
s S F W Habitat s S F W Habitat s S F W Habitat THIS CHECKLIST INCLUDES THE 193 SPECIES that have been recorded at Bluff Lake Waterfowl Rails & Gallinules Tyrant Flycatchers: Pewees, Nature Center to date. This total makes Bluff ___ Snow Goose o LO ___ Virginia Rail r r r M Kingbirds, & Allies ___ Greater White-fronted Goose* o LO ___ Sora r r r M ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher r r W Lake one of the best publicly accessible c c c r LM birdwatching sites in Denver County. Some ___ Cackling Goose r r u LCO ___ American Coot ___ Western Wood-Pewee u u u W species are abundant year-round; others have ___ Canada Goose c c c a LCO ___ Willow Flycatcher* r r W ___ Wood Duck u u u u L Shorebirds ___ Least Flycatcher* r r W only been seen once. Many more might be ___ Blue-winged Teal c u c LC ___ Black-necked Stilt o o L ___ Gray Flycatcher* o o PW added to the list by the intrepid birdwatcher ___ Cinnamon Teal c u c LC ___ American Avocet u u r L ___ Dusky Flycatcher o o W — will you see the 194th species? ___ Green-winged Teal c c c LC ___ Killdeer c c c r LP ___ Cordilleran Flycatcher* o o W ___ Northern Shoveler c c c LC ___ Baird’s Sandpiper o o L ___ Eastern Phoebe* o CPW Use this checklist along with your binoculars ___ Gadwall c u c c LC ___ Least Sandpiper o o L ___ Say’s Phoebe c c u o CPW ___ American Widgeon u u u LC ___ Pectoral Sandpiper o o L ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher o o W and a field guide to identify at Bluff ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper o o L Lake. Rarity codes tell how likely it is for ___ Mallard a a a a LC ___ Cassin’s Kingbird* o o o PW ___ o o o o LC ___ Wilson’s Snipe r o r o LM ___ Western Kingbird u c c PW a species to be present in a given season. ___ Canvasback* o r L ___ Wilson’s Phalarope r o L ___ Eastern Kingbird u u u PW Habitat codes tell where each species is likely ___ Redhead u r r L ___ Red-necked Phalarope* o o L u r u L to be seen. As you walk, make note of a bird’s ___ Ring-necked Duck u u u LC ___ Spotted Sandpiper Vireos r u L behavior, shape, coloration, and voice. Sketch ___ Greater Scaup* o r L ___ Solitary Sandpiper ___ Cassin’s Vireo o o W o o L ___ Lesser Scaup u u u LC ___ Greater Yellowlegs ___ Plumbeous Vireo o o W or take photographs. Use a combination of o o L your observations and the information in ___ Bufflehead u u u LC ___ Lesser Yellowlegs ___ Warbling Vireo r o o W ___ Common Goldeneye u u u LC ___ Red-eyed Vireo* o o W a field guide to identify the birds that you ___ Hooded Merganser u u u LC & Terns discover here. c u c c O ___ Common Merganser u r r LC ___ Ring-billed Jays, Magpies, Crows, & Ravens o o o LO ___ Red-breasted Merganser* o r L ___ California Gull* ___ Blue u u u r W HABITAT CODES SEASON CODES ___ Ruddy Duck u u o L ___ Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay* o o o PW L - Bluff Lake s - Spring Pigeons & Doves ___ Black-billed Magpie c c c c W ___ Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) a c a a O Loons & Grebes ___ c c c c PWO C - Sand Creek S - Summer ___ Eurasian Collard-Dove u u u u W ___ Pied-billed Grebe u c c o L ___ o o o O c a c WO M - Cattail Marsh F - Fall ___ Horned Grebe* o o L ___ Mourning Dove P - Shortgrass Prairie W - Winter ___ Eared Grebe* o o L Larks ___ Western Grebe* o o o L Owls o o o o P u u r u W ___ Horned Lark W - Riparian Woods ___ Common Loon* o o L ___ Great Horned Owl o P O - Flying Overhead ___ Burrowing Owl Martins & Swallows Cormorants & ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow u u u LCMPWO ___ Double-crested Cormorant c c u LCO Swifts ___ Tree Swallow u u u LCMPWO RARITY CODES o O r u r LO ___ Chimney Swift ___ Violet-green Swallow r r r LCMPWO (a common species which is numerous) ___ American White a - Abundant ___ Bank Swallow r r r LCMWO c - Common (likely to be seen in suitable habitat) Herons, Ibis, & Allies Hummingbirds ___ Barn Swallow a a a LCMPWO ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird o o MPW u - Uncommon (might be seen in suitable habitat) ___ Great Blue Heron u c u LCM ___ Cliff Swallow c c c LCMPWO ___ Great Egret o LCM ___ Broad-tailed Hummingbird o r o MPW r - Rare (not always seen in a season) ___ Snowy Egret u c u LCM Chickadees o - Occasional (extraordinary; only one or two records) ___ Cattle Egret* o o LCM Kingfishers ___ Black-capped Chickadee a c a a W ___ Green Heron* r r LCM ___ Belted Kingfisher c c c c LC ___ Black-crowned Night Heron u u r LC Long-tailed Tits Notes and Sketches ___ White-faced Ibis* o o L Woodpeckers ___ Bushtit o o o o W ___ Downy Woodpecker c c c c W ___ Hairy Woodpecker r r r r W Vultures, Eagles, & Hawks Nuthatches & Treecreepers ___ Northern Flicker c c c c W ___ Turkey Vulture r r u WO ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch* o o o W ___ Osprey o o o LCO ___ White-breasted Nuthatch u u c u W ___ Northern Harrier r r u MPO Falcons & Caracaras ___ Brown Creeper r r u W ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk r r r WO ___ American Kestrel c c c c PO ___ Cooper’s Hawk u u u u WO ___ Merlin o o r W Wrens ___ r r u LWO ___ o o o o PWO ___ Rock Wren r r P ___ Broad-winged Hawk* o o WO ___ Prairie Falcon o o o PO ___ House Wren u c r CW ___ Swainson’s Hawk u c u WO ___ Marsh Wren r o r r M ___ Red-tailed Hawk c c c c WO Shrikes ___ Rough-legged Hawk r PO ___ Loggerhead Shrike* o o P Gnatcatchers ___ o o PO ___ Northern Shrike o r PW ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher o o W s S F W Habitat s S F W Habitat CHECKLIST OF THE Kinglets New World Sparrows ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet r u o W ___ Chipping Sparrow u r c PW ___ Clay-colored Sparrow r r PW BIRDS OF Thrushes ___ Brewer’s Sparrow u u P ___ Eastern Bluebird* o o PW ___ Lark Sparrow u u u P ___ Western Bluebird* o o PW ___ Lark Bunting u u u P BLUFF LAKE ___ Mountain Bluebird r o MPW ___ American Tree Sparrow r r u PW ___ Townsend’s Solitaire o o o W ___ Dark-eyed Junco c c u W NATURE CENTER ___ Swainson’s Thrush r r W ___ White-crowned Sparrow c c c PW ___ Hermit Thrush r r W ___ Harris’s Sparrow* o o o PW ___ American Robin a a a a PWO ___ Vesper Sparrow u u u P ___ Savannah Sparrow u r u P Mimids ___ Song Sparrow c c c u CMW ___ Gray Catbird o o W ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow u u CMW Bald Eagles Photo by George Ho ___ Brown Thrasher o o W ___ Swamp Sparrow o o o CM ___ Sage Thrasher o P ___ Green-tailed Towhee o o W WELCOME TO BLUFF LAKE NATURE CENTER, ___ Northern Mockingbird o o o P ___ Spotted Towhee r o r r W an urban wildlife refuge and outdoor classroom located in northeast Denver! Old World Sparrows a a a a W ___ European ___ u c u o W Bluff Lake’s 123 acres, perfectly positioned Pipits Tanagers, Grosbeaks, & Allies along Sand Creek, protect a rare crossroads ___ American Pipit o o o LCMP ___ Western Tanager r r W of habitats, providing a sanctuary for ___ Black-headed Grosbeak* r o r W birds and birdwatchers alike. Make your Waxwings ___ Blue Grosbeak r r r P way through some of the last shortgrass ___ Cedar Waxwing r r r CW ___ Lazuli Bunting o o MPW prairies in the metro area, explore riparian woodlands, look out across one of the most Wood-warblers Dippers ___ Ovenbird o o W ___ American Dipper* o C extensive cattail marshes in Denver, and ___ Worm-eating Warbler* o o W enjoy close views of the lake itself. Birds ___ Northern Waterthrush o o CM Yellow-breasted Chat abound in every habitat, and each season ___ Orange-crowned Warbler u u W ___ Yellow-breasted Chat r r W brings special birdwatching opportunities. ___ Virginia’s Warbler o o W ___ MacGillivray’s Warbler o o MW Cranes ___ Common Yellowthroat u r u M ___ Sandhill Crane* r r O ___ American Redstart o o W ___ Northern Parula* o o W Grouse, Quail, & Allies Updated c c c W ___ Yellow Warbler ___ Ring-necked Pheasant* o o o o PW Great Horned Owl Photo by Fred Hernandez III ___ Blackpoll Warbler o o W ___ Wild Turkey* o o o o PW Spring 2019 ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler c c o W ___ Townsend’s Warbler* o o W Nightjars OBSERVERS: ___ Wilson’s Warbler r u W ___ Common Nighthawk* o O ___ Common Poorwill* o PW www.blufflake.org Blackbirds DATE: ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird r r r M ___ Western Meadowlark c u u o P ***38 NEW BIRD SPECIES SPOTTED SINCE 2015 ___ Bullock’s Oriole u u r W 3400 Havana Way WEATHER: a a a c MPW ___ Red-winged Blackbird In 2016, Bluff Lake completed a Lake Restoration Denver, CO 80238 ___ Brown-headed Cowbird u u u o W ___ Brewer’s Blackbird r o r o MPW Project which has resulted in Bluff Lake holding ___ Common Grackle a a c LCWO water year round. This has provided more Open sunrise to As a birdwatcher, you provide invaluable ___ Great-tailed Grackle o o o o MPW habitats for waterfowl and overall has diversified sunset every day information on the habits and distribution of and increased the wildlife who call Bluff Lake Finches, Euphonias, & Allies Bluff Lake’s wildlife. We would love to hear ___ House Finch c c c c PWO home. 38 new species of birds have been seen ___ Pine Siskin* o o o W at Bluff Lake since 2015. These birds are marked Free to the public what you have seen! ___ Lesser Goldfinch o o o PW Submit your sightings online at eBird.com or with an asterisk on this list. No dogs - No bikes ___ American Goldfinch c c c u PW email to [email protected].