
Getting to from Airport

The fastest method of public transport to travel from Edinburgh to Dundee is by train with tickets from £6.90 with an average of 35 trains running per-day. Edinburgh’s main train stations, Waverley and Haymarket are based in the city centre, 8 miles (12km) from the airport. You can reach the train stations from the airport by bus, or taxi in less than 35 minutes.

For passengers who might need a little extra assistance, has introduced a Travelling with Additional Needs toolkit to make the journey through the airport as easy and stress- free as possible.

Taxi direct from Edinburgh Airport to Dundee

Where do I get a taxi? The taxi rank is signposted from the arrivals and is located on the ground floor of the multi- storey car park, directly opposite the terminal. Contact 0844 448 8576 for further information

How long will the journey from Edinburgh airport to Dundee take? Just over 1 hour

How much will it cost?* The average fare to Dundee city centre from Edinburgh airport is £140. Remember to take advantage of special offers available for airport transfers here

Where can I get more information? Telephone 0844 448 8576

Train from Edinburgh Airport to Dundee

Where do I get a train? There are two stations, Waverley, located in the heart of the city centre parallel to , and Haymarket, situated on the edge of near Murray field

Edinburgh Waverley, at the east side, provides a step-free entrance and disability assistance

When do they run? Trains run every 30 to 50 minutes – full timetable available here www.thetrainline.com/train- times/edinburgh-waverley-to-dundee/

How long will the journey from Edinburgh to Dundee take? Around 1 hour 20 minutes

How much will it cost?* Prices start from £6.90

Where do I get tickets? You can purchase a combined train and bus ticket from the vending machines at UK Arrivals at the airport. The ticket includes your bus journey to Waverley or Haymarket train station, then onward rail travel to Dundee. Alternatively you can purchase tickets from any of the train stations

How do I get to the train station?


Where do I get the bus? You can get the bus from the terminal forecourt outside the main entrance to the airport

When do they run? Buses operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

What bus do I need to get? Airlink 100 – this is the express bus service and runs from the airport to , adjacent to Waverly Station every ten minutes

N22 Night Bus – this service operates between 00:47 and 04:17 every 30 minutes and runs from the airport to the city centre, stopping on Princes Street at the , a three minute walk to Waverley Station

How long will the journey from the airport to the train station take? Around 25-30 minutes How much will it cost?* Tickets for the Airlink 100 cost £4.00 per passenger and can be purchased from the driver. Tickets for the N22 Night Bus cost £3.00 and can be purchased from the driver

Where can I get more information? http://lothianbuses.com/plan-a-journey/timetables/


Where do I get the tram? You can get the tram from Edinburgh airport – simply follow the signs to the designated area. run from the airport to the city centre, and includes a stop at the entrance of Haymarket Station

Edinburgh Trams provide a smooth, fast service with easy access platforms and the low-floored trams are 100% wheelchair accessible

When do they run? The trams run from the airport every 10 minutes from 06:15 to 22:45

How long will the journey from Edinburgh airport to the train station take? Around 28 minutes to Haymarket and 35 minutes to Princes Street adjacent to Waverley Station

How much will it cost? Tickets cost £5 per passenger and can be purchased from the ticket machines at the tram halt

Where can I get more information? http://edinburghtrams.com


Where do I get a taxi? The taxi rank is signposted from the arrivals gate and is located on the ground floor of the multi- storey car park, directly opposite the terminal

How long will the journey from Edinburgh airport to the train station take? Around 25 minutes

How much will it cost?* The average fare to the city centre from the airport cost around £20

Where can I get more information? Telephone 0844 448 8576 Where to go when you arrive at Dundee? On arrival at Dundee train station, located near the city centre on Riverside Drive, taxis are available from the main exit of the station for onward journeys

Dundee City Centre Map

*Prices correct at the time of writing and may be subject to change at any time.

Email: [email protected] Website: www.conventiondundeeandangus.co.uk