Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-06-23

Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-06-23

I a - 1 a , — J w D ‘S. T I • ' 1 — T ^ i - THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOUBNAL. VOLUME XXIX. LOUISVILLE, KEVn UK\, THURSDAY .lUNE -23, IS.jI) NUMBER 1 LOUISVILLE JOURNAL miscellaneous. jVIKDICAL. LOrLSVlLLK JOURiNALk JTKMS. W. lii. STOKES, ciTYORDiM.kiMCEs.Ac E. "W. H. Stokes, , !TH(*S.S.LE.N\EmJcB rUWTU'E. 0«^B0KNk„ lCanha]'a Bala SuoctfbaoT to A P.iTK-rr Kobkkitri. -The X:.tioo.l Utellig-nrar ; oT tha grteUrtt TArtH.AlWT*fil brlnaton- oi,an rie. i, ,h, w„rM, mwrmn* w»bmaii B. Maaio#, Ac id i NoUce to ContXHCtoim. IQ mnmi AMb^mnm. MJttelhU Jud^a Jloxrck, oua tt« Rwawiate that ha U nut lihalv to f.J ua( I KFFKBVESCE.Vr !>,’ , ; la Ckaaaarr, Ko. TMRORTER ^-ND DK^VDKR U nloa. in Hi. ur 1 l ii i>u. .lu w; i u n a . OEJSTER-A-Irt J. a aaiaart. ai Jud^a, of tbr nrcolt V urt for that UUtiict. Ua ,Ud,. !» fi-T&Brm.— JoarMl ! • '» if mM. •*' It ia a4«*ai». ar attif a.>t mu V aina» af a 4« tia> af tka Laaiaaflla Chanaarr Coiira, | SADDLERY dacul docioioD uf ; ri HARDWARE jn,t d, oa on »pf*al fram a tU ryaK»-4 '>»«>• 'JS 1859. AND —Th- h. ’o >»f- .Sawgr at li COACH Jury iniU d lU touk-b aiiMa tbrw t r. <>M>aUr ftau, afc Tii WMklr B t*a4ar>4 la tka aboa. aaaaa lha ua Mra.#naa ar oaa cm- of .Stok.,i .- h tU a&- Nawinao, , M >i0€ af aa vOl coaritad ' «t aa Wadaniir Jana i>, \»j». about tba ori.<i- . «>tb ibe M-arurk.a W«<k» !>»« » • r«r ar ItK <aau boor SELTZER .iPERIEM. Saddlertf iV.cut OIbca, that tba kilifal umiMioo of an murde- cf Mr. Mar ok- bkidred (bkt ItotFor bp t It aril, Oifi M^slahliaUcd llVrec/roirsc, raa W M> I af a'rlnok A. M.. at paMir aaatlaa. to Ur hlahaac *• •» '"lof ' bl44ar. na prMalaaaaa nal Invrntor to «ppW for a p,it*r,t within two jeors P"’*"' *'"« of' “>P»- Oifck waoR XarR * Itowoa. South Mk iMim Paanaa—la Aaraaaa Waaklp Ur a ofariH af aaa. two. aa1 tkrar Thia Talaabir nod po;mlnr kfetotoior, prr|*pred in Fifth kiid hlxlb, i-r i~ , ?i:rV'*n'’,r;r ooa I — aaar M la I .blklk airrrL. becwrrk l.kkiavlllr, Ky. lb- 4..IUiin f.i,-.,lt rt..-., ... a . *• an br Nk. 4;iS »i«onof tUCity t tinoar, kodirikcoortUkCkkiai Mlaa ar iMrr tl aaah . rrata aacb a. bmt aaaoaar. to aatlafr tba draw formity wHb iHb a^yia* of tbr water* ef tbr cetabrai- 4 SftkkL bktwkkx Kkrib okd Fifth i>f «r h* liaromaa aware that anotbar ia pubi.ely ’ toaSarr * •< tba la plaari Manufacturar. wnnld «“•* l.' for. mak i-r thrtr nud.y. The niurde ‘P^'drollona file Paarnaaat b, papaMaiaariTaiHa. i M|>ny iini atontiourf, vU: A ed «krl?S4*r dpring*. In (Irmijiiiy, in a most coovr- 9~Marrhaato aad | IL,- on io E iHicror'i cHHe. “ oill b- attondod to a . it mad. In nfroon. H Biarittoan i by laall. t ' ' Tract of Uaari la caantr. Er.. aal aba. ord«r. from a dutouc. »*». •" *bia cjimty. an- l-'-noJ la afb atot r Uatora.al aorrlA. JcCm« apan aari airat aud |*orurlr form, bas a^rrrmU( re- and asiuK and claiming bia invaniioo, he meantinia aa nut of which boa iT. •oranty reqairMl. ^ altotlari tttrwart. af I to Jaa H wkich a pUi wiU tr rrbll) eeivrd tbr most farombir rrcdaurornda* *Ne lA>UlSVIlJrtE, KY. EATEa OF AnVP;BriSlK« IN THF. ' tb- pei(H-trat< r>, it T. H. unisviix*: tmri oa ua ter af aalr, wMcb aJl br aoM la paroate aa tlooi pf tbr Mrdi al Frofaasiott aisd a iaUrjNrtiiiri ro wa'OinR or objactioo whateTe'-, abuta 0«AWW)Rr\ Mayar. ' ^ ^ ><H'I(KAI.F-|R KFUMXak AIIVF-KTIPEKS. la aupp.-ed, Uinir tobUry, the eb.rrvd (kgyir « oaeg, p«ib4M4H. Idaeriiiad Ilia u- . t I . • a. ram.r a of Jnaa Li, Isia. ^jal4 did FubHr, as I-If elr — Jarjaarr. rbiajribli oaaalp.par aaaoto mm AIJCTIOIN SALKS. FOR SALE OR RENT. bi... out en'i from any ti,(ht to a irtteut. ,h, h.plet- »« ima h.Tir (t two * lo. 1 TWp .mid , g». •• JUioaaioa'aaaa.paraaBato a*aa HOST EFFICIENT AND AOEEEABLF I lU _____ , L^11ULLifo,Oerua,aud etrai^hnut®foai^i Rul* iMts 4o . tewtocfcara IlUautnm the fottawi ra<^m 4b*# a»d (H. t litoor A., lat fa trill HtttClahHl4trM 't ^a • liTB iMr a* ^l^tooDBl Beroritr. ' Urtoueood, Cnumi,tdonrr of Indian SHi|- VY IIITK.^ j SrtNtbfrS PSfillC ^cbaMMoaai lAm. caatealf itr aboaa SAllxxe Ayaorlont NATHAN , v x- For Rent, pOeaa W. D. WHIPpn, M. L. C. On rCTlONEFK xNDFUKMTL RK DFtLEfLNo. W i , ^»«»j»atat a a nAlaki l at lotaraala-Al tnr teat imt. a am. aari a. Adrtro. U dir;:c tUcotiy r^umatal of tb. friend- • “5 JA».JAB. O. BAiaKK.KAiaKK. ) aa baio* aoUtlari to nMtol praferaaca oaar tha old ^NL LAHOr Brick eel,“„‘. - - Fuiirth street. lKtw«u-n Main and Mw«-keL This Building on renter street, ttli.^tUrcU, I C-npaBJ aa aari <i mai l r.r aoeb ribaiiiiaial A 4 WEtfwn-7- Law >f tb* aaa. vSEJldflOe TRO. A. MOlUiAaSj iirtDy Minaral Spriac a.Mri, Haldlitx Ktorian. and othar llmeb with reefy /\betweeu Tjalaut Ch.-tmi*. ovK*ed tbal ,, y r-f ostabtiahed bouse wi<l be funi iched ni all FuiuU^ for al- ly UAtitbTc'pa uf luxg^', p nfn;ress!oafl I iba ihird croturv aiLce ih® aHtrraidr jifet Aaauoatoaa laarii telo. par vaaA f'.r aarb natoa. rtn.ilar oiuiclaa. b*,b irooi lu cumpartoaoi most kind of ^ fek fftfoir l>\t. A •W b i^dlfo lu pa^^Wfow Mfo and fivater of. variety 'if ('«bioet Furoiture and Chairs of* ver* style and any iiirchiierml biidne--. Yaai4pa4aartlaarrpa; gaarirrljr. all otbiri la acraana. kroc,-. It may be umi altb tba btot aS-at la A';p'r to me up.ialhtuibe conlinued by biwleaa frunueramen. aSvni-d ia l*riiiU ia tbr mulal tf thegreafoat dufidarr, hMiiUy of aueb / ewm-'-a.iUv, wr da •< oU riaae. either at retail. The suh-criher, from MJ^Cheetnut, b'*twete<i . totol atoll aari b-.at aa aari wlioiesaleur iJxtY and Certo " rdw»*4 ftioek f tb ramaraaaato. abort*' io -• Affor • fthelr t loAbk a f BILIOl'S W(<‘tern maatii'ac- I C» liter. 1569. laat AMD FIHHIl.E DIHl^ASKH, HICK hi« tong amociath HI with Kastnru and aaaHotoouaaia' oataa. at HEAD- Tbey are to go to a reserve aoit of the YVicbiia ^ w^^adl k-t.1, (Ue paUM ifnia . Uiitrtnal.abraa ar 1 F. ‘“7e»h#ar.torn ir.Tiirrj ^Li iUe(-mJfow»4lcauHi Will tfomrBsaf fo*m«. aa lashsiug verthg « H oc-eali a of gtraiabaat iurc aari BaOriert I is in hi** Hue of b ju- ^ riaiHai ariaarttotaa. to rallad ACHt Loss OF AFPfm E, VDloaATIO.V, turvr*. enabled to offer every article dPorS\V<M)DJ DODGE. aot iiabliabai bt ta. pear to Toe kteamer City of TVaabic;,tot, whiih tailed o.. IHt cto, Vb'uk la cvexy fuagi' \ 1 aor eaaiRlatr atoo.-ttorat of Faiati. aKdO( ablrli AMD AI.L RiMlIJtR COMF1 AINT8. FE- nr-a at the lowest wbulrsate pricb*. C«incigi^('**'u(* »&le« Mounlaiaa ai<h the ('uoctaw, and Cherokeaa ia a ! Jwa airt^rtlbL IIS' Arirart oato tar obarilalrir laaitoauoaa. Crreaiapa- 4" < « — arr a *S lylstp from Sew Vttk oa .^ufurday, look tut thr firrt ia- ^ n avatHh- aiwi... tn- CI l.lAKLV l.NclUK.MT Trt THE at anrtton anlkdlrd. m m arir* aarri. aari atbar patiHr arlia*, aari aacb lika. ban Tor Sale, lice duo east from tben 'loia place wa, aa-i;rned WHITE I.FAU— ataUment of the Ameiicao tffti.R to the Italian pr»a I rbaartoek 4 LAIWE and V Or MITUAL life IN'iUlLkNUE CCHrY,®# Ha A Ca.'r rurt Wbilc Loari la Ml utri SPRING ANI> M TIMER SEkSONS. a. a.BBHnv eomfortaUe DirsUInf Ilotie*, with loe acta of liaod, Friaortol aoMoor aari raMtouairartnai. iaoartrri la rrilto fur ibeui w moutha sicce. The tha canac, l«iag a remiitacce of live thou acd dolUr-, I i« u, Rill, luaad kata: -ii- • i(.et fmnt. on First Ftr«Ht, befwecu Hlo* acaaadiirt to GBACMiJ. rt'.latoun.araari latmrirri pruiootr la . ,to aagurti.. to pritaalotmato, Bu lb H, It pofticitlarly adapted to tbr want* of Trnrelors by S. O. feCeury & Co., Walnut and Ch-«tuQt straet*. Wbaf rwa.ded loCauot Cavtur. The Ita.iai,. .W W/^tefa. Raateh Pw. act oM cral broitteof Apply t . VV<*rthiiu:. cf law Urt n Litee i, con<lematd l>y iiovarsment ofB 1 Tb® Aomgmd iBrlfoipBM im tK® Fnsfli®. llta riiacraali*a . mala t«i tiaa, ritoor aatp tanraori at of Ur -o Spp and lan-T. Rctodebt- in Hot C'Umalre. Fi>raoasof ton, Joluut.m. 4 ihincao A l -^n irtT. ao( moA. Ih. rt . Y irkWIiito Laari, Rivuari la birackrri o4l. A rC'TIONEKKs^AND COMMISSION M KRCHANTB stmt. o. on ihe prentisrs Sew Orleaoa have oiteady aaac on ihtaa tbouaacd too, of ^ •4*lajr«. apdt-uUry Ilabito, JoraUds, and ranvakaoi nti. to c ols oa well aa l.y the "uhstintul eitiaansot rexaa. 1«H Ihrtr tort .tkirat. lukrt te i«- EINC WHITK- J\ r<>rnrr Mam and WalUtreeU. L«>iiisNille- ky. ^S. F. uiiRISTV. , bv,"huudrad .'i*lur7‘ » Iteon CONTTNF.NTATa IN4»TLANCK Ca. Nbi Rl W- wiU mImp BTCAsraaM taios of t 'Or,.* ,t_ Cm Vaa^h and Pfon:«rs wl.l find it ( M Af .f ih.i tiuo* a wa IrtT.

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