiJLXjD. I enabled sod pBrtMdngBdvBBlnrtBlB foaaulwBtiinac. w« are uf tbe AuetrUm gane, we i I ve b*«r iiocbiag mnat r] Fi* to rtU hutow foe u*uaT ratoe. The punUc oia rmpvctfuU l^canl* en l Lnveioiw of all ttyirt for aoto at DRV 8- For mto, WbrtB-o!# end »v*to«L In foU el by Cnry A r ^ ^ I 1 | | Ibcy were very in. #r. or in BriUlery, Bo»l, u* ^*^ t k Bomptod by me ^*‘*'***^ priewA. vld *tood, No. lie Fuarth atrret. betwreu Moibet rti«#t and by Board. MilWr, A jHaw . fo|* ko onU end eiemlne oar bu>oX and I DtLF*ft M« . Tolbvt, «to Jure I | | tobwring ni.Uer dreadful diaadvaotBge, wbi # evurm j ^ a ; t 1 — . . j ^ . . A . M ' ^ 7 . » v


I WM. RA3I..AY R.tat' A.^D .C.•t. W.F. dAhttUUJAkdtbdL I R*r*2 ^480^ I KMFIJi No. 2. 1859.' “ 1859. ^-EW IlOTTTE B-KBR.^O.'R «ii V >» :« XjO:iNnz>s, ^EW WM. RAMSAY &- CO.,C^o 1 AlhO St. Lawrence. ^ ItAMk'* KXPKEM- OuMPAJkV, M» MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE. Lake Ontario and River an MAIN BTKF.KT. MMt C ON CENl' R ATE D LYE Cotutttixtiott *lter€hnni§^ ‘ . t M nai MiJ Thar«. «. N. ORLEANS, the soiTR. ' wm xiozk:e MEWliiS, & aad kblMk, am .^aarr bilaa LaaMWa . MRS, M. J. ’ Th« h««dr FAmlly So«p EakAr. -,A-p . m- r- -rr BRYANT , » 1 Il-A-IURO cfc AMERICAN STEAMBOAT CO. Uol. , .TTT%« op> fw>4 Aod It iflv ^ ' I IBr.T) cud Montreal, to'ichinc rn-WA—^ I 'T~N/T t-' IHKKAEadTAiir-. mad* oa sonAomUit. W H«n», d d^y rrce-irinr the o* hcyica I AM® M NlTAt;TritKRff OF ALI. KINIM OF Uu Tlilrty.taxi If J—l_C^XXX^» A Pmdih-c (ciMimllr. KMI'Nr ic dillercot |d WMdcm KrTar •• SPBIN'l AKBAX >d* In her Hn#. *niftiiktal for i>Mt aad y A rsJ I 1 MMin. r. H. Him A Co lAiiilcTillc. naJ4 dir* Pbmss for ltai«rii« - > , Well*, ron««:*. An •*>lu*iMa r*‘tn*«o1 of the oani^. r a /a aw4 N aad aitop Saaday. MaKh tu... I- Ty. ThroBfh HckcU ran h* parchaand at the Ofll-. of tbo |A>C«» CW'.’irdcn l#i\ at V!.rT?aiiri.rii**" in Pn>u.nd . AN® Ai.l. AINl.d O*' O wf.lk'wc 84^H» BLlNDi^i B0XE8 »ud the dll- vr r~)'rj~~F.^v^J. «I.At4IOW«i.A-i«iow ANDa?i» .kew.NEW »«*aY oaW at I- wi!i bn pr*>iopUy • teodetS m. « €lNiC'l]«.>r ATI, LOMS VILLE, and 7 ^ - .Nmhvkto Eapewto lMvm.bp Date. feraat Rallioad OIBeca in LonicTillc. .ITEAM9HIP* TEAM9HIP COMPANY-STF.CM . e i AT ITT dnitrerW Portland. TO nXTTICS FOR BESa ALE, k MhA WATIR. »« tepaerdeviRa . 1 a Mthsr In the city or AI.I. fiTORFKEKPF.KS HAVE IT FoR dALK. V- Tl IT TPi.ii.ljk?A.ni.w0<»W, LIvmpnuL-LIVMIPituL. »n A. M—totoP*ad M H. McKAY, B£LP«»T.BELP.dtT. t , np« dtf M. J. BRYANT. _ . CHIC'AOO to iVlE.nPHIS. UTRapaMad a u, aaaltr aad wltb dlapaa-A. tow a. aad aWpbavtapiilar dta toaa -c -» »-•* »•«»«» mart ddm On’l Tlck*t Arenc Niacara Fan*. MAna(artiir.«l onl. br tlw Hl'BU.N. * U>'«DOMDKKRY-Jin Kre«i «ad the Um, PE.\1SVLri.ViA SALT MAXITACTI RISC FROM NEW YORK.y'orr. J. R. COLm>N a 9TOCT. «• nnt ft., betvMD srnLiFFE & iiriiHEs, SO HOXJEIS CO.J TVTAT.T hoMi na gat’iriU,,tat’irdar. Id,Id. '\7\7XiarE^ , at It,It. aaaa. ftQ orditv for H'OoD WOKK PITTiillL'UU,* PA. Mar —a. A tt) * it *** f^-TTT ta-MA tatoh Fi AKE or BRICA ^tm EDI N Ht M lM>'niun»tnf, WadiiMdnj June Latia, COI^TON STOUT. UM> I •• at wa *. ama BoCtlS M KNIGHT’S MALT WINE. KD-^BI-RO,KD-^Bl-RO, taaaHi«.t, “ jBi»«,atiln,\ViimL B F'TdtrBwf pna at New Mavra aad all fmatoa I. RAV.9AY. C. F. JjEOEaJjEOER. -ora n. ! larlwd M tkr U:(t nork at b een Third and Foottk, WM.RAV.9AY. il tiiiiliii at L.baar a at k>.l’> A. V Jl tfttiti otwctkm fS(' Main rmt, w * iaip Bnbdcrlbcr offer, for comparaon with St. Louis to Memphis, *'** ** i^muor^rf aar brand bwvaa I abaai ti M lija P. M —dapk^nd w'* * CBKHAEDt W.* Mm of lsij>ort.d r^ i.Ol INTIM.B, KV. A Al* bi< MALT WINF. PURB BOURBOR WHISKT. amvl^at Jiiartbia aaai»e*a« aitb 'ae Na«i..ii I- ^wem Fo^ftfc ^m4 Flfi^ WELTa seasoned Ml«»ie* WM. RAMSAY & CO., edinblro. and - «..« nii oontdene. In thn mpnrlorltr of thi, Mtpnrfa nxtrart raveler from the Oblo aUey, the nppar c«I!^*!i2'X”^:rf. *-*0 tie 1 orvm Trnia to Lon* ivMh al Ada P M..arvl.ato in 1. UIWII'W * «f MALTaSuoVsD”arr%Bt^aby T •*PPLMppL and tha “skre1 akan takingcakina ih*^Vi»i*on?7raiMthp Tnitmis rralun oro 337387 Main d.,Bt., b«tWPtnbetween ScveothSeventh and Ci^h,Eirbih, 1' *.'*?• **• FwrwiKn nnk Dom^wlir Aiqnnr*. LAMvHaEU a •os. OmIk« D|\TT' ir QtllVl'TF^ tn?anSnSrf Tt*"**!?- W tbv Into aaawd Timb attoto P M. MllNbLLb *tt<^tth«.lre»dr«taln,d m EaatcrnaodMHdl- 8QCARF.SQl'ARF. BFU>W THE U.lIaVILLkUiL'IsVILLE NaahvtUa A.toa.mnd.11. bavaa lei.dMt'1. fa. d'* PINE LIMdLK A ONE HoTFU < h#*.*. Brir*! Fiutia.ftc., a Btetee. )>bD kt 4:3U P. tarn- doy, riM MuUtlo osd Ohio oLd FVmr, Bacor, LadI, Batttf , H, yirk ^**Uada •nai.i.e. t . t' car., uvu u. ou. wnia. -arjd to and put np In dapaaa.tot.dA at ke# r. M.- d.aptoa at man. w* inrac in, JUI productionprodnetioB !1. Oiathe real,' »«”»>“kiemphii aadaa.i Ohio r-adar^ada A RE tia f^nBh a workt^ttka io„ to IN MY YARD ON U remit of SOSo ymn* prmcUcaltirarUcal »»p«1- i.aJ,o aniamw op Jaarttoa, i ••'•a ya.i- lime nnner al. Und»of pipe for i.a«, A» tbsab tb'awm. aad .«E r -toti mcr combined with th« faeilitka'aff'.rdUl enr iTthc from 8t8t. Loal.Loaii loto MemphiaandMemphleand laOuWrUloI.oulwilla Kito Mem.Mem* A n dWm, and W atcr. rr, ffm da.-, .7A 8,eera<., fnaud wk wk »*«•«>«» j br in^an abaadaaea of i ad byfc. i .ilna ti Mnaf. r .vldaai *« P. a mK W m R«w'rtc» in th* ®n» to throe daja .hoitar on Ihli rouia than br nll*y f.aa Futuma and raoae.| Pnltcd sate, C^mtaiuln* an th, propmir imna. n>. ffto. Oldoi* 'XT'lxxesAX*. ae>i»ralaa bwveac.fird dlli at - a-.^te. a riU\'FLOlUl.lk rUIlL « ni t. bt.VU. UlecMmpmTcroent., adopted afbr.rvccot pciJonal in. Beam, r.. a.tb« «d ki„J i... la- il. tha^bam plaam to Maw York, ba «u*- WMd>.aa-arrtvtaa al LowMvitlr rot a apcction of iJf^nd Fore, Pump, of erar, kind lor ISWema, W elk, m Footth Mravt. batwaan Mw n and ntvrr, application 1 the pa.1 thnworfnnrycat, k-pt a th« lintuh Bre.crha with the uf tr« cmi in, •laa'aca. r'BUI. of PilCM wil ba tnmiaad on »\E hav, for Mipplr nprcto view klfc niw. cbildrea andar u yaan3 lew aaaa \ea>tam»dai i i»n caanecr. dailr eond-** ea introda(du«a KaBRaRP nf'hppkpdnri itrdi ThraaBll.nuroMKH. V> of ihaa.peril lead. Wa Wi ,,ra the flrrt a.a,apa. ba It fata.f«e. An rxpe^neadeipartaacad dn-paoadn'pton tkV. mpMdi. at dwM'-.e>B . «n> p-ORDEAS BULICITEH. *V„*r,_d. of Soda War r Araaiatna tL. p ... aUachadaUaekad to meh.neb I.OritcTILl.B. am Naa.v« a Ataaaim -tau-a Ivavl aaloaclbm I »» p. M . auama.- at \ - Ma< -*. aad standard American mall r^n-^.aa,icocuaof ci _ato,lbm> t dlf_dtf Liqnor. ’ •^oTU’!dS^“L"pt‘ir.r ffyCondanamnuaadffyCi-ndannwmu and UvdanUvdar. a-Rotod.mR .aA LTrUlSiS^toal R kd kirr. ttoT BREEDE.N. >« iib •ora vho mar ent -f tha «rlr|o. W t of onr ne It B a para dlatatic * aar - «" bararafte—a atoniachlc raaorartaa •'™-“kind* .Tobb'ug dnoe •»lo «•''the robertROBERT craio,CRAIO, i -2 nr-vM vr-v; PF*AU o"- •»>«”thurr »•«Hue ->«.vitb • »l TtP.lt .‘'r''"*'’ - mats dtf rr A lilT.UEg. and ?oL?i’So.i;3ri^p.';:i:rrT^^^^tonic—boitlad expieady torfantlly uac; for hotel, jroissr 0b2O^'S’3d:e3JE1., *VJL„ i....iab.em a. a v a ,.i ;r,?rni.od di«p«trh. I b*od«‘iiert and U»4 Fist ATM repoir^ kud IV Brandwav. .>. T. forlnvand.-nn.tlKiedbFrli.i^ate,for Invalid.—ttn.tI.ctM by climate, and a*ldajl'd at a piiccpile* be.br- CLOSE CO,NSE. TIONS AM» NO DELAYS, t iraord lo c«|iiat Q««v fVbdAlAAdiaaadaab A* B*a‘Ma^itt^m ~kA PlCTlKlVPlCTl'KI’i I. rriN:T «j)\ v loio .f rmneven thathe imilatmita loploa fnrnvnfiire'.n air.ale. w.r,neNr,e.n ai¥r.ir-c«l«a VOUtiUi»»iOM A" §*i-OitU€e wW^dLl^SyilrAVT^*i!r*toVaato'mnd^'Trt!?^^ al-Vdia" aT- . Off., sii\ . V IjliVJI. IV k?\ril, F»*vFor An^yda.Analyda,Analyda. KaconimrndaU •Df,< THROUGHAiiKuuun TICKETSAt.-to.BAo aad acvmad W> toal fra.a ii. . *.. I II* Kacanimandati 0 ., and fiirtl..Tftirtl.rrfiirtli.*, partim.partii M. m Ma*.d Ui*.addre. -*-TSrOn»T<-'r*71J.nwe.Rii. a 9 renroed lha Floor aal Grocerr ni l***'^^™ • JohnJOHN Mcknight,McKNIUHT, BrawnBrawn,Brawe* For .alelale at th.the office Illinof.Illinoi. CrnrralCentral naiiioad.Kaiiiuad, * 7“^ Rfr'STm d^WLW ^ -M-rwa »« M. RWW*’ bndnaw otof Chieaco;Chieacn; . n H.' i rjAVE J ^ . 7 n|>A* dSu* Albany, N. Ohio N conna^on with Jowph f. Il.wkin.. Frvidbitmlalpavvadalty (vaada.. -.eapad.aiA. mmm R m. 1 . R . r. wm 11 turmr^r condnrtcd by than* .t their nld .land, cor. V and kteahnippl. 3* Louia and I IneinnvU. and N«w | nf tha Panah of .No. *4 Wall ttreat, a. D-aianl-aat ir- and MarketM.arkctMraate.wharetboywillbapleaaedtorrate.whatvUiarwUlbaplFaaed .\lbany, bnlani, r.Uro.da, L*rtili)vill«i. dL Mary"., letuiHana. .a. partner ia ootnniandniD), bMaaea jiaia aad tbaaat, M. Arriw • F. M m 'm MrMrofof FinnFtnaand TT-rdrn uT^e-yr-iT-,uT^e-vT-tT-v . and Jtffer.oovllle wa rw^wrv^w kavaupenedahon* lo Naw Pawacdcrv by tba*l.‘ A. M. Tvam - pa. 'Ne J. r ^ totoattendlotbacaiUofattend to the call, of cu.ome.acu.omo. a JUST IlESKY COFFIN, orlaan. lor thapurpoaaof w W RECEIVED EOl IEI.R. my. a*. not arjorad In uw tranto.-tiuj a Oeneral * ommiaaiun to adaato.f.*v Bwabtatoaad w.aarrt al V wfarpew ,-vrrrnB IwdacHnanta hendofeic |tItiitneirutneir danen to keepkaep ibeiba cboicencbnicMt brand.brand, of Family w n/ti.ri/i,. I'lEfKSI'lEi'KS Printed llaa>lkere..ie,..i Saparintendent Mamphi.and t*hio Ibdtio^, BuRnem. Btjttwn, m.-, « a my* dti atteatiaa eo le.. t* , F-Ir\-,ar,.ur, -hW.wblct. theythay wiU daUterl.aedalitorliae of drajm-adrajaya at modm.modm- J iStid .MempiiU, leun. * 1/Lele.ul.villa. .%RTUTLAR (ivea to tna ml. of I low. '••‘J"- 1 ,000 "do '‘**«"o.*- V*w Gakat'a, and art «aMb }w»\.*4. •(:. )»• •• I ua oraat rtrnei-".y; DUMESNII. A P^ Gram,Graia, anian-i Ptodoea.hrodcBca. m laatber eon neaeaea. | ata ptva. 1,*«0 do ^birt Itoaoma at MciivAINF M Vort. of In do; m TI I*S»., II l^hnaoal^baaoa i» i|i^-olBai»ipfe-e *) Bain ibe«.be.v -nmwe it *iat Vrw\rw.ta«'k.«i.ta*'*.* ibeir look experieBCc lo I toainem, they feel TT .kpHM. A. l.fVE'ML i o.. A.Aa .Hraaalra artkioartictoafof F.mbyFamily Hoarrtoa, kJkaya Fn»in U IvWO do Fn^nch K .V .vUSl: mway. OB.. bafhand.. f,#» Embroideiad MdaUo Uandi w tn forBi^dgftnwa at I ekauuB ei'h ' l*n varrsuted in ha>'itia ttiat they can efier fivat iuiiiHVHictita, 186Q leee. ea wsaffW-' Mr* ct. ktSOceota; HwrsNfshanr f rab <»»rrard. e.* •* farthv 0LA*S fron t. S". 4-» Main kDJ tt^ry r hfidt’utlv'truel to ihcir onf aiaudinc f^r a lib* %ille, ^meMPa *i?W-i«ok 4.MK1 yards liir»«t«w ft ' at cento; JEINTV'EIaIXY. WM. ALIEN. •uH-yT-i - cornar oi I imrtb ariM, aver haiua y aharr of |>atrouay. mf7 rkmi brtieT R". Grv MMobufa t sa, % Iwdoa tb. r%l l,(kiv do JkooQtH luAeriions at 1C ceota; SPRIIVUflPKl AISHAIVCie.^EMT. ft lawalrySlorp LOW) do do Ift ,1-.-

I GKO. S. MOoKFa. JNO. C.O. MA80NaMASON. «kd by CHABLKs F. lt\!\ HK4’8a, OTTER AI-IaEN, cabK rTT &A n'N TU WsariBMf spperel a*» ne late* fasssa» m M^ T-eC -trA'-.- THOMAS Q. BOBERTS wuiiilIi“i5.'Viwo?ofT!!S^^ 7.I^w« -m pww ^- i OEO. S. MOORE A CO., 'rw York i.tly; Abwaader H-ilaad. of New York t.lly; So rerr rm. r. to fardl ard A Horf.Uord, wkwh ra mim hb psB-^ni*r w aReai d a nber ar*k jw i« vnw>o w opnntlur,raaie. at.. 1. 1. stF>ra,.. . -<** OSTER, a hu semad . tond w.itw* . a LiviDastcii. of laiemaakoa: ail «»«totoa. ^ lhaa 8aens^8aeas^ wwiU bar'^arBe •nirew aad . V. j in th« (8«cri'?«uM to |loat£ao. Mi*ore. A Co.), dc»orlruiuth« W4SIII44iT0.\ northwest fr.ruer of Fnarth llamUisn :fpeiwer. of UibomiBatoD, jmLlpaid : • IkeIbe KaKaprsai f owpaB . ft i7*a «t*l japajtf akti-t and pi:*»p..iirro*. niE IWLLIiRI) 8\i.(H)\, lUN.MBAL .\XI> ST. JOSEPH lUILRUU) N*« York: and in ^WIB01.ESALEHOLLStA LC ISKfMJEKAlsKk atchba. lUnots. p**nBoaa mtareatad aa^B»4BBkfBrtl aoa bmmam be pa d W Ibe n—b are ma nanufiirfurorw and Itpaipr* goalbveet JkT! J# j. y\. tbo 8tat« of 1 The as cetfsn «im comer of kikio and Second S.reru. - 'rwflrv plat^Lware, Ar.. 4bc wbKrb ^ , -mm-* , be % fewsf aio Ibo sk.ekbotd«ri of said i:#»paBy, who chaaas m __ CliKBpiisruf in li»L>d. ^ * uDo-ual y luw. atebes Bf«r4j >b4 Snowopen. IdOacre of the fame vUl there find four *1 ^ H and ail klu*l* >*l to day, aud of wbom it is iBap*mulile to C#/* 1 rom day make an a »IWB to, f wrw ml a laso I Tables, the fimfotmakr*makr* tu the UiiiUHtL'liiUMl Staua.Statea. iitYd-.if Jewelry pn. nptli- and carrfuily repaired. u.«' dtf owiu« to to. lreo«eEa> of UrBUIS .TlPfCnaSIS, al br«.,i»oaa 1-* CA2^«MK>r**4 French li.TiiB*liee: rfll Yl i\fl IIIIT Rl 4cksCdbck of saSdsaid i^ampanyi!«aipaay isIs tf7fte.eaw*7ftu.HML 8IXTU 8TR£rr,fiTRERT, MlARNKAIt M.ll >. Paper, .rf Maiatorart. m IS bk»kri» Imp' rUI Y/| Catavad prtaMaa 42 sL, hetaeen Main Rtvor, eTerythinyeTerythiDf elM'ofeb** of thebt^.the b«W. pors and /m't/Af aJ^ortiintf tk* sAorfenf, employetl tn the n aad mad for mIp by OfUee No. Wall and « oinckc^ of which there is budowss of Raid Uompa* *e L 1b bond ,Mna.... . - a. OFIxY ll.I.K. KT. THE PEt^MLiAMt fE.trR\L I>ie sad will aVrUmAia. a/id Me N F.VV GOloDMlM-J4. thoiisani) doUam. atraat,»a.r Market. ascertaiueU, three w. P A I.. R. SHctTOCK, D W'fLL snyply Found-*ries and Kollind llillt from the do eTvO'thinceTtO'thInf iu bG power m rindsr their Tistts pleunot and stt«T F> h 14. treins leave //annibst/ /or And we, Um subscribers, the Trustees ahaes named eees Fnraa(.«*»rFnrBa(.«*»r sat4*cl>>ck or C6T nreirod |>«r American l^xpre* k Ur#e rari. ly of tolLwinytolLwinf and JoMtfk A. M., upon armai of U do hereby afree that ieical procem served upon eny a ,io said ^tata, shall br aad ComtomRoa Mar Joue$tk at 7 i»’cl***k P. .>k same day, cfiDnectina sers>ftre Commission CMESML A on., Pradaca vbkh BiU be eoM r«ry c*r«P lUirna Vtsla Karoars, l>I foul Fnruace, w tb if ifieiurd and takea as upea sasd i'oaipaay. Merchants, 1 ib. Ime of filktrlks- /Vurr^M, whka lease inmiSiatnJy It L, It O L). Uatrato on A 4» Wa . f amlitio* Fumar^. I.ajr«4 Furusre, ii I wl’nej- wfcereof A U JLa». 7W lAdba Bff« re%M<;tBtty iB%Ucd lo call and esamuac T\lbT INIATT we hare hereto tub. io** aSebrurka Ttlp, ' ChkaAa. rotmetJ M.in ht.*aui FnnBAce, Mt. saTk^.- Foinace, jKU \ eLt A I 1 1 I ? •titbifl ^ar kauals this I4th 5i CMiM«rcial ^ i^kD.NTsi>i:RANCECOMPAKV.corn«.o€ J. .VII KKAY >M. ^ M H V m am*am day of Na M. I’m, amd OUae St... Tbw I BtotorH., vwtotol 5 | U. iifvygaAtekutitn. Hrtitoit.ikUil LrarruworthCitw. at ihi. K.toto bow lo I'run Furns^e. Dk>Tt»«.u > urokr**, Y IM SADDLEUY.O/Al^ M Mj.ia^Ks.a.jlaili 1 • ^^^4 Bfe*41to J eember. l-S*^ be FOI RTII STREET, IT I I TllEH srhTaJtiH U K. LI.NKt»Fl*ArKETSlscora- wy la lb. r.wi. 4;rffwBU|> Fiimai e. llacfciey 1 uroacv. ^ HKNKY WKLLA ll^i»! Bl I'osed of the eU*ysnt aud rotnroiUhle st« amars on St. XtoOVXlSI, JVf Oppeito the National IJiu^Hone 1 umace, Y Yt»FRYl*l R 8ADDLK88ADI)LK.*i AMtAND «RIDI.E^,RRI1H.E.9, Joll.S Hl TTKltFrifT.D, o. aaMalkAent. hl‘vhl'V i* (At.ll l'^ M.^*-4ppi rW.r •u.l run exj rrmsty in oonnecti.in r iSnaiw alki» kevp c-onstanlly oa hand all siaet of NalU YolYlH K f >A«.U ANDAMt ItUGGYItrr.GY llAKNK.'t L uis leery day at 5 o‘- * CO. W'bnbaaleGfweefeaacuoflkaiKOl and Fir*' Ihtcka York PLon.H HAUNESS,HAUNtSS, Ha SPENCER, SAltGS^ A STOIIK. Yol lor f/ajmBftv#/ <-ty.»dnf oiiD at d/fonU takinc 4I» MsJaeKwoft. If* d«.m UFO. 8. MOoRK CO. BL*YBL'V YtU'RR WAGONWAGO.N IIAKNFjsS.llAKNftjsd. W. A. MVINGJn'ON, VIIO.WAK aVu^abant*. A uaiMenseniarnviUR b> U. a- M. aud P. KTOV.4LI. CO., wdtof^ PRIIHABLY tbc haitoamwal aad niniC « HTkItl'^ Yt»iYttl KHTUrSN'*.TltrNRW, r // A. A .V. 4. ft./fs JOHX??Tv>N LIVINGSTON A Passenfger 'Trains i ttomy r. M.c.b..t, a. a-ienf. M li oiu .St L..ui- arrtee >r*V WMu Ovoaari'aiU • us- ‘ BUY'HL'Y' VOIYt il at 1 in .Sf. Joe. in " kt^/compictoU compietB rtuckSiock of iJnna,Gia.«,aad(jB<..t>fcL:,< ihima, Gim. and Qb* L;. 1.• DAMKL McMFLldt.Na 11. D. MALONEV. ALL K dADDLERYsaddlery ,T ALEX. HOLLA.XH |>ETwr.r*i MatntoraK. bitaaon gocand a»d Third. -to- mmm - 24 t/aours, fr.YUi LfiuisvUle hi tktrty-mx a»so tifsrrsl t'annissios .Hrrcksits. mTsw-Rc; y.sd *iiil.viie!.fh'.». ft warewmre LtoHer..clBst^we, Va.C'.Va»ew. L*->kuiaL«">hui< b.Uwhi.t.loMew. UU,. jl*U .---to. jm. Wrs; Htttecrlbed swera texture 7 c.rw<...^;:r and o me this day of Bin I* ,w-vr.a* Btotwt . liti.*.rv. p -li~K-C-L>^/V M from Quit\ct cl^.f.ntiection is made by a Jine o* mb f»o to lb. I ul. • D . .1 aatoiar aad a W’al»^Waler tCo*4e*^,'o**lerr, TrTeitettot*.in-t d*l», and ifif Oa i»ii.<3.a.Xji’s, atemmer J.*»K *H,*MoM0 im^ lAntcnakIdaoterBs. dkf & MALONEY, eember laftft. rpiFFITH 4 MCMULLEN Utoi V on C^imii/o and MoXTGOM ftvKV GIHHS, AUGUST A, OCO, ’’th Throa^ Trakp-framall Wivffr.a pewlo i'hdad** UU. Main aad Markat. to be fwirnd in tW eiiy, can uow lie »een at .No an**)tp^ VfY SI Ti.ieri aptocB Quimey aud Toledo and C • Uto.li. me., t M^b^ Tabs No. f.l Ihird ctiect. diadtf CommladGner fuff Kentucis, No. ft WaUet.II et. •hia New V**fk Boston. Baiti‘-*«»re W***Uiaeta;s Om, M*VM FAUTLkEKS OF Ouiney fiatlntatla h'me foicer tkan any otker route. r. BeA.N’K'OKT’S / * I VE THE e rkliTiieT s*e*www*»>.Kbr*toi. e»d tUMaiaaowt. ... luwotm^ rhrcitd tkronyk Lkmlers and noimimm aie torited to etll and rzam'Br I and handled Jrea< So extra FAI.Ib^ f'lT% TKIIKA 4'I»TT4 WfftKHM, ' Maln.aatwe I iteveatb aad Fbablb atrwom. ckargr/or tnraU and MeUrroomettH itaelceto. arm. dtf Vt H f.Kl lUiihK \ Fifth ftreet, near Wuinnt. laOtibiedle. Ky. ADAMS EXPRCSS COBTPANY, aU Vtraun Prudaec. V>U d««ir tf( En«w and Fato w.. i;.im.«b steamship line to the south. hwiii/raNfs nr U4 c«*uipaity ti»eii t> <rnlcee. ls>t.nu Ac.; rwepecitnir the adsirs «.! fl.bfr.hT dr . n. f»v'«ter*. rkklef. p.irfuuBery, ies|s*ctfully rr^ueMted t*> cwnMder this A STATft:M ENT the Adame Et ^ . J .*^*s KAK8HAIX M Sut«. Marbled, RsrdlOOS, '‘HIP LINft. c<»tniKdh*d >> 1 iN^.“*?H7.KTr '9 ^ At.. 4dd Main sh .n. ebaap r»Yut*. •r-ety o t.‘ompany. made pursoant l>> J.'ii. ‘ rilbOU',»Kfc. Pb^aw^l*, j rlu*«, ft'Ur.V^«>rk*>, tilkdi .lats, new. and b«»tore sel.'rtin^ otlten*. as it bus press aa act of \ tfhia tb. vf:: aubis Ms PU» iur Curds, ^ShjEwFtr-i f'as< Steam* n, an BxS '‘FH-\ " 0 **K— f euterpieces,L1.^***mKunnlnc Mo.NTt.l R . OTTON MI.,1,9. ft uo*ttK‘«ii«>nab e atlTsntaaes over ail others V u.m*. tare of Kentucky, entitied An Aet o.aesralog Mrsrt.beiaMftoartBaad ( T**han<‘d s*aps, fVudle*. uiuf tef ularly b. tweeu the atfOve iMin*. and Is Ibeoult/ Leprw H jT IlHDd New Urtoan# Mioar | . apf. ^ • nh cb MKtil GH TH Kft:T8>i St. Companies, and numbere«t Tfti, declaiiad said REFKRe.<«4 Kn. . aad Fato Lib, wbaMt lor balHMir aad W«*. u>e. Tropical ft'rult«. 'ft rcltjht Jooepn by Companies iteairriB H alc^. Jewalr> , Ac, 4 to kbUix^Lm-i and p..adeiwd p'ujmr; 1 U lUes ani shtpiad %ia a and v . a K. fn.in Purkers^nrr «a eH:l*^l^^ .{ H.eNY .vY'* »"^ lftttCftftftftCtft d. Jv U niwroad beJ iy‘‘iu™wu'h r7f*,'r7n« be e<»mai«*a earriffus, and pruvidiug Mewv*. ••••aB. l.)«Iuors, Willie C!ul. or Wlierllnif »r ^‘L'fha^il 1 ica-ts itYr sale at all t)t»* to for Ike safety of Chaa D iRrM to fn.,. . . .. bef w—B ffacMBd and Tbftrd. Iu si«>re and foraaie I'B siifdr, f Savauuah of tbs tnterL>r of the Mtate-' *»f railroad oftuva. Fo. luriher iuiumia i< articles entrusted to thalrrar*. ~ B.U Miutowb. H siii'i* A . aue-r. aud freorpla. Teun«s«.ee, aud Aabauia. u and ail coutnbcu « j Fartomt.tr il AlgllALIJ^U-^T from Savanuah via TRAINS cMAlX. 1-cW.f Hmitoboto tlnu ta for Railrual, will be ttl'WrbJ j. Jl ItOtNE.S, The badness of said Compaa) is coadwetad N Lun«w,nti.i UITE A I taken at low rates and prompt disiiatcb by moo ' iMibb.lt .ntoa * B. N Liaaa tram l^ma II. x-mM. .1 l*nto— rv . tb Gsi fis.dwr Mam tfrst . « ft;AL8 prime Mola-vew; Cookiuf siren l••mr'ral .\aeut, 8t. Louis. afters, whiMMifuU aaines aud proper ptaaseafreddaacaaii W Ftoe, I in I tbrasap M FmlUatowr.. ia I'biiaitoliibia w ; to. M.. «r\fsr\f s ft^ftlrst -'*^**‘ 1 asfollows, via: MTaar at Main a»d I fijfid kaif bbis pnaieprmte MM<4aiae>;otan A ; Haas Cabin Aotommo4ai!.»ns ' to to ftl5. la Niw rb K-a ir\ M ti A di AanMoMS^ Kd, 603 Mdip It., adjoiDioft Bsok of Luui.tille, JOSlkUr/kJif’n 111 b«iafriu!eud«nt. llaDDihal Fire Y M I e M- aad BaHWi .t, iTv M. M, > Insurance! Ihaeaiora, Nsw Y:>rk, 7ft MrfsMi4s fruysimottsi- d.d>'; I Wm. M. V. tmrs^iuk ; WM. MKXTzVL; Aaeni; a bvraiaa nib. euaiwr Bk ft-ouftnswomi. blPdly^ Sanford. 1 .t yknatam -vnb » R M >to- laIm marmoteftore aad lormletor sale nywv I mayll d3m iU>tiuior«>. Md. BY kdwards A. Pktladrlphfca, Pa. EO* ISVIELi:, KV. K**>. arriv. la rW'ad.-’i.i.la at In la 1 .1 J to CO., «'0. aft>err.isker, . M., N.w Y * ttWAKD J*>HN F jeU MAR-UALLMAK.-UALL HALbEKTIIA LV.FKT Ato i'Q . 8amu«l M haltimore, Md. BURTON A HAT.r. atod Foaftb. toU - s NBxniiwVF A.LLA.NJXLrDOaX'* x .ANDJXSiU i^AUliBa F M .lad to Halri mi.. ailc Y I M. j "w R.K, MaBtoaato, Mato aliwto. btowaato Tbtrd ^ ¥ ^ 71 B ^ y'~i T^'i • ¥ ^ ^ ^ • Y SAXiCM R.K. C3r. G^j^re W'. I’lBss, ft*iusnar<. Pa. H All OrdriT proinpil)' iillendcd 1 L T f IT Tit OFFH’I- .YOtt uorth .Ur or i Jaeses M. THoai|w>ja, hprlnirfiHd, to gON. Fa Otweato. tow Mai«ataitw.t 1 xCxXLiI iOP-i! ht; M»i atiwt, ni Ii*« lUrd- Mam, WHOT.ESALE i KHITT ^y OILS! OIOILS!US! OIoil J^! GROI’KRS. ~'wy w%ra Slot.- »» Clapp dpooaer. Hridireport. I ona. j 1!® LOI.I.lA i:w»f^Klttl(i\KU AflfcVT N Y diT imity Trwtas betwiea PhiindrtplaiY aad \«w ^ask ^ st. wi.i.'i, jelut Biniihaa-, ft*hiladelphia, ft^ Two imift* Traftaa B*:wemi \ww n<*kl«-rs inIc I eommi»HOH Y>* k aad Bioeoa M %]!,' M. SKENESKKNK Ato CO . Maaiifariurrr.Mkittifariarrrs asiknJ D-aUr, kok hetkoit, Uiic.ido, aWerrkantM. a* MANLTACTL'RJ-IKSjHA.^cr At.iEur.Ow. OFrr - rof die Mercabtile Fire Tnanrance Co_ RuresH. KtAsley, Newpon. R. I. l.:ttjricAiin{ Oils. k-.e|i eon. sun an 1 T»iird rUveta. where all orders will be attende 1 ... Tkffoafth TVkHs «a Uka i> eiw ftowd oa tah«r of iBr ahwe all kinds OI Bumifid “*aud ' m No. 3Ca Main st., j " br.weea .Sereath a. UTbwdtorJcr^ NO. .a WALL street, .new The pereoDs nterested ar ceatui i^ar fnu( are the aad Elfthth. worth ddss traimi. i::::rETto^!irHTTN eftautf ,r #B bnnd^ I “• vokk. «*etk „ in uaitinc UoMm. ^ holders of mid UonipaBy, who chanftefrom day Bi*ATTll EKTdtn esisa epw pead Norwich, uruje and Dnaftan omymne beehehM^nlsay»e elnX al say udiheuftthe d*., ' Tbeamouotof caplu) empkoed in Ibe btasiaem HAl ieetedtected aa*er. the d t sa emv — — OtOi : d»; i KatoaKatfn ; Capital and Surplns. fiii-ft.Mii). to bnt.aa lf Oracarto»to GoatolMB SEWING XEIV AIBiW A.\H *8 ran be ascertained, ten tbr OMod diYllnre. — Z.. a ^ lihiM BKerv; oad TM KftT W )_**TW ai tha Gieka fkc.. Ac.d.e. MACHINES! \LE.n — AB1» to HCoTHCK. Oil; 9N U««ftb.ad GNo. 4«7 Ma nftt. •*6 ‘fiCIXMWS, Foirthlkdaaa FUttrnin. 11th of April, 1>. 'ITLili?mfvtowara.toc..jfatoto»wct,»»l.A. toto^aSSt Mt r—.— Mwiuft Marhloe an* leuueiied ti rail and examloo the Cl A>S RI'.UAIll.EKI'.U.Aill.ftv FIRKftlttK I NN.^r.al It 4 this day A. l>4f. ANirw BFCHANAN * f'O., AM4 N EK Tb. WMBbu ato odU» Wiwtora w ato-ct~to : '.b. Fvbto. nbuee Maciunrs at No. 6 Masonic Temple, ft'ourth sr Wm. B. IMosmore, L. A Ruftm A Kinsley, L. I*' Jarntw K.linery. «x « ivtrw J tfAUTiv K iftlsania katlrasd ' h«* CNDRICK WM- DtolarU Watobaa, Jatoatr»,toe.,ll |dS Awaw for m. >ka C. 1 ILftcK. ft*. 4a MAKTlJf. *7 *• ta Chicaftu tKa» fianford . ,p, j, ^ FoSKft.TT, E, A Jas. at. Thompma, 1859. AVIXTER .IKUA.N’fiEMFNT. 1859iiiOiU ** ** ft*o'do«ee.Bo» l.>:d dly] 8hoen«akar, Clapp Pptioaer, *• STE.4tlB04T [apu Lo ujaenie, to, Wto to , OftrNft.kfL FIkK l.Nsrk\.\CE BI .SI.SE 8S f>rhis 8. M. DIRCCT LllfX: BL If TYLER & MARTIN, 2, «, V •* AGE-STS TWEE THE EAST fi:^ r,Kk^D I^b^^ t> It A 1% Ca !:« O H 71 I .T| friends aad ac jiialt taiiras lb LuUL-riUa, and Luaaas Oeo. W. <’aes, John Biiiftbam, ** 7oTr^ ioor^d“p.rr!rM!LTi:Sf^^^^^ E • ** AlfD THE GREAT Y.MoaitfreBtakOk fBraBfIh and HaM Itf . ^ promptly adjust^ and settled by Jobneioa Lisiiiftsion, HORTHWEET Li COMPAaN MAfttsttALL MALI ' kT * < O., FANCY FY / 'TV. k_ .. T. > WHOIJ^:SALE OROCERS, GOODS. 7W Ikul, Theewa'eetfaaof trwehehyrhe Baitn*a«f TUidwest K i e- OoMPAhY, nartbsftde )att Wc M*in slr»rt. ft'ourth street, orfi¥iLLK INfiFlcAN^ At 110 between Market and JefEeraon, OEO. W. BARCLAY, Agent aecddiap aft fesewaFfaf I I ^kica^. _ TATI or PmnMaTLTAtfiA: hurt, draysfte es I'maht. *hrf wi thr* t'ommiHHion alferrliantSa AN be found a Uitfe Mnd beautiful assortment ot fancy I that h sarlap f tta»*. *r» Ad^ eatarv« rww.lBv speewhYir-ft - « Be it romembi;r«id, oa Uiis eleeeath day of lH ft ^Dni’iF V- uivnFViM v'*< I ^ a ^ f AprIL 8 oaadauaa..^ SfROULENrltULLL Ai: MANDEVJLLE’S31A.3UL\ ILLL artklea, eouistimt of Fans, Combs, lirnshes, f*er- Oil fftlld JlkIftUSirV Sftl. U^Hirps 18A0. before me came W. Uam, Pn*4denl of tim Adame — —a isi,ri.v.<«K ov t:frrr - “ - . . p j raw bitira vkj w « ve a i a* <. .mU — ' rumeryfnmery. Pomades.romaoes, PortmonaiearonjnonaBe* tTiF^, ftatchpeaicoF _ mm - • — , andaDO Pur^, Is,is, V'is-vis- .% TT Paaasn»*r Tr*l« ».ii ito«toto Vm-. a i..- . I Gliat&i iat Clothing House, dealers i\ boikbox whisky, i JBWEllY Ai WATCHES Chtenfountempo Maliasii ntat Of wuiow Warr, ft eaiber Dusters, Toye, Ac.. Ac. We ‘k.Tftto-M A M »«« rnMmarnmm »«.. A M " *“’• iftie ftjtdiee 9t.St. Lout.Louie and ClLcmnatL'liiCinnat ^ by F.X PRENiin larff. wtotoTl DtoMr. Taaa, Ll Yb. m , atotFni^ IiOI'IetTlLLE,IM>ri!NriI.l.E« iBTite ibe atteatlon of to oar stock, fet*l top D.yDsy ftipivasaI lofvu'a i’.:<>fti- .'la m’ 1 ANHAMtolXJ.. M ••** ** pV M* St. CmorCw, or P.Tv,..^^.nJ^W^toj^y^Prmaoha,Caantyo/Allepb«ayJ “ “** **•• .wortn- cot of all Kiel. Ilf toCB/ ^ JOHN M. l-a Gfocartoa, TbIrdtoiaaL I.OriSFIM.F. assured a* repards prices and tbe «|iiabty of our poods they .MchtNlpht at.t tfSft»-* B u .** ROBINSON A CO.. K Ma.jta. tor, comer alel Main anlan I FmrUiKonrUi «r*ctaKrcrta KV. p M State of PennaylraDla. | Mai. at»croDii«ctl.in.arcn;adcalMitchcllaoseconnectliini* are made at Mitchell (Lau RoMaMBRobtowin to lNDEKBEXGEk to CO- Wb. l to. 1 . Dmatoton, rpHp. larfvto in the CMtcl Statc^ bavin* lloiua n H wiuiwith aUall the Pa.^Pas- Aa -m? -X- B.UBelt rrawubuwdremembered tbuthat a,ee tb.the etovMtbeleweath RtoRtolbto).ibai ). ..y to ARNOLD MILLER. tongrr Train* on < il.io and t.. atraacbaiwann TbtodatodFnnrtb. fotlowlnc piaeea: Uuisville Blsadiinr Establi$liB«at. MUaMppl Kailroad•*»*»«»<« soto »ndand ud to n-U cheap, and tbertowr invito oor j. 1 from 8t. Lonls and liuriunati. R -4 importerk w.vTwvew KV-'a B.s A-4 T-4 ws-r-iia rw% & O. Whotaaatc Dealer, in OroeanM. U- NEW YOKE, jobbers aafflwU.: .kthrta A Hlhhert. H ^iMaii. O.: ‘i:A v-C Met. tolTrRRIb, W- R'^-Mur^. LoaGattsOA. M. aadtJOP. M. 8 ol Kvatitoby, nr vt Fmlla, toe., TMrd to., btoow Main. URTEVigLE, MRS. WM. OSBORN, HYDRALLICd-***-^ CE31ENTv^toai liaia to compile. /V IW hm Mejmas Um^Ule.L.«i^Uto. k.Kv r 3 mov^aaewn , KrarhinfKcarbiDflinciniiatll Inoiniiatl at 1 I0;!uIttSU ,\|.,\| i; p. and i-OD0 i ^ aT^L^'BT. L »ri!»,I D A M dal/duly .iitlM.rtodaiithnriiied aad oHaowaniietfcasitn i totoc M t by thetto- 0.v»raofOereraorofof Kct-Kea* G.«. fPkfley« Ykitoy to i...Co., Lr«nev«tv.ni-vi I,.U*. Mtfto JrdeniBB at.* bee. Third aad Paarth, rRfVrll ITIIIIV B. IVDII OIII-O A ...l.>.W.i.nb«*t,.. >. W. i.rwlmm A » ** Mnnofnetmar. nf ASiicBltBtBl Impto- ’ Leave -&0 HIRSCHBUHL & nnd.runder the laws therwaf I 1 l 5N to CO- CHIiCHU.Arrtj.’AGij. R^.N»o-Lrav.KnTaNiwb— R.31. LouhU>uh .PMS A. DOLFINGER, tacky,todiy.andand tbvUw. ibMMluas Micbsuch to tokvuAaawl-lake ackaowL 1 ALIA.V, «fc Sl l.k .S «taftrw,!!).ton. III. F. 9aw.-lam. 9ja.i. Li>.ix • A M andaad 2*:to.;«l i-.I* MM.' IaULy R.K. Loem M J^aJ-to. II11 iTu-i.lYari.* Bi«blbMmtoa^ ^^^KI*>Ph4'TFt*LLYiaformfthelaaie«that 0*bIL'ebALb. andAa>D Rl'^^tolh"'ttKl Alla. ' m«tola.carMrGrannnnd Aiiivin*Aiiivinp at LouGetUeLonltvilte at 4:40 edpmentsadi(mcnUork, 1 very ineto «nnMtr nf rif* OnlrOtHp iiiw farm Belwcen 3eeond aad 1 bird tonwta SKS .tW^flCSS *€a..Ghiea«etoO..Gbli.«i IK;Wk; W H H RK «toii7\H..m.nata. AH.*m. Itt. M-.r:j The Kdwapux^ted stock of 80mw Booueu. ftibb*jiis. 3IAN IT v®* mw CkanoetrCkangeof ramfato at.St. Louia, Cineiimati,Ciixiiuiati, m” { FACTURED ln«U>Uw,ny.llwtthvrur,«uln(.ui>-B»iBt wUhto Wnw* mi pby to V» tolv. DabinM.. I»w»: w u. v^g: tr GBode. tia FoniW etiwt. •* CUeago. m m.ami ma ^ ^ - Fiatoai .Lwwto vj y f^Zh ft'lkfvers. Wreaths, and llead pr eassii. nSN AND SOLD BY lotbabsto ofWknowlvdca aadbtotof, mvb 1* n n j CJUjOTTHH^GI aadto .wora FaWi^ f DR ft* Or D S. ro.di to dMmat poCi to iW W.to. Alsn a food aasortmentofebUdren** Hats and Flats, Lar« D D subscribed befere I Baggage C.A.^ LO-A-L and me. 1 by:ach. to ro.. Bageae® CheckedCheeked EL at the ..inMGbmeirt A .SUP, et. ii nlwny. on hntod abiw aud of th« laxeat ttyles. Through. Tbr .•rrwd far ®, 3l'r^* lAenov oenier.. llltaI£5to,tlIIirMtonin tom nnove ito nonm. imekram Frame*, aud Cruwns “laTiS^STfInteeffimnny whereofwtoS!!>7T‘ltov.1 hare honontohereonto totset mytoy haDdhaod aad WM M. wm — I rPROl'LE to MAN'DF.MLl.F. Nvw AllMay, ludiaito. BEINGREINO River, Va. Md «. “* Dtcachioft and Piaadof oarried oa as ntnal at THIRTY MILE3MILES SHORTER thanlhaa any olherolhar aStadtoyolMalaatolbadayudywafltad my olMal seal Um day and year abore wrlttea. uNKB J- Umtof to WHMa. LMoan, toe., aneMain I a^wHM Ql/blK« »*»i^k fcrthafor the ar,apt oarfiiMoachina farto,8pr1a< tradeb-ato* .WwW b.be XTofK7 ' oft i?*!!® connectin* cloa^ aith «•» la receipt n4 a lot of tLb trijy eelehrated CU. MoCLEKE 114Y9, ^ e M etrect. beaweon ffiatb and Beeototo. atom m, • MKd. wM-o.^Bonya, W'R losad to imars re to sxleat end rarWty the oMot ewm. Misatadjipt dc iiai)r<>ai,aud ** article of t'anoel fjuaJ ^not the pdippin* ^mi). frueh Cem.c-.fMK''.Sa5s^ii:'p?a*=.5^K‘Jkfor Kaatucky la Penaeylraalaa ptoto of any of *®rtefiLitel> lor FAhCY UBY 04M»r>8 rr-? ..ibrwl MK!S*. A. *“““€ o.AM. rains when tft»ey are de* from the mtoesof the Wetfern Mloinf and Manniaclurina tothetra^of i R. A. SHRADER & CO, lawtf** LoowrUie. to wbkb we p%rti«n.Ai|, met , I'lircMecilClllGSe to KelJaUe u'oanectiousat t Mitch* ompany on ( oal KiT**r, a bianrh of *he Juiuuaba, i£k' Fk iOMMIS.r from 84 . L**nie or CTinciiuiati -oQYs* cAj O-XZIJLJS’ I we are deidruus tu dts(.^a« of a: r»'asooable rales. To thb^ thIa roata fiai«h«i af all ME.MKUIF.S CAN BE HAD AT nr*Pej*"‘*ngerBeuii Ibigrape uken to and bare used it, Bf 4rmr fto.mma k. iVr.aid from any lart ho te needs no mutmendatioti from off. To I 81M. Wttnem my band, tl^ i4th day of Apidl, leftd. et tite it • ROBERT ed firito Pbilade>pt^ .New Ynrb. la..! R^t‘*“***' I 4 t and the Cars Free of 1 'harp fuse whu hare niu we say try conrioee yonrsehres aprftftdtf CARMICHAEL. a. av Itoaua. .. hand CUhA. M. THRL’dTON. CTk Jeff. Ca.,Ky, lha anvpawlua Kaitotoda -f ubi. . ti.ar,te,r TuaocuuTuaocuuTaAtNefdinoMtT^tnef wnoMt at GreeoraslleOiworasllF* with the that for parlor and eteikinp pnrtMiors It tai-i.i-a w^i*^*"”**' I Terre ha" no euml. Clothing Establishment. Maiito, toeo aeba. laaa. 1 Hauteautc a id n'chmoad kailit^,kailroad. W -w Mb- ntl b> radr-eid .• M^aS^uiave n^**’ DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE West>V eet for Terre Hauteliante and We also keep constantly on hand a aipply of Pfttsburc to*. kaOtat Y ba Peuaar IvaA a Raiknad 81. and for Indtanapoils. At IdalayetieItoafayette with and2d i\>mrroy <; ial for mte at the I wfwt uiarbet al— c-t m.-ta at PPa-buia enlnmi nt«»i-r i e lin— Third ttyeat. east aide, between Walnut and GuUuissU., market pricee.pricre. MO. Jff W EST FKOMT HTKBKT. GRInWoLi». .,B > - VIOKTON* H Ikto fto bbls fttonrbon WbLky; the Toledo and Wa:ia/>h Kailway Went f..r wl-k toaaatvTv. b/ wkirb aaadi »a be loraat-r, b. uv r>a,Miwbiaduto. Keo'n. jtt.Teaaewea.i and ftjut for ToMo. And elth the Mkhi- Offl'‘e tonthweei coi^iMfr BrtM»k and .Maj *^ streru, aftil €l.rC'l!«5IATI. ato- 1H08. E. JE.\KI\8 k ro., Sft bbls Uharry Brandy; JdOriMlLLK, KV. pan Soutlieru and Northern Indiana PrUad. lldj-w MiwtibiviH. W acuM. MaanaiL Haaima. \.l ARK aTgnjWNS. Daalan to Fatocy and Marla Otp kaUru^ for Toledo I yard southweet comer of ft’'ult«jn and clay yveta. ijiicairu ***** all Arbaitaai. aad Bed rWon: al f 2ibr4sAcyls du, eenstantly on of I and and In'wiuediateIrreiiuediate statioor.Station®, dtf aad beWad .Wtadiutor ^1 Une4a.47t Maiaatowat. Cheuitsts, HE tar hand a Mpplr U»e b**t Mate- And.kud at Mkhi-Mkhl- I Jauli Dihsolntloo. Prmelieal 1 ft bbl9 lUsekberr} Rtandy; 8*^0 City with tte .Mkhlpau Ontral aadt btra»i wBbaaatoanwailpaitoMiha .N.w1kwetoeta S iiah> for makieit ChUdiea'i Clothlnf- Also, a fine as* I Kallmad forChkaftO he fine ofO. ImreUAt'o. Is dlanlred by mutnal KeoNAMCH FIltE INILRANCE OOMFAMY.llnin . fft bbis Cfiiumun Wlasky; Lake-. of WTalaot «rasts. ' soitmeutof Trimminpi cni^at, dienJution take eflsct atraci. between Third aad battotb. »**ftaU Coraar Third and T said to from January lift btia cid copper disiUied Wlilaky; for ssU hy A3IEK1CAN HOUSE, 1, ibatTfreWhito ‘ ~~ ~'*| hr. A. feilUAliU; A GO., r~~T itl-ii i Oli£\ PK06G P.aad Imperial Test kfMF.MnEk THE nOETF., C. Dnrall it rharaed with the Bcttlement of the barloesa, — a sah- iSOdly Ko. 807 Maike*Maiks' s^.,st., ab*.veab*.re ibn^ak.ibiwik. Ba arewly traiall. ftO hf ctiiali lUsHc Tf*a; m store snd for by MRS. S. A. ALLEN’S BOSTON, and W ab>oe ai>th;ir^d to use the namo of the drm In the j THR dATRd OP FREIGHT la aae Iba «U MaH^HALL HALtUILT A C«>. Kew .4lbaii]r iind Kaleui Kailroad. tt.eIT.« *«t4toineat of the Mm*. aakm to W.to *TT, 1819 Urrwtl.>r.t audand liwtbeat arraDK-darrauffed I Hotelllatal In thetha by the peaaaylvaaia Radruad are at .B Rae. a. toewbaa Uorltl'9 iiftirKestorer 4 ZjlubaSamum nr*Genere] rflke.ft&ft Main street, I •I.l New IJIR aud 9taUi.; Uiwatralljr lov.iM aad «wa> TJ1CDI19 DL Y’ALU -| Citrrinste Teiuiinitiffo^ 8oatb sMe. betaeen aa are ebarRito bv aa/ • lhar I tairiad t atapaabe. . F. liOWSa. aernw ail W. TVKNER. e. 8 MAHK ^•kund kiid Tblrd. Mjl'i^VILl.ftl, Kentucky, where JlJ'iOf (rnui me roat.a »f travat. It oun. I^UepartkaUrtoBarbpaekaaaa-eu Paava. JBto^^BS ail »he modem imoroTemeam end every C. T. MKK-dM.YN, R R." CO.\CH&SADnLEKV H\HD\V«KE. ,*.vao'''V"wr,vn.o. TIllloLGlI 'IlCKft.Tg and further iofamiaUiin can be ^ J,- tferrhauia ia iba Weal nrderlad aeato iraa iba con' ••!.*«* rr-’ for the comfort * TlRNER. l^t aM MRS. A NAUTS’am«*k/*w ob'eiiied. Al*n at Ticket tiffi«*e, I^ouiiviue aud aceosmodotiou of the to IIOJ4. .^lACKKNZIF.h’MONJ*, 'A*2*d Bal- lloud. da weU dt/fal Ibato to ba tato*ad^Yy toa. Mia. treTeiliiift public The sleeping roo us ore IoTk** . GOODS! Trams are runhy Ia0 ai»viiW and wcU a . . -i_ DRY and timerretrert. Bultimwie, 3ld , ImiMiw »iU coutiniM the buMoM hen Deaior la MiUiaarr Oowda^dwf- T B0T8* AKD C1BL8* CLOTHING ESTABLI.SHME.NT, N.tE rentiUtedttbteFOitesofrFH.maare well orrai.ffed and eom- nPHE undersUned u d k^HOKMC Mrs WM., 471 8 Maniifaciurvie oC stmiu»«^ ftSriUe |t»u, |tiKkle«, ftkefas, RICKER, Bup't’i oeoi under Mvie of MAIN THELT .. «.i^. , . . ^ pl-triT furuidied f. i llle* * “ uni the • / fwraoB streat. hetwaea Third aad Foftf^. *Aat nf A. B. BAKER. Tukrt Ag’t, LniisviUe. r fa and lar«e traT^llnp portfea. Tack!, liaiii*. Hvadi and Ifc lmi. Tvrrvti and HiMkt, Me Third Kiwi, bvtwm Malnat and Gaihri. .New 1st, and Hie home will c*'ntlnne tn be kept sto % fir*i cloes Ho* r Uwe now epea for exhibition aad cale a larpe aad * spoke*. Hubs. Felloes, .SwHela, Spurs, l.area, Spiinye, streeU, wue door north of 8chon Ubapel, Altame)ed Lswab^r, &c. di>4 meats Le,. Iftaia atrert, hatsraeti T^rd a^ Faa^. | d«m ]aOI'l.*4VILLE. KV. BoeTow , Jan. ISfia. P 7, rtly aud wUl rootlnoe to keep ceitoianUy on hand a foil and E. J. HNFEDEK, PtotoMpbito. PIA\SYLU.\i\ < K.MRAL RAILKOlD. Fsscy ssS Staple Dry G(h>4$, " M4URIW * KIHIN9. -a Nartb ariad. Baltewfa. «i Mato .s now In Ldl operation, aud w« ate pre- TJuPL^rAND CURTAIN' GOODS, LEML H to C >- No. M Rdbv aaaaa, Waaaoa. rl r>f:r8^ GOOP^ hPRlMG and MMER T pared to fill all orders fi-r ft'ovvftlk uOUM ItAG B. H HOI wr«>\, Lack WkAft P1NG8. wewe^ M.lr": ' Tliuai U.YM.Y IUaINS FROM GiNG aud MAClil.NE 1:01*11 1, Ki.NGSFOKIi to ST)N, , _ .. Gaaaial Fi-Mbi Adeal. Pbitodei.J.-a. ft.llHkOl DEklt^n cf eweee ae-rrt|>Uon; THO^ 11. aU.NT JIAN IIEOBTAI.NKDOF- Hue 1 aiYcy SiMple iyiyU DoBieNllto Boi rr ft|4M4llCkY AM* klKHoNH. eell a«wiii>*d; PITTNJtlKG to TII11..4ULFIIIA „ . _ 'and Mntonal laatratoMU, toe., F.artbtorMt. Oeaeial TVkelAdat. 1 . Pbito.-. bdi:a. v.^ Jam*-* ftondo, TV. A II. Lnrkhsrdt, ~w— >' rKlkT8 of mtoA ai’tenred Styiea; larpe ^ "n ^ 'T x , nf.cr factt r, T L. Jefrre n, OF M I “ —W M9R .^talejiy Ditl Tlliir. H. IlfNT to rii Gerteno -A^-LVI) Tv A.T CtC* V_>^)(V>^)Tjft_L>^ tor sate at lowest pHoes. V. O A U T.AJ FJ^ffi^nACe. V 5 a'sn their 4 !(#RN or And ‘^TARUH lYipared Coru h>v soUrilsaoUetls a <«n*loiianeet-naflniiaaea loetav at at UJ sU MAkV A noW’NS, 471 Main ft. YY ANTED.—We are pa>lnr iheliluheet rnatket I The Eiiiri-w Mall tune l>AILY'.th«aihr theIbe lostlaat -ixMwm-ixnwn \muo.t eara. Ik i1UI'X;T I'O.NNEi'TION.'i aiib all I baad Vaaluaii BHada of veer/ M I'ETEKS, CUAGG, 4: CO.’S I daa. ctoar, aad b.1 Txaib»frr»m jM CL,ICLal DII DIDfVALL.VALl .toaal la taa trade atoa, la repair, repalal, Wl.rtoia,jOTrtoly.*c.,to* al. A«.,fartoeMa„aVae,arer.. k’ii^^rhw“U. _ . aad ra- AMseV M. C . D-alFrla aoUoa R *»*'<• 8t Loatt Mo.; Duhuq.ie, Keokuk, end Iowa CUy, Icwe Frato a practical ka»wF •I itreitooma, i tneitohip. adg. at Hia bai a. _ pj,. p.i,j^, hiiracu and tbealtaH. Cairo, Kofk Island, end uhk'ofto, llUbJts* LesinrtoB Coper toto aad b/ wrlet altaatfea MR. ba bapea to OkII.AOHE»i, ntotoiadna atod Farward. LouitovtU**, fiaute FI^A-KTOS TXJISrEID. la (ive ai tiRa aile a la aU aba ,>- deal aiu laaa PARKE CoriMr of Mala and Sixth ata. aud iCy ; Terre Itidiaoepol^, \|R T J. npoTJ^N dale of Fbiladeliihuu baeoaMW aad mm. di CO.*8, of London— U e Ubvf«i potronofts S toto WtowaanU. matl toivto. ALLEN ned laafeyettc, indtenB, I'mcionau, 0»lum- ‘ ‘ ' '“'V prepared In aiteiul nroa.pt- i* 1 a paitoer ta oar biMUe froai thG da*e. Extract HyiwcUniU"* l*rke* rmeonohfts and terM Cask. oon A\w Hardwara.toi buff Ua>Wn, Toledo, i;ie«elan4, Zenet V an all order! for i umitag and Hriatir- Jan I. laaa. 1 lIDd. A.NDKIL^tN to CO. ^RL*. W. II- ItoaW IB aaddtory l>n ftklledonne; Title, ff'iestiins, .Massillon, and Woos- M lltair, baviiiR leeured H.* aarvuu of Jar. Ma:,torr*t.L.twwv,FAbaBd Rlxtb. __ lio CObiura ^ t Iff _ _ ter, Ohio; al^ Reuse", Nebraska, J * .V J J K. M i’XBT, a brd rate tnn.ir aud prmeti. T. SHANKS & CO., I>o CopartxttoiRbip MANDEYILLE. Wtin lwa l, aadRMaH Uiiuip'd Coloeyath: Mianosote, cml/iUHO lirr, ^PROrtU* dirictlroui .autma A Clark. NewY'nrk. HAY'E thia dav aavwlated alth ate at/ fua, Jeba R. S U'rrhaat.,.-l,r«rom Main and Fuartb toa. 1)0 Indi^ Hemp; i'PkMw U H0LE8ALK A.AU RErAll. GKUt F.118. sen ! In four ordera. I Kliip to i K.YGG. Do Teraxictun. AND ALL POINTS IN THB I Blanchard, and will eaattBa.tbe i‘lo«hlii4 aud Faraiah. WEST •XI dtf .1 t-Aa lap Foucth ., between Market and Jelirnna. biMitieat to/le JOHN SL ALLESI. toJPFbfFRC. Northeast‘ corner of Third and Jeflerenn, SlpLIERE'd, of lemdon - lall nader tb, aaara aad of Oaa. Blanchard • bird aad Fowrlb. ' FARE AS LOW AH BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. Y _ U AM9—4.M* Flaio Caavaawd for a,:, bv jilA prjilm.''- A.il.’l.. "fcxi.Mr^rExt. act nf Indian Hemp. to 9*ia. Old P«Ntwfilce rttfildlntft To the Voters of Kentucky. taka .hw o|ip,rrtnattv of retumhiR tbaakf tn iba pab- WIIOLES.4LE GK04EK WAHGiJil.Rto LONG. of Boasenper* from the W«ei can rely U2 >r«nlhis os being I J Ki. ;a FMrtbatnwi, btowwB MtoL aad Mar- . HERRING’S,UEhRINO'S, LonLoo on—on- wTATr uaa ai urA jjlJ Ilii-J aajL It _aj iJi_-i*i ut •burtest•bortest and ui>ietuiiiet expeditiousp^jHsdiUous lama laMIdoidt for re-eJection ox Andllur of Ho t^eerolly (or tk^ Hhofol Mtrenofte ter tlw! test tl^y Faaer and India Robber OoototTojwo^ Lxtio* t of lodUn Hemp. route to Bnhlk A-,a ^|0LASSE9—doi bbl. aad bf btai. priur Ptootaltoo H of I're.h «rocertea of everr dt-«riji«k.n. whirb wa aiw Mr rest Ofl&riel eouduct is tbr vnly puaiwoty pear*, hopiop * oootlnuattce of the mu** f«r the new firm. aae ai am &to 8*»N>,'irfof Lwodoo.lIrnJon p||ir.Alim>Hf A HAITlftiiBKFI VFW \’fiur A\ir\ “W'ntw^rSv HOWARD" ' FHlLADftiLPlil At HAL IMOKL. \ OitK. AND ^ for tale br l»»T»rvd to »» on Ihr mnat aceamiuodatinx Uroia. Coiuo yniniue;oaiak.^ xual I can olf«r for the Inlure. i am very respBietfully tonrr, AlaL. C.lb> UI I 1E.S. i *inlk..dt . 'fUtiMPSON J. P- Iteabw in L»,aora. Wtoaa, toe jeid WAGGI>'i:R to LONG. one, eoa.. all, aud give aa a call befun- niakine yunr |Hir. SuiuiilliU aplholte4 THO.'TUffi 3-d P.UiKDifii* 11 ffl 1 1 bUfflC Itl A *T1 1 sn CommiggioM •fferrkmmta .. f^iubllue;' ..—...a- ' t teertbmroiC.Il nrmn.. hrtwoenMainendhrtwaen Main end Morket.ftfterkei. rheeerr elsewbcre.es we ere deirrinlned tr. please. We 4iNiom.-l-aium*-l: as reaMvad ta tba I'ppar BaildiM la .Sew Blaah. chkap: i HR.ip:: i hkap::: lUue Pill Copartnerabip. H aorth Rde of Main itrvec. baiataa aaa Saeaad, M tou -^wi clgrNEK tii'sG. to o^ FM mandee-sMANDKR*d i.olonjel; I'llKtoFKU! Galt Houao, abere ba will eaaflw Grand Trunk Railroad of Canada. CHE-APKO!: ('HK-YPEK”: Udada/aatociatad wiUi raa la tba WYaa and I !*??? fttlue mil; aving I'llKAFK-ST! H LtoaerbUidBibiiu/toB J. Loak.oahraudar.Utoiirai 1 EKE' 8 , of Darnistodt — I'HKAFEHT:: I’IIK.Y PEMT?!: */*•Hr. Wi.T. toto.A. A.ItoWX/*JtoJtoJtoJ**to.l*flYTnCI.ET.T.ANn’S Morphlov' to at. W . 2!"... A-M iRrAXkT.Rj:B7M;:irb«c T,toar.AAllltoato,aat.b. UARD.^» R CO. ,Y» Mtou ftxtioci of Indian Hemp; — A-M-B-Ro>-A-.M-B-R-0-T V-F-E-g AMHRO- ’ V V twaaa Roeaad aad Third. Oil of E ft>t, HaUoaal OaUrrj, lu.|o, ' TT A tue J«« Copartnarahip Noticto. ^ Tb« larpar portton of our own direct Importaiioa. r ourth ttrevi. via U*»* Mkliiftan IViicral, Grtnt W«rl*»ni, Updcu’*burp, , on Mato m; piTEbb»aJ.«,e.e*».2Kj*lebv Ap^ WIL80N it HTAHHIBD. UNIUS B. ALEXA.NDFS. ha|..b admitted a. a fart. .MrweLbwwaaaFoanbatod FMto. -’-UJLir '''i-ULJ T_T and \ orinont Ontral and Oniud Trunk Juilroml of 1 an* f W luSON to ffTARIURD, J Mr In onr llouiu Iruca thii date. Western wiauufecturod, Itcitirr, 1*1* Maiu a(n-L mx c .vox KNlC tfkvmv I’dRkrvffvvxm Km* _ Jao. 1, 1-iS. II. It. NEWUIIMB to BRU. tl'ILOCR J. .B. to BRO..KRO. YTkalraalaYrbalMlaDraaaUto.toc.4toDracfUto.*c. 4to CN f\ VK 1^ tucky Jeans, Candid, Wrmppiuft ptoper, and Tsrlno *^*7*??™passenyers by this ronte have an opportnnttr of vUitinp V* tfatatoeMd '••to am w to tf* • I s Is “m rraudiHrt mtist Ml the i s m m a eonstoiiUy In *c*-T'* and fur aU* by sonic of and wonderful scenery in the OLANE8, Ac . M* C'ATwnter** pAaoca*, hew", Rui(*t. world, ineluainc Toronto, Ntoyara Falls. Sospentton NOTICE. A Niaores. Geuftcs, G<*ucos. f'liWle, Clam|M, MortiC! J. 8 . OKTH. ; foniPT Fitlh and H ahiut xtretti, Louisville ky. *• J*®TH. ‘£<1“ . » ii lUidpe, the Thousand islands, Kai ids of the 8t. la adB.IUad a partaar in U*a bottawaf Kachuier oa hand end tor sob' hy Aftcnt for, MauufaF-turpni, Law. 0. BK.ANNIN I rence, Quebec, Mouireal. White uiotains. the • Branuiit gumm.'r!, l,onwv:l e. and llillinrd. Soato C. URMSLY, m3 dtf No. 44 Well st., bctwcco Main and River. M Tubular \ to Hridre tneoriy two luUesin leoftlhi, LokHChompiaiu, mer*. to Co.. Naw Orlemni. frooi tiro brat Into. Tbaitylo klft fted .Main -ir»icT. Folb of MoDtmoffenc*, llndsfin Itiver, Ac. at bulb ttHuea atU be euDiinned aa beivtofora. dMa.toc.. toU Maui atraat. >Yft: WM18KY -ftU bMi Rtc Whisky, X yi am old; ud after May H. lli&n. Ik. VINLG 4 k »3uu bbls Peun. Cider ouk 1, boffumce will be clucked .Nuv. Dsau IIKANMN to SUMMERS. Viucftor; tkroufb from i^kkapo. I^FIRiTd TfRFENTiNE-»Y bbtoto palatoardar far THOS. H. HUNT & CO., Un cousipnmeet end tor sola low by iTtotobir Idle dtow! UNDENBERuERto UO 1^ HfO«>Ds; Copartnerahip Notica. D^VILDO.VDS. con.masio^ iviekciiants J. 8 . ORTH, TOftZMiaRANTS. N*r(k RMF «f .Wai* Alrrel, Do Holt ibpoon*: Cd»mmis«4*fO Mcrchaut, N aad aftor Montoay.Jue Lab. latb, Trtou sUt . . Paamfe« may be secured at the oftico of the ompsny in Stran Engines, firrular Saw .Uliis, Ivory vi«; 1 irf I F4>LTft D044R8 ABOVE THE BANK leave IMbtc An aap ttawcracTcmina or _m3 dU No . 44 all it., between Mein kiver. i fr in rrli fttr) Inr tbr trsnmrtign o Wh lr~slv firt OF KENTl'CCT O Loiuavato doRy >faatoa>. axrevl do do and Forks; Cumar of eery and Communion knunem nndfr the name and fftvle 1 _ _ « _ FIRST *TAy1.N d.a A. M., tonfaiaaol oU.raitoni Power-loom Bagging iutd uiouth. Giospow. iihstol- Hull, Aberdeen, and Mooiruee. Q,Uth and Water toraeta, ^ _ _ — obea I market iMv lb» 4’Arv«"rr; Machine Rope, ffaar-L^uoaito Fair Gfooad., to ira'a, the GrandOraaR ‘iTuuk itallr Malnit, RKOTHER.S, HAWLEY', Bl LLINOS, to CO. OLOrk!^ BULL, A CARLL, FE«;TJ0.N6 SOLELY—TO THE PUBLIC— leviatiia:«! os here ofore. PITKIN ftlKO THEK8.

< sUwei, ft Seventeen yrar.’ti^ of th« _ g bl.D JAY’A COFFEE—4u bacr o! aupai lor qualify fail No. 4D7 Main doors above Fcborth. .MUIn^ ln ao el. of tS-OM tom and 700 feet lonir b under rontrnet to tbii 8TEAM PIPE-^TEAM FfTTING8-4>urfftook fleC kS, efts w4*d A ‘ N r reoeivad *«le tenaive practW in .New Orieau! ha. fuUy teeted of ft . 1 . r.ow and for bv have oeM>ciated srith uslotheBlnd- company for one ..r more Irli-i to F<*rtlniui. Tour- Steam Pi|>« and iltlnm is lorve and complete. rem'bV^ petjudiceg « hlch W'e ore to Deirartnient of i*;** return tkkeu fruiu Chko^t* to tbe chief fti^u- iJQ prv^fd put the name op at the a^r«. CopartnenlUp. our businuoi Memix. ftiL ^*to j towns in * and tne public fcueraily haveoimitiFt will sliurtly b* l-*u*td. 'hrkf'G XKMcrt^nlco and m a for the L*niat)iau. or for the It.Vto LEY, BILLINGS^ ^RIBT«.-K 4um FaaiT LAU’ mmtgmka^r monufaetura of M. O. S. 8. _ JLO._ I Lon«. formerlv of Ku-*-ellviilo, Ky , and wIU eontonno varyabtogat lal«j MAbgFIEIjyB. FARMERS’* /III.. NOTK’E. hl-.VNK ii'>« tK? and every desrxipUon of o.'s ihiiw, can be ubtalurtl at the oifice of the Grand iUNlHNG. Ti:.YM AND WATER GAUGES of Uir ban make for Wholraale Grocery aud i.oumiaioa Bntouaai undto The well A now u abilities of Mr. Corll, wbu for ten years prunk k^rood. No. Sb D^'^born «treet, t hic^o. ai» KMOt- S tale hr (a3u| HAYV LEY', BILLINGS, to CO. the drmand toy le of Waanawer to Lon«to^ -Wl DOZEN Fawr Citoia aad Otogbato ghirtafaraale kffOMrS! bod ehaiye of the lonre octablbbixiont ! : of Mesars. A. De- ^ , J WARRAI K, If ocriipied b. Mr. John K. AUrn. north tode af Matato- ^CVf aar> eltoag at ptlYl MAKSFItLD*8 . ,A|TPnf Grand Trunk camp A Co., of New York, and for the lostlast sixteen yeany«eri ^,^****’frv .. . R. R. Co . of .MSVCrb* would bo well lo obstinate cases of Oonorrhoia and Thto Office of tire lK>oisvUle Rnd NrUitIU-y *»" ‘‘“9" »* AND USEFUI. f*«T»»aafi NEW tAe entire oliorftetharee ooitbeI the fttttidioxfttttidinft eetobllsliiueDti sffshH * of Mamie. Mean conneerton with Jiov I,. I**a. nl7^ * \oo fner. Tire Very Chot Moi^untoMortoo ?lS.".iSGriswold, render suffleieut Oleet to oae In the Mixture onr t:A.M- KXCIIANce ON ftCI KOPE. o— . ThrrshiB'ThlV! .M«chise>; A assurance that onr RAII.KOAU f'O.nPANY P.ITENT C.CNE DOtBLE SEAT fHAIl. “orb wUI he Metuid^inylSlJ^ld PHORATEU BELLADO.NNA INJECTION. Frie. 6* 8tfthttnftn* Drafts4WmilS onOD UOOHOnLooilon at nvefive aotlorddfttlar« perxper Sterunxstorllnx con***« iVTIuoagh ^*4> I U’F an aew agrfflw aa avaaatotogi/ ffaa tolartlon to u A |S nnwln VvmHXaiK'altltlMIfY* rnwafiamwaaxm,k^mrmma.mmmmmi TMo-s tonvUM. Ha -ndatmrto Oab DisRolntion of Partnership. I lM-iit West, atid siirpassed by none. v * mi a xuto»(rwai JOUN R. CANNOaH 4 CO., irtharl. So taarar! . VvvtoJIov ttooiMn.aa. aad Sbvlbv. vY tbaama:atodnel,aaiaGtoiar UR Foss: Id all toa ahall TAKE NOTICEv^Ai nneompUeaUd coses ilNE in Chicaco enportnership bfretofore ctifthift under the all alony. Live on bond n wellAelectod atoek of RriA?,V„V7,V^*rrV, CMaada dtf ^I^HE vRIm and fanM-v (atormaiU. . r.a ha IM at tba Dvyot BOOTTLEofa A L fee of DR.i)R. L£LE ROxROY’S6 MIXTlM I X A I kLREsuftcesioeffcclBuftdCes to efft*ci Juo«9 potteno*. Brennen. .ftfaBtffaettfrwm* PtoPEK BtoBCil.MOto. U«i>p Hay Bakfs; BIOUKBloiik HooklAuok andend Utmwl^apers(iLUmF fromfpoin A)*# ImmI fnAnufstoiAjittoaM I J. of Bronuon, Pottersun, A Co. and la LoaRwillr, awnar ai Joikr.fa aad Rr». k wr-.', a penuaneut tun*, i* ^rom thw lo piftht day^ assl-ted if BuVJo and Lake Huron Railroad. A HoiUdny were dissolved an the 17th iutfant, by mntuel LOUISVILLE, KY., AND NEW ALRAXY, IND. SamUFL GILL. araiH ( radles; necessary, by a vlalof the BeUaduiiua Inje^on. thecost ttad itoautatiaai ta iaakt mI Y'toato, baton aad GaM. ntft dtf Printers and Stereotypen. ad fa'YLM.toPmak onto Prank, to Lax. K.B oi (uttinir promptly cured of a disoftreeablv end often dau- \ The indeniftncd or* now prewed te take nrftera < tok, Marale. sad Pnaea. .Mowiag scythes: fterous malady is tHfiinft. P. HoLLaDAY. this superior Potent Lmm met, furwhieh lA«y YVe asaU call aw l O i l BHiiattaa to Utia laportotiaa af tions*ou' tiM* N*-w Y-rk and Ifc^ic and N. w “'«rk t^ntr^I *£2® L FRANK CARTER, I **Thi# Mixture U uift an empirical r*m*^dy, a "cure oil,'* ^nhavp reeoived letters sntent. Theymvitethr otirb- t-aattoal aew Gaada. b ato rvl w* aaa ??* ***** thorct.ol ad abibk a.gue aa IteuroouaKoilru^HcaD be obUtned. J.,f. WAkHAL'K. I »^^to d?*.- - , Snaths, 4c., 4c. ff but Ueomuoanded by a phyaician and prescribed solely for WARHAUK, ^¥ *tioo and inspectioninspsrtion of denim te Uiis 4'knkr,43inkr, atoor touat a. Rfbai aoki, aa M mmm CopATtlftffrBlftip. I miwnsr aal way baas la tba trade, Urethral Ae^nt of 11. A L. 11. koilma^, Tcrm-hT -r«ca a TT. PormW by PITKIN UROTHKRr.. WHOLESALE GROCER, >o. So Ikmrbora st., Chk-ofto. IIK undanUntol wiU toUinua Uw Itu eutlivly vcftetaMe, not nauseous, and can be used WATKINS. HUNT. "•an *®to haba foumifooml atnt lb.tba waU.know.«Mto,.fcwall-known atoxtoot; iinu iiiu uiDif T Hunt, totTTnelft perfect safety, confidence end ease, ns it does not OOft'JNO IKON—la store and for sale low WHITE LIlAO and EINC—t* toB! Whita Laad aad FORWAUDl.NG AND COMM18S10.N MEKCHAMT, by J. M. Monahan. ato. nlf.*ct th« bTenth, reQulres bill little chaufte in diet, and no R )«« w'. B. bi:lknap < * rRBIOHT OXH>ART1SBNT. vv Zfac, gratiad to aad dry. ia atone W 1 rta,M AHib IIKAI MKA I* a ADAM.S, Loulniaa, J. M. Stokto to Sam, reairictkynfmmresirictlon from biteTness,niinness, which hasrvnderedhas rendered BKN. J. lartoleby lieatdtowl ElNDE-NBEtoGER ft Co. THB CBRiaTIAN MINSTRCL. tonttoto.._.t • tow . It v*ryvery popn*pops- NEW YORK. Wbartoa Bva at DescriptionB inr the WM. WATKJN^^^-^^ n , All of Boat Stores, both with uuMie and medical meu. ' . , cre.it I.^l>^tE.¥E.^Ts TssftirrEts. tctettce * - • _- - Job. tbauB. — i A vnlnoble schiemu uts IS of IDOd — mmA mmmi iter«r «. 188 ftte M.ftiN i*ersont atfiicted ore strumely recoiitmeoded toftivoita ~ cartoon* »m.w» 8TREF.T. a. , IJ lu green, blue, an 1 broen VeJ ftlore«e; FayatMco- ky. A „ ^ leM-not teoK - i* * w»wk eo isuiic, o>' rrom titukrT, OKrn.A 1 u. u tieneralketeojHMpor to'ILSO.N 8. HUNT, WaatonbavoM baad tha aaw ^mfatad M tbvfa rmwBseraKwr trlal,wbdD Its prompt aflvet will eonvinca Uiem of Its eOl- Ad» 8DI) doxen B>'>ODet kouche«, assorted; FLAT SPLIT CUtolK aad I Akew, ilk colieccisn II. J.NO. H. ttiOFER. * ee t s and Dtefte Miam ter frsteht M^vvxt’Wtoww ^ w * Of Gm: mo< popular luu*^, J. vranav, u. ». uannn eocy. rerfieitky Hvmae, 34t> and Broadtrap, riN and to'IRK SAFUS.BAft'Cd. 1I B FmIv.^ te Mew J. D. BOXDURAXr, Setc i orkj Just rec ived sod for i^e by ’ nnlftietiw. and chonu. enUtlt-d “Thf uuiytUn Miiukrtl, I-uniavIll., gvpL 1 . l-tod-to *‘** **! *' IMbfm. aad Mion atXifa 1 jjik PRIUFa Pft:R ^ JNO. to Cfk . raM jeU bAX'h strJri^teet, near Mete BOTTLE ft3. >d JAME8 LOW' A CO., 41<4 st. K CANNON t' fti'sifteff fl for the ns^ of I’liurclM, sinrinft Schools, .-.-to,toto.,, Main Sb^ by tb . raatv may alway. raty bavin, ibttr A f JHOOKE,, .MtKR.lY,. , 4 HAHEN, I Yf!!, CAUTION.— KecoUect the ftcnuiue onlcie lUiuld. Iilv* work rendering the seMOoe «fff mnwc IctelLtpble. The I D -4 to » fatonb! toraardfd wbb .akn dbfat, b. M -r, r-% -r j-^-r a -r -ra ^ SUN BONNET SLATS to. .'a , ww a-% mn~Bra mra m- |>LoW HANDLES AND PLOW BftUM 8 -*esia>oed— •Mill FlIHiffllll Iga I »• L-A-ST otemter and mi t in tne way oi thousand# D he reby .ih- W\\ WHOLESALEHOIstiSALE GROOERSGROCERS bUN BONNE!' SLAT.S fraruai faviag ytodm* la dtly any ao at Hmi adl CALL! Paris, it, I label on and every Enftli**h Uoto : of well peOed. It eonnot h* too eoon adapted in the Chiirchdf# the loc i4ioue »ift* toofth wood and dremird up—f->r mb; by :XA—All daaa aad kinda. r fad II to tb-dr odvaoM.r to coil fa ao Man aabiut { 'USI'HrXradaniMto toaar at Aa rami l i i w W my nature »f jrfi SU.N BUN.NET SLATS and 8 I W. U. * BffiLTlNG 4JLOTU8— numbsse. eheuAthf^y«ftlN?•t UMOonatry. BELKNAP A Ca ffftp Al L flIzriL 1 AU beet snake. to-wit; C. F CMbtnr. ^^^Priee par dmn ftie. otoid far sU>; the for this Die L TIIOMPS4»N A CO., Sole Proyrlet. rs, IMPBoVEU PORTAHLE MILLU-WIlh seltd ft'TsMh bat.. Inayaaa b>w at athar raalaa irak*it by o^t , lirral ComUliBBiOII jVIeiTtaantS, if aad pm biaa YFator CfaYr Oe 8outhem Medir^ Soi>«r Extra OF ALL SlxK LiMR ^ Infirmary, New orlenM, 1IIII RRLS (White Wheat) ft'amily Flour SIAbto hum aad mado aa baft kaowa plaa. tbfouab la Ibo tbortral wwaibiv drar. -I vf If OF ALL Wh.t. fad Faatr Liam Pant ho.* ftie C-eet. iu store and for eaie by ftcift ^^^i^tSvili^^V I Main between Second and Third, SMUT MACIUNKto-davMnidlffbraaiktada. Par lattbiv laldrwaHM. arvtoy to Itfab nt.4 Fancy Uaadmarv Fanto; -L-i—-L- i ’ Ito-A. H.-CTEJ >e« PRICF. riVK CENTS PEK PACKAGE. , — Hin» LOUISVILLE, KY.iY. JuM received a supply of LsRoy's Mixture. For ffole I>E1 PEXTO.N A OLOKE Will Irnao, Serco!, Sciaoaa, baliiac, lYaat ir Pnrta. aad FRANK CtoRTEK. Ydfato ll‘~- Vv-to. PRICK H% E CEN rs PER P.xCKAOF- Fancy Man I ^TICA UMCv-tfs bhiffTftkw te Heve s I ticn Lime i 77777,. whulesolr oud retail by Mill artidaa ciairiBy. gaafaiw Oathlnt can buy grant AJ l^i^n .^8olm«in,alm«in, Marker%4, ETAL.S -la.uto Tin. Zinc, TIllCE FIVE C'L.NTS PER PACK aOE. aam ia aantaf forsnieby Ltelft] Id'lhn Shed, andnod Roe Herring,erring, in and Pic Load in Bore I IWiftj i U and bavF GaKDNIRAcoGAKDNft.R A 4-0 • K.WMOND A TYLft:!!, 74 ft ourtii street, Wf aa hand a larfa waob af ,ktrm aamad artWato 'inftes, fur talc low [IcVJ It. ‘'T by calttfa amn at 144. 8 p*c and ou retail br M hy W. BFLKN.YP ft CO. | apadtrapSU dtf Bole aSLtotn Fox tala low aad ,aa*i«y 8uG.uo„Gf.rL.mi!vhh..Kr.f«>r D«ubvi;te. Ky. .‘cf E. M.YUUEVS HUOK.wri.RE. wamM to. D MtoNSriCLD. OFFEE—1:A begs prlns^ ft> tern R»oi:cft —83 put up lu For Ui** use of mnn, 5! du F. to Co *! enmmer Pleated Candle*; 1^V-a- JK. -K_l—1 J.K. VX—e .a. Vk. -l—PaF'ft L4 ^.mail.mail bafiU!.. rxprea-l> fur lau.iJy utr, .V IV Lard OU, Maebinv aud Haad Uebt OR. bfa I aad 4 GHOVOS, a,13.cl F*«,3QJS, M and f.r by O «|.2wb fur rab- hr ;*De.y of .S.rmun Fapm. tu do .nperior raiu'ly tioap. ALI, STYLES PRICES YV. w. Manufacat. --y Dmi Laartraliaa on, Hnfta oil ad diHenat fraoaa, aad Ytrbaal JACK to BROTHER. SI« Main K. to U. hL'kKllARHT, 417 Market ^it lal kef! Hi .xrbonsle 8. CIIASffdE OFIP* TIOK - da ri.VS. — a. Caps, Note, oud IdStter Pap«Y, brood lined, on all sides of Ibcpresa. Uraata tor Waaraa. Uraya. aad LarrC^. atea Sbeaa a SO bjxiw 4-4. h, a- d k S'-idinea; Juat Recwlwed by '’ftliST PgWDER.- 1 grew Rnmfnrd Yea«l aaperter p^i Drtee. akdA ta warraatad lodryaanaar a \N aadaftor YrEDNESPAV.Jatoa‘.bfa.TRtoINS Powder, tL*Kn».-u 10 hbl. T-oaaiiH heat Furter. Juat nil put iu teittles. receiveft ^ rrc-lved; to thfaaayathcrPriac. \ op ft)s-s and lor sole by neat! 0 and a Tube; jat ARNOLD MIIXKR. Jyl4d’-f ti laara. JWtorraavtffe, .ppV'Jte Lmtevate. aa toJtewac coaiantJy forraleby , - .... 74 m:TRAW CLTTLEn on hand aad j >eli J ACK to I'.kTsiX Main at. J»l« W.W’. to U. UL'BKHliURI AItUT 4l7 .Market vt. and SKMihaRiie, we manufartnre Note BROTH For Scnooi.* 7j djien U, B. and F. la- ~ It. ^ R Burk. ' Elartlc IbSt.; JoI4 J. Bu.nl>LK.*NT, rixthat. i H»I doxen fan*/ adlk *^4* a. w.. H a. Wra.%^l> l* v. .w. Tinted end Fiaiu, aud every vnriely of Fancy to4H brseabesee Fok'aF.tx'a Pearl ntarth;i.tareh; elts r U'lVTrUslU ITU M bf Mm! do dw. I and Letter, Leathar du. IF ED UIVKU PIG IRON —IW Iona Jackain'ainprnur JbRAXGES AND LEBONB. B IJa do . tt n 13 ILn.3¥llll .tfl R Itoiketa 4t4> to. Tteia manta . abMeafarbdWtdo; '* •’o Utoet! Chat.Lhaa. FairsFarre champacae,champayae, ateoto anda»u pta: H. ffaymanr ealy. raae-r„« .Ra 4 'INOOW OLAS4.—Itoa buxa aaeirted rixraforral. aL Cold ILaai Red Kiver l*ic Don tn itorr and tor aala hy H! G»ra Oraorev, raP^o.—..a- ^ p**: Josl received and lor sal* WF I luWoraI u Mora and fur taleante low byhy e- ^ (Lateod Day Expraaa ter t lacteaaR. Tkruasto te at do h ocebo nlmp; laraaW by d. du Lemuo!; I.OW A CO.,4lft Koinsft. Keatacby). »baa.a| W ny Daiddtowl LINDa-MlLkGER to LN >. I JACK BKoTIIEr. . to TotuuTT. 4a Main at. Ylmcnasra, BnaiiK Book Mtnxna, and rvaiMiai J««)«> _T.T. BLANCAGNIEI- >TLFd4A> Ba.'elved by tba Balw and for aale |.>w hy For ciEftEftAL c(Mi¥issis.A MExi HATT, V. it. UaEIA.no CO,. uiannfacture Fine Paper* rf .dl gradet, Kuiad £^,j::;:Ta:i srKSL— .TfL:? alLs.-MU kefftkrliofatfermieby A Mch we NAPOLEONIC IDFIAS-D i Idera Nipol-mlennar 'EURO fffUODS — KX Cunffvs, Unuhvr^, Flowaaad ft'ormieft la pkiuiut* JalY Maiu atrrri. roses heavy D»ad«n Ptaid; >017 tAhTLto.Ma.N to *‘Whal'B in a Name.** Ihll lleada(.wu, four, nr more head! to tha theei). Patent i^iv ’l»ar|>ar lete FnnreiTince Loul.Loute NaimleoaXai>oL^»’ wuaporiBonaparte V.uoustaivatiauaiatedraTaT^kl^ il jo Bsnk .iTenne. bet. MatUso. btei Bkwfa Ot.. N TORMTT. of ever dsncnpUoo on hand otad fe aolr , j,^. TS?: cfal7m%JiraiId!5te'L;:: y b> by Jamfs A. iMn*. t0». ^ „ Bdl Capa J. I'. fttU-NDUKANT, ^^nrnftjornf any poimlor monufoctuTwr attached tn an Headed and common do bf'^n 4l •: lb'EGtol—t«i bMaCItowVIueinrfaraeteby '‘Vhri'rt^im":The Hcrtrmniff, b^bv tSSTinih.,the anther „fof Doctor Thome *I lu do MEWPHia X^ESSEE^ it at iiuc»: MM aixiu r., lvot Main. 1 oricte sUtepr Oi being M>mctbmft to depend 7S M4snida *< opptfupper dMiUeddi- niAvuMPWWbUk.v,blaky, 1I1.totu 4 /ranyears old; tisroldtseroid ri'agRtald,ri'ogetald. 10 «*aw di> CottoUtodrv; \ Jalt caRTLEMaN to TOhMTT. Blank Il>ok Pxiwri, Ru!*^ and Fliili«bt*d lu Superior the Ctevalter,Ch'^valirr, by t:haat:haa. Lrbvr^Lcser^ Ite.ITc. Cnnatrtteaeta raapactfndy .nUdiad. lalyt dly upoti tv*r 4na tty. Kylr aud vurkmoophip. J M.Amutroog's opUod*ii aoA for Rua-I fee Ta'atoa. iMuoft, aad tea Mnrta. fad wRb tea <( opUod'. MedleUMndfeoJ DGu-nary.DteUuoary. eomprVtnceoniprUoc tJeoeriU4 |*s-fTI reodved U'ldaDcv, is a guornuu** w."^ste. »t iMt reduction ofoi pra«.prana. B*oenU ^^^rarafarafara^fa^^faaa^^faraafaH^farafa tarlfato>Blal»- Road tte • lefataad, HatoUC. Jelly Cans. name lor that oil his ciothi^ is IH hbulibl. porapore Old I*.l*i o<*bai h UB andy;audy. » 4 lb>b»40',the Nature and TreatmentTreatiOF'ni JAJAMES3ia.a LOWt-u A CO., 418 Mainsft. PRatettoR. Naw, olui IMi^e«.rMwbidIhite-Me^, Morbid rniisni tb^ mo t «*)•>*«!•( to b Mtfn upon our vtiwts and, ahat Is Si) do do d'» A^ piv fir.; V ¥T~>¥>T^pcTv If nm, paaeen,aM all kteivm uiote, otel KK’^C hew a small tend** rxpritslv ftw tip Dt‘aNwff* StatloiU'rs* Goods finished. If m ordered, SUuctuiv* anl the dMSojffw s pnbife, it !• n>jt ueoi*e a^y M ’lu.dlaiid (tin. Imprnalm f HIBBITT&SON,xalxihll 1 X iv Indoan csmswl Ke^ Ite Imsw. W has lit, and dpte H Uovlf; i auw, to lb- sex. aud to the priuM Tabic totter jua. rottleed toe vv JeUy cau «v iHon.-d ute-ott tlis ttoble , , 0-^*1 a a 4MT»*i>-ni tx.oolwof U/*. te* lit KEGS aad rate TWy wh-u tfi to wrapp. ta. .-.tamped, |{AOuN BHOCLO- In cam* 0 eoatoffntoeat nad for bi:t ]4nt tiK nam# hDgmfUwnts that iftt'y may iw lUda tom. Jauiaca, tot. Croix, aad n their oeR »iyle aud name aad da- whole Kto— * ntv opotfed nud form a luatdsoeia mrttcir New England; The form nt a Llor-ry ef Fltk'ullJ^ and {rw-ttoi 10 by Cjrd] FkNTON to GLORE. WHOL^L*WHoLERAL* andAND t«AlLRkTAlL "17*?.“^. IBof of luf. aaysrberc*. to**, wbeu-ver oe*' Titen r i4 tea ontoORto * !or aam loo to eie. r cog&ia^ 0 , they arc the ac. X5 qr coafcr l*oit Wice t charge. l>i«e>tuf n ^ T iy wRh fadnad •rtara. Coil and se* tterv. vice fnmtebed. without xua Medicine and MrUieU LIteratara. 3 lam vula. kuowlPYd rd sC/fp^wf the sroson. He ftm« givofly mi aSail i R.rad lar ia rrnaaa, luate tea ffaate aad tan ••4'MESML to 00.. 447 Mate aC reejucod A do blterry Wiee; Price Rlii to. CrMCrVaraiwnwaj, FltoSPaa awra. mwss4 TfSavra Sttorr,cmwi k, fa V SL 4 onnet RIBBo.V —bacanoana ptelnand faaoy Baa- , A^SU)4Y A HOpCIN'4. III- pnr*« i4!r nmiroer so now Lt the time to »»ny. w«* will excbaor** from our stock of Fin- Waaa,a.dla.C1fafnBaiia.4teafaft.aada4 1ndte»ap.- S5 do Uiul'Da do: pat>cr Makciv! The Life of Jamra Watt, hy J. p. aaaerted. juat raact jeW ^4 Moiia StiCVt. Muirhead—illaiOrat- B Itr 1 Rlbbuoa, ead aud luF rale by .No. lAil Liastort coiw ft earth and Main, oifpodle tlir 4W MARKET STRKk-T. Na aite lha dttorau la all teaprtecRal Htona te tea at , Na- 40 bbl« Santetne do; Boperit to your advauUgo. e.1 7 raadt sUk^l Of^Kisior ft'lai 41 & Jc4 James Low to LO., *1* Rail. at. tf-tkoi. j*dl ItfUfOsee do do; Hatweaa Eete, Wate, nad N.wvR. The Tin Trumpet, or Heada and Taili for Ihai at sveoad aad Tbbd. YVia.- and a I . I New Books. ~ . > cases Musret do; Waggish, ftl ;ift. TltfoiMh le Hew Yack hw Htekc Ksmswmksftk kenfiL C4lNft»‘TIf)NRJUI.—W> have received a very RINTS.^ 1ft eews block otel vhils Eagltek Friala; 'I'O su 41 do (ft>rniao dn, Hockbeimrr; C^VRSOISr ifc II^VRD, >1G IRON-M tuna H«4 Btn« fur ante by . 7 Z. - u, . Kiii-j*- M U by 11 GARY' te MaikH WHOLFAYLE PAPER WAREIKIUSE, jCU TALBOT. s^ 11'0 Ani-^.te Cordial, tey. tfi do / ^OFFEE—76 bofts prime RU; P-awaarra aad Raagnaa aaftfa team aR farm ad tea g»|.aaJtA le c«evff Cnroco^^ Brvkua.N SibxxT, N-i Ji dn f.tr do; Tri—phi in BeTwp^ of FbqI Mmpbv, tbe O.Mmj\ (!LL H FAl'Cft- —A ^Qp^ly of this celebrated mal4 dtf Nn. G New Y'erk. ettb* ta tW Dapat free of aRirto. Mooft. ted o*< otery.uTussiated t«u lu do Moioe’luno, Vmnoutb, Abevnth, Blt- to de prime Lajuayrn; Clism Cu— by akh £J 8*u;.e ufft to band and f>*r mle l«>w by ft:8TiNG.— tF*PaM aa tew and teaa aa fabh ra iHifftmiUL 7ftc. trrs.Ac. Forsolcby ANTiloXV zano.nF jell CAKY ATALBOT, Market st. JtfcCclvca \ I cose suw checked Maiwdlteo; agoing AND ROPE—dtepterra baavy Rauifa. 444 Memoiraat Itelian Patetan, by Mti. j!«Ke->n. TSr. Mid ftiftb s(., below Molo. l4i hi boicw Mo«'iia KU or.ito g do do do cotin pale; euite aad ball aoRa marblae aad haad mnda Rapa tor I MteTtoBD; Iteasns Wiiiitfry. ?te. rapenor Claret ^\’lns lor al Report of the Eeculved per lal* anh-ab aud fur lair by X-! by nntw ^I.ARLT.— 4S cotes sole by Y/Yai COPIES of Dew.t.’a Spcc Sirkka do hcAVV blu-tan.f brown by D*4l DAVId to I rextiori tor, we«*ved aad far mle be .\GL18II DAlUY CHKBaHftL-ftU boxes g TwiRcd rottonade; (PEED, Maan faBUiftn' *a WiMte—a te w edition, 4 wr>M. 18mo ffft. by Jrff i(<»DmUe KoiAToad oud f(»r **)e k»w mid fur rate hy OE.L W. |> utter: BUTTRK BUTTEE-V fateU wa bavaa ‘I'M ItettmAc, by liic eirtu<»r of Dr Tuom*-. $l. Lw'Aod C .X loner-a A. itouL Ue. J-jJ MORMS THE VERY liKTEST j«U AM/W BICHAXAN A CO. II. “’'rt lieS- l> wnateutandreiralar aufaly u(p.imeNu t UteaarM wv half afeatoa aaperter Orefa aad MW w. A BUUKHAhl lT, 417 Market at, |.aay—tbowlii4 huw lo mile teitera - No. 40 Third rtr. ek wtRA TE tK — » Ml* M4)lkTON te 4fRi6ft\OLD. Letter Writing bade have ju«t rcccivc l sod hand, lor 1%'E orw naw #|ieteiur 87 esse* o# and aate by CuLaTii.N to STOUT. .n^teftte TamaTaaa «rter anteaaaa Ivar on rt'.jeci. Price 15*. *v Lutefa 'W. A. F. R. BroYm'to Tobacco. \| ACKLIN SUGAE-I UKED HAM8.-610 of^hree su^ every .... ft*APt.K HaWltlNGrb. teHog an Odlvaoce portk n eJ 1*4 Nft 4» WaU !*:*a4. lm Hall sugar.—T.U tic cm Urt.n landinc & book, rant by niatl on receipt of r tice. 4*1. peffior tf otus in store and for ekIc by Any of the above •nenU eia' new ku*! beau ifaiiaiekck wiih wtecU tervpftcn* E Meateef Anriar*. and lor po1« fe TaG'a brand (now) raceivad by tteacMT IfJXES A. AddM F- MADDEN'S KooKSTOKL, iah our shelves etier two luuatlui* ales ai Rtvar Mlu W. A n KUKKUAkDT, 417 Market ft. Havana Cigars. e.>sl yTHRaraaa) CoW , . ,ra» .wa. a-WMWww — l»7 Tmrd atreet. AND CRRRNT.— ‘* J..g In Uiis brsDch of onr hn.an«vw wv bare dteermined to ex- Maa4 No. t P.» Iron-a aaperter arYMe raeatvad par T^AS' good. *_tuDo^ R ja4 J£ywsgn. i Superior OI JH ? Imported u! the iviebrnted I cal all fornaai eto.'ta la auvoiiy, ,ns ky, eb-apaera, tor. itaa n i r Ttraa nad ter rate by 7 Very Champagnes Lemuoai.oi..n. reoeiv.4reneio.* byhe Juhn1 -i.n I OOl I brand/ We a all exUbit tba vary Ian at rtvlea, rateeW mte tea ANl/W BUCHA.NAN to COu. S 25 coses Widow CTteqnot; iudynieni ol' many yean' expenuac i JOHN SNYDER, LA MuSCgVITA: INTRINin.VD; . aad itel teeni at « abinet; rapriraa faaat-. JL Ift do Kuinart IM'KA.N UlUii; SUL l>K LA IIAHANA; auietiy raaaiiiaeturaf.' prteea ua bbdt teir B Id do JOMi'ics Goerge A Ce. Cabinet; jed togs MToel etf bead 4U tleaeaa Rx. Bra Hab tot* rissr and (oeeissittu Merchant 4,tT# Freah Coer* N'uta in .tore and FOkENO; ti. S *>U•!.: >* HEG.YNHCGA.H toft E8CUTT.E8COTT VV^l*—^ ft*erle; OCOA NUTS.— - *» Crnakad aad Paa traad Safaf-. B Sft baskets La USIiiN; LaDYsDYFRA^KiIN-FRA'Ki IX; . — Mi JAMKift LUW Itoi kbG K [>e«] V. I». C.AETaNO to LO. enh Dk4i.n in 85 do T. A. Versenay Rcloarte; C fur rale ny tOBER-YXO; FF.LZIKK RIVbl 40 da K E Lraaaad, rowdaivd. to urara toafar M do Itonxy do. LKAD_7( kera Bte.'a St. Ua-a aaperbw Rad da aato Craab 4 CIIERRIE-^S* hoxe* Dried cherriea, u iba FAHTAOAS; TIF-TuF.tor., RED m ^ rKODlXE, GROCERIES, PROVISIOSiS, CEHE.\T, 8U CO Verzeoay. Delbeck, and Delterce; ried la (aara V. R. tetel *1 fur aale low by A BuRIK, .Inal reael.ed aud lor aale by whulreale and tv taU by .NAILS, Ac., In store at the Old BiM* Mouse ana fur sate bv D each, EDW'DJEVNAIK). J. P. aad Brook, MW THOMI*80N. Je7 Ko. 1 Main it, under the Louiaviffe Ilot^. North Ma of Mackot at., bciweea Flnt c«^oTsL7d-a5i\^j!te.teaa:n L«l'l«VU.LE. KV. buxea boxea la prime order to per Harvesters for 1859 ! iell C3-OId3DE3Sr HIXjL AYER RAISINS.—»d Layer Baidua Juat to. I /'GRANGE*,-* amre IR. wa amtari «aie HKERE! ClIEESB t:HBB(K-Aa agaam I oi e. Bed aud for sole by v/ a..n and for by j C ta kiwe a rwgBisr aad i-uemaas •tfpirtr oft Wo’atmm ftr- Hend. « D. GAETANO 4 CO. Ufa W. MORRIS. 40 Third t«. Sign of tbe Golden aorve aad Hamburg Cktsss ea bead , a**d for*^ SHIUTS! c4*ftatfT%>H ft ffT M Tw UBTreratved anoUter inpetiar aaioitiucnt of aetote PLUMS S bblvnfUiR exoeltent Fratt f< EPINED SUGARS —M bbla New York Cruabad, ERMAN — Ho. ft WMi totfesc J duUana. miteina lor rale te iiuanliurs to >uil by R Powdered, aad Grauulated lor aate by )e4 Sprisg Slid iiuBBer Styles lor 1 n5S. Jaot rcceieed a brantlful itockkofBoy.'ch.thinof Boy.' CU tbinc.4. A. BURIE, Ja-t rraveed an uivolc" of Uuldni Hill bhina Wholeanle Confertteaer, Fruiterer, saitTSin te aearcb of^a jet of Linen or toe., J^IkT^SKilTS!! Jaw received oua of the muat ehwnnt Iota^!TJIfnf MaeenicM-«—tr ffi EXTLEMEN Ylndte 4 No. Third alecet, near teat are w«f™»^ tefft perteeUy in every M Main. ml Odd k eliona' Recalia taa lironcaturfaSTl*.in Mitai. <4ly“cRy; amonfaSoM G ebiro par. ^ raapaoUaJy invited to enU and vxainlae 4batB la a lull eat of L-olae IMralwi« luriS- o(BwoAoe-a4 iteular am my aa. V> far Ka.lri.ad and for aaie by OWJ. BLANCHARD to SON, partlenlar te haviiif JNO. F. IIUWARO, Southwait ceraer I have been very my preeent aluck Jew of Main and Third aueeta. ]e? Mate, batweea Third and Eonrte aaa. KR ,D^ PLAITS of Bbirva mad. uiieUy to u^ura. ao tiiat te ovary Bliirt ALL OTHER 9-^ will be no vnrtetlau te te a aal of • or M teaia tea fft. J. U. SCHROEDER -I. LUL’IS 8CHROEDER WiBCtffstcr rat. SlwaHer Sasa Shirts, Remembdr Uito Ho. —S2S, J. H SCHROEDBR 4 SOU, inito naaa, by F. Ltlntoa Bamnetoo. dl F Frlea Me wRR Byrwn, Oaro4s, Staa aa. aad wtthoaa rniteii. tbc Lbevalicr at Made Cwratd FR.fa'aid. by Chaa. Lvear Me bad boy yoar Sbiita DEALERS IR tat Y'eataa adW yaan *• ika bteRfa Mfa'atomi lo (teree— J Haw ta Lteok and How ctvteg plain and laaUr A. D. MANariELD' g. mmmm uuabttea aad pri*aa-at „ll uao.irftood diractiona far Prnparing. Loakiac, and Barr WINES AND LIQUORS, /^orreKa—8M be^ prlBM tto C'odbe jest nntfved o»d J. iim. wHta the Rxnateet aeonomy . every kind eflRft. tic FLOUU.-I00 MR Ei^a and Doubte Itetra P**^*^*-®® M. ARMSTROHO E