METUCHEN. NEW JERSEY, MARCH 23,1967 I S E C T IO N .32 RACES Alleluia! Edison Post Office May Cut Metuchen Services Easter Joy Weber: No Stamp

Fills the Air The anticipated July 1 Weber, who already responsibility for serv­ facilities are opened. It opening of Edison Town­ has contacted Rep. Ed­ icing the areas of the also has been rumored “ We, Lord! with faithful ship’s new central post ward J. Patten on the township now handled by that some of Metuchen’s heart and cheerful voice, on office reportedly will m atter, said that the Metuchen. Many of Edi­ 100 postal workers may this Thy Resurrection day put a dent into the range congressm an “fully son’s i n d u s t r i e s and be transferred to the rejoice.” of services offered by 8 u p p o r t s- Metuchen *s residents for years have Edison facility. the Metuchen Post Office, position.” He expressed been forced to use the Weber noted that Me­ Christ's Death on the but not if borough Mayor confidence that no serv­ “ Metuchen” postmark, tuchen’s postal services Cross and Resurrection, Thomas Weber has any­ ices which presently sin c e the borough and the proximity of the marking the birth of Christi­ thing to say about it. benefit Metuchen r e s i­ s e rv e d them. The borough post office to anity, will be celebrated “ I do not want to see dents will be taken away. o p en in g of the new the railroad station is in area churches with spe­ th is, h a p p e n ,” said The new E d is o n f a c ility , in fact, will a factor in the borough’s cial services beginning to­ Weber Monday night, “ Jt Central Post Office, eliminate the previous future as a commuter day. is our expectation that currently under con­ practice of the township center. Metuchen indus­ The Oak Tree Presby­ we will r e t a i n a full struction on Route 27, being served by seven tries also heavily de­ terian C h u r c h , the New. range of services.” will, of course, assum e different neighbor­ pend on the services Dover Methodist Church, ing post offices. offered, he said. Mt. P l e a s a n t B a p tis t The Edison Post Of­ , “ The new post office Church, and Our Saviour’s fice r e p o r t e d l y will will take over Edison Lutheran Church will join handle much of the dis­ routes now served by t o g e t h e r for an outdoor patching, and sorting of Metuchen,” said Weber Easter Sunrise service at outgoing mail from Me­ “ but we expect to main­ 6 a.m. at the Plainfield- tu ch en residents, fol­ tain our services to Me­ Edison Drive-In Theatre lowing a trend toward tuchen residents rather on Oak T ree road. The consolidation by the than have some of the Rev. Robert Seaman, pas­ State Post Office De­ Metuchen services in­ tor of the Oak Tree church partment where new, corporated into the Edi­ will deliver the sermon, modern and larger son facility.” “ Christ Is on the Loose” to worshippers in t h e i r cars.’ A combined choir will sing. Coffee will be Pool Bidding Not Far Off served by the theatre at Bids on Metuchen’s mu­ Clerk Erich Schuster at 6:30 a.m. following the serv- nicipal swimming pool will Borough Hall. It is antici­ be received early next pated that college students m onth. Borough Council­ home on spring vacation T he Metuchen - Edison man Gene Haley reported during the next few weeks Council of Churches will this week. Haley said the would be interviewed for conduct a joint Good Friday borough will advertise for s e r v i c e a t noon in St> possible positions'as life­ Luke’s Episcopal Church. bids within the next week. guards. Meanwhile, applications Germain also noted that “ The Seven Last Words of for summer jobs at the, the M e tu c h e n - Edison Christ” will/be examined pool -- director, assistant by participating ministers YMCA’s lifesaving course EASTER’S ON ITS WAY—Brenda Straub of 33 Heathcote director and lifeguards— next month gives prospec­ during the threp hour serv­ are being accepted. They ice. Churches participating avenue, was following the Bunny Trail this week in tive lifeguards an oppor­ search of Peter Cotton-tail when she happened on this may be obtained from Rec­ tunity to polish up on their in c lu d e O u r Saviour Lu reation Superintendent Jo­ techniques before the sum ­ theran, the First Presby­ cuddly member of the Rabbit clan in Tropical Petland, seph Germain or Borough t e r i a n Church,, the Oak Main street, Metuchen.' ' J 1 mer. Tree Presbyterian Church, th e Centenary Methodist Church, the Church ofthe Nazarene, the New Hope Launch Campaign vs. School Traffic Hazards Baptist. Church, the Grace Reformed Church, the Sec­ The elimination of traffic administration. Some of the hazards This time, Mrs. Gibson hazards at borough schools Mrs. E. Burr Gibson, listed involve improper said, the borough came to ond Baptist Church, the will be the goal of a major Reformed Church of Me­ council president, said this parking, congestion, double us, and the feeling is that campaign to be conducted week that Police Commis­ parking, and dropping chil­ if we all work together tuchen and St. Paul’s Lu­ by the Metuchen Police De­ theran Church. sioner Donald Wernik had dren off in the rfiiddle of some permanent solution partment in cooperation contacted the council late the block on the wrong side can be 'found. She is grati­ Participating ministers with the Metuchen Council include the Rev. Richard in February to ask PTA of the street. fied by the real concern V. Gilbertson, th e Rev. of PTAs and the school cooperation in studying the The PTAs have been expressed by police and George , the Rev. traffic problem and making aware of these hazards for school officials. W. Hugh Fryer, the Rev. recommendations for the several years andthe safety The PTA Council is open Dr. Vern A. Jenserr and 11 Applicants elimination of hazards. chairmen of the individual to suggestions from all Rev. Joseph C. Fowler, Mrs. Gibson, ftilice Chief schools have tried various sources and anyone with a the Rev. Roland Stanford For Patrolman Edward Leis and Wernik approaches to eliminate the positive suggestion may and the Rev. Joseph Dale, have met with Kenneth problem with limited suc­ mail it to Mrs. Gibson at * ** Three new patrolmen Smida, superintendent of cess. 140 Beacon Hill drive. Members of the Oak Tree are e x p e c te d to be schools, and the borough’s Presbyterian Church will named to the Metuchen five school principals to Maundy Thursday with a Police Department at discuss the problem. Mayor Requests Rail Meeting Communion service at 8 the B o ro u g h Council “ We don’t want to be Metuchen Mayor Thomas cludes expected improve­ p.m. in the Oak Tree School. meeting April 3. , hasty,” Mrs. Gibson said, Weber has requested an ment in facilities in the Rev. Seaman will speak on 'but, we do Want'to act be­ Councilmaft D 0 ttttTtE April conference meeting borough, and the^effect of “God Suffers.”. - ^ ^ fore some child is killed with Hefbett A. Tanzman the high-speed rail stop ___ Eagter Sunday will also Wernik, chairman of the pu b H e" s-a f-e-t- y depa-r t - or crippled." state director of rail trans­ which expected to be be dbserved at u a.m. serv The principal prob 1 e m portation. located tn neighboringEdi­ ices in the Oak-Tree School merit, said 11 applicants' is to devise a plan in which are being examined and The mayor said among son ToWnship. when Rev. Seaman will have children can be driven to the topics of discussion he as his sermon topic, interviewed t h is week and next. school ,and dropped off and other borough officials Weber said the sta te 's “ What’s Happened - lt ilap- The new mem hers-of safely, without endangering plan to present are the plans and their effect on other children. Theprob- realign men t of Route 27; the borough makes the for Sunday School pupils -the -force wiim t- attend po- lice school next month. iem is at its height during the New street develop- aiiiicTpated iiiueilng “ more inclement weather. mem p r o j e e r which in­ urgent than ev er/’ ★ Page 2...THE RECORDER, March 23,1967 P dub notes

M et w ood Chapter of be made by calling Mrs. Women’s American ORT Robert Crough, HI 2-1867. will sponsor a Chinese Auc tion on Wednesday, at the The Deborah League of E lk s C lu b Auditorium, Colonia will hold their Route 27, Mctuchpn, at 8 Spring Rummage Sale April 7 - 15 at 1439 Main street The merchandise to be Rahway (next to the old auctioned v a r i e s from Wool worth’s store) from weekends for two to men’s 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and women’s toiletries and toys for the children. Proceeds will go to the D e b o ra h Hospital in Tickets may be pur­ Brown's Mf}ls. Members chased at the door or from are urged to bring their any Merwood ORT member rummage to the store or The cost of the ticket also call Rummage Chairman includes a chance at a door Mrs. Anthony kativa 381- prize, and refreshments. 6095, Mrs. Henry Boyer, Mrs. S h e ld o n Rudin of 381-6145 or Mrs. August Menlo Park is chairman. Stahnke, .BR6-6737.

The Fords Chapter of NO C-RATIONS HERE— Edison Girl Scouts hope to break the monotony of mess hall Deborah w ill sponsor a m o n e y meals for soldiers in Vietnam with this box of goodies from home. Robin Bolduc and membership tea Wednes­ m a t t e r s Susan McGlynn of Junior Troop 289 and Sylvia Laurienti and Gloria LokOs of Troop day at 8 p.m. at St. John’s. 70 were among the several scouts who spent Monday evening wrapping boxes, of food Episcopal Church, Hoy and to be mailed to Daniel Christie in Vietnam. The Edison serviceman and hisbrother, Hamilton avenues, Fords. GIVE Edward, both of whom are stationed in the war zone, made local headlines recently when their grandmother, Mrs. Edward C hristie appealed to the Red Cross to have Mrs. Shirley Fried- YOUR one of the boys sent home. Both their parents are dead and two ydunger sisters are lander, regional chairman, being cared for by M rs. Christie. The boys declined the opportunity to return to the will speak on Deborah Hos­ SAVINGS States stating they believed they were needed more in Vietnam. pital, the free,non-sectar­ ian hospital supported by ACCOUNT Local Hadassah Unit To Attend Luncheon state Chapters of Deborah. A film, following the course EXTRA Members of the Metu- Luncheon of the Southern Reservations and further of a typical heart patient at chen Chapter of Hadassah New Jersey, Region of Ha­ information may be ob­ the hospital, will be shown. CREDIT will join with members of dassah Tuesday at the New tained by contacting local Anyone interested in at­ 14 other chapters at the York Hilton Hotel Tuesday Chairman Mrs. I. Myerson tending may call Mrs. Annual R e g io n a l Donor at noon. Beacon Hill road, Metu- Dominic Spinzlano, chen. Me 4-7557. The Fords group is also sponsoring a bus trip to Mustang Deborah Hospital on April 2. A bus will leave from Fords Junior High School at 10 a.m. Tickets are $2.25 and cover the cost of transpor­ Sprint-Time Sale tation and lunch at the hos­ pital. Reservations are open to the public and may mciol demands such as in Ford Country ess or unemployment. It Jefferson Lists uld act as a buffer between Science Winners (and the savings are bustin'ont all over) ired. Accord­

The Fourth Annual Sci­ a n t* salary ence Fair at Thomas Jef­ ferson Junior High School in Edison presented 81 se­ Vinyl-covered T- bar shift lected exhibits for the pub-, GT hood-mounted turn indicators (with Cruise-O-Matte option) He. In the Tfiological Science Engine dress-up kit category, the following win­ Sports car hood ners were announced: first pie who con offer a savings place, “ Sleep” by Deborah account as collerotol are Knoebel, ninth grade; sec­ doubly guaranteed. They can ond place, Alice Rosenfeld, a mare favorable IntVreTwoU “ Plant Roots” -, third place, ond the saved interest that Marcia Tractenberg, 1 “ Genetics and Heredity” ; Honorable Mentions, Victor D’Angiolillo, “ Chemistry and Plants” Charles Bloom, “ Invisible Seeds” and Mar­ •Wide-Oval ilyn Hamilton, “ The .” whitewall tires In the Physical Science (with V-8 option) Full wheel covers category, the winners were: first place, Linda Antczak ties. But when you eighth grade, with “ Air bonk as a credit re £ c :. Pollutions” ; second place, and thereby autha rise the ^ Jeffrey Schulman,“Speech , bonk to provide info third place, David Davis “Van De-Graff Machine” ; account customer c n be re- veoled. This weigh heavily New limited-edition Mustang Honorable Mentions, Roy ny credit Williams, "Solar Energy,” manager f°V° r W'th Sports Sprint gives yon all these extras and John Closs, “Saturnjf D e b o r a h Knoebel arid Linda Antczak accompan­ T li. PERTH AMBOY at special savings. Take the Mustang ied John Kotcho, science department head, as repre­ sentatives to the Central Savings Pledge at your Ford Dealer's now. Jersey Science Fair to be held at Rutgers University Institution on „ Monday and Tuesday. 210 SMITH ST. I he 3 homas Jefferson BORO MOTORS, Inc. FT A will award prizes to PERTH A M M Y the first place winners at 909 MIDDLESEX AVENUE the end of the school year METUCHEN at the annual awards as­ sembly. V. 1v

March 23,1967, THE RECORDER...Page 3 to (t I M O K K . I M I M H \ P 0 9 H DAILYOHM AMD IAT. K. PARK R A P MKM.O mil *»»Umil P«rkMx^pi-f « t o n u w TO V 10

ae J Page March 23,1967, THE RECORDER,..Page 5 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ‘‘The Saints’ Will Come TODAY—The METUCHEN LIONS CLUB will meet at 7 p.m. at The Pines. SUNDAY—The United Synagogue Youth of Metuchen will Marching In hold a PURIM CARNIVAL from 11:30 a.m . to 2:30 p.m. Our Lady of Fteace Church at Temple Neve Shalom, The affair is open to the in Fords is organizing a public, and will feature door prizes, games and re­ Junior Drum and Bugle freshments. Corps known as “The MONDAY—The METUCHEN AFTERNOON KIWANISCLUB Saints.” will hear Freeholder George Otlowski speak on county health agencies and the new Drug Center at a meeting The corps will be open at noon at Marios. to all boys and girls 9-2 1 . — A FAMILY RECREATION SHOW will be presented The activity is not limited by the HOLY NAME SOCIETY OF ST. FRANCIS to parish members. Uni­ CHURCH at 8 p.m . in the CYO Hall, Main street. The form s, equipment, a n d program will include an archery exhibition, films and transportation to and from talks on fishing, golf and tennis. Tickets are $2 per parades or competitions family and may be purchased at the door. will be furnished by the —Election and installation of officers will highlight a sponsor. A drum instructor, meeting of the NORTH EDISON ATHLETIC ASSOCIA­ a bugle instructor and a TION at 8:30 p.m. in the Edison Health Club. Any adult marching instructor will interested in the Shamrocks, the Pop Warner team be made available to teach sponsored by the association, is invited to attend. all the new members their TUESDAY—The MOBILE CLINIC (Trailer) operated by individual d u t ie s and the EDISON DIVISION OF HEALTH for the purpose of instruments. administering preventive inoculations (Diphtheria, ‘‘The Saints” are being Pertussis, Tetanus Toxoid, Measles, Smallpox, Sabin formed,to give the boys and Oral Polio, and Asian Flu) during winter months)will be stationed at the Edison Shopping Center between g irls of this ar,^,a a new the hours of 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and different hobfiy, and to --Miss Ellen Frankel,- Program Vice President of the build a competitive sp irit SENIOR U.S.Y. of Temple Neve Shalom has announced between themselves and the that there will be a'special showing of “ POLLY ANN A" other drum and bugle corps a Walt Disney film at the Metuchen Jewish Community they compete against. Center at 2 p.m . The price of admission will be 50 cents for all. WEDNESDAY-The FORDS CHAPTER OF DEBORAH will give a MEMBERSHIP TEA at 8 p.m. in St.John’s Episcopal Church, Hoy and Hamilton avenues, Fords. The public is invited to attend and reservations may be made with Mrs. Dominic Spinziano, ME4-7557. NEXT THURSDAY—ST. MATTHEW’S CYO of Edison is sponsoring a “ BIT OF ITALY” SPAGHETTI DIN­ NER at 6:30 p.m . in the school cafeteria. Besides preparing and serving the dinner, the children will present a floor show. Adult Leaders Club Slates W ater Show The Adult Leaders Club Synchronized swimming, of the Meruchen-H d i son diving, life saving demon­ YMCA w ill sponsor its strations, scuba diving, First Annual Water Show and comic diving routines April 7-8 at the “ Y” on will be included in the pro­ High street, Metuchen. gram. John Malinowski, chair­ man, has announced that Music by a rock V roll several student swimming band and b a to n twirling groups from Metuchen,and events will compliment the Edison as well I s guests program. from neighboring commun­ Tickets are $1 and may ities will participate. be purchased at., the Y. EftSTER

A Time qf Rejoicing.. For Christ Is Risen The Miracle o f Easter lives forevermore, tfeANGELIS CADILLAC and on this D a y voices praise H im . hearts 1100 LIVINGSTON AVENUE NORTH BRUNSWICK, N.J. rejoice. Christ is risen! May the spiritual Messing- of this holy season abide wi th us all. now and throughout the year. 1967 CLOSED MARCH 24th , GOOD FRIDAY

NEW ELEGANCE Commonwealth NEW EXCELLENCE |£|£!; NEW E X C IT E M E N T BANK OF METUCHEN 407 MAW STRUT ------LI &4000 ( Tel. CH 9-4545 OPEN EVES. 'T IL 9 (WED. Ml 6 P.M.) \ MEMBER F E D E R A L DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION P a g e P ‘f (Continued from Pogo M State College at 2 p.m. The B rief,” and “ Phillip Hoiz’e ON THE AISLE The final choosing of the three plays to be presented Fury” . The winner will be Viaw* of Thuatar, Music, Art, Dane* winner this year will take "The Z e i Substitute1 Invited to enterthe Eastern . J performed by the Joe Jef- States Drama Festival In . — ------■ —b- GEORGE PHI L COX— ' place April 2 at the Trenton fersori P 1 a y e r s; "Dock Washington D. C. April 22.

Male* V®ur j ! ' RAYCO R o y c o MJTOSERVICE



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DINERS 276 ROUTE 18 CLUB EAST BRUNSWICK OPEN S a.m. TO 9 p.m. MON., r u r n . r m v r ' WEI“ ■1 F R I“ - 9 « 5:30 ' TUEi5. S THURS. PHONE 257-9000 (Act.., from TurnpiN, Dri*e-1. Tlte.tr.) CREDIT ON 1HE SPO T. ALL RECOGNIZED NATIONAL CREDIT CARDSARE HONORED IMMEDIATELY TO OPEN A RAYCO CHARGE ACCOUNT March 23,1967, THF. RECORDER...Page 7 notes a Candlelight Communion Friday, followed by a Litur Home. Rev. RobertSeaman service at 8 p.m. Rev. Vern gical service at 5:30 p.m. Pastor of the Oak T ree (Continued from Pogo 1) A . Jensen w ill use “ Broken Communion will be d lstrib Church, w i l l conduct a Then Light” at the 6 a.m. f o r You” a s his theme for will be conducted at 10 Holy Communion service. uted during the service only. Good Friday service for the a.m. under the direction of th e meditation. The-rho Blessingsniocoi-.p „„on uHoly _... aged patlents- “ History’s Brightest Day” On Good Friday, the Mrs. L arr^ Honeywell. will be the Rev. George Saturday will be at 11 p.m . Rev. Seaman will also youth of the church will followed by Midnight M ass. Chorba’s topic at the 8 present a drama “ Eyes conduct Easter services The Rev. Richard V. Gil­ a.m. service and w ill also Easter Sunday masses will Sunday at 3 p.m. at the b e rt s o n , pastor of Our Upon the Cross,” at 8p.m. be at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 be Dr. Behrenberg’s theme D r. Jensen will give a brief Blrchwood Convalescent Saviour's Lutheran Church, at the 11 a.m. service. a.m. and noon. Home. ... meditation following the Confessions will be worshipping in the Menlo performance. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Park Elementary School, heard today from 2:30 to Church will show an Easter The Rev. William Hugh “ Life Transcending Des­ 3:30 p.m. and from 7:30 will conduct a Holy Thurs­ Fryer, pastor of St. Luke’s tin y ” will be Dr. Jensen’s m ovie Sunday at 9 a.m . day Communion service at Episcopal Church, has an­ to 8:30 p.m ., Friday from at the Menlo Park Home 8 p.m. in the school. The serm on topic at the 9 and 2 to 3 p.m. and from 7:30 for Disabled Veterans. nounced that a service of 1 1 a.m. services Easter to 8:30 p.m ., and Saturday communion, according to Communion and Meditation Sunday. ( Continued on P a ,. II) Rev. Gilbertson, will be from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m . will be conducted at 8 p.m. * • • and from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m . celebrated in the context of today. Good Friday serv­ Holy Week services In * * * 500,000 a Passover Seder, with sev­ ices will also be at 8 p.m. T h it year on tt timated S t. Francis Church, Me­ Area churches will re­ 500,000 children will be eral men of the congrega­ Easter Sunday services tuchen, begin today with tion depicting Jesus and His will b e g in with a Com­ member the aged and d is­ victim ■ of accidental p o i­ disciples in a contempo­ three Masses to be cele­ abled this Easter. soning. Children under five munion service at 6:30a.m. brated, at 9 a.m., 4 p.m. vrill eat or drink a lm ost rary Jewish Passover There will be Holy Com­ The Junior High Youth an d '5:30 p.m. A proces­ Fellowship of the F i r s t anything. Keep all potmn• setting. All are welcome to munion and Sermon at 8 sion will follow the 5:30 tially harmful tubttan c o t attend. a.m.; a Family service and Presbyterian Church of out of their reach. m ass and the church will Metuchen w ill visit the Mid Easter Sunday services Presentation of Lenten Of­ b e open fo r Adoration of A Public Service Mtnoge F ran in the Menlo Park school fering at 9:30 a.m. in the dlesex Nursing Home Good the Blessed Sacrament un­ Friday and the Teen Choir WENNIK’S PHARMACY will be at 7:30 and 10:15 Education Building, and t il midnight. EI2 Main S|. Mituchan a.m. Rev. Gilbertson will Holy Communion and Ser­ of the Oak Tree Presby­ Stations of the C ross will terian Church will visit the of the Middle speak on the theme, "Will mon at 11 a.m., Phormac. He Come Out." The choirs * * *■ b e conducted at 4 p.m. Edison Lodge Nursing will provide special Easter Members of the First music. Baptist Church of Metuchen will join with the Independ­ The Reformed Church of ent Fundamental Churches Metuchen will begin Holy of the area for a Sunrise Week devotions with a service at 6 a.m. Easter Maundy Thursday Lenten Sunday In Roosevelt Park. Service at 8 p.m. when There will be a breakfast the Sacrament of HolyCom- for the young people at m union will be admin­ 7:30 a.m. at the church. istered. There will be a com­ There will be a Dawn bined Good Friday serv­ BIGGEST Communion service Easter ice from 1 to 3 p.m. in Sunday at 7 a.m. Members the Tabernacle B a p tis t of th e Communicants' Church of South R iver. Rev Class will participate in William Tarr, pastor of frozen food capacity you can buy the Sacrament of Holy Com­ the Metuchen congregation, munion for the first time. will help provide special The Rev. Harry Ver Strate, music as a member of the pastor, will speak on "Liv­ Pastors’ Trio. in any General Electric ing Evidence'* a t the 9:30 On Easter, Rev. Tarr and 11 a.m. services. will also conduct a service at 11 a.m . In the Metuchen M aundy Thursday and church when he w ill speak Good Friday services will o n “ Resurrection be conducted at 8 p.m. in Positive." “ Thou Art the 2-DOOR ‘16’ the F irst Presbyterian Christ” a Choral Cantata Church of Metuchen. Con­ by David Gottshall, will firmation will be conferred be presented at 7:30 p.m. at both services. HUGE 156-lb. On Easter Sunday, the Holy Thursday will be Rev. Dr. A.H. Behrenberg celebrated in the Centen­ DEGREE FREEZER! Will preach on "Darkness: ary Methodist Church with AUTOMATIC-DEFROST REFRIGERATOR! DOLLARS *«» SEN SE 24995 HUGE ZERO-DEGREE FREEZ ER — biggest ever in a G-E ‘ 1 6 ’ . keeps food safe, indef­ initely! NO WEEKLY CLEAN­ UP—Auto-defrost refrigerator. 4 shelves: 1 slide-out; 1 ad­ justable for party and holiday needs! Package rack keeps freezer neat! TALL BOTTLES, Be prepared for unexpected debts . CARTONS STORE IN DOOR! open your account today with Temperature control! Twin veg­ etable bins hold % bushel! 18 egg bin! compartment! No coils in back—fits flush at THE BANK rear! AND MUCH MORE! • "Serving-Industry, Business and the Home’ DOWN PAYMENT! HemSe. F.Ua.al Deposit Insuiooco Ca.po.atl.n EASY TERMS I

Rt, 27 and Stony Road Menlo Park Shopping EDISON _ Center SALES & SERVICE m c n l o P a r k SEE-MORE TELEVISION 15 No. Main St. Raritan Arsenal E D U O M _ _ _ AND APPLIANCE CO. SENVfNC MttTttCttCNS YtCttttTY SH4CE 1951 325-327 LAKE AVENUE 118-9191 METUCHEN Page 8...THE RECORDER, March 23,1967

Sj?»««NEWS FROM JOHN P. STEVENS HIGH SCHOOLs =HEWS FROM EDISON HIGH SCHOOL- li HAWK TALK EAGLES NEST by BARBARA BOLTON By s e e n a m u fso h The late WalrDisney will drawn nearer to the Those s e n io r guys white eorvair last week she he honored at the annual moment when tjhey will b e ­ spending their Easter smacked into a tree, and S te v e n s gym show. ‘*A come seniors at last. The vacation camping out have has two b la c k eyes to Tribute, to Walt Disney” Stevens .High School ring decided to take an extra show for it. will be presented by the O r- is outstandingly attractive. safety precaution. They're e hesis W ork sh o p, the A cut or smooth emerald bringing along Smokey the modern dance group, and green stone is set In a N ext Wednesday, the Bear in case of emergency. Girls’ Service Club, under rhe Gymnastics Club. gold- band"that has an image The T h e s p ia n Society Due to.the success of of Thomas Edison on one the advisership of Miss Spring Production, “ The Marilyn Kemple, will visit *' K a 1 c i d o s co p e” , last side and a Hawk wirhwings Cradle Song” showed out year’s presentation, there extended on the other along the Cerebral Palsy Center last Friday night, was a in Menlo Park to entertain will he two performances with the year of graduation. tremendous hit on Thurs­ on Friday April 14. and" The rings are personalized the c h il d r e n with some day, Saturday and Monday. Easter cheer. Saturday. April.. 15. Show with the owners intitals e n ­ The actors were so ef­ time is at 8 p.m. on both graved on the inside of the BOOST GOP—WOR’s .lack Also Mrs. J. Wyatt's fective in s e v e n th period advanced nights and will be pre­ hand. Alien, better known in Me- their roles sented in the gymnasium, tuchen circles as .lack foods class will treat the All four phases of Dis­ that many youngsters in the child care The latest Bowling Club Potts, will be master of s o b s were neyland. l'antasyland, To- ceremonies at the Metu­ program sponsored by the results are: first place ^ heard in the school to a party March 22. morrowland Adventureland team Brian Shivers and chen Republican Club Reo. audience as and a taste of the Old West ognition Dinner March 31 ( the curtain in Frontier-land will be ex­ Charlie Rowe - 44.5 15.5 High set -Boys Rich Woods at Kenny’s Acres. Potts, a Hr*- went down. Would you like a ‘‘Kwazy hibited. -The entire .654; Herb Hansen 533; and form er Republican Council­ T h o s e Bold?” The senior class, production is «being man and. past president of of course, Is selling them. directed by gym teachers Phil Calandre 523. High P a r t i c i - game boys: . Rich' Woods- the Metuchen Republican Seeno Mufson paring were The rubber birds that Ann Freeman and Helen Club, has made Metuchen Ann Bcvilacqua, Debbie febjl as if they are still Ptashinski. 228 , 224, 202- BolJCichetU, 193. High set girls: Mich­ a household word to listen­ Buckelew, Peg Calamqneri, alive are being sold by - Admission is only SI for ers of WOR’s John A. Jo Cobb, Ann Cohen, Anna' class representatives all students and adults. So Sctve elle Core - 396. High game girls: Michelle 'Core 152, Gambling Show. Gavett, Helene Gubik, Pat day. Arlene Rosenthal is H a v e n s, Chris Johnson, chairman of this fundrais­ trip to Cal- Nancy Woods 152. T he Bowl ing Club is under the W ayne Konnyu, Cel a ing project. super vi ion of business Hunt Is On M e r r c r o , Tom Povlich, teacher Pat Hughes. A r le n e Rosenthal, Diane D i s n e y - The Metuchen Rec­ Seniors Patsy Carraturo, reation Department will Rynone, Dave Vickery and land at its * * * Nancy Wogan. Steve Marcy and Vinnie test right The accumulation of sponsor^its annual Fos­ Piccarillo will never wash in Edison snow last Friday led to te r Egg Hunt Saturday Last Friday’s pseudo­ their right hands again. the cancellation of school at Edgar Field arid the vacation was like going to Mohammed-Ali, or Cassius Tickets may so the Sophomore Dance O a k la n d Playground. Florida for knowing senior Clay shook them. Barbara BoltorC bC p U r- F irst, second and third '■ Nitclife” was rescheduled prizes will be awarded Gene O’Malley and Senior chased from a club member to tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Gene Nemeth. Last week, the boys had or may be b o u g h t at for each classification, the thrill of meeting and the cafeteria. ’ three years old and un­ Windburn fro m their the door. snow shoveling made them talking with the world's d er, second graders and heavyweight champion at below and t h i r d grade as dark as any trip, down Today is the day gwaired The All-Clubs Fair has s o u th could, and maybe Madison Square Garden. by all juniors. The Class been set for April 28. That and above. even redder than that. Now, they’re r e a l celeb­ of ’68 will receive their.... means that there is still The hunt starts at 10 * * * rities. school rings and at the tim e for you to support a.m . at both sites. Members of the Class of same time were spiritually your favorite club by help­ Thought for Easter Week: *68 have b e e n walking Have a Happy!! ing to prepare the various around almost as proud booths and amusements. girt scout news March of Dimes The success of your club as the seniors. They’ve concession depend.,, on its been flinging their hands TABLE LAAOTS Nets $5,901.20 On April 6 and 13 the around a lot too! Why. you Traditional & Modern members and lheir par- training c o m m itte e of ask? They received their , Dr. Thomas M. Paternity (B ( Crossroads G i r l Scout chairman of the March of fur class rings yesterday! Council will—conduct two Senior Gori Spivack was V O N T U R Y Dimes campaign in Edison of three training sessions reports a total of $5,901.20 not, I repeat, not in a fight!! Station P la ta • Motuchon Recently, the sociology for leaders of Brownie and While driving her little 540.1922 549.0071 contributed- to the 1967 Junior troops at Grace Lu­ March of Dimes by resi­ classes took a survey to find out about the average theran Church, .600 New dents of the township. Brunswick avenue, Perth C— i Student of the W eek^11 The Mothers March Stevenite. The surprising, startling, and though pro­ Amboy, from 9:30 a.m. to u n d e r the l e a d e r s h ip 3 p.m. T h e se dates sup­ of Mrs. Frank Brogan and voking results will be printed in this reporter’s plant the original April 5 Mrs. H. D a u g h e rty Jr. and 12. W HO'S yielded $2,708.91. n ext- s u rprising, startling,, Other c dntributions in - and th o u g h t- provoking------The—-com m i 11 e e an­ eluded $495.00 from busi­ column which will appear in nounces that baby sitting AT ness and industry; $488.37 will be supplied for a nom­ coin collectors; $1,037.25 inal fee. Children should be mailers: $535.59 schools Garbage? Yes registered separately. NANCY and $636.08 TAP (teen­ Leaders will bring a lunch age program) Tomorrow--pood Fri­ and a beverage will be pro­ day - is a holiday in vided. TAYLOR? Metuchen, but the usual 1 J WOHl Of Friday garbage pickup - Mrs. Robert Williams, l II linn Mill HIlllMl I il.M fclTTlil H III III |i| III I ll III II |!l 11II \\ |l 11II III |i| III 1,1 IIP will he made. The an­ Fords, training chairman, nouncement was made explained that the third ses­ V icki D riscoll ts! by Borough Councilman sion will he an outdoor 11 n i i i i m i i i i i j ! i i in i i h i i n m m m tttH it iim n m h i i m n w w h h i i hi hi m i i O ld % e n m G i l Gene Haley, chairman day conducted on April 15 of public works. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at a Vicki iis a life-long resident, of the tri- county urea. She was site to be chosen by the born iin IMuinlield. presently resides in South Plainfield and group. i- h |i iruduale of that high school . . . She i» a very active younp Indy, and while attending high school was a member THE PINGRY SCHOOL Mrs. Aloysius J. Hos- of the girls basketball team and a twirier with the color ptuard. Vicki devote, h er free, lime to a wealth of hobbies A COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS podar, Fords and Mrs. Warren Holm, Metuchen, IIsllt.IL bowling, dancing, and swimming as her favorites . . . ’ 215 North Avenue, Hillside will conduct the sessions. She is ,tud\iiig in become a rnedicnl sitcretary , and has been •'hniXMi hy tl»e faculty us m tidenl-ofilit-week! announces that you’re alw ayi In yood company with I he .. OPEN ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS 24 HOURS Tor A JmisTrdfTfo 'Grades'"2! TftrSugh"H — n a n c y laylor l a y Will be g iv e n on A DAY SECRETARIAL ami FINISHING'COURSE- AT TAYLOR BUSINESS INSTITUTE SATURDAY, APRIL IS, 1*67 • ; R APP’S Approvea dv Ne* lertev State Deoerrmeni 01 Education ; PHARMACY T’ Walt-hung Avc. Plainfield. N. J 07060 ----F»t furtS.r InOtmti.ii # 611 Park A ve., Plainfield U tl riACIMINI Writ, or C a ll ttu School ♦ # PL 6-0008 ! Registered Phormocift In CLASSES START TELEPHONE El 5-6990 EXT. 3C - G I Attendance at Store Day and Night FEBRUARY. JIILV, SEPTEMBER March 23,1967, THE RECORDER...Page 9 Abbott-Ward Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Ab­ bott of Thomasville, North Carolina t have announced the engagement of their daughter Laurie Dee, to Allen C. Ward, son of Mr. McManus- and Mrs. William C. Ward of 596 Main street, Me­ Truchanovicz tuchen. Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. The wedding will take McManus of 467 Middlesex place June? 24 at the First avenue, Metuchen, have an­ Baptist Church in Thomas­ nounced the engagement of ville. their daughter, Lmily Fran, Miss Abbott was gradu­ cis. to Benjamin Truchano ated in 1963 from Thomas­ vicz, son of Mrs. Benjamin ville Senior High School, Truehanovfcz of 39 Linden and received an AB degree avenue, Metuchen. in English from High Point Miss McManus Is a gradu­ College In High Point,North Mrs. Lumberius II ate ofMetuchenlligh School Carolina. She is a sixth and attended Drake College grade teacher in the Mid­ Hamming-Siuta of Business In New Bruns­ way school system in North Miss Laurie Abbott wick. Carolina. Miss Carolyn Anne Siuta, Her fiance is a graduate Ward was graduated in the Dean's List. He is p r e s ­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs.’ of the H aw k in s street 1964 from Metuchen High ently a mathematics, and Walter Thaddeus Siuta of school in Newark, and is School, and attended High chemistry major at the 259 Amboy a v e n u e , Me- employed by theAlpha Wire Point College for two years University of North tuchen, and Lamberrus Corp. of Elizabeth. where he was a member of Carolina. Hamming of the Nether­ lands were m arried Satur­ Congratulations, "Falcon to win either a 1967 Ford day in St. Francis of Assisi News’* You’ve gone and Galaxie o r a 25 inch Zen Roman Catholic Church, done it again. Yes, and they ith Color TV. Who knows, Metuchen. Hamming is the did it on just last week, you might win both! The son of Mr. and M rs. Simon March 9-11. The “ Falcon FALCON raffle is being sponsored Hamming of Arnhem, the News” has for the third by the St. Joseph’s F ath­ Netherlands. year in a row placed first By JOSEPH F . HIGRO ers Club and will be held The Rev. Henry llem- in the Private Boys High on Sunday, June25, so make merllng officiated at the School Category of the 43 FEATHERS Brian Lee. Representing entitled, “ V er si t i lity'in your plans now. That’s the Nuptial Mass ceremony. Annual Columbia Scholastic date of the SJHS Annual The b rid e was given in Press Association Conven­ the staff were Mike Bennet Humor on the F e a tu r e marriage by her father. tion at Columbia University and Ed Kolibas. “ Falcon” Page.” Fair and all are welcome. Miss L u c ia Droby of in New York City. a d v i s o r Edward Fiorele The drawing will be held also was present. at 7 p.m ., and the winner Cumberland. Rhode Island, Delegates were Editor- Need a new car or a cousin of the bride, was the need not be present. All in-chi ef Mike Krawczyk Brian Lee presided over color TV? the classes that sell the as m aid of honor. Brides­ and Feature Page- Editor a round table discussion Well, h e re ’s your chance maids were Miss Dolores signed books will be given Siuta of Pawtucket, Rhode the Monday before M emor­ Island; Miss Nancy Voss of ial Day off. The tickets are Summit; and M rs. R obert available through any p ar­ Venezia of Madison Town­ ent or student of St. Jo­ ship. seph’s. Please help this Ronald Adams of Ridge­ worthwhile cause. wood served as best man. The ushers included Rob-',, «M»V- cm -Chipinski and John Children should nevm CnipinskI of Cinnarhinson d eceived by having fla medicines call'd*can and Thaddeus Banas of When /o /f alone they Pawtucket, Rhode Island. locate the container Leon Droby of Pawtucket, cousin of the bride, was the ring bearer. After a reception for 100. DRUG FAIR Pharmacy guests at the Old Union !rApKmrnrlnf T LMTORuTO, l' nNCHr , v rS’ Alan Bur^ r t and Mrs. Raoul Pantaleoni, 401 Raritan Avenue House in Red Bank, the president of the Metuchen League of Women Voters, were among 200 members of the Highland Park couple left for a wedding il’orel JH n rtth r» ^ ■ atm nd1"8 r»h,G lea8ue’s first Legislative-Luncheon Monday at the trip to Vermont. They will Hotel Hildebredht in Trenton. Mrs. Burkart and Mrs. Pantaleoni discussed state pro- reside in Gronningen, (he' BHgianiWlth C°Umy A8semb'y men (l t0 r) Robert Wilentz, Norman Tanzman and Guido Netherlands. M rs. 11 a m_m i n g was graduated from St. Peter’s CUT O U T THIS VALUABLE COUPON High School In New Bruns­ w ick . She attended New York University, Rutgers (TITm tTEP DISCOUNT OFFER!) University, and was gradu­ ated from the University Ideal Gift for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Any Special Occasion! of Rhode island, where she was a member of Sigma This Coupon, When Presented at Studio, Kappa Sorority. Entitles Bearer to One Her h u s b a n d attended schools in the Netherlands and received a doctermus degree from the University 8x10 OIL-COLORED of Gronningen, where he is currently interning. PHOTOGRAPH

SUITABLE FOR FRAMING THOMAS STUDIOS PERTH AMBOY, N.J. 109 Smith Street HI 2-7313 Op»n Weekdays 10.00 to 6.00 Friday. till-f.-g.M.* .. - J... . ALSO GOOD IN ANY OTHER LORSTAN OR THOMAS STUDIO

chorae for each oddl ty leo.ut(Note— onlyty leo.ut(Note— feoture* done in oils, not clotbii ONLY ONE COUPON TO A PERSON. Page A Boy Scout Camp UF Dinner April 11 Will Be Doubled The annual Awards Din­ ner of the U n ited Fund A capital campaign for Campaign will beheld April $335,000 to double and de­ 11 at the Greenbrier Res­ velop the acreage of Saka- taurant on Route 1, North wawin Scout Reservation Brunswick. A Dutch treat for Middlesex Council Boy cocktail hour with compli­ Scouts will be launched in mentary hors d’oeuvres April. will be held at 6 p.m., fol­ lowed by dinner at 7 p.m. The $335,000 will be ysed All reservations for the to acquire land in Stokes dinner must be completed State Forest adjacent to the by April 6. present Sakawawin Reser­ vation, and to develop it to provide twice the present camper capacity. In addi­ Cope tion, new troopsites will be developed at the present camp and the old facilities at Sakawawin will be renovated.

78 aummarhlll rood (opposite now post offlca) •ast brunswlck 257-4040

LOCAL PHARMACISTS POINT THE WAY — The Middle­ sex County Pharmaceutical Society is campaigning to W a i t e r ... “ poison-proof” the home. Part of the prevention program is a child proof 'medicine cabinet that has a latch too intricate for a young child to open. Here Alexander M. Bell, society president, is demonstrating the patented Double Breasted Dandy latch to Edison Township Business Administrator John A. Delesandro and East Brunswick Mayor Aleck Borman. Society vice president Arthur L. Taub is at right. The MATERNITY DRESS group was among those attending a poison control seminar 'oco-se tt in g-brriss-but toned shealh at the Brunswick Inn as part of National Poison Prevention vith exquisitely feminine lace collar Week, M archT9-2S...... - ^ inil cuffs. A mastorpioco that will take 'ou through Spring in impeccable Interracial Marriage Is Discussion Topic orm. in crisp Navy. The next series of dis­ tuchen. Parents and teen- Sizes 8-18 ...1 5.9 5 cussions in the adult edu­ aged children are welcome cation program of the Uni­ to participate. Sizes 38-44 ■ • 17.9 5 tarian S o c ie ty of New Brunswick will begin April Complete Selection 16." Four Wednesday eve­ C J Airport nings will be devoted to of M aternity Apparel the topic of ‘Interracial • DRESSES M arriage, D a tin g and Dinner Topic • SEPARATES Friendship’. Chairman is The Central Area of the Mrs. Robert Rice of Me- • BLOUSES New Jersey Federation of • SPORTSWEAR Planning Officials will hold its annual meeting April 13 • LIN GERIE at the Brunswick Inn in East Brunswick. Oscar Bakke, RELLA SHOP American HAIRDRESSERS regional administrator of the Federal Aviation 290-A GEORGE ST. 20 OPERATORS A g en cy , will speak on NEW BRUNSWICK TO SER V E YOU “ Airports and Central New Jersey’s Future” . Dinner ( between Carroll PI. will he served a t6:30p.m., and Morris St.) ' HAIR COLORING followed by the meeting at ~ | MACHINE------8 p.m. — 247-29*2— HniiioiiiiiimmaiiiiiiiifiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiitioiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiMiiiaiiiiiiiiiitiaiiHiiiiiiiiaiiiiiHtHiiaiiNNMMii ! NO APPOINTMENT ! OPEN 7 DAYS ( NECESSARY j A WEEK I Honeymooners’ I 5 Why not start offSALE! in your firs t home w ith = a new-carpet?! Order now at this sale Da F o il '501' _ t = price and we’ll deliver it when you're -— v NYLON Carpeting | ready to move in! You older lovebirds SHAM POO and S ET ...... 2 .0 0 | on your second honeymoons can beau- w/fh Padding SUNDAY...... 3 .0 0 5 lif y yo.ur homes at this sale price, too! S But it’s a limited offer--place your or- Professional HAIRCUT...... 1 .5 0 □ der by Saturday! PERMANENT WAVES...... 7 .5 0 | long-Lasting• Easy To Clean [ V PRO CESS C O LO R...... 4 .7 5 | 10-Year Wear Gu arantee f t ” 2 PROCESS COLOR ...... 7 . 5 0 \ 0 Sq. WIGS Cut & Styled ...... 5 .0 0 Ch.ic. .1 Colartl Korvattt Shopping Centir . . . R?». 35 & I, Woodbridgt (IW itt- Carpet •Avocado ■ Son Juan B .lg . » Antlqua Gotrf---- L ight Ollaa HOURS: MON. THRU FRI. 9 A.M. / SAT 8 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. T IL E and LINOLEUM, too * Klondike Go Id .Pr..ld*n»lol R*d SUN. 9:30 to 5 P.M. 158 FRENCH STREET •Parchment .Sogomdre Blue 6 3 6 - 1 8 1 8 OPEN DAILY 9 TO 6 • RusJynore Beige BiarmmiitiiOiiitiuiiiiaitMiHiiiiicitiiiiuiiniaiiiiwtitiioiiiiHmiiiaiinmmiiommimiatt Page c regional notes Hillel Academy Is Registering No X-Rays Friday The Middlesex County Advisory ville War Memorial High School, Registration has started phasls and the latest Council In Home Economics of the was named secretary, succeeding The X-ray S c r e e n in g Extension Service of Rutgers is Mrs. Alfred Kellogg of Highland at H illel Academy 100 First reading programs which Center of the Middlesex planning its annual Homemaker’s Park. street, Perth Amboy, for allow the student to advance County Tuberculosis and Day for May 4 at the Labor Educa­ the school term beginning at his own pace. Also H e a lth League will be tion Center of Rutgers on Ryders Re-elected to three-year terms in September. lane. New Brunswick. The activi­ on the Board of Directors were: included are courses in closed Good Friday. The ties will begin at 10 a.m. Mrs. Thomas Faggionl of Me- The day school provides a rt, French and music. usual schedule will resume tuchen, Mrs. William Smith of New Hebrew and General F o r further information from 8:30 a.m . to 5 p.m. Mrs. W.T. Schraner of East Brunswick, Miss Ruth Samsel of S t u d i e s education. The Brunswick, general chairman, will Madison Township, an administra­ call VA 6-9266. on Friday, March 31. be assisted by Mrs. Horrls Bowne tor at the Middlesex County College school has a nursery, a and Mrs. George Henderson of Edison, Dykeman and [hr. kerrlson. kindergarten and a full East Brunswick; M rs. J.E. Sauer- New directors named to three- elementary school program man of Jamesburg; Mrs. Nicholas year term s were: Mrs. Charles of grades 1-8. A race, Mrs. Benjamin Herbert and Ott of East Brunswick, and Dr.‘ Mrs. Roland Skillman of Old Bridge; Ralph Nash of East Brunswick, The curriculum entails a Mrs. Edwin Lockhart and Mrs. a school psychologist In the High­ wide variety of student ori­ J.A. Lavettre of Sayreville; Mrs. land Park school system. Henry Hoffman and Mrs. Harold ented courses which In­ Rowe of Spotswood; Mrs. David clude the new math, the Barrlck of Edison; Mrs. Jerome New York City science pro­ Fruhiing of North Brunswick; Mrs'. Members of the Mctuchen-Edi- gram , audio-lingual em- Harold Lins of Mllltown; Mrs. son and South River Chapters of Peter Dominecki of South River; Hadassah will be among the 800 Mrs. Charles Thomas of Plain- women attending the annual Donor field; Mrs. Richard Fairclough of Luncheon of the Southern New GET RESULTS Dunellen; Mrs. John Dragon of Jersey Region of Hadassah March READ THE CLASSIFIED New Brunswick; and Mrs. Daniel 28 at the New York Hilton Hotel. Howell of Avenel.

Bsst Salictioas ft Price* SAVE AT MEYER’S BILT RITE - THAYER - PETER­ SON-COLLIER -GROUP-RITE - on WELL-MADE - And other find quality famaui brands to choose from. r from New Brunswick Carriages & Strollers Junior High School, succeeds Wil­ liam C. Dykeman of 471 Harrison avenue. Highland Park. Ralph W. V o o rh e e s of 316 Lincoln avenue. Highland Park, CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE-STROLLER GROW-RITE was elected first vice president, and John Mullen of Pluckemln, Quality Mad* an executive of Johnson A John­ DELUXE son, was named second vice pres­ ident. Voorhees was second vice by p r e s id e n t and Mullen was FOLDING treasurer. Dr. Irvine Kerrlson ofMetuchen COLLIER! was elected treasurer, and Dr. STROLLER Marlon Parnell, principal of Sayre- Reg. 28.95 Child Evangelism

Banquet April 7 R«C. 44.95 Take care of all baby's transportation needs with just one pur­ The A n n u a l Spring chase. This sturdy, handsomely made carriage converts quickly Banquet of Child Evangel­ ism Fellowship of Middle­ and easily to a stroller or lift-out car bed. Folds compactly for sex County will be held at storing. Adjustable foot rest, 2-wheel foot brake, pusher grip, the First Baptist Church of full rail. Newest shade brick, cobalt or ivory fabric. Metuchen, 225 Middlesex avenue, April 7 at 7 p.m. The speaker is Dr. R. D. Smithy National* CftF Teacher Training Team 4. Save on Wheel Goods FREE! FREE! FREE! The carered dinner will AMERICAN MADE BICYCLES be roast lx.*cf and reserva­ tions must be made to * * 5 . 0 0 "Murray” a tte n d . Final date of largest Selection - lowest Prices! reservations is March 29, Thunder Rod Real with Director Jim Matouk, 305 TUrnpike, East Bruns­ wick, 247-8749, Convertible Bike Motor Sound Unit with Stick Shift with 2 3 .9 7 purchase of any Tank model with "MURRAY” WHEEL v GOODS ITEM Including these Special valuoo Fully Equipped Deluxe Deluie Veloeipedoi with TANK MODEL step-up frame------from 8 .97 T E E BIRD 3 3 . 9 7 CAR ______11. 97; BALL BEARING WAGON ______13.97 FIR E CHIEF For your last minutt CAR ------12.97 shopping convenionco HOOK t wo will be CLICK STIC! SHIFT BIKE LADDER ------15.97 DOLPHIN Pleasure Goat m j r A W OPEN 3 9 . 9 7 w ith Outboard M olar. . . 1 0 .7 / CHAIN DRIVE poiTtren.- "-Jnpwnfc -ttmrd.... TflIOYOLE EASTER SUNDAY brakes, chrome lenders, rim* 2 2 .9 7 and boll lamp. Whitewoll tires - rear iludded. Mu r r a y ; s comm ended by Parent’ s Magoiin*

378 GEO RGE 5T R E E1 3pen Monday A Thurtday NEW BRUNSWICK DISCOUNT MART H ipi ’til U „ (n.KI to Woolworth'i) 150 CHURCH STREET, NEW BRUNSWICK Plione 246-1313 Page 1 2...THE RECORDER, March 23,1967 MERIT IN VIETNAM — Army Specialist Five Den Y ’s Learn-to-Swim Program Scheduled nis R. Osieja, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Osieja Approxim ately 5(X) 1 to see the progress of of 26 Kenlen drive, Edison, youngsters from the Me- their children. is a member of a unit tuchen-Edison area have The regularly scheduled which has earned a m er­ registered for the annual gym and swim classes for itorious unit commendation Easter week Learn-to- this week are canceled due award in Vietnam. The pres Swim Campaign sponsored to the s p e c i a l swim entation was made Febru­ by the YMCA March 27- p r o g ra m . The evening ary 22 near Qui Nhon. AprilT* classes will be held as The citation presented usual. The YMCA will be to the men of the 27rh There are six classes closed on Good Friday. Transportation Battalion of boys beginning at 9 a.m. was awarded for “ merit­ and continuing until 12:40 f T O R I orious conduct in the per­ p.m. The girls classes Medicine can b* life-re stor. formance of outstanding start at 1 p.m. and continue »ng-or deadly if Improperly services in support of mil­ until 5:15 p.m. This group taken. Store medicines itary operations in the Re- is c o m p o se d of seven separately from other houses p u h l ic of Vietnam from hold products and keep in classes. The parents and their original containers. October. 1965, to April, friendly combat forces. friends arc invited to the Always read labels for 1966.” Specialist Osieja is a sessions on Saturday, April directions and caution The truck battalion trav­ truck driver with the bat­ eled ove^ five million miles talion’s 597th Transporta- A *Pu• r"yic• M .tioq. From TO PRESENT OWN WORK- of Viet Cong-infested high, lion Company, Small Ads Get Colonial V illage Pharmacy David Gottshallof223 New­ BIG Results Routo 27 Etfiscn man street, Metuchen, will ways, hauling cargo and liis wife, Susan, I petroleum products to in Piscataway. In the Want Ads >< the Middl.t.x County direct the Senior Choir of Pha. •ty the F irst Baptist Church of Metuchen in the premier performance of his Easter Cantata, “ Thou Art the Christ.'*. The public is in­ vited to attend the perform­ ance Sunday at 7:30 p.m, in the church. Gottshall, a senior at I ronton Stare S A V E UP TO Metuchen High School where he was active in the school band. He has worked with the Metuchen Summer Band School for the past two y e a rs and has appeared as a trumpet soloist in a num­ ber of concerts. * 15840 church notes Paul 1loppe Sr., of I nion . will spciik on “ Atonement D a v a nd Its Prophetic Sig- nif ic-anet -at a -public 1ec~ ON NEW CAR ture Sunday at 3 p.m.. in Kingdom • Hall, Plainfi eld avenue, sponsored by the Metucheiit CongrcgatiorI of Jehovah* s Wirnesses. FINANCING A Watchtower study on the theme, •• l-rom a Wi:ak State ... Made Powerfu l,” will .he conducted by Adolph I etzlaff, presiding minis­ te r , at 4 p.m.


• Nq hidden gimmicks COMPARE • 1 day service no red tape pa 1MINTS fOli lb Ml T. MS Al VAf.10USMI[S .GROCERIES • No account necessary PATE!, Pu ion rt (. MAP Open 1A.M. to 10P.M. • Choose own insurance O.C • Not necessary to insure 3 years in advance linin' u .LIQUOR STOR • Credit Life Insurance available1 11 000 00 S31 08 $31

442 Main Street METUCHEN 543-2400 283-85 Centrai Ave. - fl HAHClNE- ES THER BUSINESS METUCHEN . NEW BRUNSWICK . NORTH BRUNSWICK . MIDDLESEX . SOUTH BRUNSWICK . MM UCH! N MEMEUW MOIRA! OtOOSlT INSUHANCE CORPORATION . f f[)( HAL Rl SE RVf SYSTEM Page L This reporter was flat­ High School. Frank Edgar, Tournament presented the usual boredpm that only ON tened by a bug and waa not noted dlrector.leapt Into the last three entries of the amateur theatricals evoke. able to attend the New Je r­ breech once more, and his current season last Satur­ The Villagers ofMtddle- THE AISLE sey Theatre League Drama comments follow: day night. The evening be­ bUBh opened as expected. T ournament at Metuchen The N.J.T.L. D ra m a gan well but ended In the (CanHnued en Paga M) NOW is * RIGHT « ... AND CHANNEL&RIGHT^




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NEW BRUNSWICK i N. PLAINFIELD Page M he could have made better ON THK AISLK by cutting it to fit the cloth of his actors. The set, by VU w i af Thaator, Music, Art, Dane* Lois Whittlesey was ex­ ______ty GEORGE RHiLCOX______cellent, from the heavy, steel door to the realistic (C ontinu'd from Pogo L ) belongs not only to the sunlight pouring through They presented the unex­ strong, theatrlcally-wise the small, barred windows pected "Phillip Hotz’s direction of Edmund Shaff of the prison cell. Fury’ by Max Frisch. It and V iv ia n Lazzara, but is a brand new play, never also to a cast who knew The last play “ Commedia before presented in the what they were doing and ■aDell’Arte” (237 1/2points), States and never before In did it. I felt the play was presented by the Strollers English. It is an outrageous chosen and staged for the of Maplewood-South Orange, spoof on avant-garde the­ purpose of entertaining an o p e n e d with the actors' a tre . Unfortunately, one of audience, which is a point rushing through the audi­ the judges, Prof. Lauren K. that o t h e r little theatre ence, shouting and calling Woods, did not understand groups might well rem em ­ to each other. It was a fine this and criticized the play, ber. opening, an a u d ie n c e thinking it was the produc­ The set, designed by catcher, but unfortunately, tion. I hope some one was Robert Berger, could have the cast thus used up all able to point out to him that been e x a c tly what the of its energy. The setting, the play was presented as author had in mind — it a town in Italy, done in the author intended! managed to exist without brown and stark black, was The play received 267 quite being. The walls were superb. It is a shame that points (high score this sea­ open, utilizing the sky-drop neither the cast nor the son) and the credit for this to give spaciousness while play come up to it. The at the same time confining play succeeded in confusing the play to a small, clut­ the audience, rather than tered room. amusing. This type of the­ Special mention should atre demands a stylization go to Roy Lee, who played and a bawdy gusto which has Phillip Hotz, a most dif­ no counterpart in our ficult role, set the comedy theatre. This company was pace and energy level de­ not able to supply either. manded by this play and (Continued on Pogs P) held it throughput. Lee has a professional quality in his work and it- is hoped that we see more of hirh, Helen Smith, an actress who can do more by reacting than most can do with good lines, was the most confused spinster to be seen in years. Mrs. Smith was ably as­ sisted by her hat which I am sure was designed by Lille Dache of Mars. W ar­ ren E hr hart had a gem of a role and made more than most of it. “ Phillip Hotz’s Fury” is a comedy and was played as such to the delight of the m w m audience.

The second play of the evening was ‘ The Dock Brief” (262 points) by the Cranford Dramatic Club, ft is a realistic comedy, which gently shows the COMPLETE HOME truly ’ unsuccessful of the world. It is. a two char­ MODERNIZATION acter play, which is unfair to the amateur actor since AT DISCOUNT PRICES I he has not had the experi­ ence necessary to hold the HOME IMPROVEMENT "I 'interest of an audience, DEPT. | Ronald Randall, who played the unsuccessful criminal, proved the exception. When he talked of his shop and coll to give ms a FR EE | his birds, you believed him, ESTIMATE. I am Intors.t.d In: and his reason for killing I his wife, although unbe­ 1 □ K If chin lievable, was acceptable as juBattiretm D Attic 'the only thing a sensible ,D Add-a-Luval □ Darmtr man in this position could I a n n u a l p n..m addltl.it do‘. □ Parch Enclaaura John Wittlesey as the □ Aluminum Siting Unsuccessful Barrister, □ Qaraga Altaratiani was never able to decide NAME just how old his character was. At times he walked bent in two,at others m erely stoop-shouldered. He used a set speech pattern which never varied. The director, John Mar- tim er had a fine piay which FREE NO CASH DOWN ESTIMATE YEARS TO PAY c e l l . .. . f ir s t P a y m e n t 247-7702 O CT., 1967 HADE i by • ALL WORK GUARANTEED • 'PIVACK'I


Rove-,c C o lli I VA y 6-1936 ACCEPTED i° ' 3 1 8 S ta le St Q Perth Amboy ★ Page 16*..THE RECORDER, March 23,1967 editorial Applicant Gives His A Step toward a Healthier Society Side of High-Rise News that The Middlesex County Wel­ have faith in the ability, compassion and TO THE EDITOR: fare Board has decided to allow social integrity of those who dedicate their lives I deplore the argping of the m erits of the high-rise wo-r-ker-s to initiaxe n birth control con- to helping others. We do not believe social application in the press before the actual presentation versation with clients brings us closer workers deaTTn~coeTcion~or intimidation. of the pros and cons have been made before the ap­ to the family planning concept so earnestly The right of information is important— propriate municipal body; however, I do feel compelled sought by the majority of social workers, for some women whose pregnancies occur to clear the air regarding some very misleading state­ physicians, psychologists and religious too frequently, it might be life saving. ments that have appeared. leaders. Nor does this right to know interferewirh . One letterwriter made much to do over the method of oriels religious convictions. F irst, a client application, and also the amount of publicity, but this is In simplest terms, the newruling means can refuse to discuss the iissue]" second, petty and not germain to the issue of hi-rise and not (hat the social worker does noi have to family planning clinics will dispense birth worthy of dlsucssion in these columns. However, when wait to have a client ask her about birth control methods Acceptable to all major figures such as "eight” , six-story buildings, ;*1,200 control. She can, instead, bring up the religious groups. people” , “400 school children” are bandied about In conversation herself-— giving information A man and woman have the right to the press and when a concerned citizen used the term about available facilities. If the welfare determine the size of their family. But of more than 800 added school children to a local recipient is too shy, too unknowing, too those without family planning information business man, 1 feel that the facts should be disclosed afraid to bring up the subject, she will cannot make this determination. to allay some of this hysteria. still nor be left without information. In a democracy, in a multi-religious I am the applicant, and the application as submitted Before giving family planning informa­ society, knowledge is never the danger. qovers the entire wooded area south of Whitman avenue, tion, however, the social worker will For only with knowledge can an individual comprising approximately 7.5 acres. The property is inquire whether such a discussion would make the decision best suited to her own owned partly by me and two associates (whose names be in violation of her client's religious physical, psychological and religious be­ are a matter of public record); the remainder of the or moral beliefs. If so, the discussion liefs. *■ land is owned by Davies Nitrate and under a contract would be terminated immediately.- This The County Welfare Board is giving its lease to me which, if exercised, will run for approxi­ is a fine safeguard,but even without it we' clients this opportunity. mately 100 years. The proposed complex would comprise (three) and not (eight) apartment buildings. They would contain a Join The Fight total of 234 units, with less than 15 peTCeTit of these being two-bedroom units, or to he more accurate, the is an F.dison policeman. lie h proposal contains 30 two-bedroom units, 108 one-bed­ Sneed of I di: ; five n old. second job to help meet his s. room pnits, and 96 efficiency apartments. A statistical the chat eday medical bills, bur he can’t keep up study, as well as common sense, would indicate that become five years old. It is a hard battle luxury apartments of this type would not attract fam­ for the infant born with two holes in his ilies with children, and that instead of the 400 additional heart and a double hernia, who has al­ We help little Alan. We can’t children mentioned in the press, a reasonably objective ready suffered the. added complications spare his - parents and two brothers the . person could anticipate that there in all likelihood, will of infected lungs and pneumonia, lr is a heartbreak they must be experiencing, be no additional load on this school already operating at battle that only the medical profession but we can help ease some of the burden near capacity. and prayer can help by contributing to the Alan Sneed Fund One writer even suggests that these apartments have help his organized by the Council of F.dison Civic been designed for growing fam ilies with children. May I to meet the staggering medic Associations. Donations may be mailed point out that were I designing them for children, I that continue to mount. It is a sad thought to P.O. Box 154. F.dison. would include a number of three-bedroom apartments that in this country today a family can, Robert Fennor, chairman of the fund, and surely a higher ratio of two-bedroom apartments. suffer a great personal tragedy, which also asks that all calls for information It has been my experience in 20 years as a real estate however it is resolved, will be carried be directed to 548-8337, 549-7541. or broker, to have never had an application for a one- into the future as unpaid bills. evenings to 826-3253. bedroom apartment from people with children, and at the anticipated rents, be assured chore "will be none In this proposed complex. Wait Till Next Year Wirh reference to the 1200 people quotation, a little We hav known for a long time that we research on the part of the letterwriter would have great Rutgers show, and we have seldom discovered that apartment buildings such as these navu a great state university in Rutgers, been as proud of our university. bur we have never felt as much like saying statistically have a density of approximately 1.5 persons > Justice does not always triumph in the per unit or approximately 350 people and nor remotely it as we do now. end, for Rutgers deserved to win the NIT For Rutgers put on a great display in near the 1200 mentioned, ~ this year. The Scarlet Knights showed One of the writers asks who will pay for the widening Madison Square Garden last week during more hustle, more determination, more the National Invitation Tournament. We’re of Whitman avenue -for the installation of storm and poise than did their opponents. Bur they' sanitary sewers, curbs, gutters, etc. Me states he can’t not talking solely of the basketball team , had less •'height, and perhaps less luck, which exhibited courage, spirit, and skill! see the builders paying for any of these expenses. The and they lost. They lost in the semi­ answer is so obvious that 1 must conclude the writer Just as heartening were the students, final game, but not the respect and ad­ band, cheerleaders, alumni, and other had his "tongue in cheek” when asking the question. Of miration of alL who saw them play. course, the builder must and should pay for them. He friends of Rutgers* who cheered the team We have just one more thing to say*. -IQ— exemplary fashion. It was a great. has asked questions concerning additional fire equipment. Wait ’til next year. The borough has adequate equipment to protect this type -Of complex. This matter was thoroughly explored by borough oflicTalsTn conjunction with the Fireinsurance He Offers Defense Of MHS Columnist Rating Organization prior to the passage of the original TO THr-: EDITOR: hi-rise ordinance. As for police protection, of course to by Miss Donnerly on mittee m e m b e rs . The the occupants would be entitled to this the same as -I would like to start a March 16, I doubt that they disdain for mediocrity and new controversy by buck­ they would be if the area is developed with single were greatly offended by the striving for originality family homes—the same as your homes and my home. ing the-tfeld of anti-Green­ the v a g u e bur non- reflected in Miss Green­ berg letters. To date, there Ihe writer suggests that if we were concerned with m a l i c i o u s tone of the berg’s column are an our town that we should sell the land to the borough for h a v e been at least four commentary. integral parr of this reputa­ letters to Ihe Recorder a place for ..the birds. For his information, the borough, Metuchen High is known tion. . • under the right of eminent domain, can rake this land c r i t i c i z i n g Miss Nancy for the high-calibre student JOHN W. STREET Greenberg’s "Out of the from us at .the„ market value (approximately what we body that so impressed the I 1 :ingtr paid for it) at any time they desire. Blue- and White" column recent evaluatory com ­ Met uc he for her I) use of the column Now for the legitimate concerns of the residents, as a l i t e r a r y runabout club notes and I don’t include among these the effect it will have r a t h e r than a Metuchen on my^ bank account or as to whether we make money. High School bulletin, and I don r frankly think that this should be the letter 2 \ "disrespectful” mention 'The. Holy Innocpnts S'Or • brook State School on writer’s concern, and I am extremely sorry that they -of" c e r t a in teachers,and ciety of Middlesex County Staten Island. saw fit to include these personal rem arks in their for the religious-education others. The presentation to o k letter. However, I do include among these concerns Bur aside from any liter­ of the retarded has p re­ the effect of an increase in traffic. sented SI00 to the Willow place -at a recent meeting of ary faults that some may the society at which, the There will be an increase in traffic. There "will be find in Miss Greenberg’s Willowhrook State School an increase in traffic if it is developed as single family style, her column is often Band entertained. homes. However, It is our belief that the effect of this a bright spot in an unevent­ A Bunny Tale? increase will be minimal. In the first place, a goodly ful Thursday. To answer TO I lie. EDITOR: Joachim Goocljack, pres­ percentage of the 234 fam ilies that would occupy the vt-b.e,.^cTlticis.m: the few Hippity.-hoppjty to the pool* ident, repoTts that the mem ^premises would be retired people/ and they would have people who have only " i he WalTer'X. ,'Timpseri Isnrr- heps, were greatly touched no effect on the traffic problem.^ Secondly, a large per­ Recorder” ro inform them fool! by the performance which centage of the remainder, those who would be employed,, of Metuchon High School With the vote in,“ included vocal selections in the surrounding communities to the east, to the south, happenings will find fre­ He’s going to win. by 12 blind children. and to the west of us and drive to work would have direct quent news stories ahout High-risers, high ta'xes, The society will sponsor access^ to all major arteries without driving through Me­ ■ major events and sports. ep them out of Metu- a social program April 15 tuchen s residential areas. The remainder, those who Also, Miss Greenberg s al- cTir would be employed in Metuchen or use the Metuchen sta- ternafe w r l r e s a more Don’t sit and do nutchen! Columbus Hall in Wood- Ttfn^- would fiyohohlv find D m nrn T>nnypnif»nr aqd direct traditional, newsy column BARBARA LORENZ bridge. Tickets are $5 to use Main street rather than Lake avenue or Rose every two weeks. As for the 23 Bounty street" couple and the public street. I would suggest that the responsible municipal faculty "victim s” alluded Metuchen invited to attend. officials can obtain the opinion 6T~a professional planner \ m m

TO APPEAR ON TELEVISION—M arth Swartz, Metuchen High School senior, will appear on Channel 13 Friday at 6:30 p.m. Miss Swartz, who came in second in the recent state-wide Poetry Reading contest, will read "The A BIT OF ORIENT ATION—Seylan Samli of Turkey, Pam Raquet of the United States People-Yes" by Carl Sandburg. President of the Metu­ and Chris Busca of Argentina referred to the World Atlas Tuesday to locate their chen High School American Field Service Chapter and homelands. The three visited Metuchen High School for an American Field Service president of the MHS Chapter of the National Honor Day program sponsored by the high school chapter. Rick Rumsey of Metuchen and Society, Miss Swartz is shown here with Lou Von Mutius Bob Reidsma of Holland organized the program attended by 21 exchange students of Germany one of the 18 foreign exchange students who from 14 countries. visited the high school Tuesday.

THE GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY—Toni-Ann M arra, Me­ tuchen High School junior, had her best international relations manners on Tuesday as she shared her lunch with Julio Sanchez of Spain, one of 21 exchange students who participated in Metuchen High School’s first Ameri­ can Field Service Day program.

THAT S THE PLACE—Ann Versey and Judy Valentine of England and Ata Atm ar of Afghanistan were among the 21 foreign exchange students who visited Metuchen High School Tuesday. Here Ata tries to locate his homeland for students in one of the many classes attended by the exchange group.

Mrs. David Brown, Youth Aliyah chairman, has an­ nounced that a special day is planned for youngsters on Monday. A contribution of $3 will enable the child enjoy a luncheon to be served at theMetuchen Jew ish Community Center, 2 5Q Grove avenue. The children then will be taken to the Edison Bowl-O-Mat for an afternoon of bowling. The money, which is raised by the youngsters themselves provides maintenance and* education for needy chil­ dren who are -brought into Israel from other lands where they have no fam ­ ily or home. On Tuesday about 55 chap­ ter members will attend a Donor Luncheon at the'New NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN—C hris Busca of Argentina York Hilton Hotel. A char­ won’t soon be forgotten by Metuchen High School student Doreen Dimig. Chris autographed Doreen’s cast Tuesday tered bus will leave from as Seylan Samti of Turkey waited her turn. Also to he the Metuchen Jewish Com­ remembered was the easy exchange of ideas and experi­ munity Center at 10 a.m. ences shared by all of the visiting .students who spoke for the luncheon which is at an assembly program and then attended classes for scheduled to begin at 12:30 the remainder of the day. p.m. Reservations m ay still be made by calling Mrs. Irving Berson of 41 Van Buren avenue or M rs. The R ecorder David Frankel of 186 Mason VtfirisHiD iVIH fMuisewWsetve •••• drive. This Annual Donor Sotintl METUCHEN • EDISON HIG HLAND PARK L u nclie'on..climaxes the community .« tvic« .m o 1893 y e a r ’ s, achievements in raising funds for Hadassah •SUBSCRIPTIONS $5.00 A Yeor 10« A Copy Ct\ m e d ic a l, vocational and NO TRANSLATION NEEDED— Debbie Bond, an American youth rehabilitation work in student who has studied abroad, and Julio Sanchez of -isriiei and its American Spain, exchange views,over a tuba Jn the Metuchen High Affairs and Judaic educa­ STTrubl Baml Rffftm—Thf*- sriirianra were gunsrs pf Metuchen tional p r o g r a r firtfte High School -Tuesday where they visited c la sse s and~ United States. talked to students about their experiences. Page 18...THE RECORDER, March 23,1967 church notes obituaries day and tomorrow in High­ (Continued from Page 7* ip Rosedale Cemetery, Linden. Perth Amboy Hospital. Penitential Office will be land P a r k churches. A Mrs. Cole ridge Hutson He is survived by his wife, the The funeral was held Saturday Union Holy Communion former Marjorie Tuers; two sons, at the Thomas Costello Funeral observed Friday at 10 a.m. Mrs. Doris Hutson of 1 B-4 Home in Woodbrldge, followed by Service will be held tonight Redfield Village, Metuchen, died Thomas of Summit and Richard at All Saints Parish Church of Edison; a sister; four grand­ Interment In Cloverleaf Cemetery. at 8 p.m. at the Reformed Saturday in Perth Amboy Hospital. He Is survived by his wife, of Highland Park. Services were held Tuesday in children and two great-grandchil- From 12 to 3 p.m. on Fri­ Church of Highland Park Rose; two sons, Sol of Iselln and at 23 South Second avenue. St. Luke’s Church with Dr. William Joseph of Edison; four daughters, day a Union Good Friday Hugh Fryer officiating. Interment Mrs. John Maken of Brooklyn, Parishioners from all area was private under the direction of Service will 'be held at the Mrs. Frank Cavanaugh Mrs. Alex Fundock and Mrs. Fred church. churches are invited to at­ the Runyon Mortuary. DeMarco, both of Edison, and Mrs. tend^. She is survived by a son, Law- Mrs. Theresa Cavanaugh, 39, of Anthony Maikowski of Woodbrldge; Holy Eucharist will be .rence of East Brunswick, and four From 12 to 3 p.m. on 2 Weldon road, Edison, died March and 12 grandchildren. celebrated at '8 a.rh. on grandchildren. 15 in Middlesex Hospital. E a s te r Sunday. High Friday a Union Good F ri- ! Mrs. H u tso n was a charter Funeral services were held Mon­ day Service will be held at member of the Metuchen league day at the Mulligan Funeral Home E u c h a r i s t will be cele­ of Women Voters and served as In Harrison, followed by a Requiem brated at 10 a.m., with All .Saints Parish Church secretary to the league for a num­ at South Third avenue and Mass at St. Stephen’s Church. In- ( consecration of the ndw ber of years. A memorial fund for terment was in Holy Cross Ceme­ Quackenboss Magnolia street. Partici­ the purchase of library books in tery. west window of the church. Mrs. Hutson’s name has been or­ All f r i e n d s of the late pants will include the Re­ She is survived by her husband, formed Church of Highland ganized by the Metuchen LWV. Frank; four children, Ronald, Greg­ FUNERAL James A. Jack Sr. are wel­ Anyone wishing to contribure-may ory, Mary Terese and Dorothy Ann come to participate in the Park and Trinity Metho­ mail a donation to Miss Harriet all at home; her parentB, Mr. and dist Church. Molineux, 31 C a r lto n road, Mrs. Domenick Gaetanoof Kearny; HOME consecration. Metuchen. A dialogue mass of the and a brother. The Trinity M e t hod i s t Lord’s l ast Supper with IS6 LIVIN GSTO N KVE. Robert Birch Church will participate in procession will he cele­ John Prcte NEW BRUNSWICK both union Holy Week serv­ brated tonight at 8 p.m. at Robert Birch, 83, of 13 Ashley Kilmer 5-0008 ices being held Thursday St. Matthew’s Church of road, Edison, died Saturday in at the Reformed Church of Middlesex iiospltal. Edison. Holy Communion A funeral service was held Tues­ Highland Park and Friday will he distribute during day at the Runyon Mortuary, with at All Saints P arish ChurcK the m ass. the Rev. Joseph Fowler of the Com­ rsr* ^ cay I ...r~~F Easter worship services at A procession and litur­ munity Presbyterian Church of Trinity Methodist Churctf gical service will be held Edison officiating. Interment was will be held at19:45 and 11 Friday at 3 p.m. in the a.m. on Sunday. church. Holy Communion party line ftoniitoe $ewice will be available during the Twc lited Holy Week service. Mrs. Bonnie Epstein of 1214 ROOSEVELT PARK STADIUM ire being heldto- An Faster Vigil Service Raritan avenue. Highland Park, is presently completing her student EDISON will be held Saturday at teaching period at West Hempstead 1 I p.m ., followed by mass REV. WILLIAM R. TARR, Metuchen .kinior - Senior High School in Speaker The CEN TRAL at midnight. West Hempstead, New York. Mrs. Pentecostal Assembly F aster masses will be Epstein is a senior in the School 6:00 A.M. p or informatic .celebrated at 6;30, 7:45, 9, of Education at Rider College. Everyone Invited 548-4279 Y M C A - 65 High Street 10, 11 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. St. Stephen’s Evangelical Morning Worship 1 1 A.M, Lutheran Church will cele­ Youth Service 7 P.M. brate Holy Thursday and Good Friday with Com­ munion services at 8 p.m. Faster Sunday services Norman J. Kirk - Pastor begin at 7 a.m. with a Com­ 257-4554 munion service. Worship services will be at 9 a.m . 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 and 10:30 a.m. T h is yea, on estimated 500,000 children will be scout news victim s o f. accidental poi- M erit badges and ad­ . Childre vancement awards were vtH~ presented to memlx.*rs of Boy at recent Court of Honor. Scoutmaster Frank Mc- WERNIK'S PHARMACY C-eehan presented badges 1959 Oak Tree Road to James Rice, Mark Mor- Edison, N.4«— tensen and . Gerald Rice. member of the Middlesex County Mortenson also was pro­ Phormoccuticol Society moted to life scout. CONVALESCENT AIDS aptly describes our group of products, designed expressly to aid and assist Electric Heat lets you select precisely the temperature you want in each people in room. Some members of,your family may prefer to have their rooms getting well; warmer, others prefer cooler surroundings. Electric Heat satisfies and help m ake everyone. That’s one of many modern, reliable features of Electric Heat. them more It's clean, too. Actually helps you keep housecleaning to a minimum. comfortable And Electric Heat is so quiet you're hardly aware that it's there. Count during periods on trouble-free operation also, because there are no moving parts to of convalescence wear out or repair. Isn t this the kind of modern heating comfort you WHATEVER YOUR want? Install Electric Heat now. Call your local Public Service office now for the facts’about the special low rate for total Electric Heat. 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I knew the minute I opened the door that my friend OPEN MON. THRU SAT. I I A.M. TO IP.M . SALE PNIOES EFFECTIVE Harry was in trouble. It was written in every line of his sagging muscles. SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 1P.M. thru SATURDAY, APRIL Itt Over coffee he seemed to revive a bit—but only temporarily. Finally, the effort was too much for him and he gave way. ’ Look at this," he whimpered, ex­ tending a single page of The New York Times. The top quarter of the page was empty but listed below it in large letters were nine questions. They read: Sale of Pool Tables Are you divorcing your wife? Slipping in business? Afraid of death? 7 ft. and 8 ft. models Having temper tantrums? Think you’ve got heart trouble? Complete with accessories Or brain cancer? Dating girls half your age? CHOOSE THE TABLE YOU WANT Reading books on sex? Refusing to admit to 40? There was a space before each question for a yes or no answer. Under the questions there was a warning: "If your yeses outnumber your noes.it’s happened— MIDDLF, AGE. The unfortunate were further advised to read ‘The Middle Age Crisis' in McCalls Magazine, ‘‘It’s only an ad, Harry.” “ Don’t tell me' what it is,” he said gloomily. "I took the test and it’s me. I’m in the Middle Age C risis."

“ Look Harry, I took one of those tests in a Sunday supplement that proved beyond a doubt that I was an anti-social, withdrawn, Puritan. Unfortunately that night we were invited to a cocktail party and I felt a com­ pulsive need to prove the magazine wrong.” “ What happened?” “ I got very sick the next day.” PRE-SEASON SALE OF “ It’s not the same thing. That was temporary. This is permanent.” “ Everything is temporary. Harry.” “A great help you are, Harry groaned, “you’re DOUGHBOY POOLS just telling me that after middle age comes old age and 2 l’ i 4 1 ” 24’x4«” after old age com es. . . ” "Now, H arry," I decided to try something else, "I can’t believe you had more yeses than noes on the test. Look at the questions. ‘Are you divorcing your wife?’ That would have to be no.” 1 0 9 1 3 9 *179 "Wouldn’t that be cheating—since I’m not m arried, I mean.” COMPLETE SELECTION OF SLIDES, CL I MBINC TOWERS, WHIRLY BIRDS, "Not at all. Now, I know you’re not slipping in business so that’s another No.” PLAYHOUSES, TEETER ROCKERS, SAND BOXES, LAWN SWINGS "That’s the only legitimate no I have and it’s not enough. I’m certainly afraid of death...” "That’s ridiculous Harry. Why, everyttme I drive VALUABLE MONEY-SAVING COUPONS! down Route 18 and some passes me on the right, I think it’s the end. Anyone who drives as much as you has to fear death. It’s normal. So that makes another no." "What about temper tantrums? I’m having those. Why, only the other d a y ...” "I hate to bring this up, Harry. But ever since I’ve known you, you’ve had temper tantrums. You used to blame them on puberty and the stress of college exams. I think we can put a no there since temper tantrums are not a change of pattern but actually a way of life for you.” “ Well those questions about heart trouble and brain cancer. Lately, I’ve thought maybe I . . . ” “ Harry, remember the time you thought you had bubonic plague? And the months you went on an orange Juice binge because you said scurvy ran in your family? That’s another no, Harry. You haven’t changed. And change is what they’re looking for. Now about dating girls half your age. Do you?” "I try but no one accepts.” "Another no, Harry.” “ Now this question about reading books on sex. I think we should eliminate it. It’s a ridiculous question. I know kids in the fourth grade who read books.about sex. Now that leaves us with only one last question. ‘Do you refuse to admit to 40?’ ” "Well, sometimes I say I’m 34o r 37depending o n . . . ” “That’s a yes then Harry. We won’t cheat. But just look at that. You’ve just passed the Middle Age Test with flying colors. One yes and eight noes. I low about that?”

Because Harry floated out of my house, his call that evening came as a surprise. "Listen, he said, 1 went over all that stuff you told me—you know about always having temper tantrums, and being a hypochondriac and always reading books on sex. It occurs to me that_I - might have been born Middle-Aged. What do you think?’ But there was no more consolation for Harry. For I had re-read the questions and made a startling dis­ covery. I — not Harry — was running neck to neck with Middle Age...... "H arry,” I asked, "would you say a woman who can play tennis 14 minutes at a clip could be middle aged?” ■’well if she plays like you do, she could be 80. Now about m e... ” ------"H arry,” I said as I clutched my heart and the phone S-Hpped from -my sweaty palm^--“ .YQu!x£_0PTT’ur own boy and another thing. ..” But the ingrate had hung up. Page D Tate and Richard Miller, player. Any candidates? engagement: Kurt Jooss Donna Hahnaman, Lou Kil- "The Green Table.” First ian and Charles Marangio McCarter will echo to performed In 1932,theclas- ON THE BILLBOARD itf supporting roles. the “ sound and soul” rhy­ sic anti-war ballet Is sub­ Tickets will be sold for thms of the Paul Butterfield titled “ Danse Macabre In $2 and $2.50. All seats are Blues Band April 14 at Eight Scenes, created be­ By GEORGE PHILCOX that ESP will take over the reserved and may be ob­ 9:30 p.m. Tickets are also tween two w ars as a me­ Paper Mill P la y h o u s e tained from members of on sale for Simon & Gar- morial for the Unknown.” My wife's children’s March 28 when the Lerner the J u n io r and Senior funkel, folksinging teams. The Joffrey Ballet’s pro­ Theatre Group, "The Lane musical "On A Clear classes, or by calling the The two w ill appear at duction is the first ever Merrymakers" has been Day You Can See Forever" school at 254-4400. Dillon Gym May 5 at 8 p.m. by an American dance performing for various will begin a four week en­ company, and it features schools in the area. The gagement. The stars will Saturday, M arch 25th Only a few tickets re­ costumes and masks based d em an d is now growing be Don Francks, Linda will be the last chance for main at McCarter for the on the original 1932 designs large enough to cause prob Lavin and Nolan Wan Way. the stage-struck few who return of (he City Center by H ein Heckroth. The lems among many of the have not already done so to Joffrey Ballet April 9 at program will also Include actors, who are somewhat Popular television per­ audition for the seventh an­ 3 p.m. a sparkling hit from the limited in time. Therefore sonality Betty Ann Grove nual PJ&B spring musical, The Joffrey Ballet w ill 1966 Joffrey season, Ruth- a second company is being and veteran comic Carleton “ Finian’s Rainbow." Di­ include In Its program the anna Boris* “ Cakewalk,” formed. The play is still Carpenter will star in the rector Milton Lyon has a r­ sensation of Its p r e s e n t (Conllnu.d on Pogo E) "Gauba and Ganesh — A Prince Street Players pro­ ranged extra audition Trip to Paradise," based duction of "Snow White periods from 10 to 1 and on an East Indian fable. Goes West" at the Paper 2:30 to 5:30 at McCarter Needed are adults and teen­ Mill Saturday at 11 a.m. Theater. Lyon adds "we agers, male and female. and 2 p.m. In this award­ still need more singers— Anyone interested can, get winning, zan y musical especially men! Wc are m o re information by Western v e r s i o n of the short on some parts, and ■calling my wife at 251-1870. Snow White Story, Betty "Finian’s" has one chorus The Merrymakers hope appears as the singing­ number after another. In to very shortly start a sec­ dancing villainess-Oueenie fact, the chorus is on stage ond play into production, and six-foot Carleton ap­ more than some of theprirv with the aim of building-a pears as Shorty Dwarf. cipals!" Choreographer repertoire of. children’s Joan Lucas is looking for plays based upon the fables The Junior and Senior additional dancers also. of other,countries. Classes of Sayreville High Anyone interested in au­ School presentation of Rod­ ditioning is asked to call Those of you whp have gers and Hammerstein’s the McCarter box office ESP need read no further Annie Get Your Gun" will (921-8700) to arrange a for you will already know be given April 20, 21 and specific rehearsal time. NTIQUES SHOW & SALE 22. No prior experience is nec­ 846 - 1 347 ORIGINAL The east, headed by Sue essary. Afternoons: 1 to’5 WORKS Of YM-YWHA Cox as A nnie, includes The Burton Lane - E.Y. ed. Thurs. 7*to 9|3° Gary Boyler as Frank But­ Harburg musical, which 1 Adelaide & Raritan Ave. ler, Henry Szepko as mixes Irish characters Charlie Davenport, Bill with the American south, Highland Park, N.J. O id % m a n a Kennedy as Buffalo Bill, will have four perform ­ 290 GcoTgTTt. New Brunswick, N.J. Wendy Wilbur as D olly ances at McCarter Theatre TUES. WED. - MARCH 28, 29, 1967 beginning May 4. P.S. Mr. Lyon is still II A.M. - 10 P.M. Donation S100 searching for a harmonica


guest, Chef Dorr BROILED CHICKEN BAKED STUFFED of 5 lucky C uples during the sho /. Ju SQUAB CRAPAUDINE with your ne and address to: GUAYMAS SHRIMP -Jason's Contest _ SPANISH RICE,’STUFFING WINE SAUCE, EN CASSEROLE W.C.T.C. 385 George Street DESSERT ^ 4 * 5 0 ew Brunswick, N.J. COFFEE OR TEA COFFEE OR TEA * 4 - 7 5 Enter as often as you like. A ll entries mu st be in by Friday noon. Join Jason and Chef Domonic for a discu of the BUFFET DINNER *63 ITEMS ART OF ITALIA^ CCOKING this Fridc* night 10p.m. A HOT and COLD BUFFET Will Be Served 'til midnight. Call your questions in tc 1450. In Our MAIN DINING ROOM . » • > PER *4 PERSON CHILDREN *2-»5


RT. 18 and SCHOOLHOUSE LANE were Radio EXIT 9 • N. J. TURNPIKE 1450 am 198.3 fm EAST BRUNSWICK Page E New Post at MCC: McCarter’s Classic Film Series continues Tues Student Relations day at 8 p.m. with D. H. A new concept leading to Nightowls’ Guide ON THN Lawrence's ‘Sons and closer administrative con­ bgch week, the S e n tin e l n e w s p a p e r s will Lovers.’ tact with students and their publish a weekly guide to Central Jersey’s places of BILLBOARD problems has been entertainment. Night clubs, restaurants and other (Continued from Page 0) Scholarship Grants launched by M id d le s e x establishments offering entertainment are invited to arid Gerald Arplno’s "Viva County College. submit information for publication, free of charge. Vivaldi.’’ . . . Total $650,000 Dean of Students Michael The guide includes the type of entertainment and Only two more opportun­ J. R e y n o ld s today an­ name(s) of performer(s), the evenings on which it is ities rem ain to see Eugene offered, whether there is dancing, whether meals are The Middlesex County nounced the addition to the O’ Neill’s brilliant Amer­ C o lle g e will receive 49 served, and any other pertinent information. ican classic "The Em­ Student Personnel Services All material must be in the Sentinel office by federal scholarship grants staff of Kenneth B. Maugle peror -Jones,’’ Final per­ amounting to $32,900 for Friday in order to appear in the following Wednesday formances of the short play as student personnel gen­ and Thursday newspapers. Information may be mailed the 1967-68 academic year, eralist. He will be respon­ are March 23 at 7:30 p.m. Rutgers will receive 1,283 or brought to our office on Edgeboro road in East and March 25 at 8:30 p.m. sible for specific duties Brunswick. U. S, scholarship awards relating to student activ­ at the McCarter. Only one worth $619,450. evening performance of ities, registration, admis­ PATRON PLACE, off Cranbury road, Jamesburg — They are made possible sions, counseling, financial Shakespeare’s "The Tem­ by the Higher Education Act Supper Club; Friday and Saturday, dance music by pest" Is left on the Mc­ aid and general student ac­ Russ Shaw’s band, singing by Iris Daniels; selective of 1965. Under the program, tivities. Carter schedule, April 7 grants ranging from $200 dinner menu; elegant atmosphere; intimate bar; Jackets at 8:30 p.m. Maugle's background in­ required. to $800 a year up to 4 years, cludes a science teaching The last play to join the are awarded PUMPKIN SHELL RESTAURANT, Route 9, 1/2 current s e r i e s will be p o s t at Metuchen High mile north of Route 34 Intersection, Madison Town­ School. For the past two Goldoni's ’The Servant of ship — Steaks and seafood; featuring Calvin Coolidge Two Masters,’ opening o m i M years at Rutgers, Maugle Room with flapper waitresses and recorded music held a graduate assistant- March 31. The delightful «=rr®p.>«=> from the 2p’s; organist nightly. comedy, directed by Fred­ ship in biochemical re­ CLOUD NINE LOUNGE, Highway 18, East Bruns­ METUCHEN, N.J» search at Rutgers. eric O’ Brady of Princeton wick — Wednesday entertainment at the piano bar; in Commedia dell’Arte WED. thru SAT. eve. Friday and Saturday, dancing to "The Conservatives',’ style, will give subsequent featuring Rosemary Lane, vocalist,and RalphStricker, performances April 1 at cordovox- piano; meetine room facilities for 200. 8:30, April 2 at 3, April 6 JIM’S COCKTAIL LOUNCE, Route 35, Morgan — at 7:30 and April 8 at 8:30. Entertainment nightly; Friday and Saturday, dancing to Carmen and the Skylarks, featuring Tom Lomauro, vocalist; Starlight Room; private room for parties. CAPITOL THEATER SOUTH RIVER 254-0/86 M e m o S KORGE SfGALUfC 6UINNESS mSTDOW StlMMI! The Movie Timetable is a free March 22-28, IN LIKE FLINT, service available to all Central 7, II, STAGECOACH, 9; Indoor: Hoist SAAOEPS Wlllri HtLW M Jersey theatres. Schedules should March 22-28, IN LIKE FLINT, he submitted in writing, 7:30, 11:30, STAGECOACH,9:30. SAT. MATINEE 2 p.m. ALL TIMES IN P.M. BRUNSWICK DRIVE-IN, North EXCEPT DRIVE-INS. Brunswick — March 22 - 28, BOY and tha LAUGHING 00G STATE, Woodbridge -- March 22- BELL HOP, 7, 11:30, GREAT­ EST SHOW ON EARTH, 8:30; SUN.-MON.-TUES. SUN., MON., TUES. 24, THE QUILLER MEMORAN­ Sun 4 Mon. .1 2-5.36-9.12 DUM, 7, 9;I5; Saturday, THE Sunday only, BELL HOP, 6:30, ALSO SPECIAL MATINEE 11, G R EA TEST SHOW ON QUILLER MEMORANDUM, 2, EASTER MONDAY 2 P.M. 7. 9:20; Sunday, ADVENTURES EARTH, 8. STRAND, Keyport—March 22 - 23, W ALT DIBNUrk OF BULLWHIP GRIFFIN, 2:05, 27 - 28, ALPHAVILLE, 7, 10:15, 4:40, 7, 9:15; March 27 - 28, ELUSIVE CORPORAL, 8:40; ADVENTURES OF BULLWHIP March 24 - 25, ALPHAVILLE, GRIFFIN, 2, 7, 9:15. 7, 10:40, ELUSIVE CORPORAL, TURNPIKE INDOOR - OUTDOOR, 9:05; Sunday, (ELUSIVE COR­ East- Brunswick — Outdoor: PORAL, 5:05, 8:24, ALPHA­ VILLE, 6:44, 10; T h u rsd a y SfflfifSfMWfCSUIIIKS through Monday, kiddie matinee MuvNsiDORsanB&ia at 2 p.m. rAUVWM* c«i«f by BfUni RKO INTERNATIONAL, New Brunswick — March 22-28, DOC­ TOR ZHIVAGO, 12:30,4:30,8:30. ROYAL, Perth Amboy—March 22- 2i, RETURN OF THE SEVEN, 1:20, 4:35, 7:55, THfcCORRUPT ONES, 2:55, 6:10, 9:30; March 26-28, VENETIAN AFFAIR, 1:20, 4:40, 8, SUPER DRAGON, 2:50, • d. 4 Thurs. E waning 6.30 l 9 P.M. 6:10, 9:30. wd Vfed. & Thun. Motion 2 P.M. RKO STATE, New Brunswick — SUN. & MON. ot 4 & 7:31 March 22-23, THE DEADLY AF­ GREATEST SHOW FAIR, 12:10, 2, 4, 6K)5, 8.05, Wtd March 22'ln Like Flint1 ON EARTH 10:05yMarch 24 - 28, GREAT­ EST SHOW ON EARTH, 12:24; 3:30, 6:25, 9:20. FORUM, Metuchen—March 22-25, QUILLER MEMORANDUM, 7, 9; Saturday matinee, BOY AND ilt^THEOTREri THE LAUGHING DOC, 2; March 26-28, BULLWHIP GRIFFIN, © 7, 9; March 29-30, GREATEST SOMERVILLE R K O ij'ft 7 O SHOW ON EARTH, 2, 6:30, 9. © CAPITOL, South River-M arch 22- © 24, BULLWHIP GRIFFIN, 7,9:14, March 25, BULLWHIP GRIFFIN,' NOW SHOWING? 2, 4 42, 6:58, 9:14; March 26,27 THE QUILLER MEMORANDUM,' It’ll kaock you _____ SHOWN A T______2, 5:36, 9:11, BORN FREE, 4, 12:30-4:30-8:30 j 7:31; March 28. QUILLER FL>NT Sidewaysl MEMORANDUM, 6:50,10, BORN m i t i m r STRIKES FREE, 8:25. Up. ISELIN LI 1-3100 acaiM.. LAST TWO p s n R s r a I The new... / M Flint adventure... B0RIV£*IN THEATRE*PARHWAYlr34QoB • d e S b ie b PERFORMANCES HELD OVER ( The New Flint Adv. THURS., MAR. 21 at 7:30 JAMES COBURN SAT., MAR. 25 al 1:30 HINT "IN LIK E MSl/ORM Color by Deluxe Prices: FLINT” ____ TURNPIKE------SOMERVILLE — A*.* PLAINFIELD Thurs. Orch. $4.00,$3.00; ■ METRO-CXXDWYN-MAYER with Lee j . Cobb Je Bale. $3.00,$2.00 Fri. & Sotlbrch. $4.50,$3.50; ACARtO PONTf TOOOUCriON ------'PQN MURRAY Bale. $3.50,$2.50 DAVID LEAN'S FILM |NOW CORNEL Pkant Orders Woleomod OF BORIS PASTERNAKS "THE AMOROUS WILDE _ - a t N S I i L 921 -8700 DOCTOR ADVENTURES OF 51 f l r ^ J E R R Y LEWIS- Me CARTER M O lt FI ANDERS” T H i A f 7At££HbOYn THEATRE Z H ilA G O Joen Taber IN MNAVtSKM* AND IKTNOCOUM BOX O FFIC E OPENS AT 6i30 V-

Page 22...THE RECORDER, March 23,1967 New YMCA Officers Are Welcomed Talent Show At Metuchen HS Metuchen students are sored by the Metuchen High jGeorge McCauslan, president of the evaluating their talents this School PTA as its major ftfetuchen-Edison YMCA, welcomed new week in preparation for the ,fund raising event of the officers and board members at a meeting Talent Show to be presented year. The program will be of the “ Y” governing body Monday. April 7 at the high school. planned and directed by The show will be spon- the students. Taking office were David Lupfer, vice president; Edward Goracy, second vice president; Fred Runyon, treasurer, and .Mrs, Daniel.Hogan, secretary. _ _ f t I HOYT'S DRUGS Committee chairmen appointed by Mc­ I to Schwint Mr*. Denial Hogan Edward Goracy Causlan include Goracy, physical and Robinson, world service and church re ­ finance; Elliot Mayo, program; Lupfer, lations; Charles N. Prickitt, public re ­ personnel; William Stiles, membership lations; Robert Moss, legal; Martin Jessen OPEN and YES representative; Clyde Fitch, planning and development; Mrs. Carter nominating committee and *'Y*’ camp; Mott, use of facilities, and Phillip George Lander's, maintenance; Daniel Ruegger Sr., endowment. SUNDAY, MARCH 5 110 a.m. to 2 p.Ri. — 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Kwiatkowski Nelson clair. Brenda weighed 6 lbs. 12 1/2 Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kwiatkowski Mr. and Mrs. Brenda Nelson of oz. at birth. 411 MAIN ST. of 645 Grove avenue, Edison, 24-A Alva court, Edison, happily The child’s grandparents are 548-2125 1 proudly announce the bi rth of their announce the birth of their first Mr. and Mrs, Amllio Annibale of METUCHEN second daughter, Karen Ann, on child, Brenda Louise, on March 18 Metuchen and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Mar h 19 in Perth Amboy Hospi­ at St. Vincent's Hospital In Mont- liam Nelson of North Carolina. tal. Karen, who weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. at birth, has a five-year-old

P l y m o u t h

Kwiatkowski Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kwiatkowski of 52 Albourne street, Edison, became parents on March 7, as their first child, Michael Allen, was born in Perth Amboy Hospi­ tal. Michael weighed in at 5 lbs.

Maulson Mr. and Mrs. Vernoi , of 61 McCoy avenue, at specially present this year, for daughter, Wendy Chrii born February 14 in $ reduced Hospital. prices!

and Mrs. C.F. Becker of Iowa, served as godparents. church notes I he I sol in Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses wil l- commemorate the Last Supper ar a special cele­ bration Saturday at H.pjn. av Kingdom 11 a 11, 73 Edward street, Iselin. The public is invited to share in the cere- A public lecture Sunday, at 3 p.m. in Kingdom Hall will be addressed by Ches­ The 1967 Belvedere Silver Special! ter Whitney, who will speak on "How to Overcome Dif­ You get a lot to begin with in every Belvedere Silver Specials at a .ction of their nor- ferences in Marriage. ’ ’ II - wrap around tail lights, full-length mold­ mal cost I A study of the Bible and ings. deep loop carpeting, padded instrument • Special textured Deluxe wheel covers Watchtower Journal will panel. 225 cu. in. 6 cylinder or 273 cu-. in. V-8 vinyl roof Special trim follow at 4:05 p.m. • Whitewall tires engine, dual braking systemTenergy absorb­ Custom paint stripes • Special all vinyl Buffed silver paint REACH ing steering wheel, safety rim tires. To name upholstery (iL desired) all drug., pai a few standard features. AUTHORIZED d e a l e r ^ C H R Y S L E R i f CORPORATION For a winning deal — See your Plymouth Dealer ^ H e 's all heart!

« Public Service Mei,age Free, BOYTS DRUG STORE METUCHEN ROSSMEYER BROS., Inc. Amboy & Lake Ave. Metuchen, N.J. Page F St. Peter’s Invites COMPUTER CAREERS C h u c k Prospective Nurses LET A An "Open House" for third-year high school stu­ NATIONAL W&oprx dents interested In pursuing LEADER a nursing career will be By CHUCK TR/BLEHOPN & _ , ____ QUALIFY T O y So you think the turnover among major league baseball held at St. Peter’s General Hospital School of Nursing managers Is great. Don’t look now, but it’s getting so Thursday, April 6, at 2;30 ______MORS THAN 100,000 you can’t tell the area high school coaches without a P.m. scorecard. HK r a d u a t e s n a t io n w id e The latest--but reportedly not the last--change came In extending an invitation TRAIN IN DEPTH FOR COMPUTER this week at Madison Township High School where Dill to ar.ea students to attend McKeon has stepped down aB the• Spartans’ baseball the session. Sister Eileen Otting, director of the PROGRAMMING l SYSTEMS coach.' McKeon, a knowledgeable baseball man who • Card Punch Operation serves as area scout for the Kansas City Athletics, school reported that the • Data Proceuing Machine Operation program will include tours • Computer Programming 1401/360 is being replaced by Mike Lepore, former freshman • Computer Systems Design diamond mentor. of the hospital and school, Al Rinaldi, an East Brunswick resident, started the an inform ative panel COMPLETE TABULATING EQUIPMENT AND snowball rolling two weeks ago when he announced he was program on the school’s IBM 1401 COMPUTER ON PREMISES relinquishing the reins of the New Brunswick High School curriculum conducted by • Free Aptitude Test football team. The move was surprising, but perhaps not student nurses, a discus­ • Free Consultation and Placement Service nearly as much as the announcement made by Dick sion on nursing admission • Day and Night Classes — Budget tuition qH f Lawrence a few days later. Lawrence, the Zebra varsity requirements and refresh­ • Small Classes — Personal Attention I |^>A basketball coach but a fellow with a solid football back- ments. Students planning to at­ Call Now 609 924-6555 f f i l g m tend are requested to notify COME IN OR WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET the School of Nursing no later than March 30. > ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ » » '■ ■ ■ Mail Coupon Bi | I N°™ ...... *«•...... i Correction l s,’~ ’ ...... | East Brunswick High’s | City...... State...... | Dave Wohl finished the past | Education...... Occupation...... basketball season with a total of 509 points, not 499. Wohl hit for 202 fieidgoals AUTOMATION INSTITUTE Dak.Uon O 'L .m r W.b.r Rinaldi ground as a Rutgers’ player, had been mentioned as a and 105 foul shots. His total OF PRINCETON candidate for the post vacated by Rinaldi. However, puts him in second place APPROVED BY N.J. STATE DEPT. OP EDUCATION Lawrence has accepted a head varsity grid job at a in the area scoring race new high school in Whlppany Park. That leaves Norm behing St. Joseph's Frank 20 NASSAU STREET SUITE 2S0 PRINCETON Meserol as the chief contender for the NBHS job. Fitzgerald. * C-E-l-R ASSOCIATE ______Not to be outdone by Its Croup IV neighbor, Edison High announced two major changes. Athletic Director Chris Gussis will remain just that, having been replaced as baseball coach by Bob Coward, who also tutors the Eagle basketball quintet. Jim O’Leary, out as football mentor, will continue as Edison’s track and field coach. Another athletic director. Highland Park’s Jay Dakel- man will limit his coaching to football starting next winter. This will be Dakelman’s last season as track coach. After two years at the head varsity helm at Sayre- ville, Ed Weber is ticketed for a vice principalship, so his football coaching job is open. Assistants Dick Relchenbach and Tom Michaels are those mentioned as possible replacements, with the odds favoring the form et St. Joseph’s, which had Bill Schreck at the varsity basketball job for the first time this winter, has a new man at the baseball helm this spring. He’s Dick McCloud who takes over for Bill Murray., the diamond coach for one season. So with that coaching scorecard in hand, you ask why the sudden rash of switches? Most inside observers agree that the trend really isn’t a trend; different circum­ stances make the wholesale changes coincidental, many insist. If there is any trend at all, it seems to be the growing interest among members of the coaching fraternity toward administrative positions. For example, Weber’s decision to give up coaching for a position as a vice principal in the Sayreville system is not unusual. His predecessor, Homer Dill, did the same thing two years ago. And the Sayreville superintendent of schools, Hank Counsman, was once the Bomber grid coach. The duties of the school athletic director have become more complex and time-consuming in recent years, Thus, Gussis and D a k e lm a n have yielded to their grow­ R-U-RWI*")1’ ing responsibilities at their schools. Lawrence reportedly will leave New Brunswick for ,.|4 H «ick McKeon abandoned the Madison Township job for un­ PEOPLES NCnON.u ” -E fortunate personal reasons, and he, toq, will continue BPUNSW.CX STOOGE WXNEHCUSE to teach at the school. And so it goes, coaching can-be fun, but there are times when there are more important things in life. CAUGHT IN A CORNER--It doesn’t appear that South River Quarterback Joe Theismann will have End Andy WCTC Radio Evano, one of his favorite passing targets, as a team­ 1450 am / 98.3 fm mate at North Carolina State afterjdl. Thejatest^ report has Kvanu Tieadeu for Virginia Tech...... Pule Browne, former Madison Township wrestler, has won the New England freshman mat title at 145 pounds. Browne is a student at Central Connecticut. Page 24...THE RECORDER, March 23.1967

P A R R Y * 25 Cagers Average t BARREL In Double Figures Twenty-five area high school basketball players, rep­ H0U$E resenting ten teams, scored an average of ten or more points a game during the recently concluded season. South River, which finished the campaign with a 15-9 WiMf record, had four of its five starters—Tom Matthews, ■ m i / Joe Tboismann, Leon Wirkowski and John Skarzynski— A special thanks to cohort Gene Ilaley who pinch hit I in the double digit bracket. St. Joseph’s, East Brunswick, during the last few weeks. Haley's outstanding and deep1 Highland Pa- k, John P. Stevens and Sayreville all placed knowledge of the area's sports scene enabled me to give tiiroe. Metuchen-and J a m e s b u rg h ad two each, and my typing finger a short rest. Thanks again, Gene* JO E ANDROVICH Edison and Madison Township one apiece. St. Joseph’s Frank Fitzgerald coppeebthe scoring crown With the cry of “ Play Ball” a matter of days away, IIS Diamond with 56d points. The top average man, however, was famous phrases heard in ball parks throughout the nation SayrcvMe’s Dale Kurow^ky, whose 25.4 mark edged out will* again be ringing in the fans’ cars. A familiar cliche Jamesburg*3 Pay Janiier who hit for an average of 24.6. could describe the turmoil involving area coaches: Tourney Set Fitzgerald shewed a 22.6 average and Matthews finished "Scorecards. Scorecards, you can’t tell the COACHES Opening round games in at 22.0, Fitzgerald scored the most field goals (223) and without a score card!” the First Annual Middle­ Kurovrki sank the most foul shots (127), one more than Seven Middlesex County coaches resigned this month. sex County Coaches* As- Matthews. Three athletic directors, Chris Gussis of Edison, Jay sociation Baseball 5t. Joseph’s (17-3), East Brunswick (16-8) and South Dakelman of Highland Park and Mo Gasior of Carteret, Tournament are scheduled River (15-9) were the lone teams to show winning records terminated their spring coaching activities due to "the for Saturday, April 29. The and the ten clubs had a combined won-lost mark of 85-130. growing pressures of their AD posts." Football Coaches first round should be com­ South River, scoring at_a_71.3 rate, compared to East Jim O’Leary of Edison, Fd Weber of Sayrevillc and A1 pleted by May 6. Rutgers Brunswick's 70,6, was the top team on offense, while St. Rinaldi of New Brunswick have quit the gridiron. New University is .'-the site of Joseph’s edged the Rams (57.9 to 60.3) In average total Brunswick basketball Coach Dick Lawrence will move the finals on May 6, Satur­ points yielded on defense. to Whippany High School as head football coach. day. INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS The situation^ is worse in neighboring Union County. Joe Androvich of Stevens Plainfield basketball Coach Joe Coleman will be the heads the committee com- PLAYER TEAM athletic director at Colonia when the new high school Fitzgerald, St. Joseph’s . prised of Dick Matteo of Kurowsky, Sayrevillc opens in September. Roselle Park also is looking for a Jamesburg,Tom Lempfert Matthews, South River 22.0 basketball and a football coach. Garden State Conference of St. Peter’s, A1 Nicho­ Wohl, East Brunswick 20.8 rival Roselle has lost its gridiron coa,ch too. Rahway las of Middlesex, Frank Janifer, Jamesburg 24.6 was hardest hit, with four head coaches resigning, in­ Smith, Metuchen 16.8 Capraro of Woodbridge and Gasklll, John P. Stevens 15.3 cluding former Highland Park star Ken Stout who served Stan Tchourz of Piscata- Theiamann, South River 14.0 as football coach. At least two other Union County schools way. Corey, Jamesburg 14.9 are expecting to lose top men. At its meeting Monday Sands, Madison Township 15.9 The serious question being tossed around is: "Why, E. Jackson, East Brunswick 12.3 night, the committee de­ Perla, Highland Park 12.9 all of a sudden, are some of the best men deciding to cided to allow any county WitkowBki, South River 11.3 leave the profession?” Schlff, East Brunswick 11.2 schools to enter, regard­ Sheeley, St. Joseph’s Some of the reasons include the change in attitude of less of its won and lost 11.7 today’s athletes, inadequate facilities, little help from Bryant, John P. Stevens 12.7 record. Federation base­ Pollack, John P. Stevens 11.7 school boards and administration and salaries that arc ball rules will be used, with Clark, St. Joseph's 10.4 not commensurate with the responsibilities of the job. Skarzynski, South River Vin Capraro of Stevens Polito, Highland Park Ail pf these factors are plaguing the coaches in the area. 'serving as umpire-in-chiet Perhaps, now, all of the injustices against coaches R. Carney, Sayreville The committee decided to Ayotte, Edison 15.8 throughout the years, ire beginning to take a toll. use April 22 as the cut-off Dewees, Highland Park 10.0 Pace, Metuchen 10.4 date to determine tourna­ Walerzak, Sayreville 10.2 The New Jersey Interscholastic Coaches’ Association ment seedings. Weekday holds its 16th Annual Clinic tomorrow at Rutgers Uni­ games will start at 3:45 TEAM STATISTICS versity. Eleven different sports will he represented with p.m. and Saturday contests guest speakers. Football has the top billing, with such at 1:30 p.m. famous collegiate names as Tom Cahill of Army, Jack Applications will be sent TEAM G PTS AVE TEAM REC PTS AVE Mollenkopf of Purdue, Tom Harp of Duke and Vic Fuscia out this week, with the of Massachtrscttes addressing the NJICA. deadline for entry April 8. South River 24 1712 71.3 SU Joseph's (17-8) 1446 5 7,9 1 he event marks the beginning of Dakelman’s stint as East Bruns. 24 1694 70.6 South River (15-9) 1448 60.3 president of the organization. About 16 team s are ex- . St. Joseph’s 25 1612 64.5 Metuchen (7-14) 1267 62.7 pected to enter. Sayreville 21 1355 64.5 East Bruns. (16-8) 1520 63.3 J. P. Stevens 21 1234 58.8 Sayreville (9-12) 1340 63.8 What su rise will the Highland PaflT All-Sports Highland Park 22 1268 57.6 J. P. Stevens(7-14) 1345 64.0 banquet: ha this year for the people? Last year, Lou Eagles Have 'Metuchen 21 1150 54.8 Highland Pk (8-14) 1459 66.7 Jamesburg 21 1149 54.7 Edison (3-14) 1175 69.2 Saban was the main guest speaker, hut the great sports Edison 17 876 51.5 Jamesburg (3-18) 1532 73.0 announcer Mel Allen dropped in during the extravaganza Madison l wsp. 19 • 929 48.9 Mad. Twsp. (0-19) 1451 76.4 to say a few (thousand) words to the people. This year Eight Meets former Navy basketball coach and now the directorof-- athletics at NYU, Ben Carnevale, is the main guest. Eight dual meets—^sTx at ' Maybe another Mel..Allen will stroll in before the ice home- a g a in s t Madison Bulldogs Lift Baseball cream and cake. Dinner Chairman Joe Polito might top Township, New Brunswick, the Saban-Allen duo of a year ago. Fast Brunswick, Wood- bridge, Westfield and John Lid Against Rumson The industrious cross-country coaches-in Edison Town­ P. Stevens—are included in the 1967 track schedule of ship, Jack Coleman of Edison High and Barry Gundry of Eight home and aw ay The schedule: Stevens, have developed a novel meet to inaugurate the Edison T o w n sh ip High School. A triangular meet series make up the 1967 track year. The.two coaches have sent letters inviting Metuchen High School 16- 50 schools to the Edison Township Invitational Cross with Plainfield and Perth Amboy is on tap May 3. game baseball schedule. Country Meet. Among the 16 reams accepting are Roselle Fourteen of the contests- Catholic, Union Catholic, C hristian Brothers Academy, The Eagles of Coach Jim Rumson-Fair Haven O’Leary also will take on will be Garden State Con­ Souih Brunswick Linden, Bernards, Brick, township, Carteret, Metuchen, ference meetings with Ro­ Roscjlc South Brunswick, St. Peters of New Brunswick and, John F. K ennedy and Clifford Scott Carteret on the road. selle, Roselle Park, liigh- Carteret naturally, their clubs. land Park, Clifford Scott,- At this point, five different races, varsity "A” and The schedule: Highland Park DATE OPPONENT TIME Rumson-Fair 1 laven, South Roselle Park "B” , junior varsity, sophomore and freshmen, jare being April Brunswick and Carteret. Rumson-Fair Haven planned, s I Madison Township 10:00a.m. The April 4 o p e n in g John E, Kennedy "This meet could be the best' thing to develop track 8 New Brunswick 9:30a.m. game will bring Rumson interest.in Edison,” said Gundry. II at John F, Kennedy 4:00p.iru 13 East Brunswick 4:00p,m. to Edgar Field. South Brunswick 22 N.J. Track Federation 1 he balance of the Bull­ Roselle BASEBALL PITCHES—Stevens is the first area team 24 at C arteret' 4:00p.m. dog slate includes two meet­ Watchung Hills to open the season. The Hawks face Union Catholic on 26 Woodbridge 4:00p.m. Clifford Scott 29 Penn Relays ings each--home and away April 1 at home (Merrill ParkU Coach Joe Androvich’s --with John T;. Kennedy.and Carteret nine will scrimmage - Highland Park next Thursday in May Highland Park .3 Plainfield, Perth- WatchungTlills. Roselle Park preparationi. . . . This season is.Owl Coach Bus Lepine’s ‘ ' Amboy 4:00p.m. All games will start at -John p. Kennedy 31st as Highland Lark’s manager---- C oac h Bob Coward -5—6- County Relays Watchung 9 Westfield 7 3:46p.m. '•3T,45-p.m...... -...... of Edison and Rich McCloud of St. Joseph's start their 13 Long Branch Relays • • . first season as varsity baseball coaches at their re­ * 16 Great Jersey Trials spective schools. 19-20 Middlesex Coupty Track New Umpires AROUND AND ABOUT—The Thomas Jefferson Field Championship 23 Union 4:00p.m. w restlers will be feted Monday night at the Italian- 27 CNJ IV Championship Three Metuchen resi Kugen Salvaiuru and Kmll ™3pYiPrh-nn Club on—Woodbridge avonir in Edison. The -31—Greater Jersey Con-______dents were among 22 new J. Switzer, Jeffs finished their season at 9-1 and combined with ference l-inals Inemheib inducted lino the Tfrc—stri'iTtre sue 1ess fill T'tmdl - John Adams to win the Central Jersey Grammar School John I’. Stevens 3: New Jersey State Federa- dates attended a four-week Invitational Tournament. The banquet is open to the public State Meet tion of Baseball Umpires training u r o g ra m and and anyone wishing further information may contact N.J.Track Fed. Meet Monday. passed b o t\a written and Coach Don Ernst at 985-6334. of Champions I hey are John G. Jukasz, oral examination. Maxell zo,ivo/, l h t KeDUKUbK,, Eagle Batters Await Stevens’ Baseball Picture Bright, 23-Game Schedule Thanks to Large Veteran Nucleus Scicutella, Adase andDaf New Coach Bob Coward, Color the John P. Stevens JOHN P. STEVENS HIGH SCHOOL who has replaced Athletic baseball picture rosey-- 1967 Baseball Schedule gek lend experience and Director Chris Gussis as very bright red. With the J.V., and Varsity class to the infield, Sci­ varsity co a ch , will guide largest turnout ever—54— Apr. cutella hit just .220 but 1 Union Catholic H 1:00 p.m. the Ivd Ison I I igh School base* the H aw ks will not Ik* Brldgewater- plays a near perfect first ball team through a rugged forced to use an abundance 6 Raritan H 3:45 p.m. base, lie committed only 23-game season. The cam­ of inexperienced sopho­ 7 Edison 3:45p.m. three errors and handled paign, which opens Tuesday, m ores. Combine experi­ 11 J.F.Kennedy 3:45 p.m. his first 84 flaw lessly. home m and away—are on tap 13 Thom, Jefferson H 3:45p.m. April 4, at Perth Amboy, Soph Gary Schuller backs with Perth Amboy, John P. ence and manpower with 14 Madison Twsp. A 3:45p.m. will be highlighted by a five starters returning and 18 St. Joseph’s H 3:45p.m. Scicutella. The sticky-fin­ d o u b le h e a d e r, at home Stevens, Madison Township the 13-9 log of a year ago 19 Linden A 3:45p.m. gered Adase made one less John F. Kennedy, Plainfield, seem s well within reach. 22 Union H 1:00 p.m. e rro r than Scicutella at the against New Brunswick on sey Group IV Conference. 26 S. Brunswick 3:45p.m. Saturday, May 6. Outfielder Brian Mc­ 29 Plainfield H 1:00p.m. keystone corner and batted S in g le conference foes .300 most of the season Overall, the Eagles will contest is on tap with Union Gowan, Infielder Joe Luc- play 13 games at home and chesi, Catcher Tom Gar- r Union A 3:45 p.m. before tailing off to .220. at home. Thom. Jefferson A 3:45 p. Stevens' best all around 10 on the road. T wo games- Non-conference foes who giulo and Pitcher Glenn J.F.Kennedy H 3:45p.m will be met twice each, Lipnick are the main losses St. Joseph’s A 3:45p.m player is Dafgek. The slick again home and away, are from the squad that finish Edison H 3:45p.m shortstop hit .297, scored Little League Unit second in the Group IV Linden H 3:45 p.m 12 runs and stole nine C arteret, South River and bases. Piscataway. Conference and qualified Raritan AlliOOa.m The complete schedule: for the stare tourney. S. Brunswick H 3:45p.m Leverberg and Alexan­ Plans Bus Trip The returning starters Plainfield A 3:45p.m der will probably flank Os­ The Ladies Auxiliary of include Infielders Jim Sci- S. Plainfield H 4:00p.m borne in center. Leverberg the Metuchen Little League Date Opponent Time cutella, Pat Adaseandjack 2.07 ERA of a year ago. batted .319 last year and is will sponsor a bus trip to Dafgek, O utfielders Ed Leverberg, who patrols the Stevens’ clean up hitter. April Alexander hit .219 as a the Paper Mill Playhouse 4 at Perth Amboy 3:45 Alexander and Rick Lever- the outer garden when not in Millburn on May 3, for 6 Carteret 3:45 berg, and Pitchers Rich on the mound, won his first sophomore and figures to a performance of “Luv” 7 John P. Stevens 3:45 Drum and Jim Tuzzolino. three decisions and then improve that mark. Os­ with Betsy Palmer. Tickets 14 at Plainfield 3:45 Coach Joe Androvich feels lost his next four when his borne has the same defen­ 19 Madison Township 3:45 sive prowess as his pre­ are $6 per person. Reserva­ 20 at South River 3:45 that his club’s o v e r a l l teammates produced just tions can be made with Co- 21 John F, Kennedy 4:00 strength will be the defense nine runs. Tuzzolino split decessor*, but his hitting Chairman M rs. Leonard 25 at East Brunswick 3:45 and pitching depth. his time between the JV’s ability is still a question. 27 at Madison Township 3:45 A tremendous flychaser, Gordon at 549-8552 or Mrs. 29 1:30 Drum and Leverberg, the and varsity. He won all Donald Fleming at 549- • top two pitchers a year ago, three decisions with the John F a r n e ll, will play 2830. 2 Perth Amboy 3:45 combine with Tuzzolino to big club. when L e v e rb e r g hurls. A membership drive is 4 at Piscataway 3:45 form a solid nucleus. Nomi­ Harold Osborne, who fig­ Soph Steve Uchrin could 6 New Brunswick(2) 12:30 battle hft way into the pic­ currently being conducted 10 Plainfield 3:45 nated By Androvich to pitch ures to get the starting with Mrs. John Buzzi as 11 at Woodbridge 3:30 the opener against Unipn assignment in center field, ture along with John Ro- chairman. 12 Piscataway 3:45 Catholic Saturday at M er­ will do some spot pitching. manovsky, Bob Winder and 15 at Carteret 3:45 rill Park, Drum has added George Consenza. A raffle will be held in 17 at John P. Stevens 3:45 Sophomores Bill Miller, the near future with Mrs. 23 South River 3:45 a change up to his pitching Sal Cursi, Bob Bowden, The problem spots are Gil J e f f e r i s and Mrs. 24 East Brunswick 3:45 repetoire which might help Don Saranczak and Sheldon third base and catcher. George P. Commerton Jr. 26 Woodbridge 3:45 the lanky right hander im­ Karasik are the other candi­ Seniors Mark Liebhart and as co-chairmen, assisted 31 at John F. Kennedy 4:00 prove on his 6-2 record and dates. Gene Fauquier can play by Mrs. John Tilley and either position. The two- Mrs. Herbert Gaffney. year letterwinner Liebhart New members attending was Gargiulo’s understudy the meeting are Mrs. Hu­ Lepine Nine Defends Group Title last spring. A .433 hitter bert Hogeman, Mrs. Ernest with the JV’s last year, Muir, Mrs. Donald Flem- Highland Park High School, defending Central Jersey Date Opponent Fauquier is a top utility Group II champions, will embark on a 21-game baseball April man as he can also play in, Mrs. Virgil Brockman 6 Roselle Mrs. W illia m Hartwell, season on Thursday, April 6, at Roselle. The contest will 8 Piscataway short and second. Junior Mrs. John Tilley, Mrs. Ed­ be the diamond squad’s first encounter in the new Garden II Rumson-Falr Hav< BobGerling and Sophomore State Conference. 13 Carteret Art Gigantino add depth win Ochah and Mrs. James 17 Peddle Earley. and quality to the catching All conference teams—Roselle, Rumson-FaLr Haven, 18 - Clifford Scott post. Gigantino “ could be Hostesses for the eve­ Carteret, Metuchen, Clifford Scott, South Brunswick and 20 Metuchen ning were Mrs. Ross Mundy 24 South Brunswick a real surprise” according Roselle Park—will be met twice, home- and away 27 Roselle to Androvich. The Hawk and Mrs. August Meehan. Overall, Coach Bus Lepine’s nine will play tefi games The next meeting will be 1 V -Roselle Park manager feels that Gerling at home. Single home contests are on tap with non-confer­ is the hardest worker on held April 11 at 8:15 p.m. ence Peddie, Rutgers Prep and St. Peter’s. St. Peter’s at the Little League Club­ Rutgers Prep the squad. Carteret Senior George Varrel- house at Oakland avenue. In addition to the conference road tilts, the balance of Clifford Scott Metuchen man and Junior Mike F ill - Knox Numerals the 11 away games, are one-shot affiars at Sayreville, Franklin yan, the JV shortstop a i New Brunswick and Piscataway. South Brunswick year ago, might fit into the Ron Weingart of !0 Stock- The meeting with New Brunswiek on May 31 will -climax Rumson- Fair I la ven- tmrd base picture-. Other ton street and Fred Keeper- regular season play. Sayreville infield candidates are Den­ man of 8 Beechwood avenue, All games start at 4 p.m. nis Yurcisln, Jeff Nielson, both of Metuchen, have Al Kennedy, RichLatuchie, qualified for numerals in John Chizmadia, Mike Fay, freshman wrestling compe- Randy Law, Gary Schuller . tit ion at Knox College in and Herb Borquist. Galesburg, Illinois. Little Alfie Lovett could be the s u r p r i s e of the spring. A real speed mer­ chant; Lovett can hurl and DATE OPPONENT April play the infield. 4 Union 3:30p.m After the Union Catholic 5 John P. Stevens 3:30p.m encounter on Saturday, the 6 South Plainfield 3:45p.m Hawks complete the short 10 at Woodbridge 3:45p.m 13 at St. Joseph's 3:45p.rr homestand against Bridge- 17 John P. Stevens 3:45p.ir . water Raritan next Thurs­ 18 Linden 3:45p.m day. The Stevens team has 21 Thomas Jefferson 3:45p.r never lost to Union Catho­ 25 at Carteret (Raritan Arsenal) 3:45p.m lic, beating them twice last 26 Madison Township 3:45p.m year. 28 at East Brunswick 3:45p.m May 1 Great Jersey Tourney (Great Kpoll Golf Club) 9a.m TROUT 2 Woodbridge-Raritarr Arsenal 3:45p.tr SEASON 4 Piscataway (Raritan Arsenal) 3:45p.rr Opt!}* AM ?«h 5 Carteret 3:45p.rr 10 at New Brunswick FISHING SUPPLIES (Rutgers) 4.00p.rr 12 East Brunswick 3:45p.rr A rCHEER FOR THE -CHEERLEADERS--The St. Francis Grammar School Cheer­ Frtsh 4 Salt Wot«r Equip. 15 NJSIAA Districts leading Squad of Metuchen won second place In the recent Tri-County Catholic FISHING LICENSES ISSUED 19 atMadisonTownship 3:45p.n Grammar School League Cheerleading Tournament. With the squad are Sister Mary L.-erirtj -ffmder-aJorT-aad_-Mrfi». Jeanne ,iylc!^ugMinI^o ac h ;_Squad members are (from Arsenal) 3:45p.m. Village Sports Center! 26 John F. Kennedy 3:45p.m. 1-r) Karen Franklin, Kathy Gore, Cathy Weckei, Kathi McLaughlin, Susane Limney, •all home matches at Raritan Ar­ Gwen O’Connor and Pat Kuhn and (standing) Patty Aiikens, Cynthia Walker, Pam R». 27 & PARSONAGE RD. senal Golf Course. Scharwath, Pal Bailey, Maureen Graham, Margaret Gallagher and Colleen Ryan. 549-3231______1 Page 26...THE RECORDER, March 23.1967 Metuchen Phys Ed Teacher Masters The Techniques of 4The Gentle Art

By A LICE' EE CONN c o m p e te in .the national and playing the guitar. (She competition in Las Vegas is studying guitar in the Helene Gonser owes her in April. Metuchen Adult School.) recent ad Vancement in judo Considered in the light Her fellow teachers to the fact that she is a res­ of her other interests. Miss would like to see her de­ ident of Jersey City. Gonser’s ^devotion to judo vote more time to still The a p p a r e n t non- is easily understood. It sat­ sequitor is explained by the another interest. Her home isfies both her interest in baked cakes, it is reported, Metuchen physical educa­ physical education and in are good to the last crumb. tion teacher when she re­ art. A6 a student at Mont­ lates how she came to take clair State College, she Someday, she would like up what she describes as found the decision to be­ to add teaching Judo to her “the gentle art”. About come a teacher an easy list of activities. For the four years ago, her father one. Deciding what she present, she is content to concerned for her safety should teach was m o re c o n tin u e her studies on the streets of Jersey difficult. She thought she’d through the three brown City, encouraged her to r e a c h e d a Solomon-like belt degrees to the coveted learn Judo so that she could compromise when she took black belt. defend herself, if the need up e le m e n ta r y school Has she ever had to use arose. More to humor him teaching, hoping she would gentle art to persuade than anything else* she and be able to teach art and would be attackers. “ No” a friend attended a demon­ physical education. In this she says and she hopes stration class at the Jersey age of specialization, she she never will.Should the City YWCA. She’s been at­ found this impossible and occasion arise she’d like tending classes ever since. took additional courses at to get off as easily as the Now the proud possessor Jersey City State College friend who flashed her judo SOME GYM JiUIT - - Miss Helene Gonser, Metuchen of a brown belt, signifying to prepare her for teach­ membership card at a elementary school physical education teacher, shows the kyu degree,Miss Gonser ing phsy-ed. This she now would be assailant.He fled. students at the Moss School tho proper attire for the says the varied experience does at the Moss and Camp­ Japanese arr of judo. While she believes they are capable and satisfactions in judo bell Schools. She continues DRUGS of le a r n in g , Miss Gonser does not teach judo to her are. responsible for her to paint as a hobby. It classes, believing they are not yet mature enough to cope continued interest in the is only in judo that she is with this kind of skill. “ They might want to use ii on their sport. She finds it an easy able to bring both inter­ friends,” she says. skill for a woman to mas­ ests together in one ac­ be reached by children o ter, since it calls for the tivity. p ets. Flush away contents Crossroad Scouts Reunite April 1 use of leverage rather than Consolidating interests rinse container, then d is strength. She has seen girls is becoming almost a Rain or shine, a Girl Scouts who attended Camp of 13 and women of 75 necessity for the attractive m aster judo. “ It is both Scout campers reunion will Chickagami, the estab­ young teacher. She is hav­ Colonial Village Pharmacy be held in Merrill Park, lished camp operated by an exercise and an art ing difficulty finding time Route 27 Edison Iselin, on Saturday, April 1 Crossroads Girl Scout form ,” she adds. Kata judo for all of her other in­ from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Council in Palisades Inter- which is the form employed terests, swimming, skiing state Park, New York, will in women’s competitions, basketball, water skiing meet for a day of songs, is truly an aft form. Par­ skits, games and fun. ticipants are judged on their artistic posture in Do Hot Be Fooled By Gimmicks Or Come On's. The purpose of the re­ demonstrating “ holds” and To Be Sure Coll Old Reliable ACA TV union is to renew friend­ “ chokes” . They do not ac­ Established Sine. 1946 ships and to stimulate in-: tually follow through and OUR PICTURE TUBES HAVE BEEN PROVED SO terest in the co m in g throw their opponents in GOOD TH A T WE CAH HOW O F F E R A summer camping season. these contests. Girls will bring their Miss Gonser and her 3-YEAR GUARANTEE lunches and sit with the p a r t n e r recently placed (AT NO EXTRA COST) ON A LL OUR BRANDS same units to which they .first in an A A U sponsored n n n i Q o i r m w e r e assigned while at Kata contest for the met­ camp. Punch and cookies ropolitan region and will 21" PICTURE TUBE 1995 will be served. The committee in charge Otlowski Speaks 9 8 5 - 7 0 0 0 of the arrangements are Mrs. Laurence DeMaio, i- r e e- ACA NIXON Co Ionia; Mrs. Melvin h o l d e r — mri'iHM.'Bn ran i George Ot- Hawkinson, Avenel; and 126 Plainfield A v... Ni«on Standard G la .. T u b ., Exc.nl 110° 1 Band.d Mrs. Holger Bcrthelson, i lowski will (Co,, of J.ff.r.o n lilid .) Foe. T u b e . P 'lc« . Irlclad. yiur Dud. M. -Iselrifb----- _£4Le.aJL_cm. tdfion-Townehiir — orAluminir.d T u b .. Sltghriy HIgh.r. r- M i d d 1 ) u nt y ’ s MAKE IT A ‘SPECIAL' HOLIDAY...COME IN FOR e n t a 1 Health Insti- tutions and the new E a ita O iw m Drug Center at a meeting of the Metuchen Afternoon Kiwanis Club Monday, at 12:15 p.m. at M a r io ’ s Restaurant on New street. OPEN FOR BREAKFAST LWV Appeal LUNCH Mrs. Raoul Pantaleoni, AND DINNER president of the Metuchen League~oT"Womeli ^OTefS', Harry Jones - in the joined le a g u e officers “ Criterion” Lounge throughout the country this 6 P:M. to ? week in an appeal to the ( except Sundays) Senate to ratify the long- pending consular treaty JUST ACROSS with the Soviet Union. SO. M ETUCHEN C IT Y • LINE


Coll 548-7000 IS HOME IMPROVEMENTS "WHATNOT SHOP" 1000 Nome, address, zip code lo­ BIRTHDAY CAKES Short of cosh? Earn over $3 per Antiques, Pointings 'n Things be l», $1.00, 3000 labels, $2.00 Ren- Additions and dormors. AT A MOMENT’S NOTICE hour in spare time. Studio Girl CL 4-7000 LI 8-2700 Most likely just what you're looking Dor Distributors, Box 146, South Basements, kitchens, bathrooms, River, N. J. 3-29 Princess Bake Shop Cosmetics. Call CL 7-2187. tor! (2ty miles south of North MidStote Moll paneling & garages Brunswick circle). CL 7-2411 All home improvements. HOURS Route #130, North Brunswick, N.J. MATTRESSES - New from $9.95, GIRLS WANTEDI Springs, $9.95, Beds, $13.95 New Open 6:30 to 9:30 Complete Aluminum line. ALCOA MON., THURS., FRI. Telephone 201-297-4100 Sunday till 8. Closed Tuesday F. C. Selover, Jr. Brunswick Mattres* Co., 44 Albany TFMPORARY CLERICAL POSITIONS S til 4 P M . St. 545-6312 3-29 BARONE BUILDERS— Auctioneer and Appraiser. NOW AVAILABLE-NO FEE. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AMERICAN GIRL SERVICE WED. til NOON B b u s i n e s s opportunities Cl 7-2063 after 5 P.M. Modern 3 sectional sofa,- $30., Blit- 49 BAYARD ST, 2 APPLIANCES REPAIRED rite carriage-stroller, $25., birch crib, BARBER SHOP with large living NEW BRUNSWICK. N, J Coll u* (or help hair mattress, $15. Cell 254-4120. quart,ers, excellent location & op­ CALL - 246-1636 2-A ACCOUNTING 3-27 portunity. Available April !. Cheese- 4-5 quake. 566-591 7. 322 FENCING S ARTICLES FOR SALE LOST bright carpet colors . . re­ Women Wanted —Excellent oppor­ Free Estimate on Dsadline 4 P.M. store them with Blue Lustre. Rent MOBIL UNIT ICE CREAM TRUCK- tunity for right person—willing--- Quality Fencing electric shampooer $1. Town Point Springtime is here—earn good i e important than . Installation arrange! MONDAY Shop, 42 Moin Sh, South River, N. mcomce. Private owner. 264-5592— peritmee, Call LI 9 J. 254-7594. 3-22 826-4014 T V., CLOSED CIRCUIT - complete 4 AUTOS FOR SALE BARBER SHOP - In South River, er retired 170 Whitehead Ave $75 with lens. Tripod, 17" monitor, other Call 297-1979 used cameras. 442-5436 3-29 Chevrolet 1962-Station wagon, au­ per month includes heat and \ C. A P. Tile. Home Improvements, Coll CL 4-1731 ceramic floors, and walls, bath­ tomatic Not one cent of yo.ura&Wn WOMFN Telephone work at necessary down, bank will rooms completely remodeled Attics, SINGER ZIG-ZAG TAILOR SHOP — Established, good Survoy typo, no selling, excellent basements and garages. Call CL 4 finance $495. at $7.80 weekly pay. Call 249-8088, Thuisday going business. Must sell due 7372. 251-0845. Repossessed Call Oasis Motors, 721-7100 Route Friday only, 10 A.M to 12 f One of the latest models, makes # 9 , Soyreville, for fast credit O K. illness CL 7-5610 or CH 9-08 15 INSTRUCTIONS Classified advertisers ore buttonholes, sews on buttons, makes 3 22 requested to check their fancy designs. $65 cash or $7.50 9 CHILD CARE advertisements day of pub­ monthly 1956 DeSoto. Excellent running con­ DUTCHMAID lication and If any correct- dition. good transportation. $195 YARN BOUTIQUE 254-5553 Credit Dept. Art Needlework Shop Call 679-6159 , 3 15 3-22 QUALIfY CLOTHING SOLD ONLY -Summer Children's Classes now ON PARTY PLAN. EXCELLENT COM forming. Hours: 10 A M. to 6 P.M. 1963 Rombler Americon Converti­ MISSION. TRAINING. CAR NEC Tuesday & Thursday 'til 9 P.M, ble. 440 Radio and heater, stick ESSARY CALI. 828 0869 OR 968 CHANGES in ads already- DO YOU—like to refinish old furni­ 209 Englishtown Road shift, 21.000 miles. $695. Coll 2430. Old Bridge. N.J. 257-7117 4-19 processed will require ad­ ture or need something second hand ditional charges. CANCEL­ for your home? We have o great 846-9699 3-22 10-A HELP WANTED MALE LATION of ads already deal of merchandise at very rea­ sonable prices. Bric-a-brac, frames, Generol Factory Workers—Days time Fullerette lady, $100 -f Speech correction feocher. N. Y. paintings, etc. Trash or Treasure 4 to 12, $2.00-$2.10 per he Board of Education qualification. charge of half the ori day. pick your own schedule, billing. Shop, Englishtown Rd., Old Bridge need cor. Call 201-356-4237. 3-22 Tutoring in speech improvement ond Coll 446-6572. Daily 12 to 5 P.M. 257-8322. 4-5 English. S.W.S. area. 679-4650. 3-22 Set. 10 A M. to 5 P.M. TP 7-12 1966 Chevrolet Fleetside. ton rators—Experienced, dresses Hypnosis and self improvement, 2 Appllonces Repaired ... Roof Shingles $1.75 Bundle up, 6 cylinder, rodio, deluxe work, piece or time work. Shop sew dosses starting -Tuesday, April Accounting Barn Shakes $4.50 Bundle r. Coll Cl 4-2867 3 22 Is busy all year. Haidee Sports- 18, and Thursday. May II , for Articles for Sale_ Asbestos A Brick Siding $10.00 Co., 429 Raritan Ave., High- nformolion call CH 9-0048. Autes for Sale ______ROOFERS—SHEET METAL MECHAN Construction Equipment _ All kinds of Gutters and Leaders 1958 Thunderbird—Power steering, ICS. Permcanenl job with old et I C S. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA finer Roofing Supplies r brakes, rodio, heater, 2 new tablished firm. Coll 756-0897 or Free catalog, write P.O. Box 303, OLD BRIDGE ROAD Asking $350. Call 247-7159 756-1065. 4-5 Brunswick or call 545-0332. Motorcycles______ENGLISHTOWN, NEW JERSEY GUARDS PHONE 446-6821 ORGAN 1ST—CHOIR DIRECTOR Business Opportunities Permanent ond part time guords, 1962 Rombler American—Standard experience not necessory, also ex for a Lutheran Church. Call 721 complete — secretarial & ac­ Cards of Thanks______shift, 6 cylinder, 4 new tires, gor­ 4994 ofter 6 P.M. 4-5 PIANOS perienced guards for shift leaders. counting—NCR, Sensimatic & other geous condition, must sell. Asking Uniform and equipment supplied. mochines — free catalog — Free em­ Child Co* $400. Call 246-1749 3-22 (2) DEMONSTRATORS Employment Agencies- tw and Used Coll 329-6021. 4-5 ployment service — Veterans ap­ FULL OR PART TIME proved Est. 1932. New Brunswick Help Wanted Male___ _ 10-A PART TIME $57.00 WEEKLY - Exceptional opportunity with 10-B Seer. School. Kl 5 3910. Register 1963 CHEVROIET-BISCAYNE. Au­ Minimum any 3 evenings and Sat­ tionally known manufacturer of Mole & Female____ _ 10-C tomatic. cylinders, radio ond NOW. 6 urday days. No experience neces­ electrical appliances. Retail sales. Situations Wanted _ . 10-D heater, power steering-$900. 727 sary. Car. For interview call 442- Attractive salary plus commission. Form Supplies______2951 after 6 P.M. 3-22 George PhllcQX School of Dance A Food A Beverages------16)0. 3-22 Call collect 212-10 5-0930 after Drama. Enrollment open—Children Home Improvements__ NUMISMATICALLY UNSEA8CHED 6 call (201) 846-1575 for co & Adults. Tel. 251-1870, Spotswood. n Memoriam------PENNIES for Coin Collectors from 1965 MUSTANG- Hard top, 3 PRODUCTION LINEMAN Gum Machines. 5000 for $55. Bonus speed, 6 cylinders, radio and heat- Clean, light, drug mfg. plant. DRAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE Sunday AM Pickup. 257-9398, white walls, windshield washers. Good salary, excellent fringe Very good condition-$ 1500. Call PART TIME—2 hours, 5 nights pi 17 LIVINGSTON AVE. Cronkshoft Kits—for all mokes of week. $50 guaranteed. Car ne New Brunswick, N. J, 727-2591 after 6 P.M. 3-22, WTS—Pharmacraft cars ond trucks. Regrinding and essary. Call Kl 5-3356. 3-2 Complete Secretarial and bearings Industrial Grinding. ME Wyckoffs Mill Road, Cronbury Flowers------19-. Call 609-448-1200 Lawn & Garden Suppli 4-0149 i .oa 10-D SITUATIONS WANTED Day and Night Classes 4-T2 Telephone CHorter 9-0347, Lawn Maintenance . SICK ROOM down, bank will finance $995. Lown Mowers___ . 19-D SUPPLY EQUIPMENT $9.80 weekly. Call Oasis Motors, Linoleum .______20 WATER FILTER PLANT OPERATOR Hospital beds, wheel chairs, com­ 721-7100. Route #9. Soyreville. Wonted, career opportunity In Ceramic ’ Magic. Instructions, sup­ Lost A Found ______21 modes, crutches, walkers, potisnt for fast credit O.K. 3-22 able Call 254-3594 P plies. and firing. Gifts made to Ol­ Lumber, Roofing, Building , lifters, ostomy supplies. der. Wholesale, retail, U.S. I and iriol $5,123 to $6,758, 40 hour wfeek Discuss your needs with us. Bruns­ on a shift basis. Pension system. 13 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oakland Ave. Edison, N.J. 985- Merchandise Wanted______23 wick Surgical, 109 French St., N#w 332). ■* 9-67 Money to Lend______2d Brunswick. 545-1239 Blue Cross, Blue Shield and » Musical Instruments.— — 25 medical. 2 weeks vacation, Aluminum siding clearance sale sick days. 12 holidays, high school Private Professional Guitar lessons. Notice . 26 Modern—Jazz—Rock A Roll. Big cellent condition, best offer. Call 254-8080 after 7 P.M. 3-22 terview, coll 548 3098 between 10 Typewriter-... 3 2-Q A M and 2 P.M. only. Constellation Vernois Range—Com­ bination gos . gos, $125. Phone Storm Doors A Windows- 8 | DON'T FORGET! C l 4-3427 3-22 j Send Payment With • Your Coupon and 2 women to service waiting Crib, feeding table, stroller, 2 Prospect & Turnpike Road Women's Apparel.______tomers. One near Monush St. and ■ Save 70 Cents on aqua rugs S'7" x 5'10". Good South River, N. J. onothor near Kamm Ave. in South Reg. $2.70 Ad! condition, best offer. Coll 257-6010. CL 7-0656 River. Call Kl 5-1345. M ad by m$ft than 47,500 familia* in Edit Brunswick, Matuchen, Edison, MW town, ACTION WANT ADS South Rivtr, Highland Bark, Madison, Soyroviilt, North Brunswick, Spolswood, Joassburg.

17 INSURANCE 19 LANDSCAPING M REAL ESTATE LISTINGS “ SERVICES 31 SERVICES Warehouse-Office Building, 1800 WE MAKE 100% EFFORT S AND FURNITURE cleaned in Commercial Ave.. 545-2041, home. Established 30 yean, 'NOTICE" ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS TO INSURE EVERYONE "Many listings in the "male" R 4 K LANDSCAPING 054 New Brunswick. 4-5 rler 9-5348 CH 7-7467 Teenagers-Aufo Insurance or “female ” columns are not in­ Low Down Payment—9 mos. to Pay PAINTING, TILING AND tended to exclude or discourage am forced to give reduced prices SR 22 Filed for revoked licenses applications from persons of FINANCING ARRANGED ‘ COLONIAL $25,900 c arpenter work 727-0842 the other sex. Such listings are aluminum siding to keep my JOHN J. FALLON Sod and Seed. Rototiiling, pow- Spacious 3 bedroom split on for the convenience of readers Agent & Broker raking, lime and fertilizing. dead end street Formal dining INTERIOR PAINTING. basement because some occupations are in busy Save up to 40%. CL 7-7100 Spring clean up. Free esti- room—living room—eof in kit- considered more attractive to 380 Hwy. 18, East Brunswick, N J. ottics finished, fully insured, fi­ nancing arranaed. Liberty. 8-7153 persons of one sex than the LAWN MAINTENANCE, S10. other. Discrimination in employ­ GIANT 1000 SQ. FT. $390. weekly minimum. Financing arranged. ment because of sex is prohib­ CAMPBELL INSURANCE PRISCOC AGENCY 548-3377 OLYMPIC EXTERMINATOR^ 251 2374 251 1850 ited by 1964 Federal Civil LABOR AND MATERIAL REALTOR MEMBER M. L. S. TERMITE CONTROL Rights Act with certain excep­ ower in Cost, Higher in Service 3 22 FREE ESTIMATES tions. Employment agencies and DIAL 446-7682 Notary Public—Tox Service HOUSEHOLD PESTS employers covered by the Act 30 Overbrook Ave. INDUSTRIAL SPRAYING must indicate in their advertise­ 29 A FURNISHED ROOMS 254-5967 ments whether or not the listed 985-5400 10-67 R. LUCAS, PROP. positions are available to both CARPENTER CONTRACTOR LANDSCAPING SAYREVILLE NEW CONSTRUCTION EAST BRUNSWICK . . . ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS 18 INCOME TAX LARGE CLEAN ROOM Custom Design and Planning IN NICE HOME. FREF PARKING ROOF SERVICE-No Leak too small Federal and Stole returns expertly of Your Home Grounds coll ED STEVENSON. CH 6-2327 STANLEY T. KOZAL J . F. MOLLER MAID SERVICE Plumbing & Heating Inc. prepored in your home. E.. J for your Spring Plan . .. . GENTLEMEN ONLY Free Estimates. 25 Adams St., Metuchen Clifford 7-0690 Flynn Call 679-5480 3-22 CHarter 9-855? EVES Garden State Appliance Service Alterations, repairs, hot water heat jas heater, kitchen & bath- INCOME TAX returns expertly p We repair washers, dryers, dish­ 31 C C A T E R IN G pared Also New York State washers, Gas & Electric Ranges. remodeling & sewer cleaning Kilmer 5-3053 turns. Isidore Friedman, 23 CALL NOW. 536-3355 i CATERING Main. St., Freehold 462-4II6 4 548-6866 548-6867 BETH'S LANDSCAPING SERVICE FENCES 2 Modern Banquet Halit, Large hall kitchen privileges, private KITCHEN CHAIRS Recovered. entrance, parking Metuchen, Steel & Aluminum Chain Link 250. Small Hall 75. Catering in Fences All types and sizes Selection of Fabrics, Central your home, office, grand openings, South Plainfield area 757 1600, Jersey CALL FACTORY DIRECT. 7781. 3.22 CL 7-0974 4-12 anniversaries, etc. Complete Wed­ CH 7-7467 24-Hr Service ding arrangement* by MARY. 29-C HOUSE FOR SALE ATTENTION Do-It-Yourselfers - wash windows, private homes, prices of sewer connections have >er window including storms. POLONAISE INN Tax returns prepared by expert i—2 Bedroom, custom built. you collared? Call this number and Coll Tuesday or Friday AM, for A CATERERS Cape Cod. Full basement & porch, save many $$. Kl 5-5447. 9-11 Krumb St., Sayrevllle, N. J. sq ft. full thiqk wood ot $2 30 appointment 257-8356 ) I -67 office, reasonable, 549 678 I CLIFFWOOD LUMBER CO expansion ottic, principals only, 985-3590. 4-5 Route 35, CliMwood RAY’S ALUMINUM PRODUCTS GENERAL CONTRACTOR tAX RETURNS Federal & Stole lO 6 I 743 LO 6 I 744 Bathrooms. kitchens, basements, heating ssyfems, gas & oil Com­ 32 D C O N C R E T E WORK vt-mence. CoH 679-5358* for ep 24 MONEY TO LEND plete repairs 442 8113 Concrete Contractor — Side Walks, Gutters, leoders. roofing. New, re Driveways, all types of Mason Work. 828-0711. Phone 821-8958 10 67 rs, free estimates Funicelll Roof- r t 4-1690 | | 30 goods. T.V.s etc Amboy Jewelry & Mosonry—Patios, Driveways, Side­ INCOME TAX SERVICE Loon Co. over 30 years at 192 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR walks, Retainer Walls. Specializing 2 Easton Ave., New Brunswick Smith' St., Perth Amboy. Lie. Pawn­ METUCHEN in stone steps Call 247-5521. 4-5 Coll 846 0394 or 249-6690 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING PAINTING i brokers. HI 2-4553 2-22 FULLY INSURED 406 Main Street Sidewalks, patios, flagstone or con­ LI 8-3142 CWIKLINSKI crete Brick or block steps. Call 25 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Electrolysis Specialist. PEARL KATZ, PAINTING COMPANY OFFICES AVAILABLE 985-5923 for free estimate. 3-22 is. Hommond C3 and Schober $60 and up 287-1746 pointment. LI 8-3396 32-E ELECTRICAL WORK After 7 PM 254 6303 29-1 STORE FOR RENT Licensed electrician, reasonable Store with modern front. Reason­ 26 N O TICE DRESSMAKER prices, immediate service, free es­ able rent. Suitable for barber or timates. Call Wirth Electric. 985- office. Call CL 4-4082. 3-22 SERVICES UNLIMITED Dtfsigned foshions ond expert alter­ Income Tax prepared to your 29 J UNFURNISHED APT. ations, Reasonable rotes. By ap­ Slip Covert and Drapes, custom ELECTRICIAN venience by accountant, at h'or pointment coll 844-2559 or 846 made, professional work, competj- LICENSED - INSURED office Charles Weigand. 248 448-3439. Monday thru Friday 9-5, 448-5020 4 5 Sayretfille—3 rooms, bath, all u1 2344.. 4-5 FREE ESTIMATES - 846-3445 town Rd , East Brunswick. 257 3384 dies supplied. 9 French St Coll / Ann Elizabeth Shoppe 283 Englishtown Road LICENSED ELECTRICIAN, . Honest, TAX RETURNS Personal, sn INDOOR MONTHLY* PARKING M047 3. Near Penn R. R slalion, New try and repairs. Call 545-13610 eve Old Bridge, N. J. Reliable, Industrial, Residential, Brunswick Coll Kl 5 1060 4-5 nings, after P.M 4-5 257-0015 721-1973 Commercial, Emergency servjc*. 6 254-8432 and 257-4371. coontont Pa I 6527 L. Borbas, licensed electrical cc DUSCHOCKS PHARMACY, FLPffWOOD CARPET SERVICE SINCE 1932. Porter Service, f 9 19 LANDSCAPING WINDOW CLEANING , traetpr, reasonable prices, free stores. Coll 679 5280 FLOORS WAXED & BUFFED limates. insured, bonded, state pom- Guaranteed Phone 254 5538. JANITORIAL SERVICES cense Call 545-8913. 8- Brienza ceramic tile insiollatio 28 P E T S 4 12 repairs, free estimates. 287-1225 32 F MOVING A HAUlT n G POODLES ’ 31A RAILINGS o'r ?8Z;fl499 ..PRICES ARE LOWER EVER1 ‘ w rigs. (-ee estimates (till A[| SERVICES 1 collect 446 7796. ... SChOENS MOWER SHOP AMBOY MOVERS-Local and in Shacpening - Repairs ,PRUf±$WICK RAILING CO testate moves Prompt, courteous reasonable Prop. Charles Rehfus* • i Inter • : • Jr PA 1-0699. ’ f .co f-,1 -notes 846 2808 or 254 4284 22 FREE ESTIMATES 3 8'igys & Stratton eo gi ■» 32 SERVICES FIREWOOD OAK, CUT, SPLIT DELIVERED Railroad tie wo i East Brunswick 254 7845 °* ° ' ° ' C * ^ Shepherds. . core. Merion Blue Sod Pomeranian, registered, S i50. F finished basements, also all types Boogies, $15 Small /nixed bn SEWING '-'ailed or delivered Lowest p $15 . mg to Beach Po'ty Appliance Repairs- Washers. Dry,,,,, Coll 257-7257 pools. 251 V| 430 -usebiq $30 !t-d $3 “ 549-5126. Metuchen Refrigerators, Electric Stoves, Air CAftPETS INSTALLED - Exper Conditioners, etc Evenings and LLf KENNE1 sb/ltabon any size FRFf mates Call 254 4790 LANDSCAPING hide Bound ★ Jeepster Commando FRA2E CARPET CLEANERS ★ Jeep Wagoncer A Jeep Universal OUTSIDE ANTENNAS REPAIRED Carpet laying binding & dying A J*ep Gladiator • A-ll types of landscaping dor AND INSTALLED'- From $25. Coll Used carpets bought 4. sold 251-0173' 7 A M -I I A M & oiler Froze 541-8516. Wagner-Hetmon

Trenching of dll types done Area seonsonol contract Al TFRATIONS - DRESSMAKING ... o< Spotswood for sewage lines. Call in/ home. Work done' promptly. poodles 251-2456 Thelma’s, Rt :4. Mate Call for appointment 356-4179. Kitchen Choirs . recovered. Pick up Coll 548 3841 9139. and ^delivery $1 95 and up AI Bee Dinettes, 382 2141 24 hour huos. AKC registered: $

Toy Poodii-'. main and $100 ran 547 7770 CASH For Any Purpose For Consolidate All Debts (small loans included) Easter Shopping —.....$20 to $500... - CALL 727-3535 Ideai Easter Sayreville Finance Co, Paterson Investment Co. Poodles wh'l, female, AKC Rt. 9, Professional Building 287 250/ 'H*«t t« H«*ar4 Jefiinen't). 727-2400 21 A P E T GROOMING L ie . No. 993 H A BOOKilNDING M-J PLUMBING 4 HRATING ■OROUCH OF METUCHEN ____ OFKMETUCHEN ...... BOOKBINDING - Fine L e a th e r NOTICE TO BIDDERS P" c,r* °< the Contract amount ai._ ___ BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDINC FOR THE Notice I* hereby Riven that eeiled»le< blda * Certified Check tor not leea than <1050 Cloth, BIBLES restored, Trade lour ACQUISITION OF NEW AND ADDITIONAL lor FURNITURIURfe ' - Metuchen - nal. Thesis bound. Cull 549 ten per cent of the total bid; aaM c 4591 John T Leahy Plumbing & Heat­ ew pm ent BY THE BOROUGH ofme- MunlcRwl Building. located shall be In amount of not lei ' *" or 549-8008. ing. remodeling bathrooms and TUCHEN, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLE- c«it corner of Main Street and Mid nor more than $20,000.00. heating systems, Install water ShJ&SSPiJinxsxxiiss ■ M-B CARPENTRY softeners. 969-1544. call eve- CARPENTER — Better home altera­ nings 4-12 tions. Reasonable rates, expert work. 521 0427. a i!" Borough of Metuchen.

JOSEPH A, CHIASSON-Coqtractor LICENSED PIUm BING, Yours or our date ol the Bid Opening. Pallure i com plete alteration., additions’ fiktures and appliances. Reasonable will result In forfeiture of dep installation. Coll 721-3216. . 3-22 Document! may be returned at kitchen*, aluminum siding & trim Opening. 721-2922. 8.23 " ough Council reaervee the i MATTHEW PETR0NE PLUMBING any or all Bids If deemed li H-G PAINTING and HEATING CONTRACTOR, New Dan Kuzminski — interior and ex­ Work & Alterations. 721-3424. terior painting, quality wall cover­ Krobotsch Plumbing & Heating. ing, insured, guaranteed, cleon Prompt, reliable service. Repairs - workmotishlp, 254-4388. Remodeling - Contracting. 254-2780. Complete painting ond Improve­ li-K PHOTOGRAPHY ment service, fine work, easy terms. Coll 548-8216 PASSPORT ond IDENTIFICATION pictures taken Eel i.ryic. SAYRE KARRIS WOODS CAMERA HOUSE. Call PA PAINTING A REPAIRS 1-6445. PA 1-4022 2-1-68 H-L PIANO TUNING PAINTING DECORATING WAUPAPERING PIANOS tuned ond repoired. Call For a clean reliable job at Al CARPENTER, 969-1349 reasonable rate, coll Il-M REFINISHING * RENOWN PAINTINO CO. REPAIN FURNITURE 237 4388 Free estimate* - Fully Insured SOFA SEAT BOTTOM $12.00 4-19 Chairs $6.00, repaired In your home 9x12 room. $19. Two coots of paint, retied. All work guaranteed. customer buys paint. 549-4661. SUNSHINE UPHOLSTERS CO. 3-22 FU 8-5280

PAINTING-Tired of hit ond run FURNITURE POLISHING and refin­ so colled pointer.? Stumped ond ishing touch up and repairs on all confuied by their bargoln prices? finishes. Upholstered chairs and Do you value your property? For sofas lied and rewebbed. Sofas proficient work, call the Professlon- $12., choirs $6. 985-5895. al Painting Service. 985-7693. 6-14 E *terior.|nt,rior -Painting. Fr«e Ev Mmot., 1 Family, *1 2 5 * Up. Coll T V. HI-FI SALES & SERVICE alter 6 P.M. CL 7-42«. 3-29 J. Wright Co. - 171 Hillside Ave. South River - E. Brunswick PAINTING, Inferior and Exterior, CL 7-1017 CL 7-4849 •Poper Hanging, Insured, Joe Jay,- CL 7-0934. 521-3141. EXPERT T.V. SERVICE A REPAIRS. Low rates week days after 4 P.M. Complete painting and Improvement Saturdays & Sundays. Call 254- service. Fine work, easy term. 5979. 3.29 Call 548-8216. 34 W A N T E D PAINTING Will buy ANTIQUES, CHINA, CUT Spring approaches, make arrange­ GLASS. CLOCKS, PAINTINGS, FUR­ ments for outside pointing NOW. NITURE, DOLLS, TOYS, JEWELRY Still low rates on Inside pointing. CHorter 9-8552.

TRAINS TRAINS TRAINS .ionel ond other., ony conditio Top quality painting and pap< any gauge. VA 6-4852. hanging. Muralf, Fell*, Japanei Gtoi. Cloth, Flock, and vinyl co ering .ample book, delivered. GEORGE S. BAIN 234-4082

honging and .praying ,a‘« 9iv8n cheerfully. Fully Insured


ME 4-4559

GET RESULTS READ THE CLASSIFIED BOROUGH C NOTICE TO BIDDERS Is* for-0 fheYirancI eeconde°^h ™ 33*W*8 *3 mlnu,ea ' FOR A QUICK SWIMMING lie Borough MONEY SAVING iw Jersey will be received, d In public by the Borough 10 a*po 11 of^ the Bordi^h of Metuchen, prevailing tinv/on Wednesday, A; AUTO 19f.7 at the Municipal Building, Cot efdeHne of*Forrek! s're'I’ th^Non,* r°y LOAN Main Street and Middlesex Avenue, and place of BEGINNING at the office oTtohn'MecWilliam*Archi- CALL 548-9200 f**cr. 495 Main Street, Metuchen,. New Jersey. Copies of bidding documents may. Raritan Valley be obtained from tbe^Archltect on and National Bank ^ be returned ^to a'll bona-*flde Edison, N.J.

j CARD OF THANKS. A U T O IN!5URANCE All DRIVERS Allans 11 te tl-RafustS-OsMtiMi Sports - Compacts - Foreign- - RavstM - Sus.wSeS - FIr— Codillacs-Lincolns- Trucks W W i«iH*!llttlty-1t«w Lewer Retea fer no Occidents

LOW RATES-PAY BY THE MONTH THR MILLI James Ventola Sr. R AGRNCY 431 Roriton Ave.-HIS|hland Pork-KI 5-7555 I and family across fro Food Fair Page N


1. Cleon Tuner 1- Cl*.an Tun*r 2. Check Tun*r Alignment 2. Ch*ck Tun*r Alignment !• Adjust Color Killer 1. Cl*on P it Tuba & C lots 4. Adjust all internal controls (consoles only) for overall performance. 4- Check sound alignment I- Degauti Pi« Tub* I- Check horizontal adjustments i. Color iat-up & convergence !• Check sgt & odjust for over­ T. Check gray-scot* and color all performance. OPENING DAY — Holding employment application form s in New Jersey Bell's new operation. 7. Rejuvenate Pit Tub* employment office at 67 Paterson street are (second from left) Miss Dorena White, (if necessory) 21, of 4 Roosevelt avenue. New Brunswick, and Miss Mary Jane Pogers, 19, of 96 Main street, Sayreville. On hand for the ceremony marking the opening of the new EXTRA BIACI l WHITE TV SECOND tUCt I WHITE TV em p io y rrfen t o f fic e recently were Mayor Chester W. Paulus (1) Miss Pamela Weston, a telephone company interviewer, and J. Kenneth iaaoloian (r) vice-president 0.ly * 3 * 0 0.1, *3*0 and general manager of Ndw Jersey Bell's metropolitan area. COLOR TV SPECIALISTS 389 MAIN ST. Chamber Officers Will Be Installed ministrative Services, Boy Scouts of America. METUCHEN |S| John . L. Matflerd, New Brunswick jp.Swlnk, Vice p h y s'i c ' i a n; Third Vicc The officers and direc­ 549-4440 P res ident tors will be installed at President, William Geb- the chamber’s annual din­ __QI and T reas­ hardt, Personnel Director, 210 urer of Rut­ American Standard Radi­ ner to n ig h t at Rutgers. Eaglisktowa Rd. gers Uni­ ator & Sanitary Corporation; Walter Kiernan, nationally versity, has and Treasurer, C. Walter renowned news commcnta-" OLD BRIDGE been elected Hooper, Director of Ad­ tor, will be the featured 254-2137 President of speaker. J No w I Brunswick - Raritan Valley C hamber of Commerce for 1967-68, it was announced today by the Chamber’s Board of Directors. Elected to serve with Swink Vie s ident A. • 'gg Corporation of HOLY WEEK Second Vice Dr. Rudolph G. is a time of Why sorrow & joy The In keeping with the high religious significance of Holy Week, WCTC will Christian present a special series of programs on Good Friday and Easter Sunday as an aid and supplement tefyour personal observance of these holy days. All Science Good Friday programs will be broadcast on WCTC-FM, which is heard at' 98.3 me on the FM dial. The Easier Sunday services will be broadcast on Monitor WCTC-AM at 1450 kc, as well as on WCTC-FM. Beginning at 12 noon and recommends continuing until 3 P.M. on Good Friday, WCTC-FM will you read present a live broadcast of the Council of Churches ser- your local ------v-i-G-8-s—from—th-e—Methodist______Church of New Brunswick. newspaper Continuous services and meditations w ill be led by Your local newspaper is a wide-range newspaper with many features. Its 14 New Brunswick area emphasis is on local news. It also clergymen with music dir­ reports the major national and inter ected by Richard Palmquist national news. THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR ond featuring the voices of LOCAL PAPER Marilyn Robinson, Barbara We specialize in analyzing and inter Douglass, James Bunce and preting the important national and international news. Our intention is Lynne Hare. A 3 P.M.WCTC- to bring the news into sharper focus . FM will broadcast a reading The Monitor has a world-wide staff ol of The Stations of the Cross correspondients - - some of them rank among the world’s finest. And the by-the Rev. Thoma s J . O’Dea Monitor's incisive, provocative edi of St. Bernadette’s R.C . torials are followed just as closely Church of P a rlin . On Easter by the men on Capitol Hill as they are by the intelligent, concerned Sunday, WCTC-AM and FM adult on Main Street. will present the Easter Sun- WHY YOU SHQULO TRY THE MONITOR se Service of the Sayre- You probably know the Monitor's pro­ fessional reputation as one of the le-South Amboy Mimste- World's finest newspapers. Try the I Association at 6:15A.M., Monitor, see how it will take you Dm Sayreville War Memorial above the average newspaper reader. Just fill out the coupon below-.' High School. The Associa­ tion has . announced that The Christian Science Monitor breakfast w ill be served at One Norway Street the school following thfe ser- Boston, Massachusetts, U.SA 02115 Please tier! my Monitor, subscription.ior the period checked below. I enclose $______(U.S. funds). WCTC Radio/1450 am/98.3 fm l YEAR $24 □ 6 months *12 B3 months *6 Heme______March 23,1967, THE RECORDER...Page 31 i f letters to the Editor * scout news v > (C o n tin u 'd from P ays 16) as to whether these assumptions are valid. Scott F e llo w s Was Now, as to whether this proposal of mine is a benefit awarded the rank of star to the community is certainly a legitimate m atter of scout at a family night held concern. The m aster planner has recommended that by Troop 76 at St. Paul’s Metuchen create a hi-rise density zone. The Planning Lutheran Church. Fellows Board has recommended the creation of a hi-rise zone also holds the Jockey (admittedly not in this area); and the people of Metuchen Hollow Trail Tercentenary voted for hi-rise approval in a referendum and as a m ed al and the 50 m ile result hi-rise zones do exist, Sdme of-the reasons for Appalachian Trail certifi­ this would include the realisation that there are older cated 1— ------m arried people, single people, widows, widowers, those O th e r advancements whose families have grown and left who no longer want w ere Michael Roguskie, the c ares of home ownership buT do want to rem ain in junior assistant scoutmas­ Metuchen, or yes, even move to a community such as ter, and assistant quarter­ ours. They want a facility that would be more luxurious master; John Molineaux, than existing garden type apartments. We feel we can quarterm aster; Paul G eiss provide this need. ler, assistant librarian; What will be the financial effect on the community? Scott Fellows, scribe; and Based on our cost and income estim ates, this p ro ject Stanley Thomas, assistant scribe. should pay approximately $60,000 per year to the borough FASHIONS FOR ALL—The Sisterhood of Temple Beth- coffers with no capital expenditures by the borough and Merit Badges e a r n e d were, Scott Fellows, fire - F.l, Edison, will sponsor a Fashion Show April 11 in the with no resulting increase in school costs, Highland Park Conservative Temple. The annual show 1 may be In e rro r in this judgment, but I know of no manship; Theodore Litwin, firemanship; Michael is a community-wide event with members of^various other single ratable in Metuchen that exists or can exist churches and temples participating. Going over plans that would prove so financially beneficial. Porubsky, home repairs; and John Rebman, safety. for the show are models (left to right) Mrs. David Because of the overall size of the area, because of Leiter of Temple Beth-El; Mrs. Joseph Szebenyl,Guard­ the existing stand of trees, many of them nearly a s tall A three-year pin went to John Rebman; two year pins ian Angel Church; M rs. Charles Simberg. Temple as the proposed buildings, we believe that aesthetically Emanuel and Mrs. Walter Dunat of St. Matthew's Church. we can create a park-like atm osphere that will not went to Thomas DeAngelo, Frank Fox and John M oli­ Fashions will be by Ilona Honig and Designer Furs of adversely affect the few property owners whose rea r Metuchen. yards face the proposed project across Whitman avenue. neaux and a one-year pin Certainly, a nicer atmosphere can be created than by the went to Paul Geissler. development of single family homes^for the surrounding Kevin Dzuban, Bart Fox and THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE - area suggests that a builder m ust of necessity build John Rutowskl to second THE LIFE OF YOUR TIME lower price homes. The terrain, drainage and subdivision class and Donald Alman, problem s there would probably cause the total d e stru c ­ Craig Baker, Frank Darte, Robert Funk, Daniel Ianni, AUG llth tion of the aforementioned stand of trees, exposing the THRU AUG. I'th property to the rear: Edison Township’s Industrial George Jacobs, Bob Keenen ■ expo67 area including Davies Nitrate, Chemical Insecticide and Jim Baron to tender­ Company, Mueller Machine and U.S. Plastic Chemical foot. oif day 'ight*"ing in Company. Gerald lanni, committee *110 Consider the property to the east, 50 feet easterly chairman, was presented and adjacent is the new swimming pool with the bath with an appreciation gift for Edison Travel, Inc. houses and the two acre parking lot. Consider the his service to the troop. Ianni announce^ the forth­ property to the west, again Highway 287 and L orraine coming tenth anniversary Oil Company and their storage tanks. Consider the hom es on Whitman avenue—with three exceptions they axe the re a r yards and garages of those hom es facing Ferndale, Considering these conditions, the responsible officials then must decide if they want a carefully controlled and planned apartment complex such as the one submitted; or do they want the zoned use, a single family housing development of some 25 - 28 dwellings with 50 or more resulting school children that m ust be educated at a cost of approximately $650 per y ear per child with a resultant loss of over $20,000 p e r year in education co sts alone. The town can be sure of one thing, the land will eventually be used for some purpose—maybe not this year or the next, but eventually it will be used. The question is how will it be used most beneficially to the community. In closing, I apologize for the length of the letter. However, I believe it to be important to the future of the community that this proposal be discussed with objectivity and responsibility and not with emotiorralism, ------— ...... _ W A LTER K? TIM PSON 577 Middlesex avenue ______Metuchen Page 32...THE RECORDER, March 23,1967 ■ 1 Out of the■■1 ■u i i a racaotfa MOi!IIIN STORKS By NANCY GREENBERG TO THE EDITOR: Focusing on my column of March 9, a recent Letter To the Editor said that not only was my writing In “ decidedly Shop Mondays — Thursdays — Fridays till 9 poor taste but I personally was ‘ ‘disrespectful to certain members of the high school faculty.” My immediate re­ action to this letter, written as a matter of fact by a student of Metuchen High School, was one of astonish­ ment followed by anger. The suggestion that my writing was merely a result of personal problems" was something I could not tolerate—a suggestion which I found to be in poorer taste than anything 1 had ever written. Then I felt a little sad. Somebody was suggesting and maybe even believing that I had insulted others. Still, I do not doubt the sincerity in which that letter was written...And in that same spirit Ihave given the letter much thought and have come to several conclusions concerning that particular column, as well as all my columns. it has always seemed to me that how something was done was as important, if not more important, than what was being done. Apparently, the writer of-last week’s letter agrees, for she wrote that 1 “ had no right to name faculty members in such a manner.” The “ In such a manner” is a key phrase. It is a phrase which necessitates the going back to my column of March 9 to see in Just what manner 1 named certain members of the faculty.

I do dislike picking back into each phrase of my article (Something which,, in all fairness to yod and me, should have been done by the writer of last week’s letter to substantiate her viewpoint), hut it must be done. To quickly get you up to date, I was commenting on the evaluating commission and what it would think of Metuchen High School, and along that line of thought, “ several unique things about Metuchen High School came to mind." I named, just named, several'things, including our seminar series, a valuable pieccof our Radiology Club’s equipment supplies sold In our school store and several members of the school faculty. To clarify my purpose 1 ended that paragraph by saying, “ We are an elightened high school." Now, I hope that 1 again have clarified that I was in no way disrespectful to any teacher. I can only conclude that from my experience as the “ Blue and White” columnist that readers pfeen interpret an article in "their own image.” Perhaps, their own relationships with the faculty members mentioned, tainted the viewpoints of any critical students—translating what I considered humorou’s commentary into serious criticism.

It is even the same with this letter or anything else 1 will ever write. It is only natural for those who know me and what my values are to interpret my writing in that light. It is just as natural for the many who do not know me to interpret my writing in the realm of their own experience. It is through this experience that the people of Metuchen, or people anywhere, deiermine whether or not something is good or bad—whether or not "something is in good or bad taste. "And that, I am glad, is their prerogative. NANCY GREENBERG 90 Oak avenue Metuchen

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